Extracts from the Records: 1516

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1516', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp159-164 [accessed 14 January 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1516', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online, accessed January 14, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp159-164.

"Extracts from the Records: 1516". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 14 January 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp159-164.


2 April 1516.

Villa. Frenchman. Statutes.

The quhilk day, Johane Deacon, servand to Lucs Gelis merchant of Paris, is convict be ane assys for breking of the statutes of the toun, in contrare the fredome thairof, in tapping and selling, viz. velvott, dalines, feytyng clayth, and vther staple guidis to vnfremen and vtheris than to my Lord Governour and his houshald men, for the quhilk cause he wes adiudgit to mak ane mendis to the toun as sould be modifiet be thame.

Anthone Frenchman Escheitt.

The samyn day, Anthone, Frenchman, merchant of Rowane, grantis in judgment that he had coft fra Robert Bartane and Walter Ker in Leyth four last of hydis, and fra George Cornetoun ane last, quhan the provest baillies and counsall decernit the said hydis to be escheit to the town, or ellis the availl of thame to be at the tounis will, and thair in presens forsaid the said Anthone held vp his hand to byd at the townis will anent the saidis hydis.

3 April 1516.

Povest. Borrowmure.

The quhilk day, Dauid Mailvill provest, in presens of the baillies counsale and communitie, hes frelie gevin over and dischairgit him quite of the bigging that he hes maid vpoun the Borrow mure, and siclyke of his arable acris and land lyand thairto, but ony clame in tyme to cum, and ordanis the stuf of the biggit land to be applyit to the commoun walling of the toun.

Biggit land on the Burrounre.

The provest bailies and counsale hes decernit Jhone Marioribankis and Edward Litill, baillies, Jhone Irland, James Barroun and Williame Mele to pas and vesy the biggit land and akerris of the Burrowmure sett furth be the toun betuix this and Tyisday nixtocum, and than thai to compeir and declair thair consideratioun in that mater, and continew the hale mater of the Borrow mure quhill thane.

18 April 1516.

Reformation Tenendreis Borrowmure.

The quhilk day the provest baillies and counsale diligentlie considerit the supplication and complaint maid be the communitie tuicheing the tenendreis sett furth on thair Borrow mure to the tenentis thairof for the tyme, that dew reformation mycht be had thairof according to the first act maid thairvpoun, thairfore thir personis vnderwrittin sall compeir on Wedinsday nixt within the Tolbuith till avys and consider the said mater, and to decerne be thair deliuerance and quhat sall be done to thame that hes nocht completit the effect of the said first act, and how the mater sall stand in tyme focum; and heirefter followis the personis, viz.:

Dauid Mailvill, provest
Williame Cuirry, Mr Lyone King of Armes
Mr. Ad. Ottirburne, commoun clerk
Mr Thomas Hammyltoun
Mr Robert Galbraith
Mr James Symesoun
Williame Fouler
William Clerk
Johne Marioribankis
Mr Alexr. Borthuik
The Captane of the Castle
Williame Lokkart
Jhone Mudy
Alexr. Harlaw
Walter Chepman
Jhone Adamesoun
Williame Adamesoun
Jhone Watsoun
James Jhonestoun
Jhone Glen
James Prestoun
Jhone Home
Thomas Ramsay
Andro Moncur
Jhone Foular
Jhone Bartilmo
Jhone Dauisoun
Jhone Yoile
Dauid Barbour
Dauid Ferry
Jhone Drummound
Alane Mosman

Litill. Commoun mure.

The samyn day, Edward Litill, baillie, protestit that quhatsumevir personis hes tane akeris on the Borrow muir and that hes nocht fulfillit according to the first act maid thairvpoun, that the vnlaw of thame that hes failitt may be raisit and inbrocht to the commoun workis of the toun, and siclyke protestit Thomas Barthelmo, kirkmaister of the baxteris.

22 May 1516.

Pro Francisco Touris.

xxii die mensis Maii anno Domini Jm vc xvi° hora 4a post merediem, indictione quarta, pontificatus Leonis Pape decimi anno quarto. In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presentia personaliter constituti prouida et honeste persone Mergareta Quhiteheid filia et heres quondam Willelmi Quhiteheid burgensis burgi de Edinburgh et Johannes Liddaill suus sponsus vnanimi consensu et assensu fatebantur se recepisse et habuisse a prouido viro Francisco Touris huiusmodi burgi burgensi tutore predicte Mergarete quamdiu sub tutorie subiectione existebat plenariam ratiocinium compotum et solutionem omnium et singularum firmarum et proficuorum terrarum suarum cum pertinentiis vbilibet infra dictum burgum jacentem et annuorum reddituum quorumcunque sibi Mergarete pertinentium pro tempore qualitercunque; atque idem Mergarete et Johannes fatebantur se recepisse a dicto Francisco omnes et singulas suas literas cartas instrumenta et euidentias de predictis terris suis et annuis redditibus quascunque, vnacum obligationibus ac quittantiis et aliis scripturis cum quibus aliqualiter intromisit et habuit; etiamque fatebantur se predicta Mergareta vt eius sponsus recepisse a predicto Francisco specialiter et expressa ista bona in vulgari sequentia, videlicet:—Ane comptar, ane irne chimnay, ane standand bed, ane pres with courtingis of reid and greyne sey, ane mete almory, ane lang sadill, ane forme, ane paling of verdour, ii verdour beddis, courtingis of reid sey and grene, and Flandris schryne, ane greit round coffyr bandit with quhit irne, ii tykis of beddis, xvii pece of pewder veschell, viz. plaitis, dischis, and salsaris, v chandlaris, ane bassyn and lawar, x iiii pynt stopis, ten towallis, vi of lynyn and iiii hardy, a rufe abone the comptar heid, ane burdclath of dorne werk: Item, in the compertas of Craufurdis ane standand bed, and ane schryne: Item into Thom M'Dowellis, ane standand bed, and ane cavy to foulis. Et omnia alia bona mobilia hereditaria et non-hereditaria que habuit ipsa Margareta ratione dicti quondam patris sui aut aliis qualitercunque pertinentia de quibusquidem firmis redditibus proficuis cartis literis instrumentis obligationibus acquittantiis et bonis vt supra continetur et aliis quibuscunque cum quibus idem Franciscus aliqualiter intromisit et habuit prescripti Mergareta et Johannes Liddaill suus sponsus tenuerunt se bene contentos et plenarie satisfactos atque pro se heredibus suis executoribus et assignatis sepedictum Franciscum Touris heredes suos executores et assignatos quittum et quittos inde clamarunt et quitteclamant pro perpetuo sine reclamatione fraude et dolo. Super quibus dictus Franciscus petiit instrumentum. Acta erant hec in domo habitacionis dicti Francisci. Testibus, magistro Dauid Lauder vicario de Erslidon, magistro Johanne Rynd, Willelmo Murray, notario, Willelme Lauder, Mertino Nycholl, et Roberto Liddaill.

[On the twenty-second day of the month of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixteen, at four o'clock afternoon, in the fourth indiction, in the fourth year of the pontificate of Leo the Tenth, Pope. In presence of me, notarypublic, and the witnesses subscribing, personally appeared a prudent and honest person, Margaret Whiteheid, daughter and heiress of the late William Whiteheid, burgess of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and John Liddaill, her spouse, with one consent and assent acknowledged to have had and received from a prudent man, Francis Touris, burgess of this Burgh, tutor to the foresaid Margaret, as long as she remained under tutory, full explanation, account and payment of all and singular the rents and profits of her lands, with the pertinents wherever situated within the said Burgh, and of the annual rents whatsoever pertaining to the said Margaret for the time in any manner of way. And the said Margaret for John acknowledged themselves to have received from the said Francis all and singular those writs, charters, instruments, and evidents of the foresaid lands and annual rents whatsoever, together with obligations, acquittances, and other writings with which he had in any way intromitted. As also, the said Margaret acknowledged that her spouse had received from the foresaid Francis, specially and expressly, the following goods, viz.:—Ane comptar, etc. [as above], and all other moveable goods, heirship and not heirship, which the said Margaret had in right of her said father and others in any manner of way, of which fermes, rents, profits, charters, letters, instruments, obligations, acquittances, and goods, as above contained, and others whomsoever, with which the said Francis had in any way intromitted, the before-written Margaret, and John Liddaill, her spouse, held themselves to be well content and fully satisfied, and for themselves, their heirs, executors, and assignees, declared the frequently referred to Francis Touris, his heirs, executors, and assignees, to be freed and discharged for ever, without reclamation, fraud or guile. Upon which the said Francis asked instruments. These things were done in the dwelling-house of the said Francis. Witnesses—Master David Lauder, vicar of Erslidon; Master John Rynd; William Murray, notary; William Lauder, Martin Nycholl, and Robert Liddaill.]

7 August 1516.

Act. Sailling of merchants without ane last of guidis.

The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsale hes grantit the desire of Robert Glen anent the act of parliament that nane sould saile without half ane last of guidis to the foirsaid Robert for the space of ane yeir to cum, and langer at the will of the provest and baillies, and the said Robert swore in presens foirsaid in jugment to be lele and trew to the town, and exerce diligentlie the said office, (fn. 1) nother for fere nor fauour lufe nor hatrent meid nor reward, bot eifter the forme of the act of parliament maid thairvpoun, and he to haif the ane half of the vnlaw sa far as pertenis to the toun, and the toun the vther half, to be applyit to the commoun werkis of the toun.

22 August 1516.

Wast Port. Oppressioun.

The quhilk day, the provest ordanis Mr Francis Bothuell, baillie, till putt the porter of the Wast Port in ane publict place with ane row in his hand, for his oppressioun of the men that brocht the hadder to the toun, in example of vtheris in tyme tocum, and dischairgit him of his office of the said port.

5 September 1516.

Saling. Vnfremen.

The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsall that gif ony burges colloris the sailing of chepman and vther pure merchandis, nocht havand half ane last of guidis or ellis als mekle in sterege, aganis the statute and act of parliament, the said burges sall pay ane vnlaw of x li. to the commoun werkis of the toun.

6 September 1516.

The seall of the metter of the claith.

The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsall hes diligentlie avisit and considerit be the auld rite and consuetude that the Kingis metter of claith sould haif of strangearis of thair claith that passis furth of the realme, that is to say, of ilk hundreth braid claith viij d., and of ilk hundreth narow claith iiij d. Quhairfore thai decerne and ordanis the said metter for the tyme till haif thankfull payment thairof, and to be obeyit thairintill as efferis; and as anentis the claith that cummis furth of vther borrowis, of the quhilk thai haif the coquet to schaw that thai haue payit thair dewteis and custome, the saidis provest baillies and counsall decernis Robert Glen, metter, to tak nathing thairof becaus they haif done to the King of this realme as accordis vpoun the law.

3 October 1516.

Dauid Mailvill, prepositus.

Statutum consilij.

The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsall that all personis that ar chosin vpoun the counsall compeir ilk Wedinsday and Fryday in the Tolbuith or the straik of ten houris befoir nwne, till decerne vpoun the commoun materris, ilk persoun that comperis nocht ilk day at the said hour to pay xij d. vnforgevin to the commoun werkis of the toun als aft as evir thai failye.

12 December 1516.


The provest baillies and counsale hes statut and ordanit, for the commoun weill of the burgh, that all maner of browsteris and tapstares within the samyn keip and fulfill the statutes of the towne maid abefore anent the pryce of the aill, that is to say that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to tap nor sell darrer aill na for xij d. the galloun fra this day furth, vnder the payne of spayning fra the occupatioun for yeir and day, and thairvpoun to be pvnist but favouris.


  • 1. Evidently that of a searcher under the provisions of the Acts of Parliament 1487, c. 12, and 1489, c. 14. [Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland vol. ii., pp. 178 and 221. See also the earlier Acts, 1424, c. 16; 1457, c. 10; and 1466, c. 3. [Ibid. pp. 8, 49, 86.]