November. |
Item, in primiss, payit to certane men that tuk doun James Culanis
turrgate, and to the serjandis massers that past thairto, as the precept
of the date, the xix day of November 1552, purportis, |
vijli xvjs |
December. |
Item, payit to Agnes Kincaid be ane precept of the date the thrid day of
December 1552, |
xxs |
Item, payit to the Grayfrers be ane precept of the date the nynt of Decebember
1552, |
vjli xiijs iiijd |
Item, payit be the counter for the lokman's leveray, and allowit to him be
ane precept, the xxiij of December, |
iijli xjs |
Item, allowit to the counter be ane precept of the dait the xxiij of December |
xjli xs |
Item, payit to James Fawsyde be ane precept of the dait foirsaid, |
xs |
Januar. |
Item, payit and allowit to the counter be ane precept of the date the
tent day of Januar 1552, |
xxiiijs iiijd |
Item, payit to Elizabeth Baty be hir precept datit the xiij day of Januar, |
vjli xiijs iiijd |
Item, payit to Alexander Stewinsoun be his precept of the date the xxviij
day of Januar, |
vli |
Item, payit to the provest purs maister, be ane precept of the date the
xxviij of Januar, |
xjli xs |
Februar. |
Item, payit to Peter Thomsoun be his precept the thrid day of Februar, |
xiiijs |
Item, payit to Johne Baldrane, keipar of the Kirk of Feild Port, be his
precept of the xvij of Februar 1552, |
iijli iijs |
Item, payit to Thomas Hall be ane precept of the date foirsaid, |
xls |
Marche. |
Item, payit to the prebenders of Corstorphin be ane precept of the date
the xv of Marche 1552, |
xli |
Item, payit to the dene of glide be ane precept of the date the xvij of
Marche, |
xli |
Item, the xxij day of Marche payit to Margrete Leyis be ane precept, |
xijs |
Item, payit to Mawris Towris be ane precept the xxvij of Marche 1552, |
iijli |
Item, the vj of Maij payit to the said Mawris uthir |
xxs |
Aprile. |
Item, allowit to the counter be ane precept daitit the xiij of Aprile |
lijs |
Item, payit to Johne Galloway be ane precept of the samin dait, |
iiijli |
Item, payit to Johne Weir be ane precept of the samin date, |
xxvjs viijd |
Item, payit ot Johne Mair and his spous be ane precept datit the xx of
Aprile, |
iijli |
Item, payit to the thre procurators that procurit for the toun afoir the lords,
be ane precept datit the xxviij of Aprile, |
xxvli |
Maij. |
Item, payit to Agnes Kincaid be ane precept daitit the xj of Maij, |
iiijli |
Item, payit to Johne Baldrane be ane precept datit the last of Maij, |
xls |
Junij. |
Item, payit to Alexander Stewinsoun be nae precept datit the nynt of Junij, |
vli |
Item, payit to Johne Galloway be ane precept of the said dait, |
vli |
Item, payit to Oger Coquell be ane precept datit the xxiij of Junij, |
Ili |
Item, payit to Thomas Hall be ane precept of the samin date, |
xs vjd |
Item, payit to William Craik, provest, be ane precept dait the last of
Junij, |
xxijli iijs vd |
August. |
Item, payit for the provest expensis in passing to the conventioun to stirling,
be ane precept daitit the ferd of August, |
xli |
Item, payit to Thomas Cok be ane precept of the samin dait, |
vjli xiijs iiijd |
Item, payit to Johne Baldrane be ane precept of the date the xxviij of
August, |
xxviijs |
Item, payit the samin day to Alexander Masoun be ane precept, |
vli vjs viijd |
Item, payit to Robert Boyll and his colligs be ane precept datit the xxv of
August, |
xijs |
September. |
Item, payit to Michaell Drowmond and his colligs be ane precept datit
the nynt of September, |
xls |
Item, payit to William Carnoquhen be ane precept datit the xx of September, |
xxxs |
October. |
Item, payit to James Drowmond be ane precept datit the xiij of October, |
xs |
November. |
Item, payit to James Drowmond be ane precept datit the secund of
November, |
xxs |
Item, payit to Johne Galloway be ane precept datit the xiij of November, |
ls |
Item, payit to Johne Baldrane be ane precept datit the xxiij of November, |
xxvjs viijd |
December. |
Item, payit to Francis Tennend be ane precept datit the xv of October, |
iijli vjs viijd |
Summa of the haill preceptis, |
ijc xlvjli xjs xjd |
Heir followis the counter's discharge extraordinar:— |
Item, in primis, on the tent day of November the yeir of God Jm vc lij
yeirs, for candill and turchess at the rowping of the commone gude, |
xxviijs |
Item, that samin nyt, gevin to the provest for the wyld aventurs, becaus
thai wer held in the town's hands, ane ross noble, |
iijli viijs |
Item, gevin the xvj of November, for ane slott to the counsalhous duir
and the on putting of it, |
ijs |
Item, the xx day of November, gevin to four men that dicht all the schoir
and bure away the red, |
iijli vs |
Item, the xxvij day of November, gevin to four men that dicht the calsay
betwix my Lord Governor's lugeing and the Queen's lugeing, and bering
away the red, |
xs |
Item, for two sculis and bussumis to thame, |
xxxd |
Item, to Johne Wod, wrycht, for the setting of the buirds in the clerk's
chalmer, |
vs |
Item, for nalis thairto, |
ijs |
Item, to the peononirs for carying of the buirds, |
vjd |
Item, the xxix of November, gevin to David Weir for the flagging of the
syre at the West Port, and all the grayth thairto, |
xxxvs |
Item, the ferd of December, gevin for ane band and ane crowk to Francis
Bell buith, |
ijs |
Item, the tent of December, gevin to Johne Banks, smyth, for ane lok to
the Grayfreir Port, |
vj |
Item, the fift day of Marche, gevin for the copy of ane letter that chargit
the provest, |
xviijd |
Item, the xxvij of Marche 1553, gevin for the expensis of the portell maid
to the counsalhous, for grayth and werkmanschip, |
vli vjs |
Item, gevin to Mungo Hunter, for mending of the lokkis of the tolbuyth,
and ane band thairto, |
vijli |
Item, the xxviij of Marche, gevin for ane wey balk to the ovir trone, |
xxxvjs |
Item, gevin to Alexander Stoddert, for five stanis wecht to the ovir trone, |
xvs |
Item, for ane lok and ane key to the trone, |
iiijs |
Item, for mending of the irne chenze, |
iijs |
Item, gevin to Thomas Watsoun, Glassewrycht, for ane woundok above the
nether portell of the counsalhous, contenand xxiiij futts, and sex futtis
to Thomas Hall's hous, for ilk fute xxd; summa |
xlviijs iiijd |
Item, to John Ahanna, for bands to the saids windowis, |
iiijs |
Item, the fift of Aprile, gevin for ane grete geist to the west bekin, |
xxxiiijs |
Item, for twa treis to be standarttis thairto, |
xiiijs |
Item, to Adam Purveis, and twa servands with him, for twa dayis
lauboring thairof, |
xxs |
Item, to Johne Kyle, smyth, for thre stane wecht of irne work, |
xls |
Item, to sax men that laubourit twa dayis in the redding of the bekyn and
the casting of the stanis thairto agane, ilk man xxd in the day; summa |
xxli |
Item, the vij day of Aprile, gevin at the provest command for bering of
sewin tabernors furth of the kirk, |
ijs |
Item, gevin for bering of pekkis and furlatts to the provest hous, |
iijs |
Item, the xxviij of Maij, for ane tre to mend the Grayfreir Port, workmanschip,
sawing and nalis, |
xxxijs |
Item, efter the bekyn being brokin be ane Inglis schip, the maister payit
the hale expensis in the upsetting thairof except |
xxiiijs |
Item, on the sacrament day gevin to the Bischop of Ross that bure the
sacrament, in wyne and scrottiszarttis that extendit to |
xvjs viijs |
Item, to the massers that day the toun gat the decrete aganis Johne Creith, |
xijs |
Item, the xxij of Junij, gevin to George Tod for making of ane skaffalt on
the hill to the clerk play, the bering of day lis and punschonis thairto,
and the aill and the wyne that day thai playit, and furnessing of sax
sparris thairto, |
xxvjs |
Item, the xxiij of July, gevin for ane lok to the gallois dure, |
vs |
Item, the samin day, gevin for twa plankkis to be broddis to the ovir trone, |
xs |
Item, to Adam Purves for the making thairof, |
xijs |
Item, vijxx garrone nalis thairto, |
ixs |
Item, gevin to Johne Ahannay, smyth, for eking of the bands to the broddis
and his werkmarischip, |
xijs |
Item, gevin for eking of the chenze of the trone, |
vjs |
Item, to John Banks, smyth, for mending of ane lok and key to the ovir
trone, |
vs |
Item, the xiiij day of August, gevin for twa dalis to be ane skelf in the
clerkis chalmer, |
vjs |
Item, for the making thairof, to Adam Purves, and nalis and bering thairof
of to the chalmer, |
vjs vjs |
Item, gevin to the masser that presentit the chekker precept to the towne, |
vs |
Item, gevin the ferd day of September, to twa men that kepit the Kirk of
Feild Port ane day, |
iiijs |
Item, to David Purves for the copy of writtings quhairwith he chargit the
provest, |
ijs |
Item, the tent day of October, gevin for the townis malis in the chekker, |
iiijli |
Item, to the clerks, |
xijs |
Item, to Williame Foulis, kepar of the duir, |
ijs |
Item, for the bankat maid to the Lord and Auditors of Chekker, |
xls |
Item, for the gravator rasit at the townis instance for the acquittance, |
ijs |
Item, for the scharping of the commone sweird ilk tyme it wes usit, vs;
summa |
xs |
Item, for the hale towis and bussumis usit be the lokman in the counteris
office, |
xiiijs |
Item, for leching of ane Thomas Cok quha wes hurt be ane Franisman, he
beand in Leith in the townis service uptakand the wyld aventors, |
xxviijs |
Item, for the tow to the bull on Sanct Gelis day, |
xs |
Item, givin to Mungo Hunter for ane lok to the gallois, |
xld |
Summa of the haill extraordinar, |
xlviijli viijs iiijd |
The expenses maid on the New Well at the townis command, as
efter followis particularie:— |
Item, in the first, payit on Saiterday at even, quhilk wes the xxj day of
October, for the oulk precedand that day, as efter followis, viz.: to twa
quariors dayle xld; summa |
xls |
Item, to the quarior's sone, on the day, auchtene penneis; summa |
ixs |
Item, to four workmen, ilk ane on the day auchtene penneis; summa |
xxxvjs |
Item, for twa grete bukkattis, |
iijs iiijd |
Item, for ten fawddum of towis, |
xs |
Item, for bering of tymmer and ledderis to the well, |
xijd |
Item, for garroun nalis |
iijs iiijd |
Item, for half ane hundreth plenchone nalis, |
xvd |
Item, for four stirrop irnis to the bukkatts, |
ijs |
Summa of this oulk, |
vli vjs xjd |
The expensis of the oulk precedand the xxix day of October. |
[Details similar to those of the first week are entered of this and four subsequent
weeks' expenses at the new well, up to 26th November 1553. The following
are a few of the entries:—] |
Item, to the thre workmen that drew watter on the nycht, the hale oulk,
ilk ane xiiijd dayle, |
xxjd |
Item, for twa weggis of irne to the pille, |
viijd |
Item, for four hespis and stappillis to the closin of the liddes of the well, |
xiiijs |
Item, for half ane stane of leid, |
iiijs |
Item, given to Michaell, the calsay maker, for the making of ane rude and
ane half, half ane quarter, and vj elnis of calsay about the well, the ruid
xxxs; summa |
lvijs vjd |
Summa of the hale expensis of the well, |
xxxvjli xvjs |
Heir followis the expensis maid be Alexander Park, thesaurer, on the
schoir of Leyth, on the stane-work of the bulwark, maid at command
of the provest, baillies and counsale, particulary, as eftir followis:— |
Item, in primis, begun the said work in the oulk precedand the xix day of
Marche 1552 [1552-53] yers, and gevin, that oulk, to Alexander, quarior
of Grantoun, for ane hundreth pece wynning of hewin stanis to the schoir, |
vli |
Item, for bringing of stanis furth of the querrell, and drinksilver to the
quariors, |
xjs |
Item, to ane masoun for the dressing of the js stanis, ane dayis wage, |
iijs |
Item, for the careing and boit hyre of xxiij pece of the stanis in ane small
boit fra Grantoun to Leyth, |
xiiijs |
Summa of this oulk, |
vjli viijs |
The expensis of the ulk precedand the xxvj day of Marche Jm vs liij yers:— |
Item, in that ulk, ressavit at the querrell fra Alexander Reid, js viij pece
hewin stane work, price of the pece wynnyng xd; summa |
vli vjs viijd |
Item, to Laurence Tod for the boit hyre of the said stanis fra Grantoun
to Leyth, for ilk pece vijd; summa |
iijli xiijs viijd |
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, dressand and ressavand thir stanis at the
quarrell this ulk, |
xxiiijs |
Item, to vj barromen in thre dayis and ane half at the quarrell, landand and
lossand thir hewin work, ilk man daylie xxd; summa |
xxxvs |
Item, for mending of ane lok to the lyme hous dure, and nalis to the barrois, |
xviijd |
Item, in drinksilver at the quarrell, |
vs |
Summa of this oulk, |
xijli vjs xd |
[The particulars of the weekly expenses of the works at the shore and bulwark of
Leith, up to 23d October 1553, extend over 26 pages of the account. A few
only of the entries are here given:—] |
Item, to Laurence Tod for thre grete boit of wall stanis wynnyng, and
caring of ilk grete boit full xxvjs viijd, and four gang with his small
[boit] wynnyng, and caring of ilk boitful, xixs; summa |
ixli xjs |
Item, to Allane Rankin and his marrowis for thre draucht of stoppis and
carying fra Grantoun to Leyth, ilk draucht iiijs; summa |
xijs |
Item, to the men of Cosland for ij dosone ane laid lyme, |
xxxvs vd |
Item, to William Stratoun for twa dosone and twa laids Gilmertoun lyme, |
xxxiijs xd |
Item, saxtene laid Westhouses lyme, |
xvijs iiijd |
Item, ane hundreth sand, |
xvs |
Item, for xvj men feit for ane tyde, |
xvjs |
Drinksilver to the masonis on the Magdalen day, and the workmen at the
querrell, |
xs |
Summa of the hale schoir, |
vijs lxxiiijli ijs ix d |
Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xx merks and xxviijs,
for half ane eln velvet gevin to the Laird of Carube for gevin of licence to
wyn stanis on his lands of Grantoun, to the schoir, for the hale space of
the yeir of the counteris office; summa |
xvli iiijs viijd |
Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xxxvli xiiijs viijd, as
for the mending, making, and beting of the standing grayth of the five
commone mylnis in the yeir of the counter's office, as the count gevin in
thairupon particulare, heir present to shaw, purportis; summa |
xxxvli xiiijs viijd |
Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the malis of the cordinars' choppis,
extending to xviijli xiijs iiijd, becaus the provest, baillies and counsale
for the tyme assignit the malis thairof to James Carmichaell, dene of
gild, in the yeir of the counter's office; summa |
xviijli xiijs iiijd |
Item, the counter is to be dischargit of vjli for sex flesche stoks of the
personis following, quhairof thre stands waist, ane uthir occupiit be
Andersoun, ane puir man, and the occupiars of the uthir twa past to
France to the weris and left thair stokkis waist; summa |
vjli |
Item, the counter is to be dischargit, be the space of the counter office,
gevin be him to Thomas Cok quha past dayle at morning to Leyth, to
await upoun the ingaddering of the wyld aventuris and to oversie the
workmen, to be his disjune allanerlie; vjs dayle; summa, |
ixli |
Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the sowme of ten pund xvs xd for
five pair of hois and five doublatts of fustain gevin to the four masonis
by the pryncipale masone and to ane quarior as for thair bountetht;
summa, |
xli xvs ixd |
Item, to Johne Dalmahoy for his clois male, |
xliiijs |
Summa of the hale discharge, ane thousand five hundreth twenty
aucht punds, xs v.d |
And sua restis, twa hundreth thre scoir ten punds vs ij.d |