In primis, on the tent day of November 1554, for foure torcheis at the
rowpping of the commoun gude, |
xxvjs viijd
Item, for candill that nicht [to] Thomas Hall, |
iijs iiijd
Item, the day of 1554, for takin of ane greit gebet furth of the
nether tolbuith and beiring of it to the hecht of the Dow Crag, to haif
hangit hommill Jok on, and down bringing of it agane to Sanct Paullis
Wark, |
Item, for cords to bynd and hang him with, |
Item, the xvj day of November 1554, gevin to Eduard Hoip, baillie, quhilk
he gaif for the signet of the Quenis lettres to poynd Johne Creith in Leith
with, |
Item, the xix day of November 1554, for cords to bind and hang ane theif
quhilk wes convict befoir the shereff, |
Item, the xxj of November 1554, ane greit lang chenze of irne to the thevis
hoill with foure armes gangand fra it, with foure loks and bolltis,
weyand xj stanis thre quarteris, maid be Johne Ahannay, smyth; price
ilk stane xjs iiijd; summa |
vjli xiijs ijd
Item, to bring it fra Johne Ahannayis buith and helping to fessin it, |
Item, drinksilver to Johne Ahannyis chelder, |
Item, the xxvij day of November, for mending of the glass windoke in the
counsalhous, |
ijs iijs
Item, for candill foure nicht to the lords quhen thai sat lait at the justice
courts, |
Item, the said xxvij day, for mending of the lok and key and ane new
greit stapill to the Cowgat Port, to Mongo Hunter, |
iiijs vjd
Item, the xxviij of November 1554, for ix snekkis with thair stapillis to
the ix cordokkis of the tolbuith; ilk sneke xijd, to Johne Ahannay;
summa |
Item, the xij day of December 1554, gevin to William Hardy, messenger,
at the provest's command, for the coppy of ane summonds with quhilk
the provest, baillies and communite wes summonit with at the instance
of the abbot of Halyroudhous and Cannogait, |
Item, the xiiij day of December 1554, gevin to the massers for the decrete
gottin befoir the lords of counsale aganis the men of Leyth that wald
nocht sell thair wynis of the prices maid be the Quenis grace and lords
of the secrete counsale, |
Item, the xx day of December 1555 [1554], gevin to Johne Ahannay,
smyth, for making of twa bollts of irne of ane greit brokin bout, and
eiking of the twa mair nor the ane wes in x punds of irne, |
Item, the xxij day of December 1554, for cords to have ane theif that brak
ane buith and staw ane gad of irne, |
Item, on Yule evin for deichting and beiring away of ane meidding and reid
under the coukestule, |
Item, on Uphaly day, the vj day of Januar 1554 [1554-55], for beiring of
daillis, greit treis, and punschionis to mak ane skaffald in the tolbuith
to play the clerk play on, and away bringing of it agane, |
vjs viijd
Item, for towis to bind the twa men that slew George Dromond, quhen
thai wer hedit, |
Item, the xij day of Januar 1554, gevin at the baillie Eduard Hoippis
command to James Nicolsonis servands in drinksilver for coppying and
indorsing of writtings, |
Item, the xix day of Januar 1554, for dychting and cleirring away of muke
and feilth fra the nether tolbuith dure, |
Item, the xx day of Januar 1554, given to Peter Thomsoun, als Yla herald,
for the presenting of the precept of parliament to the provest and
baillies, at the provest command, |
Item, the xxiij day of Januar 1554, gevin for the writting of lettres and for
the signet to thame, to discharge all unfremen within Leyth and utheris
within the fredome and bounds of Edinburgh, to sell walx, wyne, and
utheris stapill guds, |
Item, for cords to hang and bind Ton Greirson, and to bynd ane woman
quhill sho wes brint on the cheik, |
Item, the xxix day of Januar, gevin for dowbill garroun naillis and mending
of the eister bekin of Leyth, |
vs viijd
Item, the feird day of Fabruar 1554, for cordis to bind Nicoll Ramsay
quhill he wes hedit, |
Item, the ix day of Fabruar 1554, gevin, at the provest and baillies command,
for twa decreits gevin be the lords of counsale, the ane aganis the
laird of Restalrig that he suld haif no inspectioun of the townis evidents,
the uthir aganis Mr Thomas Kincrag, pr. [procurator], that he suld
answer and obay the provest and baillies and officeris of the town in all
thair ordinances and statuts, |
Item, thesamyn day, for cords to hang the man that brint Lord James'
cornis |
Item, the x day of Fabruar, for ij skenzeis of pak threid, to messur the
Newhevin with, |
Item, gevin to Patrik Wychtmanis wyfe quhen he deit, at the provest and
and baillies command, to eird him, |
Item, the xv day of Fabruar 1554, gevin for instruments pleyand aganis
Walter Cant in Leyth, |
Item, that samyn day, for instruments pleyand aganis Patrik Boyman in
Leyth for paking and peillin in Leyth, |
Item, the xvj day of Februar 1554, payit, at the provest and baillies command,
for ane disjune in Johne M'Dowgallis hous to all the masonis and
wrychts quhilks wes had upon the consultatioun for remeid to the tolbuith,
efter that the lords had tane ane effray and passit to the Blakfreirs to
sit, and that samyn day the provest and baillies togidder with the saids
warkman past to the lords agane and show thair opinnion, the falts and
remeid thairof, |
Item, the xviij day of Fabruar 1554, gevin for ane uthir lawing in Sir Neill
Layng's hous, to the saids workmen, viz., masonis and wrychts, and
thair secund consultatioun, and wailling of the tymmer throut the town, |
vjs viijd
Item, the first day of Marche 1554, gewin to Sir David Lawsoun, writter,
at the command of Mr Robert Strang, procurator for the town,
aganis Walter Cant and Patrik Boyman of Leyth, for writting of certain
answers, peremptoris, and declarators in thair caussis, |
Item, to James Carmichaell, dene of gyld, quhilk he gaif in the abbay to
Mr Thomas M'Calzeane to mak protestationis befoir the Queen's grace
and lords of secrete counsale aganis the abbot of Halyrudhous, Canno
gate and Leyth, |
Item, gevin to James Barroun quhilk he gaif to Theodor's servand for
writting of the answer to the lords of Campheir letters send to the
provest and baillies, |
Item, the xv day of Marche 1554, gevin to Thomas Hallis servand for
paittelling and deichting of all the steppis of the turngryss of the tolbuith, |
Item, that samyn day, in ressonyng of Walter Cantt's mater, and als aganis
the dekin of the tailzeors and thair seill of causs, for instruments, |
Item, the xxix of Marche 1555, for acks in the tolbuith aganis Andro
Russall in Leyth, |
Item, the first day of Aprile 1555, gevin to James Harlaw for wrytting
ane bill and ane lettre upon it, and for the signet to thame and twa
indorsingis raissit at the comptrollar's instance aganis unfremen, |
Item, the secund day of Aprile 1555, gevxin to Mr Rechard Strang, procurator
for the town, for instruments in the tailzeors and broudstars' matters, |
Item, the xxiiij day of Aprile 1555, gevin to ane marinar and ane uther
warkman in Leyth, at the provest and baillies command, to beir twa
fyrn spars to the Newhevin fra Leyth and to sett ane of thame at the
full sey and the uthev at the law watter, |
Item, for the twa spars, |
Item, the ferd day of May 1555, gevin to William Boy, messenger, at the
provest's command, for the coppy of ane summonds at the instance of
the abbot of Halyrudhous and Cannogait, to the ten day of May instant, |
Item, the nynt day of May, the yeir of God Jm vc lv, gevin to twa pyonars
to bring furth ane lang ledder furth of the kirk to the cukstule to put
up Connis wyfe, and to haif it agane to the kirk, |
Item, the xv day of Maij 1555, gevin for faill and stanis and to twa warkmen
to stoip the Borrow Loch quhen it wes lettin furth, |
Item, the xix day of Maij 1555, gevin for ane braid daill to be ane porpenwall
to the litill hous of the portell in the counsall-hous, |
iijs iiijd
Item, beiring of it and sawin, |
Item, for nallis, |
Item, to Adam Purves to mak it, |
iijs iiijd
Item, for furth bringing of the tymmer of the nether tolbuith to mak ane
barress on the tolbuith stair at the parliament, |
Item, to mak it and for naillis, |
Item, vij day of Junij, for drink and breid, efternone, in the counsal-hous, |
xxd |
Item, the xxvij day of Junij 1555, gevin to the pursewat, at the provest's
command, that presentit the precept of the chekkar to him to mak his
compt, |
Item, that saymn day, to Mungo Hunter, smyth, for ane loke and ane key
to the mercat croce, |
Item, the xxviij of Junij 1555, for cords to bynd Katharen Martine quhen
scho wes brint on the cheke, |
Item, the vj day of July 1555, for cords to bynd and hang the foure
Inglismen at Leyth and Newhevin, |
Item, gevin to Gorge Tod, Adam Purves and ane servand to mak ane
gebet at the Newhevin, in haist and evill wedder, |
Item, for garroun and plansheour nallis, |
Item, for drink to thame at the ISTewhevin, |
Item, to twa warkmen to beir the wrchytis lomis to the Newhevin and up
agane, and to beir the wark and set up the gebet, |
Item, for ane laid lyme to mend the auld wallis in Leyth Wynd, quhilks
war fallin doun, |
Item, for twa laids sand, |
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, |
Item, to ane warkman with him, |
Item, ye xxix day of Junij 1555, gevin to Johne Banx, smyth, for ane
pair of bands with ane loke and ane key to the innerhous of the laich
tolbuith, |
vjs viijd
Item, to the said Johne Banx, for making of ane chenze of irne with ane
loke and ane key, with xj stapillis, to the overtrone, to fessin the weychts
with, |
Item, for mending of fyve greit loks quhilks wer fylit and brokin with
presoneris, |
Item, for the mending of the key and the loke of the over heich tolbuith
dure, |
Item, the xiij day of Julij 1555, for to wis to bind the fallow that wes
skurgit and his lug nallit to the fcrone, |
Item, the xv day of Julij, gevin to Mongo Hunter, smyth, for ane new
greit hingand loke with ane key to the Cowgait Port, becaus the auld
loke was first brokin and mendit that it could nocht be efter mendit, |
Item, for mending the greit bands of the Kirk of Fey Id Port with ane
greit stapill to the sloit of the wikket thairof |
iijs iiijd
Item, the xxix day Julij 1555, in expenssis to "William Crak, Alexander
King, and the compteris, thair servands, cheldering and liorssis, with
horssis hyrris, viij dayis in Sanct Johnestoun, beand commissionars of
the town at the conventioun of borrowis, |
xli xvijs
Item, for cords to hang and bind uthir vj Inglismen peratts on the gallows
of the Borrow Mure, |
Item, the viij of A.ugust, for cords to feynd twa men that wer skurgit
through the town, |
Item, the xj day of August 1555, for cords to bynd the man that wes
heiddit for the slauchter of the sister of the Sennis man, |
Item, for eirding of the saymn man, |
Item, the xiiij day of August 1555, for cords to hang and bynd Galbrayth
and Wentoun, |
Item, the last day of August 1555, for cords to bynd ane man that wes
skurgit through the town, |
Item, the fyft day of September 1555, makand compt in the chekker and
payit for the rest of the borrow maillis of this town undispoint be procis
bygane, |
Item, to the clerks of the chekker, |
Item, to William Foullis, isher of the chekker dur, |
Item, to the keippar of the uter dur, viz., Thomas Cuith, |
Item, the disjune to the lords of chekker and clerks; in primis, to the
cuke, |
for breid, |
for aill, |
ffor wyne, |
Item, the xv day of September 1555, gevin to Alexander M'Gauchane,
officer, to ryde to Dunde to the conventioun of borrowis haldin thair,
with ane writting, |
Item, the viij day of October, cords to hang and bynd ane theif and skurge
ane uther theif, |
Item, the xvj day of October 1555, for cords to bynd and mak ane lang
ledder to James Wod quha wes hedit, |
Item, the last day of October 1555, gevin at the provest's command to
Thomas Tabrinner ane quarter of blak taffateis and ane quarter of reid
taffateis, baith of the foure threds; price of the eln xiiijs; summa |
Item, gevin to ane man that maid the wechts of stane to the over trone at
the baillie John Symnis command, |
Item, the xxv day of Maij 1555, for half ane hundreth daillis, |
Item, for beirring of ilk dozone to the King's Wark, viijd; summa |
iijs iiijd
Item, for upbringing of thame fra Leyth, |
xijs vjd
Item, for ane dozone of eistland burds, |
iiijli iiijs
Item, for upbringing of thame fra Leyth, |
ijs vjd
Item, for inlaying of the daillis and eistland burds in the nether tolbuith,
to warkmen, |
Summa of the haill extraordinar discharge, |
lvli ixs vjd
Item, the compter is to be dischargit with the sowme of four hundreth
merks tane be the baillies the yeir of the compteris office, viz., Mr James
Lyndesay, Johne sym, James Adamsoun and Edward Hoip, fra James
Cranstoun, firmorar of the common mylnis in the said yeir, and fra
William Ker, firmorar of the wyld aventors, the samyn yeir, viz., fra
ilk ane of the saids firmorars ijc merks, to len to Monsieur Dosell in the
sowm of the jm li quhilk wes lent to him; summa |
ijc lxvjli xiijs iiijd
Item, the compter dischargis him with the sowme of xxxiiijli iijs iiijd tane
up be Mr James Lyndesay, the yeir of the compter's office, fra the
dekinnis of the crafts, of the iiijc merks quhilk wes the said crafts' pairte
of the extent rassit for bigging of the fortts and Newhevin, and assignit to
the said compter, quhilk xxxiiijliiijsiiijd the said Mr James delyverit, togidder
with uthir mony, to Alexander Jossy to bring hame tymmer furth
of Norrowa to the Newhevin; summa |
xxxiiijli iijs iiijd
Summa of the craftis extent, this money delyverit to James
Jossy be Mr James Lyndesay, is |
iijc li xvjs viijd