Yorkshire Fines: 1541-45

Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 1, 1486-1571. Originally published by Yorkshire Archeological Society, Leeds, 1887.

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'Yorkshire Fines: 1541-45', in Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 1, 1486-1571, ed. Francis Collins( Leeds, 1887), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/feet-of-fines-yorks/vol1/pp91-119 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Yorkshire Fines: 1541-45', in Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 1, 1486-1571. Edited by Francis Collins( Leeds, 1887), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/feet-of-fines-yorks/vol1/pp91-119.

"Yorkshire Fines: 1541-45". Feet of Fines of the Tudor Period [Yorks]: Part 1, 1486-1571. Ed. Francis Collins(Leeds, 1887), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/feet-of-fines-yorks/vol1/pp91-119.


** William Dacre, kt., Ld. Dacre and Graistok, and Christopher Dacre, kt. James Strangways, kt. Manors of Humandby, Mountgrace, and Morton near Estharlesey, and 25 messuages and a watermill with lands there.
** William Dacre, kt., Ld. Dacre and Graistok, and Christopher Dacre, kt. James Strangways Manors of West Harlesey, Upsall, Thornbargh, Notton, Aynderby wt the Steple, Skelton, Halykeld, Costerdale, and Oversylton, and 120 messuages, 2 watermills and 1 windmill with lands and a rental of 40 hens, 6£, 1 peppercorn, 1 gilt—, 1 pair of hawking gloves, 4 barbed arrows, and 2 red roses in the same and in Kepwycke, South Kylvyngton, Thryske, Rokysby near Lofthows, Whytby, Wolley, Barton—Morethorpe, Coldhyndelley, Rihyll, Codworth, Chett, Crygleston, Morton, Tunstall, Warlaghby, Pottowe, Midylton Sup. Leuen, Carlton, Faceby, Scruton, Kyrby Subt. le Knoll, Dryffeld, Massham, Watlous, also the advowsons of the churches of South Kyllyngton, and Aynderby with the Steple, and of the chantry of Holy Trinity in Northallerton, the moiety of the manor of Warlaghby, and 3 messuages with lands there, of £9 12s rent in Bylton, and of the advowson of St Martin's church in Mykylgayt in York.
** William Dacre, kt., Ld. Dacre and Graistok, and Christopher Dacre, kt., James Strangways The castle of Wharleton and the manors of Semer, Newby, Myddylton Sup. leuen, Assulby, Carlton, Hoton near Rudby, Pottowe, Boynton, and Grenehowe, and 140 messuages and 3 watermills, with lands and a rental of 100 hens and 2000 eggs in the same and in Braywayth, Aton near Stokesley, Orroo, Gowton, Swaynby, and Hewthayte, and the advowson of the chantry within Wharleton castle.
Thomas Lutton, esq. John Lepyngton and Elena his wife 6 messuages with lands in Newton, Skamston, Knapton and Malton in Rydall.
William Skrymsher John Knyght, gent., son and heir apparent of Alexander Knyght Messuage with lands in Bubwith.
Humphry Wood Edward Radley Messuage with lands in North Byrle.
Laurence Cutler, a younger son of Thomas Cutler The same Thomas Cutler 5 messuages with lands in Wirsburghe, Darfeld, Netherhaugh, and Gresbroke.
John Staveley de Ryppon Parke, esq., Ninian Staveley, gent., Thomas Burton, gent., and Marmaduke Middylton, gent. John Staveley de Lynby, co. Notts., esq., and Constantia his wife The moiety of 16 messuages with lands in Thurkylby, Duggylby, Catwyk, and Bewholme.
John Drake and William Haldesworth William Rokes and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands in Northowrome and Shelffe.
Leonard Bekwyth, esq. Ralph Sadeler, kt., and Elena his wife The manor or lordship of Selby alias the late site of the Monastery of Selby and 2 granges, 26 messuages and a pond with lands and land covered with water in Selby, Stayn Thorp, and Drayton, also free fishing in the waters called the Dame and the Carres in the lordship of Selby, and in the water of the Owse.
Arthur Hamonde, esq. Thomas Langton, gent., Anthony Drylande, esq., and Elizabeth his wife 13 messuages with lands in Kyrkefenton, Little Fenton, Bygyng, Barkeston, Sherborne, Aberforth, Lodeton, and Huddleston.
* William Knowlys, kt. Ralph Ellerker, kt., and Johanna his wife Lands in Elley and Willerby.
James Waterhouse John Dalton, gent. Messuage with lands in Clyfton.
Anthony Lyster John Lambart and Agnes his wife 2 messuages with lands in Preston and common pasture in Malholme.
Christopher Danby, kt. Thomas Thompson Land and the moiety of 3 cottages with land in Clyfton.
William Frauncys Marmaduke Elwyke Messuage with lands in Lynton upon Ouse.
Christopher Lyster and William King Richard King of Bradford 5 messuages with lands in Manyngham.
Nicholas Hargraffes and Isabel Hargraffes, widow Arthur Scolfelde and Katherine his wife 2 messuages with lands in Stannesfeld.
Nicholas Saunderson and Robert Saunderson John West and Isabel his wife 2 parts of a messuage, called Gawkhill, with lands, into 3 parts divided, in Fyrbek.
William Brodley John Rodley Lands in North Byrll.
Robert Metham Robert Normanvell, esq., and Agnes his wife 30 messuages with lands in Swynton, Wardmarche, Masham, and Newton.
John Pek, senr., esq., and Jo Pek, junr. Nicholas Holme 5 messuages with lands in Wodhouse in the township of Ardeslawe.
Hugh More Charles Stannesfeld, esq. 3 messuages with lands in Waddisworth.
Robert Illyngworth and John Illyngworth John Hamerton, esq., and Mary his wife 5 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Bolton in Bradford Dale.
Guy Fayrfax and Thomas Fayrfax, son of William Fayrfax, kt. Oswald Wyllestrop, kt. Manor of Towlston and 6 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Towlston, Clyfford, and Baddysworth, and free fishing in the water of the Wrathe.
William Wyclyffe, esq., and Dorathia his wife John Hylton and Isabel his wife Manor of Thorpe upon Tease and 12 messuages with lands and free fishing in the water of the Tease in Thorpe which remain, after the death of Isabel, to William Carr, the son and heir of Ralph Carr.
John Jackson Margaret Shakleton, wid. A garden and orchard in Pountffret, which, on the death of Margaret, remain to Robert Goldesburgh and Isabel his wife, the daughter of Margaret.
John Wentworth, esq., John Wentworth, kt., and Johanna his wife Manors of Morley, Holey, Batley, Mirfeld, Hopton, Dighton, and Gildersome, and 74 messuages with lands there and in Wodeson, Wodkyrk, Bolton near Bradford, Layd near Saxton, and Gledholt near Huddersfeld, which, if John Wentworth, kt., and Isabel his wife die without male issue, after their decease remain to Elizabeth and Brigitte Wentworth and Johanna Trigott, daughters of John Wentworth, and their lawful issue, and failing such, to the right heirs of John Wentworth, kt.
Richard Wilkynson William Rokkys and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands in North Byrle.
George Ramesden and Gilbert Ramesden his son and heir Gilbert Ramesden, senr., Reginald Ramesden, and Margaret Ramesden, wid. 2 messuages with lands in Greyttland in the township of Elland.
Francis Sulyerd John Wentworth, kt., and Johanna his wife The moiety of the manor of Bargh and of a watermill with lands in Bargh, Hymmysworth, Wolley and Sandall, which, after the death of John and Johanna, remain to John Wentworth, their son and heir apparent and his lawful issue, and failing such, after his decease, to the right heirs of John Wentworth, kt.
Thomas Wharton, kt. Arthur Darcy, kt., and Mary his wife Messuage with lands in Helaugh, Hagney, Hagneby, and Tadcaster, the rectory of the parish church of Helaugh with all the tithes, offerings, oblations, profits, and emoluments of the same church and rectory, and the advowson of the vicarage of the parish church of Helaugh.
Thomas Broke William Romsden and Johanna his wife Lands in Huddersfeld.
William Gascoign de Gawkethorp, senr., kt., and John Gascoign his son Robert Tomlynson, son of Thomas Tomlynson de Staynburn Messuage with lands in Bradford, called Dragonhall and Rygton.
John Lambart, senr. Jeffrey Proctour Messuage with land in Calton and common pasture in Malholme.
Christopher Lassellys, esq. Richard Gresham, kt., and Isabel his wife 2 messuages with lands in Baldersby and Kyrkbywyske.
Humphrey Forster, kt. Thomas Barton, esq. Manor of Hyll als. Hyll Graunge and 6 messuages with lands in Uskelf.
Ambrose Wolley Anthony Dryland and Elizabeth his wife, and Thomas Langton 15 messuages and 8 cottages with lands in Newthorpe, Shyrburn, Metford, Ferburn, Swynflets, Rednes, Heslyngton, Fulfurth, and Naborne.
Richard Hochonson, gent. Edward Gower, kt. Manor of Gryndall and 20 messuages with lands in Gryndall and Byrlyngton, and the advowson of the free chapel of the Blessed Marie in Gryndall.
Robert Houghton Robert Norton and Agnes his wife 2 messuages and 12 cottages with lands, a fair, and a passage beyond the water of the Swale in Secrofte and Skypton upon Swale, which, after the death of Robert and Agnes remain to Henry Norton their son and his lawful issue, and failing such, after his death, to the lawful heirs of Robert Norton.
John Alyn Anthony Villers, esq. Manor of Letwell and 10 messuages with lands in Tyckell, Wallyngwellys, Woodsettys, Coterell Woods, Gyldenwellys, Letwell, and Langold.
Edward North, esq. Arthur Hopton Manor of Swyllyngton and 60 messuages and 2 water mills with lands in Swyllyngton, and the advowson of the church there.
* The King William Sydney, kt., and Agnes his wife Manor of Kingston upon Hull and 100 messuages, 100 cottages, a watermill, and a windmill with lands there, also a certain hospital in Kingston upon Hull, called "Goods Howse."
* Richard Brearay, citizen and goldsmith of York John Barker, gent., and Katherine his wife Messuage in the city of York.
** John Fitz James, kt., Chief Justice, Robert Wrothe, esq., Giles Bruggs, Robert Alford, Thomas Monoux, Edward Broke, gent., Jo Broke, clerk, and Thomas Robyns William Perpoynt, kt. Manors of Southanston, Northanston and Herthyll, and 40 messuages and 2 watermills with lands there and in Dynnyngton.
** William Malyu[..]ey, kt., John Norton, esq., and William Strangways, clerk Nicholas Styrley, esq., and Elizabeth his wife A fifth part of the manors of Burton Constable, Hunton, Gareston, Clyfton, Wodhall, Unthank, Nosterfeld, Enderby wt the Steple, Upsall, South Kilvyngton, Thornburgh, Ouersylton, Nethersylton, Scorton, Scabbed Newton, Coferdale, and Wadesworth, and 1000 messuages with lands in the same and in Masham, Watlows, Southuresby, and Driffeld, also the advowsons of the fifth part of South Kilvyngton church, of the vicarage of Enderby wt the Steple and of the chapel of Hunton, a fifth part of a rental of £9 12s in Bilton in the Ansty, and of the advowson of St Martin's church in the city of York.
Stephen Newton George Thorpe and Elizabeth his wife Messuage with land in Holyn in Holdernes.
William Stele, junr. Robert Stele The manor of Skellowe and 5 messuages and 6 cottages with lands in Skellowe, Ouston, Carcroft, Borowallys, Thorpe in Balme, and Cadebye, William P'kyn holds one messuage with lands in Carcrofte, Ouston, Skellowe, and Thorpe, during the life of William Stele, clerk, and William Glom and Agnes his wife hold a cottage in Skellowe during the life of Agnes.
The King William Sidney, kt., and Agnes his wife The manors of Kingston upon Hull and Mytton and 100 messuages, 100 cottages, a watermill, and a windmill with lands in the same and a certain hospital in Kingston upon Hull, called "Godds Howse," also a ninth part of the manor of Sutton, and a ninth part of 40 messuages, 20 cottages, and a watermill with lands in Sutton, Sutcotes, Dreypooles, and Stoneferry, and a ninth part of the advowson of Sutton church.
Tristram Bollyng Christopher Myrfeld, esq. Manor of Tonge and 60 messuages in Tonge, Collyng, and Sothyll.
Christopher Beysley Hugh Westrop de Cornburghe and Johanna his wife Lands in Corneburgh and a feld called the Northffeld.
Rouland Shakerley, citizen and merchant of London William Stafford, esq., and Mary his wife Manor of Uggethorpe and 20 messuages with lands in Uggethorpe and Lyeth.
Robert Rawson John Jackson Lands in Upton
Robert Mellice Christopher Marler Manor of Duncottis and 2 messuages with lands there and in Thurnefeilde, Howden, Thorpe, Belby, Kylpyn, and Colby.
Robert Swift, junr. Robert Oxspryng and Margery his wife Messuage with lands in Wakley in the parish of Sheffeld.
William Clapham, gent. Robert Clapham Manors of Clapdaile and Clapham, and 34 messuages, a watermill, and a fulling mill with lands there and in Keysdale, Hawkyswyke, Attlay, Farranlay, Hawkysworth, and Moustone.
Thomas Lutton, esq. Henry Nawton, esq. Messuage with lands in Yerom upon Tyes.
John Wylkynson Robert Normanvyle, esq. A toft with lands in Great Hawghton.
Thomas Salven Henry Storke Land in Newhay in a portion of which Alice Serf, wid. has a life interest.
Marmaduke Fawkys, gent. John Burneby and Agnes his wife Messuage with lands in Skipwyth.
Bartholomew Thwyng Thomas Lutton, esq., and Alice his wife 6 messuages with lands in Wyuerthorpe.
Edmond Coppaundale, esq. John Constable de Barneby near Bossall, esq. Manor of Barneby near Bossall, and 3 messuages and 4 cottages with lands there and in Aldebye, Buttercram, Stamforth Briggys, Sandie Hutton, Harton and Barton in the Willous.
Richard Crawshawe Edward Shore and Elizabeth his wife Messuage with lands in Wylsden.
Barnard Clerke Thomas Verley and Elizabeth his wife Lands in Shafton and South Heyndeley
Robert Sparrowe Richard Smetheley, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, and Anthony Smetheley Messuage in Beverley.
Robert Foster John Seyrge and Isabel his wife 2 messuages with lands in Ayton and Pykerynglythe.
William Rokes John Rodley 2 messuages with lands in Byrle.
** Humphrey Roe Godfrey Foliambe, esq. 6 messuages with lands in Helay, Ekensall, Sheffelde, Bradfeld, Atterclyff, Tynsley, Darnell, Rotheram, and Wales, which, should Godfrey Foliambe die without lawful male issue, remain to Roger Foliambe, his brother, and his lawful male issue, and failing such, after his death, to James Foliambe, kt., and his lawful male issue, and failing such, after his death, to the lawful heirs of Godfrey.
John Bryg Walter Passlowe Messuage with lands in Kyghley and Haynworth.
Thomas Markynfeld, esq. Robert Walworth Messuage with lands in Bysshopthorneton and Markyngton.
William Babthorp, junr. Thomas, Earl of Rutland 2 messuages with lands in Naborne and Foulfurthe.
John Wylkynson and William More John Seyntpall, esq. 4 messuages with lands and a third part of the moiety of 6 messuages with lands in Barnesley, Holand, Ederthorp, Derfeld, Thirnscoo, and Swayth.
Robert Walworth Thomas Markynfeld, esq. Manor of Romondby and 2 messuages with lands there.
John Walker, clerk John Norton, esq., and Ann his wife 6 messuages, a watermill, and a fulling mill with lands in Hartford, near Gillyng.
Robert Sampson and Katherine his wife William Lepton 3 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Wyrklay.
Miles Newton, gent. Richard Ardyngton, gent., and Alice his wife Messuage with lands in Thorpp near Rypon and Rypon.
William Goodwyn John Drabull 4 messuages with lands in Mapelton, Roclyff, Aldburgh, Walkergate, and Mynskyp.
Robert Burgoyn, esq. Ralph Ellerker, esq., and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands in Beu[er]ley.
Robert Gray Christopher Mayne, esq. Messuage in Beverley.
William Wylson and Richard Bradgayte Richard Bunny and Brigitt his wife 2 messuages with lands in Pountefrete, Preston Jaklyn, and Fetherston.
Thomas Crostwayte William Assheborn and Isabel his wife 5 messuages with lands in Barston near Sherburn and Little Smeton near Wentbrig.
William Broddyng Edmond Coppyndale, esq., and Ann his wife 7 messuages with lands in Beverley and Goodmandham.
William Hernyng Thomas Sele and Agnes his wife Messuage, &c., in Wakefeld.
Thomas Grenewod Richard Hoyle 2 messuages with lands in Stannesfeld.
Richard Craven Edmond Coppyndale and Ann his wife Land in Beverley.
Humphrey Wood John Threplond Messuage with lands in Allerton in the parish of Bradford.
John Wylkynson Ralph Baxter and Elizabeth his wife 2 messuages with lands in Gresbroke and Gresbroke Byerlawe.
William Brodley Wm. Rookes and Johanna his wife Lands in North Byrle.
Thomas Wortley and Margaret his wife Thomas Wentworth, kt. Manor of Newhall and 40 messuages with lands in Overshitlyngton, Myddylshitlyngton, Nethershitlyngton, and Middylscom.
John Butler and Johanna his wife Marmaduke Wyvell 4 messuages with lands in Kirkstanley.
Francis Sulyard and Peter Roose John Wentworth, kt., and Johanna his wife Manors of Morley, Holey, Batley, Myrfeld, Hopton, Dyghton, and Gildersome, and 77 messuages and a watermill with lands in the same and in Wodesom, Scolcroft, Woodkyrk, Bolton near Bradford, Leyd near Saxton, Gledholt near Huddersfeld, Kyrk Heton, Wakefeld, and Little Smeton. Katherine Borowe, wid., has a life interest in a portion of the above in Holey and Scolcroft, Richard Jenkinson in a portion in Kyrkheton, John Gybson in a portion in Gildersom and Mirfeld, and Robert Bradford in a portion in Wodesom.
William Edryngton Ralph Ardern, esq. Messuage and a cottage with lands in Great Dryffeld.
William Migeley and Richard Crowther Charles Stansfeld Messuage and a fulling mill, called Redcarre Myll, with lands in Waddysworth.
Thomas Hayber de Elveslak John Lambert de Calton, senr., and Agnes his wife 11 messuages with lands in Skypton, Estmarton, Westmarton, Calton, Airton, and Malhome, and free hunting, fishing, and hawking in Marton, Est Marton and West Marton.
Thomas Hayber Thomas Blakey and Agnes his wife 4 messuages with lands in Adwalton and Dryghlyngton. Edward Colthirst and Margaret his wife hold a messuage with lands in Adwalton during the life of Margaret.
Oliuer Lokwoode, gent. John Deane de Oldrydyng 2 messuages with lands in Kyghley, which, after the death of John Deane remain to Henry Deane, a younger son of John, and his lawful issue, and failing such, after his death, to Gilbert Deane, his brother, and his lawful issue, and failing such, to William Deane, the elder son of John.
John Gargrave Richard Gascoign, esq., and Elizabeth his wife 4 messuages with lands in Myllyngton, Laythom, and Awghton, a portion of which, after the death of Richard and Elizabeth, remains to George Gascoign, the brother of Richard, and his lawful issue, and failing such, at his death, to Robert Gascoign, the brother of George, and his lawful issue, and failing such, after his death, to the right heirs of John Gascoign, senr., of Lasingcroft.
** Ambrose Wolley, esq. Richard Langton and John Langton Manor of Huddleston and 19 messuages and 8 cottages with lands and a rental of one capon in Huddelston in the parish of Sherborne, Newthorp, Sherborne, Melford, Fairburn, Swynflete, Rednes, Heslyngton, Fulfurth, and Naborne, and a messuage, &c., in York, also the advowsons of the chantries of St Katherine and St John the Evangelist in the church of Holy Trinity in York.
John Kay de Huddersfeld, junr.,and Elizabeth his wife Thomas Savyle de Eclesley, gent., and Cecilia his wife, and William Romsden and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands in Longwode, Whermby, and Almanbury.
Thomas Goldthorp Johanna Mirfeld, wid., and Christopher Mirfeld Manor of Shepley and 12 messuages with lands in Shepley, Hepworth, Byllyngley and Barmburgh.
Arthur Key, esq. William Parkyn[..] 2 messuages with lands in Farneley Tyas, in which Johanna Parkyn, wid., has a life interest.
Thomas Sayvyle de Eclysley, gent., and Cecilia his wife William Romsden de Longley, and Johanna his wife, and Thomas Key de Huddersfeld, junr., and Elizabeth his wife 7 messuages with lands in Almanbury.
Johanna Mirfeld, wid., and Christopher Mirfeld Thomas Goldthorp Manor of Goldthorp and 3 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Goldthorp, Bolton upon Derne, and Barmbourghe.
William Romsden and Johanna his wife Thomas Sayvile de Ecclesley, gent., and Cecilia his wife, and Thomas Key of Huddersfeld, junr., and Elizabeth his wife 4 messuages and 13 cottages with lands in Almandbury and Huddersfeld.
Christopher Monalte als. Mawde John Moone and Johanna his wife 2 messuages with lands in Brandon in the parish of Harwod.
Thomas Edgare, esq. Robert Roosse, esq. Manors of Kyrk Dyghton, Asarlaght als. Asarley, Farnham, and Newson als. Newsam, and 40 messuages with lands in the same and in Kyrk Stanley, Sussacrer als. Sussackere, Dogett Loft-house als. Dogylofthouse, and Lasthousehyll, and the advowson of Kyrkdyghton church.
Philip Gybson Ralph Ellerker, kt., and Johanna his wife Lands in Walkyngton.
John Brygham and John Shawe Edmond Hodgeson 2 messuages and 5 cottages with lands in Thurnham, Thwynge, Lowthorpe, Kyllome, Pokethorpe, and Gransome held by Thomas Copland and Johanna his wife during the life of Johanna.
Thomas Edgare, esq. Robert Roosse, esq. Manor of Igmanthorp and lands there.
George Gryffyth, kt. Edmond Hodgeson Land in Swathorp, which Thomas Copland and Johanna his wife hold during the life of Johanna.
** William Fayrhayer, clerk, and William Fyssher James Frankysshe and Elizabeth his wife Lands in Doncastre and Dynnyngton.
** Leonard Peyrpount and Andrew Eglysthorpe John Constable, esq., and Johanna his wife The moiety of the manors of Clyfton and Hesyll of 30 messuages with lands in the same, also a fourth part of the manors of Garsyngton, Steton, and Idle, and of 30 messuages with lands in the same and in Stewdley Rogers, which, should John and Johanna die without issue, remain to the lawful issue of Johanna, and failing such, after her death, to Henry Suttell.
** The King Arthur Darcy, kt., and Mary his wife Manors of Ledys and Holbekk, and the grange and rectory of Tadcaster, and 60 messuages and 4 mills with lands in the same and in Morley, Wurtley, Halton, Secroft, Austhorp, and Stutton, and 7 messuages with lands in Oxton and Bilburgh.
Robert Woddall John Snell 3 messuages with lands in Derfeld Ou[er] Woddall, Little Haughton, Edderthorpe and Myddelthwayte near Calthorn.
Christopher Feld William Shay and Elizabeth his wife 5 messuages with lands in Sandall, Walton, and Pledwyk.
Robert Conyers, esq. Henry Portyngton, esq. 5 messuages with lands in Hoton upon Wyske als. Hoton Bonvyle.
Alice Hardacre, wid. Thomas Lyster and Agnes his wife 3 messuages with lands in Long Preston in Craven.
John Lasyngby Henry Portyngton, esq. 2 messuages in Merton, Tollesby and Eyresomme.
Richard Fenton Thomas Swyft Lands in Tynneslowe.
John Anne, esq. William Baxter Messuage with lands in Clayton.
William Bylbye Oliuer Bylbie Messuage with lands in Southanston.
John Brigh[a]m Thomas Adams and Matilda his wife and Lawrence Burgone and Margaret his wife Messuage with lands in Beforthe.
William Clerke William Duddan[..] and Ninian Palmer 3 messuages with lands in Goldale and Snayth, and common pasturage in a pasture called Goldale Intak in Goldale.
William Knolles, kt. Thomas, Earl of Rutland and Elianora his wife Manor of Wexham and 4 messuages with lands and a rental of Ilb of pepper in Wexham, Preston, and Tonsall.
Edward Denton Thomas Sayvell de Chylston, gent., and William Sayvell, son of Thomas Sayvell de Marston,gent. Messuage with land in Eland.
John Talbott, senr., and John Talbott, junr. Henry Everyngham, kt., and Agnes his wife Manor of Thorneton in the Strete and 6 messuages with lands there.
Robert Hyrst Henry Sayvell, kt., High Sheriff of York Messuage with lands in Huddersfeld.
Thomas Burton Gervase Clyfton, kt. Messuage with lands in Langold and Letwell.
Gilbert Watson Arthur Tempest de Estmarton, gent., and Anthony Tempest de Hymesworth, gent. 2 messuages with lands in Estmarton and Westmarton.
John Robynson Marmaduke Rayner and Agnes his wife Messuage with lands in Bramwyth, Bathweyt, Mossley, and Barneby upon Don.
William Bylyth John Foston Messuage and a cottage with lands in Holyn.
Marmaduke Rayner Thomas Topclyffe 6 messuages and 4 cottages with lands in Woodkyrk and Westar-dyslaw.
Richard Mekylthwayte John Mosseley and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands in Ingeburcheworth.
John Snell Nicholas Wortley and John Wortley Messuage with lands in Hardwyke and Aston.
James Bylyth Thomas Foston Messuage with lands in Kayngham.
Aluered Flemyng and Frances Rawsone daur. of Robert Rawsone John Flemyng, junr., and Elizabeth his wife Messuage with lands in Sharlston.
Oliver Lokwood and Edward Denton Edmund Elystones and Margaret his wife Garden with land in Eland, to be held to Edmond and Margaret for a term of one week, and on the expiration of the term to Nicholas Bothroyde and his assigns for a term of 31 years.
Thomas Gascoign, Thomas Oglesthorpp, William Redmayn, and Robert Sheffeld William Vavasour, esq., and Elizabeth his wife Manors of Fryston als. Ferefryston and Ferebridge and 100 messuages and 20 cottages with lands there, and free fishing in the water of the Aere in Fryston als. Ferefryston (except one messuage in Ferefryston now in the occupation of William Bywater).
Anthony Hamond Baldewin Yong Manor of Skardyngwell and 14 messuages, 3 cottages, a windmill, and a rental of 1lb of cumin there and in Barstow, Saxton, Uskell, and Grimston.
William Jopson Thomas Jopson and Johanna his wife, daughter and heir of William at Teshe 12 messuages with lands in Poklyngton, Yapam, Meltynby, Wetwang, Wilberffosse, and Barnby sup. Moram.
* Arthur Darci, kt., and Mary his wife Edward Skypwyth, esq., and Margaret his wife The house and site of the late Priory of Clementhorpe and 6 messuages and 6 cottages, with lands and free fishing in Clementhorpe, Bisshoppesthorp, Knavysmyre, Busterthorpe, and Middelthorpe.
John Medehop, clerk, and Richard Danser, chaplain William Westby, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, and Oliver Gardner and Elianora his wife 7 messuages with lands in Arnoldbyggynge, Swynden, Horton in Craven, and Holgyll near Remyngton in Craven.
William Strykland, gent. Edward Gower, kt., and Thomas Gower, esq., his son and heir apparent Manor of Newton near Wynteryngham and 2 messuages with lands in Newton.
Hamon Sutton Thomas Yorke 18 messuages with lands in Sledmer.
Nicholas Sayvell de Newhall, gent. Thomas Wylkynson de Eland and Alice his wife Lands in Darwykhagh, Estfeld and Crofthatt in the township of Eland.
Thomas Nodder Thomas Sayvell de Clyfton, gent. Messuage with 3 shops, &c., in Wakefeld.
Hugh Wyrrall, esq., and John Frankysshe Gervase Clyfton, kt. Messuage called Pollard with lands in Preston in Holdernes, which, after a term of one month, remain to Johanna the wife of Ralph Constable, Alice Clyfton, Elizabeth Clyfton, and Margaret Clyfton, daughters of Ezechia Clyfton, esq., and their lawful issue, and failing such, to their lawful heirs.
Humphrey Wood John Horton Messuage with lands in Bollyng and the moiety of a messuage with lands in North Byrle.
John Watkynson Robert Smyth Messuage with lands in Brayton.
Richard Wheatley, gent. George Eyre, gent., and Richard Eyre, his son and heir apparent The moiety of the manor of Over Cudworth and of 3 messuages with lands in Over and Nether Cudworth.
1543 (fn. 1)EASTER TERM, 35 HENRY VIII.
Nicholas Sayvell, gent. Henry Sayvell, kt., and William King Messuage called Wylley Hall and lands in Skyrcote.
Henry Cokkett Ralph Hall, gent., and Katherine his wife, Thomas Hall, son and heir apparent of Ralph, and Agnes his wife, William Wylson, and John Wodhouse, junr. Land in Lennarton.
Richard Chamer William Chamberlyn, gent., and Elizabeth his wife 3 messuages with lands in Poklyngton and Yaton.
Robert Goodayle John Dyghton de Notton, gent. 2 messuages with lands in Ouerflokton.
Cuthbert Cokson John Fawsed and Mary his wife 2 messuages in Doncaster.
Robert Gelsthorpe John Constable, esq., and Johanna his wife The moiety of a messuage with lands in Hesyll.
Francis Frobyser Thomas Woodroffe, esq., and James Woodroffe, gent. Messuage with lands in Altoftes.
Raph Gray, gent., and Margaret his wife William Harrison and Agnes his wife Messuage with lands in Thorpe Bassett.
William Romsden Charles Barnby, esq., and Dionisia his wife Messuage with lands in Almondbury.
William Saltonstall and William Fyrth William Romsden and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands in Berkeslond.
Thomas Wylkynson, clerk Roger Vauasour, esq. Lands in Denby and South Kyrkby.
George Bawn Henry Dannyott and Elena his wife Messuage with lands in Kellam upon the Wold.
Thomas Cartwright als. Thomas Vycars Roger Vavasoure de Denneby, gent. Manor of Scawcesby and 4 messuages with lands in Scawcesby and Bentley.
Thomas Mallyurey, esq., and Joseph Pulleyn, esq. William Ingylby, esq. Manors of Esthaerlsey, Stokton on the More, Aymonderby, Tolthorpe, Swynton, and Skelton near York, and 40 messuages and 30 cottages with lands in the same.
John Wodhouse, jun. Ralph Hall, gent., Katherine his wife, and Thomas Hall his son and heir apparent and Agnes his wife Lands in Lomby, Southemylforth, Sherborne, and Lennarton.
William Normanvyle Robert Normanvyle, esq., and Agnes his wife Manor of Little Haughton and a messuage and a cottage with lands there and in Byllyngley.
(fn. 2) Richard Stannyfford William Goldthorp, gent. Manor of Shepley, also called Shepley Hall, and tenements in Shepley and Burton.
** Richard Goldthorp and Johanna his wife Arthur Darcy, kt., and Mary his wife The house and site of the Priory of Clementhorp and 6 messuages, 6 cottages and a windmill with lands, free fishing and a tannery in Clementhorp, Bysshopthorp, Knavysmyre, Busterthorpe, and Middelthorp, and a messuage with lands and free fishing in Sande Hoton and Sandhoton Carr.
Robert Collyn, chaplain Fulco Grevyll, esq., and Elizabeth his wife 2 messuages with lands in Usflete.
William Adams John Gresham, esq., and Frances his wife 4 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Lokton, Sawdon, Lyberston, Snaynton, and Werethorp.
Roger Sotheby Arthur Darcy, kt., and Mary his wife Messuage and watermill with lands in Nonne Burnholme.
William Kinge, yoman William Fairefax, kt., and Isabel his wife, Richard Whawley, esq., and Richard Standishe, esq. 20 messuages with lands in Holden, Skelton, Lynton, Kylpyn, Laxston, Estryngton, Belbye, Thorpe, Langrakefferye, Asbye, Tolston, Clyfford, Cattall, Wederbye, Kelfild, Wystowe, Rygton, Skelton in the forest of Galtres near York, and Baddysworth near Wentbrydge.
Henry Everyngham, kt. Alice Mortymer, wid. Lands in Snaythe, Goldale, and Cowyke.
John Wodhouse, junr. Ralph Hall, gent., and Katherine his wife, and Thomas Hall, his son and heir apparent, and Agnes his wife 6 messuages with lands in Lomby, Southemylforthe, Sherburne, and Lennerton.
John Wylkynson Gervase Annesley, esq. 7 messuages with lands in Bolton upon Derne and Goldthorp, also the advowson of the chantry of the blessed Virgin Mary in the parish church of Bolton upon Derne.
Ralph Gunays Robert Beamont, gent., and William Romsden 20 messuages and 12 cottages with lands, a stone quarry and a coal myne in Heton, Crosseland, Lepton, Gawkthorp, Whytley, and Hotherffeld, and the moiety of the manor of Gawkthorp.
Richard Standishe and William Kinge William Fairefax de Steton, kt., and Isabel his wife The manors of Denton, Thwaytys, Askwyth, Byngley, Kyghley, and Newsom, and 30 messuages, 30 cottages, and a watermill in the same and in Rawdon, which, after the deaths of William and Isabel, remain to Guy Fairefax, their son and heir, and his lawful male issue, and failing such, on his death, to the male issue of William and Isabel, and failing such, to their female issue, and failing such, to the right heirs of Isabel.
* Thomas Wharton, kt. William Dogeson and Elizabeth his wife 2 messuages with lands in Helay.
Thomas Fraunces Elizabeth Ascue, wid. The moiety of the manor of Hooke, and of 20 messuages with lands, free fishing, and the right of a fair in Hooke, a moiety of which, after the death of Elizabeth, remains to Brigitt, the wife of Vincent Granth[a]m, and her heirs.
Roger Sotheby Nicholas Gyrlington, esq., and Ann his wife Messuage and 6 cottages with lands in Hayton.
Richard Ellys John Moldeson de Kylhome and Johanna his wife Messuage with lands and a third part of a messuage with land in Bolton upon Derne and Caideby.
William Broddyng Richard Smethely, esq., and Elizabeth his wife 5 messuages with lands in Beuerley.
John Garbaray William Kyddall, esq., and Margaret his wife 6 messuages and 3 cottages with lands in Beuerley.
John Middelton, esq., and Oliver Middelton, gent. Robert Normanvyle, esq., and Agnes his wife Manor of Kylnewyke and 20 messuages and 20 cottages with lands and 2 watermills there and in Swynton, Newton, and Grene-ham[er]ton, which, after the decease of Robert and Agnes, remain to Thomas Normanvyle, son and heir apparent of Robert, and his lawful male issue, and failing such, to the lawful male heirs of Robert.
John Wellysbourne John Bradford Lands in Preston Jaklyn.
Thomas Grene, esq. Robert Snytale and William Snytale 6 messuages with lands in Barneby upon Don.
Robert Conyers and Ralph Umfrey Marmaduke Twhaytys and Elianora his wife Messuage with lands in Yafforth, Hoton Bonvyle als. Hoton upon Wyske and Anderby Whernhowe.
John Snell John Wortley, gent. Messuage with lands in Hardwyk and Aston.
Francis Frobysher William Spynke and Margaret his wife Messuage with lands in Altostes.
William Fayrffax, kt., and Guy Fairffax, his son and heir apparent Ralph Arderen als. Arden, esq. Manor of Kellengthorpe als. Kellethorp and 2 messuages with land in Kellengthorp and Little Dreffeld.
John Castelyn John Thakwro, clerk 8 messuages with lands in Worsope, Kylton, and Ratclyffe.
Christopher Heydon, esq., Anthony Hevenyngham, esq., Richard Heydon, esq., and Thomas Knolles Edmond Wyndam, kt. 60 messuages with lands in Benteley, Arkesey, and Hanwhayte, in which Elizabeth, Countess of Bath, has a life interest.
George Darcy, kt., Edward North, kt., and Alice his wife, Arthur Hopton, kt., and Oliver Hopton, esq., his son and heir apparent Manor of Swyllyngton and 60 messuages and 2 watermills with lands there and in Garford, Great and Little Preston, Astleye, Bullathorpe, Ganysthorp als. Gamysthorp, and Brygshawe, also the advowson of Swyllyngton church.
Edmond Wright, esq. William Gascoygne, junr., kt. Manor of Tybthorp and 10 messuages with lands there.
* Michael Bynkes, esq., and Johanna his wife John Gresham, esq., and Frances his wife 11 messuages with lands in York and Midelthorpp.
** Richard Oglesthorp and Christopher Mershall William Gascoyne, senr., kt., and William Gascoyne, junr., his son and heir apparent, and John Gascoyne Manors of Shadewell, Secrofte, Queldale, Sutton near Ferybrydge, and Erstewycke, and 40 houses and 20 cottages with lands there and in Byrkeby, Askwythe, Scales, Tadcaster, Rylesden, Morton, Huntyngton, and Towthorpe.
Robert Barneby Roger Taylor and Elizabeth his wife The moiety of 4 messuages and a cottage with lands in Hoton Busshell, Homandby, Scawby, Wallesgrave, and Righton.
William Adam Robert Baxter Messuage with land and a pasture, called the Inpasture in Mexburgh.
John Thorley Thomas Atkynson and Johanna his wife Cottage, &c., in Gilbert Dyke.
Walter Jobson Gilbert Byrkehedd 13 messuages with lands in Wakefeld, Allerthorpe, and Doncaster.
Robert Atherton Thomas Atherton, late of Gaynsburgh, co. Lincoln, clerk 6 messuages with lands in Walton and Thorparche.
Richard Fenton Robert Swyft, junr., gent., and Elena his wife 10 messuages and 3 cottages with lands in Sheffeld, Brygehouse, Carbroke, Stannyngton in the parish of Bradfeld, Hoton Levett, Wylsyke, and Eckersall.
Robert Smyth Ninian Palmer Land in Carleton.
Robert Pykerd Christopher Morland, gent. Messuage and a cottage with lands in Normanby.
Thomas Langton and Thomas Bacon Christopher Mayne, gent. 8 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Bryngo, Bedford, Skypesbourgh, Bonwyk, Hulbryggett, Storke, Snordhome, and Lund upon the Wold.
Francis Jobson, gent. Roger Skyres, gent. Manors of Skyres Hall and Nether Skyres and 10 messuages and a watermill with lands in Wombell, Hemblefeld, Wentworth, Howland, Tykhull, Lettwell, Thorpe, Todwyke, Wyscard, Rode, Tymslawe, and Bromley.
Edward Crawshay Michael Lyster, kt., and Margery his wife Messuage, &c., in Wakefeld.
Richard Gybson Francis Barnes, esq. 2 messuages and a cottage with lands in Burghbryge and a third part of a messuage, called The Hall Place, and of a messuage with lands in Burghbrygge, Aldeburghe, Menskype, Rokeclyffe, and Leonard Burton.
Thomas Audeley, kt., Ld. Audeley de Walden, Thomas, Duke of Norffolk, Richard Riche, kt., and Edward Northe, kt. Henry Knevett, kt., and Anne his wife Manors of Eskrike, Wygyngton and Ellarton and 300 messuages, 100 cottages, and 4 windmills with lands in the same and in Beylby, Lathum, Thorganby, Scruton, and Naborn, and the advowson of the churches of Eskrike and Scruton.
John Reyne William Pymond and Johanna his wife, John Smythe, senr., and John Smythe, junr., his son and heir apparent Messuage with lands in Bentley and Stokebryge in the parish of Arkesey.
Francis Frobyser Charles Morton, esq., and Robert Morton, his son and heir apparent Manor of Westhall and 4 messuages with lands in Staneford, Haitefeld, Fysshelake, Doncaster, Wheitley, and Bentley, in which Christina, the wife of Francis Frobyser, has a life interest.
Edward Denton George Hellewell senr., de Staneland, and George Hellewell, junr., his son and heir apparent Lands in Staneland in the parish of Eland.
** William Welche Roger Gryffyth, kt., Richard Colyngborne, gent., and Johanna his wife 10 messuages and 6 cottages with lands in Swathroppe and Turneham.
** Thomas Crathorn, esq. John Haswell and Johanna his wife A fourth part of 22 messuages with lands in Kingston upon Hull, and a fourth part of 30 messuages with lands in Beverley, Hedon, Wytton, Befforth, Anlabye and Hesyll.
George Jackson John Wyghill and Thomas Wright and Sithe his wife Messuage and 2 cottages with lands in Scruton.
Richard Newyth, clerk Robert Hesyll and Alice his wife 2 messuages with lands in Kyrkesmeton.
William Hewet Nicholas Keton, son and heir of Cuthbert Keton Lands in Keton in the parish of Herthill.
Thomas Browne Arthur Bankys, gent., and Isabel his wife Messuage with lands in Whykesley.
shomas Westowe Henry Portyngton, esq., and Matilda his wife Messuage with lands, &c., in Beverley and Bentley.
John Sayntpoll Henry Nevell, esq., and Dorathea his wife Messuage with lands in Byrh[a]m.
John Wylkynson Robert Baxter and William Baxter Messuage with lands in Mekysburghe.
John Wylkynson Robert Trigott, esq. A third part of a moiety of 4 messuages with lands in Edderthorp and Derfeld.
Elizabeth Horsley, wid. Robert Lassellys, kt. Messuage with land in Kirkby near Fletham and a third part of the manor of the same and of lands there.
William Preston Jeffrey Proctour and Wenefreda his wife 4 messuages with lands in Matholme and Hanleth.
Richard Huchenson, gent. Oswald Wolstropp, kt. 2 messuages and 4 cottages with lands in Scardebourgh, Wallesgrave, Norsted, Threstenby, Scalby, Aton, Semer, Erton, Hutonbusshell, and Marton within Pykeryngleigh.
George Darcy, kt. Robert Roos, esq. Manors of Hutton, Costerdale and Notton and 30 messuages and 2 watermills with lands in the same and in Wolley, Rudby, and Massam.
Richard Bryghouse Richard Rookys and Ann his wife, and Anthony Rookys, his son and heir apparent Messuage with lands in Southowrom.
Thomas Grene William Calverley de Calverley and Elizabeth his wife 6 messuages with lands in Stansall, Wellyngley, Wodworth, and Wylsyk.
Thomas Lyster Richard Halton and Grace his wife Lands in Hanlett.
John Craweshawe, clerk John Heslerton, gent. 2 messuages with lands in Sutton and Wellom near Malton.
Richard Huchenson, gent., and Helena his wife Francis Pole and Katherine his wife Manor of Wykeham and 3 messuages with lands in Marton, Wykeham, Roston, and Hotton.
Richard Ellys Thomas Ellys and Elizabeth his wife 2 messuages with lands in Bylham.
Robert Langwyth Robert Whyte and Alice his wife, and John Chapman and Elina his wife Messuage with lands in Letwell and Gyldyngwellys.
Thomas Byrdhed and Richard Whetley Thomas Wentworth, esq. Manor of Westbretton and 8 messuages and 6 cottages with lands there and in Comberworth, Clayton, Ou[er]shyttlyngton, and Horbury.
John Middelwood Henry Heyton and Katherine his wife Messuage with lands in Woodhowse in the parish of Drax.
William Nycholl Gilbert Beamounte and John Beamounte, his son and heir apparent Messuage with lands and 1 acre of plantation, called Ludwall, in Southowrome.
** Ralph Parker, gent. Philip Hobby, esq., and Elizabeth his wife 12 messuages with lands in Addyngflete.
James Danyell, gent., and Johanna his wife William Musgrave, kt. The moiety of the manors of Essholt and Gyesley, and of 20 mesuages and 20 cottages with lands in Otley and Gyesley, and the advowson of Gyesley church.
James Ansten Marmaduke Cock and Isabel his wife Messuage, &c., without the North Bar, Beverley.
Edmond Skyeres and Elizabeth his wife Edward Meryng and Agnes his wife 3 messuages with lands in Bentley.
Thomas Stevynson Anthony Vyllers, esq. Messuage and 3 cottages with lands in Rednes.
Richard Twaytes Robert Leventhrop and Ann his wife Messuage in Pomfrett.
John Aleyn, junr. Anthony Knyvett, kt., and Avicia his wife Manor of Little Kelke and 12 messuages and 2 mills, called Walke Mylles, with lands in Little Kelke.
Marmaduke Thwaytes, esq. Godfrey Folyambe, esq., and Margaret his wife The moiety of 16 messuages with lands and of a fishery in a certain water, called Birkeby Carre, in Berkeby.
Robert Swyft, senr. Nicholas Styrley, kt. Messuage with lands in Wodlathes in the parish of Connesburgh.
John Reyne Thomas Cudworth A third part of a messuage with lands in Smetheley in the township of Wombewell. Rose Cudworth, wid., has a life interest in an annual rent issuing from the same.
Thomas West and Robert Fletcher Thomas Burdett, esq., and Thomas Burdett, gent. Manors of Denby and Holland and 17 messuages with lands, a watermill and 2 fulling mills in Denby, Holland, Little Breton, Clayton, Durtcar, Byrcheworthe, Mapellwell, Bylclyff, Thurlston, Cumberworthe, Cafforth-hyll, and Darton, which, after the death of Thomas Burdett, remain to Roger, his brother, and his lawful male issue, and failing such, after his death, to Philip Burdett, another brother of Thomas, and his lawful male issue, and failing such, after his death, to Alice, Isabel, Grace,Dorothee, and Elizabeth, daughters of Richard Burdett.
Thomas Haybar John Lambart junr., son and heir apparent of John Lambart, senr., and Elizabeth his wife 11 messuages with lands in Skypton, Estmarton, Westmarton, Calton, Ayrton, and Malhome, certain rights of pasturage in Westmarton, and free hunting, fishing, and hawking through the whole of Marton in Est and Westmarton.
Christopher Lyster, younger son of John Lyster The same John Lyster Messuage with lands in Wybsey.
Thomas Gryce and Henry Gryce Edward Merying and Agnes his wife Messuage with lands in Sandall near Wakefeld, Walton, and Mylnethorp.
John Halye, gent. William Haleday, gent. Manor of Preston Jakelyn and 4 messuages with lands there and in Acton in the parish of Fetherston, also the advowson of the free chapel of St John in Preston Jakelyn.
Jeffrey Wadeson William Dynelay of Bramhope of the Hill, son and heir of Robert Dynelay, deceased, and Margaret his wife, and George Dynelay A close in Leydes, called 2 acres close, and land in Burgheman Tostes in Leydes.
John Snell John Coke and Margaret his wife, and Benedict Coke Messuage with lands in Maltby.
George Darcy, kt., Nicholas Fayreffax, kt., George Bowes, kt., and Robert Bowes, kt. Thomas Hylton, kt., and Elizabeth his wife, and William Hylton, esq. Manor of Carnaby and 30 messuages, 10 cottages, and a windmill with lands there.
Ann Wandysforth, wid. Thomas Nevell, esq., and Margaret his wife Messuage with lands in Yarnwyke and Kyrtlyngton.
Richard Paver and John Paver his son Robert Tyrwhytt, junr., kt., and Elizabeth his wife Messuage with lands in Walsheford in the parish of Hunsyngouer.
Richard Nedh[a]m and Henry Nedh[a]m John Chaworthe, kt. Manor of Rawmarshe als. Rewmarshe and 20 messuages with lands there and in Ouerhalgh and Netherhalgh, which, after a term of one month, remain to George Chaworthe, esq., Mary his wife, and his heirs.
George Garvray Alice Willymote, wid., and Robert Abbot and Alice his wife 2 messuages with lands in Beuerley.
Oliuer Smythson William Hansbye and Agnes his wife Messuage, &c., in New Malton.
Robert Evers, gent., Alexander Scott, and James Poplewell Agnes Belwood, wid., and Robert Mounson, gent., and Margaret his wife Manor of Beleby and 5 messuages and 5 cottages with lands, and a rental of one root of ginger in Beleby.
Richard Remyngton John Gresham, esq., and Frances his wife Manor of Garowby and a messuage with lands in Kyrkbyunderdale, Kyrkbysotherdale, and Garowby.
John Wylkynson John Holynbrig Messuage and 3 cottages in Barnesley.
John Hobson Henry Baytt and Elizabeth his wife 5 messuages in Barnesley.
Robert Holgate, Bp. of Landaff, and Richard Wortley, clerk Richard Sekker and Elizabeth his wife Lands in Hymsworth
Peter Pawlyn John Beverley, esq., and Ann his wife Messuage and 5 cottages with lands in Hunmunby and Flyxton.
Stephen Tempeste, esq. Launcellott Martyn and Isabel his wife Lands in Broughton.
Christopher Homes William More and Agnes his wife 2 messuages with lands in Oxynhope.
Henry Goodryck, esq. Ralph Gascoygne, gent. Messuage, called Kyppax Hall, with lands in Kyppax, Allerton near Water Potterton, Pomfrett, and Hunslett.
Edward Moldyng, clerk Robert Waddyngton 5 messuages with lands in Waddyngton, which, at the death of Robert, remain to Richard Elston, son of Ralph Elston, and his heirs.
Thomas Norfolke Thomas Wrathe and Agnes his wife Messuage with lands in Coldehyndley in the township of Ryle.
* Thomas Vavasour, gent., and Richard Vavasour, gent. Nicholas Fayrfax, kt., and Johanna his wife Manor of Coopmanthorpp and 5 messuages and 4 cottages with lands and 1lb of pepper rent there.
** Christopher Pykeryng and George Myers William Wyndesore, kt., Ld. Wyndesore, and Margaret his wife Manor of Medley and 20 messuages with lands in Medley, Potterton, Wellowe, and Aston, to be held to William during the life of Ursula Knightley, wid., Dame Knightley, and after her decease, to Thomas Wyndesore, esq., and Dorothy his wife, and their lawful male issue, and failing such, to the right heirs of William Wyndsore, Ld. Wyndsore.
** The King Robert, Arch Bishop of York Manors of Ryppon, Sharowe, Stanley, Rypponholme, Colstakeshyll, Penycrofte, Castyldyke, Whytclyff, Thorpe, Monketon, Thornton, Netherdale, Bischopsyde, Sherburne, Mylforde, Bysshopplathes, Patryngton, Tharlethorpe, Frysmarsk, Halgarth, Eloughton, Westwang, Wylton, Bysshope Wylton, Topclyff, Thyrske, Astenbye, Grysthwayte, Dyfforde, Renton, Newby, Skypton, Catton, Northby, Whaplowe, Maske, Uplethome, Ayton, Dalton, Crackhall, and Carlton, and the advowsons of St John, Beu[er]lay, the Prebends of St Michael, St Peter, St Martin, St Katherine, St Stephen, St Andrew, St James, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, also the advowsons of the Hospital of St Nicholas, called Frayrygarth, and of the chantry of —in Beverley, and 1000 messuages and 20 mills with lands and the several fisheries in the above manors and in Northgraungefelde, Brakemore, Aldcrofte, Blackman, Potts, Potteleys, Substonynge, Dubholme, Bysshopesholme, Dapelyngholme, Swalewyts als. Swalowepytts, Northflatt, Myddelrydynge, Northlathes, the Holte, Asshemore, Bryggyng, Newyng, Metelesynge, Helbanke, Moreland, Colleflatt, Bleynge, Sledm[..]holme, Hyndganfrayne, Esdyng, Thorpestonge, Gallowynge, Dannan—, Mylnholme, Monkholme, Bromestubbynge, Gylbrygynge, Knollande, Gotaghes, Pacheley Brydge, Lenarton, Bonevyle, Hodelstone, Fenton, Brotherton, Barkeston, Burton, Lounde, Grymeston, Wolleskeff, Clayflatt, Mareflatt, Whylegrace, Holdeston Flatt, Coplycotes, Copley, Lytylmore, Coldflatt, Righowe, Wollerflatt, Coplygarth, Newethorpeflatt, Pokefeld, Pursesell Carr, Gylgreve, Clayflatt als. Wetwoode, Mylforde Hagge, Mylkesmare, Halgarth, Sadgeware, Porteflete, Saltemere, Burgh, Ferycrofte, Thornedale, Wetwargrake, Lowthe, Grenewyke, Hythergrenewyke, Many Greneryge, Calyngwolde, Blabury More, Cotenable, Wolstogh Parke, als. Wormesclose, Thornecopark, Halykeldons, Moselwith, and Barbland, except the advowsons of the Prebends of Monketon, Thorpe, Studley, Sharoo, Nunwyke, Skelton als. Gevendale, and Stanwyke in Rypon, and except the advowsons of the Hospitals of St Mary Magdelene and St John Baptist in Rypon, the advowsons of the chantry of Halgarth in Rypon, of the Hospital of Kynwaldegraves in Bysshoppys Burton als. South Burton, of the chantry of Thurne in Thurne, the Rectory de Burneholme in Burneholme, the chapel of Ferybrygge in Ferybrygge, the chapel and Hospital of Bawtrye in Bawtrie, the churches of Ackworth in Ackworth, of Rowley in Rowley, of Bedforde als. Beforde in Beforde, of Stokeslay in Stokeslay, of Skrayngh[a]m in Skrayngh[a]m, of Ecton in Ecton, of Kyrkebye in Cleveland and of Barwyke in Elmatt, except also the Rectory of Lyeth and the advowsons of the vicarage churches of Ledes in Ledes, of Helmesley in Helmesley, of Doncaster in Doncaster, and of the chantry of the chapel of Topclyff in Topclyff.
** Thomas Wyndesore, esq., and Dorathea his wife William Wyndesore, kt., Ld. Wyndesore, and Margaret his wife Manors of Haughton and Byllyngley and 40 messuages with lands in Great Haughton, Little Haughton, Byllyngley, and Derfeld.
Marmaduke Thwaytes and George Meth[a]m, esqs. Charles Brandon, kt., and Elizabeth his wife The whole rights of Charles and Elizabeth, and of Elizabeth herself in the manors of Syggeston, Clothorom, Carleton Mynyet, Sandeheton, Heley, Melmerby, Place Newton, Gricethorpe, Seweroy, Northall near Leeds, Okwell and Denby, and in 135 messuages, 60 cottages, and 6 watermills with lands in the same and in Fexton, Wynton, Wynton Stanke, Netherscudeley, Ripon, Aysserlagh, Bysshopton, Bysshopmonkton, Grantley, Northstaynley, Studley Roger, Catton, Skypton, Thormondbye, Allerton, Fyrthbye near Bedall, Exilby, Pygarsgyll, Ellyngton, Fyrthbye near Massh[a]m, Agilthorpe, Strafton, Northalerton, Baldersdale, Kepwyke, Scabbed Newton, Lemyng, Newton Morall, Starton, Norton near Malton, Sutton, Kyrkby in Crendaillythe, Dugleyby, Multhorpe, Thoreby, Westlutton, Estlutton, Knapton, Lybston, Homonbye, Fowthorpfyld, Brygh[a]m, Rowston, Swathorpe, Ruddeston, Denton, Great Gom[er]sall, Little Gom[er]sall, Brystall, Byrkynshawe, Feresyngall, and Heyton in Bradforth Dayle, also a third part of all the aforesaid manors, &c., into three parts divided.
John Bydwell Godfrey Fuliambe, esq., and Margaret his wife The moiety of the manor of Hutton Slath, and of 100 messuages and 2 mills with lands there and in Howton, Morthyng,Rotheram, Brampton, Mekysburge, Laghton, Thyrcroft, Swenton, Brokhowse, Howton vnde Hagh and Carhowse.
Jo Garbray Marmaduke Wythes and Elizabeth his wife 6 messuages and 4 cottages with lands in Beuerley.
Nicholas Sayvell Robert Myrfyn and Ann his wife Messuage with lands in Westhaghe and Kesburghe.
Thomas Raynerd and Elizabeth his wife Robert Watton and Katherine his wife Messuage, &c, in Beuerley.
Alexander Guye Marmaduke Wythes and Elizabeth his wife Messuage, &c, in Beuerley.
James Waterhouse William Turton and Agnes his wife Messuage with lands and a third part of a messuage in Lokewood, Penyston, and Ealonde in the parish of Penyston.
Nicholas Sayvell Edmond Elestones and Margaret his wife Messuage with lands in Eland.
Thomas Hayber Lawrence Towneley, gent, and Elena his wife 5 messuages with lands in Estmarton and Westmarton.
Thomas Hayber Stephen Tempest, esq., and Ann his wife 15 messuages, &c, in Skypton, Estmarton, and Westmarton.
Richard Pavor Richard Richardson and Alice his wife A third part of the manor of Brame, and of 4 messuages with lands in Brame, Spofforth, Ou[er]dbufurth, Netherdbufurth, and Grafton.
Robert Causfeld and Robert Fletcher John Myddelton 2 messuages and a watermill with lands in Hebbelthwat and Myrehowse in the parish of Sedebar.
Thomas Wentworth, esq. Thomas Swyfte de Twynneslawe Messuage, "un. opello vocat. shope" with lands in Tynneslawe, Brynsford, and Rotheram.
William Davell, gent. William Fayrfax, esq., and George Shay, Chaplain Messuage with land in Cookwold.
Hugh More Christopher Homes and Margaret his wife 3 messuages with lands and a close, called Long Home, in Oxynhope.
George Crede and Richard Brayton William Rommysden and Johanna his wife, and Thomas Sayvell de Ecclisley and Cecilia his wife 14 messuages with lands in Welburne.
Richard Cholmeley, kt. Edmond Wright, esq., and Frances his wife The site of the priory of Grandmonte als. Gromonte, with 12 messuages, a fulling mill, watermill and lands in the forest, called Egton Woode, and the moor called Kympston Rygg and Bursco in Egton and Gromonte.
William Hewett Brian Sandford and Isabel his wife 11 messuages and a cottage with lands in Herthill and Woodhall.
Thomas Gryce and Henry Gryce Edmond Skyers, and Elizabeth his wife Messuage with lands in Sandall near Wakefeld, Walton, and Mylnethorp.
Ralph Rokeby and Dorothia his wife Robert Roos, esq., and Dorothia his wife Manor of Montgrace and 3 messuages and a watermill with lands there.
Thomas Solyngesby, esq., and Francis Solyngesby, gent. Richard Malthowse and Elizabeth his wife Manor of Brydforth and a messuage with lands in Brydeforth, Heton, and Screvyn.
William Hewett Nicholas Keton, gent. 3 mesuages with lands in the parish of Herthill.
Isabel Hargraves, widow Lawrence Townely, gent., and Elena his wife Messuage with lands in Oxynhope.
Thomas Pope, kt., and Robert Curson Robert Roos, esq., and Dorothea his wife A fifth part of the manors of Burton Constable, Hunton, Gareston, Hunthanke, and Clyston, and of 200 messuages and 20 cottages with lands there.
Robert Jenkynson and Elena his wife Robert Watton and Katherine his wife 2 messuages, &c, in Beuerley.
William Rommysden Thomas Sayvell de Eclysley, gent., and Cecilia his wife 7 messuages with lands in Almanbury.
Robert Swyft, junr., esq, and Richard Fenton Henry Savell de Lupsett, gent. 4 messuages with lands in Sheffeld, Hamesworth, Gatesfeld, Wodhouse, and Bresterd.
Thomas Pymme and Richard Gaywodd John Cotes, kt., and Lucia his wife, and Robert Mellyssh and Elizabeth his wife Manor of Nethershytlyngton als. Netherton, and 20 messuages and 10 cottages with lands in the same.
Richard Pavor Richard Richardson and Alice his wife A third part of 10 messuages and 8 cottages with lands in Barroby, Keyrbyoverblawys, Lynton, Collyngh[a]m, Follyfayte, Aykton, Brame and Spofforth, which Thomas Ricard and Mary his wife and Richard Yorke and Johanna his wife hold during the lives of Mary and Johanna.
William Dancer William Balderstone and Alice his wife Messuage with lands in Pathorne.
Alice Watton Robert Watton and Katherine his wife Messuage, &c, in Beuerley.
* John Palmer and Robert Fletcher Alice Mooke, widow, David Gyttyns and Alice his wife, and John Margetson and Johanna his wife 3 messuages, &c., in the city of York.
John Palmer and Robert Fletcher Alice Mooke, wid., David Gyttyns and Alice his wife, and John Margetson and Johanna his wife 5 messuages and 3 cottages with lands in Fowkerthorp.
Richard Hall John Helweys de Wylsyke and Katherine his wife Messuage, &c, in Doncaster.
William Jackson Edward Helvys and Felicia his wife 3 messuages, &c, in Wakefeld.
Alexander Stockdale Christopher Mayne 7 cottages with lands in Beverley.
Thomas Clyff John Waterhouse de Sourbybryg and Isabel his wife Messuage with lands in Skyrcote and a watercourse, called Harwodwell Sprynge in Skyrcott.
Alexander Stockdale Henry Askewith and Cecilia his wife A capital messuage with lands in Molsecroft and Beverley.
George Lockwoode and Thomas Waterhouse William Fayrfax, kt. 2 messuages with lands in Grysbroke, Kynbertworth and Copleys.
John Fossart and Katherine his wife James Morley 4 messuages and a cottage with lands in Morley, Wystow, and Gilderson.
Cutbert Marshall Gilbert Legh, esq., and Dorathea his wife 2 messuages with lands in Kylwyke Percy near Poklyngton.
William Fayrefax, kt., George Shaye, clerk, and John Ardyngton Francis Laugton Messuage with lands in Grymeston and free fishing in the water of the Wharfe in Grymston.
Richard Fletcher and William Byerd Robert Clayton and Elizabeth his wife 5 messuages with lands in Carcroft, Skellowe, Adweke, Warmesworth, and Butterbuske.
William Jenkynson John Ferror and Isabel his wife 2 messuages with lands in Myggeley.
Edward Sladen William Myggeley de Myggeley, son and heir of John Myggeley de Yatehouse Messuage called Mythome with lands in Myggeley.
Thomas Leedys Francis Laugton 2 cottages with lands in Northmylford.
Richard Grenewod William Fairfax, kt. Messuage with lands in Gresbroke and Moreley.
Stephen Holforde and Elenora his wife John Gresham, esq., and Frances his wife 24 messuages with lands in Thorneton, Farmondby, and Ellerborne.
Anthony Hamonde Francis Laughton The moiety of the manor of Kyrby upon Wharff, of a market there, of lands in Grymston, of rents in Kyrby and Grymston, and of free fishing in the water of the Wharff.
Etheldra Hungate, wid. Robert Kellet, gent., and Margaret his wife Messuage with lands in North Dalton.
John Brandesby, clerk Roger Tocootys de Tocootys, esq., and Margaret his wife 2 messuages with lands in Pokethorpe, Kyllon, Nafferton, and Skerne.
William Lawson William Davell de Cokewold Messuage and 6 cottages with lands in Raskell.
Christopher Danby. kt. George Darcy, kt., and Dorathea his wife Manor of Costerdaill and 2 messuages with lands in Costerdaill and Mash[a]m.
John Wylkynson Richard Golburne Messuage with lands in Goldthorp and Bolton upon Derne.
Henry Sayvill Thomas Sayvell de Ekyslaye, gent., and Cecilia his wife, and John Wylkynson, gent. Messuage, called Sonnybanke with lands in Gretland and Eland.
William Huett Brian Sandford Manor of Thorpe Salvyn als. Ragnall and lands in the same, also the advowson of Thorpe Salvin church and of the chantry there.
Arthur Darcy kt. William Hothom Manor of Potternewton and 2 messuages with lands in Potternewton and Ledes.
Thomas Hardy Richard Cholmeley, kt., and Margaret his wife 6 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in Weton, West Elley, Woferton, Rowthe, Hessylk, and Tranby, and free fishing in the water, called Swellcoute, and Rowthe.
John Garbray Richard Cholmeley, kt., and Margaret his wife Messuage and 6 cottages with land in Beuerley.
Thomas Oldefeld de Roobuke George Craven and Elizabeth his wife Messuage, called Willu[..] Rode with lands in Miggeley.


  • 1. This term was obtained from the De Banco Rolls.
  • 2. This fine may have been entered on the roll for the previous term. I failed to find it, it is, however, indexed.