Extracts from the records: 1660

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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'Extracts from the records: 1660', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1881), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp434-457 [accessed 14 November 2024].

'Extracts from the records: 1660', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1881), British History Online, accessed November 14, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp434-457.

"Extracts from the records: 1660". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1881), , British History Online. Web. 14 November 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp434-457.

In this section

7 January 1660.


Hendrie Glen, maister of Hutchesounes Hospitall, is warrandit heirby to wrytt to Pearth for ane plaisterer there to com heir for plaistering of the said hospitall.

11 January 1660.


Intimatioune was made that the excys was yit conteinowed to be payit as formerlie fra the last day of December last bypast to the first day of March nixt, and therfor it is concludit be the saids magistrats and counsell that the compts of the malt that was given out of the mylnes fra the said last day of December last to the eight day of January instant be brought in to the clarks chamber, and the monye that should have bein payit for that weik to be delayed for ane tyme, but ordaines the collectors at the mylnes to collect and receave in the haill excys of malt grund at the saids mylnes fra Moonday morning last to Saturnday at evin next as formerlie, and therafter accordingly during the tyme of the act of parliament.

21 January 1660.

Foot mantle.

The deane of gild and deacon conveinar made report that they had sightit the tounes foott mantle, conforme to the ordour. Therafter it is concludit that the samyne should ly still with John Millar, tailyeour, wher it now is; and ordaines the maister of work to caus mak ane meikle buist or litle kist for keeping therof, be sight and advyce of the said deane of gild.

Commissioner to Edinburgh.

[Bailie Campbell chosen commissioner to the particular convention of burghs at Edinburgh on the last Tuesday of January.]

Gray and Jape.

It is concludit that Alexander M'Kinnie pay out of the monyes he is awand for the excys of acquavytie, to Adame Gray, for his supplie and his sex childerin, twentie four punds, and to James Jape, hat maker, to helpe him and his thrie bairnes againe to Holland, twelfe punds Scotis, for friething the toune of their burdin heirafter; and the twelfe punds is ordained to be given to Frederik Hammilton to be given to the said James at his away goeing.

4 February 1660.

Old mylne of Partick.; Walk mylne and manufactorie.

The deane of gild made report that he and the deacon conveinar, conforme to the counsellis ordours, had made search and tryell of the worth of the old mylne of Partick to the toune, in respect of the great dewtie the toune payes therfor yearly; and, having tryed almost the haill former taksmen of the mylnes, they find that the haill malt broune in Partick and Goveane is scars worth ane furlot moulter per weik, but that the said mylne was werie stedable to the toune in tyme of ane drouth and frost. As also, they made report that the weavers wer willing to tak the hous of manufactorie for seavine years, for thriescoir punds per annum; and that the litsters wer willing to tak the walk mylne for ane hundreth punds Scotis, per annum, the said space, and they to be bund to keep it the said space of seavine years, but the toune to be frie to remove them at ony tyme they intend to mak ane vther wse they pleas of the said mylne.

Anent the vacant place of the ministry.

The provest and the deane of gild ar heirby commissionat to meit with any wther twa of the ministry or sessioune to conclud anent the filling of the vacant place of the ministrie within this burght and giveing of ane call to ane sext minister.

Gilespie, Wter Hie Kirk.

In answer to the desyre given in be Mr. Patrik Gilespic anent ane sait to the colledge in the Wter Hie Kirk, it is resolved that when the facultie sall requyre the samyne that ane answer sall be given therto.

Lyme to be provydit with sand, skellit bell.

Recommends to Baillie Colquhoune and the maister of work to caus provyd for ten chalder of lymme for the wse of the Hie Kirk, and the deane of gild to provyd for sand fra Cardrois. And recomends also to the said deane of gild to caus cast of new the skellit bell.

Nicoll, weiklie intelligence.

Recommends to the provest and bailleis what sall be given to John Nicoll for giving of weiklie intelligence this long tyme bygaine.

7 February 1660.

Warrands, commissioner.

[Bailie Campbell, commissioner to the convention, reported his diligence in Edinburgh, and the treasurer was ordained to have warrants for £30 sterling "deburst to the burroues agent as ane pairt of the tounes pairt of the commissioners charges who ar chosen to goe to London," and for £100 Scots "deburst lykwayes to the said James Campbell for his charges, debursments and hors hyre."]

18 February 1660.

Walk mylne.

It is concludit that the walkmylne be sett to the litsters conforme to the deane of gilds report.


Report made be the deane of gild and deacon conveinar anent the libertie grantit be them to Johne Bomanno for outputting of ane stair on the eist syd of his candlehous was allowed and aprovine, and it is rememberit that the said Johne hes payit thairfoir fyftine pund quhilk is to be imployed wpone ane calsay to be built or layd betwixt the Grammer Schoole Wynd and the heid of the tounes rigs, quherwpon the candle houssis ar buildit; and it is concludit that non geat libertie to put out the lyk staires there quhill they give satisfactioune to the toune therfoir.

To plant tries about the Grein.

Recommends to Baillie Campbell and the deane of gild to caus plant some tries about the Grein, and to consider wpone the overtour made be Williame Cunyng anent the cutting of ane trie in the Hie Kirk yaird, and he to plant twelfe therefor elswhere.

Commissioners to meit with the facultie.

Commissionats Baillie Colquhoune, the deane of gild, Johne Walkinshaw and Mr. Archibald Grahame, to meit with such as ar commissionat from the facultie of the college, and to conferre with them anent what is best to be done for rectifeing of the present debait betwixt the toune and Mr. Gilespic anent the bibliothicar, and to report theranent the nixt meiting.


In answer to the supplicatioune given in be Jonet Younger, craveand libertie for setting downe tries at her dwelling hous in Briggait, for drying of her litted clothe, grants the samyne to her, but the deane of gild and his bretherine ar to designe the bounds.

2 March 1660.


Forsuameikle as Baillie Colquhoune and the deane of gild did mak report that they now and divers tymes of befor had spokine with Thomas Lockhart, apothecar, and wthers of the chirurgianes, anent the electing of the said Thomas deacon of their calling, contrair the tenour of the letter of deaconheid laitlie grantit be the toune to that calling, and that conforme to the counselles ordour given be them thairanent, and that so far as the said baillie and deane of gild could gather of them, the said Thomas Lockhart and theis adhearand with him seimes altogither to slight and viliefie the forsaid gift grantit be the toune to that calling and to adheare to their old right; and now the saids magistrats and counsell taking to their consideratioune the great regrait made be sundrie of the chirurgianes in this burgh that the said Thomas Lockheart, now pretendit deacon of that calling, was not laufullie choysen, he being ane apothecar but not ane chirurgiane, and so contrair to that lait letter of deaconheid grantit be the toune to that calling, and how that some of them, for better effectuating of their sinistruous ends, had vitiat and interlyned their book most vnjustlie, and how that the said Thomas after warning compeared in counsell and being interrogat anent the vitiating of their said book, he grantit the same, quherwpon he was requyred to produce ane act sett doune by the calling warranding the vitiating and interlyning of the said book befor the samyne was done, with certificatioune if he failyied the magistrats and counsel wold declair his place to be vacking; as also the said magistrats and counsell, considering that divers dayes and dyetis wer grantit to the said Thomas for that effect, and after long tyme and patience had theranent be the saids magistrats and counsell, declaratioune was made that their was no such act, and how that then the saids magistrats and counsell had declared the said Thomas his place to be vacant, yit they being verie tender therintill and how that after many advysments they had requyred the said Thomas Lockheart yit to exhibit and produce the haill wryts and papers their calling had anent the electioune of their deacon, befor the said Baillie Colquhoune and deane of gild, to the effect they might mak their report theranent; and the said James Colquhoune, baillie, and James Barnes, deane of gild, having made their report theranent as saidis, and how that they had gottin no satisfactioune according to the counsellis demand, the saids magistrats and counsellis therfor, after so great paines and tyme spent and the counsellis lang forbearance in that mater, and no satisfactioune given be the said Thomas and his complices, doe heirby declair the aforsaid Thomas Lockhart, as pretendit deacone of the said calling, to be vacant, in respect he was not laufullie choysen conforme to the said letter of deaconheid grantit be the toune to that calling, and does heirby liberat and mak frie the bretherin of that calling fra giveing to him any obedience as becometh ane deacon in tyme coming, and appoynts the baillies and deane of gild to intemat the samyne to him.


After sundrie conferences had with the members of the colledge anent the bibleothecar, it is now resolvit and concludit wpon be the saids magistrats and counsell that they will stand and adhear to the last agriement with the colledge sett doune theranent.

Overtours anent the planting of ane vacant place in the ministerie and ane sext minister.

Report being made be the provest and deane of gild anent their meiting with theis appoyntit be the ministers and sessioune anent the filling of vmquhill Mr. George Young his place in the ministerie, and anent ane sext minister, and after all overtours sett doune and made of befoir war all red and considered, the counsell resolves to stand and adheare vnto theis overtours and non wthers, viz.:—First, that the sessioune sall give ane present call to Mr. James Fergusoune for supplieing the vacant place in the wast quarter congregatioune, and that all vtmost endeavours be performed and effectuated by them for his transportatioune and planting in that place. Secundlie, that this being effectuated and brought to pas, the magistrats and counsell sall obleis them and their successoures in office to secure ane stipend, equall to the stipend of ony of the ministers alreddie planted, and for ane sext congregatioune newlie to be erectit. Thridly, that this congregatioune sall be planted be Mr. Johne Livingstoune, or ony wther godlie and faithfull gospell preacher whom the sessioune of Glasgow sall call for that effect, and that this congregatioune sall be modelled out of the present fyve, as that minister with the concurance of the rest of the ministers and magistrats sall think most convenient. Fourthlie, that this stipend and plantatioune of ane sext congregatioune sall not be ane ty and obligatioune wpon the magistrats and counsell of Glasgow and their successours to perpetuat the same, and that the ministers and sessioune sall not infer ane perpetuatioune therof, if the decay of people and manefast povertie be cleirly evidenced by the magistrats and counsell of Glasgow for the tyme being heirafter.

Provest to ryd to Morgan.

It is concluded that the provest ryd to Major Generall Morgan and to tak with him whomsoever he pleases.

19 March 1660.

Banck anent the doyts.

The counsell being informed that the toune and cuntry is lyk to be abused be the frequent inbringing and passing of French doyts, quhilks ar alredie dischearged be the lawes of the natioune, ordaines therfor ane bank to be sent throw the toune with touk of drum for inhibiting and discharging of all persones quhatsomever from inbringing and passing of all sort of such bais copper coyne but such as is allowed be the lawes of the natioune and coyned within the samyne, and that wnder the paines conteaned in the lawes and actis sett doune theranent, and that they sall be haldin and bund to mak wp all skaith and los any people quhatsomever sall susteane throw their defaults.

Report provest.

The provest made report anent his last diligence in Edinburgh with Generall Majour Morgane, and producit ane letter direct to the toune for furnishing of coal and candle to the guards, and ordaines his and James Hammiltounes charges who was with him to be payit.

Youngs relict.

The desyre made be the relict of the deceast Mr. George Young, minister, with hir waik and sad conditioune, was recommendit be the haill counsell to the provest and baillies, and therafter it was concludit be them all that the sowme awand be Johne Thomesoune, restand of excys monye be his band, sall be bestowed wpon hir, and appoynts the provest and baillies to sie the samyne made effectual to hir.

26 March 1660.

Anent the manufactory and walkmylne.

It is concluded and condeschendit vnto that the manufactory be sett to the weavers, and the walkmylne to the litsters, on the condition that the deane of gild and deacon conveinar hes agried with them theranent, and recommends to them yit to doe quhat is farder to be done therintill.

Anent Mr. James Fergusoune, minister.

The saids magistrats and counsell, taking to their consideratioune how that the sessioune hes hitherto slighted the toun anent the calling of Mr. James Fergusoune, now minister at Kilwinning, for the filling of wmquhill Mr. George Youngs place, so that now the toune of Edinburgh is seeking him, and therby hes not acceptit of the offer made be the saids magistrats and counsell, conforme to their act of counsell made wpon the xxiiij day of September last bypast, and hes therby (by all appeirance) made that mater ineffectual, the saids provest, bailleis and counsell, therfor, doe heirby reschind, cas and annull their foirsaid act of counsall of the dait abovewryttin and all their offers made therintill, and yit they heirby declare that they adheare to their last act sett doune theranent wpon the secund day of March instant.

30 March 1660.

Anent Fergusoune, minister.

Forsuameikle as it hes bein the earnest requeist and desyre of the saids magistratis and counsell to have Mr. James Fergusoune, now minister at Kilwinning, to be transportit from thence and placed within this burgh, as ane of the ordinar actwall ministers therof, to serve the cuir in the Laigh Kirk of the samyne, in Trongait, now vacant throw the deceas of Mr. George Young, minister thairat; and to the effect that the sessioune with tham might give ane joynt call for that end, and that the ministers and sessioune effectuating the samyne, the saids magistrats and counsell, be their act of the dait the secund day of March instant, condeschendit that the saids ministers and sessioune getting the said Mr. James transportit and heir placed, in maner as said is, to setle ane sext minister with ane sext congregatioune, and to pay that sext minister als much steipand as to ony wther of their ordinar ministers, or as they made payment to the said deceast Mr. George Young, alwayes wpon the conditiounes conteined in the said act of counsell of the dait forsaid; and now seing that, after much travell and paines had, the sessioune hes, be their act of the dait the said penult of March instant, condeschendit to call the said Mr. James Fergusoune to the afoirsaid vacant place of ministrie within this burgh last occupyed be the said deceast Mr. George Young; therfor, how soone the saids ministers and sessioune of this burgh sall performe and obteane the said Mr. James transportit fra his present charge and setled heir in the forsaid vacant place last occupyed be the said deceast Mr. George Young, the saids provest, baillies and counsell, doe heirby bind and obleis them and their successoures not only to secuir the said sext minister in ane sufficient stipend, according to the rest of the ordinar ministers, out of the first and reddiest of there teynds not made vse of wtherwayes, and in what theis sall not be sufficient to mak wp the said steipand, in maner as said is, to pay the remander therof be the thesaurers of this burgh out of their commoune good, so that the stipand forsaid to be payit to the said sext minister may be made equivalent to the stipends of their said ordinar ministers, but also binds and obleissis tham and their successours in office that (the said Mr. James being once heir setled amongs ws) they sall goe furthwith cheirfullie alongs in calling in of Mr. Johne Livingstoune, now minister at (blank), and failyieing of him, ony wther able and godlie man, agrieable to the Church of Scotland whom the said sessioune sall pitch to be the said sext minister; provyding alwayes that, seing the saids magistrats and counsell payes the stipend to the said sext minister so to be placed, that they and their successours sall have power to present to the said sext ministers place quhensoever that place sall vaik, and that this thair present concessioune to the said sext minister sall not be ane perpetuatioune therof if the decay of people and povertie of the burgh be cleirly evidenced by the magistrats and counsell for the tyme; and, least it be objected that this present act should be reschindit and annulled heirafter, the saids magistrats and counsell doe heirby declaire that the sessioune, getting the said Mr. James Fergusoune transported and satled heir in maner as said is, it sall be nowayes leasome to tham nor thair successours at ony tyme heirafter to, ony maner of way, alter, change, innovat or mak null this present act, but that the samyne sall stand wnalterable in all tyme coming, reserving quhat is above reserved; and if the said Mr. James Fergusoune be not reallie placed heir as said is then this act is to be null and of non availl as if it had never bein made.


In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be Peter Clark, tailyeour, he is electit and chosyn to have the charge of the kyes of the Vter Hie Kirk, of the saits therin and quhat belonges thairto.

21 April 1660.

Tries lent to the merchand hospitall.

It is condeschendit vnto that the toune sall lend for the wse of the Merchand Hospitall such tries as may be spared and is lying in the Hie Kirk, the measour, lenth and breadth, being takin, and the collector of thair hospitall obleisand himselfe and his successours for the delyvery thairof to the toune of the same quantity, lenth and bread, or then to pryce thairof at the lyk pryces the tries payes now.

Weavers, litsters, tackis subscryvet.

There was subscryvet the contracts made betwixt the toune and the weavers and litsters anent the tounes setting to them of the manufactorie and walkmill.

30 April 1660.

Letter to Argyll.

Ordaines the clark to wryt ane letter to Argyll, in name of the saids magistrats and counsell, showing his lordschip that seeing he is awand them above seavin yeares annualrent of twentie fyve thousand marks, and that his commissioners ar only willing to pay one year thairof, and desyres not only ane discharge of that year but ane continowatioune of the principall sowme, quhilk was never at no tyme of befor requyred, that they could not with ane saiff conscience grant the same, but wer willing to accept of ane yeares annualrent and give ane discharge accordingly, and with all to show his lordschip that if lawes wer patent they wer bund in conscience to seek in theis sowmes with the bygaine annualrents for the weill of their ministers and poor, for whois guid theis saids sowmes ar mortified.


The provest, baillies and counsell forsaid, taking to their consideratioune that forsuameikle as in the contract sett doune betwixt them and the deacon of weavers and his maisters of craft, anent their setting to them of their hous or manufactorie and wthers belonging thairto therin mentionat, it is provydit therby that it should not be leasome to them to sett the said hous or manufactorie and wthers forsaid to any persone or persones, without the speciall advyce and consent of the saids magistratis and counsell first had and obteaned therto, quhilk the saids weavers alledges to be contrair the commouning; as also seeing it is ther earnest requeist and desyre that their removeall fra the said hous or manufactorie, yaird and wthers forsaid, shall not be quhill the terme of Witsonday in the last year of the said tack, as being the ordinar tyme for flitting of tennents fra lands, conforme to the wse of burgh, altho they be obleist to remove at Maij day at the ish of the said tack; and the saids magistratis and counsell being most willing to give them satisfactioune in both of theis particulares, it is therfor heirby declared that (notwithstanding of the forsaid claus conteaned in the said contract anent the setting of the said hous or manufactorie, yaird and wthers forsaid belonging therto) it sall be leasome to the said deacon of weavers, maisteres of craft, and their successores in office to sett the samyne in haill or in pairt to any persone or persones who sall not prove prejudiciall to any of the trads within the said burgh; and in ansuer to their desyre anent their removing fra the saids lands at the ish of the said tack, the saids deacone of weavers, maisters of craft, and thair tennents, removeing themselfes fra the forsaid yaird at Candlemes presislie the last year of thair tak, and fra the houssis at Witsonday therafter the said year, they sall be fred of thair obleisment anent thair removing therfra at Maij day the samyne year as is conteaned in the samyne contract.

5 May 1660.

Mr. James Fergusoune, minister.

Their being producit a paper conteaning ane act sett doune be the sessioune for giving now ane call to Mr. James Fergusoune, minister at Kilwinning, after the same was red and considered be the saids magistrats and counsell, it was declared be them that they doe cordiallie and vnanimously joyne with the sessioune therintill, and the counsell recommendis to the magistrats to mack choyse of any of their number they please to goe alongs with theis appoyntit be the sessioune to ryd wast for giving of the said call, and to choys twa of the parishoners also to ryd with them for that effect.

15 May 1660.

Commissioun, King, minister, burrowes.

The magestrats and counsell, taking to their consideratioune that sundrie things may occur at ane instant anent the proclamatioune emittit be the parliament of England in proclaiming his Majestie their laufull King, as also anent the call appoyntit to be given to Mr. James Fergusoune, and that the counsell cannot be conveined at all necessarie occasiounes for giveing their best advyce and judgment therintill, the counsell therfor, in consideratioune therof, doe recommend the care of all theis things to the provest, baillies, deane of gild and deacon conveinar, to doe therin in all things as they sall think most fitting for the guid and credit of the toune, as also anent the chusing of ane commissioner to the meiting of the burrowes against the twentie nyne of this instant.

19 May 1660.

Colquhoune, baillie, and Allane to Wrwine.

Appoynts Baillie Colquhoune and Thomas Allane to ryd to Wrwine to attend the presbetry there anent the call given to Mr. James Fergusoune.

Recommendatioune anent Nicoll and Roe.

Recommends to the magistrats to send east to John Nicoll and William Roe quhat they think convenient for directing heir the newes and the diurnalles, and that the samyne be sent east with John Walkinshaw the tounes commissioner to the burrowes.

26 May 1660.

Fergusoune, minister.

Baillie Colquhoune and Thomas Allane ar yit appoyntit to attend the presbetry at Wrwine nixt, anent the call given to Mr. James Fergusoune, and the provest is also appoyntit to goe with them at that tyme if he can conveniently win.

Instructiounes, conventioune.

The provest having drawine wp certane instructiounes to be given to the commissioner who goes east to attend the nixt enshewing conventioune of burrowes, according to the counselles former ordour given theranent, quhilks instructiounes did conteane reasones for recalling of the commissioune given to William Thomesoune, clark of Edinburgh, as also anent the taking of the excys; quhilk being red war allowed and approvine and the clark ordained to subscryve them.

Warrand, twa poor merchands.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of threttie shillings starling deburst be him according to the magistratis ordours to twa poor merchands in Divilling who had their schip and guidis cast away.

Campbell, commissioner.

Johne Walkinshaw, who was formerlie choysen to attend the nixt meiting of the burrowes, having declaired that he could not conveniently win, for many reasonable caussis knowne to the magistratis and counsell, they did of new againe elect James Campbell, baillie, to be commissioner for that effect, and appoyntis the clark to subscryve and seall ane commissioune to him with the former instructione drawine wp quhilk should have beine formerlie given to the said John Walkinshaw.

Anent adres to his Majestie.; Warrand, Walkinshaw.

It was vnanimously concludit and agried wpon that ane addres and supplicatioune should be made to the Kings most excellent Majestie, in name of this burgh, and the provest having red some instructiounes alreddie scrolled and drawne wp be him, they wer allowed and approvine in counsell; and what lettres and wther papers quhatsomever ar to be drawne wp theranent, as also the electioune of the persone who sall mak the addres in the tounes name to his Majestie, is all referrit to the provest himselfe, and he is appoyntit to be soll actour therintill; and quhatever papers ar sent wp the clark is to have ane double therof to keep for the tounes vse; and ordaines Johne Walkinshaw to pay out of the monyes he receaves fra the collectors at the mylne twentie pundis starling to be imployed about that busines and to deburse for the exchange therof in gold.

Bryce, coalheughs, Gorballis.

The forsaids provest, baillies and counsell of the said burgh, being conveined, and Patrick Bryce, their taksman of their coalhewghs in Gorballes, having informed them that severall tymes, throw scarsitie of water, he cannot gett his coalles loaded at the Broomelaw, for the quhilk caus he hes bein necessitat to crave licence of the right worshipfull Sir George Maxwell of Nather Pollok, knight, to lead his coalles fra the saids heughes throw the said Sir George his land for loading of them neir to Meikle Goveane (whilk is no commoune way;) and now the said Sir George refuisis to grant that former licence and libertie, fearing theis who occupyes the saids heughes may clame right therto heirafter be vertew of that licence and tollerance grantit be the said Sir George to the aforsaid Patrick; quhilk being weill weighted and considered be the saids provest, bailleis and counsell, they doe heirby declair that what licence and libertie the said Sir George hes formerlie grantit to the said Patrick Bryce for leiding of his coalles throw his lands as said is was of his awine frie will, and that nather they, their successoures nor their taksmen of their saids heughes in Gorballes, could or should clame any right or priviledge heirafter but what the said Sir George wold grant of his awine guid will as he hes done formerly if necessity requyre the same.

Tounes quarrell.

[Agreed that "the tounes quarrell laitlie win be Johne Clark" should be set to him for fifteen years free of rent, in consideration of the expense he had incurred in opening it, "he being obleist to serve the inhabitantis with staines out of the said quarrell conforme to the qualitie, quantitie and pryces, as hes bein sett doune formerlie thairanent."]

4 June 1660.

Report, Campbell.

Baillie Campbell made his report of his diligence at the last particular conventioune of burrowes and anent the taking of the excyse, and declared that there was none at Leith for setting thereof.

Warrand, intelligence.

[Granted a warrant for £54, which was "sent east to Johne Nicoll and William Roe for wrytting and sending intelligence to the toune."]


Recommendis to the deane of gild and deacon conveinar to meit their twa houssis and to show their respective brethrin that the toune is chargit for sex moneths cess to be advanced shortlie, and that the toune will be awand to the burrowes the equivalent of twa months cess, and to advyce with them how the samyne sall be payit, becaus the toune doeth not sie or know any wther way but by stenting the inhabitantis; and to report.

Boatis, water, Dumbartane.

Recommends to James Hammiltoune to ryd to Dumbartane and to intimat and show to the captaine of the castill there the ordour brought home be Baillie Campbell for not stopping of boatis comes wp the water as formerlie.

5 June 1660.

Common good sett.

[Common good set for a year as follows:—Mills, 8,900 merks; ladles, 3,200 merks; meal market and pecks, 800 merks; tron, 920 merks; bridge, 1,680 merks; grass of St. Mungo's little kirk yard, a dollar.]

Tynd fisch.

It was concludit not to sett nor roup the tynd fisch as formerlie, in regaird of the great discuragment of theis who brings in the killing, in respect ther wes takine frome them sex of there best killing in name of tynd out of every boat, quhilk is now dischargit to be exacted heirafter, and dry killing and dry ling and all small fisches to be frie of tynd heirafter, but that ilk boat that brings in fresh killing, ling or skait, pay in name of tynd xiii s. iiii d. ilk tyme, and the herring and wthers to pay as of befor, and the water baillie to collect the same quhill farder advysment.

16 June 1660.

Craill herbrie.

In answer to the supplicatioune given in be the commissioner of the burgh of Craill, craving helpe for repairing againe of their herbrie that was brokin out throw storme, it is condeschendit that ane contributioune be gathered for that effect and to be brought in with that of Barrowstounes.

18 June 1660.

Proclamatioune anent the Kings Majesties gratious returne.

Forsuameikle as their is ane congratulatioune to be keeped this secund tyme for the happie returne of our dread Soveragne, the Kings Majestie, and restauratioune to his throne and dignitie, approves of the proclamatioune drawine wp by the clark for that effect for onputting of baill fyres and wsing the remanent solemnities requisit in the lyk, and ordaines twa hodgheitis of wyne to be provydit for the wse of the sojouris now in toune; and the deane of gild, Frederik Hammiltoune, Robert Rae and Johne Barnes, to provyd all wther things necessar for the said solemnitie.

25 June 1660.

Commissioune to the tounes agent.

Appoynts the clark to subscryve ane commissioune to be sent to the tounes agent now at court, giveing him power to act all things there in relatioune to this burgh, conforme to the instructiounes sent to him for that effect.


It is condeschendit to and agried that the maister of wark pay the post ten shillings starling in recompens of all bygane service dew to him be the toune, and to pay him twelfe shillings Scotis weiklie therafter for carieing of the tounes letters.

6 July 1660.

Assessour, Grahame.

The provest did nominat Mr. Archibald Graham to be his assessour in the general conventioune of burrowes enshewing, quherwnto the counsell did condeschend.

Fair of Glasgow.

The fair of Glasgow being to be proclamed, and Sir George Maxwell desyring to joyne with the magistratis and counsell for that effect, and he having producit the commissioune he hes of the Duck of Lennox friendis, quhilk being red in presens of the haill counsell, and finding nothing therintill any wayes relaiting to the burgh of Glasgow, the saids magistratis and counsell did wnanimouslie condeschend not to awine the said Sir George therintill, but to goe on and proclame their fair, as of befor, in the Kings name, the Dukis name, and the magistratis name.

30 July 1660.

Report, excys.

[Report made that the excise had been taken for this quarter for £500 sterling.]

13 August 1660.

Warrand, Laigh Kirk.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Mr. Johne Andersoune his twentie pundis that was dew to be payit to him at Lambes last for ane yeir preceiding for his taking wp of the psalmes in the Laigh Kirk.

M'Kinnie, anent the examining the people in the wast quarter.

Ane desyre being preferrit be the ministers of this burgh, to the magistratis and counsell therof, desyring that ane young man might be made choys off to examine the people dwelling within this burgh in the wast quarter, and that for the better furthering of the celebratioune of the Lords Supper, quhilk hes bein now so long a tyme delayed, and that ther may be somthing payit to the said young man sua to be choysen out of the vacand stipend for his paines; and Mr. Hugh Blair, ane of the ordinar ministers of this burgh, in name of the rest, having presentit ane lytt, conteaning twa persones, to the saidis magistratis and counsell, to the effect they might chuse one of them for the effect abovewryttin, they did mak choys of Mr. Norman M'Kinnie, sone laufull to Alexander M'Kinnie, merchand, burges of this burgh, to examine the people in the said wast quarter; and they will tak his paines into consideratioune.

Warrand, conventiounes.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of fyve pundis starling deburst be him to George Scheyne, servitour to the burrowes clark, for wrytting of some actis of the burrowes to the toune, of thrie generall conventiounes and nyn particular; and appoyntis their commissioners to caus extract and bring home the samyne yearlie heirafter and pay the said George yearlie for his paines conforme as of befor.

Corss, mathematics.

In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be James Corss, mathematician, shewing that he was borne within this burgh and educat therintill, and having studied the knouledge of the mathematicks and obteined ane competent knouledge therin and wther sciences therto belonging, being naturallie adictit therto from his infancie, and that he resolves to tak wp ane schoole heir for teaching of theis artes and sciences in the vulgar native tongue, quhilk hes not bein done formerlie in this kingdome for want of incuragmentis therto, and the tyes of birth and educatioune pressis him to mak the first proposelles therof to this his native toune, the saids provest, baillies and counsell, therfor, having weill weighted and considered the said supplicatioune, they heirby grant licence and libertie to the said James Corss to tak wp ane schoole within this burgh for teaching of the mathematickis therintill, conforme to the tenour of his petitioune, and promissis heirby to grant to him their best incuragmentis for that effect.

31 August 1660.

Provest to the committee of estaitis.

There was ane letter producit showing that the provest was nominat be the Kings Majestie himselfe to be one of the committee of estaitis. The remanent magistratis and counsell therfor appointis him to ryd east to attend their meiting with the first conveniences; and for this effect appointis John Ker to advance to him twentie pundis starling out of the monyes he receavit fra the collectours at the mylnes for the defraying of his charges to ane compt.

6 September 1660.

Cumlachie calsay.

Recommendis to the deane of gild and maister of wark to sight the calsay that gois to Cumlachie, and to caus mend the twa meikle holes that is said to be brokin therin.

20 September 1660.


Baillie Pollok made report that he had gottin in from James Porter the thrie great bybilles belongs to the kirkes and that they wer now lying in the clarks chamber, quhilk diligence of his was allowed and approvin be the counsell.

Act, burrowes, bearing sundrie to be incapable to bear office within burgh.

There was producit ane act of burrowes, daitit the fyftine day of this instant, conteaning therin ingrossit ane coppie of ane letter directit from the chancellour to the said meiting of burrowes anent the electing of the office bearers within ilk burgh, and be quhilk act it is ordained that in the inshewing election of magistratis, counsellours, and all wther office bearers within burgh, that no persone or persones who contryved or subscryvet the remonstrance or associatiounes, or concured in the prosecutioune of ony cours for promoving the ends therof, or protested against any publict judicatories their determinatioune, or ony wtherwayes disaffected to his Majesties government, or indeavoured by factioune or seditioune to the disturbance of his Majesties peace, or desertit any charge of his Majesties armies, without ony laufull warrand, that non such be admittit to any place of magistracy, counsell, or ony office of deaconrie within any burgh; and ordaining also the said act to be speidilie communicat to ilk burgh that non pretend ignorance therof, and ilk burgh to mak their report therof at the nixt conventioune of burrowes. And the saids magistratis and counsell conveined, after dew consideratioune had therof, thought it most fitting and convenient that all dew obedience be given to the said act; and becaus the electioune of the deacones of craftis within this burgh is to be shortlie, it is therfor earnestlie recommendit be the counsell to the thrie baillies to meit and tak ane list of the haill severall deacones of trads and wther maisters of craft within the said burgh, and to send for such of the craftis men as they think best to be informed be, and to lay asyd out of every craft all persones they conceave to fall wnder the compas of the said act, that non of them nather be votted or have electioune in the respective trads for the electing of ony office bearer in the samyne.

2 October 1660.

Report, Bell.

John Bell, provest, made report that conforme to ane memorandum given him to speik with the Laird of Lockerbie and the Earle of Hartfeild servant anent their tynd tak dewtie awand to the toune, that he had spokin to them both theranent and had promised to give him satisfactioun shortlie; and that he had delt with the Committee of Estaitis anent the payment of the expenssis the toune had deburst in apprehending of Mr. Patrik Gilespie and Mr. Simpson, and had obteaned ane warrand for payment therof but that it could not be now presently gottin payit quhill some fyn fall into the committees hands.

Election of provost.

Being the first Tuesday after Michaelmas, and so the ordinarie day for electing of the magistrates of this burgh for the year enshewing, there was producit ane letter direct from the right noble the Earle of Glencairne, now heigh chancellour of Scotland, wherin his lordschip desyres that, to the effect the toune may shaw their wonted affectioune to his Majesties service, theis magistratis that wer most wnjustlie thrust from their places in anno 1648 may be made wse of as magistratis for the year enshewing; and it being votted quhither obedience should be given to the said letter or not, it was condeschendit that obedience should be given therto; and wnderstanding that Coline Campbell, elder, was then provest the forsaid year 1648, and that Johne Andersoune, elder, vmquhill James Trane, and William Neilsoune, war the thrie baillies then with him, and wer all thrust from their charge, the saidis magistratis and counsell did send for the above named Coline Campbell and shew him the said letter and their willingnes to give obedience therto; and wnderstanding that the said Johne Andersoune was provest sen syne and so could not beir office as ane baillie for the year enshewing, and that the said James Trane was depairted this lyfe, they sent also thrie of their number to the abovenamed Williame Neilsoune and requyred him to be pleased to com to receave his charge, to wit, to bear office as ane baillie for the year enshewing, who declared he was now com to ane great age and was become so waik and infirme in bodie that he was nowayes able now for that charge, and entreatit earuestlie that he wold be excused, quhilk was sufficiently knoune to be trew be the saids magistrats and counsell; and the said Coline Campbell, elder, being com to the saids magistrats and counsell (after sending for him as said is) declared his loathsomnes to receave the said charge in respect of his age, yit was persuadit therto be the earnest requeist of all theis present. And for their better keeping of commoune wse and ordour observit in the electioune of the provest, as formerlie, the said Coline was lyttit with the rest of the merchand rank, and Johne Bell, now present provost, being layd asyd as having borne office theis twa yeares bygaine, and the said Coline with the rest of the merchand rank being divydit in thrie lytis, to the effect that thrie persones might be choysen out therof to be presentit at the Castill of Glasgow to the Duk of Lennox his grace, or his commissioner, to the effect that ane of them might be named to bear office as provest of the said burgh for the year enshewing, out of the quhilks thrie lytis theis thrie persones wer choysen, viz., the said Coline Campbell, elder, James Campbell and James Pollok, merchands, twa of the last baillies; and the said lytt being sent wp to the said castill with James Colquboune, baillie, John Walkinshaw, Frederik Hammiltoune and William Yair, their commoune clerk deput, to have bein presentit to the Duk of Lennox his grace, or his commissioner, to the effect forsaid, and they having come to the said castill yett and finding it closit, after thrie knockis given be the said James Colquhoune and no opening made nor answer given, nather be the Duk of Lennox nor his commissioner, nor be no wthers in their names, the said James Colquhoun, ane of the present baillies, for himselfe and in name of the rest of the magistratis and counsell, askit instrumentis therwpon in the hands of the said William Yair, notar publict, and therafter the saids persones returned againe to the counselhous quhair the remanent of the saids magistratis and counsell wer sitting, and after report made be them that nather the said Duk of Lennox nor his commissioner wer at the said castill for receaving of the said lytt, to the effect above wryttin, then the saidis magistratis and counsell be vertew of the power grantit to them be the act of parliament (the saids thrie persones above named being removed) did vott quhilk of the saidis thrie persones should beir office as provest for the year enshewing, and therafter, be pluralitie of votis, the said Coline Campbell, elder, was choysen to be provest of this burgh for the year enshewing, who being present did accept and gave his oath as wse is.


[The new elected provost, and the late provost and his three bailies, chose John Walkinshaw and James Barnes, merchants, and John Ker, craftsman, to be bailies for the year to come.]

5 October 1660.


[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be councillors.]

6 October 1660.

Commodities from the Heilands.

Recommends to the provest and baillies to consider on the supplicatiounes given in be severall of the inhabitantis anent the commodities brought to this burgh from the Heilandis be water.


The forsaids provest, baillies and counsell of the said burgh, being conveined, and forsuameikle as be act of the right honorabill the committee of estaitis, daitit at Edinburgh the threttin day of September last, the magistrats of the said burgh of Glasgow ar therby warrandit to call for George Porterfeild, somtyme provest therof, and all wther persones heavers of ane contributioune was gathered within the samyne wnder the name of charitie for the distressed protestantis in Polland, Bohemia, and was not given accordinglie, and to receave from them the samyne to be imployed for pius wses, as the said burgh should think fitt; and now seeing the said George hes reallie delyverit the sowme of four scoir seavintine pundis ten shillinges, in reddie monye, and hes also subscryvit ane assignatioune in favours of the magistrats and their successores in office, conteaning the sowm of four scoir pundis starling that was borrowit as a pairt of the said contributioune be Johne Grahame, merchand, burges of this burgh, and is payable wpon demand, conforme to his tickit grantit therwpon, and in and to the annualrent obleist to be payit for the said four scoir punds starling during the not payment therof, and is delyvered all to James Barnis, now ane of the present baillies, who is appoyntit to receave the same, therfor the saidis provest, baillies and counsell, does by thir presentes exoner and simpliciter discharge the said George Porterfeild of the said contributioune.

10 October 1660.


[Office-bearers elected as follows:—Frederick Hammiltoune, dean of guild; Manasses Lyll, deacon-convener; Ninian Anderson, visitor of maltmen; John Moodie, treasurer; John M'Kewne, water bailie; Henry Craig, master of work; John Barnes and Thomas Gilkersoune, bailies of Gorbals (the latter being chosen from the leet presented by the feuars).]

20 October 1660.

Pulpit and kirk to be pewed.

Be pluralitie of votis, it is condeschendit that the pulpit in the Laigh Kirk be made, and that the wast end of the said kirk be pewed in ane comelie and decent forme as wther kirkis abrod, and that with the best conveniencie.


Appoynts the provest, baillies, with the deane of gild, deacon conveiner, and such as they pleas to tak with them to meit with some of the college to resolve anent their demandis.

Anent the divisioune of ane contribution.

Anent the contributioune was gottin in from George Porterfeild, be warrand of the committee of estaitis, it is concludit that sex hundreth markis therof be given to Borrowstounes and four hundreth markis to the burgh of Craill, in satisfactioune of the helpe and supplie they wer seeking of the toune, and the rest therof to be laid by for the wse of the colledge.

Tallow and candle.

[Ordained that tallow be sold not dearer than 46s. Scots the stone, and well made candle than 54s. the stone.]

Scottis schoolis.

Recommends to the baillies to tak wp the names of all persones, men or weomen, who keepes Scotis schooles within the toune, by quhat warrand, and to report the nixt meiting.


In answer to the supplicatioune given in be William Cockburne, goldsmith in Edinburgh, desyring libertie of the magistratis and counsell to com to this burgh and setle himselfe ther for exerceising of his calling, the saidis magistratis and counsell did grant the samyne and to com and mak his residence therin for exerceising of his calling and to enjoy his friedome during there will and pleasour.

23 October 1660.

Warrand, Rae.

It is condeschendit that seing Collonell Clarks regiment, now lying in toune, is to remove presentlie, and that there ar manye debtis awand be them to the inhabitantis, and the magistratis and counsell being most willing to helpe them therto, that ane hundreth poundes starling be advanced to them out of the excys monye for that effect wpon thair band, and ordaines ane warrand to be given to Robert Rae for that effect.


Be pluralitie of votis, it is agried wnto and condeschendit that ane thousand punds Scotis be given to the college to helpe to put on the roof on the foir wark they are building, theis who wer appoyntit to treat with them anent the bibleothecar having first receavit satisfactioune theranent.


[James Pollok reported that he had, on behalf of the town, taken the excise for eleven weeks (blank) days for payment of £300 sterling.]

27 October 1660.

Pollok to Edinburgh.

Appoyntis James Pollok to goe east to Edinburgh and to receave fra the officiares of Collonell Clarkis regiment and to uplift fra them the haill monye he can get that is awand be the severall companies to the inhabitantis, conforme to the severall comptis to be sent east with him for that effect, and grantis him heirby full power and commissioune to subscryve to them sufficient discharges wpon recept therof, als amplie as if the magistratis war ther present themselfes to grant the samyne, and what monyes he receaves he is heirby warrandit to committ the same in the hands of William Mitchell, merchand in Edinburgh, for the tounes wse quhill they have to doe to pay ther debtis there.


Ordaines ane bank to be sent throw the toune to charge the inhabitants to pay quhat monyes they ar awand for assistance since the threttin of September last bypast to theis havand right therto, and not to suffer the magistratis to be trubled therwith, wtherwayes to pay the double.


In answer to the supplicatioune given in be Peter Clark, bedell in the Vter Hie Kirk, it is statut and ordained that he get his full pairt of the nixt Yuill waiges with the rest of the wther thrie bedelles, and that William Bogill, his predicessour, get no pairt therof nor yit goe in ther company the tyme of the seeking in and collecting of the samyne.


Appoyntis the magistratis, with James Colquhoune, William and Gabriell Cumyngs, Robert Rae, Androw Moodie and William Boyd, to meit and divyd the toune in eight pairtis, and to give in such names as out of everie quarter they think such persones convenient for setting of the watch, and it is heirby concludit that ane watch be keepit nightlie, seing the regiment is removed, and to begine the same night.

10 November 1660.

Tallow and candle.

[On the supplication of the fleshers, the council advanced the price of rough tallow from 46s. to 48s. the stone, and candle from 54s. to 56s. the stone.]

Adame and Frissall.

In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be James Adame, grantis him licence to tak wp ane schoole in this burgh, provyding he tak it wp in the Saltmercat; and grantis licence to James Frissall to tak wp ane wther.

Supplicatioune, deane of gild in name of the merchands anent the hospitall.

In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be Frederik Hammiltoune, deane of gild, for himselfe and in name of the rest of the merchand rank, shewing that they being of lait at the hearing of the compt of the merchand hospitall, and finding that ane guid pairt of the stok of the said hospitall hes bein waired out in the building therof, and that the voluntar contributioun gathered throw the merchands hes not ansuered according to the expectatioune therof, and now the steiple of the said hospitall is to be raised, quhilk will prove far moir profitable to the toune than to the hospitall, and to lett it ly as it does now, being brought to such ane height as it is, it will be a shame and disgrace both to the toune and hospitall; quhilk being at lenth considered be the saids magistratis and counsell, they declared themselfes all most willing for the helpe and advancement of the said work, but considering the tounes burdin they did all condeschend and agrie that what is restand in John Kers awine hand of his last excyse compt, and what is restand in Robert Andersounes hand of his last compt he made of the excyse, as also what glenings can be gottin belonging to the toune as quhat is restand undeburst of the buket monye and the hous in Evandaill, should be all takin in and applyed for advancement of the said work, but wpon this conditioune that when the craftis sall have to doe therafter for the building of their hospitall they may have the lyk favour conferred on them.


Recommends to the bailleis to setle with the post.

17 November 1660.

Jamesoune, drummer.

Johne Jamesoune, younger, is readmittit conjunct drummer with his father as it was of befor.

Tyndis, indigent people.

Ordaines the monye that was gottin fra theis who had the tak of ther tyndis subscryvet, be takin and given to the magistratis to be distribut be them to honest and indigent people in the toune as they sall think most convenient, according to their rank and degrie.

1 December 1660.

Wrytis sent to Edinburgh.

Appoyntis such of the tounes eldest wryts, with the tounes last great signatour, be sent east with Johne Bell, the tounes commissioner to the nixt enshewing parliament, with what farder wrytis he thinks fitting, and ane inventar to be made therof.

Commissioner to Lanerk.

Recommends to the magistratis to mak choys of ane commissioner to be sent to Lanerk anent the choysing of the commissioner of the shyre, and the clark to subscryve his commissioune accordinglie.

24 December 1660.

Douglas benished.

It being fund that (blank) Douglas was formerlie appoyntit to remove himselfe aff the toune, quhilk he hes not obayed as yit, and is brunt on the cheik and is knowne to be ane idle vagabound without ony laufull calling, he is therfor heirby ordained to remove aff the toune and all his, and that within ten dayes, and not to returne therto heirafter, wnder the paine of scurging him throw the toune and benishing of this burgh.

Warrand, mathematician, correspondent.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ane hundreth markis Scottis, deburst be him to James Cors, mathematician, for his better incurragment and helpe; and for ten dollors deburst be him to Baillie Walkinshaw to be given to the man in Edinburgh who keeps correspondance with the toune.

Bell, anent his ryding in parliament.

Johne Bell, the tounes commissioner to the enshewing parliament, having showine that there was somthing agitat, be his procurment, befor the burrowes anent this burghs ranking and place in ryding at the said parliament, and that he being desyred to submitt the mater to the burrowes, answered that he had no such commissioune, and therfor was desyred to com afterwards sufficientlie instructit theranent; and after consideratioune had therof be the saids magistratis and counsell, they did remitt that mater to the said Johne Bell himselfe, and to theis of this burgh should happin to be with him at Edinburgh, at the ryding of the said parliament, being confident they will doe their best therintill for the guid and credit of this burgh.