Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 19

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 19', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 19', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 19". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 19

366. Walter de Pavely.
Writ to the sheriff of Wilts, 3 July, 40 Hen. III. Extent (undated).
Reginald de Pavely, knt., his son, is his heir and of full age.
Wilts. Westburi manor, with its appurtenances, viz.—Broc, Heneddingehull, Stokes and Lolledon (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee; 2 carucates land (extent given), held of William de Pluggenet, of his mother's marriage, without service; 2 virgates land of the prior of Fernlegh by service of 10s. yearly; 20a. arable, 10a. pasture, 3a. meadow and 17s. rent of assize, held of William Burnel by service of 10s.; and a messuage, &c. held of William Morin without service.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (1.)
367. Peter de Rossa, parson of Rewenhale.
Writ (missing). Inq. Wednesday after St. Andrew, 40 Hen. III. He died on Ascension day, 39 Hen. III.
Essex; Hertford. The said Peter 3 years before his death demised to the Master of the Knights of the Temple in England the manor of Rewenhale (co. Essex) for six years for 22l. yearly, whereof the said Master gave him 66l. in hand for 3 years. On Saturday before the Ascension, 39 Hen. III. came Brother William del Estre, preceptor of Kersing and Wyham, and other brethren by the will of the Master and returned the said manor to the said Peter, who gave them about 100a. land in the said manor in frank almoign; and the same day he granted by charter to Robert de Scales (his nephew) the manor of Rewenhale, and to Alice wife of the said Robert the manor of Newesel (co. Hertford); and on the Sunday following took their homage after making them swear to find a chaplain for ever to celebrate for his soul, and that if he should recover the said Robert would give him his manor of Hoo in co. Norfolk for life, and the said Alice would give him the manor of Hecelingfeld in co. Cambridge for life; and he commanded his servants, who on Monday following put the said Robert in seisin of Rewenhal manor, and on Tuesday the said Alice of Newesel manor; and so she remained until Friday in Whitsun week when the escheators ejected her. The said Peter was of good memory always until his death, and a little before his death assumed the dress of the Templars.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (2.)
368. Geoffrey d'Aveneye alias Avene.
Mandate &c. with transcript of Writ, 26 June, 40 Hen. III. Inq. Sunday after All Saints.
John, his son, is his heir, and of full age.
Suffolk. Wanford town, 60a. land, a messuage and 31s. 2¾d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of ¼ knight's fee, and 12d. to Dover Castle; and 30a. held of the earl of Cornwall by service of 20d.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (3.)
369. William Hervit alias Hervey.
Mandate &c. with transcript of writ, 9 Jan. 40 Hen. III. Extent (undated and defaced).
[Suffolk.] Boxsted (extent given), ... honour of Langastr'? by ½ knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (4.)
370. Thomas de Dunelm.
Writ to the sheriff of Huntingdon, 1 Jan. 40 Hen. III. Inq. (missing.)
C. Hen. III. File 19. (5.)
371. John de Munemuth alias de Munemue.
Writ to the sheriff of Wilts, 12 April, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Lady Albretha de Boterell' alias de Botereaus, aged more than 60, and Lady Joan de Nevil alias de Novilla, aged more than 40, are his heirs.
Wilts. Langeford and Grimstede towns, 3 carucates land held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight.
Writ to the sheriff of Dorset, 12 April, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Dorset. Pidele Bardolfeston town, ⅓ knight's fee held of Sir Alfred de Lincoln by service of ⅓ knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (6.)
372. Ernisius de Nevill.
Writ to the sheriff of Wilts, 14 Sept. Inq. The vigil of St. Matthew, 41 Hen. III. Gilbert, his son, aged 27, is his heir.
Wilts. Durinton town, 2 carucates held of king in chief by service of 1 knight.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (7.)
373. Jordan le Franckeleyn.
Writ to Stephen Fromund, bailiff of the king's hundred of Dunhameneye, 10 July, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Richard, son of Richard his son, aged 16 at the feast of St. Michael, 41 Hen. III, is his heir.
[Gloucester?] (Unspecified) 3 virgates land held of the king in chief by 10s. rent; and ½ virgate held of Jordan de la Wike by 1d. rent.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (8.)
374. Richard Heyraz of Alwardeburi alias de Herez, de Heyrez, de Heraz.
Writ to the sheriff of Wilts and the bailiff of Clarendon, 7 May, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Ralph, his son, aged 22, is his heir.
Wilts. [Alwardeburi ?] 1 virgate land held of the king in chief by service of 2s. yearly; and 2a. land and 3a. meadow held of the fee of Alice le Frensse, Robert Thurstayn and Peter de Jeneyeie.
Wilts. Inq. (undated and defaced.)
Alwarburi, 1 virgate land held of the king in chief by service of keeping a pack of harriers at the king's cost ... and his pack horse and groom; also ... of meadow in the same town, and 1 little croft of the fee of James de Putton in the same town, and 1a.? ... in the same town.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (9.)
375. Robert Tayleboys alias Taleboys.
Writ to the sheriff of Northumberland, 18 Oct. 41 Hen. III. Inq. held at Hephal Tuesday after St. Martin, 42 Hen. III.
Robert, his son, is his heir, and of full age.
Northumberland. (Unspecified) 1 knight's fee held of the king, of which Margery late his wife is dowered by the command of the queen, who now has the wardship of the lands by reason of certain debts which the said Robert owed in jewry (in judeismo).
C. Hen. III. File 19. (10.)
376. Richard de Caterhale alias de Caterale, de Katerale.
Writ to the sheriff of Lancaster, 8 Aug. 41 Hen. III. Inq. Monday the vigil of St. Edmund, 43 (sic). Hen. III.
Ralph, his son, is his heir, and of full age.
Lancaster. Gasenarch, 3 bovates land held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
Caterale, 5½ bovates and ⅓ bovate held of the heirs of William de Lanc(aster) by knight's service.
Hawath and Threlefal, 40a. held of the Hospitalers, service unspecified.
Writtington, 4 bovates held of John de Kirkeby by knight's service.
Lancaster. Inq. Monday before St. Gregory, 42 Hen. III.
Gosenhar' town (as above) held by 4s. 7 frac34;d. rent and suit at the county and wapentake (courts).
Kateral town, 51 bovates held as above.
Houwat and Threlefal (as above), held by service of 5s. yearly.
Wyrihtint' town, 2½ and 1/6 bovates held (as above). (See No. 847.)
C. Hen. III. File 19. (11.)
377. Robert de Barevill.
Writ, 1 June, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Joan, aged 6½, and Alice, aged 5, his daughters, are his heirs.
Lincoln. Barthon, 17 bovates land held of the king in chief by service of 1 sore sparrowhawk. (See Nos. 527, 570 and 666.)
C. Hen. III. File 19. (12.)
378. John de Lessinton alias de Laxinton, de Lexinton.
Writ to the sheriff of Northampton, 16 Jan. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Sir Henry de Lessinton, alias de Laxinton, de Lexenton, bishop of Lincoln, age variously stated as 40 and 60 and more, is his heir.
Northampton. Bifeld and Warcwrth, 18s. rent held of William Lingespeye rendering 3 barbed arrows yearly; 20s. rent of Ralph Giffard; 2 virgates land of William Constantin by service of 2d.; 1 virgate of the prior of Ware rendering 3s.; ½ virgate of Ralph Giffard, which Ralph had of Elias the clerk of Wardon, to whom the prior of Esseby delivered it for his life.
Apiltre and Aston, 20l. land held of Thomas ... doing scutage.
Writ to the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, 16 Jan. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Nottingham. Tukesford manor with Warsope hamlet, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Lessinton, land held of Sir Adam de Everingham by service of ½ knight's fee.
Knesale, a culture with a wood called Herteshorn, held of Sir Edmund de Lascy for one sore sparrowhawk or 2s. yearly.
Marnham, ¼ knight's fee held of Richard de Weston for 1lb. pepper yearly.
Scrathawe, 60a. land held of Lady Maud de Luvetot for homage only.
Scheghawe, 60a. held of Sir John de Eyville for homage only.
Egrum manor, held of Sir John de Gatesdene by service of 2 knights' fees.
Kelum, 8 bovates held of Peter son of Peter de Kelum by service of ½ knight's fee.
[Derby.] The Peak (Pecko), land held of the king by service of 1 pair of gilt spurs, or 6d. to the keeper of the Castle of the Peak.
Writ to the sheriff of Oxford, 17 Jan. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Oxford. Hornle, 10 hides land of the fee of Braundon, held of John de Verddun, service unknown.
Writ to the sheriff of Essex, 17 Jan. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Essex. Theyden ad montem manor, held of Sir Robert de Brywes by service of 2 knights' fees. (See No. 402.)
C. Hen. III. File 19. (13.)
379. Otto alias Ottho son of William.
Writ to the sheriff of Essex, 6 June, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Essex. Belchamp (Bello campo), 1½ carucate land held of the king in chief of the fee of the honour of Boulogne by service of ½ knight's fee.
Gestingthorp and Gosfeud, 2 carucates land held of the earl of Gloucester in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (14.)
380. Roger the Tailor (Scissor, Cissor).
Writ to the sheriff of Nottingham, 29 Sept. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Nottingham. Kingeshagh manor was held of the king for life by 100s. yearly, and is the king's escheat through the death of the said Roger.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (15.)
381. John de Blendeck alias de Blendec.
Writ to William de Appelford keeper of the honour of Boulogne in co. Essex, 4 Feb. 41 Hen. III. (Inq. undated.)
Henry, his son, aged 36, is his heir.
Essex. Redeswell town, 80a.arable, 4a. meadow, and 11s. 6d. rent.
Westmerseia town, 65a. land, 5a. meadow, and 10s. 6d. rent.
All held of the king in chief of the said honour by service of 1 knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (16.)
382. Alice, late the wife of Philip de Beverington.
Writ, 20 Jan. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Walter, her son, aged 22, is her heir.
[Sussex.] (Unspecified), 14a. and 1 rood arable, and 9s. rent, held of the king in chief by service of scutage, hidage, castle guard (custodia castri), and sheriff's aid, pertaining to ½ of ⅓ knight's fee; and 3a. pasture held of the fee of Horshy rendering 12d. yearly to the lord of the fee.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (17.)
383. William Fukeram alias Fokeram.
Writ to the sheriff of Gloucester, 29 May, 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
His two daughters, aged 12 and 9, are his heirs.
Gloucester. Sturidone town, ½ carucate and 1 virgate land held of the king in chief in socage by service of 15s. 8d. yearly; and ½ carucate and 1 virgate held of Richard Fokeram his brother in socage by service of 12s. yearly.
Henton, ½ knight's fee held of Sir Ralph Russel by knight's service.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (18.)
384. John Baudet.
Writ, 17 Feb. 41 Hen. III. Extent (undated.)
Elias, his son, aged 18, is his heir.
Southampton. (Unspecified) 1 hide land (extent given) held of the king in chief by rendering 100 barbed arrows yearly.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (19.)
385. Thomas de Hodreshale alias de Hudereshale.
Writ, 1 Feb. 41 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Robert, his son, is his heir, and of full age.
Lancaster. Hudereshale town, 2 bovates land held of the king 'in theynagium' paying 5s. yearly.
Alston, 1½ bovate land held of Richard de Alston in chief by knight's service.
C. Hen. III. File 19. (20.)