Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 31

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 31', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 31', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 31". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 31

586. Hugh de Ver, Earl of Oxford.
Writ (missing).
Robert, his son, age variously stated as 22 and more, 23, and 23½, is his heir.
Middlesex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Kensenton manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, and it pertains to the barony of being chamberlain. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord. The abbot of Abindon, has the church to his own uses.
Buckingham. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Medmeham manor (extent given), held of the king in chief of the honour of Bolebek, service unspecified. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord. The abbot of Medmeham has the church to his own uses.
Buckingham. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Cestresham manor (extent given), held of the king in chief of the said honour, service unspecified. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord. The abbots of Leicester and Wobbur' have the church to their own uses.
[Kent?] Extent (undated.)
Flete manor (extent given), held of the heir of Folkestan, and by him of the archbishop of Canterbury, service unspecified.
Oxford. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Crowemers manor (extent given), held of the honour of Gyffard pertaining to Whychirch, and it pertains to the Marshalsea. The nuns of Garing have the church to their own uses.
Cambridge. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Caump manor and advowson (extent given), including 88a. newly acquired in Frakenho, 9s. 3d. rent of the fee of Sir Richard de Munfichet, from which he renders 3s. 2½d. to Henry de Henechach and Walter son of Samson, 52s. 5¾d. yearly rent, newly acquired, whereof part is of the honour of Richemund, and 23s. newly acquired in Hemsted of the fee of Clare. The manor is held of the king in chief pertaining to his barony for which he is the king's chamberlain. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord.
Cambridge. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Abiton manor and advowson (extent given), held of the king in chief together with the manor of Caump and other lands pertaining to his barony of being the king's chamberlain.
Suffolk. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Cokefeud manor (extent given) of the fee of the abbot of St. Edmund's, tenure unspecified. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord.
Suffolk. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Preston manor (extent given), newly purchased and of the fee of the said abbot, tenure unspecified. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Hengham Castr' manor (extent given), with 12s. rent of the borough, the advowson of the priory, which has the church to its own uses, and a hamlet called Tillebyri with the advowson (extent given), held of the king in chief by being his chamberlain.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Ramese manor (extent given) of the fee of Walter, son of Robert, for which he paid 10s. for the guard of Baynard for 24 weeks.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Kaneveles (?) manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, pertaining to his barony of being the king's chamberlain. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord. The prior of Hethfeld has the church to his own uses.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Bumsted manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, service unspecified. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord. The prior of Hatfeld has the church to his own uses.
Stepelbumsted. 100a. arable, 4a. meadow, pasture, 5a. wood, 21s. 6d. rent, &c. newly acquired, held of the honour of Boulogne of Robert de Merk for ½ knight's fee. The lady of the place has ⅓ in dower, and the earl ought to maintain the heir as one of his household (de libera familia sua) to the age of 20 years, or to render 40s. yearly for 15 years, and give him 4 marks yearly for the remaining 5 years, and 100s. when he shall come to full age, if he shall wish to retain the land.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Benetly manor and advowson (extent given); the manor pertains to the barony, as Culn' and Hengham do, of being the king's chamberlain.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Coln manor (extent given) held of the king in chief, as other manors are, in barony by being the king's chamberlain. The prior of Coln has the church to his own uses.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Gelham manor (extent given) held of the king in chief rendering yearly at the exchequer 10l. fee farm; and besides he paid 6 soams of wheat and 6 of barley worth 48s. in ordinary years, to Otto son of William, for life, for 80a. arable newly acquired. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord.
Essex. Extent made 48 Hen. III.
Duddinghurst manor and advowson (extent given), tenure unspecified. Tallage at the lord's will from the customers.
Essex. Extent made 48 Hen. III.
Dunham manor and advowson (extent given), tenure unspecified.
The customers ought to be taxed at the will of the lord.
Essex. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Messing manor (extent given), of the fee of Roger de Messing, and the earl had it in exchange for the land of Beauchamp, which he held of the king in chief. There are 3 customers who can be taxed at the will of the lord.
Buckingham. Extent made after Christmas, 48 Hen. III.
Whytchurche manor and advowson (extent given), with 40s. rent of the borough, held of the honour of Gyffard, pertaining to the Marshalsea, and it is the head of 18 fees which the earl held of the heirs of the Marshal. The villeins can be taxed at the will of the lord.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (1.)
587. Roger de Quency, Earl of Winchester.
Writ (missing).
He died on the day of St. Mark the Evangelist. Henry de Lascy, aged 14 on the day of the Epiphany next, is his heir.
York. Extent, Tuesday the morrow of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 48 Hen. III.
Elmesale alias Elmesse manor (extent given), tenure unspecified. The reeve of the manor has received the rents and perquisites since the earl's death.
Bedford. Extent, Saturday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 48 Hen. III.
Styventon alias Steventon manor (extent given), tenure unspecified, The reeves have received the rents and perquisites since the earl's death.
Joan, wife of Sir Humphrey de Boum the younger, of full age, and Hawis, within age, daughters of the late Robert de Quency, are the next heirs.
Bedford. Inq. Tuesday before St. Denis, 48 Hen. III.
Robert de Quency a little before his death granted the manor of Styventon by charter to the said Earl Roger and the heirs male of his body, with condition that if he should die without such heirs the manor should revert to the said Robert or his heirs. The heirs of the said Robert are his daughters, the abovesaid Joan aged 19, and Hawis aged 14. From the earl's death the manor was in the hands of Margaret de Lascy countess of Lincoln, and Sir Humphrey de Boun the younger, until it was taken into the king's hands on Saturday after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, by the king's last command.
Northampton. Inq. Wednesday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 48 Hen. III.
Wadenho manor and advowson (extent given), tenure unspecified. The reeve has received the rents and perquisites of the manor from the day of St. Mark the Evangelist in Easter week.
Nottingham. Extent, Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist 48 Hen. III.
Kneshall manor (extent given with names of tenants), with the wapentakes of Alcherton, Plumtre and Risley, 2 bovates land held of Kneshall church, land in the field of Kirneshall, and an assart called Griffes, tenure unspecified. The reeve has received the rents and perquisites from the death of the earl, viz. the day of St. Mark in Easter week.
Endorsed:—Knights' fees:—Thomas son of William holds 8 fees of the earldom? (de com') of Nottingham, viz.:—5 fees ... Nottingham and 3 beyond Done? viz.:—in Bathele, Musham, Kereseford? Weston, Norhampton, ... eby, Cotum, Marnham, Reseleye, Lyntepol, Hartworht, and Plumptre.
Writ, 7 Oct. 48 Hen. III. Inq. The day of St. Edward the Confessor, 49 Hen. III.
[York.] Elmesale manor (extent given); there are no knights' fees or advowsons; the earl held the manor for life in exchange for the manors of Kypes and Scales, and Alice de Lascy received the Whitsuntide rent, viz.—32s., and the manor is in the custody of the reeve until the king shall otherwise command. (See Nos. 732 and 776.)
C. Hen. III. File 31. (2.)
588. Roger de Tony alias de Thony.
Writ of extent to James Freysel, 18 June, 48 Hen. III.
Wales. Extent, St. Vincent's day, 49 Hen. III.
Painscastle (Castrum Matildis), with the honour (extent given), held of the king of England in chief by knight's service. And whereas 52 knights' fees in England and Wales are held of the honour of Colwent pertaining to the said castle, as is said, the jury say that they know that many fees were held of the said Roger, but who held them they know not.
Devon. Extent, Thursday the eve of St. Peter ad Vincula, 48 Hen. III.
Sutauton manor and advowson (extent given with names of tenants) held of the king in chief, service unknown; including 50s. rent from William le Pruz who owes relief when it happens, 12l. 5s. 6d. land held by Richard de Poltimor by service of 1/40 knight's fee, owing relief and wardship, 100s. land held by Henry de Horton by similar service, 10l. 13s. land held by William de Moun in free marriage with Juliana de Vernun, rents at Sele, ⅓ of the issues of the market of Nortauton, and perquisities, &c. in the township of Sele.
Norfolk. Extent, Monday before St. Margaret, 48 Hen. III.
Neketon manor (full extent given with names of fields and tenants), held of the king in chief by knight's service.
Neketon, Little Franesham and Little Kersingham, the patronage of the churches.
Westacre, the patronage of the priory.
Godewik. 1 carucate land held by the prior of Westacre, rendering 15s. yearly to the lord of Neketon, and suit of court, and 2s. yearly rent of the stewardship (annui redditus de senescaucia).
Sperham. 1 carucate land with the rent and services of 30 villeins.
Bodeneye. The rent and services of 10 villeins.
Shengham. Of 2 villeins.
Dunham. Of 4 villeins.
Gutland. Of 6 villeins.
Hale. Of 2 villeins.
Franesham. Of 14 villeins.
All held by Roger de Clifford of the lord of Neketon, by service of 1/40 knight's fee.
Great Kersingham. 2s. rent for stewardship due by John le Breton for the tenement of La Strehalle.
Little Kersingham township. 14l. were received by John Hake for life of the gift of the said Roger, by the hands of Master Philip the vicar, who held the manor to farm of the said Roger until after the feast of St. Michael, 47 Hen. III, when the said Roger resumed the said 14l. rent with the manor into his own hands.
Wrotham. Divers rents, with names of tenants owing suit at the court of Neketon.
North Wrotham, held by the prior of Sutthone of the lord of Neketon, owing suit at the court of Neketon.
The warren of Wrotham is in the hands of the lord of Neketon.
[Essex.] Extent, Sunday the morrow of St. Luke the Evangelist, 48 Hen. III.
Wolcomestowe manor (full extent given with names of tenants, one of whom holds land by 1 falcon's hood, and another by 3 playing dice yearly) held of the king in chief, service unknown. The prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, hold the church to their own uses.
Hertford. Extent, ... Mary Magdalen, 48 Hen. III. (defective).
Flemstede manor with the patronage of the church and of the priory of St. Giles (full extent given with names of tenants), held of the king in chief by socage.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (3.)
589. Geoffrey de Burdeleys.
Writ, 7 May, 48 Hen. III. Inq. (undated).
John his son, aged 24 and more, is his heir.
Norfolk. (Unspecified.) 120a. land in demesne, 40s. 6d. rent of assize, 7½a. wood, 5a. meadow, and divers works and services, held by serjeanty of being Larderer.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (4.)
590. Baldwin de Boullers.
Writ, 15 Nov. Inq. Friday the feast of St. Clement, 48 Hen. III.
Wilts. Poulton manor was never the king's ancient demesne, but was his escheat because the said Baldwin, who held it of the king in chief, died having no heir or next of kin who ought to have it.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (5.)
591. Richard Luvel alias Lowel, Lovel.
Writ, 3 Oct. Inq. Saturday the day of St. Luke the Evangelist, 48 Hen. III.
Hugh Lowel, his brother, is his heir, and of full age.
Somerset. Kari Lowel barony, tenure unspecified, whereof Lady Eva Lovel is dowered of ⅓ part and more.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (6.)
592. Nicholas de Bonevill.
Mandate from the king's escheator to the escheator of co. Somerset, reciting writ (undated). Inq. Wednesday before St. Ambrose, 48 Hen. III.
William de Bonevil, knt. is his heir, and of full age.
Somerset. Sock manor, lands, &c., to the value of 10l. yearly held of the king in chief by service of ¼ fee, and the residue of the manor held of Robert de Bello Campo by service of 2 fees of Mortain.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (7.)
593. John de Crioll.
Writ (missing). Inq. Friday after the Purification, 48 Hen. III.
Bertram, his son, aged 27, is his heir.
Kent. Seten manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of finding one leash of greyhounds at the king's summons once a year as long as a pair of fewterer's shoes shall last.
Nitherhardres manor (extent given) held of Sir Roger de Leybourne in chief by service of one sparrowhawk (nisi) yearly or 2s.
Esmeresfeud manor (extent given) held of the heirs of John son of Bernard, by service of ½ knight's fee.
Everland manor (extent given) held of the archbishop of Canterbury in chief by service of ½ knight's fee.
Boyton manor (extent given) held of the archbishop in chief, service unspecified.
Waterchine manor (extent given) held of the archbishop in chief, service unspecified.
Welles manor (extent given) held, of the inheritance of his wife, of the king in chief of the honour of Perches, service unspecified.
Neweham manor (extent given) held of Robert Biset in chief, viz.—a free tenement, by service of ¼ knight's fee, rendering yearly 9s. 11d.; and the residue of the manor held in socage of the priory of Rochester in chief, rendering 12s. 6d. yearly.
Freyenestede parish. 2 marks rent held of Sir F. Peyforer.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (8.)
594. Agatha, late the wife of Hugh le Waleys.
Writ, 22 Jan., 49 Hen. III. Inq. (undated).
John le Wales her son, aged 30 and more, is her heir.
[Sussex.] Mydloventon. 4 virgates land held of the king in chief by service of 1 mark yearly.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (9.)
595. Robert de Borham.
Writ, 19 Sept. 49 Hen. III. Inq. The eve of St. Martin, 50 Hen. III.
Philip, his son, aged 23, is his heir.
[Essex.] Borham and Little Badewe manors, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (10.)
596. William de Gaugy.
Writ, 26 Sept. Inq. Thursday after St. Francis, 49 Hen. III.
Richard Laundry, his sister's son, aged 40 and more, is his heir.
[Leicester.] Garthorp manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
[Leicester.] Wymundeham. 30a. land held of divers men by divers services unspecified.
Leicester. Inq. (undated). Same as the above.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (11.)
597. Joan Bruer alias Bruyre.
Mandate &c. reciting writ, dated 16 Jan. Inq. Sunday after the Purification, 49 Hen. III.
[Somerset.] What the Lady Joan Bruyre held in fee she gave away before her death, but she held Odecumbe, Yle and Mulverton in dower. The jury know of no other true heirs of the manors of Odecumbe and Yle unless the Bretts (Brettos) who had been lords of Hececumbe, which manors were alienated from the just heirs through the power of Sir William Bruyre the elder.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (12.)
598. Lyanus de Maunouers alias de Maunvers.
Writ, 12 Sept. 49 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Joan de Maunouers, his sister, aged 23, is his heir.
[Nottingham.] Holm town or manor with the advowson (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (13.)
599. Thomas de Nesy alias Danesy.
Mandate &c. reciting writ, dated 8 Jan. 49 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
Bartholomew, his son, aged 15, is his heir.
Wilts; Westbury Hundred. Dultun. 1 virgate land held of Richard Danesy for 2s. and 1lb. pepper, and 2s. 8d. for the king's serjeanty; and 1 virgate land and 6a. held of the prior of Stiventin for 9s. 4d.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (14.)
600. Adam de Gerstan.
Writ, to the sheriff of Lancaster, 29 April, 49 Hen. III. Inq. (undated).
John his son, is his heir and of full age.
Lancaster. Gerstan. 4 carucates land and a mill held of Robert de Ferr' earl of Derby in chief by service of 20s. yearly, and suit at Lancaster county (court) and Westderby wapentake.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (15.)
601. Ralph Musard.
Writ, 4 Dec. Inq. Tuesday after Christmas, 49 Hen. III.
He died the eve of the Apostles Simon and Jude last. Ralph his son, aged 30 and more, is his heir.
Derby. Staveley manor, held of the king in chief by service of 2 knights' fees, Wodesthorp. 1 carucate land held of Roger de Abbetot for 4d. yearly. Hinckreshill and Willamthorp, held of the heirs of John de Deyncurt for ¼ knight's fee.
Wytewell. 1 bovate land held of the heirs of Matthew de Hathersegge for 1 lb. pepper.
Writ, 4 Dec. 49 Hen. III.
Gloucester. Inq. and extent (undated).
Senesbyri and La Musardyr manors, held of the king in chief of the barony of Stavelegh.
Berks. Inq. Sunday before Epiphany, 49 Hen. III.
He held no lands in the county, having 2½ years before his death given what he had there, viz.—1 knight's fee, to his eldest son Ralph, to hold of the king in chief.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (16.)
602. Simon son of Michael de Bolton alias de Boulton.
Writ, 22 Jan. Inq. Saturday after the Purification, 49 Hen. III.
William, his son, aged 30 and more, is his heir.
[Lancaster.] Bolton. 2 bovates land and 1/8 of a mill held of the king in chief, by paying 5s. 10d. yearly for the land and 40d. for the mill.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (17.)
603. Richard de Harden.
Writ (missing). Inq. Tuesday after St. Clement, 49 Hen. III.
His heir, named John, was 9 years of age on St. Margaret's day, 48 Hen. III.
[Wilts.] Harden. 2½a. land and a bailiwick of the forest, held of the king by rendering 8s. yearly; and the court and 1 carucate land held of Sir Robert Punchardon by service of 40 days with the king's army in Wales, with one man and a horse, price ½ mark, with a saddle, price 2s., and a sack for armour (ad hernesium), price 12d.
Wilton ? A parcel (of land) held of Roger Loff, rendering 13d.; and a croft of William Pesemere, rendering 2s.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (18.)
604. Andrew Luterel.
Writ, 7 March, 49 Hen. III.
Geoffrey, his son, aged 30 and more, is his heir.
[Lincoln.] Inq. (undated.)
Irnam manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Tuesday in Easter week, 49 Hen. III.
Irneham manor, held of the king in chief by barony.
(No. 611 should be united to No. 604.)
C. Hen. III. File 31. (19.)
605. John de Boxstede.
Writ, 14 Sept. 49 Hen. III. Inq. (missing.)
Writ of plenius certiorari, 24 Sept. Inq. Sunday before St. Michael, 49 Hen. III.
He died in the King's fealty (ad fidem) on Monday the eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary last. Ralph, his son, aged 27, is his heir.
Essex. Boxstede. 120a. arable, 7a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 5a. wood, 6 marks rent of assize, 204 works, &c. held of the king in chief by 1 knight's fee.
Alfemeston. 30a. arable and 2a. meadow, held of the fee of Benedict the canon, by service of 4½d. to the said Benedict.
C. Hen. III. File 31. (20.)