Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 33

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 33', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 33', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 33". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 33

627. Robert de Meriton.
Writ, 12 June. Inq. Saturday after St. John the Baptist, 50 Hen. III.
Robert Dykerel, his son, aged 23 and more, is his heir.
[Oxford.] Meriton. A messuage and 2 virgates land in demesne, a messuage and ½ virgate land held by John le Neweman, rendering 2s. 6d. yearly, ½ virgate land held by William de Hereford, rendering 2s. 6d. yearly, and 5s. 6d. from a virgate held in villenage, held of the king in chief by service of ⅓ knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (1.)
628. William de Oivil alias de Eyvil, de Ovill.
Writ to the sheriff of Somerset, 1 April, 50 Hen. III. Extent (undated).
Somerset. Cnolle manor (full extent given with names of tenants) including the pasture of Holdeburi; all which lands are of the free marriage of Joan who was the said William's wife.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (2.)
629. Geoffrey de Soleny alias de Sulleny.
Writ of certiorari, 15 March, 50 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
His heirs are unknown to the jury, but he had sisters, some of whom were married in Cornwall and some in Brittany.
Somerset. Kynemeredon manor, held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee; but half a year before his death he enfeoffed Robert de Boyton and Mary his wife of the said manor and of all his land in Somerset and Cornwall, and he was of sound mind when he enfeoffed them. To whom these lands ought to descend by hereditary right is unknown to the jury, but by the feoffment they ought to pertain to the said Robert and Mary and their heirs, who peacefully held them until they were ejected by reason of the late disturbance; but afterwards by the king's writ of restitution, because the said Robert always adhered to the king's fealty, they recovered their seisin and still have it.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (3.)
630. Robert Wlcotes alias Ulcoftes.
Writ, 5 Nov. Inq. Sunday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 50 Hen. III
Simon, his son, is his heir, and of full age.
Northumberland. Naffertun. A messuage and 24a. land in demesne.
Newcastle. Two burgages.
For all which he rendered yearly to the king 1 mark.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (4.)
631. John de Mucegros.
Writ, 18 June, 50 Hen. III.
His two sisters, Alice and Agatha, are his heirs, and of full age.
Northampton. Extent, Tuesday before St. John the Baptist, 50 Hen. III.
Esthaddon. A capital messuage, 6 virgates land in demesne, 13 virgates in villenage, 15s. 6d. cottars' rent, works worth 5s., 10s. 4¼d. rents of free tenants, ½lb. pepper and ⅓ of ½lb. pepper, and 4 mills, held of the honour of Leicester. And he held 3 knights' fees of the earl of Leicester in Est Haddon, in Saham, co. Nottingham, and in Sipfeud, co. Sussex, of the small fee of Mortain.
[Cambridge.] Inq. (undated and defective.)
Hingstone. 30a. arable, 14s. 4d., 1lb. pepper, and 1lb. cummin rent, and ⅓ and 1/6 of a mill, 2a. meadow, &c., held of the king in chief by service of 1/6 knight's fee.
[Cambridge.] Extent, The day of St. (John the Baptist?), 50 Hen. III. (fragment.)
Arington ... held of the earl of Wyncestre in chief, by doing ⅓ knight's fee, and (the said earl?) held that land of the earl of Gloucester in chief by the same (service).
C. Hen. III. File 33. (5.)
632. Hugh de Polested.
Writ, 14 Dec. 50 Hen. III.
His daughters, Hawis, aged 22, Petronilla, aged 18, and Rose (Roysia, Roys), age variously stated as 14, and 15 and more, are his heirs.
Suffolk. Extent, Saturday after Ash Wednesday, 50 Hen. III.
Polstede manor and advowson (extent given), held of the honour of Releye, doing service of 4 knights' fees.
[Norfolk.] Inq. (undated.)
Burnham manor (extent given) tenure unspecified; and 40a. land with certain services held of the fee of Sir William de Grandcurt, by service of ¼ knight's fee. And there are moieties there of the advowsons of the churches of St. Margaret and All Saints. (See No. 880.)
C. Hen. III. File 33. (6.)
633. Adam de Periton alias de Perugton, de Perinton.
Writ, 24 Feb. 50 Hen. III.
Robert, son of Sir William de Kaynes alias de Kaenas, de Yenis and the said Adam's first daughter, age variously stated as 16 and 18; Isabel, late the wife of Sir Robert de Welles, another daughter, of full age; and Katherine, wife of John Paynel alias Paenell, a third daughter, of full age; are his heirs.
_ Inq. Saturday after St. Gregory ... (fragment.)
C ... manor ... (one esquire ?) armed with a hauberk ...
Cl ... town ... arable land ... wood ..
Dorset. Extent (undated).
Ramesham manor (extent given) held of Hugh de Kegghes, by rendering 10s. yearly.
Northampton. Extent, Sunday before Hockday, 50 Hen. III.
Faxton manor (extent given), with rents of the free tenants of Multon alias Moltone and Waudegrave, held of Sir John de Baillol for 4 knights' fees, and 4 marks rent.
Writ, 24 Feb. 50 Hen. III. Inq. _ 50 Hen. III.
Ellintun alias Helligtun (manor) (extent given with names of tenants), with 4½ marks rent from the town of Cresuel alias Cressewell, tenure unspecified.
Hayden town was given in free marriage with the said Adam's daughter.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (7.)
634. John de Bradeford.
Writ, 17 Nov. Inq. made at Alneuick Tuesday after St. Hilary, 50 Hen. III.
Alexander, his son, aged 19 at the feast of All Saints next, is his heir.
Northumberland. (Unspecified.) 8 bovates and 6a. arable in demesne, 2½a. meadow, 20s. herbage, 5 marks 10s. from the mill, 11 bovates servile lands, 10s. from cottars, 6d. from Spinlestan pond, &c. giving 1 mark yearly for guard at the castle of Banburi, and doing the king's foreign service.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (8.)
635. Walter de Horkeleghes alias de Horkesleg'.
Writ, 5 Aug. 50 Hen. III.
Sir Robert de Horkesleg', his son, aged 33, is his heir.
Suffolk. Extent (undated).
Wiston manor (extent given), held sometime by Sir Walter de Wiston of the king by reason of the honour of Reylee for ½ knight's fee, and Sir Robert de Hork', aged 33, is his heir.
Essex. Extent, Sunday the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 50 Hen. III.
Horkesleg' manor (extent given), held of the king by reason of the barony of Reyleg', by service of 2½ knights' fees.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (9.)
636. Roger de Merley alias de Merlay.
Writ, 4 Dec. Extent, Tuesday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 50 Hen. III.
His three daughters are his heirs, whereof the eldest, aged 24, is married to William de Graystok, the second, aged 10, is not married, and the third, aged 8, was married before the said Roger's death to the son and heir of Marmaduke de Tueng.
York. Burton manor (extent given with names of tenants), including a croft called Cumbland, a culture called Elyesflat, a mill and culture at Thyrnun, and lands or rents in the towns of Drenghou and Thyrnon, held of Peter de Brus, service unspecified.
Knights' fees pertaining to the manor:—
Harpam, Burton, Thyrnom, Mapelton, Rolleston, and Grancemor, 2⅓ knights' fees held by Herbert de Sancto Quintino.
Jetingham, Brentingham, Clif and Cave, 1 knight's fee held by Hugh Gubyon.
Burton, 5 bovates land held by the said Hugh by service of 1/20 knight's fee.
Rodestayn, Benton, and Buketon, 1 knight's fee held by William de Rodestayn.
Hasthorp, 1/6 knight's fee held by William de Hasthorp.
Thyrnom and Grancemor, 1/12 knight's fee held by Alan Romund.
Thyrnom, 1/40 knight's fee held by Anselm le Engleys; and ¼ knight's fee held by John le Engleys.
Harpham, 1/1 knight's fee held by Thomas de Louthorp. (See No. 775.)
C. Hen. III. File 33. (10.)
637. William de Plogenet.
Writ, 17 July, 50 Hen. III. Inq. The eve of All Saints, 51 Hen. III. (much defaced.)
Joice, his son and heir, died in the king's wardship after his father's death without heir of his body, and the inheritance descends to Henry his brother, aged 22.
Berks. Lamburn, ½ knight's fee held of the king. Joan, late his wife, has a third part.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (11.)
638. Adam de Novo Mercato.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the petition of William, son of William, son of Roger Sturmer alias de Storemer, 25 Jan. Inq. Wednesday before Palm Sunday, 50 Hen. III.
[Essex.] Storemer. A messuage and 50a. land, which the bailiffs of Richard king of Almain have taken into the said king's hands amongst the lands of the said Adam which the king gave him, were demised by the said William, son of Roger, to the said Adam for the sustenance of his son William, with reversion to him when of lawful age; but the said Adam never provided sustenance to the said William, who is now of full age.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (12.)
639. John le Brun.
Writ, 20 March, 50 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
John le Brun, aged 30, is his heir.
Gloucester. Elkestan manor and a fourth part of Wyneston manor, held of the king in chief for ⅓ of a barony.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (13.)
640. William Whytman alias Wytman, who hanged himself.
Writ, 8 Nov. Inq. Saturday before St. Andrew, 50 Hen. III.
Isabel Witman, his sister, aged 26, is his heir.
[Huntingdon.] Gomecestre. 8½a. and 1r. land held of the king's demesne by rendering 7s. yearly. 3a. of the said land were delivered by the bailiffs of Gomecestre to Hugh Scot, and the rest to Reyner, vicar of Gomecestre, who now hold them.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (14.)
641. Bernard de Brus, the king's enemy, deceased.
Writ of extent to the sheriff of Huntingdon of lands, &c. in Cuminton, 20 Aug. 50 Hen. III. Extent (missing).
C. Hen. III. File 33. (15.)
642. Geoffrey Puncard alias Punzard.
Writ of plenius certiorari to the sheriff of Berks, on the petition of Robert Puncard, his son and lawful heir, 20 Nov. 50 Hen. III. Inq. (undated.)
After the said Geoffrey's death, his son Robert and William son of Laurence, his elder son, were in the house together for one night, and when the body was translated to the church, the said Robert ejected the said William, and maintained himself there for nearly 40 days. The said William procured an inquisition which found that he was the next heir, if legitimate, but the present jurors know not whether he is legitimate or not. (See No. 547.)
C. Hen. III. File 33. (16.)
643. Hugh de Loges.
Writ of certiorari, 17 Aug. 51 Hen. III. Inq. (undated and defective.)
[Warwick.] Cesterton manor was held by the said Hugh of the king by serjeanty, together with the bailiwick of the forest of Kanoc and other lands in co. Stafford, by doing to the king yearly 10 marks from the said bailiwick, which Master Thomas de Weseham and the bishop of Chester now receive from the foresters. He never did any other service to the king for the manor, nor was anything ever levied ... from the manor.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (17.)
644. Robert de Trumpinton alias de Trumpitone.
Writ, 17 Feb. Inq. St. Matthew's Day, 51 Hen. III.
Robert, his son, aged 15, is his heir.
[Essex.] Great Teya. A messuage, land, meadows, pasture, woods, &c. worth 55s. 10d. held of the king in chief by ¼ knight's fee.
Teya Godmar. 22a. land and ½a. meadow held of Master Geoffrey de Feringes in free socage by service of 5s. 5d.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (18.)
645. Adam de Neuton.
Writ, 3 Sept. Inq. Wednesday the day of St. Matthew, 51 Hen. III.
William, his son, aged 24, is his heir.
Cumberland. (Unspecified.) 40a. land held of the king by service of 2s. yearly.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (19.)
646. Robert le Chaumberlang alias le Chamberlein.
Mandate from the king's escheator to the subescheator in co. Essex, reciting writ dated 23 June. Inq. Friday after St. Paul, 51 Hen. III.
Geoffrey, his son, aged 22 and more, is his heir.
Essex. Sturmere. Lands (unspecified) worth 10l. held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee; and 13a. land held of the church of Haverelle and Trop crot? by rendering 34d. yearly.
C. Hen. III. File 33. (20.)