Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 215

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1954.

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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, M. C. B. Dawes, D. B. Wardle, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 215', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III( London, 1954), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, M. C. B. Dawes, D. B. Wardle, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 215', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III( London, 1954), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, M. C. B. Dawes, D. B. Wardle. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 215". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 13, Edward III. (London, 1954), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 215

Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Roger, and whether the said lands came to the hands of the late queen Philippa by reason of the minority of John de Gloucestre, who asserts that he is Roger’s son and heir and of full age, or for some other cause. 29 January, 44 Edward III.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Notyngham, Monday after St. Matthew, 44 Edward III.
The said John is Roger’s son and heir, and is 22 years of age and more, having been born at Kerkolston and baptised there on Saturday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 21 Edward III. John Gloucestre, his grandfather, was his godfather, and died in 22 Edward III.
The said Roger held:—
Kerkolston. A messuage, a carucate of land and 20s. rent, held of the late queen Philippa, as of the honor of Tikhull, by knight’s service.
He died at Kercolston on Wednesday after St. Margaret, 23 Edward III, since when the premises have been seized into the late queen’s hand by reason of the minority of the said John.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (1.)
Writ, 16 May, 44 Edward III.
NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Inq. taken at Newcastle upon Tyne before Robert de Angreton, mayor and escheator, on 30 May, 44 Edward III.
Newcastle upon Tyne. A messuage in the street called ‘le Clos,’ held of the king in free burgage at a rent of 1d. yearly; 5 messuages similarly held at a rent of 2 1/2d. yearly; 29 messuages, which used to render 60s. yearly but are now waste and worth nothing, similarly held at a rent of 1/2d. each; a third part of a messuage, which used to render 2s. yearly but is now waste and worth nothing, similarly held at a rent of 1/2d.; a yearly rent of 26s. issuing from a messuage on ‘le Keye’ now held by Richard de Stanhop; a yearly rent of 6s. 4d. issuing from a messuage before the castle gate now held by Robert Snell; a yearly rent of 3s. issuing from a messuage in Pilgrimstrete which is now waste; a yearly rent of 2s. issuing from a garden outside the gate of Pampeden now held by Thomas de Horton; and a yearly rent of 20d. issuing from a messuage outside the gate of Pilgrimstrete formerly held by Richard Pulhore.
She held no other lands &c., in the town.
She died on Thursday after the Assumption, 43 Edward III. Christiana wife of Bertram Mountburgcher, knight, aged 29 years, and Eleanor wife of Robert de Umframvyll, knight, aged 23 years and more, daughters of Elizabeth her daughter, are her heirs.
Writ, 4 October, 43 Edward III.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Morpath, Wednesday before SS. Simon and Jude, 43 Edward III.
Jesemouth. A third part of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service and by rendering yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff 2s. 2 1/2d. and a third part of a halfpenny for ward of the king’s castle of Newcastle upon Tyne, and 4 1/2d. and a third part of a halfpenny for cornage; and a third part of the advowson of a chapel.
Great Whityngton. Two-thirds of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of rendering 21d. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff for cornage. The extent includes a free tenant who holds of Maud a third part of the manor by knight’s service and a rent of 6s. 8d. yearly at the feast of St. Cuthbert in September.
Thraftreston. 7 husband-lands and 2 cottages, held of Sir Henry de Percy by service of rendering 14 1/2d. yearly at the same feast.
Woldon. 5 1/3 husband-lands, held of Henry de Percy by service of rendering 6d. yearly at the same feast.
Broxfeld. 40a. land and 4a. meadow, held of the baron of Hilton by service of rendering 1 lb. pepper yearly at Christmas.
She died on 8 September, 43 Edward III. John de Woderyngton, knight, aged 22 years and more, son and heir of Elizabeth her daughter and heir, is her next heir.
Writ, 4 October, 43 Edward III.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Morpath, 20 January, 43 Edward III.
A duplicate of the above inquisition, except that the two-thirds of Great Whityngton are said to be held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Halton by service of rendering 14d. yearly for cornage, and the heirs of Maud are given as Christiana wife of Bertram de Mountburghcher, knight, aged 28 years and more, and Eleanor wife of Robert de Umframvill, knight, aged 22 years and more, daughters of Elizabeth her daughter and heir.
C. Edw. III. File 215 (2.)
Writ of mandamus, 28 October, 44 Edward III.
BERKS. Inq. taken at New Wyndesore, 11 November, 44 Edward III.
New Wyndesore. 11 1/2a. land, 2a. meadow and 13s. 9 1/2d. rent, held of the king in chief by rendering 5s. yearly and doing suit of court every three weeks.
Old Wyndesore. 7a. land, 1/2a. meadow and 4s. rent, held in like manner by rendering 7s. 6d. yearly and doing suit as above.
Old and New Wyndesore. 2 1/2a. land and 1/2a. meadow, held of the abbot of Radyng by service of 6d. yearly.
He died on 22 November, 39 Edward III. William his son, aged 11 years and more, is his heir.
Ellen his wife, who survives, has been in possession of all the premises since his death, by what title the jurors know not.
Another copy of the above inquisition.
Similar writ, 10 November, 44 Edward III.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Eton by Wyndesore, Friday after St. George, 45 Edward III.
Eton by Wyndesore. 2 messuages and a carucate of land, held in fee tail jointly with Ellen his wife by grant of Robert de Stratton, parson of the church of Lampatur Waus, by a fine levied in the king’s court; whereof a messuage and 60a. 1r. land are held of the king in chief by service of 22s. 10 1/2d. [yearly] by the hands of the sheriff, 36a. land and 1 1/2a. meadow are held of the heirs of John Undurcumbe, knight, by service of 3s. 4d. yearly, and the other messuage and 1 1/2a. land are held of the abbess of Borunham by service of 17d. yearly.
He died on Monday after St. Giles the Abbot, 41 Edward III. William his son, aged 12 years, is his heir.
The said Ellen has had possession of the premises since his death by virtue of the above grant.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (3.)
Writ, 8 November, 43 Edward III.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Chastrefeld, Friday after the Epiphany, 43 Edward III.
Steynesby. The manor, held jointly with Roger her husband in fee tail, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by a fine made in the king’s court at Derby before William de Herle and his fellows, justices in eyre, by gift of Geoffrey Langalt, chaplain. It is held of the king in chief by service of a sore sparrowhawk at the Exchequer.
She died on 10 November last. John Savage, her son, aged 38 years and more, is her heir.
Writ, sicut alias, 12 February, 44 Edward III.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Sallowe, Saturday the morrow of St. Peter in Cathedra, 44 Edward III.
Staynesby. Roger le Sauvage was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee and held it of the king by service as above. With the present king’s licence he granted it in fee to Geoffrey de Langeholt, chaplain, who with the like licence granted it to him and Isabel by fine as above. Roger died 30 years ago, and Isabel continued her estate in the manor and died on 10 November last.
Heir of Roger and Isabel as above.
C. Edw. III. File 215 (4.)
E. Inq. P.M. File. 31. (17.)
Writ, 6 May, 44 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. (indented) taken at Market Rasen, Tuesday after Corpus Christi, 44 Edward III. (Fourteen jurors.)
Midelrasen. 5 messuages and 2 carucates of land and meadow (each carucate containing 4 bovates), whereof a messuage and 4 bovates are held of the honor of Dover by service of rendering 2s., 2s. and 12d. at the end of successive periods of 24 weeks for ward of Dover castle, which is held of the king in chief. There are several tenants of the fee of Dover castle in Middelrasen, each of whom in turn brings the rent of all to Dover castle at the end of 24 weeks. The rest of the premises are held of the lord de Nevill by knight’s service. The said John also held of the same lord by knight’s service 14s. yearly rent receivable from the heirs of John atte Halle and the heirs of John de Layceby, and a messuage and a bovate of land which he granted to John Stevenson for 60 years at a yearly rent of 10s.
He died on Tuesday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 43 Edward III. His daughters Isabel, aged 18 years, and Elizabeth, aged 7 years, are his heirs.
Writ of precipimus to the chamberlain of Berwick upon Tweed. 6 November, 44 Edward III.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the same. 12 November, 44 Edward III.
BERWICK UPON TWEED. Inq. taken before John de Bolton, chamberlain, Thursday before St. Andrew, 44 Edward III.
He was formerly the husband of Maud sister of Thomas de Weston, and died on Tuesday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 43 Edward III, vested and seised of the following:—
Sympring demesne and barony. A quantity of land to the value of 20s. yearly, held of the king in chief by homage and suit to the county court of Berwick.
He held no lands [in Scotland] (fn. 1) of any but the king. Thomas his son was his heir, and died vested and seised of the premises on Friday after the said feast of the Exaltation. The premises were and are in the hand of Robert de Clyfforde by demise of the said John at farm for a fixed term.
Isabel and Elizabeth his daughters, aged respectively 18 years and 10 years, are his heirs. They ought to be in the king’s wardship.
Writ to the sheriff of Lincoln to warn William de Brantyngham to shew cause in the Chancery in the octave of Hilary next why the king’s commitment to him on 6 October last of the keeping of the said Elizabeth’s moiety of her father’s lands during her minority should not be revoked; as Eustachia de Swaby has alleged that John did not hold the messuage and 4 bovates of land in Middelrasen immediately of the king, as of the castle of Dover, but held them of her by knight’s service and suit to her court of Middelrasen every three weeks, and that she in turn held them of John Gray of Retherfeld, who in turn held them of the king in chief, as of the said castle. 2 December, 44 Edward III.
Endorsement that William has been warned by William atte Grene and Laurence de Wadyngham, both of Teuelby.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (5.)
Writ, 6 May, 44 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. (indented) taken at Lincoln, Sunday the eve of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 44 Edward III. (Thirteen jurors.)
Cokeryngton. The manor, held of divers lords by divers services. He gave it by charter in his lifetime to John de Cressy, knight, Hugh de Cressy of Selston, Robert de Bernak and William de Bolteby. Half a knight’s fee thereof is held by knight’s service of the heir of Henry de Bello Monte, a minor in the king’s wardship; and of this half fee John de Cokeryngton, knight, held of the said William 20a. land by service of rendering 12d. yearly and doing suit to his court there every three weeks, William bastard son of John de Cokeryngton held 2 1/2a. land by service of 1d. yearly, and the prior of Alvyngham held 40a. land by service of 1 1/2lb. cummin yearly. None of these tenants attorned to the said feoffees or to any other, but only to the said William; nor did they do fealty, suit or other service to them for the premises. John de Cokeryngton also held a croft of the said William by service of 3s. yearly, which rent William held of John duke of Lancaster by knight’s service. The said John de Cokeryngton never attorned to the said feoffees for that rent, nor did any services for the croft. Thus William died seised of the services of the said tenants.
He died about the Assumption, 43 Edward III. William his son, aged 12 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (6.)
Writ (fragment).
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Leycestre, 5 April, 44 Edward III.
Geretre. The office of bailiff of the hundred, held of the king in chief for life by the king’s charter, free of rent.
Eston. 3 messuages, 2 carucates of land, 32a. meadow and 33a. wood, held of the abbot of Peterborough by knight’s service and by two attendances yearly at his court.
The said John died on Tuesday the feast of St. Edmund the King, 43 Edward III, and after his death the said office of bailiff remains by the king’s charter to John Godrich for life, free of rent. Agnes daughter of John son and heir of the said John de Astewyk, aged 22 years and more, is his heir.
Underwritten: The charter is dated 27 May, 37 Edward III.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (7.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 156. (2.)
Writ, 27 August, 44 Edward III.
HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inq. (indented) taken at Talgarth Englees, 14 September, 44 Edward III.
Talgarth Englees lordship. A messuage called ‘Jonesfeld,’ 2 dovecots, 30a. land, a grove of wood, a croft of arable called ‘Gylotesclos,’ a parcel of land called ‘Homme,’ 2 parcels of pasture called ‘Mulleorchard’ and ‘More,’ and a park not well enclosed, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
She held no other lands &c. in the county and march in her demesne as of fee; but she held the following by way of dower after the death of Philip her husband by assignment of the king:—
Talgarth Englees. A third part of the lordship (extent given), held of the king. The extent includes a third part of a fulling mill, a third part of a hundred court and a third part of a court.
She died on 22 August last. Elizabeth wife of Adam Peshale, daughter of the said Philip and Joan, aged 30 years and more, is their heir.
Writ, 27 August, 44 Edward III.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Ideshale, 8 September, 44 Edward III.
Ideshale. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service in joint feoffment with Philip her husband, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by gift and feoffment of William de Bohun, late earl of Northampton, and Elizabeth his wife, with the king’s licence. The extent includes a park with deer, a market held every Monday, and a fair held on the feast of St. Matthew.
She held no other lands &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (8.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 32. (1.) (Hereford.)
Writ, 24 May, 44 Edward III.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 6 June, 44 Edward III.
Boulewas and Isenbrugge. The manors (extents given), held to him and the heirs of his body by gift of Hugh de Monyton, Thomas de Burghope, John de Stretton and Roger Partrich, with the king’s licence, with remainder to John de Eylesford, knight, and Isabel his wife, and their heirs. He held the said manors of the king in chief by service of keeping the king’s hays and forests throughout the county, (fn. 2) of which office he never divested himself, but died seised thereof in demesne as of fee simple.
Cherynton. A yearly rent of 6s. 8d. and 1lb. pepper from free tenants, and 3a. waste, held of the king in chief, service not known.
Rodynton. A toft and half a virgate of land, held of Richard earl of Arundel, service not known.
He died on 4 April last in parts beyond seas. Maud his sister, aged 28 years and more, and William, son of Isabel his other sister, aged 24 years and more, are his heirs.
Writ, 24 May, 44 Edward III.
HEREFORD. Inq. (indented) taken at Hereford, 10 June, 44 Edward III.
Bremfeld. With the king’s licence be granted the reversion of the manor of Bremfeld (extent given) after the death of Pernell late the wife of John de Boulewas, knight, to Hugh de Monyton, Thomas de Burghope, John de Stratton and Roger Partrich, to whom Pernell attorned. The said grantees then granted the reversion to him and the heirs of his body, with remainder to John de Eylesford, knight, and Isabel his wife, and their heirs. The said Pernell then attorned to him. He died without heir of his body on 12 April last, and the manor should remain to John de Eylesford and Isabel and their heirs. The manor was taken into the king’s hand on 10 August last on the death of Pernell, and still remains in the king’s hand because the deceased did not prosecute his right during his lifetime. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of keeping the king’s forest of Morf. The extent includes a wood of great timber called ‘Shortegrove.”
William de Barton, son of Isabel de Barton the deceased’s sister, aged 24 years and more, and Maud the deceased’s other sister, aged 20 years and more, are his heirs.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (9.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 32. (9.) (Salop.)
10. ROBERT BUSTELER, knight.
Writ of precipimus, 27 June, 44 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. (indented) taken at Rampton, Wednesday before the Nativity of St. Mary, 44 Edward III. (Fourteen jurors.)
Haddenham. 2 messuages and 46a. 3r. land, held of the bishop of Ely by knight’s service; of which Robert Parys had possession of a messuage and 16a. by virtue of a feoffment by Robert’s heirs, and John Wroth had possession of a messuage called ‘Thunderesplace’ and 30a. 3r. because they were demised to Robert in mortgage (morgagio) by Edmund de Sutton, lord of Chewelle, whose estate John now has.
He died on Tuesday after the Close of Easter, 40 Edward III, in the time of Simon late bishop of Ely, in whose time the premises were not seized into the bishop’s hand. Afterwards, by the translation of Simon to be archbishop of Canterbury, the bishopric fell into the king’s hand. John Hanchache, aged 10 years, is one of Robert’s heirs, and the custody of a fifth part of the premises, together with the marriage of the said John, should belong to the king because of the voidance of the bishopric. The names of the other four heirs, who are of full age, are not known to the jurors.
John Wroth and Robert Parys have had possession of the premises since Robert’s death.
Haddenham. John Haddeston gave a messuage and 5a. 3r. land to Thomas Brunne and Richard Tyd, brethren of the hospital of St. John, Ely, after the statute, whether with or without the king’s licence the jurors know not.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. (indented) taken at Newmarket, Thursday before the Nativity of St. Mary, 44 Edward III.
Dukesworth. The manor, with the advowson of the church of St. Peter there, held by service of one knight’s fee of the heirs of Hardwyn de Scaleres, who hold it of the king in chief by knight’s service and are in the king’s wardship as minors.
He died on Monday after the Close of Easter, 40 Edward III. Walter de Lynton, Thomas Payn of Balsham, John Merseye, clerk, Henry Hulyon and John son of Thomas Hanchache are his kinsmen and next heirs and will pay relief to the king for four-fifths of the manor. The first four of the said heirs are of full age, and the fifth is a minor aged 10 years and more. The fifth part of the manor, together with a pourparty of the advowson and the marriage of John Hanchache, ought to pertain to the king.
Robert Parys had possession of the manor after the death of Robert Busteler, and on the death of John Coleman, parson of the church, presented John Merseye thereto.
Hilderesham. The manor, held of the earl of Oxford.
Great Lynton. The manor, held of the honor of Rychemond.
Writ of certiorari super causa capcionis touching four-fifths of the manor of Dokesworth and a messuage, 30a. land and 6a. meadow of Robert Parys in Hadenham. 28 September, 44 Edward III.
Endorsed: The premises were taken into the king’s hand for the reason mentioned in the annexed inquisitions, pending separation of the fifth part due to the king.
Letter of attorney from Robert de Parys to Adam de Cranewell, John de Muskham, clerk, and Henry Helyoun to sue out of the king’s hands the manor of Dokesworth and certain lands &c. in Haddenham which have been taken into the king’s hand by the escheator. (fn. 3)
Petition to the chancellor from John Cornewaleys to be received to sue in the Chancery for a messuage and 5a. 3r. land in Hadenham taken into the king’s hand by the escheator in co. Cambridge by reason of an inquisition finding that John de Hadeston gave them to Thomas de Brunne and Richard de Tyd, brethren of the hospital of St. John, Ely, after the statute; as the said John de Hadeston enfeoffed thereof Richard de Tyd, Robert de Hykelenton, Walter de Sautre, chaplains, John de Stokton and William de Marham, seculars, the first four of whom, after the death of the fifth, enfeoffed thereof Geoffrey Cuthors, who enfeoffed John Atteford, who enfeoffed Bartholomew de Bourne, Ralph de Hynton and the petitioner; and Bartholomew and Ralph made a release to the petitioner, who was seised until dispossessed by the escheator by reason of the above-mentioned inquisition of office. [French.]
Writ of certiorari super causa capcionis touching the said messuage &c. 10 October, 44 Edward III.
Endorsed: The premises were taken into the king’s hand as appears in the inquisition. Whether the facts were known (si constaret) to John Cornewaleys the escheator cannot say.
Writ of precipimus, 3 November, 44 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Wyllyngham, Tuesday before St. Andrew, 44 Edward III.
Haddenham. 2 messuages and 46a. 3r. land, held of Simon bishop of Ely by knight’s service by gift and feoffment of Edmund de Sutton. After his death his heirs (as above) entered on the premises, and the four that were of full age enfeoffed Robert Parys of the four-fifths of the premises falling to them. Long before the death of Robert Busteler, and at the time of his death, John Wroth had possession of 30a. of the premises for 2 years by Robert’s demise, and afterwards the heirs who were of age released to him their right therein, as was found by a writing in the Chancery shown to the jurors. Simon then bishop of Ely did not seize the premises in his time; but afterwards he was translated to be archbishop of Canterbury, whereby his temporalities came into the king’s hands. The wardship and marriage of John Hanchache, the fifth heir, a minor aged 10 years, pertain to the king for that reason.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Robert Parys and John Wroth have had possession of the premises ever since the death of the deceased.
[Haddenham.] The master and brethren of the hospital of St. John, Ely, acquired a messuage and 5a. 3r. land by Richard de Tyd and Robert de Hykelyngton, brethren of their house, in fraud of the king, since the statute and without licence.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (10.)
Writ of precipimus, 28 February, 44 Edward III.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Neubury, 21 March, 44 Edward III. (Torn and stained with gall.)
Bradefeld. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, as of the crown.
Bastelden. 20l. rent, similarly held of the king in chief.
Nicholas de la Beche was seised of the above and gave them to Simon Dassh, chaplain, and Geoffrey Wauncy, who with the king’s licence gave them to the said Nicholas and Margery his wife in tail male, with remainder to Edmund de la Beche, archdeacon of Berks, for life, with successive remainders in tail male to Robert de la Beche, to John de la Beche, to William de la Beche, and to Thomas de Langeford, who still survives and is of full age, and with ultimate remainder to the right heirs of Nicholas. The said Edmund being now dead, and the other grantees and remaindermen having died without heirs male of their bodies, the premises should remain to Thomas.
Asshampstede, Colrugge, Aldeworth, and Compton. John de la Beche and Edmund de Hildeslegh were seised, to them and the heirs of John, of 10 messuages, 3 carucates of land, 10a. pasture, and 40a. wood there by gift of Philip de la Beche, father of Nicholas, and granted the same to him for life by a fine, with successive remainders in tail male to the said Nicholas, to Edmund de la Beche, to Robert de la Beche, to William son of William de la Beche, to Edmund son of John de Langeford, and to Robert son of John de Langeford, and with ultimate remainder to the right heirs of the last-named Robert, whose brother and heir is the aforesaid Thomas de Langeford. Philip is dead, and all the other remaindermen have died without heirs male of their bodies, so the premises should remain to Thomas. They are not held of the king in chief; but of whom or by what service they are held the jurors know not.
Yatyngden. The manor, with the advowson of the church, acquired by Nicholas while he held the manor of Bradefeld as above. It had previously been held of Nicholas, as of the said manor of Bradefeld, by the same service. Edmund had an estate for life therein, whether by grant of Nicholas or of others the jurors know not, and held it of the king in chief by knight’s service by reason of the aforesaid acquisition.
He also held the following for life:—
Lekhampstede. The manor, held [of the abbot of] Abyndon by knight’s service.
Burghf[eld]. A meadow called ‘Vyneye.’
Suthcote. A meadow called ‘Hevenemede.’
[Whytele]. A meadow called ‘Holmesmede.’
These meadows are not held of the king in chief; but of whom or by what services they are held the jurors know not.
Stratfeld Mortimer. A toft and a carucate of land called ‘Trunkewell,’ parcel of the manor of Beaumys, co. Wilts, held by knight’s service of Edmund, earl of March, [a minor in] the king’s [wardship], as of his manor of Stratfeld Mortimer.
Foxhull. A toft, 40a. land, 6a. pasture and 1 1/2a. wood, likewise parcel of the manor of [Beaumys], held of the lord of the manor of Swalewefeld [by service of a pair of] gilt [spurs].
The reversion of the above life tenancies, and of the manor of Yatyngden, belongs to the right heirs of Nicholas.
[Edmund died] in 38 Edward III. Andrew Sakevyll, son and heir of Joan de Sakevyll, and Edmund Danvers, son and heir of Alice Danvers, both of full age, and John Duyn, aged 9 years on the feast of St. Valentine last, son and heir of ……. Fitz Elys, are his heirs, the said Joan, Alice and ……. Fitz Elys being daughters and heirs of John de la Beche, elder brother and heir of Edmund and Nicholas de la Beche. Andrew Sakevyll and Edmund Danvers are dead, and John Duyn is unmarried.
Since the death of Edmund de la Beche the said Thomas de Langeford has had possession of …….. and 20l. rent in Bastelden, and of the premises in Asshampstede, Colrugge, Aldeworthe and Compton; Edmund Danvers, uncle of the aforesaid Edmund Danvers deceased, has had possession of his nephew’s share of …….. Whytele, Suthcote, Trunkewell and Foxhull; Thomas Hansepe has had possession of Andrew de Sakevyll’s share of the manors of Yatyngden and Lekhampstede ……..; Thomas de Langeford has had possession of John Duyn’s share of the manor of Yatyngden, alleging that the said manor is held of him as of the manor of Bradefeld; the abbot of Abyngdon has had possession of John Duyn’s share of the manor of Lekhampstede because the said manor is held of him in chief; and …….. and Robert Restwold have had possession of the shares of Andrew de Sakevyll and John Duyn of all the lands &c. in …… and Suthcote.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (11.)
12. WILLIAM BARET of Asshe Stormy.
Writ of precipimus, 24 May, 44 Edward III.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Lodelowe, 25 June, 44 Edward III.
Asshe Stormy. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of Geoffrey de Cornubia, son and heir of Geoffrey de Cornubia, then a minor in the king’s wardship, by service of 10s. yearly.
He died on 22 July, 26 Edward III. Roger, son of Roger Baret his brother, aged 31 years and more, is his heir. The king has received the issues by the hands of his escheators, as will appear by their accounts in the Exchequer.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (12.)
Writ, 15 May, 44 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Royston, 17 June, 44 Edward III.
Abynton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Boulogne, by knight’s service and suit to the court of Wytham, except 40a. land which are held of the earl of March by knight’s service and 5 1/2d. rent, and except 20a. land in Stepulmordon which are held of the heir of Thomas Deschalers, a minor, by knight’s service.
He held no other lands &c. in the county so far as the jurors can learn at present.
He died on Friday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary last. Richard de Bassingbourne, knight, aged 40 years, is his kinsman and heir.
Pleas in Chancery.
YORK (sic). In pursuance of the above inquisition Richard de Bassingbourne, knight, appeared in the Chancery in person on the morrow of All Souls, 44 Edward III, and asserted that he was kinsman and next heir of the deceased, being son of John the son of Matthew the son of Mary the daughter of Matthew the brother of Warin the father of Warin the father of Warin the father of the deceased; and he craved livery of the manor as his inheritance. On the same day William de Latymer, Alan de Buckeslmll and Richard Stury, knights, appeared by Jordan de Barton, their attorney; and [not admitting the aforesaid descent, nor that Richard is of the blood of the deceased, nor that the manor is held by suit of court], (fn. 4) they say that the deceased long before his death, by his charter dated at Wynpol, Wednesday after St. Hilary, 41 Edward III, which they show in court, enfeoffed John de Hilton, clerk, Roger de Arliston, William Castelacre and John Dyne of the said manor [with warranty], (fn. 4) by the name of all his lands in Abynton and Stepulmordon [with other lands], (fn. 4) to hold to them and their heirs, whose estate they (the claimants) now have, denying that the deceased died in seisin of the manor, as the inquisition alleges. This they are prepared to prove, and they say that they themselves were seised of the manor before the taking of the inquisition and afterwards, until they were removed by the escheator unjustly. They crave livery of the manor. Richard maintains that the deceased died in seisin, and craves that inquisition may be made by the country. William, Alan and Richard Stury likewise. A day was therefore given them to be before the king in the quinzaine of Martinmas next. (fn. 5)
Copy of the preceding, including the interlineations.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (13.)
Writ of precipimus, 18 June, 44 Edward III.
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Derteford, Saturday the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, 44 Edward III.
Portebrugge. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the chapel of St. Edmund the King in Derteford, held of Richard Charles, as of his manor of Adyngton, service not known.
He died on 3 May, 39 Edward III. William Beatrich, who was then 30 years of age, is his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of Joan the daughter of John the brother of Roger Bykenore the father of John the father of the deceased.
Immediately after Robert’s death John Bykenore of Claveryng, called ‘le Vyele,’ entered into the manor and enfeoffed the king thereof, claiming it as kinsman and heir of Robert. Since Robert’s death the prioress of Derteford has received the issues by the king’s grant, and still receives them.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (14.)
Writ, 14 December, 44 Edward III.
LEICESTER. Inq. made at Halughton, 4 January, 44 Edward III.
Medburn. The manor, held jointly with Joan his wife, for their lives, of Thomas de Roos, lord of the castle of Beauver, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee and payment of 5s. yearly for ward of the said castle, with remainder for life to Margaret late the wife of Thomas de Chaworth, knight, the younger, now the wife of William Despaygne, and with remainder over to the right heirs of the deceased.
He died on 5 December last. William de Chaworth, son of Thomas de Chaworth, the younger, his son, aged 18 1/2 years, is his heir.
Writ, 10 December, 44 Edward III.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Chestrefeld, Saturday before Christmas, 44 Edward III.
Alferton and Norton. The manors (extents given), held of the king, as of the honor of Tikhill, by fealty and service of 6s. 8d. yearly.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on Thursday after St. Andrew last. Heir as above.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Notingham, Monday before Christmas, 44 Edward III.
Marnham. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the honor of Tikhill, by fealty and service of 13s. yearly.
Osberton. The manor, held of Hugh de Hercy by service of 30s. yearly. He also held of the said Hugh for life, service not known, a messuage, 3 tofts, 9 1/2 bovates of land, 10a. 1r. meadow, 12a. pasture, and 16d. yearly rent in Osberton by grant of John son of Alice Casteleyn of Osberton and Joan his wife, by a fine levied in the king’s court at Westminster in three weeks from Easter, 38 Edward III, with remainder after his death to Joan his wife and Margaret late the wife of Thomas his son for their lives, and afterwards to his right heirs. The said Joan and Margaret, now the wife of William de Spayne of Boston, are surviving.
Edwalton. The manor, held jointly with Joan his wife for their lives, with remainder to the said Margaret for life, and afterwards to his right heirs. It is held of John duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Leicester, services not known.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer to search the records as to the tenure of the manor of Marnham. 12 January, 44 Edward III.
Endorsements. (1) Enrolled in Hilary term, 45 Edward III, rot. iij°. (2) Extract from the Book of Fees. [Book of Fees, Part I., p. 148.]
C. Edw. III. File 215. (15.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 31. (19.) (Nottingham and Derby.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 156. (6.) (Leicester.)
Writ of mandamus. The escheator is also to enquire what lands &c. the said Frederick demised to others during his lifetime, and whether he was of sound mind or not when he did so. 16 November, 44 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Bishop’s Lenne, Tuesday after St, Edmund, Bishop and Confessor, 44 Edward III.

Tilneye. The advowson of the church, held of the king in chief. He enfeoffed thereon Sir William Bardolf, knight, in 3 Edward I, without the king’s licence, being then of sound mind. Hugh Bardolf, son and heir of the said William, presented Edmund Bardolf to the said church after the death of Godfrey ……., and he was instituted and inducted. On Edmund’s death Thomas Bardolf, son and heir of Hugh, presented Imbert de Monte Martini thereto, and he was instituted and inducted. On his death on Wednesday the eve of St. Matthew, 43 [Edward III], the king presented William Humberston, the younger, thereto, and he was instituted and inducted.
Frederick died without heir in 8 Edward I.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (16.)
Writ, 20 March, 44 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedford, 27 April, 44 Edward III.
Bereford. A manor there, held of Elizabeth Latymer by knight’s service, and worth 4l. yearly with the dower assigned by Elizabeth to Maud late the wife of the said John in 43 Edward III.
Ravenesdene. A messuage and 180a. land, held by knight’s service of Elizabeth Moubray, late the wife of John Moubray, lord of Axholm, which Elizabeth was waived in the county of Bedford, date not known, at the suit of Edward Spencer in a plea of debt. The premises are worth 4 marks yearly with the dower assigned as above.
He had no other lands in the county which can be extended.
He died on Friday before St. Bartholomew, 43 Edward III. Stephen son of Geoffrey Creuker, aged 6 years and more, is his kinsman and heir.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (17.)
Writ of precipimus, 10 November, 43 Edward III.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter, Tuesday after St. Hilary, 43 Edward III.
Holcomb Burnel. A messuage, a ferling of land, and 119s. 3d. yearly rent of free tenants and conventionary tenants, held of John de Sullegh, knight, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee. From the day of his death until Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 33 Edward III, the profits were taken by the said Sir John as chief lord. From then they were taken by his grant for a quarter of a year until the Invention of the Holy Cross next following by John Beuchamp of Lullesdon, knight. Robert le Noble and Heloise, his wife, both of Exeter, had possession of the premises by grant of the last-named John from Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross aforesaid until Saturday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III, when Robert died. From then the said Heloise, together with Thomas Webber, who took her to wife, had possession until Monday after Michaelmas, 36 Edward III. From then Richard Tottenysse of Somerset, by grant of the said Thomas and Heloise, had possession until Monday before All. Saints, 38 Edward III. From then until 10 November, 43 Edward III, John Cayle, son of the deceased, had possession by grant of the said Richard.
Stokflemyng. 14s. yearly rent in the manor, held by service of a twelfth part of a knight’s fee of Martin Fysschacre, who took the issues thereof from the death of William Cayle until Monday before St. Martin, 41 Edward III, as chief lord.
William died on Sunday after All Saints, 22 Edward III. The said John Cayle, aged 23 years and more, is his heir.
Similar writ, 1 February, 44 Edward III.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter, Ash Wednesday, 44 Edward III.
Combe Rede. 6s. 8d. yearly rent, held of John Fyth Payn, knight, by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
Camescote. 4 marks yearly rent, held of Thomas de Ralegh, knight, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Both the said lords respectively had possession of these rents from the death of William until the full age of his heir.
William held no other lands &c. in the escheator’s bailiwick except those extended elsewhere by the king’s writ.
Similar writ, 1 February, 44 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq. (indented) taken at Crukerne, Saturday after the Annunciation, 44 Edward III. (Stained and faded.)
Compton Durevyle. 4d. rent issuing from 14a. land, held of the king in chief.
Cherleton Adam. 2 messuages and a carucate of land, held by knight’s service of Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, who took the profits from the death of William, to wit, Sunday after All Saints, 22 Edward III, until the full age of John his son and heir, to wit, for 20 years.
Cherleton Adam and Cherleton Makerel. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by knight’s service of Robert Fitzpayn, knight, who had possession of them for 3 years from William’s death, after which Robert Grey, knight, had possession until the full age of William’s heir.
Compton Dorevyll. A messuage and 20a. land, held by knight’s service of John Knolle, who had possession from the death of William until the full age of his heir.
Compton Dorevyle. John Beauchamp of Lillesdon, knight, had possession of a messuage and 40a. land there, held in dower by Denise Kayel of the inheritance of the said John, from the death of Denise, to wit, Monday after …., 35 Edward III, until Michaelmas, 39 Edward III, after which John Kayel had possession until his own full age.
Codworth. A messuage, a carucate of land and 40s. 4d. (?) rent, held by knight’s service of Robert Fitzpayn, lord of Wotton, who had possession until the lawful age of the heir.
…….. Thomas Denebaud held a watermill, a fulling-mill and a carucate of land of the same inheritance by knight’s service, and died seised thereof on Saturday the feast of the Circumcision, 35 Edward III; after whose death they descended to John his son and heir, then aged 12 years and 12 weeks, whose wardship and marriage belong to the long because John Kayel was a minor in the king’s wardship. The marriage is worth 100l. William Latymer took the profit thereof, and John son of Thomas was 15 years of age when he was married. Richard Pudle and John Coppe had possession of the watermill, and Peter Toukere of the fulling-mill, from the death of Thomas until Michaelmas, 43 Edward III. John Beauchamp of Lillesdon, knight, had possession of the carucate from the death of Thomas until Michaelmas, [37 Edward III], that is, for a year and nine months, after which …… of Shepton Beauchamp had possession until Michaelmas, 41 Edward III, after which John Serle of Shepton Beauchamp had possession until Michaelmas, 43 Edward III, …… John Kayel as chief lord of the fee. Since the last named date John son of Thomas has had possession of the mills and the carucate. He is still under age.
Sevenhampton Vaus. John Crimelford held of the said John son of William Kayel a messuage and …….. there, and demised the same to Nicholas Houd and Alice his wife for their lives at a yearly rent of 6s., and died seised of the said rent on Thursday after the Ascension, 38 Edward III. The premises descended to Robert his son and heir, then aged 8 years, whose wardship and marriage belong to the king on account of the minority of John son of William.
Worth. A messuage, 41(?)a. land and 10s. rent, held of Nicholas Poynz, who had possession of them from the death of William until the full age of John his son and heir.
Montagu. A messuage, held of the prior of Montacute, who had possession for 5 years after William’s death, since when John son of William has had possession.
Lybemersch. A messuage and 30a. land, held of Robert Fitzpayn …..
The said John son of William is William’s heir, and is 22 years of age and more.
Similar writ, 15 May, 44 Edward III.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter, Monday after Holy Trinity, 44 Edward III.
Cammescote. 4 marks yearly rent, held of the heir of Robert Stockhay by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee. Thomas de Ralegh, knight, received the issues from the death of William until Sunday before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 34 Edward III, when he surrendered the said lands &c. (sic) into the hands of John de Beauchamp of Lillesdon, knight, who had possession until Sunday after All Saints, 41 Edward III, when John son and heir of the said William came of age. Since then the said heir has been in possession.
William held no other lands &c. in the escheator’s bailiwick save those already extended and returned into Chancery.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (18.)
19. THOMAS SON OF JOHN COKES of Hovyngham.
Writ, 23 June, 44 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at York, in the castle, Wednesday after St. James, 44 Edward III.

Hovyngham. 6 tofts, 2 bovates of land, 7a. land and 1a. meadow, held of the heir of John de Moubray of Axiholme, a minor in the king’s wardship, by homage and fealty. All the premises are in the hands of tenants at will.
Calveton. A toft and a bovate of land.
Fryton. 2 1/2a. land.
Holme. Yearly rents of 13d. and 2 lbs. cummin.
The last three items are held of the same heir and are in the hands of tenants at will.
Hovyngham. 6 tofts, 4 bovates and 20a. land, held of the same heir in socage by service of rendering 31s. yearly.
He held no other lands &c. in the escheator’s bailiwick.
He died on Saturday before Michaelmas last. Joan the elder, his sister, aged 17 years, Ellen sister of Joan, aged 12 years, and Joan the younger, sister of Ellen, aged 8 years are his heirs.
YORK. Partition made at Hovyngham, 1 July, 46 Edward III, in the presence of Ellen and the friends of Joan the younger, daughters (sic) and heirs of the said Thomas.
The escheator has assigned to Joan the elder, one of the daughters (sic) and heirs of Thomas:—
Hovyngham, Calveton, Fryton and Holme. A third part of the premises.
C. Edw. III. File 215. (19.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 32. (18.) (fn. 6)


  • 1. The words in square brackets are interlineation.
  • 2. According to the Exchequer copy they were held by service of being the king’s steward in all his forests, friths and hays in the county.
  • 3. The remainder of this case will be found on the Coram Rege Roll for Hilary Term, 45 Edward III, Rex, m. 4d.
  • 4. The words in square brackets are interlined.
  • 5. The remainder of this case will be found on the Coram Rege Roll for Hilary Term, 45 Edward III, Rex, m. 3.
  • 6. At the foot of the Exchequer copy is a Fiat for letters patent to Henry de Bellerby. (See Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1369–1377, p. 101).