Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 112

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 112', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 112', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 112". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. (London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 112

207. RICHARD DE GRAVESENDE alias DE GRAVESHENDE, bishop of London.
Writ, 10 Jan. 32 Edw. I.
ESSEX. Inq. Saturday after the octave of Easter, 32 Edw. I.
Alethorn. A certain land called ‘le Ynngeslond,’ viz. 120a. land and a free tenant, rendering 4s. yearly, held of Edmund de Stok and the abbot of St. Osith by service of 31s. 6d.
Suthmenstre. A marsh called Plumberwe merssch held of Nicholas de Wokyndon by service of 1lb. cummin yearly; and 1d. rent held of the bishop of London of the tenement of Rattesbourgh.
Maldon. A messuage by Maydeneponte which renders 12d. yearly to the abbot of Bylegh for service; and a void plot held of the bishop of London by service of 1 stallage.
Stephen de Gravesende his brother, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Hornygdon, 18 April, 32 Edw. I.
Warle Semeles. The advowson of the church with 2a. land of the glebe of the church, which he acquired of Malcolm de Beumeys to him and his heirs, and they are of the fee of the bishop of London.
Oresete. 36a. meadow which are held of the heirs of Simon Conry (?) by service of 6d. yearly, acquired to himself and his heirs from Fulk Lovel; and a yearly rent of 2 marks from 80a. arable and 5a. meadow, which he acquired from Robert de Drayton to himself and his heirs, and lately gave to one Nicholas Chamberlain (Camer’) and his heirs for the said yearly rent, and they are of the fee of the bishop of London.
Heir as above.
SURREY. Inq. made at Stoke by Guldeford, 9 March, 32 Edw. I.
Aldham. A capital messuage, 30a. arable, 1a. meadow, 4a. wood, 21 free tenants and 2 customers, held of the bishop of London by service of rendering 24s. yearly, mowing the said bishop’s demesne meadow in the manor of Stoke with two men for one day, and lifting and carrying the said meadow; and 2a. meadow held of the prior of Newark (de Novo Loco) by service of rendering 12d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 50.
SUSSEX. Inq. made at Midhurst, 20 March, 32 Edw. I.
Loddesworth. A capital messuage, a plot of meadow, and 18a. arable held of the bishop of London by service of 2d. yearly.
Heir as last above.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. taken at Smethefeld on Saturday in Easter week 32 Edw. I.
Haryngeye. 40a. arable and 2a. wood held of the bishop of London by service of 6s. 4d. yearly.
Heir as first above.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (1.)
Writ of plenius certiorari concerning the value of lands &c. which the said Stephen held of his own inheritance in England at the beginning of the last Scotch war, whereof Christiana the wife of Kettell de Letham, sometime the wife of the said Stephen, seeks her dower, the king having admitted the said Ketell and Christiana, who were against him in the said war, under this form viz.—that they shall be safe in life and member and not disinherited, provided that they abide the king’s order for their redemption and for the maintenance of the land of Scotland, whereto the said Ketell has given his oath; which lands are in the wardship of John de Sandale by the king’s commission for a fixed time, and ought to descend to William son and heir of the said Stephen, now under age, when of full age; 29 Aug. 32 Edw. I.
LINCOLN. Inq. made at Grantham, 9 Oct. 32 Edw. I.
Beruby. Two parts of the manor (extent given with names of tenants) held by the said Stephen at the beginning of the war, rendering 2s. 2 3/4d. yearly to the earl of Cornwall, then lord of the honour of Eye, for the guard of the castle of Eye.
He held no other lands in the bailiwick.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (2.)
Writ, 4 April, 32 Edw. I.
SUFFOLK. Inq. Wednesday after St. Mark, 32 Edw. I.
Alfeton. The manor held of Sir Robert son of Roger in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, whereof Robert de Sancto Quintino enfeoffed the said William and Alice his wife, to hold to them and their heirs simply; which Alice still survives, and is seised of the manor in form aforesaid.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 7 May, 32 Edw. I.
Saham. 1a. arable, 10a. pasture and 1 … (.. atam) worth 12d. yearly, held as of the manor of Saham, which was of Sir Hugh le Despenser and is now in the hand of Queen Margaret the king’s consort by the king’s gift, by service of suit of court at the same manor every three weeks and 6s. 2d. yearly rent there.
Fordeham. 66s. 8d. yearly rent sec from 8 free tenants held of Alan le Fraunceis by service of a rose yearly; 66s. 8d. yearly rent from 8 free tenants and 3 bondmen whose works &c. were worth 2s. held of the same Alan by service of a rose yearly; 13s. 4d. yearly rent from 2 messuages and 20a. land, held of Robert le Fraunceis by service of 1/2d. yearly; a messuage and 9a. land held of Walter son of Robert de Fordeham by service of 6d. yearly; 2 messuages and 16a. land held of John son of Henry by service of 8s. 4d. yearly; a messuage and 1 1/2a. land held of the same John by service of 3s. yearly; 7a. land held of Walter le Treietour (?) and John le Gay by service of 20d. yearly; 1a. land held of Philip ate More by service of 1d. yearly; 4a. land held of Roger Bernard by service of 18d. yearly; 3a. land held of John Walkefar by service 6d. yearly; and 5a. land held of Roger Bernard by service of 1d. yearly.
He had no heir, for he died a bastard and without heir of himself.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (3.)
Writ, 20 May, 32 Edw. I.
LINCOLN. Inq. 9 July, 32 Edw. I.
Waltham, Bernolby and Wade. 30l. yearly rent from free tenants, who held certain land &c. of him and did suit at his court at Waltham every three weeks, held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee; also pleas &c. of court worth 2s. yearly, and a toft held as of escheat by the felony of a tenant.
Joan de Wauton his daughter, aged 14 and more, is his next heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. made at Houton on Saturday before St. Barnabas, 32 Edw. I.
North Pikenham. A capital messuage, 140a. arable, 2a. meadow, 2 pieces of several pasture containing 10a., a water-mill, 36s. yearly rent of customers, 66 qr. of oats price 2s. a qr., 32 hens, works, and pleas &c. of court, held, jointly with Margaret his wife, by the gift of Mary de Neville to them and the heirs of their bodies, of John de Britannia earl of Richemond by service of a knight’s fee.
Joan their daughter, aged 14 and more, is their next heir after the decease of the said Margaret.
Writ, 20 May, 32 Edw. I.
[YORK.] Inq. 18 July, 32 Edw I. (defaced).
Masham. The manor with its hamlets (full extent given with names of tenants), including the following amongst other rents of free tenants:—
Ellynggestryngg, a member of the manor. 13s. from Robert de Thornton, who holds 1/2 carucate of land.
Ellyngton, a member of the manor. 10s. from the abbot of Jervaulx (Jerovall), who holds 10 bovates of land; and 9s. 6d. from Richard Oysel who holds 1 carucate of land.
Suthleghton. The hamlet, a member of the manor (extent given).
Sutton. The hamlet, a member of the manor (extent given).
Colsterdale. A mine of sea coal worth 53s. 4d. yearly.
Masham. A pasture called Balleclyve, a quarry of mill stones on Masham Moor, and housebote and heybote from the wood of Pott belonging to the abbot of Fountains.
All held of John, son and heir of Roger de Moubray, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service, and by doing suit at the said John’s court of Kyrkeby Malsart every three weeks.
Joan his daughter, aged 13 at the feast of St. Bartholomew last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (4.)
Writ, 20 Jan. 32 Edw. I.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. made at Carlisle on Wednesday after St. Matthias (?) (Sancti Mathi Apostoli), 32 Edw. I.
Staffol. A capital messuage, 60a. land, 26s. 8d. assised rent, and part of a water-mill worth 2qr. of oatmeal yearly, held of the heir of Bertin de Hugtredsate [alias de Ughtresat], a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of doing homage, and by rendering 10d. cornage to the said Bertin and his heirs.
John his son, aged 4 and more, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari to the escheator to enquire what lands &c. the said John held as well of John de Castre and Isabel his wife as of others, &c. 8 April, 32 Edw. I.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. made at Carlisle on Tuesday after St. Mark, 32 Edw. I.
Staffoll. A capital messuage &c. as above held of the heir of Bertin de Hugtredsate [alias de Ugthtresate], who held certain tenements in Hughtredsate as of the honour of Cokermuth, a minor and in the king’s wardship, which Bertin held all the lands &c. in Staffoll aforesaid of Sir John de Castre and Isabel his wife as of the manor of Kirkosewald and not of the honour of Cokermuth, viz. by homage, 40d. cornage, and service of doing suit at the court of the said John and Isabel at Kirkosewalde every three weeks.
Kirkoswald. 12a. land held of the said John and Isabel by service of 4d. cornage yearly.
Thomas his son, aged 4 and more, is his next heir.
Transcript of the above writs and inquisitions.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (5.)
Writ, 4 April, 32 Edw. I.
YORK. Inq. made at York, 22 April, 32 Edw. I.
Bugthorp. One Agnes de Athewyk was once in seisin of a messuage and seven bovates of land in Bugthorp, which she had of the grant of Walter de Grey, who acquired them fifty years ago and more from one Jordan de Bugthorp, who held them of Robert then baron of Skirpynbek: Peter de Lund married the said Agnes and continued his seisin of the said tenements with her until her death, after which Sir Thomas de Chaunci, now baron of Skyrpynbek, made claim to the same endeavouring to eject the said Peter, but he resisting continued his seisin and married the aforesaid Alice daughter of the said Thomas, who for the security of the said Alice granted to the said Peter and Alice that they and the heirs of their bodies should hold the said tenements of him and his heirs by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly; and the said Alice thus died seised thereof, and held nothing of the king in chief. The said Thomas never held the said tenements in his demesne, but they are held of him as aforesaid.
Margaret her daughter, aged 4 at the feast of the Annunciation last, is her next heir.
[YORK.] Inq. made at Skypton in Craven, 26 May, 32 Edw. I.
Swynden. A toft, 24 1/2 bovates of land, and a moiety of a water-mill, held of Ranulph de Nevile by homage and scutage; and 2 tofts and 5 bovates of land held of Henry de Percy by homage and service of 6d. yearly, and rendering 12d. yearly to the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England.
Pathorn. A messuage, 5 tofts, and 3 bovates and 6a. of land, held of Ranulph de Nevile by homage and fealty.
Pathenhale. A fourth part of a messuage and 8a. land held of Henry de Percy by homage and service of 1d. yearly.
All which Peter du Lound sometime her husband and the said Alice acquired of divers feoffors to hold to them and the heirs of the said Peter, of whom she held the same, and nothing of the king.
Heir as above.
YORK. Inq. made at Anderby on Wednesday the morrow of St. Augustine, 32 Edw. I.
Warlauby. Three messuages, 30a. land, 3a. meadow, and 2a. land …, held of Roger Speru’ by service of 1/10 knight’s fee. She held nothing there of the king.
Heir as above, aged 4 at the feast of St. Margaret in the year abovesaid.
YORK. Inq. made at Tresk, 18 May, 32 Edw. I.
Elnydemere. A messuage and 20a. land held of William Darel by service of 1/30 knight’s fee; another messuage and 85a. land held of Henry de Percy by service of 1/12 knight’s fee; and 8a. meadow held of the same Henry; whereof she was enfeoffed for herself her heirs and assigns by Marmaduke Darele by charter, so that if she or they should wish to hold the said tenements beyond the term of twenty four years they ought to render 20 marks yearly for the same, and nine years thereof have now elapsed; for which twenty four years Peter de Lund and the said Alice paid the whole farm beforehand to the said Marmaduke.
Crakehale and Faldington. Four marks yearly rent from 4 bovates of land in Crakehale and 1 bovate of land in Fadington whereof Laurence de Topclyf is enfeoffed; of which rent 2 marks are delivered to the executors of Laurence de Buthome by statute for twelve years to come.
Dalton. A messuage and 2 bovates of land held of John de Neuby, rendering 1d. yearly.
She held nothing there of the king.
Heir as last above.
[YORK.] Inq. Sunday after the Ascension, 32 Edw. I.
Mar. A moiety of the manor (house?) and garden held of Payn Tibetout by service of 4d. yearly; 2 bovates of land held of the said Payn by service of 1/2d. yearly; the other moiety of the manor (house?) with garden and 80a. arable held of William de Langthwait by service of scutage when it runs; 20a. land held of Robert Tilly by service of 1d. yearly; a messuage with garden and 3a. land held of Adam de Braiton by service of 19d. yearly; and 8s. rent from Thomas son of Maud.
Athewyk. The manor (house?) with garden, 30a. land, 4a. meadow, and 4s. rent, held of Payn Tibetout by service and homage of 1/2 knight’s fee, doing suit at the court of Bentelay; a messuage with garden and a bovate of land held of John Towers (turribus) by scutage when it runs; a messuage and a bovate of land held of Sir William Vavasour by service of a rose in June; 2 bovates of land held of Sir William son of William by service of 14 1/2d. with scutage when it runs; and a bovate of land held of the heirs of Hekiston by homage and service of lb. pepper.
Pikeborn. 18a. land held of Ingram de Skauceby by service of 18d. yearly; and 9s. rent held of the heirs of William de Pikborn by service of 5 1/2d. yearly.
Broddisworth. A toft and 6 bovates and 3 1/2a. of land, held of William Darel by service of 1d. yearly.
Bergh. A messuage and 6 bovates of land held of William Skot by service of 4s. . . 1/2d. and scutage when it runs; 3 messuages and 3 bovates land held of Richard de Rial by service of 4s. 11 1/4d. and scutage when it runs; and 20a. land and pasture held of the heirs of Thomas de Scheplay by scutage when it runs.
Galghbergh. A messuage and 8a. land held of Richard de Rial by service of 10d. yearly and scutage when it runs.
Mixendene. A vaccary held of John de Thornhill by service of 13s. 4d. yearly.
Skauceby and Benteley. 5a. meadow in Skauceby and 1r. in Benteley held of Ingram de Skauceby; and a moiety of a windmill held of Alexander de Skauceby.
She held nothing of the king in chief.
Margaret, daughter of Peter de Lound, aged 4 at the feast of the Annunciation last, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (6.)
Writ, 4 April, 32 Edw. I.
NORFOLK. Inq. Friday before St. Mark, 32 Edw. I.
Colkirke and Gatele. Two parts of the manors (extents given) held of the heir of Philip de la Rokele, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of two parts of 3 knights’ fees. He held no other lands &c.
He died on the morrow of the Conversion of St. Paul last. Maud his sister, aged 17 and more [whom Roger de Fraxino married], is his next heir.
Writ of plenius certiorari to the escheator personally to see Margaret late the wife of the said Richard and cause her to be examined in the presence of knights and women &c. whether she is pregnant or not, and to enquire of what age was the said Richard on the day he died, 10 May, 32 Edw. I.
Endorsed. He could not execute this writ because the said Margaret is dwelling in Sussex or Kent, whither he could not go in person on account of other business of the king, but sends an inquisition taken by his sub-escheator in Norfolk as to the said Richard’s age.
NORFOLK. Inq. made at Colkirke on Thursday after St. Augustine, 32 Edw. I.
The said Richard, on the day of the Conversion of St. Paul last when he died, was 21 1/2 years, 11 weeks and 2 days of age.
Writ to the escheator again commanding him to examine the said Margaret in form aforesaid, 6 June, 32 Edw. I.
[SUSSEX.] Inq. made at Laghton, 3 July, 32 Edw. I. before 12 knights and others, and 6 women (named) who having examined the said Margaret in the presence of the said knights &c., say positively that she is not pregnant.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (7.)
Writ, 14 April, 32 Edw. I.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 9 May, 32 Edw. I.
Queye. 16d. yearly rent from a free tenement, and a water-mill with a fishery, held of the king in chief by barony. Eleanor the said John’s mother holds the manor in dower of his inheritance by the king’s dowery when the said John was in his wardship; in which manor are a messuage and 220a. arable, whereof the messuage and 110a. are held of the bishop of Ely by service of a knight’s fee, and 110a. the residue are held of the king in chief by barony and by service of 3s. 8d. yearly for sheriff’s aid, and by suit at the county (court) of Cambridge every month and at the king’s hundred of Stane at every hundred (court).
Walter his son, aged 1 1/2 year, is his next heir.
BEDFORD. Inq. 12 May, 32 Edw. I.
Chelewintone. 10s. 2d. rent from free tenants and 10l. 11s. 2d. from tenants in villenage, and pleas &c. of court, held of the earl of Gloucester and his heirs by 1/2 knight’s fee.
Ravenesdene. The manor (extent given) held by the said John and Alice his wife, by the gift of Eleanor Trailly to them and the heirs of their bodies, of Edmund Gaceline and his heirs by homage and service.
Wottone. 5l. 6s. 8d. yearly rent from 2 carucates of land which Roger de Queye and his wife hold for life with reversion to the said John’s heirs.
Heir as above, aged 1 year at the feast of SS. Peter and Paul last.
Writ of plenius certiorari whether the said John and Alice his wife jointly acquired of Eleanor de Trailly a messuage, 2a. meadow, 80a. wood, 20d. rent, and 2 capons rent, in Creye Paulyn, co. Kent, to hold to them and their heirs, as appears by an inquisition made (missing), or to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, as the king is informed 8 July, 32 Edw. I.
KENT. Inq. made at Creye Paulin, 13 April, 33 Edw. I.
The said John and Alice acquired the said tenements jointly of the said Eleanor to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John for ever.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (8.)
Writ, 6 Nov. 32 Edw. I.
YORK. Inq. Friday the feast of St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 33 Edw. I. commencing.
Skelton. The castle held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee, with 40 bovates of land, 14a. meadow, and 76 free tenants, 12 tenants called ‘gresmen’ holding 10 bovates of land at Stanghou a hamlet of Skelton, 4 water-mills and a windmill which render 6s. a week and 6 hogs, 90 hens, 24 geese and 90qr. of oats yearly, a wood, viz. Asedale and ‘le hay’ with parks, and toll with the borough of Skelton.
Merske. A messuage, 54 bovates of land in demesne, 80a. meadow, 55 bovates of land in bondage, 31 cottars, 400 days work in autumn, and 9 free tenants.
Redekere. Twenty four cottars.
Walter his son, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
[YORK;] HOLDERNESS. Inq. made at Hedon, 21 Nov. 33 Edw. I.
Ryse. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Albemarle, by homage and scutage and other foreign services when they happen and 9s. yearly for guard of the castle of Skaypse with sheriff’s aid.
Withornwik. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by the same service.
Hedon. A toft held by Henry le Taillur at the lord’s will, rendering 5s. yearly.
Heir as above.
[YORK.] Inq. Saturday before St. Clement the Martyr, 33 Edw. I.
Estbrunne. The manor (extent given) held of the king as of the barony of Schelton in Clifland, doing suit at all the county (courts) of York yearly for the said manor and other lands of the barony.
Schyrin. 6a. meadow held of the abbot of Meaux (Melsa) by service of 12d.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (9.)
Writ, 30 March, 32 Edw. I.
WARWICK. Inq. made at Stretford upon Avene, 9 May, 32 Edw. I.
Kynges Brome. A manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of 1/10 knight’s fee.
Eccleshale. 80a. land held of the heir of Philip Burnel, a minor and in the king’s wardship, in socage by service of 5s. yearly.
(Unspecified.) 10a. land held of William le Botiler, lord of Overesleye, by service of 2s. yearly.
Juliana de Leycestre his kinswoman, whom Walter de Beruthorp married, aged 24, is his next heir.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. made at Aylesbury, 20 May, 32 Edw. I.
Stok Halling. A messuage called ‘Godefreyes croft’ held of William Geve and his heirs by service of 1d. yearly rent; a grange outside the said messuage and 6a. arable held of Christiana de Kyrkeby by service of 10 1/2d.; 6 1/2a. land held of Robert de Burle and his heirs, doing foreign service; 16 1/2a. arable held of Elias de Sancto Johanne, rendering 16 1/2d. yearly; 8a. arable held of Andrew Crok and his heirs by service of 10d. yearly; 2a. land held of Henry Davy without service; 1/2a. land held of Richard Geve without service; and 6 1/2a. meadow held of divers lords.
Heir as above, of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (10.)
217. GILBERT LE HARPUR alias LE HARPOUR, of Cestreton.
Writ, 20 March, 32 Edw. I.
WARWICK. Inq. 2 June, 32 Edw. I.
Cestreton. A manor, excepting a plot 80ft. by 40ft., (extent given) held of the king in chief of the king’s grand serjeanty by homage and service of keeping the hay of Teddesley in the forest of Canok (haiam foreste de Teddesley del Canok), co. Stafford, at his own charges; the said plot 80ft. by 40ft. held of the master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of rendering 4d. at the feast of St. Michael and obit when it shall happen; and 4 messuages, and 4 virgates of land, held of Geoffrey Oede of Herberburi by service of 20s. (yearly).
He held nothing on the day he died in chief of the master of the knights of the Temple in England, but one Henry de Brok his great grandfather in the time of King Richard gave to the said master 28s. yearly for the sustenance of one Brunus for life, whose daughter the said Henry married, and the heirs of the said Henry always used to render the same yearly until the said Gilbert ten years ago refused to do so.
He held no other lands in the bailiwick.
Robert his son, is his next heir and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (11.)
Writ, 13 June, 32 Edw. I.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 7 July, 32 Edw. I.
Wytlewode. 10 1/2a. of assart in the forest held of the king at fee farm for 5s. 3d. yearly to be paid at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
Jerdele, Morende, Aldryngton, Estpyrie, Couesgrave, Fortho, Bosenho and Stratford. Certain tenements were acquired jointly by the said John, Rose (Roisia) his wife, and William their son, of the gift and enfeoffment of Ralph son of William de Plumpton and William Lamberd, and held of Robert de Clyfford, Henry Gobyon, John Mowen, Geoffrey de Luci, Henry Spygurnel, Elias de Tyngewyk, Adam de Fortho, and Thomas de Leukenore by service of 7s. 3d. yearly and suit at the court of the said Robert de Clyfford at Jerdele every three weeks, viz.—at La Morende, a capital messuage &c., and at Aldryngton, Jerdele and Stratforde, 6 little messuages, 300a. arable, 20a. meadow, and 18s. assised rent yearly; and they peacefully continued their seisin until the said John’s death.
The said William, aged 22 and more, is next heir of the said John.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Hynton, 8 July, 32 Edw. I.
Evenle. Two messuages, 312a. arable, 6a. meadow, 3a. pasture, 6l. 4s. 4d. assised rent, 6 cocks, 12 hens, and pleas &c. of court, jointly acquired as abovesaid by the gift &c. of John de London, and held of the heir of Thomas de Wadhulle, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee; and they continued in seisin as abovesaid.
Heir as above.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 29 July, 32 Edw. I.
Wappenham. 10a. meadow, 6a. pasture, and a wood, jointly acquired as abovesaid by the gift &c. of Henry de Pynkeny, and held of Geoffrey de Lucy and his ancestors for 1/24 of a moiety of a knight’s fee; but the said John did not die seised thereof because the said tenements were taken into the king’s hand long before his death by reason of a plea moved between the king and him concerning the advowson of the church of Wappenham.
Heir as above.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. made at Stonistraford, 10 July, 32 Edw. I.
Great Lechamstede and Little Lechamstede. Ten messuages, 180a. land, and 12a. meadow, acquired jointly by the said John and Rose for their lives, of Ralph son of William de Plumpton, to hold of John Pollard, Ralph Passelewe, William le Vavacour, Nicholas Makari, William Pollard, Roger le Parker, Elias de Tingewyk, Hugh son of Ralph, Hugh de Chastilloun, and John le Bretoun, by service of 18s. 9 1/2d., 1lb. pepper and 8 cloves (clavorum gariofili) at Christmas, and 2 roses at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
Hameslape. 40s. yearly rent similarly acquired of Ralph son of William de Pumptone (sic), to hold for their lives of Elias de Tingewyk by service of homage, with remainder to William the said John’s son, and his heirs; and they continued seisin as abovesaid.
Heir as above.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at St. Albans on Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 32 Edw. I.
Flampsted. A grange with oxhouse, a grove containing 4a., 80a. arable, acquired jointly by the said John and Rose to them and their heirs of Elias de Tyngewyk, and held of Robert de Touny by service of 1lb. pepper.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (12.)
Writ, 30 Jan. 32 Edw. I.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. Tuesday after St. Chad, 32 Edw. I.
Pathishull [alias Patteshull]. The manor (extent given), including rents of wax, ploughshares and horse shoes, held of the king in chief for 1/2 knight’s fee of the barony of Wahull which he held.
John his son, aged a year and 17 weeks, is his next heir.
BEDFORD. Inq. 14 Feb., 32 Edw. I.
Wahull [alias Wadhull]. The manor (full extent given with names of tenants), including a several fishery and a market, held of the king in chief by barony, doing service of a knight’s fee, and rendering yearly for the king’s use 69s. for the guard of the castle of Rokingham, and 20s. 9d. by the hands of the sheriff for view, hidage and suit, and to Amaury (Almar’) de Laundres and his heirs for the fishery 6d.
Little Wahull [alias Wadhull]. 144a. arable, 13 1/2a. meadow, 6a. pasture, certain parcels of several pasture, a several fishery, certain free tenants (named), 5 3/4 virgates of land in villenage, and cottars &c., held of the honour of Boulogne by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, and of the heirs of John Wak’ doing scutage to them when it runs; and 111a. arable, 2a. meadow, 6a. pasture, 2 free tenants, and 5 virgates of land held in villenage, held jointly by the said Thomas and Hawis his wife to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the aforesaid honour and of the aforesaid 1/2 knight’s fee, by the gift &c. of John de Wahull, father of the said Thomas.
Great Wahull. 20s. yearly rent held jointly as before by the gift &c. of the said John.
Heir as above, aged one year at the feast of All Saints last.
Extent or summary of the above manors &c. with the variations there given within square brackets, divided into two parts and a third part.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 28 May, 32 Edw. I.
BEDFORD. Inq. made at Bedeff(ord), 26 Sept., 32 Edw. I.
Wahull. The advowson of the church.
La Leye [alias La Leyee]. 2 1/3 knights’ fees held by Reginald (Rogin’) de Grey.
La Leye and Middelton. 1 knight’s fee held by William de la Leye.
Wyminton [alias Wymyngton] and Toternho. 3 knights’ fees, with Whetton and Potecote, co. Northampton, members of Wyminton, held by William la Zousche [alias la Zouche].
Maldon. 1/2 knight’s fee held by David son of Hugh de Essheby.
HERTFORD. Inq. Monday before St. Michael, 32 Edw. I.
Mundene Frivile [alias Fryvill]. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Frivile, rendering 6s. yearly guard of the castle of Rokingham; 1/2 knight’s fee held by John Deyvile, rendering 3s. yearly guard of the said castle, and to the lord of Plasses in Staundon 1lb. pepper; and 1/4 knight’s fee held by Reginald de Grey, rendering 18d. guard of the said castle.
KENT. Extent, 5 Nov., 32 Edw. I.
Sutton [alias Sutton Hon]. A third part of 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Halghele [alias de Halwele]; a third part of 1/2 knight’s fee held by the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England in frank almoin; and a third part of 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Cauntelo [alias de Cantilupo].
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Northampton, 16 July, 32 Edw. I.
Langeport, Wygenhale and Orlyngbere. 1 3/4 knight’s fee held by William Trussel.
Pisseford [alias Spisseford]. 2 knights’ fees held by the heirs of Walter de Waldegrave.
Wutton [alias Wotton]. 3/4 knight’s fee held by John de Hastynges and William de Wutton [alias John de Hastyng’ only].
Cotesbrok [alias Codesbrok]. 1 fee held by William Botevilleyn [alias Butevilein].
Horton. 1/4 fee held by John de Sheryngton; and 1/4 fee held by John de Wytlebur’ [alias de Wytilbury].
Hurton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Ralph le Boytellier [alias le Butiler], Henry de Sewelle, and the heirs of Richard Gobyon [alias Gobioun].
Preston Capes. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Lyouns.
Plumtone [alias Plumpton] and Foxle. 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Seynt Jahn.
Evenle and Astwyc. 1/2 knight’s fee held by the heirs of John de Tyngewyk.
Evenle, Astwyk and Sherlton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Theobald de Evenle and Master Henry de Bray.
Astwyk. A fourth part of 1/2 knight’s fee [alias 1/4 knight’s fee] held by the heirs of Ranulph de Gras.
Extent or summary of the above knights’ fees, with the variations there given within square brackets.
C. Edw. I. File 112. (13.)