Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 127

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 127', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 127', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 127". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. (London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 127

434. ROGER LE BYGOD alias LE BIGOD, EARL OF NORFOLK and marshal of England.
Writ, 6 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
LONDON CITY. Inq. 5 Feb. 35 Edw. I.
Houses with a little garden at ‘la Brokene Werf,’ and 4l. 16d. rent for messuages which Richard de Okle, Alice de Hamme, Thomas de Shirbourn, John de la Doune, John de Cripelgate, Richard Gladewyne and William le Fevere hold, tenure unknown.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 28 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
Kenet. The manor (extent given), including a rabbit warren (conularius), whereof he was enfeoffed jointly with Alice his wife by the king’s gift, to hold to them and the heirs of the body of the said Roger with reversion to the king and his heirs, held of the earl of Warr[enne] by service of 2 knights’ fees.
He had no heir of his body and all his lands &c. ought to revert to the king by the form of the aforesaid gift.
ESSEX. Inq. 20 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
Dovercurt. The manor held jointly as above of the earl of Oxford by service of a knight’s fee.
ESSEX. Inq. 18 Dec. 35 Edw. I (defective).
[Romford.] A capital messuage, 180a. arable, 5a. [meadow], 100a. pasture called Layes, a devastated wood, and 53s. 4d. assised (rent), held in fee tail to him and the heirs of his body by the king’s gift, of John de Cretingge by service of rendering [1d. yearly].
…… of the said Roger, aged 40 years, is his next heir, but the tenements aforesaid ought to revert [to the king and his heirs] as abovesaid, because the said Roger had no lawful issue.
ESSEX. Inq. 15 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
Great Chestreford. The manor (extent given), including a park, a water-mill from which the prior of Theford receives yearly 40s. by ancient feoffment, and works of molemanni and cotemanni, held in fee tail by the king’s gift as above, of the king in chief by service of 4s. to be paid yearly at the king’s exchequer.
John le Bigod, his brother, aged 40, is his next heir, but this manor ought to remain to the king and his heirs by the form of the grant aforesaid.
HERTFORD [AND BEDFORD]. Extent, Wednesday before the Epiphany, 35 Edw. I.
Westone. The manor (full extent given with details of services), including a park called Yppegrave in which there are no deer (fere) and another park in which there are deer, rents of John Peyver and other free tenants (not named), and 45s. common fine at the views of frankpedge of Westone, Stagenho, Henxsteworthe, Stratle, Evertone, Melnhoo, Dunton and Strattone, held of the king’s gift, before the said Roger married Alice Henaud his wife, to hold to him and the heirs of his body by the service for the Marchalcy of England pertaining to such a tenement (per servicium quod pertinet ad tantum tenementum pro Marscalcia Anglie).
Each free tenant of the manor when by summons he does his ‘bederipp’ shall have a loaf of a sixth part of a bushel of wheat, without drink, and companage (cumpernagium) to the value of 1/4d. and enough pottage, or they shall not do the work. And there are 5 customers, each of whom owes a bushel of ‘bensed’ at the winter sowing, and ought to have from the lord 1d., and for every day’s mowing shall have as much grass as he can raise on to his back with the point of his scythe at one time (tantum herbagium quantum semel levare possunt cum puncto falce super tergum suum), and at the end of the mowing they shall have a good sheep (1 meliorem multonem) from the lord’s fold.
Weston. 139a. arable acquired jointly with Alice his wife of Giles de Argenteem to them and their heirs.
BERKS. Extent, 21 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
Hamestede Mareschal. The manor which is the head manor of the Marshalcy of England (full extent given with names and services of tenants), including a fishery, held in fee tail to him and the heirs of his body, by the king’s gift, of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
John le Bygod, his brother, is his next heir, and of full age (?).
SUSSEX. Inq. made at Fontington, 25 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
Stoke. The manor (extent given), including the reaping of 18a. in autumn by 19 customers, by the custom called ‘gavelrip,’ held of the bishop of Exeter by service of a knight’s fee, and by rendering 4s. yearly at the bishop’s manor of Chudeham and doing suit at his court there every three weeks.
Thorneye. The manor (extent given) held of the bishop of Exeter by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Stokton. The manor (extent given) held of the earl of Arundel by service of rendering yearly 1lb. pepper at the earl’s manor of Westborne.
Heir as above, aged 40, but all the tenements aforesaid ought to remain to the king by a certain feoffment formerly made to the king by the aforesaid earl.
SUSSEX. Inq. 24 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
Boseham. The manor (full extent given), including a free tenement, viz., the heir of William de Gardino, who renders 100s. yearly which the earl ought to render to the archbishop of Canterbury at his manor of Nitimbre, with the hamlet of Fontyngton, the hundred of Boseham, and lastage from Langestone to Pevenese, held in fee tail to him and the heirs of his body by the king’s gift, of the king in chief by service of rendering at the exchequer 42l. yearly for fee farm; and there are due to the vicar of the church of Holy Trinity, Boseham, 13s. 4d. yearly of ancient custom.
Fontyngton. The hamlet (extent given), including customs of reaping called ‘gavelrip’ and ‘waterbedrip,’ held as above.
Heir &c. as last above.
NORFOLK. Inq. made at Great Yarmouth, 4 Jan. 35 Edw. I.
Jernem(uth). A messuage, the houses on which are in ruin and without roofs, held of Thomas le Clerk by service of 2s., and of John Aleyn by service of 5d. yearly; and a plot (placea), not built on, 54ft. by 30ft. held of John Aleyn by service of 2d. yearly. These belong to the king by a surrender made thereof by the said Roger, together with his other lands &c. in England, Wales and Ireland.
SUFFOLK. Inq. made at Ipswich, 2 Jan. 35 Edw. I (defaced and defective).
Framelingham. The manor (full extent given), including a castle, the herbage within the precincts whereof belongs to the fee of the constable …., parks with deer called Olddefrith, Buttrehagh(?), Bradilhagh and Newehagh, a market, a windmill at Hacheston, three fishponds (vivaria) in the great park by the castle, 50s. yearly from ‘motpund,’ ‘newehagh’ and ‘gressilver,’ rents at Hacheston, and pleas &c. of court with views of frank pledge at Framelingham and Hacheston, held of the king in chief by the surrender of the earl to the king and the re-feoffment by the king to the said earl, service unknown.
Hoo. 25a. meadow by the perch of 16 1/2ft., a parcel of several pasture, a wood called Smethislee containing 20a., a water-mill, rents with sheriff’s aid worth 6l. 14s. 0 1/2d., small rents in kind and works, and perquisites of view of frankpledge in the hundred of Lose. John de Caston (?) and ….. hold 20l. of land in the said manor of Hoo for their lives, the reversion whereof pertains to the king for the reason abovesaid.
Saham. [The manor] (extent given) including a park with deer.
Bungeye. The castle with its precincts (procinctu) [and the manor] (extent given), including pastures called ‘Sorellis pasture’ and ‘le Brok,’ a park called ‘Stow park,’ woods called ‘Puterelisheg’ and ‘le Hauth,’ alder woods called ‘Stowe fen’ and ‘Harcroft,’ a market every Saturday, a yearly fair at each feast of the Holy Cross, a several fishery, poll money, faldage, and pleas &c. of courts.
[D]oningworth. [The manor] (extent given).
Staverton. [The manor] (extent given) including a park, herbage at Olddemor and Chisfen, a fishery in the pond (stagno) and a custom called ‘bedelrye’ at Michaelmas worth 10s.
Holeslee. [The manor] (extent given) including heath, a fair (feria) at the feast of St. Margaret, 6s. 8d. from the men of Sutton for mill suit, 30s. ‘motfee,’ and a custom called ‘bedelry’ worth 15s. yearly.
Keleshale. [The manor] (extent given) including a park 2 leagues in circuit with deer, with the fishery of a fishpond (vivarii) there worth 2s.; and woods called Somerishagh, Horshagh and Oneshegh.
[Cratfeld.] Rents and services (extent given) including ‘maltsilver.’
[Waleton. The manor] (extent given) including 160a. arable by the perch of 18ft., a heath, a little marsh called Thorpfen, herbage of ‘le Waltdikys,’ herbage of the swamp (?) (stagno) of Coweswell, herbage at castrum fractum, a fair at the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, and customs called ‘heywardpeny’ and ‘bedelrye.’
Ipswich. A quay (kayum) and old houses worth 10s. yearly.
Stanham. The manor (extent given) including a wood called Howode, ‘govilerth’ and reapings of 84a. of wheat and barley called ‘gavelrepe,’ held of the earl of Lancaster by service of 30s. 6d. yearly for the guard of the castle of Lancastre.
Kenet. The manor (extent given), part in Suffolk including the reaping of 36a. of ‘govilrepe,’ and the residue in co. Cambridge, held jointly by the said Roger and Alice his wife, by the king’s enfeoffment, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Heir as above; but all the tenements aforesaid ought to revert to the king and his heirs by the form of the surrender and re-feoffment aforesaid.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken by a jury of twelve of the borough of Strogoil, twelve of Went, and twelve of the parts of Tudenham, 29 Dec. 35 Edw. I.
[now MONMOUTH.] Strugoil alias Srougoil, Srogoil, Strogoil. The castle with the borough and other members underwritten, held to him and the heirs of his body, by the king’s enfeoffment, of the king in chief by knight’s service:—
The borough (extent given) including 10s. from tenants of John de Ab Adam in the town of Beteslegh for lands held of the earl there, rent of shops (domorum seudarum) in the market place, prise of ale, to wit, from every tavern of a burgess, so often as he brews, 32 gallons (lagenas) of good ale (cervisie de meliori) for 4d. from the lord, or 16 gallons and 9d. for the duty aforesaid, or 14d. for the same, deducting the aforesaid 4d. (sic), also toll of the market with the customs of those passing through the borough worth 20l. yearly, prise of fish worth 3s. yearly, viz. from every boat bringing fresh fish, one good fish (meliorem pissem), but nothing from salt fish, three suits by each burgess at three hundred (courts) yearly on the Mondays after St. Hilary, Hokeday and St. Michael respectively, and attendances at every hundred (court) fortnightly except between the feasts of St. Peter ad Vincula and St. Michael.
The barton of the castle (extent given), including a grange, lands &c., a park with deer in which the abbot of Tynterne ought to have common with 60 oxen, a chace called Westwode, three water-mills at Poulmeweryk and a water-mill at Mesquenyn (?).
28l. 9s. 7 1/2d. from free tenants (named), including the prior of Strogoil and the prior of St. Kenemarc.
Vyner. The hamlet (extent given with names of tenants).
Landogyn. The hamlet (similar extent given).
Talegarth. The hamlet (similar extent given).
Wrenhalok. The hamlet (similar extent given).
Henrew. The hamlet (similar extent given), including a waste at ‘la Kair.’
Kemmeys. The hamlet, comprising two wastes (similar, extent given).
Penhow. The hamlet (similar extent given).
Mesquenyth. The hamlet (similar extent given).
Hedyngton and Hemeguet (?). The hamlet (similar extent given), including a waste.
Lamaghois. A water-mill held by Master John Martel at fee farm.
Londidogh. A water-mill held by Stephen de la Moore at fee farm.
The tenants of Roger de Sancto Mauro at Landogyn and Penhow, those of Bevis (Bogonis) de Cnovile at Landogyn, those of the prior of Strogoil at Landogin, those of the earl of Gloucester at Picotesfeld and Talgar and those of Emery (Almarici) de Luci at Mesquenyn ought each to carry timber, if necessary, from the wood of Wentwode to the castle of Strogoil every Tuesday from Hokeday to the Gule of August with two oxen, if he shall have them, but if it is not necessary he shall not carry or pay anything.
Pentirih. The hamlet belonging to the barton (full extent given with names of tenants, and works).
If any of those tenants have a daughter or daughters and wish to marry one of them he shall give the lord 2s. for each, and if any of the said daughters be convicted of fornication he shall give the lord 2s. for ‘leirwyte’: each tenant shall pay yearly for every pig of a year old 1d. for pannage and for every pig of half a year 1/2d.; each ought to follow the lord to war in the parts of Strogoil, to wit on this side the bridge of Strogoil the bridge of Newport (de Novo Burgo) and the bridge of Troye at his own costs, and if he go beyond these bounds he ought to follow the lord, at the lord’s costs, wheresoever he will; each owes suit at the three hundred (courts) of St. Hilary, Hock day and St. Michael, and common suit at the halmote of ‘la Berton’ every three weeks, and if one die the lord shall have his best beast (melius averium) and if he have no living beast the lord shall be given 5s. for a heriot; each shall give to the serjeants (serjantis) serving in their neighbourhood (per partes eorum) 1/2d. every six weeks, to the forester there 1/2d. every 8 weeks, and to the chief (magistro) forester a bushel of oats at the feast of St. Michael, for which payments each of them shall receive every eight weeks a load of brushwood; and if any one be elected reeve he shall be quit of all his customs, and he ought to levy the rent and pannage of all the tenants, receiving 1d. for levying the rent each term, and 1d. for levying the pannage; each tenant ought to plough 1/2a. land at the winter sowing and 1/2a. land at the Lent sowing, receiving 4d. from the lord; and certain tenants also owe ‘kilew.’
Herdwyk. The hamlet belonging to the barton (full extent given with names and services of tenants); and each tenant shall do certain boonworks of reaping in the autumn with all his household, except his wife and shepherd, and shall pay (the lord) 1d. for every pig of a year old and 1/2d. for every pig of half a year for pannage, and if he shall sell a horse he shall give the lord 2d. for toll and similarly 1d. for every beast except a pig or sheep, and he ought to have common (communicare) with all his pigs in Wentwode in time of mast paying nothing, and he cannot marry his daughter without the lord’s licence. If one of the customers be ill (egrotus) for forty days his works for that period shall be allowed him but for no longer.
GLOUCESTER. Tudenham. The manor (full extent given with names and services of tenants), including a fishery beneath the castle, pasture in the marsh called ‘Brodemersh,’ a park with deer, a pasture in Potewelleclyve held by the township of Betesle, the fishery of Erleswere held by the prior of Strugoll, the fishery of Ytheleswere held by William le Wodeward, fisheries in the Severn (Sabrina) and the Wye (Waia) and a number of other fisheries held by free tenants; and each of certain customary tenants owes (among other services) a boonwork called ‘cherched,’ a hen called ‘wodehen’ at Christmas, and 1d. for pannage for each pig of a year old and 1/2d. for each hoggaster of half a year, and if he wish to buy or sell a horse or a mare he shall give the lord 2d.(?), and for every brewing which he brews he shall give the lord 8 gallons (lagenas) of ale or 4d., nor can he marry his daughter without the lord’s licence; and others shall each receive from the lord for mowing 12d. or a sheep called ‘medshep.’
Lancaut. The hamlet pertaining to the manor of Tudenham (extent given with names and services of tenants, some of whom hold fisheries).
[MONMOUTH.] Torrogy. A tower newly built.
Plattelond. A messuage &c., 130a. arable, 100a. waste, 7a. pasture and a grove with little oaks, all pertaining to the same tower.
John le Bygod, his brother, aged 40, is his next heir; but all tenements comprised in these four rolls ought to revert to the king and his heirs by reason of a surrender by the said Roger and re-grant by the king to him and the heirs of his body, with reversion to the king and his heirs.
Sum of the whole honour of the castle of Strogoil, with the borough, the barton with the hamlets &c., the manor of Tudenham and hamlet of Lancaut, together with the tower of Torrogy and hamlet of Plattelonde, 165l. 14s. 1 1/2d. yearly.
Schedule of manors, lands and tenements of Roger le Bygod who died in the time of King Henry III.
[BERKS.] Hampstede. The manor with the grange of Spenes held of the king in chief by service of the marshal’s staff (virge).
[NORFOLK.] Haneworth. The manor held of the king in chief, a member of the barony of Bygot.
Suffeud. The manor similarly held of the said barony.
[ESSEX.] Costreford. The manor held of the honour of Strugull, and pertaining to the marshalcy.
[NORFOLK.] Dichingham. The manor held of the king in chief with Ersham by service of 40d.
Acle. The manor held of the king in chief by the due service of the barony (per servicium baronie debit’).
Walsham. The manor similarly held.
Halvergat. The manor similarly held.
[SUFFOLK.] Denyngworth. The manor (held) of the honour of Eye by service of 5 knights.
Cratefeld. The manor held of the fee of Baynard by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
[ESSEX.] Dovercourt. The manor with the town of Herewic which is a member thereof, held of the earl of Oxford by service of 1 knight.
[SUFFOLK.] Saham. The manor held of the honour of Richmond, rendering 20s. yearly.
[NORFOLK.] Lopham. The manor pertaining to the barony of Bygot and held of the king in chief by its due proportion of the service of the barony, because it is a member thereof.
[SUFFOLK.] Bung[eye]. The manor with the castle and borough held of the earl of Warwick by service of 1 knight.
Pesenhal. The manor, a member of the castle of Framlyngham, held by the fee of 2 knights.
[NORFOLK.] Banham. The manor held of the earl of Warenne in chief by service of 1 knight.
[SUFFOLK.] Kelshal. The manor, a member of the barony of Bygot, held of the king.
[NORFOLK.] Little Frammingham. The manor held of the honour of Chester in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Forneset. The manor held of the king in chief by the due service of the barony.
Frammingham. The manor held of Adam de Bydyngfeld, rendering to him 6d.
[SUFFOLK.] Holisle. The manor held of the king in chief, because it pertains to the barony of Bygot.
Staverton. The manor held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Ipswich (Gippewico). Tenements and the ‘Cay’ held of the earl of ‘Aubemarle’ by free service of 4d. yearly.
Walton. The manor held of the bishop of Ely by service of 2 knights.
Schedule of castles, manors, lands &c. of Roger le Bygod who died in the time of King Edward I.
[BERKS.] Hamystede Mareschal. The manor held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee; and it is the chief (capitale) manor of the marshal of England.
[SUSSEX.] Boseham. The manor with the hamlet of Fontyngton, the hundred of Boseham, and lastage from Langeston to Peveneseye, held of the king in chief by service of rendering 42l. fee farm yearly at the exchequer.
Stok. The manor held of the bishop of Exeter by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Thorneye. The manor held of the same by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Stokton. The manor held of the earl of Arundel by service of rendering 1lb. pepper at the earl’s manor of Westbourn.
[HERTFORD.] Weston. The manor was given to Roger Bygod by King Edward I, by the service for the marshalcy of England pertaining to such a tenement (per servicium quod pertinet ad tantum tenementum pro marescalcia Anglie).
[ESSEX.] Great Chesterford. The manor held of the king in chief by service of 4s.
Romford. Certain tenements held of John de Cretingge, of the king’s gift, by service of rendering 1d. yearly to the said John.
[MONMOUTH.] Strugoill. The castle and borough with hamlets, held of the king in chief by knight’s service of the king’s gift and feoffment.
[GLOUCESTER.] Tudenham. The manor with hamlets held of the king in chief by fee tail.
NORFOLK. Fornesete, Dychyngham, Ersham, Lopham, Little Framlyngham, Halvergate, Walsham, Haneworth, Dykelburgh and Thacolniston.
The manors held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Ersham. The half hundred held of the king in chief paying ——— for blanch farm yearly.
Suffeud. The manor held of the king in chief, service unknown.
SUFFOLK [AND CAMBRIDGE]. Framelyngham, Hachiston, Hoo, Saham, Bungeye, Donyngworth, Staverton, Holesle, Kelesshale, Cratefeld, Waletone and Ipswich, and Kenet [co. Cambridge]. The manors held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Stanham. The manor, held of the earl of Lancaster by service of 30s. 6d. yearly for the guard of the castle of Lancaster.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 15 Feb. 35 Edw. I.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Newmarket, 26 May, 35 Edw. I.
Chevele. 1 knight’s fee held by lady Sibyl de Loveday.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Ikelington, 28 May, 35 Edw. I.
Dukesworth. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Abbernoun; and the earl held yearly a view of frankpledge of the said John’s tenants on the day of St. Edmund the king.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Andevere, 25 April, 35 Edw. I.
Chelwarton and Apelsechae. Three parts of 1 knight’s fee held by John de Anne for 12d. yearly.
SUSSEX. Inq. made at Cicestre, 3 April, 35 Edw. I.
Bouelee. 1 knight’s fee held by William Jardyn.
Stoke. The advowson of the church.
Thorneye. The advowson of a third presentation to the church. The bishop of Exeter, who has a third presentation, ought to present at the next voidance.
He had no knight’s fee or advowson in Surrey.
SOMERSET. Inq. made at Somertone, 1 June, 35 Edw. I.
Henton Sancti Georgii. 1 knight’s fee held by William Denebaud.
Netelcombe. 1 knight’s fee held by Joan late the wife of Simon de Raleghe.
Laverton. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas de Panes.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Chelmersford, 26 April, 35 Edw. I.
Sinchingfeld (sic). 1 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Pecche.
Pebenorsse. 1 1/2 knight’s fee held by Petronilla de Neyrford.
Ovitone. 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Pircho.
Wyte Colne. 1/2 knight’s fee, pertaining to the manor of Dovercurt, held by Robert de Reymis.
Colne. 1/2 knight’s fee, pertaining to the same manor, held by Hamo le Veyse.
Ramesden. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Simon de Crey.
Thorp. 2 knight’s fees held by Paul de Theyden.
Burchfeld. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Richard Syward.
Mounteny Giginge. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Hamo Chevere.
Finchingfeld. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John son of Robert.
Senges, Bedingham and Sclamendeshey. 1/5 and 1/40 and 1/3 knight’s fee held by Robert de Senges.
Weston by Beauchamp. 1 knight’s fee held by the heir of Simon de Caunteleu.
Wytenottele. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Engaingne.
Cestreford. The advowson of the church.
[MONMOUTH.] Extent made at Strugull, on Tuesday after St. Gregory the Pope, 35 Edw. I.
Lanveyr. 1 Welsh knight’s fee held by Ralph de Monte Hermeri.
Martherne. 1 Welsh knight’s fee held by Bevis (Bogo) de Knovill.
Penho. 1 Welsh knight’s fee held by Roger de Seymor.
Portscuet and Herberdeston. 1 Welsh knight’s fee held by Matthew Denebaud.
Crik. 1/2 Welsh knight’s fee held by William de Derneford.
Dynan. 1/2 Welsh knight’s fee held by Andrew de Bello Campo.
Maysquenyth. 1/2 Welsh knight’s fee held by Emery (Amoricus) de Lucy.
Edeton. 1/2 Welsh knight’s fee held by Henry de Bendevill.
St. Arvyn. 1/4 Welsh knight’s fee held by Leysan ap Morgan.
Lamartyn. 1/4 Welsh knight’s fee held by Walter de Kemmeys and Maurice de Kemmeys.
Henru. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Roger de Seymor and William Adam.
St. Wormet. 1/4 Welsh knight’s fee held by John Blechery.
[GLOUCESTER.] Tudeham. 1/4 Welsh knight’s fee held by Walter Waldyng.
Lancaut. The advowson of the church.
[MONMOUTH.] Tyntern. The abbey is of the foundation of the earl’s ancestors.
Strug[ull] [or Struguil]. The priory is of the foundation of the same, and the prior shall find one of his monks to celebrate divine (service) in the castle of Strugull three days a week.
Strugull. The chantry of the chapel of St. David by the bridge of Strugull.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Newebur(y), 17 April, 35 Edw. I.
Burghullebur(y). 1/16 knight’s fee held by William Boscher.
Eneburn. 1/2 fee held by the prior of Sandelford.
West Wyttenham. 1 fee held by Henry Heose; and 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Giles de Brewosa.
Olebenham. 1/2 fee held by Robert Baterkyn.
Wanetyngg. 1 fee held by Fulk son of Warin.
Eneburne. 1/4 fee held by James de Crawele; and 1/4 fee held by John de Haverynge, which used to be held of the earl Marshal but lately the tenant is Ralph de Mohermer now earl of Gloucester, but how he had entry is unknown to the jury.
Maidenecote. 1 fee held by Robert de Bello Campo and William de Bermyngham.
Hampstede Mareschal. The advowson of the church.
WILTS. Extent made at Upavene, 29 May, 35 Edw. I.
Gotacre. Two virgates of land held by Maud de Barevyle, William Martyn and others by service of 1/10 knight’s fee, when scutage runs.
North Tudeworth. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Peter de Breouse through Agnes Husee his wife, doing scutage when it runs.
Clyve Wancy. 1/2 knight’s fee similarly held by Elizabeth de Pedewardyn and John her son.
Brodetone. 1/4 knight’s fee similarly held by John Jonkyn, the younger.
Marsh (in Marisco). 1/4 knight’s fee similarly held by Thomas Parys.
Helmerton. 1 knight’s fee similarly held by John Bluet.
Lakham. 1 knight’s fee similarly held by the same.
He had no advowsons of churches in the county.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Hicche on Monday the feast of SS. Philip and James, 35 Edw. I.
Weston. The master of the knights of the Temple in England has the advowson of the church, which was of the said earl’s advowson, to his own use; 6 1/2 knights’ fees belong to the manor, viz.:—
Westone. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Rumbaud; 1/20 knight’s fee held by Hawis Rumbaud; 1/20 knight’s fee held by William de Beaupre; 1/2 knight’s fee held by Reginald de Argenteem [alias de Argentem]; 1/2 knight’s fee held by the heir of Robert Walrond, which is in the king’s hand by reason of the idiocy of the said heir.
Stagenhoo [alias Staggenhoo]. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas de Verdoun.
Hengsteworthe. 1/5 knight’s fee held by Walter le Baud.
Wilie [alias Wylien]. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Mariota de Wilie [alias de Wylien].
[BEDFORD.] Stratle. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Maud de Thorp.
Strattone (and) Mulnhoo. 3 knights’ fees held by Thomas de Coudre.
Cameltone. 1/2 knight’s fee held by the same.
Evertone. 2 knights’ fees held by Walter bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
HERTFORD. Boxe. 1/2 knight’s fee now held by John de Benstede owing suit at the earl’s court of Westone.
Offeleye. 1 knight’s fee now held by John de Sancto Leodegario with similar suit.
The earl was at one time seised of these fees, and the jurors know not why he was not seised of them at the time of his death.
[BEDFORD.] Arlicheseye, Eddeworth and Holm. The earl was seised of 5 knights’ fees and suit of court at the court of Westone which Walter de Langetone, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, now holds, having acquired them from Aymer de Valenc(ia) and Nicholas de Seynmoor. The jurors know not why the earl was not seised of the said fees on the day of his death.
SUFFOLK. Extent made at Framelingham, 27 April, 35 Edw. I.
Shadenefeud, Thuriton, Bursyerd, Switlingge, and Ringgested. 4 knights’ fees held by John de Bursyerd.
Debenham, Sekford, Skarneston and Burstall. 3 3/4 fees held by Joan de Rocheford, Bartholomew de Elmham and Alice late the wife of John de Olebrok [alias de Holebrok].
Wilebegh, Benhale, Norton and Colneyse. 3 3/4 knights’ fees held by Guy Ferre.
Helmingham, Iokesford and Middelton. 3 1/2 knights’ fees held by John de Thorp and his parceners and William de Swilington.
Colneys. 1/2 fee held by William Oudin.
Saxmondham [alias Saxmundham]. 1 knight’s fee held by Robert Swan and William de Tudeham.
Croffeud [alias Crosfeud]. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Philip Herneys; and 1/2 knight’s fee held by the same.
Stanham and Pebeneysh [alias Pebenesse]. 2 knights’ fees held by Roger de Asphale.
Iokesford, Heveningham, Stickingland and Burgh. 7 knights’ fees held by William de Swilington and Edmund de Ufford.
Ringeshale, Beylham [alias Beynham], Cuhagh [alias Couhaghe], Dermondesdoune, Kenebrok and Levington. 4 knights’ fees held by the heir of Robert de Burnavill and John de Bucland [alias de Bocland].
Ofton. 2 knights’ fees held by Richard Luveday [alias Loveday].
Plumesyerd. 1/10 knight’s fee held by John de Peyton.
Colneyse. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Alexander de Prato; and 1/3 and 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert Sefare and his parceners.
Lefstaneston. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Robert de Scales and William de Caldecote.
Candelond. 1/2 knight’s fee held by William Visdelu.
Akenham, Witingham and Clopton and Hasketon. 3 3/4 knights’ fees held by Giles de Brewos[a].
Giselingham. 1/2 knight’s, fee held by Fulk de Goldingham.
Theberton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Isabel late the wife of John le Bygod.
Hegham [alias Heyghham]. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John de Reymes.
Gosebek and Eston. 2 knights’ fees held by Richard de Gosebek.
Neuton and Qhwersted [alias Werstede]. 1 1/4 knight’s fee held by Oliver de Tudeham.
Weston by Hopeton. 1 knight’s fee held by Hugh Houel.
Pesenhale, Faltenham, Waudringfeld, Sternefeld and Farnham. 4 knights’ fees held by Nicholas de Segrave (and) Guy de Ferre.
Alveleye. Two parts of 1 knight’s fee held by William Inge.
Mikelfeld. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Roger de Asphale.
Claxthorp. 1/4 knight’s fee held by the prior of Buttele and his co-parceners.
Aysh [alias Asch]. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Margery de Moyse [alias de Moose].
Ufford. 1 knight’s fee held by Robert de Ufford.
Brigge, Glemham and Blacsale. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Welonde and his co-parceners.
Wickelowe [alias Wykkelowe]. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Wickelowe [alias de Wykelowe].
Carleton and Rammesholt. 1 knight’s fee held by William de Halvergate and William de Ramesholt.
Moneweden. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John Abadham.
Hacheton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Godfrey de Hilton.
Ikene. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Emma de Glanvill and her co-parceners.
Ketelbergh. 1/2 knight’s fee held by the heir of Thomas de Ketelbergh.
Mikelefeld. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Roger de Asphale.
Stanham. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John de Muney.
Ilketeleshale. 1 knight’s fee held by the heir of Morgan de Ilketeleshale [pertaining to the castle of Bungeye].
Charsfeld [alias Charfelde]. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Nicholas de Welond [alias de Weylonde].
Friston and Holebrok. 1 knight’s fee held by Alice [late the wife of John] de Holebrok.
Stanham. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert de Upston.
Chedestan and Eston. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas de Bavet [alias de Bavente].
Bradeleye. 4 knights’ fees held by John de Buttetourt.
Cukeleye. 2 1/4 knights’ fees held by John de Fresingfeld, John de Boilund and Thomas de Bavent.
Leyham and Aleton. 2 knights’ fees held by Robert de Reydon and Richard de Brumpton [alias de Brompton].
Sprouton. 1 knight’s fee held by Richard Luveday [alias Loveday].
Ikene [alias Ykene]. 1/4 knight’s fee held by William Fausebrun [alias Fausebroun].
Codenham. 1/20 knight’s fee held by the prior of Royston (de Cruce Roys’).
Brok. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Alice de Holebrok.
Cranesford. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Adam Tastard, William de Hoo and their [or his (?)] co-parceners.
Framelingham. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Simon le Taillur; and 1/4 and 1/6 knight’s fee held by the heir of Thomas de Ketelbergh.
Keleshale. 1/25 knight’s fee held by Nicholas de Keleshale.
Beilham and Colneyse. 1 knight’s fee held by John le Breton.
Ilketileshale. 1/20 knight’s fee held by William le Rus [alias le Rous], and 1/20 knight’s fee held by Walter Tolle [alias Tolli] and his co-parceners.
Brampton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John Randolf.
Martlesham. 3 knights’ fees held by Thomas de Verdoun [alias de Verdon].
Barwe. 2 1/2 knights’ fees held by Katharine Giffard.
Stanham. The advowson of the church.
Keleshale. The advowson of the church.
Holesle [alias Holeslegh]. The advowson of the church.
Aysh [alias Ash]. The advowson of the church.
Saham. The advowson of the church.
Framelingham. The advowson of the church, with the chapel of Sastede.
Eyk. The advowson of the church.
Hoo. The advowson of the church.
Shadenefeud [alias Shadenefeld]. The advowson of the church.
Ikene. The advowson of the church.
Doningworth [alias Dunyngworth]. The advowson of the church.
Tonestall [alias Tunstall]. The advowson of the church.
Trimeley [alias Tremeleye]. The advowson of the church.
Kirketon. The advowson of the church.
Helmeleye. The advowson of the church.
Theberton. The advowson of the church.
Bewmeswelle [alias Bromeswell]. The advowson of the church.
Bungeye. The advowson of the priory, where dwell a prioress and fifteen nuns.
St. Felix. The advowson of the priory, which is a cell of the priory of Rochester, where dwell a prior and thirteen black monks.
Dodenash. The advowson of the priory, where dwell a prior and three black canons.
NORFOLK [and SUFFOLK]. Inq. made at Norwich, 24 April, 35 Edw. I.
Thirston, Wadeton, Shotesham, Apelton, Trowes, Keteringham, Shimplingg, Wyssingsete and Penteneye. 31 3/4 fees held by William de Ros and Maud his wife and Petronilla de Vaux.
Brunham, Rokelund and Elingham. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Baldwin de Maneriis.
Brigges, Fundenhale, Holeton, Carleton, Wymondham, Uggesthale, Hadeston and Barmton. 5 knights’ fees held by Katherine late the wife of Roger son of Osbert.
Prilliston [alias Preleston]. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Clinton.
Shelton and Hardwyk [alias Herdewyke]. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Shelton.
Stokton, Seenges and Wtton. 1 1/12 knight’s fee held by John Abel.
Brisingham, Mltone, Saxligham, Aslacton, Tybenham, Apeton, Shadenefeud and Fornesete. 8 knights’ fees held by Thomas de Verdoun.
Waketon, Lodne, Thorp, Halis, Raveningham, Kyrkeby and Seenges. 3 1/20 knights’ fees held by John de Dunhed and Isabel de Haggelee.
Stirston. 1 knight’s fee held by Elizabeth de Ingham [alias de Yngham].
Hardwyk and Stirston. 1 knight’s fee held by Bartholomew de Everus [alias Deverours].
Shelton, Waketon, Aslacton, Fornesete and Multon. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Margery late the wife of Walter le Waleys.
Oviton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Peter Buzon.
Blonorton and Silham. 2 1/2 knights’ fees held by Ralph de Semor [alias de Sancto Mauro].
Yakysham. 1 knight’s fee held by Roger de Curszon.
Fersfeld and Smaleberg. 2 knights’ fees held by Robert de Bosco.
Seenges and Hedenham. 1/3 knight’s fee held by Robert de Hedenham.
Crek, Fundenhale, Mell, Besthorp, Holkham, Berningham, Schipedene, Depedale, Quarsles, Brunham, Nelande, Stanhowe, Wynestone, Crofeud and Carleton. 13 1/2 fees held by John de Thorp and his co-parceners.
Biskelee. 1 knight’s fee held by the prioress of Carhowe and John de Norwyco.
Wykenere and Erpingham. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Walter de Berningham.
Ouby, Hengham, Burgh in Fleg and Bernham. 3 knights’ fees held by William Dormesby.
Hocham, Sutton, Catfeud, Carbrok, Banham, Garbodesham, Bokenham Farie and Brunstede. 7 1/2 fees held by Hugh de Veer and Denise his wife.
Berningham, Wykemere, Wychlingham, Baconsthorp, Stanefeud, Carleton and Smaleberg. 4 knights’ fees held by Richard de la Rokele.
Surlingham, Denham, Kyrkeby, Kesewyk and Cringilford. 5 knights’ fees held by Thomas de Multen, a minor and in the king’s wardship.
Westderham. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Petronilla de Nerthfford.
Nerburgh. 2 knights’ fees held by Thomas Bardolf.
Heythil, Carleton, Swerdeston and Mulkeberton. 1 knight’s fee held by William de Curszon.
Heythil, Swerdeston, Dunston and Brakene. 1 fee held by Geoffrey de la Penne.
Heythil. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Ralph de Creppinges; and 1/100 fee held by the heir of Thomas Reynaud.
Brunesthorp. 1/2 fee held by the heir of the countess of Albemarle.
Colneye and Carleton. 1/4 knight’s fee held by William de Colneye.
Flordon and Flixton. 2 knights’ fees held by William Buttevileyn.
Newton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Reynesthorp.
Pirhowe, Felddallingge, Metton and Tybenham. 3 knights’ fees held by William de Swylington and Joan de Bovil.
Poringlond. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Robert son of Roger.
Mouton. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Nicholas de Stradesete.
Bewton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Lincoln.
Mundeford. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Gerard de Insula.
Tacolneston. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Uvedale.
Fornesete. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John Germy.
Beston, Runton, Estharlingg and Great Massingham. 3 knights’ fees held by the prior of Beston, the prior of Massingham, Simon de Felebrigg, Clement de …… and Robert de Methelonde.
Pallingg. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Simon de Felebrigg.
Rughton and Metton. 1 knight’s fee held by Roger de Halis.
Seenges. 1/20 knight’s fee held by Walter de Calethorp.
Freton. 1/20 knight’s fee held by Roger Rivet.
Banigham. The advowson of the church.
Coleby. The advowson of the church.
Aleby. The advowson of the church.
Aldeburgh. The advowson of the church.
Westwyk. The advowson of the church.
Byskelee. The advowson of the church.
Antingham. The advowson of a fourth part of the church.
Rokelund. The advowson of the church.
Holveston. The advowson of a moiety of the church.
[Ersham.] The advowson of the church.
Dychingham. The advowson of the church.
Eligham [alias Elingham]. The advowson of the church.
Stockton [alias Stotton]. The advowson of the church.
Wyndeston [alias Wynston]. The advowson of the church.
Gil[lyngham]. The advowson of the church.
Wyndele. The advowson of the church.
Lopham. The advowson of the church.
Fornesete. The advowson of the church.
Heythel. The advowson of the church.
Long Stratton. The advowson of the church.
Little Waketon. The advowson of the church.
Aldeberg [alias Aldebergh]. The advowson of the church.
Freton. The advowson of the church.
Walesham. The advowson of the church.
Brokedisch. The advowson of the church.
Stirston. The advowson of the church.
Keningham [alias Kenyngham]. The advowson of the church.
Tefford [alias Tifford]. The advowson of the priory, where dwell a prior and two convents of black monks.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. to the justiciary of Ireland, 15 Feb. 35 Edw. I.
CARLOW. Inq. made before Walter de la Haye, escheator of Ireland, on Saturday after the Close of Easter, 35 Edw. I.
Cath[erlagh]. The castle and county held of the king in chief, viz.—A castle badly roofed; a hall opposite to it in which the pleas of the county and assizes are held, wherein there are many defects both in the roof and the walls, which cannot be extended because no one will rent (conducere) it, but it is much in need of roofing and care (custodia); in demesne 68a. arable, 50a. meadow, a moor and an island containing 16a.; free tenants by rent:—Richard Talon holding the barony of Tamelyng and rendering 4s. yearly, Peter Wass holding 75a. opposite the castle and rendering 20s. yearly, Geoffrey Wade, the younger, holding 20a. and rendering 12s. yearly; and the burgesses of the town of Cath[erlagh] holding 160 burgages and rendering 8l. 16 1/2d. yearly for them, and doing suit at the hundred (court); a common oven held by the burgesses at will, rendering yearly for tolls and taxes (sensar’) 8s. 3d.; prise of ale worth 40s.; 3 water-mills; and 3 weirs;
Free tenants by knight’s service:—
Tullath Offelmyth. A barony held by Edmund le Botyler by service of 8l. whenever [royal service] is proclaimed, and suit at the county (court).
Odron’ at Dunlek. A barony similarly held by Nicholas de Carreu by service of 10l. and suit.
Obargy. A barony similarly held by William de Sancto Leodegario and Joan daughter and heir of Hugh Purcell by service of 12l. and suit.
Typercathan in Oboy, similarly held by John de Bonevill by service of 4s.
Obergy. 1/4 knight’s fee similarly held by Richard le Rous by service of 10s.
Ardbristyn. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Valle by service of 40s. and suit at the court of Foth[ered].
Gras. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas le Botyler by service of 40s. and suit there.
Ardynheth. 1 knight’s fee held by Adam Brun by service 40s. as above and like suit.
Kilcloyt. 1 knight’s fee held by William Traharne by service of 40s. and like suit.
Kibbelet. 1/4 knight’s fee held by the same William by service of 10s. and like suit.
Kenles in Foth[ered]. 2 knights’ fees held by Reginald de Dene by service of 4l. and like suit.
Balymackele. 1/8 knight’s fee held by Richard Taloun by service of 5s. and like suit.
Balyscandil. 1/3 knight’s fee held by Robert Bremyll of Foth[ered] by service of 1 mark.
Foth[ered]. A stone chamber roofed with shingles and boards, and a grange of ten forks (de x. furcis) almost razed to the ground, 368a. demesne land, 20a. meadow, a pasture of 10a. called ‘Oxsynles,’ another pasture of 10a., and a water-mill with 12a. pasture.
Free tenants by rent:—
Balymaccolyt. Two carucates of land held by Richard Talon, rendering 26s. 8d. yearly.
Le Boly. A carucate held by William Traherne(?), rendering 30s. 6d. yearly.
Le Drym. Two carucates held by Amice Maucovenaund, rendering 3s. yearly.
Le Knetsiton(?). A carucate held by William Bondevill and Eva his wife, rendering 2s. yearly.
Castle and town of Foth[ered]. Burgesses holding 79 burgages and rendering 79s. yearly, 29 cottagers rendering 13s. 6 1/2d. for their cottages, and the burgesses render 10 geese at Michaelmas or 20d., 4 horse shoes or 4d. for each smithy, and 3d. for a plot of land at the end of the town (in capite ville); rents of pepper and cummin from 3 tenants (named); and toll worth 8s. 6d. yearly.
Balysex Ediff. A ruinous tower and a little wooden grange thatched with straw, 320a. arable in demesne under the lord’s ploughs, 14a. land at Balysothevan, 151 1/2a. land at Redleye, 52a. land at Mothyl formerly held by Hugh the chaplain, 3a. garden, and 12a. pasture called Oxlese.
Free tenants by rent:—
Balysax. A carucate of land held by Thomas Brun, rendering 20s. yearly; and 4 carucates held by tenants enfeoffed by Roger Bygod, rendering 21l. 6s. 6d. yearly; the site of a mill, and perquisites of court.
Dunlek or Dunleck and Leghlyn. 55a. land of which 14 are worth 7s. a year and the residue lie waste through want of tenants and the poorness of the land, and 6 cottars who pay 6s. yearly for their cottages; whereof 6s. are paid yearly to Nicholas de Carreu, chief lord of that fee, 16d. to Robert Maunsel, and 20d. to Richard son of Robert.
Fynnarth. Six carucates, 47a. and 1 ‘estang’ of land, whereof 2 carucates, 7a. and 1 ‘estang’ are held for life by Donald Macmurwygh, 15a. meadow, autumn works worth 1/2 mark, and 6s. 8d. rents of betagii for suit at the lord’s mill, which is now thrown down.
Cath[erlagh]. The serjeants of the county have been accustomed to pay 20 marks yearly for their serjeanties.
[Catherlagh.] Perquisities of assizes worth 40l. and of courts worth 5s.
Fothered. Perquisites of court and hundred, each worth 1/2 mark.
Catherlagh. Perquisites of the hundred, worth 20s.
He died on 11 Dec. in the year abovesaid.
WEXFORD. Extent similarly made concerning the said Roger’s lands &c. at Old Ros, Hervey’s Island, and New Ros, on Saturday after the close of Easter [35 Edw. I].
Old Ros. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief, including an old hall without a roof surrounded by stone walls, a stone house without a roof outside the gate, almost razed to the ground, a little hall in which is a chapel and a kitchen in ruins, a sheepfold thatched with straw, all of no value because no one will rent (conducere) them; an oak wood of 20a.; farmers at will, viz.,—at Rathhouel 80a. land, ‘le Rath’ 1 carucate, ‘le Coneger’ 80a., Rathbrende 40a., ‘la Haystone’ 40a., Calandyslond 1/2 carucate, Kylscalan 6 carucates and 48a., Balydermod 64a., Villam Robyn 1 carucate, Aghnegar 60a., Balybetanth 2 carucates, Coubalydougan 1 carucate, Fonthok 1 carucate and 80a., Coumba 1 carucate, Kylcolman 3 carucates, Scradyyslond(?) 20a., Balymaccarry 3 carucates, 12a. and 1 estang, Coppidythorn 1/2 carucate, Balyrod 2 carucates and 8a., Balylynan 1 carucate, Tryllog 2 carucates, Carryg Rothan 5 carucates. and Rothan 1 carucate; betagii, viz., at Dergay 7 carucates, Trylloc 2 carucates, Scathrig 1 1/2 carucate and 10a., Lethan 1 carucate and 20a., Aghnyni 1 carucate, Fytheryd 1 1/2 carucate, Balyconkyn 1 1/2 carucate and 34a., Sceperdyston 88a., Crothan 30a., Dernegyllageccth (?) 10a., and ‘le Fech’ 1 carucate; and works at Balydermod and Conygisgrage.
Rosponte. 25l. 6s. 8d. rents &c. of burgesses who do suit at the hundred, five water-mills, a ferry, 38a. meadow, a house which was of Nicholas the earl(?), pleas &c. of the hundred worth 6l. 13s. 4d. yearly, and 60s. perquisites of the fair with rent of stalls.
Free tenants by rent:—
Kylscallon. Three carucates of land held by William O’Maccus, rendering 4l. 2s. 2 1/2d. yearly, and doing suit at the court of Old Ros; 1 1/2 carucate held by John Boddynham, rendering 40s. yearly and similar suit.
Balydermod. Two carucates held by William Cosyn, rendering 33s. 4d. yearly.
Gortorrog. Two carucates held by John de Sutton, rendering 40d. yearly.
Athlomman. Three carucates held by the same, rendering 2s. 2d. yearly.
Graggenscanog. 140a. held by Thomas Tryllauch, rendering 15s. yearly without suit.
Creuker. Three carucates held by Richard Russel, rendering 1 mark yearly.
Scathryg. Three carucates held by the same, rendering 2s. yearly and doing suit as above.
Colyn and Balyhuran. Two carucates which were of David Ketyng, held by John de Sutton, rendering 10s. yearly and the like suit.
Mongaret. Two carucates held by John Ocle, rendering 2 marks yearly.
Rathharold. A carucate and a half held by Robert le Blunt, rendering 10s. 3d. yearly and doing suit.
Trillok. 60a. held by Robert Lount, rendering 6s. yearly without suit.
Balikermouck. Three carucates held by John de Lunt, rendering 12d. and doing suit.
Dargarn. A carucate held by Luke Bosser, rendering 2d. yearly without suit.
Lesseth and Polryth. Two carucates and 60a. land held by Richard Tracy, rendering 57s. 4d. yearly without suit.
Trillok. A carucate held by William son of Adam de Rupe, rendering 6d. each Easter day.
Tyllaghraghertyn(?). Two carucates held by John Sutton, rendering the like.
Camewagh. Three carucates held by the same, rendering 1d. at the same feast.
Old Ros. Five carucates held by the burgesses in their burgages, rendering 58s. 11d. yearly and doing suit at their hundred (court).
Old Ros. A water-mill, prise of ale, and toll.
Kylscallan. A mill and a weir for taking eels.
Lorcan. A mill.
Balydermod. A turbary.
Old Ros. Perquisites of the court and hundred.
Hervey’s Island (Insula Hervici). A castle without roof, and a carucate of demesne land at each of the following, viz.:—Grongislond, Balyobbyr, Balycoyngog, Balydowyseys, Ardyng, Colenant(?) and Crosdonenold.
Free tenants:—
Dromgolpe. Two carucates and a quarter held by the heir of John de Vilers, rendering 1 mark yearly.
Kylmehannoc. Two carucates and a half held by William de Nevel, rendering 6d. yearly.
Londonan. 5a. land held by Philip Martyn, rendering 4s. yearly.
Herveys Island. Three carucates held by the burgesses in their burgages, rendering 110s. 4d. yearly, a water-mill, a ferry at Kemnok, prise of ale, a garden, plots by the castle and church, a ‘stang’ of meadow and pleas &c. of the court and hundred.
Free tenants by service:—
Kilcolky. 1/4 knight’s fee held by the heirs of William Bluet, by service of 8s. when royal service is proclaimed.
Lythtania. 1/8 knight’s fee held by the heirs of Simon de la Chaumbre by service of 4s.
Glascarryg. A barony held by Maurice de Canteton by service of 40s.
Balydoftanly. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Patrick Chever by service of 20s.
Molyraucan. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Brun by service of 20s.
Tillaughdovan. 1/2 knight’s fee held by James le Rede by service of 20s.
Kilcouwan. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Nicholas de Ketyng by service of 20s.
Balytaucan. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert le Waleys by service of 10s.
Balytaly. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Baldwin le Petite by service of 20s.
Balygaly. 1/8 knight’s fee held by John Galgel by service of 4s.
Kilconne. 1/2 knight’s fee held by the heir of Gilbert Levet by service 20s.
Kilmerys. 2 knights’ fees held by David Borrard by service of 4l.
Kesch. A barony held by the heir of Reginald de Denne by service of 6l.
Baldewynyston and Balycorneth. 1/2 knight’s fee held by the heirs of Walerand de Welysley by service of 20s.
Kilkevan. 1 knight’s fee held by John son of Henry by service of 40s.
(Unspecified.) 1 knight’s fee held by James Ketyng by service of 20s.
Balybrasil. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Sutton by service of 20s.
Tolouyston. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert Ketyng, by service of 10s.
(Unspecified.) 1/4 knight’s fee held by John Lounde of Balygermoc by service of 10s.
Connoc(?). 1/4 knight’s fee held by Philip Farlang by service of 10s.
Gilgornan. 1/8 knight’s fee held by Richard Wyche by service of 4s. Date of death as last above.
Inquisition concerning knight’s fees and advowsons taken at Cath[erlagh] on Saturday after the Close of Easter, 35 Edw. I.
[CARLOW.] The earl had the homage and service of the following:—
Tyllauth Offelmyth. 4 knights’ fees held by Edmund le Botiller.
Odrone. 5 knights’ fees held by Nicholas de Carru.
Obergy. 6 knights’ fees held by William de Sancto Leodegario.
Typercane. 1/10 knight’s fee held by John de Bonevill.
Obergy. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Richard le Rus [alias le Rous].
Ardbrystid. 1 knight’s fee held by John de Vale.
Grag. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas le Bottiller.
Ardynhoth. 1 knight’s fee held by Adam le Brun.
Kylcoyt. 1 knight’s fee held by William Traharne.
Kilbolet. 1/4 knight’s fee held by the same.
Kenlys in Fotheryd. 2 knights’ fees held by Reginald de Denne.
Balymackele. 1/8 knight’s fee held by Richard Taloun.
Balyscandel [alias Baliskandel]. 1/3 knight’s fee held by Robert Bremyl of Fothyrd.
Kylcorky. 1/6 knight’s fee held by the heir of William Bluet.
Kiltania [alias Kiltana]. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Simon de la Chaumbre [alias de Charonbre].
Glascarryg. 1 knight’s fee and the barony held by Maurice de Caunteton.
Balydof’. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Patrick Chevir.
Molyraucan. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Brun.
Kylcovan. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Ketyng.
Tyllaugdovan. 1/2 knight’s fee held by James le Rede.
Balytaucan. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert le Waleys.
Balytally. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Baldwin le Petite.
Balygally. 1/10 knight’s fee held by John Galgel.
Kilcome. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Gilbert de Lyvet [or del Lyvet].
Kilmacrys. 2 knights’ fees held by David de Borrard.
Balygormoc [alias Baligormot]. 3 knights’ fees held by the heir of Reginald de Dene.
Baldewynyston and Balygormoc [alias Baligormot]. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Adam de la Roche.
Kilkeyvan [alias Kylkyvan]. 1 knight’s fee held by John son of Henry.
Balykermoc [alias Balikermot]. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John Lunde.
Connoc [alias Cunnok]. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Philip Forlang.
Kilgorman. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Richard Wyche.
(Unspecified.) 1/2 knight’s fee held by James Ketyng.
Balybarsyl. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Sutton.
Tollowyston. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert Ketyng.
Cath[erlagh]. The said earl was patron of the church and used to present rectors who on his presentation were admitted and instituted by the bishop. The earl likewise used to present the vicar.
Old Ros. The earl was patron of the church.
Kylscalan. The earl was patron of the church.
IRELAND. Extent or summary of two parts of the abovesaid lands &c. (undated), viz.:—
Old Ros. The manor.
[Great Island.] The castle and Island of Hervey.
Cathelagh. The castle and county, with the hamlets of Dunleck and Fynnauth.
Fothered. Rents of freemen with toll.
IRELAND. Extent or summary of two parts of the abovesaid knight’s fees, with the variations there given within square brackets.
IRELAND. Summary of ‘Dower of the lady.’
Balisax. The manor.
Responte. The town.
Fodereth. Demesne land, meadow and pasture with the issues of a water-mill.
Old Ros. The advowson of the church.
Schedule of a third part of all the above knight’s fees, viz.—in cos. Hertford, Bedford, Huntingdon, Suffolk and Norfolk, with the variations and additions there given within square brackets (defective).
Schedule of [a third] part of the above advowsons, viz.—in Norfolk, Suffolk and Ireland, with the variations there given within square brackets, with memorandums that the countess has in dower the manors of Ersham, Dickingham, Lopham and Walesham, co. Norfolk, and Stanham, Keleshale, and the manor Staverton, within which is the church of Eyk, co. Suffolk; and that she is not dowered of a fourth part of the church of Antingham nor of the third presentation to the church of Thorneie.
Extent of two-thirds of the above advowsons which are in the king’s hand, viz.—in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Berks and Sussex, and in Wales and Ireland.
Writ of plenius certiorari to the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth concerning the value of the messuage in that town described in the inquisition returned by the escheator, 20 Feb. 35 Edw. I.
Inq. taken before the bailiffs of Jernemuthe, 8 April, 35 Edw. I.
Great Yarmouth (Magna Jernemutha). A messuage held of divers men by divers services, of no value because the houses thereon are ruinous; but if it were let in fee to anyone to build the said houses and keep them up, the said messuage would be worth a mark a year.
Writ of certiorari concerning knight’s fees pertaining to the castle and manor of Bungeie, the manors of Staverton, Keleshale and Stanham, certain tenements in Ipswich (in Gippeswico) and Cratfeld, co. Suffolk, the manors of Dickingham, Ersham, Lopham, Halvergate, Tacolneston, Walsham, and Dikelburgh, co. Norfolk, and the manor of Weston, co. Hertford, assigned in dower to Alice late the wife of Roger le Bigod earl of Norfolk &c., 20 June, 35 Edw. I.
HERTFORD. Inq. made at Hicche, 5 July, 35 Edw. I.
Knight’s fees pertaining to the manor of Weston, which manor is assigned to the said Alice in dower.
Weston. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Rumbaud; 1/20 knight’s fee held by Hawis Rumband; 1/20 knight’s fee held by William de Beaupre; 1/2 knight’s fee held by Reginald de Argentem; and 1/2 knight’s fee held by the heir of Robert Walrond, an idiot (fatuus) and in the king’s wardship.
Staggenhoo. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas de Verdon.
Hengsteworthe. 1/5 knight’s fee held by Walter de Baud.
Wylien. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Mariota de Wylien.
BEDFORD. Strattle. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Maud de Thorp.
Stratton, Melnhoo, Wacton and Camelton. 3 1/2 knight’s fees held by Thomas de Coudree.
HUNTINGDON. Everton. 2 knights’ fees held by Walter, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
The said Roger at one time held the following fees, but did not die seized thereof.
HERTFORD. Boxen. 1/2 knight’s fee now held by John de Benstede.
Offeleye. 1 knight’s fee now held by John de Sancto Leodegario.
BEDFORD. Alricheseye, Eddeworthe and Holm. 5 knights’ fees now held by Walter, bishop of [Coventry] and Lichfield.
C. Edw. I. File 127.