Index of Persons and Places: P

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: P', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: P', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: P". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. (London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.


Paddington Hastings, Padindene [in Abinger parish], co. Surrey, 273.

Page, Henry, 163 (p. 106).
-, ……, John, 429.
-, ……, Robert, 53.

Pageham, William de, 290.
-, ……, John de, son of William, 290.

Pagel, co. York. See Paull.

Pagel, Pagele, Stephen de, 468 (pp. 353, 356).

Pagham, co. Sussex, Bowley in, q.v.

Paglesham, Pakelesham, co. Essex, manor, 288.

Painley, Pathenhale [in Gisburn parish], co. York, 212 (p. 134).

Pakelesham, co. Essex. See Paglesham.

Pakeman, Robert, 140.
-, ……, Simon son of Robert, 140.

Pakenham, William de, 293.
-, ……, Edmund de, 391 (p. 261).
-, ……, ……, Rose his wife, 392 (p. 266).
-, ……, Edmund de, knight, son of William, 293.

Paling, co. Sussex. See Poling.

Palling, Pallingg, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).

Pallingham, Palyngham [in Wisborough Green and Kirdford], co. Sussex, 90 (p. 51).

Palyng, co. Sussex. See Poling.

Palyngham, co. Sussex. See Pallingham.

Pampisford, Pampesworth, co. Camb., manor, 172.

Pancras Week, co. Devon, Dunsdon in, q.v.

Panes, Thomas de, 434 (p. 298).

Panesworth, co. Norf. See Panworth.

Paniter, John le, and Agatha his wife, 435 (p. 316).

Panton, Paunton, co. Linc., 275.

Panworth, Panesworth [in Ashill parish], co. Norf., 461 (p. 346).

Papillon, Papilun, Roger, 268.

Park, co. York, prior of, 45 (p. 27).

Parker, Hamo le, 110.
-, ……, Hamo le, and Anne his wife, 110.
-, ……, John le, brother of Hamo, 110.
-, ……, Roger le, 218.
-, ……, William le (father of Hamo and John), and Felicia his wife, 110.

Parles, Joan le, 413.

Parley, East, Estperle [in Christchurch parish], co. Hants, manor, 34.

Parmonter, John le, of Pickenham, 329.

Parrok, John de, and Maud (Wacelyn) his wife, 78.

Parteneye, Parteney, co. Linc. See Partney.

Partney, Parteney, Parteneye, co. Linc., 233 (p. 156).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 444.

Partrich, Alexander and Peter, 53.

Parwich, Peuerwyche, co. Derby, 301.

Parys, Thomas, 434 (p. 299).

Paskemere, co. Wilts, 435 (p. 312).

Pasmer. See Passemere.

Passelewe, Ralph, 218.
-, ……, William, 91 (p. 57).

Passemere, Passemer, Pasmer, John de, 148.
-, ……, John, 15.
-, ……, John de, Clemence his wife, 148.
-, ……, John, 468 (pp. 353, 355).

Paternoster. John, 69.
-, ……, Richard, 69.

Paterton, William de, 239.

Pathenhale, co. York. See Painley.

Pathishull, co. N’hamp. See Pattishall.

Pathorne, Pathorn [in Gisburn parish], co. York, 212 (p. 134).

Patrikebrumton, co. York. See Brompton.

Pattesley, Pattesle, co. Norf., 109.

Pattingham, co. Salop, Rudge in, q.v.

Pattishall, Pathishull, Patteshull, co. N’hamp., manor, 219 (p. 139).

Patton [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., mill, 427.

Paulerspury, Pirie, co. N’hamp., 24.

Paulesholte, co. Wilts. See Poulshot.

Paulesholte, John de, 90 (p. 52).

Paulfleet, Payghelflete, co. York, 223.

Paull, Pagel, Fagel, co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 357).

Paull Holme, Payghelholm, Holme by Paule, co. York, 223, 292.

Paumer, Walter le, and Katharine his wife, 53.

Pauncefote, Sibyl, wife of Grimbald, 116.

Paunton, co. Linc. See Panton.

Paunton, John de, 275.
-, ……, Hugh de, 50.
-, ……, William de, 275.

Pavely, John de, son of John, 56.
-, ……, William de, of Quantox head, 56.

Paxton, Paxtone, William son of Robert de, William de, 110.

Payghelflete, co. York. See Paulfleet.

Payghelholm, co. York. See Paull Holm.

Payn, Andrew, 438.
-, ……, William, 164.

Payn, Robert son of, 235 (p. 164), 296 (p. 202).

Paynnel, Ralph, 37.

Peak, High, co. Derby, bailiwick of, 106.
-, ……, castle of [at Castleton], honour of, 65, 106, 259.
-, ……, forest of Campana in, 66.
-, ……, custody of forest in Hopedale, 187.
-, ……, forest, 188.

Peasemore, Pesemere, Pusemere, co. Berks, 30, 235 (p. 163).

Peasenhall, Pesenhale, Pesenhal, co. Suff., 434 (p. 301).
-, ……, manor, 434 (p. 296).

Pebmarsh, Pebeneysh, Pebenorsse, Pebenesse, Pipinghers [co. Essex], 434 (pp. 298, 300), 461 (p. 345).

Pecche, Peche, Nicholas, 434 (p. 298).
-, ……, Robert, 445.

Peckham, West, Westpecham, co. Kent, manor, 274, 435 (p. 314).
-, …… la Hurst wood in, 274.

Peddinge, Thomas de, 144.

Pedewardin, Pedewardyn, Elizabeth de, and John her son, 434 (p. 299).
-, ……, John de, 235 (p. 165).
-, ……, Roger, de. 235 (p. 165).
-, ……, Roger, and Alice his wife, 156.
-, ……, Walter, 176.

Pedwardine, Pedwardyn [in Brampton Bryan parish, co. Heref.], 235 (p. 165).

Peglinch, Pegelinch, Pegelyngch [in Wellow parish], co. Somers., 226.

Peisson, Peysson, Stephen, 208.
-, ……, Stephen, Christina his wife, 208.
-, ……, William son of Stephen, 208.

Pellhenny [co. Monm.]. See Monkswood.

Pelynt, Penlym, co. Cornw., King’s manor, 254.

Pembridge, Penebrugge, Penebrug, co. Heref., 183.
-, ……, manor, 235 (p. 159).

Pembrok, Roger de, 435 (p. 330).

Pembury, Depingbery [co. Kent], 461 (p. 346).

Pen Mill, Penmulle [in Yeovil parish], co. Somers., 414.

Penallt, Penalht [co. Monm.], 435 (p. 326).

Penbont, co. Glamorgan. See Penybont.

Pencarro, co. Cornw., 44 (p. 24).

Pendrim, co. Cornw., 300.

Penebrug, co. Heref. See Pembridge.

Penebrugg, Penebrug, Pennebrugg, Edward de, 346.
-, ……, Henry de, 235 (p. 166).
-, ……, John de, 346, 435 (p. 322).

Penebrugge, co. Heref. See Pembridge.

Penecestre, Margaret de, 78.
-, ……, Margaret wife of Stephen de, 417.

Peneradgoel [co. Monm.], 435 (p. 326).

Penereth, co. Cumb. See Penrith.

Penhal [Penhale in St. Enoder?], co. Cornw., 149.

Penharth, co. Cornw., 296 (p. 200).

Penhele, Penheyl [in Egloskerry parish], co. Cornw., manor, 95.

Penhow, Penho, co. Monm., 434 (pp. 294, 298).

Peningesthorp, Penynethorp, co. York, 488 (pp. 353, 356).

Penkelyo, Michael, and Beatrice de, 16.

Penlline, Pentlyn, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 322).

Penlym, co. Cornw. See Pelynt.

Penmark, co. Glamorgan. 435 (p. 322).

Penmulle, co. Somers. See Pen Mill.

Penne, Geoffrey de la, 434 (p. 303).

Pennebrugg. See Penebrugg.

Penrith, Penereth, co. Cumb., inquisition made at, 280.

Pentelawe, Henry de, 51.

Penteneye, co. Norf. See Pentney.

Penterry, Pentirih, co. Monm., 434 (p. 294).

Pentlyn, co. Glamorgan. See Penlline.

Pentney, Penteneye, co. Norf., 434 (p. 302).

Penwern, John de, 296 (p. 201).

Penwodys, co. Cornw., 149.

Penybont, Penbont, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 324).

Perching, Percynge, Percyng, Percing [in Edburton parish], co. Sussex, 55.
-, ……, manor, 236 (p. 168).

Percy, Henry de, 90 (p. 51), 212 (p. 134), 424.
-, ……, Walter de, 127, 184.
-, ……, William de, 468 (p. 351).

Percyng, co. Sussex. See Perching.

Percyng, Philip le, 55.
-, ……, William de, 55.

Percynge, co. Sussex. See Perching.

Perefrizt, co. Surrey. See Pirbright.

Perio, Peryho, Piriho [in Southwick parish], co. N’hamp., 435 (p. 316).
-, ……, advowson of priory, 91 (pp. 58, 59).

Pernestede, co. Sussex. See Prinsted.

Peronel, Walter, 233 (p. 155).

Perran Zabuloe, co. Cornw., Callesstock in, q.v.

Perrott, North, Perret, co. Somers., 384.
-, ……, manor, 384.

Pershore, Persore, Persor, co. Worc., inquisitions made at, 13, 41.
-, ……, abbot of, writ to, 459.

Peryho, Pyryho, co. N’hamp. See Perio.

Pesemere, co. Berks. See Peasemore.

Pesemere, Richard de, 30.
-, ……, Agnes daughter of Richard de, 30.

Pesenhal, Pesenhale, co. Suff. See Peasenhall.

Peter, Roger son of, 233 (p. 156).

Peter son of Osbert, Roger son of. See Osbert.

Peterborough, co. N’hamp., 47.
-, ……, abbot of, 47, 91 (p. 57), 195, 299.
-, ……, liberty, 47.

Petersfield, Petersfeld, co. Hants, borough, 435 (p. 319).
-, ……, Mapulderham in, q.v.

Petherton, South, Suthperton, co. Somers., manor, 324.
-, ……, market, 324.

Petite, Baldwin le, 434 (pp. 308, 309).

Petyt, Michael, 44 (p. 23).

Peuerwyche, co. Derby. See Parwich.

Pevensey, Pevenese, Peveneseye, co. Sussex, 434 (pp. 292, 297).
-, ……, castle, 374.

Peverel, honour, 99, 140, 143, 202, 309, 371, 417, 456.
-, ……, court of, at Scarsdale, 202.

Peverel, Thomas, 374.
-, ……, Thomas, of Mansbridge, 386.
-, ……, Andrew, 386.
-, ……, Andrew son of Thomas, 374.
-, ……, Hugh, 245 (p. 175).
-, ……, Thomas, of Barton, 232 (p. 154).
-, ……, William, son of Henry son of Thomas, 386.

Peverwiche, Thomas de, 65.

Peyldecerf, Ralph, 233 (p. 156).

Peysson. See Peisson.

Peytevyn, John, 235 (p. 166).

Peyton, co. Suff., court at, 284.

Peyton, Peytone, John de, 284, 305, 434 (p. 300).

Peyver, John, 434 (p. 291).

Philip, John, 159.

Philip ap Howell, Appehowell, writ to, 221 (p. 144).

Philleigh, co. Cornw. See Eglosros.

Pichard, Pycard, Pychard, John, 352.
-, ……, Miles, 235 (p. 159).
-, ……, Roger, son of John, 352.
-, ……, William, 91 (p. 58).

Picheford, Pycheford, Richard de, 163 (p. 107), 391 (pp. 260, 265).

Pickburn or Pigburn, Pikeborn [in Brodsworth parish], co. York, 212 (p. 135).

Pickenham, North, Pikenham, Pykenham, co. Norf., 210, 329.

Pickenham, Wade, Pykenham, co. Norf., 329.
-, ……, Walter brother of the parson of, 329.
-, ……, Gervase rector of, 329.

Pickewell, co. Leic. See Pickwell.

Pickhill, co. York, Allerthorpe in, q.v.

Pickwell, Pickewell, co. Leic., 155 (p. 96).

Pickworth, Pikeworth, co. Linc., 233 (p. 155).

Picot. See Pigot.

Picotesfeld, co. Monm., 434 (p. 294).

Pigburn, co. York. See Pickburn.

Pigot, Pygot, Picot, John, 233 (p. 155).
-, ……, Ralph, 233 (p. 155).

Pihteslee, co. N’hamp. See Pitchley.

Pikeborn, co. York. See Pickburn.

Pikborn, William de, 212 (p. 135).

Pikehou, Pykehou, co. Cumb., 278.

Pikenham, co. Norf. See Pickenham.

Pikenham, Amisius son of the son of John de, 329.

Pikeworth, co. Linc. See Pickworth.

Pilatonhale, co. Staff. See Pillaton.

Pillaton, Pilatonhale [in Penkridge parish], co. Staff., 71.

Pilleth, Pullid [co. Radnor], 235 (p. 161).

Pilsbury, Spillisbiry, Pillesbiry [in Hartington parish], co. Derby, 301.

Pilton, Pilton Priors, co. Devon, 235 (p. 165).

Piltone, co. Essex, now called Delamere, q.v.

Pimperne, Pymperne, co. Dorset, 229, 435 (p. 314).

Pinches [co. Kent]. See Pympe.

Pinkeney, Pynkeny, Pynkeni, Hamund de, 315.
-, ……, Hamund de, and Alice his wife, 315.
-, ……, Henry de, 218.
-, ……, John de, son of Hamund, 315.
-, ……, William de, 315.

Pipard. See Pypard.

Pipinghers, co. Essex. See Pebmarsh.

Pirbright, Purifright, Purifrith, Perefrizt, co. Surrey, manor, 92.

Pircho, William de, 434 (p. 298).

Pirhowe, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).

Pirie, co. N’hamp. See Paulerspury.

Piriho, co. N’hamp. See Perio.

Piriton, co. Hertf. See Pirton.

Pirly. See Prilly.

Pirot, Pyrot, Ralph, 325.
-, ……, Ralph son of Ralph son of Ralph, 325.
-, ……, Simon son of Ralph, 325.

Pirton, Piriton, co. Hertf., 318.

Pisford, Pisseford, Spisseford, co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 140).

Pitchley, Pihteslee, co. N’hamp., 128.

Pitts, North, Northput [in Canewdon], co. Essex, 353.

Planche, Plaunche, James de la, 371.
-, ……, James de la, Maud his wife, 371.
-, ……, John de la, son of James, 371.

Plashes, Plasses in Staundon [in Standon parish], co. Hertf., the lord of, 219 (p. 140).

Plassetis. See Plessetis.

Plattelond, co. Monm., 434 (p. 296).

Plaunche. See Planche.

Plays, Playz, Plecetis, Pleiz, Plescis. See Plessetis.

Plesinghow, John de, 223.

Plessetis, Plays, Pleiz, Playz, Plessitis, Plassetis, Plecetis, Plescis. Giles de, 121.
-, ……, Hugh de, 42.
-, ……, Robert de, 17.
-, ……, Giles de, 221 (p. 143).
-, ……, Hugh de, son of Hugh, 42.
-, ……, John de, 229.
-, ……, John de, son of Robert, 17.
-, ……, Richard de, son of Giles, 121.
-, ……, Robert de, Ela his wife, 17.

Plockenet, Plokenet, Plokeneht. See Plucknet.

Plomberewe. See Plumbergh.

Plucknet, Plockenet, Plokeneht, Alan, 108, 230, 446.

Plumber, Roger de, 127, 184.

Plumbergh, Plomberewe, Laurence de, 288.
-, ……, ……, his daughter Sarah. See Coggeshale.

Plumberwe, co. Essex. See Plumborough.

Plumbland, Plumland, co. Cumb., 170.

Plumborough, Plumberwe [in Southminster parish], co. Essex, marsh, 207.

Plumesyerd, co. Suff., 434 (p. 300).

Plumland, co. Cumb. See Plumbland.

Plumland, Plumlond, Richard de, 327.
-, ……, Robert de, 322 (p. 219).

Plumpton, Plumton [near Morton Pinkney], co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 141).
-, ……, Plompton, co. Sussex, 236 (p. 170).
-, ……, ……, manor, 236 (p. 168).

Plumpton, Ralph son of William de. 218.

Plumstede, co. Kent, 159 (p. 101).

Plymstock, co. Devon, Staddescombe and Staddon in, 296 (p. 201).

Poddig, Richard, 296 (p. 201).

Poer, Pouwer, Power, Aline la, 235 (p. 159).
-, ……, Hugh le, 235 (p. 166).
-, ……, John le, 232 (p. 153).
-, ……, Robert le, 121 (p. 81).

Pointon, Poynton [in Sempringham parish], co. Linc., 233 (p. 155).

Pokelye, co. Hants, 386.

Poland, Pollyng [in Odiham parish], co. Hants, manor, 311.

Polcaron, co. Cornw., 300.

Polesworth, co. Warw., Pooley in, q.v.

Poleye, co. Warw. See Pooley.

Polgreyn, John, 227.

Poling, Palinge, Palyng, Polyng, co. Sussex, hospital of St. John, 90 (p. 51), 376.
-, ……, hundred, 90 (p. 51).

Polingges. See Ponyngges.

Pollard, John, 218.
-, ……, William, 218.

Pollyng, co. Hants. See Poland.

Polrode [in St. Tudy parish], co. Cornw., manor, 379.

Polschech, co. Cornw., 379.

Polstead, Polstede, Polstid, co. Suff., 305.

Polstoz, co. Cornw., 44 (p. 24).

Polum, co. Linc. See Poolham.

Polyng, co. Sussex. See Poling.

Pomeray, Pomeraye, Henry de la, 296.
-, ……, Henry de la, 312.
-, ……, Henry de la, son of Henry, 296.

Ponchardoune. See Punchardun.

Ponte, Maud de, 83.
-, ……, Simon de, 44 (p. 23).

Pontefracto, Robert de, of Wilstrop, 350.
-, ……, Adam de, 468 (p. 352).
-, ……, Robert de, 45 (p. 26).
-, ……, Thomas de, son of Robert, 350.

Ponteland, co. N’humb., inquisition made at, 81.

Pontem Tegule. See Thele.

Ponthope, Robert de, 58.
-, ……, ……, his son John, 58.

Ponyngges, Polingges, Michael de, 121 (p. 81), 323.

Pooley, Poleye [in Polesworth parish], co. Warw., manor, 100.

Poolham, Polum [in Woodhall parish], co. Linc., 233 (p. 156), 425.

Popes Hall, Popishal [in Buckland parish], co. Hertf., 435 (p. 318).

Poringland, Poringlond, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).

Porlock, Porlok, co. Somers., 397.
-, ……, place names in, 367.

Porter, John, of Pickenham, 329.
-, ……, Richard son of Roger le, 235 (p. 164).

Portes, Richard de, 235 (p. 164).

Portland, co. Dorset, manor, 435 (p. 313).

Portskewet, Portscuet [co. Monm.], 434 (p. 298).

Poslingford, co. Suff., Wentford in, q.v.

Posyte, Thomas, 235 (p. 164).

Potcote, Potecote [in Cold Higham parish], co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 140).

Potern, Thomas de, 238.

Potewelleclyve, co. Glouc., 434 (p. 295).

Pothowe, Alice (de Blaby), wife of Robert de, 10.

Pott [near Masham], co. York, wood, 210.

Pottebery in Estwelle [Eastwell], co. Kent, 372.

Potterspury, Estpyrie, co. N’hamp., 218.
-, ……, Potteres pyrie, co. N’hamp., manor, 24.

Potyngton, co. Devon. See Puddington.

Poulemeweryk. See Pwl Meyric.

Poulshot, Pauleshotte, co. Wilts, 20, 90 (p. 52).

Pouwer. See Poer.

Power. See Poer.

Poygnaunt, John, 52.

Poynton, co. Linc. See Pointon.

Praers, Preers, Richard de and Joan (de Crue), his wife, 250.
-, ……, Thomas de and Avice (de Crue) his wife, 250.

Prall, Roger, 296 (p. 201).

Pratis, John de, 163 (pp. 107, 108).

Prato, Alexander de, 434 (p. 300).

Préaux [Eure, France], abbot of, 34.

Preers. See Praers.

Prees, co. Salop, Sandford in, q.v.

Premfflonde, co. Hants. See Princelet.

Presford, co. Hants, I. of W., 390.

Presteigne, Prestheinede [co. Radnor], 235 (p. 160).
-, ……, market and fairs, 235 (p. 160).

Prestgrave, co. Leic., 91 (p. 54).

Preston in Amounderness, co. Lanc., inquisition made at, 46.
-, …… Capes, co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 141).
-, …… Richard [in Heversham parish], co. Westm., 137.
-, …… in Craven, co. York, inquisition made at, 424.
-, …… in Holderness, co. York, 15, 148, 468 (pp. 353, 354, 355, 356).
-, ……, ……, All Saints’ church, 223.
-, ……, ……, la Twyere in, 223.

Preston, John de, 468 (pp. 354, 356).
-, ……, Laurence de, 407.

Prestwood, Prestwode [in Ellastone parish], co. Staff., 202.

Prevet wood, co. Hants. See Privet.

Pridias, Thomas de, 149, 237.

Pridinton, co. Suff. See Purton.

Prilliston, Preleston [absorbed in Billingford near Diss], co. Norf., 434 (p. 302).

Prilly, Prilli, Prylly, Pirly, Peter, of Owersby and Alice his wife, 91.

Primerol, John, 39.

Princelet, Premffelonde [in Bonchurch parish], co. Hants. I. of W., 390.

Prinsted, Pernestede by Bourne [in Westbourne parish], co. Sussex, 291.

Prittlewell, Pritelewell, co. Essex, 257.
-, ……, manor, 257.

Privet, Prevet [in Sherborne St. John parish], co. Hants, wood, 96.

Prodemay, Thomas of Caistor, 225.

Prodom, Everard, 45 (p. 26).
-, ……, ……, Henry his son, 45 (p. 26).

Prophet, Nicholas, 80.

Proudfot, William, 468 (p. 352).

Prouz, Hugh, 296 (p. 201).

Pruce, John le, 438.

Prylly. See Prilly.

Pudding Norton, co. Norf. See Norton.

Puddington, Potyngton, co. Devon, manor and advowson, 457 (pp. 342–3).

Pulborough, Pulberwe, co. Sussex, 163 (p. 107).

Pullid, co. Radnor. See Pilleth.

Punchardon, Punchardun, Poncharddoune, Oliver de, 451.
-, ……, John, 296 (p. 202).
-, ……, Oliver de, 184.
-, ……, Oliver de, son of Oliver, 451.

Punfold, Pundefaude, Geoffrey, atte or de la, 268.
-, ……, John atte, son of Geoffrey, 268.

Purcell, Hugh, 434 (p. 305).

Purifright, Purifrith, co. Surrey. See Pirbright.

Puriton, Puritone, co. Somers., 388.

Purton, Pridinton [in Stansfield parish], co. Suff., 461 (p. 345).

Pusemere, co. Berks. See Peasemore.

Pusers, Geoffrey, 229.

Putton, Thomas de, 371.

Puynz, Hugh, 167.

Pwl Meyric, Poulemeweryk [near Chepstow, co. Monm.], fishery, 434 (p. 294).

Pycard, Pychard. See Pichard.

Pycheford. See Picheford.

Pydyngton, John de, 91 (p. 57).

Pygot. See Pigot.

Pykenham, co. Norf. See Pickenham.

Pympe, Pinches [in Nettlestead parish, co. Kent], 461 (p. 346).

Pymperne, co. Dorset. See Pimperne.

Pynkeny, Pynkeni. See Pinkeney.

Pypard, Pipard, Margery wife of Edmund, 31.
-, ……, William son of Thomas, a Norman, 31.
-, ……, John son of William, 31.
-, ……, John son of William, brother of Thomas and uncle of William, 31.
-, ……, Margery wife of Thomas, the Norman, 31.

Pyrot. See Pirot.

Pyryho, co. N’hamp. See Peryho.