Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 17

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 17', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 17', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 17". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 17

214. GRIFFIN SON AND HEIR OF OWEN DE LA POLE, who died in the king’s wardship.
Writ de melius inquirendo, the king understanding that the said Griffin held other lands, &c. (in places specified below), besides those in the inquisition lately made, 15 Jan. 3 Edw. II.
SALOP (sic). Inq. and extent, Wednesday after St. Valentine, 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Rewyriarch alias Reuwhiriarch [Reuwhyrach], Pentirth, Dolerchech [alias Dolerheth], Pennarth, Langevan [alias Langadevan], Thlesywyan [alias Lestynwynan, Tlesywyan], Blaute, and Bringwaydar [alias Bryngwaydan], the market town of Maghenleyt in Keveylok, and two parts of La Grenehalle (extents given), and 4l. yearly rent, all which are in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of said Griffin, and are held of the king in chief by barony, were granted by the king to the said Griffin, for certain rents to be rendered at the exchequer, together with the castle of la Pole in the country (patria) of Powys, and the towns of La Pole, Disserth liber’, Lannerchudel liber’, Grevenant liber’, Castel liber’, Selveyn liber’, Tydinprid liber’, Trallungelloyn liber’, Gaer nativi, Trallungelloyn [alias Gallungelloyn] nativi, Selveyn nativi, Brucktur nativi, Tidinprid nativi, Castraneldan [alias Estraneldan], Castel nativi, the country of Metheleyn, Finnioung Arthur liber’, Metheleyn Guynna, Glasmenoc liber’, Metheleyn, the country of Mochnant, Maesseleyn [alias Maesselyn], Kevyncock [alias Kevyngcogh], Garthelonynvaur [alias Garthgeleunynvaur], Nantfellaun, Kelleyniok, Kinnynoun, Arwystly, Uschecoyt [alias Uthcoyd], Langerig, Bronogadeyr, Wanan (?) and Lanyzeloys [alias Lanyzeleis].
Lady Joan, late the wife of the said Owen, pays yearly to the heir of La Pole for excess (?) of her dower 4l. The said Griffin demised to the said Lady Joan his mother, whilst he was under age and in her (?) wardship, the said towns of Reuwhiriarch, &c. (as above to Bringwaydan), which he held of the king at farm, together with the castle of La Pole and other lands, within a year before his decease (?).
C. Edw. II. File 17. (1.)
Writ, 4 Dec. 3 Edw. II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 17 Dec. 3 Edw. II.
Naketone in the liberty of Etheldred. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held for life, of the inheritance of the said John, of Andrew Peverel and his heirs by service of 1 knight’s fee, and doing for them one suit at the court of Haule yearly, and paying 10s. for the guard of the castle of Dover.
Foxhole. Tenements called Tirellisfe held of the earl of Gloucester by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
John de Holebrok, son of the said John and Alice, aged 20 on the day of St. Andrew, 3 Edw. II, is their next heir.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 19 Dec. 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Holebrok. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, and the advowson of the church of Freston, held for life, as above, of Alice, countess of Norfolk and marshal of England, by service of 1 knight’s fee; which, with other fees, was assigned to the said countess in dower of the fees of Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, her husband.
Burstalle. 37a. arable, 8a. 1r. pasture, and 29s. 10 3/4d. rent, held of the said countess, as above, by service of her proportion of 3 3/4 knights’ fees which Joan de Rocheford, Bartholemew de Elmham, and the said Alice de Holbrok held in Debenham, Sekford, Scarmston, and Burstalle; 9a. land and 1a. pasture, held of John de Stonham by service of 11d. yearly; and 12a. land held of Payn Tipetot by foreign service of 8d. towards 40s. scutage.
Langiston in Sproutone. The manor, held of the said inheritance, as above; 35a. land held of Sibyl Loveday by service of 17s. yearly, and 3s. towards 40s. scutage; 20a. arable held of John Daungervyle, service unknown; 36 1/2a. arable held of Peter Aneys and Christiana his wife by service of 3d. and a clove gillyflower yearly; and 22 1/2a. land held of William Warin by service of 3d. yearly.
Braunford in the same manor. 40a. land and 8a. wood, held of the bishop of Ely by service of 2s. yearly.
Sproutone. A new grange and 6a. land, held of William Baillol by service of 12d. yearly.
Tatinggiston manor. A mote with the buildings, &c. included, as far as the trees standing before it, a moiety of a chamber called Knitteboure, 1a. garden, 2a. in the pond, 30a. arable, 8a. wood, a water-mill, 2a. meadow, 10a. pasture, rents, &c., held of the heirs of Aveline de Ringgesele by service of 2d. yearly and doing the services due to the lords of the fee; 3 granges, a dairy, a malthouse, 2a. garden, 1/2 (?)a. in the pond, 40a. arable, rents, &c., and 5a. wood, held of Payn Tipetot by service of 1d. yearly; 15a. land, 1a. meadow, 2a. pasture, 20s. rent in Braham and Tattinggiston, and the advowson of the church of Tattinggiston, held of the prior of Leyes by service of 1d. yearly; 7s. rent in a hamlet called Alton, held of the prior of Snape by service of a clove gillyflower; 22s. rent there held of the heirs of Alice de Messinge by service of a rose; 30a. land and a water-mill, in the parish of Holebrok, held of the heirs of Robert Bullok by service of 6d.; 15s. rent in Tatingiston, held of the heirs of Robert de Boytone by service of 1/2d.; 10s. rent there held of the prior of Dodenhas by service of 1/2d.; 1/2d. rent in Stutton, held of Gerard de Wachisham by homage and service of 1/20 knight’s fee; 5a. meadow held of divers fees unknown; and 1a. meadow and 10s. rent, held of the heirs of …… de Freston by service of 3s. 9d. to a scutage of 20s.
Braham. 1a. meadow held of the heirs of William de Houtone by service of 4d. yearly; 27s. rent held of the heirs of Agnes de Burnham by service of 1d.; 10s. rent held of William de Monte Caniso by foreign service unknown; 12s. rent held of the heirs of Nicholas Petit, service unknown; and 15s. rent held of the prior of Leyes by service of a rose.
Coppedok. 30s. rent held of Richard de Coppedok by service of 1d. yearly.
Belstede. 2s. rent held of Alan de Goldingham by service of 4d. to a scutage of 20s.; and 7s. rent held of Ralph de Reydon in exchange for another rent in Reydon.
Wenham. A moiety of the advowson of the church, and 1a. glebe.
Holton. A moiety of the advowson of the church, and 12d. rent for glebe.
Both held of the heirs of Alexander de Braunford by homage, and by what other service is unknown.
Capele. 5s. rent held of the heirs of Roger de Braham, service unknown.
Stottone. 10s. rent held of divers fees unknown.
Chelmenton. 9s. rent held of the heirs of William Testepin, service unknown.
Wolferston. 10s. rent held of divers fees unknown.
Freston. 8s. rent held of the heirs of Thomas de Frestone, by a certain foreign service ……; and 16s. rent in the hamlet called Manstaneton (?) similarly held.
Bentleye. A messuage and 70a. arable, held of the prior of Leyes by service of 1d. yearly; 20a. arable and 1a. pasture, called Mansfordislond, in Bentleye and Tatinggiston, held of William de Videleu by foreign service unknown; 20a. arable and 1a. pasture in Tatinggiston, pertaining to the manor of Bentleye, held of Robert de Geddingges by homage and service of a rose yearly; and 40a. land held of divers fees unknown.
Heir as above, aged 16 on the day of St. Andrew, 3 Edw. II.
Writ de melius inquirendo, 31 Dec. 3 Edw. II.
[SUFFOLK.] Inq. made at Gippewyc’, 10 Jan. 3 Edw. II.
The said Alice held no other lands in the bailiwick, than as it appears by the above Inquisitions.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (2.)
Writ, 29 Jan. 3 Edw. II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 7 Feb. 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Great Ashfeld. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), including:—
Free tenants holding by knights’ fee, viz.—
Langham. 1 fee held by William de Langham.
Great Ashfeld. 1 fee held by Albric de Wykes.
Little Ashfeld. 1/4 fee held by the prior of Ixeworthe.
Walsham. 1/4 fee held by John de Walsham.
Hengford. 1 fee held by William Rescelyn.
Ixeworthe. A moiety of the manor (extent given).
All held of the king in chief by service of finding an armed horseman in the king’s wars.
Little Ashfeld. . . a. arable and 6a. meadow, held of the abbot of St. Edmund’s by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, and paying 10d. at the end of every twenty weeks for the guard of the castle of Norwich.
Ouisdene. The manor (extent given), jointly held by the said William and Joan his wife, who still survives, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne, now in the king’s hand, by service of 1 knight’s fee, and doing suit at the court of Wicham, by the grant of Walter, parson of the church of Ouisdene, and Robert de Ashfeld [alias de Ahsdon], chaplain, by a fine levied in the king’s court in 1 Edw. II, by the king’s charter of licence, to Mary de Criketot ………….. after her death to the said William and Joan, as abovesaid.
Leveney [alias Lyveney]. The manor (extent given), jointly held, as above, of the earl of Oxford by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, of the gift of [William Criketot] father of the said William.
St. Edmunds. A messuage, jointly held, as above, of the abbot of St. Edmunds by service of two farthings called ‘hadgovel’ of the gift of the said William Creketot the father.
William his son, aged 17 at the feast of the Epiphany 3 Edw. II, is his next heir.
Writ of plenius certiorari on the complaint of the said Joan that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand, the manors of Ouesdene and Lyveney of which she was jointly enfeoffed with her husband, as though the said William had died seised of them as of fee, 12 Feb. 3 Edw. II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 25 Feb. 3 Edw. II.
The said Joan was jointly enfeoffed with the said William of the manors of Ouisdene and Leveney, and of certain tenements in the town of St. Edmunds (extents given), as abovesaid, and continued her seisin until the day of the said William’s death.
SUFFOLK. Assignment of dower to the said Joan, 3 March, 3 Edw. II.
The moiety of the manor of Ixeworthe abovesaid, was wholly assigned to the said Joan in dower, and also her dower of all the knights’ fees, as well in the manor of Ahsfeld and the moiety of the manor of Ixeworthe, as elsewhere, which were held of the said William.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (3.)
Writ, 11 Jan. 3 Edw. II.
DORSET. Inq. 31 Jan. 3 Edw. II.
Lange Blaneford. The manor (extent given), held, together with the manor of Wymeryng, co. Southampton, of the king in chief by service of 1d. yearly, of the gift of the late king Edward.
John his son, aged 23 and more, is his next heir.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. 26 Jan. 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Wemeringe. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), held, together with the manor of Langeton Blaneford, of the king in chief in free socage by service of 1d. yearly.
Lokerlee. The manor (extent given), held of the king, rendering 6l. 11s. 9d. yearly by the hands of the sheriff.
Heir as above, aged 24 and more.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (4.)
218. WILLIAM DE ROS of Kendale.
Writ, 12 March, 3 Edw. II.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Saturday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 3 Edw. II.
Cargou hamlet. A waste place where a capital messuage was, 63a. land, 2a. meadow, a water-mill, his part of a fishery in the water of Eden, and rents, &c. (extent given), held of William de Karlio(lo) by service of 8s. 10d. white rent, and 21d. for cornage yearly; including the hamlet of Cringeldik, which Walter de Kyrkebrid holds by service of 7s. 8d. white rent, and 8d. for cornage yearly.
Thomas his son, aged 3 1/2, is his next heir.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. Thursday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 3 Edw. II.
Presfen (extent given with names of tenants), held of William de Ros, lord of Werk, by homage and service of 1d. yearly.
Heir as above.
WESTMORELAND. Inq. Saturday before the day of St. Dunstan, 3 Edw. II.
Kirkeby in Kendale. The castle, with two granges, an ox house, the mastership of the hospital of St. Leonard by the castle, which is in the donation of the said William, with two chaplains and four lepers, a fourth part of the town of Kirkeby in Kendale with the undermentioned hamlets, two parks, and his part of a fishery in the water of Kent &c., held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of three parts of 1 knight’s fee.
Free tenants of the said William’s part of the barony of Kendale:—
Kyllington, Frethebank and Le Berghes. The hamlets, held by Thomas de Pykering by service of 1/10 knight’s fee, rendering 10d. and 1lb. pepper yearly, and 7s. for food (putura).
Burton with the hamlets of Preston Richard, Hencaster, and a sixth part of Lupton, held by Roger son of Roger de Burton by service of 12d. for cornage, and 7s. for food yearly.
Sockebred, Shererg, Slegill, Stirkeland Roger, and Banandesdale. The hamlets, held by Gilbert de Lancaster by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, and rendering 13s. 4d. yearly.
Lychton Coniers. The hamlet, held by Henry de Croft by service of 12d. or a sore sparrow hawk.
Little Stirkeland. Three parts of the hamlet, held by James de Hartcla by service of 24s. 8d. for cornage yearly; and the fourth part held by Nicholas de Grendon by service of 1d.
Coningeswyk. The manor, and a moiety of the hamlet of Tranethayth, held by Thomas de Alneto by homage and 1lb. pepper yearly.
Brathela. A moiety, held by the same Thomas by service of 1/20 knight’s fee, and 1/2lb. cummin.
Barton. A messuage and 1 carucate land, held by Gilbert de Barton by service of 15s. 4d. for cornage, and 2s. 6d. for food yearly.
Middelton. A messuage and 1/3 carucate land, held of John son of Gilbert de Middelton by service of 14s. for cornage, and 9d. for food yearly.
Staynton. A third part of the hamlet, held by Eleanor late the wife of John de Berwyk by service of 4d. yearly.
Dylaker. The hamlet held by William de Lancastre by service of 13d. for cornage, and 3s. 6d. for food yearly.
Haverbreck Litkbergh. The hamlet held by Nigel Cayrous by service of 2s. for cornage yearly.
Brathela. A messuage and 30a. land, held by William de Patton by service of three parts of 1lb. pepper, and 5d. for food yearly; and a messuage and 20a. land, held by John du Lee by service of 1/4lb. pepper yearly.
Stirkeland Ketel. A messuage and 1 carucate land, held by Robert, son of Robert de Stirkeland, by service of 3s. for cornage yearly; a messuage and 20a. land held by Thomas de Stirkeland, clerk, by service of 6s. 8d. for cornage yearly; a messuage and 11a. land, held by William son of Gilbert by service of 8d. for cornage yearly.
Crok. A fourth part of the hamlet, held by Simon de Gnipe by service of 5s. 11 1/2d. for cornage, and 6s. yearly for food.
Ulnethayth. A messuage and 1 carucate land, held by William de Gylpine by service of 2s. 7d. for cornage, 12 arrows price 2d., and 1lb. cummin price 2d., yearly.
Stirkeland Randolff. A messuage and 10a. land, held by Richard de Gylpine by service of 1/2lb. cummin.
Tranethayth. A moiety of the hamlet, held by Robert de Gylpine by service of 5s. for cornage, and 18d. yearly for food.
Litbergh. A moiety held by Thomas de Levens by service of 6s. 8d. for cornage, and 15d. yearly for food.
Stirkeland Randolff. A messuage and 9a. land, held by Roger Ward by service of 9d. for cornage, and 6d. yearly for food; a messuage and 9a. land, held by Richard de Gylpine by similar service; and a messuage and 9a. land, held by William son of Patrick by similar service.
Astthetwayt. A messuage and 12a. land, held by Maud Sumpter by service of 18d. for cornage, a moiety of 1lb. pepper, and 6d. yearly for food; and a messuage and 12a. land, held by Henry Pyndeby and Emma his wife by similar service, and 1lb. wax.
Melcanthorpp. A messuage and 1 carucate land, held by John de Cotesford (?) by service of 4d. for cornage yearly.
Kendale. Pannage in the woods.
Kyrkebi in Kendal. Pourparty of the said William (extent given with names of tenants), including the herbage of Kirkebybanck.
Tenants at will:—
Hoton. The hamlet, in which are 18 tenants holding a messuage each, and 125a. land between them; and there is a water-mill.
Haya. The hamlet, in which are 23 tenants holding a messuage each, and 272a. land between them.
Scalthaytrig. The hamlet, in which are 31 tenants holding a messuage each, and 218 1/2a. land between them; and there is a water-mill.
Stirkeland Randolffe. The hamlet, in which are 10 tenants holding a messuage each, and 197a. land and 7a. meadow between them; and there is a water-mill.
Grenrig. The hamlet, in which are 26 tenants holding a messuage each, and 191a. land between them; and there is a water-mill and a fulling-mill.
Hogayl. The hamlet, in which are 2 tenants holding a messuage each, and 48a. land between them.
Respeton. A moiety of the mill.
Patton. A moiety of the mill.
Grarig. A fourth part of the mill.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (5.)
Writ, 29 April, 3 Edw. II.
BUCKINGHAM. Extent, Friday after SS. Gordianus and Ephiniachus, 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Evre. The manor (full extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Cornwall, as of the honour of Walingford, by service of 1 knight’s fee, and doing suit at the court of Walingford.
John de Claveringge his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
ESSEX. Inq. 15 May, 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Clavering. The manor (full extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 44.
NORFOLK. Inq. 14 May, 3 Edw. II.
Horsford. The manor (full extent given), held of Maud late the wife of Edmund earl of Cornwall, by reason of her dower, by service of 1 knight’s fee, and doing suit at the court of Eye.
Heir as above, aged 40 and more.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 14 May, 3 Edw. II.
Blyboruth. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 40 and more.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. Friday before St. Dunstan, 3 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Whalton. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), held of the king in chief by service of 2 knights’ fees.
Knights’ fees of Whalton:—
Wyderington. The manor and his land there, held by Sir John de Wyderington of the manor of Whalton by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Lynton. The manor, &c., held by the same Sir John by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Eshet and Bokynfeld. The manor, &c., held by Sir Roger Mauduyt by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Horton. The manor, &c., held by Sir …… de Charron by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
O[ggille ?]. The manor, &c., held by Sir John de Oggill by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
South Goseford. The manor, &c., held by Sir John de Insula of Wodelten by service of 1/6 knight’s fee.
Neweham, Denton, Faughdon, Kynton, and Newebigginge on the Moor, held by William de Warthewyk and John de Wyderington of Denton by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Schotton in Glendale. Land (unspecified), held by the said John de Wyderington of Denton by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Herle. Land (unspecified), held by the said William de Warthewyk by service of 1/5 knight’s fee.
Kyrkeherle. Land which was of William Bataille, held by the same William by service of 1/5 knight’s fee; and land held by William son of William de Herle by service of 1/5 knight’s fee.
Herle. A tenement and land called Cheuervile, held by William de Herle by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Ripplinton. Lands which were of William de Male, held by William de Denom by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Neweburne. The manor with its members the hamlets of Walebottil, Deuelawe, and Botirlawe (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of rendering 40s. at the king’s exchequer at Newcastle on Tyne.
Free tenants of Newburne:—
Throckelawe, held by Thomas de Throckelawe, rendering 55s. 7 1/2d. white rent yearly.
Deuelawe hamlet. A messuage and 18a. land, held by Adam de Menevile, rendering 4s. 6d. white rent yearly.
Corebrigg. The manor and borough, with pasture in the moor of Schilveden (extent given with names of tenants), held of the king in chief, rendering 40l. yearly at the king’s exchequer and 10s. for serjeanty.
Werkeworth. The castle and borough, including tenements called the town of the New Borough, with the hamlets of Birlingg and Aclinton (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Free tenants of the castle of Werkeworth:—
Upper Botilston. A moiety, held by William de Botilston, rendering 32s. white rent to the same castle; and the other moiety held by Richard de Botilston rendering 29s. 8d.
Tokisdene. A fourth part, held by William de Tokisdene, rendering 20s. white rent yearly to the said castle.
Routhebyri. The manor and borough (extent given), with its members the hamlets of Le Neuton, Thropton, and Snyttir, and the forest with the vaccaries of Grenehelay, Pappeworthhalugh, Thornihalugh, Yleye, Mirihildhyrst, and Brockeleygehirst, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
He held no advowsons of churches in the county.
Heir as above, aged 40 and more.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (6.)
Writ, 12 March, 3 Edw. II.
KENT. Inq. 26 March, 3 Edw. II.
La Gare alias La Gore. The manor (extent given), held by the said William jointly with Juliana his wife, of the gift of Fulk Payfrere, of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Juliana, daughter of Thomas de Leyburne his son, aged 6 and more, is his next heir.
KENT. Inq. 5 April, 3 Edw. II.
Esture. The manor (extent given), jointly held, as above, together with Stephen de Burgharsh, of the gift of Benedicta de Esture, of the manor of Asshetesford by service of 1 knight’s fee, and suit at the court of Asshetesford, rendering 10s. at Asshetesford in aid of 20s. due for the guard of the castle of Dover, and 3d. Romescot; and 12a. meadow of gavelkind, held of divers lords by service of 40s. 11d.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. 27 March, 3 Edw. II.
Godewynston by Sydingburn. A capital messuage, 80a. arable, 3a. salt meadow, 70a. pasture, 5a. wasted wood, a water-mill, 40s. rent, &c. jointly held, as above, of the gift of John de Sandhurst, and Florence, Maud, and Agatha de Tilmanston, of the king in chief by service of rendering 5s. yearly at his manor of Middleton, and suit twice yearly at the hundred of Middleton.
Bickenore by Sydingburn. A capital messuage, 100a. arable, 60a. pasture, 20a. wood, rents, &c. jointly held, as above, of the gift of Richard la Veylle, of Thomas son of Bernard by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, rendering 6s. for the guard of the castle of Rochester and 15s. to John de Byckenor.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. 10 April, 3 Edw. II.
Dane in Tanet. The manor (extent given), held, of the inheritance of Juliana his wife, of the abbey of St. Augustine, Canterbury, which is now vacant and in the king’s hand, by service of 1 1/4 knight’s fee, a pair of gilt spurs, and suit at the abbot’s court at Canterbury; and there are there of gavelkind, 20a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 24a. reeds, held of the said abbey by service of 54s. 4 1/2d., certain quantities of barley and oats, and doing carriage service (averagia) with his parceners from the manor of Hengrave to the manor of Menstre with six horses whenever summoned, and suit at the abbot’s court of Menstre.
Westgate in Tanet. The manor (extent given), held, as above, by service of 1 knight’s fee, a pair of gilt spurs, and suit at the abbot’s court at Canterbury; and 16 1/2a. arable of gavelkind, held of the inheritance of Juliana his wife, by service of 6s. yearly to the said abbey, certain quantities of barley and oats, and suit at the abbot’s court of Menstre.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. 1 April, 3 Edw. II.
Elham. The manor with the hundred (extent given), jointly held as above, of the gift of Fulk Payforer, of the king in chief by service of 2 knights’ fees.
Langele. The manor (extent given), jointly held as above, of the gift of Fulk Peyforer, of the king in chief as of the honour of the earldom of Albemarle, now in the king’s hand, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. 9 April, 3 Edw. II.
Preston. The manor (extent given) held, of the inheritance of the said Juliana, of the abbey of St. Augustine, Canterbury, now vacant and in the king’s hand, at fee farm for 14l. 9s. yearly, and suit at the abbot’s court.
Preston. The hundred, held, of the said inheritance, of the king in chief, rendering 13s. 4d. yearly.
Elmerston. The manor (extent given), jointly held as above, of the gift of Fulk Payforer, of the abbey of St. Augustine, Canterbury, by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Overlond. The manor (extent given), jointly held as above, of the gift of Fulk Payforer, of Robert, archbishop of Canterbury, by service of 10s. yearly, and suit at the hundred of Wyngham.
Ripple. A messuage and land (extent given), held, of the inheritance of the said Juliana, of Bartholomew de Baddelesmere, as of the barony of Say, by service of 1 knight’s fee, and rendering 10s. for every 24 weeks for the guard of the castle of Dover, 9s. 6d. yearly at the abbot of St. Augustine’s manor of Northburn, and 8d. to Richard son of Bernard.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. 8 April, 3 Edward II.
Asshetesford. The manor (extent given), jointly held as above, for life, of the gift of Thomas de Leyburn, of the king in chief, as of the honour of Perches, by service of 2 knights’ fees, suit at the king’s court of Redlevet, and 20s. for the guard of the castle of Dover yearly; and rendering 34s. 6 1/2d. yearly to divers lords, and suit at the courts of Postlyng, Chert, and Braburn.
Mere. The manor (extent given), excepting the park and the marsh called Slahulle, jointly held as above, of the gift of Thomas de Leyburn for life, of the king in chief as of the crown by service of being chief larderer at the king’s coronation, and rendering 20s. yearly to Robert de Shyrland; and the park of Mere, and the marsh of Slahulle, jointly held as above, of the gift of Fulk Payforer, of the king in chief by the above service.
Heir as above.
William de Leyburn his father, enfeoffed the said Thomas de Leyburn and Alice his wife, of the manors of Ashetesford and Mere, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to the said William and Juliana and their heirs, and afterwards the said Thomas demised them to the said William and Juliana.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of the abovesaid Juliana, that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand certain manors, &c. (above mentioned), of which she was enfeoffed jointly with her husband, 29 April, 3 Edw. II.
KENT. Inq. 11 May, 3 Edw. II.
Juliana late the wife of said William was jointly enfeoffed with him by Fulk Payforer of the manors of Eleham, Gare, and Langele, of 300a. wood, and 200a. pasture in Renham, and of 300a. marsh in Uppechirche, with the king’s licence, and so continued to his death; and also of the manor of Packemanston in the parish of Bilsinton: the manor of Eleham, La Gare, and Langele, the lands in Renham and Uppechirche, together with the manor of Mere, and the manor of Packemanston together with the manor of Asshettesford, are held of the king in chief by the services, &c. mentioned above. She was also jointly enfeoffed, as abovesaid, of the manor of Godewinston, and of a moiety of the manor of Esture, and of the manors of Elmerston, Overlonde, Bickenor, Dane and Westgate in Tanet, Preston and Ripple, with the hundred of Preston, under the services, &c. above specified.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (7.)
Writ, 6 April, 3 Edw. II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 1 May, 3 Edw. II.
Weybrede. A manor there (extent given), held of Margaret, countess of Cornwall, by service of 1 knight’s fee, and doing 16s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Eye, and suit at the court of Eye; of which fee, &c. the said countess was dowered by the late King Edward, with other fees &c., of the fees, &c. of Edmund her husband, sometime earl of Cornwall.
Oliver his son, aged 23, is his next heir.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. 22 April, 3 Edw. II.
Westdene. 20a. land, 5 1/2a. meadow, rents, &c. pertaining to his manor of Westdene, co. Wilts, which, with other manors, he held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 23 and more.
WILTS. Inq. 22 April, 3 Edw. II.
Westdeene. Two parts of a moiety, a moiety of Eestgrimstede, a moiety of Stupellangeford, and Estkodeford alias Codeford (extents given with names of tenants), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Hampteworth. A messuage, 40a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 5a. wood, held of the bishop of Winchester for 1 knight’s fee; and John de Grimstede holds 1/3 knight’s fee there; Elizabeth, late the wife of John Elys, holds a messuage and 20a. land by fealty, rendering 1d.; and there are customers who render 22s. yearly, &c.
Heir as above, aged 24 and more.
NORFOLK. Inq. 4 May, 3 Edw. II.
Ingham and Waxtonesham. The manors (extents given), held of John de Cove and Eva his wife, as of her dower as sometime the wife of John de Tateshale, by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Waxtonesham. A capital messuage not built, 60a. arable, 6a. meadow, pasture, 6a. rushes, a wind-mill, rents, &c. held of the abbot of St. Benet’s, Hulme, at fee farm by service of rendering 7l. 10s. yearly.
Sterston. A capital messuage, 120a. arable, 3a. meadow, 4a. pasture, 4a. wood, rents, &c. held of Alice late the wife of Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, as of her dower, by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Lammesse. A messuage, with the body of a villein worth 1d. yearly, held of John Peverel and Joan his wife, Thomas de Framelingham and Agnes his wife, and William de Neuton and Margaret his wife, by service of a rose.
Heir as above, aged 23 and more.
C. Edw. II. File 17. (8.)