Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 20

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 20', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 20', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 20". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 20

250. JOHN SEYNT PERE alias SEYNPERE of Suthmardefeld.
Writ, 23 Oct. 4 Edw. II.
LEICESTER. Inq. 23 Nov. 4 Edw. II.
Mardfeld South. A capital messuage and 3 virgates containing 51a. land, held of the king in chief by serjeanty of carrying, together with his partners, at their own costs, the king’s writs for forty days in England on the king’s summons, which serjeanty is rated at 15s. yearly at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff of Leicester.
His daughters, Agnes the elder, aged 8, Alice, aged 4, and Agnes the younger, aged 2, are his next heirs.
Writ to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to examine the rolls, &c., of the time of King Henry (III.), and certify what they shall find concerning the abovesaid rating, 20 Jan. 4 Edw. II.
Extract from the memoranda of the exchequer (undated).
Serjeanties rated by Robert Passelewe in the time of Hen. III.
A serjeanty which was of Baldwin de Scheftinton for carrying the king’s writs, &c. (as above) has been alienated.
Henry de Mardefeld holds 6 bovates land in [Mardefeld] and made fine for them, viz.—10s. yearly.
The prior of Landon holds of the same Henry 2 bovates land in Scheftinton, and the same Henry made fine for him, viz.—5s. yearly.
And they two shall do service of 1/12 knight’s fee.
A serjeanty which was of Baldwin de Scheftinton, &c., as above.
Serjeanties changed into knights’ service.
Henry de Mardefeld and the prior of Laund, 1/12 fee.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (1.)
[Cf. Testa de Nevill, pp. 88, 89.]
Writ, 26 March, 4 Edw. II.
CHESTER. Inq. Monday before the Ascension, 4 Edw. II. (defective.)
Malpas. A fourth part of the barony, with a fourth part of the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of 1 1/2 knights’ fee.
Cestris[cire]. A moiety of the serjeanty of the peace, held by service of finding ten serjeants of the peace for keeping the peace in Cestris[cire], for which his ancestors used to receive 30s. yearly at the exchequer of Chester for mantles for the ten serjeants.
Schibbrok, Davenham and Leftedewich. A sixth part of the manors, held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Wich Malban. An eighteenth part of the barony, of which parcel, viz.—Hurdeleston is charged with 100s. to John de Ardene for life by the said Urian’s charter, held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Toperlegh, Kelsale and Masefen. The passagium held of the king in chief by service of guarding the roads in the time of the markets of Chester.
Anderton. The manor held of the king in chief in free socage by service of 1lb. pepper at the exchequer of Chester.
Malpas. A burgage and 4a. land, and two salt pits in Le Fulwich, held of Richard de Sutton in free socage by service of 21d. yearly.
Pekforton. The manor held in free socage, and a moiety of the manor of Horsleghe with a pourparty of a mill in Beston, held of David son of Richard de Boneburi, and John son of Urian de Sancto Petro, by service of 3s. yearly.
Ridelegh. 1 carucate land held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England in chief by service of 12d. yearly.
Halghton and Spurstowe. 1 carucate land held in chief of the divers parceners of Halghton and Spurstowe in free socage by service of one …….
Ridelegh, Spurstowe, and Halghton. A twelfth part of the manors held of Hova ap Eyngnon in free socage by service of 1d.
Wich Malban. 1 1/2 salt pit held of Robert de Praers in free socage by service of 12d.
Aldelime. 2s. free rent to be received by the hands of Roger de Clecton.
Boneburi. A moiety, with a moiety of the advowson of the church, and a fourth part of the manor of Beston, held in free socage of Edward Burnel by service of an arrow.
Chester. 2s. free rent to be received by the hands of John de Deresburi, and a pair of white gloves by the hands of the heir of John le Noble.
John his son, aged 3 on the feast of St. Margaret next, is his next heir.
Writ, 28 April, 4 Edw. II.
DERBY. Inq. 20 Sept. 5 Edw. II.
Walton-upon-Trent. A messuage, 1 virgate land, &c., held of Sir Robert de Monte Alto by homage and service of 16s. yearly; and 2 virgates land in demesne and 9l. from tenants, held of the said Sir Robert by service of two appearances and services at his great boonday (precaria) in the autumn.
John his son, aged 3, is his next heir.
WARWICK. Inq. 2 Sept. 5 Edw. II.
Honyngham. A messuage and 1 carucate land, held of William Corpison in chief by service of 1/2d. yearly, and 1/4 knight’s fee when it shall happen.
Heir as above.
Writ of certiorari to the escheator in co. Chester, what lands, &c. he has delivered to Iseult, late the wife of the said Urian, in dower, and what are in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of the heir, 14 Dec. 5 Edw. II.
CHESTER. Return of the escheator (undated).
By an inquisition previously returned it was found that the said Urian held of the king in chief as follows:—
Malpas. A fourth part of the barony and of the advowson of the church, held by service of 1 1/2 knight’s fee; and a moiety of the serjeanty of the peace, held by service of finding ten serjeants for keeping the peace.
Schibbrok, Davenham, and Leftedewich. A sixth part of the manors held by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Wich Malban. An eighteenth part of the barony held by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, worth 113s., out of which John de Ardene holds 100s. for life by the charter of the said Urian.
Torperlegh, Kelsale and Masefen. The keepership of a certain passagium worth 3s. held for making the roads safe in the time of the markets of Chester.
Anderton. The manor held in free socage by service of rendering 1lb. pepper yearly at the exchequer of Chester.
Of which lands there are assigned by the king’s command to Iseult, late the wife of the said Urian, in dower, a third part of a fourth part of the said barony (of Malpas) in Schokelache, Cudinton, Great Egge, and Fulwich; a sixth part of the said manors of Schibbrok, Davenham, and Leftedewich; and of the said eighteenth part of the barony of Wich Malban, 13s. There is also assigned to her the whole manor of Anderton for her dower of the said Urian’s lands in Pekforton, Horlegh, Boneburi, Beston, Ridelegh, Spurstowe, Halghton, and Anderton, which are held of other lords than the king.
CHESTER. Extent of all the lands &c. which John de Grey, and William Inge and Iseult his wife hold in their wardship of the inheritance of John, son and heir of the said Urian, made before the justice of Chester, on Tuesday after Palm Sunday, 6 Edw. II.
John de Grey holds in his wardship of the said inheritance the manor of Pecforton, a moiety of the manor of Bunbury, a fourth part of the manor of Bestan, and a twelfth part of the townships of Spurstowe, Halghton, and Ridelegh. And William Inge and Iseult his wife hold in their wardship of the said inheritance two parts of a fourth part of the barony of Malpas, and a moiety of the serjeanty of the peace, and the passagium of Masefen and Kelshale.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (2.)
252. ROBERT DE Ros alias DE Roos of Gedeneye.
Writ, 3 Feb. 4 Edw. II.
Memorandum from the escheator, that before this writ came he took the lands, &c. contained in these inquisitions, into the king’s hand ‘ex officio,” and has delivered them to Robert Darcy and William de Vaux, to whom the king has granted the wardship by another writ.
LINCOLN. Inq. 30 April, 4 Edw. II.
Wiwell and Hungerton. A capital messuage, a wind-mill, 100a. arable, 20a. meadow, rents, &c. pertaining to the manor of Wiwell, held of William de Ros by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Gedeneye. Certain lands, &c., held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Albemarle now in the king’s hand, service unknown.
James his son, aged 9, is his next heir.
LINCOLN. Inq. 4 May, 4 Edw. II.
Normanby and Claxby. Certain lands, &c. held of William de Ros, by service of rendering 1d. yearly, and doing the following services for the said William, viz.—to Thomas Braibo the service of 1/8 knight’s fee for a third part of a messuage, 2 bovates land and 5a. wood; to Roger de Pilkington the service of 1/2 knight’s fee, for a third part of a messuage, 4 bovates land, and 5a. wood; to Richard Curteis 1lb. cummin yearly for a third part of a messuage, 4 bovates land, 6a. wood, and a water-mill; and to the mother church of Lincoln 12d. for a messuage.
Heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inq. 3 May, 4 Edw. II.
Gedeneye. A third part of the town, with certain lands in Woplade and Holbech pertaining thereto (full extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Albemarle by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Sutton. 7a. land held of Alan de Multon by service of 9s. yearly; and 25a. land held of the honour of St. Audrey the Virgin by service of rendering 4s. 2d. yearly.
Heir as above.
Writ to Robert de Wodehous, escheator, to deliver the wardship of the lands, &c. of the said Robert to Robert Darcy and William de Vallibus, 14 Jan. 4 Edw. II.
Writ, 3 Feb. 4 Edw. II. Endorsed: That the escheator has delivered to Robert Darcy and William de Vaux the wardship of the lands, &c. of the said Robert in his bailiwick, in accordance with the king’s writ which came to him before.
YORK; WAPENTAKE OF HERTHILL. Inq. Tuesday in Easter week, 4 Edw. II.
Brighton. The manor (extent given), including a ferry across the water of Derwent and 10 marks rent of assize in Swanneslund, held of William de Roos of Hamelaak by knight’s service.
Heir as above.
YORK; WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS. Tuesday after St. Mark, 4 Edw. II.
Hildeston. A capital messuage, 6 bovates land, 3 tofts, and 10a. foreland, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Albemarle, by homage, knight’s service, and doing suit at the said wapentake.
Aldeburgh Thorp. A capital messuage, 8 bovates land, and 100s. rent of assize in Aldeburgh, held of Sir William de Ros of Hamelak by homage, and knight’s service.
Oustewyk. 9 bovates land, 14 tofts, and foreland with a plot called Bryndcroft.
Beningholm. 2 1/3 bovates land and a toft.
Tharlestorp. 1 1/2 bovate land and 4 tofts.
All held of Sir Robert le Conestable of Holdernesse by knight’s service.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (3.)
Writ, 1 April, 4 Edw. II.
SOMERSET. Inq. 26 April, 4 Edw. II.
Wythele. 6 bovates land, viz:—a capital messuage, 70a. land, 3a. meadow, and 4a. pasture, held for life by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Isabel le Beel sometime his wife, of the king in chief by service of a pair of gilt spurs, or 6d. yearly, to be paid by the hands of the sheriff.
Hylecomb. 20s. rent from a water-mill, 3a. meadow, and 9s. 10d. yearly rent at Mont’ Agu, held for life, as above, of Philip de Curteneye in chief by service of 1/20 knight’s fee.
West Doueliz. 10a. arable held for life, as above, of John Wak in chief by service of 1lb. cummin yearly.
Whitenhull. 12s. yearly rent held for life, as above, of Matthew de Furneaux.
Henry, son of the said Reginald and Isabel, aged 28 and more, is their next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (4.)
Writ, 1 April, 4 Edw. II.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. 4 May, 4 Edw. II.
Paunteleye. The manor (full extent given), held of the heir of the countess of Lincoln, as of the honour of Clifford which is in the king’s hand through the earl’s death, by service of 1 knight’s fee.
William son of William de Wytinton, his kinsman, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (5.)
Writ, 23 Oct. 4 Edw. II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 20 Nov. 4 Edw. II.
Canewyk. A capital messuage, 120a. arable, 6a. meadow, 40s. 4d. rent &c., held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Elias his son, aged 26, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (6.)
Writ, 18 June, 4 Edw. II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 8 July, 5 Edw. II. (defective.)
Haynton and Suthereie. Two capital messuages, lands, rents, &c. (extents given with names of tenants), held of the heir of Philip de Chauncy, who is in the king’s wardship, by service of 1 knight’s fee. He held nothing of the heir of Thomas de Multon of Frankton, who is in the king’s wardship.
Haynton. A water-mill jointly held by the said Nicholas and Alice his wife for life, by the demise of …….. Sixle, of the heir of Chauncy by the service aforesaid.
William Tuchet, knight, aged 36 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (7.)
Writ, 20 Jan. 4 Edw. II.
CORNWALL. Inq. 18 Feb. 4 Edw. II.
Tryueru. A moiety of the borough (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 4d. to be paid at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the bailiffs of Tryueru
Nywenham. The hamlet (extent given), held of Oliver de Carmynou in socage by service of 23 1/4d. yearly.
Trengrous. The hamlet (extent given), held of John de Treiagu in socage by service of 2s. yearly.
Curglas and Treburcheyis. The hamlets (extent given), held of Thomas le Archedeakne in socage by service of 12d. yearly.
Penstradou, Trencruk, and Latta. The hamlets (extent given), held of the earl of Cornwall in socage by service of 6d. yearly.
Tregonyan. A Cornish acre held of William de Ralegh in socage by service of 1d. yearly.
Trebyghan. 1 1/2a. land held of the prior of Bodmine by service of 1d. yearly.
Geoffrey his son, aged 23 at Easter last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (8.)
Writ, 15 Oct. 4 Edw. II.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 30 Dec. 4 Edw. II.
Schodecaump. A messuage not built, 140a. arable, 4a. meadow, 2a. pasture, 15s. 7d. rent, &c., held of Joan late the wife of Giles de Plaiz by reason of her dower of his inheritance, by service of 1 knight’s fee, and suit of court at Thremhale or Springefeld; a messuage held of the earl of Oxford by service of 10d. yearly; 40a. arable held of the heirs of Walter Sampson by service of a clove gillyflower; 3 1/2a. arable held of Robert de Say by service of 16d. yearly; and 3 1/2a. arable held of Richard de Berardeshey by service of 18d. yearly.
Thomas his son, aged 15 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (9.)
Writ to the escheator to take into the king’s hand, &c. the lands, &c. of the said William, deceased, the wardship whereof, during the idiocy of his heir, the king has granted to his yeoman Roger Wodelok, 25 April, 4 Edw. II.
WILTS. Inq. 4 May, 4 Edw. II.
Stanlyngho. A messuge, 6 1/2 virgates land, rents, &c. (full extent given), including 20a. on La Chelkhulle, 30a. on La Stoniebrerhehe and La Sondyhulle, and 7a. on Otlond, held of the bishop of Winchester by knights’ service.
John his son, an idiot, aged 45 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (10.)
Writ, 15 May, 4 Edw. II.
SUSSEX. Inq. made at Hellingelighe on Monday after the feast of St. Dunstan, 4 Edw. II.
Werlington. The manor (extent given), held as a member of the manor of Middleton, which Roger la Ware holds of the king in chief, by homage and service of rendering a sore sparrowhawk (nisum) yearly at the king’s exchequer.
Joan his daughter, aged 21, the wife of Philip de Hurst, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (11.)
Writ, 4 Dec. 4 Edw. II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. Thursday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 4 Edw. II.
Cotenhale in Keditone. The manor (extent given), held of Amice de Novo Mercato by service of 14s. yearly.
Eva de Roucestre, his sister, aged 60, is his next heir.
SUFFOLK. Inq. Monday after St. Hilary, 4 Edw. II.
Belinges. The manor (extent given), held of Gilbert son of John Pecchee, by service of a pair of gilt spurs.
Grundesburgh. The manor (extent given), held of the said Gilbert by service of a chaplet of roses.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (12.)
Writ, 10 June, 4 Edw. II.
ESSEX. Inq. 21 June, 4 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Boxtede. A capital messuage, 49a. arable, 30s. 2d. rent of assize, 10a. wood, works, &c. held of the heir of Roger de Tany, who is in the king’s wardship, by service of 1/8 knight’s fee; a garden, a water-mill, 80a. arable, 42a. meadow, 2a. pasture, 13a. wood, 16a. alder-wood, 52s. 1/4d. rent of assize, works, &c. held of William de Horkesleye by service of 1/4 knight’s fee; and 3a. land held of Hugh de Nevill by service of 18d. yearly.
Maud, daughter of John le Bretoun the younger, whom Richard de la Rivere married, aged 21 1/2, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (13.)
263. JOHN LOVEL of Tychemersh.
Writ, 1 Oct. 4 Edw. II.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 12 Nov. 4 Edw. II.
He held no lands in the county on the day he died, but eight years ago and more he enfeoffed his eldest son John of the manor of Tychemersh, which is held of Walter de Langeton, bishop of Chester, by homage, and he holds of the fee of Tutteburi by service of 2 knights’ fees.
John his son, aged 22, is his next heir.
OXFORD. Extent, 30 Nov, 4 Edw. II.
Menstre Lovel. The manor (full extent given with names of tenants), held of Alan la Zouche, as parcel of the earldom of Winchester, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
WILTS. Inq. 7 Nov. 4 Edw. II.
Elecombe. The manor (extent given), held of the said Alan as abovesaid by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Bluntesdone Gay. The manor (extent given), held of John Mautravers by service of 1 knight’s fee; and the said John Lovel two years ago granted the manor to William Chapman to farm for ten years.
Heir as above, aged 21 and more.
NORFOLK. Inq. 12 Oct. 4 Edw. II.
Suthmere township. A capital messuage, 600a. arable, 200a. heath by the greater hundred in the field of Dockingg, 63s. rent of assize, &c.
Dockingg. A capital messuage called Sundirlond, 260a. arable, 50s. rent, &c.
All held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Docking. A capital messuage, 35a. arable, &c., held of Walter de Calethorp by service of 2s. yearly, and 6d. to a scutage of 40s. when it shall happen; 100a. land held of Nicholas de Camera of Derham by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 21 and more.
Docking. 400a. arable, a wind-mill, 8l. 5s. yearly rent, &c., of which John Lovel his father enfeoffed him and Isabel his wife jointly, to them and the heirs of their bodies, to be held by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Maud their daughter, aged 30 and more, the wife of William de la Suche, is their next heir of the lands, &c. in Dockyngg last abovesaid, as acquired in free marriage.
Writ de melius inquirendo, 13 Dec. 4 Edw. II.
NORFOLK. Inq. 11 Jan. 4 Edw. II.
Dockyngg. The lands last above mentioned were held before the said feoffment, with other lands in the townships of Dockyngg, Suthmere, and Tichewell, of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee, and the said gift and feoffment were made in the time of King Henry III.
Heir, the said Maud, as above.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (14.)
264. JOHN LESTRANGE (Lestraunge, le Estrange) of Knokyn.
Writ, 6 Feb. 4 Edw. II.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 21 Feb. 4 Edw. II.
Middilton. The manor (full extent given), held of the bishop of Ely in chief by service of 3 knights’ fees, and a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly.
John his son, age unknown, is his next heir.
SALOP. Inq. Saturday after St. Matthias, 4 Edw. II.
Nesse and Kynton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight’s fee; and 18a. land held of Meurik de le Benet, lord of Felton Botiler, rendering 3s. yearly.
Knokyn. The manor with its members (extent given), including a castle, held jointly by the said John with Iseult his wife, of Thomas de Halghton by homage only, which manor they acquired from Hamo le Estrange, to be held to them and the heirs of their bodies.
Milverlegh (extent given), acquired and jointly held, as above, of Edmund, earl of Arundel, rendering 10s. yearly.
Mudle. 6s. 8d. rent held of the heirs of John de Burghton.
Heir as above, aged 14 on the day of St. Denis the abbot last.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (15.)
Writ, 1 Feb. 4 Edw. II.
ESSEX. Inq. 22 Feb. 4 Edw. II. (defaced.)
Elmedon. An eighth part of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Boulogne, by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
John his son, aged 26, is his next heir.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 8 March, 4 Edw. II.
Masseworth. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of the earl of Cornwall, as of the honour of Wallyngford, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and doing suit at the court of Wallyngford.
Drayton Beuchanp. 2a. wood held of William de Beuchamp by service of 12d. yearly; and 28 1/2a. arable and a moiety of a water-mill, held of Ralph de Wedon by service of 3s. 2d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 24.
HERTFORD. Extent, 4 March, 4 Edw. II.
Northmymmes. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of the earl of Gloucester for 1/4 knight’s fee of the honour of Clare; and 1/4 hide land viz.—2 messuages and 20a. land, held of the earl of Hereford by knight’s service.
Wrobbele. A capital messuage, 80a. land, 3a. meadow, and 3s. rent of assize, of which he was jointly enfeoffed with Albreda his wife and John his son by the abbot of St. Albans and William de Aete, held in free socage rendering 5s. yearly to the abbot, and 13s. 9d. to the said William.
Heir as above, aged 25.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (16.)
Writ, 3 Feb. 4 Edw. II.
YORK. Inq. 13 April, 4 Edw. II.
Levesham. Two parts of the manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
John his son, aged 29 weeks, is his next heir.
YORK. Inq. Wednesday after the Annunciation, 4 Edw. II.
York (City). A messuage called ‘le Pertrehall,’ held directly of the king, service unspecified.
Heir unspecified.
[YORK.] Inq. Thursday the octave of the Annunciation, 4 Edw. II.
Wytheton. A capital messuage, 34 bovates land, 31a. meadow, and 27s. 4d. rent of assize, held of Thomas son and heir of John de Wake, who is in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service.
North Cave. A toft and the advowson of the church, pertaining to the capital messuage of Wytheton.
Willardby. 17 bovates land, a toft, a wood, and 4s 7 1/4d. rent of assize, &c., held of the said heir by knight’s service; and 9 bovates land, a close, and a wind-mill, held of William le Constable by knight’s service.
Waldeby. 1 bovate land and 11s. rent of assize, held of the archbishop of York by knights’ service.
Neuton. A toft and 4s. 8d. rent of assize, held of the same heir by the same service.
Heir as above, aged 7 months.
[YORK.] Inq. Friday in Easter week, 4 Edw. II.
Lepington. A capital messuage, 24 bovates land, 4a. meadow, a pasture called Thornhowe, and 11 tofts, held of Sir William de Ros of Hamelak by knight’s service and doing suit at his court; and 26 bovates land, 13 tofts, 2 closes, a water-mill, &c., held of Sir John de Eyvill by knight’s service.
Heir as above, aged 29 weeks.
[YORK.] Inq. Tuesday after the Annunciation, 4 Edw. II.
Bewick in Holdrenesse. A part of the manor, 3 carucates land, whereof 48 carucates make 1 knight’s fee and each carucate contains 8 bovates, 2 warrens, and a wind-mill, with 10 bovates land in Aldburgh, and and 1 carucate land in Walkington, members of the said manor, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Albemarle, by homage and knight’s service, and doing suit at the king’s wapentake of Holdrenesse; and the other part of the manor, 2 bovates land, and a plot called Thorpcroftes, and 4 bovates land in Walkington, a member of the said manor, held of the provostry of Beverley by homage, knight’s service, and doing suit at the court of the provostry.
Aldburgh. 5 bovates land held of William del Esthall by service of 2d. yearly.
Danthorp. 10s. yearly rent held of the chapter of St. John, Beverley, without service.
Esthalsham. A capital messuage and 10 bovates land in demesne, held of the abbot and convent of Meaux (Melsa) by service of 10s. yearly; 1 bovate land held of William Tracy by service of 1d. yearly; a wind-mill held of the said abbot, &c., without any rent; a messuage held of Robert le Constable by service of 1d. yearly; and 28s. yearly rent to be received from the abbot, &c. of Meaux for Wythefleteland, held of the heirs of Robert Friboys, rendering nothing.
Rymmeswell. 4 bovates 26a. land, held by service of 7s. 2d. yearly of John de Rysum; and two closes held by knight’s service of the same John.
Tunstall. 2 tofts and 3 bovates land, held of John de Preston by knight’s service; and a cottage and 5a. land, rendering 2d. yearly for the lamp of the Blessed Mary in the church of Tunstall.
Sutton in Holdrenesse. A capital messuage, 5 bovates land, a fishery, a wind-mill, 2 sheepfolds with 2 closes containing 18a. land, with common of pasture in le Somergang.
Drypoel. 1 bovate land.
All the above in Sutton and Drypoel, held in demesne of the archbishop of York by knight’s service.
Hedon. 60s. yearly rent held of the king in free burgage.
Heir as above, aged 28 weeks.
YORK; WEST RIDING. Inq. Sunday after the Annunciation, 4 Edw. II.
Huddelston. A capital messuage, 235a. 3r. arable in demesne, 1 1/2a. meadow, half a water-mill, a little wood, a pasture, rents, &c. (extent given with names of tenants), held of the archbishop of York by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Fenton. A capital messuage, 28a. 3r. land in demesne, 13a. 1r. meadow, rents, &c., held of the earl of Lincoln by service of 1/6 carucate land, whereof 8 carucates make 1 knight’s fee.
Byrkyn. 4a. meadow held of Adam de Everyngham rendering nothing.
Farburn. 3a. meadow held of Adam de Everyngham of Laxton rendering nothing.
Migeley. A water-mill, a wood, rents, &c. (extent given with names of tenants), held of Adam de Everyngham of Laxton by service of 1/8 knight’s fee, and rendering 2s. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 28 weeks.
Writ of dedimus potestatem to Reginald de Wykewan to receive the oath of Scolastica late the wife of the said Godfrey, not to marry without the king’s licence, &c. 13 May, 4 Edw. II.
Endorsed with return that an oath had been received from the said Scolastica that she would not marry without the king’s licence and her fealty received, and that she had appointed attorneys to receive her dower in the king’s chancery.
Extent or summary of the above lands.
C. Edw. II. File 20. (17.)