Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 25

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 25', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 25', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 25". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 25

Writ, 22 Feb. 5 Edw. II.
CAMBRIDGE; HUNDRED OF CHILFORD. Inq. taken at Olmestede, 17 April, 5 Edw. II.
(Unspecified.) A capital messuage and 29a. 1r. land, held of John de Olmestede (sic) by knight’s service, and by service of 18 1/2d. yearly; and 2a. land and 2s. rent of assize, held of Richard Horel by knight’s service, and by service of 4d. yearly.
William his son, aged 27 and more, is his next heir.
ESSEX. Inq. 18 May, 5 Edw. II.
Radewynter. A messuage, 38a. arable, and 1/2a. pasture, held of Joan La Chamberleyn rendering 14s. 7d. rent of assize, suit at her court, and scutage when it shall happen.
Heir as above, aged 30.
SUSSEX. Inq. 1 April, 5 Edw. II.
Chyntinge. A third part of a messuage, 5s. 4d. rent, 40a. arable, and a pasture, held by the courtesy of England after the death of Maud his wife, daughter and heir of Olive Tyrel, of the king in chief by service of a third part of a serjeanty of finding in the king’s army a man with unbarded horse, with haqueton, hauberk, sword, and knife, for 40 days, and paying 14d. yearly for sheriff’s aid, and 3d. for the guard of the castle of Pevenese.
Heir as above, aged 30.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (1.)
Writ (to the escheator). Whereas it appears by an inquisition made by the escheator of the late King Edward, that the said Hubert, who held the manor of Ishale of the heir of Thomas de Multon of Gillesland, who was then in the king’s wardship, married Ada la Brune, lived with her for four years, and begat of her a son William, aged 14 at his father’s death, and being divorced from her by reason of consanguinity, afterwards married Margaret du Boys, and of her begat a son John, aged 7 when his father died, and the king understands that Richard le Brun, brother of the said Ada, to whom Nigel de Cambel, who had the wardship by the late king’s grant, granted the same wardship, fraudulently permitted the said William his nephew to enter the said manor in contempt of the king ………… Dated 4 Oct. . . Edw. II. (fragment).
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Thursday the octave of St. Hilary, 5 Edw. II.
Isale. The manor, held as abovesaid by service of 1 mark for cornage.
Richard le Brun, knight, to whom Nigel Cambel granted the wardship of the manor of Isale as aforesaid, granted what he had in the said manor to the said William, who brought a writ of privy seal to the present escheator, that if the said William had entered the manor with the assent of the said Richard, he should not be molested in any way; so the jury say that the said William entered in this manner, and not without the king’s licence or in his fraud or contempt.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (2.)
Writ to the escheator, whereas the king has understood that John Charles acquired from the said William and detains, a messuage and 1/2 virgate land in Cherleton, co. Wilts, which the said William held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Christiana la Bays sometime his wife, the wardship whereof pertains to the king by reason of the idiocy of John, son and heir of the said Christiana, commanding him to enquire in what manner the said William held the land, 9 Oct. 5 Edw. II.
WILTS. Inq. 20 Oct. 5 Edw. II.
Cherletone. A messuage and 1/2 virgate land, were held by the said William of the inheritance of Christiana his wife by the courtesy of England, whereof he demised 8a. land with the said messuage to William father of John Charles, but whether in fee, or for a term of years, is unknown to the jury; and so after the death of the said William Charles, his son John by a fine levied against the said William Duyn had entry upon the same and still holds them.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (3.)
Writ (of certiorari) on the petition of Thomas Grazenloil, John de la Grave, and William de Gomeledon, who married Amice, Anastasia and Agnes, daughters and heirs of the said John, that his lands &c. may be delivered to them and their wives, as heirs and of full age, 18 Nov. 5 Edw. II.
BERKS. Inq. Sunday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 5 Edw. II.
La Wyke by Estburi. Certain lands &c. held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, came into the hand of the late King Edward by the death of the said John, and the said king granted the wardship with the marriage of Amice, Anastasia and Agnes, his three daughters and heirs, to William de Wanetyng, and thus they are now in the hands of his executors.
Amice, Anastasia, and Agnes, his daughters, all of full age, are his next heirs; and the said William married the said Amice to Thomas Grasenoyl, Anastasia to John de la Grave, and Agnes to William de Gomeldone. The said John de Marisco had an elder daughter Joan whom he himself married to Simon le Bret, in Essex; who died there two years ago, and Thomas le Bret her son, aged 4, is her next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (4.)
Writ, 27 July, 5 Edw. II.
SOUTHAMPTON [; ISLE OF WIGHT]. Inq. 28 Oct. 5 Edw. II.
North Moleslee. 20a. pasture held for life of the inheritance of John, son and heir of Jordan de Kyngeston, who is in the king’s wardship, of the king in chief, as of the honour of the castle of Caresbroke, now in the king’s hand, by service of doing suit at the king’s court of knights of Neweport.
La Brigge alias La Brigges. A messuage, a water-mill, 30a. arable, 2a. meadow, 10a. pasture, 15a. pasture at Northmoleslee, rents, &c., similarly held of the heir of Baldwin de Insula, who is in the king’s wardship, for 1/4 knight’s fee, by homage and fealty, and doing suit five times yearly at the said heir’s court of Gatcombe; and 13a. arable called Shurreveslond, which her ancestors had of the ancestors of John de Insula by exchange, held of La Brigge, without reserving any lordship to the said John.
Wackelond. A messuage, 60a. land, and pasture, held of Ralph de Gorges doing fealty only.
Morton. 5s. yearly rent held of Theobald son and heir of William Russel, deceased, without service.
The said lands &c. whereof she was seised in demesne as of fee, ought to remain to Hugh de Chekenhulle her husband for life by reason of a child born between them, and afterwards to remain to the said John son of Jordan.
John son of Jordan de Kyngeston, her nephew, aged 6, is her next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (5.)
Writ, 24 Jan. [5] Edw. II. (fragment.)
SUFFOLK. Inq. made at Ereswell ….. 5 Edw. II. (fragment.)
[Ereswell.] The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, was held by service of 2 knights’ fees of the king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne by Ralph de Rouecestre, who thereof enfeoffed Hamo son ……, who reenfeoffed the said Ralph (and Eva his wife?), and if it should happen that the said Ralph should die without heirs ………. the manor &c. should remain to the said Eva and …….; and (the said Ralph) died without heirs of the body of the said Eva, who survived and married the said Robert; and by agreement between them, Robert de Weston and Hawis his wife, sister and heir of the said Ralph, granted the said manor and advowson to the said Robert de Todenham and Eva to hold to them and [the heirs of their bodies, of the said] Robert and Hawis and the heirs of the said Hawis, paying …… and doing to the chief lords (the services due). By reason of which fine the said Robert de Todenham did fealty to ….. Descales, kinsman and heir of the said Hawis; and after the decease of the said Robert the said Eva continued seised of the said manor until her death.
[Robert, son of the said Robert] de Todenham and Eva, aged 32 and more, is her next heir.
SUFFOLK. Inq. …….. 5 Edw. II. (fragment.)
Beling’. The manor (extent given), held of Gilbert son of John Pecchee by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly.
Grundesburgh. The manor (extent given), held of ……. son of John by service of a chaplet of roses.
Cottenhall. The manor (extent given), held of ……….. Novo Mercato by service of 14s. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 22 and more.
Writ de melius inquirendo, 20 March, 5 Edw. II. (fragment.)
SUFFOLK. Inq. Friday ……… 5 Edw. II. (fragment defaced.)
Ereswelle. The manor &c., to much the same effect as above, but the manor was granted to the said Robert de Todenham and Eva and to the heirs of their bodies, and if there should be no such heirs, it was to revert to Robert de Weston and Hawis, and to the heirs of the said Hawis.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (6.)
Writ, 15 Feb. 5 Edw. II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 1 May, 5 Edw. II.
Knaythe. A third part of a messuage, 40a. arable, 15a. meadow, a pasture, 30a. wood, and 47s. 4d. rent, held of the bishop of Lincoln by service of 1/6 knight’s fee, rendering 20d. yearly.
Nocton and Dunston. 5 messuages and 25 bovates land, jointly held by the said Thomas and Margaret his wife, to them and their heirs, of Philip de Arcy by service of 1/8 knight’s fee. He held no other lands, &c.
John his son, aged 18 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (7.)
Writ, 20 Nov. 5 Edw. II.
SURREY. Inq. Friday after St. Andrew, 5 Edw. II.
Gomeshulne. The manor (full extent given), held of Sir William de Brewose for 1/20 knight’s fee, by homage and service of 8l. rent.
Roger his son, age 6, is his next heir.
Writ, 20 Nov. 5 Edw. II.
[DERBY.] Inq. 10 April, 5 Edw. II.
Steynesby. The manor held of the king in chief by service of rendering a sore sparrowhawk at the king’s exchequer only.
Heir as above, aged 7.
Writ de melius inquirendo, 20 April, 5 Edw. II.
[DERBY.] Inq. 2 May, 5 Edw. II.
Steinesby. The manor held as abovesaid, rendering a sore sparrowhawk at the king’s exchequer every year. He held no other lands &c. in the bailiwick.
Heir as above, aged 7.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (8.)
Writ, 16 Nov. 5 Edw. II.
NORFOLK. Inq. 17 Dec. 5 Edw. II.
Denton. 8 1/2a. arable held of the king by service of 5 1/4d. rent at the hundred of Ersham, which is in the king’s hand by the surrender which Roger le Boygod, sometime earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, made, together with other lands in England, Scotland and Wales, to the late King Edward; and a capital messuage, 40a. arable, 1a. meadow, a pasture, 2 little groves, 5s. rent of assize, &c., held of Sir John de Cove and Eva his wife, as of the inheritance of the heirs of Robert de Thateshal, by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, 2s. yearly rent at the manor of Topecroft, and doing suit at the hundred of Ersham, which is in the King’s hand.
Robert his son, aged 4, is his next heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. 21 Jan. 5 Edw. II.
Fersfield. 2a. land held of Alice de Henaud late the wife of Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, by knight’s service.
Fersfield. The manor (extent given), jointly held by the said Robert and Christiana his wife, of the feoffment to them and the heirs of their bodies of William de Bosco, rector of Garboldisham, and Berard of Great Cornherthe, by fine in the king’s court; which manor, together with the aforesaid 2a. is held of the said Alice de Henaud by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Garboldisham. The manor (extent given), jointly held, as above, of the like feoffment, of Hugh de Veer and Denise his wife by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
C. Edw. II. File 25. (9.)