Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.
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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: C', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II(London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: C', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II(London, 1908), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: C". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.
Cabergh, co. Westm. See Kaber.
Cabergh, Alan de, 533 (pp. 301, 303).
Cabilla or Carburrow, Cabilia [in St. Neot’s parish], co. Cornw., 139 (p. 65), 370.
Cacchevache, Matthew de, 538 (p. 346).
Cadbury, North, Northcadebury, Northcadebery, Cadebury, co. Somers., 208, 603, (pp. 385, 386 bis).
………. ………, manor, 603 (p. 384).
………, South, Southcadebury, Suthcadebury, co. Somers., manor, 208.
………, ………, advowson, 603 (p. 386).
Caddoceswelle, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 334).
Cadebury, co. Somers. See Cadbury.
Cadekebere [Cadbury?], co. Devon, 209.
Cadel, Henry, 64 (p. 33).
Cader, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Cadurciis, Cadurcis. See Chaworth.
Caen, Kame [Calvados, France], abbess of, 136.
Caer Caradoc, Kari Craddok [in Sellach parish], co. Heref., manor, 136.
Caerleon, Kairlion, co. Monm., castle, tower and manor, 538 (p. 335).
Caerphilly, Keirfilly, Kaerfyly, Kairfilly above Koagh [now co. Glamorgan], castle, 66.
………, castle, manor, &c., 538 (pp. 332, 334, 335).
Cailli, Cailly. See Cayly.
Cainhoe, Caynho, Keynho [in Clophill parish], co. Bedf., 616.
………, manor, 246, 276.
Caiso ….. de, 431.
Caistor, Castre, co. Linc., 590.
………, Clixby in, q.v.
Caithorp, co. Linc. See Caythorpe.
Calbourne, Caulbourn [I. of W. co. Hants], manor, 59.
Calcutt, Caldecote [in Grandborough parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 406).
Cald Ingelby, co. York. See Ingleby.
Caldbeck, Caldebeck, co. Cumb., 197.
..……, manor, 146.
Calde Conyston, co. York. See Coniston.
Caldebeck, co. Cumb. See Caldbeck.
Caldeconiston, co. York. See Coniston.
Caldecot, Caldecote, co. Norf., 538 (pp. 346, 351).
Caldecote [in Bow Brickhill parish], co. Buck., 538 (pp. 329, 343).
………, co. Camb., 548.
……., co. Warw. See Calcutt.
Caldecote manor in Wales. See Caldicot.
Caldecote, William de, 426.
………, John de, 426.
Calder, co. York. See Cawder.
Caldicot, Caldecote [co. Monm.], manor, 205.
Caldone, co. Staff. See Cauldon.
Caldwell, Caldwelle [in Pershore parish], co. Worc., 538 (p 328).
Calethorp, Walter de, 263, 520.
Calewarethorp, co. Linc. See Culverthorp.
Callerton, Black, Blakcallirdon [in Newburn parish], co. N’humb., manor, 353.
Calne, co. Wilts, Stock in, q.v.
Calthorp, co. Linc. See Cawthorpe.
Calton [in Kirkby Malhamdale parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).
Calverlay, co. York. See Calverley.
Calverlay, John de, 579.
Calverleigh, Kalwodelegh, co. Devon. 538 (p. 340).
Calverley, Calverlay [co. York], 579.
Calveton, John de, 279 (p. 155).
Calwarethorp, co. Linc. See Culverthorpe.
Calwodeleghe, Ralwodelegh, John de, 538 (p. 340).
………, Miles de, 538 (p. 340).
Cam, Camme, co. Glouc., 271.
Camays, Ralph de. See Camoys.
Cambel, Neal de, 328.
Camberton, co. Cumb. See Cammerton.
Camberwell, Camerwelle, Camerwell, co. Surrey, 538 (pp. 327, 346).
Camborne, Cambron, co. Cornw., 360.
Cambridge University, 156.
Camel, Queen, Cammel [co. Somers.], manor, 412 (p. 231).
………, ………, honour of, 63.
……… West, co. Somers., Downhead in, q.v.
Camelerton, co. Somers. See Camerton.
Cameley, Camelegh, co. Somers., 611 (p. 394).
Camelton, co. Bedf. See Campton.
Camera, Christiana de, 536 (p. 320).
………, Nicholas de, of Dereham, called also Nicholas de Dereham, 263, 520.
………, William de, 349.
……… Cf. Chaumbre.
Camerton, Camelerton, co. Somers., 571.
Camerwell, Camerwelle, co. Surrey. See Camberwell.
Camesale, co. York. See Campsall.
Cammays. See Camoys.
Camme, co. Glouc. See Cam.
Cammel [co. Somers.]. See Camel.
Cammerton, Camberton, co. Cumb., 146.
Camoys, Camays, Cammays, Ralph de, 413 (p. 236), 538 (p. 345).
………, Robert de, 538 (p. 349).
Campania, Peter de, his heir Peter, 421.
………, Peter de, 421.
………, Robert de. 412 (p. 234).
Campden, Chipping, Campeden, Campiden, Caumpeden, co. Glouc., 538 (pp. 328. 342).
………, the lords of, 538 (p. 342).
Campo Arnulphi, de, de Campo Arnulphitz, Chaumbernon, Chambernon, de Chaumbernoun, Henry, 139 (p. 64), 143, 495, 538 (p. 339).
………, Joan, 538 (p. 344).
………, William de, 538 (p. 344).
Campo Florido, Matthew de, 70.
………, John de, 70.
Camps, co. Camb. See Shudy Camps.
Campsall, Camesale, co. York, manor, 279 (p. 159).
………, advowson, 279 (p. 159).
Campton, Camelton, co. Bedf., 229.
………, All Saints’ Church, 229.
Campvill, Campvyll. See Canvile.
Caneford, co. Dorset. See Canford.
Canewyk, co. Linc. See Canwick.
Canford Magna or Great, Caneford, co. Dorset, manor, 279 (p. 157).
………, Kinson in, q.v.
Canne, William, 470.
Cannelaie, Thomas, 534 (p. 308).
Cannington, Canynton, Canyngtone, co. Somers., prioress of, 527 (p. 293).
………, Chilton in, q v.
…….., Rodway in, q.v.
………, hundred, 607 (p. 388).
Cannock, Canok, co Staff., forest, 412 (p. 230).
Canok, co. Staff. See Cannock.
Canonleigh, Legh [in Burlescombe parish] co. Devon, abbess of, 527 (p. 295).
Canonteign, Canon Teng, co. Devon, 538 (p. 340).
Canterbury, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
………, castle, 542.
………, Estbrugg, hospital, 538 (p. 343).
………, Christchurch, prior of, 189, 200, 201, 372.
………, St. Augustine’s, abbey of, 220 (p. 122).
………, ………, abbot of, 145, 413 (p. 236).
………, St. Gregory, prior of, 538 (p. 343), 566.
………, St. James’ hospital, 538 (p. 343).
………, archbishop of, 45, 134, 207, 475 (p. 269), 524, 536 (p. 315), 538 (p. 331), 604, 612.
………, ……… See Winchelse.
Cantilhope, co. Salop. See Cantlop.
Cantilupe, barony of, 595.
Cantilupo, Canti Lupo, Kaunteloupo, William de, 120.
………, William de, Eva his wife, 120.
………, ………, Maud his wife, 120.
………, ………, his mother Eustachia, 120 (p. 53).
……… (son of William), 120 (p. 53), 173.
Cantlop, Cantilhope [in Barrington parish], co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).
Cantock, co. Somers. See Quantock.
Canvile, Caunvile, Canvyle, Caumvill, Caunville, Caumvile, Campvyll, Campvile, Geoffrey de, 143.
………, Alice (Chyvene), wife of Thomas de the younger), 128.
………, Geoffrey de, 75.
……… ………, Maud wife of, 143.
………, Gerard de, 615 (p. 408).
………, Elizabeth, heir of Gerard de, 615 (p. 404).
………, William de, 64 (p. 32), 143.
Canwick, Canewyk, co. Linc., 255.
Canyngtone [co. Somers]. See Cannington.
Cape, co. Heref., 53 (p. 19).
Capel St. Mary, Capele, co. Suff., 215 (p. 116).
Capel, Roger, 161.
Capel David [co. Monm.], 412 (p. 232).
Capella, Robert de, 153.
……… Cf. Chapele.
Capenhurst [in Shotwick parish], co. Chester, 26.
Capenor [in Portishead parish], co. Somers., 538 (p. 339).
Caperon, William, 603 (p. 386).
Capinhurst, William de, 158.
………, ………, his son John, 158.
Capoun, Robert, 536 (p. 322).
Caradoc or Caer Caradoc, Kari Craddok [in Sellack parish], co. Heref., manor, 136.
Carbonel, Hugh, 57 (p. 24).
………, William, 57 (p. 25), 58.
Carbrooke, Kerebrok, co. Norf., manor, 475 (p. 270).
………, Little Kerebroke, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).
Carburrow, Carburra, co. Cornw. See Cabilla.
Cardeston, co. Salop, 156.
………, Wattlesborough in, q.v.
Cardevile, Cardevill, Richard de, 206, 469.
Cardiff, Kairdif, Kaerdif, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 332).
………, castle, town and hundred, 538 (p. 332).
………, church, 538 (p. 333).
Cardington, Kerdingtone, Kerdington, co. Bedf.,182, 431.
………, co. Salop, Chatwall in, q.v.
………, ………, Holt Preen in, q.v.
Cardinham, Cardynan, Cardinan, co. Cornw., court at, 10, 139 (p. 65).
………, barony or honour, 54, 139 (p. 65).
Cardynan, co. Cornw. See Cardinham.
Careby, co. Linc., 592.
Carehowe, co. Norf. See Carrow.
Caresbrok, Caresbroke, co. Hants. See Carisbrooke.
Careswell, Hugh de, 228.
Carethorp, co. York. See Caythorpe.
Carevyle …., 419.
Carew, Karreu, co. Pembroke, 56.
Cargo, Cargou [in Stanwix parish], co. Cumb., 218.
Carham, co. N’humb., Presson in, q.v.
Carisbrooke, Karesbrouk, Carsbroke, Caresbroke, Caresbrok, co. Hants (I. of W.), castle, 59, 209, 241.
………, ………, honour of, 176, 184, 210, 331.
Carkeel, Karkil, Karkille [in St. Stephen’s parish], co. Cornw., 110, 453.
Carleton, co. Cumb. See Carlton.
……… Curly, co. Leic. See Carlton.
……… [St. Peter], co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).
………, co. Norf. See Carlton.
………, co. Nott. See Carlton.
……… [near Pontefract], co. York, 279 (p. 159).
………, co. York. See Carlton.
Carleton Parva, Ralph de, 317.
Carliolo, Karliolo, Adam de, and Maud (de Vescy), his wife, 534 (p. 311).
………, Eudo de, 534, (p. 311).
………, William de, 218, 325, 534 (pp. 310, 311).
Carlisle, co. Cumb., inquisition made at, 420.
………, writ dated at, 64.
………, city and cathedral burned, 543.
………, burgages in, 325.
………, bishop of, 403 (p. 224).
………, ………, court christian of, 531 (p. 298).
Carlton, Karletone, co. Camb., 409.
………, Carleton, by Penreth, Penreht [in Penrith parish], co. Cumb., 533 (pp. 301, 307).
……… Curlieu, Carleton Curly, co. Leic., 458 (p. 258).
………, ………, Ilston in, q.v.
………, Carleton, co. Linc., chapel, 61.
………, Castle, Castel Carleton, co. Linc., 61.
………, Great, co. Linc., 623.
………, Little, co. Linc, manor, 623.
………, ………, advowson, 623.
………, East, Carleton, Co. Norf., 529.
……… [on Trent?], Karleton, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).
……… in Lindrick, Carleton, co. Nott., manor, 106.
……… ………, Costhorpe in, q.v.
………, Carleton, Carleton in Balne [in Snaith parish], co. York, 92, 498.
……… in Craven, Carleton, co. York, 536 (p. 321).
……… [Miniott?], Carleton, co. York, 536 (p. 314).
Carmarthen, Kermerdyn [co. Carmarthen], inquisitions made at, 22, 418.
………. services connected with, 386.
……… county, 164.
Carmino, Carmynou, Kaermino, Roger de, 141.
………, Oliver de, 141, 257.
Carminow, Carmino, Karmino [in Mawgan parish], co. Cornw., 141.
Carnaby, Kernedby, co. York, 536 (p. 318).
Carnanton, Carneton [in Mawgan parish], co. Cornw., manor, 198.
Carneton, co. Cornw. See Carnanton.
Carnhale, Alan de, 279 (p. 161).
Caroun, Martin de, 368.
………, ………, his son Roger, 368.
Carpenter, Hugh the, 541.
………. John le, 417.
Carreu, Nicholas de, 339.
………, John de, 339.
Carrik, Maud de, 9.
………, Roland de, 9.
Carrow, Carehowe, co. Norf., prioress of, 529.
Carsbroke, co. Hants. See Carisbrooke.
Carswell, Abbot’s co. Devon, Over Aller in. See Aller.
Carswelle, Carswill, Carswille, co. Devon. See Kerswell.
Carsyngton, co. Oxford. See Cassington.
Carsley, Keresleye [in St. Michael’s, Coventry], co. Warw., 62 (p. 30).
Carthmaylok wood, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 334).
Cartington, Cartyngdon [in Rothbury parish], co. N’humb., 508.
Carton, Karkedone [in Mamble parish], co. Worc., 57 (p. 24).
Cartyngdon, co N’humb. See Cartington.
Cary Fitzpaine, Kary [in Charlton Mackrell parish], co. Somers., 607 (p. 389).
Cary, John de, 61.
Casacouwan, co. Cornw., 453.
Cassington, Carsyngton, co. Oxford, 279 (p. 156).
Castel [co. Montgomery]. See Castle.
………, co. Salop. See Castle [co. Montgomery].
……… Toch [co. Carmarthen]. See Castle Toch.
Castelbitham, co. Linc. See Bytham.
Casteley, co. York. See Castley.
Castelford, co. York. See Castleford.
Castelhely, co. Carmarthen. See Ely.
Castello, Sarra de, 274, 597.
Castelloyd, co Carmarthen. See Castle Lloyd.
Casteltef, co. Carmarthen. See Castle Toch.
Castelton, co. Lanc. See Castleton.
Castle, Castel [in Castel Caereinion, co. Montgomery], 147, 214.
……… Ely, co. Carmarthen. See Ely.
……… Martin, co. Pembroke, 56.
……… Lloyd, Castelloyd [in Laugharne], co. Carmarthen, 64 (p. 32).
……… Toch, Castel Toch, Casteltef [in Laugharne, co. Carmarthen], 64 (p. 32), 386.
Castleford, Castelford, co. York, 279 (p. 159).
………, advowson, 279 (p. 159).
Castleton, co. Derby, the Castle of the Peak. See Peak.
Castleton, Castelton, in Rochdale parish, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 162).
Castlett, Catteslade [in Guiting Power parish], co. Glouc., 458 (p. 257).
Castley, Casteley [in Leathley parish], co. York, 536 (p. 317).
Castraneldan, co. Salop. See Stredalfedan [co. Montgomery].
Castre, co. Linc. See Caistor.
Castre, John de, and Isabel his wife, 393.
Castro, Gilbert de, 538 (p. 340).
………, Philip de, 228.
Castrum Matildis [co. Radnor]. See Painscastle.
Cat, Henry le, 538 (p. 347).
Catby by Gayton [le Marsh], co. Linc., 623.
Cateford, co. Kent. See Catford.
Cateforde, John de, 274.
Catesby, co. N’hamp., prioress of, 187.
Catfeld, Katefeld, Adam de, 397 (p. 219).
………, John de, 415, 450.
Catford, Cateford [in Lewisham parish], co. Kent, 274.
Cathedine, Kothedyn [co. Brecon], advowson, 205.
Cathorp, co. Linc. See Caythorpe.
Cathus, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Catour, Nicholas le, of Carlisle, 594.
………, Nicholas le, and Alice his wife, 594.
………, ………. John their son, 594.
……… Cf. Chater.
Catteslade, co. Glouc. See Castlett.
Catteworth, co. Hunt. See Catworth.
Catton, Cattone [in Croxhall parish], co. Derby, 272 (p. 148).
………, co. York [E.R.], 536 (pp. 319, 320).
………, ………, manor, 536 (pp. 315, 324).
………, ………, church, 536 (p. 320).
Catton, Setreon de, 536 (p. 322).
Catworth, Catteworth, co. Hunt, 464.
Cauce, Robert, 365.
………, Robert, son of Robert, 365.
……… Cf. Caus.
Caulbourn, co. Hants. See Calbourne.
Cauldon, Caldone, co. Staff., 279 (p. 154).
Cauldwell, Caldewelle [Dy Bedford], prior of, 336.
Caumpeden, co. Glouc. See Campden.
Caumvill. See Canvile.
Caunville, Caunvile. See Canvile.
Caus, Gilbert, 372.
……… Cf. Cauce.
Cause, Caws, Cawes [in Westbury parish], co. Salop, 156, 188.
………, ………, barony, 269.
Causton, co. Norf. See Cawston.
………, co. Warw., 615 (p. 406).
Caustone, co. Norf, See Cawston.
Caustone, Hugh de, 538 (p. 343).
Cave, North, co. York, 266 (p. 143), 341.
………, ………, advowson, 266 (p 143).
Cave, Nicholas, son of William de, of Dorney, 355.
………, Alexander de, writ to, 536 p. 324).
Cavendish, Cavenedysch, Cavenedisch, Cavendisch, co. Suff., 412 (p. 233), 538 (pp. 347, 348 bis).
Cavenham, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 325, 348).
Caversham, Kaversham, co. Oxford, manor, 538 pp. 327, 344).
………, chapel on the bridge, 538 p. 344).
Cawder, Calder [in Skipton in Craven parish] co. York, 533 (p. 301).
Cawes, co. Salop. See Cause.
Cawkeld, Cokewald [in Watton parish], co. York, 199 (p. 103).
Cawode, Cawod, David de, 367.
………, John de, 367.
Cawood, Cawod, co. York, 367.
Caws, co Salop. See Cause.
Cawston, Causton, Caustone, co. Norf., 105.
………, ………, advowson, 538 (p. 351).
………. ………, manor, 270 (p. 146), 538 (p. 332).
Cawthorpe, Little, Calthorp by Lekburn, co. Linc., 623.
Caxton, Caxtone, co. Camb., 409.
………, manor, 409.
Caylou, Bertrand de, 62 (p. 31).
Cayly, Cailly, Kaylly, Cailli, John de, 454.
………, John de, 458 (p. 257).
………, ………, and Joan his wife, 454.
………, ……… (son of John), 454.
………, Nicholas de, 536 (p. 321).
………, Simon de, 536 p. 323).
Caymergh, co. Denbigh. See Kinmerch.
Caynes. See Keynes.
Cayngham, co. York. See Keyingham.
Caynho, co. Bedf. See Cainhoe.
Caynton, William de, 156.
Cayrous, Neal, 218 (p. 119).
Caythorpe, Caithorp, Cathorp, co. Linc., manor, 534 (pp. 310, 311).
………, Carethorp [in Rudston parish], co. York, 121.
Ceddre, co. Somers. See Cheddar.
Cefn Coch, Kevyncock, Kevyncoch, Kevyngcogh [in Llanrhaiadr yn Mochnant, co. Montgomery], 147, 214.
Cele, co Cornw., 35.
Cenere, co. Glouc., 615 (p. 402).
Cerizeaus. See Sergeaux.
Cerne, co. Dorset, abbot of, 142.
Cerne, John de, 615 (p. 402).
Cerney [North], Cerne, co. Glouc., advowson, 538 (p. 342).
………, South, Southcerneye, co. Glouc., 272.
Certeseye, Certese, co. Surrey. See Chertsey.
Certeseye. See Cherteseye.
Cesay, Cesaye, co. York. See Sessay.
Cesteford, co. Staff. See Seighford.
Cestre, co. N’hamp. See Chester.
Cestreton, co. Warw. See Chesterton.
Cestrunt, William de, 533 (p. 306).
……… Cf. Costrunt.
Cevanz, Cevantz. See Sevanz.
Chabbenouer, Thomas de, 102.
Chaceley, co. Worc. See Chaseley.
Chadderton, Chadreton [in Prestwich parish], co. Lanc., manor, 279 (p. 162).
Chaddesden, Chaddesdon, co. Derby, 191.
Chaddesley Corbet, Chaddeslegh Corbet, Chaddesle Corbet, Chaddesle co. Worc., manor, 538 (pp. 341, 342).
Chaddesley, Chaddesleye, co. Worc. See Chaseley.
Chadelyngton, co. Oxford. See Chadlington.
Chadesley, co. Worc. See Chaseley.
Chadlington, Chaderyngton, Chadelyngton, co. Oxford, 615 (pp. 402, 408).
………, hundred, 538 (p. 327).
Chadreton, co. Lanc. See Chadderton.
Chadreton, Geoffrey de, 279 (p. 162).
………, Roger de, 279 (p. 162).
Chaffcombe, Chefcombe, co. Somers., manor. 538 (p. 337).
Chakele co. Chester. See Checkley.
Chale, co. Hants (I. of W.), 209.
Chalfont St. Giles, Chalfhunt, co. Buck., 288.
Chalkesore [in Burwash?], co. Sussex, 207.
Chalvestern, co. Bedf. See Chawston.
Chalvington, Chalvinton, co. Sussex, manor, 612.
Chamberlain, le Chaumberleyn, le Chaumberlein, le Chaumberlayn, le Chamberleyn, John, 196.
………, John son of John, 68.
………, Robert, 377.
………, Petronilla, wife of Robert, 378.
………, Joan (co. Buck.), 315, 412 (p. 233).
………, ……… (wife of John) [co. Essex], 196, 327.
………, John (of Drax), 378.
………, Martin, 196.
…….., Richard [co. Hertf.], 458 (p. 256).
………, ……… [co. N’hamp.], 538 (p. 344).
………, Robert, Petronilla his wife, 377.
………, ……… (co Linc.), 623.
………, Simon, 352 (p. 201).
………, Thomas, 536 (p. 317).
………, William (three men), 68, 113, 538 (p. 341).
Chambernon. See Campo Arnulphi.
Champayn, Richard, 438.
Chanceux, Chanceus, Hugh de, 117.
………, Thomas son of Hugh de, 525.
………, Henry de, Juliana wife of, 117.
………, Nicholas de, 525.
………, Thomas de, 117.
Chancton, Changeton [in Washington parish], co. Sussex, manor, 413 (p. 236).
Chandos, Adam de, 225.
………, Roger de, 493, 614.
Changeton, co. Sussex. See Chancton.
Chanu, George le, George, 134, 538 (p. 344).
………, Robert de, 412 (p. 234).
Chapelayn, Alan le, of Belford, 403 (p. 225).
………, William le, 536 (p. 323).
Chapele, John atte, 603 (p. 386).
……… Cf. Capella.
Chapman, David le, 529.
………, William, 263.
Chard, co. Somers., Tatworth in, q v.
Charelton, co. N’humb. See Charlton.
Charfield, Charfeld, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 341).
Charing, co. Kent, Newcourt in, q.v.
………, Pett in, q.v.
Charingworth, Chaveringworthe [in Ebrington parish], co. Glouc., 611 (p. 394).
Chark, Charke [in Titchfield parish], co. Hants, 299.
Charlcote, Cherlescot, co. Warw., 615 (p. 404).
Charles, John, 329.
……… William, 329.
Charlton, Charleton [in Ellingham parish]. co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).
………, North, Charelton, Charleton [in Ellingham parish], co. N’humb., 508.
………, ………, mill, 534 (p. 309).
………, South, Southcharleton [in Ellingham parish], co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).
……… on Otmoor, Cherleton upon Ottemour, co. Oxford, 458 (p. 258).
……… Horethorne, Cherleton Caunville, Cherleton Camville, Cherletone, co. Somers., 430.
………, ………, manor, 279 (p. 157).
……… Mackrell, Cherleton, co. Somers., 607 (p. 389).
………, Cherleton, Cherletone [in Downton parish], co. Wilts, 329, 479.
Charminster, co. Dorset, Wolveton in, q.v.
Charneles, Cherneles, de la Charnele, William, 412 (pp. 234, 235).
Charnes, Reginald de, 611 (p. 392).
Charron, …. de, 219 (p. 120).
Chart, Chert, co. Kent, 220 (p. 123).
Charton, co. Devon. See Down Umfraville.
Chaseley or Chaceley, Chaddesley, Chaddesleye, co. Worc., 580, 615 (p. 403 bis).
Chastilon, Hugh, 619.
Chastilloun, John, 286.
………, ………, his wife Joan, 286.
………, ………, ………, their son William, 286.
Chater, Ralph, 412 (p. 234).
……… Cf. Catour.
Chaterton, Geoffrey de, 62 (p. 30).
………, Richard son of Geoffrey de, 279 (p. 161).
Chatwall [in Cardington parish], co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).
Chaumberleyn, Chaumberlein, Chaumberlayn. See Chamberlain.
Chaumbernon, Chaumbernoun. See Campo Arnulphi.
Chaumbre, Joan de la, of Whiteoxmead, 571.
………, William de la, of Holme, 232.
………, Thomas de la, 412 (p. 233).
……… Cf. Camera.
Chaunceus. See Chanceux.
Chauncy, Chaunci, Thomas de, baron of Skirpenbeck, 93.
………, William de, son of Philip, 275.
………, Philip de, 256.
………, ………, and Isabel his wife, 275.
………, William de, 93, 534 (pp. 309, 311).
Chaundeler Henry le, 538 (p. 333).
Chaundos. See Chandos.
Chauorces. See Chaworth.
Chaure, co. Essex. See Chawreth.
Chausy, John de, 392.
………, John de, son of John, 392.
Chauvent, John de, 213 (p. 112).
Chaveringworthe, co. Glouc. See Charingworth.
Chaworth, Chawaiz, Cadurciis, Cadurcis, Chauorces, Patrick de, 527.
………, Patrick de, 143.
………. fee of, 267.
Chawreth, Chaure [now absorbed in Croxted], co. Essex, 538 (pp. 348, 349).
Chawston, Chalvestern, co. Bedf., 320.
Checkley, Chakele [in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, 62 (p. 30).
Chedburgh, Cheteberg, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).
Cheddar, Cheddern, Ceddre, co. Somers., 346 (p. 196), 411.
Cheddewrth, co. Glouc. See Chedworth.
Cheddington, Chetyndon [co. Buck.], 591.
Cheddleton, Chetelton, co. Staff., 62 (p. 30).
Cheddon Fitzpaine, Chedden, co. Somers. manor, 607 (p. 388).
Chedelyngton, co. Devon. See Chillington.
Chedeney, Chedny. See Cheny.
Chedworth, Cheddewrth, co. Glouc., manor, 615 (pp. 401, 407).
Chefcombe, co. Somers. See Chaffcombe.
Cheilmardon, co. Derby. See Chelmordon.
Cheindut, barony, 597.
Chekenhulle. See Chigehulle.
Chekeswell, Chekeselle [in Brenchley parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
Chelborough, Chelbergh, co. Dorset, manor, 607 (p. 388).
Cheldresfeld, co. Glouc. [Eldersfield, co. Worc.?], 538 (p. 342).
Cheldryngton, co. Wilts. See Cholderton.
Cheles, Robert, 574.
………, Margaret wife of Robert, 574.
………, Richard, of Sutton, 574.
Chelisworth, co. Suff. See Chelsworth.
Chellacombe, co. Devon, Radworthy in, q.v.
Chellesham, co Surrey. See Chelsham.
Chellington, Chelvynctone, co. Bedf., 538 (p. 342).
Chelmenton, co. Suff. See Chelmondiston.
Chelmescote, Chelmondeskote, Chelmondeskot, Chelmescot, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 408, 409).
Chelmondiston, Chelmenton, co. Suff., 215 (p. 116).
Chelmorton, Cheilmardon [in Bakewell parish]. co. Derby, 553.
Chelmsford, Chelmersford, co. Essex, half hundred, 177.
Chelreth, co. Berks. See Childrey.
Chelsham, Chellesham, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).
Chelsing, Chelsen [in Bengeo parish], co. Hertf., 458 (p. 258).
Chelsworth, Chelisworth, co. Suff., church, 539.
Chelvey, co. Somers., Midgal in, q.v.
Chelvynctone, co. Bedf. See Chellington.
Cheney Longville, Longefield [in Wistanstow parish], co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).
Cheny, Chedeney, Chedny, Chenny, Cheyny, Gregory de, son of Mabel, 407.
………, Nicholas, son of Isabel de, 407.
………, Roger de 611 (p. 392).
Chepstede, co. Surrey. See Chipstead.
Chepstow, Storguyl, Strogoill [co. Monm.], castle, constable of, 373.
………, liberty of, 373.
Cherche, William ate, or de Ecclesia, 384.
Cheresworth, Cheresworthe, co. Sussex. See Chesworth.
Cherhill, Chyryel, co. Wilts, manor, 615 (p. 401).
Cherington, Chiriton, Cheriton, co. Warw., 615 (p. 404).
………, manor, 615 (p. 409).
Cherinton, co. Glouc. See Cherrington.
Cheriton, North, Chiriton, co. Somers., 603 (p. 386).
…….., ………, advowson, 611 (p. 394).
………, South, Suthchiriton [in Horsington parish], co. Somers., 603 (p. 386).
………, co. Warw. See Cherington.
Cherle, co. Chester. See Chorley.
Cherlescot, co. Warw. See Charlcote.
Cherleton, co. Somers. See Charlton.
……… Caunville, co. Somers. See Charlton Horethorne.
…….., Cherletone, co. Wilts. See Charlton.
Cherleton, John de, and Hawisia his wife, 269.
Cherletone, co. Somers. See Charlton.
Cherletone, John de, 458 (p. 256).
Cherlton, co. Chester. See Chorlton.
Cherneles, co. Warw. See Charneles.
Cherrington, Cherinton, co. Glouc., manor, 136.
Chert, co. Kent. See Chart.
Chertsey, Certese, Certeseye, co. Surrey, 350.
………, abbot of, 350, 459.
Cherteseye, Certeseye, John de, 480.
…….., Robert de, 480.
Chesham, co. Buck., 394.
……… Bois, Boys in Cestresham, co. Buck., 273.
Chessington, Chissyndon, co. Surrey, manor, 538 p. 345).
Chester, county, serjeanty of the peace in, 251.
………, city, 33, 62 (p. 30).
………, ………, constableship of, 279 (pp. 163-4).
……… …….., exchequer at, 251 (pp. 136, 137).
………. ………, bishop of. See Coventry and Lichfield; Langeton.
………, ………, earl of, 538 (p. 328).
………, ………, earldom of, 279 (p. 156), 412 (p. 230).
………, ………, fee of, 395.
………. ………, honour, 310, 389, 412 (p. 231, 515.
………, Little Cestre [in Irchester parish]. co. N’hamp., 138.
Chesterton, Chestreton, co. Staff., 62 (pp. 29, 31).
………, Cestreton, co. Warw., 400.
Chesworth, Cheresworth, Cheresworthe [in Horsham parish], co. Sussex, manor, 321.
Cheteberg, co. Suff. See Chedburgh.
Chetelhampholt, co. Devon. See Chittlehamholt.
Chetelhampton, co. Devon. See Chittlehampton.
Chetelton, co. Staff. See Cheddleton
Chetelton, Richard de, 62 (p. 30).
………, William de, 62 (p. 31).
Chetewynd [co. Salop]. See Chetwynd.
Chetteswell, co. Warw. See Shotteswell.
Chettiscombe, Chettescombe [in Tiverton parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).
Chetwynd, Chetewynd [co. Salop], the lord of, 611 (p. 392.
Chetyndon [co. Buck.]. See Cheddington.
Chetyndon, John de, 538 (p. 344).
Cheuervile, land called, in Harle, co. N’humb., 219 (p. 120).
Chevelingham, Cbevelyngham, co N’humb. See Chillingham.
Cheveney, Chyvene [in Marden parish], co. Kent, manor, 128.
Chever, Christiana, 536 (p. 323).
Chevere, Hamo, 538 (p. 349).
Cheverel, Alexander, 267.
………, Alexander, his daughter Joan. See Sancto Laudo.
Cheverell, Little, Cheverel, co. Wilts, manor, 267.
Chevethorne, William de, 527 (p. 294).
Chevington, West, Westhevyngton [in Wark worth parish], co N’humb., 556.
Chevithorne, Chevethorne [in Tiverton parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).
Chewton Mendip, Chiwton, co. Somers., manor, 485.
………, hundred, 485.
Cheyn, Reginald de, 159.
Cheyny. See Cheny.
Chiche, Earl’s, co. Essex. See Earl’s Hall.
………, Ridel, co. Essex. See Riddle.
Chichester, bishop of, 207.
Chickerell, East, Estchykerel, co. Dorset, 346 (p. 195).
………, West, co. Dorset, Putton in, q.v.
Chickney, Chikeneye, co. Essex, manor, 529.
Chiddingstone, Chidyngstone, co. Kent. 538 (p. 343).
Chidham, Chudeh .., co Sussex, 407.
Chieveley, co. Berks, Winterbourne in. q.v.
Chigehulle, Chekenhulle, Juliana, wife of Hugh de, 331.
………, Hugh de, 331.
Chigwell, co. Essex, Wolston in, q.v.
Chikeneye, co. Essex. See Chickney.
Child Okeford, co. Dorset. See Okeford.
Childerditch, Chilterdych, co. Essex, 599 (p. 379).
Childocford, Childokford, co. Dorset. See Okeford.
Childrenhanley, co. Worc. See Hanley.
Childrey, Chelreth, co. Berks, 603 (p. 386).
Childwickbury, Childewyk Say [in St. Michael’s parish], co. Hertf., manor, 103.
Childyngton, co. Sussex. See Chiltington.
Chilham, co. Kent, Eaststour in, q.v.
Chilham, Nicholas de, 300.
Chilinton, co. Staff. See Chillington.
Chillingham, Chevelingham, Chevelyngham, co. N’humb. 536 (p. 316.
………, manor, 403 (pp. 224, 225).
Chillington, Chedelyngton [in Stokenham parish], co. Devon, 213 (p. 113).
………, Chilynton. Chilinton [in Brewood parish], co. Staff., 615 (pp. 402, 409).
Chilterdych, co. Essex. See Childerditch.
Chiltington, West, Childyngton, co. Sussex, advowson, 458 (p. 225).
Chilton, Chylton, co. Buck., 538 (p. 342), 597.
……… ………, manor, 597.
……… Cantelo, co. Somers., 412 (p. 233).
……… Trepit, Chilton [in Cannington parish], co. Somers., 346 (p. 196).
……… Foliat, Chylton, co. Wilts, manor, 60.
Chiltone, Gilbert de, 527 (p. 295).
Chilynton, co. Staff. See Chillington.
Chinnor, Chynnore, co. Oxford, 458 (p. 258).
Chinting, Chintynge, Chyntinge [in Seaford parish], co. Sussex, 2, 327.
Chipley, Chippeleye [in Clare parish, co. Suff.], 538 (p. 347).
Chippenham, Chippeham, Chyppeham, co. Wilts, 48.
………, hundred, 48.
Chipping, Schipen, Shipen, Shypen, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 162).
Chipstead, Chepstede, co. Surrey, 538 (pp. 326, 346).
Chirbury, co. Salop, Priestweston in, q.v.
Chiriton, co. Somers. See Cheriton.
………, co. Warw. See Cherington.
Chissyndon, co. Surrey. See Chessington.
Chittlehamholt, Chetelhampholt [in Chittlehampton parish], co. Devon, 538 (p. 330).
Chittlehampton, Chetelhampton, co. Devon, manor, 538 (p. 330).
………, inquisition made at, 538 (p. 353).
Chiwton, co Somers. See Chewton.
Cholderton, Cheldryngton, co. Wilts, 40.
Chorley, Cherle [in Wrenbury parish], co. Chester, 62 (p. 31).
Chorlton, Cherlton, Schorleton [in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, 62 (p. 30).
………, manor, 366.
Chounesone, Alice (Goce), wife of William, 297.
Chrishall, Crysteshale, Crissale, co. Essex, 444, 507.
Christchurch, co. Hants, castle, 494.
……… Twineham, Twynham, co. Hants, honour of, 195, 343.
Chudeh .., co. Sussex. See Chidham.
Church Knowle, Knolle, co. Dorset, advowson, 538 (p. 341).
……… Stretton, co. Salop, Minton in, q.v.
……… Town, Chirche [in North Meols], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).
Chusbor [Chirbury in Weston?], co. Salop, 62 (p. 29).
Chuston, co. Staff. See Shusions.
Chute, Chut [co. Wilts], 387, 611 (p. 391).
Chydingston, Peter de, 134.
Chyld, Richard le, 611 (p. 393).
Chyldacford, co. Dorset. See Okeford.
Chylton, co. Buck. See Chilton.
………, co. Wilts. See Chilton.
Chymbel, John, 286.
Chynnore, co. Oxford. See Chinnor.
Chyntinge, co. Sussex. See Chinting.
Chyryel, co. Wilts. See Cherhill.
Chyvene, co. Kent. See Cheveney.
Chyvene, Henry, 128.
………, Henry, his daughter Alice. See Canvile.
Chyvenyng, Adam de, 119.
Chyppeham, co. Wilts. See Chippenham.
Ciflatone, co. Kent. See Sifleton.
Cilcen, Kylkewyn [in Bettws yn Rhôs], co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Cinque Ports, liberty of, 612.
Cirencester, Cirecestre [co. Glouc.], abbot of, 554.
Ciston, co. Glouc. See Siston.
Cknovyle. See Knovill.
Clackton [Claughton?], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).
Clanrugge, Robert de, 207.
Clapham, Clopham, co. Sussex, la Dene in, 413 (p. 237).
Clapton, Clopton [co. N’hamp.], 538 (p. 350).
……… in Gordano, Cloptone, co. Somers., manor, 538 (p. 339).
………. ………, advowson, 538 (p. 339).
Clarborough, Clauerburgh, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).
Clare, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).
…..…, inquisition made at, 538 (p. 353).
………, earl’s court at, 384, 472.
………, castle, honour, &c., 538.
………, honour of, 265, 538.
……... fees of the honour, 538 (pp. 346-351).
Clare, Gilbert de, son of Thomas, 44.
…..…, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 538.
………, Margaret de, countess of Cornwall (daughter of Richard de Clare, wife of Edmund earl of Cornwall), 363.
………, Alan de, 538 (p. 348).
………, Eleanor de, 57 (p. 25), 58, 615 (p. 404).
………, Eleanor, daughter of Gilbert de. See Despenser.
………, Gilbert de, the younger, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 44, 45, 64 (p. 33), 134, 294, 346 (p. 195), 384, 397 (pp. 218, 219), 505, 536 (p. 320).
………, ………, ……… See Gloucester; Hertford.
………, ………. ………, Maud his wife, 538 (pp. 351-2).
………. ………, the elder, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, his children, 538 (p. 352).
………, Margaret de, countess of Cornwall. ee Edmund; Gavaston.
………, Richard de, 528, 538 (p. 341).
………, ……… (son of Thomas), 44.
………, Robert de, 603 (p. 386).
………, Walter de, 538 (p. 349).
Claret, Clarette, co. Essex, manor, 538 (p. 326).
Clatford, Upper, Upclatford, co. Hants, 538 (p. 327).
Clauerburgh, co. Nott. See Clarborough.
Claverdon, co. Warw., manor, 615 (pp. 399, 409).
Clavering, co. Essex, manor, 219 (p. 120).
Clavering, Claveryng, Claveringg, Claveringg, Margery, daughter of Roger de, 3.
………, Alan de, 3.
………, John de, 3, 219, 412 (p. 231), 485.
………, William, 355.
Claverley, co. Salop, 594.
Claveryngg. See Clavering.
Clavyll, John de, 538 (p. 340)
Clavyle, John, of Morden, 538 (p. 341).
Claword, co. Nott. See Clayworth.
Claxby [by Caistor]. co. Linc., 252.
……… [by Spilsby], Claxeby, co. Linc., 352 (p. 201).
Claydon, East, Estcledon, co. Buck., 193, 398, (p. 221).
………, ………, advowson, 398 (p. 221).
………, ………, parson of. See Laventon.
………, Middle, co. Buck, 120 (p. 54).
………, Cleydon, co. Suff., 270 (p. 146), 519 (p. 288).
………, ………, advowson, 270 (p. 146).
Claypole, Claypol, co. Linc. [and Nott.], manor, 589.
Clayton [le Dale in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).
……… le Moors, Clayton on the Moors [in Leyland parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).
……… [by Bradford], co. York, 279 (p. 159).
Clayton, Ralph de, 279 (p. 162).
Clayworth, Cleworth, Claword, co. Nott., 559.
Cleatham, Cletham, co. Linc., 181.
Cleatop, Cletoppe, Cletop [in Giggleswick parish], co. York, manor, 536 (pp. 314, 324).
Clecton, Roger de, 251 (p. 136).
Clee, co. Linc., Weelsby in, q.v.
Cleeve, Bishops, co. Glouc., Stoke Orchard in, q.v.
Cleil, co. N’hamp. See Cleley.
Cleley, Cleil, co. N’hamp., hundred, 615 (p. 400).
Clely, Hugh de, 62 (p. 29).
Clement, Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey, 418.
………, Margery, 205.
Clenchwarton, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347 bis).
Clendon, co. N’hamp. See Glendon.
Clendon, Richard son of Warin de, 538 (p 345).
Clenefeld, John son of Peter de, 458 (p. 259).
Clenhill, co. N’humb. See Clennell.
Clennall, Clonhill, Clenhill [in Alwinton parish], co. N’humb., 47, 536 (p. 316).
Clerbek, Elizabeth de, wife of Walter de Hodebovile, 195.
Clere, Henry de, 183.
…….., ………, his daughter Isabel, 183.
Clerk, Geoffrey le, of Buckenham, 539.
………, John le, 224.
………, John le, 538 (p. 352).
………, ………, of Willingham, 421.
………, Nicholas le, of Bonington, 121.
………, Peter le, of Swayfield, 157.
………, Robert the, 409.
………, Simon le, of Sturton, 421.
………, ………, his son Hugh, 421.
………, Thomas le, of Bytham, 157.
………, William le, of Brasington, 151.
Cletham, co. Linc. See Cleatham.
Cletop, Cletoppe, co. York. See Cleatop.
Cleve, co. Heref., 53 (p. 19).
Clewer, Clywar [in Wedmore parish], co. Somers., 538 (p. 338).
Cleworth, co. Nott. See Clayworth.
Cley, Cockley (?), Cleye, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).
……… next the Sea, Cleye, co. Norf., 538 (p 347).
Cley, Elizabeth (Goce), wife of John, 297.
Cleydon, co. Suff. See Claydon.
Cliburn, Cliborne, co. Westm., 533 (pp. 302 bis, 303).
Cliburn, Adamson of Gilbert de, 533 (p. 303).
Cliderhou, co. Lanc. See Clitheroe.
Clidrehow, Roger de, 279 (p. 161).
Cliff, atte Clyve [in Shanklin parish], co. Hants, I. of W., 241.
Cliffe, Clive, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
Clifferin, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Clifford [by Hay], co. Heref., castle and manor, 279 (p. 157).
………, honour, 254, 533 (p. 303).
Clifford, Clyfford, Cliford, Robert de, 533, 561.
………, Robert de, 133, 324, 395, 452, 538 (p. 341), 614, 615 (p. 404).
………, Roger de, eyre of (temp. Henry III), 297.
………, Roger de, 533.
…….., ……… (son of Robert), 452.
………, Henry de, 615 (p. 409).
Cliffton, co. Westm. See Clifton.
Cliffy, Clyfhey [in Hanley parish], co. Worc., wood, 538 (p. 328).
Clifton [Reynes], co. Buck., 412 (p. 233).
……… [in Workington parish, co. Cumb.], 146.
……… Camville, co. Staff., manor, 143.
………, Cliffton, co. Westm., 533 (pp. 302, 303).
……… [in Severn Stoke parish], co. Worc., 533 (p. 304).
……… on Teme, Clyfton, co. Worc., manor. 57 (p. 24).
……… ………, Ham in, q.v.
Clifton, Nicholas de, his daughter Letice, 151.
Cliker, Clyker, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 66).
………, Little, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 65).
Clinton, Clyngton, Clingtone, Clynton, John de, the elder, of Coleshill, 595.
………, John de, the younger, of Coleshill, 595.
………, ………, of Maxstoke, 615 (pp. 401, 404, 405 bis, 408).
………, ………, son of John, of Maxstoke, 595.
………, William de, 583.
Clipston, Clyptone [co. N’hamp.], 538 (p. 350).
Clipston, Klipston, John de, 412 (p. 233).
………, Robert de, 356.
Clisseby, co. Linc. See Clixby.
Clist Fomeson, co. Devon, alias Sowton, q.v.
……… St. Lawrence, co. Devon. See Clyst.
Clitheroe, Clidrehou, co. Lanc., castle, &c., 279 (p. 160).
………, court at, 279 (p. 162).
Clive, co. Kent. See Cliffe.
Clive, Richard atte, 527 (p. 295).
Cliviger, Clyvaker, Clyvachre [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).
………, manor, 279 (p. 159).
Clixby, Clixeby, Clisseby [in Caistor parish], co. Linc., 245, 590.
Clogeuran [co. Carmarthen], 386.
Clombre, co. Nott. See Clumber.
Clonhill, co. N’humb. See Clennell.
Clopham, co. Sussex. See Clapham.
Clopham, William de, 542.
Clophill, co. Bedf., Cainhoe in, q.v.
Clopton [in Mickleton parish], co. Glouc., 458 (p. 257).
……… [co. N’hamp.]. See Clapton.
………, Cloptone, co. Suff., 363, 538 (pp. 347, 348).
………, ………, manor, 390.
………, ………, advowson, 390.
Clopton Walter de, 412 (p. 233).
Clothall, Cothale, co. Hertf., 538 (pp. 349, 350).
Clothton, co. York. See Cloughton.
Clouckewred, co. Glamorgan. 538 (p. 334).
Cloughton, Clothton [in Scalby parish], co. York, 536 (p. 319).
Clowes, Cluse [in Blean parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
Cloyit [co. Denbigh]. See Clwyd.
Clumber, Clombre, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).
Clunford. See Clungenford.
Clungeford, Clungerford, Ralph de, 482.
Clungenford, Clunford, Roger de clerk, 131.
Cluny [Saone et Loire, France], abbot of, 464.
Cluse, co. Kent. See Clowes.
Clwyd, Cloyit [co. Denbigh], 366.
Clyfford. See Clifford.
Clyfhey, co. Worc. See Cliffy.
Clyfton, co. Worc. See Clifton.
Clyker, co. Cornw. See Cliker.
Clyngton, Clynton. See Clinton.
Clyptone [co. N’hamp.]. See Clipston.
Clyst St. Lawrence, Clist, co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).
Clyst, Broad, co. Devon, Kerswell and Brockhill in, 550.
Clytha, Killigh [co. Monm.], 412 (p. 232).
Clyvaker, Clyvachre, co. Lanc. See Cliviger.
Clyve, co. Hants. See Cliff.
………, co. Warw. See Marlcliff.
Clyve, William atte, of the Isle of Wight, 241.
………, John atte, 241.
Clyvedon, John de, 603 (p. 386).
Clywar, co. Somers. See Clewer.
Cnabwell, co. Wilts. See Avils.
Cnokyn, le, co. Salop. See Knockin.
Cnolle, co. Somers. See Knowle.
Cnouk, co. Wilts. See Knook.
Cnovill. See Knovill.
Coates, Cotes, co. Linc., 275.
………, Great, co. Linc., 463.
………, Little, 463.
………, North, Northcotes, co. Linc., 352 (p. 201).
………, Cotes, co. Sussex, 536 (p. 315).
Coatham [Mundeville?], Cotum, co. Durham, 615 (p. 412).
………, West, Westcotom [in Kirkleatham parish], co. York, 536 (p. 323).
Cobbeham, Cobeham. See Cobham.
Cobeldyck, Cubeldik, Cuppeldik, Alexander de, 412 (p. 233).
………, Roger de, and Alexander his son, 548.
Cobeligton, co. Buck. See Cublington.
Cobelington, Cobeligton, Walter de, 227.
…….., William de, 227.
Cobelyngton, co. Buck. See Cublington.
Cobham, Cobeham, Cobbeham, Kobeham, Henry de, 60, 278.
………, Joan wife of Henry de, of Rundal, 134.
………, John de, 514.
………, Thomas de, 514.
Cobynton, co. Warw. See Cubbington.
Cochul, co. Worc. See Cook Hill.
Cock [in Stogursey parish], co. Somers., 346 (p. 196).
Cockerington, Cokerington, co. Linc., 395.
……… le Southalle manor in, 395.
Cockermouth, Cockermou, Cokermouth, Cokermwe [co. Cumb.], honour, 36, 197, 531 (p. 297).
Cockfield, Cokefeld, Cokefeud, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 348, 349).
………, manor, 390.
Cockhill, co. N’humb. See Cockle.
Cocking, Cockyngg, co. Sussex, 536 (p. 315).
Cockle, Cockhill [in Bothal parish], co. N’humb., wood, 510.
Cocksford, Cokesford [in Hazelwood parish], co. York, manor, 395.
……… [in Ryther parish], co. York, 536 (p. 317.
Cockyngg, co. Sussex. See Cocking.
Coddenham, Codenham, Codinham, Cotenham, co. Suff., 55, 311, 519 (p. 288), 540.
Coddesbache, co. Leic. See Cottesbach.
Codebere Peteresfeld. co. Hants, I. of W., 184.
Codeford, co. Wilts. See Codford.
Codeleye, co. Worc. See Cudeley.
Codeleye, Thomas de, 615 (p. 403).
Codenham, co. Suff. See Coddenham.
Codenouer, co. Derby. See Codnor.
Coderugge, co. Worc. See Cotheridge.
Codesbech, co. Leic. See Cottesbach.
Codeston, Walter de, and Joan his wife, 538 (p. 345).
Codford, Estkodeford, Codeford, co. Wilts, 221.
Codinham, co. Suff. See Coddenham.
Codinton, co. Chester. See Cuddington.
Codnor, Codenouer, co. Derby, castle, 116.
Coedcwnwr, Coytkenur [in Langeview parish], co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).
Coed Kernew, Coytkerneu, co. Monm., 538 (p. 335).
Coed Rhath, Coyttht [near St. Issells, now disappeared], co. Pembroke, 56.
Coffleet, Cokflute [in Brixton parish], co. Devon, 213 (p. 114).
Cofton Hackett, Cofton Haket, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).
……… Richard [in Cofton Hackett parish], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).
Cofton Richard, Sibyl daughter of John de, 615 (p. 403).
Cogan, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 332).
..……, Coganesmor [in St. Brides, Peterstone, &c.], co. Monm., 538 (p. 335).
Cogan, Thomas de, 530.
………, John, 538 (p. 332).
………, Richard de, 530.
………, Thomas de, 527 (p. 293).
Cogdean, Cokdene, co. Dorset, hundred, 279 (p. 157).
Cogenho, Giles de, 412 (p. 235).
Cogenhoe, Cogenho, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).
………, advowson, 412 (p. 235).
Cogges, co. Oxford, manor, 345 (p. 194).
Coggeshale, Cokggeshale, John de, 502.
Coghul, Roger de, 158.
………, ………, his son John, 158.
Cok, Geoffrey le, 68.
………, Richard, 417.
………, William, 541.
……… Cf. Cook.
Cokdene, co. Dorset. See Cogdean.
Cokefeld, co. Suff. See Cockfield.
Cokefeld, Kokefeld, John de, of Melton Constable, 600.
………, Robert de, 538 (p. 348).
………, Thomas de, 539.
Cokefeud, co. Suff. See Cockfield.
Cokerell, John son of John, 484.
Cokerington, co. Linc. See Cockerington.
Cokermouth [co. Cumb.]. See Cockermouth.
Cokermwe. See Cockermouth.
Cokeseye, co. Worc. See Cooksey.
Cokeseye, Walter son of, Walter de, 615 (p. 403).
Cokesford, co. York. See Cocksford.
Cokewald, co. York. See Cawkeld.
Cokflute, co. Devon. See Coffleet.
Cokggeshale. See Coggeshale.
Cokton, co. Warw. See Coughton.
Colaton Raleigh, Coleton, Colethon, co. Devon, 527 (p. 295 bis).
Colbere, Colber [in Sturminster Newton parish], co. Dorset, 124.
Colby, Colleby [in Appleby St. Lawrence parish], co. Westm., 533 (pp. 302, 303).
Colby, Henry de, 538 (p. 347).
Colchester, Northbregg in. fishery between there and Newebregg, 414.
Colden or Cowden, Great, Coldon [in Mappleton parish], co. York, 341, 472.
Coldenewton, co. Leic. See Newton.
Coldon, co. York. See Colden.
Coldridge, co. Devon, Birch in, q.v.
Cole, Henry, 419.
Colebraund, Simon, 538 (p. 343).
Coleby, Colleby, co. Linc., 274, 548.
Colecestre, Adam de, 538 (p. 348).
Colecote, co. Devon. See Collacot.
Coleman, Richard, of Faulkbourn, 450.
………, Hubert, 213 (p. 112), 502.
………, John, 443, 450.
………, Simon, 544.
Coleorton, co. Leic., Orton Saucey in, q.v.
Coleridge, Collrigg [in Stokenham parish], co. Devon], foreign hundred, 213 (p. 113).
Colesdone, co. Surrey. See Coulsdon.
Coleshill, Coleshull, co. Warw., manor, 595.
Coleshulle, John de, 279 (p. 156).
Coleston, co. Nott. See Colston.
………, Colystone [in Walwyn’s Castle parish], co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).
Colethon, Coleton, co. Devon. See Colaton.
Colevile, Colevill, Colevyll. See Colvile.
Colewen, Cullewen, Gilbert de, 533 (p. 302).
Colewente [co. Radnor]. See Colwyn.
Colewill. See Colvile.
Colham [in Hillingdon parish], co. Midd., manor, 279 (p. 154).
Coling, co. Suff. See Cowlinge.
Collacot, Colecote [in Winkleigh parish], co. Devon, 538 (p. 339).
Colleby, co. Linc. See Coleby.
………, co. Westm. See Colby.
Colleby, Thomas de, 533 (pp. 302, 303).
Collingtree, Colyntre, co. N’hamp., 602 (p. 382).
Colmworth, Colmorth, co. Bedf., 431.
Colne, Earl’s, co. Essex, prior of, 273, 538 (p. 349).
………, Wake’s, co. Essex, manor, 458 (p. 258).
………, ………, Creping in, q.v.
……… [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).
Colne, Baldwin de, 409.
………, Geoffrey de, 409.
Colous, William, 204.
Colpeper, Thomas, 538 (p. 343).
Colpho, co. Suff. See Culpho.
Colquite, Kilcoit [in St. Mabyn parish], co. Cornw., manor, 54.
Colrigg, co. Devon. See Coleridge.
Colrugge, co. Berks. See Curridge.
Colsterworth, Colsteworth, co. Linc., 157.
Colsteworth. John son of John de, 157.
Colston Basset, Coleston, co. Nott, 380.
Colthorp. Coltorpth, co. York. See Cowthorpe.
Colton [in Bolton Percy parish], co. York, manor, 204.
Columbariis, Columbers, Alice, wife of John de, 134.
………, Alice de, 538 (p. 344).
………, Philip de, 511
Columbjohn, Colump Johan [in Broad Clyst parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).
Columbrugg, Thomas de, 225.
Colump Johan, co. Devon. See Columbjohn.
Colvile, Colevyll. Colvil, Coleville, Colevill, Colevile, Colewill, Colvyle, Colville, Edmund de, 592.
………, Edmund son of Roger de, 157.
………, Edmund de, and Margaret his wife, 592.
………, John de, 157, 390, 592.
………, Ralph de, 527 (p. 295).
………, Robert de, 157, 534 (p. 308), 536 (p. 316, 592.
………, Roger de, 157.
………, Thomas de, 536 (p. 322).
Colwyn, Colewent, Colwent, Colewente [co. Radnor], 615 (p. 401).
……… castle, 198.
………, ………, service of making a Hirsoun round, 615 (p. 401).
………, ………, fees held of, 615 (pp. 397, 398).
………, barony of, 615 (p. 397).
Coly, Robert, 279 (p. 155).
Colyn, Roger, 536 (p. 316).
Colyntre, co. N’hamp. See Collingtree.
Colystone, co. Pemb. See Coleston.
Combe, Comb [in Sturminster Marshall parish], co. Dorset, 466, 467.
………, Coumbe, co. Heref. [in Presteigne parish, co. Radnor], 57 (p. 25).
…….., ………, manor, 58.
………, Coumbe, Cumbe [in Smite parish], co. Warw., abbot of, 57 (p. 25), 58, 458 (p. 259), 615 (p. 405 bis).
Comberford, Cumberforde [in Wigginton parish], co. Staff., 412 (p. 230).
Combermere, Cumburmer, co. Chester, abbot of, 33.
Comberton, Great, Cumberton, Combreton, co. Worc., manor, 615 (pp. 398, 411).
………, advowson, 615 (p. 411).
Combreton, co. Worc. See Comberton.
Comdclive, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).
Comer [in St. John Badwardine parish, Worcester], co. Worc., 615 (p. 411).
Compton Beauchamp Compton Beuchamp, co. Berks, 615 (p. 402).
…..… ………, advowson, 615 (p. 402).
………, Comtone [in Egg Buckland parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).
………, co. Glouc., 280.
…….., Cumpton [in King’s Somborne parish] co. Hants, manor, 621.
……… Dando, Compton Dauno, co. Somers., manor, 611 (p. 394).
……… Pauncefoot, Compton Pauncefot, co. Somers., 603 (p. 386).
………, co. Surrey, manor, 413 (p. 237).
………. ………, advowson, 413 (p. 237).
……… Fenny, Fennycompton, co. Warw., 615 (p. 404).
………, Long, Great Cumptone, co. Warw., manor, 191.
..…… Verney, Compton Murdak, Compton Murdac, Compton Mordok, co. Warw..615 (p. 404).
……… ………, manor, 555.
……… ………, advowson, 615 (p. 406).
……… Wyniates, Cumberton Wingate, co. Warw., 615 (p. 404).
Compton, Robert de, 280.
Comton, co. Warw. See Compton.
Comtone, co. Devon. See Compton.
Comyn, Edmund, 499.
………, Edmund, 536 (p. 316).
……… ………. his daughters Euphemia and Mary, 499.
………, Joan de, 534 (p. 312).
………, John, of Badenoch, 396.
………. ………, earl of Buchan (Boychan), 142, 458 (pp. 257, 258, 259).
………, Richard, knight, 356.
………, ………, his marriage, 356.
Condover, Conedovere, co. Salop, manor, 611 (p. 392).
Conedovere, co. Salop. See Condover.
Conelingeleye, co. Surrey. See Conynggeleye.
Conestable. See Constable.
Congelton, co. Chester. See Congleton.
Congerston, Conynggeston, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236).
Congleton, Congelton, co. Chester. 279 (p. 164).
Conigesholm, Coningesholm. See Conisholme.
Coningeswyk, co. Westm. See Cunswick.
Coningsby, Coningesby, Conyngby, co. Linc., 482.
Conington, Conyngton, Conyton, Cornyton, Conytone, co. Camb., 67, 357, 548.
………, William, the clerk of, 357.
Conisholme, Conyngesholm, Conigesholm, co. Linc., 317.
Conisholme, Conyngesholm, Conigesholm, Coningesholm, Joan daughter of Ellen de, 317.
………, Ralph de, 317.
………, Thomas de, 317.
Coniston, Cold, Calde Conyston, Caldeconiston [in Gargrave parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305). 536 (p. 321).
Conistone, Conyston in Ketelweldale [in Burnsall parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).
Connel, John, 65.
Cononley, Conundeley [in Kildwick parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).
Conqueste. John de, knight, 229.
Constable, Conestable, Robert le 266 (p. 144), 536 (p. 320).
………, ………, of Holderness, 252.
………, Roger, of Thorndon, 540.
………, William le, 266 (p. 143), 316.
Constantine, co. Cornw., Merthen in, q.v.
Contessethorp [co. Leic.]. See Countesthorpe.
Conundeley, co. York. See Cononley.
Conyngby, co. Linc. See Coningsby.
Conyngesholm. See Conisholme.
Conynggeleye, Conelingelege [Colley in Buckland?], co. Surrey, manor, 397 (p. 219).
Conynggeston, co. Leic. See Congerston.
Conyngton, co. Camb. See Conington.
Conyston, co. York. See Coniston.
………, co. York. See Conistone.
Conyton, Conytone, co. Camb. See Conington.
Conytone, John de, 357.
Cook Hill, Cochul [in Inkberrow parish], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).
Cook, John, 445.
……… Cf. Cok.
Cooksey, Cokeseye [in Upton Warren parish], co Worc., 615 (p. 403).
Coombe Keynes, co. Dorset, Bovington in, q.v.
Cootham, Coudham [in Storrington parish], co. Sussex, 413 (p. 236).
Copcut. Coppecote [in Salwarpe parish], co. Worc., 615 (pp. 398, 410).
Copdock, Coppedok, co. Suff., 215 (p. 116).
Coperkyng, Robert, 273.
Copham, Thomas de, and Aubrey, his wife, 538 (p. 331).
Cople, Coupol, co. Bedf., 182.
Copmanthorpe, Coupmanthorp [near York], co. York, 551.
Coppecote, co. Worc. See Copcut.
Coppedok, co. Suff. See Copdcok.
Coppeham, John de, 538 (p. 343).
Coppenhall, Monk’s, Monekescopenhale, co. Chester, 62 (p. 31).
Coppyng, Walter, 134.
Corbet, Maud, wife of Roger, 104.
………, Thomas, 188.
………, Peter, 57 (pp. 23, 24), 104, 269, 611 (p. 392).
………, ………, lord of Cause, 188.
……… Robert, 156.
………, ……… (son of Thomas), 188.
………, Roger, 458 (p. 257), 538 (pp. 333, 341).
…….., Thomas, 104, 156.
………, William, 538 (pp. 333, 341, 342).
Corbizoun, Corbyzoun, Corpison, William, 251 (p. 136), 615 (p. 405 bis).
Corbridge, Corbryg, Corebrigg, co. N’humb., 52.
……. manor, 219 (p. 121).
Corbygates, Corbriggate [in Alston parish], co. Cumb., 501.
Corbyzoun. See Corbizoun.
Corebrigg, co. N’humb. See Corbridge.
Coresle, Giles de, 612.
Corfe Castle, co. Dorset, Afflington in, q.v.
Corfe, Richard de, 350.
Corhs. co. Glouc. See Corse.
Coringham, co. Linc. See Corringham.
Corley, Cornleye, co. Warw., 412 (p. 234), 615 (p. 408).
Cormayls, Robert, 623.
Cornard, Cornerth, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348 bis).
………, Great, Cornherthe [co. Suff.], Berard of, 335.
Cornbury, Cornebury, co. Oxford, service connected with, 193.
Cornebury, co. Oxford. See Cornbury.
Cornere, William de la, 283.
………. William, son of John de la, 283.
Cornerth. See Cornard.
Cornerth, Angot de, 538 (p. 349).
…….., Richard de, 538 (pp. 347, 348 349).
Cornewaile. See Cornubia.
Cornhele, co. Cornw., 461.
Cornherthe, co. Suff. See Cornard.
Cornleye, co. Warw. See Corley.
Cornu. See Gourmy.
Cornubia, Cornewaile, Cornwaile, Cornwall, Cornwayle, Walter de, 371.
…….., Edmund de, 130.
……., Geoffrey de, 458 (p. 256).
………, Margaret (de Mortuo Mari), wife of Geoffrey de, 57, 133.
………, Henry de, 228.
………, William de, 371.
Cornwall, earl of, 60, 148 (pp. 72, 73), 181, 198, 210, 219 (p. 120), 257, 265, 337, 370, 404, 613.
………,…….., his under-bailiff of Eye, 540.
………, ……… See Gavaston; Edmund; Richard.
………, earldom of, 112, 141, 462.
………, Margaret countess of. See Edmund; Gavaston.
Cornwayle. See Cornubia.
Cornyton, co. Camb. See Conington.
Corone, John de, 85.
………, Thomas son of John de, 158.
………, Thomas de, 85.
Corpison. See Carbizoun.
Corringham, Great, Coringham, co. Linc., 349, 484.
Corscombe, co. Somers. See Croscombe.
Corse, Corhs, co. Glouc., chase, 538 (p. 329).
Corsford, co. Suff. See Cosford.
Cortenay. See Courtenay.
Cortenhale, co. N’hamp. See Courteenhall.
Corveyser, Alice daughter of Thomas le, 541.
Corey Malet, co. Somers. See Curry.
Cosby, Cosseby, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236).
Cosford, Corsford, co. Suff., hundred, 55.
Cosham, Estcosham, by Wymering, co Hants., 37.
Cosheston, Costeyniston, co. Pembroke, 56.
Cosseby, co. Leic. See Cosby.
Costenthorp, co. Nott. See Costhorpe.
Costeyniston, co. Pembroke. See Cosheston.
Costhorpe, Costenthorp [in Carlton in Lindrick], co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).
Costrunt, William de, 282.
……… Cf. Cestrunt.
Costyn, Thomas, 538 (p. 333).
Costynestone, co. Glamorgan. See Goston?
Cosyn, Robert, 357.
Cote, co. Berks. See Longcott.
Cotel, Elias, 346 (p. 196), 538 (p. 339), 571.
………, Roger, 538 (p. 337).
Cotenhale, co. Suff. See Cotton Hall.
Cotenham, co. Suff. See Coddenham.
Coterel Coterell, Ralph, 553.
………, Laurence, and Alice his wife, 167.
………, Ralph, 151, 167, 281.
………, …..…, his daughter Maud, 151.
………, ……… (son of Ralph), 553.
Cotes, co. Bedf. See Cotts.
……… [in Prestwold parish], co. Leic., 96.
………, co. Linc. See Coates.
………, co. N’hamp. See Cotton.
………, co. Sussex. See Coates.
Cotesford, John de, 218 (p 119), 533 (p. 302).
Cotesmore, co. Rutland. See Cottesmore.
Cotheridge, Coderugge, co. Worc., 57 (p. 24).
………, manor, 57 (p. 22).
Coton [in Wigginton parish], co. Staff., 412 (p. 230).
……… See Cotton.
……… Hall, co. Suff. See Cotton Hall.
Cotone, Emma de, 84.
Cottam, Cotum by Donham, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).
Cottenhall, co. Suff. See Cotton Hall.
Cottesbach, Codesbech, Coddesbache, co. Leic., manor, 187.
………, advowson, 187.
Cottesmore, Cottesmor, co. Rutland, 615 (pp. 400, 402).
……… advowson, 615 (pp. 402, 407).
Cotton, Mill, Mill Cotton, Middelcotes [in Ringstead parish], co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 344).
…….., North, Cotes [in Hardingstone parish], co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).
………, West, Cotes [in Hardingstone parish], co. N’hamp., 236, 412 (p. 235).
………, Coton, co. Staff., 187.
………, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).
……… Hall or Coton Hall, Cottenhall, Cotenhale [in Kedington parish], co. Suff., manor, 261, 332.
Cotts, Cotes [Eastcotts and Cotton End by Cardington?], co. Bedf., manor, 272
Cotum, co. Durham. See Coatham.
………, co. Nott. See Cottam.
Coubrugge, co. Glamorgan. See Cowbridge
Coudeham, John de, 413 (p. 236).
Coudene, Coudenne, co. Kent. See Cowden.
Coudham, co. Sussex. See Cootham.
Coudray, Coudrey, Ralph de, 456.
………, Thomas de, knight, 397 (p. 218).
………, William de, 279 (p. 164).
Couerne, co. Heref. See Cowarne.
Coughton, Cokton, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).
Couhyrde, John, son of Henry le, 18.
………, ………, Joan his sister, 18.
Coulinge, co. Suff. See Cowlinge.
Coulsdon, Colesdone, co. Surrey, 374.
Coultershaw, Coutershou [in Petworth parish], co. Sussex, stream called, 536 (p. 313).
Coumbe, co. Heref. See Combe.
………, co. Warw. See Combe.
Coundon, Coundholm [by Coventry], 412 (p. 234).
Countesthorpe, Contessethorp, Cuntasthorp [co. Leic.], 615 (pp. 405, 408).
Coupeland. See Coupland.
Coupland, Coupeland, Adam de, 533 (p. 303, 305).
………, John de, 533 (p. 302).
Coupmanthorp, co. York. See Copmanthorpe.
Coupol, co. Bedf. See Cople.
Courcys, co. Derby, 577.
Courteenhall, Cortenhale, co. N’hamp, 602 (p. 382).
………, Tenacres in, 602 (p. 383).
Courtenay, Courteneie, Curtenay, Cortenay, Curteneye, Hugh, Hugh de, 209, 354, 453, 527 (pp. 293, 294 bis), 572, 607 (p. 388).
………, Philip de, 253, 603 (pp. 384, 385).
Coutershou, co. Sussex. See Coultershaw.
Cove, John de, and Eva his wife, 221, 335.
Coven, Covene [in Brewood parish], co. Staff., 611 (p. 390).
Covenham, co. Linc., 536 (p. 315).
Coventry, Covyntre, Coventre, co. Warw., 62, (p. 30).
………, prior of, 236, 412 (p. 231).
……… and Lichfield, or Chester, bishop of, 5, 46, 102, 222.
……… ………, ……… See Langeton.
Coverham, co. York, abbot of, 345, 536 (p. 320).
Cowarne, Much, Cowern, Cowerne, co. Heref., 411
………, manor, 478.
Cowbridge, Coubrugge, co. Glamorgan, 538 (pp. 332, 333).
Cowden, Coudenne, Coudene, co. Kent, 134.
………, ………, church, 538 (p. 344).
..……, Great, co. York. See Colden.
Coweleye, John de, 62 (p. 30).
………, his sister Katherine, 62 (p. 30.
Cowern. co. Heref. See Cowarne.
Cowling, Cullyng [in Kildwick parish], co. York, 533 (p. 306).
Cowlinge, Coulinge, Coling, co. Suff., 279 (p. 154).
………, ………, advowson, 279 (p. 154).
Cowthorpe, Colthorp, Coltorpth, co. York, 536 (p. 316.
Coychurch, Coytchurche, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 333).
Coykyn, Roland de, 139 (p. 65).
Coytked, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).
Coytkenur, co. Monm. See Coedcwnwr.
Coytkerneu, co. Monm. See Coed Kernew.
Coytmorgan [co. Monm.?], 412 (p. 232).
Coyttht, co. Pembroke. See Coed Rhath.
Coyty, Coytif, co. Glamorgan, castle, &c., 537 (p. 333).
Crackenthorpe, Crakanthorp [in Appleby, St. Michael’s parish], co. Westm., 533 (p. 302).
Craco, Crakehowe [in Burnsall parish], co. York, 533 (p.305).
Craft, Geoffrey de, 615 (p. 405).
Crakanthorp, co. Westm See Crackenthorpe.
Crakanthorp, William de, 533 (p. 302).
Crake, Qrake [in Crosby Ravensworth parish], co. Westm., 533 (p. 302).
Crakeford, William de, 270 (p. 146).
Crakehall, Crakhalle [in Topcliffe parish], co. York, 536 (p. 322).
Crakehowe, co. York. See Craco.
Crakhalle, co. York. See Crakehall.
Crakhalle, Gilbert de, 536 (p. 322).
Cralond, co. Carmarthen, 64 (p. 32).
Crammaville, Cramavyle, Crammavill, Joan wife of Henry de, 524.
………, Joan de, 445.
………, John de, 538 (p. 348).
Cranborne, Craneburn, Craneborn, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 340).
………, advowson of the priory, 538 (p. 341).
………, manor and borough, 538 (p. 330).
Cranbrooke, Cranebroke, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
Crandon [in Bawdrip parish], co. Somers., manor, 511.
Crane …., Bertrand de, 158.
Craneborn, co. Dorset. See Cranborne.
Cranebroke, co. Kent. See Cranbrooke.
Craneburn co. Dorset. See Cranborne.
Craneford, co. N’hamp. See Cranford.
Cranewell, co. Linc. See Cranwell.
Cranford, Craunford, Craneford, co. N’hamp., 323, 538 (p. 344) 569.
Cranford, Walter de, 417.
Cranwell, Cranewell, co. Linc., 472.
Cranwelle, Richard de, 286.
Crauford, co. Dorset. See Crawford.
Craule, co. Buck. See Crawley.
Crauleg, co. Buck. See Crawley.
Craumford, Nicholas de, 458 (p. 259).
Craunford, co. N’hamp. See Cranford.
Craungebery, co. Kent. See Crombury.
Craven, Cravene, co. York, 19.
Crawford Magna, Crauford, Craweford [in Spettisbury parish], co. Dorset, 279 (p. 157), 346 (p. 195).
Crawley, Crauley, co. Buck., 538 (p. 329).
………, North, Craule, co. Buck., 538 (p. 342).
Cray, St. Mary, Creye, co. Kent, church, 544.
………, ………, Hackendean in, q.v.
………, St. Paul’s, Craye Paulyn, co. Kent, manor, 274.
Craysothin, co. Cumb. See Greysouthen.
Creech St. Michael, Crich., co. Somers., 342.
Creeting, Cretingge. co. Suff., 519 (p. 288).
Crekedek. See Crokedayk.
Creklawe, co., N’humb. See Kirkley.
Cremel, co. Cornw., ferry, 461.
Cremplesham, co Norf. See Crimplesham.
Crendon. Long, Grendon by Tame, co. Buck. 412 (p. 233).
Creping, Creppinge [in Wakes Colne parish], co. Essex, 538 (p. 348).
Crepping. See Creppinges.
Creppinge, co. Essex. See Creping.
Creppinges, creppyng, Crepping, Hugh de, 538 (p. 348).
………, John de, 349, 484, 627.
Cressi, Cresci. See Cressy.
Cressingham, Little, co. Norf., manor, 198.
………, ………, advowson, 198.
Cressy, Crescy, Cressi, Ralph de, 181, 445.
………, Roger de, 538 (p. 347).
…….., William de, 589.
Crestilton, Hugh de, 158.
Cretingge, co. Suff. See Creeting.
Cretingham, Creytingham, co. Suff, 538 (p. 348).
Creton, Great, co. N’hamp., 602 (p. 382).
Creton, Walter de, 157.
………, William, son of Roger de, 157.
Cretynge, John de, 538 (p. 349).
Creuker, co. Hants. See Crookhorn.
Crevequer, Crevquer, Robert de, 617.
………, Robert son of John de, 617.
Creye, Simon de, 538 (p. 350).
Creytingham, co. Suff. See Cretingham.
Crich, co. Somers. See Creech.
Cricket St. Thomas, Cruket, co. Somers., 457.
Crickhowell, Crichouwel [co. Brecon], manor, 205.
Cridling Stubs, Crudeling [in Womersley parish], co. York, manor, 279 (p. 159).
Criketot. See Criquetot.
Crimplesham, Cremplesham, co. Norf., 384, 538 (p. 346).
………, manor, 538 (p. 332).
Cringledike, Cringeldik [in Stanwix parish], co. Cumb., 218.
Criquetot, Criketot, Krikketot, William de, 216.
………, Mary de, 216.
………, William de, 409.
………, ………, Joan his wife, 216.
………, ………, William his son, 216.
Crispin, Crispyn, Roger, 462.
………. Joan, 462.
Crispyn. See Crispin.
Crissale, co. Essex. See Chrishall.
Critchell, Little, Kerchel, co. Dorset, 142.
Crocheman, William, of Trumpington, 454.
Crodeworth, co. Warw. See Curdworth.
Croffeld, do. Suff. See Crowfield.
Croft, Crofte, Henry de, 218 (p. 118).
……… Hugh de, 611 (p. 392).
………, Marroia de, 615 (p. 412).
..……, Peter de, 548.
………, William in the, 421.
Crofton, John de, 531 (p. 299).
Crok, co. Westm. See Crook.
Crok, Richard, 60.
………, Roger, 536 (p. 323).
Crokedayk, Crokedehayk, Crokedeyk, Crekedek, Alexander de, 197.
………, John son of John de, 197.
………, Margaret, wife of John de, 531.
Crokerys, co. York, 533 (p. 301).
Crokkere Stokke, co. Dorset, 124.
Crokton, co. Salop. See Cruckton.
Crombewelle. See Cromwell.
Crombewelleborton, Crombewellebothem [co. York]. See Cromwell Bottom.
Crombocwater, co. Cumb. See Crummockwater.
Crombury, Craungebery [in Hadlow parish], co. Kent. 538 (p. 343).
Cromford, Alice de, 151.
………, William de, 151.
……… Cf. Cronford.
Cromwell Bottom, Crombewellebothem, Crombewelleborton [near Halifax, co. York], 279 (pp. 160, 162).
Cromwell, Crombewell, Crumbwell, John de, 199, 412 (p. 235), 538 (p. 342), 615 (pp. 404, 409), 619.
Cronford, William son of, Henry de, 281.
……… Cf. Cromford.
Crook, Crok [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 119).
Crookhorn, Creuker [in Farlington parish], co. Hants, manor, 397 (p. 219).
Crookham, Crukum [in Ford parish], co. N’humb., 403 (p. 225).
Croom D’Abitot, Croumbe, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).
Crosby Garrett, Crossebygerard, co. Westm., 533 (p. 302).
Crosby Ravensworth, Crosseby Ravenswart, co. Westm., 533 (p. 302).
Croscombe, Corscombe, co. Somers., 346 (p. 196).
Crosholme, John de, 349.
Cross, Walter at, 153.
Crosseby, co. Westm. See Crosby.
Crossebygerard, co. Westm. See Crosby.
Crosseley, Little, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).
Crouche, Thomas at, 209.
Crouhurst, co. Sussex. See Crowhurst.
Croule, co. Worc. See Crowle.
Croumbe, co. Worc. See Croom D’Abitot.
Croupes, Maud de, wife of Richard le Bret, 148.
Crouton, co. Chester. See Crowton.
Crowan, co. Cornw., Binnerton in, q.v.
Crowethorn, Matthew de, 572.
Crowfield, Croffeld, co. Suff., 270 (p. 146).
Crowhurst, Crouhurst [in Burwash parish], co. Sussex, 207.
Crowle, Croule, co. Worc., manor, 57 (p. 24).
Crowton, Crouton [in Weaverham parish], co. Chester, 23.
Croxhall, co. Derby, Catton in, q.v.
Croxton, co. Camb., 523.
………, co. Leic., 458 (pp. 257, 258).
………, ………, advowson, 458 (p. 258).
………, ………, abbot of, 538 (p. 344).
Croyden, co. Surrey, Benchesham in, q.v.
Croys, le, heirs of, 338.
Cruckmeole, Mele, Moele [in Pontesbury parish], co. Salop, 62 (p. 29).
Cruckton, Crokton [in Pontesbury parish], co. Salop, 62 (p. 29).
Cruconnar, Crukoner, co. Cornw., 139 (pp. 64, 66).
Cruddeworth, co. Warw. See Curdworth.
Crudeling, co. York. See Cridling.
Cruket, co. Somers. See Cricket.
Cruket, William de, 457.
………, Michael de, 457.
………, William de, 346 (p. 195).
Crukum, co. N’humb. See Crookham.
Crumbwell. See Cromwell.
Crummockwater, Crombocwater, co. Cumb., the Island in, 36.
Crump, John son of Robert le, 388.
Crundale, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
………, Tremworth in, q.v.
Crupet, William, 538 (p. 342).
Crustwic, co. Essex. See Guttridge.
Cruwe, Robert de, 62 (p. 31).
Crysteshale, co. Essex. See Chrishall.
Cubberley, Cubberleye, Cubberleigh, Cubberlegh, co. Glouc., 148 (pp. 72, 76, 77), 280.
………, church, 280.
Cubbington, Cobynton, co. Warw., 412 (p. 234).
Cubeldik. See Cobeldyck.
Cublington, Cobelyngton, Cobeligton, co. Buck, 538 (p. 342).
…….., St. Nicholas church, 227.
………, ………, rector of. See Fraunceys.
………, manor, 227.
Cucku, Joan, wife of Gregory, of Seaford, 2.
………, John, 2.
Cuddington, Codinton [in Weaverham parish], co. Chester, 23.
Cudeley, Codeleye [in Spetchley parish], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).
Cudinton, co. Oxford. See Kiddington.
Cudworth, Worth, co. Somers., 346 (p. 196).
Cuerdale, Keuresdale [in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).
Culfardestre, co. Dorset. See Culliford-Tree.
Cullewen, co. Westm. See Colewen.
Culliford-Tree, Culvardestre, Culfardestre, co. Dorset, hundred, 45, 346 (p. 195).
Cullyng, co. York. See Cowling.
Culpho, Colpho, co. Suff., 596.
Culvardestre, co. Dorset. See Culliford-Tree.
Culverthorpe, Calwarethorp, Calewarethorp [in Haydor parish], co. Linc., 350.
Cumbe [co. Warw.]. See Combe.
Cumberforde, co. Staff. See Comberford.
Cumberton Wingate, co. Warw. See Compton.
Cumberton, Robert de, 615 (p. 404).
Cumberworth, co. Linc., advowson, 352 (p. 201).
………, manor, 352 (p. 200).
Cumbhey, co. Suff., 538 (p. 325).
Cumbresdale, co. Cumb. See Cummersdale.
Cumburmer, co. Chester. See Combermere.
Cumkarvan, co. Monm. See Cwmcarvan.
Cummersdale, Cumbresdale [by Carlisle], co. Cumb., 325.
Cundale, Henry de, 533 (p. 302).
Cunswick, Coningeswyk [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., manor, 218 (p. 118).
Cuntasthorp [co. Leic.]. See Countesthorpe.
Cuppeldik, See Cobeldyck.
Curdworth, Crodeworth, Cruddeworth, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 408).
Curewode, Stephen de, 533 (p. 304).
Curglas, co. Cornw., 257.
Curridge, Colrugge [in Chieveley parish], co. Berks, 212.
Curry Load, Cury Loud [in Stoke Gregory parish], co. Somers., 611 (p. 394).
……… Mallett, Cory Malet, co. Somers., 346 (p. 196).
……… ………, barony 45, 346 (p. 195).
……… ………, manor, 45, 346 (p. 195).
……… ………, advowson, 346 (p. 196).
………, North, co. Somers., Lillesdon in, q.v.
Cursun. See Curzun.
Cursy, Robert son of Richard, 534 (p. 312).
Curteis, Richard, 252.
Curtenay, Curteneye. See Courtenay.
Curyloud, co. Somers. See Curry.
Curzun, Curszoun, Cursun, Curzon, William de, 42.
………, Richard de, 42, 57 (p. 25), 58.
Curt, Alan, 536 (p, 322).
Cuttedemulne [co. Buck.], 538 (p. 329).
Cuyre, co. Worc. See Kyre.
Cwmcarvan, Cumkarvan, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).
………, chapel of, 538 (p. 337).
Cyfeilioc, Keveylok [co. Montgomery], commote, 214.
Cyffic, Egluskeffyg, co. Carmarthen, 64 (pp. 32, 33).
Cynewyll, Kenywyd [in Llanerfyn, co. Montgomery], 269.
Cyrze, Cyrzei, Peter, 615 (p. 412).
………, Walter, 615 (p. 412).