Index of Persons and Places: F

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: F". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.


Faber. See Smith.

Fairburn, Farburn [in Ledsham parish], co. York, 266 (p. 144).

Fairfield, Farfeld [in Hope parish], co. Derby, 577.

……, Forfeld [in Bellbroughton parish], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Fairford, Fayreford, co. Glouc., manor, 538 (p. 329).

Fakenham, Fakenhamdam, co. Norf., advowson, 538 (p. 351).

………, ………, manor, 41, 538 (p. 332).

……… Magna, co. Suff., manor, 499.

Fakesworth, co. Hunt. See Folksworth.

Falconhurst, Faukeneresherst, Faukenereshyrst, Fauconheresherst [in Hurst parish], co. Kent, 604, 605.

Falcott, Faukote [in Wappenham parish, co. N’hamp., 619.

Faldyngworth, Thomas de, 369.

………, ………, his daughter Maud, 369.

Faleghdon, co. N’humb. See Falloden.

Falkingham, Folkyngham, co. Linc., manor, 352 (p. 200).

Falloden, Faleghdon, Fauledon [in Embleton parish], co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).

Falsham. See Felisham.

Fambridge, South, Fambrugg. Fambrug. Suth Fambregge, co. Essex, 213 (p. 112).

………, manor, 273.

Fanecourt, Geoffrey de, 538 (p. 344).

Farburn, co. York. See Fairburn.

Fareham, North, Northfarham, co. Hants., manor, 298.

………, South, Southfarham, co. Hants, 298.

Farendon, Robert de, 346 (p. 195).

Farfeld, co. Derby. See Fairfield.

Farford, Richard de, 352 (p. 201).

Farforth, co. Linc., Maidenwell in, q.v.

Farleigh Hungerford, Farleygh Mountfort, co. Somers., St. Leonard’s church, 419

Farley, Farleye [in Alton parish], co. Staff, 187.

………, Farlegh, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Farleygh Mountfort, co. Somers. See Farleigh Hungerford.

Farlington, Farlynton, co. Hants, manor, 397 (p. 219).

………, advowson, 397 (p. 219).

Farlynton, co. Hants. See Farlington.

Farmcote, Farnecote [in Guiting Power parish], co. Glouc, 458 (p. 257).

Farnborough, Farnebergh, Farneberg, co. Warw., 57 (p. 24), 58.

………, advowson, 58.

Farndon, co. Devon. See Farringdon.

Farne [co. N’humb., formerly co. Durham], prior and convent of, 536 (p. 324).

Farneberg, Farnebergh, co. Warw. See Farnborough.

Farnecote, co. Glouc. See Farmcote.

Farnham Royal, co. Buck., manor, 187.

………, Fernham, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 340).

………, Thirnum, Thirnom [in Alwinton parish], co. N’humb., 47, 536 (p. 316).

………, Fornham, co Suff., 538 (pp. 325, 348).

………, co. York, 240.

Farnhill [in Kildwick parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Farnhill, Robert de, 282.

Farnyngho, co. N’hamp. See Farthinghoe.

Farringdon, Faryngdone, Farndon, Ferndon, co. Devon, 233, 527 p. 294).

Farrington Gurney, Fernton, co. Somers., 538 (p. 338).

Farsley, Fresselay [in Calverley parish, co. York], 579.

Farthinghoe, Farnyngho, co. N’hamp., 458 (pp. 256, 257).

Faryndone, co. Devon. See Farringdon.

Fauconheresherst, co. Kent. See Falconhurst.

Faudon, co. N’humb. See Fawdon.

Faudon, Faudoun, Robert de, knight, 353, 508.

Faughdon, co. N’humb. See Fawdon.

Faukeburne, Faukeburn, Faukebourn, co. Essex. See Faulkbourne.

Faukener, Thomas, of Dunholm, 421.

Faukeneresherst, Faukenereshyrst, co. Kent. See Falconhurst.

Faukote, co N’hamp. See Falcott.

Fauledon, co. N’humb. See Falloden.

Faulkbourne, Faukeburn, Faukebourn, Faukeburne, co. Essex, 450, 538 (p. 349).

Fauuelthorp. See Fauvelthorp.

Fauvel, Everard, 73.

………, Adam, 533 (p. 306).

………, Richard, 533 (p. 305).

………, Thomas, 73.

………, William, 533 (p. 306).

Fauvelthorp, Fauuelthorp, Adam del, 533 (p. 306).

………, John de, 30, 536 (pp. 313, 321).

Fawdon, Faughdon [in Gosforth], co. N’humb., 219 (p. 120).

………, Faudon [in Ingram parish], co. N’humb., 47, 536 (p. 316).

Fawton, Fowyton [in St. Neot’s parish], co. Cornw., manor, 139 (p. 65 bis).

Faxton, co. N’hamp., 352, 526.

………, manor, 535.

Fayreford, co. Glouc. See Fairford.

Fécamp, Fescaump [Seine Inf., France], abbot of, 321.

Fechham, co. Surrey. See Fetcham.

Feire, Guy le, 390.

Felde, la, co. Glouc. See Field Court.

………, co. Surrey, 413 (p. 237).

Felde, Robert de la, 88.

………, John atte, 338.

………, Robert de la (son of Robert), 88.

Felebesche, William, 64 (p. 33).

Felisham, co. Suff. See Felsham.

Felisham, Falsham, Nicholas de, 476.

Felmersham, co. Bedf., 412 (p. 233).

Felsham, Felisham, co. Suff., 476.

Felton, Feltoun, co. N’humb., 237, 294.

………, ………, forest, 237, 294.

……… Butler, Felton Botiler [in Great Ness parish], co. Salop, 264.

Fenby, Fenneby [in Ashby parish], co. Linc, 352 (p. 201).

Fencote, Fenkote [in Charlton on Otmoor parish], co. Oxford, 458 (p. 258).

Fendrayton, co. Camb. See Drayton.

Fenez, John de, 602 (p. 382).

Fenge, co. Essex. See Vange.

Fenkote, co. Oxford. See Fencote.

Fenne, la, co. Devon, 527 (p. 293).

Fenne, co. Heref. See Venn.

Fenneby, co. Linc. See Fenby.

Fennell, Constantine, 282.

Fennycompton, co. Warw. See Compton.

Fenotri, co. Devon. See Venn-Ottery.

Fenrother, Robert de, and Isabel his wife, 52.

Fentenadwel, co. Cornw. See Fentonadle.

Fenton, Church, co. York, 266 (p. 144).

Fentonadle, Fentenadwel [in Michaelstow parish], co. Cornw., 613.

Ferariis, Ferers. See Ferrariis.

Fermbaud. See Frembaud.

Fermorie, Richard del, of Wark, 396.

Ferndon, co. Devon. See Farringdon.

Fernham, co. Dorset. See Farnham.

Fernilee, Fernilegh, Fernyleygh [in Hope parish], co. Derby, 577, 578.

Fernthe, co. Sussex. See Frant.

Fernton, co. Somers. See Farrington Gurney.

Fernyleygh, co. Derby. See Fernilee.

Ferr. See Ferre.

Ferrariis, Ferariis, Ferers, Ferrars, John de, 212, 244, 527 (p. 294), 550.

………, John, son of John de, 458 (p. 258).

………, Nicholas de, 461.

………, Thomas de, of Loxley, 53 (p. 17).

………, William de, son of William the earl. 72.

………, the earl of Derby, 116, 345 (p. 194).

………, the honour of, 519 (p. 288).

…….., the earldom, 473.

Ferre, Fer, Guy, 279 (p. 157), 426, 538 (p. 346).

Ferrers. See Ferrariis.

Ferriby, North, co. York, Swanland, in q.v.

Fersfield, Fersfeld, co. Norf., 335.

………, manor, 335.

Fershesdon, co. Wilts. See Freshdon.

Ferte, William de la, 527 (p. 295).

Fescaump, abbot of. See Fécamp.

Fetcham, Fechham, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Feteplace. Aymer, 538 (p. 344).

Ffynnon Arthur, Fynnon Arthur, Finnoun Arthur [in Llanvihangel, co. Montgomery], 147, 214.

Fiche, Gilbert, 55.

Field Court, la Felde by Queddesley [in Hardwicke parish], co. Glouc., 88.

Fife, Fif, Fyfe, Duncan de, 538 (p. 344).

………, Duncan earl of, and Joan his wife, 538 (p. 353).

Fifide, co. Wilts. See Fifield.

Fifield, Vyfhyde, co. Essex, 238.

………, Fyfhyde Verdoyn by Stepellavyntone, Fifide by Lavintone, Fyfhide Verdon [in Enford parish], co. Wilts, 148 (pp. 71, 76).

………, ………, manor, 148 (p. 76).

Filey, Fynele, co. York, 121.

Filiol. See Fillol.

Filkins, Fylkyngche [in Broadwell parish], co. Oxford, 554.

Fillol, Fillul, Filiol, John, 471 (p. 265 bis).

Fillongley, Fyllungle, co. Warw., advowson, 412 (p. 234).

………, manor, 412 (p. 231).

………, Metley in, q.v.

Fillul. See Fillol.

Filston, Vielistone, Vyelistone [in Shoreham parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Finborough, Great, Fynneberg, co. Suff., manor, 191.

Finchale, Fynkal [co. Durham], prior of, 316.

Finchingfield, Fynchingefeld, Finchingfeld, co. Essex, 391, 533 (pp. 347, 349).

Finden, Fyndon, co. Sussex. 413 (p. 237).

Finedon, Thyngden, Thingdene, co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 344).

………, manor, 186.

Fingrith, Fingry [in Blackmore parish], co. Essex, manor, 394.

Finmere, Fynemere, co. Oxford, 538 (p. 344).

Finnoun Arthur, Finnioung Arthur, co. Salop. See Ffynnon Arthur [co. Montgomery].

Firbank, Frethebank [in Kirkby Lonsdale parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 118).

Fiserton, co. Wilts. See Fisherton.

Fishacre, Martin de, 141.

Fisherton Anger, Fyssehertone, Fisscherton, Fiserton, Fyschertone, Fysscherton, Fysherstone, co. Wilts, 148 (pp. 71, 76).

……… Delamere, Fisscherton, co. Wilts, 346 (p. 195).

Fitz Alan, Edmund, 211.

………, ………, earl of Arundel, 243, 264, 274, 436, 611 (p. 391).

………, ……… See Arundel.

Fitz Bernard, Fuiz Bernard, Fyz Bernard, le Fiz Bernard, son of Bernard, Margaret wife of John, 24.

………, Thomas, 286.

………, John, and Margaret (de Grey) his wife, 398 (p 222).

………, ………, ………, their daughter Joan, 398 (p. 222).

………, Ralph, 286.

………, ………, and Margaret his wife, 24.

………, Thomas, nephew of Ralph, 24.

Fitz Urse. See Urse.

Fitz Walter. See Walter.

Fivehead, Fyfhyde Langford, co. Somers., 209.

Fiz Aer, Fuizaer, Hugh le, 470.

………, Hugh, and Aline his wife, 470.

………, Thomas, 470.

Fiz Bernard. See Fitz Bernard.

Fiz Elis, Henry, 538 (p. 340).

Flagg, Flagh [in Bakewell parish], co. Derby, 553.

Flakebrig park, co. Westm., 533 (p. 301).

Flamstead, Flamstede, Flemsted, co. Hertf., manor, 198, 615 (p. 397).

Flanvyle, Robert de, 412 (p. 236).

Flaumvile, Elias de, 341.

Flavell Flyford, Flavel, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Fleckenho, co. Warw. See Flecknoe.

Fleckney, Fleckeneye, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236).

Flecknoe, Fleckenho [in Wolfhamcote parish], co. Warw., 187, 412 (p. 234).

Fledborough, co. Nott., Skegby in, q.v.

Fleming, Flemyg, Flemeng, Flemyng, Baldwin le, 110, 224, 337, 453.

………, John, 533 (p. 305), 536 (p. 321).

………, Philip le, 538 (p. 333).

………, Thomas le, 451.

Flemsted, co. Hertf. See Flamstead.

Flemyg. See Fleming.

Fletewyk, David de, 301.

………, David de (son of David), 301.

………, ………, and Agatha his wife, 270 (p. 147).

………, ………, Lora his wife, 301.

Flitton, Flytte, Flitte, co. Bedf., 458 (p. 258), 597.

Floketon, co. Suff. See Flowton.

Floqeton, co. Suff. See Flowton.

Flore, John de, 538 (p. 346).

………, Richard de, 538 (p. 345).

Flori, John, 352 (p. 201).

Flowton, Floqeton, Floketon, co. Suff., 519 (p. 288), 538 (p. 348).

Flytte, co. Bedf. See Flitton.

Fodynton [Siddington St. Peter?]. co. Glouc., 538 (p. 342).

Foleford, Folefford, Henry de, 527 (p. 294).

Folerigg, co. Lanc. See Foulridge.

Folesham, co. Norf. See Foulsham

Foleshill, Folkeshull, co. Warw., 62 (p. 30).

Folevyle, Folevyll, John de, of Ashby Folville, 190.

………, John le, 548.

………, John de (son of John), 190.

Folifait, Roger le, 395.

Folifyat, co. York. See Follifoot.

Foliot, Foliet, Folyot, Margery, 279 (p. 155).

…….. Richard, 380, 538 (p. 347).

………, Roger, 615 (p. 411).

Folkeshull, co. Warw. See Foleshill.

Folksworth, Fakesworth [co. Hunt.], 538 (p. 350).

Folkyngham, co. Linc. See Falkingham.

Follifoot, Folifyat, Folyfayth [in Spofforth parish], co. York, 536 (p. 317).

Folyot. See Foliot.

Fonteneye, Founteneye, Richard de, 463.

…….., William de, 463.

Fontibus, John de, of Upleatham, 536 (p. 322).

………, Lambert de, 536 (p. 322).

……… See Funteyns.

Forcier, William le, 156.

Ford, Forde [co. Dorset, formerly co. Devon], abbot of, 538 (p. 341).

………, co. N’humb., manor, 403 (p. 225).

………, Forde, co. Staff., manor, 62 (pp. 29, 31).

………, Fordes, co. Sussex, manor, 274.

Forde, within the liberty of Newport, I. of W., 184.

Fordelond by Polrode [in St. Tudy parish?], co. Cornw., 613.

Fordham, Great, co. Essex, manor, 475 (p. 268).

………, ………, advowson, 475 (p. 268).

………, co. Norf., 538 (pp. 346, 347).

Fordingbridge, Fordyngbrigge, co. Hants, advowson, 538 (p. 341).

………, Midgham in q.v.

Fordington, Fordynton, co. Dorset, manor, 404.

………, co. Linc., 412 (p. 233).

Fordon [in Hunmanby parish], co. York, 121.

Fordyngbrigge, co. Hants. See Fordingbridge.

Fordynton, co. Dorset. See Fordington.

Forehoe, Fourhoe, co. Norf., hundred, 522.

Foresta, David de, 64 (p. 32).

Forester, John le, 207.

………, Jordan le, 279 (p. 156).

Forfeld, co. Worc. See Fairfield.

Forneaus, Forneaux. See Furneaux.

Fornham, co. Suff. See Farnham.

Forniaux. See Furneaux.

Fornival. See Furnivall.

Forstal, William, 458.

Forstebury, co. Wilts. See Fosbury.

Forstebury, John de, 113.

………, Peter de, 113.

Fortibus, Isabel de, countess of Aumale or Albemarle, 354.

………, Isabel de, countess of Aumale or Albemarle, 12.

………, William de, earl of Albemarle, 365.

……… See Vivonia; Albemarle.

Forton [in Long Parish, co. Hants], 397 (pp. 219, 220).

Fosbury, Forstebury [in Tidcombe parish], co. Wilts, 113.

………, West Westeforstebury [in Tidcombe parish], co. Wilts, 113.

Foscott, Foxcote, co. Buck., 100.

………, advowson, 100.

Fosse, John de, 615 (p. 404).

Foston, co. Leic, manor, 536 (p. 312).

……… [on the Wolds], co. York, 204, 536 (pp. 318, 319).

……… ………, rector of church of, 536 (pp. 318, 319).

Foterby, co. Linc. See Fotherby

Fotherby, Foterby, co. Linc., 586 (p. 315).

Fouke, Walter, 538 (p. 342).

Fouleshurst [now disappeared, in Sound parish], co. Chester, 62 (p. 30).

Fouleshurst, Richard de, 62 (p. 31).

………, William de, 62 (p. 30).

Foulestowe, co. Linc. See Fulstow.

Foulestowe, Geoffrey de, of Saxilby, 421.

Foulness, Foulnesse, co. Essex, 194.

………, Estwodewik marsh in, 194.

Foulridge, Folerigg [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).

Foulsham, Folesham, co. Norf., 538 (p. 349)

Foulsutton, co. York. See Sutton.

Fountains, co. York, abbot of, 197, 318, 533 (p. 307), 536 (pp. 320, 321, 323).

Founteneye. See Fonteneye.

Fourhoe, co. Norf. See Forehoe.

Fournays, co. Lanc. See Furness.

Fournivall. See Furnivall.

Fourstones, Fourstanes, [in Newbrough parish], co. N’humb., 146.

Fowyton, co. Cornw. See Fawton.

Foxcote, co. Buck. See Foscott.

Foxele, co. Norf. See Foxley.

Foxele, John de, 193.

Foxhall, Foxhole [in Brightwell parish], co. Suff., 538 (p. 349).

………, Tirellisfe in, 215 (p. 115).

Foxley, Foxele, co. Norf., manor, 475 (p. 270), 611 (p. 393).

Foxton, Ralph de, 451.

Fraisthorpe, co. York, Auburn in, q.v.

Frakenham, co. Suff. See Freckenham.

Frameligham, Framelingham, co Suff. See Framlingham.

Framelingham, Thomas de, and Agnes his wife, 221.

Framlingham, Framelingham, Frameligham, co. Suff., inquisition made at, 270 (p. 147).

………, castle, 390.

………, castle guard, 426.

Framlington [in Felton parish], co. N’humb. 294.

Frampton Cotterell, Fromptone Cotel, Fromton Cotel, Frompton Cotel, co. Glouc., 411.

………, ………, manor, 148 (pp. 72, 76, 77).

……… on Severn, Frompton, co. Glouc., manor, 607.

………, Frankton, co. Linc., 256, 471 (p. 264 bis).

………, ………, manor, 471 (p. 264).

Franceis, Everard, 338.

……… Cf. Fraunceys.

Franceylond, co. Surrey, 413 (p. 237).

Franklin, Frankelayn, Frankeleyn, Fraunkeleyn, Fronkeleyn, John, 113.

………, John le, 280.

………, Nicholas le, 280.

………, Walter, 417.

………, William, 538 (p. 343).

………, ………, of Boxworth, 67.

Frankton, co. Linc. See Frampton.

………, Frannketon, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

Fransham, Little, co. Norf., advowson, 198.

Frant, Fernthe, co. Sussex, 538 (p. 340).

Frating, Fratynge, co. Essex, manor, 72.

Fratinge, John de, 72.

………, Alice, daughter of John de, 72.

Fratynge, co. Essex. See Frating.

Fraunc, William, the elder, of Harwich, and Margaret his wife, 476.

Fraunceys, John, 523, 615 (p. 402).

………, Richard de, 533 (pp. 302, 305), 536 (p. 323).

………, William, rector of the church of Cublington, 227.

……… Cf. Frenche, Franceis.

Frauncton, John de, of Ingleby, 349.

Fraunkeleyn. See Franklin.

Fraxinis, Roger de, 41.

………, Lucy daughter of Roger de, 41.

……… Cf. Esches.

Fraxino, John de, 227.

………, William de, 228.

Freckenham, Frakenham [co. Suff.], 111.

Freckleton, Frecleton [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).

Frecleton, Adam de, 279 (p. 163).

Frederick the Emperor, 139 (p. 66).

Freemantle, Fremantel, Freymauntel [in Kingsclere], co. Hants, King’s park, 32.

Freethorne, Frethorn, co. Glouc., 603 (p. 386).

Frelond, Roger, 178.

Freman, Richard, 279 (p. 155).

………, Walter le, 356.

………, William, 167.

………, ………, of Watford, 161.

……… Cf. Fromond.

Fremantel, co. Hants. See Freemantle.

Frembaud, Fermbaud, Nicholas, 538 (pp. 329, 342, 343), 599 (pp. 379, 380).

Fremington, Fremyngton, co. Devon, manor, 143.

Fremon. See Fromond.

Fremond. See Fromond.

Fremyngton, co. Devon. See Fremington.

Frenche, William le, 538 (p. 340).

……… Cf. Franceis, Fraunceys.

Frenchmoor, la Frenshemore [in Broughton parish], co. Hants, 148 (pp. 73, 77).

Frennyngeham, William de, his wife Eleanor, 277.

Frenshemore, co. Hants. See Frenchmoor.

Fresden, Fershesdon in the manor of Sevenhampton [in Highworth parish], co. Wilts, 60.

Fresengfeud, co. Suff. See Fressingfield.

Freshmarsh or Friskmarsk on Humber, co. York (now disappeared), 341.

Fresselay [co. York]. See Farsley.

Fresselay, Godfrey de, a Scot, 579.

Fressingfield, Fresengfeud, co. Suff., 55.

………, Whittingham in, q.v.

Freston, co. Suff., 215 (p. 116).

………, Manstaneton in, p. 115.

………, advowson, 215 (p. 115).

Freston, … de, 215 (p. 116).

Fretewell, co. Oxford. See Fritwell.

Fretewell, Richard de, 109.

………, Ralph de, 109.

Fretewelle, co. Oxford. See Fritwell.

Frethebank, co. Westm. See Firbank.

Frethorn, co. Glouc. See Freethorn.

Frethorn, Geoffrey de, 603 (p. 386).

Frevyle, Frevill. See Frivill.

Friboys, Robert, 266 (p. 144).

Frieston, Friston [in Caythorpe parish], co. Linc., 534 (p. 310).

Frilond, de Frilande, William, his daughter Cecily, 153.

Fringford, Fyringford, Fyryngford, co. Oxford, 398 (pp. 220, 221).

Friston, co. Linc. See Frieston.

Friston, Elizabeth de, 590.

Fritwell, Fretewelle, Fretewell, co. Oxford, 191.

………, manor, 60.

Frivill, Frevyle, Fryvill, Frivile, Frivylle, John de, 409, 410.

………, Alexander de, 223, 482, 483.

…….., ………, Joan his wife, 148, 223, 482.

………, David de, 409.

………, John, 111.

………, John de, and Eleanor his wife, 409, 410.

………, Richard de, 409.

………, ……… (father of John), 409.

………, ……… (son of John), 409.

Frodingham, Frothingham, co. York, 169.

Frodsham, co. Chester, Kingsley, Norley and Newton in, 23.

From, Reginald de, 603 (p. 386).

Frome St. Quintin, Frome Quintyn, co Dorset, 538 (p. 340).

Fromington, Frormynton [in Marden parish], co. Heref., 4, 166.

Fromond, le Fremon, Fremond, Alice wife of William, 4.

………, John, 538 (p. 343).

………, Richard, 4, 338.

………, Thomas, 538 (p. 343).

……… Cf. Freman.

Frompton, Frompton Cotel, Fromton Cotel, co. Glouc. See Frampton.

Fronkeleyn. See Franklin.

Frormynton, co. Heref. See Fromington.

Frothewic, co. Essex. See Frowick.

Frothewic. See Frowyk.

Frothingham, co. York. See Frodingham.

Frowick, Frothewic [in St. Osith parish], co. Essex, 361.

Frowyk, Frothewic, John de, 361.

………, Lawrence de, 361.

Frunthorp, co. Linc., 536 (p. 316).

Fryston, Ferry, Fryston, co. York, manor, 395.

Frytheby, John de, 536 (pp. 322, 323).

Fryvill, Fryvile. See Frivill.

Fuizaer. See Fiz Aer.

Fuiz Bernard. See Fitz Bernard.

Fulbourne, Fulbourne, co. Camb., 458 (p. 256).

Fulbrook, Fulbrok, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

Full Sutton, co. York. See Sutton.

Fulready, Fulrigh [in Eatington parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

Fulstow, Foulestowe, co. Linc., 482.

Fulwich, co. Chester. See Wych.

Funteyns, Geoffrey de, 608.

………, Geoffrey de, the elder, 608.

………, ………, the younger, and Margery his wife, 608.

………, John de, son of Geoffrey, 608.

……… See Fontibus.

Furneaux, Forniaux, Furneaus, Furneus, Forneaus, Furneux, John de, 27.

………, Richard de, 106.

………, Robert de, 438.

………, Alice de, 326.

………, John de, 438.

………, Matthew de, 148 (pp. 73, 77), 209, 253, 434.

………, Richard de, 27.

………, ………, and Sibyl his wife, 106.

………, William de, 106.

Furness, Fournays, co. Lanc., abbot of, 533 (p. 307).

Furneus, Furneux. See Furneaux.

Furnivall, Fournivall, Fornyval, Gerard de, 569.

………, Thomas de, 120 (p. 53).

Fychet, William, 225.

Fyfe. See Fife.

Fyffhede, co. Essex. See Fyfield.

Fyfhide, Fyfhyde, co. Wilts. See Fifield.

Fyfhyde, co. Somers. See Fivehead.

Fyfield, Fyffhede, co. Essex, manor, 599 (p. 379).

Fylkyngche, co. Oxford, See Filkins.

Fyllungle, co. Warw. See Fillongley.

Fynchingefeld, co. Essex. See Finchingfield.

Fyndon, co. Sussex. See Finden.

Fynele, co. York. See Filey.

Fynemere, co. Oxford. See Finmere.

Fynemere, Osbert de, 538 (p. 344).

Fynkal, co. York. See Finchale.

Fynnon Arthur [co. Montgomery]. See Ffynnon.

Fyringford, Fyryngford, co. Oxford. See Fringford.

Fysschertone, Fyschertone, Fysscherton, Fysherstone, co. Wilts. See Fisherton.

Fyz Bernard. See Fitz Bernard.