Index of Persons and Places: O

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: O". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.


Oakford, Okeford, co. Devon, manor, 213 (p. 113).

………, advowson, 213 (p. 114).

Oakham, Hocham [co. Rutland], manor, 615 (p. 399).

Oakhanger, Okhangre [in Selborne parish, co. Hants.], manor, 456.

Oakington, Hoketon, Hokynton, co. Camb., 312, 548.

Oakley, North, Hockele, Northakle, Northokelee, Northockele [in Kingsclere parish], co. Hants, 587.

………, manor, 496.

Oakworth. Ackeword [in Keighley parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Ocbeare, co. Cornw. See Ogbeere.

Ocham, co. Surrey. See Ockham.

Ock, Alice, ater, 607 (p. 388).

Ockeffeld, co. Sussex. See Uckfield.

Ockelee, Ockelee by Motesfonte, co. Hants, 39, 148 (p. 73).

Ockham, Ockam, Ocham, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 326).

………, advowson, 538 (p. 326).

Ockley, Ockelegh, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Ocstede, co. Surrey. See Oxted.

Odcombe, Hodecumb, Odecomb, Dotecombe [co. Somers.], 527 (p. 295).

………, honour, 527 (p. 294).

Oddeston, co. Leic. See Odstone.

Oddynggseles, Oddyngesel, Oddigisieles. See Doddyngeseles.

Ode, Richard, 533 (p. 304).

Odecumb [co. Somers.]. See Odcombe.

Odell, Wodhulle, Wodehill, Wodhull, co. Bedf., 21.

………, manor, 409.

………, court at, 120 (p. 53).

………, barony, 53 (p. 18), 619.

Odeslade, in Bourton, co. Dorset. See Bourton.

Odstone, Oddeston, co Leic., 412 (p. 236).

Odyham, William de, 347.

Odyngeseles. See Doddyngeseles.

Offeley, John de, 52.

Offley, Offeleye, co. Hertf., 136, 359.

………, High Offileye, co. Staff., 283.

………, ………, church, 283.

Offord, Orford, co. Hunt., 538 (p. 350).

………, Cluny, co. Hunt., 464.

……… Darcy, Offord Daneys, Offord, co. Hunt., 464, 548.

………, co. Suff., 426.

Offord, Robert de, 426.

Offynton, Wymer de, 538 (p. 349).

Ogbeere, Ocbeare [in Tamerton parish], co. Cornw., 495.

Ogbourne, Okebourne [co. Wilts], prior of, 538 (p. 345).

Ogemor, co. Glamorgan. See Ogmore.

Oggelondre. See Doglaundre.

Oggill, John de, 219 (p. 120).

Oggille, co. N’humb. See Ogle.

Ogle, Oggille [in Whalton parish], co. N’humb., manor, 219 (p. 120).

Ogmore, Ogemor, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 333).

………, port of, 538 (p. 334).

Okbeare, Roger de, 495.

..……, Richard de, 495.

Okebourne [co. Wilts]. See Ogbourne.

Okeford, co. Devon. See Oakford.

………, Child, Childokford, Childocford, Chyldocford, co. Dorset, 195, 343.

……… [Fitz paine], co. Dorset, manor, 607 (p. 388).

………, Shilling, Okeford Skylling, co. Dorset, manor, 538 (p. 340).

Okehampton, Okhamptone, co. Devon, honour, 527 (p. 294).

Okes, …, de, 283.

Okford, co. Dorset. See Okeford.

Okhangre, co. Hants. See Oakhanger.

Okkefelde, co. Sussex. See Uckfield.

Old Hay, Oldehaye [in Mereworth parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Oldbury, Oldebury, co. Salop, 102.

………, Holbury [in St. John Bedwardine parish, Worcester], co. Worc., 615 (p. 411).

Oldcoates, Ulcotes [in Styrrup parish], co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).

Oldeburi, Adam de, 280.

Oldebury, co. Salop. See Oldbury.

Oldehaye, co. Kent. See Old Hay.

Oldeport, 205.

Oliver, Olyver, Peter, 113.

………, Sibyl, 212.

………, William, son of, 536 (p. 322),

Ollerton, Allerton, Alerton [in Edwinstow parish], co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).

………, wapentake, 279 (p. 155).

Ollynton, co. Glouc. See Ullington.

Ollynton, John de, 57 (p. 23).

Olmestede, co. Camb. See Olmstead.

Olmestede, John de, 327.

………, John de, Maud his wife, 327.

………, William de, 327.

Olmstead, Olmestede, co. Camb., 327.

Olney, Olnee, co. Buck., manor, 310.

Olreton, co. Salop. See Alderton.

………, co. Worc. See Orleton.

Olyver. See Oliver.

Omnibon, Omnybon, Margaret wife of Ralph, 437.

Onehouse, Onhous, co. Suff., manor, 390.

Ongar, Aungre, co. Essex, 538 (p. 349).

………, manor, 507.

………, castle, 306.

………, hundred, 306.

Onhous, co. Suff. See Onehouse.

Onston [in Weaverham parish], co. Chester, 23.

Opelonde in Brasted, co. Kent, 538 (p. 331).

Opeton, co. Pembroke. See Upton.

Oppeton Cabocke, co. Somers. See Upton Noble.

Opton. See Upton.

Orcherton [in Modbury parish], co. Devon, 558.

Orcheston, Ordrycheston, co. Wilts, manor, 538 (p. 328).

Ordrycheston, co. Wilts. See Orcheston.

Ore, William de, 538 (p. 343).

Orewell, co. Camb. See Orwell.

Orford, co. Hunt. See Offord.

Orlaweston. Orlauston, co. Kent. See Orlestone.

Orlaweston, Orlauston, John de, 145.

………, William son of John de, 153.

………, John de, 153.

………, ………, Isabel his wife, 145.

………, William de, 145.

Orlestone, Orlauston, Orlaweston, co. Kent, 145.

………, St. Mary’s church, 153.

Orleton, Olreton [in Eastham parish], co. Worc., 533 (p. 304).

Orlingbury, co. N’hamp., Batsaddle in, q.v.

Ormesby, co. Linc., 412 (p. 233).

………, Ormisby, co. Norf., 455.

………, co. York, Morton in, q.v.

Ormesby, Ormisby, Ormesbi, Ellen, wife of William de, 455.

………, John de, 531 (p. 299).

………, Roger de, 455.

………, Simon son of Ralph de, 412 (p. 233).

………, William de, 538 (p. 347).

Ormesheved, co. Westm. See Ormside.

Ormesheved, John de, 533 (p. 303).

Ormisby, co. Cumb. See Hornsby.

………, co. Norf. See Ormesby.

Ormside, Ormesheved, co. Westm., 533 (p. 302).

Orreby, John de, 134.

………, ………, and Isabel his wife, 352 (p. 201).

Orreton, Ralph de, 533 (p. 307).

Orton Saucey, Overton Sause [in Coleorton parish], co. Leic., 458 (p. 259).

………, Overton, co. Westm., 533 (p. 302).

Orwell, Orewell, co. Camb., 458 (p. 257), 538 (p. 350).

………, advowson, 458 (p. 257).

Osbaldeston [in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 162).

………, Thomas de, 279 (p. 162).

Osberne, Osebern, Adam, 228.

………, Walter, 533 (p. 305).

Osberneby, co. Linc. See Osbournby.

Osbert, Roger son of, and Sarah his wife, 427.

Osbournby, Osberneby, Ouberneby, co. Linc., 150.

Osea, Oveseye, co. Essex, 538 (p. 349).

Osebern. See. Osbern.

Oselestone, co. Leic. See Owston.

Oseney [co. Oxford]. See Osney.

Osgod, Edmund, 355.

Osgodeby, Adam de, 57 (p. 25).

Osgoldcross, Osgotcros, co. York, wapentake, 279 (p. 159).

Osmonderlaw, Osmunderlawe, John de, 536 (p. 313).

………, William de, 531 (p. 299).

Osmotherley, co. York, West Harlsey in. See Harlsey.

Osmunderlaw. See Osmonderlaw.

Osney, North, Northoseneye [co. Berks.], 567.

Osney, Oseney, Oseneye, co. Oxford, abbot of, 458 (p. 258), 538 (p. 342).

Osolveston, co. Leic. See Owston.

Ospringe, Osprynge, co. Kent, manor, 524.

Ostrefeld, co. York. See Austerfield.

Oswaldslow, Oswoldeslowe, co. Worc., hundred, 615 (p. 410).

Oterburn, co. N’humb. See Otterburn.

Oterinton, co. York. See Otterington.

Otford, Otteford, co. Kent, 538 (p. 331).

Otley, Otteleye, Otteleye, co. Suff., 519 (p. 288), 538 (p. 348).

Otreburn, co. York. See Otterburn.

Otrepol, co. Lanc., fishery, 279 (p. 163).

Otteford, co. Kent. See Otford.

Otteham, Lora de, 542.

Otteleye, Ottelye, co. Suff. See Otley.

Otterburn, Oterburn [in Elsdon parish], co. N’humb., 47.

………, Otreburn [in Kirkby Malhamdale parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Otterington, Oterinton, co. York, 551.

Ouberneby, co. Linc. See Osbournby.

Ougneby, co. Linc. See Owmby.

Ouisdene, co. Suff. See Ousden.

Oulepenne, co. Glouc. See Owlpen.

Oulepenne, John de, 271.

Oulton. Ulueton [in Wigton parish, co. Cumb.], manor, 531 (pp. 297, 299).

Ouneby, co. Linc. See Owmby.

Ouneby. See Outhenby.

Oure Moyngne, co. Dorset. See Ower Moigne.

Ouresby, co. Linc. See Owersby.

Ousby, Ulvesby, co. Cumb., 287, 324.

Ousden, Ouisdene, co. Suff., manor, 216.

………, Walter, parson of, 216.

Ouse and Derwent, forest of Langwith between, 367.

Oustewell, co. Linc., a stew called, 592.

Oustewyk, co. York. See Owstwick.

Oustewyk, Stephen de, 304.

………, Roger de, 304.

Ouston, co. York. See Owston.

………, Wolsington [in Tadcaster parish], co. York, 536 (p. 317).

Outchester, Ulcestre [in Bamburgh parish], co. N’humb., manor, 403 (p. 226).

Outenby. See Outhenby.

Outewell, co. Norf. See Outwell.

Outhenby, Outenby, Ouneby, Thomas de, 120.

Outwell, Outewell, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

Ouvyle, Richard de, 615 (p. 408).

Ovedale, John de, 538 (p. 346).

Over, Overe, co. Camb., 548.

……… [in Churcham parish?], co. Glouc., 615 (p. 402).

Overes, co, Salop. See Overs.

Overgares, co. N’humb. See Overgrass.

Overgrass, Overgares [in Felton parish], co. N’humb., 294.

Overland, Overlonde, Overlond [in Elham parish], co. Kent, 220 (pp. 122, 123).

Overourton, co. Oxford. See Worton.

Overs, Overes, co. Salop, hundred, 57.

Oversley, Overslee, co. Warw., Butler of, q.v.

Overton, co. Hants, 298.

……… [in Richard’s Castle parish, co. Heref.], 57 (pp. 24, 25), 58.

………, co. Leic. See Orton.

………, co. Oxford. See Worton.

……… Market, Marcat [co. Rutland], 412 (p. 235).

………, co. Westm. See Orton.

Overton, Everton, John de, 57 (p. 25), 58.

Oveseye, co. Essex, See Osea.

Ovington, Ovyton, co. Essex, 538 (p. 347).

Ovrederwent, co. Lanc. See Darwen.

Ovyton, co. Essex. See Ovington.

Owen, son of Llewelyn ap Owen, 91.

Ower Moigne, Oure Moyngne, co. Dorset, manor, 514.

Owersby, Ouresby, co. Linc., 441.

Owlpen, Oulepenne, co. Glouc., 271.

Owmby, Ougneby, Ouneby. co. Linc., 144, 279 (p. 153), 536 (p. 316).

Owston, Osolveston, Oselestone, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236).

………, ………, abbey, 157.

………, ………, abbot of, 412 (p. 236).

………, Ouston, co. York, manor, 279 (p. 159).

………, ………, advowson, 279 (p. 159).

Owstwick, Oustewyk [in Roos and Garton], co. York, 252.

Owthorne, co. York, Newsome in, q.v.

Oxcombe, Oxcumbe, co. Linc., 349, 484.

Oxcumbe, co. Linc. See Oxcombe.

Oxenhope [in Bradford parish], co. York, 279 (p. 159).

Oxenton, Oxindon, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 342).

Oxford, inquisition made at, 538 (p. 352).

………, schools at, 282.

………, Merton College, 538 (p. 345), 548.

………, St. John’s hospital, master of, 615 (pp. 404, 405).

Oxford, Earl of, 40, 72, 191, 213 (p. 112), 258, 394, 458 (p. 258), 485, 519 (p. 288), 538 (pp. 342 ter, 344, 348).

………, ……… See Vere.

..……, earldom of, 394.

………, countess of, 196.

Oxindon, co. Glouc. See Oxenton.

Oxted, Ocstede, co. Surrey, court at, 119.

Oxton [in Tadcaster parish], co. York, 536 (pp. 314, 318, 324).