Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.
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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: T', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II(London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: T', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II(London, 1908), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: T". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.
Taaf river. See Taff.
Tadcaster, Tadecastre, Tadcastre, co. York, 536 (p. 318).
………, manor, 536 (pp. 314, 324).
…….., Ouston in, q.v.
………, Stutton in, q.v.
Taddington. Tadinton [in Bakewell parish], co. Derby, 553.
Taddyport, Tadyeport [in Little Torrington parish], co. Devon, 244.
Tadelawe, co. Camb. See Tadlow.
Tadinton, co. Derby. See Taddington.
Tadlinton, co. Worc. See Teddington.
Tadlow, Tadelawe, co. Camb., manor, 12.
Tadyeport, co. Devon. See Taddyport.
Taff, Taaf, Taf, river, fisheries in, 538 (pp. 332, 334).
Taillour, Richard le, 534 (p. 308).
………, Simon le, of Watford, 161.
Takel, Takyll, Ralph, 349, 484.
Talabrin, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Talacherne [co. Carm.]. See Laugharne.
Talbot, Talebot, Thomas le fiz, 521.
………. ………, Joan his wife, 521.
………, Alan, 279 (p. 156).
………, Edmund, 279 (p. 160).
………, Joan wife of Edmund, 279 (p. 161).
………, Sarah, 624.
………, William, 427, 527 (p. 294).
Talenaz, Talenatz, Talenais, Margaret, 517.
………, Thomas, 481,
………, Robert son of John, 481, 517.
………, Thomas, 517.
Talesworth, co. Surrey. See Tollsworth.
Talevan, co. Glamorgan. See Talyvan.
……… [Abersychan?], co. Monm., 538 (p. 337).
Taleworth, Peter de, 538 (p. 348).
………, Richard de, 538 (pp. 325, 348).
Talgarth [co. Brecon], manor, 205.
Taliboys, Tayleboys, Luke, 533 (p. 302).
Talk on the Hill, co. Staff., 62 (pp. 29, 31).
Talleuharn, Tallauharn, co. Carmarthen. See Laugharne.
Talworth, Northtaleworth [in Long Ditton parish]. co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).
Talyvan, Talevan, co. Glamorgan castle, 538, (pp. 332, 333).
Tame, Thame, river, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 399, 409).
Tamerton, co. Cornw., manor, 141.
………, Ogbeere, in, q.v.
Tameworth, co. Staff. See Tamworth.
Tamworth, Thomworth, Thomorth, Tameworth, co. Staff., St. Edith’s Church, 482.
………, ………. prebends in collegiate church, 482.
………, ………. manor, 412 (p. 232).
………. co. Warw., Amington in, q.v.
Tandridge, Tanrugge, Tanrigge, Tanregg, co. Surrey, 397 (p. 219).
………, manor, 538 (p. 345).
………. hundred, 119.
Taneworthe, co. Warw. See Tanworth.
Tangelee in Bramley, co. Surrey, 607 (p. 388).
Tannere, Andrew le, 497.
Tanneshore, co. N’hamp. See Tansor.
Tanrigge, Tanrugge, Tanregg, co. Surrey. See Tandridge.
Tanshelf, Tanself, Thanschef [by Pontefract], co. York, 279 (p. 159).
Tansor, Tanneshore, co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 345).
Tanworth, Taneworthe, Thoneworth, Toneworth, co. Warw., manor, 615 (pp. 399, 409).
………, advowson, 615 (pp. 406, 409).
……… See Monkspath.
Tany, John, knight, 319.
………, Roger de, 72, 213 (p. 112), 262, 599 (pp. 379, 381).
Tapcuitt, John, 533 (p. 307).
Tarbock, Torbok [in Huyton parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).
Tardebigg, co. Worc., Bentley Pauncefoot in, q.v.
Tarente, co. Dorset. See Tarrant.
Tarporley, Toperlegh, Torpurlegh, Torperlegh, co. Chester, 53 (p. 18), 251 (pp. 136, 137).
Tarrant Gunville, Tarente Gundevyle, Tarente Gundevill, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 341).
……… ………, manor, 538 (p. 330).
……… ………, advowson, 538 (p. 341).
……… Keynston, Tarente, co. Dorset, nuns of, 466.
……… Rushton, Russeauston, Tarente Russeaux, Tarente Russeauston, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 340).
……… ………, manor, 44, 538 (p. 341).
Tartcurtays, Tarte Curtois, William, 536 (p. 319).
Tasburgh, Taseburg, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).
Taseburg, co. Norf. See Tasburgh.
Tateshal, Tateshale, Tatteshale, Tatisshale, Thateshal, Joan, wife of Robert de, 629.
………, John de, 221.
………, Robert de, 55 (p. 20), 121, 335, 352 (p. 201), 458 (p. 255), 475 (p. 269).
………, Robert son of Robert de, 407.
………, Thomas de, 129.
Tateworth, co. Somers. See Tatworth.
Tathewell, John de, 534 (p. 309).
……… Cf. Tawell.
Tathwell, Tawelle, co. Linc., 538 (p. 350).
Tatinggiston, co. Suff. See Tattingstone.
Tatisshale, Tatteshale. See Tateshal.
Tatlynton, Tatlington, Tatlyngton, co. Worc. See Teddington.
Tattingstone, Tatinggiston, Tattinggiston, co. Suff., manor, 215 (p. 115).
………, advowson, 215 (p. 115).
Tatton [in Rostherne parish], co. Chester, manor, 62 (p. 30).
Tatworth, Tateworth [in Chard parish], co. Somers., 607 (p. 389).
Tauntefer, Walter, 208.
Taunton, co. Somers., sohools at, 225.
Taunton, William de, tailor of London, 611 (p. 390).
Taw river, a fishery in, 538 (p. 330).
Tawell, William de, 538 (p. 350).
……… Cf. Tathewell.
Tawelle, co. Linc. See Tathwell.
Tawstock, Toustock, co. Devon, manor, 143.
Tawton, South, Suthtauton, Southtauton, co. Devon, manor, 198, 615 (p. 400).
Tayleboys. See Taliboys.
Taylour, Peter le, 384, 542.
Taynton, Little, Teynton, Toynton, co. Glouc., 148 (pp. 74, 78), 458 (p. 257).
Tebay, Tybay, co. Westm., 533 (p. 303).
Teddington, Tadlinton, Tatlington, Tatlyngton, co. Worc., 148 (pp. 72, 76), 350.
Teesdale, Tesedale [co. Durham], 615 (pp. 407, 413).
Tegengl, Englefeld [co. Denbigh], cantred, 53 (p. 18).
Telisford, Telsford, co. Somers., 538 (p. 339).
Temdebury, Temedebury, co. Worc. See Tenbury.
Tempest, John, 533 (p. 306).
Temple, co. Cornw., Trebighe in, q.v.
……… Guiting, co. Glouc. See Guiting.
……… Soureby, co. Westm. See Sowerby.
……… Loughern, Temple Lawarne [in St. John Bedwardine parish, Worcester], co. Worc., manor, 615 (p. 411).
Temple in London, master of, 458 (pp. 258, 259).
………, knights of, 88, 97, 349, 413 (p. 238), 458 (p. 258), 522.
………, master and knight of, 318.
………, fee of, 213 (p. 112).
Tenbury, Teneberey, Temdeburi, Themedebury, Temedebury [co. Worc.], 56.
………, manor, 57 (p. 24), 533, (pp. 303, 304).
………, chantry at, 533 (p. 305).
Tenebury [co. Worc.]. See Tenbury.
Teophania, John son of, 615 (p. 412).
Terling, Terlingg, Terlyngg, Terlyng, co. Essex, 471 (p. 265), 548, 599 (p. 379).
Testepin. William, 215 (p. 116).
Tetbury, Tettebury, co. Glouc., manor, 321.
Teteneshull, co. Salop. See Tetstill.
Tetlyngebery, John de, 538 (p. 343).
Tetstill, Tettieshull, Teteneshull, Steneshull [in Neen Sollers parish], co. Salop, 104.
………, manor, 57 (p. 23).
Tetteborne, Thomas de, 527 (p. 294).
Tettebury co. Glouc. See Tetbury.
Tettieshull, co. Salop. See Tetstill.
Teukesbury, co. Glouc. See Tewkesbury.
Tew, Little, Tywe, co. Oxford, 279 (p. 157).
Tewkesbury, Teukesbury, Theukesburi, Theukesbyri, co. Glouc., manor and borough, 538 (p. 329).
………, abbey of, 538 (p. 333).
………, ………, advowson of, 538 (p. 342).
………, abbot of, 272, 538 (pp. 334, 341).
………, honour of, 585.
Tewynton, co. Cornwall, manor, 139 (p. 64).
Teyle. See Tylia.
Teynton, co. Glouc. See Taynton.
Thackthwaite, Thackthuuayt, near Loweswater, Cumb., 146.
Thame, river, co. Warw. See Tame.
Thames, river, 611 (p. 391).
………, ferry over, at Caversham, 538 (p. 327).
………. fisheries in, 37, 403 (p. 224), 538 (p. 329).
………, fishery in, at Earley, 37.
Thanschef, co. York. See Tanshelf.
Tharlestorp in Holderness, co. York (now disappeared), 252.
Thateshal. See Tateshal.
Thawe, la, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 334).
Thaxted, Thaxsted, co. Essex 538 (p. 349).
Theddingworth, co. N’hamp, Hothorpe in, q.v.
Theddlethorpe, Thedelthorpe, Thetelthorp, co. Linc., 144, 623.
Thelveton, co. Norf., 55 (p. 21).
Thelwall, Thelewalle [in Runcorn parish], co. Chester, fishery, 279 (p. 164).
Themelthorpe, Twynelthorp, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).
Thenepath, co. Cornw., 461.
Thenford, co. N’hamp., 437.
Theophania. See Teophania.
Thernynge, co. Hunt. See Thurning.
………, co. N’hamp. See Thurning.
Thetelthorp, co. Linc. See Theddlethorpe.
Theukesburi, Theukesbyri, co. Glouc. See Tewkesbury.
Thewyng, John de, 415. Cf. Tweng.
Theyn, William le, 347.
Thingdene, co. N’hamp. See Finedon.
Thirkleby, Thurkelby, co. York [N.R.], manor, 92.
Thirni. See Thrine.
Thirnom, co. N’humb. See Farnham.
Thirnomesden, co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).
Thirnum, co. N’humb. See Farnham.
Thisteldene, Henry de, 479.
Thistleton, Thystelton, Thistelton, Tylystineton, co. Rutland, 412 (p. 235), 592.
Thlanerghfothehog, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 335).
Thlesywyan, Lestynwynan, Tlesywyan [co. Montgomery], 214.
Thleweny river. See Llynfi.
Thodeham, co. Suff. See Tuddenham.
Tholthorpe, Thoraldthorp [in Alne parish], co. York, 313.
Thomas, earl of Lancaster, 62 (pp. 28, 29), 179, 231, 279, 395, 458 (p. 256), 471 (pp. 264, 265), 473, 498, 533 (p. 303), 519 (p. 289), 536 (p. 314.)
………, son of Edmund the king’s brother and Alesia his wife, 279 (p. 160).
Thomas, son of Llewelyn ap Owen, 91.
………, Eva daughter of, 536 (p. 322).
………, Robert, 355.
………, ………, his son Richard, 355.
………, William son of, 541.
………, ………, his brother Adam, 541.
……… le fiz Talebot, Peter son of, 521.
Thomley, Thomelegh, co. Oxford [in Worminghall parish, co. Buck.], 279 (p. 156).
Thomorth, Thomworth, co. Staff. See Tamworth.
Thonbrugge, Thonebregg, co. Kent. See Tonbridge.
Thonebregg, German de, 622.
Thonebrugge, co. Kent. See Tonbridge.
Thoneworth, co. Warw. See Tanworth.
Thony. See Tony.
Thoralby, Thoraldby [in Bugthorpe parish], co. York, 93.
Thoraldthorp, co. York. See Tholthorpe.
Thorecros, co. York, 240.
Thoresby, North, co. Linc., Autby in, q.v.
Thorlaye, co. Linc., manor, 279 (p. 164).
Thorlby, Thorledby, Thorleby [in Skipton in Craven], co. York, 73, 533 (pp. 301, 305, 306).
Thorleby, Thorledby, co. York. See Thorlby.
Thormarton [co. Glouc.]. See Tormarton.
Thormodeby, Henry de, 536 (p. 322).
Thormond, Henry, 338.
Thorn, co. Rutland. See Horn.
Thornborough, Thornburgk [in Corbridge parish], co. N’humb., manor, 403 (p. 224).
Thornbury, co. Glouc., manor and borough, 538 (p. 329).
Thorncombe, Thorncumbe, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 341).
Thorncroft, Thorncrofte [in Leatherhead parish], co. Surrey, 538 (p. 345).
Thorndon, co. Essex. See Horndon.
………, co. Suff., 540.
Thorndone, Henry de, 201.
Thorndum, co. Worc. See Thornton.
Thorne, la, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 65.)
Thorneholm, co. York. See Thornholme.
Thorner, Thornoure, Thornon? co. York, 65, 279 (p. 159).
………, advowson, 279 (p. 159).
Thorneton, co. Linc. See Thornton.
Thorney, Thorneye [co. Camb.], abbot of, 538 (p. 350).
………, Thornye, co. Sussex, 407.
Thorngumbald, Thorn Gumbaud in Holdernesse [in Paull parish, co. York], manor, 301.
Thornham, Parva, co. Suff., 481.
Thornhill, Thornhull, John de, 579.
………, Walter de, 603 (p. 385).
………, ………, and Margaret his wife, 603 (p. 386).
Thornholm, co. Linc., advowson of priory, 618.
Thornholme, Thorneholm [in Burton Agnes parish], co. York, 536 (p. 314).
Thornholme, Thornholm, Hugh de, 536 (pp. 318, 319).
Thornhull. See Thornhill.
Thornon [Thorner?], co. York, 65.
Thornoure, co. York. See Thorner.
Thornthwaite, Thornethuuayt [in Crosthwaite parish], co. Cumb., 146.
Thornton, co. Leic., manor, 274.
……… ………, Bagworth in, q.v.
……… [Curtis], Thorneton [co. Linc.], 472.
……… ………, abbot of, 472, 536 (p. 316).
……… le Moor, Thorneton, co. Linc., 536 (p. 315).
………, Thorndum [near Stoulton], co. Worc., manor, 615 (p. 411).
………, Thorneton, co. York, Edithmarsh meadow in, 535.
……… [in Stainton parish], co. York, 536 (p. 320).
……… in Craven, Thorneton, co. York, 536 (p. 321).
Thornton, Ranulph de, 23.
………, Peter de, 23.
Thornye, co. Sussex. See Thorney.
Thornyhaugh, Thornihalugh [in Rothbury parish], co. N’humb., vaccary, 219 (p. 121).
Thorp [in Southchurch parish], co. Essex, 189.
………, North, in Southchurch, co. Essex, 201.
……… Edmer, co. Leic. See Edmondthorpe.
………, co. Norf., 529.
……… [by Debenham], co. Suff., 427, 521.
……… [in Samford hundred], co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).
……… Sub Montem, Thorpp [in Burnsall parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).
……… [in Howden parish], co. York, 300, 610.
……… [in Rudston parish], co. York, 121.
Thorp, John de, 473.
Thorpe by Kirkeby Malesart, co. York. See Grewelthorpe.
Thorpel, co. N’hamp., manor, 531.
Thorrington, Thuritone, co. Essex, manor, 475 (p. 268).
………, advowson, 475 (p. 268).
Thorrok. Thorruk, co. Essex. See Thurrock.
Thorry [in Hartland parish], co. Devon, 29.
Thouleslound, co. Hunt. See Toseland.
Thourruk, co. Essex. See Thurrock.
Thours. See Tours.
Thrapston, Thrapstone, co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 344).
Threckingham, Trigingham, Trikingham, co. Linc., 150, 482.
Threkyngham, Lambert de, 592.
Thremhale, co. Essex. See Thromhill.
Thresfeld, Elias de, 345.
Threshfield, Tresfeld [in Linton parish], co. York, 536 (p. 321).
Thribergh, co. York. See Thrybergh.
Thrine, Thirni, Fieri or Firi de, 536 (p. 320).
Thritton [Thurlston in Whitton?], co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).
Thrixton, Threxstone, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).
Throckelawe, Thomas de, 219 (p. 121).
Throckley, Throckelawe [in Newburn parish], co. N’humb., 219 (p. 121).
Thromhill, Thremhale [in Stanstead Montfichet parish, co. Essex], 258.
Thropton [in Rothbury parish], co. N’humb., 219 (p. 121).
Throxenby, Thurstanby [in Scalby parish], co. York, manor, 536 (p. 323), 537.
Thrybergh, Trybergh, Thribergh, co. York, 536 (p. 317).
Thudenham. See Tudenham.
Thunderle, Andrew de, 305.
…….., Philip de, 305.
……… Cf. Tunderle.
Thundersley, Thunderleye, Thunderle, co. Essex, 189.
………, St. Michael’s church, 286.
………, ………, destroyed by fire, 286.
Thuritone, co. Essex. See Thorrington.
Thurkelby, co. York. See Thirkleby.
Thurlaston, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).
Thurlby, Thurleby [by Market Deeping], co. Linc., 402.
Thurleby, co. Linc. See Thurlby.
Thurleigh, la Leigh, Lega, co. Bedf., 53 (p. 18).
Thurlston, Thirliston, Thurlaston [in Whitton parish], co. Suff., 519 (p. 288), 539.
……… Cf. Thritton.
Thurning, Thernynge, co. Hunt., 538 (p. 350).
……… [co. N’hamp.], 538 (p. 350).
………, Thyrnyngg, co. Norf., manor, 611 (p. 393).
Thurrock, West, Thorruk, Thourruk Brianzoun, Thurhok, Thorrok, co. Essex, 273.
………, manor, 599.
………, advowson, 599 (p. 379).
Thurstanby, co. York. See Throxenby.
Thurstaston, Thurstanston, co. Chester, manor, 33.
Thurston, co. Suff., 486.
Thwaite, Thweyth [by Lotton], co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).
Thweyth, co. Norf. See Thwaite.
Thwing, Tweng, co. York, E.R., 536 (p. 319).
Thyngden, co. N’hamp. See Finedon.
Thyrnyngg, co. Norf. See Thurning.
Thystelton, co. Rutland. See Thistleton.
Tibbenham, Tibenham, co. Norf., 412 (pp. 231, 234).
Tibetot, Tybott, Tibtoft, Typetoft, Tibotoft, Tybot, Tipetot, Payn de, 519.
………, John de, 519.
………, Payn de, 199, 215 (p. 115 bis).
………, ………, and Agnes his wife, 519.
Tibi, Edmund, 538 (p. 346).
Tibtoft. See Tibetot.
Tibynton, co. Staff. See Tipton.
Ticchefeld, co. Hants. See Titchfield.
Tichese, Ticheseye, co. Surrey. See Titsey.
Tichefelde, Tichefeud, co, Hants. See Titch field.
Tichewell, co. Norf. See Titchwell.
Tichull [co. York]. See Tickhill.
Tickencote, Tygekenecote [co. Rutland], 412 (p. 235).
Tickenham, Tykeham, co. Somers., 538 (p. 338).
Ticknall, Tykenhale [co. Derby], 279 (p. 156).
Tickhill, Tichull, Tykehull, Tykhull [co. York], castle, 106.
………, honour, 274, 279 (p. 155).
Tidcombe, Tidecomb, co. Wilts., 615 (p. 401).
Tidecomb, co. Berks. See Titcoombe.
………, co. Wilts. See Tidcombe.
Tidenham, Tudenham in the liberty of Strogoil, co. Glouc., 373.
Tidinprid, co. Salop. See Tyddyn-Prydd [co. Montgomery].
Tidworth, North, Northtodeworth, co. Wilts, 458 (p. 257).
Tildesleye, Hugh de, 279 (p. 163).
Tilleshop, co. Salop. See Tilsop.
Tillingdon, Tillingedonne [in Tandridge parish], co. Surrey, 538 (p. 326).
Tillington, Tulintone [in Burghill parish, co. Heref.], manor, 205.
………, co. Sussex, river in, q.v.
Tilly, Tylly, Tylli, Henry, 548.
………, John, 538 (p. 339).
………, Maud (de Faldyngworth), wife of Henry, 369.
………, Robert, 199.
Tilmanston, Florence, Maud and Agatha de, 220 (p. 122).
Tilney, Tylneye, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).
Tilsop, Tylleshope, Tilleshop [in Nash parish], co. Salop, manor, 57 (p. 24), 90.
Tilton, Tylton, co. Leic., 615 (p. 406).
………, manor, 615 (p. 409).
Tintagel, Tyntagel, co. Cornw., castle, 491.
Tintern, Tynterne, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).
………, Little, co. Monm., 538 (p. 385).
Tipetot. See Tibetot.
Tipton. Tibynton, co. Staff., 581.
Tirel. See Tyrel.
Tirhendred, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 334).
Tirwhiteley, co. N’humb. See Trewhitley.
Tissington, Tyssington [co. Derby], manor, 62 (p. 28).
Titchfield, Tichefelde, Ticchefeld, Tichefeud, co. Hants, 590.
………, king’s court at, 299.
………, abbot of, 212, 298.
Titchmarsh, Tychemers, Tychemerssh, Tychemersh, co. N’hamp., 458 (p. 258).
………, manor, 263, 520 bis, 545.
Titchwell, Tichewell, co. Norf., 263.
Titcoombe, Tidecomb [in Kentbury parish], co. Berks., 212.
………, manor, 212.
Titsey, Tichese, Ticheseye, Tychese, co. Surrey, 538 (pp. 326, 346).
………, advowson, 538 (p. 346).
Tiverton, co. Devon, 527 (p. 295).
………, Chettiscombe in, q.v.
………, Chevithorne in, q.v.
………, Loman in, q.v.
Tochet. See Tuchet.
Tockholes [in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).
Tockholes, Adam de, 279 (p. 161).
Tockington, Upper, Tokynton, Tockinton, Tockynton, co. Glouc., 45, 538 (p. 341).
………, manor, 346 (p. 195).
Toddington, Todingdon, Todyndon, co. Bedf., 597.
………, advowson, 597.
Toddyngeworth, co. Sussex. See Tottingworth.
Todenham, co. Suff. See Tuddenham.
Todenham. See Tudenham.
Todhill, Todholes [in Haltwhistle], co. N’humb., shieling, 396.
Todingdon, Todyndon, co. Bedf. See Toddington.
Toft, co. Linc., manor, 471 (p. 264).
……… by Newton, co. Linc., 345.
Tofts, West, Toftes, co. Norf., 600.
Togesden, co. N’humb. See Togstone.
Toghale, co. N’humb. See Tughall.
Togstone, Togesden, Tokisdene [in Warkworth parish], co. N’humb., 219 (p. 121).
………, manor, 508.
Toke. See Touke.
Tokisdene, co. N’humb. See Togstone.
Tokisdene, William de, 219 (p. 121).
Tokynton, co. Glouc. See Tockington.
Tolesby, Tollesby [in Marton parish], co. York, 536 (p. 320).
Toller, Great, co. Dorset, Woolcombe Bingham in, q.v.
Tollsworth, Talesworth [in Chaldon and Merstham], co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).
Tolouse, Thomas, 409,
Tolthorp, John de, 538 (p. 344).
Toltingtrough, Toltintroye, co. Kent, hundred, 524.
Tonbridge, Thonbrugge, Thonebrugge, Tonebrigge, Thonebregg, co. Kent, 538 (pp. 343, 344).
………, castle and borough, 538 (pp. 321, 351-2).
………, castle and honour, 538 (pp. 351-2).
………, chace, 538 (p. 331).
………, church, 538 (p. 331).
………, parish church, 538 (p. 331).
………, prior of, 538 (p. 344), 612.
………, priory, 538 (p. 331).
………, ………, advowson of, 538 (p. 344).
Toneworth, co. Warw. See Tanworth.
Tong, Andrew de, 229.
Tony, Thony, Towny, Ralph de, 198.
………, Geoffrey de, 198.
………, Maud de, 453.
………, Ralph de, 198.
………, Robert, Robert de, 417, 445, 606, 613.
………, …….., barony of, 615 (p. 397).
Tooting, Totynge, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).
………, Graveney, Toting Gravenee, co. Surrey, 459.
Topcliffe, Topclive, Toppeclif, Topclif, co. York, 536 (pp. 314, 322).
………, manor, 536 (p. 324).
………, Mikelker and Thacker in, 536 (p. 314).
Topcroft, Topecroft, co. Norf., manor, 335.
Toperlegh, co. Chester. See Tarporley.
Topesfeld, Topisfeld, Topisfeud, co. Essex. See Toppesfield.
Tople, Thomas de, 619.
Toppeclif, co. York. See Topcliffe.
Toppesfield, Toppesfeld, Topisfeld, Topesfeld, Topisfeud, co. Essex, 535 (pp. 325, 347, 349 bis).
………, manor, 397 (p. 218), 472.
Torbok, co. Lanc. See Tarbock.
Torel, John, 205.
Torgi, Laurence, of Rishangles, 540.
Torigge, co. Devon. See Torridge.
Toriton, co. Devon. See Torrington.
Torksey, Torkesey, co. Linc., 421.
………, Percival of, q.v.
Tormarton, Thormarton, Tormertone [co. Glouc.], 563.
………. manor, 505.
Torni, John, and Isabel his wife, 615 (p. 401).
Torny, Richard, 204, 536 (p. 321).
Toronothe, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Torpenhow, Torpennou, co. Cumb., 393.
Torperlegh, Torpurlegh, co. Chester. See Tarporley.
Torridge, Torigge [in Plympton St. Mary parish], co. Devon, 213 (p. 114).
Torrington, Toryton, co. Devon, manor, 143.
………, Black, Blaketoriton, Blaketor, co. Devon, manor, 458 (p. 256).
………, …….., advowson, 458 (p. 256).
………, ………, hundred, 382.
………, Little, Toriton, co. Devon, 244.
………, ………, church, 244.
Tortworth, Toteworth, co. Glouc., 603 (p. 386).
Torvey, Torveye, co. Bedf. See Turvey.
Toseland, Touleslonde, Thouleslound, co. Hunt, 548.
………, manor, 53 (p. 19).
Totale, William de, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 398 (p. 221).
Tothale, Tothal, Totehale, Robert de, 548 615 (pp. 402, 407).
Toting, co. Surrey. See Tooting.
Totnes, co. Devon, 213 (p. 113).
Tottenham, co. Midd., 412 (p. 230).
Tottington, Totyngton in Salfordshire [in Bury parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 162).
………, Musbiry park in, 279 (p. 162).
Tottingworth, Toddyngeworth [in Heathfield parish], co. Sussex, 207.
Totynge, co. Surrey. See Tooting.
Totyngton, co. Lanc. See Tottington.
Toucestre, co. N’hamp. See Towcester.
Touchet. See Tuchet.
Touestudes la [Tunstead in Chapel en le Frith?], co. Derby, 553.
Tougale, co. N’humb. See Tughall.
Touke, Toke, Isabel, 444.
Touleslonde, co. Hunt. See Toseland.
Tounstall, a carucate called, co. Suff., 519 (p. 288).
Touny. See Tony.
Tour, Hugh son of Thomas de la, 225.
………. Margaret de la, wife of Thomas, 225.
…….., Thomas de la, 225.
Tourp, Turp, Robert, of Edenhall, 446.
………. Adam, of Edenhall, 446.
………, Robert, and Beatrice his wife, 446.
Tours, de Thours, Richard, 417.
Tourtle, William, 416.
………. John, 416.
Toustock, co. Devon. See Tawstock.
Touthorp, co. York. See Towthorpe.
Towcester, Toucestre, co. N’hamp., 475 (p. 269).
Towthorpe, Touthorp [in Wharram Percy parish], co. York, 204.
Tracy, Traci, Richard, 161.
………, ………, his daughter Athelina, 161.
………, William, 266 (p. 144).
Trafford, Henry de, 279 (p. 162).
Trailly, Traily, Trayly, Trayley, Eleanor de, 564.
………, Eleanor de, 439, 538 (pp. 330, 342, 345).
………, John de, 431.
Trallwmgollen, Trallungelloyn, Gallungelloyn [in Pool, co. Montgomery], 214.
Traneck, manor, 205.
Traneys, Traynez, Treynez, John son of John, 300, 610.
………, John son of Thomas, 300, 610.
………, Thomas, 300.
………, ………, Idonea his wife, 300, 610.
Tranthwaite, Tranethayth [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 218 (pp. 118, 119).
Trawn, Trwan, William, 458 (p. 259).
Trayly, Trayli. See Trailly.
Traynez. See Traneys.
Trebighe, Trebegghan [in Temple parish], co. Cornw., 257.
Trebrigg, co. Wilts. See Trowbridge.
Treburcheyis, co. Cornw., 257.
Trebyghan, co. Cornw. See Trebighe.
Tredenauk, co. Monm. See Tredunnock.
Tredington, Tredynton, co. Worc., 148 (p. 72).
Tredogge, Thredogg, co. Devon, 527 (p. 295).
Tredunnock, Tredenauk, co. Monm., 538 (p. 335).
………, advowson, 538 (p. 336).
Tredynton, co. Worcester. See Tredington.
Trefmoillet, co. Carmarthen. See Tremaillet.
Trefnant, Grevenant [in Pool, co. Montgomery], 214.
Tregaer, co. Cornw., manor, 139 (p. 64).
Tregensteg, in Cornw., 139 (p. 65).
Tregerthek, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 64).
Tregeryen, co. Cornw., manor, 139 (p. 64).
Tregeryek, co. Cornw., 125.
Tregereyk, Odo de, 125.
………, Alice daughter of Odo de, married to John Scor, 125.
Tregewal, Trejual, co. Cornw., 613.
Tregeweythyan, co. Cornw. See Trewethen.
Tregiliou, co. Cornw., 613.
Tregony, co. Cornw., 139 (pp. 64, 65).
Tregonyan, co. Cornw., 257.
Tregorthan, co. Cornw., 35.
Tregotz, Ralph de, 139 (p. 64).
Tregrethes, co. Cornw., 613.
Tregrug, Treygruk, Treygruck [or Llangibby], co. Monm., castle, manor and country, 538 (p. 336).
………, advowson, 538 (p. 337).
Trehampton, Ralph de, 349.
Trehonek, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 66).
Trehterim, co. Cornw. See Tretherym.
Treiagu, John de, 257.
Trejual, Tregewal, co. Cornw., 613.
Trelegoseg, Trellegosek, co. Cornw.. 139 (pp. 64, 66).
Trelleck, Trillec, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).
………, site of the castle, 538 (p. 336).
………, manor and forest, 538 (p. 336).
Trellegosek, co. Cornwall. See Trelegoseg.
Trelowya, Trelowia, Trelowyan [in St. Martin parish], co. Cornw., 110, 453, 491.
Treluck, co. Cornw., 613.
Tremadart, Tremodered [in Duloe parish], co. Cornw., manor, 139 (p. 65).
Tremaillett, Trefmoillet [in Eglwys Cymmyn], co. Carmarthen, 64 (p. 32).
Trematon. Tremeton [in St. Stephen’s parish], co Cornw., castle, 110.
………, barony or honour. 453, 461, 558.
Tremenet, John, 527 (p. 293).
Tremeton, co. Cornw. See Trematon.
Tremlye, co. Suff. See Trimley.
Tremoderate, Tremodred, Tremodreyt [in Roche parish], co. Cornw., 139 (p. 65).
Tremodered, co. Cornw. See Tremadart.
Tremworth, Tremworthe [in Crundale parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).
Trencruk, co. Cornw., 257.
Treneglos, co. Cornw., Downeckny in, q.v.
Trengrous, co. Cornw., 257.
Trennyth, co. Cornw., 491.
Trent, co. Somers., Adber in, q.v.
Trente, William, 599 (p. 381).
………, William de, 459.
Tresfeld, co. York. See Threshfield.
Trethac, Matthew de, 491.
Trethak, Trethaec, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 64).
Tretherym, Trehterim, Trethrym, co. Cornw., 139 (pp. 64, 65).
Tretheuwy. See Trethewy.
Trethew, Tretheu Trethu [in Menhiniot parish], co. Cornw., 10, 139 (p. 65).
Trethewy, Tretheuwy, John de, 285.
………, William de, 375.
Trethrym, co. Cornw. See Tretherym.
Treuall, co. Cornw. See Truthwall.
Treve [or River, in Tillington, &c., co. Sussex], 536 (p. 315).
………, manor, 458 (p. 255).
………, advowson of chapel, 458 (p. 255).
Trevedid, Trevedrit [in Meifod, co. Montgomery], 269.
Trevenning, Trevenian [in Michaelstow parish], co. Cornw., 613.
Treverbyn, … de, 285.
………, Odo, 125.
Trevet, William, 279 (p. 157).
Trevileyn, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 65).
Treviur, Walter de, 285.
Trevod [co. Monm?], 412 (p. 232).
Trevynnek in Cornw. [Trewinnick in St. Ervan?], 54.
Trevynyel, co. Cornw., 360.
Trewall, Trewalla, co. Cornw., 110, 453.
Trewern [in Buttington parish in Montgomery], 269.
Trewethen (?), Tregeweythyan [in St. Teath parish], co. Cornw., 613.
Treweychek, co. Cornw., 337.
Trewhitley, Tirwhiteley, Tyrwytschele [in Stanton in Long Horsley parish], co. N’humb., 510 bis.
Treworthilek, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 64).
Trewythyan, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 65).
Treworick, Treworek [in St. Ewe parish] , co. Cornw., 139 (p 64).
Trewothgannyghan, John son of John de, 487.
………, Richard de, 487.
Treygruk, Treygruck, co. Monm. See Tregrug.
Treynez. See Traneys.
Trigingham, co. Linc. See Threckingham.
Trigingham, Lambert de, 150.
Trikingham, co. Linc. See Threckingham.
Trillec, co. Monm. See Trelleck.
Trimley St. Martin, Tremlye, co. Suff., 426.
………, St. Martin’s Church, 426.
Triple, John, 599 (p. 380).
Trivet, Tryvet, William, 511.
………, Thomas, 511.
………, Wiiliam, 346 (p. 196).
………, William, knight, 511.
Trompiton, co. Camb. See Trumpington.
Trostraxhen, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).
Trostrey, Trostray, co. Monm., 538 (p. 337).
Trouncwell, co. Berks. See Trunkwell.
Troutsdale, Trucedale, co. York, 533 (p. 307), 534 (p. 308).
Trowbridge. Trebrigg, co. Wilts, manor, 279 (p. 157).
Troweden vaccary, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).
Troy, Troye, co. Monm., manor, 538 (p. 336).
……… ………, advowson, 538 (p. 337).
………, Little, Troya, co. Monm., 538 (p. 337).
Trucedale, co. York. See Troutsdale.
Trumpington, Trumpetone, Trompiton, co. Camb., 458 (p. 257).
………, manor, 454.
………, advowson, 454, 458 (p. 257).
Trumpygton, Giles de, 439.
Trunkwell, Trouncwell [near Stratfield Mortimer], co. Berks., 615 (p. 412).
Truro, Tryueru, Truru, co. Cornw., borough, 257.
………. inquisition made at, 487.
Trusselove, John, 151.
Truthwall, Treuall [in St. Hilary parish], co. Cornw., 122.
Trwan. See Trawn.
Trybergh, co. York. See Thrybergh.
Tryvet. See Trivet.
Tylton, co. Leic. See Tilton.
Tubbe, Roger, 603 (p. 386).
Tuchet, Tochet, Touchet, Nicholas, 256.
………, Thomas, 515.
………, Nicholas, and Alice his wife, 256.
………, Robert, 515, 592.
………, Thomas, 548.
………, William, 168, 256, 485.
Tuddenham, Tudenham, Todenham, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 347, 349).
………, Thodeham [i.e. Netherhall in Tuddenham St. Mary], co. Suff., manor, 409.
Tudenham, co. Glouc. See Tidenham.
Tudenham, Thudenham, Todenham, Robert de, 107.
………, Eva wife of Robert de, 332.
………, Robert de, his wife Eva, 107.
………, ……… (son of Robert), 107, 332.
Tuderinton, co. Wilts. See Tytherington.
Tuderlee, co. Hants. See Tytherley.
Tughall, Tougale, Toghale [in Bamburgh parish], co. N’humb., 534 (p. 309), 535.
………, manor, 536 (p. 324).
Tuket, Bernard, of Woodhorn, 52.
Tulgard, co. Denbigh. See Tylgarth.
Tulintone, co. Heref. See Tillington.
Tunderle, John de, 68.
……… Cf. Thunderle.
Tunstal by Romene, co. Kent, 207.
Tunstall, Tunstal [near Burslem], co. Staff., manor, 62 (pp. 28, 31).
………, co. Suff., Dunningworth in, q.v.
………, co. York, 266 (p. 144).
Turbervill, Turburvill, Turberevill, Turbervyle, John de, 466, 467.
………, Brian de, 538 (p. 340).
………, Maud wife of John, 538 (p. 333).
………, Payn, 538 (p. 333).
………, John de, and Isabel his wife, 466, 467.
…..…, Richard de, 466, 467.
Turbervyle, manor [in Long Ditton], co. Surrey, 397 (p. 219).
Turbervyle. See Turbervill.
Tureville. See Turvyle.
Turnaston, Turneston, co. Heref., 493.
Turneston, co. Heref. See Turnaston.
Turp. See Tourp.
Turpyn, John, 279 (p. 157).
Turvey, Torveye, Torvey, co. Bedf., 538 (pp. 330, 342).
Turvyle, de Tureville, Nicholas, 412 (p. 234).
………, Robert, 412 (p. 234).
Tusard, Michael, 538 (p. 334).
Tutbury, Tutteburi, Tuttebury [co. Staff.], honour, or fee of, 62 (p. 28), 143, 263.
Tweed, Twede river, 396.
Tweng, co. York. See Thweng.
Tweng, Twyng, Gawain de, 536 (p. 317).
………, Marmaduke de, 536 (pp. 319, 323).
………, Robert de, 536 (p. 323).
……… Cf. Thewyng.
Twerton, Twiverton, co. Somers., 538 (p. 339).
Twiford, co. Buck. See Twyford.
Twinstead, Twynsted, co. Essex, 538 (p. 348).
Twiselton, Hugh son of John de, 279 (p. 162).
Twishel, William de, 62 (p. 28).
Twiverton, co. Somers. See Twerton.
Twyford, Twiford, co. Buck., manor, 191.
………, ………, Giffard of, q.v.
Twyford, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).
Twynelthorp, co. Norf. See Themelthorpe.
Twyng. See Tweng.
Twynsted, co. Essex. See Twinstead.
Twywell, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235 bis).
Tybay, co. Westm. See Tebay.
Tybenham, co. Norf. See Tibenham.
Tybotot, Tybot. See Tibetot.
Tyburn, co. Middx., manor, 394.
Tycambred, co. Cornw., manor, 122.
Tychemers, Tychemerssh, Tychemersh, co. N’hamp. See Titchmarsh.
Tychemerhs, Henry de, 412 (p. 235).
Tychese, co. Surrey. See Titsey.
Tyddyn-Prydd, Tydinprid, Tidinprid [in Pool, co. Montgomery], 214.
Tydrington, co. Glouc. See Tytherington.
Tydringtone, Joan daughter of Hugh de, 26.
Tyeis, Tyheys, Thyeys, Henry, 60.
………, Henry (son of Henry), 60.
………, Henry, 170.
Tygekenecote [co. Rutland]. See Tickencote.
Tykeham, co. Somers. See Tickenham.
Tykehull [co. York]. See Tickhill.
Tykenhale, co. Derby. See Ticknall.
Tykhull, co. York. See Tickhill.
Tylgarth, Tulgard [in St. George’s parish], co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).
Tylia, William de, 533 (p. 303 bis).
………, ……… (du Teyle), 533 (p. 302).
Tylleshope, co. Salop. See Tilsop.
Tylly, Tylli. See Tilly.
Tylmundesdon, Tylemundesdon, co. Surrey, manor, 397 (p. 220).
Tylneye, co. Norf. See Tilney.
Tylystineton, co. Rutland. See Thistleton.
Tymle, William, 439.
Tynchewyk. See Tyngewyk.
Tyndale, Elias de, 538 (p. 345).
Tyndiheved, Richard del, 279 (p. 162).
Tyne, river, 237.
Tyngewyk, Tyngewyke, Tynchewyk, William de, 619.
………, John de, 619.
………, Nicholas de, 279 (p. 155).
Tyntagel, co. Cornw. See Tintagel.
Tynterne, co. Monm. See Tintern.
Typetoft. See Tibetot.
Tyrel, Tirel, John, 533 (p. 304).
………, Laurence, 583.
………, Olive, her daughter Maud, 327.
………, Ralph, 538 (p. 350).
………, Roger, 538 (pp. 333, 334, 338).
Tyrwytschele, co. N’humb. See Trewhitley.
Tysho, co. Warw. See Tysoe.
Tysoe, Tysho, co. Warw., manor, 131,
Tyssington, co. Staff. See Tissington [co. Derby].
Tytchewell, William de, 421.
Tyterel, John, 151.
Tytherington, Tydrington, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 341).
………, Tuderinton [co. Wilts,] 279 (p. 157).
Tytherley, Tuderlee, co. Hants, the lord of, 39.
………, West, Westtuderle, Westuderle, Westeuderley, co. Hants., 206.
………, ………, manor, 206, 469.
Tyville, William de, married to Alice de Bray, 229.
Tywardreath, Tywardraith, co. Cornw., manor, 139 (p. 64).
Tywarnhaile, Tywarnail [in Perran-Zabuloe parish], co. Cornw., manor, 60.
Tywe, co. Oxford. See Tew.