Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 78

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 78', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 78', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 78". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 78

[SUSSEX.] Proof of age taken at Cicester on Thursday the feast of SS. Tibercius and Valerian, 16 Edward II. (defective.)
William Musard says that the said John was born at the manor of Thadeham in the parish of Esebourne, and baptized in the church there [on the third] day after the feast of St. Martin in the Winter in the year of jubilee, and was on the said third day last past, 21 …… .; and this he knows because he had on the same day a son, John, born and baptized.
[Hugh de Bodi]ton says the like, and knows it ………… . . his house was burned in the same parish.
[Simon] de Stedeham agrees, and knows it because that year was the year of jubilee, and immediately after the said John was born he took his journey for the Roman court to obtain indulgences.
Andrew de Boditon agrees, and knows it because one Manser, then chaplain of the said church, baptized the said John there in his presence.
Henry le Botiller agrees, and knows it because he had a son, Henry, who was born on the day of St. Edmund the Archbishop next after the feast of St. Martin in the same year.
Richard Josep agrees, and knows it because he had a son Thomas, born in the same year on the feast of St. Faith next before the said feast of St. Martin.
Thomas le Clerk of Middelton agrees, and knows it because he had a son, John, born on the feast of St. Andrew next after that feast of St. Martin.
John atte Gripe agrees, and knows it because on the same day he caused one Reginald de Addemere his neighbour to be buried in the cemetery of the same church.
Andrew Ingelram agrees, and knows it because he dwelt within half a league of the manor where the said John was born, and at that time bought a meadow for a term of twenty years now past.
Robert de Whateley agrees, and knows it because on the same day he was distrained by Lady Joan de Bohun and came to the said manor to replevy the said distraint.
William atte Mershe agrees, and knows it because on the morrow of the day on which the said John was born he married Joan his wife.
Henry le Puffare agrees, and knows it because he was bailiff of the said town, and had a daughter, Joan, born on the feast of St. Denis in the same year.
C. Edw. II. File 78. (1.)
Writ to the escheator to take the proof of age of the said John, whose lands &c. are in the wardship of William de Ayremynne, clerk, by the king’s commission, 19 July, 16 Edward II.
YORK. Proof of age, 21 July, 16 Edward II. (defaced.)
John Sewal, aged …., says that the said John was 21 years of age on Monday the eve of St. Margaret last, for he was born at Drax on the same eve 1301, and baptized in the church of St. Peter there on the morrow by Brother Henry de Shirewode then prior of Drax, and he recollects it because the day and year are entered in the missal of the church.
John Rocelyn(?) aged 44, says the like, and knows it because at that time he was in the service of Robert le Baillol, who … . him … . . Petronilla, mother of the said John then in childbirth, with lampreys as a present.
John le R … ., aged 54, says the like, and recollects it because at that time he was in the service of Robert le Chaumberlein, father of the said John, and saw the same John as an infant lying in his cradle.
Thomas Hubert, aged 48, says the like, and knows it because he was in the church when the said John was baptized.
Laurence de la Sourch(?), aged 40, says the like, and knows it because on the day of the purification of the said Petronilla, Thomas his father sent her hens as a present by him and he dined (comedit) there.
Thomas le Clerc, aged 55, says the like, and knows it because he was clerk of the court of the said Robert and often saw the said John as an infant lying in his cradle.
William son of Thomas, aged 40, says the like and recollects it because he often saw the same John as an infant in his father’s house.
John de Neuhagh, aged 60, says the like, and recollects it because with Robert de Verley he lifted the same John from the sacred font.
John le Clerc, aged 60, says the like, and recollects it because he has a son, William, born on the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, who was 21 years of age on that feast last.
Henry the tailor (Cissor), aged 50, says the like, and recollects it because he has a son, William, who was born in the same week, and is now 21 years of age.
William son of Agnes, aged 40, says the like, and recollects it because he often saw the same John as an infant lying in his cradle.
Henry son of William, aged 50, says the like, and recollects it because he married one Alice on the same day.
C. Edw. II. File 78. (2.)
YORK. Proof of age taken at York, 26 February, 16 Edward II.
John de Hothum, knight, aged 60, says that the said Henry was 21 years of age on 6 February last, for he was born at Lekingfeld on that day 29 Edward I., and baptized on the morrow in the church of All Saints there by Brother John de Hoton then prior of Watton, and this he knows because he was his godfather with Henry de Lyndale of Burton.
Alexander de Cave, knight, aged 60, says the like, and knows it because at that time he was of the retinue of Henry the father, and saw the said Henry (the son) as an infant lying in his cradle.
Roger de Somervill, knight, aged 41, says the like, and knows it because he married a daughter of John de Sutton, knight, who has a son, John, born at the same time, who was 21 on 6 February last.
Roger de Grymeston, knight, aged 50, says the like, and knows it because he was of the retinue of Henry the father, and also has a son, John, who was born on the third day after the said Henry and is now 21 years of age.
John de Tormy, knight, aged 44, says the like, and knows it because he has a brother, Nicholas, who was born in August following, and will be 21 in August next.
Richard de Burton, aged 55, says the like, and knows it because at that time he was steward of Henry the father of all his lands in co. York.
William del Wodhale, aged 41, says the like, and knows it because he was present in the church when the said Henry was baptized.
Robert Danyel, aged 42, says the like, and knows it because Joan his wife was in the chamber of Eleanor mother of the said Henry on the day of his birth, and also he was present at her purification.
Simon de Spinis, aged 50, says the like, and knows it because he was bailiff of Henry the father of all his fees in Estriding.
Hugh de Thornholm, aged 50, says the like, and knows it because Henry the father came to the manor of Nafferton on the day of the said Henry’s birth and told him and other tenants of it.
Simon de Ros of Beverley, aged 43, says the like, and knows it because he knew him as an infant in his father’s house, and has seen his age written in the missal of Lekyngfeld.
Roger Oughtred, aged 60, says the like, and knows it because he has a son, John, born six weeks after the said Henry, who will be 21 at the feast of St. Cuthbert next.
C. Edw. II. File 78. (3.)
Writ of certiorari to Richard de Aldeburgh and others, on the complaint of Margaret late the wife of the said William, whom in his lifetime she could not gainsay, that he demised a messuage, lands &c. in Northdighton which were of her inheritance, to the master &c. of the Knights Templars, and when that order was condemned, the same were taken into the king’s hand, 12 August, 16 Edward II.
Writ of venire facias to the sheriff of York to provide jurors &c., 12 August, 16 Edward II.
YORK. Inq. Monday before St. Martin, 16 Edward II.
Northdighton. A messuage, 80a. land, 2a. wood, and 14s. rent, of the inheritance of the said Margaret, were demised in 29 Edward I, to the master &c. of the Knights Templars for 24 years by the said William, who had nothing therein save as husband of the same Margaret; they are held of Lady Isabel de Bello Monte, lady of Vescy, by fealty, and service of 14s. 6d. yearly, and doing suit at her court of North Dighton.
C. Edw. II. File 78. (4.)