Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 98

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 98', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 98', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 98". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 98

Writ, 25 March, 19 Edward II.
LONDON. Inq. 11 April, 19 Edward II.
London city. Five shops in Douuegate Street called Coppdehalle held of the king in chief as a free burgage of the city.
John his son, aged 1 year and more, is his next heir.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. 17 April, 19 Edward II.
Tybourn. The manor, held jointly for life with Mary his wife, by the demise of John earl of Warenne, of the said earl, service unknown, rendering 30s. yearly to the abbess &c. of Berkyngg.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. 6 April, 19 Edward II.
Westerham. A messuage and 85a. arable, held of the abbot &c. of Westminster in gavelkind as of the manor of Westerham by service of rendering 19s. yearly there of rent of assize, and by divers other services at the will of the said abbot &c. to the value of 12s. yearly; and a messuage, with dovecote, and 100a. land, held, at the will of John de Cobeham his father, of the said abbot &c., by service of rendering 23s. yearly at the said manor, and divers other services as above to the value of 15s. yearly.
Heir as above.
KENT. Inq. Saturday, 5 April, 19 Edward II.
Derteford. A messuage held of the bishop of Rochester in gavelkind by service of 4s. 6d. yearly and suit at the bishop’s court at Derteford; 3a. arable held of the heirs of John de Hastyng’ by service of 8d. yearly; 12a. land held of Henry de Sancta Ositha by service of 2s. 1d. yearly; 68a. arable ‘similarly held,’ tenure unspecified; 12a. meadow held of William de Grandisono by service of 21s. 9d. yearly; 1a. meadow held of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of 2s. 6d. yearly; 20a. pasture ‘similarly held’ of the abbot of Lesnes by service of 9s. yearly; a manor sometime of the Templars held jointly for life with Mary his wife, of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of a rose yearly; and a messuage &c. 7a. land and 1a. 1r. meadow, held jointly as above, to them and the heirs of the said Ralph, of William de Grandisono by service of 16d. yearly, of the abbot of Lesnes by service of 4d., of John de Bikenore by service of 4s. 8 1/2d., and of John and William Aleyn by service of 6d. yearly.
Heir as above.
SUSSEX. Inq. 8 April, 19 Edward II.
Langene. The manor held jointly for life with Mary his wife, by the demise of the prior &c. of Lewes, of the said prior by service of rendering 20l. yearly.
SUSSEX. Inq. Friday, 4 April, 19 Edward II.
Bottelegh. A messuage, 28a. land, 3a. meadow and 3s. rent, held of Nicholas de Shelvestrode by service of rendering 6s. 6d. yearly, and rendering to the king for custom of the forest of Asshedoune 2d., and at the king’s manor of Marsefelde a hen price 1 1/2d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 1 year on the morrow of the Circumcision last.
SUSSEX. Inq. Monday the morrow of the Close of Easter, 19 Edward II.
Worthe. A messuage &c. and 40a. land, held of John, earl of Warann, by service of rendering 2s. at the manor of Heghlegh, and suit of court there; 8 1/2a. meadow held of John atte Bisse, service unknown; 44a. pasture held of the aforesaid earl, service unknown; a park containing 232 1/2a. pasture and moor, which he newly inclosed without assent of the tenants, names given, whereof 170a. were held of the said earl in villainage, and 62 1/2a. of John de Bisse, service unknown; and a messuage and 16a. land held of the aforesaid earl, service unknown, which the said Ralph unjustly usurped from Dulcia late the wife of William Swyft.
Wyvelesfelde. A messuage &c., 71a. land, and 5s. 6d. yearly rent, held of John atte Bisse by service of 15s.
Westmestone. 30a. pasture held of Simon de Perepound by service of 10s. yearly.
Claytone, Peckham and Bolneye [alias Bulneye]. Eight messuages, a mill, 474a. land, 35a. meadow, 450a. pasture, and 27s. rent of assize, held of the aforesaid earl by service of 1/2 knight’s fee; which tenements were lately acquired of William and John le Gyle, but afterwards Richard Wodelond and Anne his wife arraigned an assize of novel disseisin against the said William and John and others, and after the death of the said Ralph it was found before the justices that the said William and John and Ralph le Gyle had disseised the said Richard and Anne.
Heir as last above.
Writ, 25 March, 19 Edward II.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 13 April, 19 Edward II.
Medmenham. The manor (extent given), including pastures called Weybrokesmed and ‘le Rusehemede,’ and a pasture in ‘le Estmede,’ held for life of John de Warr(enne), earl of Surrey, rendering 40l. yearly, which exceeds the true value.
Heir as above, aged 1 year at the feast of the Purification last.
BERKS. Inq. 10 April, 19 Edward II.
Ardyntone. The manor (extent given), including rents in ‘la Wyk,’ held of the king in chief as of the honour of Walyngeford by service of a knight’s fee, and of rendering 8s. to the prior of Nuion, and 20s. to the prioress of Gorynges yearly, and 6s. 8d. at the view of frank pledge of Walyngeford held in the manor of Ardynton at ‘la hokkeday.’
Heir as above, aged 1 year on Wednesday, 18 December last.
Writ, 25 March, 19 Edward II.
NORFOLK. Inq. 16 May, 19 Edward II.
Thefford. The manor and town (extent given), including a close called Castelyerd, a pasture called Oxeholm, a fishery, a rent called Londmol, tolls of the market, and at the bridge of Thefford, at the ferry at Santon, and at the bridge of Brandonferye, and a fair at Santon on the eve of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. John de Warrenn, earl of Surrey, lately gave the above to Thomas earl of Lancaster, who granted them to the said John for life, and he afterwards gave the same to the aforesaid Ralph de Cobham for life, who afterwards rendered them into the king’s hand, and the king granted them to the same Ralph and the heirs male of his body, to hold of the king and his heirs, service unspecified, and he died seized thereof on Wednesday after the Purification in the year abovesaid.
Heir as above, aged 1 year and more.
Extent or summary of the lands held of the king in chief with a variation there given within square brackets.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of Richard Wodelond and Anne his wife, that the escheator detains the abovesaid lands &c. in Clayton, Pecham and Bolneye, which they had recovered against William, John, and Ralph le Gile, 24 March, .. Edward II. (defective.)
Return by the escheator that on 13 March, 19 Edward II. he took into the king’s hand the lands &c. of the said Ralph, who lately died, and on Monday the morrow of the close of Easter in the year aforesaid he found by inquisition as abovesaid, and the said Richard and Anne recovered as abovesaid, but because the lands were in the king’s hand seisin thereof was not delivered to them.
C. Edw. II. File 98. (1.)
Writ, 12 October, 19 Edward II.
DORSET. Inq. 23 October, 19 Edward II.
Brianeston. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by the serjeanty of finding a footman, with head unarmed, with a bow without cord, and an unfeathered shaft (bosono non pennato) in the king’s army in Wales for 40 days.
Alan his son, aged 1 year on 4 February next, is his next heir.
Writ, 12 October, 19 Edward II.
SUSSEX. Inq. Thursday after St. Luke, 19 Edward II.
Bokeshulle. The manor (extent given), held of William de Echyngham by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and 1d. at Michaelmas, and 21d. for ‘justisyeld.’
Watteshese. 80a. land, 6a. wood, and 16a. heath, held of the aforesaid William, by service of rendering 3d. every sixteen weeks for the guard of the castle of Hastynges and 2 1/2d. for ‘justisyeld’; and 8a. garden and 10a. land, held of Master Nicholas Warden (?), by service of 10s. 8d. yearly, 1/2d. for Romescot, 1d. every sixteen weeks for the guard of the castle of Hastynges, and suit of court.
Hope. 8a. 1r. meadow and 2 1/2a. bushy (brocali) meadow, held of the aforesaid William by service of 32s. yearly, and a pair of gilt spurs; and 16s. 3d. rent held of Robert de Echyngham by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and 11d. every sixteen weeks for the guard of the said castle, and a bow and twelve arrows feathered with peacock’s feathers to William de Echyngham yearly.
Enham and Bokhurst. 93a. land, and 25s. 4d. yearly rent, held of the aforesaid William by service of rendering 6 3/4d. for the guard of the castle aforesaid every sixteen weeks, and scutage when it runs, and 4 1/2d. at the said William’s manor at Udimer; and a water-mill and 8a. land, held of the abbot of Fescaump by service of rendering 19d. yearly, and suit of court twice yearly.
Ryngdenne. 36a. land and 9s. 10d. rent, held of Edmund de Passelegh by service of rendering 2s. yearly, and 3d. every sixteen weeks for the guard of the castle aforesaid, heriot, and suit of court.
Haseldenne. 100a. heath, and 80a. wood, held of Richard de Belhurst by service of rendering 2s. 6d. yearly.
Colteslond. 32a. land and 2a. meadow, held of William de Haremere by service of rendering 10s. 7d. yearly, heriot when it happens, 3d. every sixteen weeks for the guard of the castle aforesaid, and suit of court.
Yrentone. 5s. 8d. yearly rent, held of Bertram Mountbocher by service of rendering 2s. 6d. yearly, and suit of court.
Popenhethforde. 2s. 6d. yearly rent, tenure unspecified.
Sokenersh. The manor (extent given), held of Giles de Briauncoun by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, paying 6 1/2d. for ‘justisyeld’ and 1d. for Romescot, and rendering a sore sparrowhawk or 3s. yearly.
Kyngesland. 30a. land called Kyngesland, held of Robert de Echyngham by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and scutage when it runs.
Brightlynge. 16s. 11d. rent held of Walter de Pavely by service of rendering 2s. yearly.
Derefeld. 51s. 6 1/2d. yearly rent held of John de Britannia by service of rendering 1/2d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 1 year at Christmas day next.
Extent or summary of the above lands &c. held of the king in chief.
C. Edw. II. File 98. (2.)
Writ, 10 July, 19 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 4 September, 19 Edward II.
Witnesham. The manor (extent given), held for life, of the inheritance of Robert son and heir of Giles de Brewosa, of the bishop of Norwich as of the manor of Baketon by service of 2 1/4 knights’ fees.
C. Edw. II. File 98. (3.)
706. ROBERT SON AND HEIR OF GILES DE BREWOSA, a minor and in the king’s wardship.
Writ, 12 July, 19 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 3 August, 19 Edward II.
Waltham. 30s. rent held of the king in chief as parcel of a serjeanty of keeping a white brachet (hound).
Lutheburgh. The manor (extent given), including a fishery around the close, and two little plots of pasture called ‘les Pihtles’ held of Sir William de Ros of Hamelak, as of the honour of Belvere by service of 3 1/2 knight’s fees.
John [de Brewosa] his brother, aged 18 on the feast of St. Laurence last, is his next heir.
Writ, 12 July, 19 Edward II.
NORFOLK. Inq. 28 July, 19 Edward II.
Stintone. The manor (extent given), held of the heirs of Geoffrey de Say by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above, age unknown.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 6 August, 19 Edward II.
Akenham. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Norfolk, marshal of England, by service of a knight’s fee and 10s. for castle guard.
Heir as above, aged 19 years.
SUFFOLK; (HUNDRED OF) HOXNE. Inq. 2 August, 19 Edward II.
Wytingham. The manor (extent given), including 8 ‘wodelodes’ price 1/2d. each, held of the abovesaid earl by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as last above.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 10 August, 19 Edward II.
SUFFOLK, ESSEX and NORFOLK. Inq. 4 September, 19 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Bromton in Witnesham. The manor held by the heirs of Richard de Weyland as of the manor of Witnesham by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Witnesham. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert Weyland; 1/4 knight’s fee held by the heirs of Richard Weyland; and 1/4 knight’s fee held by Nicholas Fouch’; all as of the manor aforesaid.
ESSEX. Colne. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Richard de Colne; and 1/4 knight’s fee held by the heirs of Richard de Bromton; both as of the manor aforesaid.
SUFFOLK. Witton. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John de la Dale as of the manor of Akenham.
Risby. Certain lands held by John de Ingham by knight’s service as of the manor aforesaid, giving 18d. for castle guard to the manor aforesaid.
Wodebregg. The advowson of the priory.
Hasketon, Witnesham, Akenham, Cleydone, and Emmynggeston. The advowsons of the churches.
Wetyngham. [The advowson of] the free chapel.
NORFOLK. Salle and Heydone. The advowsons of the churches.
Extent or summary of the above manors and lands and of the above advowsons.
Letter from Geoffrey Lescrop to Henry de Clif praying him for his love to him to aid Katherine de Brewosa in the matter of her dower. (French.)
C. Edw. II. File 98. (4.)
Writ of certiorari to Robert de Notingham and Gilbert de Singelton concerning the dower of the said Joan, 28 July, 19 Edward II.
LANCASTER. Inq. taken at Ormischirche on Tuesday before St. Dennis, 19 Edward II.
The said Joan after the death of the said William de Holand was dowered by the assignment of Robert de Holand his brother and heir of the following lands &c. and afterwards demised them to the said Robert to farm from year to year at her will, until, after the forfeiture of the said Robert, she was ejected; but the said Robert had no other estate therein than as aforesaid, and the said Joan was duly dowered and had never quit claimed or changed her right therein viz.—
Haydok. A third part of a messuage, 60a. land, 8a. meadow, and 180a. pasture and wood.
Orel. A third part of a messuage and 15a. land.
Both held of John de Longeton by service of a third part of 16s. 8d. yearly.
Barton by Maincestre. A third part of a messuage, 120a. land, and 8a. meadow, held of John de la Ware by service of a third part of 1d. yearly.
Swynton by le Hope. A third part of a messuage, 7a. land, and 60a. pasture, held of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of a third part of 12d. yearly.
Heton by Faufeld. A third part of a messuage, 44a. land, 6a. meadow, 62a. pasture, and 10s. rent, held of Alice late the wife of Adam de Prestewyche by service of a third part of 2s. yearly.
There is no cause why the said Joan should not be dowered thereof.
Writ of ulterius certiorari to the constable of the castle of Warwick to examine the abovesaid Robert de Holand, now a prisoner in the said castle concerning the premises, 4 November, 19 Edward II.
Endorsed:—The answer of the said Robert is contained in the annexed schedule.
Schedule. The said Robert knows that the said Joan was dowered as abovesaid and leased to him her dower by writing, and has a right to her dower or to such a rent as she received from him. (French.)
Petition to the King and Council by the said William and Joan to do them right according to the above inquest. Endorsed.—Let the keepers of the said lands be ordered to permit the said Joan to have her dower. (French.)
C. Edw. II. File 98. (5.)
Writ, 25 January, 19 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 11 February, 19 Edward II.
Helewell. The manor (extent given), including a croft called Vynezerd, and a pasture called ‘le Buskes,’ held, together with the manor of Stretton co. Rutland, of the king in chief as of the honour of Albemarle, to him and the heirs male of his body, by the king’s gift, by service of a pair of gilt spurs at the king’s exchequer yearly.
Roger his son, aged 7 and more, is his next heir.
RUTLAND. Inq. 12 February, 19 Edward II.
Stretton. The manor (extent given), including meadow in ‘le Stokkyng’ and ‘le Milnetymbermede,’ a wood called Esthawe, and customs called Landware, Maltselver, and Fenfother, held of the king as abovesaid.
Heir as above.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 14 February, 19 Edward II.
Brampton. The manor, which was sometime of John de Hotoft (extent given with names of tenants), including a wood within the king’s forest of Rokyngham, held for life by the gift of William Danet, of the said William and his heirs, rendering 20l. yearly to Richard de Hotoft parson of Leyndon, and to John son of the said John de Hotoft and the heirs of his body, with successive remainders after the death of the said Roger to Thomas son of the same Roger and Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies, Roger brother of the said Thomas and Margaret his wife, and William la Zouche and Avice his wife, and the heirs of their bodies respectively, and to the right heirs of the said Roger. The manor is held of divers lords, viz.—two parts and 9 virgates of land held of John de Insula, knight, by knight’s service, and 5s. 3/4d. yearly; a messuage and 5 1/2 virgates of land, held of Robert le Lord by knight’s service, and 5s. 1d. yearly; and the residue held of Sir Henry de Bello Monte as of the fee of Gaunt by service of a sore sparrowhawk, or 2s. yearly.
Heir as above.
Writ, 25 January, 19 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. Wednesday after St. Valentine, 19 Edward II.
Cruch. The manor (extent given), held, by the gift of Ralph de Freschevill by fine levied in the king’s court, of the king in chief as of the crown by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. Monday after St. Valentine, 19 Edward II.
Boneye. Two parts of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as of the crown by service of two parts of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
LEICESTER. Inq. Saturday after St. Valentine, 19 Edward II.
Kyrkeby upon Wretheke. The manor with rents and services in Olewell and Little Dalby, held jointly with Alice his wife, by the grant of the warden of the chapel of St. Peter, Kyrkeby, by fine levied in the king’s court to them and the heirs of their bodies, of divers lords, viz.—of the master of Burton Lazars (Sancti Lazari) by service of 7s. yearly, of the prior of Kirkeby Monacorum by service of 106s. 8d. yearly, of the abbot of La Dale by service of 4s. 8d., of the warden of the chapel of Kirkeby by service of 2s. 10d., of William Wiseman of Kirkeby by service of 3d. yearly, and of the abbot of Leicester by service of 3s. yearly.
Grymmeston. A messuage and a carucate of land held jointly as above, by the grant of William son of Robert de Dalby of Leicester by fine levied in the king’s court, to hold to them and the heirs of the said Roger, of the heir of John de Segrave, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of 4s. yearly.
Lymsthorp. The manor, held jointly by the said Roger and Alice and Roger their son, for life only, by the grant of the abbot &c. of Vaudey (de Valle Dei), rendering 4 marks yearly to the said abbot &c. after the end of twelve years from the day of St. Michael, 14 Edward II.; and held of the abbot of Osolvyston as chief lord by service of 10s. yearly.
Abbekettilby. A plot of land 70ft. by 70ft. whereon is a windmill, held jointly by the said Roger and Alice by the grant of Richard Repyn of Abbekettilby to them and the heirs of the said Roger, of John de Tattissale by service of 4s. 6d. yearly.
LEICESTER. Inq. Saturday before St. Valentine, 19 Edward II.
Framelond. The hundred, and yearly farms within the hundred called Pallefrey-silver of Beauver, Wakyng-silver, Shirrevestoth, and Frithsilver, held by the grant of the king to the said Roger and his heirs, at fee farm rendering 12l. 18s. 5 1/2d. at the king’s exchequer in aid of the sheriff’s farm.
Stapilford. The bailiwick and stewardship of the town and liberty with its hamlets, and a bovate of land in the towns of Wymondham and Thorp, and 20s. rent, held, by the grant of Thomas late earl of Lancaster to the said Roger and the heirs of his body, of the said earl and his heirs by service of 1d. yearly.
Melton Moubray. A messuage, and 4 messuages and 3 cottages with 46s. 4d. rent of free tenants, 4 virgates and 4a. of land, 3s. rent, and a plot of meadow called Thakholm, held of the prior of Lewes by service of 20s. yearly.
Skaldeford. 11s. 3/4d. rent held of Simon Hauberk and Thomas de Arreby by knight’s service.
Burton Lazars (Sancti Lazari). A plot of land which renders 6s. 8d. yearly, held of the abbot of Vaudey (de Valle Dei), service unknown.
Thorp Sechevill. A capital messuage, 4 virgates of land, and 22s. rent &c., held of the lord of Ocham by service of 1d. yearly, and charged by the deed of Edmund de Assheby, feoffor of the said Roger, with 3 qrs. of corn and 4 qrs. of barley to Alice de Billesden yearly for life.
Leicester. A burgage, 3 stalls (selde), and 6s. 9d. rents in Belgravegate and elsewhere without the northern gate, and a cock and 6 hens price 9d., held of the earl of Leicester by service of 2s. yearly.
Belgrave. 4l. 12s. rent, 14 hens price 21d. and, divers plots of meadow, which the said Roger granted for fifty years to the warden of the chapel of St. Peter, Kirkeby, held of William la Zouche by service of 6d. yearly.
Thurmaston. A moiety of a plot of meadow, tenure unknown.
Thurstington. 10 marks rent held of Walter de Wapp … . ., service unknown.
Estewell. 13s. 8d. rent held of William de Sixtinby, service unknown.
Erdburgh. The manor, held for life by the grant of Simon de Shepeye with remainder to Thomas his son and the heirs of his body, of the master of Dalby by service of 13s. 3d. yearly, and rendering 53s. 4d. yearly to Robert de Stokton for life, and 16d. yearly for sheriff’s aid.
Somerdeby. The manor, with 6 virgates of arable land, and 16s. yearly rent in the same town, held for life by the grant of Simon de Shepeye, with remainder as above, of William Maureward, service unknown.
Heir as above.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 17 February, 19 Edward II.
[DERBY and NOTTINGHAM.] Inq. Sunday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 19 Edward II.
Ryppeley [Pentrich and Chilewell.] 2 knights’ fees held by the abbot of Derleye.
Hathersegg [alias Hathershegge]. 1 knight’s fee held by Nicholas de Longeford.
Blakewelle. 1 knight’s fee held by Thomas de Chaworth.
Asshovere [alias Ayschovre]. 1 knight’s fee held by Adam and Ralph de Reresby [alias de Rieresby].
Annesley [alias Anseleye] and elsewhere. 2 knights’ fees held by John de Annesleye [alias de Anseleye, de Ansele].
Dethek, Shukthorn (alias Syukthorn), Tannesleye and Lee, 1/2 knight’s fee held by Geoffrey de Dethek and Peter de Wakebrugge and others.
Iboll [alias Ibole], 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Byrchovere [alias de Birchovre].
Radeclif upon Trent. The advowson of the church with alternate presentations.
Extent or summary of the above lands &c. held of the king in chief, and of the above knight’s fees.
Writ of certiorari on the petition of Margaret late the wife of Ralph de Frechevill for her dower of the knights’ fees pertaining to the manor of Cruche, which manor &c. Roger Beler, now deceased, acquired of the said Ralph after her marriage with the said Ralph, 12 March, 19 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. Saturday after St. Gregory the Pope, 19 Edward II.
The same knights’ fees as above, with the variations there given within square brackets, and with the addition of:—
Moresborowe. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John de Hakenthorp.
Out of the above, the 2 fees in Anseleye, and 1/2 fee in Dethek, Syukethorn, Tansley and Lee, have been assigned in dower to Alice late the wife of the said Roger.
Extent or summary of the above knight’s fees pertaining to the manor of Cruch.
Writ of scire facias to the escheator to warn Alice late the wife of the said Roger to be in the Chancery &c., to show cause why dower should not be assigned to the abovesaid Margaret, 27 March, 19 Edward II.
Writ of dedimus potestatem to Ralph Beler to receive the attorneys of the said Alice to show cause &c. as above, 27 March, 19 Edward II.
C. Edw. II. File 98. (6.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 15.
Writ, 22 January, 19 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 29 January, 19 Edward II.
Schimplynge. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief amongst other manors in cos. Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, by a whole barony.
Robert his son, aged 25 and more, is his next heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. 1 February, 19 Edward II.
Disce. The manor (extent given), held together with the manor of Hemenhal and other manors in Suffolk and Essex, of the king in chief by barony by service of 3 knights’ fees.
Heir as above.
NORFOLK. Inq. 31 January, 19 Edward II.
Hemenhal. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as abovesaid.
Heir as above.
ESSEX. Inq. 28 January, 19 Edward II.
Wodeham Wautere. The manor (extent given).
Burnham. The manor (extent given).
Reyndon. The manor (extent given).
Dunmawe. The manor (extent given).
Henham. The manor (extent given).
Wymbyssh. The manor (extent given).
Teye. The manor (extent given).
Lexeden. The manor (extent given).
All held with other manors in Norfolk and Suffolk of the king in chief by a whole barony as abovesaid.
Fourneaus. 100a. land, 15a. meadow, 10a. pasture, a marsh, services &c. in Suthminstre, held of Richard Bond (?) by service of 17s. (?) yearly.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. II. File 98. (7.)