Index of Persons and Places: E

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: E', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: E', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: E". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.


Eakring, Ekering, co. Nott., manor, 428 (p. 254).

Eals, le Helis [in Knaresdale parish], co. N’humb., 693.

Eardisley, Erdesle, co. Heref., 54 (p. 38).

Earle, Yerdhill [in Doddington parish], co. N’humb., 207.

Early, Erle, Erlegh [in Sonning parish], co. Berks, 455.
-, ……, manor, 505.

Earsham, Ewisham, Eusham [in Wingfield parish, co. Suff.], 518 (p. 331), 759 (p. 483).

Easby, co. York, abbot of St. Agatha’s, 49.

Easebourne, Esebourne, co. Sussex, church, 433.
-, ……, ……, Manser, chaplain of, 433.
-, ……, Todham in, q.v.

Easington, Esinton, co. Buck, 518 (p. 328).
-, ……, Esyngton, co. York, 530.

Eastbourne, Estbourne, Burne, co. Sussex, 477, 620, 756.
-, ……, fair at, 756.

Eastburn, Est Brunne [in Kirkburn parish], co. York, 185.

Eastbury, Estburi, Estbury, [in Lambourn parish], co. Berks, 499, 527.

Eastchurch, co. Kent, Norwood in, q.v.

Easter, High, High Estre, co. Essex, 647.
-, ……, manor, 565.

Easthorpe, Esthorp, co. Essex, manor, 758.

Eastleach Turville, Estleche, co. Glouc., 54 (p. 38).

Easton, Eston [near Winchester], co. Hants, 36.
-, ……, Eston, co. Norf., 136.
-, …… Maudit, Eston, co. N’hamp., 612 (p. 391).
-, …… in Gordano, Eston, co. Somers., manor, 129.
-, …… Bavants, Eston [co. Suff.], 61 (p. 51).
-, …… Grey, Estone Grey, co. Wilts, manor, 517 (p. 312.)
-, ……, Eston [in Bridlington parish], co. York, 381.

Eastwell, Estewell, co. Leic., 708 (p. 444).

Eastwick, Estwyk, Estwyke, co. Hertf., manor, 106 (pp. 69, 70).
-, ……, advowson, 106.

Eastwood, Estwode, co. Essex, 323.
-, ……, manor, 236.

Eaton Socon, co. Bedf., Wyboston in, q.v.
-, ……, Water, Etone, co. Buck., manor and advowson, 517 (p. 312).
-, ……, Eton [in Leominster parish], co. Heref., 688.
-, ……, Eton, co. Nott., manor, 679.
-, ……, upon Tern, Eton [in Stoke upon Tern parish], co. Salop, 54 (p. 39).
-, …… Maisey, or Church Eaton, Etone Meysey, co. Wilts, manor, 45.
-, ……, ……, advowson, 45.

Eavestone, Eveston [in Ripon parish], co. York, 469.

Ebberley, Ebberlegh [in Roborough parish], co. Devon, 710 (p. 449).

Ebbesborne Wake, Ebbelesbourn Wak, co. Wilts, 596.

Ebbw Vachan, Eboth Waghan [co. Monm.], 612 (p. 387).
-, …… Vawr, Eboth Waor [co. Monm.], 612 (p. 387).

Ebor, John de, 144, 368.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 144, 368.

Eboth. See Ebbw.

Eccles, Ecclosse [in Aylesford parish], co. Kent, 273, 518 (p. 329).
-, …… [cum Hempstead], Hecles, co. Norf., 55.

Eccleshall, co. Staff., Podmore in, q.v.

Ecclesia, Robert de, of Morpeth, 515 (p. 306).

Eccleston in Leylandshire, co. Lanc., manor, 574.

Ecclosse, co. Kent, See Eccles.

Echelhamton, co. Wilts. See Etchilhampton.

Echewik, William de, 607 (p. 380).

Echingham, Echyngham, William de, 725.
-, ……, Robert de, 704, 725.
-, ……, William de, 704.
-, ……, ……, knight, 122.

Echyngham, co. Sussex. See Etchingham.

Echyngham. See Echingham.

Eckington, Ekynton, co. Derby, manor, 417.
-, ……, ……, advowson, 417.
-, ……, ……, Mossborough in, q.v.
-, ……, Ekynton, co. Worc., 303.

Ecton, Eketon, co. N’hamp, 588.

Ecton, Thomas de, 202.

Eddereston, Eddristoune, Roger de, 141, 485.

Edderestoun, co. N’humb. See Adderston.

Eddeworth, co. Bedf. See Edworth.

Eddristoune. See Eddereston.

Edelmeton, co. Midd. See Edmonton.

Eden, Edin, co. Cumb., river, fishery in, 279.

Edenale, Thomas de, 51 (p. 28).

Edenhall, William de, 238 (p. 144).

Edeworthe, co. Bedf. See Edworth.

Edgbaston, Egbaston, co. Warw., 428 (p. 257).

Edgecott, Achecote, co. Buck, 518 (p. 328).

Edgeworth, Eggeworth, co. Glouc., 518 (p. 336).

Edgmond, Egemundon, co. Salop, manor, 56 (p. 41).

Edin river. See Eden.

Edingthorpe, Edithethorp, co. Norf., manor, 382.

Edington, Ydintonne, Idinton [in Mitford parish], co. N’humb., 339, 438.

Edithethorp, co. Norf. See Edingthorpe.

Edmondthorpe, Thorp, co. Leic., 708 (p. 444).

Edmonton, Edelmeton, Edelmetone, co. Midd., 696.
-, ……, manor, 327.

Edmund, son of Henry III., 356.

Edmund of Woodstock, son of Edward I., 274.

Edrich, Stephen, 58.

Edrop, Edrope, co. Buck. See Eythorpe.

Edward I., crossed from Winchelsea to Flanders, in 1297, 200.

Edward, earl of Chester (afterwards Edward III.), 508.
-, ……, writ of, 43.

Edwardstone, Edwardston, co. Suff., manor, 234.

Edworth, Eddeworth, Edeworthe, co. Bedf., 330 (p. 195), 518 (p. 329).
-, ……, manor, 330 (p. 195).

Edwy, Reginald, of Roydon, 187.

Edwyneston, co. Berks. See Idstone.

Effingham, Effyngham, co. Surrey, 702.
-, ……, Belloschagh in, 31.
-, ……, Est Cort in, 31.
-, ……, La Place in, 31.

Efoghel, John, 754.

Egarton, co. Kent. See Egerton.

Egbaston, co. Warw. See Edgbaston.

Egelfelde, Thomas de, 518 (p. 328).

Egemundon, co. Salop. See Edgmond.

Egermount, Egermund, co. Cumb. See Egremont.

Egerton, Egertone, Egarton, co. Kent, manor, 518 (p. 320), 759 (p. 479).

Eggemere [co. Norf.]. See Egmere.

Eggeworth, co. Glouc. See Edgeworth.

Eggeworth, Thomas de, 518 (p. 336).

Egginton, Egynton, Eginton, co. Derby, 498, 656.

Egglesfeld, William de, and Margaret his wife, 429.
-, ……, ……, their son John, 429.

Eghen, co. Cumb. See Ehen.

Eghnerdale, co. Cumb. See Ennerdale.

Eghteham, co. Kent. See Ightham.

Eghynstone, co. Sussex, now included in Ripe, q.v.

Eginton, co. Derby. See Egginton.

Eglistour, [co. Glamorgan], 358 (p. 216).

Eglwys Wen, or Whitechurch, Egluswen, co. Pemb., 710 (p. 449).

Eglwyswrw, Eglysyroun, co. Pemb., 710 (p. 449).

Egmere, Eggemere, [co. Norf.], 518 (pp. 331, 335).

Egremont, Egermount, Egermund, co. Cumb., manor, castle, &c., 331.

Egrum, co. Nott. See Averham.

Egynton, co. Derby. See Egginton.

Ehen, Eghen, co. Cumb., river, 331 (p. 198).

Ekeney, Ekeneye (in Emberton parish], co. Buck., 428 (p. 257).

Ekeneye, Robert de, 428 (p. 257).

Ekeresbury, co. Hants. See Exbury.

Ekering, co. Nott. See Eakring.

Eketon, co. N’hamp. See Ecton.

Eketon, Peter de, 428 (pp. 256, 258).

Ekynton, co. Derby. See Eckington.

Ekynton, co. Worc. See Eckington.

Eland, Little [in Ponteland parish], co. N’humb., 518 (p. 323), 759 (p. 480).
-, …… See Ponteland.

Eland, John de, 663.

Elberton, Aylbrizton by Olviston, Ailberton, Ailbrighton, co. Glouc., 102.

Eleanor (widow of Edward I.), 43, 233.

Eleigh, Brent, Jilleygh, co. Suff., 307.

Elfo, Stephen, 762.

Eling, co. Hants., Rumbridge in, q.v.

Elingham [co. Norf.]. See Ellingham.

Elkeston, co. Glouc. See Elkstone.

Elkington, North, Elkyngton, co. Linc., 721.

Elkstone, Elkeston, co. Glouc., 691.

Elkyngton, co. Linc. See Elkington.

Elkyngton, Robert de, 721.

Ellale, co. Lanc. See Ellel.

Ellel, Helhale, Ellale, [in Cockerham parish], co. Lanc., 407.
-, ……, manor, 497.

Ellenborough, Alenburgh [in Dearham parish], co. Cumb., 575.

Ellerdine, Elwardin [in High Ercall parish], co. Salop, 52.

Ellerton [Priory], co. York, 51 (p. 30], 515 (p. 307).
-, …… on Swale, co. York, manor, 425.

Ellesborough, Eselberwe, co. Buck, 428 (p. 257).

Ellesden, co. N’humb. See Elsdon.

Ellingham, Alyngham, co. Hants, 448.
-, ……, Elyngham, Elingham [co. Norf.], 487, 518 (p. 331).
-, …… Cf. Elyngham.

Elm, co. Camb., Coldham manor and other places in, 330 (p. 196).

Elmbridge, Emelbrigg, co. Surrey, hundred, 134.

Elmdon, Elmedon, co. Essex, manor, 322 (p. 187).

Elmedon, co. Essex. See Elmdon.

Elmer, Elmere [in Middleton parish], co. Sussex, 655.

Elmere, Eylemer, William, 655.
-, ……, William son of William, 655.

Elmessale, co. York. See Elmsall.

Elmested, co. Essex. See Elmstead.

Elmeton, co. Derby. See Elmton.

Elmsall, South, Elmeshale, co. York, 416.
-, ……, Elmessale [in South Kirkby parish], co. York, 643.

Elmsett, Elmsete, co. Suff., manor, 53.

Elmstead, Elmested, co. Essex, manor, 106.
-, ……, advowson, 106.

Elmton, Elmeton, co. Derby, manor, 746.

Elmyngham, John de, 430.

Elnestowe [co. Bedf.]. See Elstow.

Elpston [co. N’hamp.]. See Helpstone.

Elsdon, Helvesden, Ellesden, co. N’humb., 607 (p. 380).

Elsing, Elsingg, Elsynge, Elsingge, co. Norf., 518 (pp. 330, 334), 618.

Elstow, Elnestowe [co. Bedf.], abbess of, 47.

Elswick, Etheleswik, Etheliswyk [in St. Michael on Wyre parish], co. Lanc., 488, 671.

Elsynge, co. Norf. See Elsing.

Elton [in Youlgrave parish], co. Derby, 317.

Eltyngeshal, co. Staff. See Ettingshall.

Elvedon, Elvedone, co. Suff., 518 (p. 334).

Elwardin, co. Salop. See Ellerdine.

Ely, bishop of, 59, 177 (pp. 103, 105), 330 (p. 196), 486 (p. 285), 517 (p. 311), 518 (pp. 317, 319), 573, 759 (p. 481).

Elyngham [co. Norf.], See Ellingham.

Elyngham, co. Norf., 61 (p. 51).
-, ……, Southelingham, co. Norf.?, 518 (pp. 333, 334).
-, ……, co. Suff., 612 (p. 392).

Elyntone, co. Kent. See Allington.

Embelton, co. Cumb. See Embleton.

Emberton, co. Buck., 428 (p. 257).

Emberton fee in Gidding and Luddington, co. Hunt., 427 (p. 254).

Emblehope, Emelhop [in Thorneyburn parish], co. N’humb., 697.

Embleton, Embelton [in Brigham parish], co. Cumb., manor, 395.
-, ……, Emeldoune, co. N’humb., 485.

Emelbrigg, co. Surrey. See Elmbridge.

Emeldon, Richard de, writ to, 339, 438.

Emelesworth, co. Hants. See Emsworth.

Emelhop, co. N’humb. See Emblehope.

Emlyn [co. Pemb.], commote, 612 (p. 388).

Emma, Roger son of, 51 (p. 31).

Emmyngeston, co. Suff. See Helmingstone.

Empnett, co. Somers. See Nempnett.

Empshott, Imbeshete, co. Hants., 518 (p. 328).

Empton [co. Norf.], 518 (p. 334).

Emsworth, Emelesworth, co. Hants., manor, 543.

Endon, Enedon, co. Staff., manor, 56 (p. 42).

Enedemere, co. Somers. See Enmore.

Enedon, co. Staff. See Endon.

Enefeld, co. Midd. See Enfield.

Enefeld, John de, 744.

Enesketty [co. Glamorgan]. See Sketty.

Enfield, Enefeld, co. Midd., 696, 744.

Engayne, Engayn, Dengayne, Dengayn, John, 427.
-, ……, Nicholas, 383.
-, ……, John, 192, 236, 635.
-, ……, ……, knight (the elder), 195.
-, ……, …… father of John, burial of, 192.
-, ……, ……, ……, Joan wife of, 192.
-, ……, John, and Helen his wife, 383, 427.
-, ……, John son of Vitalis, and Joan his wife, 383.
-, ……, John son of Nicholas, 383, 427 (p. 253).
-, ……, Nicholas, and Amice his wife, 383.
-, ……, Petronilla de, 427 (p. 254).
-, ……, Richard, 428 (p. 258).
-, ……, William de, 427 (p. 254).

Engelfeld, co. Berks. See Englefield.
-, …… See Englefeld.

Engleby, co. Derby. See Ingleby.

Englefeld [co. Denbigh]. See Tegengl.

Englefeld, Engelfeld, Philip de, 428 (pp. 256, 258).
-, ……, Philip son of Roger de, 428 (p. 260).

Englefield, Engelfeld, co. Berks, 428 (p. 258).
-, ……, manor, 428 (p. 256).

Engleis, Engleys, John le, 188.
-, ……, Isabel wife of William le, of Paxton, 429.

English town, co. Monm. See Tre-saison.

Enmore, Enedemere, co. Somers, 57.

Enham, co. Sussex, 704.

Ennerdale, Eghnerdale, co. Cumb., 331 (p. 198).

Ensham, co. Suff. See Earsham.

Enveise, Lenveise, len Veyse, le Veyse, Robert, 716.
-, ……, Walter, 177 (p. 106).

Enville, Evenefeld, co. Staff., 428 (p. 258).

Eou. See Eu.

Epworth, Eppeworth, co. Linc., manor, 743.

Eppeworth, co. Linc. See Epworth.

Ercall, High, co. Salop, Rowton and Ellerdine in, 52.

Ercedekne. See Erchedekene.

Erchebaud, Martin, 327 (p. 191).

Erchedekene, Ercedekne, Andrew le, 275 (p. 162).
-, ……, John le, 518 (p. 327).
-, ……, Reymond le, 518 (p. 327).

Erdburgh, co. Leic. See Harborough.

Erdedeuel vergh Howel, 612 (p. 390).

Erdesle, co. Heref. See Eardisley.

Erdington, Erdinton, co. Warw., 428 (p. 257).

Erdinton, Erdyngton, Henry de, 171, 428 (p. 257 bis).

Ereghes, co. York. See Arras.

Erenclyf, co. York. See Ingleby Aincliffe.

Eresby [in Spilsby parish], co. Linc. manor, 60 (pp. 47, 48).

Ergham, William de, knight, 130 (p. 83).

Erghes, co. York. See Arras.

Erghum, co. Lanc. See Arkholme.
-, …… [co. York], now disappeared, 458.

Erghum, William de, 51 (pp. 29, 31).

Erhethe, Erhuthe, co. Kent. See Erith.

Eriswell, Erswill, co. Suff., manor, 593 (p. 371).

Erith, Erhethe, Erhuthe, co. Kent, manor, 759 (p. 479).

Erle, co. Berks. See Early.

Erle, William le, of Wakefield, 320.

Erlegh, co. Berks. See Early.

Erlegh, Erle, Erlee, John de, 505.
-, ……, John son of William de, 455.
-, ……, John de, 468, 744.
-, ……, ……, writ to, 724.
-, ……, John de, knight, 455.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 505.
-, ……, Juliana, daughter of John de, 455.

Erlyngham [co. Glouc.]. See Arlingham.

Erlyngton, co. Sussex. See Arlington.

Ermington, Ermynton, co. Devon, manor, 486 (p. 284), 501.
-, ……, advowson, 486 (p. 287).

Ermynton, co. Devon. See Ermington.

Ernebaud, John, 518 (p. 336).

Erston, 518 (p. 330).

Erswill, co. Suff. See Eriswell.

Escheker, Eschekere. See Scaccario.

Escheton, co. York. See Eshton.

Escrick, Escrik, Eskrik, Escryk, co. York, 547.
-, ……, manor, 425.
-, ……, advowson, 425.

Esebourne, co. Sussex. See Easebourne.

Eselberwe, co. Buck. See Ellesborough.

Eselyngton, Robert de, 518 (p. 337).

Eshton, Escheton, Esshton [in Gargrave parish], co. York, 175 (p. 101).
-, ……, manor, 65.

Eshwellethorp, co. Norf. See Ashwell Thorpe.

Esinton, Robert de, 51 (p. 29).

Esk, Eske, co. Cumb., river, 331 (p. 198).

Eskdale, Eskedale, co. Cumb., 331 (p. 198).

Eskelby, co. York. See Exelby.

Eskrik, co. York. See Escrick.

Eskylby, co. York. See Exelby.

Eslyngham, co. Kent. See Islingham.

Espleywod, Espeleywod, co. N’humb., 164.
-, ……, manor, 751.

Ess, Oliver de, 710 (p. 450).

Esse, co. Pemb. See Nash.

Esse, Ralph de, 501.
-, ……, Ralph de, of Thuborough, 710 (p. 450).

Essendon, Essendene, Esenden, co. Hertf., manor, 518 (p. 318).
-, ……, advowson, 518 (p. 332).
-, ……, Holwell in, q.v.

Esseton, co. Lanc. See Ashton.

Essewalter, co. Devon. See Ashwater.

Essex, stewardship of the forest of, 275.

Esshefeld, co. Salop. See Ashfield.

Essherst, co. Kent. See Ashurst.

Esshet, Gilbert de, 518 (p. 337).

Esshton, co. York. See Eshton.

Esshton, John son of Robert de, 65.
-, ……, Atheline wife of John son of Robert de, 65.

Essington, Esynton, co. Staff., 428 (p. 258).

Est, John, of Barnby, 577.
-, ……, William, of Luddington, 427 p. 254).

Estahslynge, See Ashling (?) [co. Sussex].

Estboclound, co. Devon. See Buckland.

Estboteland, co. N’humb. See Buteland.

Estbourne, co. Sussex. See Eastbourne.

Estbourne, Walter de, 756.

Estbradenham, co. Norf. See Bradenham.

Estbray, co. Devon. See Bray.

Estbrigge, Estbriggeford, co. Nott. See Bridgford.

Estburi, co. Berks. See Eastbury.

Estcote, Estecote, Joan wife of Hugh de, 24.
-, ……, Thomas de, 625.
-, ……, Walter de, 24.

Estden, co. Sussex. See Dean.

Estecote. See Estcote.

Estewell, co. Leic. See Eastwell.

Estgeveldale, co. York. See Givendale.

Esthaginton, co. Devon. See Haggington.

Esthanefeld, co. Essex. See Hanningfield.

Estharlingg [co. Norf.]. See Harling.

Esthorp, co. Essex. See Easthorpe.

Esthorewode, co. Devon. See Harwood.

Estivant, David, 518 (p. 324).

Estleche, co. Heref. See Eastleach [co. Glouc.].

Estlenham, co. Kent. See Lenham.

Estmond, Richard, 518 (p. 324).

Eston, co. Hants. See Easton.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Easton.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Easton.
-, ……, co. Somers. See Easton.
-, …… Grey, co. Wilts. See Easton.
-, …… [in Ormesby parish], co. York, manor, 306.
-, ……, co. York. See Easton.

Eston, John de, 649.

Estre, co. Essex. See Easter.

Estrekele, co. Linc. See Keal.

Esttuderlegh, co. Hants. See Tytherley.

Esturmy, Stormy, Margaret, 280.
-, ……, Henry, 280.

Estwode, co. Essex. See Eastwood.

Estworldham, co. Hants. Ses Worldham.

Estwyk, Estwyke, co. Hertf. See Eastwick.

Esyngton, co. York. See Easington.

Esynton, co. Staff. See Essington.

Etchilhampton, Hechelamton, Echelhamton, Hechelhampton [in All Cannings parish], co. Wilts, 293, 752.

Etchingham, Echyngham, co. Sussex, manor, 725.

Etheleswik, Etheliswyk, co. Lanc. See Elswick.

Etheliswyk, Ethilliswyk, Adam de, 677.
-, ……, William de, 677.

Ethilliswyk. See Etheliswyk.

Eton, co. Heref. See Eaton.
-, ……, co. Nott. See Eaton.
-, ……, co. Salop. See Eaton.
-, ……, Meysy, co. Wilts. See Eaton.

Eton, John de, 688.

Etone, co. Buck. See Eaton.

Ettingshall Park, Eltyngeshal, co. Staff., 428 (p. 255).

Etton, co. York, 515 (p. 304).

Etton, Thomas de, 51 (p. 31).

Etynden, Henry de, 200.

Eu, Eou, Augum, [Seine Inf. France], 111.

Eu, Eou, Ralph de, count of Eu and Joan (de Merlawe) his wife, 111.

Euir. See Eure.

Eukeston, co. Lanc. See Euxton.

Eure, Euir, Ever, Evre, John de, 339, 733.
-, ……, John de, 438, 633.
-, ……, ……, and Agnes his wife, 339, 733.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 339, 733.
-, ……, Nicholas de, 428 (p. 257).
-, …… Cf. Ewer.

Eusham, co. Suff. See Earsham.

Eustace, Thomas son of, 152.
-, ……, Robert son of Thomas, son of, 152.
-, ……, Thomas son of Thomas, son of, 152.

Euston [co. Suff.], 518 (p. 330).

Euxton, Eukeston [in Leyland parish], co. Lanc., manor, 497.

Evenefeld, co. Staff. See Enville.

Eveningham, co. Suff. See Heveningham.

Evenyg, John, of Eastbourne, and Christiana his wife, 756.

Evenyngham. See Heveningham.

Ever. See Eure.

Everard, Edmund, 329.
-, ……, Robert, 625.
-, ……, William, 329.

Everci, Peter de, 586.
-, ……, Peter de, and Isabel his wife, 586.

Everesle, co. Hants. See Eversley.

Everingham, Everyngham, Adam de, 684.
-, ……, Robert de, 51 (p. 31).

Everley, John de, 518 (p. 336).

Eversley, Everesle, co. Hants, bailiwick, 571.

Everton, co. Bedf., 518 (p. 329).
-, ……, co. Hunt., manor, 330 (p. 194).
-, …… [in Walton on Hill parish], co. Lanc., 315.
-, ……, co. Nott., 173.
-, ……, ……, Harwell in, q.v.

Everyngham. See Everingham.

Eveston, co. York. See Eavestone.

Evre. See Eure.

Ewart, Eworth [in Doddington parish], co. N’humb., 489.

Eweldon, co. Salop. See Aldon.

Ewell, Ewelle by Berlinge [in West Mailing parish], co. Kent, 327.
-, ……, Ewelle, co. Surrey. 116.

Ewelme, Ewelm, co. Oxford, 123.

Ewelme, Roger de, 336.
-, ……, Thurstan de, 336.

Ewer, Robert le (Lewer), 543.
-, …… Cf. Eure.

Eweregge, Robert de, 122.

Eweyn, Henry, 748 (p. 471).

Ewisham, co. Suff., See Earsham.

Eworth, co. N’humb. See Ewart.

Ewyas Lacy. co. Heref., now called Longtown, q.v.

Exbury, Ekeresbury in the New Forest, co. Hants, manor, 581.

Exelby, Eskelby, Eskylby [in Burneston parish], co. York., 294, 378 (pp. 222, 224).

Exelsam, prior of. See Hexham.

Exemor. See Exmoor.

Exeter, co. Devon, 710 (p. 448).
-, ……, dean and chapter of, 506, 710 (p. 447).
-, ……, St. James’s, prior of, 710 (p. 450).

Exeter, bishop of, 16, 46, 184 (p. 110). 297, 486 (p. 286), 710 (p. 450).

Exminster, co. Devon, Towsington in, q.v.

Exmoor, Exemor [co. Devon and Somers.], 508.

Exning, Ixnyngg, Ixnynge, co. Suff., 177 (pp. 104, 105).
-, ……, manor, 518 (p. 317).

Exonia, Stephen de, 275 (p. 161).

Exton, co. Rutland, 623.
-, ……, ……, manor, 172.
-, ……, co. Somers., 744.
-, ……, ……, manor, 292.

Extraneus. See Lestrange.

Eyam, Eyum, co. Derby, 526.

Eydon, co. N’humb. See Aydon.

Eye, Heye, co. Suff., castle, 229.
-, ……, castle, 411.
-, ……, castle guard, 58, 234, 385.
-, ……, honour, 229, 234, 385, 411, 422 (p. 249), 519.

Eyen, co. Bedf. See Ion.

Eyglemound, John de, 740.

Eylemer. See Elmere.

Eylesbury, Eylesburi, Aillesbury, Philip de, 186 (p. 112).
-, ……, Roger de, 428 (p. 257).

Eylesford, co. Kent. See Aylesford.

Eylesford. See Ayllesford.

Eylnothyntone, Eylyothynton, co. Kent. See Allington.

Eyncourt. Cf. Deyncourt.

Eynesbury, co. Hunt. Hardwick in, q.v.

Eynesford, co. Kent. See Eynsford.

Eynsford, Eynesford, co. Kent, manor, 328 (p. 193).
-, ……, Austin in, q.v.

Eythorpe, Edrop, Edrope [in Waddesdon parish], co. Buck., 25, 555.

Eyton, co. Nott. [Long Eaton, co. Derby?], 417.

Eyton, Thomas, 248.
-, ……, Thomas de, 740.

Eyum, co. Derby, See Eyam.

Eyvile, Alice de, 616.

Eyvill. Cf. Deyvill.