Index of Persons and Places: O

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: O". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.


Oadyngseles. See Oddingseles.

Oakenhill, Okenhille [in Badingham parish], co. Suff., manor, 385.

Oakham, Ocham [co. Rutland], lord of, 708 (p. 444).

Oakhanger, Ochangre [in Selborne parish], co. Hants, 184 (p. 111).
-, ……, manor, 46, 612 (p. 386).

Oakington, Hokyton, co. Camb., William, clerk of, 197.

Oakley, Okelee [in Higham parish], co. Kent, 518 (p. 329).
-, ……, Little, Ockle, co. N’hamp., manor, 391.

Oakworth, Akeward [in Keighley parish], co. York, 175 (p. 101).

Obthorpe, Obethorp, Obbethorp [in Thurlby parish], co. Linc., 152.

Ocham [co. Rutland]. See Oakham.

Ochangre, co. Hants. See Oakhanger.

Ockelegh, co. Surrey. See Ockley.

Ockham, Okham [in Etchingham parish], co. Sussex, 725.

Ockle, co. N’hamp. See Oakley.

Ockley, Ockelegh, co. Surrey, 116.

Ocle, co. Buck. See Akeley.

Ocle Pitchard, Achepichard, co. Heref., 54 (p. 38).

Ocstede, co. Surrey. See Oxted.

Ocstede, Clarice de, 670.

Octon, co. York, 407.

Oddingseles, Doddingeseles, Oddynggeseles, Oddyngseles, Oadyngseles, John de, 290, 322 (pp. 186, 188), 518 (p. 317), 714.

Odecombe, Nicholas de, and Maud his wife, 724.

Odell, Wahull, Wodhull, co. Bedf., John lord of, John de Wadhulle, 517 (pp. 313, 314).
-, ……, barony, 316.

Odesthorp, co. York, 322 (p. 188).

Odiham, Odyham, co. Hants, Royal manor, 42, 571.
-, ……, hundred, 42.
-, ……, liberty, 452.
-, ……, castle, 452.

Odiston, co. Leic. See Odstone.

Odstone, Odiston [in Shackerstone parish], co. Leic., 612 (p. 389).

Odyham, co. Hants. See Odiham.

Odymer, co. Sussex. See Udimore.

Offeleye, co. Hertf. See Offley.

Offord Darcy, Deneys or Daneys, co. Hunt., manor, 330 (pp. 194, 197).
-, ……, Offorde [in Wootton Wawen parish], co. Warw., 250.

Offley, Offeleye, co. Hertf., manor, 737.

Offton, Ofton, co. Suff., 53.

Ofton, co. Berks. See Ufton.

Ofton, William de, 428 (pp. 256, 258).

Ogbourne, Okeborn, co. Wilts, prior of, 518 (p. 318).

Oggshole, Hoggesole [in Broomfield parish], co. Somers., 238 (p. 143).

Oilly. See Doilly.

Oke, Richard atte, 557.
-, ……, John atte, 557.

Okeborn, co. Wilts. See Ogbourne.

Okelee, co. Kent. See Oakley.

Okenbury, Wokkenebiri, Wockenebury, [in Ringmore parish], co. Devon, 486 (p. 286), 501.

Okenhille, co. Suff. See Oakenhill.

Okes, co. Heref. See Noakes.

Okes, Adam de, Adam des, 551.
-, ……, William son of William de, 551.

Okham, co. Sussex. See Ockham.

Olavestone, William de, 514.

Old, Wolde, co. N’hamp., 612 (p. 391).

Oldberrow, co. Worc. See Aldeborowe?

Oleby [Welby?], co. Leic., 700 (p. 433).

Oliver, Benedict, 738.

Ollerton, Alverton, co. Nott., 684.
-, ……, Alverton, [in Stoke upon Tern parish], co. Salop, 54 (p. 39).

Olney, Olneye, co. Buck., 39.

Olneye, John de, 694.
-, ……, John de, and Maud his wife, 694.
-, ……, John de son of John, 694.

Olthorp, co. N’hamp. See Althorp.

Olveston, Olviston, co. Glouc., 102.

Olviston, co, Glouc. See Olveston.

Onebury, co. Salop. See Onibury.

Onehouse, Onhows, co. Suff., 227.

Ongar, Aungre, co. Essex, hundred, 534.

Onhows, co. Suff. See Onehouse.

Onibury, Onebury, co. Salop, St. Mary’s church, 54 (p. 39).

Optone. See Upton.

Orby, Orreby, co. Linc., 60 (p. 47).
-, ……, manor, 109.

Orchardleigh, Horcherdelegh, co. Somers., manor, 160.
-, ……, advowson, 160.

Orcheston St. George, co. Wilts., 426.

Orel, co. Lanc. See Orrell.

Ore, William de, 424.

Orewell, co. Camb. See Orwell.

Orkesden, co. Kent. See Austin.

Orlingbury, co. N’hamp., Batsaddle n, q.v.

Ormesby in Gillesland [co. Cumb.], 238 (p. 144).
-, ……, co. Norf., 430.
-, ……, St. Margaret’s, co. Norf., Scratby in, q.v.
-, ……, co. York, Eston in, q.v.

Ormesby, John de, 51 (p. 27).
-, ……, William de, 59, 63.

Ormischirche, co. Lanc. See Ormskirk.

Ormskirk, Ormischirche, co. Lanc., inquisition made at, 707.

Orreby co. Linc. See Orby.

Orreby, John de, 109.
-, ……, Simon de, 650.
-, ……, Florence (de la Mare), wife of Philip de, 579.
-, ……, John de, 48 (p. 20 bis), 245.
-, ……, Philip de, 589.

Orrell, Orel, [in Sephton parish], co. Lanc., 707.

Orreton, John de, 50 (p. 23), 51 (p. 28), 515 (p. 305).

Orretonskales, co. Cumb., 515 (p. 303).

Orrewell, co. Camb. See Orwell.

Orsett, Orsethe, co. Essex, 266.

Orton, Overton [in Wombourne parish], co. Staff., 428 (p. 258).
-, ……, Overton, co. Westm., manor, 155.

Orwell, Orrewell, Orewell, co. Camb., 391.
-, ……, manor, 391.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 410.

Osbarnestoun, co. Pemb., 518 (p. 336).

Osborne, Austeburn, co. Hants, I. of W., manor, 22.

Osclef, co. Lanc. See Oxcliffe.

Osenye, abbot of. See Osney.

Osewaldestre, Osewastre, co. Salop. See Oswestry.

Osgodby [Kirkby with], co. Linc., 343.

Osgodeby, Osgotteby, Adam de, 13.
-, ……, John son of John de, 13.
-, ……, Walter de, 13, 173.

Osmotherley, Osmundreley, Osmunderlay, co. York, manor, 50 (p. 23), 51 (p. 26).

Osmunderlay, Osmundreley, co. York. See Osmotherley.

Osney, Osenye, co. Oxford, abbot of, 124.

Osolvyston, co. Leic. See Owston.

Ospringe, Osprenge, co. Kent, court at, 181.

Oswestry, Osewastre, Osewaldestre, co. Salop, castle, 490, 720.

Otby, Otteby [in Walesby parish], co. Linc., manor, 536.

Oterhampton, co. Somers. See Otterhampton.

Otley, Ottele, co. Suff., manor, 612 (p. 386).
-, ……, ……, advowson, 612 (p. 392).
-, ……, Ottele, co. York, manor, 713.

Otringham, co. York. See Ottringham.

Otteby, co. Linc. See Otby.

Otteby, Ranulph de, knight, 536.

Ottele, co. Suff. See Otley.
-, ……, co. York. See Otley.

Otterhampton, Oterhampton, co. Somers., 57.

Otterington, North, co. York, Thornton le Moor in, q.v.

Ottery, Mohun’s [in Luppit parish], co. Devon, manor, 478.

Ottringham, Otringham, co. York, 223 (p. 133), 277.

Oudeby. See Outheby.

Ouenhalle, co. Kent. See Overhill.

Ouerby, Alan, 60 (p. 49).

Oughterby, Ughtreby [in Kirk Bampton parish, co. Cumb.], 238 (p. 143).

Oughtred, Roger, 435.

Oulecombe, co. Devon. See Owlacombe.
-, ……, co. Devon. See Wollacombe.

Oulecotes, co. York. See Alcoats.

Oulepenne, John de, 475.

Oulethourne, co. Sussex, hundred, 752.

Ouneby, co. Linc. See Owmby.

Ouneby, Thomas de, 355.
-, ……, Alexander de, 355.
-, ……, Walter de, 355.
-, ……, William de, and Beatrice his wife, 355.

Ouresby, co. Linc. See Owersby.

Ousby, Ulvesby, Ullysby, co. Cumb., 298, 378 (pp. 223, 224).

Ouseburn, Great, Usburn, co. York [W.R.], manor, 389, 576.

Outheby, Oudeby, Roger de, 672.

Outlawe, William, 518 (p. 327).

Ovedale. See Uvedale.

Ovenden [in Halifax parish], co. York, 334.

Overblechele, co. Buck. See Bletchley.

Overden, co. Devon. See Dean.

Overegorther, co. Salop. See Gwarthlow.

Overepenne, co. Staff. See Penn.

Overheyton, co. Salop. See Hayton.

Overhill, Ovenhulle [in Boxley parish], co. Kent, court of, 564.

Overstrand, co. Norf. See Honestronde(?).

Overthorp by Warsop, co. Nott., 386.

Overton, co. Flint, manor, 43.
-, ……, Cold, Cold Ovirton, Coldoverton, Cold Oyvrton, co. Leic., manor, 699 (p. 430), 700 (p. 434).
-, ……, ……, advowson, 699 (p. 430), 700 (p. 434).
-, ……, co. Salop [in Richards Castle parish, co. Heref.], 54 (p. 40).
-, ……, co. Somers., 710 (p. 452).
-, ……, co. Staff. See Orton.
-, ……, co. Westm. See Orton.

Overton, Overtone, John de, 384.
-, ……, Richard de, 54 (p. 40).
-, ……, Thomas de, 54 (p. 40), 428 (pp. 258, 260).

Overtoynton, co. Linc. See Toynton.

Overwent, co. Monm., honour, 518 (p. 323).

Oving, co. Buck., 428 (p. 257).

Ovingham, Ovyngeham, co. N’humb., 607 (p. 379).
-, ……, advowson, 607 (p. 382).

Ovington, Oviton, co. Essex, manor, 587.
-, ……, …… See Belchamp.
-, ……, Ulvyngton [in Forcett parish], co. York, 49.

Ovirton, co. Leic. See Overton.

Ovyngeham, co. N’humb. See Ovingham.

Ovyrton, co. Leic. See Overton.

Owersby, Ouresby, co. Linc., 343, 410.

Owlacombe, Oulecombe [in Roborough parish], co. Devon, 710 (p. 451).

Owmby, Ouneby, co. Linc., 355.

Owston, Osolvyston, co. Leic., abbot of, 708 (p. 443).

Oxclif, Nicholas de, 415.

Oxcliffe, Osclef [in Lancaster parish], co. Lanc., 559.

Oxcomb, Oxcumb, co. Linc., 60 (p. 49).
-, ……, manor, 41.
-, ……, advowson, 41.

Oxcroft [in Bolsover parish?], co. Derby, 746.

Oxcumb, co. Linc. See Oxcombe.

Oxele, co. Staff. See Oxley.

Oxeney, Alexander de, 753.

Oxewick [co. Norf.]. See Oxwick.

Oxford, studies at, 43.
-, ……, St. Frideswide’s priory, 238 (p. 141).
-, ……, ……, prior of, 53.
-, ……, Merton, master and scholars of, 116.

Oxford, earl of, 186 (p. 113), 307, 311, 357, 393, 422 (p. 248), 510, 517 (p. 311), 741.

Oxley, Oxele [in Bushley parish], co. Staff., 428 (p. 258).

Oxted, Ocstede, co. Surrey, manor, 670.

Oxwick, Oxewick [co. Norf.], 518 (p. 330).

Oysterlow, Ostrelof, Oystrelof, [co. Pemb.], commote, 518 (pp. 324, 339).

Ozleworth, Asschelworth, co. Glouc., 86.