Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 72

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 72', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 72', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 72". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III. (London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 72

OXFORD. Proof of age, 14 July, 17 Edward III (defective).
John de Stonorde, aged 50 years, says that the said Maud is 16 years of age and more, for she was born at Staunton Seynt Johan, co. Oxford, and was baptized in the church there; and this he remembers because on the same day he dined with Master Nicholas de Oxford, parson of the church of the said town, by reason of an agreement made between William, bailiff of the same Master, and Henry de Codesdon.
John Frankeleyn of Staunton, aged 40 years and more, says that the said Maud is of full age, and this he knows because on the day she was baptized John, his first-born son, was buried in the said church.
Richard de la Wose, aged 40 years and more, says that the said Maud will complete 17 years on Monday next after St. James the Apostle, and this he knows because he was present at the baptism with Thomas atte Vente (?), godfather of the said Maud, at the request of the said Thomas.
John Frankeleyn of Halghton, aged 40 years, says the said Maud is of full age, and this he knows because he was on the same day with Henry de Codesdon at a certain love day (diem amoris) between the said Henry, and William bailiff of the parson of the church of the said town.
Henry de S … rde, aged 40 years, says that the said Maud will be 17 years of age on Monday next after St. James the Apostle, and this he knows because on the same day he demised to Geoffrey Frikon a …. curtilage in Couele, for the said Geoffrey’s life.
[John] son of Thomas, aged 40 years, says that the said Maud is 16 years of age and [more …., and this he knows because on the same day Thomas de Stonford, father of the said John, died.
[Henry de Codesdon?], aged 60 years, says that the said Maud is of full age, and this he knows because on the same day on which she was baptized he had a love day between the said Henry, and William bailiff of the parson of the church of the said town.
[William Bruk (?)], aged 40 years, says that the said Maud will be 17 years of age on ….. Peter in Cathedra, and this he knows because John Bruk (?), father of the said William, demised to Stephen Lovel …. Whetele for a term of years, which the said John acquired to him and the said William and his heirs.
[John Basset,] aged 40 years, says that the said Maud is of full age, and this he knows because [John] son of John le Frankeleyn of Staunton, whom the said John Basset lifted from the sacred font, was buried on the same day.
….., aged 40 years and more, says that the said Maud was … on Monday next before St. Peter in Cathedra, in the church of St. John, Staunton, and this he knows because on the same day an oblation was offered for the soul of John son of John le Frankeleyn.
….., 40 (?) years, says that the said Maud is of full age, [and this he knows] because in the same year …… Alice Simondhis godmother of the said Maud, ……………………………………….
C. Edw. III. File 72. (1.)
DEVON. Proof of age made at Exeter on Monday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 17 Edward III (fragment).
[Thom]as de Oulecombe, aged 60 years, says that the said Margaret was 14 years of age and more on the feast of St. Luke last, for she was born at Stoke in Hamme on Wednesday next before St. Luke, 3 Edward III, and was baptized in the church of St. Humbert the Confessor there by Sir Geoffrey de Fernham, perpetual vicar there; and this he knows because the said Thomas de Monte Hermerii, father of the said Margaret, took, on the day she was born, two does in his park of Stoke in Hamme, whereof the said Thomas de Oulecombe had one skin.
….. de Wasshebourne, aged 50 years, agrees in all things with the said Thomas de Oulecombe……
……., agrees ………………………………………………
C. Edw. III. File 72. (2.)
Writ to the escheator to take the proof of age of the said John, who was born at Edelesburgh, co. Buckingham, and baptized in the church there; warning Thomas le Botiller, who has the wardship &c. by the grant of William de la Marche, to whom the king granted the same, to be present at the taking of the proof, 1 May, [17] Edward III.
BUCKINGHAM. Proof of age, Saturday before St. Dunstan, 17 Edward III.
Stephen de Boweles of Edlesbourgh, says that the said John was 21 years of age on the eve of the Annunciation last, and this he knows because he had a brother named John, who was godfather of the said John FitzJohan, and lived after the birth of the said John FitzJohan until Hockday after Easter, 15 King Edward II, on which day he died, after whose death a certain tenement in Edlesbourgh reverted to the said Stephen.
William Cokerel, of Northale, says the like, and knows it because he had a son named Roger born on the same day as the said John, and baptized in the church of Edlesbourgh.
Richard le Knycht of Eyton, says the like, and knows it because he had seisin of a messuage and 3a. land in Edlesbourgh on the same day on which the said John was born, and he knows it by the date of the writing, viz. in 15 Edward II.
William Mathe of Ivyngho, says the like, and knows it because on the same day he raised a certain grange in his close of Ivyngho, and at the same time there came there a certain woman, servant of Walter FitzJohan, who told him that the said John was born on the same day, and the said grange was raised in 15 Edward II.
William Bollok says the like, and knows it because his son William took priest’s orders in the same year in which the said John was born, and he knows it by the date of his letters of orders.
Richard Cobbe of Pychelesthorne says the like, and knows it because Alice Cobbe, his mother, died about the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 15 Edward II, in the same year in which the said John was born.
Robert de Stepynge says the like, and knows it because on Sunday next after the said feast of the Annunciation, 15 Edward II, in which year the said John was born, he was in a certain company at Dunstaple, and there came one announcing to them that Walter FitzJohan had a son born on the said eve of the Annunciation, baptized in the church of Edlesbourgh, and called by the name of John.
Simon le Smyth of Edlesbourgh, says the like, and knows it because on the same day, [15] Edward II, [he came?] from London, and between Watford and Berkhamstede he met Richard, a servant of the said Walter FitzJohan, who told him that his master on the same day had a son born, baptized &c.
Matthew de Tee says the like, and knows it because in the same year [he was appointed by (?)] the bishop of Winchester keeper of his wood of Ivyngho, where there came to the said Matthew from the said bishop on the eve of the Annunciation, 15 Edward II, on which day the said John was born, a warrant to sell the underwood there, and to show his said warrant to the said Stephen (sic) at the house of John FitzHuwe of Edlesbourgh touching the aforesaid sale, (where there?) came one announcing to him that Walter FitzJohan had a son born and called by the name of John.
John Staloun of Northhal, says the like, and knows it because on Sunday next after the said Annunciation, [15] Edward II, he was at a certain purification (feast) at the house of John Lytholf of Pichelesthorn, where there came a certain woman, announcing to them that the said Walter had a son &c.
Adam Portereve says the like, and knows it because on the same day he was at a certain court of the rector of Asherugge at Pychele-thorn, to which the said Walter owed suit, and the said Walter ordered [his] groom (garcionem) … who there related that the said Walter’s wife had been delivered of a son on the eve of the Annunciation, 15 Edward II &c.
John de Blakeweye says the like, and knows it because on the same feast of the Annunciation, 15 Edward II, he bought a certain tenement in the said town of Edlesbourgh, … taken publicly, it was related that the said Walter had a son born &c. as above.
C. Edw. III. File 72. (3.)
Writ (missing).
NORTHUMBERLAND. Extent, Monday after All Saints, 17 Edward III.
Rodom. A wasted capital messuage and 40a. arable in demesne, eight messuages (and) 96a. arable in bondage, which used to be worth yearly in time of peace 56s., but now only 28s., because burned and destroyed by war, held for his life of the gift of the present king; and 6a. wood and 3a. meadow, held for life. The reversion of the said lands &c. belongs to the king because Adam, son of Henry de Rodom, forfeited the same by adhering to the Scots, the king’s rebels and enemies. The said Adam held the same of the lord of Ilderton by homage and fealty and service of 2s. yearly, and 3s. 10 1/4d. yearly at the castle of Bamburg for truncage and 30d. yearly at the king’s exchequer of Newcastle-upon-Tyne by the hands of the lord of the barony of earl Patrick. All grain growing in the said bondages ought to be ground at the mill of Russheden up to 13 bushels (ad xiii vas).
(C. Edw. III. File 72. (4.)
Writ, 18 January, 17 Edward III.
LANCASTER. Inq. taken at Dalton in Fourneys, 20 April, 18 Edward III.
Revesset in Ulvereston. 7a. land held of the king, as of the lands &c. which were of William de Coucy, deceased, which are in the king’s hand, by fealty and suit at the court of Ulvereston every three weeks, and by service of 6 1/2d. yearly.
Asmundrelawe. A capital messuage with garden, lands, rent and a water-mill (extent given), held of Matthew de Redemane of Kendale by knight’s service, and by service of 3s. 2 1/2d. yearly.
He died on 20 December last. William his son, aged 17 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 72. (5.)
480. JOHN DE WESTON, knight.
Writ, 18 October, 17 Edward III.
SOUTHAMPTON; ISLE OF WIGHT. Inq. taken at Neuport on Saturday after the Annunciation, 18 Edward III.
La Clyve. A messuage and 40a. land held jointly with Margaret his wife, of the king in chief, as of the honour of the castle of Caresbrok, by service of suit of court at the king’s court of ‘knyghtenecourt’ at Neuport every three weeks; to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John.
Midelton. A messuage and a carucate of land similarly held of Sir Bartholomew de Insula, knight, by knight’s service.
He died on 7 October, 17 Edward III. William de Weston, clerk, his brother, aged 40 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 72. (6.)
Writ to the escheator within the liberty of Holdernesse, 17 November, 17 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at Hedon on Thursday before St. Gregory the Pope, 18 Edward III.
Aldravenser. 6d. rent issuing from a carucate and a half of land, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Aumale, by fealty and service of rendering to the king 6d. yearly for the ward of the castle of Skipse; which land was held of the said Stephen, who was bound to defend the same against the king as mesne between the king and the tenants of the said land.
Sywardeby. 4 1/4d. rent issuing from a carucate of land, held of the king in chief by fealty and service of rendering to the king 3d. of silver yearly for the ward of the said castle; which carucate was held of the said Stephen in like manner, who was bound as abovesaid.
He held no lands &c. in his demesne as of fee on the day he died.
Thorp by Wellewyk. A messuage, a carucate and three bovates and a half of land, and 2s. rent issuing from half a bovate of land, held of the archbishop of York by knight’s service.
Wythomwyk. Six bovates of land held of Lady Margery, late the wife of William de Ros of Hamelak, by fealty and service of rendering to her a sore sparrowhawk or 3s. yearly.
Attyngwyk. Six cottages and five bovates of land held of Margaret, daughter of William de Harum, by knight’s service.
He died on 14 October, 17 Edward III. Stephen his son, aged 30 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 72. (7.) 482.
Writ, 16 January, 17 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. 14 February, 18 Edward III.
Kaylesthorp by Louth. The manor held of the king in chief by service of two parts of a knight’s fee.
Bleseby by Rasen. A messuage, two tofts and a carucate and a bovate of land, held, of the right of Beatrice his wife, of the abbot of Louth Park and the prior of Sixhill by service of 35s. yearly. The said Beatrice ought to hold the said tenements to herself and the heirs of the bodies of the said Thomas and Beatrice.
He died on Thursday next after St. Hilary last. William his son, aged 40 years on the feast of All Saints last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 72. (8.)
483. JOHN, SON AND HEIR OF JOHN DE CLAVILE, who held of the honour of Gloucester late in the king’s hand.
Writ to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset, to take the proof of age of the said John, who was born at Bradeford in Dorset, and baptized in the church of Wychampton, as is said, and says he is of full age and seeks the lands &c. of his inheritance, which are in the wardship of Geoffrey de Roiston (?) by the king’s commission, 26 March, 17 Edward III.
C. Edw. III. File 72. (9.)
SALOP. Inq. made at Shrewsbury (Salop’) 24 July, 17 Edward III.
Cymynton. A messuage, a carucate of land, 1a. meadow, a several pasture, underwood (and) a mill, held of the king in chief, by the King’s grant, by service of 18d. yearly at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 43.
Writ, 2 May, 17 Edward III.
DORSET. Inq. 8 May, 17 Edward III.
Stormynstre Mareschal. A messuage and a carucate of land held to himself and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Theobald his brother and the heirs male of his body, as more fully appears by a fine levied in the king’s court. He died without heir male of his body, and the tenements ought to remain to the said Theobald his brother: they are held of the earl of Pembrouk by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly.
He died . . March, 17 Edward III. Ralph Russel, his brother, aged 26 and more, is his next heir.
Writ to the escheator referring to the above inquisition and commanding him not to intermeddle further with the manor of Stormynstre Mareschal, 21 May, 17 Edward III.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 44.