Journal, July 1767: Volume 74

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 12, January 1764 - December 1767. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Journal, July 1767: Volume 74', in Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 12, January 1764 - December 1767, ed. K H Ledward (London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].

'Journal, July 1767: Volume 74', in Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 12, January 1764 - December 1767. Edited by K H Ledward (London, 1936), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,

"Journal, July 1767: Volume 74". Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 12, January 1764 - December 1767. Ed. K H Ledward (London, 1936), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.

Journal, July 1767

Wednesday, July 1st. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Nova Scotia, St. John.

fo. 201.

Their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of the applications made for grants of land in the Island of St. John, and several of the proponents, and agents of others, attending, they were respectively heard in what they had to offer in support of their petitions.

Friday, July 3rd. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

East Florida, Georgia.

fo. 202.

The Secretary laid before the Board two memorials prepared by the King's agents for the affairs of East Florida and Georgia, to be presented to the Treasury, praying that the moneys granted for the service of those colonies for the year 1767, may be issued to them, and their lordships approved of the said memorials being presented to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, for their directions thereupon.


fo. 203.

Their lordships then took into consideration a memorial of Mr. John Wadman, praying for an exclusive grant of a porpoise fishery on a certain part of the coast of Virginia, which memorial was referred to this Board by an Order of the Committee of Council on the 23rd of May last, mentioned in the minutes of the 28th, and Mr. Wadman attending, was heard in what he had to offer in support of his application.

Their lordships, on consideration thereof, did not judge it advisable to recommend the making such grant.


New Jersey.

fo. 204.


The draught of a letter to the Earl of Shelburne, upon the subject of the proceedings of the Lieutenant Governor and Council of Jamaica, in the case of the late Collector of the Customs there, and inclosing a copy of the Attorney and Solicitor General's report thereupon, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved, and it was ordered, that it should be transcribed; as were also draughts of a representation to his Majesty on the Act of New Jersey, mentioned in the minutes of Tuesday last; and of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council, containing a state of the priviledges appertaining to townships in the Province of Massachusets Bay.

Tuesday, July 7th. Present:—Lord Bishop of London, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

New York.

fo. 205.

Their lordships took into consideration the petition of the Presbyterian Church in New York, praying for a Charter of Incorporation, and it was ordered, that the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council thereupon should be prepared.

Wednesday, July 8th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Nova Scotia, Island of St. John.

fo. 206.

The Board took into consideration the merits and pretensions of such of the proponents for land in the Island of St. John, as had either personally or by their agents appeared before their lordships to support their petitions; and agreed to recommend to the Lords of the Committee of Council, to advise his Majesty to cause the several lots or townships, into which the said island is divided, to be granted under the Seal of the Province of Nova Scotia to the said proponents, according to the following distribution; that is to say:—

fo. 207.

fo. 208.

Nova Scotia, Island of St. John.

fo. 209.

fo. 210.

fo. 211.

William Fitzherbert, esquire, M.P. 1.
Robert Campbell, merchant
William Mathew Burt, esquire, M.P. 1.
John Callender, esquire
Alexander Fordyce, esquire 1.
Robert Gordon, esquire
Gordon Graham, lieutenant colonel 1.
Robert Porter, esquire
Samuel Touchet, esquire 1.
James Cunningham, lieutenant colonel
Gabriel Christie, lieutenant colonel 1.
James Stevenson, captain
Henry Gladwin, lieutenant colonel 1.
Peter Innes, captain
George Spence 1.
John Mill
Hutchinson Mure 1.
Robert Cathcart
Samuel Smith 1.
James Smith
James Searle 1.
John Russel Spence
Stewart Douglas, lieutenant colonel 1.
William Douglas
Stair Douglas
John Tutte 1.
David Forbes
John Hayter
Richard Huck 1.
John Williams
George Campbell
Francis Mackay 1.
Samuel Mackay
Hugh Finlay
Bingham Burke 1.
Theobald Burke
John Wrightson 1.
Daniel Shaw
William Spry 1.
James Barker
James Hunter 1.
William Hunter
Richard Wright 1.
Hugh Owens
Lord Viscount Townshend 1.
Sir Charles Saunders 1.
Sir George Bridges Rodney 1.
Honourable Augustus Keppell 1.
Richard Spry 1.
Hugh Palliser 1.
John Campbell 1.
Philip Stephens 1.
Simon Lutterell 1.
Arnold Nisbett 1.
William Young 1.
William Crowle 1.
Samuel Holland 1.
Joshua Mauger 1.
John Pownall 1.
Edward Lewis 1.
Chauncy Townshend 1.
John Dickson 1.
Adam Drummond 1.
James Murray 1.
Honourable Robert Moore 1.
Alexander Maitland 1.
Richard Maitland 1.
John Pringle 1.
John Murray 1.
Robert Adair 1.
Richard Worge 1.
Hunt Walsh 1.
Guy Carleton 1.
James Montgomery 1.
Richard Cumberland 1.
Robert Stewart 1.
Peter Gordon
Walter Paterson 1.
John Patterson
Theodore Haultain 1.
Thomas Bassett
Lauchlin MacLeane 1.
Henry MacLeane
John Gordon 1.
William Ridge
Allan MacLeane 1.
Lauchlin MacLeane
Charles Lee 1.
Francis MacLeane
Archibald Kennedy 1.
James Campbell
William Allanby 1.
John Stewart
Simon Fraser 1.
James Abercrombie 1.
John Campbell 1.
John MacDonnell 1.
George Spence 1.
John Mill
George Burns
Hutchinson Mure 1.
Robert Cathcart
David Higgins

Resolved, that it be recommended, that the lots on Mr. Holland's survey, hereunto annexed, (appendix no. 1) marked no. 40 and 59, be absolutely granted; the former to Messrs. Spence, Mure and Burns, the other to Messrs. Mill, Cathcart and Higgins; in consideration of the expence they have been at in establishing a fishery, and making improvements on this island; in consequence of assurances given to Messrs. Mure, Spence, Mill and Cathcart, in the year 1764, that they should have a choice of situation.

fo. 212.

Resolved, that the remainder of the lots or townships, as marked on Mr. Holland's said survey, be ballotted for by the persons, whose names are contained in the above list, in the following manner, that is to say:—

fo. 213.

That the name of such person, to whom a township is to be separately granted, and also the name of any one of the proponents associated together, (and to which associates one or more townships are to be granted) be respectively wrote on a slip of paper or ticket; that the said slips of paper be put into a ballotting box, and that a day be appointed for drawing out the same by some indifferent person; that the person whose name shall be contained in the first drawn ticket, shall be intitled to Lot 1, and if it be the name of him, who answers for an associated number, such association shall be intitled to as many other lots following numerically in order of progression, as are allotted above to the said association; and that this rule of determination, (except in the case of the two lots no. 40 and 59), be followed until all the tickets are drawn out.

Resolved, that it be recommended, that the several townships be granted on the following conditions and reservations; that is to say:—

fo. 214.

1st. That the quit rents, to be reserved on the several lots, be, as near as may be, proportioned to the value of the lands, all circumstances of convenience and advantage considered.

fo. 214.

Nova Scotia, Island of St. John.

2ndly That a quit rent of 6s. per 100 acres be reserved to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, on lots 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64. 3rdly That a quit rent of 4s. per 100 acres be reserved on lots 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 61, 62, 65.

4thly That a quit rent of 2s. per 100 acres be reserved on lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 20, 30, 51, 60, 67.

fo. 215.

5thly That the several foregoing quit rents be payable on the feast of St. Michael, or within fourteen days after, in every year; to commence and become payable upon one half of the land on the said feast of St. Michael, which shall first happen after the expiration of five years from the date of the grant; and to be payable on every ensuing feast of St. Michael, or within fourteen days after, and the whole quantity to be subject in like manner to the like annual quit rent, at the expiration of ten years.

fo. 216.

6thly That there be a reservation to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, of all such parts of each township respectively, as have already been set apart, or shall hereafter be thought necessary to be set apart, for erecting fortifications, building wharfs, inclosing naval yards, or laying out highways for the convenience of communication between one part of the island and another.

7thly That there be also a reservation in a proper part of each township of one hundred acres of land for the scite of a church, and as a glebe for a minister of the Gospel, and thirty acres for a schoolmaster.

fo. 217.
8thly That, in order to promote and encourage the fishery, for which many parts of this island are conveniently situated, there be a clause in the grant of each township that abuts upon the sea shore, containing a reservation of liberty to all his Majesty's subjects in general of carrying on a free fishery on the coasts of the said township, and of erecting stages and other necessary buildings for the said fishery within the distance of 500 feet from high water mark.

fo. 218.

9thly That there be a reservation to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, of all mines of gold, silver and coals.

10thly That the grantee or grantees of each township do settle the same within ten years from the date of the grant, in the proportion of one person to every two hundered acres.

fo. 218.

11thly That if one third of the land is not settled in the mentioned proportion, within four years from the date of the grant, the whole be forfeited to his Majesty his heirs and successors.

12thly That the settlers so to be introduced be Protestants, from such parts of Europe as are not within his Majesty's dominions; or such persons, as have resided within his Majesty's dominions in America for two years antecedent to the date of the grants.

fo. 219.

Resolved, that it be recommended, that all such parts of the Island of St. John, as have been reserved and set apart for the building of towns, as delineated upon the survey, and expressed and described in the explanatory table referring thereto, appendix no. 2, hereunto annexed, be laid out for that purpose in manner following, that is to say:—

That the number of lots for houses in each town, and the extent of the town itself, be determined at the discretion of the surveyor appointed to lay out the said town, and who is to exercise his judgment in this matter, according to the nature and situation of the ground.

fo. 220.

That great care be taken in laying out the ground for each town, that proper parts thereof are reserved and allotted for the scite of a church, town house, market, and other necessary buildings.

That the lots for houses be of different extent, so that none do exceed sixty feet in front, and one hundred feet in depth, nor less than twenty feet in front, and thirty feet in depth.

That after the scite of the town shall have been so laid out, fixed and ascertained, the remainder of the land contained in the reservation marked upon the survey, be disposed of in manner following, that is to say:—

fo. 221.

That a proper district, and in a convenient situation, be marked out and set apart for a common to each town, of such extent as shall be proportioned to the size of the town.

That the residue of the lands be laid out into pasture lots, proportioned in number and extent to the number and size of the town lots; allowing one acre of pasture lot for every ten feet of the town lot.

fo. 222.

That if the residue of the town lots, over and above what shall be necessary for the town, shall not be sufficient in quantity for common and pasture lots, according to the above plan; that the land to be assigned to each town lot for a pasture, shall be less in quantity, keeping however the same proportion; and if on the contrary, there should be more than sufficient for the above purpose, according to the said proportion, the surplus to remain as demesne lands of the Crown, subject to such future disposition as his Majesty shall direct.

fo. 223.

Resolved, that it be recommended, that the abovementioned town and pasture lots be granted in fee simple under the Seal of the Province of Nova Scotia, to such person or persons as will give proper security to build, within a reasonable time, upon the town lot; and to inclose and fence, and properly clear for pasture, the lots set apart for that purpose, but no one person to have a grant of more than one town and pasture lot.

That in every grant of a town and pature lot, there be a reservation to his Majesty, his heirs and sucessors, of a ground rent on the town lot, of one penny for every foot in front, and a quit rent on the pasture lot of three pence per acre.

fo. 224.

That the foregoing ground rent and quit rent shall be payable on the feast of St. Michael, or within fourteen days after in every year, to commence and become payable on the said feast of St. Michael, which shall first happen after the expiration of two years from the date of the grant.

Nova Scotia, Island of St. John.

fo. 225.

Resolved, that it be recommended, that the lot 66 be reserved also as demesne lands of the Crown, subject in like manner to future directions from his Majesty, his heirs and successors.

Resolved, that notice be given by advertisement in the London Gazette, to all such persons as have appeared in support of the several applications for lands in the Island of St. John, to attend the Board on Friday, the 17th instant, in order that they may be informed of the Board's determination upon their respective petitions, and of the manner in which, and the terms and conditions whereon, the said lands will be granted.

New Jersey, Massachusetts, Jamaica.

fo. 226.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty on an Act of New Jersey; and also of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council, on the privileges appertaining to townships in the Massachusetts Bay; and of a letter to Lord Shelburne on the subject of the proceedings of the Lieutenant Governor and Council of Jamaica, in the case of the late Collector of the Customs, having been transcribed pursuant to order, were signed; as was also a representation to his Majesty, with the draught of a Commission for the Governor of Jamaica, prepared pursuant to order.

New York.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the petition of the Presbyterian Church in the Province of New York, praying for a Charter of Incorporation, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved, and it was ordered to be transcribed.

West Florida, Nova Scotia, Plantations General.

fo. 227.

The Secretary laid before the Board memorials, prepared to be presented to the Lords of the Treasury, by the King's agents of West Florida and Nova Scotia, and also by the attorneys of Messrs. Holland and De Brahm, praying that the monies granted for the service of those colonies, and for general surveys, may be issued to them, and their lordships approved of the said memorials being presented to the Treasury Board, for their directions thereupon.

Thursday, July 9th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

fo. 228.


Read a memorial of Mr. Isaac Levy of London, merchant, to the Board, praying that compensation may be made to him for his right to a moiety of certain islands in the Province of Georgia, and that their lordships would report upon his petition to his Majesty, which was referred to them.

fo. 229.

Their lordships, upon consideration of the said memorial and of all former proceedings had upon his former petition, were of opinion, that, though Mr. Levy's case appeared to be attended with circumstances of great hardship, yet it would not be adviseable for his Majesty to make any compensation to Mr. Levy on the ground on which he asks it, or to do any act that might in the least degree admit or imply a right in Mr. and Mrs. Bosomworth to the lands and islands in question.

East Florida.

Read an Order of the King in Council, dated June 26th, 1767, referring to the Board, for their consideration and report to a Committee of Council, several petitions for grants of land in the Province of East Florida, in order to the making of settlements thereupon.

Ordered, that the several petitions, referred by the above order, do lye by for further consideration, when the parties interested shall appear to prosecute their suits.

North Carolina.

fo. 230.

Read an Order of the King in Council, dated June 26th, 1767, directing the Board to prepare and lay before his Majesty the draught of an additional instruction to the Governor of North Carolina, requiring him to get an Act passed for making provision for clergymen, who officiate during the suspension of ministers.

Ordered, that the draught of an additional instruction to the Governor of North Carolina, conformable to the directions of the said order, be prepared.

Georgia, South Carolina.

fo. 231.

Read an Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council, dated June 30th, 1767, directing draughts of additional instructions to the Governors of South Carolina and Georgia, respecting the grants made in the former of those provinces, of lands to the southward of the River Alatamaha.

Ordered, that draughts of additional instructions to the Governors of South Carolina and Georgia, conformable to the said order, be prepared.

Friday, July 10th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson, Sir Edward Hawke.


fo. 232.

Their lordships took into consideration an Order of the Lords of the Committee of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, made on the 29th of November, 1766, and mentioned in the minutes of the 17th of February last, referring to the Lords of the Admiralty and to this Board a memorial of William Bollan, esquire, his Majesty's Advocate for the Province of Massachusets Bay, respecting the inefficiency of the present regulations for preserving white pine trees in America, and proposing a method for securing a perpetual supply of masts, etc., for the Royal Navy.

fo. 233.

After some time spent in the consideration of this business, (the Comptroller and Surveyor of the Navy attending), Mr. Bollan was ordered in, and asked several questions relative to the subject matter of his memorial, and upon his expressing a wish to be allowed to lay what he had to offer before the Board on this subject according to a plan which he had prescribed to himself for this purpose, their lordships agreed to appoint Thursday next, the 16th instant, for hearing what he had to offer in support of his memorial.

New York.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the petition of the Presbyterian Church of New York, praying for a Charter of Incorporation, having been transcribed pursuant to order, was signed.


fo. 234.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the petitions of Mr. Henry Mounier and Mr. Francis Mounier, praying for a grant to each of ten thousand acres of land in Quebec, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved and ordered to be transcribed.


fo. 235.

Monday, July 13th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert.

The draught of a report upon the memorial of Messrs. Mounier of Quebec, praying each for ten thousand acres of land in that province, having been transcribed pursuant to order was signed.

South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina.

The draughts of additional instructions to the Governors of South Carolina and Georgia, respecting the grants of lands made by Governor Boone to the south of the Alatamaha; and also the draught of an additional instruction to the Governor of North Carolina, recommending an amendment of the Act for establishing an orthodox clergy, having been prepared pursuant to order, were approved, and a representation to his Majesty with the latter one, and a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council with the two former ones, were signed.

fo. 236.

Bermuda, Georgia.

Their lordships read and considered five Acts passed in the Bermuda Islands in October 1766; also seventeen Acts passed in Georgia in November 1765 and March 1766, together with Sir Mathew Lamb's reports thereupon, and it was ordered, that the draught of a representation to his Majesty should be prepared, proposing a disallowance of a Georgia Act, intitled an Act for encouraging settlers, etc.

Ordered, that such other of the abovementioned Acts, as have not expired by their own limitation, do lye by untill the further effect and operation of them shall be known.

fo. 237.

East Florida.

Their lordships took into consideration a memorial of Sir Edward Hawke, praying for a grant of twenty thousand acres of land in East Florida, referred by the Order of the King in Council of the 26th of June last, and it was ordered, that the draught of a report thereupon to the Lords of the Committee of Council should be prepared.

Tuesday, July 14th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Dyson, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Trade, Portugal.

fo. 238.

Their lordships took into consideration that part of their representation to his Majesty of the 10th of March last, upon the state of our commerce with Portugal, which contains a reply to the arguments of the Minister of Portugal, in support of a reciprocity of privileges of commerce, and upon consulting the 15th Article of a Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain, Portugal and the States General, signed on the 16th of May 1703, and unknown to the Board at the time of their former representation, a supplemental representation was agreed to and ordered to be prepared for signing tomorrow.

fo. 239.

Wednesday, July 15th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Dyson, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Trade, Africa.

Their lordships took into consideration several papers referred to them, relative to a claim of the Dutch West India Company to an exclusive possession of Cape Appollonia, mentioned in the minutes of the 3rd of February last, and the following papers from the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa relative thereto were read.
fo. 240.
Letter from Mr. Poirier, Secretary to the African Committee, to the Secretary to this Board, dated May 1st, 1767, with several papers annexed respecting the Dutch West India Company's claim to Cape Appollonia, and also remarks of the African Committee, in answer to the said Company's memorial.
Copies of letters from the Governor of Cape Coast Castle, and of one from the Chief of Appollonia, to the African Committee, also of a protest of the Dutch Director General and Council against the proceedings of the English at Cape Appollonia, and the Governor of Cape Coast's answer thereto.

fo. 241.

Upon full consideration of these papers, it was ordered, that the draught of a representation to his Majesty on the memorial of the Dutch West India Company should be prepared.

Trade, Portugal.

The draught of a supplemental representation to his Majesty on the state of our commerce with Portugal, having been prepared pursuant to order, was transcribed and signed; as was also a letter to the Earl of Shelburne inclosing it, and desiring him to lay it before his Majesty.

Thursday, July 16th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson, Sir Edward Hawke.


fo. 242.

Their lordships, attended by the Comptroller and Surveyor of the Navy, took into further consideration Mr. Bollan's memorial relative to the means of securing in America a supply of masts for the Royal Navy, and Mr. Bollan having been fully heard in what he had to offer in support of his memorial, it was agreed to meet again on Wednesday next, to consider of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council thereupon.


The draught of a representation to his Majesty on the Act of Georgia for encouraging the importation of Protestant settlers into that colony, mentioned in the minutes of Monday last, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved and ordered to be transcribed.

fo. 243.

East Florida.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the memorial of Sir Edward Hawke, praying for a grant of lands in East Florida, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved, transcribed and signed.

Friday, July 17th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Island of St. John.

fo. 244.

The several proponents for land in the Island of St. John, (or their agents) who have appeared before their lordships in support of their several petitions, attended, and their lordships' minutes of the 8th instant, relative to the distribution of the several lots, and the terms and conditions whereon they are proposed to be granted, were read to them.

Ordered, that the several lots be ballotted for by the respective proponents on Thursday next, conformable to the plan resolved upon in the said minutes.


The draught of a representation to his Majesty on the Georgia Act for encouraging the importation of Protestant settlers, having been transcribed pursuant to order, was signed.

fo. 245.


Read a letter from the Earl of Shelburne to the Board, dated July 15th, 1767, referring, for their consideration and report, several petitions to his Majesty for the establishment of a government and legislature for Dominica, independent of Grenada, or any other island.

Lord Clare having informed the Board, that General Melvill, Governor of the Grenades, of which this island is now a part, had obtained his Majesty's leave to come to this kingdom, and was expected to arrive shortly, their lordships agreed to postpone the consideration of these papers untill his arrival.

fo. 246.

Tuesday, July 21st. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

South Carolina.

Read a letter from the Earl of Shelburne, dated July 15th, 1767, referring to the Board, for their report, a memorial of the agent of South Carolina, proposing that county sheriffs may be appointed in lieu of a Provost Marshall, on terms mentioned, and for reasons set forth in the said memorial.

Their lordships, upon consideration of the subject matter of the above reference, ordered, that the draught of a letter to the Earl of Shelburne, containing the Board's opinion thereupon, be prepared.

fo. 247.

East Florida.

Several persons (or their agents) whose petitions for lands in East Florida were referred to this Board by an order of the King in Council on the 26th of June last, attended, and were heard in support of their respective petitions; and it was ordered, that the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council should be prepared, recommending that the quantity of land set against each of the undermentioned person's names should be granted to each respectively; that is to say:—

fo. 248.

George Onslow, esquire, M.P. 10,000.
William McGuire, esquire 20,000.
Sir William St. Clair, baronet 10,000.
Robert Short 5,000.
John St. Clair 5,000.
William White 10,000.
David Jennings 10,000.
Robert Willan, M.D. 5,000.
Benjamin Thomas 10,000.
Benjamin Stichall 10,000
Henry Meyerhoffer 10,000.
William Hodgson 10,000
Samuel Tolfrey 10,000
Miller Hill Hunt 10,000.
Christopher Thornton 10,000
John Jackson 10,000
William Faden 10,000

Wednesday, July 22nd. Present:—Lord Clare, Sir Edward Hawke, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Read the following Orders of his Majesty in Council.

New York.

fo. 249.
Order of the King in Council, dated June 26th, 1767, directing the Board to prepare and lay before his Majesty, a draught of an additional instruction for the Governor of New York, to procure a permanent Act to be passed for regulating the militia, and to report his opinion what is likely to be the effect of a new clause inserted in the Militia Act of that province.
Order of the King in Council, dated June 26th, 1767, directing the Board to prepare a draught of an additional instruction for the Governor of New York, requiring him to cause the words (in the West Indies), omitted in the Revenue Act of that province, to be restored upon the publication thereof.
fo. 250.
Order of the King in Council, dated June 26th, 1767, directing the Board to prepared and lay before his Majesty a draught of an additional instruction to the Governor of Massachusets Bay, to procure an amendment to be made in that particular clause in the "Impost Act relative to all British goods coming through the channel of any of the other provinces, etc.
South Carolina, Plantations General.
Order of the King in Council, June 26th, 1767, directing the Board to prepare the draught of an additional instruction to the Governor of South Carolina, requiring him not to assent for the future to any law, by which the Assembly shall be enlarged or diminished, etc.; also a like instruction to the other governors in America.

The draughts of additional instructions conformable to the said orders having been prepared, were approved and ordered to be transcribed.

East Florida, South Carolina.

fo. 251.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council, upon the petitions of several persons for grants of land in East Florida, having been prepared pursuant to order, was signed; as was also a letter to the Earl of Shelburne, upon the petition of the agent of South Carolina relative to the office of Provost Marshall.


Their lordships (the Comptroller and Surveyor of the Navy attending) took into consideration the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council on Mr. Bollan's memorial, relative to the preservation of the woods in America, and the said draught having been agreed to, it was ordered that it should be transcribed.

fo. 252.

The following duplicates of letters from the Governors of Massachusets Bay and Georgia, and from the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, to the Earl of Shelburne, were laid before the Board and read, vizt.,
Duplicate of a letter No. 15, from Francis Bernard, esquire, Governor of the Massachusets Bay, to the Earl of Shelburne, dated May 30th, 1767, relative to the use he has made of his negative in election of councillors; and inclosing his speech to both Houses and their addresses.
Duplicate of a letter from Governor Bernard to the Earl of Shelburne, dated June 6th, 1767, relative to the proceedings of the General Assembly, in consequence of his interposing his negative in the election of councillors, and containing his opinion thereupon.
fo. 253.
Letter from James Wright, esquire, Governor of Georgia, to the Board, dated May 15th, 1767, relative to the conduct of the Assembly, and transmitting,
Abstract of grants registered from the 25th of September, 1766, to the 25th of March, 1767.
Naval Office lists of vessels entered and cleared at the Port of Savannah, from the 5th of October, 1766, to 5th of January, 1767.
Ditto: at Sunbury, from the 5th of July, 1766, to the 5th of October.
fo. 254.
Duplicate of a letter from Francis Fauquier, esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, to the Earl of Shelburne, dated April 27th, 1767, informing his Lordship of his having demanded of the principal officers of government the papers required of their respective offices.
Duplicate of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Fauquier to the Earl of Shelburne, dated April 27th, 1767, relative to the great heat with which the last Session of the Assembly was conducted.
Duplicate of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Fauquier to the Earl of Shelburne, dated May 18th, 1767, transmitting several Acts of the last Session of Assembly and other publick papers.
fo. 255.
Duplicate of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Fauquier to the Earl of Shelburne, dated May the 20th, 1767, transmitting several publick papers respecting the establishment of that colony.
Duplicate of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Fauquier to the Earl of Shelburne, dated May 24th, 1767, relative to the difficulty of bringing murderers of Indians to justice.
Duplicate of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Fauquier to the Earl of Shelburne, dated June 4th, 1767, recommending several gentlemen to be of the Council in that colony.

fo. 256.

Thursday, July 23rd. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Nova Scotia, Island of St. John.

The following distribution of the lots or townships in the Island of St. John, according as they were mentioned upon the map or survey of the island, was this day decided upon in their lordships' presence by ballot, in the form and manner set down in the minutes of the 8th instant, several of the said proponents or their agents attending, vizt.,

fo. 257.

fo. 258.

fo. 259.

fo. 260.

fo. 261.

fo. 262.

Philip Stephens, Secretary to the Lords of the Admiralty 1.
James Hunter; William Hunter, merchants 2.
Chauncey Townshend, esquire, M.P. 3.
Honourable Augustus Keppel 4.
Edward Lewis, esquire, M.P. 5.
William Crowle, esquire 6.
James Montgomery, his Majesty's Advocate General of Scotland 7.
Arnold Nisbett, esquire, M.P. 8.
James Murray, Major General, and Governor of Quebec 9.
Simon Lutterell, esquire, M.P. 10.
Hunt Walsh, Colonel of the 28th Regiment of Foot 11.
Hutchinson Mure; Robert Cathcart, merchants 12.
John Pownall, esquire, Secretary to the Lords of Trade 13.
John Campbell, Captain in the Royal Navy 14.
Guy Carleton, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec 15.
John Tuttè, esquire; David Forbes; John Hayter, lieutenants 16.
Bingham Burke; Theobald Burke, esquires 17.
Robert Stewart, Lieutenant Colonel; William Allanby, Captain 18.
Walter Patterson, Captain; John Patterson 19.
Theodore Holtain; Thomas Basset, Captain 20.
Lachlin MacLeane, esquire, Secretary to the Earl of Shelburne; Henry MacLeane, lieutenant 21.
John Gordon; William Ridge, Captain 22.
Allan MacLeane, Lachlin MacLeane 23.
Charles Lee, Lieutenant Colonel; Francis MacLeane 24.
Archibald Kennedy; James Campbell 25.
John Stewart, lieutenant; Peter Gordon, major 26.
James Searle; John Russel Spence, merchants 27.
Samuel Holland, Captain and Surveyor of Lands 28.
Sir Charles Saunders, Vice Admiral 29.
John Murray, esquire, of Philiphaugh 30.
Adam Drummond, esquire, M.P. 31.
William Young, esquire, Commissioner for sale of lands in the West Indies 32.
Richard Worge, esquire, late colonel 33.
John Dickson, esquire, M.P. 34.
Alexander Maitland, esquire 35.
George Spence, John Mill, merchants 36.
William Spry, captain, James Barker, captain 37.
Simon Fraser, colonel; James Abercrombie, lieutenant colonel; John Campbell, esquire, lieutenant colonel; John Macdonnell, esquire, lieutenant, for themselves and the rest of the officers of the 78th Regiment 38.
George Spence; John Mill, merchants; George Burns, lieutenant 40.
Sir George Bridges Rodney, baronet 43.
William Fitzherbert, esquire, M.P.; Robert Campbell, merchant 44.
William Mathew Burt, esquire, M.P.; John Callender, esquire 45.
Alexander Fordyce, banker; Robert Gordon, esquire 46.
Gordon Graham, lieutenant colonel; Robert Porter, esquire 47.
Samuel Touchett, esquire, M.P.; James Cunningham, lieutenant colonel 48.
Gabriel Christie, lieutenant colonel; James Stevenson, captain 49.
Henry Gladwine, lieutenant colonel; Peter Innis, captain 50.
John Pringle, esquire 51.
Stuart Douglas, lieutenant colonel; William Douglas, captain; Stair Douglas, captain 52.
Richard Huck, M.D.; John Williams, merchant; George Campbell, lieutenant 53.
Robert Adair, Surgeon to his Majesty 54.
Francis Mackay, Surveyor of Woods, Quebec; Samuel Mackay of Montreal; Hugh Finlay, esquire, Postmaster at Quebec 55.
Lord Viscount Townshend 56.
Samuel Smith, merchant; James Smith, captain in the Navy 57.
Joshua Mauger, esquire 58.
Hutchinson Mure, merchant; Robert Cathcart; David Higgins, captain 59.
John Wrightson, late major; Daniel Shaw, late of 42nd Regiment 60.
Richard Cumberland, esquire 61.
Richard Spry, esquire 62.
Hugh Pallisser 63.
Richard Maitland, colonel 64.
Richard Wright, esquire; Hugh Owens, esquire 65.
To be reserved as demesne lands of the Crown 66.
Honourable Robert Moore 67.

The persons attending being withdrawn, their lordships approved the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council thereupon.

fo. 263.

Friday, July 24th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Massachusetts,; New York, South Carolina.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon Mr. Bollan's memorial, relative to the preservation of white pine trees for masting the Royal Navy, having been transcribed pursuant to order, was signed; as were also representations to his Majesty with additional instructions to the Governors of New York, Massachusetts Bay and South Carolina, mentioned in the minutes of the 22nd instant.

fo. 264.

Monday, July 27th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.

Trade, Cape Appollonia.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the memorial of the Dutch West India Company, stating a claim to an exclusive possession of Cape Appollonia on the Coast of Africa, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved, and ordered to be transcribed.

New York.

A representation to his Majesty recommending Henry Cruger, esquire, senior, to be appointed of the Council of New York, was signed.

fo. 265.

Thursday, July 29th. Present:—Lord Clare, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Robinson.


Mr. Bollan attending upon the subject matter of a letter from him, addressed to Sir Edward Hawke and to the Lords Commissioners of Trade, the Secretary acquainted the Board that having received the said letter on Friday last in the afternoon, he immediately sent it to Sir Edward Hawke; whereupon Mr. Bollan was called in and acquainted therewith, and that their lordships would take it into consideration, when Sir Edward Hawke should return it to this office.

fo. 266.

Barbados, Leeward Islands, Jamaica, West Florida.

The Secretary laid before the Board draughts of general instructions and of those for the observance of the Laws of Trade, prepared for the Governors of Barbados, Leeward Islands, Jamaica and West Florida, and the said draughts having been approved, representations to his Majesty thereupon were signed.

Trade, Appollonia.

The draught of a representation to his Majesty on the claim of the Dutch West India Company to an exclusive possession of Cape Appolonia, having been transcribed pursuant to order, was signed; as was also a letter to the Earl of Shelburne inclosing it, and desiring him to lay it before his Majesty.

fo. 267.

Nova Scotia, Island of St. John.

The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs, with a copy of the Board's proceedings in respect to the distribution of land in the Island of St. John, having been transcribed pursuant to order, was signed.

The Secretary laid before the Board the following papers received from America, vizt.,
New Hampshire.
Letter from John Wentworth, esquire, Governor of New Hampshire, to the Board, dated June 23rd, 1767, notifying his arrival in that province, and taking upon him the administration, and recommending three persons properly qualified to be of the Council.
fo. 268.
Letter from James Wright, esquire, Governor of Georgia, to the Board, dated June 15th, 1767, containing observations on several laws lately passed there, and respecting his tour through the southern parts of that province.
Copy of an address of the Commons House of Assembly to the Governor, and his answer.
Letter from Samuel Rous, esquire, President of the Council in Barbados, to the Board, dated June 10th, 1767, transmitting the duplicate of a letter from him to the Earl of Shelburne.
Leeward Islands.
fo. 269.
Duplicate of a letter from James Verchild, esquire, Commander in Chief of the Leeward Islands, to the Earl of Shelburne, dated February 7th, 1767, acknowledging the receipt of his Lordship's letter respecting the correspondence, and transmitting,
St. Christopher's.
Minutes of the Council of St. Christopher's from the 14th of May to the 15th of October, 1766.
Ditto: of the Assembly from the 18th of June, 1766, to the 14th of January, 1767.
Minutes of the Assembly of Antigua from the 3rd of April, 1766, to the 26th of March, 1767.