Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 14, January 1776 - May 1782. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.
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'Journal, June 1776: Volume 83', in Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 14, January 1776 - May 1782, ed. K H Ledward (London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].
'Journal, June 1776: Volume 83', in Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 14, January 1776 - May 1782. Edited by K H Ledward (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,
"Journal, June 1776: Volume 83". Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 14, January 1776 - May 1782. Ed. K H Ledward (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.
Journal, June 1776
fo. 107.
Monday. June 3rd. Present:—Mr. Jenyns. Mr. Gascoyne. Mr. Jolliffe. Mr. Keene. Mr. Greville. Mr. Eden.
Lord George Germain, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, attends.
Their lordships, after mature consideration of the complaints of the inhabitants of Senegal against Governor O'Hara. mentioned in the minutes of the 25th of last month, and of what had been offered by counsel on behalf of the Governor; as also by the counsel in support of the complaints, ordered the draught of a representation to his Majesty thereupon to be prepared.
Resolved, that the state of the province of Senegambia be taken into consideration on the next Board day, in order to form an humble representation to his Majesty thereupon.
fo. 108.
East Florida.
Their lordships took into consideration a state of the charges exhibited by Governor Tonyn against Mr. Drayton, Chief Justice of East Florida, laid before the Board by Lord George Germain the 24th of last month; their lordships likewise read a memorial from the said Mr. Drayton to the Board, setting forth, that he came to England purposely to answer the complaints against him, and praying that he may be restored to his office of Chief Justice; as also, in consideration of the expences of his voyage, that he may receive the whole of his salary from the day of his suspension.
Mr. Drayton attending was called in, and their lordships, after some conversation with him touching his conduct and the charges alleged against him, ordered the draught of a representation to his Majesty thereupon to be prepared.
fo. 109.
Plantations General.
New York.
The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the memorials and papers relative to the misconduct and oppression of the Superintendant of the Mosquito Shore, laid before the Board by Lord George Germain the 24th of last month, having been prepared pursuant to order, was agreed to, transcribed and signed; as was also a representation to his Majesty, proposing the disallowance of an Act passed in the province of New York in March, 1774, to impower certain persons therein named to compleat a ditch that is partly dug from Gawanes Bay to the East River in King's County under certain restrictions.
Nova Scotia.
The draught of a letter to the Governor of Nova Scotia, containing observations and remarks upon four bills, mentioned in the minutes of the 26th of March last, having been prepared pursuant to order, was approved, transcribed and signed.
fo. 110.
Ordered, that the Secretary do write to the Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, desiring him to acquaint their lordships, that this Board, having under their consideration the state of the province of Senegambia, recommend that the monies granted by Parliament for the support of that province may not, at present, be issued to the agent of Senegambia.
Monday, June 10th. Present:—Mr. Jenyns, Mr. Gascoyne, Lord Robert Spencer, Mr. Keene, Mr. Greville, Mr. Eden.
Lord George Germain, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, attends.
Nova Scotia.
fo. 111.
Read a letter from Mariot Arbuthnot, esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, dated the 12th of May, 1776, signifying that Governor Legge had omitted to leave a copy of his Commission, and requesting, that, if it contains any thing necessary for his information in the execution of the King's commands, he may have a copy thereof sent him by the first conveyance.
Nova Scotia.
Ordered, that a copy of Governor Legge's Commission be made and transmitted to Mr. Arbuthnot.
Read a letter from Sir Basil Keith. Governor of Jamaica, to the Board, dated the 27th of March. 1776. inclosing a state of the Council, and recommending two gentlemen to supply vacancies.
Ordered, that the Secretary do write to Mr. Ellis, one of the Council of Jamaica, now in England, desiring to be informed whether he intends to return to that island.
Virgin Islands.
fo. 112.
The Secretary laid before the Board an Act passed in the Virgin Islands for appointing an agent to negotiate the affairs of these islands in Great Britain, fixing a salary and settling methods for the duly executing that trust, together with Mr. Jackson's report thereupon: and the draught of a representation to his Majesty, proposing the confirmation of the said Act. having been prepared, was approved, transcribed and signed.
Nova Scotia.
Read a letter from Francis Legge. esquire. Governor of Nova Scotia, to the Board, dated May 10th. 1776. transmitting such depositions as. from the nature of the complaints exhibited against him. he thought might be necessary; and signifying, that he had delivered authentic copies thereof to the complainants, from whom he had received copies of several depositions taken on their part.
Read a copy of a letter from the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, to the Governor and Council at Cape Coast Castle, dated the 15th of May. 1776.
fo. 113.
Read an extract of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Young to the Earl of Dartmouth, communicated to the Board by the Secretary of State, assigning his reasons for having suspended five of the members of his Majesty's Council for the Island of Grenada, and of his having appointed five other gentlemen of that island in their room.
East Florida.
St. John's
The draught of a representation to his Majesty upon the charges exhibited by Governor Tonyn against Mr. Drayton. Chief Justice of East Florida, having been prepared pursuant to order, was agreed to. transcribed and signed: as were also a representation to his Majesty upon the complaints of the inhabitants of the Island of Senegal against Governor O'Hara: and a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs upon the petition of the proprietors of the Island of St. John.
fo. 114.
Ordered, that Mr. Bullock and Mr. Browne be desired to attend the Board on Friday, the 21st instant, and bring with them copies of their accounts relative to the application of the money granted by Parliament for the service of the province of Senegambia.
Ordered, that the Secretary do write to Mr. Stanley. Secretary to the Commissioners of the Customs, and desire, that the accounts of shipping which have entered and cleared in and out of the province of Senegambia during the last ten years, and of the quantity and value of goods exported, etc., which were requested by letter from the deputy secretary of the of last month, may be expedited with all possible dispatch.
fo. 115.
Read an Order of the Lords of the Privy Council, dated the 5th of June, 1776, referring to this Board the petition of John Strettell, praying leave to export to Canada sundry military stores for trade, on board the ship Generous Friend.
Their lordships, upon consideration of the abovementioned petition, were of opinion, that the exportation prayed for should not be allowed.
Friday, June 21st. Present:—Mr. Gascoyne, Mr. Greville, Mr. Keene, Mr. Eden.
Lord George Germain, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, attends.
fo. 116.
Read two Orders of the Lords of the Privy Council, dated the 13th of June, 1776, referring to this Board, for their consideration and report, the petitions of Richard Pollard and John Bell, for leave to export military stores to Canada, on board the ship Generous Friend.
The petitioners attending, were called in, and their lordships having entered into an examination of such points as they thought necessary, were of opinion, that the exportation prayed for should be allowed, provided the petitioners could obtain an additional force of twelve soldiers or recruits to be put on board the said ship.
Read two Orders of the Lords of the Privy Council, dated the 13th and 19th of June, 1776, referring to this Board the petitions of Messrs. Thellusson and Company and James Baril, for leave to export a certain number of guns and cutlasses to La Rochelle and Havre de Grace, by the way of Dunkirk and Ostend, for the Guinea and African trade.
fo. 117.
Their lordships, upon consideration of the foregoing petitions, were of opinion, that the exportation prayed for should be allowed; and draughts of reports to the Lords of the Council having been prepared accordingly, were approved, transcribed and signed.
Read two Orders of the Lords of the Privy Council, dated the 31st of May and 13th of June, 1776, referring to this Board the petitions of Samuel Scott and Thomas Pecholier, for leave to export gunpowder to Barbados and West Florida.
Their lordships, upon consideration of the said petitions, were of opinion, that it would not be expedient to allow the exportation prayed for.
fo. 118.
Their lordships read and approved of the assignment of a lease of fifty four acres of land in the Island of Dominica from Charles Dubois to William Temple, esquire, and the Secretary was ordered to certify their lordships' approbation accordingly.
Read a letter from Edward Stanley, esquire, Secretary to
the Commissioners of the Customs, to the Secretary to this
Board, dated June 13th. 1776, transmitting.
Copy of the Custom House leidger of imports and exports
for the year 1769.
West Florida.
fo. 119.
Read a memorial of William Irving, esquire, in behalf of the agent for the province of West Florida, setting forth, that Andrew Rainsford. esquire. Receiver General of his Majesty's Quit Rents for that province, has drawn a bill for one hundred pounds upon the said agent for his year's salary from the 24th of June 1774 to the 24th of June. 1775. for which no provision has been made in the estimate for the civil establishment of the said province; and submitting to their lordships, whether the said bill may not be paid out of the money allowed for the contingent fund for West Florida.
Their lordships, upon consideration of Mr. Irving's memorial, approved of the bill therein mentioned being paid out of any contingent money in the agent's hands.
Nova Scotia.
Mr. Rashleigh. agent for the complainants against Governor Legge. whose petitions are mentioned in the minutes of the 13th of February last, attending, was called in. and having informed the Board, that his clients were not at present prepared to produce their proofs, their lordships agreed to postpone this business.
fo. 120.
Read a letter from Mr. Boddington to the Deputy Secretary,
dated Office of Ordnance. June 10th. 1776. acquainting him, for
the information of this Board, that no account of the issue or
expenditure of ordnance stores sent to Senegal and Senegambia
have been received at that office, and that no returns of the
disposition of the said stores have been received from the
Governor; also transmitting.
Account of ordnance stores sent to Senegal and Senegambia
during the last ten years.
The Secretary laid before the Board the following papers
received from the Custom House, vizt..
Lists of ships and vessels entered and cleared in James Fort
and Port Senegal between the 24th of March, 1767. and
the 6th of December. 1775.
Mr. Joseph Bullock, late agent for Senegambia. attending, was called in. and delivered to the Board his accounts of the expenditure of the money granted by Parliament for the service of that province from 1765 to 1772.
fo. 121.
Mr. Browne, deputy agent for the province of Senegambia, likewise delivered to the Board accounts of the expenditure of the grants of Parliament for the service of that province from 1772 to June. 1775.
Their lordships having taken into consideration the state of the province of Senegambia. in order to form their representation thereupon, in pursuance of his Majesty's commands signified on the 23rd of April last, resolved to resume the said consideration on Friday, the 12th of July.