Supplementary Records: Kirkby Lonsdale

Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Originally published by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, 1926.

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'Supplementary Records: Kirkby Lonsdale', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3, ed. John F Curwen( Kendal, 1926), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Supplementary Records: Kirkby Lonsdale', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Edited by John F Curwen( Kendal, 1926), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Supplementary Records: Kirkby Lonsdale". Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Ed. John F Curwen(Kendal, 1926), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


1214 14 August. John, parson of Kyrkebi in Lonesdal witnesses the award in a plea between Robert Murdac, vicar of Clapham, and the monks of Furness concerning the tithes due from the abbey lands in Newby and Clapham. About the same time he testifies to the election of Nicholas to the bishopric of the Isles by the said monks. (Furness Coucher Book, vol. ii, pp. 312, 711). As vicar he was also a witness to Gilbert Fitz Reinfred's confirmation of Ivo de Tailbois' grant of K. Lonsdale Church to St. Mary's Abbey, and attested Alice de Rumeli's grant of Borrowdale to the monks of Furness. In 1227 he received a grant to hold a yearly fair on the land of his church as also a weekly market. Still as vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale in 1230 he witnessed the confirmation by William de Neubiging of the gift of Orm son of Adam de Kellet of certain lands to the canons of Cockersand. The first mention of Richard de Wisebeche as vicar is in 1365 when he and Thomas Banes received a grant of pontage for six years in aid of the repair to the bridge, the last mention of him as vicar is in 1374 when he received a grant from James de Pickering of lands and tenements in Sedgwick which premises he regranted to John de York. By September, 1392, Nicholas de Stayngreve was vicar, when with others he alienated in mortmain to the abbot and convent of St. Mary's certain lands in the vill of Casterton held of the lady Philippa. He had a ratification of his estate in K. Lonsdale on 20 October, 1403. (Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1391–6, p. 176; 1401–5, p. 305). On 28 May, 1438, John Bryan was presented to the vicarage by the abbot and convent of St. Mary's. Reg. Arch. of Richmond, Yorks. Arch. Soc., vol. 25, p. 224.

1441 9 June. Whereas the buildings of the vicarage had been consumed suddenly by fire, and as John Bryan, the vicar of Kirkeby-inLondesdale, is not able to erect them afresh by reason of the scanty return from his benefice, license is granted to him to celebrate, for the space of two years, private masses for the living as well as for the dead and therefrom to receive fitting payment. Ibid., p. 229.

1486 20 October. The Middleton Chantry was founded in a chapel specially built within the parish church of K. Lonsdale.

1535 The Valor Ecclesiasticus (vol. v, pp. 259, 260), gives the following Surveys on the eve of the Reformation.

The Vicarage of the church of Kirk Lounsdalle. Rectory appropriated to the monastery of St. Mary of York. Thomas Dobson, incumbent.

The aforesaid Vicarage is worth in—

Mansion with glebe per ann. £1 6 8
Tithe of hay 6 0
Lesser and private tithes with Oblations as in the Easter Book 19 12 6
£21 5 2
Reprisals to wit, Sinodal (fn. 1) 3 4
Procurations (fn. 2) 6 8
10 0
And clear annual value £20 15 2
A tenth part whereof £2 1

The Chantry under the Chapel of St. Leonard under the parish of Kyrkeby Lownsdall—Edward Gravyn, priest.

The aforesaid chantry is worth in—

Rents and farms of two tenants and in land, the clear value of £4 13 4
A tenth part whereof 9 4

1546 On 14 February, 1545/6, a commission was issued to Robert Aldrich, bishop of Carlisle, Thomas Lord Wharton, Sir John Lowther and Edward Edgore, esq. to make a survey of the Chantries in Cumberland and Westmorland. Their Return is amongst the Rentals and Surveys kept at the Public Record Office, roll 846. It gives particulars of the two following chantries in K. Lonsdale.

Chantry of William Middleton in the parish church. Sir Robert Dodgson, incumbent.

Farm of certain lands and tenements within Garsdale, parcel of the late monastery of St. Agatha, beside Richmond, now in the King's hands, and paid by the Receiver of the Same lands yearly £4 13 4
One house in Gryntone with a little garth 10
£4 14 2
Reprisal:—Paid to the King yearly 8
And so remaineth 4 13 6

1547 The survey of 1547 (1 Edward VI, c. 14) is almost identical except that it gives Robert Dodgson's age as sixty and his salary as £4 13s. 4d.

Chantry of St. Leonard called the Spittle in K. Lonsdale. Sir Jefferey Bainbrigg, incumbent.

One messuage called the Spittelle containing 26 acres of arable land, 6 acres of meadow with certain wastes in the tenure of George Bainbrigg paying yearly £3 10 4
One tenement in the holding of John Green 18 0
One parcel of arable land, James Hewetson 3 0
One parcel of meadow land, Christopher Harding 1 0
Two parcels of ground, Richard Newton and Richard Godsalve each paying 6d. yearly 1 0
4 13 4
Reprisals:—Paid to the King for tenenements 9 4
To William Bordaille yearly 3
9 7
And so remaineth £4 3 9

1591 The first founder of the K. Lonsdale Grammar School was Edward Godsalve of Newton in Whittington who gave £100 to be disposed of towards a free-school at the discretion of Mr. Bland, rector of Whittington. This Mr. Bland in consideration that the market town of K. Lonsdale was only one mile distant proposed that the £100 should be laid out at K. Lonsdale provided that the inhabitants would add another £100 to the same uses. This was accordingly done. John Warrener, haberdasher of London, in his will dated 6 February, 1584/5, left £10 to the New School. On 23 July, 1591, Queen Elizabeth issued her charter to the School appointing as Governors, John Williamson, vicar of K. Lonsdale, Edmund Middleton, Esq., Christopher Baynbridge, clerk, William Middleton, Thomas Ward, Bryan Manser, Arthur Middleton, and Christopher Middleton, gentlemen, and others, yeomen. The next benefactor was Dame Elizabeth Curwen, (fn. 3) relict of Sir Nicholas Curwen and heiress to Thomas Carus of the Biggins, who on 4 March, 1609/10, conveyed to the Governors a messuage and tenement called the School-house (fn. 4) and three acres of land (fn. 5) and also the yearly rent of 16d. issuing out of one acre of land within the manor of K. Lonsdale. In 1628 Henry Wilson of Underley rebuilt the Schoolhouse, left several bequests to it in his will and erected a stone to that effect which has been transferred to the present building. About 1846 the head master's house was built in Biggins Lane and by 1850 the present school house was completed.

1616–70 On 24 July, 1616, Mr. Adams was incumbent of K. Lonsdale and on 3 July, 1617, we find the name of Thomas Adamson as incumbent. In 1620, Henry Park, as vicar of K. Lonsdale granted a loan of £1 for the use of the Count Palatine of the Rhine, the King's son-in-law, and in 1622 he contributed £2 toward the recovery of the Palatinate. On 12 November, 1623, Samuel Sackville was instituted on the death of Henry Park, and in 1624 he, as vicar, paid a subsidy of £3 12s. and for the three years 1634 to 1636 he promised to pay (blank) per year towards the repair of St. Paul's Cathedral. On 22 January, 1637, Charles Jones was instituted on the resignation of Samuel Sackville and in 1639, as vicar, contributed towards the expenses of the war against the Scots. On 14 December, 1640, George Bateman or George Buchanan was instituted on the resignation of Charles Jones. He was vicar from 1640 to 1645 and his name appears in a list of sequestrated Royalists. On 30 September, 1661, Edmund Tatham was instituted, after him John Hollinson followed and on 19 February, 1670, Hierom Waterhouse was instituted on the death of Hollinson. Reg. of Chester, as given by Whitaker, Hist. of Richmondshire, ii, 279; also Lanc, and Cheshire Record Soc., vol. xii, pp. 58, 70, 82, 96, 125.

1675 Thomas Moore, of Hutton Roofe and Dorothy Middleton of Lupton, were prosecuted in the Bishop's Court at Richmond, by Henry Hoyle, priest of K. Lonsdale for small tithes, and in the latter end of the year were cast into prison by a writ de Excommunicato capiendo where they remained till the priest died, after whose death they were kept in prison by John Newton of K. Lonsdale, the priest's proctor, till he also died, and then they were set at liberty after four years and seven months imprisonment. Alex. Pearson, Material for an account of K. Lonsdale.

1676 Rev. Henry Hoyle the vicar died and the Churchwardens enter 4s. as bestowed on "neighbouring ministers upon ye decease of Mr. Hoyle." (Churchwardens Accounts). He was followed by John Briggs who was instituted on 2 November, 1676.

1696 24 April. The following being suspected persons, have neglected or refused to make and subscribe the Declaration and take the oaths; John Rumley and Roger Harryson of K. Lonsdale. K. Indictment Book, 1692–1724.

1696 14 July. John Briggs, vicar of K. Lonsdale, and John Firbank, schoolmaster of K. Lonsdale, signed the anti-Jacobite "Association," formed throughout the Kingdom, for the protection of William III. K. Indictment Book, 1692–1724.

1697 16 April. Order that Thomas Wilson, of Underley, gentleman, who petitions that he has been over assessed, be in future charged proportionately with the rest of the inhabitants of K. Lonsdale. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1700/1 17 January. Order that John Hebblethwaite, High Constable for Lonsdale Ward be fined £10 for his negligence in not attending the last Sessions and this Sessions. K. Order Book, 1696, 1724.

1701/2 16 January. This court being fully satisfied upon the information of several very substantial persons that Edward Bainbridge of Gill foot, parish of K. Lonsdale, yeoman, is and hath been for these many years last past a very notorious person of a disorderly life insomuch that the whole neighbourhood is in great fear of some mischief to be done to their house and goods by the said Bainbridge: Order for his apprehension, etc. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1702 17 April. K. Lonsdale Bridge and Barbon Bridge presented as in decay; ordered that the cawsey at K. Lonsdale bridge be repaired forthwith. Ibid.

1705 5 October. Order to the Chief Constable of Lonsdale Ward to pay Edward Mann, yeoman, £4 18s. by him disbursed in the repairs of K. Lonsdale bridge being a public bridge. Ibid.

1707 10 October. At the Quarter Sessions before William Fleming, James Graham, Robert Lowther, Henry Fleming, Daniel Wilson, Thomas Heblethwaite and John Archer, it was stated that the inhabitants of Kirkby Lonsdale and those of Mansergh had agreed that K. Lonsdale should pay £4 2s. 6d. towards the cost of a new bridge at a place called Beckbrow, dividing Kirkby Lonsdale from Mansergh near Mansergh Hall houses, upon condition that Mansergh shall for ever repair the bridge. The agreement was subscribed on 25 August, 6 Anne, 1707. This Court orders the agreement to be an Order of Court. Endorsed with a receipt for 5s. charges and signed Richard Baynes, clerk of the peace. Information supplied by Col. W. H. Chippindall from papers in Kirkby Lonsdale Church Vestry.

1707 10 October. Presentment that the cawsey or pavement as both ends of K. Lonsdale bridge 300 feet in length is very much in decay; order to the two chief constables to repair the same. (K. Order Book, 1696–1724). On 16 January following the above order was suspended and referred to Thomas Hebblethwaite, esq., to hear and determine. Ibid.

1708 16 April. Order that the battlements of K. Lonsdale Bridge and the pavement upon the bridge be repaired according to the discretion of Thomas Hebblethwaite, esq. and Mr. William Moore, chief constable of Lonsdale Ward. Ibid.

1711/12 18 January. K. Lonsdale Bridge is in decay; order for a report from the chief constable. Ibid.

1720/1 13 January Faculty granted by Peregrine Gaskell, commissary of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, to add two new bells to the three already hanging in Kirkby Lonsdale Church on the condition that no assessment is to be laid on the parish for that purpose. Information supplied by Col. W. H. Chippindall from papers in the Church Vestry.

1720/1 13 January. Certificate of the high constable of Lonsdale that with Mr. Edward Wilson he has viewed the causey at the east end of K. Lonsdale bridge, where there is occasion for a "horse cawsway" to be made the length of 12 yards and to be 4 feet in breadth and 3 yards further a causeway to be only 3 feet in breadth, and that the pavement on the bridge is trodden into holes in some places; order for repair. Ibid.

1726 Michaelmas. Presentment that the highway betwixt K. Lonsdale and Ternside is in great decay; order that it be sufficiently repaired before 1 January next. K. Indictment Book, 1725–37.

1730 One Masden or Marsden of K. Lonsdale introduced the culture of the potato into the District. Local Chron., 121.

1740 18 April. Presentment that K. Lonsdale bridge being a public bridge wants reparation; order to the high constable to view and report. K. Order Book, 1738–50; also Indictment Book, 1738–50.

1744 6 April. Order to the two high constables to view K. Lonsdale bridge and the way at each end and contract for the repairing of the same at as low a rate as possible. Ibid.

1745 26 April. Presentment that the highway from the corner of Bridge Lane to the 300 foot at the west end of K. Lonsdale bridge is too narrow, dirty, founderous and in decay for want of reparation and that the inhabitants ought to repair it. K. Indictment Book, 1738– 50.

1747 9 October. It appearing that 300 yards and upwards in length from the west end of K. Lonsdale Bridge to the upper end of the Lane next to K. Lonsdale is dirty and in decay and not of a sufficient breadth according to the Statutes. It is ordered that the 300 feet of the said highway belonging to the county be forthwith made sufficient and that the remainder be immediately repaired and amended by the inhabitants of the township who by ancient custom ought to repair the same as often as occasion requires. K. Order Book, 1738–50.

1748 12 July. Upon representation of the Surveyor of the highway of K. Lonsdale that the highway from K. Lonsdale Bridge to K. Lonsdale is not of a sufficient breadth and praying the same may be enlarged: it is ordered that the Clerk of the Peace do issue a Venire for a jury to appear at the next Sessions to assess the damages to be occasioned to to the owners of land and others. (Ibid.). On 7 October following the names of the jury are given. K. Indict. Book, 1738–50. Then on 13 January following the jurors issue their report as follows: The ground to be taken from the Close called Robrain belonging to Roger Wilson, esq., we find to be one perch and 205 tenths of a perch which we value after the rate of £25 per acre and comes to 3s. 9d. The ground to be taken from the two closes called Seals and Greenscroft belonging to Mrs. Jane Jackson we find to be 8 perches and 356 tenths of a perch which we also value at £1 6s. 1¼d. We also allow 2s. per rood for making a new fence. The above we agree to be our Verdict this 14th day of October, 1748. K. Order Book, 1738–50.

1748/9 13 January. Ordered that an assessment of 6d. in the pound be made and collected upon all the inhabitants owners or occupiers of lands, houses, tenements in the township of K. Lonsdale, and that the money thereby raised shall be employed towards purchasing of land to enlarge the highway from K. Lonsdale Bridge to the town of K. Lonsdale and for the making ditches and fences adjoining to the same; and it is further ordered that this assessment shall be levied by the Overseers or Surveyors of the highways by distress and sale of the goods of persons who shall be so assessed and shall not pay the same within 10 days after demand. K. Order Book, 1738–50.

1749 7 April. Upon the petition of Thomas Webster setting forth that he made an agreement with the high constable of Lonsdale Ward to repair the 300 feet at the west end of K. Lonsdale bridge for the sum of £35 and that the inhabitants of K. Lonsdale were to provide 60 horses and carts and men to drive the same to carry proper materials, which they never furnished; it is ordered that the high constable pay to the said Thomas Webster when he shall have completed the said work the sum of £4 10s. for his charges in carrying the said materials. Ibid.

1754 31 May. Presentment that Kestwick Bridge is one of the public bridges and that the same bridge is in great decay and that the said bridge ought to be repaired at the public expense of the county. (K. Indictment Book, 1750–60). Ordered that the high constable view and report the condition at the next Sessions. Ibid.

On 16 July following it was ordered that the high constables do forthwith contract at as low a rate as possible with some able and experienced workmen for the repair of Kestwick Bridge. (K. Order Book, 1750–60). On 10 October, 1755, the indictment was discharged (K. Indict. Book, 1750–60), when the high constables were ordered to pay unto James Sisson the sum of £10 for the repair of Kestwick Bridge. K. Order Book, 1750–60.

1756 30 April. Upon the petition of the Surveyors of highways within the township of K. Lonsdale setting forth that the highways within the township are greatly out of repair and that the 6 days labour is insufficient to effectually repair the same; it is ordered that an assessment of 6d. in the pound be levied upon the several inhabitants owners and occupiers, etc. and that in case of refusal or non-payment within 10 days after demand that the said assessment be levied by distress and sale of goods, etc. (K. Order Book, 1750–60). On 14 January, 1765, there was a similar petition and order. K. Order Book, 1760–70.

1765 14 January. Petition of the inhabitants who state that the highway from K. Lonsdale towards Milnthorpe in a certain part thereof, to wit, from the town of K. Lonsdale to the gate leading on to K. Lonsdale Moor is in many parts thereof too narrow for carriages to pass with safety; it is ordered that the surveyors do widen the said road so that the ground taken thereinto doth not exceed 8 yards in breadth and so that the surveyors do not pull down any houses or take away the ground of any garden orchard or yard. K. Order Book, 1760–70.

1766 6 October. Rev. Marwood Place was presented by Trinity Coll., Cambridge to the vicarage on 1 March, 1766, and on 6 October following he took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration and subscribed the same according to law. (K. Indictment Book, 1760–70). He followed Tobias Croft who was vicar from 1737 until his death in November, 1765. In November 1771 he married Ann Wilson with a fortune of £600 a year and died as vicar in September, 1791.

1768 12 July. Similar petition and order respecting an assessment for the maintenance of the highways as under, 30 April, 1756. (K. Order Book, 1760–70). The like was agreed to on 9 January, 1769, and again on 8 January, 1770. Ibid.

1774 11 June. Last week ended the great cock match in K. Lonsdale between the Gentlemen of Yorkshire and Westmorland, for ten guineas a battle, and one hundred guineas the main or odd battle, which was won by the latter, by two in the main and two in the byes. Sinclair for Yorkshire and Richardson for Westmorland, were the feeders. Again on 5 June, 1779, a great cock match between Jacob Morley, esq. (Thomas Richardson, feeder) and Henry Welch, esq. (David Smith, feeder) was fought at Kirkby Lonsdale. There were 32 main battles and 17 byes; Richardson won 18 main battles and 12 byes, Smith won 14 main and 5 byes. Newcastle Chronicle.

1777 1 November. We hear that a good road is now opened from Lancaster to Kirkby Lonsdale and Sedbergh to Kirkby Stephen, which is six or eight miles nearer than by Kendal, a thing which was very greatly wanted by all who had occasion to travel thro' that part of the Kingdom. Newcastle Chronicle.

1780 15 July. General Hue and Cry. A description of two men who committed several Highway Robberies on Saturday night the 1st of July, on the road leading from Kendal to K. Lonsdale. One of the men was about 5 feet 8 inches high, had long dark brown hair, long nosed, long visage, rather inclined to sallowness, had on a round hat with a band and buckle, his hat was cocked, a white cravat, a light duffel surtout coat, no under coat, a stript waistcoat double breasted with two rows of buttons to the bottom, and no pocket flaps, a pair of clean leather breeches and white stockings with a pair of milk-and-water coloured over them and without boots. He road a light bay mare with a nicked tail, was lame on the far hind foot above the hoof by a prod with a pike fork, has some white spots on the near buttock nigh the tail, and had on a saddle almost new, orange pannel and plaided girths. The other man was about 5 feet 4 inches high, slender made, dark complexion and long straight black hair, pitted by the small pox, had on a white cravat, a round hat, a dark coloured duffel surtout coat, no under coat, a pair of drab coloured fustian breeches and without boots. He road a bay mare with a switch or long cut tail, and had thereon an old saddle. The hair of the men might be occasionally tied behind and one of them had plated spurs without rowels. Alex. Pearson, Materials for an account of K. Lonsdale.

1786 11 July. Presentment that K. Lonsdale Bridge is one of the public bridges and that the said bridge and the 300 feet of the road at each of the ends are in great decay and ought to be repaired at the expense of the county. (K. Indict. Book, 1780–87). At the sessions held on 6 October following a certificate was produced that the bridge was good and in sufficient repair. Ibid.

1792 5 May. Rev. Joseph Sharpe was instituted to the vicarage by Trinity Coll., Cambridge. He died in 1831 aged 75.

1793 12 April. Filed the conviction of John Warburton of the parish of Manchester, hawker, for exposing and selling goods by retail at K. Lonsdale on 23 January, not being a market or fair day and he not being a householder, for which offence he forfeited £10. Ibid.

1798 6 October. Ordered that a female thief be confined in a solitary cell for twenty-eight days and then removed to the Town of K. Lonsdale and be dragged at a cart's tail from the Tolbert Inn in the said town to the Black Bull Inn on the market day between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock noon with a board on her back with the word "Thief" in large letters thereon and then discharged. K. Minute Book, 1780–1804.

1798 6 October. Certificate granted to John Cotes of K. Lonsdale, Linen manufacturer, for a certain building adjoining his dwelling house to be used as a place of meeting of Protestant Dissenters for religious worship. Ibid.

1804 9 June. Monday se'nnight, the Kendal Volunteers marched to Penrith. About 3 o'clock in the morning the drums beat and at half past four, upwards of 300 marched off. They arrived at Penrith, which is 26 miles, over one of the most mountainous tracks in England, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The detached companies from Burton, Millthrop, Kirkby Lonsdale, etc., joined them the following day making the whole number about 800. They are a fine body of stout young men, and are commanded by Lt.-Col. Maude. Newcastle Chronicle.

1806 18 April. Henry Slee of K. Lonsdale convicted for travelling with his horses and cart on Sunday. K. Order and Indictment Book, 1798–1811.

1807 23 May. Advertisement to Plumbers, Carpenters and Masons. To be sold, the lead covering of K. Lonsdale Church, estimated at about 36 tons. Also to be let the new roofing, slating, ceiling, seating and pewing of the said church. Plans and specification of the work may be inspected by application to Messrs. Buttle and Tomlinson, K. Lonsdale. (Newcastle Chronicle). This was when the leaden roofs, battlements, pinnacles and clerestory were removed to give place to an enormous sweeping roof of blue slate.

1808 The Act for inclosing lands in the manor of K. Lonsdale, comprising some 1000 acres, was passed in 48 George III, c. 78.

1809 14 April. Presentment that John Croft, stone mason, on 15 March with force and arms in and upon the principal street leading through the town of K. Lonsdale, at the south end of a certain messuage known as the Sun Inn, a certain wall made of stone containing in length from east to west 10 feet and 6 inches and in breadth from north to south four feet 8 inches by him the said John Croft erected and built, hath unlawfully encroached and continued to encroach, by reason whereof the principal street and the way to the parish church hath become and is greatly straightened. K. Indictment Book, 1809.

1811 18 January. Certificate that a building at K. Lonsdale, now in the possession of William Davis, is intended to be used for religious worship by Protestant Dissenters; allowed. K. Indictment Book, 1810–11.

1811 22 April. Order to inroll the Award of Edmund Tatham of Cantsfield, co. Lancs., gent, sole Commissioner appointed by Act of Parliament intitled "An Act for enclosing lands in the Manor of K. Lonsdale." Appleby Order Book.

1812 10 September. Jackson's Hall sold by Richard Toulmin North to Thomas Buttle, a well known land surveyor who had to do with many of the local Inclosure Acts. Alex. Pearson, Material for an account of K. Lonsdale.

1814 11 July. Filed on the Rolls with a plan annexed an Order for diverting and turning a road from the market town of K. Lonsdale to the market town of Burton. K. Indict. Book, 1811–17.

1816 22 April. Mr. Edward Tomlinson of Biggins, near K. Lonsdale, appointed High Constable of Lonsdale Ward, in room of Mr. John Hunter Cooke. K. Order Book, 1811–17.

1816 15 July. On the Rolls of this Sessions is field a certificate setting forth that a certain building adjoining the Back Lane in K. Lonsdale is intended to be used as a Place of Worship for protestant dissenters of the Independant denomination, which is hereby allowed. K. Indict. Book, 1811–17.

1816 14 October. Conviction of Alexander Tiplady and James Roper both of K. Lonsdale, post masters, for letting out horses to draw certain carriages without delivering the proper Stamp Office Ticket to the persons hiring the same, in the mitigated penalty of £5 each. Ibid.

1818 20 July. In a specification for finishing the Market Place at the top of Mill Brow, among the general items for paving, etc. we find item 5 says that "the present Market Cross is to be taken down and placed 8 feet from Mr. Hall's wall, the form and dimensions to be the same and all imperfect stones to be supplied with new Docker Moor stone"; and item 7 says "the present stocks to be taken up and to be placed in such situation as the surveyor may appoint on or before 3rd Spetember. Alex. Pearson, Material for an account of K. Lonsdale.

1820 The large square opposite to Jackson's Hall (the present Royal Hotel) was formed out of a portion of the Hall garden. In 1821 the New Road was formed cutting through the site of the recently burnt down Rose and Crown Inn that adjoined Jackson's Hall on the north side. After the fire Mrs. Roper, the landlady, removed to the latter house and rechristened it the Rose and Crown, which name it bore until Queen Adelaide stayed the night here on 24 July, 1840, when the Inn from this honour took the name of the Royal Hotel. On this occasion Mr. Upton sent a fine dish of char, caught in Lilymere, for the Queen's table. Ibid.

1820 10 July. An order for diverting turning and widening a certain footway from the public street of K. Lonsdale, and shown on annexed plan, and for stopping up an old footway also therein shown. On 16 October it is certified that the new public footway is completed and put into good condition. K. Indict. Book, 1817–24.

1825 10 January. Three persons were convicted in 6d. and 5s. costs, each, for assisting in making a bonfire on the evening of 5 November last, within 80 feet of the centre of the turnpike, within the township of K. Lonsdale; also another for wantonly letting off a firework called a Squib; also two others for wantonly letting off a firework called a Cracker, within 80 feet of the centre of the said turnpike road K. Indictment Book, 1824–34.

1825 15 January. The foundation stone of the new Underley Hall was laid a few days ago by the owner Alexander Nowell, esq. It is nearly on the site of the old house and Mr. Webster of Kendal is the architect. Local Chron., 61.

1827 8 January. Filed the certificate of Edward Tomlinson, Bridge Master, that Kearstwick New Bridge is erected in a substantial and commodious manner and in complete repair. K. Indict. Book, 1824–34.

1829 17 July. Ordered that the north side of K. Lonsdale Bridge be pointed with Roman Cement, in the same manner as the south side. (K. Minute Book, 1825–38). The bridge consists of three arches, the western and centre arches each being of 54 ft. 8 ins. span while the eastern arch is only 27 ft. 9 ins. span. The whole bridge is 60 yards long by 12 ft. 4 ins. wide between the parapets at the entrances, narrowing down to 11 ft. 7 ins. in its centre. It is formed on four massive ribs to each arch about 19 ins. apart, across which three layers of flat stones have been placed to complete the covering. The highest point of the parapet is some 45 ft. above the mean water level. Alex. Pearson, Material for an account of K. Lonsdale.

1831 24 September. Rev. john Hutton Fisher has been inducted into the Vicarage of K. Lonsdale, vacant by the death of the Rev. Joseph Sharpe. (Local Chron., 85). And on 19 October, 1840 he took and subscribed the usual oaths and Declaration on qualifying as a Justice of the Peace. K. Indict. Book, 1839–52.

1842 January. Christopher Wilson, William Moore, William Gillison Bell, Edward Tatham, Edward Wilson, Reginald Remington, Thomas Upton and Pudsey Dawson, land owners in the Vale of Lune "hereby declare our determined hostility to the proposed railway through the Lune Valley and resolve to give that measure every opposition in our power." K. Mercury.

1847 9 April. Appeal of John Thornton against Matthew Bell and Thomas Hodgson the Surveyors of the highways in K. Lonsdale concerning a certain certificate bearing date 9th September, 1846, for stopping up and diverting a public footway leading from the town of K. Lonsdale to the village of Hutton Roof that commenced at a stable of one Anthony Battersby Tomlinson at Higher Biggins and extended in a westerly direction to a stile in the fence separating a close of land called Lamb Flatt from a close of land of the same name belonging to the Earl of Lonsdale, in length 920 yards from the said stable. The jury say the proposed new footway was nearer than the footway intended to be stopped and more commodious to the public and that the said John Thornton would not be injured. Ordered that the appeal be dismissed with costs against the appellant amounting to £47 18s. 6d. K. Indict. Book, 1839–52.

1857 9 April. Resolved that a sum, not exceeding £300 be granted for the purchase of a site and the erection of a Lock-up at K. Lonsdale, unless the justices of the Petty Sessional Division are of opinion that some house should be converted into a sufficient Lock-up. K. Order Book, 1839–76.

1872 4 July. The eastern arch of K. Lonsdale Bridge is dilapidated. Owing to the construction of the bridge which is one of the most beautiful and most ancient in the County, the work will need considerable care. On the 17 October following it was reported that the centres for the work were made. K. Minute Book, 1859–75.

1898 18 November. Resolved that Mr. H. J. Stephens be and he is hereby appointed engineer to make the preliminary survey and report on the route of the proposed Light Railway from Kendal to Arkholme, and that his remuneration for the same be fifteen guineas with additional outpocket expenses. (C.C. Minutes, 1898–99). On 10 March, 1899, the plans and report of Mr. Stephens together with an estimate of the cost was submitted to the County Council. On 2 June following it was reported that local support from Kendal had been promised amounting to £3000 to £4000. Resolved that if financial local support should be promised amounting to £10,000, the landowners should then be approached. C.C. Minutes, 1899–1900.


  • 1. Synodal is a tribute or payment in money to the Bishop or Archbishop.
  • 2. Procuration, a payment to the Archdeacon at Easter Visitation.
  • 3. Dame Elizabeth died in 1611 and her monument is on the south wall in K. Lonsdale Church.
  • 4. The school-house was on Mill Brow just west of the manor-house, Abbot's Brow.
  • 5. Probably two fields in Biggins Lane, one on the left hand and the other on the right hand side in which the present school and master's house are built.