Henry VIII: September 1514, 16-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: September 1514, 16-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1385-1401 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1514, 16-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1385-1401.

"Henry VIII: September 1514, 16-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1385-1401.

September 1514

16 Sept.
Sanuto, XIX., 176.
3282. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 30 Oct. 1514.]
From Andrea Badoer, [London,] 16 Sept.—An ambassador named _ (blank) (fn. 1) had come from the Emperor and declared that the King did wrong to break promise with the Emperor's grandson, the Archduke of Burgundy, and marry Lady Mary to the King of France, who is the Emperor's enemy. The King answered that it was the Emperor who failed to keep faith, receiving so many thousands of ducats to maintain the war with France and doing nothing; with other words of blame, so that the Ambassador took leave and departed. In view of the marriage and the small account made of his King, the Spanish ambassador has absented himself from Court and removed from London. Preparations for departure of the Queen of France. The King would escort her ten miles to sea in the galley bearing his name. (fn. 2) The Queen of Scotland, his sister, has married a baron of Scotland called _ (blank), (fn. 3) who will govern for her son.
[Note by Sanuto that the Sages, on 30 Oct., decided to write to Badoer of the new successes against the Spaniards, and capture of Bergamo.]
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 503–4.
16 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 118. R.O.
3283. [5418.] RICHARD SAMPSON to WOLSEY.
After his business with Lady Margaret, as he has already written, the Deputy of Calais came to the Court. Went to Ghent, to show his letters patent to the Prince's Council, though advised not, because the people were furious; then to the Council of the town. Found both favorable; the latter required him to attend Monsr. de Fynys, Governor of Flanders, who promised all help to Wolsey, and sent three gentlemen who spoke Latin to keep Sampson company, with dishes of meat and wine both white and claret. Came to Bruges yesterday; had an interview with the Council. Called the officers together, and shewed his powers of administration. Finds a new vicar general has been appointed by the other Bishop. If Wolsey can procure letters from the French King he will find all of them at his service. Bruges, 16 Sept. 1514.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my Lord of York, in London.
16 Sept.
Roman Transcr., I, 1, f. 230. R.O.
3284. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Considering the Church of Tournay deserted by L. elect of Tournay, Leo, at the instance of Henry king of England, appointed Wolsey, then bp. of Lincoln, to be administrator until the return of the said L. Perhaps doubting that the said administration ceases by reason of Leo's translation of him to the church of York, he has now made petition to have it confirmed or renewed; and, therefore, it is hereby confirmed to him. 16 Sept. 1514, anno. 2.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: Electo Eboracensi.
18 Sept.
Calig. E. I., 33 [II., 138]. B.M.
3285. [5424.] SAMPSON to [WOLSEY].
After coming to Bruges, "as I had [before in] Gaunt, by my letters patents, [I] desired the favor and aid [of the lords] of the town, which [I found nothing favorable]; and on Sat[urday] last I called the officers of the b[ishop together], showing them both the Pope's brief and also the letters patent of my Lady Margaret." They have this day demanded advice upon the matter from the Council. Thinks the French King has not kept his promise. "The bishop elect h[ath made] for all Flanders both an other vicar general and also [a] receiver," and has received the profits of the past year in France. "He had ordained his officers str[ong]ly to resist when I should come. They had ryd[ily] their a[ppel]lations made with other remedies os strong os be the law possybyll myght be mad, which this day when we assembled [they] showed expressly." If he had executed the process against them with rigor it would have caused "commotion among the people whom they had before provoked." The French King must write, charging the bishop elect not to resist Wolsey's administration. If it be referred to law Wolsey will have great trouble and no profit from it. Has given them to St. Martin's day to take counsel with the bishop elect, on condition that he do not meanwhile return to take possession. He has a dispensation for non-residence, studii causâ. Objections made to the brief. Bruges, 18 Sept. 1514.
Hol., pp. 2 Mutilated. The writing much decayed. Words supplied in some places from Strype's Eccl. Memor., I, Pt. I, pp. 15, 16.
18 Sept.
Sanuto, XIX., 109.
3286. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 5 Oct. 1514.]
From Ambassador Dandolo, Paris, 18 Sept. _ Great preparations for the Queen's coming on the 29th; and the enterprise of Italy no longer mentioned.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 491.
19 Sept.
Galba B. v., 386. B.M.
3287. [5429.] SAMPSON to WOLSEY.
The Bishop elect has made another vicar general for all Flanders, and received the profits till St. Thomas' day last. The expences for Tournay fall shorts of the profits 60l. or 80l. They have lodged an appeal to the Parliament of Paris. States the custom on such occasions and reminds Wolsey that the Elect's father is one of the Presidents of the Parliament. Bruges, 19 Sept. 1514
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2. Add.: My Lord of York. Endd.
20 Sept. 3288. DUCHY OF CORNWALL.
Commissioners. See GRANTS IN SEPTEMBER, No. 24.
20 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 120. R.O.
In favor of the bearer, Francis, son of that Thomas de Portinariis, who faithfully served Henry VII., and was twice Emperor's ambassador there. He and his brother Guido received liberal favors from the late King, in consideration of their father's services. He is so in love with England, where his father and brother have been honored, that he cannot stay in the Court of Rome. Rome, 20 Sept. 1514. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Reverendo, &c., Tho. electo Eboracen.
21 Sept.
Hart's Hist, et Cartul. Glouc., III., 311
Urge him, for the honour both of himself and of his mother the University, to take his degree (fn. 4) and not let the expense delay his reaching an honour which will everywhere exalt him and cannot be taken away. Oxoniæ, undecimo calendas Octobris.
21 Sept.
Simancas MS.
3291. LEO X. and FERDINAND.
Secret treaty between the Pope and King Ferdinand, made by Hieronymo de Vich and B. cardinal of St. Mary in Porticu. Rome, 21 Sept. 1514, pont. 2.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 188.
22 Sept.
Sanuto, XIX., 129.
3292. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 14 Oct. 1514.]
From Ambassador Dandolo, Paris, 22 Sept. _ Has recovered from illness. The King gone to Picardy to meet the Queen, who was expected at Michaelmas, but would defer coming to Paris till 10 Oct. Great preparations there and great expenditure by the Dauphin and Gran Scudier, Galeazzo di San Severino.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 496.
22 Sept.
Exch. Accts., 418 (1), f. 21. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay for making a stalking coat and other things (a very long list). Greenwich, 22 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII.
23 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 247. R.O.
Her escort to France. See GRANTS IN SEPTEMBER, No. 33.
2. Henry VIII.'s instructions to his Councillors, Thos. earl of Norfolk, Treasurer and Marshal of England, Thos. marquis Dorset, Thos. bp. of Durham, Thos. earl of Surrey, Admiral of England, Charles earl of Worcester, the King's Chamberlain, Thos. Dokwra prior of St. John's, and Dr. West dean of Windsor, "to be declared unto his dear brother and gossip King Loys of France."
After delivering the King's letters, they shall say that now, on this alliance by marriage with his sister Mary, the King means, by his entire friendship, to make their alliance stronger in the sight of enemies who might percase malign against them for it. The ambassadors shall also say that he now sends his sister furnished with all things appertaining to so great a princess and they are ready to present her when the French King appoints a time for the solemnisation of the marriage: foreseeing always that they nowise deliver the Princess till the matrimony is celebrated. They take with them a minute approved by the King and Council of the French King's letters patent of the dower or donation propter nuptias, which they shall cause to be engrossed at the French Court; and they shall endeavour to get two copies signed and sealed with the French King's hand and great seal, so as to bring one with them at their return and leave the other with the French Queen. "And over that the King's said ambassadors shall procure that * * * (two leaves apparently lost) Barnesse, her chamberlain, Doctor Denton, her almoner, Sir Edward Bensted, her treasurer, and Richard Blount, master of her horses, or such of them as shall stand best with her pleasure." At time convenient the ambassadors shall learn what gentlemen, gentlewomen and other servants shall remain in service with the French Queen and what entertainment they shall have, ascertaining also which of them are most content to remain. Finally, after the solemnisation of the matrimony, the ambassadors shall proceed no further than Abvile but return to England, courteously excusing themselves if invited to proceed to Paris for the coronation.
Draft, with corrections, pp. 11.
Add. MS. 6,113, f. 70b. B.M. 3. "A note for the marriage of a prince's daughter." (fn. 5)
A description of ceremonies to be observed from the eve until three days after the marriage.
Pp. 3.
23 Sept.
Sanuto, XIX., 167.
3295. VENICE.
[Extract from letters received 25 Oct. 1514.]
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers, London, 23 Sept. _ No talk of war, everyone for two months past being occupied with entertainments and jousting in honour of the departure of the Queen. She left four days ago for Dover, accompanied by the Treasurer, Chamberlain, Chancellor and Lord Stanley. Describes the train, the Queen herself, her jewels, &c. About a week ago the merchants of all nations went to Court and took leave of her. She will cross to Boulogne, while the King of France comes to Abbeville. The Spanish ambassador has not attended any of the festivities but keeps to his house; because, if he goes about the town, strange words are said to him.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 500.
23 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 121. R.O.
3296. [5439.] SAMPSON to WOLSEY.
Has written to him before. Delays execution of his breve to avoid danger, but will execute it if Wolsey insists. As he has written already, thinks it would be wise if the French King's favor were secured. He is of greater authority with them than their own Prince, especially as they are set against the English because of this change. The officers can meet nowhere except at Bruges and Ghent; the pestilence is so great at Tournay. Also the country of Flanders has got the high court of the diocese removed to Bruges. The profits of the last year are lost, except Wolsey demands them of the bishop elect. The money was paid into France at Midsummer last. Bruges, 23 Sept. 1514.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my Lord of York.
24 Sept.
Ib., f. 122. R.O.
Sends a packet of letters directed to Wolsey, which he has received by express from Rome, from Ric. Pace, to be delivered into Wolsey's own hands. On account of Wolsey's absence sends them by his (the writer's) servant. Our bankers dederunt principium to the expedition of your bulls, and I hope they will be in England "ante tempus mei obligi." London, 24 Sept. 1514.
Hol. Lat., p. 1. Add.: Thomæ Lincolniensi Ep'o et electo Eboracen.
24 Sept.
Sanuto, XIX., 188.
3298. VENICE.
[Summary of a letter received 25 Oct. 1514.]
From Nicolo di Favri to Francesco Gradenigo, London, 24 Sept.—Sent, through the Pope's ambassador, a copious sheet of news together with the Ambassador's (Badoer's) letters to the Signory; but near Cologne the messenger was assaulted and his letters thrown into the water. In it wrote of ambassadors being here from the Emperor, the Duke of Milan, the Pope (his came incognito and never let himself be seen here), France (two), and the Marquis of Mantua (one who brought a present of horses); and also of the departure of these ambassadors and the hardships endured by Badoer in following the Court. In Brittany the English fleet captured some French ships and burnt 26 deserted villages. Finally, Badoer urging a nine months' truce, the King recalled his fleet.
The above news was in the lost letter. Describes proclamation in London, 11 Aug., of a peace which had been negociated by Longueville while prisoner. A marriage was also concluded for the King's sister. She had been before promised to the Prince of Castile, and money had been advanced as her dower and triumphs prepared at Calais in May [last]; but now, early on Sunday, 13 Aug., a nobleman brought invitation to Badoer to a Court wedding, and carried him by barge to Greenwich, where he witnessed Mary's marriage by proxy to the King of France. Describes in detail the ceremonies, dresses, and subsequent rejoicings. In the state procession Badoer was paired with the Abp. of Canterbury. At the ball the King, the Duke of Buckingham and other lords danced. The Pope's two ambassadors came to dinner, but neither witnessed the marriage nor attended the ball. Departure of Longueville on the morrow, 14 Aug. On 29 Aug. the lord of St. John's and Lord Chamberlain left London in embassy to France; and were perhaps going on to Rome and Venice. They are great friends of Badoer's, as also is the Bp. of Durham, who will be one of those who accompany the Queen, when she leaves on 5 Oct. and will afterwards proceed to Rome and Venice. Describes a reported scene between the Prince of Castile and his Councillors when news of this marriage arrived. Shows how Spain and the Emperor both broke faith with Henry. On 14 Sept. arrived an ambassador, Mons. Dansi (fn. 6), from France, and on the morrow went to Court preceded by a white horse bearing presents. Preparations in France, as written by the Lord of St. John's. It is said that France has given this Queen for dowry the duchy of Milan and this King would like her to have it.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 505.
24 Sept.
Galba B. v., 331. B.M.
3299. [5446.] SAMPSON to WOLSEY.
All the officers of the Bishop elect who are Flemings opposed him on his arrival at Bruges, as he had already written; and the people were so much excited against the English by news of the change of the marriage that they would have attacked him had he shown any asperity, in spite of his letters from the Emperor and Lady Margaret. Was obliged therefore to conceal his intentions. On presenting the Apostolic Bulls, with the Prince's letters patent and Wolsey's commission, they raised their bristles, made many objections, and asked further delay, which he was forced to concede, and treat them gently to gain their good wishes. Will summon them in four days, and, if he does not hear from Wolsey, will say he has received letters urging immediate proceedings. If they prosecute an appeal, it will be necessary to gain the favor of the King of France. The consequences of such a step. The farms and possessions of the bishopric are all at Tournay; the revenues for the last year have been paid to the Elect. Is, therefore, at a loss to know what to do. Had it not been so, could have prohibited payment. If he has the administration for the future, thinks he can devise a way to make it more profitable than it ever has been. Bruges, 24 Sept. 1514.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Mutilated. Add.
24 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 123. R.O.
3300. [5445.] LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Has spoken with the Bp. of Worcester, of the matters referring to Wolsey elect of York, who will write to him more fully on the subject The honor (fn. 7) that he requires for Wolsey is surrounded with difficulties. It is much desired, and admits at once the wearer to the highest rank. He will comply with the King's wishes at a suitable time. Rome, 24 Sept. 1514, pont. 2. Countersigned: Ja. Sadoletus.
Add. Vellum.
Roman Transcr., I., 1, f. 231. R.O. 2. Note of a copy of the above in the Vatican.
P. 1.
24 Sept.
Vitell. B. II., 104.* B.M. Rymer, XIII., 450.
Has completed the cause of the churches of York and Lincoln to which Henry asked that Thomas [Wolsey] should be transferred and William [Atwater] promoted. The Pope and cardinals assented readily to the choice of such worthy personages; as Worcester will write. With regard to the annates, could not obtain more than the Pope has remitted. As they have not the necessary testimony in reference to Achonry and Kilfenora, could make no report. Rome, 24 Sept. 1514. Signed.
P. 1. Addressed and endorsed.
25 Sept.
Vitell. B. II., 105. B.M.
3302. [5449.] [ANDREAS AMMONIUS] to WOLSEY.
Could not deliver these letters in person, being unprepared to ride, but will be with him to-morrow or next day. Sends the Bp. of Worcester's letters of the 31 Aug., but has himself received more recent letters, of the 12th inst. Some trick has been played. The first ought to have been brought by the messenger who brought Pace's letters. Thinks this has been done by the enemies of Worcester, and that the surgeon had been suborned to say that the dead man confessed the poison. The priest was a madman. Worcester's chamberlain was pressed by many examinations, and not a scintilla of suspicion was discovered. If the Pope believed it, he never would have ordered Worcester to celebrate the mass at Sancta Maria de Populo for the news of peace, when his Holiness and many of the cardinals lighted bonfires. Hadrian refused to show any joy on the occasion, saying he was the Imperial protector. Great hopes of the cardinal's hat, not for the annates of Lincoln. Will explain more when he sees him. Westminster, x[xv Sept. 1514].
Hol. Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: Domino Eboracensi.
25 Sept.
Vitell. B. II., 102. B.M. Fiddes' Wolsey, C. 253. Ellis, 1 S. I., 108.
3303. [5448.] PACE to HENRY VIII.
After the priest who poisoned Cardinal Bainbridge had killed himself, it was necessary that process should be commenced against Worcester and one of his chamberlains. As it was concluded that the priest's first confession must be believed, the judges had determined that the Bishop should be put in prison and subjected to torture. This would have been done, but Pace would not consent till he knew the King's mind. "Notwithstanding this my demeanour the said Bishop doth imagine, both in word and deed, the worst he can against me, presupposing surely to have your Grace's favor in this cause, and by that to avoid all thing now imputed unto him." Begs the King will determine impartially in the matter. Pace desires his honesty may appear unto all men. Was desirous of showing himself faithful to his master. Had he not endeavoured to seek out the murderers, every one might have supposed he had consented with the Bishop. Is sorely grieved that Worcester should defame the late Cardinal. "For though my late lord had (I cannot deny) some vices, [yet] (I do take God to my judge) he was the most faithful man to your Grace, his prince, that ev[er was] born, and most vehement in the defence ... of your Grace's causes, when none other man durst open his mouth to speak, save he alone." Pace and Worcester's proceedings are very different; Worcester seeks to gain favor by effusion of money; Pace desires nothing but justice. Has not deserved his malice, as he was always friendly to the Bishop until he was accused of Bainbridge's death, and found to be an enemy to England. Rome, 25 Sept.
Hol., pp. 5. Add.
25 Sept.
S.P. Hen, VIII., 9, f. 124. R.O. Ellis, 3 S.I., 177.
3304. [5447.] PACE to WOLSEY.
Has written fully to Burbanke of the poisoning of Cardinal Bainbridge and the process in that matter. The Pope has been inquiring about Wolsey, stating "that they did labor in England for to make your grace cardinal." Thinks it necessary for the interest of the nation that the King should have one or two cardinals resident in Rome, as other princes have, their influence being so important in the creation of the Pope. Can inform Wolsey what persons at Rome must be won over not to impede his election. Rome, 25 Sept.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Thomæ Ebor. Archiep.
Transcr., I., 1, f. 204. R.O.
3305. LEO X. to FOX.
Has read the letters from him and the chapter of Wells to Adrian Card. of St. Chrysogon, bp. of Bath and Wells, showing that, by bull of Julius II., Wm. Cousin, dean of Wells, except at certain times of the year and in a certain manner, was exempted from residence, which (they write) being contrary to the statutes and his own oath, may cause grave scandal. At the petition of Card. Adrian the Pope commands Fox to _ (remainder lost).
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: Venerabili fratri, Riccardo Episcopo Wintoniensi.
28 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 253. R.O.
Receipt, 28 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., from Sir John Daunce, by Sir Philip Tylney of 20 mks., reward, on his being "sent over into France with the French Queen for the solemnisation of her marriage with the French King."
P. 1.
Ib., f. 254.
2. The like, same date, by John Cumbe on behalf of his master, Ralph Chamberlayn, of 20 mks. for diets at 13s. 4d. "beginning this present day."
P. 1.
28 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230. f. 255. R.O.
3307. THE TOWER.
Receipt, 28 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., from Sir John Daunce by Wm. Bolton, prior of St. Bartholomew's, of 50l. towards making storehouses and coining houses in the Tower.
P. 1.
28 Sept.
Vitell. B. VIII., 186. B.M.
"The Relation of Montjoy, K. of Arms."
"Francis Duke of Valois and of Bretaigne and 9 others, in honor of the coming of the Princess Mary, sister to King Henry VIIIth, erected in the Rue St. Anthoine near the Tournelles a Triumphant Arch supported by 5 great Pillars, unto which 5 shields were fastened. Whereof—1st. One was of Silver, which whosoever touched was admitted to run 4 Courses with a lance, and a 5th pour la Dame if he required it. 2nd. Who touched the Golden Shield, was admitted to one Course with the Lance and coups d'espé sans nombres. 3rd. Who touched the Black Shield was admitted to fight on foot with a Lance or Pike, and afterwards with a single sword. 4th. He that touched the Tawny Shield was admitted to fight on foot likewise, casting a Lance with one hand and holding a Target in the other, and after this to fight with a Two-handed sword. 5th. They that touched the Grey Shield which the Defendants should keep against all comers with the Arms above mentioned."
On back in same hand: "All which was remitted to the discretion of the said Judges. Upon the Interior part of the said Arch space was left for the shields of the Assailants which were in number 150 or more.
[Montjoy, K. of Arms was sent over Sept. 28.] (fn. 8)
The Defiance being brought into England by Montjoy was published at Canterbury, Sept. 28, by Jartier. 40 days respite was given by Montjoy, but the King finding the time too short, desired it should be 60 days, to which Montjoy condescended."
Modern copy. In 17th century hand.
29 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 256. R.O.
Receipt, 29 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., from Sir John Daunce by Thomas Wryothesley, alias Garter King of Arms, of 8l. for diets at 8s. for 20 days, begun 28 Sept., "sent over with the French Queen into France for the solemnization of her marriage with the French King." Signed.
P. 1.
29 Sept.
Add. Ch. 16,578. B.M.
Warrant under Privy Signet to Sir John Daunce to pay Sir Wm. Parre, one of the King's spears, wages "for the room of a spear," viz. 3s. 4d. a day, for a whole year from 2 Nov. next. Dover Castle, 29 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII.
Small parchment endorsed with Parre's receipt dated 13 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII.
29 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 126. R.O.
3311. [5457.] LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Acknowledges the King's letter of thanks in the matter of the Collector, which had been already finished when his last letters arrived, and letters sub plumbo delivered to the Bp. of Worcester, which the Pope thinks must have reached England a few days since. Hopes the conduct of Andreas Ammonius will be satisfactory. There is no obstacle now to the King's admitting him to the free exercise of the office of Collector. Rome, 29 Sept. 1514, 2 pont.
Countersigned: Ja. Sadoletus.
Transcr., I., 1, f. 211. R.O.
2. Note of a contemporary copy in the Vatican.
P. 1.
29 Sept.
Ib., f. 232. R.O.
3312. LEO X. to WOLSEY and FOX.
Is greatly annoyed by the sinister things which have been written to them and the King of England concerning the bp. of Worcester by some of the household of Cardinal Christopher, at the instigation of an old enemy (instigante etiam aliquo antiquiore ipsius inimico). Cannot yet send the evidences of the whole matter, but it already appears that the Bishop is free from all blame or even suspicion of blame, and this they may communicate to the King in his defence. Rome, 29 Sept. 1514, anno 2.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1.
29 Sept.
Exch. Accts., 85 (22). R.O.
Butler's account for the port of Bristol for the year ended Mich. 6 Hen. VIII.
Showing names of ships and their masters, dates of entry, merchants who had wines in them and amounts taken. Fifteen ships.
Latin. Large parchment, pp. 3.
Ib., 23.
2. The like for Southampton.
Showing owners of ships, dates of entry, &c. Nineteen ships.
Latin, pp. 14.
Ib., 24.
3. The like for Exeter and Dartmouth.
In form like § 1, except that the kind of ship is noted. Twenty-eight ships.
Latin. Large parchment, pp. 6.
Ib., 25.
4. The like for Yarmouth.
Giving masters of ships, dates of entry, &c. Four ships.
Latin. Parchment.
Ib., 21.
5. The like for Chichester for the year ending Mich. 5 Hen. VIII., when the receipts were nil.
ii. The like for the year ending Mich. 6 Hen. VIII.
Showing the kind of ship, port of ownership, master, date of entry, merchants who had wines in the ships and amounts taken. Seven ships.
Latin. Large paper, p. 1.
Ib., 15.
6. Declaration of money received by Sir Robert Southwell: showing that, as Chief Butler, he received in the years 1 to 5 Hen. VIII., 1,993l. 16s. 10¼d. from his deputies in the ports, viz.:—London, Roger Deale; Exeter and Dartmouth, John Symondes; Bristol, John Alstone, 1 Hen. VIII., Nic. Browne, 2–5 Hen. VIII.; Hull, Edm. Werdon; Newcastle, Hugh Kelynghale, 1 Hen. VIII., Nic. Turpyn, 2–5 Hen. VIII.; Bridgewater, Chr. Power, 1 Hen. VIII., Th. Syniough and Chr. Power, 2 Hen. VIII., Wm. Gower, 3–5 Hen. VIII.; Lyme and Weymouth, Chr. Power, 1 Hen. VIII, Ric. Philippes, 2–5 Hen. VIII.; Southampton, Nic. Coward; Ipswich, Wm. Waller; Boston, John Robynson; Sandwich, Wm. Clerk, 1 Hen. VIII, _ (blank), 2–5 Hen. VIII.; Chichester, Edw. Lewkenour; Yarmouth, John Palmer; Lynne, Hen. Magnus, 1 Hen. VIII., Ric. Bull, 2–5 Hen. VIII.
Also that he has received from the lands of the late Countess of Richmond (Hugh Edwardes and James Mores, receivers), 21 March 5 Hen. VIII., 460l.; Bromfeld and Yale, Lancelot Lother, rec., 12 May ao 5o, 50l.; the Hanaper, Roger Lupton, clk., keeper, 23 Feb. ao 5o, 50l.; Berwick, Wm. Pawne, rec., 4 March ao 5o, 303l. 17s. 2d.; Swaffham, Th. Goodman, rec., 10 March ao 5o, 50l. 7s. 2¾d.; Kendale. Sir Th. Parre, farmer, 20 March ao 5o, 340l.; Saham Tony, etc., due at Easter, ao 4o, 46l. 5s.; Disse and Hempnale, due at Mich. 24 Hen. VII., 100l.; Abynger, Rob. Rydford, farmer, 20 Dec. ao 2o, 40l.; Burgavenny, Matth. Cradok, esq., 4 Feb. ao 4o, 19l.; Rysyng Chace, John Debyns, bailiff, 8 Feb. ao 4o 33l. 8s. 8d.; lands of Cecilia late Viscountess Welles, Ant. Hansart, esq., rec. 413l. 6s.
Of the total, he paid to John Shirley, cofferer, 300l., paid to the King's hands 350l., and took for his own fees 1,300l. and 946l. 5s.; leaving due from him out of the issues of prisage and butlerage for five years ending Easter 5 Hen. VIII., 333l. 6s. 8d.
Latin, pp. 5.
Exch. Accts.,
85 (16). R.O.
7. A fuller declaration, showing the total sums due from the deputies of the Butler down to 6 Hen. VIII. with notes of their payments to Southwell, followed by a schedule of the dates on which these payments were made, and notes of the receipts from lands, &c., indicated in § 1. Separate memoranda of receipts by Southwell from Nic. Browne, of Bristol, 6 Nov. ao 4o, and from Edw. Lewkenor, of Chichester, 8 April ao 4o, are stitched on.
Latin, pp. 14.
Ib., 13.
8. Note of arrears still due (evidently at a later date than No. 874, § 2) for the three years ended Mich. 3 Hen. VIII., ending with the item 335l. 10s. 8d. due by Southwell himself for receipts of his office. Signed: T. Lincoln.
Latin. Large paper, pp. 2.
29 Sept. 3314. CALAIS ACCOUNTS.
See No. 3338.
29 Sept.
Exch. Accts., 220 (7 II.). R.O.
[For previous accounts see Nos. 109, 579, 875, 1406 and 2315.]
Account of Roger Lupton, clk., and John Heron, keepers or clerks of the Hanaper (by pat. 13 June 5 Hen. VIII.) from Mich. 5 Hen. VIII. (before which Lupton accounted) to Mich. 6 Hen. VIII. (after which Heron is to account).
Receipts:—Writs at 6d., 10,764. Letters patent at 2s., 625; at 3s. (for sheriffs), 23. For 310 writs at 6d., 9 patents at 2s., 16 charters parvi feodi at 16s. 4d. and one at 20s. 4d. is not answered because they remain in hand, not sued out. Judicial writs at 6d. [14,371]. Charters magni feodi 17. Charters de communi gratia 196, for life 213, of confirmation 8, of special pardon 6l, of pardon of outlawry 15, of se defendendo 4, of constat 4, of denization 7, of exemption 26, of licence of alienation 5 and of special livery 3; one letter executorial; 1 charter granted quamdiu se bene gesserit and 4 granting advowson; each at 16s. 4d. Also 1 charter of denization, 4 of grant in mortmain and 1 letter executorial, at 20s. 4d.; and 1 of special livery at 18s. 4d. and 8 at 17s. 4d. For 18 charters magni feodi and 21 parvi feodi is not answered because the King pardoned the fees by special words, nor for 14 magni feodi and 74 parvi feodi pardoned by special warrants. Writs of restitution of temporalities 8, at 20s., viz. for the bp. of Lincoln, abbots of Evesham, Whitby, St. Peter's, Gloucester, St. Cross of Waltham, prioress of Higham, and priors of Montacute and Hawtemprice. From common fines 308l. 13s. 4d., and de finibus confirmacionum et aliis grossis finibus 60l. 13s. 4d. Total receipts, 1,674l. 2s. 3d.
Payments as before. Green wax was bought for books between the King and the Kings of the Romans and of Denmark.
Statement of stuff remaining in store.
Latin, pp. 9.
Ib., (9).
2. Particulars of the account of Roger Lupton and John Heron, keepers or clerks of the Hanaper, from Mich. 5 Hen. VIII. to Mich. 6 Hen. VIII.
i. A diary showing day by day the amount, if any, taken in fees for sealing writs and letters patent; but what the particular writs or patents were is not indicated except in the case of appointments of sheriffs. ii. Amount taken in fees for judicial writs of King's Bench and Common Pleas in each of the four Law Terms. iii. List of 17 charters (giving name of grantee and nature of grant) for which the great fee of 7l. 11s. 8d. was charged, followed by lists of those (a very great number) at other fees, the last being eight restitutions of temporalities. iv. A very long list of fines paid for writs of entry, &c. (dates and parties specified), and a short list of fines for confirmations, respites of homage, &c.
Latin. Large parchment roll.
29 Sept.
L.T.R. Foreign Accts., 120, rot. 5. R.O.
Audited account of Wm. Stafford for the year ended Mich. 6 Hen. VIII, in the same form as No. 876, the principal variations being as follows:—
i.—(1) 177l. 9s. 5d. (2) 144l. 12s. 1½d.
ii.—(1) 151l. 8s. 8d.
29 Sept.
Exch. Accts., 202 (23). R.O.
Declaration of account of Th. Prowde and Th. Bote [, for themselves and other] farmers of the lordships of Mark and Oye, in the marches of Calais, from Mich. 1 Hen. VIII to Mich. 6 Hen. VIII.
Showing that, with arrears of 3,405l. 17s. 6d. from last account, they owed 7,805l. 17s. 6d.; whereof they paid Sir Gilbert Talbot, late Deputy, Sir Ric. Wingfeld, now Deputy, Th. Deacon and Ant. Nele various amounts upon the King's warrants (described), leaving numerous other amounts respited or carried over.
Paper roll of 3 membranes written on both sides.
Exch. T.R.
Misc. Books, 12. R.O.
3318. NAVY.
Accounts of John Hopton for expences of the Navy, viz.:—Paid by the King's command for victuals, workmanship stuff, &c. (minutely specified) for the Anne Gallaund from 10 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. to _ (blank) April following (pp. 1–4). Like expenditure on the Lyssard (p. 5), Gannet Perwyn (p. 9), Swallow Rowbarge (p. 13), Draggone (p. 17), Gabryell Ryall (p. 20), Santa Marya de Loreta, Mary Bryxame, Cateren Fortalessa, Jullyannne of Dartmowth, Mary Walsynggame, James of Dartmowth, Rosamus of London, Baptiste Harper, Elsabeth of New Castell, Gybschipp of the Weste Contrey, and Spaniard ships named Mary Somaya, Santamarya de Alkyten, Antony of Motrya, Trynete of Bilboa, Sancho Agerra, and Rosamus of Somangay (? pp. 21–8), and the Rosse Galley (p. 29). Payments for making oars for the King's barks (pp. 30–1). For iron gunstones (pp. 32–4). Pp. 35–58 are blank.
For the Mary and John, wages of mariners (named) from 28 Oct. to 24 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. (p. 59), payments to mariners and others for bringing her into the dock at Lymemoste "when she was burnt," removing her ordnance and preparing for new rigging, 24 Dec. to 8 April 4 Hen. VIII. (pp. 61–7), making her mainmast at Lyme houses 28 Oct. to 25 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII. (p. 69), further expenditure upon her to 5 May 5 Hen. VIII. (pp. 71–77), and victual and stuff provided from 25 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII. (pp. 79–97).
Similar expenditure on the Sovereign from 25 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII. to 11 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., including wages of many labourers and others engaged in making a new dock at Erythe and bringing in and repairing the ship there (p. 101). Similar expenditure on the Mary Rose (p. 149), the Cryste of Lynne (p. 177), the Peter Pongarnath (p. 203), the John Baptyste (p. 233), the Grett Barke (p. 263), the Lessear Barke or Lesbarke (p. 289), the Mary Gorge (p. 311), the Mary Jamis (p. 333), the Anne Affowye (p. 359), the Harry Cateryn, otherwise called the Kateryn Galee (p. 385), the Barbara (p. 407) and the Rosse Harry, otherwise called the Rose Galey (? p. 431), during the period from 28 Oct. to 11 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII.
ii. Victuals provided for the Mary and John from 13 May to 16 July 5 Hen. VIII. (p. 455).
iii. Payments for hoys carrying ordnance, &c., from Sandwich to Calais in April and May 5 Hen. VIII., giving owners, tonnage and other particulars (p. 465).
iv. Expenses, by the King's command made "upon all his ships within his havens and rivers of Temmys, Portsmowthe, Hambl Rysse and elsewhere within this realm of England" and paid by John Hopton, clerk controller of the King's ships, beginning 7 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII., on the King's ships named Mary Rosse (p. 487), Great Barke (p. 493), Less Barke (p. 499), Barbara (p. 505), Dragon (p. 509), Swepestake (p. 513), Genet Perwyn (p. 515), Rosse Galle (p. 525), Mary James of Greenwich (p. 531), John of Tottehyll (p. 533), Anne Galand (p. 534), Mary Emperyall, called the Barke of Scherborne (p. 534), and Swepestake (p. 535). The payments are of various dates down to 26 July 6 Hen. VIII.
"Also paid" for wages and expenditure on the King's ships in the haven of Portsmouth from 25 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. to 13 May following, viz., "the King's royal ship named the Trinite Soverene (p. 537), the carrick called Mary de la Rottae (p. 541), the Gabriell Ryalle (p. 545), the Katerne Fortene (p. 549), the John Baptiste (p. 553), the Grett Nicolas (p. 557), the Peter Pomgarnatt (p. 561), the Grett Barbara (p. 563), the Cryste of Grennewyche, otherwise called of Lynne (p. 567), the Harry of Grenewich (p. 570), the Katerne Galle (p. 572), the Swalowe. (p. 573), the Lysartte (p. 575).
v. Wages of shipwrights, caulkers, &c., at work on the King's ships at Portsmouth from 25 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. to 5 May following, some working by the day and some by the tide, and also for victuals, bedding and other things (pp. 578–654).
vi. Victuals and cables sent in the Henry of Greenwich, Lesse Barbara and James of the Tower to be delivered to the Mary James, Anne Galand, Blake Barke and Mary and John, then being at war in the north country, 31 July 6 Hen. VIII. (p. 655).
vii. "Costs done on certain of the King's ships appointed for the transporting of the French Queen," viz. the Swalow, Rosse Gallee, Swepestake, Grette Barke, Katerne Galle, Lysartt, Lesse Barke and Grette Elysabeth, the total of these "petty and necessary" costs for the "transporting of the French Queen into France," 12 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., being 21l. 12s. 3d. (p. 661).
A bound book of 684 large numbered pages, many of which are blank.
Exch. Accts.,
57 (3). R.O.
"These be the parcels of the account of Roffe Lion," of Rye, Suss., merchant, late one of the purveyors of hay, oats, &c., for the King's army in France for 164 days from 11 March 5 Hen. VIII.
Showing amounts and price of the stuff, and from whom he bought it with money received of Wm. Gykhill, one of the purveyors, on 23 May 6 Hen. VIII. (indenture signed by William Jekill annexed).
Pp. 7.
30 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 257. R.O.
Receipt, 30 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., by Lord Edward Grey, from Sir John Daunce, of 10l. reward for attendance on the French Queen.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 258.
2. The like, same date, by Richard Blownt, esq., of 20l., reward for attending the French Queen "into France."
Ib., f. 259.
3. The like, same date, by John Cecylia, Christopher de Pope, John Fernes, Thomas Gardener and Wm. Bulle, the King's trumpets, on behalf of themselves and John Frere, John Browne and Robert Wree, the other trumpets, 10l. 13s. 4d. for diets at 16d. each for 20 days from 28 Sept., attending the French Queen into France.
P. 1.
30 Sept.
Ib., f. 260. R.O.
Receipt, 30 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., from Sir John Daunce, by John Lord Berners, of 100l. in reward for attendance and advice in the "setting forward of the French Queen."
P. 1.
Ib., f. 261.
2. Like receipt, same date, by Lord Berners, of 36l. 5s. "upon the end of his declaration" for conduct of pioneers of the Middle Ward from Dover to their dwellings.
P. 1.
30 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 127. R.O.
The Pope is pleased at the election of Andreas Ammonius as Collector. Writes in his recommendation. Rome, 30 Sept. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Addressed.
Calig. D. VI., 141. B.M. Rym. XIII., 455
3323. [5462.] LOUIS XII. to WOLSEY.
Has received his letter conveying his wish to promote the mutual amity of the Kings. There is no alliance on which he sets such value. Thanks him for the trouble taken by him in the apparel of the Queen, his wife, as the Seigneur de Marigny and Jehan de Paris have written. Is very anxious to see her, and will be glad to have these preparations abridged. Is contented he shall retain for a time Marigny and De Paris to assist in arranging her apparel à la mode de France. Begs Wolsey will convey in reply to the kind expressions of his said wife that the writer is quite as desirous of her presence as she can be of his. Has seen Wolsey's letter to Longueville, and told him what answer he shall make. Begs to hear frequently from him. Paris,—Sept. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
1. John Stratton, yeoman purveyor in the Larder. Commission till 1 April next to provide horses, carts and boats for the conveyance of provisions. Westm., 1 Sept. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8d. [5371.]
2. John Mordaunt. Exemption from serving on juries, being made member of parliament, &c.; and privilege of wearing his hat in the King's presence. Del. Otford, 2 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [5374.]
3. Richard Clerc, of London, fishmonger. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, Deputy of Calais. Guildford, 28 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 2 Sept. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5375.]
4. Master Geoffrey Wren, clk. Presentation to a canonry or prebend in the collegiate church of Newark, near Leicester Castle, Linc. dioc. Otford, 4 Sept. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [5380.]
5. Thomas ap Gwylliams, yeomanusher of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the lordships of Fanhope and Maunsell Lacy, Heref. Del. Otford, 4 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [5384.]
6. Sir Anthony Ughtred. To be steward, in reversion, of Galtres forest, Yorks., and the laund therein, and master of the hunt. To take effect on death or surrender of Sir Henry Marney, knight for the Body, to whom the said office of steward was granted in reversion, by patent 22 June 1 Hen. VIII., on death or surrender of John Earl of Oxford, deceased. Greenwich, 19 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 4 Sept. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5385.]
7. Hugh Elyot, of Bristol, merchant, alias draper. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, Deputy of Calais. Eltham, 10 July 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 6 Sept. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5388.]
8. Elizabeth Saxby, widow. Annuity of 20l. for services to the King's father and mother and his sister Mary, Princess of Castile. Del. Otford, 8 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5394.]
9. John Sandford, yeoman-usher of the Chamber. To be steward of the town of Marton, Westmor., vice Richard Appulby, deceased. Chertsey Monastery, 7 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 9 Sept. P.S. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. [5395.]
10. Robert Fairfax, gentleman of the Chapel. To be one of the knights of the King's alms in the College of St. Mary and St. George, in Windsor Castle, with 12d. a day for life. Del. Knoll, 10 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5397.]
11. Hamnet Clegg, gentleman waiter upon the Queen. Grant of a corrody in the monastery of Stanley, Wilts, late held by William Browne, deceased. Del. Otford, 11 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [5400.]
12. Elizabeth Catesby, the King's kinswoman. Annuity of 40 marks, from Easter last, for services to Elizabeth late Queen of England, and Mary Queen of the French. Del. Knoll, 11 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5401.]
13. Elizabeth wife of John Burton. Annuity of 20 marks from Easter last, for life. Esher, 9 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 11 Sept. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5402.]
14. Mary Redyng, gentlewoman. Annuity of 50l., for services to Elizabeth, late Queen of England, and to Mary Queen of the French. Esher, 7 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 14 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5406.]
15. Richard Camden, groom of the Chamber, alias late of London, fishmonger. Protection for four years. Del. Knoll, 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 8 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5419.]
16. Morres Apparry, yeoman for the King's mouth in his Cellar. To be constable of the castle of Tenby, with the custody of the woods called "Coyde Raf," Pembroke, for life, with 2d. a day out of the exchequer of Pembroke. Del. Knoll, 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5420.]
17. William Nelson, M.A. Presentation to the church of St. Blaise the Martyr, in the marches of Calais, void by resignation of John Dent, M.A. Del. Knoll, 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5421.]
18. Dorothy Verney. Annuity of 20 marks, for life, in consideration of her services to Mary the French Queen, payable by John Heron, or any other person. Del. Knoll, 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5422.]
19. Thomas Musgrave, one of the King's spears in the retinue at Calais. To be bailiff of the town and lordship of Penrithe, Cumb., vice Richard Appilby, deceased; as amply as the said Richard or William Lonkester enjoyed the same. Farnham Castle, 3 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 16 Sept. P.S. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5423.]
20. William Holden and Katharine his wife, of Moche Chesterford, Essex. Licence to found a chantry for one secular chaplain in the church of All Saints there, to officiate at the altar of St. Mary on the south side of the said church for the good estate of the King and Queen, the said William and Katharine his wife, and of William Rolt, serjeant-at-arms; with mortmain licence to the chaplain to acquire lands in Essex and Cambridge (fn. 9) to the annual value of 10 marks. Del. Knoll. 18 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
ii. Warrant to the Chancellor for alteration in the above of the words "in com. prœdicto "(meaning Essex), to "in com. Essex and Cantabr.," as some of the lands to be acquired are in Cambridgeshire. Greenwich, 12 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5425.]
21. Thomas Dingley. To have the pension which the elected abbot of Gloucester is bound to give for the exhibition of a clerk at the King's nomination, till promoted by the abbot to a competent benefice. Greenwich, 5 April 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 18 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. P. S. (in English). [5426.]
22. Richard Bishop of London, John Bishop of Gallipoli, master of the house of St. Thomas of Acon, London, John Colett, clk., Dean of St. Paul's, London, and Sir Andrew Wyndesore. Grant of the goods and chattels of and debts due to Edmund Dudley, attainted. Farnham, 6 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 18 Sept. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. [5427.]
23. Thomas Rasour, of Norwich, draper. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, deputy of Calais. Del. Otford, 18 Sept. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5428.]
24. Duchy of Cornwall. Appointment of Hugh Bishop of Exeter, Sir Henry Marney, steward of the duchy of Cornwall, Sir John Arundel, receiver general of the same, John Turnour and Guthlac Overton, auditors of the same, Thomas Denys, William Lowre, John Skewis, Henry Trecarell, Odo Goeff, James Erysy, John Tregian, and Thomas Cook, as commissioners and assessors of all the possessions in Cornwall and Devon belonging to the said duchy. Farnham, 2 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 20 Sept. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7d. [5431.]
25. Thomas Johns and Robert his son. To be keepers, in survivorship, of the park of Witeley, Surrey, with herbage and pannage; on surrender of patent 20 Sept. 12 Hen. VII., granting the office to the father alone. Del. Knoll, 20 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [5432.]
26. Charles Earl of Worcester, Chamberlain, and Henry his son and heir. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of steward of the castle or lordship of Dynas and Walshetalgarth, in the Marches of Wales, and constable and porter of Dynas castle, as Roger Vaghan, lately held the same. Del. Knoll, 20 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [5433.]
27. William Rygley, page of the Wardrobe of Beds. To be keeper of the wood and deer of the outwood called Lynryche, Warw., as held by Thomas Wolbaston, deceased. Del. Knoll, 21 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5435.]
28. Edmund Knyvet, the King's serjeant-porter. Grant of the manor of Pontesbury, Salop, with its members and appurtenances "in Beycote, Farley, Hynton, firmas dominii et Shrewesbury," during minority of George Lord Powes. Farnham, 8 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 21 Sept. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [5436.]
29. John Wodehouse, alias Bull, of Hornechurche, Essex, waterman. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfelde, Deputy of Calais. Croydon, 11 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 21 Sept. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5437.]
30. Edward Whyte. Fiat for his custody of 30 ac. of land in Stoke Holy Cross and 30 ac. in Shotsh[am], Norf., with rents there called "whetdole," which the prior and convent of Iklinge appropriated without licence; from Mich. next, for 30 years, at 4s. rent and 2d. increase. Del. Westm., 21 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed by Norfolk as treasurer).
31. Alexander de la Fava, merchant of Bologna. Licence to retain in his hands for five years the customs on goods imported or exported by him within the next five years, to the amount of 1,000l. Del. Knoll, 22 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [5438.]
32. Sir Christopher Garneys and Joan his wife. Grant, in fee to the said Sir Christopher, of the manor of Wellyngton, Salop, late belonging to Henry Lovel Lord Morley, deceased, in the King's hands by attainder of Francis Viscount Lovel. Also grant of a weekly market on Thursday in Wellyngton, and two fairs yearly, the first on the eve, day, and morrow of St. Barnabas, and the second on the day of St. Leonard, with court of pie powder, &c.; at the annual rent of one red rose. Del. Otford, 23 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. [5440.]
33. Marriage of Princess Mary. Commission to Thomas Duke of Norfolk, treasurer and marshal of England, Thomas Marquis of Dorset, Thomas Bishop of Durham, Thomas Earl of Surrey, Abmiral of England, Charles Earl of Worcester, Lord Herbert and Gower, First Chamberlain, Thomas Docwra, prior of St. John's, and Nicholas West, LLD., dean of Windsor, to convey the Princess Mary, the King's sister, to Abbeville, in accordance with the treaty for her marriage with Louis XII., and obtain his acquittance for 200,000 crs. in the name of dot and his letters patent for assurance of her dowry. Westm., 23 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. Rym. XIII. 448. [5441.]
34. Sir Edward Nevyll. To be squire for the Body with 50 marks a year, in reversion, on the death or resignation of Sir Henry Guldeford, Sir William Sydney, Ralph Chamberleyn, or Richard Jernyngen. Del. Knoll, 24 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5442.]
35. Sir John Pecche, knight for the Body, and John Browne. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of purveyor of the manor of Eltham, with the houses and buildings in "le Storeyarde," without the gates of the said manor, which Edward Graveley, temp. Edw. IV., held. Del. Otford, 25 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5450.]
36. Elizabeth Chamber. Annuity of 20l., for life, out of the issues of Somerset and Dorset, for services to Queen Elizabeth, the King's mother, and his sister Mary Queen of the French. Del. Knoll, 25 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5451.]
37. Sir Griffith ap Rice. To be steward and receiver of the lordship of Dynnas, in the earldom of the March of Wales; vice Roger Vaughan, deceased. Del. Otford, 25 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5452.]
38. John Uvedale. Commission for six months to purvey carriage for the Household. Del. Knoll, 25 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (addressed to the Clerk of the Crown by John Shurley, cofferer).
39. Sir Ralph Verney, senior. Annuity of 50l., for life, payable by John Heron or any other receiver, for services to Henry VII., Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of the French, and Margaret Queen of the Scots. Del. Otford, 26 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
(2) To the same effect. The annuity to be payable by the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer. Same date. [5453.]
40. Thomas Marquis of Dorset. Grant, in tail general, of the lordship and manor of Wyverston, Suff., with the park and advowson granted him, in tail male, by patent 20 Dec. 22 Hen. VII., on forfeiture of Edmund de la Pole Earl of Suffolk. Del. Westm., 26 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [5454.]
41. John Meautys, the King's French Secretary. Annuity of 40 marks, for life, from Easter last. Otford, 20 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 27 Sept. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [5455.]
42. Devon. Warrant for a commission to persons mentioned in a bill inclosed (not now found) to inquire into the late riots in Devonshire. Bobyng, 27 Sept. Del. Croydon, [29 Sept.] 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English).
(2) The commission, viz., to H. Bp. of Exeter, Hen. Earl of Wiltshire, Lord Fitzwar[ren], Sir Peter Eggecombe, Sir Edw. Pomerey, Lewis Pollerd, Wm. Courteney and Ric. Coffen. Croydon, 29 Sept. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7d. [5458.]
43. Giles du Wes, the King's servant. Licence to import 200 tuns of Gascon wine. Del. Otford, 30 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (subscribed: Apud Lamehith). [5459.]
44. John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber. To be keeper or clerk of the Hanaper, with usual fees, as held by Roger Lupton, clk.; with annuity of 40l., and 18d. a day for his expenses when riding in attendance on the Chancellor. Del. Knoll, 30 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B.
ii. Original patent granting the above office to Lupton and Heron in survivorship, vice William Smyth, clk. Westm., 13 June 5 Hen. VIII. Endorsed as surrendered to the Chancellor 8 July 6 Hen. VIII. and cancelled 29 Sept. [5460.]
45. Hugh Willy and Robert Stanshawe, grooms of the Chamber. Grant, in survivorshop, of the toll in the city of Hereford, Beelthe, Elvell, and Presteyn, in the marches of Wales. Del. Otford, 30 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (subscribed: Apud Lamehith). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29. [5461.]


  • 1. Seigneur de Castres.
  • 2. The Henry Grace à Dieu.
  • 3. Angus.
  • 4. He proceeded B.D. and D.D. 5 May 1515.
  • 5. Drawn, perhaps, with a view to the marriage of Mary with Louis XII.
  • 6. The Audiencer of France.
  • 7. The Cardinalate.
  • 8. Cancelled.
  • 9. Altered from "com. prædicto" in S.B.