Henry VIII: May 1509, 1-14

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: May 1509, 1-14', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp8-24 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: May 1509, 1-14', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp8-24.

"Henry VIII: May 1509, 1-14". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp8-24.


May 1509

1 May.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 48b. (No. 121.) B. M.
12. [20.] JAMES IV. to the COUNTESS OF NEVERS.
Desiring her, in accordance with the letters of the King of France, to make restitution of a Portuguese ship belonging to Rob. Bertoun, driven ashore by tempest within the county of Eu. Edinburgh, Kal. Maii, 1509.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II. 50. (No. 129.) B. M. Ep. Reg. Scot., r. 111.
13. [841, 1245.] JAMES IV. to MARGARET OF SAVOY.
On behalf of Robert Bertoun, who is detained in the port of Veere, on the complaint of some Portuguese, and condemned to suffer death unless a Portuguese ship taken by him be restored by a certain day. Above 30 years ago (supra trigesimum annum) (fn. 1) the Portuguese fleet took and plundered a vessel of James III., and the K. of Portugal made no restitution, on which account the father of the said Robert had letters of reprisal for his special injury. Hopes the alliance with Burgundy will remain unbroken, and that peace will be more surely established with their mutual cousin, Charles Duke of Gueldres.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS. 231.
Wrote lately that Rob. Bertoun, by virtue of letters of marque, had taken a merchantship of Portugal homeward bound from England. Having come to Vere on the coast of Zealand, Bertoun and his ship, laden with the goods of merchants, were arrested at the suit of the Portuguese. As the Portuguese ship was a lawful prize, desires that Bertoun may be dismissed unpunished and his vessel released.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Corrections. See GRANTS IN MAY 1509, Nos. 2, 4.
4 May.
Exch. Accts., 55 (26). R. O.
Indenture, 4 May 1 Hen. VIII., between Thos. Thomas, of Southampton, and Rob. Brigandyne, clerk of the King's ships, of the one part, and Hervey Halbeard, master of the King's ship, the Regent, of the other part, witnessing receipt by the said Hervey of a "sprusetremast of the King's store" (dimensions given) for the use of a ship belonging to the said Hervey called the Cheryte, the said Hervey binding himself to the said Thomas and Robert, to deliver as good a "sprusetremaste" as he received, or as many as shall be equal in value to the same, or in default to pay the sum of 20l.
P. 1.
4 May.
Sanuto, VIII. 182.
[Note of letters received 8 May 1509.]
From Rome, 3 and 4 May:—The Pope refuses to receive the Venetian Ambassadors; and the excommunication is printed. * * * There is certain news that the King of England died on 20 April, as announced by the Pope in a consistory specially summoned. The Bonivisi have letters from their bank in London, of 26 April, that the Flanders galleys under Augustin da Mulla are still there; the new King is aged _ (blank), a worthy King and very hostile to France, which he will undoubtedly invade, and perhaps he has retained the Venetian galleys to transport his men. He is son-in-law of the King of Spain and named _ (blank). Apparently he was to be crowned on 26 April. His father's name was Henry, aged_ (blank), a most miserly (miserissimo) man but of great genius, who has accumulated more gold than that possessed by all the other Christian kings. This King, his son, is liberal and handsome, a friend of Venetians and enemy of France. With Andrea Badoer there and _ (blank) da Ponte, who is tuto of the King, and the Councillors hostile to France, something will be done.
Congé d'élire. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 6.
9 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 11. R. O.
19. [5735.] HENRY VII.'s FUNERAL.
File of warrants to John Heron, Treasurer of the Chamber, signed at the head by (1) "Margaret R." [Countess of Richmond] and below by (2) Chri. abp. of York, (3) Ric. bp. of Winchester, (4) Ric. bp. of London, (5) John bp. of Rochester, (6) T. Earl of Arundel, (7) T. Earl of Surrey, (8) C. Somerset [Lord Herbert], (9) John Yong, (10) Sir Th. Lovell, (11) Thos. Rowthale, and (12) Sir John Cutte, or some of them, as executors of Henry VII., for payments towards the expenses of the funeral. The receipts attached indicate that Heron paid the money by the hands of John Daunce. The warrants are:—F. 11.—24 April 1 Hen. VIII. for 1,000l. to Andrew Wyndesore, the King's "wardroper" for black cloth for hangings in the chapel, &c. and for liveries to lords and others present. Signed by 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12. (at ƒ. 21., Wyndesore's receipt, 29 Apr.). F. 12.—26 Apr., 20l. to Henry Smyth for timber work on the hearse. Signed by 1,7, 3, 8, 5. (Smyth's receipt, 29 Apr., subscribed) F. 13.—28 Apr., 40l. to Henry Wyatt for messengers and other charges. Sig. 1, 2, 3, 8. (at f. 26a, holograph note by Wyatt, 28 April, enclosing this, as from "thexecutors," to Heron, or in his absence Ric. Tryse, with request for the money to be sent in groats by Ric. Lee.) F. 14.—9 May, 666l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Cutte for payments to St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey, the four houses of Friars, &c. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 6., 8, 10, 12. (at ƒ. 18, Cutte's receipt, 20 May.) F. 15.—28 Apr., 500l. to Sir John Cutte, for scocheons, banners &c. Sig. 1, 2, 3, 8, 12. (at ƒ. 15a, Cutte's receipt, 30 April.) F. 17.—26 May, 2,895l. 11s. 2d. to Andrew Wyndesore, esq., Master of the Great Wardrobe, for funeral expenses of the Household and for rewards &c. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 10, 11, 9, 12. (at ƒ. 19, Wyndesore's receipt, 8 June.) F. 20.—25 Apr., 500l. to Sir John Cutte for torches &c. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 4, 8, 10, 6. (at ƒ. 16, Cutte's receipt, 28 Apr.) F. 21a.—1 May, 2,000l. to Andrew Wyndesore, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, for "divers things." Sig. 1, 7, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12. (at ƒ. 22, Wyndesore's receipt, 12 May.) F. 25.—25 Apr., 250l. to Andrew Wyndesore and Wm. Pawne, to be employed, by oversight of Sir Thomas Brandon, "for the chare and other apparels belonging to the Stable." Sig. 1, 7, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12. (at ƒ. 24, Pawne's receipt, 1 June.) F. 26.—Undated, to "Master Doctor Edmayn the King's aumosner," for alms and wages of 330 poor men from Richmond to Westminster 66l., 100 torch bearers from St. George's Barre to Westminster 10l., alms by the way from Richmond to London 100l., choirs of Paulles and Westminster each 10l., and 30 "men lakkyng of the Household" to bear staff torches from Richmond to Westminster 6l. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 10. (at ƒ. 27, receipt, by Richard Rayner, of the above, on behalf of Dr. "Edname," 8 May.) F. 28.—5 May, 100l. each to Mr. Roger Lupton, Mr. Richard Rawlyns, Mr. _ (blank) Honywode and Mr. Robert Bekynsals, for alms to be distributed in London and Westminster and the suburbs. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 10. (at ƒ. 23, several receipts signed by Rawlyns, Robert Honywode, Bekynsaw and Lupton, 11 May.)
Small papers, each p. 1.
11 May.
Ld. Chamb.,
Cl. ix., 1. f. 81.
R. O.
"Th'entierment of the moost excellent prynce King Henry the vijth."
A book beginning (f. 81) with a long list of lengths and prices of black cloth bought from 56 merchants (named). Then follow (f. 95) the prices of "manteletts" and "kercheffes" allowed to the Princess of Castell, Lady Kateryne, Lady Fytzwater, Lady Anne Percy, the lady of Kent, Lady Gordon, Lady Verney, Lady Marzen, Mrs. Redyng, Mrs. Catysby, Mrs. Denes (or Denyse), Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Jarnyngham, Mrs. Bucknam, Mrs. Popyncourt, Mrs. Kateryn and Mrs. Sapcott, and their gentlewomen; to the Princess of Wales and her two ladies, Dame Agnes Vanegas and Dame Maria de Gavara, four gentlewomen, Katerina Fortes, Maria Saleinas, John de Quero's wife and Kateryn Montaya, and two chamberers, Kateryn de Gavara and Esabell de Vanegas; to the King's "grauntdame," Lady Jane, Lady Wylloughby, Mrs. Clyfford, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Stanhop, Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Ratclyff, to the two gentlewomen of these ladies and to Perott Doren and Jane Walter, chamberers of the King's granddame. Next (f. 96b.) come payments to goldsmiths, tailors, &c., for hearse covering, palls, robes, coffin cloths, gowns "for 9 henxmen and the M." (master) and for many poor men, the carriage of stuff to Richmond, and provision of hangings there. Then (f. 99) come payments amounting to 25l., mainly for saddlery for the Princesses of Wales and Castell, headed as made by warrant dated 15 May 1 Hen. VIII. and some further payments for hearses at St. Paul's and Westminster and for a cloth of estate for the high altar at Greenwich; followed by "The Boke of Peynters," showing payments for "scochyns," coats of arms, banners, "banerolles," "pencelles," "magesties," "rachementes" and borders, made by Mr. Broun, Rogecrosse, Wm. Whytyng, John Wolff, John Wanlesse, Thos. Grene, Ric. Rowanger and others (named). Then come expenses at Richmond, St. Paul's and Westminster showing amount and cost of material, names and wages of workmen &c. (1,557lbs. of Poleyn wax was used on the hearse at Pawles and 3,606lbs. at Westminster), and bills of the purchase of torches (weights given) and expenses in the Stable.
Next (at f. 112b.) in an account of "Almose yeven by dyverse doctours," viz.:—Dr. Ednam: alms by the way from Richmond to London by the hands of Dr. Hobbys and the Under-almoner, 22l.; alms to King's chaplains, 23l.; and other payments for alms distributed betweene Paules and Westminster, given to 60 country churches, wages of torchbearers and 10l. each to the choirs of Paules and Westminster; total, 102l. Dr. Bekensawe: distributed to poor people at the Clynke 28 and 29 April and 9, 10 and 11 May and to impotent people of the city and suburbs nominated by their curates, total 447l. 9s. 8d. Similar distributions by Dr. Rawlyns, 463l. 16d., and Dr. Honywood, 520l. at Ledon Hall and Seynt Mary Spetyll; by Dr. Lupton, at Westminster, 386l. 5s. 4d.; and on 5 May, by Dr. Lupton, to 39 prisoners delivered out of Newgate, Ludgate, Counter in the Pultrye, Counter in Bredestrete and the King's Bench, 34l. 3s.
At f. 114 begins an account of expenditure of provisions at the Bishop of London's palace and at Westminster by the various departments of the Household.
Then, after specifying the mourning clothing allowed to ladies and lords of every degree, at f. 119 comes:—
f. 119. "Livery given as well to archbishops, dukes, bishops, earls, lords, knights, chaplains, squires, gentlemen, yeomen, grooms and pages and other officers as to the King's grauntdame, the princesses of Walis and Castell, the Queen's sister, 'merqueses,' countesses, viscountesses, baronesses, knights' wives, gentlewomen, chamberers, with their servants as well men as women, against the interment of" &c. Henry VII., who died 21 April in the 24th year of his reign and was buried at Westminster 11 May following.
[The amount of cloth allowed to themselves and their servants is in each case given, the total length being 18,311¾ yds.]
f. 119b. Bishops: York, (fn. 2) Winchester,* London. Earls: Treasurer,* Essex, Kent, Derbie. Barons: Harry Stafford, John Grey, Richard Grey, Anthony Grey, Delaware, Willoughby, Dacres of the South, Ferrers, Barnes, Dacres of the North, Chamberlain*, Darcy, Sir John Huse, Comptroller of the King's House. Knights: Sir David Owyn, Sir Edw. Stanley, Sir Henry Willoughby, Sir Matthew Broun, Sir Ric. Lewys, Sir John Huddilston, Sir Rob. Sheffeld, Sir Th. Bryan, Sir Wm. Vampage, Sir Edw. Darell, Sir Rob. Southwell, Sir John Bothe, Sir Walter Hungerford. Gentlemen-ushers: Rob. Knolles, Henry Wentworth, Fras. Barnard, _ (blank) Kermynow.
f. 120.
f. 121.
Bishops: Chichester, Chester, Rochester. Lords: Howard, Fitzwater, Mr. Secretary*, Lord Clynton. Knights: Sir Th. Tirrell, Sir Hugh Vaghan, Sir Rol. Veilvyle, Sir Adrian Fortescu, Sir Ric. Fowler. Sir Rob. Peyton, Sir John Seymore, Sir Th. Fynes, Sir Jhon Devynnysshe. Squyers for the Bodie: Henry Wyott, Master of the King's Jewelhouse, Mr. Arthur, Edw. Hungerford, Th. Knevett, Ant. Wyngfeld, John Veer, Wm. Parr, John Geynesford, Th. Tirrell, Edw. Nevell, Ch. Brandon, Giles Capell, Hugh Denyse, Wistan Broun, Edw. Guylford, John Dyve, John Hampden, John Melton, Ric. Weston, Th. Stoner, Ric. Chombley. Gentlemen-ushers: John Russell, John Moreton, John Clerk, Edw. Ap Rees, Edw. Doon, Jasper Fyloll, George Kene, Ric. Fyssher, John Mershall, Wm. Kyngeston, Rob. Jones, John Leventhorp, John Roy. Sewers of the Chamber: Fras. Buddes, Th. Ap Rees, Th. Ap Morgan, Ric. Whitehill, Chr. Villers, Griffith Doon, John Salysbury, Nic. Hyde, John Clon, Hugh Walden, John Verney, John Hyghfeld, Melchior Astolo, Edw. Swenerton, Rob. Ardern, Wm. Lyngen. Serjeants of arms: Rob. Wesshyngton, Edw. Griffith, James Conyers, John Roydon, Gilb. Mawdesley, John Hamerton, Wm. Butler, Mores Butler, Lionel Crowford, Hugh Chomley, Th. Russhe, Th. Twyseaday, Rob. Marleton, John Harper. Officers at Arms: Garter King at Arms, Richemont King at Arms, Norrey King at Arms, Wyndesore and Somerset heralds, and Rougecrosse, Blewmantill, Barwyke, Rougedragon, Guynes, Hammes, Caleis, Mount Orgeil and Kyldare pursuivants. Grooms of the Chamber: Piers Barbour, Ric. Clement, James Worseley, Rob. Hesulrygge, John Pate, John Bygge, Wm. Dalborn, Peter Malvesey, John Pultney, Rob. Hert, John Floid, Wm. Hylton, David Ap Rees, — Forster, Th. Gardygon, Th. Musgrave, Th. Vowell, — Shevall, Rob. Barbour, George Sutton, John Burton, Wm. Coke, Wm. Wynslowe, Hen. Ardern, John Davyd, Petie Roy, Nic. Taylour, Rob. Troughton, Bart. Overton, Janken Vaghan, Nic. Baker. Pages of the Chamber: John Copenger, John Catchmay, Th. Carvanell, Henry Kemyas, Massy Velyarde, Peter Champney.
f. 122. The King's Grandame. Ladies: Lady Jane, Lady Wylloughby. Gentlewomen: Mrs. Clyfford, Parker, Fowler, Stanhop, Jane and Ratclyffe. Chamberers: Perott Doren, Jane Walter. Counsellors: Mr. Chaunceler, Mr. Chamberleyn, Mr. Steward, Mr. Morgan. Chaplains: Mr. Confessor, Mr. Almoner, Mr. Pexall. Gentlemen: Mr. Parker, George Henyngham, George Frauncesse, Rob. Fernyngham, Rog. Ratclyff, John Lee. Yeomen: Rob. Merbury. Wm. Hylmer, Nic. Aughton, Ric. Aderston, John Merycoke, Rob. Nessewyke, Rob. Hylton, John Madyson, Wm. Love. Grooms: Hugh Carr, Henry Abney, Hugh Worsley, John Hasylby, Rob. Clyff.
f. 122b. The King's Guard: Wm. Kebe, Nic. Downes, Nic. Pounser, Humph. Baryngton, Ric. Phyllypp and 119 others named.
Mr. John Baptista, Mr. Wm. Lynche, Mr. John Chambre. Squire for the Body: Henry Milborn. Gentleman-ushers: John Sherp, Wm. Tyler. Groom of the Chamber: Th. Wolbaston.
f. 124. Doctor Lacy, Ralph Egerton. Sewers: Henry Pynago, Wm. Norres, Ant. Cotton. Clerk Comptroller: Edw. Hatclyff. Yeomen: Rob. Ryssheton, John Nevell, Wm. Royt, John Braban, Wm. Poole, Th. Woderoff, Edw. Addeley, George Brocas, Th. Bella, John Gaso, John Dey, Wm. Vaghan, John Prynce. Footman: David Phyllypp. Grooms of the Chamber: Wm. Thomas, Wm. Compton, Wm. Gower, Walter Badham, Chr. Rochestre. Grooms Officers: Alex. Staveley, John Versyn, Rob. Lyttle, John Smythe, Ric. Bendon, Wm. Hoxeson, Roger Bedill, James Derham, John Colynson, John Spokesman, Wm. Roodes, Th. Sawcy, John Naples, Th. Wheteley, Th. Peper, John Janyns. Pages officers: John Dowener, Wm. Seynt. Sewer for the Board: John Cornewale. Yeomen: John Grey, Wm. Leygh, Hugh Sterkey, Chr. Roper, Th. Maxson, Th. Dec, John Passy, Rob. Maunger. Minstrels: Hakenett de Lewys, Stephen de Lalaunde. Grooms: Ric. Amere, Ric. Hert, Wm. Atkynson, John Jely. Pages: Rob. Bowyngton, John Procter, Petie John.
Knight: Sir Henry Merney. Cupbearers: Josselyn Percy, Henry Clyfford. Chaplains: Dr. Rawson, Mr. Geoffrey Wrenne.
Henry Guylford, Th. Lucy, John Moreton.
f. 125. Lords: my lord Steward, my lord of Oxford, my lord MountJoye, Mr. Treasurer, the Master of the Wardrobe, Sir John Cutte (fn. 3), Undertreasurer*. Knights: Sirs Edw. Poynynges, John Reynesford, John Peche, John Carewe, Wm. Saundes, Th. West, Edw. Haward and George Maners. Cupbearer: Ric. Hastynges. Squires for the Body: Th. Parr, Ant. Fetipace, John Carr, Th. Bolan, Matth. Baker. Gentlemen-ushers: John Whytyng. Chr. Garnysshe.
The King's chaplains: Mr. Hobbys, Mr. Cosyn, Mr. Vaghan, Mr. Lupton, Mr. Lychfeld, Mr. Honywood, Mr. West, brother to the lord Dalaware, Mr. Wolsey, Mr. Oxenbrygge, Mr. Esterfeld, Mr. Fyssher, Mr. Rawlyns, Mr. Teylour, Mr. Hatton "profyce of Cambryge," Mr Petir of ye Closet.
f. 126. Lords: The Earl of Aren, the Earl of Ormond, the Lord Hastynges. Knight: Sir Rob. Brandon. Squires for the Body: John Marney, Symken Dyghby. Bishops with lords: the bp. of Lincoln, my lord Matravers, the bp. of Worcester, the bp. of Carlisle. Minstrels of the Chamber: Gyles, Buntanes, Babram, "Seykebudes" (sackbuts) and shalmeys: Johannes, Guyllam Borrow, Edward Johannes, Alex. Massu. The King's trumpets: Jakett, Petir, Domynyk, John Cecile, Frank, Christopher, Adryan, John Broun, John Blank. The King's falconers: Francis, Peter, Patrick, Mate, Hugh. Keeper of the King's "librally": Sir William Faques, priest. Clerk of the Counseill: Wm. Bellouse.
f. 127. Duke: Buckingham. Lords: The bp. of Norwich, Lord Broke, Lord Scrope, Lord Fitzhugh, Lord of Seynt Jones, Lord Grey of Wylton. Knights: Sirs Wm. Rede, Th. Bousher, Th. Trenchard, John Ryseley, George Holford, Everard Fyldyng, Nic. Griffythe, Giles Brygges, John Longford, Rob. Dymmok. Squires for the Body: Piers Champion, John Fortescu, Edw. Chamberleyn, Fras. Cheny, John Cheny, Th. Cheny, Ric. Norres, Edw. Ratclyff, Wm. Morgan, Edw. Bealknapp, Adam Penyngton, Ric. Welden, Edw. Bulstrode, Th. Pekeryng, Edm. Breknell, Edw. Wadham, Wm. West, Ric. Wentworth, Mr. Mewtas. Gentlemen-ushers: Wm. Fitzwilliam, Roger Chomley, Edw. Benstede, Walter Frost, Godderd Oxenbrygge, George Hervy, Frowyk of Barnett, John Norton, Wm. Penyngton, James Metcalff, Hen. Brugges, Edw. Jernyngham, John Pooll, Ric. Saundes. Sewers of the Chamber: Walron Coughan, John Souche, Fras. Harecourt, Rob. Blount.
Counsellors and chaplains: Mr. Chr. Ursewyke, Mr. Simon Stalworth, Mr. Nicholas West. Earls: Arundale, Northumberlond. Knights and justices: Sir John Fyneux, Chief Justice of Ingeland, Robert Rede, Chief Justice of the Common Place, Wm. Hody, Chief Baron. Knights: Sir Th. Dygby, Sir John Dyghby, Sir Jas. Hoberd, the Master of the Rolls, Sir Edm. Carewe, Sir Wm. Filoll, Sir Rob. Drewre, Sir John Savage. Esquires: Maurice Barkeley, Wm. Denes, John Villers, Th. Denham, Wm. Gascoign, Wm. Cromer, "Henry Grey my lord of Kent brother." Gentlemen-ushers: James Barkley, John Cromer, Rob. Turges, John Bairley, Henry Wodall, James Loder, Ralph Bukberd, Fras. Haselden. Grooms: Hugh Edwardes, John Vavasour.
f. 128. Knight: Sir Ric. Chomley. (Not described): Oliver Turnour, John Whytyngton, porter, the Under-porter, John Freynce, Rob. Hirdelston, John Williams, Ric. Birton, Hen. Hopkyns, Cadwalader John, Davy Jones, Ric. Babsey, John Auteknapp, Rob. Auler, Wm. Maddokkes, John Brokwall, George Todd, gaoler. Officers of the King's Ordynance: Wm. Huxley, Elys Hylton, John Yong. Grooms: Ric. Fawconer, Rob. Fyssher, John Wystowe, Humphrey Walker, Blace Billard, Pace Reynold, Henry Cramer, Wymond Godfrey, Wm. Lacryan, Roger Hyngelych, Edw. Hygges, Ric. Smyth, gardener, Chr. Wodland, smith, Walter Harowe, Miles Reynold.
f. 129. The bp. of Ely, My lord of Canterbury. Lord: my lord Clyfford. Knights: Sirs John Hungerford, Rob. Plompton, Ric. York, John Dunham, George Forster, Rob. Poynys, Rob. Curson. Squires for the Body: John Awdeley, Th. Nevell, Wm. Plompton, Edm. Bray, Edw. Ferrers, Th. Moreton, Roger Townesend, Ric. Hungerford, Gerard Danett, George Guylford, John Gage, Chr. Willoughby, John Stanley. Gentlemen-ushers: Rob. Witell, Ric. Irton, Wm. Bulstrode, Wm. Husse, Th. Seyntmarten, John Pauncefort, Nic. Sterley, Ralph Worseley. Sewer: Th. Maston. Grooms: Mr. John the King's surgeon, Ric. Floyd, Henry the King's godson, Jankyn Floyd, Wm. Lambert, Ric. Smythe, Stephen the King's tailor, Th. James, Wm. Pertryche, Mr. John the King's sage French doctor, Mr. Martyn the King's fool, "For Phypp hys master" (this a separate entry), Th. Pownde, Crochett the King's armourer.
Knights: Sir John Ferrers, Sir Ric. Knyghtley. Chaplains: Mr. Sydename, Mr. Alkoke, Mr. Gundesalus, Mr. John Glynne, Mr. Salysbury, Mr. Ant. Fyssher, Mr. Weldon, Mr. Derley, Mr. Creton.
f. 130. The Princess of Castell (sic, for Wales). Ladies: Dame Agnes Vanagas, Dame Maria de Gavara. Gentlewomen: Kateryn Fortes, Maria Saleinas, John de Quero wife, Kateryn Montoya. Chamberers: Kateryn de Gavara, Isabel de Vanegas. Knight: Mr. Salla. Gentleman: John de Quero. Chaplains: Mr. Petir Thamner (the almoner), Sir John Chaplyn. Yeomen: Fras. Phyllypp, Rodrego de Quero, John Pottycaryo, John de Skatea, Toreseus Teylour, Sancheo of the Wardrobe, Dego de Badelo, John Dolman, John Daragon. Footmen: Alonso, Gefferey, Francis Blake. Grooms of the Chamber: Wm. Kery, Ric. Ryley, Petie John, Rob. Hughs, Laurans. The Laundry: The lawnder, the lawnder wife. Grooms of the Stable: Hugh and Denys.
Knights: Sirs Rob. Lovell, Wm. Walgrave, Rog. Wentworthe, John Grene, Rob. Cotton, John Awdeley. Squires: Ralph Chamberleyn, Wm. Pyrton, Giles Alyngton. Knights: Sirs Wm. Tirwhyt, John Darrell, John Werberton, Samson Norton, Alex. Baynham, Hugh Luttrell, Wm. Perpoynt. Squires for the Body: Th. Cobham, Wm. Cope. Gentlemen-ushers: Lancelot Lowder, Edm. Pagenham. Sewers of the Chamber: Matthew Lye, Nic Sanford. Yeomen officers: Ralph Genett, John Stanton, Rysebank pursuivant, Helley the messenger. Grooms of the Chamber: Gilbert Lambert, John Harper, Hugh Pemerton, John Crossebowberer, Th. Beston. Page: John Segewyke.
f. 131. Sir Th. Brandon. To the said Sir Thomas for 50 servants bearing tipped staves. To Sir John Carewe for other 50.
f. 132.
f. 133.
The children of the Chapel: Wm. Colman, Wm. Maxe, Wm. Alderson, Harry Meryell, John Williams, John Graunger, Arthur Lovekyn, Henry Andrewe, Nic. Ivy, Edw. Cooke, James Curteys. Abbots: Wynchecombe, Towrehill, Stratford, Seynt Albons, Waltham, the prior of Christchurch in London, abbots of Redyng and Westminster. The King's Guard: John Lewys James Burton, Roger Nicholas, and 43 others (named). Mr. Petir Carmelyon the King's secretary for the Latin tongue. Pirse the King's French cook. Squire for the Body: Th. Wadham. Henxmen: nine (not named), John Pultney, yeoman, Sir Patryk Hamilton. Lords: my lord of Dudley, the bp. of Landaff. Knights: Sirs Edm. Lucy, Rob. Throgmerton, Wm. Ascu, Th. Fetypace, Wm. Willoughby. Squires for the Body: Wm. Essex, John Dudley, Ric. Wrattesley, John Blount, Ant. Poynys, John Heydon, Wm. Paston, Th. Borough. Gentlemen-ushers: Wm. Stafford, Wm. Aucher, Marmaduke Constable, Chr. Throgmerton, Edw. Elderton, Th. Robertes, Edm. Welles, Giles Grevell, John Walshe, Hen. Fane. Sewers of the Chamber: Ph. Constable, Henry Cleyton, George Bekynsall, Wm. Wrattesley. Yeomen: Wm. Hamerton, Cornelys Aresmaker, John Thurston. Grooms of the Chamber: Th. Bekyngham, Th. Compton, George Gryffith, Humphrey Hill, Lebyas Dyghby, Hugh Annesley. Messengers: Oliver Kyghley, Chr. Goslyng, John Oterbury, Nic. Heynes, Wm. Ryton, Roger Barker, Leonard Wercop, John Gysell, Rob. Byerd, John Richardson, John Mortymer, Wm. Okeley, John Power. Painters: John Broun, Wm. Whytyng, John Wolfe. (Not described:) Hammell Clegg, Henry Roper, yeoman. Keeper of Greyhounds: Ric Dunnall, Th. Sergiaunt, John Bryght, Th. Williams. Wm. Forster keeper of the "place" at Richemond. Keeper of Crasslowe and Knottyng Barnes: James Hurleston, Ric. Gybons. The King's harriers: Ric. Bygges, prykker, Wm. Bond, Rob. Vines, Wm. Yngham, yeoman, John Gower, Piers Haulle and John Porter, grooms. Conducts of the King's bakehouse: John Kyng, Oliver Prestwyche, Wm. Watson, Rob. Coker, Edm. Baker, John Kyngeston. Keeper of the King's toils: Simon Bellake, James Rownall. Groom of the bottles with the Queen: John Bolton. Chief gardener at Richmond: John Ryen, Th. Swyft. The King's players: John Ynglyssh, Th. Scotte, Bart. Hamond, Th. Sydburgh, Ric. Gybson. Squires of the Household: Rob. Wystowe, John Kendale. (Not described:) Rowland de Bountisse. Surveyor for the King at the Dresser: Wm. Edwardes. Conducts of the Bakehouse: John Jenyns, Ph. Acton, Th. Freman.
f. 134. Delivered to Mr. Doctor Ednam, the King's almoner, at Richmond 330 gowns with hoods and 200 hoods for torchbearers, and at Southwark 100 gowns with hoods.
Beadmen at Westminster: Sir John Tenenth, priest, Laur. Gascoign and 11 others (named). The King's Guard: Rob. Brekynden, James Oldefeld, Wm. Weston, and 20 others (named).
f. 135. Lords: The bp. of Hereford, my lord Fitzwaren. Knights: Sir John Longvile, Sir Rob. Constable, Mr. John Collett dean of Powles, Mr. Rob. Langton, Mr. Henry Idiall, Mr. Ormeston. Squires for the Body: Ralph Salenger, Ric. Malevery, Ric. Tempest, Wm. Broun, Edw. Croft, John Croft, Th. Poyntz. Gentlemen-ushers: Ric. Rokeby, John Monson, John Penycok, John Apilston, Edw. Conwey, Th. Grene. Grooms of the Chamber: Th. Colebrande, John Higford. Squires for the Body: Wm. Fynche, Th. Pultney. Gentleman-usher: John Jefford. Clerk of the Spicery: John Ketilsby. Yeomen: John Williams, Wm. Dychebourne, Rob. Baker. Groom: John Buttyll. Wm. Croughton, hosier. Piers Harreson, ferrour. Trumpets: John Hert, Th. Wrey, John Scarlet, John Frere, John Strutt, Rob. Wrey.
John Erneley the King's Attorney. Wm. Porter, Clerk of the Crown. Edw. Lewknour, gentleman-usher. Groom: Th. Hert. Squire for the Body: Charles Clyfford. Knights: Sir Ph. Caltropp, Sir Ph. Tylney. Squire for the Body: John Shelton.
f. 136. Lords: Stourton, Souche. Knights: Sirs Wm. Gascoign, John Rodney, John Aston. Squires for the Body: George Hastynges, John Souche, Chr. Baynham, Th. Stafford, Henry Myle, Rob. Sutton, John Butler, Rob. Straunge, Maurice Barkeley, Wm. Chetwyn, Miles Gerarde. Gentlemen-ushers: Th. Totoft, Roger Mynour, Th. Denes, Ric. Blount, Wm. Crowmer, John Dawnce. Grooms of the Chamber: Edm. Wortley, Rob. Folyoll, Matth. Kerdeff, John Frye, John Hune, messenger. Knights: Sirs Th. Butteler, Piers Lee, Ric. Bold. Squires for the Body: John Laurance, Henry Faryngton. Gentleman-usher: Hamlett Haryngton.
The Princess of Castell. Ladies: Lady Kateryn, Lady Fitzwater, my lady of Kent, Lady Anne Percy, Lady Goredon, Lady Verney, Lady Marson, Gentlewomen: Mrs. Redyng mistress to the Princess, Mrs. Catisby, Mrs. Denes, Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Jernyngham, Mrs. Anne Buknam, Mrs. Jane Popyncourte, Mrs. Kateryn, Eliz. Borton, Eliz. Bradshawe, Mrs. Anne Sapcote. Chamberlain: Sir Ralph Verney. Chaplains: Sir Edmund Collerton, Sir Th. Turnour, Sir John Hardyng. Gentleman-usher: Mr. Ryder. Sewer: Th. Shurley. Yeomen: Henry Calyse, Arnold Challerton, Reynold Golder, Th. Holden, John Umbell, Henry Bryche, Th. Hanboc, Rob. Fazakerley. Grooms: John Duffeld, Tremayne, Rob. Ragdale, Rob. Gateley, Alexander, George Ryder, Thomas groom-porter, Owen Whitston, William Amner (almoner), Dave the butler, John Stede, launder. Knights: Sir Rob. Clere, Sir Th. Wodows. Delivered to Wm. Hatclyff 30 gowns and 10 hoods for "persons that bare staff torches."
f. 137. Yeoman: James Revet. Knights: Sir Nic. Wadham, Sir John Lysle. Lyon king at arms in Scotland. Wm. Cheny, yeoman. Not described (but most of them are named as wax-chandlers in the preceding accounts for torches, etc.): Mrs. Peke, John Asshe, Stephen Warde, John Monke, John Bateman, Ric. Marryffe and 31 others (named). Godfrey Lawter, yeoman of the Crown. Walter Foster, Clerk of the Works. Sir Ralph Ellarcar. Th. Strangwysshe.
Mr. Thomas Williams, parson of St. Andrews, Laurence Gower, Ric. Radclyff, Ric. Newton, Ric. Blakwell, rent gatherer of the Wardrobe, John Neele, Wm. Benstede, Wm. Gisnam, "subportitor" of the Wardrobe, Chr. Whitelok, porter there.
For saddles of the Princesses of Wales and Castell and ladies.
f. 138.
f. 139.
f. 140.
f. 141.
f. 142.
f. 143.
f. 144.
The King's Household: My lord Steward, Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Comptroller. The Comptyng House: Mr. Cofferer, Mr. Wm. Hatclyff, Mr. John Bountayn, Mr. John Myklow, John Robyns, Wm. Saxilby, yeoman, Wm. Blaknall, Th. Darell, Henry Hawker, groom, Th. Hanna. The Bakehouse: Ric. Guylle, serjeant, John Bartilmewe. Henry Freny, John Skern, Hugh Mathewe, John Adams, groom, Henry Perken. The Pantry: Ric. Brampton, gentleman, Nic. Clyff, yeoman, Griffith Ewyn, Wm. Busshe, John Knolles, Rob. Rochester, Ric. Carpenter, groom, John Egleston, Rob. Johnson, Th. Blythe, Th. Brampton. The Cellar: Stephen Cope, serjeant, John Brent, yeoman, George Wytham, groom, Th. Annesley, yeoman, John Grymdych, Th. Perker, Brian Annesley, Ralph Annesley, Alan Kyng, Edw. Woode. The Buttery: Wm. Dawdy, Wm. Fytton, Edw. ApJohn, John Gylmyn, George Ducworthe, John Saulkyll, Th. Annesley, Ric. Perker, Wm. Kerne, Th. Coke, Wm. Bowman. The Pyttcherhouse: Th. Orme, George Vanhorn, Wm. Depyng, John Parr, John Man, Edm. Westcotte, John Stanbank. The Spycere: Nicholas (sic) Hill, Nic. Hurleton, John Mery, Wm. Herde. The Confeccionary: Ric. Babham, serjeant, Rob. Dowker, John Wolbaston, Wm. Towres. The Waffrey: Rob. Burgh, Rob. Alee. The Chaundrey: John Cheseman, serjeant, Wm. Rutter, yeoman, John Symond, Ric. Marston, groom, Wm. Coterell, Rob. Spurnell, page. The Ewery: John Wrey, serjeant, Edm. Levesey, yeoman, Wm. Wymbysshe, groom, Wm. Dawtry, yeoman, Wm. Davyth, groom, John Edwardes, groom, George Wrey, page, Th. Weldyng, page. Lawndrey: Hugh Deane, yeoman, Rob. Bryce, Th. Mores, and Th. Judde, grooms, John Sutton and John Mylte, pages. The Kechyn: John Shurley, master clerk, Ant. Lyght, 2nd clerk, John Cony, 3rd clerk, Th. Barow, master cook, Wm. Beryman, Robt. Edlyn, yeoman, John Hunt, yeoman, James Dale, Rob. Menfeld, Wm. Bolton, and George Nelson, grooms, "three children," Wm. Lowman, master cook, Wm. Bryce, Gilbert Alynson and Nic. Lenton, yeomen, Nic. Wilson, Wm. Meryman and Lancelot Clerk, grooms, "four children." The Larder: John Rycroft, serjeant, Ralph Damport, clerk, John Foster, yeoman, Th. Assheley, groom, John Gogh, yeoman, John Dale, yeoman, Ric. Appulby, Rob. Warner and James Myghell, grooms, Rob. Wylkynson and Th. Deane, pages, The Bowlynghouse: Roger Elys, yeoman, Wm. Stephyns and Th. Russell, grooms. The Accatry: Brian Roche, serjeant, Th. Birkes. clerk, Edm. Sherp, John Stratton, Wm. Hunnyng, Ph. Teylour, Wm. Sybthorp, John Plome, Th. Randall and Rob. Newman, yeoman, Th. Ravyn, Rob. Stayneford and Rob. Stamford, grooms, Ric. Cudde, herdman. The Pultry: Th. Englysshe, serjeant, Wm. Bound, clerk, Wm. Burwell, Th. Strode and Nic. Warde, yeomen, John Lylly and Th. Shalford, grooms, John Clynche, page. The Scaldyng-house: Wm. Thomson, yeoman, Ric. Hyll, Roger Kylwarde, Th. Hervy and Rob. Levsham, grooms. The Scullary: John Sterkey, serjeant, Ric. Anyden, clerk, John Loveday, Th. Tylly and John Herres, yeomen, Boyt Joyes, John Barnaby and James Skelton, grooms, Wm. Foly John, Wm. Rice, page, Lewes John, page, "four children." The Salsre. Ric. Pytter, serjeant, Ant. Nele, clerk, John Fulmer, yeoman, John Coignocle, yeoman, Ralph Holyns, John Souneman and Gilbert Burgh, grooms, "four children." Marshalles of the Hall: Chr. Vyncent, John Stephyn, John Lytcote, John Gyttons. The Hall: Wm. Lathbury, serjeant, Ric. Lee, clerk, Wm. Chace, Ric. Benson and John Hewett, yeomen, Edw. Oseley, John Kyllyngworth, groom, John Perker, John Savell and John Hankyn, grooms, Rob. Clerk, page. The Porters: Thos. Fogg, serjeant, Evan Ap Rice, Th. Grevys and John Lynsey, yeomen, Rob. Thorney and Hugh Janyns, grooms. Harbegours: Th. Mathew, gentleman, Humphrey Wylde, Ric. Twety, Th. Warde and John Crasswell, yeomen. The Amners: Doctor Ednam, Sir John Hawkesford, John Hether, yeoman, Ric. Dyues, groom, Th. Frauncesse, yeoman, John Day, groom, Ant. Lowe, groom, "two children." Sewers of the Hall: Edw. Otheney, Wm. Fynall, John Segesmond, John Lloid. Surveyours of the Hall: Th. Rider, Th. Mangall. Carte takers: John Uvedale, yeoman, John Sharp groom. The Juhelhouse: John Heron, John Treis, yeoman, Ric. Alee, yeoman, John Porthe, Th. Alestre, Ric. à Tryce, Rob. Fowler, John Jenyns, yeoman. The Confessor of the Household: Mr. Robert Yong. Clerks of the King's Private Seale: Rob. Bolman, Wm. Purde, Rob. Samson, Ric. Kylte, Th. Robyns. Clerks of the Signett: Henry Reygnold, George Assheby, Wm. Salford, Brian Tuke, John Millet. The Sarvytours of the Hall: Rob. Whytlok, Rob. Dyker, Th. Dederych, Henry Kyghley, Edm. Samson, Reynold Hylles, Ric. Stylbarn, Mores Kydhowen, John Gowgh, Simon Syms, Rob. Coll, Roland Roosse. The King's Chapell: The Dean, the Sub-dean, Sir Roger Norton, Sir John Kyte, Sir Wm. Toft, Sir John Annes, Sir John Cole, Sir John Fowler, Edw. John, Wm. Neward, Wm. Broun, John Sydburgh, Rob. Feyrefax, Wm. Cornysshe, Henry Wylkyns, John Penne, John Petwyn, Th. Syxtyn, Wm. Sturton, Rob. Penne, John Fyssher, John Wever, Wm. Crane, John Smythe, Henry Stephynson, Wm. Dobney, the Serjeant of the Vestry, John Buntyng, yeoman, Nic. Hornclyff, Rob. Hawkyns, pysteler, Geffrey groom of the Vestry. Esquyers of Household: Ric. Harecourt, Stephen Flemmyng, Ph. Jones, John Broke, Henry Smythe, John Nele, Th. Anlaby. The Mynstrelles: John Chambre, marshal, John Furnes, Th. Spencer, Th. Grenyng, Th. Mayre, John Avys, Ric. Waren, Th. Peion, "Tabrettes with other": Marquesse Loreden, Janyn Marquesyn, Ric. Annos. Officers of the Stable: Ant. Carleton, George Hamerton. yeoman, Wm. Davie, Nic. Maior and Th. Dey, yeomen, John Reynold, John Bell, John Custans, Rob. Dale, Ric. Perker, Wm. Kendall, Nic. Frenchman, John Teylour, Th. Davell, Ric. Broke, Michael Ceyton, Alex. Watmor, Wm. Sugden, Th. Anten, Dennis Joesshe, Hugh Lloid, "the clerk and the yeoman servants (two persons)." The King's Surgeon: Mr. Wm. Adderston. The King's Stable: Wm. Pawne, avener, Rob. Turke, clerk, Gervaise Bukland, George Lovekyn, Rob. Elyott, Ric. Camryngham, serjeant, Rob. Bartram, Ric. Anseley, Walter Harper, Wm. Gygyll, Wm. Hortop, Henry Bryan, George Colbrond, John Grene, yeoman, John Perok, Th. Wilson, Wm. Bolan, Wm. Style, Th. Brewster, John Cokkes, John Colyns. Delivered to George Lovekyn for 7 hoods and tippets for "the mourners that rode upon the chare horses. Courssourmen: Wm. Cobbe, Th. Butler, Rob. Lee, James Jackson, Ric. Merydew, Edw. Smyth, John Rygmeydon, Rob. Gomell, John Feroyll, John Loksmyth, Edw. Ewstace, Th. Sewe, Th. Dawson. Footmen: Benet Mongombrey, Th. Trystrame, Andrew de Fosse, Petie John. Grooms of the Hackneys and of the Bottles: Wm. Wood, Th. Dale, Henry Webbe, Nic. Perwyte, John Williams. Grooms and sumptermen: John Kebett, Wm. Wilson, Th. Towres, John Felton, John Wether, Th. Else, Ph. Franke, Th. Turner, John Halyday, Ric. Grenewood, Wm. Copyn, John Pygrym, Wm. Sawell, Wm. Breton. Pages: Wm. Bygges, Wm. Magotson. Knights: Sir Th. Ynglesfeld. Auditors: Th. Hobson, Rob. Watnoo. Th. Tamworth, John Saxey. Tenants of the Wardrobe: John Spede and 9 others (named).
Hangings for Richmond, "Polles quere" and Westminster church, delivered, respectively, to Ralph Jenet, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Beds, Thomas Englysshe, serjeant of the Poultry and Richard (sic) Hyll, clerk of the Spicery.
Large paper, pp. 127.
S.P. Hen. VIII.
229, f. 1.
2. Draft details of painters' work as in § 1, viz. 2,160 "schochins of metall," 2,940 "schochins in colours," [26 coats of arms] (fn. 4), 5 banners, 15 "schochins of past," 118 "schochins on sarcenet," 1,014 "pencellis," 3 "magesties," 56 "banerolles," "rachementis and bordres" &c.; the list ending with "two broidered coats, the one to be offered and the other for Garter King of Arms," mantles of "black cloth of gold that served the helm with the crown," and the sarcenet and ratchements requisite for "the magesty at Westmynster" and "the mageste at Pawles."
Large paper, mutilated, pp. 8.
Arundel MS. 26,
f. 28.
3. Description of the removal of Henry VII's corpse "from his oratory or secret closet to his chapel" in his manor of Richmond. The mourners within the barriers were then the Earls of Essex and Derby, and Lords Fitzwater, Willoughby, Barnesse, Ferres, Greys of Dorset and Anthony. Without the barrier were six bannerets and knights, viz. Sir Edward Stanley, Sir Henry Willoughby, Sir Thomas Fenis, Sir Matthew Browne, Sir William Vampaige and Sir Thomas Brian. These watched until the relief watch at 8 or 9 p.m. On Friday were three masses, 1, by the Dean of the Chapel, 2, by the abbot of Winchcombe, and 3, by the bp. of Rochester; and the mourners were the Earl of Kent and Lords FitzHew, De Lawarre, Dacre of the North, Broke, "Ric." and "Anthony Igrers of Dorset," with the following bannerets and knights, Sir Davy Owen "causa sanguinis," Sir Ric. FitzLewis, Sir John Bowth, Sir Matthew Browne, Sir Thomas Brian and Sir Ric. Fowler.
On Saturday were three masses, by the King's almoner, the abbot of Tower Hill, and the bp. of Llandaff; and the mourners were the Earl of Essex, Lords Clifford, Willoughby, Dacre, Hastyngis, Barnesse and John, and Sir Henry Wileby, Sir John Bowth, Sir Matthew Browne, Sir Thomas Brian, Sir Thomas Trenchard and Sir Wm. Vampaige.
Pp. 3.
Harl. MS. 6079,
f. 31.
4. Narrative account (brief) of the interment of Henry VII.
After the body had been embalmed, &c., it was brought out of the privy chamber to the great chamber and rested there three days, on each day three masses and dirges being sung by a mitred prelate; then carried to the hall for three days with like services; then to the chapel for three days. On Wednesday, 9 May, the corse was brought in a chariot drawn by five great coursers (trappings and attendance briefly described) from Richmond to St. George's in the Field (met there by clergy), London Bridge (met there by the mayor, &c.) and St. Paul's, where it was placed in the choir under a goodly hearse, and there was mass and a sermon by the bp. of Rochester, "during which time the King's household, with the mourners, reposed them in the bishop's palace." Next day the corse was removed to Westminster, Sir Edward Howard, on a courser trapped with the arms of the defunct, bearing the King's banner. There it was set under "a curious hearse made of 9 principalles full of lights which were all lighted." Brief description of hearse and ceremonies. Next day, after three masses and the offerings, the choir sang Libera me, the body was put in the earth, the Lord Treasurer, Lord Steward, Lord Chamberlain, Lord Treasurer and Comptroller of the King's household "brake their staves and cast them into the grave," Garter proclaimed Henry VIII and all the mourners and attendants "departed to the Palace where they had a great and sumptuous feast."
In a later hand, pp. 3.
Harl. MS. 3504,
f. 264b.
5. "This is the manner of bringing of King Henry's corpse the 7th, from Richmonde, where he departed to God the 21th day of April the 24th year of his reign, unto St. Pawles Churche in London; and also of his conveyance from thence to the abbey of Westminster, where he, a prince most royal, was solemnly interred, which was the tenth day of May the first year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, 1485 (sic)."
First came riding through the city of London the sword bearer and vice-chamberlain of London with two of the masters of the Bridgehouse to set the crafts in array. Then came the King's messengers, two and two "with their boxes at their breasts," trumpeters and minstrels. Then the Florentines, Venetians, Portingals, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Easterlings. Then gentlemen ushers, chaplains having no dignity, squires for the Body. Then the aldermen and sheriffs. Then came riding two heralds in coat armour, a knight mourner on a courser trapped with black velvet bearing the King's standard, "whose name is Sir Edward Darrell, after whom came knights," chaplains of dignity as deans and other, the King's Council and Knights of the Garter not being lords,* the Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Chief Baron, Chief Justice of King's Bench, Master of the Rolls; then the Crowched Friars on foot, the four orders of Friars singing; the canons of all places in London singing; the King's chapel in their surplices and grey amices singing. Then came riding all the temporal lords and barons on the left hand and the abbots and bishops on the right. Then rode Sir Davie Owen bearing a steel helmet with a gold crown, Sir Edward Howard (second son of the Earl of Surrey, treasurer) armed with the King's harness, his face discovered and bearing the King's battle-axe head downward resting on his foot; Sir Thomas Fynes bearing a rich armour embroidered with the arms of England; the Mayor of London carrying his mace. Then came the chariot bearing the corse (panoply and attendance described). Then followed the Duke of Buckingham, Earls of Arundel, Northumberland, Shrewsbury, Surrey, Essex, "and other, to the number of nine, being Knights of the Garter" (fn. 5); then nine henchmen on coursers trapped with black velvet the three foremost bearing "three caps of maintenance which three Popes had sent the King," the next three bearing rich swords point downwards, the seventh bearing "a target of the arms of England otherwise called a shield crowned," the eighth a helmet with a lion of gold on it, the ninth a spear covered with black velvet. Then followed Sir Thomas Brandon, Master of the Horse, leading a courser trapped with black velvet embroidered with the arms of England; then Lord Darcy, Captain of the Guard, with the Guard and many other gentlemen.
At the west door of St. Paul's the bp. of London revested and mitred, received the corse. Describes how it was borne into the church, how the bp. officiated, assisted by the abbots of St. Albans and Reading. The Lords then departed to the bp.'s palace, watch was kept by the corse, and on the morrow were sung three masses by the Dean of Powles, the bp. of Lincoln, and the bp. of London; and the bp. of Rochester preached. Then all went to dinner and, at their return, before 1 p.m., the corse was solemnly borne back to the chariot and conveyed through Fleet Street and Charing Cross, where the abbots of Westminster, St. Albans, Reading and Winchcombe, revested and mitred, with the whole convent of Westminster, met and accompanied it to the west door of Westminster abbey; and there the abps. of Canterbury and York received and censed it. Subsequent service, at which the bp. of Norwich read the first lesson, the bp. of Lincoln the second, and the abp. of Canterbury the third. The lords then departed to the King's palace, all save certain knights appointed to watch. On the morrow the lords were in the church before six o'clock, masses were sung (1) by the abbot of Westminster, (2) by the bp. of Winchester with the abbot of St. Albans as his deacon and abbot of Reading as sub-deacon, and (3) by the abp. of Canterbury with the bp. of Lincoln as deacon and bp. of Norwich as sub-deacon. Describes the subsequent ceremony minutely, from a herald's point of view, noting how the Earl of Derby and the Earl of Aroun "otherwise called the Scottish lord" stood together, how Sir Edward Howard rode into the church, the offerings made, &c.
Copy in a later (Elizabethan) hand, pp. 15.
11 May.
Sp. Transcr. Ser. I., No. 5, f. 18. R. O.
Condolence on the death of his father. Considers him his son and will always be ready to aid him,—with an army if need be. Begs credence for Membrilla as to the marriage with Princess Katharine. Valladolid, 11 May, 1509.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II. (No. 4), where are also abstracts of other letters of the same date, viz.:
ii. Letter from Ferdinand to Katharine (No. 5).
iii. Power from Joanna of Castile to Fuensalida (No. 6).
iv. Letter of instructions to Membrilla from Almazan (No. 7).
Spanish. Modern transcripts from Simancas, (i) pp. 3, (ii) pp. 2, (iii) pp. 4 and (iv) pp. 2.
News of the King of England's death has arrived. If it be true, the French will intrigue to prevent the young King's marrying Katharine. Directs him to persuade the King to marry her without delay. He must not speak to the Princess at present about her confessor unless the latter opposes the marriage. Had determined to send a prelate as ambassador, but has now changed his mind as the sending of a new ambassador would cause delay. Undated.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II. No. 3. Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 7.
After writing the other letters herewith, received his despatches of 23 and 27 April. The King's marriage with his brother's widow is lawful as the Pope has given a dispensation. It will assure union between the countries, and the marriage of Princess Mary and Prince Charles depends upon it. The King would commit sin by breaking his betrothal; and he may see that the King of Portugal, who has married two sisters, (fn. 6) is blessed with a numerous offspring and lives happily. Told John Stile that he would not ratify the marriage of Archduke Charles with Princess Mary, only because he wished the agreeable news that he would now ratify it to be conveyed by his own ambassador.
See Spanish Calendar Vol. II. No. 8. Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 2.
11 May.
Exch. Dipl. 726. R. O. Rymer, XIII., 249.
Commission of Ferdinand, King of Aragon, to Guter Gomez de Fuensalida, Preceptor de la Membrilla, of the Order of St. James de Spata, resident orator and counsellor in England, authorizing him, 1, to confirm the treaty made with Henry VII for Katharine's marriage, 2, to undertake, in the name of the King of Arragon, that the dower promised and paid for Katharine his daughter shall not be re-demanded by him, or by her; 3, to ratify and confirm certain points agreed upon between the Emperor Maximilian and Margaret, Governess of the Netherlands, in the name of Charles Prince of Castile, relative to the marriage between him and Princess Mary, sister of Henry VIII. Valladolid, 11 May, 1509. Signed.
Latin. Red seal. See below, No. 26.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 5. R. O. 2. Contemporary copy (very ill transcribed) of § 1. with the words fratrem amisimus filium recuperavimus underlined.
Latin. pp. 3.
Vesp, C. XII. 284. B.M. Exch. Dipl. 723. R. O. 3. Modern copy, from which Rymer printed.
4. [28.] Like commission by Johanna of Castile. Valladolid, 11 May, 1509. Signed by Ferdinand. (fn. 7)
Latin. Red seal, perfect.
12 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 10. R. O.
25. [30 (2).] SIR HARRY MARNEY.
Appointment as Captain of the Guard and Vice-Chamberlain. (See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 9.)
Modern copy, p. 1.
12 May.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., No. 5, f. 28. R. O.
Original minute of No. 24 § 1, 4, bearing date Valladolid, 12 May, 1509.
Latin. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 7. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II. No. 9.
Chamberlain of the Exchequer, See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 10.
14 May.
Deeds A., 12790. R. O.
Foeffment, by Thomas Weyle, bp. of Panados in Thrace (Panadensis) and vicar of Nuneton, and others, of land in Nuneton. See Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, Vol. V, p. 384.
14 May.
Royal MS. 13 B. II. 49b. (No. 124.) B.M.
29. [31.] JAMES IV.
Charter granting the dignity of knighthood to Christopher Galiache (or Galiace), of San Severino, who is staying with him. "Apud Castellum (q. Capellam ?) divi Michaelis, Sterlingorum," 14 May, 1509.
Latin. Copy, p. 1.
14 May.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., No. 5, f. 32. R. O.
Wrote by John de Azcotia on the 11th. Money. Has told John Stile, who had sent unfavourable reports, that he was willing to ratify the marriage with Prince Charles and thus there should be perpetual union between himself, England, the Prince Charles and the Emperor. Stile thought the marriage with Princess Katharine would thereupon shortly be concluded. On condition that this takes place without delay, he is really disposed to ratify the marriage with Prince Charles. Fuensalida must reconcile himself with Princess Katharine. She wrote that her wedding would soon be celebrated if the old King were to die. 14 May, 1509.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 2. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II. No. 10.
14 May.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., No. 5, f. 34. R. O.
Declined to ratify the marriage with Prince Charles because he knew that the old King was neither his friend nor hers. Her marriage and that of Prince Charles secure the most important alliance of himself, the Emperor, Prince Charles and England; and therefore she must now show what she can do, and advise his ambassador, seeing that she once wrote that her marriage would be easy if the late King were to die. He and his kingdom are at the King of England's disposal if her marriage takes place. 14 May, 1509.
Spanish. Modern transcription from Simancas, pp. 2. See Spanish Calendar, II. No. 11.


  • 1. The same expression is used in a fuller letter to Maximilian, upon the same subject, dated Jedburgh, 8 Dec. 1507 (Epp. Reg. Sc., I. 90). Probably 1507 is an error for 1508; and perhaps this letter also was written in December 1508 although, from its position in the series, it has been assigned to a later year.
  • 2. There is a note on f. 118b. to the effect that the Duke of Buckingham, the two abps., the bp. of Winchester, Lord Treasurer, Lord Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary, Sir Th. Lovell, the Under-treasurer and the Master of the Rolls were allowed extra servants "because that they were executors to our said Sovereign lord the King."
  • 3. See footnote on last page.
  • 4. Cancelled.
  • 5. See No. 37.
  • 6. Emanuel, King of Portugal, married, successively, Isabella and Mary, sisters of Katharine of Aragon.
  • 7. The signature "Yo el Rey," as in § 1.