Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.
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'Henry VIII: May 1536, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp349-371 [accessed 19 February 2025].
'Henry VIII: May 1536, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online, accessed February 19, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp349-371.
"Henry VIII: May 1536, 11-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online. Web. 19 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp349-371.
May 1536, 11-15
11 May. |
839. Cromwell. See Grants in May, No. 8. |
11 May. R. O. |
840. Sir Henry Wiat to Cromwell. |
Received his letter on the 10th, and thanks him for the comfortable
articles therein touching his son Thomas and himself. Asks Cromwell when
it shall be the King's pleasure to deliver him, to show him "that this
punishment that he hath for this matter is more for the displeasure that he
hath done to God otherwise," and to admonish him to fly vice and serve God
better. Alington, 11 May. Signed. P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd. |
11 May. R. O. |
841. Archbp. of York to Cromwell. |
Has received his letter for the collation of Sir Geo. Wynslaye to the
prebend of Beckingham in Southwell. About half a year ago, it being
reported that Geo. Savage, the incumbent, was dead, gave it to one of his
chaplains, and, on the report proving to be false, promised it to him when
vacant. Has not yet given him anything, though he does right good service.
Asks Cromwell to allow him to have it. If he looks no better after his
chaplains than he has hitherto done, it will be hard to get any. "Some men
study to hearken where any man of great age hath anything of my gift, and
then to sue to you or to some other to write to me, and so my poor chaplains
may think that I am neither kind ne good master to them." Will remember
Cromwell's kinsman with some better thing. Cawod, 11 May 1536.
Signed. P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd. |
11 May. R. O. |
842. John Abbot of Circeter to Cromwell. |
Has received his letters touching the stewardship of the monastery of
Circeter which Mr. Norris had, and Sir Will. Kingston should have had
before him. On the news we have had from the country, and intimations
by Sir Will. Kingston's friends, we have promised it to him when it is void.
Circeter, 11 May. Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed. |
[11 May.] R. O. |
843. Sir William Poulet to Cromwell. |
My lord of Norfolk showed me that he had no knowledge that the
indictment was found, and asked me whether the parties should proceed to
their trial or not. I told him I knew not. As to Commissioners he said he
knew not how many were required, nor whether they ought to be barons or
not. Therefore he could not tell whom to name; and if he knew, yet he
would name none till he learned the King's pleasure. So he willed me to
advertise you. Hampton Court, Thursday night. Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. |
11 May. Add. MS. 21,982. B. M. |
844. Henry VIII. and Sir Thomas More. |
Italian poem by Zanobio Ceffino on the heresy of the king of England
and the death of Sir Thomas More, with a dedication to Signor Baldasar da
Pescia, dated Rome, 11 May 1536. In 93 stanzas of 8 lines each. Begins: "Non vi sdegnate, O sacro sante Muse." |
11 May. Wake's State of the Church, App. 224. |
845. Convocation. |
Letters addressed by John bishop of London to Hugh Corey [qu. Coren?] LL.D., vicar-general of the bp. of Hereford during his absence abroad, to summon the clergy of that diocese to a convocation to be holden at St. Paul's on Friday, 9 June, to treat of matters relating to the security and defence of the Church. 11 May 1536. | |
11 May. R. O. |
846. Jehan Ango to the Deputy of Calais. |
Riseban will tell you what he has done about the prisoners of whom
you wrote. I have granted him everything for 160 cr. of the sun. I beg
you to send me the number and names of your hoys that there may be no
dispute. I wrote to you lately by Riseban to do me justice about a prize
taken by the Flemings within the liberties of the King your master. I am
told it has been given up to the captor. Dieppe, 11 May. Signed. Fr., p. 1. Add. |
11 May. Vit. B. xxi. 163. B. M. |
847. William Clyfton to [Cromwell]. |
"After my most humble commendations, these sh[all be] . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . of my Lord's (fn. 1) arrival here in Frankford, which . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . last, where he have continued and doth yet, how be
it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . departed the day of making hereof out
of Frankford, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or the Council departed
they came to my Lord's lodgi[ng] . . . . . . . . . . . of my Lord. Other
news I know not of, but if it like your mast[ership] . . . . . . . . that the
10th day of this present the learned men of Stratzbrowgh, . . . . . . . . . .
be these, Jasper Hedio, Martynus Bucerus, Fabricius Capito, with the
ler[ned men] of Frankfford, Zuric, Berne, Constance, Basell, Memming,
Ulm, Scaffhusse, [and] Ausburch, which be of the evangeli and use the
ceremonies and laws of Swyngles, which be contrary to Doctor Marteyn
Lewther and his law and constitu[tions] and those of his part, as Saxony,
Hessen, and other great cities and towns, met at Isenake in the land of
Duryng, "to make and take a way for both parties" how to use their
ceremonies and other constitutions, that the common people shall not
murmur and grudge their conscience at seeing one of one part and another
of another part, and one learned man writing against another. If this
agreement can take effect, I think it will do much good. I beg you to
pardon my boldness in writing, but it is chiefly to acknowledge my duty to
you, and to desire you to continue your goodness to me and my poor wife.
My wife will deliver you a poor remembrance, which is the best thing I can
find in these parts. Frankford, 11 May. Hol., p. 1. Mutilated. |
12 May. R. O. |
848. Trial of Weston, Norris, and others. (fn. 2) |
Special commission of Oyer and Terminer for Middlesex to Sir Thos. Audeley, chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, John earl of Oxford, Ralph earl of Westmoreland, Thos. earl of Wiltshire, Rob. earl of Sussex, Will. lord Sandys, Thos. Crumwell, chief secretary, Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, Sir Will. Paulet, Sir John Fitzjames, Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Ric. Lister, Sir John Porte, Sir John Spelman, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Ant. Fitzherbert, Sir Thos. Englefeld, and Sir Will. Shelley. Westm., 24 April 28 Hen. VIII. | |
ii. The justices' precept to the sheriff of Middlesex for the return of the grand jury at Westminster on Wednesday, 10 May next. Dated 9 May 28 Hen. VIII.—Grand jury panel annexed, 16 sworn. | |
iii. Indictment found in Middlesex against Anne Boleyn, &c. as in No. 876, with marginal note stating that it was sent before the duke of Norfolk as steward of England, hac vice, as regards all matters touching the Queen and lord Rochford. | |
iv. The justices' precept to the constable of the Tower to bring up Sir Fras. Weston, Hen. Noreys, Will. Bryerton, and Mark Smeton, at Westminster, on Friday next after three weeks of Easter. Westm., 10 May 28 Hen. VIII.—With reply of the Constable endorsed. | |
v. The justices' precept to the sheriff of Middlesex for the return of the petty jury for the trial of Hen. Noreys, Will Bryerton, and Sir Fras. Weston [here follows an erasure which evidently contained the name of Mark Smeaton]. Westm., 12 May 28 Hen. VIII.—With panel annexed. | |
vi. Special commission of Oyer and Terminer for Kent, to Sir Thos. Audeley, chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, John earl of Oxford, Ralph earl of Westmoreland, Rob. earl of Sussex, Thos. Crumwell, chief secretary, Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, Sir Will. Paulet, Sir John Fitzjames, Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir John Porte, Sir John Spelman, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Sir Thos. Englefeld, and Sir Will. Shelley. Westm., 24 April 28 Hen. VIII. | |
vii. The justices' precept to the sheriff of Kent for the return of the grand jury at Deptford, on Thursday, 11 May. Endd. by Sir Edw. Wotton, sheriff.—Panel of grand jury annexed. | |
viii. Indictment found in Kent, as in No. 876, with memorandum in margin, as in section iii. | |
ix. Record of the sessions holden Friday after three weeks of Easter 28 Hen. VIII. before the above justices. Noreys, Bryerton, Weston, and Smeton were brought up in the custody of the constable of the Tower, when Smeton pleaded guilty of violation and carnal knowledge of the Queen, and put himself in the King's mercy. Noreys, Bryerton, and Weston pleaded Not guilty. The jury return a verdict of Guilty, and that they have no lands, goods, or chattels. | |
Judgment against all four as in cases of treason; execution to be at Tyburn. | |
The above file of documents is endorsed: "Sessiones Comitatuum Middlesexiæ et Kanciæ primo tentæ apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu Midd. coram Thoma Audeley, milite, Cancellario Angliæ, et aliis, &c., et secundo tentæ apud Depford in comitatu Kanciæ coram Johanne Baldewyn, milite et aliis, anno regni Regis Henrici VIII. vicesimo octavo." | |
R. O. | 849. Ric. Thomas to William Brierton, of the King's Privy Chamber. |
Complaining that his brother Greffeth cannot obtain his farm at Le
Yardley, for Page and Rygley will not allow him to have it. Hol., p. 1. Mutilated. The names "Robert Barbare" and "Rychard Cholmundeley" are written on the back. |
12 May. R. O. |
850. Longland Bishop of Lincoln to Cromwell. |
Thanks him for his letters dated 9 May. The Friar is in hold. Sir
Swynnerton is either in London or in Essex. Sends a patent of the
university for the stewardship, with a "window" for the name and date.
Hopes he will take the office. Will send him the office of Banbury as soon
as his clerk comes home. Encloses the answer of a friar who was sent to
him by Sir Wm. Wyndesore for certain words he spoke in a fury and now
repents of. He deserves some punishment. Will not forget Master Sadeler's
matter. Wooborn, 12 May. Signed. P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd. |
12 May. R. O. |
851. John Lord Latymer to Cromwell. |
It is reported here that lords shall be sent for to come up shortly.
I beg you will have me excused by reason of business in Worcestershire. I
have been at every prorogation and session of the last Parliament since it
began, which has been very painful and chargeable to me. Snape, in the
north parts of Yorkshire, 12 May. Signed. P. 1. Add.: Secretary. |
12 May. R. O. |
852. John Hobbys, Sheriff of Canterbury, to Cromwell. |
Held "the county" at Canterbury on the 11 May by virtue of the
King's writ of summons to Parliament. There were over 80 persons present,
who unanimously chose two burgesses, viz., John Starky, chamberlain and
alderman of the city, and Chr. Levyns, common clerk of the same. After
the election the mayor showed him a letter directed to himself and the writer
by Cromwell and my Lord Chancellor, desiring that John Briggys and Robert
Darknall "should fulfil the said rooms." Regrets that he was not made
aware of the King's pleasure in time. 12 May. Hol., p. 1, long sheet. Add.: Secretary. Endd. |
12 May. R. O. St. P. v. 43. |
853. Queen Margaret to Henry VIII. |
Wrote at great length by lord William's post, called Brown, but has
had no answer. Begs him to consider her true heart, of which she hopes
lord William and the Bishop have assured him. Wishes to know his whole
mind about the meeting as soon as possible, and whether she shall be welcome
to come and visit him. If Henry do not agree to her son's last proposal will
be glad to visit him herself. Edinburgh, 12 May. Hol. Add. Sealed. Endd. |
12 May. R. O. |
854. Sir John Russell to Lord Lisle. |
On behalf of the bearer, who has been sore troubled to his utter
undoing unless Lisle will make him a victualler in his retinue. Today
Mr. Norres and such other as you know are cast, and the Queen shall go to
her judgment on Monday next. I have delivered the King your letters. I
wonder your Lordship did not write to me that I might have made suit for
you. Westm., 12 May. Signed. P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd. |
12 May. R. O. |
855. John Husee to Lord Lisle. |
I delivered your letter to Mr. Secretary, who promises to be your very friend. I could not see the King, but delivered his letter through Sir John Russell, who promises to consult with Mr. Secretary on your behalf; but there is no time to make suit till the matters now in hand be overblown. As to the friar (Mr. Secretary would they were all at the Devil), he shall be rid, but it will be tomorrow ere I have the letter for his despatch, which Goodall will bring, who will depart tomorrow night. You may tell Mr. Porter, Mr. Treasurer will meddle with no matter till this business be rid. Today Mr. Norrys, Weston, Bryerton, and Markes have been arraigned, and are judged to be drawn, hanged, and quartered. They shall die tomorrow or Monday. Anne the queen, and her brother, shall be arraigned in the Tower, some think tomorrow, but on Monday at furthest, and that they will suffer there immediately "for divers considerations, which are not yet known." Mr. Payge and Mr. W[y]at are in the Tower, but it is thought without danger of life, though Mr. Payge is banished the King's court for ever. A new Parliament is summoned to commence on Thursday in Whitsun week. Walter Skynner comes over to your Lordship with my Lord Chancellor's letters, to summon you and lord Grey, but you will not go without further licence. Here is one Hall, serjeant-at-arms, who desires much to speak with Mr. Degory Graynfyld. London, 12 May. | |
Mr. Rossell sent his servant, the bearer, to me while I was writing.
Please write some kind letter to Mr. Russell and Mr. Hennage, and write
again to Mr. Secretary. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
12 May. R. O. |
856. John Husee to Lady Lisle. |
I have written to my lord, and will write to you more at length by Goodalle tomorrow night. Mr. Basset is merry, and here is no danger of death; but he shall hence on Sunday at furthest. I have delivered Skut 5l. Your gowns will not be ready till tomorrow night. I send a letter which Geo. Rolle says came out of Devonshire, and another from him to my Lord, touching your matter with my lord Daubeney. Mr. Sulyard says plainly he may sell the woods, and if you wish them you had better buy them of him; also that you had better entertain him with fair words, loving letters, and presents. You should get one about him to give ear in all his affairs if he mean to do you displeasure. Mr. Wyndsor is not yet come. "He keepeth his old wont, that is, the Whitsun holidays and the sending of my Lord's money are all one." London, 12 May. | |
I left the 20l. for my Lord's liveries at Canterbury with Roger Welles,
who has good skill in cloth, and, if he and Rob. Cottgrave like them, to deliver
him the money 10 days before Whitsuntide, at Dover. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
12 May. Cleop. E. iv. 236. B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 127. |
857. Ric. Strete to [Cromwell]. |
According to your letters dated penultimo die Aprilis, I have been at
Calwich, and taken an inventory of the goods of that house by indenture,
committing the custody of everything to the abbot of Rowceter, two miles
thence, one of whose brethren remains at Calwich "to oversee them who
hath kept the sequester since the departure of the late prior." Gives a
statement of the valuation of the goods and lands: Total of the former,
117l. 4s. 10d.; demesne lands, 23s. 10d.; other tenements, 17l. 8s. 1½d.;
parish church of Glaston appropriate to the monastery, 13l. 6s. 8d. "In
these is no hard pennyworth:" the buildings are in good repair. Has discharged unfit persons, and left such as be good, husbands. The first founder
was Nich. Gresley, in whose title Mr. Longford now claims. Divers
benefactors have given lands to the house; such as my Lord Steward, Sir
Henry Saucheverell, Mr. Oker, and their ancestors. The collectors have
almost made an end in the four archdeaconries mentioned in your letter,
viz., Coventry, Derby, Stafford, and Salop. As far as I can see, there is no
denying; but I have not heard from the collector of the archdeaconry of
Chester. Mr. Parson Molenex told me this week that the collector asked
him for no money nor gave him warning: I shall ascertain by whose fault.
Lichfield, 12 May. Hol., pp. 2. |
12 May. Cleop. E. iv. f. 209. B. M. Wright's Supp., 129. Ellis, 1 Ser. ii. 72. |
858. The Commissioners [for Monasteries] in Northamptonshire to [Cromwell]. |
We have executed the King's commission, beginning at Chacombe,
whence we repaired to Assheby, and after tarrying one day repaired to
Catesby nunnery by occasion of sickness. We found the house in very
perfect order, the prioress a wise, discreet, and religious woman, with nine
devout nuns under her, as good as we have ever seen. The house stands
where it is a great relief to the poor, as we hear by divers trustworthy
reports. If any religious house is to stand, none is more meet for the King's
charity and pity than Catesby. We have not found any such elsewhere.
Before labour be made to its detriment with the King, show him these
letters, till we have time to inform you of our full certificates. Catesby,
12 May. Signed: Edmond Knyghtley—John Lane—George Giffard—Robert
Burgoyn. P. 1. |
12 May. Lamb. MS. 603, f. 78a. |
859. Ireland. |
Treaty between lord Leonard Gray and Charles McYncrosse
Cavenagh, alias McMurgho, who promises to be the King's faithful subject,
to pay usual tributes, join the Deputy with soldiers, to redress damages, to
submit his quarrel with Edmund Duffe McDonaghe, and Arthur his son, to
the Deputy and Council, &c. Dublin, 12 May 28 Hen. VIII. Lat. Contemporary copy. Pp. 3. |
12 May. R. O. St. P. vii. 652. |
860. Chr. Mont to Cromwell. |
Knows that Cromwell will hear everything from the ambassador's
letters, but his duty to his patron does not allow him to let this courier go
without a letter from him. Great numbers, both of cavalry and infantry,
are being enlisted for the Emperor in Italy. Was at Mentz on the 5th, and
saw lords Iselstein and Buren with 400 horse on their way to the muster
at Spires on the 9th, and heard that 1,400 horse had been levied in Lower
Germany. Met yesterday a man from Mentz, who said that squadrons of
cavalry were going to Italy every day. Did not think much of those he saw.
They were all under 20, and so unused to war that their armour and spears
were sent on by the Rhine. The horses, too, were poor. From this part
of Germany 800 horse will be led by Hartman a Croenberg, and Hans
Hilgen, to muster at Norlingen on the 15th. These troops are good.
Volfgang, the count palatine, will follow with 500 horse from Heidelberg.
Twenty-two vexilla of infantry have already been sent to Italy, and more
are being enlisted. Hears that all the Swiss may be induced to fight for
France,—the evangelical cantons, lest the Emperor should restore the duke
of Savoy, and subject Geneva to him again. The papistical cantons have
long wished to serve with France, but dare not send out men for fear of the
evangelicals, who are stronger. It is reported that the Emperor will await
the result of the war at Trent. Ferdinand will remain at Isbruck. Would
wish to be somewhere nearer Italy so as to get news. Complains of poverty,
and asks for aid. Does not know what house to go to except Nicholas, the
astronomer, who is poor and a miser. Has been ordered by Cranmer (?)
(Reverendissimi) to go to the duke of Saxony, a journey of 100 German
miles. Frankfort, 12 May 1536. Pp. 3. Hol. Lat. Add. Endd. |
12 May. Vit. B. xiv. 210. B. M. |
861. Richard Pate to Lord Lisle. |
"[You] shall understand that news for this pres[ent] . . . . . . . . .
[the card.] of Lorraine lately passed towards Rome in post . . . . . . . . .
speaking with the Emperor at Sena, and returned . . . . . . . . of this
present in Lucca, where he had audience, . . . . . . . . all that night and
the morrow not upon post horses accompanied th . . . . . . . the town,
riding that night to Petra Sancta, where they . . . . . . . . . the Emperor,
and so to a town named Lerida, where he . . . . . . . so go home by water.
The Emperor and he rode very mery[ly together, but] it is not known whether
it shall be peace or war . . . . . . . . . they say here the Frenchmen labor
instantly for p[eace] . . . . . . . very hard and difficile to be entreated
therein, who mak[eth] . . . . . . . . . toward Milan and the camp. It is
reckoned marvellous . . . . . . . . . great power and aid of the Italians
and what by moo and grea[t] . . . . . . . . . Almains (who wholly gather
themself and come down toward . . . . . . . . what by Spaniards, which
be all steryde and ready at a . . . . . . . . . . they say, there is lately found
such a vein of silver as . . . . . . . . . . and great plenty of gold comen
from thence. Within the . . . . . . . . . . hence in post Mons. de Reux,
the great master and chamberlain . . . . . . . . . . Mons. de Conde, captain
of his Almains, as it is said, t . . . . . . . . . in Flanders and such their
countries. The marquis de Guasto [is captain of] the footmen; the duke
de Alva of the horsemen, and the duke . . . . . . . . . shall be captaingeneral of the field. The Pope, they say, as . . . . . . . . . his Consistory,
before we departed Rome, is in journey towa[rd] . . . . . [to make] peace,
if it be possible, between these two princes. Now [there resteth no]thing,
but to require your Lordship that this bearer may pass . . . . . . . . . .
[con]venient." Lucca, 12 May 1536. Hol. Mutilated. Add. Endd. |
13 May. R. O. St. P. v. 46. |
862. Lord William Howard and Bishop Barlow to Henry VIII. |
Have done their best to execute the King's commission to the king of
Scots. Wonder at the delay of the post they sent to inform the King of his
inconstancy. Are convinced James delays the meeting only that the King
may break it off. He has sent Master John Thornton to Rome to get a
brief forbidding him to meet with Henry. The Queen is much displeased
at her son, who says she has received gifts from Henry to betray him.
James will not be dissuaded from marrying the divorced gentlewoman.
Murray is discharged of his wardenship, which is given to Huntley. The
bishop of Aberdeen and those of that embassy are out of favor. The lairds
of Bucklough and Sesforth are released from prison. A great council is
now assembled, and James is to be here on Tuesday next. Edinburgh,
13 May. Signed. Add. Endd. |
13 May. R. O. St. P. v. 47. |
863. Lord William Howard and Bishop Barlow to Cromwell. |
Heavy news have been sent from Sir Adam Otterbourne to the King,
to the no small joy of the Scots, especially of the clergy, our capital enemies,
viz., of the imprisonment of the Queen, &c. Would like to know the truth.
James has no intention of fulfilling his promise to the King about the
interview. The Queen is weary of Scotland, and would like to come to
England. The Lord Treasurer is out of favor, &c. Although we have not
succeeded as we hoped, we shall be glad to return if allowed. Enclose copy
of the treaty between Francis and the king of Scots for the marriage which
is now frustrate. Edinburgh, 13 May. Signed. Add. Endd. (erroneously): "Anno xxvii." |
13 May. Otho, C. x. 221. B. M. Hearne's Sylloge, 113. Burnet, vi. 167. |
864. Earl of Northumberland to Cromwell. |
I perceive by Raynold Carnaby that there is supposed a pre-contract
between the Queen and me; "whereupon I was not only heretofore examined
upon my oath before the archbishops of Canterbury and York, but also
received the blessed sacrament upon the same before the duke of Norfolk
and other the King's highness' council learned in the spiritual law, assuring
you, Mr. Secretary, by the said oath and blessed body, which afore I
received and hereafter intend to receive, that the same may be to my
damnation if ever there were any contract or promise of marriage between
her and me." Newington Green, 13 May 28 Hen. VIII. Signed. Mutilated. Add. |
13 May. R. O. |
865. J. Husee to Lord Lisle. |
Here is no good to be done, neither with the King nor with any of
his Council, till matters now had in hand be fully achieved. Mr. Secretary
had no leisure to despatch the letter for the Friar's delivery. It is useless
suing to Mr. Treasurer till he have more leisure. It is believed this matter
will be rid by the end of next week. Here are so many tales I cannot tell
what to write. This day, some say, young Weston shall scape, and some that
none shall die but the Queen and her brother; others, that Wyat and
Mr. Payge are as like to suffer as the others. The saying now is that those
who shall suffer shall die when the Queen and her brother go to execution;
but I think they shall all suffer. If any escape, it will be young Weston,
for whom importunate suit is made. It is rumoured that Harry Webbe has
been taken in the West country, and put in hold for the same cause. By
Wednesday (fn. 3) all will be known. Sir Thos. Cheyne is named lord warden,
some say by Mr. Secretary's preferment. My lord of Richmond is chamberlain of Chester and N. Wales, and Mr. Harry Knyvet, constable of Beaumaris. If Mr. Secretary keep promise your Lordship shall have something.
Today Mr. Russell was in very sad communication with Mr. Whethill. I
fear I have taken a wrong pig by the ear, but I shall know by his preferring
of your affairs ere long. Mr. Brian is chief gentleman of the privy chamber,
and shall keep the table. There is plain saying that the King will assign
the groom of the stole from time to time at his pleasure. I trust you will
remember Mr. Secretary with wine and letters, and also Mr. Hennage. The
King comes not to Dover at this time. There shall be both burgesses and
knights of the shire for Calais. Give credence to Goodall, and keep secret
what he tells you. London, 13 May. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
13 May. R. O. |
866. John Husee to Lady Lisle. |
I wrote yesterday by a messenger from Sir John Russell to my lord, Mr. Sulyard and your other friends here advise you to have a privy friend with lord Daubeney, and give him a good fee; also that you and my lord write friendly letters to his Lordship. If your Ladyship do not buy the woods he must be allowed to make his profit of them. You will receive your two gowns by Goodall. Mr. Basset's gown is fitting for him. I have given him the 5l., and he will go tomorrow to the country. | |
"Madam, I think verily, if all the books and chronicles were totally
revolved, and to the uttermost persecuted and tried, which against women
hath been penned, contrived, and written since Adam and Eve, those same
were, I think, verily nothing in comparison of that which hath been done
and committed by Anne the Queen; which, though I presume be not althing
as it is now rumoured, yet that which hath been by her confessed, and other
offenders with her by her own alluring, procurement, and instigation, is so
abominable and detestable that I am ashamed that any good woman should
give ear thereunto. I pray God give her grace to repent while she now
liveth. I think not the contrary but she and all they shall suffer." John
Williams has promised me some cramp-rings for you. Skutt does not see how
to do any good in the matter you showed me of at my departing. London,
13 May. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
13 May. Grynæi Epistolæ, 21. |
867. John Claimond to Simon GrynÆus. |
Received your letters yesterday, in reading which I had some
difficulty, owing to your bad writing and my weak sight. The hindrance to
printing the work caused by the confusion of war will do no harm except
the loss of time. I do not wish you to insert anything, as you suggest, to
my memory. Spare my slowness in writing and my old age. I have not
yet received the copy of Lactantius which you say you sent with your letter.
Bebelius writes that he intends to send some authors to be printed at London
in a few days. If so, I will prepare my trifles upon Pliny, which may be
read by the young, even if the learned disregard them. Salute Erasmus in
my name when you see him. Oxford, 3 Id. Maias. Lat. |
R. O. | 868. Sir Ralph Langforth to Henry VIII. |
Petition for a grant of the farm of Stoke Bardolf, Gedling, Shelfford,
and Carleton, late in the holding of Henry Norris, parcel of lord Lovell's
lands. P. 1. Endd. |
R. O. | 869. Sir Francis Weston. |
Debts owing by Sir Francis Weston at the time of his death, "as more plainly appeareth by a bill of the particulars written with his own hand." | |
Creditors:—My cousin Dyngley with my father, John Horseman, Barnarde my father's cook, Mr. Harve, Farfax, John Rutter, Wyngfyld, Browne the draper, Domyngo, Genenes (Jennings?), the page of the chamber, Peter Hoseer, Hocrofte, my lord of Wiltshire, William Horant, Pope, Bradbe the broderer, Brydges my tailor, Parson Robynson, "a poor woman that Hannesley of the tennis play had married for balls I cannot tell how much," Cornelius the goldsmith, Harde Derman at the gate, Henry Semer, Mr. Bryan, the King for 40l. and 50 mks., Mr. Locke, Henry Parcar, page, Thomas Dyer, Sir William Peccarynge, William the broderer for 35l., "whereon he has a gown, a coat, and a doublet of cloth of gold," my sadler, George Node, my shoemaker, Ambrose Barcar, Codale at Greenwich, Crester my barber, Richard Gresscham, Percake of the stable, Chr. Melyner, Askewe in Watlyngstrete, my lady Mosgrave 50l. whereon she has plate of mine, Jocelyne that was Mr. Norreys servant, John Norres, Secheper that playeth at the dice, Temple the fletcher, the King's broderer. Total, 925l. 7s. 2d. | |
"Father and mother and wife, I shall humbly desire you, for the salvation of my soul, to discharge me of this bill, and for to forgive me of all the offences that I have done to you, and in especial to my wife, which I desire for the love of God to forgive me, and to pray for me: for I believe prayer will do me good. God's blessing have my children and mine. | |
"By me, a great offender to God." Hol., pp. 2. Endd. |
R. O. | 870. Offices. |
List of persons appointed to offices. | |
My lord of Richmond, the chamberlainship of . . . . . . . . . .;
Mr. Secretary, the lieutenantship of the forest of . . . . . . . . . . . . .;
Rauf Sadler, the site of the abbey of Lesnez, with the fishing; Mr. Cofferer
(surrendering 40 mks. annuity), "the lordships of Echells, Alderlaye, and
Aldeforde, with the stewardship of Longdondale, as Brereton had the same,
paying 100l. yearly"; T. Wryothesley, the gravership of the Tower; Henry
Knevet and Richard Bulkeleye, the constableship and captainship of Beaumaris, with 40 mks. a year over and above 500 mks.; Richard Hill, the
collectorship of the subsidy in the port of London; Edm. Ashfeld, the
keeping of the manor and park of Ewelme; Sir Piers Dutton, the stewardship of Haulton and the rangership of Delamere forest; . . . . . . . . ame,
the park, lordship, and township of Shotwyk, at 24l. 3s. 4d. a year;
Percival Harte, sheriffwick of Flintshire; Sir John Brudges and Thomas
Brudges, the keeping of the manor and park of Langley, the stewardship of
Mynster Lovel, Burford, Shipton, Spellesbury, Langley, the bailiwick of
Chadlington, the four bailiwicks called the Eight Walks in Whichewood, the
rangership and laundership of Whichwood, the woodwardship of Chadworth,
and the keeping of Cornbury park; Lord Morley, the stewardship of
Hatfield; James Michell, the keeping of the "forayn" woods of Killingworth; A. Flamok, "the constableship of the castle . . . . . . . . with
the keeping of the park and th . . . . . . . . . of the liberty of the
duchie." In Wriothesley's hand. Mutilated, pp. 3. Endd.: Names of divers offices, Ao xxviio. |
Titus, B. i. 444. B. M. |
871. Cromwell's Remembrances. |
"First for answer to be made to my lord Lyzle and letters to be written for the expelling of the Emperor's subjects." For answer to the Emperor's ambassador. | |
Bills be signed for Pylston, Leson, Starkey, my lord of Sussex, and Robinson, for Bothombar. Folgeambys warrant to be signed. Letters to be written into Ireland, for a motion to be made in the Parliament for the King's great charges. Bills to be signed for Mr. Cofferer and Sir Thos. Wharton. A remembrance that all Mr. Nores' patents may be searched out. To remember the bishop of Llandaff's deliverance; the jewel; Besse Darell; Henry Knyvette's letters to Mr. Weston, and to young Weston's wife; Henry Knyvette's bills for the offices and the annuity. For the things that shall be done in the Parliament. An Act for the attainder of those that be perjured in Yorkshire. To remember the jury in Devonshire; my lady Guldeforde; Dotton and Done for Delamer; Sir Edw. Seymour; to call for the evidence of the house at Keyew for my lady Seymour; the master of the horse; John Parker for the lands of Fulham; Dr. Tregonnell; the Charterhouse in London. | |
The demesnes of the Holte Castle (fn. 4) with the weyr Houke and other pasture in Bromfeld is worth, a year, 19l. 17s. 9d. The horsemill and the town of the Holte, 33s. 4d. The stewardship of Bromfeld and Yale, 20l. The receivership there, 13l. 6s. 8d. The master forestership, 3l. The office of serjeant of peace, 4l. The office of improver, 60s. 10d. The keepership of Marsheley Park, 60s. 10d. | |
(fn. 5) Tregyan, 700l. Dudeley, 700l. Jenney, 666l. 13s. 4d.—400l. John Williams, 300l. The prior of Winchester, 400l.—200l. Dr. Leyton, 100l. —200l. Arthur Darcy, 100l. Sir Edw. Seymour, 300l.—200 mks. Sir John Gage, 200l.—666l. 13s. Sir Wm. Gascoyne, 4,000l. Sir Wm. Berkley, 120l. | |
Sir John Russell, 100l. Thos. Wyatt, 100l. Karew, Souche, and Rogers,
60l. The grower, 40l. The abbot of the Vale Ryall, 200l. The prior of
Gisborowe, 100l. Nicholas Statham, 100l. Lady Lucy's executors, 20l.
Thos. Broke, 100l. Pylston, 60l. Sir Fras. Bygod, 50l. Delivered to my
lady Mary, 20l. The King's attorney, 66l. 13s. 4d. Pp. 4. Mostly in Cromwell's hand. |
13 May. Poli Epist. 454. |
872. Reginald Pole to Priolus. |
Hopes this letter will find him safe at Padua. Received this evening his letters from Cesena. Venice, 13 [12?] May. | |
Hears today from Danesius of his arrival at Padua. Cannot come to him for two days. Venice, 13 May. | |
Commendations from Donatus and Dandalus. Lat. |
14 May. Add. MS. 25,114, f. 160. B. M. |
873. Cromwell to Gardiner and Wallop. |
The King has deferred answering their letters sent by Salisbury till the arrival of the bailly of Troyes. Has to inform them, however, of a most detestable scheme, happily discovered and notoriously known to all men. They may have heard the rumour of it. Will express to them, however, some part of the coming out, and of the King's proceeding. The Queen's incontinent living was so rank and common that the ladies of her privy chamber could not conceal it. It came to the ears of some of the Council, who told his Majesty, although with great fear, as the case enforced. Certain persons of the privy chamber and others of her side were examined, and the matter appeared so evident that, besides that crime, "there brake out a certain conspiracy of the King's death, which extended so far that all we that had the examination of it quaked at the danger his Grace was in, and on our knees gave him (God ?) laud and praise that he had preserved him so long from it." Certain men were committed to the Tower, viz., Marks and Norris and the Queen's brother; then she herself was apprehended and committed to the same place; after her Sir Fras. Weston and Wm. Brereton. Norris, Weston, Brereton, and Marks are already condemned to death, having been arraigned at Westminster on Friday last. The Queen and her brother are to be arraigned tomorrow, and will undoubtedly go the same way. "I write no particularities; the things be so abominable that I think the like was never heard. Gardiner will receive 200l. of the 300l. "that were out amongst these men, notwithstanding great suit hath been made for the whole; which though the King's highness might give in this case, yet his Majesty doth not forget your service; and the third 100l. is bestowed of the vicar of Hell [Sir Fras. Brian], upon [whom] (fn. 6) though it be some charge unto you, his Highness trusteth ye will think it well bestowed." From the Rolls in haste, 14 May. | |
P.S.—Wallop will not be forgotten, though Cromwell cannot tell at present
how much he is to have. The King is highly pleased with the services of
both. Signed. Pp. 3. In Wriothesley's hand. Add. Endd. |
14 May. Titus, B. i. 144.* B. M. Chr. of Calais, 166. |
874. Lord Chancellor Audeley to Lord Lisle, Deputy of Calais. |
Sends a writ to summon lord Lisle to the Parliament at Westminster
on Thursday in Whitsun week. There is no need for him to come unless he
hears further of the King's pleasure. Sends also writs to the Council for the
election of one burgess, and another to the mayor and commonalty for
election of another. Prays him and the council to choose a man of gravity,
honesty, reputation, and wit. An Act was passed at the last Parliament
that Calais shall always have two burgesses in Parliament, one to be chosen
by the deputy and council, and the other by the mayor and commonalty.
London, 14 May. Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. |
14 May. R. O. |
875. John Whalley to [Cromwell]. |
Master Wyngfeld, comptroller of the works, has written to him to
inform [Cromwell] that the works go well forward; and if the King come to
Dover, he shall see a ship of fourscore or 100 tons come into the harbour,
for the channel and the entrance to the harbour is almost cleansed. He asks
also for two old "halys" (halls) of canvas of the King's for the workmen to
have their meals in to save their going into the town. Apologises for not
coming, on account of his health, as Dr. Augustin can tell him. Wyngfeld
has asked Whalley's deputy for money for his costs, but he would not pay
without orders. Sends a copy of [Cromwell]'s letter to Wyngfeld, and asks
him, if he wishes him to be paid anything, to write the amount on the copy.
Sunday, 14 May. Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my singular good master. Endd. |
15 May. R. O. |
876. Trial of Anne Boleyn and Lord Rocheford. (fn. 7) |
Record of pleas held at the Tower of London before Thos. duke of Norfolk, treasurer and earl marshal, lord high steward, citing:— | |
(1.) Patent appointing the said Duke steward of England hac vice for the trial of queen Anne and lord Rocheford. Westm., 12 May 28 Hen. VIII. | |
(2.) Mandate to Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Ric. Lister, Sir John Porte, Sir John Spelman, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Sir Thos. Englefeld, and Sir Will. Shelley, special commissioners of Oyer and Terminer for Middlesex, to return all indictments found against queen Anne and lord Rocheford. Westm., 13 May 28 Hen. VIII. | |
(3.) Similar mandate to Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, and Sir Will. Shelley, special commissioners for Kent. Westm., 13 May 28 Hen. VIII. | |
(4.) Mandate to Sir Will. Kyngestone, constable of the Tower, to bring queen Anne and lord Rocheford before the Lord High Steward when required. Westm., 13 May 28 Hen. VIII. | |
(5.) The Lord High Steward issued his precept, 13 May, to Sir John Baldewyn and his fellows in Middlesex, to return the indictments at the Tower before him on Monday, 15 May, and a similar precept to Sir J. Baldewyn, Luke, and his fellows in Kent; a third precept to the constable of the Tower to bring queen Anne and lord Rocheford that day before him; and a fourth to Ralph Felmyngham, serjeant-at-arms, to summon such and so many lords of the kingdom, peers of the said queen Anne and lord Rocheford, by whom the truth may appear. | |
(6.) Pleas held before the duke of Norfolk, steward of England, at the Tower, on Monday, 15 May 28 Hen. VIII. | |
The justices bring in the indictments for Middlesex and Kent, Sir Will. Kingston produces the prisoners, and Ralph Felmyngham declares that he has summoned the peers. Proclamation being then made, the peers answer to their names; viz., Charles duke of Suffolk, Hen. marquis of Exeter, Will. earl of Arundel, John earl of Oxford, Hen. earl of Northumberland, Ralph earl of Westmoreland, Edw. earl of Derby, Hen. earl of Worcester, Thos. earl of Rutland, Rob. earl of Sussex, Geo. earl of Huntingdon, John lord Audeley, Thos. lord La Ware, Hen. lord Mountague, Hen. lord Morley, Thos. lord Dacre, Geo. lord Cobham, Hen. lord Maltravers, Edw. lord Powes, Thos. lord Mount Egle, Edw. lord Clynton, Will. lord Sandes, Andrew lord Wyndesore, Thos. lord Wentworth, Thos. lord Burgh, and John lord Mordaunt. | |
(7.) Indictment found at Westminster on Wednesday next after three weeks of Easter, 28 Hen. VIII. (fn. 8) before Sir John Baldwin, &c., by the oaths of Giles Heron, Roger More, Ric. Awnsham, Thos. Byllyngton, Gregory Lovell, Jo. Worsop, Will. Goddard, Will. Blakwall, Jo. Wylford, Will. Berd, Hen. Hubbylthorn, Will. Hunyng, Rob. Walys, John England, Hen. Lodysman, and John Averey; who present that whereas queen Anne has been the wife of Henry VIII. for three years and more, she, despising her marriage, and entertaining malice against the King, and following daily her frail and carnal lust, did falsely and traitorously procure by base conversations and kisses, touchings, gifts, and other infamous incitations, divers of the King's daily and familiar servants to be her adulterers and concubines, so that several of the King's servants yielded to her vile provocations; viz., on 6th Oct. 25 Hen. VIII., at Westminster, and divers days before and after, she procured, by sweet words, kisses, touches, and otherwise, Hen. Noreys, of Westminster, gentle man of the privy chamber, to violate her, by reason whereof he did so at Westminster on the 12th Oct. 25 Hen. VIII.; and they had illicit intercourse at various other times, both before and after, sometimes by his procurement, and sometimes by that of the Queen. Also the Queen, 2 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII. and several times before and after, at Westminster, procured and incited her own natural brother, Geo. Boleyn, lord Rocheford, gentleman of the privy chamber, to violate her, alluring him with her tongue in the said George's mouth, and the said George's tongue in hers, and also with kisses, presents, and jewels; whereby he, despising the commands of God, and all human laws, 5 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII., violated and carnally knew the said Queen, his own sister, at Westminster; which he also did on divers other days before and after at the same place, sometimes by his own procurement and sometimes by the Queen's. Also the Queen, 3 Dec. 25 Hen. VIII., and divers days before and after, at Westminster, procured one Will. Bryerton, late of Westminster, gentleman of the privy chamber, to violate her, whereby he did so on 8 Dec. 25 Hen. VIII., at Hampton Court, in the parish of Lytel Hampton, and on several other days before and after, sometimes by his own procurement and sometimes by the Queen's. Also the Queen, 8 May 26 Hen. VIII., and at other times before and since, procured Sir Fras. Weston, of Westminster, gentleman of the privy chamber, &c., whereby he did so on the 20 May, &c. Also the Queen, 12 April 26 Hen. VIII., and divers days before and since, at Westminster, procured Mark Smeton, groom of the privy chamber, to violate her, whereby he did so at Westminster, 26 April 27 Hen. VIII. | |
Moreover, the said lord Rocheford, Norreys, Bryerton, Weston, and Smeton, being thus inflamed with carnal love of the Queen, and having become very jealous of each other, gave her secret gifts and pledges while carrying on this illicit intercourse; and the Queen, on her part, could not endure any of them to converse with any other woman, without showing great displeasure; and on the 27 Nov. 27 Hen. VIII., and other days before and after, at Westminster, she gave them great gifts to encourage them in their crimes. And further the said Queen and these other traitors, 31 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII., at Westminster, conspired the death and destruction of the King, the Queen often saying she would marry one of them as soon as the King died, and affirming that she would never love the King in her heart. And the King having a short time since become aware of the said abominable crimes and treasons against himself, took such inward displeasure and heaviness, especially from his said Queen's malice and adultery, that certain harms and perils have befallen his royal body. | |
And thus the said Queen and the other traitors aforesaid have committed their treasons in contempt of the Crown, and of the issue and heirs of the said King and Queen. | |
(8.) Record of indictment and process before Baldewyn, Luke, and others, in co. Kent. | |
The indictment found at Deptford, on Thursday, 11 May 28 Hen. VIII., is precisely similar in character to the Middlesex indictment, except as regards times and places; viz., that the Queen at Estgrenewyche, 12 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII., and divers days before and since, allured one Hen. Noreys, late of Est Grenewyche, to violate her, whereby he did so on the 19 Nov., &c.; that on 22 Dec. 27 Hen. VIII., and divers other days, at Eltham, she allured Geo. Boleyn, lord Rocheford, &c., whereby he did so, 29 Dec., &c.; that on the 16 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII., and divers, &c., at Est Grenewyche, she allured one Will. Bryerton, late of Est Grenewyche, &c., whereby he did so, 27 Nov., &c.; that on the 6 June 26 Hen. VIII., &c., at Est Grenewyche, she allured Sir Fras. Weston, &c., whereby he did so, 20 June, &c.; that on the 13 May 26 Hen. VIII. &c., at Est Grenewyche, she allured Mark Smeton, &c., whereby he did so, 19 May 26 Hen. VIII. | |
And further that the said Boleyn, &c. grew jealous of each other; and the Queen, to encourage them, at Eltham, 31 Dec. 27 Hen. VIII., and divers times before and since, made them presents, &c.; that the Queen and the others, 8 Jan. 27 Hen. VIII., conspired the King's death, &c., and that she promised to marry one of the traitors whenever the King was dead, affirming she would never love him, &c. | |
And afterwards, Monday, 15 May, queen Anne comes to the bar before the Lord High Steward in the Tower, in the custody of Sir Will. Kingston, pleads not guilty, and puts herself on her peers; whereupon the said duke of Suffolk, marquis of Exeter, and other peers, are charged by the High Steward to say the truth; and being examined from the lowest peer to the highest, each of them severally saith that she is guilty. | |
Judgment:—To be taken to prison in the Tower, and then, at the King's command, to the Green within the Tower, and there to be burned or beheaded as shall please the King. | |
The same day, lord Rocheford is brought before the High Steward in the custody of Sir Will. Kingston, and pleads not guilty. The peers are charged, with the exception of the earl of Northumberland, who was suddenly taken ill, and each of them severally saith that he is guilty. | |
Judgment:—To be taken to prison in the Tower, and then drawn through the city of London, to the gallows at Tyburn, &c., as usual in high treason. | |
R. O. | 2. Originals of the above indictments, commission to the Lord High Steward, mandates and precept, with the original panel of peers. Several of these documents are a good deal injured. |
Royal MS. 20 B. xxi. B. M. |
877. Lord Rochford. |
Poem entitled "Les Tourmens de Mariage." Fr., ff. 100. |
Signatures of George Boleyn, Wyot, Marc S[meaton]? | |
R. O. | 878. Rochford, Norris, and Brereton. |
Lord Rochford's lands. | |
Account of their yearly value. | |
Farms:—Manor of South Kent, and honor and lordship of Rayley, Essex, sold to the
earl of Wiltshire; manor of Grymston, worth 10l. a year. Offices:—Stewardship of
Beaulyu, Essex, 10l. and keeping of the new park there, 4l. 10s. 3d.; keeping of the house
of Our Lady of Bethlem without Bishopsgate, without account; keeping, &c. of the parks
of Rayley and Thundersley and the bailliwick of the hundred of Rocheford, 16l. 20d.;
keeping of the park of King's Hatfelde, 100s. 10d.; keeping of the manor, &c. of Beaulyu,
Essex, and baileywick of the m[anors] of Newhall, Dorehame, Walkefare hall and
P[ower]s, (fn. 9) Essex, 21l. 5s. 10d.; stewardship and other offices of Tunbridge, receivership
and bailliwick of Brestede, keeping, &c. of the manor and park of Penshurst and the parks
of Northleigh and Northlands, Kent, 28l. 15s. 10d.; constableship of Dover and keeping of
the v. ports, —; (fn. 10) constableship of Kelingworth, 13l. 6s. 8d.; keeping of Kelingworth
park, 60s. 8d.; portership of Kelingworth castle, 30s. 4d.; bailiff and feudary of the liberty
of the duchy in Warwickshire; keeping of the King's woods at Kelingworth, 4l. 11s.
Annuities:—One of 50 mks., of the bp. of Winchester 200l., and of the abbot of St. Albans
133l. 6s. 8d. Grand total, 441l. 10s. 9d. |
ii. Lands, &c. of Henry Norres, Esquire to the Body. | |
Account of Edmund Asshefelde, his receiver, for the year ending Michaelmas, 27 Hen. VIII. | |
Arrearages, 692l. 8s. 2¾d. | |
Farms:—In co. Linc., the lordships of Barton upon Humber, 65l., and Thursway and Tewelly, 13l.; in co. Notts., manor and lordship of Stokebardolph, Shelforde and Gedlyng, 45l.; cos. Beds. and Hunts., manor and lordship of Tylbroke and Southoo, 36l. 10s.; cos. Berks. and Dors., divers lands, 36l.; co. Rutl., lordship of Longhame, 81l.; co. Kent, lands in Greenwich, 15l. 10s.; co. Oxford, lordship of Duklyngton Fryngforde and Barley park, 32l. 10s.; manor of Mynster Lovell, 46l.; co. Bucks, "lands with the park which was never rented," nil; co. Surrey, house in Kewe never rented, nil. Total, 370l. 10s. | |
Offices:—Of the "Exchequireship" to the Body, 33l. 6s. 8d.; mastership of the Hart hounds, 18l. 5s.; Black Rod, 18l. 5s.; "gravership" of the Tower, 20l.; collectorship of the subsidy in London, worth 80 marks a year, sold to Richard Hill his deputy for ready money, nil; mastership of the hawkes, 40l.; keeping of the manor of Pleasaunce at Green wich, 24l. 17s. 8d.; stewardship of Mynsterlovell, 4l. 13s. 4d.; of Burfor town, 8l. 12s. 4d.; chamberlainship of North Wales, 20l.; constableship of Wallingford castle, 50l.; "wayreship" (weighership) of Southampton —; (fn. 11) baileywick of Watlington, 6l. 20d.; mastership of the game of Whichewoode with Cornebury park, 27l. 2s. 6d.; keeping of Windsor little park, 4l. 11s. 3d.; of Foly Johns park —; (fn. 11) of Ewelme park and manor, &c., 12l. 3s. 6d.; constableship, &c. of Donyngton castle and park, 16l.; baileywick of Kydlington, 100s.; of Buckl . . d, —; (fn. 11) of Newnam, 60s.; lieutenantship of Waltham forest —; (fn. 11) keeping of Copped Hall park, —; (fn. 11) of Hoknorton park, —; (fn. 11) mastership of game and fee-farm of the lordship of Eltam, —; (fn. 11) stewardships of Banbury, 6l., of Osney, 4l.; and of the seven hundreds of Circetor, 6l. 13s. 4d.; fee of my lord of Northumberland, 13l. 6s. 8d.; of lord Conyers, 66s. 8d.; of the abbot of Welbeke, 66s. 8d.; office of Sunyng, of the gift of the bp. of Salisbury, 13l. 6s. 8d.; stewardship of Abendon, 10l.; of Reading abbey, 100s.; of Brewan abbey, 66s. 8d.; of Malmsbury abbey, 10l.; of the University of Oxford, 100s. Total of offices, 395l. 5s. 7d. | |
Annuities:—Out of the Exchequer, 33l. 6s. 8d.; of the see of Winchester, 122l.; from
the chamberlain of North Wales, over and above 40 marks for the constableship of
Bewmares castle given to Richard Bowkeley, 360l.; out of the King's receipt, 26l. 13s. 4d.;
of lord Dacres of the South, 20l. Total, 562l. Total "ultra arrerag," 1,327l. 15s. 7d. |
iii. Lands, &c. of William Brereton, Esquire. Account for the year ended Michaelmas last 27 Hen. VIII. | |
Lands in farm of the King:—To him and my lady in survivorship, lordship of Echells, 68l. 6s. 3½d., manor of Alderlaie, 20l. 12s. 5½d., and manor and lordship of Aldeford, Chesh., 53l. 14s. 1½d., with lands of Aldeforde, in Flintshire, 106s. 8d.; in all 47l. clear, and the King paid. Lordship of Mottrom in Londendale, 46l. 19s. 2d., to him and his brother Uryan in survivorship, manor and lordship of Shotwyks and Sage Hall, 22l. 12s. 8d.; lands in Chester, parcel of Mottrom in Longdendale, 20s., to him and his heirs; manor of Lesnes, —; (fn. 11) lands in Charleyton, Chesh., 6l. 14s. 8d.; ferries of North Wales, 20l. 2s. 4d. clear; lordship of Fyncheley, Midd., 25l. 19s. 4½d.: total 271l. 7s. 9d. Lands in farm of the duke of Richmond:—Demesnes of Holt Castle, with the "weyre houks" and other pasture in the lordship of Bromefeld, 19l. 17s. 9d.; the horsemill in Holt town, 33s. 4d.: total, 21l. 11s. 1d. Farms:—of the earl of Derby, of marshes in Alford, Coddington, and Twylston, Chesh., 18l. 19s., worth 8l. 10s. 8d., the King paid; of lord Audelay, the lordship of Tatenhall, co. Chester, 38l. 3s. 4½d., "worth nothing;" gift of Sir Randall Brereton, his father, lands in Malpas, &c., of the annuity of William Brereton, Esquire, 64s. 1d.; of Sir Anthony Browne, the lordship of Newhall, Chesh., 65l. 17s. 6d., "worth nothing by the year:" total, 120l. 3s. 11½d. | |
Sir John Savage's lands in farm of the King during the nonage of John, son and heir of the said Sir John, with my lady his wife's jointure:—In co. Chester, the lordship of Shipbroke, 85l. 2s., manors and lordships of Clyfton, 27l. 11s. 4d., Bradley, 14l. 9s. 11d., Makkelfeld, 12l. 2s. 8d., Huxley, 7l. 13s. 8d., Barrowe, 67l. 19s. 4½d., Chedell, 74l. 10½d., Coulle and Hurleston, 20l. 11s. 8½d.; in co. Shropp., lordships of Edelburnell, 13l. 16s. 7d., Crofton (with the manor), 7l. 13s. 8d., Sutton, 6l. 10s. 11d., Wotton Ovenbury, 14l. 4s. 7d., Hopebowdler, 55s. 1d., Wycus Malbus (Nantwich) for the barony there, 30s.; in co. Derby, lordships of Stanby, 34s. 17s. ½d., Elmeton, 16l., Ilkeston, 37l., Holmeffeld, 13l. 6s. 8d.; lordship of Graundby and Sutton, Notts, 36l. 4s. 7d.; lordship of Dowre, Derb., "nil, for he hath not accounted;" castle and manors of Gryse, Notts., "nil, in the hands of Richard Savage, the elder;" in co. Stafford, manors and lordships of Rossheton, 18l. 6s. 7¼d., and Tayne, 12l. 7s. ½d.; lordship of Shepfeld, Leic., 10l.; a meadow and tenement in Leicester, "nil, in the hands of John Savage:" total, 534l. 4s. 3¾d. | |
In farm:—of Dr. Chamber, tithe corn of Pykyll, 13l. 6s. 8d.; of the abbot of Vala Crucis, tithe corn of Ruabon, 26l. 13s. 4d., "for the which he paid nothing:" total, 40l. Offices by the King:—chamberlainship of Chester, 22l. 10s., and Randall Brereton for the fee of chamberlain, 26l. 13s. 4d., 49l. 3s. 4d. clear; constable of Chester castle, 18l. 5s.; escheator of Chester, 10l. 10s.; rangership of Dalamer forest, 4l. 11s. 3d.; stewardship of Halton, 100 [s.]; comptrollership of Chester and Flintshire, 12l. 3s. 4d.; stewardship of Bromefeld, 20l.; receivership there, 13l. 6s. 8d.; master fostership, 60s.; office of serjeant at Paxe there, 4l.; of improver there, 60s. 10d.; keeping of Mersley park, 60s. 10d.; stewardship of Crykeland, 10l.; receivership there, 100s.; annuity of Denbigh, 6l. 13s. 4d.; sheriffship of Flintshire, 20l.; keeping of Halton park, 60s. 10d.: total, 190l. 15s. 5d. Other offices:— stewardship of lord Audeley's lands in Chester, 6l. 13s. 4d.; receivership of Newhall, Coulle, and other lands of Sir Anthony Browne, 50s.; annuity of the abbot of Norton, 4l. 13s. 4d.; of Anthony Kingeston, 53s. 4d.; the abbot of Chester, 20l.; abbot of Vala Riall, 20l.; stewardship of Sir Wm. Brereton's lands in Malpas, 40s: total, 58l. 10s. | |
Grand total of Brereton's lands, &c., 1,2361. 12s. 6¼d. Large paper, pp. 16. 3 blank leaves. |
R. O. | 879. Norris and Brereton. |
Grant to Henry Norres, squire of the Body, of the stewardship of
the manors of Lewesham and Estgrenewich, with a yearly fee of 3l. 6s. 8d.
[A.D. 1532.—See Vol. V., 1065 (22)]. Lat. Draft, pp. 2. Endd. |
R. O. |
2. Draft warrant to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, in
behalf of Thomas Brigges, deputy to Henry Norres, to whom the rangership
of Whichwood Forest, Oxon, was granted by patent 24 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.,
with 6d. a day out of the issues of cos. Oxon and Berks,—to levy 17l. arrears
of the said 6d., which are unpaid since 5 June 26 Hen. VIII. through
insufficiency of the said issues, out of the petty custom of the port of
London. [Date apparently 16 April 1536]. Pp. 2. Draft, mutilated. Endd.: 55l. 12s. 6d.—28l. |
R. O. |
3. A list of William Brereton's offices; viz., chamberlain of Chester,
escheator, baron of the Exchequer [i.e., of Chester], receiver general and
surveyor, constable of the castle. "Also he maketh the coroners." Steward
of Halton Castle and keeper of the prisoners there, steward to all abbeys
and priories within the shire. "Steward to the king of Mottram in Longdendale, wherein he hath great manrede; steward and farmer of Echees,
. . . . . and Alderly, and farmer for the King of the same . . . . 100l. by
the year," &c. P. 1. Mutilated and defaced by damp. Endd.: William Brereton offices. |
R. O. |
4. Accounts of John Norbury, general receiver of the lands of Will.
Brereton in cos. Chester, Flint, and other counties, from 22 to 25 Hen. VIII.,
containing numerous names of tenants, farmers, and officers. A large folio volume of 41 leaves, numbered in pencil. |
S. B. | 5. Grant to W. Breerton, page of the chamber, of the wardship and marriage of Godfrey son and heir of Roger Fuljambe. [This S. B. is undated, but was probably issued early in the year 1529. See Vol. IV. 5508 (1). It has accordingly been placed on the file of the 21st year]. |
R. O. |
6. A remembrance to Master Secretary of three offices in the King's gift,
which Wm. Brearton late had, in Cheshire; the riding forestership of
Dealamer Forest, 4d. a day; keepership of Shotwike park, 2d. the [day];
escheatorship, 10l. a year. P. 1. Endd.: [Hen]ry Annesley, Groom of the Chamber. |
R. O. | 880. Robert B[arnes] to Cromwell. |
Is informed that through the death of these false men the mastership of Bedlam (fn. 12) shall be void. Begs for that promotion, which he would
rather have than a bishopric. Hears it is worth 40l. If he had it, would
be near Cromwell, who might be a witness of his conversation. Need
compels him to write, for he has nothing and nobody to care for him. Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.: Anno xxviio. |
R. O. | 881. Robert Bar [Barnes] to Cromwell. |
Desires to speak two or three words with him. "My matters pertain
to God's glory and to the salvation of your soul, which our Heavenly Father
ever keep for the sweet bulde (blood?) of his dear Son, Jesus Christ." Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. |
15 May. R. O. |
882. Sir Ambrose Cave. |
"A remembrance to my right worshipful brother Sir Thomas Dyngle, knight, commander of Badsley and Mayne, to do for me, Sir Ambros Cave, knight, at his coming to Maltha or elsewhere." | |
At my departure from England, my lord of St. John's gave me a packet
of letters for Malta addressed to myself. I have left them with Mr. Forseto.
I beg you will receive it, and deliver the contents at Malta. I left with him
also other packets for Mr. Turcoplier, Mr. Russell, and other gentlemen in
convent, which I have commended to Mr. Copuldicke. I also left with the
said Forset the "proves" (?) of Mr. Waring, and a penny for a token from
his mother. You know I left England intending to join the convent, "and
what case I stand in to meglior you know. Of any commandry that my
ancients have I am content to meglior upon, except Slebiche, which I will
not meddle with; if my lord master do his grace of Shyngay then I cannot
meglior upon it, but else I have wrong if it be not mine for my megliorment." When my lord master doth give his grace I beg you will get me a
part thereof, that I be not always put to charges without reward. You
know my lord master has made me promises in presence of M. de Manoasque
and of the auditor. I beg you will procure me all other offices that may
touch me by my ancienty, for which I constitute you my proctor. Lyons,
15 May 1536. Hol., pp. 2. Endd. in the same hand. |
[15 May.] R. O. |
883. Jehan des Gardins, priest, to Mr. Hyfeldh, man-at-arms at Calais. |
I propose to be at Calais on Saturday night to see you and salute the
Deputy. Commend me to Mademoiselle, your companion, and beg her to get
me on Saturday morning two or three cheeses of the Boulonnais, which we
call fromage de heneneu (?). Feast of the Holy Sacrament. Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add. |
15 May. R. O. |
884. Will. Abbot of York to Cromwell. |
I have received your letters in favor of Sir Arthur Darcy, for the farm called Hingyng Grymston, touching which I beg you to peruse the humble supplication of my poor brethren. York, 15 May. | |
P.S.—I understand that Parliament will begin shortly, from which I beg
you will obtain my leave of absence, both because of the plague which has
visited my house near Powles and my late attendance there. Signed. P. 1. Add.. Secretary. Endd. |
15 May. R. O. |
885. Thomas Legh to Dr. [Æpinus]. |
I have received your three letters with others from Dr. Oldendorp.
I find they were given to you by the Secretary (Pacæus), who shall receive
an answer from me, and understand my diligence in that respect. I thank
the Senate of Hamburg, and you also for your great pains. As for Philip
(Melancthon), the King (Rex ille) sent him letters, not without expressions
of favor. He will not have any reason to repent if he complies with them
and will visit my penates. For the trouble you will take in this matter I
send you a little present. Recommend me to all that entertained me, and
especially to my host (hospite, qu. hospiti?) and tell him if he will only
write, he shall want nothing that England produces. Excuse me to all others
for not writing, on account of the pressure of business. You will learn our
news from the messenger. "Nunc valeant vestrates, et iterum ac iterum
mea Maria, mel illud." London, 15 May. Hol., but not in his own hand. Lat., p. 1. Endd. |
15 May. R. O. |
886. Richard Cromwell to Lord Stafford. |
As to the abbey you wrote about, my uncle says he will not fail to
obtain it for you when the surveying of the abbeys is at an end. The Rolls,
15 May. Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. |
15 May. Vienna Archives. |
887. [Charles V. to Chapuys.] |
We have received your letters of the 1st and 21st ult., to which, because of our being on our journey, we have not been able to reply sooner; and although it seems to us that the charge which we had delivered to you for the king of England, in accordance with the proposals passed between Cromwell and you, was altogether so honorable and reasonable that it deserved a more gracious answer from the said King, and we think you have spoken to him courteously, as he has always shown himself well pleased with your negociation, and although by this coldness that the King has shown by his said answers we could have occasion to go no further in this business (practique), still, in order to omit nothing on our side to show the King the remembrance we have of the ancient friendship between us and of past good offices, we wished not to omit to renew to you this charge; and, to make a greater effort (as you have advised), we shall write to him letters of credence for you, committing to you to say what you think will serve towards the establishment of a sincere reunion between us in the matters contained hereafter and in our previous [letters] from Naples. And in truth, it seems to us that, everything considered, we could not do more for the King even if he were another father, as hitherto we have esteemed him, and shall, if he pleases, continue to do; for, although we may have known his great prudence, magnanimity, and virtue, and that of himself he can well understand what concerns him in regard both to the Princess our cousin and his kingdom, as he has said to you, yet he ought to observe that what we have said to him through you was not with a view to our own interests, but rather, since it is a question of establishing amity between us, to clear away the things which might involve occasion of distrust hereafter, and, as it seems to us, for his good and quiet; indeed it seems to us that if we did not urge it he might justly conceive that we had not such good will towards him as we have, but that we dissembled in order to keep him and his affairs in trouble, and so hold him in greater restraint, as we know that others have done and still do, and as he is clear-sighted we cannot think how he does not perceive and remedy it. | |
1. With regard to the Pope, we do not wish to deny that he can find means to come to an agrement with his Holiness, but we can aver that there is no man living who more desires, and has wished to effect, that it might be done with his honor and the welfare of his realm; and it is not likely that those who rejoice at and wish to make their profit of this dispute, as till now they have always tried, as we know for certain, can be good and trustworthy ministers for it. It is true that they will be able to dissemble very well, as they have done, the fact that they have openly procured the privation of the said King of his kingdom, giving to understand (falsely, however,) that it was we who made suit for it. The English ambassador must know the truth, and whether it has lain with us that the said declaration should be made, the minute of which was sent us to Naples, which we have ever since retained; and perhaps those who brag so much of disposing of the Pope at their will have not so much influence with his Holiness as we, whom all vexation and injury of the said king of England would extremely displease, especially in an affair of this kind, not only for the desire we have of again effacing all that is past to the disadvantage of our amity and to render it indissoluble, but also for the affection we have always borne to his said kingdom; especially seeing that if they proceed by censures against the said King and his realm the neighbourly intercourse (la bonne voisinance) between our kingdoms would be interrupted, which is all the special interest we pretend in this matter, supposing that in any case the King would be displeased with the observance of the said interdict. And for the rest, as regards this point, we refer you to our previous letters. | |
2. As to the Princess our cousin, we also hold that the King will act like a good and natural father, especially considering her great virtues and good qualities; but our near relationship and the great worth of the said Princess compel us to urge the King to have a fatherly regard for her. Nor does it seem unreasonable that kinsmen should intercede with fathers for their children; and we do so all the more, because we have always thought that if the King has in any degree withheld his favor from her it has not been of his own motion but by sinister reports of others. So we think he will take our intercession in good part, as we would do in the case of our own children, of whom, if he consolidate this amity, we shall consider him another father. | |
3. As to assistance against the Turk, we have always believed that the King would reply most honorably, as he has done, and that he is disposed to it as becomes a prince who loves the weal of Christendom. Also there is much need of it, as those who ought to do the like forget their duty and stir up the Turk against Christendom; and, to say no ill of others, we refer to what the King may already have been informed; he may be well assured that we will co-operate willingly with all our power. | |
4. Lastly, as touching France, we suppose you have informed the King that we have passed on to Rome, and we wish no further testimony in our justification than what the King our uncle knows of things past; and the whole of Christendom sees that the king of France has so barbarously attacked his own uncle, the duke of Savoy, even though he had expressly promised us by his ambassador not to proceed against him by force; and that he has not only occupied all the Duke's territory, except Nice, Vercelli, and some other places which he could not subdue, but he keeps it, not meaning to give it up, and threatens to occupy Milan; for which reason we are forced to arm ourselves. Besides, he has persisted till now in claiming Milan for his second son, the duke of Orleans, at least the usufruct of the duchy during his life, although we had offered him reasonable conditions for the duke of Angoulême; and certainly the king of France does not forbear to offer us everything we could wish as regards the king of England, provided we would gratify him about Milan, in which we have taken such consideration that if our uncle had never sought such strict amity with us we think for this alone he is much bound to us; but it is not our custom to improve our case by reports of what has been said to us in secret, as others do, even in defiance of truth; so you need not allude to this, since our uncle may know already the ways of France, and reflect for himself that the French king would not be restrained by consideration for him from promising us anything. | |
Finally, we hope that the King will shortly see that neither the fear of France nor any other consideration induces us to cherish his friendship, except our own good will; and if the King will be as cordial as he has often promised, we may clear up matters and smooth away all difficulties. For this end you will earnestly entreat him to declare himself at once, and that it is certain that by this means we shall uphold all that concerns his honor. | |
We leave the rest to your discretion, and you will inform us as soon as possible of the King's inclination and of all particulars, that we may remain no longer in suspense. | |
We must not omit to state that we have expressed in general terms our
good will to the English ambassador here, and that Granvelle has also
spoken with him, hoping that the King will now make a good conclusion,
and, if not, that we may know his inclination; and if, in fine, he will not do
so frankly, we shall be all the more justified, and shall think our trouble well
spent. We continue our journey against Lombardy to join our forces, and
as to the practice of the peace, you will see by the copy sent herewith our
last reply to the French ambassador at Lucca. The cardinal of Lorraine
afterwards came to us there on his return from Rome, to whom, as he
persisted in having Milan for the duke of Orleans, we replied as we did at
Rome; seeing which, he left to return to the French king, giving us to
understand that Francis would make a new request of the duchy for Mons.
d'Angoulême; hence we are clear of complications (dont nous sommes
desmele), and desire for this and other reasons to have news from you.
Pontremulo, 15 May 1536. Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 7. |
15 May. Vienna Archives. |
888. Charles V. to Chapuys. |
We send with this other letters of ours, written for the purpose of being shown to Cromwell and the Council, and even to the King if you think fit, but you must not deliver a copy or let them out of your hands. In them we refer to our previous letters, in order that you may add or diminish as the state of matters requires. If the King consent to treat we wish you to follow substantially our previous letters, and, if there be any difficulty and you cannot do better, you are to temporise, either on the pretext of communicating with us, or otherwise, so that the King may not directly or indirectly assist France, without further pretending to the king of England that Francis can be induced to forbear from war for any reason but want of power, and we trust we are strong enough to withstand him. Moreover, we think that in this the king of England would think he had done much for us, and would become more intractable in other matters. | |
Hannaert has written to Granvelle on the 9th that he had just heard that the king of England's concubine had been surprised in bed with the King's organist. If this be so, as it is very probable that God has permitted it after her damnable life, we think the King will be more inclined to treat, especially as regards our cousin; but you must use great dexterity lest the King intend a marriage in France, and that he should rather choose one of his own subjects, either the one with whom he is in love or some other. We trust that if there be anything in it you will let us know with diligence. We send letters of credence for you for the dukes of Richmond, Norfolk, and Suffolk, and also for Cromwell, such as you will see by the copies. Pontremulo, 15 May 1536. | |
P.S.—Since the above was written your man George has arrived, who
confirms the news touching the King's concubine, and, as we suppose that
the King will put her and her accomplices to death and take another wife, as
he is of amorous complexion and always desires to have a male child,
and as on the side of France they will not fail to offer him a match, you
will suggest, when you can, to him or Cromwell, a marriage with the Infanta
of Portugal, daughter of our sister the queen of France, who has 400,000
ducats dowry by testament. Another marriage might be arranged for the
Infant Don Loys of Portugal, our brother-in-law, with the princess of
England. You must point out to them that these matches would be very
expedient, both to remove past scruples and to promote strict amity between
us, him, and Portugal, and would be very advantageous to England in case
the King should have a male child by this marriage, as he may reasonably
hope from the youth and bringing up of the Infanta. If you see the King
not inclined to these marriages you might propose one between the King
and our niece, the duchess dowager of Milan, a beautiful young lady, well
brought up and with a good dowry; treating at the same time of the other
marriage between Don Loys and our cousin. But we should greatly prefer
the former match with the Infanta, for the good of both, and in order to
be able to dispose of our niece of Milan otherwise. Bersel, 15 May 1536. Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 3. |
Ib. | 2. Charles V. to Cromwell. |
Thanks him for the good offices he continually does for the confirmation
of amity between him and the king of England and for making it perpetual,
of which he is informed both by the letters of [Chapuys] and what Cromwell
has written to Granvelle. Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1. |
Ib. | 3. Charles V. to the Dukes of Richmond, Norfolk, and Suffolk. |
Credence for his ambassador touching the confirmation of amity, of
which the said ambassador has written to him, and the archdeacon, who is
the English ambassador here, has spoken. (Similar letters to each.) Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1. |
Ib. |
4. Memorandum [by Chapuys?] containing the names of the dukes of Richmond, Norfolk, and Suffolk, and of Thomas Cromwell, principal secretary.
Opposite the first is written:—"Ad quem si dignabitur scribere Cæsar, non
erit meo judicio abs re. Id enim in optimam partem interpretabitur pater,
quem non magis corporis liniamentis quam animi dotibus referre certum
est." From a modern copy, p. 1. |
15 May. Vienna Archives. |
889. Anthoine Perrenot to Chapuys. |
I have by your man George, this bearer, received your letters and
heard his charge. You have done well to send notice of what has happened
there touching the Concubine; which is indeed music "de haulte game, et
digne de rire;" for by this God reveals the iniquity of those from whom so
many ills have proceeded; and since it is so, profit should be made of it, and
regard had to conduct affairs in the best way, in accordance with what the
Emperor last wrote to you and now again writes. If things could be well
guided by you,—and I doubt not but you will use all possible diligence and
dexterity,—besides the great benefit that would ensue from it, it would be
the true way to arrive at the reward of your long services. Assures
Chapuys of his friendship, and promises his influence when it comes to
distributing the vacant benefices; in which, owing to the great business the
Emperor has had since leaving Naples, nothing is yet settled nor is likely to
be, seeing the direction affairs are taking towards war, as he will hear from
the bearer, and will be more fully advertised from Alexandria. Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1. Original headed: "15 May 1536. Du Secretaire de lempereur Perenin a lambassadeur." |