Henry VIII: June 1536, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Henry VIII: June 1536, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp470-491 [accessed 18 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: June 1536, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp470-491.

"Henry VIII: June 1536, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp470-491.


June 1536, 11-20

11 June. 1117. Richard Sampson, Bishop of Chichester.
See Grants in June, No. 19.
11 June. 1118. Dinteville, Bailly of Troyes.
See Grants in June, No. 20.
11 June.
R. O.
1119. Geo. Hale, petty canon of Windsor, to Cromwell.
On 30 May last I received of Bryan, servant to Mr. Chr. Plummer, a chain and cross of gold, 10 gold rings upon a black thread, a pair of jet beads with 8 gaudes of gold, for which I gave him a bill of my own hand. "Wherefore, as I am bound to one God and to one King, I purpose never with God's grace to favor any that I may know that have deserved the indignation of my prince." So I have delivered the aforesaid to Mr. Warde to deliver to you. Windsor, 11 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
11 June.
R. O.
1120. Sir Thos. Palmer to Cromwell.
Today went in to the edge of Picardy to see lady Landertyn, an old acquaintance. She told him that the Burgundians were in great poverty, for the Emperor had borrowed so much money of them and left their country so bare, and their towns unfurnished with victuals and ordnance, that if attacked they would be utterly undone. They have therefore refused the queen of Hungary's demands at Gante and other towns. At this she took such displeasure that she would have gone away and left the Government, but the country, urged by the duke of Askote, granted her a sum of money. She says also that an Englishman, who keeps much with the Emperor's ambassador in England, advertises the Queen of all manner of things done in the realm, so that she said the Emperor was more beholden to him than to his ambassador. At the putting of the late Queen to the Tower, he wrote to the queen of Hungary but six lines signed with no name, but at other times he has written three sheets of paper concerning the Princess Dowager and lady Mary, nothing like a true man.
Hopes Cromwell will "try him out," and Palmer will do his best.
Spoke the same day with the captain of Dournam, "who was as dronkyn as a gose."
He said he had letters from the Court of Flanders that the King and Emperor were all one. Said he was glad of it. "In likewise said the Frenchmen, and in likewise I made like answer." Would advise the King to let them both alone, for they love not England, but for fear we should be against them. When they have well plucked one another by the head, the King will be able to beat them both, for they are the most fearful people at this hour that ever he saw. They take prisoners today and send them home tomorrow for fear of displeasure. At St. Thomas they have plucked down their bells to make artillery. They of Picardy think themselves undone because Mons. de Beiz is gone beyond the mountain and left for his deputy Mons. de Vervyn, who is but a young man, and of small experience.
Asks Cromwell to help him out of debt. Calais, 11 June.
The gentlewoman also said that she heard the duke of Askote, who is Master of the Finances, say to the Queen that he could not make 500 cr. in all the world and pay 50 men of the army upon the border.
Has known her 16 years and never found her lie.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
11 June.
Add. MS. 8715 f. 257 b. B. M.
1121. Bishop of Faenza to Ambrogio.
Hears for certain that the king of England has expressed distinctly, by this courier, that if the Emperor touches this kingdom in any place, he will not only give all possible help, but attack the Emperor in person. The marriage of the Princess, his true daughter, with the Dauphin is much urged; and as the Admiral says, "se non si fa non manchera che oda costoro," but a courier is expected thence in two days, by whom they will hear about what the English ambassador spoke to him of.
Ital. Modern copy, p. 1. Headed: Al Signor Protonotario Ambrogio. Da Lione, 11 Gugni 1536.
11 June.
Add. MS. 28,588 f. 289. B. M.
1122. Dr. Ortiz to the Empress.
On the first day of Whitsuntide the convocation of the Council at Mantua was promulgated.
Chapuys writes that "La Ana" and her five lovers, one of them being her brother, were imprisoned in the Tower on May 2. They were beheaded on May 17, and she on the following Friday. The King has ordered Parliament to be summoned after Whitsuntide. It is hoped that many good things will be done. The Princess has been suffering in her head and molar teeth, but it is not of much consequence.
La Ana was beheaded before many people. She took the Sacrament in prison before her execution, and complained that she had not been executed on Wednesday with her brother, saying that she hoped to have gone to Paradise with him, and that she died by the laws of the kingdom. Two of the five confessed their guilt. One, who was the principal gentleman of the King's chamber, said a great deal about the justice of his death, and that a favoured servant ought not to flatter his prince and consent to his desires as he had done. Rome, 11 June 1536.
Sp., pp. 3. Modern copy.
12 June.
Add. MS. 25,114 f. 166. B. M.
1123. Cromwell to Gardiner and Wallop.
Wrote by his last the answer then determined and delivered by the King to the Bailly of Troyes, on the subject of his message. The Bailly has since pressed for the alteration of certain words in it, "as rather gathered of his general communication than by him so precisely meant." The King has complied with his request. Sends a duplicate in French of that which is delivered to him, in which they will observe the word invasion is omitted, "and the certain inclination in the French king to compromitt into the King's Highness hands, though indeed their words before in effect contained as much." The Rolls, 12 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord of Winchester and Sir John Wallop, the King's ambassadors in France. Endd.
Ibid., f. 168. ii. The answer amended as above.
Fr., pp. 2.
12 June.
Harl. 6069, f. 99. B. M.
1124. [Cromwell] to Tuke.
Ordering him to pay Clarencieux 10l. for his diets. Tuke paid him 37l. 6s. 8d. on the 22 Jan. last (when he was Norroy), he being then sent into Scotland to attend on lord Will. Hay worthe and the bishop then elect of St. Asaph, now of St. David's. He has continued his said "vyage" from the 21st Jan. to the 12th June, and his diets amount to 47l. 6s. 8d., or 10l. more than has been already paid. "At my house at the Rolls," 12 June, 28 Hen. VIII.
Copy, p. 1.
2. Another copy (early hand) is in MS. L. f. 156, Coll. of Arms.
12 June.
R. O.
1125. Papal Indulgences.
The depositions of Henry Cheseman, William Cheseman, John Willard, Thomas Charleton, Nicholas Everenden, Thomas Thompson, Thomas Fisher, William Young, Robert Arcles, Richard Burdon, all of the parish of Loose, in Kent, taken 12th June, 28 Hen. VIII., before Sir Henry Wiat, kt., and Mr. Culpeper, esquire, against Sir Robert Fynnys, vicar of Loose, for saying in his pulpit there, "that the Holy Bishop Urban" (naming him at first Pope) of Rome, had granted certain indulgences "to all those that be in clean life and that cometh to the feast of Corpus Christi to the first evensong and so all the Utas."
Pp. 3. Endorsed in Wriothesley's hand.
12 June.
R. O.
1126. Bruton Abbey.
The examination of Ric. Halford, monk of Brewton Abbey, at the Fleet, before Thos. Bedyll of the Council, 12 June 28 Hen. VIII.
(The questions are not given.) 1 and 2 are true. 3. In the licence the word prioratus was erased and monasterii (fn. 1) substituted by the clerk who wrote it, as far as he knows. Mr. Underhill, who procured the licence, showed him this. To the rest of the interrogatories he says that after the licence was obtained under the seals of the King and the archbishop of Canterbury, Robt. Wattes, Underhill's servant, showed it him, with the confirmation. Told Wattes the licence was not good, because of the word "prioratus," and wrote to Underhill advertising him to have it made good, but requiring him not to have it rased. About three weeks ago Wattes brought them both back rased and amended, saying they were good enough, being amended by him that first wrote them. Showed them six or seven days after to the abbot, who found the same fault. Underhill procured the licence and confirmation without any reward or promise, except that Halford paid the ordinary charges, 4l. 6s. 8d.
ii. Another examination taken the same day.
1. Knows no crime against the abbot that he can prove. To the rest, says that he never conspired with "the said Harold, Hert or Whight," or any other, to accuse the abbot of treason, or conspired his death, or other displeasure. Does not know that Harold, Hert and White conspired to accuse him of treason or to compass his death, but about two years ago Harold gave Sir Wm. Sturton, now lord Sturton, a bill of accusation against the abbot, in White's chamber. Sir William asked Halford about it, and he answered that he never heard that the abbot had used any such words. The next morning told the abbot thereof, who denied the words. Harold, however, asserted that he heard him speak the words against the Queen in the hearing of the prior and two or three other canons. Had no communication with Hert about it except that he said he was sorry that Harold had made the accusation. White told him Harold had said he had heard the abbot use unfitting words about the Queen. Had no communication with the prior or any other canon about it. The abbot has been abbot about four years, and Halford has been canon professed for 18 or 19 years. Thinks in his conscience that the abbot never used these words, but that Harold and White conspired to accuse him wrongfully. Harold is about 24 years of age, and has been canon professed seven, eight, or nine years. White is 40 years, and has been servant seven or eight years.
Pp. 5. Each page signed: "By me, Richard Alford." Endd.
12 June.
R. O.
1127. Sir Nich. Carew to Lord Lisle.
Asks for a licence to Thos. Fouler to provide him with two tuns of wine. Trusts to see him shortly, "when I promise you I shall be sorry for this." Sends remembrances to my Lady. At my poor house, 12 June. Signed.
P. 1. The latter part in his own hand. Add.
12 June.
R. O.
1128. Lady Lisle to Popley.
I am as glad to hear from you as any living. Yesterday I received your letter of the 6th inst., and am sorry you did not make your request before Michaelmas, when my Lord might have promoted it better. Even if your letter had not come, I meant to have made my moan to you, "for my Lord is now in authority without liberty," for since the commissioners were here, he can give away no room except as follows; one in petty wages to the 6d. and he in 6d. to the 8d. So that he must begin in petty wages. Yet my Lord has two overseers, the lord comptroller and the vice-treasurer. Nevertheless, send your friend as soon as you can. Let him be a tall man and a good archer, my Lord will at once admit him to his wages, then give him the first 6d. that shall fall, and afterwards the first 8d., notwithstanding the Act, for I hope to get the consent of my lord comptroller and the vicetreasurer. "And where ye write he shall recompense me, good Mr. Popeley, I would not for 100l. take one penny, nor never did of no man, whatsoever hath been reported, and loath I would be to begin with you." Give credence to Husee, who will show my further mind. Calais, 12 June. Signed.
P. 1.
13 June.
Otho, C. x. 263 b. B. M.; Hearne's Sylloge, 126.
1129. Princess Mary to [Cromwell].
"Good Mr. Secretary, I do thank you with all my heart for the great pain and suit (fn. 2) you have had for me." I see by your letters that you mislike my exception in my letter to the King. I assure you I did not mean it as you take it, "for I do not mistrust that the King's goodness will move me to do anything which should offend God and my conscience. But that which I did write was only by the reason of continual custom; for I have always used both in writing and speaking to except God in all things. Nevertheless, because you have exhorted me to write to his Grace again, and I cannot devise what I should write more but your own last copy without adding or minishing, therefore I do send you by this bearer, my servant, the same, word for word; and it is unsealed, because I cannot endure to write another copy. For the pain in my head and teeth hath troubled me so sore these two or three days, and doth yet so continue, that I have very small rest, day or night." I trust in your goodness that the King may accept this; for I have no one to make suit to or ask counsel of but you. Hownsdon, 13 June.
Hol. Mutilated.
13 June
Vit. B. xiv. 226. B. M.
1130. Antony de Vivaldi to Cromwell.
"Io con la ultima posta scrissi a V. S. quanto haveva . . . . . . . . . da alhora in qua non ci sia molto, pur a causa ch . . . . . . . intender quel poco faccio la prezente. L'Imperator . . . . . . . . in Haste, aspectando Mons. di Asixten' di Fiandra et v . . . . con buona somma di cavagli et fanti quali al giorno a . . . . . . . . sono gionti. La vanguarda sua di quale e conductiere [Antonio di] Leva si trova piu avanti, et e intorno a un loco chia[mato] . . . . . . . el quale Francesi hanno lasciato fornito et da quatro g[iorni] ha essa vanguardia preso uno monastero assai pres . . . et mortoli da fanti quatrocento, el resto fugitosi a Fossano . . . . . al piu tardi marchiera essa sua magesta alla volta di . . . . . . qui, dove a piu poter si fa presta, partira la armata pe[r Francia] et andera a Marsiglia, qual Marsiglia per quanto intend . . . . . . fornita et ogni giorno fortificavono piu, de Francesi qua . . . . . poco. Et quatro giorni fa fu scritto come essi Francesi . . . . . . . di haver xiim Suizeri, et viiim lanzichinech, chi crede . . . . . . . . in Lombardia resterano da homeni xvm per veder . . . . . . Turino, qual resta fornito per Francesi al solito, et altr . . . . . . . . . che speriamo el tutto andera bene. El vescovo di . . . . . . . . ne si dimostra partiale, solesi qua dir chel ran . . . . . . . . . non ha denti cossi mi credo faccia lui nostro . . . . . . . . della Christianita. Al * * *
che capitoron di contanti con le galere, gli maturano parecchi . . . . . . Spagna et Napoli, et piu questi nostri mercanti hanno fatto cambii con . . . . . . novamente per ducati cccm. Altro non habbiamo del Turcho per quanto . . . . . . . qui se intende non fara armata salvo per la guardia del paese suo . . . . . . o sapero alla giornata lo notifichero a V. S., ala quale humilmente prego [che] vogli haver el mio Harrigo, nelle cosse honeste, raccommandato." Genoa, 13 June 1536. Signed.
Mutilated. Add.
14 June.
R. O.
1131. Sir Henry Wiat to Cromwell.
On the receipt of Cromwell's letters declaring the King's pleasure, and his favorable warnings to his son to address himself better than his wit can consider, sent for him and commanded his obedience in all points to the King's pleasure, and the leaving of such slanderous fashion as hath engendered unto him the displeasure of God and of his master. Found it not now to do in him, but already done. Has charged him to follow Cromwell's commandments, and repute him as his father. Assured him that if he had not this sure printed in his heart, he would refuse him for his son. Begs Cromwell to continue the same to him, and he will not find it evil employed. Alington, 14 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
14 June.
Royal MS. 7 C. xvi. 36. B. M.
1132. Apparel and Jewels.
Receipt by Wm. Ibgrave, embroiderer to the King, from Antony Denny, of 18 emeralds and 29 letters of I., each containing nine pearls, all set in gold, to be set upon the foresleeves and placard of a doublet. 14 June 28 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Royal MS. 7 C. xvi. 37. B. M. 2. Receipt by Wm. Ibgrave from the King of 28 score pearls, to be bestowed on his doublet and the Queen's sleeves, and the rest to be returned to the King. 10 May. Signed.
Royal MS. 7 C. xvi. 33. B. M. 3. Memorandum of the delivery of 1,562 pearls to Epigrave, embroiderer, for the hinder part of the Queen's kirtle. Signed: Per me, Wyllm. Ibgrave.
Endd.: The embroiderer's bills, testifying the receipt of certain jewels.
14 June.
Otho, C. x. 265. B. M. Hearne's Sylloge. 127.
1133. Princess Mary to Henry VIII.
Notwithstanding her submission, and that she has twice written to his Highness, has not yet obtained her fervent desire or any piece of the same, to her intolerable discomfort. Is enforced to cry to his merciful ears, and, prostrate at his feet, implore him to put apart his displeasure. His grace has never been wanting to those who repented, and who did not offend by malice but by youth, frailty, and ignorance. Has no hope but in Henry's blessed nature. Begs him to accept her repentance, and means to use herself henceforth so that he shall have no cause to be displeased with her. Prays God to preserve him and the Queen, and send them issue. Hunsdon, 14 June.
Hol. Mutilated.
14 J[une?]
Otho, C. x. 172. B. M.
1134. The Princess Mary.
Apud Westm., xiiii. die J . . . . [anno] xxviii.
Examination of Sir Anthony Browne.
Never thought the marriage between the King and the Dowager lawful, since the controversy about it was bruited.
"Mr. Carow sh[owed] him lately that he had received a letter from the lady Mary, as he supposes, and thereupon decl[ared] that Mr. Secretary had written a letter [to] her, advising her to submit to th[e King], and showed him that she would so do, [as] he understood; whereupon the said Sir An[thony] prayed God to give her grace so to [do]; whereunto the said Mr. Carowe said, if [she will] not submit herself she is undone, for the King is a merciful prince, and [will] take pity of her, if she will now l[eave her] obstinacy, and cast not herself away.
"Item, he saith that Mr. Russel told him he heard say that in case she would [follow] the King's pleasure she should be heir-apparent, at which time being other present, whom he now remembereth not, one of them said, What mean you by the heir-apparent? Whereunto it was answered, that [she should] be reputed in such case for heir to his Highness, unless his Grace should have ys[sue of his] body by the Queen that now [is], son or daughter.
"Item, he saith that when M[r. Treasurer] was last at home he went to Guldeforde to him of whom the said Mr. [Treasurer asked] what news were at the Court, whereunto he answered that he knew no news, saving only that Russel told him he heard say that lady Mary should be made heirapparent if she would submit herself to the King, which the said Mr. Treasurer prayed to God she might do.
That "Mr. Carowe sent a letter" to lady Mary, which he showed before to this deponent and the Treasurer, the effect thereof being to advise her to submit to the King and follow Mr. Secretary's advice. Whether he sent the letter he does not know. Since Mr. Treasurer's coming to the Court he has demanded of him whether the lady Mary should [be] heir-apparent or no; to which he replied that he trusted she would, if she would submit herself and be obedient; but if she would not, 'I would,' quod he, 'that her head w[ere] from her shoulders, that I might toss i[t] here with my foot,' and so put his foot forward spurning the rushes."
Being examined why be should have su[ch a]ffection to the said lady Mary, saith, that he was only moved thereunto for [the] love he beareth to the King, for he nev[er receive]d letter, message, token, or recommendations fro[m her, nor] hath sent her any.
Being asked whether if the King had a daughter by the present Queen, he would have wished the said lady Mary's preferment before her . . . . he answereth plainly that he never thought it, ne hath seen, heard, [nor] perceived any other to be of tha[t] inclination, knowing this marriage to be undoubted.
Item, examined whether, in case it had pleased God to call the King to his mercy, which God defend, leaving the lady Elizabeth in the degree of Princess, he would have adh[ered to] her, or advanced the said lady [Mary], he said that in such case h[e would] have died with the said lady E[lizabeth] according to the laws of the land.
Item, he saith that he thought the [lady] Mary a meet person to be an heir-apparent, and to succeed in case the King should not chance to have issue of his body by the Queen that now is, which God send him shortly, for that the lady Mary was born in bona fide, which term of bona fide, as he hath heard often, as well before the making of the law for the King's succession, as sithens, so remembereth not presently of whom he heard the same, but will try to remember where he hath heard it and the same declare accord[ingly].
Being asked whether he has had private conference with spiritual persons or any others not specified, about the state of the lady Mary, he says that divers persons, whose names he does not remember, have asked him how she should do, but he replied that he knew not, saying to some he marvelled they asked such questions.
He never heard the term of bona fide parentum from Drs. Wolman, Bell, or Knight.
Does not know of any conventicle devised by any one for the advancement of the lady Mary otherwise than is before declared. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 4.
Titus, C. vii. 187. B. M. 2. Later copy of the preceding (temp. Eliz.)
Sloane MS. 1786 f. 66 b. B. M. 3. Another modern copy, not very accurate.
Otho, C x. 174. B. M. 4. Examination of Sir Francis Bryan.
Item, being examined whether he has heard a[ny] other person say anything concerning the lady Mary, he answers that upon the disclosing of the matter of the late Queen . . . . . . he has heard Carowe, . . . . . ., Browne, Cheyne, and the rest of his fellows of the Privy Cha[mber] speak generally of the lady Mary, sa[ying] that they rejoiced that the King had escaped this great pe[ril and] danger, and that the issue the King might have, if he took another wife, should be out of all doubt; but if the King wished to make an heir-apparent in defect of such issue, they thought lady Mary was meet if it stood with the King's pleasure.
Yesternight Ma[ister] . . . . . . . and he went to Mr. Wolman's to s[upper], "where supped also Dr. Knight and . . . . . hering, and in the supper he asked . . . . . . . whether he had seen the King that d[ay] . . . . . . . . . . the church, who said nay, whereun[to] . . . . . . . . . . . that in case he had been there, h[e would have] seen the goodliest sight that ever [he saw,] for as his Grace stood above all th[ose present in] person, so he should have seen him [surpass] all in princely gesture and co[untenance], the which Sir John Russell and . . . . . . . . Queen was in like wise for . . . . . . . . was in apparel the fayr[est] . . . . . . . . . lady she was, and appeared . . . . . . . . . . . said was the contrary f . . . . . . . . . . was apparelled the . . . . . . . . . .," wherennto Mr. Wolman wished God would give them long life together, with issue of their bodies, which would clearly take away all doubts. Knight said the King need not swear any man to that issue, for every man was already sworn to it in his heart.
Has never heard any such communication before at Mr. Wolman's, Knight's, or Bell's.
At his last being at lord Mor[ley's?] Besse Harvye asked him why she was dis[charged] of the Queen's service, and asked him to help her to the lady Mary's service. Since his coming to the Court, he has sent her word that he had moved it, a[nd] the King bade him meddle with other m[atters].
Besse Darrell also asked him to speak to Mr. Secretary for 300 marks which the Dowager gave her by her will, and to help her to be with the Queen, seeing she saw no hope in [the lad]y Mary, for she heard say that she would not be obedient to the King. He answered that she was the more . . . . . and so she would prove; but of whom she heard this said he did not ask and does not know. Knows of no private conference between any persons but as above.
Being examined, whether since tha . . . . . . of the late Queen, he hath heard [any] communication of the validity of the . . . . . . marriage, or of the term of bona [fide] parentum, he says that he nev[er heard] since that time any communication thereof, [and for] his own part never thought it . . . . . . . . understand the said term . . . . . . fides, &c. Signed: Franssys B[ryan].
Pp. 3. Mutilated.
14 June.
R. O.
1135. Sir R. Page to Cromwell.
Divers of the commissioners that sit at Waverley for suppressing that house have sent for me. I did not know till now that I was in the Commission. I wish to know the King's pleasure in the matter. Mowlsay, 14 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
[15 June?]
Otho, C. x. 282. B. M.; Hearne's Sylloge, 140. St. P. i. 457.
1136. Princess Mary to Henry VIII. (fn. 3)
"Most humbly prostrate before the feet of your most excellent Majesty, your most humble, faithful, and obedient subject, which hath so extremely offended your most gracious Highness that mine heavy and fear ful heart dare not presume to call you father, ne your Majesty hath any cause by my deserts, saving the benignity of your most blessed nature doth surmount all evils, offences, and trespasses, and is ever merciful and ready to accept the penitent, calling for grace in any convenient time." Has received this Thursday night letters from Mr. Secretary advising her to make her submission immediately to the King, which she had not dared to do before, but had sent it to him, and signifying that Henry had granted her his blessing on condition that she persevered as she had begun, and did not refuse any articles or commands addressed to her. For perfect declaration of her heart acknowledges (1) that she has most unkindly and unnaturally offended him by not submitting to his just laws, an offence a thousand fold more grievous than it would have been in any other. Cannot receive at his hands the punishment she has deserved. (2.) Will never ask his compassion if she henceforth privily or openly vary from what she has now written with her own hand touching those things which she has hitherto refused to agree to, or refuse to confirm them when desired. (3.) As she has, knowing his excellent learning, virtue, and wisdom, put her soul in his direction, so she commits her body to his mercy and fatherly pity, desiring no state or manner of living except what he shall appoint her:—it cannot be so vile as her offences have deserved. Will do what his Grace commands in any of these points. Hownsdon, Thursday, 11 o'clock at night.
Hol. Mutilated.
Hearne's Sylloge, 142. 1137. The Princess Mary's Submission.
"The confession of me, the lady Mary, made upon certain points and articles under written, in the which, as I do now plainly and with all mine heart confess and declare mine inward sentence, belief, and judgment, with a due conformity of obedience to the laws of the realm; so minding for ever to persist and continue in this determination, without change, alteration, or variance, I do most humbly beseech the King's Highness, my father, whom I have obstinately and inobediently offended in the denial of the same heretofore, to forgive mine offences therein, and to take me to his most gracious mercy."
1. Acknowledges the King as her Sovereign, submits to all his laws like a true subject, and will maintain them to her power. 2. Acknowledges him as Supreme Head of the Church of England under Christ, and repudiates the pretended authority of the bishop of Rome, renouncing every advantage she may claim thereby. 3. Acknowledges the marriage between the King and her mother, the late Princess Dowager, to have been "by God's law and man's law incestuous and unlawful."
15 June.
R. O.
1138. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
I have received your sundry letters by Tatton and Shepard, and lately of Goodalle. As to the marsh, I delivered your letter to Mr. Secretary, and he made me as good an answer as I could wish, viz., that the inhabitants must bring the marsh to its first state at their own cost, and they shall have it in common, as it was before the draining and enclosure lately made by Sir Rob. Wingfield. He promised that Wingfield's patent should be resumed now by Act of Parliament, and that of this I should have an answer this day; but I think this cannot well be on account of the solemnities at Westminster, where the King and Queen have been at mass, and came riding thither and homewards with all the estates and peers before them on horseback. There were almost as many people as at the Coronation. Tonight or in the morning I will call on him for his letters.
This would have been dispatched long since if the instruction had been discreetly given by Water Skynner; "or else the writer penning the same after his purpose did pretend to work some feat of his friendship, giving a cast of his office to Sir R. W. Howbeit, I trust the same is now at some better point than divers would have it." As soon as Mr. Secretary had showed me his mind I made Mr. Boys and Mr. Prisley privy thereto. I write in my other letters touching your Lordship's own affairs. Southwark, Corpus Christi Day, 15 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
15 June.
R. O.
1139. Broder Harre to Lady Lisle.
Cannot get her capons unless she will send her servant to go with him to the market. The price mentioned is eight or nine stivers the pair. Asks her to send her servant on Friday, as the market is on Saturday, and on Monday at Bargin and on Tuesday at Hunisscot, two miles beyond. The warden will allow him to accompany her servant. St. Thomas, 15 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lade Debete of Calles.
15 June.
R. O.
1140. Disloyal Preaching.
Information against one Master Lovell, who preached at Sturmyster Newtun, Dorset, 15 June, (fn. 4) exhorting the people to keep holidays, offer candles, and beware of heretics and of reading this New Testament in English. He ended by saying that 40 days of pardon were granted by the archbishop of Canterbury, the bishops of Exeter and Salisbury, to as many as heard this sermon. He stated in communication, touching the wars between the Emperor and the king of France, and the Pope taking part with the latter, that they should have a blessing who took part with the French king, and that if our King and the Emperor after their departing went not to Hell the Devil is not in Hell.
P. 1.
[15 June.] R. O. 1141. Tunstall to Lord Lomley.
At the request of Sir Will. Askewe desires lord Lumley, as next justice of peace, to view a certain place called Walworth, which he claims by right of award, and which is kept from him by force. As his Lordship is to be there tomorrow, will cause some other justices to attend upon him. Aukeland, this Corpus Christi Day. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
15 June.
Vit. B. xiv. 228. B. M.
1142. Edmond Harvell to Thomas Starkey.
"Mr. Starkey, I have yours of the 19 . . . . . . . . . . ments. Our country bringeth forth strange . . . . . . . . . . . published in all countries not without great ad [miration] of all men, quod tantum scelus ac pestis expul . . . . . . . . . If men be not stones this shall be a profitable . . . . . . . . . is not negligent to venge and punish such . . . . . . . . . crimes as ben committed without respect of God a[nd man] . . . . it grieveth me to hear of those were found cul[pable] . . . . . I lament extremely the evil sort of young West[on, because of the] amity which I had with his father, a man of gre[at] . . . . . . the King's Majesty, a prudent and most gentle k[night . . . . against] the will of God we ought not to strive, but ra[ther bear] patiently whatsoever God sendeth according tho . . . . . . Christian man and this mind and comfort God send . . . . . . It was here divulged by advises from Flanders an . . . . . . that our Prince should be new married to a poor m[an's daughter?]; which seemed to men of judgment incredible, altho[ugh it was] much affirmed. Our Lord send his Majesty all good [fortune in] marriage, and in all other things besides. I take [great] delectation to understand that the old Princess shall [be restored] to her dignity again, which shall be most glade [tidings] to the universal world, who had great care . . . . . of that noble lady, which is reputed the vert[uousest lady] living and the only hope and treasure at th . . . . . . of our Prince and country. Wherefore I am pers[uaded that] he cannot be of faithful and truly loving m[ind toward] the King, who did not favour vehemently to th . . . . . . state of this most noble lady his Grace's da[ughter].
"Of Mr. Pole's book I think already you are . . . . . . being already sent to the King. Of my comi[ng] . . . . . . . . I have touched sufficiently. With my stuff I wil[l] . . . . . . . . to send such books as you have committed to . . . . . . . . It is joyful that the things of the religion . . . . . . . . . other matters shall take so good a concordat b . . . . . . God grant to the King's honour and unity of . . . . . . .
"Our news are of the Emperor's deliberation to invade [France] with 60,000 footmen and 7,000 horsemen, whereof . . . . . with his navy from Geane to prove m . . . . . . . . . . assault and with the rest of his . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antonio de Leva the * * * resteth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . continue the siege ay . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . the Frenchmen with about 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and many men besides Turin . . . . . . . . . . . I can not see that the said * * * And now specially being the m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not only was the French king . . . . . . . victuals come from Saluce . . . . . . . . . . of the town being destitu[te] . . . . . . . . . . . . is amatt * * * understand . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 for Italy, and 12. f[or] . . . . . Trent. I think for respect of mo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . absence. And the Emperor was in readiness . . . . . . . . . . . . [to] ward Provence about this present, they . . . . . . . . . . . . . . without doubt, and so it is needful being his ch . . . . . . . .
"Out of Constantinople we have letters that the Turk wol[d] . . . . . . galleys, which is of small moment, and constray . . . . . . . . . . to declare themself his enemies or friends, but . . . . . . . . . him rather in contemption than otherwise for it is . . . . . . . . . power if they will join with the Emperor to dist . . . . . . . . . . . otherwise. It is here reported that Frenchmen . . . . . . . . . fear and that there was discord among them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . judgement hath the French state in peril for . . . . . . . . . . good militia and great fortune. The Pope is . . . . . . . . . . . . . state is constant in the Emperor's part, all the res[t] . . . . . . . is firm to him. If Spaniards enter with an [army and the] Burgoignons with another into France, as it is [reported they will], actum est de Gallis. Other we have not mem . . . . . . you most heartily well. In Va (Venice), 15 June 1536."
Hears from Rome that the Pope would send . . . . . . three legations, to the Emperor, France, and Ferdinand, ad pacificandam inter Cæsarem et [Francorum regem . . . .].
Hol. Mutilated. Add.
15 June.
Lamb. MS. 603, f. 77.
1143. Con O'Neil.
Treaty between lord Leonard Grey and Con Oneyll, at Dundalk, 15 June 28 Hen. VIII., confirming his previous treaty with Skeffington.
Lat., pp. 2. Contemp. copy.
Lamb. MS. 611, f. 4. 2. Another copy, pp. 2.
16 June.
R. O.
1144. John Hutton, Mayor, and the Corporation of Bristol, to Cromwell.
Have sent unto him Thomas White to inform him of matters touching the advancement of their town. Bristol, 16 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary, and of the Privy Council.
16 June.
R. O.
1145. John Thompson, Master of the Maison Dieu, to [Edw.] Wingfield, Comptroller of the Works at Dover.
I sent a letter to you on Trinity Sunday last by Mr. Palmer, of Calais, of certain emptions for the King's works at Dover. Here is only one rope, which the "toune" man occupies. I pray you double the portions. Inform Mr. Secretary that one Oliver, a man of war of Bollone in Picardy, has lain in the haven at Dover these three weeks, and passed certain persons over by sea at night. On Wednesday, Corpus Christi eve, he went to France to bring over two ships of war into this harbour to lie in wait for the Flemings, as the harbour is very good. Ask Mr. Secretary about this matter, and how the Flemings are to be used. Remember the arrears of last month. Touching your platt, I have not finished it, as John Antony informed me you would come home in two days. Sir Gilbert makes many cracks behind my back. Dover, 16 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
[16 June.]
R. O.
1146. Anthony Wayte to Lord Lisle.
I have sent you three letters, which I wonder you have not answered. I wrote about the 80l. you owe to my Lord my master, who gave it to me, a gift which I would not accept till I first knew if you were so pleased; but my Lord in the meanwhile, at the King's request, has resigned his bishopric of Chichester to Dr. Sampson, dean of the King's chapel, a good man whom also my lord of Norfolk and Mr. Secretary much favor. On his resignation the King has given him 500 mks. in plate and specialties of debts due, for money he hath none, and, amongst others, your debt of 80l. to be paid to Dr. Sampson next Michaelmas. My Lord therefore hopes you will help him in this great stress, otherwise he is like to be disgraced for breach of promise, for he has so straitened his substance with loans and gifts that he can scarce maintain his estate, and this man, owing to the burden of firstfruits, will perhaps be the more importunate to him. All our news you will learn from my Lady's letters. London, morrow of Corpus Christi Day.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
16 June.
R. O.
1147. Antony Waite to Lady Lisle.
Received her letters this morning, and is glad she and lord Lisle are well. She must not think his slack writing is due to unthankful forgetfulness of her kindness. Has always sent his recommendations to her in his letters to lord Lisle sent by Worley and others. His master is in health and merry, as a man of his age may. These few days past he has resigned his bishopric to Dr. Sampson, the dean of the King's chapel, at the King's request. He is in great favor with the King, and has always been a just and faithful councillor. He was consecrated, with the abbot of St. Benet's, now bishop of Norwich, on Trinity Sunday last, and yesterday performed mass before the King and Queen at Westminster. They came thither on horseback from Newe Hall, with two archbishops, bishops, dukes, marquises, lords, barons, abbots, and justices, with a great part of the "noblenes" of the realm, and with no less solemnity went a procession after the blessed sacrament, to the great comfort and rejoysance of a great multitude of his subjects, who at that time were there gathered to see his Grace and the Queen, who is a very amiable lady, and of whom we all have great hope. London, the morrow of Corpus Christi Day.
His cousin Waytte and his wife are merry, and desire to be recommended.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.
16 June.
R. O.
1148. John Perpownte, Curate of Subberton, to Lady Lisle.
Edward Russell and I went to Winchester and delivered 10s. to my lady of St. Marees. (fn. 5) Mrs. Brygette is merry. We were with master George, whom I never saw fairer nor merrier in your own keeping, "in so much Edw. Russell sware by the mass some false knaves informed you thereof." His master the Prior died two days before we came. Now he is with the new prior, who said he should be used as well as ever he was. I bought him a bonnet, a girdle, a pair of hose, and shoes, for 2s. 7d.
Asks her to desire master Kyrton to help him to the cure of Chadder, and to remember poor John Keysell.
At the making of this bill, the good wife Chanell stood in your kitchen weeping. That naughty knave Crystemass maketh her have an ill life. Subberton, 16 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
R. O. 1149. Edw. Russell to Lady Lisle.
I have been at Winchester, and delivered Mrs. Brygett's apparel. Sir John met me there, for the matter to Mrs. Mutton, and affirmed the writing to be his. Her answer was that she never received but 20s., and thought the other 20s. was what you gave to Stephen Beddam, the contrary whereof appears by your letter to the lady Abbess. The lady Abbess wrote that she had received but 10s. Mrs. Motton says she paid 20s., but the receiver does not remember. However, my lady Abbess passes not for it, and so 22s. remains in Mrs. Motton's hands, which she will rather pay than have your displeasure. I went to see Mr. George, taking Sir John [Perpowntte] with me. We judged him very well, and profiting in his learning. I paid his hostess 5s. 8d., which John Reed has repaid. My lady Abbess intends to make for my mistress two kirtles of her camlet, and damask gowns, and another velvet gown, which will in no wise be mended.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: In Calais.
17 June.
R. O.
1150. The Princess Mary.
Examination of Sir Anthony Browne.
As to the 2nd article, viz., what moved him to pray God to give the lady Mary grace to submit herself to the King, or to be so bold to talk of the King's succession, replies that he thought the same to be the King's inclination, as he heard from Sir John Russell and also from his wife. Of whom his wife heard it he did not ask, but he told her that if the lady Mary would not submit herself he would she were buried.
As to the 6th article, "he never had other consideration than the respect contained in the said article, ne hath been by any man moved otherwise." As to the 8th, he never heard man wish or determine otherwise. As to the 10th, touching bona fides parentum, he has heard it of many, but cannot remember anyone, though he should die this hour. This he affirms on oath, with often repetition.
Being asked why he spoke so often of the lady Mary to his brother, replies that he only spoke to him twice, once at Guildford and once at the Court. Signed.
Pp. 2. In Wriothesley's hand. Headed: Sir Anthony Browne, xvii. Junii.
17 June.
Cleop. E. iv. 214. B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 134. Dugd. Mon. vi. Pt. i. 234.
1151. William Abbot of Kenilworth to Cromwell.
I and my poor house are much disquieted about our manor or cell of Broke, Rutland, owing to the canon I sent thither to rule there giving up the title of the house to the King, because he had not as large a pension assigned to him as he wished. When I first received your letters, you will remember I offered the lease of the house to any friend of yours, and gave a bond of 1,000 mks. to the lessee for his surety; which, if we cannot fulfil, we shall be dangered in the said sum. I beg therefore that you will be a mean to the King that the manor may still belong to us, or that we may have it at a reasonable rent; especially as his Highness, for my good service done at the insurrection at Coventry, promised me his favor in any reasonable suit. Kenilworth, 17 June. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
17 June.
R. O.
1152. Sir Will. Gascoigne to Cromwell.
Whereas I am bound to pay the King at Pentecost 100 marks, which I have sent to you by the bearers; I beg they may have a discharge. Touching the matter between Sir Nich. Fairfax my nephew and me:—He claims of me 5 marks rent of my mills called Thorparche, &c., which I paid his grandfather 40 years ago. I beg you will send your favorable letters to my lord Darcy to be good to me therein, as a commission has come down to him and others for the same. If the nunnery of Nonmonkton, founded by my ancestors, go to the King's augmentation, I beg I may have the preferment of it, paying as much as any other will. Gawkthorpe, 17 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
17 June.
R. O.
1153. Mary Lady Guldeford to Cromwell.
I beg your favor in the matter of which I sued to you when I was last with you, touching Adam Sampson, to make him sue me this next term, so that he shall not perceive that it comes by my request; by which it may appear to him and the rest of the creditors that I have paid more than could have been recovered of me by law. Though he sue me I hope by your good help he shall recover nothing; yet I will not break the arrangement you have made with him, but pay him the 100 marks you made me promise him. My friends think it better I should be sued by some one creditor for my discharge. I beg your favor for my lease of Eyltame, that I may have it again. Beyheworthe, 17 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.: My lady Guldeford.
17 June.
R. O.
1154. Cuthbert Radclyff to [the Earl of Northumberland].
Since last writing, met the warden of Scotland at Expethgate head, and made deliverance of all the bills filed except nine or ten, which shall be delivered on Monday next, the 19th inst. Without unforeseen stops, there will not have been better redress since my Lord, your grandfather, was warden. On Wednesday, 14th June, Thos. Scott, one of the King's council of Scotland, sent him a letter to Cartyngton by John Kyrton, warden sergeant of Scotland, by which your Lordship will perceive that there is "a day trew" appointed for redress of Lyddysdayle, to meet at the Belles, the accustomed place, on July 10. If the Scots will do as well there as they do here, and as they write, the Borders will be well ordered.
The king of Scots has been at Kelso 14 days, and has done small justice, having put but one to execution. The wild men of Scotland have come in and bound themselves to good rule. Lyddysdale and others, it is said, bound themselves to make redress to England.
The King rode hastily from Kelso last Wednesday. It is said a Scotch bishop has brought him news from France of the coming of the lady who will be queen of Scotland, by sea, shortly. Cartyngton, 17 June.
Hol., p. 1. Large paper. Add.: To my Lord. Endd.
17 June.
R. O.
1155. Thos. Boys and Will. Pryseley to Lord Lisle.
Yesterday afternoon we received your letters dated Calais, 12 June, with one directed to Mr. Secretary and another to Mr. Treasurer of the King's household, and copies of the King's letter to you, and of the writings you sent to Mr. Secretary and Mr. Treasurer touching the Maynebrook, and of the names "of all such vintners, constables, soldiers, and spears." We have delivered your letters to Mr. Secretary and Mr. Treasurer, who gave us good words. The latter said he would speak to Mr. Secretary about it. We shall not fail to give daily attendance on them after doing our duties in the Parliament house. London, 17 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
R. O. 1156. [John Husee to Lord Lisle.]
I received your letter yesterday. As to the Maigne Brook, Seyns Dyke or Bank, and the whole marsh, I wrote your Lordship what answer Mr. Secretary made me therein; but since then, whether it was owing to Mr. Wriothesley or others, he would scant give ear to me, either in that or in your own suit to the King. He said he had the latter in remembrance, but would never tell me what the King's pleasure was. He wrote his mind to your Lordship, however, after a checking fashion, by Risbanck, with whom I did not speak; but he doubts not the marsh will go in common as it has done in time past, and that the patent will be resumed by Act of this Parliament. He has made the same answer to the burgesses of Calais, who have by his own commandment made search for the patent, but had not yesterday found the inrolment. Your Lordship might, for more assurance, cause the said patent to be searched for in the registers of the Exchequer there, and, if it be found, send a copy to the burgesses here. But in whatever your Lordship has done in draining and bringing under water the said marsh, you will doubtless be borne out. As to your own suit, Mr. Secretary, they say, is too busy to prefer it. He can do much, and Mr. Hennage and Mr. Russell remit all to him, when they can speak to him at leisure; but I like none of these coloured delations. I delivered yesterday a bill with the names of Quarre and Netley both, to Mr. Russell and Mr. Hennage, which they promised to promote to the King; but I have small hope of them. Meantime, I have drawn a letter to the King, which I send, that if you approve it may be fair copied in as few lines as possible and sent back, when I will one time deliver it to the King himself. As touching Mr. Treasurer for Snowden's room, I know if he would labour effectually the matter would be ended as he would have it, but I have little confidence in it. If Mr. Porter came over he could do much in it. I would gladly know what answer my lord Controller and Mr. Treasurer made to the letter which Mr. Treasurer of the King's house wrote touching my check, and how they took it. As for your reversion with Hide, the matter is in hand, but whereupon he will rest is not yet known,—whether he will buy it offhand or on a sum of money lent. I have both written and spoken to Mr. Payge, but yet he will deliver me no horse,—only fair promises. I hear your Lordship is sued in the Exchequer here for suretyship of Sir Weston Browne, and so are the lords of Essex, Sussex, and lord Husee. I would gladly know what the matter meant. I am told you and those other lords were bound to the King for Sir Weston Browne. Also, the obligation that Benet said was in Mr. Smith's hands of the Exchequer, Smyth denies that he ever had. You might learn the truth from Benet.
Hol., pp. 2.
17 June.
R. O.
1157. [Lord Lisle to Cromwell.]
Yesterday open war was proclaimed at Boulogne between the French king and the Emperor, and the night following they made intercourse in the pales adjoining. Today I have a letter from the captain of Arde, desiring succour within the King's pale to bring in their goods and chattels and themselves also. Encloses it with copy of the answer. Desires instructions how to use himself. Is sorry the marshes are so dry and open betwixt both parties. I am troubled at having no answer to all the letters I have written. If you knew as much as we do, you would have written more, for I cannot sleep in quiet, knowing how things are. If they make any incursion into any of the parties, they may come as near as St. Peter's and take away what they will. Calais, 17 June.
Copy, p. 1. Endd.: Copies of letters in English and French to Master Secretary and Mr. Treasurer.
R. O. 1158. [Lord Lisle] to [Mr. Treasurer].
Copy of the preceding letter, to which is added by Lisle the following paragraph.
The open way between Arde and Calais is so dry that 100,000 men may come over in a night. I never wrote in malice or displeasure of Sir Robt. Wingfield, and so I desire you to answer for me. I am anxious to know the King's pleasure. I trust I am discharged for all that lieth in my power. I will obey his commandment to die in the quarrel.
P. 1. Draft. Endd.: A copy of a letter to my Lord Privy Seal.
17 June.
R. O.
1159. The Officers of Ardre and the County of Guisnes to Lord Lisle.
War between the King and Emperor has been proclaimed today at Boulogne. The poor people are troubled, as there is no room here to receive all the people of the county. Ask if Lord Lisle will receive them in his land to prevent their being pillaged. The Castle of Autinghes, 17 June.
ii. Lord Lisle to the Officers of Ardre.
The King his master is indifferent between the two princes, and can assist neither more than the other. Will inform the King of their request, and let them know his pleasure. Calais, 17 June.
Copies, Fr., pp. 2.
17 June.
R. O.
1160. — to Lord Lisle.
Can have no "apparsevans" that any other man shall be governor of any man of war except Mons. de Vervins, son-in-law to Du Bies. The garrisons of Bolleyn, Mostrull, and Turwan "is junctly gone together," whither I cannot tell. Here is great necessity of corn, so much that Ernold the bringer cannot be master of his own goods. Since his arrival in Boulogne, it is said that the Pope is clean turned from the Emperor with the French king and all the Venetians; and the last town in Savoy, which I cannot name, has been taken by the French, and 1,200 men slain. Boulogne, 17 June 1536. (Signature lost.)
Hol., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
17 June.
Vienna Archives.
1161. Charles V. to [Chapuys].
Since our last written from this place we received letters by one of the servants of viscount Hannaert, in which he writes that Francis has declared to him that he would no longer have an ambassador there from us, and intended immediately to recall his own resident with us. In this, as in other things, he shows the perverse inclination he always had for war, which he has re-commenced, and that it was against us. Today we will give his own ambassador congé as soon as he asks for it. Our ambassador has also informed us that he had lately had some communication with the English ambassador in France, who intimated that if we invaded France the king of England would be bound by treaty to assist in its defence. As this may have been said by information which he had from the King his master, and in any case the French will probably put it forward, you will endeavour to find out on this point from Cromwell and others the inclination of the king of England, and when you find it advisable point out that the King cannot aid the king of France, but is expressly bound to declare himself on our side against France by the reasons which we have already written to you, especially in our letters from Gaeta of 18 March, to which we can only add what has since taken place,—Francis having re-commenced open war, not only against the duke of Savoy, a vassal of the empire and our ally comprehended in the treaties of Madrid and Cambray, but directly against ourselves, as he has plainly declared and written almost everywhere in Christendom, and has expressly told Hannaert and others that he meant to have Milan either by consent or by force. He still holds all that he has taken from the duke of Savoy, and as abovesaid has dismissed my ambassador Hannaert, declaring expressly thereby that he is at war with us, although we have never till now made any attempt against his kingdom, and we cannot think that the king of England, with his great wisdom and virtue, does not see clearly that we have been provoked and compelled to this war, and that we have the right of those who defend themselves to pursue an enemy as far as they can, and that the king of England is fully bound to assist us against him. We desire you to put these points forward, either that the King may declare himself on our side if you think good, or if not, at least that he remain neutral, although in this latter case he will do us manifest wrong. As we know not whether what we have written to you since the death of Anne Boleyn will have rendered the King better disposed to the re-establishment of our friendship, we cannot write more except to leave this to your discretion; and if the King has married Mrs. Semel, as you wrote last to Granvelle, which is confirmed from France, you will not forbear to see if the said renewal of amity can be arrived at, and you will conduct yourself towards the said Semel as you think most conducive to this object and to the weal of our cousin the Princess. Asti, 17 June 1536.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 3.
17 June.
Add. MS. 8715, f. 258. B. M.
1162. Bishop of Faenza to Mons. Ambrogio.
The courier has come from England. As far as he can find out, the match with the Dauphin is being pressed, and that King promises great things to serve this King. Would to God that he might yet return to obedience to the Church. * * *
Ital., modern copy, pp. 3. Headed: Al Signor Prothonotario Ambrogio. Da Lione li 17 Giugno 1536.
18 June.
R. O.
1163. Stephen Abbot of Hales to Cromwell.
I have fulfilled your wish that Rob. Hopper should occupy one of our farms called Langebarrowe. If I might be so bold I would request that you would moderate your injunctions "by my poor arbitrament," and then, if anything was amiss, it would be upon my jeopardy. I find it necessary sometimes to release some of them. You can withdraw the liberty at any time. Heyles, 18 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.; Secretary. Endd.
18 June.
R. O.
1164. John Tregonwell to Lord Lisle.
I beg your Lordship to admit the bearer to your service as you formerly promised. London, 18 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
18 June.
R. O.
1165. John Husee to [Lady Lisle].
I have received your sundry letters, and have delivered your tokens, &c. My lord Montague and my lady his mother (fn. 6) send commendations. The latter promises to promote your suit for Mrs. Anne, but it will ask time, as she is young. Mr. Hennage has the same doubt. Lady Salisbury also made your recommendatious to the Queen, who was very glad to hear from you. My lady thinks you should be here at the coronation. My lord and lady Rutland have also made your recommendations to her Highness, and the latter sends you a token in return for yours. J. Goodall has it and others from Mrs. Arundell and Mrs. Margery, who is in her old room with the Queen. As your Ladyship sent her no token I gave her one in your name by Mrs. Arundell's advice,—a ring of gold worth 7 groats. Mrs. Arundell and Mrs. Margery fear only that Mrs. Anne is too young. I thank you for my coat cloth. Lord Dawbeney is not here, but Seller is in town, to whom Mr. Rolle wishes me to deliver the piece of wine. Mr. Rolle has 6 dozen quails, and Mr. Danastre 10 dozen, so that I received but 16 dozen in all. I hope to satisfy your Ladyship ere long about the secret you wrote me. You will receive your gown by Goodall. I have allowed Skut for ½ yd. velvet more and 14s. for making. I send the rest of my Lord's money, of which nothing would have remained if I had paid Holt and the fish that was bought. I beg you to write to Holt, for you owe him over 5l. Your liveries were sent by one of Mr. Marshal's servants. I have told Popley your pleasure, but I think the party will not suit the place. London, 18 June.
Mr. Basset will be here tonight.
Hol., pp. 2.
19 June.
Cleop. E. iv. 213. B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 136.
1166. Geo. Gyffard to [Cromwell].
We have surveyed the house or priory of Brook, the certificate whereof I sent by your farmer's son "and my nephew Roger Carell, this present, the 18th day of June, the priory of Bradley, the abbey of Wolneston, the priory of Kirkeby Bellers, the priory of Woulstropp, and now be at the abbey of Garadon." My fellows and I wrote to the Chancellor of the Augmentations in favor of the Abbey of St. James and the nunnery of Catesby, Northt.; which letter being shown to the King, he was displeased, and said to my servant Thomas Harper it was like that we had received rewards. This might put me in fear to write in favor of the house of Woulstropp but for my confidence in your indifference. The governor is a very good husband for the house, and has four religious persons, priests, of good conversation, such as we have not found elsewhere. There is not one of them but practises embroidery, writing books with very fair hand, making their own garments, carving, painting, or "graffyng." The house is free from scandal, stands in a waste ground, very solitary, and keeps such hospitality as could not be maintained without great economy on half as much land again. I beg you to intercede that it may stand, and you will be sure of the prayers of all the inhabitants within four or five miles about. Garadon, 19 June. Signed.
Pp. 2.
19 June.
R. O.
1167. John Abbot of Whitby to Cromwell.
I received your letter on the 17th, addressed to me and my brethren, desiring us to allow Sir Fras. Bigot to occupy our office of under-steward, or to certify you some reasonable cause to the contrary, that you may refer it to the King as our Supreme Head and founder. We beg you to remember the articles of complaint which we sent you in Hilary term by the bearer, when you examined the said Francis, and learning the truth from him you were so good master to us as to send word he should no more trouble us. If, however, it be the King's pleasure that he should have the said office, we submit, on condition that he makes no use of it to revenge himself upon us, as we hear he intends, and as my chaplain the bearer can inform you. If Sir Francis occupy that office, and Jas. Conyers the bailiwick, the two being so maliciously bent against us, we shall be brought into continual trouble. The bailly is a very uncharitable and angry man, and so aged that he is almost past reason. Whitby, 19 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master of the Rolls and Secretary. Endd.
19 June.
Lamb. MS. 602, f. 92. St. P. ii. 332.
1168. Walter Cowley to Cromwell.
Wrote lately by Sonning, parson of Wykloo. Master Treasurer will be three weeks making up his accounts, and will then follow the Parliament to Munster. During the winter he will diminish the army, till the time for a thorough reformation, which was never so near to take effect if those in authority apply to their charges, and not to work inward grudges. The Deputy to follow the wars, and debate with the council. The Treasurer to survey the King's revenues, and being the best and most fortunate captain in the army, to be with the army when possible. Wm. Seyntlo to keep 100 horse only, discharging his 300 foot. Mr. Treasurer to have another 100 horse, and the lord Treasurer 50 English and 50 Irish horse, and 300 to remain in Wexford and Fernis Castle, who will be able to win the castles, &c. of the Kewanaghes and Brines. Master Treasurer will not trouble Cromwell with any overthwartness or such brabbling. Trusts all will be reformed. Cromwell should tell the Deputy and others not to wince against the leasing of the King's revenues, for they cannot have all themselves. Whatever people write to Cromwell, it will not be well to stop them.
Two hundred horse in the Pale will be enough for the Deputy, if the other 300 are ready at need. Ossory is a great stay here. Sir John of Desmond is dead, Cormok Oge and McWilliam. Ossory has sent word that the new McWilliam, son of the McWilliam in the duke of Norfolk's days, and son-in-law to Ossory, will serve the King. 19 June.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
20 June.
R. O.
1169. Florentius Voluzenus to Cromwell.
Not long since I advertised you of the news by M. Bucler. One Palvasine, a Carmelite, who favors the so-called new opinions, wrote to the king of England congratulating him on throwing off his submission to Rome. An Italian who favored the Pope sent one of his writings to the Pope, who sent it to the French king, desiring the writer should be put in prison; but this was not done, by contemplation of his brother, the king of England. Much cruelty, however, is exercised here by those who instigate this thing to maintain their superstitious tyranny. I am writing a short apology for the King, and shall bring it with me in order to be secured by your protection against Mr. Vannes's factor, and to have amends of the false priest who deceived me. Our embassy of Scotland is here yet undelivered, and as to the marriage of the king of Scotland and Madame Magdalene, I shall not believe it till I see it. Mrs. Juliane who dwelt with Mrs. Craine is here with one named to be her bedfellow. Paris, 20 June.
P.S.—Begs pardon for writing so homely.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
20 June.
R. O.
1170. Counterfeit Coin.
20 June 28 Henry VIII. Confession of Peers Felday, late servant with Robt. Hale, goldsmith, of Thame, Oxon. Two years past Robt. Hale and Sir Richard Hale, his brother, took a chalice and a crown of 5s. out of the church of Thame; and the vicar, Sir John Parker, "being of counsel," had the chalice brought back. The vicar received 40 counterfeit crowns of the sun of 4s. 8d. from Robt. Hale on Friday before Candlemas was 12 months. Hale and Felday, on Friday before Passion week was 12 months, brought 100 crowns of 5s. to the vicar, who was saying matins in the church, and he gave them 40s. for 50 of the crowns. Felday and James Wheler, cousin to Robt. Hale, took the 50 crowns to Aylesbury on Easter Eve was 12 months, "because there was so many of our company at the said Robert Hale house." Felday and Wheler were examined by the constables of Aylesbury, John Brekytt and John Danney, why they were out of service; and Wheler said he was troubled in the law. On Black Monday they went from Aylesbury to Thame till the Wednesday following, when Hale took seven double ducats of his own making to the vicar of Thame, who gave 10s. for them, and promised to pay the rest another time. Confessed before Nicholas Carter, the King's servant, Thos. Streteley, John Brekytt, John Snappe, Wm. Atkyns, and Wm. Balerd.
Hol., pp. 2. Endd.
20 June.
R. O.
1171. "Obligations."
A list of bonds owing by different persons, the latest in date being 20 June 28 Hen. VIII. The first is dated 14 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII., and falls due at Christmas 1536. The names are as follows: Nic. Stathame, Sir John Gage, Edmund Lynney, John Adams and Thos. Dethike, Thos. Cornewall, John Clifforde, Thos. Adington, John Watson, brewer, Wm. Barlow, rector of Cressyngham, Ric. Parker, cook, Raynolde Vaughan, Robt. Sharpe, John Hughes, John Chekyn, Chr. à Lye, Wm. Simondes, John Gate, clerk, Chr. Coo, John Harwood, Humfrey Farrar, Edw. Leighton, clk., Robt. Bolles, Thos. Tong, herald, Edw. Leyton, priest, Wm. Dod, Perpoint Donaunter, Sir John Russell, the bishop of Winchester, Ric. Long, Chr. Bendolos, Sir Edw. Baynton, Alan Hawte, Chas. Knevett, Thos. Somer, stockfishmonger, Wm. Dod, Robt. Carter, and Thos. Tanner, of Oxford. Ant. Knyvett, Thos. Leyton, gent, Wm. Houynes, and Ric. Couper, Sir John Wallop, Florencius Volusenus, John Aylman, Sir John Seyntloo, Robt. Sharparowe, and Robt. Harding. The prior of St. Sepulchre, Warwick, Chr. Halles, Sir John Dudley, the prior of Lenton, Sir Francis Bigott, Thos. Wyat, the mayor of Oxford, John Tregian, Chr. Jenney, the prior of St. Swithins, George and Nic. Gifforde, Geo. Carrowe, Edw. Rogers and John Zouche, Sir Arthur Darcy, Sir Edw. Seymer, Ric. Atzell, Sir Fras. Brian, and Sir Ric. Bulkeley.
Pp. 11.
20 June.
R. O.
1172. Lord Lisle to Cromwell.
Yesterday certain Frenchmen took the castle of Stenebek, beside Arde, pertaining to the Emperor, which was not manned. The same evening the captain of Dornam came thither with a piece of ordnance, and summoned them to surrender on pain of their lives. This they did immediately, for there were but 18 Frenchmen and one Mons. de Cressek, a Frenchman living near, who came to them, having no wages for the war. Him they kept as prisoner, but let the others depart, leaving their weapons and all they had. The captain of Dornam has retained certain Englishmen in wages. Wishes to know how he shall order them on their return, and others who do the like on either side. It is proclaimed at St. Omers "that none being under the Emperor's dominion, to run nor pilfer, but to keep their holds on pain of death." It is reported that 40,000 men are coming to St. Omers and the frontiers on the Emperor's part. Calais, 20 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Chief Secretary and Master of the Rolls.
20 June.
R. O.
1173. [Lord Lisle] to Sir Richard Whethill.
I have received your letter of the 9th instant, requesting that your son Robert may be admitted into the spear's room of Thomas Prowde, deceased, and that I will do my best to continue Snoddon in the same spear's room. As for Mr. Porter's grant, he brought me the King's letter wherein was old Prowde named; "and upon that I sware in young Snoddon as master Porter's deputy, which I cannot without a lawful cause by the old ordinance here put him out again." You write that you, your wife, nor your son never gave me cause. I think never deputy here ever suffered so much as I have done with you and yours, yet I would have forgotten all the malice if your son and you would have been satisfied with my promise, and he should have had the next room vacant. If you think my offer for your son's profit let him take it; if not, do as you think best. Calais, 20 June.
P. 1. Endd.. Copy of the answer to Sir Ric. Whethill.
20 June.
R. O.
1174. Antony Barker to Lady Lisle.
I have seen your last letter to Mr. Raynoldes, desiring that Mr. James should be sent to Calais with the next honest man who is going there. This shall be done, for there is no news nor likelihood of the bishop of Winchester's return or Nicolas Hardy's coming. If your letter had come three days sooner, Mr. Raynold would have taken him with him. I have spent 4l. 13s. 7d. on his apparel. What was bought for Whitsuntide might have been spared, if we had thought you would have sent for him. It is said the admiral of France will go to England shortly. A herald has been with the French King from the Emperor and the electors to summon him to surrender the duchy of Savoy, or else to declare war. I beg you to show this to lord Lisle. Paris, 20 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais. Endd.: Warley, Lipcot, Barker.
20 June.
R. O.
1175. Sir John Wallop to Lord Lisle.
I trust you have received long ere this my letters dated here the 10th June, sent by Collen. If not, they rest at Boulogne in Collen Carow's hands. The Spaniards lying before Fossam, on their first approach, gave a furious assault, and the French repulsed them hardily. They of the town made a sally the day before, and took a captain of De Leyva's band; and the day that De Leyva's men approached they so troubled them with ordnance that they could do no good, but tried another quarter of the town. Thus great hopes are entertained for the French, as they have begun so well. The chief persons in the town are Montpesat, Roche de Mayen and the provost of Paris. The Emperor's army is very great in divers parts. In Italy it is reckoned at 50,000 foot and 6,000 or 8,000 horse. It is reported that the marquis of Guast and Andrea Doria have embarked at Genoa 10,000 men; some think for the enterprise at Marseilles, others for Algiers, for they say Barbarossa is coming thither with 50 galleys. Nassau is expected to invade Champagne with a great power, so the French king has many things to consider. If he were as well furnished with men as with money, he would do much better, but the Swiss and Almayns come very slowly. Lyons, 20 June. Signed.
There is a rumor within these 9 or 10 days that the marquis of Saluste had become Imperial. It is confirmed today, and he is to have Antony de Leyva's daughter with the marquisate of Montferrat. His brother, who is in prison in Paris, is to have Saluste until he be liberated, which is an evil sign for the French king. If you write this to England don't name me as the author.
Pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais.


  • 1. Bruton Priory was erected into an abbey in the beginning of the reign of Hen. VIII. by the procurement of prior Wm. Gylbert or Giles, bishop of Megara. Dugdale, Monasticon, vi. 335.
  • 2. Not "sweat," as Hearne prints it.
  • 3. Modern copies of this and the following paper will be found in Titus C. vii. 176, B. M., and Harl. MS. 283, f. 111 b, B.M. It is from the latter copy that this letter is printed in the State Papers, the original not being at that time in the Cottonian volume to which it has since been added.
  • 4. The feast of Corpus Christi in 1536.
  • 5. Eliz. Shelley.
  • 6. The countess of Salisbury.