Henry VIII: March 1538, 5-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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'Henry VIII: March 1538, 5-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1892), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp157-176 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1538, 5-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1892), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp157-176.

"Henry VIII: March 1538, 5-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1892), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp157-176.


March 1538, 6-10

6 March. 430. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your sundry letters and made suit for your licence to come over, whereunto my lord Privy Seal would give no ear. He asked what your Lordship would do here, and I answered that you desired only to Bee the King and "to break your mind and open your heart unto him". He was half miscontent and bade me attend upon him, saying he had many matters to show me. Since then I have sundry times moved him, but he" would explain nothing, by reason, I think, of these feasting days. I trust in a day or two to know the bottom of his mind and advertise you by Corbet. Where you have written that in case your licence cannot be obtained you will come over and put yourself in the King's grace, "there be many things incident towards displeasure in so attempting; for the town is of no small charge, and it is not to be doubted the King will foresee and well know in whose hands he put the custody thereof". If your licence cannot be obtained now it will be at some other time. I will make Mr. Bryan of counsel of such things as my lord Privy Seal shall show me. It has been told me half in parables "that some great personages shall perchance be at Calais sooner than they be looked "for. What they are I know not, but as yet you should keep this secret. You have demerited high thanks for the boars' heads, of the King, and of my lord Privy Seal for the pasties of capons. Mr. Mewtas says your gown shall be delivered me this day. I will send it with Harwood, by whom I send 200 sweet oranges. My lord Admiral is absent because one died in his house of the plague. I shall do my best to serve Arnault Gyllem's purpose. Hitherto I can hear nothing of Gwylliam le Gras' man. The abbot of Westminster will not receive this tun of wine without he have the other also. Mrs. Elizabeth, your daughter, has her humbly commended to you and my Lady, and desires you to send her an edge of pearl or a new gown of satin against Easter. She is a goodly young gentlewoman and a good. You shall receive herewith a letter from Sir John Dudley concerning Mr. Hide; for the matter rests only upon you. They offer 110l., and to give me 10l. I answer that you will not part with it under 200 mks. If you will go through with it please send me such writings as were last made to serve as models. Mr. Dudley would know where the evidence is that was at Halywell for there is none at Actons. He says further that if you will deal with him for Kybworth you shall have your choice in Kent of marsh and down land of like value. Mr. Bonham will be here this week and I shall know his mind for Soberton. Mr. Wriothesley has been in hand with me for Soberton, and I said you had made a grant of it to Mr. Bonham, but if he refused I would write of it. I will send John Davy the copy of your patent according to your writings. Wyckes follows my lord Privy Seal. I can see but small help that he shall have of my lord Privy Seal's hands toward the earl of Harford. By my advice, to avoid exclamation, he shall have Mr. James' prebend, giving as much as others will, to stop his mouth; but as yet I am not fully through with Mr. Popley for the same. My lord Privy Seal is well pleased that the goods are re-delivered to the merchants, they paying the charges. If you take any pirate in the narrow seas having no merchants' goods on board to bear the charges, the King will bear the burden of it. Here is yet no appearance of war. Mons. de Tarbe thinks himself not half so well entertained here as he was wont to be; however, I think it better than they deserve. I wrote my Lady of one of Mr. Philpott's sons who sued to be in your service, a proper young man and like to be the heir. If a marriage could be compassed between Mrs. Philip and him it would be, by what I have heard, no bad bargain. The pinnace has been here since Saturday, and the company cannot be rid, so that I think she shall remain here.
Since I wrote the premises, my lord Privy Seal has told me he spoke with the King for your licence, who said that it could in nowise be before Easter, but that after Easter you should have licence. This day also my lord Privy Seal has promised the company that came with the pinnace their despatch, and the King told Hew Philkocs he had shown the lord Privy Seal and Mr. Spert what was to be done with her. London, 6 March."
"The abbot of Westminster has made plain answer that he will not deal without he have two tun of wine. Within this hour I met Mr. John Graynefyld, upon the water between this and the Court, who delivered me this greyhound which I send by bearer. Mr. Eden has willed me to write you to send the answer of my father Cockson's matter. Mr. Wyngfyld's priest calleth importunately upon it.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
6 March. 431. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your sundry letters and the warrants, with 4l., of Corbett, with which I will please the tailor the best I can, and entreat the grocer to tarry till November. I will send such Lenten stuff as you write for with the first, but I think I shall get no ling without ready money. Mr. Bonham will be here at the end of the week, and I will know what he means to do. Mr. Wriothesley has also been in hand for Soberton. I told him I would write to my Lord, but was sure he had made Mr. Bonham the first grant. I had caused Mrs. Raynolds to give Mrs. Harforde her answer. What woman Mrs. Raynolds will bring with her I know not, but my lady of Sussex wishes you to have either Mrs. Weldon's daughter or Mrs. Oxenbrydge's sister. You will learn further by Corbett. I will do my best for the travers and sayes, but I fear they cannot be had without ready money. And where you goeth now to physic, I pray God it may be for your health, and that your Ladyship be thereby in no danger. If the physician be a man of experience his counsel should be followed. Experience will show if it does you any good. I could do no better touching Mrs. Wylkinson. She is yet unpaid of her last money. Ready money buys all things at advantage. Mrs. Anne must have her pearl as soon as possible. I send, by Horwood, 200 sweet oranges from my Lord to you. I think Cosours will be shortly with you. I think you will find him a very honest man. For your weir there is no remedy; for my lord Privy Seal says none will stand. If any continue, your Ladyship shall have as much favour as any. Mr. Knyvet received his hawk thankfully. The other for Mr. Yew was delivered to Seller, to whom I will give the copy of my Lord's patent. I have delayed the bearer to send my Lord an answer about his licence of coming over, which it is now determined shall not be before Easter. I have written to my Lord about Phillpott; and at my coming into Hampshire I will cause him to come over. Desires instructions about a gown for Mrs. Frances Bassett. I am told you think I will not go to Devonshire because of sickness; but I have no fear. But for this business of Soberton I should have been there and returned ere this. London, 6 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
6 March. 432. The Town of Woodbridge to Cromwell.
R. O. According to his letters delivered by John Cooke, have taken to the King's use 13 quarters of wheat laden in a Spanish crayer of 40 tons by Richard Loder to be conveyed to Spain. Found in Loder's sollers 100 qrs. for the Spaniard and 20 qrs. said to be fur himself. Found in the houses of Ric. Potye and Ric. Grymble 100 qrs., to be delivered to the Spaniard by Wm. Hawfen, and 45 qrs. in the sollers of Win. Smithe. Wm. Bramstond, Robt. Palmer, and Thos. Mariet have also sold wheat to Loder for the Spaniard, and there is 80 qrs. for him in the solers of the late monastery of Butleighe. 6 March.
Signed by Ric. Poty and Thos. Bartum, constables, and nine inhabitants of Woodbridge.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 March. 433. Kingswood, Wilts.
Valor of all possessions of the monastery of Kingswood, Wilts, now dissolved, by John Tregonwell, LL.D., Sir Nic. Poyntz, John Poyntz, John Freman, and Edw. Gostwike, 6 March 29 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
Demesne lands; le New Grange alias Ilbery; woods; manor of Kingswod cum Nynde; Bagston grange; lands in Acton; Reyde grange; lands in Wotton, Nybley, Duresley, Berkeley and Stone; Hyll grange; lands in Newporte, Tetbury, and Bley (Vley in § 2) and in Bristol; manor of Culcerton and lands in Beysley; manor of Woselworth and Bagpath; granges of Haselden and Calcot; lands in Alderton; the Conygar at Cherington, lands in Gloucester; rectory of Kingswood. Total, 245l. 8s. 8d. Whereof:—
Redditus resoluti to the abbot of Cissiter, the lord of Tetbury and sheriff of Bristol; annuities and pensions to the prior of Llantony by Gloucester, the abbot of Oseney, rectors of Bagpath, Wotton under Edge, and Charfeld, abbot of Malmesbury and prior of St. James' Bristol; fees to Sir Nic. Poyntz, steward, and John Higges receiver there. Total, 13l. 8s. 4d.
ii. The yearly annuities granted out by convent seal out of the late monastery of Kingswood for term of life, viz.:—
To the lord Privy Seal, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Ric. Crumwell, 40s.; John Gostwike, 40s.; Mr. Popley, 26s. 8d.; Mr. Matsone, 40s.; Mr. Arnold, 20s.; Mr. Broune priest commissary of the peculiar jurisdictions of the said late monastery, 26s. 8d., and others of different amounts to Steph. Coldewell, John Freanche, Mich. Johns, Nic. Weire, John Harte, Geo. Frebodie, Wm. Fountaine, Robt. Thomas (for the croner's office, 20s.), and Dd. Johns. Total, 33l.
iii. Wages and rewards given to the abbot and monks of Kingswood, Wilts, with the pensions assigned to them at their departing, by the same commissioners. 5 March 29 Hen. VIII.
To Wm. Bewdlaie, abbot, 6l. 13s. 4d., and a pension of 50l.; Thos. Redinge, prior, 66s. 8d. and a pension of 6l. 13s. 4d.; John Westbury, monk, 53s. 4d. and a pension of 4l. 13s. 4d.; John Gethin, monk, curate of the parish; Wm. Wotton, monk, granator; Wm. Hewghes, monk; John Sodbury, monk; Nic. Hampton, subprior; Wm. Pakker, monk; Nic. Acton, cellarer; Edw. Ernyngham, sexton; Thos. Orchard, monk (all these have 53s. 4d. with pensions varying from 4l. to 4l. 13s. 4d.); John Stonley, novice, 40s. and a pension of 40s.; Thos. Lawrence, converse, 20s., and sent to another religious house.
iv. Wages paid to servants (named) due at Lady Day next, 29 Hen. VIII., 18 items, showing the names and offices of the servants, including organ player, bailiff of the ploughs, ploughman, dairywoman, and the late abbot's mother. Total, 15l. 15s. 8d.
v. Payments made in prest to annuitants, 5 March, because they were servants within the monastery, i.e., to Waier, Frenche, Harte, Fountaine, Frebody, Mich. Johns, and Dd. Johns (as in ii.). Total, 106s. 8d.
vi. Debts of the monastery paid, 5 March. 21 items amounting to 25l. 13s. 7d. One is to Sir Thos. Waire, late abbot of Flaxley.
vii. Arrears, annuities, and fees yet to be paid. To 12 of the before named persons, commencing with the lord Privy Seal.
viii. Debts to be paid. Five items, 6l. 16s. 8d.
ix. Debts due to the monastery, 6 March 29 Hen. VIII. Four items, 32l. 17s. 10d.
Pp. 22.
R. O. 2. Another copy.
Pp. 21.
6 March. 434. Holm Cultram Abbey.
R. O. Surrender of the monastery, with all its lands and possessions in Cumb., Westmld., Nthld., Cowpland, and elsewhere in England and Wales and the Marches thereof, by Gawin Borowdale, the abbot, and the convent," "6 March 29 Henry VIII. Signed by Gawyn Borudall, abbot, Chr. Neuys prior, Rob. Langton, bursar, Thos. Graym, cellarer, John Alanbye, sacristan, Ant. Rycharts, coquinarius, Wm, Symouson, garnerius, and 18 others. Seal slightly mutilated. [See Eighth Report of Deputy Keeper of Public Records, App. n., 23.]
Enrolled [Close Roll 29 Hen. VIII., pt. 1, no. 40] with memorandum of acknowledgment the same day before Thos. Legh, LL.D.
R. O. 2. Rental of the demesnes of the late monastery of Holme Coltram, 6 March 29 Hen. VIII., made by Master Thos. Leghe, Will. Blitheman, and Jas. Rokeby, commissioners.
Certain portions granted to John Legh, servant to my lord Privy Seal; others by Dr. Legh and the Commissioners to Rob. Wheteley. A salmon fishing on the sea sands near the Derwent let to Will. Legh by the Commissioners.
Total value, 91l. 13s. ld.; whereof in the hands of the late abbot 79l. Os. 5d.; of the tenants, 12l. 12s. 8d. Signed by Rokeby, as auditor.Pp. 41.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Ellis i. S.,
ii. 89.
435. The Inhabitants of the lordship of Holme Cultram to Cromwell.
Petition of 1,800 houseling people that he will be a mean to the King for the standing of the church of Holme Cultram, which is their parish church and a great defence against their neighbours the Scots.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd
436. Thomas Legh, L.L.D., to Mr. Duke.
R. O. Master Chancellor is contented that the bearer, the late abbot of Holme, shall have for his lodging the chamber he was in before he was abbot, called the Sellerars Chambre and the chamber at the stair head adjoining. Signed.
Memorandum below in Rokeby's hand:—That there is assigned for the farmer of the parsonage of Holme, a chamber lately occupied by Willm. Marshall, a monk, and another called the Sokemanhouse, with an orchard, valued in the survey at 12d. a year, and the Sallerer's stable, not arrentyd with survey. Signed by Jas. Rokeby, auditor.
P. 1. Endd.: Pencio abbatis de Holme.
6 March. 437. Brian O'Connor.
R. O,
St. P. ii.
Submission of Barnard (Brian) O'Conour, late captain of Offaley at Dublin, 6 March 29 Henry VIII.
Will be true to the King, renounce the Pope, give up black rents and exactions, and resign the 60 mks. a year which his ancestors had from the King. Begs to be created baron of Offaley, giving 3s. 4d. for every carucate of land. The Deputy and others to make roads into Offaley at discretion. Gives his son Donatus as pledge. Signatures (copied): Bernardus O'Connour and Geraldus Welche and Geraldus O'Connour, testes.
ii. Cair O'Conour's submission :––
Memorandum that at Dublin on St. Patrick's day (17 March) aforesaid, Carolus Ochonour, brother of Bernardus O'Chonour, agreed to the foresaid articles and gave Tadeus his son as pledge.
Latin. Copy, pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Copy of § 1 i. without the signatures
Latin, pp. 2.
R. O. 3. Translation of § 2.
Pp. 3.
Lamb 603,
f. 116a.
4. Copy of § 1.
6 March.
R. O.
438. Anthoinette de Saveuses to Lady Lisle.
Commend me to my lord Deputy. I thank you for your many kindnesses, which I cannot sufficiently recompense in my prayers, and if, by the grace of God, I do anything which may be agreeable to him, I trust you may participate as much as if you were my own mother. Accept two pair of coifs. As soon as the others are finished I will send them. I send you a louchelet de fiile, a gospel for your new married son, and the four houpeles of silk for your two daughters. Dunkirk, 6 March.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
7 March.
Cleop. E. Iv.
B. M.
C.'s Lett, 363.
Wright, 173.
439. Cranmer to [Cromwell.] (fn. n1)
Begs his Lordship not to depose the prior of the Charterhouse in the Isle of Axholme, as he is about through friends in those parts to get him to resign. Ford, 7 March. Signed
P. 1.
7 March. 440. W. Earl of Southampton to Cromwell.
R. O. Incontinent upon receipt of your letter I sent for Ralph Adyshede and Edward Atote, of Pulborough, collectors of the Fifteenth in the county of Sussex, and examined them. Adyshede says he named no horn money, but that there was a saying in Kent of poll money, as he had heard of one. Richard Jakson, whom I sent for and trust to have with me ere tomorrow night, and if he will not confess where ho heard it, I promise you he shall have shrewd cheer in my house. Cokkes, otherwise called Hayne, who first revealed this matter to Mr. Studolfe, I have allowed to go home. Let me know your pleasure by the bearer. These poor folks be marvellous repentant. I trust to drive Jakson to tell where he heard it or else cause his body to suffer pain. I trust the handling of these men will be a warning for Sussex, Surrey, and a grent part of Hants. You shall receive all their confessions enclosed. Let me know the King's pleasure by letter, for I will go within three days to Cowdrey and thence to Portsmouth to see the King's great ship. Guldford Manor, 7 March. Signed: W. Southampton.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the confessions of Ralph Adyshede and Edw. Atote, taken 7 March 29 Hen. VIII., each signed by the earl of Southampton. (See No. 475 (2), post.)
R. O. 3. The examination of Richard Cocks, of Okley, in the county of Surrey, yeoman.
The said Richard, 23 February 29 Hen. VIII., examined before me, William earl of Southampton, says that about a month past at the manor place of Nicholas Apseley, in Pulborough, Sussex, the said Nicholas said he heard say they should pay horn money of every beast that bare horn, and his wife answered, laughing, that he need little care for he had not many beasts. Signed: W. Southampton—Thomas Stydolff—John Carleton.
7 March. 441. Katharine Bulkeley, Abbess of Godstowe, to Cromwell.
R. O. Of your mere goodness you have of nothing brought me to all I have. The stewardship of this monastery is now void by the death of Mr. Welche. It is only worth 40s. a year, but if your Lordship will not disdain to accept it, it will place at your command 20 or 30 men to do the King service, as Mr. Welche had to the North. We have a permanent under-steward. Godstow, 7 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
7 March. 442. John Wyntreshull to Wriothesley.
R. O. Hears that Sherland is dead—on Ash Wednesday. As the farm of Worthy Mortemer and Hele (?) is in the King's hands, both by the Queen's death and my lease being void, I think it will be laboured for. Sherland let it for 8l. above the rent, but it was not worth so much. If you have no mind to it I will give you 20l. to get me a lease. I paid my fine in Lent and lost my title the midsummer following by the death of lady Anne. Winchester. 7 March.
Hol., p.1. Add. Endd.
7 March.
R. O.
443. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
Thanks him for his letter and begs him to continue his goodness. Desires to be recommended to the King. Abendon, 7 March. Wishes to know the King's pleasure about his abiding here. Has nothing for stuff of household but by borrowing, of which he is weary and the lenders too.
Mr. Williams and the Masters Carpenter and Mason, came here after his letter was written.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
7 March. 444. John Wellysburn to Wriothesley.
R. O. I thank you for your pain for the lewd priest (fn. n2) whom I trust you will help to deprive. His friends boast that Mr. Peter will do much for him, but I have more trust in Mr. Peter's honesty. I desire to know the King's pleasure for my abiding here, where I borrow all household stuff, whereof I am weary. Peradventure so be they that lend it. I have moved my Lord of the same. If I be keeper here I will provide stuff. The plague is sore in the town; 26 have died within a month. Abendon, 7 March.
Andrewes is all the doer for the priest. If he knew as much as I he would do nothing for him.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd."
7 March. 445. Queen Margaret to Cromwell.
B. M.
Requests him to favour William Clappertoun, Scotsman, indweller of Leyth, servant of the King her son, in a suit raised against him by Richard Hurdeman, Englishman, indweller of London, touching a charter party between them which the said William fulfilled in all points. The said Richard came to Scotland during the King's absence without safe-conduct and might have been made prisoner, but was saved by the intercession of the other with the Council. Edinburgh, 7 March 1537.
P.S. in Margaret's own hand.—Desires that the said William may be licensed to bring three score bows and part of arrows, partly for the King her son. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To our traist and weilbelovit frende Lorde Cromwell. Endd.
7 March. 446. Jehan de La Gaulle to Mr. Bourdon.
R. O. Commendations to his wife. Has received his letters saying that Mons. le Capitainne wishes to have two hen turkeys and a cock. Has sold all he has. They are very dear, as no one wishes to sell them. Will look for some at Paris and Rouen, and send them. Will be at Calais in 15 days. Rouen, 7 March 1537.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Maistre Bourdon, clerk de la noble grace de Roy, de la ville de Calles.
7 March. 447. Francis I. to Tarbes and Castillon.
Kaulek, 30. Has received the letter of the 1st. Since the King speaks thus, Tarbes may return without delivering anything in writing. The Emperor having declared to the English ambassador his assent that the King should be mediator and third contrahent it is useless for Francis to intervene. They must say that Castillon will remain there to treat if need be, and must keep him (Henry) as much as possible in the opinion that the peace is in better train than ever and will shortly be brought to a good issue.
Mâcon and Lavaur write that the Emperor urges the Pope to be at Nice before the end of the month, and to press Francis to come thither also, to make peace or at least a good truce. Has agreed, and leaves on Monday for Nice.
Tarbes shall leave at once and Castillon shall retain the power, without, however, coming to any conclusion. Moulins, 7 March 1538. Countersigned Bayard.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
7 March. 448. Germayne Gardyner to Wriothesley.
R.O. Rejoices to hear from Wriothesley's letter that he and his company are not in the King's displeasure.
Sent Mr, Honnings' commission by Mr. Upton, gentleman of the Rhodes, which he trusts M. du Biez will put in execution. It cost but 4 cr. 5s. Molines, 7 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. Sealed with an antique.
7 March.
449. News from Spain.
His Majesty makes great delay as regards the Council, saying he will not be wanting, but fearing apparently that it will lead to inconvenient results it the Pope should go thither without being first in accord with the" "leading Catholics of Germany. The King of England caused his Majesty to be spoken to in Monzon about the peace in the desire to push himself into it (as everyone thinks) to the detriment of the Pope, rather than for any good will, offering to treat with all the respect to his Majesty that could be desired. As he could not be denied an answer, although his offer seemed fuor di proposito, he was told that the affair was in the Pope's hands, and it would not do to practise it otherwise; but if his Holiness did not succeed he or anyone else might treat it.
The Nuncio wrote in January that he had seen a letter and instruction sent from his Majesty to his ambassadors with the King of England to make peace with the Pope and offering his mediation, because he saw how much it would be for his advantage. He wrote about the Council and that an answer would be made to his demands about his alliance with the widowed duchess of Milan. This week they have had answer and have read it to the Nuncio. By it, and by the ambassador's report, it appears that the King renews his instance to have the peace between these two princes referred to him as arbiter, alleging that the French king will not dare to contradict him, and that he will have respect to his Majesty, and that he is a better mediator than the Pope, who has an interest in the State of Milan, and a thousand other reasons. To which the ambassadors answered that the thing was in the hands of his Holiness. He also urged that ambassadors should be sent to him from both sides, and that he would attend (attendeva, qu. attenderia?) to the negotiation, or that with the Emperor's permission he would send him (mandeva, qu. manderia?) a qualified ambassador to be present where his Holiness should treat of the peace. The ambassadors answered that they had no such commission nor would give such a consent. In fine, he is furious to interpose himself in this negociation, but is always told that it is in the Pope's hand, but is kept in good humour with fair words, lest he do any mischief.
Italian, pp. 2. From a modern transcript in R. O., headed as extracted from Instruttione del nuncio Poggio delli vij. di Marzo 1538.
8 March, 450. Elizabeth Countess of Worcester to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his kindness to her, of which she has heard from her brother, touching the sum of 100l. which she borrowed of Queen Anne, deceased. Does not want it to come to her husband's knowledge, who is ignorant of the borrowing and using of the money, and she does not know how he would take it. Tynterne, 8 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 March, 451. Earl of Shrewsbury to Henry VIII.
R. O. According to the King's commandment, he, on leaving his Grace, attended on the lord Privy Seal concerning the lands which he had recovered from the late lord Darcy, long before his offence, for the repayment of 1,000l. paid for the marriage of his (Darcy's) son and heir. Cromwell promised to write to Mr. Pollard, then in these parts with commission to sit on forfeit lands, and the Earl therefore sent Antony Nevell to him with writings, but he would not at that time proceed with the matter, Has since sent both letters and servants to my lord Privy Seal, but can get no direct answer. Wishes to know the King's pleasure.
Asks his favour for his daughter, the countess of Northumberland, in her suit for dower. Sheffield Lodge, 8 March. Signed.
P 1. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the preceding.
P. 1. Endd.
8 March, 452. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. In accordance with a letter received from his servant John Leeke, and his chaplain Sir John Moreton, has written to the King. Sends the letter for Cromwell to deliver, and a copy. Asks him to favour the countess of Northumberland. Sheffield Lodge, 8 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
8 March. 453. Sir Thomas Denys to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for having declared the griefs contained in his late letter to the King, who has put in oblivion all complaints against him, and rests his very good lord. With Sir Hugh Pollard and Mr. Sheriff, (fn. n3) has examined persons accused by Wm. Jurdon, late hanged and quartered at Exeter for high treason. There is no proof against them. His accusation was for malice because one of them gave evidence against him for the King, Commends the sheriff's conduct. He has avoided all perjury, maintenance, and brasery of inquests; so that 19 persons have been attainted for murder, robbery, and felony at these assizes, by returning gentlemen of worship who would not be corrupt for money. It were pity he should not continue, if the King and Cromwell can spare him. The best in the shire dare not move him against justice. Thirty nisi prius were to be tried at this assize, but only four were tried. Most of the others were ended by Mr. Sheriff and others, at which the learned councillors of the county are not a little angry. 8 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 March. 454. Sir Thos. Denys and Sir Hugh Pollard to Cromwell.
R. O. Have viewed all the weirs which were plucked down by the King's commandment. The following have been newly erected and made up again. Calabear were, belonging to the marquis of Exeter; Exweke were, to the abbot of Tavystoke; Thorverton were, to the dean and chapter of Exeter, newly made by the late Wm. Symons; Upexe were, to the earl of Bath; Bicklegh were, to Thos Carewe, esq.; a weir belonging to Barth. Fortescue, esq., lately made again and now by us plucked down; Beaw ford were, to lord Dawbency, also plucked down; Hedde were, to the marquis of Dorset, made by John att Hedde, farmer, an impotent man, and again plucked down, as all the rest shall be. It could not be done before because of the unreasonable high waters. Will send the names of the makers and erectors of them. 8 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 March.
Lamb. 602,
f. 10
455. Sir Ant. St. Leger to Cromwell. (fn. n4)
On 1 March he and his companions received Cromwell's letter dated Greenwich, 16 Jan. James of Desmond, who was supposed dead, is well and has delivered his son to Wm. Wyse of Waterford, and they look hourly for his arrival here in company with lord James Butler, who in spite of his services has much ado to please all parties. O'Connor, by means of the lord Deputy, lord Butler and his father, has submitted. Thought good, on the delivery of James of Desmond's son, to press for young Garrard who has not, as was supposed, passed the seas, but is in Connaught. Desmond's secretary promised that if Garrard refused to submit his master should proceed against him as a traitor. As to the bringing in of O'Connor the lord Deputy intends to send over Matthew King to ascribe all the laud thereof to himself; but you will perceive that others have taken pains therein by the enclosed letter from lord Butler, of 6 March. Never-" "theless my lord Deputy has done right well. Writes in haste, for Kyng will pass at next tide. Dublin, 8 March. Signed
P. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
From Carew Calendar, No. 142
8 March. 456. The Irish Commissioners to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 549.
On the 1st received the King's letters dated Greenwich, 17 Jan. Since the receipt of the same, Okonner, who since our arrival here has much disturbed the country, has been constrained by the good policy of the Deputy, Ormond, lord James, and others of the Council, to come to Dublin and submit himself to the King's mercy. Wrote of our small trust in James of Desmond; but he has not only delivered his son to Wm. Wyse, of Waterford, to be sent to us (whom we expect hourly), but has confirmed his promises in writing. But for these delays we would have repaired to the King. Dublin, 8 March. Signed by St. Leger, Paulet, Moyle, and Berners.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 March. 457. Anne Rouaud to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I was glad to hear your good news, but am grieved to think that your daughter must leave me. I have hopes, if we have not war, to see you soon after Easter. I cannot thank you sufficiently for your handsome offers. I feel myself already well rewarded in the fact that your daughter has been here. I am sorry you do not apply to me when you have anything to do hereabouts. I send the lackey with your daughter, as she has not been accustomed to ride a hackney, that he may keep near her. I have always found her very obedient. I send a bill of her expenses, from which must be deducted the remainder that you gave her for Montmorency's horse. I thank you for the barrel of herring and cade of sprats and the two salmons. They are at Boulogne. Jean Chemy will get them brought to Abbeville. Montmorency thanks you for du beau creze which you have sent him. He and my daughter send compliments to my Lord and you. Bours, 8 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
R. O. 2. S'ensuit ce quy a este baille pour Madamoiselle Basset. (fn. n5) For the making of her black cloth gown, 8s.; for her camlet gown, 8s.; for her velvet coat, 10s.; for lining the coat, 40s.; for white satin for sleeves, 30s.; for quenneval (canvas?), 2s.; at various times for play, 10s.; for gold thread, 15s.; for silk thread, 6s.; for a white girdle (?), 2s.; for a comb (pingne) for her, 2s.; for a paternoster for her, 2s. 6d.; given her on three occasions to play with, 16s.; and at other times, 18s.; a pair of shoes, 7s.; two pair of stockings, 22s., &c.; total, 21l. 15s., towards which sum. 7 cr. of the sun, worth 15l. 15s., have been received.
Fr., pp. 2. In the hand of Madame de Bours.
8 March. 458. Montmorency to Castillon and Tarbes.
Kaulek, 31. Has received the letter of the 1st. The King leaves on Monday for Lyons and Nice. Winchester begged him to write to the Emperor to have the king of England mediator and third contrahent. The King laughed, and said that was unnecessary, as the Emperor had told the English ambassador he was content that peace should be made through his master. Wants to know whether the king of England, when he is told of the King's departure [for Nice], shows as good a countenance as his ambassador did at the news, which was the most piteous and astonished one ever saw. Moulins, 8 March 1538.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
9 March.
459. Edw. [Fox], bp. of Hereford, to Lord Lisle.
Thanks him for promising to take into his service the man whom the writer recommended. Begs him not to strain or charge himself therein more than he thinks meet; for the man is a stranger to the writer, who only wrote for him because of the importunity of his friends. The King has resolved upon certain things to be done in Calais, so you can in no wise be absent before Easter next. Is sure Lisle will then have a good opportunity of despatching his business. Will in a fortnight or three weeks send him certain knowledge of everything. London, 9 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
9 March. 460. Edw. Fox, bp. of Hereford, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Has been prevented from writing by long sickness, but is now meetly well amended. Sends a poor remembrance, in recompense of her cup which was lost at his going into Germany. London, 9 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
9 March. 461. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has been again in hand with my lord Privy Seal, as he ordered me eight days since to call upon him. He answered me immediately that he must yet learn the King's pleasure. I begged, if you might not come over this Lent, he would press for your licence to do so after Easter. He said peradventure I should hear in a short space better news than I was aware of. I shall not be quiet till I hear what they are. I moved him for Wykes and told him of my lord of Hertford's ungodly dealing. He said that Wykes was wronged, and he would speak to the King of it. My lord Comptroller was in the gallery at the time and delivered him a book of articles which he said I should see, affirming he was your earnest friend. Mr. Dudley and Hide's men are anxious for your determination. Begs he will not only earnestly give ear to the Word of God, but set it forth with with all his might, for by so doing he will secure the King's favour. He must punish all who attempt the contrary. If you did cause to lay in wait and bring to light the doings of such men, it would be well taken. The pinnace is laid up at Dartford. London, 9 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
9 March. 462. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I wrote by Nich. Eeyre how everything here passed. The bearer can tell you my lady Sussex's pleasure touching the gentlewoman. Mr. Floyde's man, of the Wardrobe, has been with me today to demand money for the travers, or else to go without it. I will do what I can to entreat him. Mrs. Reynolds seems not yet, determined what woman she will bring over. I will try and forward your Lenten stuff by Philip Crayer or Horwod. I see no remedy for your weir. All shall down that standeth. I saw 11 recognisances, the least of 200 marks, for putting down weirs by the 6 April next. Forteskew of Phille is one. Do not forget Mrs. Anne's edge of pearl. Mr. George is merry and a very good courtier. He goes to the country on Monday with his master. (fn. n6) I hope this cold weather will cease the plague. I beg you not to be angry if I ask you to leave part of such ceremonies as you use, as long prayers and offering of candles, and at some time to refrain and not speak, though your Ladyship have cause, when you hear things spoken that liketh you not. It should sound highly to your honour and cause less speech. And although these things were right good and might be suffered, yet your Ladyship of your goodness might do a very good deed to conform yourself partly to the thing that is used and to the world as it goeth now; which is undoubtedly marked above all other things. London, 9 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Endd.: My Lady's letter from Mr. Husee.
9 March. 463. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Sends in this ship of Philip Craye's, which was sooner ready than Harwoodd's, two maunds packed, one with groceries, and the other with fish (detailed). Sends also as a present to her and my Lord 183 sweet oranges. There were 200, but 17 were lacking when he came to deliver them to the ship. The abbot of Westminster will not receive the tun of wine unless he have both together. It is better to give two tuns than to pay 30l. sterling and costs. I think Cosers is with your Ladyship ere this. London, 9 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
464. Lord Edmund Howard to Lord [Cromwell].
Calig. E. ii.
B. M.
According to [his] commandment given him 3 March before the Council, answers the following articles:—1. If he knows anything that should redound to the danger of the town and Marches of Calais. 2. The unquietness of the King's subjects. 3. The lack of ministration of justice. 4. If the acts and ordinances made for the surety of the town, countries and commonwealth be put in due execution. 5. If any man's goods or catals be taken unlawfully or by extortion. 6. If any of the inhabitants be yoked with unlawful burdens by any of the King's officers. 7. Wherein the mayor does not put in due execution what pertains to the office of mayor or escheator.
To these he answers as follows:—
1. It is not necessary that there should be any malice, grudge or debate between any of the Council or head officers. There is small love between the Deputy and High Marshal, unless it be lately amended, but he does not know the cause. There is small love also between the Deputy and the Knight Porter. Does not know why, but the Porter is here now and can tell. There is little love between the Mayor and Mr. Ruckwood, who can declare why. [There is little love] between the Mayor, Robert F[owler], vice-treasurer, and Thos. Fowler, the receiver. The vice-[treasurer] is now here. There is little love between the Mayor and the Commis[sary], who can declare the causes. 2. He and other of the Council have heard the inhabitants complain. The causes will come to light if they are asked wherein they find themselves grieved. 3. Divers feel themselves grieved, but he cannot expound the cause. Suggests that the inhabitants might be told to declare their griefs and have redress. There are many divers laws and customs and the ministers have little learning. There is no one that can discuss precedents but one person which every day by viij or ix of t[he clock] in the morning will be in a hard case to discuss any matter of l[aw] except he be kept from the good drink. It is a hard case for the town to be no better furnished with learned men. We have but one King, so [God] send us but one law there. 4. The acts and ordinances are not observed. 5. Knows not of any extortion, but if the inhabitants were examined and assured of restitution, it would come to light. 6. The inhabitants feel themselves grieved on divers points. 7. Many complain for default thereof. Advises the sending of a commissioner to collect evidence. Signed.
Pp. 3. Mutilated. Begins: Pleaseth it your Lordship. Endd.
465. Lord Edmund Howard to Cromwell.
R. O. Asks what the King has willed him to have for the redelivery of his office in Calais. Reminds him of his poverty and the expenses of keeping his house hero. All his provision for this winter is in Calais, and he has seven clerks, four horses and a keeper. Cannot therefore leave his office till 6 April without great loss. Hopes Cromwell will see that he sustains no loss, as he has and does still furnish the said office since Oct. 6. Supposing that Cromwell has no leisure now to despatch him, will be content to tarry till 6 April, which is no long time, which he thinks will be best both for his successor and himself. Signed.
P. 1, Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
9 March. 466. Margaret Vernon to Cromwell.
R. O. Mr. Dormer sent me word last term that he would wait on your Lordship and see his promises fulfilled. He has departed to his country without doing so, for which I am sorry. I understand you have of Mr. Michael Dormer 100 mks. Pray stay it in your hands and show him this bill for the discharge which is of his own hand bound unto Mr. Trasy and me. It should have been paid at Midsummer, but I left it in his hands to pay to your Lordship. Where it is written on the back side that I have received thereof 20 nobles: I will see him contented, and your Lordship to have the whole 100 mks. If you are not satisfied, let me know your pleasure.
The bearer hath to say to your Lordship if you please to hear him. Malling, 9 March.
Hol. , p. 1. Add.; Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 467. Margaret Vernon to Cromwell.
I perceive by Constantyn that your Lordship hath not heard from Mr. Dormer. Nevertheless, Mr. Michael Dormer sends me word that at the beginning of this term he will not fail to wait on you and see you pleased. I beg you of patience, for I shall not be at quiet till you be satisfied.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 468. Margaret Vernon to Cromwell.
Ye shall receive by bearer 20l., begging your patience for the rest till my next receipt, which is after Our Lady day in Lent. If you will send me Mr. Dormer's bill, I will attempt the law therein: how urgently he handles me, the bearer, if you hear her, can tell. I beg your Lordship to continue your goodness to this poor woman; that an end be made between William Pratte, Richard Grove, and her husband, for the time draws nigh for paying his creditors, and also he should have gone beyond sea last Hallowtide.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 March. 469. Alen to Cromwell.
R. O. Received his letters from Greenwich of 16 Jan. at Dublin on the 1st inst. Would not write, as he intends coming over with the Commissioners, but that Cromwell wished him to inquire of Mr. Selynger and other friends about words spoken by some of the Commissioners against Cromwell. Will bring over depositions of witnesses thereupon. Cromwell's letters note him otherwise than his letters to Mr. Wriothesley implied, as Mr. Sentleger, who was privy to them, knows. Dublin, 9 March.
Hol., Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 March. 470. Robt. Cowley to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your Lordship's letters dated Greenwich, 16 Jan., and conferred with Mr. Seyntleger, Mr. Brabazon, and the Master of the Rolls about words spoken by you comprised in my former letters. They had been already reported to Mr. Soyntleger by the Master of the Rolls, and entered in Mr. Seyntleger's book to be shown to yon. The Master of the Rolls, Chief Justice, and Thos. Cusac have confessed hearing the same. Mr. Moyle heard opprobrious words such as that no one in England favoured your Lordship because you would do or speak for no man, but all for money, and that you had sent a Welshman hither to St. Patrick's Purgatory to inquire of a prophecy that a pelican should come out of Ireland and should do many strange marvellous things in England. I bear no malice to any man, and was never forger of tales, but I fear the King might be misinformed upon your Lordship if others were timorous to advertise you of the truth. Other abuses the Commissioners will show.
I hear the lord Deputy adventured his person to bring in O'Connor, going with 12 persons far into his fastnesses; and if he have obtained for the King more jurisdiction than O'Connor offered, before charging the country with carriages, hosting and occision of men, ho has deserved thanks. Verily the lord Butler, by exhortation of the Commissioners, allured away O'Connor's strength and prepared to invade him before he conformed to the lord Deputy. I intend at the going of the Commisoners to see and take my final leave of your Lordship. Dublin, 9 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
471. Scandals reported in Ireland.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 551.
Interrogatories ministered before Sentleger relative to slanderous words spoken of the lord Privy Seal by Mr. George Poulet or others.
"If directly or indirectly ye have heard these words ensuing, or of like sentence, prolated or spoken by any man, and who did speak the same:"—
1. That the King's Majesty hath called my lord Privy Seal villain, knave, bobbed him about the head, and thrust him out of the Privy Chamber. 2. That the King had spent much unnecessary treasure in subduing the Geraldines. 3. That the lord Privy Seal incited the King so to do, and to give away the lands of the offenders attainted. 4. That by privy means it shalbe beatten into the King's head that this is the lord Privy Seal's doing. 5. That the lord Privy Seal has wrought his own confusion and death, and lately was very near the same. 6. That the King has six times as much revenue as his predecessors, and all is consumed by the lord Privy Seal. 7. That no lord or gentleman in England favours the lord Privy Seal because he is so great a taker of money, and will do for no man but for money. 8. That he has sent a Welshman to St. Patrick's Purgatory to investigate a prophecy that a pelican should come out of Ireland into England and do marvellous things.
Pp. 2.
2. Alen's answers.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 551.
When riding with the Commissioners between Ballycutland and Kylcaa, on Monday after Michaelmas, and at other times during the survey, Greo. Poulet reported things to the lord Privy Seal's reproach, such as that he had written to them not to dispose of the garrisons in lord Butler's custody, but, said he, By God's Body, if the King's purpose be letted that we shall not put garrison in them, I shall lay it in his lap, for there is neither he ne the best lord in England, if the King take a thing in the head, that dare speak or move him to the contrary; he hath won that advantage of his lords. And as for my lord Privy Seal, I would not be in his case for all that" ever he hath, for the King beknaveth him twice a week, and sometime knocketh him well about the pate; and yet when he hath been well pummelled about the head and shaken up, as it were a dog, he will come out into the great chamber shaking of the bush with as merry a countenance as though he might rule all the roast. I standing at the lower end of the chamber perceive these matters well enough, and laugh at his faction and ruffs, and then my brother and my lord Admiral must drive a mean to reconcile him to the King again. Hears Poulet reported the like to Thos. Cusake, of Consingistown. 2. Mr. Poulet between Wexford and Rosse spake such words. 3 and 4. After the survey of Lexlipp, Mr. Poulet, on the way to lodge the night at Alen's house, within a mile of Lexlipp, spake thus on hearing of the King's gift of lands to lord Butler. 5. Heard only that Poulet said like words to the Chief Justice. 6 and 7. On the first journey to Munster, Poulet said Cromwell was the greatest briber that ever was in England. The other words were spoken to Mr. Moyle. 8. Has heard that Paulet said so to Mr. Moyle. Each page signed.
Pp. 3.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 553.
3. Chief Justice Ayrmer's. answers.
1. At Kilkay Paulet reported this to the Deputy. When he (Paulet) came home he would, laugh at this geare with my lord of Norfolk, Mr. Treasurer, and my lord Admiral when they were secretly together. He would hit my Lord by secret information to the King. The Master of the Rolls should have 100l. if he would find means that Paulet might go to England, and then he would get the lord Butler's head stricken off. Confirms the 6th article. Paulet told the Master of the Rolls that if he could have gone home the lord Butler should have lost his head; but he would let the King know how his money was spent, &c. To the 5th, I, Gerald Ailmer, Chief Justice, say that Paulet said between Waterford and Currough More that the lord Privy Seal drew every day nearer death, and had escaped hardly at the last insurrection.
In Alert's hand, p. 1.
R. O. 4. Report of Wm. Berners touching words he heard Poulet speak about Cromwell when they were in Ireland.
1. That the lord Cromwell "was so affectionate unto the same land because his ancestors were born there," and had been the cause of the King wasting his treasure in suppressing the Geraldines, and afterwards squandering the revenues thus acquired. 2. That the King called him knave and knocked him about the ears, and but for the lord Admiral and Paulet's brother, Mr. Treasurer, he had not been in such favour as he was. 3. That he was a great taker and briber, like his old master the Cardinal, but he spent it honourably and freely like a gentleman(though he were none), and helped many honest men and preferred his servants well. Signed
Hol., p. 1. Endd.
9 March.
R. O.
472. Jehan Mouton to Lord Lisle.
I have this day received your letter, and thank you for sending me my packet of letters from Flanders. You asked me to send you one or two turkey hens (guellingues d'Inde), which I will gladly do whenever I can get them, but it is not advisable to send them in this cold weather. Rouen, Saturday, 9 March 1537.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
9 March. 473. Edmond Harvel to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. viii.
Has written by all the posts to show his gratitude for Cromwell's liberality. Wishes for eloquence to immortalise Cromwell's victories both against the Pope's tyranny and the furor and sedition of the rude people. The Turk is making great preparations, and his son is captain general of the navy. Barbarossa has recovered. The Turks are continuing the siege of Napoli de Romania, the Venetian town in Morea. The Venetians have 60 galleys abroad and 30 more just starting, besides 36 on the bp. of Rome's account, whose Legate, Marco Grimani, has arrived today with 100,000 crs.
The bp. of Rome is going to Nice to meet the Emperor and French king. The fame of the Emperor's coming to Italy is very constant. Twenty-two ships have lately arrived in Spain with 4,000,000 of gold. There is hope of peace between the Emperor and French king. Andrea Doria is gone with one galley to Spain. The Emperor's galleys, 70 in number, are ready, and all ships in his ports retained. The Christian navy will be superior to the Turks. Gives the numbers. Venice is ardent to invade the Turk. Venice, 9 March 1538.
Hol., pp. 3, Slightly mutilated. Add.: Pi ivy Seal. Endd.
9 March. 474. Aguilar to Charles V.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 108
Relacion de lo que serive el Marques de Aguilar, a ix. de Março de 1538.
B. M. Wrote on the last of Feb. of the Pope's resolution to come to Nice. Prince Doria's departure for Barcelona The Pope had fixed his departure for 15 March, but will now wait further news. The French king's quarrel with the legate, de Carpy, on hearing of the confirmation of the League. The Turk, &c. French view of the marriage of Octavio Farnese and the daughter of the King of the Romans, &c.
Spanish, pp. 9. Docketed as answered at Barcelona, 24 March. Modern copy from the Archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V., ii., No. 187.]
10 March, 475. W. Earl of Southampton to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letter dated Westm., 8 March, and am glad to hear the King is merry and has me in his Grace's remembrance. I, by warrant of your letter, have despatched Nic. Apsley, gentleman, Edward Umfray, one of the collectors, and Richard Jakson, who before me and two of my servants, Fitzwilliam and Thomas Armarar, agreed in one tale, as appears by their confessions enclosed. The handling of these persons shall be a warning to themselves and all this country; they were as sorry for their words and as joyous for their dispatch as ever poor men were. I have sent you Ralph Adyshede, one of the collectors, who seems to be the very beginner of this matter; he denies speaking of horn money, but confesses he spoke of poll money, and says he heard it of one Richard Jakson, who, being examined, denies it. Adyshede is a Lancashire man born, a smith by occupation; but his brother is parson of Pulborugh, (fn. n7) and has let him the farm, on which he dwells like a gentleman. His neighbours call him an honest man and good neighbour. Guildford manor, 10 March.
P. S. in own hand: The gentleman, with one of the collectors, and another witness, in presence of the said Hadyshed, said they heard there should be a new payment called horn money as the saying was in Kent. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Confession of Ralph Addished, taken by me, Wm. earl of Southampton, 7 March 29 Henry VIII.
He and Edward Atote, collectors of the Fifteenth, came to Nicholas Apseley, gent., ferreting in his ground, who paid them for the Fifteenth, and said I trust to be in rest for a while and pay no more. Adyshede said he thought they would pay no more Fifteenth, but there was a saying in Kent that they should pay poll money. Heard one Ric. Jakson say it. Signed: W. Sovthampton—Wylliam Fytzwylliam—Thomas Armerar. ii. Confession of Edward Atote, alias Humfrey, taken by me,William, earl of Southampton, 7 March 29 Henry VIII.
Was talking with Robert Broker and heard Addished say to Apseley that we must pay poll money. Added in the Earl's own hand: But the said Edward Atote said, the morrow after the taking of this, he heard his fellow Adyshede tell Mr. Apsley of horn money. Signed: W. Sovthampton—Wylliam Fytzwylliam— Thomas Armerar.
P. 1.
R. O. 3. The confession of Robert Brouker taken the viijth day of March Ao. xxix H. viijvi., by me, William, earl of Southampton, High Admiral of England, upon his book oath.
The said Robert chanced to come by Mr. Apśley standing upon a cony bere, who asked him to fetch his ferret. When he returned with the ferret, Ralph Adyshede and Edward Umfraye, otherwise Atote, collectors of the Fifteenth, were with Apsley, who paid them his Fifteenth, saying ye have all my money and I trust now to be in quiet for a while. Adyshede answered, Not so, Mr. Apsley, for we shall pay, pay, and There is a saying in Kent that we shall pay 'horn money.' Signed: W. Sovthampton —Wylliam Fytzwylliam—Thomas Armerar.
R. O. 4. Confession of Richard Jakson before me, William earl of Southampton, 8 March, 29 H. VIII.
As he was drinking in the house of Ralph Adyshede, the latter said he was put in trust to gather the Fifteenth. Jakson said he had heard of such money and also of poll money, but never saw it and trusted never to pay it, for they might come to him when he had never a penny in his purse. Signed: W. Sovthampton—Wylliam Fytzwylliam—Thomas Armerar.
P. 1.
[10 March.] 476. Chr. Lantt, Parson of Stratford, to Mr. Merbere, Controller to the Duke of Suffolk.
R. O. I thank you for your kindness to me at all times. At my benefice o Stratford, which I had of my Lord Grace's gift, there is of late an act done which they avow should be my lord Privy Seal's commandment, to take down certain pictures in the church, which, as the country much speak of, thinking it to be their own sinistral deed, please inform my Lord's Grace that he may know my lord Privy Seal's mind. Let short remedies be had or else they are like to spoil the whole church, and my Lord Grace has not such another in his gift. Stratford, this first Sunday of Lent.
This bringer will show you of their sinistrall fashion and their obstacle against the King's injunctions, &c.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
10 March,
R. O.
477. Ipswich.
Deposition of Laurens Stystede, one of the bailiffs of Ipswich, 10 March 29 Hen. VIII., that Jas. Crawford, priest, said he would sell his" "chantry. He had before that cut down 12 score young trees in a ground called Rysynges, and 13 score in the Dene, parcels of the said chantry. Called Robt. Joyne, the other bailiff, and the portmen and divers honest persons of the parish of St. Lawrence, summoned the said priest before them, and told him he might be deprived for making this waste, which is contrary to the ordinances of Edm. Daundy the founder. He replied that he would rather sell than the King should have it. In consequence of this dispossessed him.
Signed: By me, Roberd Joyne:—By me, John Allyn:—By me, Laurens Stysted:—By me, Robt. Dawndy:—By me, John Sparow: and also with a mark.
P. 1. Large paper. Endd.
10 March. 478. Simon, Abbot of Kenilworth, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received Cromwell's letters in favour of Mr. John Grewell (Greville) for the tithes of Welsboorn, appropriate to the house which the writer has by Cromwell's preferment. These tithes are the only source of corn to the house. Begs he may retain them; for, to pay the debts of the house, he has let out all except that and the manor and park of Rudfyne, where their cattle arc kept. If he depart with these he should have to buy the whole sustenance of the household, as he showed Mr. Grewell before. Begs favour; also credence for Mr. Flammoke, the bearer. Your beadhouse of Kenilworth, 10 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
10 March. 479. Rowland Morton to Cromwell.
R. O. According to the King's command by your late letters, certain persons have suffered penance for bruiting seditious words, and others are bound in large sums to stand to the determination of the King's Council. I travelled with the justices of assize, being in the commission of Oyer Determiner, and on returning home today heard of the death of Walter Welshe, esq., who had the custody of Boussheley (Bushley), Elmeley, and Sudeley parks in these parts. If it please the King by your Lordship's mediation to prefer me, who from the first day of his victorious reign have been his daily servant, I and mine shall stand balanced in alto et basso, live and die in your Lordship's retinue, I beg credence for my servant, the bearer, and will give your Lordship 20l. At my house at Twynynyng (sic), 10 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
10 March.. 480. Katharine Countess of Northumberland to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends a token, desiring the continuance of his favour in her rightful affairs. Has none other on earth to complain to. Semer, 10 March. Signed.P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
10 March. 481. Sir John Bonde, Priest, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I thank God for the solemnization of the marriage between Mr. Basset and my Lord's daughter. You ordered that Mrs. Jane should have the pasture of 2 kee (cows) in your park yearly. She has now three head of cattle and one horse. John at Borowe can show you what may be done about your weir.
The sickness is not ceased. Mr. Barre continues at Womberlegh. I will send my books by John Bere when he goes to you. As for Ric. Pytt's fee, I must bestow much money in repairs, for this winter has been wet. There is very little fish taken. Womberlch, 10 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
10 March. 482. Lanthony Priory by Gloucester.
R. O. Surrender of the monastery and its cell and priory of Lanthonye in Wales, and all possessions of the said monastery and cell in the town of Gloucester and in cos. Glouc., Heref., Salop, Wilts, Hants, Beds, and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof. 10 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by Richard, the prior; Humph. Jheram, sub-prior; Thos. Hale, senior of the house; John Newlande, sacristan; David, prior of the cell in Wales; and 20 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II. 26.] Seal broken. Stained.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No. 26] as acknowledged before Wm. Peter, one of the clerks of Chancery.


  • n1. This letter must have been written in 1537 if the two letters in Vol. XII., Part i., Nos. 489 and 693 have not been misplaced. But it is possible that all three letters are of the year 1538, to which this letter of Cranmer's has been assigned in the Parker Society's edition of his letters.
  • n2. See Nos. 260, 285
  • n3. Richard Pollard was sheriff of Devonshire in 1537–8. He was also King's Remembrancer of the Exchequer and Surveyor of Crown lands.
  • n4. This letter is wrongly placed in the year 1540 in the Carew Calendar.
  • n5. Mary Basset
  • n6. Sir Francis Brian
  • n7. Thomas Addeshed was rector of Pulborough in Sussex. See Valor Eccl.i320