Henry VIII: April 1542, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: April 1542, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp107-115 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1542, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp107-115.

"Henry VIII: April 1542, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp107-115.


April 1542, 1-10

1 April.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 332.
221. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 1 April. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Whereas, "for causing of Ferrers," page of the Chamber, being a burgess of the Parliament, the Common House committed Whight to the Tower; Whight was called before the Council and alleged ignorance in committing his offence, and made a recognisance (cited) to abide the Council's order in the matter Ferrers' debt.
1 April.
Journals of the House of Lords, I. 164.
222. Parliament.
Account of daily business and attendance of peers in the Parliament, 16 Jan. to 1 April 33 Hen. VIII. With list of acts passed. Prorogued to 3 Nov.
1 April.
R. O.
223. The Court of General Surveyors.
Draft of a warrant to Sir Brian Tuke for 40s. reward to be paid to Ant. Bourchier, one of the King's auditors, for making a book (fn. 1) of the King's castles, manors, mansion-houses and parks within the jurisdiction of the Court of General Surveyors. 1 April(blank) Henry VIII. Place indicated for signatures of Sir John Daunce and Richard Southwell.
P. 1.
1 April. 224. Mary Of Hungary to Chapuys.
The letter placed under this date in Spanish Calendar, Vol. VI., Pt. I., No. 242, is really of the year 1544.
1 April.
R. O. St. P. VIII. 697.
225. Edmond Harvell to Henry VIII.
Wrote last 27 Feb. Letters from Constantinople, of 12 and 16 Feb., report that Janus Bey departed thence on the 9th; who is esteemed to be in Ragusa, and daily expected here. The captain of the Gulf is to accompany him hither with a strong presidye, for six Imperial galleys lie at Brindisi to take "the said ambassador," whose "negocye" is esteemed to be important. Captain Polin is arrived out of France, French ambassador to the Turk, who very straitly escaped the Imperials on the frontier, who had, shortly before, taken the secretary of the French ambassador here, on his way to France with letters. The fame of the Turk's preparations continues. He has gone a hunting towards Andrinopoli and will, after St. George's day, go in the expedition of Hungary. In Buda are 12,000 Turks. The Almains, in great fear, have, in the late Diet of Spire, given 40,000 foot and 8,000 horse against the Turk, and taken truce in religion for three years. The French ambassador there left without taking leave of the Princes, who gave him small credit, but have sent the Count Palatine into France and written to the duke of Cleves to contribute to the charges of this war and abstain from wars against Christian men. Friar George, bp. of Varadin, and Statilio, bp. of Transylvania, have fled to Ferdinando, and the Queen of Hungary and her son to Polonia, leaving the Turk all the dominion of Hungary. A general battle between Christians and Turks is expected this year.
In Italy both French and Imperialists raise men. The French hold Maran with 500 foot and make raids in Ferdinando's country. Most of the Spaniards that were at Alger are come to the defence of Naples. The marquis of Guasto makes 8,000 men to defend Milan. The Venetians furnish their fortresses and will take no part, although the Turk and French King offer them Napoli de Malversia again, with Cremona and other towns in Lombardy. The licence which they hope for, to send their galleys to England as in times past, would do them great pleasure and also be profitable to England. Wrote in favour of it on the 24th Feb. at length. Venice, 1 April 1542.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
1 April.
R. O.
226. Edmond Harvel to Wriothesley.
Has received his of the 22nd, signifying that, by the King's command, he has delivered 50l. to Fras. Lambert, the writer's factor; which 50l. Harvel has repaid to Mr. Bucler, and delivered him Wriothesley's letters. Thanks for his favour. Promises service to him as one whom he esteems worthily called to the authority he holds with the King. Venice, 1 April 1542.
Hol. p. 1. Add. Endd. : "Haryvel to the K's mate, primo Aprilis ao xxxiijo."
2 April.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 333.
227. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 2 April. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
2 April.
R. O.
228. Humphrey Coningsby and George Newport.
Passport for Humph. Coningesbie and George Newport to go beyond sea for "their affairs there" with four horses, 40l. in money, &c. Westm. palace, 2 April 33 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head by the King, and sealed.
3 April.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 333.
229. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 3 April. Present : Southampton, Durham, Winchester, Wriothesley. Business :John Bulmer, for disobeying the Council's order between him and his wife, committed to the Fleet.
The same day. Present, besides the above named, Suffolk, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Gage, Wingfield, and Sadler. Business :Jheronimo (blank) appeared with his answer in writing, which shewed the matters partly untrue and partly unimportant, and that, the Grey Friars now belonging to the King, the town officers ought not to search any house in it, was, after a good lesson to observe common orders and deserve the good will of his neighbours, dismissed.
3 April. 230. College of St. Mary Magdalen in Cambridge.
See Grants in April 33 Hen. VIII., No. 9.
3 April.
Add. 11041, f. 22. B. M.
231. Sir Richard Ryche to Mr. Skidmore.
As the King has, in recompense for certain lands, granted lord Wyndesore the late house of Bordesley, with the manors of Terdebigg and Bordesley and all buildings of the said house, Skidmore is not further to deface or pluck down any of these buildings, but only to take payment from lord Wyndesore for the lead upon them, at the rate of 4l. the fodder. London, 3 April 33 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : receiver of th'Augmentation revenues in the county of Worcetor.
3 April.
R. O. St. P., VIII. 699.
232. Paget to Henry VIII.
On Friday, 31 March, at 6 p.m., received letters from the Council instructing him to confer with the Admiral, in order that the instructions of him that was to be sent to England might be better considered. Although the occasion is removed, because none is sent, yet (as the Admiral's letter, which he forwarded, shows that one should come shortly) he went next day to Court. Found the Admiral was seven leagues off, and so could not speak with him before yesterday. Details conversation, which he began by complaining that it would bring him into discredit that no personage was sent, after he had written that the King promised to send one. The Admiral said the King had been reminded by the presence of the gentleman (fn. 2) who came from the Ambassador that to send another now would undo the work which the Ambassador had already done; but one should be sent very shortly. Paget then begged him to see that the person sent was well affected and fully instructed, and enlarged upon the Admiral's influence and Henry's regard for him, with the necessity of asking, for the marriage, only things reasonable, and for the rest offering a reciproque (as in the Council's letter, No. 206). The Admiral put off his cap and with great reverence made a long discourse of his obligation to the King. He had of himself procured this marriage, 1st for the love he bare to Henry; 2nd for his love to Mons. d'Orleans, whom he loved of a child and by whom he trusted his master should have comfort, for he doubted that ever the Dolphin should have child; and 3rd for the singular qualities noted to be in Henry's daughter. True, Orleans was not the greatest prince, but Henry was a puissant and opulent prince, who could "make" him, and whom he loved entirely. A gentleman should be sent within two days, "for friendship, to visit his Majesty, as he, of his gentleness, visited us in our adversity." Took these words "by the end," and said, "Why, Mons. l'Admiral, think you the King's Majesty, my master, is in adversity, or in such case as he must fain of necessity make Mons. d'Orleans a great prince at his great dispense ? If Monsr. d'Orleans love my master I know he loseth not his love." "No, Mons. l'Ambassadeur," interposed the Admiral, "you take me amiss. Though it be true we were in adversity, yet I know you be in none, nor need no greater friendship than you have; for neither your master, nor king of England before him, was ever so rich as he is at this day, nor never king had a surer friend than he hath of the King my master, who, I am sure, will never forsake him in no chance, whatsoever befall. And as we (thanks be to God) be wealthy, so it is a token we think you wealthy in that we desire to treat a marriage with you; for there is difference between a treaty and a treaty of marriage. And as for the reasonableness or unreasonableness of the demand, it is true that there is due in arrearage eight or seven hundred thousand crowns, of two millions that was paid for my master; the remission whereof is, in this last resolution sent into England, is (sic) (fn. 3) demanded, and also the yearly hundred thousand payable during your master's life. And as for the fifty thousand payable after his life, because it was left him of his predecessors, the King my master toucheth not, but is content the treaties in that part shall stand as they stand." Paget asked him whether, as a man of reason, he would advise his master to give his daughter such an excessive dote, 800,000 crs. in ready money and 100,000 crs. a year for so long as, by God's grace, this should be paid. The Admiral answered that he knew it was a great dote, but the King's liberality was greater; whereby he might grant the pension of 100,000 crs. and they would abate somewhat of the 800,000 crs. Said he thought it prodigality rather than liberality; and would advise them to ask a reasonable remission of the arrearage and devise a recompense for the other. Further conversation, in which each urged the other to devise something, and, talking (at the Admiral's suggestion) not as ministers but as friends, Paget reminded him how Milan was detained, Fregosa and Rincon "chopped up," and now the prothonotary of St. Pol "sent the same way," injuries which a prince of courage, like his master, must desire to revenge with the sword, and could not do so without this marriage; adding that if the practices of others broke it off, it would touch no man so much as himself; for the Emperor's darling was the Constable, "whose hand is the Chancellor," and if they once came in again together he could look for no courtesy at their hands. He seemed pleased, and said it was true that the Emperor, whom he loved not, had lately made overtures through the Pope's nuncio for a French ambassador to reside with him, as a proof to the world of friendship between them, but his master would scant listen; as to the Chancellor, he only meddled with judicial matters; "as touching this treaty now in hand, no creature knoweth it but I and Madame d'Estampes and the third suspecteth it." "That is the Queen of Navarre (quod I). So it is (quod he), who is a right English woman. And whereas you said it touched no man so much as me, yes, it toucheth these two no less; the one in respect of the Queen, who, if the King and th'Emperor join, must be otherwise treated than she is now, and th'other in respect of Navarre, for then farewell her kingdom." To that Paget agreed and advised them then to lay their heads all three together "and shove at this treaty." After another attempt to get Paget to propose some device, the Admiral prayed that he might see him again within eight days, and went his way.
Mons. de Traafes is come to this Court for assistance, and has fair words. The Almain and Italian captains that follow the Court, and hitherto have had "small countenance," are now much made of. All captains of galleys are paid their pensions. The Spaniards that came from Algiers to Sardinia are sent, some to Naples and some to Piedmont, so that, apparently, the Emperor minds not to return to Algiers this summer. The Cardinal of Scotland has been three days at Court, and had conference with the Admiral, being ready (it is thought) to be dispatched into Scotland. The Diet in Almain ended with the advance of 40,000 foot and 8,000 horse for the recovery of Hungary. The duke of Cleves refused to contribute without the Emperor's assurance to make no war upon him for twenty years. In Avignon five Frenchmen have been "roundly cast on the cordes" and fined, for wearing weapons within the town; which is grievously taken here, and the Admiral speaks stoutly against the bishop of Rome. Paris, 3 April, 6 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 13. Add.
Caius College, MS. 597, p. 70. 2. Letter-book copy of the preceding, in the hand of Paget's clerk.
Pp. 10.
4 April.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 334.
233. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 4 April. Present : Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
4 April.
Add. Ch. 15681. B. M.
234. Monastery of St. Mary De Chatterys, Camb.
Exemplification by the Court of Augmentations of their confirmation, made 13 Feb. 33 Hen. VIII., of a grant by Anne, abbess of Chatterys, and the convent there, 1 April 26 Hen. VIII., to John Goderycke, of the office of chief steward of their lands for life, with fees of 40s. a year. Westm., 4 April 33 Hen. VIII. Seal gone.
Parchment. Lat. Endd. as enrolled before Thomas Mildemaie, auditor.
4 April.
R. O. Kaulek, 403. (Almost the whole text.)
235. Marillac to Francis I.
Two days ago received the letters, instructions and copies of treaties sent by his cousin, and would already have been with the deputies, but they are very busy about the end of the Parliament, it remaining only to draw up in form of enactment what has been determined, which will be done in two or three days. After that two or three meetings will show what to expect and it is likely that they will agree to what Francis demands, unless they are altogether demented.
Meanwhile, there are some occurrences which he thinks he ought to write. Two or three days ago, the King's ships of war, both great and small, were launched, and are being prepared for sea, as they were last year, except that last year the preparation was complete at this season where now it is scarcely begun. It is not yet known whether these ships need repair, or whether this is done to impress Francis and the Emperor, or whether they have some design which is kept secret until the equipment is finished at the end of May. Although it is unlikely that they should innovate anything against their neighbours unless they see their great advantage, still, other considerations make people muse, viz., that besides the general tax put upon Englishmen and strangers, of which Marillac wrote, this King is borrowing from 300 of the greatest of his realm, ecclesiastic and temporal, among whom the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk are each assessed at 6,000 crs. and others according to their power, so that the whole will exceed 300,000 crs. Can see no pretext for this extortion unless it be war or the marriage of the King's daughter, considering the great accumulation of money he has from the spoil of the abbeys, the confiscation of the goods of so many lords for treason, the long time he has been exempt from war and the imposition of the above mentioned tax. The duke of Norfolk departed the day before yesterday to refresh himself at his own house, as he has been languishing (n'a faict [que] traisner) all this Lent like one very ill in body besides being mentally worried. Some days before leaving he told Marillac to find means to speak with the King, with whom he should advance more in an hour than in eight days with the deputies, who are very reserved and do not let themselves be understood so easily as the King would. Intends accordingly to see the King as soon as he can. Marked as sent by Thomyn. (fn. 4)
French. Modern transcript, p. 4. Headed : Londres, 4e Avril 1542.
4 April.
R. O. Kaulek, 403. (Abstract.)
236. Francis I. to Marillac.
Since last despatch by his cousin, has received an abridged statement of what has been paid hitherto in England, and sends it herewith. Countersigned : Baiard.
French. Two modern transcripts, each p. 1. Headed : Vauluysant, 4 April 1542.
6 April.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 334.
237. The Privy Council.
Meetings at Greenwich, 5 and 6 April. Present : Southampton, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
[*** Next entry in 8 April.]
6 April.
Add. Ch. 10642. B. M.
238. Wingfield College.
Indenture of lease, 6 April 33 Hen. VIII., by Robt. Budd, master, and the college of Wyngfeld, Suff., to John Laws, of lands called Barnardys in Wyngfield (which John Smith, late of Oxon., dec., and Anne Newall, yet living, executors of the will of Hen. Nevell, late of Hoo, Kent, 20 May 22 Hen. VIII., in fulfilment of the will of the said Henry, granted to Thos. Dey, late master, and the said college, for a term of years of which 45 years are yet to come, at 16s. rent, on condition of performing certain masses) and three pightells of land adjoining. Signed by Robert Bud, master, John Stannard and Thomas Campyon.
Parchment. Seal of Wingfield College attached.
6 April.
Spanish Calendar, VI. I. No. 243.
239. Charles V. to Chapuys.
Arrival of the bp. of London and account of his reception. Owing to an attack of gout the Emperor could not see him immediately, but gave him audience yesterday, Palm Sunday, (fn. 5) though still so feeble that he had difficulty in reaching the hall. He expressed his master's grief for the loss the Emperor had sustained in his late expedition to Algiers, and his pleasure at hearing of his safe arrival in Spain, and in every way set forth his friendship. He then went on to say that the King, remembering what had passed between the Emperor and the bp. of Winchester at Regensburg, and their mutual promise, had sent him in the hope of arriving at a closer confederacy. In saying this he mixed the sweet and the bitter by alluding to the late differences between the Queen of Hungary and the English deputies on trade, and the losses his master had sustained through them, adding that in spite of the King's most reasonable demands the revocation of the edict forbidding English ships to lade in Flemish ports had not been obtained. In support of this complaint he drew from his pocket a Latin memorandum (copy enclosed), and then said the King had sent him to replace the resident ambassador, whom he wished to employ elsewhere. Thanked him for his master's good will, &c., and said he could not give him at once a categorical answer about the mutual promise, as the subject had only been treated between the bp. of Winchester and Granvelle, and the latter, who had just arrived at Barcelona, would shortly be at Court; but he might write at once to Henry of the Emperor's desire to meet his wishes. Sends copy of a letter which he writes to the King, by which Chapuys will see what he says about the other ambassador's (fn. 6) return. Valladolid, 6 April 1542.
From a draft in the Vienna Archives. Another draft is dated the 5th April.
6 April.
Epp. Reg. Sc., II., 148.
240. John, King Of Portugal, to James V.
Snaudon, James's officer of arms (armiger), delivered his letters signifying how he was importuned for licence to make reprisals upon the Portuguese on account of goods formerly intercepted. Could have explained, in letters, by the said herald, why this should neither be asked nor granted, but, for fuller satisfaction, sends Gaspar Apalha to show the truth of the affair. Lisbon, 6 April 1542.
8 April.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 334.
241. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 8 April. Present : Southampton, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business : Warrant to Sir Martin Bowes, master of the Mint, to deliver Wm. Dormer, my lord Admiral's deputy in Ireland, 2,000l. in harp groats. Warrant to Tuke for 40l. for Dormer's charges in conveying it to Ireland. Letter sent to Deputy and Council of Calais touching certain labourers who fled from the works into Flanders; and for Snowden and the denizens to remain there until further order. Letter of thanks to Sir Cuthb. Ratcliff for "his late advertisements."
*** This is the last entry on the Register printed by Nicolas. After it there are no entries until 22 April, when the new series of Acts of the Privy Council, edited by Dasent, begins.
8 April.
R. O.
242. The King's Woods.
Warrant by William lord Seynt John to Robert Downes to assign trees, from Whitfyld woddes, to the farmer of Wrexolde in the Isle of Wight, for repairs there; and, from the park of Overbremer, to Wm. Pyrrye, farmer of Overbremer, for repairing a stable and building a hayhouse. 8 April 33 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
8 April.
Close Roll, P. 3. No. 28. Rymer, XIV. 746.
243. Metyngham College, Suff.
Surrender (by Thos. bp. of Ipswich, master or keeper, and the chaplains of the chantry, or fellows) of the chantry or college, the manors of Metyngham, Bromefelde and Mellys, Suff., Perishall, Howe, Holmehall and Lynge, Norf., the rectories of Ravenyngham and Norton, Norf., and all other possessions of the chantry in cos. Suff. and Norf., and elsewhere in England, Wales and the marches thereof. Metyngham chapterhouse, 8 April 33 Hen. VIII.
Acknowledged same day at Metyngham before Wm. Petre, one of the clerks of Chancery.
8 April.
R. O. St. P. VIII. 706.
244. Edmond Harvel to Herny VIII.
Wrote on the 1st. Janus Bey, the Turk's ambassador, has arrived, but, for respect of these Pascal feasts, shall have no audience until the 11th inst. The Signory are determined to stand to their late capitulations with the Turk, and refuse his demand which will be to declare against the Emperor, for Milan, in the French King's favour, who labours them by Captain Polin who goes hence, shortly, to the Turk. Rumour of war in Italy multiplies. The King of Pole will not declare against the Turk. There is not such union in Almain as was divulged; for the League of Smalkald will first have the cause of religion resolved. Ferdinando's subjects petition their Prince for the liberty in religion granted in this Diet of Spire, declaring their belief that their calamities arise from neglect of the true religion of Christ. Ferdinando answers that he will be guided by the next Council or Diet. 700 Turks are slain, and 7 "gambelles," laden with money for Buda, taken by Christians. The Turks' preparations will be finished by St. George's day. In Spain the Emperor makes men and money, and gives out that he goes to the expedition of Alger, which seems unlikely. Piero Stroci is returned from Rome unsuccessful, for the Bishop is all Imperial. Venice, 8 April 1542.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
9 April.
Spanish Calendar, VI. I. No. 247.
245. Chapuys to Mary Of Hungary.
Has only time to acknowledge her letter of 31 March, with the powers and papers, which came very propos, as the Councillors who favor the Emperor had begun to grumble, seeing that the ten months (fn. 7) agreed upon had passed and nothing was known of the Emperor, and no answer had come on a matter of such importance, on which she had received so solemn an embassy from England. They had also begun to suspect Chapuys had kept back letters or not let the Emperor know. Was, besides, made uneasy by their frequent conferences with the French ambassador as late as Tuesday or Wednesday last. Hears that, on the last mentioned day, he had a long audience with the King. Believes that if the powers had come in time the French ambassador could have done nothing to thwart the treaty now being negociated, but fears the powers sent will give little satisfaction, and the English will think them only intended to beguile them and spy out their intentions, since the instructions are so deficient as regards overtures to be made on our part. Begs her to forward in haste another set of secret instructions. Will endeavour meanwhile not to lose ground. After dining at Court tomorrow will inform her of what he hears. London, Easter Day 1542.
From the Vienna Archives.


  • 1. See No. 116.
  • 2. M. de Formes.
  • 3. The superfluous word is omitted in 2.
  • 4. Not noted in the transcript.
  • 5. Not Easter Sunday as in text of the Calendar, but "dimanche de Pasque flories" (see footnote), which was the 2nd April in 1542. The first part of this letter must therefore have been drafted on the 3rd.
  • 6. Knyvet.
  • 7. See Vol. XVI., No. 910.