Henry VIII: May 1542, 21-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: May 1542, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie (London, 1900), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp199-218 [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: May 1542, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp199-218.

"Henry VIII: May 1542, 21-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp199-218.


May 1542, 21-31

21 May.
Spanish Calendar, VI., II., No. 8.
339. Mary Of Hungary to Chapuys.
Has received a packet of letters from the Emperor, with one for him to serve as instructions in negociating the closer alliance. Should he require further information about the old treaties they shall be sent. Sends a new cipher to be used in important cases. Thanks for the news in his letters of 30 April and 7th inst. Antwerp, 21 May 1542. From the Vienna Archives.
22 May.
R. O. St. P., III. 381.
340. Sir Ant. St. Leger to Henry VIII.
On the 15th, met Oneil and other Irish captains of the North. Among them was Maguillem, whose ancestors came from Wales, who is grown as Irish as the worst and adhered to Oneil in the late conflict. He humbly desires pardon. His country lying far from the Pale, he had to adhere to some Irishmen for defence against others, and he confesses that no captain of his name has died in his bed, but all slain by Irishmen. His country adjoins the Ban, where all the salmon fishing is, and his obedience will improve the fishing.
Declared to Oneil that, since he had offended more than any other Irishman, he must wholly submit to the King's order or the King would make him a spectacle to all other Irishmen. He answered that he would wholly submit; and that answer being read to him, three or four times, set his hand and seal to it with the best words possible, if Irishmen's words could be trusted. Has drawn Oneil's chief strength, being his galloglas, to the King's service by promising them a waste country called Mourne, containing one old castle called Green Castle. Has the captain McDonell's chief son in pledge for this and for the articles he has condescended to (copy enclosed). They are 400 or 500 men harnessed, who are bound to serve under certain conditions (stated). Made the captain confess in presence of Oneil that he would never serve him or any other Irishman against the King. No man ever saw Oneil so tractable : he will be at next session of Parliament here, and will repair to the King, or send his eldest son. Thinks he would go himself if he had money.
Parliament begins here on Monday sevennight after Trinity Sunday. Expects Desmond on Saturday next to tarry here till his repair to England. Has appointed the chief of the Council to be here these holidays, when they will write of this proceeding with Oneil. Dublin, 22 May 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
22 May.
Baronius, XXXIII. p. 6.
341. The Council Of Trent.
Bull of indiction of the Council of Trent. Rome, 11 kal. Junii 1542.
23 May.
Dasent's A.P.C., 3.
342. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 23 May. Present : Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :At the suit of the surveyor of Calais, letters were before written to Wotton, treasurer there, to pay certain money spent in making brick, &c., but, as it was not paid, more earnest letters were devised. Letter devised by stamp for the coming over of Sir Edw. Bray, lieutenant of Calais Castle. Letters sent to St. Leger, deputy in Ireland.
[*** Next entry is 26 May.]

R. O.
343. Berwick-Upon-Tweed. (fn. 1)
"The true copy of the book of statutes and ordinances at Barwik."
1. Any soldiers of this garrison not already sworn to the King and the captain are to come to the captain and take their oaths, or else lose their wages, and be punished at the captain's pleasure. 2. Those having retinues to keep the full number of their retinues daily within the town, unless otherwise licensed, or else forfeit double wages for each man absent, and be "punished for that frawdell way in example of other." 3. Persons committing treason or making any "confederacies, conspiracy, conventicles, common murmurs, or any imaginatio[ns] within the town and bounds of Barwik," to be taken as traitors. 4. Purloiners of ordnance or harness to suffer death. 5. If any person of this town intercommuneth with Scots or aliens or rebels, without special licence, "or elles under that intercomyninge or licens doth perloyne, steall, or withdrawe any Englishmen throughe goodes," he shall be taken as a traitor. 6. Persons standing indicted of felony or treason, who have not purchased the King's charter, and persons who being abjured the King's lands renter without licence, to be "put in bayle" until the King's pleasure be known. 7. Against annoying strangers who have the King's safe conduct, or victuallers of the town. 8. Affrays at the gates or at the watch hill after the watch bell is ringing, or murders within the town or the escry of the watch upon the walles, or affrays by any of the scout watch, stand watch, or search watch upon one another to be punished by death. 9. Likewise "any man that cometh to the watch hill and is abeled by the officers for to watch, and thereupon hath the watch word given him, and then goeth off the walls ere the watch be rung in the morning." 10. Any of the stand watch that suffers soldiers or searchers to come between him and the battlement of the wall, or suffers a searcher to pass without giving the watch word, to be imprisoned(blank) days, and lose a check of 18d., for the first offence, and for the second to have double imprisonment, and never "be suffered to watch more upon the walls;" and the searcher so presuming, without due consideration, to have like punishment. 11. Soldiers staying out of garrison over night without licence, or, having licence, failing to leave a sufficient person for skry and alarm, or outstaying their licence, to forfeit double wages. 12. Soldiers appointed to keep scourage not "skowring the dangerful places within the bounds," or failing at evening to bring in all the horses of the garrison delivered to them by tally, to pay the value of any horse lost to its owner, have an action in the marshal's court, and be punished. 13. If the marshal or clerks of the watch "chekke" any soldier and omit to hire an able watchman in his place they shall be put in ward until the King's pleasure be known. 14. Clerks of the watch who fail to call every soldier whose turn it is "for to watch or ward upon the day, hayraygies or keeping of skourage," but "spare their skirmishmen or friends or any other person, for lucre or winning unto them," to forfeit 20s. to the King's bridge of this town, and for a second offence lose office and be punished. 15, 16. Clerks of the watch "that is assigned by the captain" to attach and present to the marshal's court, "and do withdraw the benefit from the King and the captain in this behalf," and soldiers resisting arrest by the clerks of the watch "or other having the tipped staff," to be imprisoned 8 days, lose office, and be punished further at the captain's pleasure. 17. Yeoman porters to abide at their gates and "keep the said gates cleanly and honestly, so as the King's people be not 'noyed thereby," or else suffer fine and imprisonment. 18. Yeomen porters failing to shut and spar the gates and wickets and deliver the keys to the captain "at due times used," or failing to fetch the keys from the captain in the morning, to suffer death, and the master porter be committed to ward until the King's pleasure be known. 19. Porters suffering "any Scottish born person or other aliante" to come within the gates without the King's safe conduct, or captain's licence, to be for the first offence imprisoned six days, and pay the cost of a substitute, and doing "such things eftsoons" lose office. 20. Any porter taking money "by way of bribery for the daily residence attendance giving at the said gates otherwise than of right hath been used," to forfeit fourfold to the party, and be punished. 21. Porters failing to shut the gates at every escry and alarm by day (or by night to come to their defence) or suffering fodder, straw, corn, thakke, faggots, broom, or other gross things to pass in without being well searched shall be executed. 22. Persons counterfeiting keys of gates, posterns, towers, or store houses to die as traitors. 23. Soldiers of the garrison privily ransoming their prisoners, so as to defraud the captain of his third, or taking "an enemy which is a gentleman of coat armour," and not presenting him first to the captain, to lose horse harness and goods, and be punished. 24. Soldiers suffering their prisoners to be abroad in the town by day without escort, and not imprisoned in the porter's prison by night, to forfeit them to the finder and be punished. 25. "Also if there be any soldier of this town or garrison that occupieth with his own hands any vile occupation, or commonly fishing for any white fish or salmon, he or they so doing, for the first fault, to lose a check of 18d., and for the second time 3s. 4d., and the third time 6s. 8d. to the bridge of Berwick, and for the fourth time to be put out of wages." 26. Every soldier admitted to wages to wear a jacket of the King's colours, viz., white and green, whenever summoned by the captain; or else, for first offence, lose a day's wage, and be imprisoned one day, and for the second offence be dismissed. 27. If any soldiers "dice or card for any money, or play at the tables, but for beer, ale, or wine," the players and owners of the tables, cards, and dice to be imprisoned three days, and their losings forfeited to the captain; "except it be within the xxth days of Christmas, or else at any of the town gates of the said town or within the watch houses or the market place, or the toll booth;" the forfeited money to be employed upon the King's bridge. 28. Any soldier keeping a cur dog or bitch after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross next coming to lose 12d., and the dog to be killed. No hound or greyhound, spaniel, or other kind of dog to go in the streets by day unless "hardeled or ledde in leses or lyams or otherwise, so it be no 'noyance," on pain of forfeiture to the taker and a fine of 4d. to the owner, or 12d. for a second offence, and for a third offence banishment of both person and hound. Dogs suffered by the captain and council to remain in the town are to be kept indoors by night, on pain of forfeiture to such as take them in of 40d. "for the first default or escape," and for a second offence the owner to pay 6s. 8d., and for a third pay 6s. 8d., and lose the hound, the money to be employed upon the King's bridge. 29. The master of the ordnance omitting to see to its safeguard and the "leynge, steynge, and ablinge," of the pieces to the most advantage shall be dismissed and punished. 30. Embezzling ordnance punishable by death. 31. If the master of the ordnance take into wages any person not admitted and abled by the captain, that person to have no wages. 32. If a soldier assigned to the day watch keep not in his place "from the watch bell ring in the morning unto the time it ring at night, and if he escry not and warn them of the garrison with th alarm bell for every ship and other vessel that shall fortune to come within sight, by man's reason, before the road, and to set forth the banner toward what part any ship or vessel so coming," and give not warning of every person, on horse or foot, that comes within the bounds of Berwick, he shall "have his head stricken off at the Market Cross." 33. Soldiers not having complete harness and weapons to be put out of wages and punished. 34. Soldiers stealing their fellows' weapons to be imprisoned eight days, pay 5s. to the plaintiff, and be banished; their abettors to be imprisoned 20 days, pay 10s., and be banished. 35. Soldiers wearing any livery but the King's or captain's to forfeit it, lose their rooms, and be banished at the captain's pleasure. 36. A soldier going to church or market to bear a bill or an axe, on pain of losing 4d. for the first offence, 8d. for the second, 12d. for the third, and dismissal for the fourth. 37. No soldier to mow any grass within the bounds "without it be to him limited by the captain or the council;" on pain of losing the grass and three days' imprisonment; and for a second offence to lose his grass and his room. 38. Quarter masters of "bawtyes," or petty captains appointed to lead hostings or forays, to do it truly and divide the spoil justly. 39. Soldiers riding in hostings not defensibly arrayed to have but child's part of the booty, and forfeit horse and harness to the captain. 40. None to make any enterprise upon the enemy without first showing his purpose to the captain. 41. If any person admitted to be of the stand watch upon the walls be found out of his place, or be found sleeper, he shall, for first default, forfeit 4d. to his finders and 6d. to the marshal, and sit in prison three days; "and if he be found three times sleeping, or else if he make any skry or warning otherwise than he ought to do, through which his fellow that by likelihood should be taken sleeper by any of the search watch might have knowledge and warning thereby, he to be punished, for the first default, and lose a check of xviijd. and iij days' imprisonment; and for the second default, as well the sleeper as the skryer, they both to be put over where they made the said default, and set in two baskets and a can of drink in their hands, and there he or they to tarry unto the time the rope be cut, and so to redeem themselves." 42. Searchers who do not use true diligence in searching the stand watch, speaking to the scout watch, and searching the ditch without and within the walls, or who overlook defaults of the watchmen, or come within the town after receiving the watch word, or remain not in the watch house, except when their course is to go about, or go about the walls without his fellow, or in case of escry or alarm make not due haste to the watch which he did set and see the watch bells in every quarter rung to warn the town, "and in what quarter the fray conteynith that bell to be long rung;" such offenders to be put out of wages and punished at the captain's pleasure. 43. A soldier that has rule of the watch bell, who hastens not to the church to strike a general alarm, when cause requires by night, to suffer death. 44. A Scottish born person, chartered or unchartered, presenting himself to be a soldier of this garrison or to be of the stand watch, search watch, scout watch, hariage, or scourage, or who comes upon the town walls or nigh the ditches, to be put to death as a traitor. 45. If the scout watch do not their duty in searching under the walls without the town ditches, and speaking when called upon by the stand watch and searchers upon the walls; offenders, for a first offence, are to lose a check of 10d. and be imprisoned three days, and, for a second, to lose 20d. and be punished at the captain's pleasure. 46. If the 8 constables of the four wards keep not their search watch appointed, and endeavour not to keep good rule and to "cause soldiers that to them are assigned by the captain to come upon the walls to know their places, and see them sufficiently 'sconed,' every soldier for his part, that is to say, the 'bought' of the ward upon the alley, and upon the battlements and loops of the same;" constables, so faulty, to be put out of wages, and likewise their soldiers who do not repair to their several wards upon every alarm. 47. Soldiers "assigned to be of the relief, and not warded upon the walls" if not ready at all times are to be put out of wages and punished. 48. Persons coming suspiciously about the walls by night to be imprisoned eight days and punished. 49. If any Englishman lead a Scottish born person, or any other "aliante," upon the walls by day he shall forfeit his goods, and be banished; and if he do so by night shall be taken as a traitor. 50. "Also if there be any person that goeth over the town walls, or leapeth over or climbeth upon it by ladder, rope, or any other subtle means, other in going out or in coming into the said town by day or by night, or that measureth by any deceitful means the deepness of the wall of the town or the wideness or breadth thereof, or caste any stones off the wall into the ditches, or other filth or 'noyance, or that carrieth any stones from the said wall to any his use, that person or persons so doing to be committed unto ward, and further to abide the correction and punishment of the said captain."
Pp. 18. In the hand of Lord Lisle's clerk, with marginal notes. Entitled : "The true copy," &c. (as above). Docketed beneath the title in another hand : "Md. for annotacions to be made within the margent."
R. O. 2. "Ordnance and munition remaining within the store house of the Grayne in Barwyke, as also within the store house of the Nesse and upon the walls of the town of Barwyke."
Cannons of brass 2, demicannons 2, culverings 3, demiculverings 3, sakers 12, fawcons 13, fawconettes 4, robenettes 1, organ pipes 2; port pieces of iron 6, demislinges 1, serpentines 18, double bases 8, single bases 5, harquesbusies 115; iron shot for cannon 600, demicannon 202, culvering 100, demiculvering 200, saker 300, fawcon 600, fawconet 288; lead shot for saker 1,000, fawcon 300, robenett 500, single bases 500, harquebusies 500; cressettes staved 30, cressett light 15 cwt., bows of yew 1,715, livery arrows 6,884 sheaf, bowstrings 6 barrels good and 6 barrels old, black bills 2,445, demilance staves 50, northern staves 300, "lattes scalthropes" 100, chests for bows and arrows 100, demicannon wheels shod with iron 1 pair, culverin wheels shod to stand upon the walls 3 pair, saker wheels shod 2 pair, fawcon wheels 2 pair, axeltrees barred with iron 2, axeltrees unwrought 17, "moldes" of brass for sakers 2 pairs, "moldes" of iron for sakers (1), fawcons (1), fawconettes (2), and robenettes (1), "whopes" (hoops) of iron for naves 50, felling axes 20, hemp ropes 8 coil, base ropes 20, tallow candles 3 barrels, serpentine powder 4 last, corn powder 3 great barrels, saltpetre 1 barrel, sulphur 1 barrel, burning links 50, hedging bills 34, sheep skins 13, horseshoes 6 doz. barrels, sickles 480, black soap 1 barrel 2 firkins, pins of wood for carts 1 firkin, spare ladles for demi-culverins 3, saker ladles 6 and 6 sponges, fawcon ladles 7 and 7 sponges, fawconet ladles 5, and 5 sponges, spare limners 6 pair, lanterns 20, morris pikes 400, one gin with all things pertaining to the same, baskets 200, "pelteris" unwrought 16.
ii. Ordnance remaining in the castle of Berwick.
A similar list, but much smaller.
Pp. 4.
24 May.
Lamb. MS. 603, p. 109.
344. Hugh O'Kelly.
Submission of Hugh O'Kelly, abbot of Knockemoy, alias Collis Victori, Tuam dioc., made before the lord Deputy and Council, by indenture dated 24 May 34 Hen. VIII. To renounce the Roman Pontiff and assist at hostings; and, in return, to have custody of the monastery with the rectory of Galway appropriate to it.
Lat., copy, pp. 2. See Carew Calendar, No. 168.
24 May.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI., 137. B. M. App. Reg. Sc., II. 137.
345. James V. to Philip, Duke Of Stettin, &c.
Replies to new letters in favour of Hans Knaken and Hans Steiffenn, whose case was decided (upon the Duke's letters in their favour three years ago), and the decision, written, as customary, in the vernacular, sent. Falkland, 24 May 1542.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
24 May.
Ib. B. M. Epp. Reg. Sc., II. 139.
346. James V. to the Magistrates of Tanglunen, in Pomerania.
On the same subject of John Knaken and Joachim (sic) Stephani. Falkland, 24 May 1542.
Lat. copy, p. 1.
24 May.
R. O. St. P., IX. 38.
347. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Since his last of the 12th, Barbarossa's coming out is reported, with 200 or, at least, 120 sail, including 80 galleys; and that he will go to Geane to join the French power in Piedmont, which assembles in great number, both Swiches and Italians. The marquis of Guasto fortifies more than ever, and has retained again all his footmen whom he had licensed. Polin, the French ambassador, is departed to Constantinople. The Turk goes in person to revenge the rebellion of the Hungarians, and resist Ferdinando and the Almains. Lord Leonello of Carpi has renounced his right to the Bishop of Rome's nephew, and the Bishop has sent to demand the town (Carpi) of the duke of Ferrara : a manifest provocation of war. Count Ludovico de Rangon's incredibly good reports of the King move the Signory to send an ambassador to him. The Count says the Bishop is in great and often communication with Pole. Their evil intention against the King is evident, but doubtless he is well provided. Venice, 24 May 1542.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
24 May.
R. O.
348. The Marquis Del Guasto to Luys De Gonzaga, Marchese De Castiglon.
Encloses extract of a letter he has received from the king of the Romans. Assures him that the Emperor will be pleased with his going. Milan, 24 May 1542. Signed. (fn. 2)
P.S.Will write to the King about the 200 ducats, or rather 300. Thinks it cannot be less.
Italian. Copy, p. 1. Add.
R. O. 2. [The extract above referred to.]
Has received his letter of the 11th, and rejoices that Luis de Gonzaga is coming to serve him. Agrees to the 300 ducats' entertainment; and as for the 50 arquebusiers for his escort, if they may be fewer, well; and, if not, is content. Wishes him to come as soon as possible.
ii. Memorandum in Italian, in the same hand, at the foot :I asked 400 a month, and the arquebusiers paid at 7 ducats, and [wrote] that his Excellency the Marquis thought they should not be less than 300 a month.
Copy. Spanish, p. 1. Headed : "Capitolo della lettera del sermo Re de Ro. de xx di Maggio 1542 a s. Ecca."
25 May.
R. O. St. P., IX. 40.
349. The Bishops of Durham, Winchester, and Westminster to Henry VIII.
Yesterday, assembled to consider together how to proceed with the ambassador, (fn. 3) and then repaired to his house. He read to them letters from the Emperor's ambassador at Rome, showing how the bishop of Rome practised to agree the Emperor and French king, and how (the Bishop said) the French king would gladly hear his overtures, but he (the Bishop) would first know the Emperor's pleasure. The letters were of the 5th April, since which time the Emperor made his answer, as the ambassador reported upon receipt of his last letters from the Emperor. The letters further stated that a marriage between the old duke of Savoy and the bp. of Rome's niece, Pier Loys' daughter, (fn. 4) was about to take effect. These news read, the writers proponed "th' article of secrecy and abstinence from giving ear to other treaties." He could not agree to it as it stood, for his instructions were to condescend to one, two, four, or six months, and he dare not consent to any time uncertain; but if they concluded shortly, as he hoped they should, the article would be unnecessary, or else the article might be sent to my lord of London, and passed there; he himself thought a certain time better for both, considering the distance of places to be such that advertisement might be delayed longer than one month. He made much ado at the word "spirituali," saying the thing meant by it should be inviolably observed, and offering himself to be sworn against the bp. of Rome, but "our enemies," he said, might pick out such words if written, "to bring in our neck the bishop of Rome." Finally, however, he said, he would venture the word if the time were limited to months, and desired to lay by that article, which he trusted "should not need," and consider the substance of the matter. Told him it was a necessary article, but they would commune with him further; and said Henry would, with his Council, devise upon the "quantity and manner of defence," and that Ireland was left out to answer the leaving out of Spain. At this he began to accuse his negligence, saying that, "since our being with him" he had found in his instructions, which are in cipher, that Spain is specially named, and must be comprehended; and spoke much therein. Suppose he will not stay thereat; but, because they have not agreed in the article of abstinence from treating and secrecy, did not press him, and fashioned the articles more slackly, lest he should gather a resolution here to go forth with him, and so make the better bargain. In the naming of Spain, if they had not gathered that he would relent, they would have made another stay of communication, but they went on to speak of the pension, and what provision the Emperor should make for their indemnity in it. To this he made a "serious answer," that it was reason to capitulate that the Emperor should join the King for the recovery of that right, with arrears, as the King joins the Emperor for recovery of his rights, peace to be taken only with the satisfaction of both; that joining the Emperor and making war did not impair Henry's right to the pension, the French not having kept payment, for war was the court of princes wherein rights were determined, and, upon the conclusion of peace, the French king should both pay the arrears and renew the obligation upon terms to be prescribed in this treaty; that the French would never pay even if they could find it in the highway, for Frenchmen have said in his presence that to pay one penny of it would be to lose 1,000 cr. for one, and Henry has himself told him that the amity with the Emperor is his surest bond for it; at the treaty of Windsor (which the writers objected) the Emperor found Henry in possession of the payment, and, in procuring him to war, could not but promise the payment, but now Henry was not so in possession, no doubt the French would promise to pay, and agree to anything, but all that was not payment; it were a hard condition for the Emperor to search here for increase of strength and, at the outset, undertake payment of his enemy's debt. After much communication on both sides, the ambassador came to this, that to make any provision for the pension, otherwise than to join indifferently for the recovery of their rights, he has no power; and he thinks the Emperor would not agree to it.
Then, having spent the afternoon, took occasion to break off and report the matter moved, omitting their speeches and other "byespeech" with the ambassador, as not material. Stepney, 25 May. Signed : Cuthbert Duresme : Ste. Winton : Tho. Westm.
In Gardiner's hand, pp. 7. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
350. The Same to Wriothesley.
Proceedings here are shown in their letters to the King, to which they desire him to procure speedy answer. Have spoken with the ambassador (fn. 5) but thrice, and each time had matter they could not resolve, and so important that they dared not signify that they would relent. "As for the articles cannot spend much time if the matter be agreed on." All four challenge right to speak, and the ambassador claims as much time as they three. Stepney, 25 May. Signed : Cuth. Duresme : Ste. Winton : Tho. Westm.
In Gardiner's hand, p. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
26-27 May.
Dasent's A.P.C., 4.
351. The Privy Council.
Meetings at Hampton Court, 26 and 27 May. Present: Southampton, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley. No business recorded.
28 May.
Dasent's A.P.C., 4.
352. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 28 May. Present : Southampton, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Sir Nic. Poyntz, for failing to keep his bond to the Council, and imprisoning Jas. Higges, who had informed against him, committed to the Fleet.
28 May.
R. O. Kaulek, 421. (Abstract.)
353. Francis I. to Marillac.
Replied fourteen or fifteen days ago to what he wrote by the receiver De Chasteauneuf, and has now received his letter of the 20th, of the King's return from Dover towards London. Begs him to send continual news and be vigilant.
French. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed : Esclairon, 28 Mai 1542.
29 May.
R. O.
354. Sir Ric. Ryche to Sir Edw. North.
Warrant to deliver 100l. to Mr. Ant. Denny towards the enclosing and paling of a new park, which the King wishes forthwith to make beside his manor of Waltham. Hampton Court, 29 May 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt for the above 100l., dated 10 June 34 Hen. VIII. Signed : Antony Denny.
P. 1. Add. : treasurer of the Court of Augmentations.
30 May.
Dasent's A.P.C., 5.
355. The Privy Council.
Meetings at Hampton Court, 29 and 30 May. Present : Southampton, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
[*** Next entry is 1 June.]
30 May.
Add. MS. 9835 f. 21b. B. M.
356. Henry Stevenson.
Warrant dormant for the payment by the Cofferer of wages and board wages (amount not stated) to Henry Stevenson, gentleman of the Chapel Royal. Addressed to the great master, treasurer, comptroller, cofferer, and "other head officers" of the Household. Hampton Court, 30 May 34 Hen. VIII.
Copy, p. 1.
30 May.
Harl. MS. 442 f. 181. B. M.
357. The Sanctuary at Manchester.
Proclamation, pursuant to the statute of 33 Hen. VIII., which annulled the statute of 32 Hen. VIII. (making Manchester, Lanc., a sanctuary town), and substituted Westchester as a sanctuary town, on condition that if the King found Westchester an unsuitable place he might substitute some other place. Now, as Chester adjoins Wales and is near the sea, so that malefactors can escape from it to Scotland, Ireland, and outward parts, the King substitutes Stafford for it, and orders the constables of Manchester to bring the sanctuary men now there to Stafford and deliver them by indenture to the bailiffs. Westm. 30 May 34 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 6.
30 May.
R. O.
358. Michael Stanhope to the Lord Privy Seal and Others.
Received, 28 May, their letter of the 26th, and accordingly, the day after its receipt, discharged the garrison; but as divers things remain doubtful, as in the schedule enclosed, he desires speedy answer in them. Kingston upon Hull, 30 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : "To the right honorable Councillors, my lord Privy Seal, my lord Admiral, Sir Anthony Browne, Mr. Treasurer of the King's household, and Sir Thomas Woursley, knight, give this, at the Court." Endd. : "xxx May," and underneath, "34."
R. O. 2. Remembrances to the King's Council.
To know whether the shutting of the gates "nightly and morningly" shall be committed to the mayor or me. Meanwhile I have appointed one of my men to do it. The King appointed a master gunner to have the oversight here and at Pawle. Are his wages to continue? And also those of the rest of the gunners? An overseer seems necessary; and he says there may be no less than 12 gunners. The King commanded Dr. Stephens, a doctor of physic, to reside here; and he accordingly removed hither from York with his wife and necessaries. He desires to know whether he shall remain or depart, and what he shall have for his service here; for he has been at great charge, and has had nothing, and is very honest and willing. Who shall exercise the offices Mr. Long had here; for, by my commission, I have nothing to do in them but for the levying of men if required. The bp. of York has commanded the men of Beverley not to suffer the clerk of the market of the King's house to exercise his office there; and, if the orders, measures and prices used there be suffered, the victuallers of Hull will remove thither. I enclose a letter from the bishop's treasurer to his deputy at Beverley. I perceive the King's pleasure that I should lie in his manor here, but the chambers are so great that all my poor implements will not furnish one of them. Also my wife is with child, and thinks to be delivered about Michaelmas, and in such a cold house she should be in great danger. Meanwhile I have appointed the master gunner to lie there. The house I purchased at the South End here is ready for me, where most of the King's ordanance lies before the door, bent upon the haven.
The King appointed Thos. Alred to be chief constable of the castle here, which was his chief living. And, as you write that the whole garrison should be discharged, save me and my company and those engaged on the works here, I desire to know whether he shall have his fee still; for he has of the paymaster only 6d. a day for himself and his clerk, and is very honest and fit to serve in such a place. Signed : Mychaell Stanhope.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 3. "Remembrances for Mr. Stanhop."
The questions given in 2. more briefly stated. And, in addition : To know upon what occasion the beacon by the bulwark at Pawle "shalbe set on fire or shot at any ship." Who shall keep the bulwark next Humber, which, within six weeks, will be ready for men and ordnance? As it will require 12 gunners "respect had need to be had in th appointing of the captain." That authority may be given to the clerk of the market to exercise his office in Beverley, which the bishop has inhibited.
P. 1.
13 May.
Hist. MSS. Com. Report VI. 447.
359. Gilbert Holme.
Patent [of the Earl of Derby] to Gilbert Holme of the keeping of the town of Lyverpool. Last of May 34 Hen. VIII.

R. O.
360. [Henry VIII. to Bonner.]
We have received the letters addressed unto us by Sir Henry Knevet, gentleman of our Chamber, and perceive "your sundry discourses with Mons. de Grande[vela] and finally the [dispatch] . . . . . . . . sent to th' Emperor's ambassador [here re]sident," which was immediately delivered to him. Whereupon, he had audience upon Ascension Day, (fn. 6) and "we showed our self of such inclination as he had [cause] to [be con]tented, and presently appointed to treat with him our tr. and w. counsellors the bishops of Duresme, Winchester, and Westminster; to whom we gave in all points as large commission as he had received from th' Emperor; after whose travail with him by the space of one [sevenni]ght, for the more speedy conclusion [of the] matter," we caused both him and them to repair hither to Hampton Court, and lodged him as appertained. After we had "discoursed apart with him, both touching the state of us, his master and the world, and what was in every branch and degree to be considered, we referred him to his treaty with our said counsellors, who conceived such [ar]ticle[s] (fn. 7) fo[r the] further acceleration of the matter d[evised] certain articles in form of treaty," copy herewith, and communicated it to him, and his answers are "totted" upon every article. As we could grow to no conclusion, albeit we "came for our part to more than reason," we explicate to you the reasons made on our part, to be expressed there, with "such other as [you can] of your wisdom add to them [for] our commodity and purpose."
First, in the article of comprehension of countries for defence ad expensas prestantis he would include Spain, whereas we would have left Spain and Ireland within the compass of aid granted by our old treaties ad expensas requirentis; but this he would not be content with unless we left out Calais, Guisnes, and the marches. Pointed out that Spain was four times as big as England; that whereas the Low Countries might aid us with small charge, Spain was so far off and so large that to attempt to aid it would consume a prince's treasure and weary his people fruitlessly; and to leave out Calais and Guisnes, [whi]ch had ever been comprehended, was, unless they thought that the firing of their neighbour's house could not damage them, altogether unreasonable. Came then to the articles of the entry into the war, and we desired, "where we be now in peace and at that p[oi]nt with [the Fren]chem[en] that they deny us not our [pension], but grant the debt, and daily seek ways and means how to see us thereof satisfied," that, entering the war for the Emperor's benefit, and so losing the arrears, 1,352,000 cr., and percase the pension, and consuming great treasure in the war and the defence of the Scottish border, the Emperor should make like bond of indemnity of the pension, as he did in the treaty of Windsor, the copy of which bond we send herewith. Here the ambassador seemed to make the case indifferent, "as though we had as great a cause to enter the war for the recovery of that which is not denied unto us, by the which entry we should also consume innumerable treasure, being already in our possession, as he who is daily so assaulted and infested by the Turk and the Fre[nch king] as it is not unlike but, unless he look groundly and shortly to the redress and stay of it, it may turn him to an extreme loss and displeasure." But we, to abridge matters and show ourselves more to regard the quiet of Christendom and defence of our old friend, neither stood upon the precedent nor the causes which should more enforce the like now than before, nor upon the expense to be sustained in this war, but descended to the overture that if the Emperor "would be bound, at the day prefixed, to invade the said French king in such place as he should think for his most commodity with th' army pre[fixed we for our part would] be bound to do the [sembl]able in the parts of Picardy."
Unfinished draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 11. Mutilated. Endd. (in a later hand) : 'May 1542, M. to the bishop of London ambr in Spayn."

361. Charles V. and Henry VIII.
Draft treaty between Charles V. and Henry VIII. to the following effect :1. That all past unkindness be forgotten, and neither prince, during their lives, make any treaty to the prejudice of the other; any promise to the contrary, which may have passed either of them to be void, as repugnant to the former leagues between them. 2. Neither prince, upon any pretext, be it at the request of any prince, state or potentate, temporal or spiritual, or otherwise, shall recede from this present treaty. 3. Neither prince shall make any treaty or truce with France, "if they shall enter war against the same," without the other's consent.
The preamble states that ("where th' office and duty of every Christian king, prince and potentate," require them to maintain Christ's religion, and withstand such as would annoy it), the King of England is certified, by his ally, Charles V., and otherwise, that the Turk makes great preparations this year against Christendom, and the French king, who has had the name of "Most Christian king," aids him. The said Emperor and King of England, to stay the French king from this abomination (who, relying on the Turk's friendship, withholds from each of them certain rights and inheritances), think it necesssary, although already in amity, to enter a more strait amity, "which we A. be (sic), etc., sufficiently authorised by the commission of the said most noble King of England, and I, Chapuis, &c., sufficiently, etc., have by virtue of our commissions [the tenor whereof ensueth] (fn. 8) concluded in manner and form following."
In Wriothesley's hand, pp. 8. Endd. : Th' Emperor's ambassador; and in a later hand : 1542, Preface for a treaty made between the King's Majesty and the Emperor.
May./Grants. 362. Grants in May 1542.
1. Wm. Stafford and Mary his wife. Licences to alienate :
(i.) The manor of Magna Holland with its lands (extent given) there and in Walton, Claston Magna, Claston Parva, Kyrbye, Thorp, Mose and Beamond, Essex, and the advowson of the church; to Sir Thos. Pope and Nich. Bacon and the heirs of the said Nicholas. Westm., 1 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 2.
(ii.) The manors of Maners Fee, Zouches Fee, Colvill Fee, and Shardelowes, with appurtenances in Fulbourne and Hynton, Camb., and the advowson of Fulbourne church; to Henry Greye. Westm., 1 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 6.
2. Sir John lord Russell, Great Admiral. Licence to alienate the manor of Kyrbye, Ntht., which belonged to Fyneshed priory, to Humph. Stafford, of Kyrbye (son and heir apparent of Humph. Stafford, of Blatherwyke, Ntht.) and Margaret his wife. Westm., 1 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 9, m. 30.
3. Edm. Horne. Licence to alienate the manor of Fyfelde, Oxon, to Henry Rathbon. Westm., 1 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII p. 11, m. 8.
4. Edw. Skypwyth and Margaret his wife. Licence to alienate the late priory of Clementhorp, with appurtenances in Clementhorp, Bysshopthorp, Knavysmyre, Busterthorp and Myddlethorp, in co. city of York, with the demesne lands (named) and "le Fysshgarthe" in Clementhorp, late in tenure of Wm. Maunsell, dec., and the messuage late in tenure of Thos. Leedes in Middlethorpe; to Sir Arthur Darcy and Mary his wife. Westm., 1 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 10.
5. Nich. Deryng. Licences to alienate :
(i.) The manor of Owers, Hants, which belonged to Hyde mon., to John Pescod. Westm., 1 May.
(ii.) The messuage called Whetham in Lysse, Hants, which belonged to St. Mary's, Winchester, with lands called Longe landes thereto adjoining, in Lysse Turney, Lysse Abbas and Whetham Hyll, Hants, in tenure of John Westbroke; to the said John. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 11.
6. John Bowes. To be clerk of all liveries or prosecutions of lands, in England, Wales, Calais, and the marches, in the Court of wards and liveries; for life; with the usual fees. Del. Westm., 1 May 34 Henry VIII.S.B. (Subscribed by Lord Chancellor Audeley and endorsed "at the suit of Mr. Dennye.") Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
7. The Court of the General Surveyors of Crown Lands. Appointment of officers of this Court (which, as established by act of the Parliament, 33 Henry VIII., now prorogued till 3 Nov. next, is to consist of three General Surveyors having power to use the seal of the Court, who shall be collectively the first officer of the Court, the treasurer of the King's Chamber for the time being, who shall be treasurer and 2nd officer of the Court, a person learned in the law, who shall be attorney of the Court and 3rd officer, and a master of the woods who shall be 4th officer), i.e. of Sir John Daunce, Sir Ric. Pollard and Sir Thos. Moyle, as the General Surveyors and, collectively, first officer, and of Sir Brian Tuke, Wm. Staunford, hereby named attorney of the Court, and John Mynne, hereby named master of the woods. As the Chamber, called the Princes Chamber, where the General Surveyors have hitherto sat, is too small they shall have new quarters assigned to them. Del. Westm., 1 May 34 Henry VIII.S.B. (Subscribed by Daunce, Staunford and Mynne. Endd.: The Commission for the General Surveyors.)
8. Wm. Staunford, esquire. To be attorney of the Court of General Surveyors; with 40l. a year fee, and allowance of his travelling expenses. Greenwich, 24 April 34 Hen. Vin. Del. Westm., 1 May.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 2. (Cancelled, with note that 28 December 38 Hen. VIII., Staunford freely surrendered his letters patent.)
9. Ric. Jenour, gentleman. To be clerk of the Court of General Surveyors; with fees as enjoyed by the clerk of the Chamber of the King's duchy at Westminster or duchy of Lancaster (sic). Greenwich, 24 April 34 Hen. VIII. Del. 1 May.P.S.
10. John Mynne, esquire. To be fourth officer or master of the woods in the Court of General Surveyors, with 50l. a year and power to appoint deputies and allowance of travelling expenses for himself and them. Greenwich, 24 April 34 Henry VIH. Del Westm., 1 May. P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 24. 2. Another copy without date of delivery.P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 26 (undated).
11. George Delalynde and Mary his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Staunton Fytzherbert, Wilts, with the advowson of the parish church of Staunton, Staunton Fytzherbert and Staunton Fytzwaren, Wilts; to Thos. Brynde. Westm., 2 May. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 6.
12. Robt. Holte of Stubley in Rachedale, Lanc. Licences to alienate :
(i.) Three messuages in the several possessions of Giles Grene, Wm. Dawson and Giles Hamond, in Calcottes in Parva Mytton, Lanc., with all his woods and underwoods in Parva Mytton, which belonged to Whalley mon.; to Anth. Watson. Westm., 3 May. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.
(ii.) A messuage lying on the east side of the church of Whalley, Lane, in possession of John Bradyll, a messuage and garden there, lately in possession of Robt. Lawe, and two closes called Lower and Over Bronysshe Bankes in Whalley, in tenure of John Bradyll, all which belonged to Whalley mon.; to John Bradyll, of Whalley. Westm., 3 May. Ibid.
(iii.) Lands in Standen next Clyderowe, Lane, in occupation of Wm. Farram and of Giles Coltehurst, which belonged to Whalley mon.; to Giles Coltehurst, of Standen, Lanc. Westm., 3 May. Ibid., m. 21.
(iv.) Lands in Edysforthe in Clyderowe, Lanc., in the occupation of Henry Coltehurst and Robt. Wadyngton, and in Hulcroft in Clyderowe in occupation of John Felden, all which belonged to Whalley mon.; to Matthew Coltehirste. Westm., 3 May. Ibid.
13. George Zouche. Licence to alienate a pension of 3l. 6s. 8d. out of the rectory of Eynsbury, Hunts, which belonged to St. Neot's monastery; to Hugh Gibson, clk. Westm., 3 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 9, m. 30.
14. John Knyghtley, clk., King's Chaplain. To be dean of the collegiate church of Warwick, Worc. dioc., void by the resignation of John Carvanel. Rochester, 27 April 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 May.P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 26.
15. George Byrche, King's servant. Licence to search for and dig ores in the North parts of the realm (where they are said to be numerous), buildings and several grounds about men's houses excepted, and to melt 400 lbs. weight of each kind of ore and make certificate thereof. With charge to justices and officers to assist him. Westonhanger, 1 May 34 Henry VIII. Del. Westm., 3 May.P.S. In English.
16. Town of Melcombe Regis, Dors. Grant (in consideration that the burgesses and tenants are excessively burdened with a fee farm of 8 mks. and tenths and fifteenths amounting to 9l. 15s. when they are granted) that, for 40 years, the fee farm of the town may be only 20s. and the tenths and fifteenths 13s. 4d.; with pardon of arrears. Moreover, whereas the Parliament of 32 Hen. VIII. granted the King four fifteenths and tenths to be levied as usual, except the sum of 24,000l. to be deducted therefrom for the relief of poor towns, cities and boroughs, the town is pardoned for 36l. 6s. 8d. of the 39l. which would thus become due from them; and John Browne and Walter Grey, collectors, respectively, of the 1st and 2nd of these fifteenths and tenths, are exonerated in their accounts to the above amounts, and those who shall be collectors of the 3rd and 4th payments in co. Dors., shall be likewise exonerated. Greenwich, 23 April 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 May.P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 25.
17. John Arnold, King's servant. Licence to alienate the reversion of a pasture of sheep with the tithes thereon in Collesborne, Glouc., which Thos. Geys now holds for life and which belonged to Lanthony monastery, beside Gloucester, as part of the manor of Collysborne; a pasture called Beyrtteley late in tenure of Walt. Woodwell and now of Arthur Porter outside the southern gate of Gloucester, 8 acres of meadow in tenure of Arthur Porter in Sudnede beside Gloucester, which belonged to St. Peter's monastery, Gloucester; and lands called Rogiers now in tenure of Arthur Porter in Queddesley, Glouc., which belonged to Lanthony; to the said Arthur Porter. Westm., 4 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 21.
18. Arthur Longfeld. Licence to alienate the chief messuage in Blechenden, Oxon, and lands in Blechenden and Hampton Gaye, Oxon, which belonged to Godstow mon., and are leased to Edmund Powell; also rent of 5s. and service due from the tenement of Robt. Howse, and two messuages in tenure of Hen. Sylversyde, in Blechenden, which belonged to Osney mon.; to Sir John Williams. Westm., 4 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 6.
19. John White and John Hauchett and Bridget his wife. Pardon for the alienation without licence of the manor of Caldecote, Bucks, by Hauchett and his wife to White. Westm., 4 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 11.
20. John Fletcher. Letters of marque enrolled in 34 Hen. VIII. (Pat. p. 12, m. 20) as dated Westm., 4 May, are of the year 1543.
21. John Smyth. Licence to alienate the messuage and farm called Heygrene, with certain closes there (named), Essex, to Thos. Smyth, of Hackney, Midd., to be regranted to the said John and Dorothy his wife and the heirs of the said John. Westm., 5 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 1.
22. Wm. Severn. Licence to alienate a moiety of the manor of Fulkys in Barkyng, Essex, to Stephen Close and Ralph Marshall. Westm., 5 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 11.
23. Thos. Lokar, merchant, of Bristol. Licence to alienate a water mill in tenure of Edw. Warham and messuages in tenure of Ric., Roger and Wm. Warham in Caldebroke, in the lordship and parish of Madley, Salop, which belonged to Wenlock priory, also certain fields (named) in Burwardesley, Salop, held by Wm. Longley by copy of court roll; to Wm. Sprotte, merchant of Bristol. Westm., 5 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 12.
24. Ric. Venables, serjeant at arms. Lease of (1) the lordship of Muyth alias Muythoke, Glouc., and other parcels of lands called Spencer's lands (which were leased, by pat. 13 May 15 Hen. VIII., to Henry abbot of Tewkesbury, for 21 years); (2) certain lands (specified and tenants named) in Camhouses within the lordship of Wens[leydale, Yorks.], (3) lands in Est Maryfourthe in Rokewyke, Yorks., (4) the grange called Myddelton Grange in the Myre, Yorks., which premises in Yorkshire belonged to Jervaux mon., and came to the King by attainder of the abbot; and (5) lands (specified and tenants named) in Bisshoppes Dale within the lordship of Myddelham, Yorks., parcel of lands assigned for the pay of the garrison of Berwick. To hold the lands in Gloucestershire from Mich. 1544, for 21 years, and the rest from Mich. next, for 21 years; at rents of (1) 8l. 19s. 1d., (2) 6l. 16s. 8d., (3) 3l., (4) 5l., and (5) 13l. respectively. Del. Westm., 5 May 34 Hen. VIII.S.B. (very faded and illegible).
25. Agnes duchess of Norfolk, late of Lambeth, Surr., widow. General pardon for treasons committed before 14 Feb. 33 Hen. VIII. Westm., 5 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 3, m. 26.
26. Alex. Plumley. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Alex. Plumley, mercer, of London, without proof of age, with profits since 18 June 32 Hen. VIII. Westm., 6 Feb. 33 Hen. VIII. Del. 6 May 34 Hen. VIII.P.S. Pat. p. 9, m. 5.
27. Davit Upgynkyn and George Estcote, yeoman of the Guard. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of bailiff of the manor of Colomp John, with 4l. a year. The office was granted 29 Nov. 20 Hen. VIII. by Henry late marquis of Exeter to the said Davit alone, who has now surrendered his patent, and it is in the King's gift by the attainder of the said marquis. Greenwich, 8 April 33 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May 34 Hen. VIII.P.S. Pat. p. 7, m. 29.
28. Commission of the peace.
Cumb.Lord Chancellor Audeley, Norfolk, Treasurer, Suffolk, President of the Council, Russell, Privy Seal, John Hynde King's serjeant at law, Edm. Moleneux, King's serjeant at law, Sir Thos. Clyfford, Sir Thos. Tempest, Sir Robt. Bowes, Sir Thos. Wharton, Sir Thos. Curwen, Sir Edw. Eglyanby, Thos. Dalston, John Alegh, Ant. Barwys, Robt. Bristowe, Wm. Bentley, Thos. Salkeld, Wm. Moulcaster. Westm., 6 May 34 Hen. VIII. Pat. p. 11, m. 1d.
29. John Weale, S.T.B. The presentation, dated 7 May, to Great All Hallows, London, enrolled in Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 12, m. 21, is of the year 35 Hen. VIII.
30. Thos. Noke. Licence to alienate certain land, specified, in Hatfield Brodoke alias King's Hatfeld, Essex, to Thos. Lukyn. Westm., 8 May. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
31. Marcus Antonius Petala, one of the King's sagbutt players. Grant of the manor or lordship of Fyddington, Glouc., parcel of Warwick's lands, for 21 years at 40s. rent; which manor was lately granted to Peregrine Symond, dec., for term of life. Greenwich, 20 April(year blank). Del. Westm., 9 May 34 Hen. VIII.P.S.
32. Thos. Topclif, gentleman. Annuity of 7l. out of the manor of Ayshby and certain lands in Firskny, Linc., late of Thos. Delalaunde, gentleman, dec., and in the King's hands by the minority of Isabel and Susan, kinswomen and heiresses of the said Thos. Delalaunde, viz., daughters of William, dec., son and heir apparent of the said Thomas; with the wardship and marriage of the said daughters. Dover Castle, 3 May 34 Henry VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May.P.S. Pat. p. 11, m. 32.
33. Henry Fortescue. Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Eyworth, Beds, and Morehall in Writtell, Essex, and a third part of the manor of Trompington, Camb., with appurtenances in Eyworth, Writtell and Trompington; which premises came to Henry VII. by the attainder of Sir Ric. Carleton. With issues since the Annunciation 32 Hen. VIII The preamble states that the premises were granted in tail male by patent 13 March 1 Hen. VII. to Sir John Fortescue, father of John, father of the said Henry; but that owing to some informality the grant was found valid only for the life of the said Sir John. (fn. 9) Westm., 10 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 7, m. 27.
34. Nich. Alcok, one of the King's surgeons. Grant, in fee (for 173l. 5s.), of the rectory of Kirby juxta Owresby, Linc., which belonged to Elsham priory, Linc., with a tithe barn and stable adjoining, in tenure of Wm. Turwytt; also the advowson of the vicarage of Kirby; yearly value 9l. 12s. 6d.; free of charges, except 7s. 6d. a year for procurations and synodals to the dean of Lincoln. Dover Castle, 5 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May.P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 19.
35. George Ardern, the King's servant. Grant, in fee, of the King's reversion of a tenement called "le Bull super le Hope" and a tenement adjoining, called "le Bull," in which Thos. Grove lately dwelt, in the parish of St. Peter's Cornhill and ward of Limestrete, in London, and 4 messuages and 100 acres of land in Walworth in the parish of St. Mary of Newington, Surr., all which one Thos. Scopham, mercer of London, by indenture, 3 March 20 Henry VIII., sold to Ric. Fermour, merchant of the Staple of Calais, with promise to enfeoff Sir Edm. Walsingham, Wm. Fermour, Wm. Walsingham, Hen. White, Ric. Wenman and John Williams in the same to the use of the said Scopham during life, and after his death the premises in London to go to Ric. Fermour, those in Walworth, except the farm (described) which one Lewis Turfote then held in right of Agnes his wife, to the use of Alice then and now wife of the said Thos. Scopham for life, with remainder to Ric. Fermour, and the said farm to Ric. Fermour, which sale was duly completed by course of law, by fine levied before Robt. Brudenell, Ric. Broke, Ant. Fitzherbert, Thos. Englefeld and Wm. Shelley, justices, &c. (detailed), and afterwards, i.e. 8 May 32 Henry VIII., the said Ric. Fermour was attainted and the premises became forfeited to the King. Westonhanger, 1 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May.P.S.
36. Arthur Longfeld. Licence to alienate the lands in tenure of Wm. Wogan in Wykyn or Outwykyn, formerly called Ellfeld, Ntht., which belonged to Shene monastery, to Edw. Gyffard and Christina his wife. Westm., 10 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 1.
37. Edw. Rawleygh. Livery of lands in England, Wales and Calais as s. and h. of Ant. Rawleigh and Eliz. his wife, late wife of Leonard Rede, dec., without proof of age. With profits since the deaths of the said Anthony and Elizabeth. Westm., 10 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 9, m. 7.
38. Henry Dyngley. Livery of lands without proof of age, as son and heir of Sir John Dyngley, dec., in England, Wales and Calais, with profits since the death of Sir John. Westm., 10 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 9, m. 15.
39. John Edwards, one of the gentlemen ushers of the King's Chamber. To be chief forester or master of the forest in Chirkeland, Denb., with 2d. a day. Dover Castle, 6 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May.P.S.
40. John Barnaby alias Berneby, of Hendley upon Thames, Oxon, yeoman. Pardon of all offences committed before 18 April 32 Hen. VIII. Dover Castle, 4 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May.P.S.
41. Thomas duke of Norfolk. Licence to alienate lands called Langherst or Langhurst farm, in Horsham, Suss., and all lands in Horsham which John Caryll, late King's serjeant at law, or Robt. Whyght, of Farnham, Surr., clothier, dec., held, as part of the said farm, from the abbess and convent of Syon, Midd.; to John Caryll. Westm., 12 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 11.
42. Edw. Fynes lord Clynton and Saye. Licence to alienate 40 acres of pasture and a close of pasture called Dolewhaite, in Yernham, Linc., to Godfrey Colvyll. Westm., 12 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 1.
43. John Huntley. Pardon for having acquired lands held of the Crown in capite without licence, i.e. the manor of Elkeston alias Elston with its lands there and in Dryffeld, Cowlesborne, Cowley and Wynston, and the advowson of Elkeston church. Westm., 13 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 1.
44. Commission of Sewers.
Soms.Sir John Seyntlowe, Sir Hen. Capell, Sir Hugh Paulett, Sir John Newton, John Rodney, John Kenne, Thos. Arter, Thos. Horner, Edm. Huntley, Alex. Popham, Ant. Gilbert, Thos. Bamfeld, Wm. Vowell, Thos. Kemys, Giles Dodyngton, and Hugh Brooke, commissioners, to survey and see to the repair of sea dykes, &c., from Porteshed Mill by Weston in Gorden, Walton, Clopton, Portbury, Eston in Gorden, back to Porteshed Mill and thence by Clevedons Mill, Tykenham, Wraxall, Kencottes Fourde, the "oute yeo" called New Yeoe, Yeatton, Camesbury, Babours Mill, Lawrenswyke, World (sic), Pukkestone, Banwell, Kyngeston Seymer, Ken, Naylesey, Mygyll, Chelvey, Brokley to Bakewell. Westm., 13 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 8d.
45. Commission of gaol delivery.
Derby gaol.Roland Babyngton, Matthew Knyfton, German Poole, Thos. Powterell, Wm. Legh, Fras. Leeke, Edw. Gery, Ric. Curson, and Thos. Sutton. Westm., 13 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 13d.
46. Sir Thos. Pope. Licence to alienate the rectory and advowson of Evenley, Ntht., to Edm. Powell. Westm., 14 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 7.
47. John Croke. Licence to alienate a messuage, &c., in Chanceller Lane in the parish of St. Dunstan's in Fleet Street, London (position given as regards the high way, the field which belonged to the late hospital of St. John of Jerusalem called Fykkettesfeld, the tenement of John Tayler and the tenement late in tenure of John Yonge, clk., and now of Edw. Garth), to Owen Oglethorp, clk. Westm., 15 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 1.
48. Michael Wentworth, clerk of the Kitchen. To be steward of the manors or lordships of Penrith, Castelsoureby, Scotby, Gamlesby, and Queneshames, Cumb.; with fees of 100s., vice Henry late earl of Cumberland, dec. Westenhanger, 1 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 May.P.S.
49. John Farraunt of Yngerstone, Essex, labourer. Pardon for having accidentally killed Thos. Olmested, aged eight years, with an arrow, while shooting at the butts called "Twelve score prikk" at Abbas Yng, Essex, 1 May 33 Hen. VIII., as certified by Thos. Sylesden, coroner, to Sir Thos. Willoughby and Sir Humph. Brown, King's serjeant, justices of gaol delivery at Colchester. Westm., 15 May. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
50. John Agmondysham and Eleanor his wife. Pardon for having alienated, without licence, to Fras. Counsell, the manor of Aspe in Walton upon Thames and Kingston, Surr., and three messuages in East Greenwich, Kent. Westm., 16 May. Pat. p. 2, m. 21; also m. 20 (where it is cancelled).
51. Wm. Gonson, of London. Licence to alienate the reversion of the house and site of the college of Acon, in London, now leased to Thos. Mildemaye, to Sir Ralph Waren, alderman. Westm., 16 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 22; also enrolled in p. 4, m. 6.
52. Sir Francis Bryan and Philippa, his wife, Hen. Fortescu, son and heir apparent of the said Philippa, Ric. Bury, Reginald Mone and Edw. Bathecome. Licence to alienate the manor of Magna Tey, with lands in Magna Tey, Parva Tey, Markystey, Feryng, Aldam, Fordam, Wakescolne, Pontebright, Oldford, Uphall and Ramsey, and the advowson of the church of Magna Tey; to Sir Thos. lord Audeley of Walden, Chancellor. Westm., 16 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 12.
53. Charles duke of Suffolk, great master of the Household. Licence to alienate the manor, or mansion house and site of the manor, or late preceptory of Rybston, in (blank) parish, Yorks., with a house and smithy therein and all the buildings and demesnes (specified); to Hen. Goodryk and Margaret his wife. Westm., 17 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 2.
54. Ric. Andrewes. Licence to alienate the manor of Cudston, Worc., to Wm. Freman. Westm., 17 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 2.
55. Sir Ric. Longe and Margaret his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Littleton, Glouc., to Wm. Stumppe. Westm., 17 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 7.
56. Ralph Fane and Eliz. his wife. Livery of the lands of the said Elizabeth, as d. and h. of Roland Brygges and Marg., his wife, without proof of age. Profits since Mich. 32 Hen. VIII. Westm., 18 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 9, m. 14.
57. Thos. Godfray. To be clerk of the Court of First Fruits and Tenths (as established by Act of Parliament 32 Hen. VIII. to manage those issues which, by Act of 26 Hen. VIII., were annexed to the Crown), vice Alex. Cowrthopp, dec. Greenwich, 17 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 May.P.S. Pat. p. 7, m. 24.
58. Agnes duchess of Norfolk late of Lambeth, Surr., widow. Grant, for life, of the manors or lordships of Stoke alias Stoke Hall, Suff., of Reigate, Surr., of Sheringham, Welles, Wiveton, Warram, Stafford Barningham and Hecham, Norf., and of lands in Colchester, Essex, with all appurtenances in Stoke, Neylond, Polstede, Boxworth and Higham, Suff., and the other places aforenamed, except the rectory and advowson of Hicham; which premises the said Duchess lately held for life, with remainder to Thomas duke of Norfolk and his heirs, and forfeited by her late attainder; rent free, with profits from Michaelmas last. Greenwich, 18 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May. P.S. Pat. p. 7, m. 32.
59. George Harper. Licence to alienate the manor and advowson of the rectory of Onger ad Castrum alias Chepmgonger, Essex, to Wm. Morice. Westm., 20 May. Pat. p. 3, m. 26.
60. Ant. Pounde. Licence to alienate the manors of Drayton le Beare and Stenbery, Hants, to Wm. Wayte and Ant. Wayte and the heirs of the said Ant. Wayte. Westm., 20 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 2.
61. Thos Wymbysshe and Elizabeth his wife. Livery or lands, in right of said Elizabeth, kinswoman of Sir George Tayleboys and daughter of Sir Gilbert lord Tayleboys, dec., and sister of George lord Tayleboys, also sister and heiress of Robt. lord Tayleboys, son of the said Sir Gilbert, i.e. the lordships or manors of South Kyme, Aswarby, Golthagh, lngham, Metheringby, Hesyll, Newton, Kyme, Hornyngton, Paderthorpe, Redesdale Ball., Redesdale Coll., Cokedale, Croydon and Rokeby, with their appurtenances in Byllyngay, North Kyme, Walcote, Dogdike, Counsby, Skyrbecke, Swyneshedde, Bycker, Anstrope, Ewerby, Evedon, Osbournby, Helpringham, Asgarby and Totyng, in cos. Linc., Yorks., Nthld., Camb., Warw. and Surr., with advowsons of the churches of South Kyme, Aswarby, Golthages alias Golthagh, Ingham, Metheryngham, Hesyll, Newton Kyme, Hornyngton, Paderthorpe alias Padokthorpe, Redesdale Ball., Redesdale Coll., Cokedale, Crawden and Rokeby, and all other possessions of the said Robert lord Tayleboys. Greenwich, 19 May 34 Hen VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
62. Commission of Sewers.
Suff.Hen. Doyle, Lionel Talmage, Thos. Darcy, Thos. Sekeforthe, Edw. Glemham, Chr. Goldingham, Nich. Cutler, John Southwell, Robt. Browne, John Valantyne and John Sone, commissioners in the marshes of Sudbury. Westm., 20 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 9d.
63. Augustine Palmer, clerk. The grant of a pension enrolled on Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 10, m. 26, is of the year 35 Hen. VIII.
64. George Harper. Licence to alienate the site and chief messuage of the manor of Forthampton, Glouc., with certain closes and lands (specified) in Forthampton and Swynley, Glouc., and the rectories and advowsons of Forthampton and Swynley; to Maurice Denys. Westm., 23 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 3.
65. Peter Mannyng of New Sarum, Wilts, horseleche. Pardon for the murder of his wife Mary, whom, 16 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. about 12 p.m., she being pregnant, he attacked and wounded with a sword and finally threw downstairs from an upper chamber. Greenwich, 16 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 May.P.S. Pat. p. 12, m. 20.
66. Commissions of the peace.
Norfolk.Chancellor Audeley, High Treasurer Norfolk, Suffolk, President of the Council, Russell, Privy Seal, Hen. earl of Surrey, T. bp. of Ely, Sir Edw. Mountagu, Sir Robt. Southwell, M.R., Sir John Spelman, Thos. Bromley, King's serjeant at law, Sir Roger Townesend, Sir Wm. Paston, Sir John Heydon, Sir Nich. Hare, Sir Thos. le Straunge, Sir Ric. Southwell, Sir Edm. Bedyngfeld, Sir Jas. Boleyn, Sir Ric. Gresham, Sir Chr. Heydon, Sir John Clere, Robt. Townesend, serjeant at law, Robt. Holdych, Ph. Calthorp, Hen. Bedyngfeld, Hen. Hubbard, John Gooderyke, Hen. Gooderyke, John Robsarte, Roger Woodhouse, John Curson, John Wotton, Nich. Straunge, Giles Townesends, Wm. Yelverton, Robt. Curson, Ric. Heydon, Edm. Grey, Thos. Woodhouse of Waxham, John Corbett, sen., Hen. Warde, Robt. Barney, Edm. Bellyngford, Thos. Gawdy and Gregory Davy. Westm., 23 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 2d.
67. Worc. Chancellor Audeley, Treasurer Norfolk, President Suffolk, Sir John lord Russell, Privy Seal, Wm. earl of Arundell, R. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, R. bp. of St. Asaph's, Walter lord Ferrers, Sir Nich. Hare, Sir Edm. Mervyn, Wm. Portman, King's serjeant at law, Sir Edw. Croftes, Sir Wm. Thomas, Sir John Vernon, Sir Ric. Lygyn, Wm. Whorwood, Attorney General, John Pakyngton, David Broke, John Scudamour, Thos. Nevell, Roland Moreton, Thos. Holte, Ric. Hassall, John Pryce, Thos. Acton, Robt. Acton, Thos. Hunkes, Robt. Wye, Ric. Palmer, Ric. Tracye, Geo. Willoughby, Wm. Gower, Wm. Sheldon, Wm. Cookesey, Hen. Russell, John Vampage, Ralph Sheldon, Thos. Blounte of Shillington, Chr. Savage, Walt. Blounte, Wm. Pynnocke and Ric. Wynford. Westm., 23 May. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 2d.
68. The city of Lincoln. Pardon and release of 200l. of the 400l., payable at the rate of 100l. a year, demanded of it under the act of the Parliament which began 28 April 31 Hen. VIII., and continued by divers prorogations until 24 July 32 Hen. VIII., granting the King four whole fifteenths and tenths; the remaining 200l. to be payable, 50l. a year. Westm., 23 May. Del. Westm., 25 May.P.S. Pat. p. 9, m. 29.
69. Ric. Coxe, clk., King's chaplain. Presentation to the prebend of Sutton and Buckingham with Horley and Horton, in Lincoln Cathedral, vice Ric. Pate, attainted. Westminster, 20 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 May. P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 1.
70. Barth. Baynham. To be keeper of the King's place called Staple lnn, formerly called Prynce Inn, in Calais, with 4d. sterling, English, a day; also to be one of the soldiers of Calais with one man in wages under him, vice Wm. London, resigned, with 8d. a day for himself and 6d. a day for his man. This grant is in consideration that the said Wm. London has surrendered letters patent, dated Berechurch, 5 Sept. 28 Hen. VIII., constituting him keeper of the Staple Inn with 4d. a day. Greenwich, 15 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 May.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
71. John Lupton, a yeoman of the Guard. To have the next room which shall be void of an almsman of the foundation of the Cathedral Church of Christchurch, Canterbury. Addressed to the dean and chapter. Westm., 24 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 May. P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 1. In English.
72. Wm. Saxey, King's chaplain, LL.D. Presentation to the prebend of Buckingham in the collegiate church of Southwell, Notts, void by death. Greenwich, 18 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 May.P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 1.
73. John Wilmot, gentleman. Annuity of 5 mks., out of the manor of Hall Place alias Wolfrigeston with appurtenances in Wolfrigeston, Knyghton, Uplamborne and Offyngton, Berks., now in the King's hands by the minority of Fridiswide, daughter and heiress of John George, dec.; with wardship and marriage of the said Fridiswide. Westm., 20 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 May,P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
74. John White of Southwike, Hants, esquire, the King's servant. Grant for life of certain messuages and closes, specified, in Southwike and Burhunt, Hants, now in tenures of Thos. Bright, John Barneham, Hen. Barrey, John Markes, Ric. Benet, John Benet, Wm. Capper, Wm. Hensloo, Steph. Barneham, Robt. Faukener, and Thos. Rede, which came to the King by the attainder of Hugh Holland; also all the late possessions of the said Hugh in Southwike, Burhunt, Hipley, Havount, Brokhampton, Portsmouth, Portchestre and Wykeham, Hants; rent free; with profits from Lady Day 29 Hen. VIII. Westm., 22 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 May.P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 1.
75. Sir Ric. Riche, Chancellor of the Augmentations. Grant, in fee, of (1) the manor of Gladfen alias Gladfen Hall, and (2) the rectory of Matching, which belonged to the suppressed priory of Leghes, Essex, with all possessions of the priory in Halsted and Matching, Essex; and (3) the manor of Fawcet alias Fawcett Forest, Westmld., which belonged to the dissolved abbey of Bylande, Yorks., with Fawcett Wood and all other possessions of the abbey there and in Bannandesdale, Bannandesdalehed, Borowdale, Borowdalehed and Capullfall within the parishes of Kendal and Shapp, Westmld.; values (1) 6l., (2) 11l.; rents (1) 12s., (2) 22s., (3) 34s. 8d. Hampton Court, 26 May 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 May.P.S. Pat. p. 10, m. 11.
76. Thos Rawlyn, of Tilney, Norf., husbandman, alias of Tilney in Masselond, merchant. Fiat for a protection; going in the retinue of Lord Mawtravers, deputy of Calais. Signed H. Mawtravers. Del. Westm., 28 May 34 Hen. VIII.

Spanish Calendar, VI. II. No. 9.
363. Chapuys to Mary Of Hungary. (fn. 10)
As he wrote in his letter of Easter Eve, (fn. 11) went to Hampton Court, where during the first four days of his stay he had several audiences of the King, in pursuance of her commands, touching the treaty of closer alliance. But as no instructions have yet come, either from her or from the Emperor in Spain, desires them urgently. Not having received the private ones promised by the Emperor in his letter of 3 April (fn. 12) in which, moreover, reference was made to another and fuller set of instructions to come by way of Flandersshe may conceive the awkward position in which he is placed. Believes that if either set of instructions had come to hand the King would have met him half way, for he is wise, and very well disposed to make common cause with the Emperor. Indeed, he now seems willing to risk his throne and life to avert ruin from Christendom. The French do not actually refuse to pay their debt to him, which they would the moment they heard he had made alliance with the Emperor. For want of the private instructions promised by the Queen, has not been able to advance a step. Has done his best to show the King and his ministers their need of the Emperor's alliance, but has only been able to obtain from him a general declaration of the help he would afford in an invasion of French territory, viz., 3,000 foot and as many horse. At the present juncture it would be a great thing if he would join his forces at Calais, Guisnes, etc., with ours. Thinks, moreover, it would be well to accept his offers at once, without looking too closely into the articles, for when he takes a fancy for a person or a thing he goes the whole way, and once he is engaged in the conquest of France there will be plenty of opportunities of modifying the articles. Urges strongly despatch and secrecy. Advises also that she should not address Henry in holograph letters, as "bel oncle," which serves to re-open old wounds, or speak of the "Princess of England," as the King has a son and heir.
From a holograph in French (undated) in the Archives of Vienna.


  • 1. These are probably among the documents transmitted by Lisle and Southwell to the Privy Council on the 24th May, and acknowledged by them on the 13 June.
  • 2. Three years later, when Castiglione was offering his services to Henry VIII., he lent the originals of these and other papers to the ambassador Harvel, at Venice, who transmitted these copies to England (with a letter of 16 May. 1545). An attempt has apparently been made to give a facsimile of the signature and of the postscript, which appears to have been in the Marquis's own hand, with the result that the signature "il marchese del Vasto" is quite unrecognisable, and the postscript almost unreadable.
  • 3. Chapuys.
  • 4. Vittoria Farnese.
  • 5. Chapuys.
  • 6. May 18.
  • 7. The writer has first put it "among them conceived such articles," but has cancelled the first two words, and apparently omitted to cancel the other three (which are on the next line).
  • 8. Cancelled.
  • 9. The wording of this grant, at least in the inrolment, is a little unintelligible. It says that the manors came into the King's hands by Sir John's death, "pro eo quod dicta concessio prfato Johanni facta per leges (sic) form am ultra statutum pro termino vit su minime extendebat." And the relation between this grantee, Henry, and Sir John is not distinctly indicated, though there is a clause conferring views of frank pledge, &c., "qualia dictus Ricardus Carleton, miles, sive antecessores sui, aut Johannes Fortescue miles vel Johannes Fortescue, armiger, pater prdicti Henrici Fortescue, seu eorum alicujus (sic) prantea ibidem habuerunt."
  • 10. This letter is dated 7 June in the margin of the Spanish Calendar, although the Editor says the original is undated. It must certainly have been written before Chapuys crossed to Brussels, and apparently was meant for show, as later letters seem to indicate. See No.441, p. 251, and No. 442, p. 254.
  • 11. Meaning Whitsun Eve, 27 May.
  • 12. Apparently the letter of 3 May is intended, which was forwarded by Queen Mary on the 21 May (see Nos. 293 and 339).