Henry VIII: October 1542, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: October 1542, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp534-546 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1542, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp534-546.

"Henry VIII: October 1542, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp534-546.


October 1542, 11-20

12 Oct.
R. O.
938. The Privy Council to Wallop.
Have declared his letter of the (blank) inst. to the King. Where you write that Mons. de Bies is determined to follow any booty taken by the Burgundians up to the "hard gates" of Guysnes or Newneham Bridge, the King desires you to remind him, friendly, that he has charge under his [master] as you have under yours, who would perhaps not be content; and that the King, as an equal friend to [both,] reckons that his dominions ought to be a sanctuary to both [side]s, and to permit such liberty to the one party might lead to inconveniences; and pray him to observe "neighbourhood" and neutrality. If he attempt to execute his determination, Wallop shall welcome his men as he proposes, and put them in some fear to attempt it again.
Draft, pp. 2. Mutilated. Endd. : Minute to Mr. Wallop, xijo Octob. ao xxxiiijo.
12 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 44. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 206.
939. Commissioners in the North to the Council.
Yesterday, received theirs of the 8th. Arrived here yesternight, and Norfolk departs for Berwick on Saturday; to put things in order, against the arrival of the army, to invade Scotland on Friday or Saturday come sevennight. After they have done such displeasure to the enemies as they intend, it is not to be thought that they will offer acceptable conditions, but rather try to devastate Northumberland. Desire therefore to know who shall be warden to defend the Marches after their return, and what number he shall have, and that the King may send them letters and commission addressed to him for that purpose before Sunday come sevennight, when they trust to be so far into Scotland that letters cannot safely reach them. It is to be considered that an army sore travelled and setting the head homewards will hardly be stayed unless appointed before to tarry. Send a cipher in which to send news out of Scotland, which also they will leave with Suffolk, Evre, and Wharton. Can get but two ships of sufficient burden to go to the seas to John Care, viz., one of this town belonging to Jas. Lawson and one of Orwell, of which Sabyn is owner. Newcastle, 12 Oct., 7 p.m. Signed by Norfolk, Durham and Browne.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
12 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 46. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 207.
940. Norfolk to Winchester and Wriothesley.
Begs their intercession with the King, when the time comes, not to name him warden of the Marches; for, in his old age, the winter here would kill him. Would rather lose the small substance of goods he has than lie this winter in any house on this side Dankaster, save only Lekenfeld, "where the air is nothing so vehemently cold as it is here." About 20 years past, was the King's lieutenant here when the Marquis of Dorset was warden of the Marches, who, when the winter came, was discharged and Norfolk charged with both offices. (fn. 1)
My lord Privy Seal has been ill these eight or nine days, and came hither this day in a litter. The fear of not being able to serve this journey troubles him; and I would rather have an arm broken than miss his company, "for without him and his brother (fn. 2) I were all naked." Newcastle, 12 Oct.
P.S.My lord Privy Seal's hand so trembles that he cannot sign the common letter. Fears he is in extreme danger.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
12 Oct.
R. O. St. P. IX., 201.
941. Sir Thomas Seymour to Henry VIII.
The siege being levied from before Pest, 7 Oct., and the army preparing to return, left it next day and arrived here on the 11th, where he received Henry's letter, dated Westm. 29 Aug., concerning Baron Hedyke, the captains, drums and fifes, kettle-drums and his return. Perceiving that other letters for him from England have gone on to the camp, waits here for them and has sent a man thither to provide the drums and fifes and to appoint a meeting with Baron Hedyke if still in the camp. If not, will follow him to his house, and, by the way, enquire for kettle-drums; for in the camp were only two, one with the Hungarians and the other with the General. On the 5th inst., after battering a breach, they assaulted Pest, but failed; and afterwards, for lack of wages, the soldiers refused to keep watch and ward or to make assault. The Almains will leave garrisons and be in Veyene by March next. The King of Hungary will crown his eldest son king of Hungary and remain henceforth in Almain. He will shortly hence to Norenberge, to treat this matter with the Empire. (fn. 3) Vayena, 12 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
13 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648. f. 48. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 208.
942. Henry VIII. to the Commissioners in the North.
Mr. James Leyrmonth, late ambassador from the King of Scots, arriving at Greenwich on Monday last, made great suit for access to the King's presence; but, as he had no new letters nor commission from his master, he was, after two days' suspense, finally referred to the Council, who made him plain and particular recapitulation of their (the Scots') unfriendly proceedings, their provocations of this war, and the lack of that affection which his master, both by letters and by him, had protested; which lack largely appeared by his last instructions restraining the meeting place to York when the commission was absolute. The Council then remitted him to the Commissioners, as fully instructed. From this ungentle proceeding of the King of Scots, it is evident that he has no such affection for the King as he has declared, and any offer he may make to come to a meeting will proceed rather of constraint than love. The Commissioners shall, therefore, after an exploit done, not appoint with him unless he presently after the said exploit (1) deliver the prisoners and (2) conclude amity leaving out the reservation of France, (3) send three personages of honor to lie here for a year after the amity is ratified, and (4) renounce his usurpation of the King's lands. After that, if he offer to come to the King, order is to be taken for his honorable entertainment by the way, and for the dissolving of the army and stay of the Borders.
Draft, with corrections in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 9. Endd. : Minute to my 1. of Norff., my 1. P.S., the b. of Duresme and Sir Anthony Browne, xiijo Octobr. ao xxxiiijo.
13 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 54. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 209.
943. Commissioners in the North to the Council.
Report, with weeping eyes, that my lord Privy Seal is in such case that his man Patric thinks him past remedy. Considering the loss of him at this time, it is most necessary that the King should send hither some man to lead the vanguard, as the nobility of this army have had so small experience. If he be here this day sevennight he shall be in time; for the writers will spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday near the Tweed devastating the March and Tevidale. Newcastle, 13 Oct. Signed by Norfolk, Durham, and Browne.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
13 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 56. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 210.
944. Norfolk to Winchester and Wriothesley.
Is very sorrowful for the loss of this man, (fn. 4) for, with no lack of willing noblemen, he has no help but of the Master of the Horse, who will prove of great service, lacking neither wit, soberness nor diligence. Hopes the King will make him his brother's heir in the name and lands of Southampton. (fn. 5) Having the rule of the horsemen, he cannot meddle with the vanguard. Thinks the lord Admiral is the meetest man to lead the lord Privy Seal's men, 4,000 of whom came from his friends in the south and from the Duchy of Lancaster and would most gladly go with the lord Admiral knowing what great friends they were. If the lord Admiral comes he need bring nothing but his own person, and Norfolk will provide that he may come to the army without danger if he be here by to-morrow sevennight. Friday morning, at Newcastle, 13 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. (with note, "Look on the schedule closed herein"). Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
ii. Schedule in Norfolk's hand enclosed in the above.
If the King will not send my lord Admiral, I doubt not my lord of Hertford will come, and he is the meetest personage next the other, being the Prince's uncle and experienced in wars beyond sea both with me and my lord of Suffolk. He is my near kinsman, and shall be very welcome.
13 Oct.
R. O.
945. Wallop and Others to the Council.
Send herewith a "brief declaration of the laying out, in three months and one day," ended Michaelmas Eve, of 7,900l. received from Sir Ant. Knevett and the remainder from last declaration of 7,000l. received from Mr. Denny, with estimate of one month's wages to the 26th inst. The 1,345 workmen and labourers, remaining besides those "discharged by sickness," can finish what is to be done this year by 4 Nov., to which time they have estimated; but from thenceforth they can give no estimate until they know how many the King will retain at Guisnes this winter. Suppose that 200 may well remain hewing hardstone, mining chalk and perfecting the brays about the Castle. Have added an estimate after that rate, showing the cost of wages (if the crews of horsemen and footmen remain as now) up to 21 Dec. Beg for speedy sending of money, to pay the said crews and workmen and provide conduct money for the men to be despatched as the several pieces of work now in hand shall finish. Guisnes, 13 Oct. Signed : John Wallop : Anth. Rous : Rychard Lee.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
14 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 59. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 211.
946. Commissioners in the North to the Council.
This morning arrived the Scottish herald Rosse, with letters from the King his master. Two hours later, the ambassadors sent their secretary to say that, the letters being directed to them three jointly, they durst not open them until their fellow's (fn. 6) coming, whom they looked for hourly. The Council can judge their meaning; considering that Rosse says that there arrived in the Frith, on Thursday last, 16 sail of Frenchmen laden with wine, which are probably the ships rigged at Dieppe. They were seen to pass Tynmowthe lately, and Suffolk writes, on the 12th inst., that divers such ships of war of France were off Hull and Scarborough. John Browne, captain of the wafters of the ships sent from London, came into this haven although we wrote to him from York to go to John Care at Holy Elande. With this wind neither he nor Care at Holy Elande can get out; and the French ships came so far off that he saw them not. Jennyns reports that all their ships of war have only victuals for 15 days. Here they cannot be furnished except by those who came with John Browne. Have written to Stannop to help them from Hull. Jennyns complains that the ordnance sent from London broke when it came to be shot, and that for 120 men there came scant 60 harness. Marvel that the ships of war which, the Council wrote, should come from London, are not come; since the wind that brought the French navy might well have brought them. My lord Privy Seal is past knowledge, "but, thanked be God, I, the bp. of Duresme, did shrive him this morning and gave him his rights, and found him as good a Christian man as ever I saw in my life."
Intended to go to Edinburgh and there be re-victualled out of the ships, but now it will be hard to overcome their fleet thus reinforced with 16 sail from France. Will, however, rig out six or seven ships here to go with the ships of war to seek the enemies in the Frith, and will enter Scotland on Friday next; and even if victuals will not serve as far as Edinburgh "we will make such a smoke as shall not be clawed of many years." Norfolk departs to-morrow towards Berwick, Browne follows with the army, and Durham awaits here the coming of Suffolk. John Care "has so wisely used himself that, for the lack of victual, he hath driven all his men to eat and drink but only two times in the day, which hath not been accustomed to mariners." Newcastle, 14 Oct., 6 p.m.
P.S.The two ambassadors have essayed to protract the army's setting forth until their fellow's coming. They are to remain here until Leremonthe comes; and Durham with them, not for their sakes, but to await my lord of Suffolk. Their herald who reported the coming of the 16 sail of Frenchmen now says that none were come on Thursday last, and that he heard it in England. They still trust that Leremonthe shall bring such news that peace shall ensue. Signed by Norfolk, Durham, and Browne.
Pp. 4. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
14 Oct.
R. O.
947. Queen Mary Of Hungary to Henry VIII.
Is informed by the Sieur de Beures et de la Vere that Henry's men have arrested a ship of war of his, imprisoned the crew and sent the ship, in Henry's service, against the King of Scots; confiscating it because three Scots were found therein. Two of the Scots were burgesses of La Vere and the third a gunner in the Sieur de Beures's pay. Prays him to order the release of ship and prisoners and to give credence to the Emperor's ambassador. Antwerp, 14 Oct. 1542. Signed.
French. Broadsheet, p. 1. Add. Endd.
15 Oct.
Dasent's A.P.C., 43.
948. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 15 Oct. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Westminster, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
[*** The entries for 16 and 17 Oct. record neither attendance nor business.]
15 Oct.
Galba B. x. 132. B. M. Rymer, XIV., 778.
949. Henry VIII. and Charles V.
Commission to the bps. of Winchester and Westminster and Sir Thos. Wriothesley to treat with Charles V.'s plenipotentiaries for a closer amity. 15 (fn. 7) Oct. 34 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, forming part of a sequence concluding with Charles V.'s confirmation of the treaty on 31 March 1543.
15 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 61. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 212.
950. Durham and Browne to the Council.
My lord Privy Seal died this morning, but the King's affairs shall not thereby be protracted. Norfolk departed before day to prepare at Berwick for the whole army, which will be here to-night. Browne sets forward towards Berwick to-morrow after the departure of the hindmost. Wrote yesterday how the ships were pinned in this haven by contrary wind, which has now so turned that they may go to sea. Browne has, therefore, ordered them to "avayle," and provided two more ships of 100 [tons] to go with them; and by next ebb, at six o'clock, they shall be at sea, and to-morrow morning where we wish them. Newcastle, 15 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
15 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 63. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 213.
951. Browne to the Lord Admiral and Wriothesley.
Grief for the loss of his brother, which for the King's service he dissembles, is increased by the grief and annoyance of satisfying the 4,000 men who came to serve under him. Begs Wriothesley, because he that is gone was his faithful friend, to comfort his wife, and also to require a sight of his will, and let the writer know what he has willed for the burying of his body, which meanwhile lies chested in the parish church here, "where he shall have service daily over him till he be removed." His men, laying apart their sorrow, are, like true men, bent to do what they came for. Newcastle, 15 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
15 Oct.
R. O.
952. William Lord Grey to Henry VIII.
This day 15 Burgundians brought a booty of 300 sheep as far as St. Nycase, within the Pale, where 100 Frenchmen overtook them, rescued the booty, and compelled the Burgundians, who "demeaned themselves very manly," to fly, with three or four of their number sore hurt. Seven Frenchmen pursued seven Burgundians over the bridge of St. Nycase into the Marys, and when they would have returned Grey beat the bridge with ordnance, so that they durst not pass, but were taken, with the Burgundians, by certain of Grey's men. Sent forth the captain, with 40 of the crew and four horsemen, who captured eleven more Frenchmen. Finding the captain of Fynes with his company beside Pitham, within the Pale, they desired him to come to Grey or else to Sir John Wallop, "to answer to the alarm and presumptuous enterprise" within the Pale. He was content, and went to Guisnes, while Grey resorted to the Deputy and Council, who have sent for the said captain and other Frenchmen, to examine them. Desires instructions touching the Frenchmen and Burgundians whom he detains, and how to act in like enterprises hereafter. Castle of Hampnes, 15 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
16 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 65. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 214.
953. Henry VIII. to Norfolk, Tunstall and Browne.
Has seen their letters to the Council of the 12th and 13th. Trusts the lord Privy Seal may yet recover. To supply his place in this journey, sends the earl of Hertford to lead the vanguard; and under him, for the encouragement of his men, Sir John Gage, comptroller, "being a dear friend and alliance to the said lord Privy Seal," who is to be chancellor of the Duchy if he dies. As the Commissioners now leave Westmorland, Cumberland, Kendall, and most of Northumberland and Furness behind, as they wrote on the 6th, the gentlemen left with them must be men able to lead them if necessary. Special regard must be had that no Scots remain in the fortresses, and that none have charge thereof who have made them as free for Scots as for Englishmen, like Carre of Wark, and the late constable of Berwick castle. Intends not to trouble Norfolk with the wardenry. If, by means of Angus or otherwise, any nobleman or man of great havour in Scotland is induced to give pledges to become Henry's faithful subject, he may be received, and his house and possessions spared. Hertford and Gage are to be privy to all their counsels, and likewise to the secret commission which was given to Sir. Ant. Browne and the lord Privy Seal to declare to Norfolk. They are to visit the lord Privy Seal, if he be still living, and comfort him on the King's behalf. Norfolk is to see diets of 66s. 8d. paid to Hertford and 40s. to Gage, with their posts thither.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 7. Endd. : Minute to my 1. of Norfolk, the b. of Duresme and Sir Anthony Browne, xvjo Octobr. ao xxxiiijo.
16 Oct.
Add. MS. 5,754 f. 5. B. M.
954. War Preparations.
Norfolk's warrants to Sir John Harryngten, treasurer for the wars.
1. To pay John Aderton 27l., for himself at 2s. and 50 footmen at 6d. for 20 days, beginning 16 Oct. Newcastell, 16 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day. Signed : John Aderton.
P. 1.
Ib. f. 9.
B. M.
2. To pay Sir John Beron 173l., for 3 captains at 4s. a day, 3 petty captains at 2s., 270 footmen at 6d., and 30 archers on horseback at 8d., for 20 days from 16 Oct. Newcastle, 16 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib. f. 15.
B. M.
3. To pay Ric. Molenex 20 days' wages from 16 Oct., 56l., viz., for a captain at 4s., petty captain at 2s., and 100 footmen at 6d. New-castle-upon-Tyne, 16 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib. f. 21.
B. M.
4. To pay Francis earl of Shrewsbury, 1,130l. for 20 days' wages from 16 Oct., of himself at 10s. a day, 20 captains at 4s., 20 petty captains at 2s., and 2,000 soldiers at 6d. Newcastle, 16 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day. Signed : per me Robertum Swyfte.
iii. Note, "Allowed upon this warrant according to the entry of the book, 738l."
P. 1.
Ib. f. 26.
B. M.
5. To pay Edm. Wryght 57l. for wages of one captain, one petty captain, and six horsemen at 8d. a day and 94 footmen at 6d., for 20 days, beginning 16 Oct. Newcastle, 16 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day. Signed : Harry Medyldon (?).
iii. Note : "Allowed of this warrant," 37l. 12s.
16 Oct.
R. O.
955. Du Baeskre (?) (fn. 8) to William Lord Grey.
Certain of my soldiers who had made a booty of 400 sheep had their booty rescued by the Frenchmen within your country, a thing which is insufferable. As you have eighteen Frenchmen prisoners, I beg you to deliver them to my said compaignons in compensation. Auderuicke, 16 Oct. 1542.
Copy. French, p. 1. Address copied at foot : A Monsr. Monseigneur Grayz, gouverneur du chasteau de Hams, a Haems.
17 Oct.
Hatfield MS. 231, No. 26. [Cal. of Cecil MSS. Pt. I., 74.]
956. Russell to Hertford.
"My Lords (sic), since your departure here arrived letters whereby it appeareth that my Lord of Norfolk thinketh that the ships prepared in Depe be come into the Frith. It may like you to advertise his Grace for truth, that no one of these ships be gone thither. The King's Majesty had Flecher of Rye hovering in the sea before Depe till they were all despatched, which was after this sort : 5 to waft the herring fleet; 6 to meet with certain ships of the Emperor's, coming from Gynney; 4 to Burdeulx; and the rest a fishing. This is so confirmed besides, and upon the sight of Flecher and other two boats also sent out for the nones so testified, that we take it for truth that they shall take no damage by that company. Thus we pray God to send you health. From Westminster, the 17th of October. Your assured friends (sic), J. Russell."
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Fly leaf with address lost. Headed in a later hand : To therle of Hertforde.
17 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 70. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 215.
957. Suffolk to Wriothesley.
Thanks for the news in his letters dated Westm., 15th inst. Yesterday my lord of Cumberland came, declaring that Norfolk left him and his retinue to await Suffolk's coming. He desires to have 500 of his men in wages, for he would be loth to venture himself among the Borderers without a good number of his inland men about him. Begs to know the King's pleasure herein, and the order to be taken for their pay. Thought to have 3,000 Borderers to serve without wages, but now finds they are not bound to serve without wages except in invasions of Scotland for 24 hours, and in keeping their own borders. Must have money to wage them, if the Scots come in with an army. His leg is much amended, so that he trusts to be able to ride and go in five or six days. Topolif, 17 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd : ao xxxiiijo.
17 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 72. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 216.
958. Norfolk to Wriothesley.
Arrived yesternight and finds here only the victual in the schedule herewith. John Browne, "like an ungracious man," is entered into Tynmouth haven with all the victuals, and the wind is now so contrarious that it cannot come out. Fears the loss thereby may be twenty times the value of all Browne's lands. To-night, received the King's of the 13th. Even if the great exploit cannot be done, unheard of devastation shall be made on the Borders. Doubts nothing but lack of drink. Is himself well, notwithstanding the little rest he gets. Prays God to turn the wind and let John Browne come by Friday next. Berwick, 17 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiij.
Ib. 2. Schedule showing the bread, etc., remaining at Berwick, 15 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII., viz. :Bread 24,000 penny loaves, biscuit 8,000, wheat flour 100 qr., wheat in garners 600 qr., rye and mastleon 300 qr., malt 2,300 qr., barley 600 qr., peason and beans 500 qr., grain and malt in the haven in ships, by estimation, (blank), beer in costrelles (3,000) 120 tun, in barrels (700) 100 tun, in hogsheads and pipes 9 tun; cheese 800 wey. (Notes in Norfolk's hand state that there is bread and beer for 4 days and flesh for a longer period.)
P. 1.
17 Oct.
R. O.
959. The Council Of Calais to Henry VIII.
Having examined the Frenchmen of whom I, the lord Grey, wrote yesterday, they said Mons. de Bies commanded them on pain of their lives to pursue Burgundians who took booty up to the gates of your fortresses. Sent to Sir John Wallop for the captain of Fiennes, to have examined him, but he writes that he has already dismissed him as doubtless he will explain to your Highness. I, the lord Deputy, have written to De Bies as in the copy enclosed. Calais, 17 Oct.
P.S.After finishing this I, the lord Grey, received and answered letters from De Bies (copies enclosed); also from the captain of Olderwick (copies enclosed). Signed : H. Mawtravers : Wyllyam Grey : Rauff Ellerkar : Edward Bray : Edwarde Wotton.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
17 Oct.
R. O.
960. [Lord Maltravers to Du Bies.]
On the 15th inst. the captain of Fiennes, with 100 men of his band, pursued certain Burgundians who had taken a booty into our ground and attacked them there, a thing which seems to me very strange, arrogant and presumptuous. Perceiving it, Mons. de Grey, captain of Hampnes castle, sent out men to take both parties, and has taken eighteen of yours whom he purposes to keep until he knows the King's pleasure. Being examined, they said you gave them charge to pursue booties up to the very gates of these fortresses, which I cannot believe. The King my master, maintaining amity both with the Emperor and your King, reputes his country free to both. Hearing, these days past, that the captain of Gravelines had taken Frenchmen within my master's territory, I wrote to him to send them to me; and he wrote back that your men had similarly taken Burgundians whom you refused to release, saying that even if your men had taken them within the town of Calais they should have been good prize. Still, the captain promised to send the said prisoners; wherefore I pray you, Mons. le Mareschal, send me the Burgundians whom you detain, and I will send you your men. Calais, 17 Oct. 1542.
Copy. French, pp. 2.
17 Oct.
R. O.
961. Oudart Du Bies to William Lord Grey.
I am just informed that you detain prisoners sixteen subjects of the King my master, among them one Longesticq, an archer of my company, whom your men took on Sunday last, pursuing certain Burgundians who had come to pillage our country, a thing which I find marvellously strange. I think your King does not intend you to make war on us without other declaration, and that you would not wish to be the cause of a breach of the amity between our masters, and therefore I write to you to send them to me. I must tell you that your subjects much favour the Burgundians, which seems to me to be a fault which you and the other captains should correct. Boulogne, 17 Oct. 1542.
Copy. French, p. 1. Address copied : A Milord Gres, cappitaine du chasteau de Hames pour le Roy d'Angleterre.
18 Oct.
Dasent's A.P.C., 43.
962. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 18 Oct. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Winchester, Westminster, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche, Baker. Business : Letter written to the Deputy of Calais to allow the mayor and aldermen to keep a court leet, as they seem entitled to do by charter of Edw. III., until Robt. Pole, bailiff of Colham, shall appear here and show why they ought not so to do.
18 Oct.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 69.]
963. Chapuys and De Courrieres to the Queen Of Hungary.
The day before yesterday, 16th inst., we were with the King, who (having, upon the letters of credence, heard the declaration of the Emperor's reciprocal inclination for the closer amity and intelligence), told us that it did not lie with him that it was not concluded heretofore, and that he was astonished at the delay made therein, but still more at some difficulties and little scruples put forward by the Emperor, to the hindrance of so important a work, especially in the article of rebels and in the expression of ecclesiastics in the article of defence; and that a reformation of amities should be complete and absolute, and so clear and definite that there could remain no ground for misinterpretation. In reply we showed briefly the Emperor's reasons, without, however, entering any dispute, as it seemed best (not to irritate him) to debate them with his Council; and, besides, Chapuys had, three days before, had a long interview with him, having been called, as a friend and not as an ambassador, to hear his laments at the said difficulties. Finally, after enquiring of the Emperor's health, and telling us of the success of the Emperor's army in Juliers, and other things, which De Courierez will recount by mouth together with the honor paid him here, the King resolved to send deputies to us.
These deputies dined with us yesterday, viz., the bps. of Winchester and Westminster, and Secretary Wriothesley, and afterwards we discussed the difficulties given in writing, in Spain, (fn. 9) to the King's ambassadors. When we had repeated the representations made on the Emperor's behalf to the ambassadors in Spain, and added such as we could think of, they began by showing that they much feared that their master might take it ill, and that all might be broken. Afterwards, in conversation, they seemed to find a little more reasonableness in the excuse concerning the Pope than in that which touched hantize and rebels; but they did not say much, perhaps, because they knew not how to answer, or in order to learn first their master's resolute intention, of which they are to certify us to-day. In truth, we know not well what to hope from the countenance and speech of the King, and it is to be feared that he may grow cold rather than shorten the business; and we wish the bargaining might be made with your Majesty, but fear that the English, both for reputation and for other respects, would not condescend thereto. Since our charge depends entirely upon your command, we beg to know as soon as possible how to proceed in the other articles not expressly reserved by the Emperor, and whether to press for the remission of the conclusion of the treaty to you or to temporize. The King, who used continually to talk of reconciling the duke of Cleves with the Emperor, has said nothing of it, but showed pleasure at the Emperor's success against the Duke. There is no other news, especially of the affairs of Scotland, save that the lord Privy Seal is dead of the plague, in the North, which is a great loss, for he was a wise and prudent personage, and most devoted to the Emperor's service. London, 18 Oct. 1542.
French. Modern transcript from Vienna, pp. 3.
18 Oct.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 70.]
964. Chapuys and De Courrieres to the Queen Of Hungary.
Since they wrote this morning, the King has sent to excuse his deputies for to-day, owing to important affairs; and has sent more news from his ambassador resident in France, not to be revealed as obtained from him. The effect is that the French had quite withdrawn from Parpignan and the county of Rosillon, after fortifying some unimportant places there, pretending that they retreated for want of victuals; and that, shortly before their retreat, Alva sent 3,000 men into Parpignan, to stop whom the French king sent a great force, but they dared not approach the said Spaniards. The French king would stay at Narbonne, to see if the Emperor would march his army into Languedoc. If the Emperor passed into Italy, the King would go to Lyons; and if he should invade France by Navarre, the King would go to that side, and then to Sanctonge and Bretagne, to collect ships for the enterprise of the Low Countries. Next spring he would enter the Low Countries on the side of Picardy, with all his forces, and was marvellously sorry that this year he had not made his effort there. The Swiss have returned not too satisfied with the King, and he still less with them, because when levied they understood that they were for the defence of France and not to invade the Emperor. John Paul Ursin and other Italian captains are gone to raise a great force in Italy for the coming year, and to make practices there. The French king was tempting the Pope with the offer of Naples, and was sure of the duke of Ferrara. who had sent (or at least permitted it) artillery and munition to Maran. The Venetian ambassador (to whom lately the French king would not listen) is caressed and has had great communication with the Admiral and other ministers. The French king has also sent a person to Germany, to practise and to raise men for next year, and a secretary to Sweden and Denmark, to solicit preparation. He has given the bpric. of Mcon to Cardinal Sadolet. The said ambassador also writes that Guasto was master of the country in Piedmont, and his men were come to Suze and even to Grenoble.
Norfolk has written that some Frenchmen had arrived at a certain port near Scotland, but he would so shut them up that they should do no harm. London, 18 Oct. 1542.
French. Modern transcript from Vienna, pp. 2.
18 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 75. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 217.
965. Ralph Clessbe to Wriothesley.
Norfolk, the King's general lieutenant in the North, says he has no ordnance to spare for the bulwarks at Holy Elande, whereof the one is finished and needs six pieces, the other half finished and will need 12 or 16 pieces. Has but one piece, and begs to know the King's pleasure. Berwick, 18 Oct.
My lord of Norfolk and the Master of the Horse will view the blockhouse in Holy Elande before their return. Signed : Raf Clessbe.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
18 Oct.
R. O.
966. [William Lord Grey to Du Bies.]
Mons. le Mareschal, as to the Frenchmen whom I detain, no doubt you are fully informed ere this by my lord Deputy's letters. As no one more desires to preserve the amity, Du Bies's letters unjustly accuse him of wishing to make war. Knows of none who favour Burgundians more than Frenchmen. On account of the smallness of the castle of Hampnes, I cannot put the Frenchmen in such liberty as I desire, but they shall be treated rather as friends than prisoners. 18 Oct.
Copy. French, p. 1.
18 Oct.
R. O.
967. [William Lord Grey] to the Captain Of Owderwike.
In reply to your letter of the 16th inst., if there was such booty it was recovered by the Frenchmen; and, as to the eighteen prisoners whom you wish delivered to your compaignons, they were taken and are detained only for riot committed in fighting on the King's ground and unlawfully approaching the fortress of Hams, which is in my charge. I have informed the King, and will do as he shall order. Calais, 18 Oct. 1542.
Copy. French, p. 1. Add.
18 Oct.
R. O.
968. Oudart Du Bies to Wallop.
I have received your letter by your herald Guignes, before whose coming I was about to complain of the wrong done to subjects of the King my master. I have been in war in Italy and elsewhere, against many nations, and never yet found but that one pursued one's enemies up to the gate of the fortress. I do not know how you think the Burgundians may come to pillage us and we may not pursue them. It seems more than reasonable that you should prevent them coming through your country to pillage us, as they did on Sunday last, when our men who are prisoners did nothing but pursue them. As to Rocqtun, whom you sent me, I did not understand that it was as a prisoner, but because he appealed to you for protection. Thinks such doings scarcely reasonable. They have been friends hitherto, and it will be Wallop's fault if they do not continue so. Boulogne, 18 Oct. 1542. Signed.
French, pp. 2. Add. Endd.
19 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 77. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 218.
969. Norfolk and Browne to the Council.
Signify the state of the army, which will be all here to-morrow, and will lie to-morrow night in the field. Norfolk's orders that with every 100 men there should come two carts laden with drink, and with every 10 men a spare horse with victual, have been ignored by all; who say it was impossible, and that the carriages they did bring were destroyed by the foul ways and weather. In spite of his orders that no horse should come past Newcastle but such as would serve for a spear, javelin or archer, all have come on naughty nags, saying they could not travel on foot and keep the day. When at York, commanded the President to send 120 wains and 40 carts, and 30 wains out of the Bishopric; and the sheriff of Northumberland to send all the wains he could get; but very few are come. For all that, and though they should drink water, they trust to make the enemies speak according to the King's pleasure, or else to make such a smoke in Scotland as was not seen this 100 years. The soldiers have taken incredible pains in coming, through foul ways and scarcity of victual, and here Rutland's lying so long in garrison has consumed everything, and the corn is yet on the ground, green. On Saturday or Sunday the ships of war sent from London, with the four others they manned at Newcastle, shall be in the Frith. The French ships are not come thither, nor since Suffolk wrote of their being about Hull and Scarborough have they been heard of. To-morrow the small ships with victual shall be here. Berwick, Thursday, 19 Oct., 6 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
19 Oct. Add. MS. 32,648 f. 79. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 219. 970. Sir Anthony Browne to the Lord Admiral and Wriothesley.
Norfolk departed from Newcastle for Berwick on Sunday last, and the writer followed on Monday with the multitude, whom he has now brought hither. Albeit great companies of them were ill-lodged and lay in the fields with ill weather and hard fare, they are "willing and forwardes," so that the success of this journey is to be expected. Beg them to remember to comfort my lady his sister (fn. 10), whom he dare not himself write to. Berwick, 19 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
19 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 81. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 220.
971. Sir Anthony Browne to Sir John Gage.
Is merry, and prays him so to be. They set forward to-morrow. I pray you send word to my folk that you have received letters from me, and commend me to your wife, with God's blessing to all my children. Berwick, 19 Oct., "by your son-in-law, Antone Browne."
"I pray you recommend me to both the Chancellors."
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
20 Oct.
Dasent's A.P.C., 44.
972. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 19 Oct. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Winchester, Westminster, Wriothesley, Sadler, "etc." No business recorded.
At Westm., 20 Oct. Present : the above-named and Russell, Riche, Baker, and Dacres. Business :Letters written to Sir John Harrington and And. Nowell to enquire of lewd words spoken by a priest in Rutland.
20 Oct.
R. O.
973. Wallop to the Council.
On Sunday last, 17 or 18 Burgundians took a booty beside Landerton. The Frenchmen pursued them into the Pale as far as Sentergates, where they recovered the booty, and continued to follow the Burgundians into the Marres beside Hams, where they (the French) were taken; as both lord Graey and the Council of Calais will have reported. The governor of Feynes was brought to Wallop, who demanded why he entered with force of arms into the Pale, which was a franchise for both sides. He said he reckoned the Pale indifferent, and that they might follow their enemies in it, for most of their sheep of Faynes pastured on the hills adjoining the Pale, so that any Burgundian might convey their cattle into the Pale. And he asked, "Shall it then be good prize?" Wallop said it would, and they might do the like. He confessed that he had command from Mons. de Bese to follow the Burgundians "partout jux alefort lewse"; Captain Cabuche, whom he sent to recall the footmen out of the Marres, was saluted with ordnance and constrained to retire.
Explains that although lord Graey took the footmen, he (Wallop) durst not detain this captain, because he had not then received the Council's answer how to act in such cases, and feared that the taking of such a man would lead to the French overrunning the Pale and taking revenge upon the workmen in the chalk pits. Would have saluted them with ordnance if they had come near Guisnes. Within an hour after, received the Council's letter, from which he gathers that he is not to do more than salute them as above. Sent the letter next day to the lord Deputy, lord Graey, and the rest of the Council; and, the day after, wrote to Mons. de Bese. Encloses his answer, which does not answer all points of Wallop's letter. He had also a long discourse with the bearer Geynes, who can declare it.
Mons. de Guyse, with the Clevoys, has won again Verton and Villers in Luxingbroke, which were recovered by the prince of Orynge who now lies beside Nameur. The Dolphyn is retired from Purpenyon to Narbon, and the French king to Mompelyr.
"Most humle[y] besutching your Lordeshipes to be good u[nto this bringer Geynes], ho I have sent with this, his commyng to you no[w] iiij se[veral] tymes and to the Gret Mastre of Flanders ij times and as mutch to Mownsr de Bese, not having receyvyd of me ony thing for his charges, ho saythe hathe bin usid in war ar yn crewtyme to have alowance ijs the day for him self and his horse." Guysnes, 20 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.


  • 1. Norfolk (then earl of Surrey) as lieutenant, and Dorset, as warden of the East and Middle Marches, were both appointed on 26 Feb., 1523. See Vol. III., No. 2875.
  • 2. Sir Ant. Browne.
  • 3. "Emper," mis-read "Emperour" in St. P.
  • 4. Southampton.
  • 5. Sir Anthony Browne, master of the horse, was half-brother to Fitzwilliam Earl of Southampton.
  • 6. Leyrmonth.
  • 7. Printed "25" in Rymer.
  • 8. The copyist seems to have attempted to give the signature in facsimile.
  • 9. See No. 608.
  • 10. The Countess of Southampton.