Henry VIII: August 1543, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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'Henry VIII: August 1543, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1902), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp16-30 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1543, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1902), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp16-30.

"Henry VIII: August 1543, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1902), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp16-30.


August 1543, 11-20

11 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f.228. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 450.
33. The Privy Council to Sadler.
After despatch of the King's last letters, he commanded them to write as follows :1. Where it appears by Sadler's last letters that Lynox now sues for the Governor's favour; the Governor should, in the Queen's name, demand Dunbriten of him, and so try what he intends, for if he mean truly he will not refuse or delay. 2. Where the King has learnt that the French ships lately at Lithe lie at Brent Island on the far side of the water; Sadler shall solicit the Governor, and also Angus and Douglas, that, if those on that side aid them, the King's ships may be aided on this side; and if the French ships are still there Sadler shall seek to get them stayed, by search for letters or otherwise, "for, God willing, it shall not be long or his Grace's navy shall be with them." 3. When the treaty is confirmed he shall inculk to the Governor that he may not aid French ships equipped for war, with victuals or otherwise; nor "take the French king for a comprehense, detaining his Majesty's pension from him and being now in arms against him." 4. To thank Casselles and his wife for their gentleness to Mr. Poyenz. 5. If the prisoners appointed to enter do not make their entry, he shall move the Governor and the rest to consider the offence to common faith if they are suffered to remain unpunished, and travail to get them punished. 6. To advertise from time to time who have the stroke in Council, who are in favour, who rule about the old Queen, what mutations happen, how they like the books of religion last made and whether the Governor desires more, and all matters of any importance.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 6. Endd. : Mynute to Master Sadleyr, xjo Aug. 1543.
11 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 226. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 449.
34. The Council Of The North to the Council.
Have kept a general sitting here, during which time they assisted the justices of assize, as they have now advertised the King. Considering the continual sickness of Sir Thos. Tempest, the absence of Sir Robt. Bowes and the great age of Mr. Thos. Fairfaxe, sergeant at law, they desire to have joined with them in commission some learned man in the laws. Have used hitherto to stay writs of sub poena out of Chancery by persons dwelling within the limits of their commission against others within the same; which were often used only for molestation, because it was better for a party here to accept wrong rather than sustain the cost of appearing. Begs to know the King's pleasure whether they shall continue to stay such writs. York, 11 Aug. Signed : Robert Landaffe, T. Magnus, M. Constable, Henry Sayvylle, Thomas Fairfax, Will'm Babthorp, Rob't Chaloner.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 1543.
11 Aug.
R. O. St. P., IX. 471.
35. Wotton to Henry VIII.
Yesterday the Emperor was to encamp at Bonne, a town of the bp. of Coleyn's, and so invade the duchy of Juliers, for else he would not have come down so far; and also the Prince of Orange appointed to leave Maestricht yesterday and camp that night at Gulpen, half way to Aken, and go straight to the Emperor with 26 ensigns of footmen and 3,000 horsemen. It was said yesterday that the garrison of Juliers had abandoned the town, but the Regent gave no great faith to the news. Martyn van Roshem's being at Heynsberghe was for some secret intelligence with lantzknechts within the town; but, that failing, he destroyed the corn thereabouts and removed.
Not knowing whether posts are set between the camp at Hainault and Calais, signifies that the Great Master wrote yesterday that the English host was at Marquyon, 2 leagues from Cambray, intending to besiege Landrissey this day, but lose no long time there. Seven ensigns of lantzknechts, 3 ensigns of Wallons, the 2,500 Spaniards lately come, and as many horsemen as will make up 3,000, shall join them. Bruxelles, 11 Aug. 1543.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
12 Aug.
R. O.
36. Suffolk to Parr.
Orders him to put 100 billmen on horseback ready at one hour's warning, to go to Carlisle, where they shall receive coats and conduct money and be at the leading of Sir Thomas Wharton; also to appoint a meet captain, with his petty captain, to lead them, "with his tent pavilion and carriage for the same." Newcastle, 12 Aug. Signed. Subscribed My lord Parre.
P. 1. Fly leaf with address lost.
Shrewsb. MS. A., p. 69. Heralds' College. Lodge, I. 61. 2. Similar command to the earl of Shrewsbury for 100 archers and 200 billmen. Newcastle, 12 Aug.
Copy, p. 1.
12 Aug.
R. O. St. P., IX. 472.
37. Harvel to Henry VIII.
Wrote 23 July; and now, hearing of Henry's marriage, cannot but rejoice and kiss the hands both of him and the Queen, of whose praises here is public fame, to the pleasure of the Signory, who delight always in Henry's prosperity. Polin is returned to Barbarossa with Mons. de Vandosme, to go upon the army instead of the Dauphin, and with 210,000 cr. to pay the army, which, with the French navy, numbers 200 sail and goes against Nice. Reckons that the coast of Spain and Italy is well provided and that Barbarossa will do little damage. The 4,000 Italians which the Bishop sends to Vienna have entered Almain. The Turk has slain all the inhabitants of a town in Hungary which had surrendered. He will use his power against Alba Regal, where Philipo Torniello is entered with 3,000 Italians. Vienna has 12,000 men of war and is well provided. The Turks in Hungary suffer from pestilence and scarcity. The French ambassador with the Bishop of Rome has required of the Bishop 4,000 footmen for defence against Lutherans, since he has granted the Emperor as many against the Turks. The Bishop "hath taken a certain short respite to make answer." The Venetians disarm, being out of suspicion and exhausted of treasure. The Bishop has been in Ancona and will be in Rome on the 20th. Pole and six other cardinals have always followed him. Venice, 12 Aug. 1543.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Sealed, Endd.
12 Aug.
R. O.
38. Edmond Harvel to Russell.
Rejoices at the King's marriage "to so prudent, beautiful and virtuous a lady as is by universal fame reported." The Signory declared "no mean congratulations of this marriage; of the which thing, and also other occurrents, I doubt not but I should have received letters by this post from your Lordship, if the great occupations of these nuptial feasts and other had not been impediment." The Signory asked why the King sent over less power than was determined. Replied that he supposed it due to the Emperor's tardiness in coming to Flanders and to the approach of winter. The Venetians unarm both by water and land. Thinks Barbarossa will find all important places both in Italy and Spain prepared. Hopes the Turk in Hungary "shall have the fortune little prosperous." Venice, 12 Aug. 1543.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 Aug.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., 205.]
39. Chapuys to Charles V.
Lately received his letters of the 20th ult. and, yesterday, those of the 3rd inst. The King's good will to the Emperor seems to increase, in witness of which, in publishing the war against the French, he added a clause against all other enemies of the Emperor : which will redound to the Emperor's benefit, for the merchant strangers here, as Easterlings and Italians, will divulge it everywhere. Doubtless the Emperor gives the King every occasion to increase this good will by showing him as much confidence as possible, for, being suspicious and haughty, it is to be feared that he may soon weary of the cost of the war. Very little would turn him; and it is prudent not to mention the subject (propos) of the Emperor's last letters, the thing being yet in the air and without foundation.
The King shows himself joyful at the good exploit done by the men of war he sent thither, for which partly the captain of Guisnes is to be thanked; for if he (fn. 1) who was to have gone had been leader he would have gone straight to the Emperor's army without trying to damage the enemies; and I believe it was he who put in the King's head that it was not right to burn or spoil the French unless they began. For some time the King has desired the coming of the ships which should be equipped in Flanders, in accordance with the treaty, to join his in some enterprise, and has again caused his Council to write as in the letters herewith. Has not been told what the enterprise is, but the preparations show it to be a thing of moment : for on two ships alone, besides innumerable "artillerie de fonte" the King has put IS cannons, and the two ressels will carry 1,200 men of war. Captain Lartigue solicits the employment of the said army on the enterprise which he has proposed, of La Rochelle : but those here will not do that until next year.
Is told that the Cardinal of Scotland and the others of the French party there have approved and ratified the treaty lately concluded with the Scottish ambassadors, although some pretend the contrary. The King continues his good treatment of the Princess, whom he has retained with the Queen, who shows her all affection. The daughter of Anna Bolans the King has sent to be with the Prince his son. The King and his Council think that these Turkish galleys arrived in Provence will be the ruin of the King of France, who, besides irritating God and the world thereby, will consume money, and in the end they will be dissatisfied with each other. Supposing that the principal places which Barbarossa could assail are well provided, they wish the Turkish army was greater, to put the King of France to greater expense.
The Emperor will have heard how six English ships assailed 16 French equipped for war, which where keeping this Channel, two of which were taken. The rest drew towards Scotland, where they are arrested, on some pretext, so as to give the King leisure to send and take them; for which purpose he has sent thither ten of his ships, marvellously well equipped, and it is expected that they will shortly be brought hither captive, which would be a very good thing. London, 13 Aug. 1543.
French, pp. 3. Modern transcript of a Vienna MS. endd. : receues au camp a deux lieux de Drem, le xxjo dud. mois 1543.
13 Aug.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II. No. 207.]
40. Chapuys to Granvelle.
Regrets that sickness, at the time of Chantonay's being here prevented his doing his duty towards him. Thanks for Granvelle's letters. London, 13 Aug.
French, p. 1. Modern extract from a Vienna MS.
13 Aug.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI., II., No. 206.]
41. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
Immediately upon receipt of her letters of the 2nd inst. he dispatched a servant to the Council to learn when he might speak with the King, who was in his progress, hunting, 33 miles hence, without sojourning in any place. The Council, having learnt from her letters the reason why he desired audience, and having communicated the documents therewith, from the Marquis of Guasto, sent to say that the King rejoiced much at the news and thanked her for imparting it, and had charged his Council to do their best for the brief sending of the money (which they had done, but could obtain no more of the merchants than Chapuys wrote last), and they thought that the King should not be importuned further in it, and there was no doubt but the money would be paid at the day agreed upon. Upon this, has himself tried to induce the merchants to advance the money; and to-day he who had charge to deliver the 5,000l. st. to those of the Staple of Calais said that he had still 3,000l. of it undelivered, and thought that Chapuys might have it, to send as he thought quickest, and for this he (the merchant) would send to the Council and know their answer within three days. Thinks at all events to take the money and send it by exchange, or she can take it upon letter of exchange to be paid here at sight. The King has not failed to re-imburse himself quickly and advantageously, having ordered throughout the realm to preach on every feast day the necessity of aiding the resistance against the Turk, and that, if formerly people gave their goods so lavishly for certain foolish bulls heretofore current, the profit whereof was converted to very evil and unhappy use, much more ought they to give to so sacred and necessary a work. The most prominent parishioners are to collect the money of the parishes.
A little before his man arrived with the Council they had sent Chapuys the letter herewith. There is nothing to write, since his last, save that in the cross ways of this city is published the war against the French, and generally against all enemies of the Emperor, whose affairs gain no little favour and reputation thereby, as the Easterlings and other merchants will advertise it everywhere.
Learns from a good quarter that the 14 war ships which the French had in this Channel are arrested, upon some pretext, in a port of Scotland, and the King has sent ten ships to take them and bring them hither. It would be well if the ships of Flanders were here at this conjuncture.
When about to close this, received her letters of the 8th, and, at the same time, answer touching the 3,000l. st. which she may take at exchange in Antwerp, by virtue of the letters herewith, or otherwise as she pleases; and Chapuys will do his best to hasten payment of the rest. London, 13 Aug. 1543.
French, pp. 3. Modern transcript from Vienna.
13 Aug.
Sadler State Papers, I., 259.
42. Sadler to Suffolk, Parr and Tunstall.
Answers to their letter of the 4th that if he had perceived that the Governor and the King's friends here continued in their determination to have English aid he would have certified the order taken for victualling them; but they have wisely resolved to bring in no Englishmen, for, if they did, their own friends would forsake them and the Englishmen be in great danger. Already the bruit that he will bring in Englishmen makes the Governor so hated that he scant dare trust his own servants; and this nation is so malicious towards Englishmen that they cannot abide "to hear that Englishmen should have any manner of superiority or dominion over them." Still, as the Governor has desired the aid appointed to remain in readiness, Sadler has asked how they would be victualled, and he has answered that he would send to Newcastle and Berwick for grain to be baked and brewed here and sold to the English.
Touching the navy of 50 sail which was seen afore Holy Island last Friday; the nine French ships which were so long in the Firth took two English crayers and sent them to Leith, and are said to lie still afore Bamborough and Holy Island, with the Scots merchants that went out of the Frith with them on Thursday last. If the King's ships appointed to take them come forward they shall meet together; but Sadler can hardly believe that 50 sail were seen; and would like to know further, so as to advertise the Governor.
Each party here mistrusts the other and prepares forces. The Governor is out of heart, for lack of money, which they all lack. The Cardinal has laid lord Seton in pledge for Sir George Douglas, who repairs over the water to speak with him to-morrow.
Headed : To my lords of Suffolk, Parr and Durham, 18th August 1543.
13 Aug.
R. O. St. P., IX. 473.
43. Wallop and Others to Henry VIII.
In their passage towards Hennowe, on the 5th, before they came to Arras, the Great Master of Flanders met them and was much pleased with their men and order of marching. Marched by way of Cambray, about three leagues a day until, on the 12th, they arrived at Asper in Hennowe. Account of their welcome by the duke of Arschot, and meeting with Burgundian, Almain, Spanish and other troops, numbering now 7,000 foot and 2,500 horse, or, with themselves, 12,500 foot and 3,000 horse. Upon the report that the Emperor had entered the duke of Cleves' land, while Duke was threatening Brabande and the French king drawing towards Champanya, it was decided this day to move the whole army to Sollem, 3 leagues from Landresey. Describe a project to try Landresey by assault; which failing, they will remove to some other enterprise, and if the French King turn upon them will fortify their camp and abide his malice. Wallop demanded how they should be victualled, and was answered that the Emperor had three towns near, with a great river and forest, by which they should be sure of victuals. Describe their welcome by the Spaniards and the surprise expressed by Arschot and others at seeing their camp "infermed" as they had read in "the chronicles of Englishmen." Propose to follow the French king if he pass through the Emperor's dominions to join the duke of Cleves. Yesterday when they passed Cambray the Bishop, who is the duke of Arscott's brother, showed them great honor and made a sumptuous dinner to the gentlemen who were within the town. Camp at Asper, 13 Aug. Signed : John Wallop, T. Seymour, Ric. Crumwell, Robert Bowis, G. Carew, J. Seynt John.
Pp. 5. Add. Endd : 1543.
14 Aug.
Sadler State Papers, I., 261.
44. Sadler to Suffolk, Parr and Tunstall.
Bearer, Mr. Poyntz's servant, last night brought the enclosed letter showing how he stands for money and victuals. Sadler has already obtained him 200 angels of the earl of Cassils which is spent, and will make shift to send him 100l. more; but, considering the expense of his remaining long with the King's ships in the West seas at 20l. a day, which is 560l. a month, the bearer repairs to the lord Admiral to learn the King's pleasure. Begs them to send the money which Sadler has already borrowed to help him withal, and also a convenient sum to serve him until the King's pleasure is known.
P.S.Perceives by their last letters, received together with the King's, that six of the King's ships passed them on Sunday at 8 a.m., going to the Firth. None have yet arrived; and the Frenchmen departed on Thursday last, as he wrote, and have since taken and sent hither two English crayers, and are said either to be on the coast afore Bamborough or Holy Island, or plied homewards aloof from the English coast, or gone northwards to abide the Iceland fleet.
Headed : To my lords of Suffolk, Parr and Durham, 14th August 1543.
15 Aug.
R. O.
45. Hertford to Paget.
I send you a letter from my lieutenant (fn. 2) in Jersay, to be shown to the King if you think good. Likewise a supplication by the inhabitants of that Isle to the King, and another to me and a letter to me from the bailiff there; to be used as you think convenient. I have a letter from my brother, who, for news, refers to the King's letters, "whereof I desire you to make me participant in case your leisure may suffer it." Sheen, 15 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : 1543.
16 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 232. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 451.
46. Henry VIII. to Sadler.
Has received his of the 9th, of his conferences with the Dowager and Governor, &c. (points recapitulated). He shall, upon opportunity, tell the Governor that, at his desire, the King has, with no small charge, put the aid of men in readiness; and (considering that the Cardinal and his complices, in the persons of the seven of theirs who met the Governor's seven, allowed every article of the treaty and promised on the 20th inst. to ratify it by Parliament, and knowing that it is impossible to alter the inclination of the Cardinal and some of his faction from France) the King cannot perceive to what good purpose the 5,000l. demanded can be employed, the Cardinal being at a point to accomplish the treaty and so rooted towards France "that except he be plucked up by the roots he can never be changed"; which (Sadler shall say) may easily be done, for the Cardinal's faction can make no force in Scotland to withstand the Governor, and the aid of France is but a brag of the Cardinal, for the French king has enough to do at home, and there is no such preparation in France to come either by the East or West seas, and if there were the King's navies are ready, and have eftsoons met with the Sacre of Diepe "and his conserve" and taken two of them and have the rest in chase. To keep him in some hope and decipher why he demands the 5,000l., Sadler shall grope the Governor whether he will, in gage for it, deliver the strongholds on this side the Frith or the young Queen. Sadler shall also tell the Governor that Scottish ships pass daily into France with victuals; which is against the treaty, seeing that the French king, detaining Henry's pension, is no comprehense therein. Has stayed five or six of them, and the rather because they show themselves to be of the Cardinal's faction and speak very dishonorably of the Governor, Angus, Casselz, and Glencarn and others, as traitors to the Queen and realm. Two of them are English ships wrongfully taken heretofore in coming from Burdeaux. Sadler shall desire that, henceforth, ships with victual may rather discharge it here, where it will be paid for; and that those carrying other merchandise to France may have the Governor's safeconduct, for Henry's captains are ordered to stay such as have not the Governor's safeconduct, and without such an order for safeconducts the Cardinal's complices might when they list send to and fro to the French king.
Sadler has care of certain books and writings concerning the King's private matters of importance, and other reckonings which have been wanted since his departure. Desires to know where they may be found; and if any are at his own house, "left in such sort as they may be conveyed unto us and not be read or looked in by the bringer of the same," Sadler shall order them to be brought to the King. 16 Aug. p.m. anno rr. xxxvo.
Copy, pp. 5. Endd. : Mynute of the King's Majestes lettre to Master Sadleyr.
16 Aug.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI., 156. B. M.
47. Arran to Henry VIII.
After the conclusion lately of the peace between the realms, Henry's subjects of the port of Ry have taken a Scottish ship called Boneaventure laden with goods of Edinburgh merchants. So recent an attemptate requires hasty redress, "for good observing of the amity and repressing of evil minded persons"; and this redress he prays Henry to command. Credence for bearer, Ros herald, who is sent on this errand only. Edinburgh, 16 Aug.
Copy, p. 1.
Ib., 221. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
16 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 240. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 452 (I).
48. Arran to Maxwell.
Thanks for readiness in assembling folk to come to him against the 20th inst. For winning of the harvest, and because differences will now be easily appointed; prays him to stop their forthcoming, but put them ready to come, with 15 days' victuals, at 24 hours' warning, and to come himself against the 20th, for his advice anent the fulfilling of the contract lately made with the King of England and the ordering of business. Edinburgh, 16 Aug.
Copy, p. 1. Endd. : Copie of the Governor's lettre to my 1. Maxwel.
17 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 236. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 452.
49. Sadler to Henry VIII.
Since he last wrote, the Cardinal has made suit to speak with Sir George Douglas, who, having lord Seton laid in pledge for him, has now been at St. Andrews, and, this morning, came to tell Sadler that he found the Cardinal as reasonable in words as any man he ever talked with. The Cardinal principally desired Douglas's help to obtain him the King's favour and the Governor's, in which case he would serve the Governor and realm, or else licence to live out of the realm in quietness, for he lived in dread and perplexity, and was confederate with noblemen who had got from him almost all he had and yet "were so loose a company" that he doubted to trust them. Whereupon, Douglas laid to his charge his late rebellion, which he might allege to be for the common weal but it was in truth for the private weal of the Church, and "maintenance of the proud state and abuses of the same." The Cardinal answered frankly that that was true; for they understood that the Governor would put down abbeys and alter the state of the Church, after the example of England, to oppose which they would do all in their power. Douglas told him that, if he would be a good servant of the Governor and the realm, the King would remit what he had done in the past and bear him favour. The Cardinal urged that he had been misreported and had never offended the King, and was ready to set forth all things to the King's contentation; but, when Douglas advised him forthwith to come to the Governor and be present at the ratification, &c., he answered that he was bound to the noblemen of his party not to repair to the Governor without their consent, and he feared the "lightness and inconstancy" of the Governor, and especially the malice of the countess his wife. He besought the Governor to accomplish the matters of England, though he and his party were not present; and afterwards would be time to pacify quarrels among themselves; the preparation of forces on both sides should be left, and he would labour to get his party's consent to his coming to the Governor, or else, if the Governor, for "pastime and recreation," would repair to St. Androwes, he might, by his bond, wait upon the Governor there. Finally they agreed that no forces should be levied, but either party might take order to have them ready at 24 hours' warning, and the Governor should proceed, by authority of Parliament, to the ratification, laying of hostages and all things requisite.
Upon this, the Governor (all noblemen being absent preparing forces) has addressed special letters to all members of the Parliament to repair hither, but it will be this seven'night before any presence is here (where now is none at all). As soon as they assemble the Governor will proceed, trusting to perfect all things within 15 days after the end of this month; which respite the Governor begs the King to grant, for when the treaties are ratified here they must be sent by Ambassadors to be ratified there, and they have to appoint commissioners to repair to the Borders to deliver the hostages and compound for ransoms.
According to the King's last letters, has moved the Governor for the entry of the prisoners, and groped whether he would be precise to the number of English persons with the Queen, and for the removing of the old Queen, and touching Donbrytayn castle, as contained in letters of the 10th and 12th (fn. 3) inst. from the King and Council. He replied that the prisoners had been warned, and should eftsoons be warned, and as they were all "bound one for another's entry" they would doubtless perform their bond; the number of English persons about the Queen was appointed by Parliament, but he was content to enlarge it if the rest of the lords agreed; it was impossible to remove the old Queen, because Stirling castle was her jointure; and as for Donbrytten he would gladly have it if he wist how. Knowing that the Governor would have somewhat ado to get pledges for the marriage, Sadler asked whether the hostages were ready. He answered that, till the lords came together he could not resolve; but he trusted that, at the first, the King would take the prisoners for pledges. Told him that could not be, for the indenture for their ransoms showed that they should not be freed till the hostages were laid. He replied that Douglas told him that the King would "take part of the prisoners." Apparently they will lay all, or most part, of the prisoners for pledges; and indeed it will be "overmuch ado" for them to get any other.
About the Governor, surely, Douglas rules alone. The old Queen has none about her save those that keep the castle, whereof lord Erskyn is in chief credit. Edinburgh, 17 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 7. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.
17 Aug.
Sadler State Papers. I. 264.
50. Sadler to the Council.
Has received their several letters of the 10th and 12th (fn. 3) and forwarded those to Sir Nic. Poyntz. Has also received the copy of Captain Polyne's letter to the governor of Thuryne, and set it forth as directed; and the Governor and others "seem greatly to detest the French king and the Bishop of Rome, no less than their doings in that part do justly require." Partly answers their letters in his letter to the King herewith. Where, in theirs of the 12th, they ask how the King's books of religion are liked here, and whether the Governor desires more; sees not that they are "liked of any party here," or that the Governor desires more of them; "for such as pretend to favour God's Word do like chiefly that part which confuteth the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, and such as they call here Pharisees and Papists do so much mislike that part as they give almost no credit to the rest." These like the restraint of the Scripture made in England from certain degrees of the people, and would have liked better had it been restrained from all; while the others are much offended thereat. Had he found the said book liked, he would ere this have sent for more.
Headed : To the lords of his Majesty's Privy Council, 17th August 1543.
17 Aug.
Sadler State Papers, I. 262.
51. Sadler to Suffolk, Parr and Tunstall.
Has forborne to answer their letters, in the hope of having some certain matter to write; but these men's proceedings are too uncertain. The letters herewith to the King show what appearance there is, "but what will follow God knoweth, for I think never man had to do with such people." Agrees that "the bottom of their purpose and agreement will not appear till they shall have the King's money in their purses," and thinks that if, upon his last letters, the King resolves to send money hither it should be stayed. Has received the special advertisements they sent, and will make enquiry. Part appear true and part are untrue, but it is hard to judge the end of those perplexed affairs. Will be vigilant; and truth always triumphs in the end. Where they write that the young Queen should be very sick, none here know thereof. She was sick of the smallpox, but is perfectly recovered ten days past. And where they write that she is in the power of the Cardinal and his accomplices, and that lords Livingston and Lindsay, favouring the Governor, would have come away, but the old Queen stopped their baggage; the Dowager, Montrose and Erskine are of the Cardinal's party and the castle is the Dowager's, whereof Erskine is keeper and has all the keys, so that, if they list to convey her away, Livingston and Lindsay could not empeach it, and therefore might as well be away; but they neither desired to come away nor did the Dowager stop their baggage. Glencairn, Cassels, Maxwell and Somervail assure him that Montrose and Erskine are men of honor, and will preserve her to be married in England; "but how it will prove, God knoweth."
Headed : To the lords of Suffolk, Parr and Durham, 17th August 1543.
17 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 242. B.M. Hamilton Papers, No. 453. (Abstract.)
52. Mary Queen Of Scots to Henry VIII.
Desires a year's safeconduct for Adam Mawchane, burgess of Edinburgh, to trade through England with France, with a ship of 100 tons and "fish, salt, wines or other lawful goods." Edinburgh, 17 Aug. 1 Mary. Signed by the Governor.
Pp. 2 (one side of broadsheet folded). Add. Endd.
17 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 244. B.M. Hamilton Papers, No 454.
53. Arran to Henry VIII.
Albeit the time is very short that rests for the ratification of the treaty, and the cumber lately arisen in this realm has required his whole attention, he still intends to accomplish the treaty "agane the day affixte in the contract"; but, in case this may not be fulfilled at the issue of this month, he prays Henry to prorogate the time for 20 days, as he has desired Sir Ralph Saidleir to declare. Edinburgh, 17 Aug. Signed : James Governour.
Pp. 2 (one side of broadsheet folded). Add. Endd., 1543.
17 Aug.
R. O.
54. Religion At Cologne.
"Denunciation" made by the Senate of Cologne on Friday, 17 Aug. 1543, informing the people that they have received a letter (recited) from the Emperor, dated Mentz, 9 Aug. 1543, commending their efforts to withstand those of the New Religion who have endeavoured to withdraw the citizens from our old true Christian religion. They accordingly warn the citizens, upon penalty, not to join, or listen to, or lodge preachers of the new sect. They have received a like writing from the Pope's Holiness; and warn everyone against speaking despiteful words of the Pope, Emperor or other prince spiritual or temporal.
Translation, pp. 2. Endd. : The denunciation made by the Senate of Colen.
18 Aug.
R. O. St. P., IX. 476.
55. Sir Thos. Seymour to Henry VIII.
On Wednesday last, at Boisye, a mile from Landrissey, it was determined that the duke of Arscot, the Great Master, Mr. Wallop and others should go to view the town while Seymour kept the camp. At their return, a general council of the leaders concluded that to besiege the town the army must lie on both sides of a small brook which could not be passed without a bridge; and, as the French king assembled a great puissance at Guyse, 4 leagues off, it was thought good to send the count of Mansfeld to the Queen for aid, or instructions. Wallop and the Council sent Seymour with him to declare (in case the Queen would neither besiege Landrissey nor invade France) that Henry was not bound by the treaty to keep his men here longer. Yesterday, had audience, together with the ambassador, to whom he had shown the Council's doubts about aiding in the siege. The Queen's answer (detailed) referred the matter to the army and advised them to be wary. Thereupon Seymour declared the effect of Henry's letter dated Sunninghill, 10th inst.; adding that Henry was the more willing to let them go to the siege because they were given to understand that it would be won or lost within eight days; adding also that if she aided them in their return they might spoil the French king's country and so cause him to divide his army. She consulted her Council and made answer by President Schore that the delay would not be long, for, at the Emperor's coming with the prince of Orange, who had gone to convey necessaries to him, they would have men enough, both to check the duke of Cleves, besiege Landrissey and make head against the enemy; that, if the English left, her army could not keep the field, and with the enemy so near such a course would be dishonorable; and that she was really pursuing the enemy and entitled to aid although she did not forthwith besiege the town. Replied that if the enemy invaded with 10,000 the treaty required aid to expel them and invade in turn, but when they retired, the treaty did not bind that aid to besiege such a little town; also that it should have been foreseen that she was strong enough for the enterprise before calling the aid so far and both spending the King's money and wasting the Emperor's countries. She answered that the French King was then thought to be going towards Luxenburgh but had altered his purpose.
Thinks the army, which is said to be 7,000 foot and 2,500 horse, lacks 2,000 foot and 500 horse of that number, and, as they are all garrison men, Seymour doubts whether they may be taken for an army to which Henry is bound to give aid. Is doubtful how Arscot and the Great Master will agree when they meet the enemy, for at other times they show little goodwill. Thinks Arscot is no man of war. Antwerp, 18 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 5. Add. Endd.
18 Aug.
R. O.
56. Wotton to Henry VIII.
The Regent came hither on the 14th, by way of Mechelyn and Lyre, tarries 4 or 5 days and goes hence to Lovain. "This voyage is thought to be to gather money." Mr. Seymour arrived on the 16th; with whom, being at Court, Wotton heard that the Emperor came not so soon to Bonne as some of the Council had reported. But the Queen affirms that he is come thither, and the President says that his "vantwarde" has taken a little town of Gulik called Hows. Never heard the name before; so it must be of little value. Andwerpe, 18 Aug. 1543.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
19 Aug.
Add. MS. 32,651, f. 245. B.M. Hamilton Papers, No. 455.
57. The Privy Council to Suffolk, Parr and Tunstall.
Have received theirs of the 12th inst., with the report of the burser of the Lesse Galley concerning the encounter of his ships with the Frenchmen off Tymowth (sic), and of the 15th with the declaration of an espial (fn. 4) to you the lord Warden. The King marvels at their suit to prefer the said espial to his service without giving his name : the name must be sent. Suffolk shall keep ten of the best of the French lately taken, in pledge for the ransom of their fellows, and let the rest go. They must enquire what has chanced on the sea, for since the burser's report nothing has been heard of the King's navy. As it appears, by a view sent by them and Mr. Uvedale, that they have not money to pay the 5,000 men put ready to aid the Governor of Scotland when requested by the Governor and Mr. Sadler, they shall learn what the treasurers in those parts have, and take the money of them, to be allowed them again off their receipts at the general treasurers' hands; and if they have not enough further order shall be taken.
Draft in Paget's hand, pp. 2. Endd. : Mynute to the duke of Suff., my 1. Parr and the bishop of Duresme, xixo Augusti 1543.
19 Aug.
Sadler State Papers. I., 265.
58. Sadler to Suffolk, Parr and Tunstall.
Has received their letters of the 17th, with their bill of news, which are no news here; and, if the Cardinal and his complices mind any such things, they keep no counsel of them, for a man might have learnt all these news and more in the Fishmarket here, fourteen days ago. When he was with the Queen at Stirling she complained of these bruits of a marriage betwixt her daughter and Argyle's son and of strife betwixt Lennox and Bothwell for her love. Wrote nothing of them because they were common bruit, but thinks that the Cardinal and his fellows would be glad to accomplish them, and maybe intend them; but the Governor is warned of them by common bruit, and Sadler will advise him to weigh them as their lordships desire. Touching the force which Argile now raises; every man has been preparing forces, which is now stayed upon the agreement between the Cardinal and Sir George Douglas, as he wrote in his last. Certain Irishmen who have long been prisoners in the castles of Edinburgh and Dunbar the Governor has now sent home, to keep Argyle occupied; and they have already begun, for at their coming home they have now assembled 1,800 men and slain many of his servants and taken his friends' goods and cattle, although the Governor took bonds of them to make no stir until he appointed it. They are "such perilous persons" that neither Argyle shall be able to daunt them nor the Governor to set their country in a stay.
Encloses the names of the Scottish prisoners, with the value of their lands and goods, (fn. 5) for the taxation of the ransom when the commissioners of Scotland come; which, the Governor says, shall be soon. For Suffolk's ease, he will send them to Newcastle. Thinks that Angus, as the greatest man here, will be principal commissioner.
Headed : To my lords of Suffolk, Parr, and Durham, 19th August 1543.
20 Aug. 59. Henry VIII. to Cranmer.
See No. 66.
20 Aug.
R. O. St. P. IX., 479.
60. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Wrote on the 12th. An ambassador is since come from the Turk demanding 50,000 ducats due from the Venetians by last accord; and requiring the Signory to keep him informed of news of Christendom and of his navy and Barbarossa, who is besieging Nisa with the French army under the earl of Anguilar, who bears the French standard upon his galley (and Barbarossa none, in token that he is in the French service). Gives account of the siege of Nisa, to which Guasto and Doria (out of Spain) are sending aid. The "Bishop" has granted the French king 4,000 Italians, or their pay, against Henry, and is in incredible hate and infamy for thus taking part with the Turk's confederates; for all think Henry and the Emperor intend the wealth of Christendom and the French king its ruin. The duke of Florence has "soldid" 1,500 Almains for the presidy of his state. The French king has commissioned Piero Stroci to remain in Piedmont with his 300 soldiers. The Turks in Hungary are wearied with their long journey, and wasted by pestilence and penury increased by a plague of locusts. They have been rebutted from Strigonia with loss, but will try again, and, if they fail, retire to Buda; where the Turk's person is, and has summoned to him Friar George and the other nobles. Friar George refuses, saying the Turk has broken his promise to restore the young Prince to the kingdom of Hungary; and keeps Transylvania for the young Prince with 4,000 horse. Ferdinando has assembled 60,000 men of war and has 10,000 foot in Albaregal, 14,000 in Vienna, and a great presidy in Strigonia; so that the Turk is like to do little and lose reputation. Venice, 20 Aug. 1543.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd.
20 Aug.
Vatican MS.
61. The [Marquis Of Guasto?] to Card. Farnese. (fn. 6)
Although it is not the writer's office to answer the Pope's reply to the Imperial ambassador, upon the requisition to declare himself against the King of France, conjoined with the Turks to the hurt of Christendom, yet devotion to His Holiness and Christian zeal prompt him to say what he thinks of it. His Holiness must be assured that inasmuch as he has done more against the Turks since he has been rector of the See Apostolic than any of his predecessors, so much the more is every Christian bound to exert himself for Christendom. The forces of the Turk were never so much to be dreaded as now when they are joined to those of Christian princes; and his Holiness is therefore bound as a good shepherd to do all he can for his flock.
Now, as to his Holiness' reasons for not acting at present either with temporal or spiritual arms. First, the Pope thinks he ought not to declare with the temporal arm against Francis, because the latter has made a similar request for a declaration against the Emperor, as united to the King of England, a heretic and enemy of the Apostolic See. Now, if it is an error to confederate with heretics the King errs worse than the Emperor, because he is confederate with greater and more damnable heretics than the King of England. Although the King refuses obedience to the Apostolic See, a thing most impious, the others, confederates of the King of France, are infected with the same heresy, and moreover repudiate all the articles which form the very foundation of our Religion; which the King of England has not yet done. Besides, the King of France uses the arms of these heretics to the hurt of people sincerely Christian and now by his instigation and money the usurper of Denmark has sent men to aid the French, who under the Duke of Cleves are doing all they can to the hurt of Flanders. It cannot be doubted but that this is at the instigation of France; for lately the King of France gave his order of St. Michael to that King of Denmark. As to the aid of England, the Emperor uses it against the French united not only with heretics but with the very Turks, and only uses it in order that the French, being engaged in war with the English, may have less forces to join to the Turks. Besides, to show what a bad comparison is that of the King of England with the Turk :(1). The King of England, in the intimation of the war against Francis, inserts that it is because of that confederation with the Turk, and promises to desist if Francis will leave that confederation and contribute with other Christians against the Turk. (2.) The King of England has sent 40,000 crs. to the King of the Romans for defence against the Turk. These acts should not make men judge as equal the Turk and the King of England; but rather to think, from such good beginnings, that God will enlighten that King and not let these holy works be lost, but make him recognise his errors, and this hope is increased by the report that in his kingdom he no longer allows men to speak against the Apostolic see or his Holiness. This change is not so unlikely; for Henry II., his predecessor, in the time of Pope Alexander III., held the same heresy and committed infinite sacrileges, and yet in the end was enlightened by God and brought back to health. There could be no better way to bring him back than by joining him with the Emperor; and that union is for the good of Christendom, whereas the French king's error is inexcusable; because he knew it was an error incurred in the blindness of ambition, as appears by his frequent denial of it. The matter is the worse because the French king, while wishing to persuade the Pope that he was not allied with the Turk, had informed the Turkish fleet of all the Christian forces and had already determined to lead it against Christendom, beginning at Nice. To show that the united Turks and French did not intend to attack the Emperor alone, but all Christendom (which invalidates the Pope's argument about the Emperor's union with the King of England) their first attack was upon Nice, a place belonging to the Duke of Savoy, and already the Turks have sacked several towns belonging to the Genoese, who, although friends of the Emperor, are not subjects.
The other excuse that his Holiness gives appears to be that the declaration would harm the Apostolic See without aiding the Emperor or hurting France, because the forces of the Apostolic See, being already engaged against the Turk on the side of Vienna and at sea, would have to be withdrawn, and the French king would have a cause to rebel against the Church as the King of England has done. In answer to this, the opinion is universal here that the Apostolic See could do much more both by sea and land than it does at present : the States of the Church are ample, the ecclesiastical revenues infinite; and if these are insufficient, some of the property could be sold, for there never was such necessity as now. As to the danger that France may abandon the Apostolic See; it is unreasonable that his Holiness should refrain from doing his duty for fear that others may do what they ought not. Moreover his Holiness should give an example to other princes, and in refusing to declare himself may be the eause of all the ills which might result, and may encourage the Germans and all those who dissent from the Holy See, who are too many.
Lastly, his Holiness threatens to use the Ecclesiastical arms against whoever impedes the remedy he thinks essential to the preservation of the Christian religion, namely the peace. Doubts whether this would be well taken by Christians, who would think it strange that, when the sentences already decreed, by the Canon law should be executed, his Holiness makes the judgment anew. He who aids the Turk is excommunicated from the Church; and the king of France has done it in every way. Then, as to the impeding of the peace we must consider (1) who is the author of the present war and (2) if that peace which is talked of would be perpetual and not a delay until the king of France should have opportunity again to disturb the world; because the nature of Frenchmen is such that their desires never end, for as soon as one is attained another begins. Cites the war which followed the Emperor's election and the four times on which the French king has broken his oath, i.e. given at Madrid, Cognac, Cambray and Bologna. When the Emperor invaded Provence it was to protect Savoy. When his Holiness was making the truce in the hope of a peace to follow, the French king was planning his union with the Turk. Last year, while protesting to the ambassadors and to the Pope that he would keep the truce, he suddenly broke it for the sake of the Turk.
His Holiness will see from the above that the only real peace will be obtained by compelling the French king to keep within his kingdom. Perhaps the seeing the arms temporal and spiritual of the vicar of Christ raised against him might bring him to his senses. Milan, 20 Aug. 1540 (sic).
Italian. Pp. 17. From a modern copy in R.O.


  • 1. Sir Thomas Cheyney. See Part I. No. 820.
  • 2. Henry Cornish. See Nos. 23 and 24.
  • 3. See Nos. 28 and 33, though the latter is dated the 11th in the draft, not 12th.
  • 4. Sandy Pringle. See No. 63.
  • 5. See Part I. No. 2 (2).
  • 6. The MS. is a sixteenth century copy with the signature "Il Duca d'Alva"; but, as Alva was then in Spain, the transcriber has probably misread the very illegible signature of the Marquis of Guasto (See Vol. xvii. No. 348 note). The date at the end "MDXL" is also an evident misreading.