Henry VIII: September 1543, 1-5

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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'Henry VIII: September 1543, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1902), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp61-73 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1543, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1902), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp61-73.

"Henry VIII: September 1543, 1-5". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1902), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp61-73.


September 1543, 1-5

1 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652. f. 7. B.M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 3.
108. The Privy Council to Sadler.
"Post Scripta.Upon the occasion of this garboyle and sending of money to the Governor's aid," you shall learn whether the Governor will be content, seeing that the Cardinal makes this insurrection against him, to have the Humes and Carres, and other enemies on the Borders, harried; and, if so, you shall notify Suffolk and the lord Warden, who prepare for it. Also, seeing the danger of conveying money through the Governor's enemies, you shall move him to deliver Dunbar Castle to the King; that his Highness may make his staple of money there, and also see that the Governor "will likewise render the rest, according to his promise, if the case shall so require."
Draft in Wriothesley's hand. Endd. : A post scripta of a lettre to Master Sadleyr, primo Septembris 1543.
1 Sept.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 214.]
109. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
Wrote yesterday. This morning received hers of 28 Aug., and sent for Sir John Gressam, who has promised all diligence in transporting the 3,000l. st. in ready money (2,000l. of which is in angellots, double ducats and ducats of Hungary, and the rest will be changed into the same money) and will help that the Staplers may advance payment of the 2,000l. Gressam has taken great pains, and it will be a spur to him another time if she lets him know that he has done her service. Begs her to order acquittance to be made of the 20,000 ducats paid by Gressam and his brother Richard, if it is not already done. Is sending her news to the King; and is sure he will be pleased with it, especially the offer to join the Flemish war ships with his.
Meanwhile, begs her to have compassion on his own affair, and despatch his man who has waited there over two months. London, 1 Sept. 1543.
French, pp. 2. Modern transcript from Vienna.
1 Sept.
R. O.
110. Suffolk and Tunstall to Parr.
We enclose a letter from Anguisshe with the copy of a licence granted to certain merchants of Scotland to repair into England for one year; but we believe that "he" [qu. Lisle ?] had no authority to grant it, as he holds his office only during pleasure. He had no licence in his patent to grant such safe-conducts, which include not only merchants named but their servants unnamed. Sure espial may be had in the frontiers by such pedlars going to gentlemen's houses, and suffered to retail, which is against the laws and hurts the country and the market towns. Your deputy wardens should refrain from such licences, which cannot be justified by the treaty nor by the law. I, Suffolk, have answered Anguisshe that I would not meddle in another man's office and have remitted him that brought the letters to your lordship for answer; for though you may, upon reasonable cause, license any merchant to repair into your wardenry for a small season, no man can grant it for a year but the King, "whom we have seen right circumspect in granting such licences." Darnton, 1 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Fly leaf with address lost.
1 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f 4. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 2.
111. Sadler to Henry VIII.
The despatch of the laird of Brunstone has been delayed by the Governor's preparations to resist this rebellion. Now he is despatched, to declare how the miserable state of this realm empeaches the accomplishment of the treaties, and to beg a respite. Private credence he has touching the marriage of the Governor's son with the lady Elizabeth (which he confesses to be greatly to his honor, but cannot at present accomplish), and touching the promises he made in case of non-performance of the treaties, which promises Sadler could by no means induce him to write, and which he now seems inclined to slip from, especially that touching the strongholds, by which he now says that he meant they should be in his and his friends' hands ready to do Henry service. Thinks these men here are of the nature of Frenchmen, who "offer largely that all shall be rotre commandement when indeed they mind to depart with nothing." Assuredly the Governor promised no less than Sadler wrote, and both Cassils and Brunstone have heard him say the like. Can get nothing more of him than what he has written with his own hand and the credence he has committed to Brunstone, which is that he will travail, by force or otherwise, to make his adversaries concur in the performance of the treaty, and, failing that, will concur with the rest of Henry's friends here against them; and, though he cannot now conclude the marriage nor deliver his son, he will do so when time serves. Brunstone's despatch has been made since the departure of the King's friends, who left on Thursday to prepare their forces and then told Sadler that the Governor was well minded, presently, to send his son to Henry. Sir George Douglas thinks that, now when this division is likely to be ended only by the sword, the Governor is so faint-hearted that he will never abide the extremity, but will rather put himself into the hands of his enemies, to his own confusion; and therefore Douglas thinks that Henry should write to all the noblemen his friends here to stick together and he will aid and advance them (the letters to be so written that they may be shown to assured friends); and that unless Henry, taking the peace as frustrate because not observed in time, will send a main army this year (for which the season is very late), he should bear with the Governor for a time, and meanwhile the war and division here will make them easier to deal with next year. Douglas has asked him to write this, and also that, if it come to force, he trusts to make Henry as many friends here as any other will. Brunstone has commission to entreat for release of the Scottish ships stayed because laden with victual and hostile to the Governor, the stay of which has so enraged this town, both men and women, that they swear they will set Sadler's house on fire and burn both him and his, and say that the Governor has "coloured a peace" only to undo them. "Th [us] is the unreasonableness of the people, which live here in such a beastly liberty that they neither regard God nor Governor, ne yet justice or any good policy doth take place amongst them." Unless these ships are delivered, he cannot abide here without danger.
The Cardinal, Lennox, Huntley and Bothwell are already at Stirling and expect their accomplices within two days, save that Argile must, if he come, leave his whole power at home for defence. It is said that they intend to crown the young Queen, make four regents of the realm and deprive the Governor. Edinburgh, 1 Sept.
P.S. in his own hand.Commends Brunstone for his affection to the King. Cassells and the sheriff of Ayr are thoroughly agreed; for which the sheriff thanks Henry and prays him to write a letter of thanks to Cassells.
Pp. 5. Add. Endd. : 1543.
1 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 2. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 1.
112. Sadler to Parr.
Mr. Douglas, who now repairs to the Borders to levy his forces to serve the Governor in this ruffle, desires Sadler to write to Parr to see that his friends are not, in their absence, harried at home by Englishmen. If Parr would make an errand near the Borders, Douglas would wait upon him and show what parts of the Borders should be harried. Otherwise, he desires to speak with the deputies of the East and Middle Marches and the Captain of Norham. Edinburgh, 1 Sept.
P.S.Has received his of 31 Aug. Douglas will to-morrow night be at Coldingham and, upon knowledge of Parr's pleasure, will come to Berwick or elsewhere.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.
1 Sept.
R.O. St. P., IX. 493.
113. Wotton to Henry VIII.
Yesterday evening the Regent sent Mons de Corbaron to say that Schepperus was at last come with tidings that, after the taking of Duren, the men of Gulik all fled, except a prisoner of this country and a fool, and the women sent the keys to the Emperor, who willed them to send for their husbands and promised to preserve their privileges. It was well fortified and furnished, and is now garrisoned by the Emperor; as also is Duren, which, however, is mostly burnt. Grevenbrooke, Berckhen and Herclens have brought their keys to the Emperor, who goes straight to Rumonde, leaving Sittaert behind.
Later, the Regent sent word that Rumonde had yielded and the garrison of Sittaert fled. Thus all Juliers is subdued; and few towns of Cleves can resist such an army. Cannot tell what Venlo will do, but thinks that, being wealthy, it will not risk losing all; and, that gone, "I see no resistance again till they come to Nymmeghe," so that the town of Cleves and all the country on this side the Rhine will be at the Emperor's commandment. This taking of Duren has made them all afraid.
Hearing that the Queen would depart this day, asked her about it; and she said that she meant, with a few of the Court, to draw near the Emperor for 4 or 5 days, but left most of her Council and train here, where she desired Wotton also to tarry. When Corbaron brought the news of Rumonde he said that the Emperor had sent her word by Mons. de Brabanson to come to him. The Regent said that the Emperor, trusting to have Rumonde and thus find the rest more easy, meant to send a reinforcement to the camp in Hainault; also that the French king was going towards Luxembourg, leaving Vendome on the Hainault frontier; that Barbarossa and the Frenchmen had taken Villafrancha, and had suborned one in Nyse to slay the Duke of Savoy's son there, being about 14 years of age, but the plot failed; also that the Turk had, with great loss, taken a tower at Strigoigne and compelled the town to yield, but King Ferdinand with an army of Moraves and Boemes intended to approach the Turks, who, although numbering 125,000, have but 60,000 fighting men, and a fortified island in the river (fn. 1) still held out. Lovain, 1 Sept. 1543.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
1 Sept.
R. O.
114. Christian III. Of Denmark to Henry VIII.
Received his letters by bearer showing that Henry had undertaken war against the French king and was informed that Christian had appointed a naval expedition against him (Henry), which he thought to be only a rumor spread by the French, but desired to know the truth. All Christendom knows of the strife between the Emperor and Christian. To compose it, he has often sent ambassadors into Lower Germany and to Diets of the Empire, empowered to conclude peace or a long truce, but the conditions of peace proposed were too unequal to be accepted and the truces were only for brief periods and not binding to all the Emperor's dominions. Last year at Bremen, and this year at Campen, Christian's commissioners tried to obtain extension of the time and reciprocity of obligation, but failed; and therefore, when the Low Germans, the truce elapsed, brought their ships through Christian's seas he detained them with a view to further treaty. Thereupon Queen Mary caused the Emperor's admiral to publish letters of reprisal, seized some of Christian's ships and imprisoned the men, putting one and another of them to death and placing their dead bodies on wheels (in rotis) in sign of ignominy. Not content with these atrocities she sent her fleet to Norway, where they took booties including a ship laden with silver. Has therefore, in defence of his subjects, been forced to prepare his fleet.
Had not before heard of Henry's war with the French king; and is sorry for it, considering the wars in Christendom and the threatening of the Turk. Offers mediation, as a confederate of the French king, and is hopeful that his influence would induce Francis to peace with Henry, who might then mediate a concord between the Emperor and Francis.
Repeats that he has only sent out his fleet in self defence, and that the danger of the Turk is imminent; and offers to submit his own cause to the discussion of all impartial men. Ex oppido nostro Kyll, cal., Sept. 1543. Signed : "Vester bonus frater et amicus, Christianus rex."
Lat., pp. 5. Add. Endd.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652. f. 24. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II. No. 5.
115. Henry VIII. to Arran.
By bearer, the laird of Fife, received his letters of the 25th ult. and heard his credence. Next day, learned from his ambassador there the new commotion intended by the Cardinal (which ought for ever to show what he intends and what credence is to be given to any man who labours for him), and the laird of Fife thought that he could do better service there, having been an agent with some who heretofore favoured the Cardinal, and that Arran could not now attend to sorting of the hostages. Has, therefore, given him leave to return; and prays that, when this garboyle is over, he may be sent back, to have the honour of the ratification.
Draft, pp. 3. Endd. : Mynute to therle of Arran, ijo Septembris 1543.
Ib. f. 26. No. 6. 2. Memorial delivered to the laird of Fife.
Upon the new commotion in Scotland intended by the Cardinal, "both we and the said laird of Fyf," think that he should repair thither, since "the ratification cannot be here shortly expedited" and he may do service there. He shall declare to the Governor the three points of his credence (recited, viz., a brief rsum of those in No. 116).
Copy, p. 1. Endd.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652. f. 9. B.M. Hamilton Papers. II., No. 4.
116. Henry VIII. to Sadler.
On Friday morning arrived his of the 26th ult. written to the Lieutenant and others of the Council in the North. The same day arrived the laird of Fife with the ratification and credence from the Governor, viz., 1. To excuse the delay of the ratification and laying of pledges; 2. That, to reserve about him the pledges of prisoners assured to the King and him, the Governor would have taken as hostages lord Flemyng's son, lord Oliphantes son and young Erskyn; 3. That, lacking the relief which the Kings of Scotland had from the clergy, the Governor desired aid at need.
To these the King answered :1. That he was not so precise with his friends as to exact over straitly things to which they were bound, so as he perceived them faithful and willing; and he had such an opinion of the Governor that he "would rather bear with him for a small time" than either press him to do more than he might or grant anything not agreeable to the treaty. 2. That he liked the Governor's intention to retain about him the pledges of prisoners who were trusty to him; but he could not accept the three named. Erskyn was not a personage able, by the treaty, to be a hostage; and, considering what Flemyng and Olyphant were, it was more meet that their sons should remain pledges for their ransoms than be freed and return to Scotland at the end of six months, when their fathers should be out of all stay, and might act against the Governor, and yet the burden of their ransoms rest on his neck. Advising him rather to essay to get the earl of Arrel, or the earl Marshal, or lord Furbus' son, or others that were lately of the Cardinal's faction. And, as this is the knot of the whole treaty, the King writes this to Sadler, and requires the laird of Fife to write the semblable, to accelerate the putting in of the hostages; for until that is done "the confirmation must be deferred." 3. That the King would be loth to see the Governor lack, but, yet, would not spend his treasure fruitlessly. Hitherto the Governor has so proceeded that many seem neither to love nor fear him. Now he is with the Cardinal and may, if he can win and keep him, recover like commodity of the spirituality as others in authority have had; but if he cannot recover the Cardinal he must prosecute him, take Stirling castle, replace the keepers of the young Queen who are not dedicate to him by others of those appointed by Parliament, declare the Humes, Bothwell and others traitors and give away their rooms and goods, expulse Linux and put Dunbritayn castle in the hands of Cassilles or Glencarn, and so be lord on this side the Fryth and hold the key of the North. To aid him, Henry will send a sufficient mass of money, provided he deliver some sure place, as Dunbar or Tentallon, to lay it in (for Berwick is too far off), and will, if necessary, send experienced men to advise him. But he must "leave his delays and parliaments, and follow his matters more quickly," or he will undo himself and spend Henry's money in vain.
Sadler shall declare these things to the Governor, as coming from one who knows the world; assuring him that unless he follow this advice he will shortly lose all, for even in Edinburgh there are [men] assured to the Cardinal.
P.S.Here arrived Sadler's letters of 28 Aug. declaring the sudden mutation of the new assembly of the Cardinal; whereupon bearer, thinking that the Governor could not now attend to hostages, desired to repair home to serve with his own force and some of his friends but lately reconciled to the Governor. To this Henry consented, and has written for his return for the ratification.
Draft with corrections in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 28. Endd. : Mynute to Master Sadleyr, ijo Sept. 1543.
2 Sept.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No 215.]
117. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
Since His Last, Of Yesterday, Sir John Gressam has made such diligence that the 3,000l. st. is made up in angellots and ducats and delivered to bearer. It remains for her to make an acquittance for it to the profit of Sirs Michael Dormer, mayor of the Staple of Calais, Ralph Warren, John and Richard Gressam. Will solicit the advancement of the other 2,000l., in which her good word to the bearer would be of service. London, 2 Sept. 1543.
French, p. 1. Modern transcript from Vienna.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 27. B.M. Hamilton Papers, II. No 7.
118. Suffolk to Henry VIII.
Has received letters from the Privy Council that he shall put ready 16,000 or 20,000 men, picked out of the whole number within his commission, and that the King thinks he will gladly go with them. Thanks him; and will go with a good will, trusting that the King will appoint in his company such as may help him, and one to supply his room in case of sickness. Would gladly have my lord Admiral captain of the foreward and my lord of Darby captain of the rearward with Mr. Comptroller, lord Parre marshall of the army and captain of the horsemen, Sir Arthur Darcy undermarshall, Sir John Haryngton treasurer, and Ric. Candishe master of the ordnance. Darnton, 2 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 1543.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 29. B.M. Hamilton Papers. II. No. 8
119. Suffolk to the Council.
Perceives, by their letters dated Antylle 31 Aug., that he is to put ready 16,000 or 20,000 picked men out of his commission. Doubtless they consider what time of year it will be before the army is ready to enter Scotland and what lack of furniture there is if it should go far in, which is almost impossible unless the Governor and lords there provide victual. If they keep not promise to victual the army and deliver the strongholds, it will be known within three days (for which time provision can be made), and they shall get such a buffet upon their Border as shall make them repent it, seeing that their corn is now in houses and stacks. Thinks the King will not send his army upon trust of promises, but will have hostages. If the army shall pass into Scotland the following must be sent with all diligence, viz., 2,000 or 3,000 costrells of good beer, 200 double draughts for horses, 300 single for the draughts of the ordnance; also 6 double cannon for battery, and good gunners for them and for other 24 field pieces, for none can be spared out of Berwick. Asks whether to brew beer and bake biscuit at Berwick and Newcastle; in which there can be no great loss, as it can be uttered into Flanders. Darnton, 2 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 1543.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 31. B.M. Hamilton Papers, II. No. 9.
120. Suffolk and Tunstall to the Council.
Have received theirs of 31 Aug., touching the grain at Berwick and the putting ready of an army of 16,000 or 20,000, in which Suffolk will write his opinion. Touching the Armestranges, have written the King's pleasure to Wharton. Where they write that, touching the stewardships of Hexham and Langley, the writers mistook the Council's letter of 25 Aug., they now quote the words of that letter. The lordship of Hexham, belonging to the archbishop of York, and the lordship of Langley, belonging to the King, are distinct from Tynedale and Redisdale, lying on this side of the Tyne, and were never under the governance of the keeper. The stewardship of Hexham, void by the death of Sir Reynold Carnaby, is already given, by my lord of York, to his brother, who has made Sir Cuthb. Ratclif his deputy. The office of Langley is at the King's disposal and contains no hold, only the walls of a castle remain; and Hexham has no strength but the abbey, where the King's farmers dwell. Holds within Tyndale and Redisdale are none but Harbottell castle in Redisdale, in sore decay, belonging to Lord Talebusshe, and in Tyndale Sir John Witherington's house called Hawghton, "wherof the walls scantly do stand," as they wrote in their last. John Heron's house of Chipchace is near to Tynedale, only the water of Tyne running between. If the King will dispose of Langley to another than the governor of Tyndale, his servants dwelling nearest it are Sir Cuthbert Ratclif, Sir Thomas Hilton, Nic. Ridley and one Thurlewall, a man of mean lands, who caused the taking of the Armestranges "and dwells in the uttermost part of those frontiers."
Suffolk will see if he can, by letter, stay Angus from making such demands for money. Darnton, 2 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.
2 Sept.
R O.
121. Tunstall to [Parr].
My lord Lieutenant sends you a letter from the Council to Mr. Sadleyr, for you to peruse and forward. Where, in your last letter to him, you desire to know whether your letter with news of the ships of Denmark reached him; it came, and was forthwith sent to the Court. In the common letter that came to my Lord and you at Newcastle you perceived the King's pleasure to accept Sandy Pringle to his service. The sooner that offer is taken by Pringle, the better it is for him; and doubtless you will give him a good lesson to deserve it. Darnton, 2 Sept., at midnight. Signed.
P. 1. Flyleaf with address lost.
3 Sept.
122. Wriothesley to [Parr].
Received his Lordship's letter of the 27th ult., by bearer, with the letters of the dean and chapter of Duresme to the King. The King's answer is that, albeit, upon suit made, he had written in that matter, thinking the thing void and the person meet for it, now, perceiving that it is already granted to a personage of approved wisdom and honesty, "which my lord of Winchester did also specially and privately set forth to his Highness," he will in nowise interrupt him, nor would prefer the other, even if it were not already in Mr. Dean's just possession. Parr shall signify this to him; and if Todde make any further suit "he shall be answered as appertaineth." Offers services. Ampthill, 3 Sept.
Hol. p. 1. Flyleaf with address lost. Endd. in the hand of Parr's clerk.
3 Sept.
123. Tunstall to Parr.
My lord Lieutenant sends a letter of advice to Mr. Sadleyr, which please peruse and forward; and signify in your next how you like it. My lord has sent Mr. Sadleyr's letter to you up to Court because it contained more than was in the King's letter or his. I enclose a clause out of our common letter concerning Sandy Pringle, "[to] th'intent your lordship may cause him to perform his promise made in his submission, which the King looks for." Darnton, 3 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Flyleaf with address lost.
3 Sept.
Irish Mem. Roll, 13-14 Eliz. m. 13.
124. Ireland.
Agreement made with the Cavanaghs at Ross, 3 Sept., 35 Hen. VIII.
Printed in extenso in Morrin's Calendar Vol. I., p. 43 (enrolled, apparently, out of place).
3 Sept. R.O. 125. H. Lord Maltravers to Henry VIII.
Sir John Benolde, the King's French secretary here, is dead. By reason of his infirmity and age, he had compounded with Armigill Wade, clerk of the Council, to help him, who has thereby had two years' experience of that office. Begs Henry to confer the room of French secretary upon Wade, with the wages which Laverock had, who preceded Benolde; so that he may maintain a clerk or two, and the two rooms will be better administered than if furnished by two persons. Calais, 3 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.
3 Sept.
R.O. St P., IX. 495.
126. Bonner to Henry VIII.
Encloses copies of his letters of 24 Aug. sent by Brante, who came with young Dennye. The same day the Emperor took Duren "by force of the Spaniards and Italians (to whom it was given in prey), and the same in conclusion all burnt saving two small streets and a church of the Grey Friars." Describes how the terror of this has caused Juliers, Lynnicke, Erclens, Wassenberg, Sittart castle and Ruremonda all to surrender; the Emperor passing meanwhile by Nedertzier, Cuerersich, Cursebeck, Heynesburg, and Ruremonda to Venlo, which he now besieges. The Prince of Orange has now won Mon Joye. It is here thought that the Duke of Cleves must submit. The Emperor has banished Bucerus from Bonne, whither the abp. of Colen had called him, and likewise banished Pistorius, that preached at Tuitium (fn. 2) opposite Colen, which grieves the Duke of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse, and chiefly the abp. of Colen, who is said to be gone to Maguntia to speak with the Landgrave. The Count of Vueda "that is coadjutor to the bishop," the count of Newennar, and Count William of Nassaw are gone to the Duke of Cleves at Thisteldorf, (fn. 3) and thence to the Emperor to make suit for him. The Duke's mother died of grief on 29 Aug., his people are brought to more mildness, and the people of Colen, who at first favoured them, begin now little to esteem them. When the Court first came nigh here few durst go abroad, and one of Bonner's servants, taken alone, was almost killed. Departs hence, by Mons. Grandvele's advice. Colen, 3 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 1543.
4 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 33. B.M. Hamilton Papers. II. No. 10.
127. Sadler to Suffolk and Tunstall.
Yesterday afternoon the Governor rode out of this town with but 3 or 4 persons, alleging that he rode to the Black Nasshe, where his wife laboured of child and was in danger. Forthwith arose a bruit that he was gone to Stirling to the Cardinal, and Sadler sent down to the Abbey and had answer from David Panter that he was gone to Black Nasshe, and would return within 6 or 8 hours. The Master of Kilmawres, Glencarne's son, who came to supper, confirmed this; but, this morning, betimes, the sheriff of Lythcoo came from the master of Kilmawres to assure Sadler that the Governor was gone to Stirling and had revolted to the other party. Sent thereupon to the Abbey; but found that the abbot of Pastle, David Panter, the master of Kilmawres, and the rest whom the Governor left there, are ridden this morning to Black Nasshe or Lythcoo to seek him. Begs them to notify this to the King; and if it prove otherwise he will send another post. Angus, Casselles, Glencarne, and all other the King's friends are away preparing their forces, so that Sadler remains alone in the midst of his enemies, whom the stay of their ships in England has so moved that he and his dare not go into the streets. If any ruffle happen he is the first that shall be sacked. Edinburgh, 4 Sept. 1543.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
4 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 35. B.M. Hamilton Papers, II. No. 11.
128. Sadler to Suffolk and Tunstall.
Wrote, this day, of the Governor's departure. Learns now that, last night, at midnight, came letters from the Governor (being at Blacke Nasshe with his wife) to the abbot of Pastle and David Panter to repair to him, the messenger saying that the Governor and Cardinal should meet to-day at Culrouse abbey or the Lord Levenston's house, between Lythcoo and Stirling; but whether he be revolted to the Cardinal is not certain. The town of Dundee has risen and sacked the houses of the Black and Grey Friars; and "another company of Good Christians, as they call them here," has sacked Landorse abbey in Fyffe and Anguish. The Governor's sudden departure has so amazed people that, this day, there has been a great gathering here; and the captains of the footband, with part of the Governor's retinue, going to sack the Black Friars, were prevented by the whole town, both men and women, assembled by the ringing of the common bell. Never saw people in such fury as they be now; and all the realm is in commotion, and great slaughter said to be in the Highland, where Argile is forced to abide at home. The Cardinal has not past 5,000 with him at Stirling, and, "being a wily fox," will likely enough devise some appointment whereto the Governor, being very simple and faint-hearted, is facilly induced when the great men and Sir George Douglas are absent, and none present but the abbot of Pastle and David Panter, who "are thought to be of the other faction." Edinburgh, 4 Sept.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.
4 Sept.
129. Sir Thos. Seymour and Others to Henry VIII.
During the 12 days they abode in the camp at Anglefountayne no reinforcement (as promised to Seymour by President Score, in the Regent's behalf) came; nor was any enterprise done, but they remained destroying the forage of the peasants and paying so dear for other victuals that the soldiers might scarcely live on their wages. On Friday, 31 Aug., the duke of Arscotte and Great Master, replacing with parcel of the garrison of Avannes those lost at the journey of Bowgheny under Mons. Lyques, determined to move towards Bowghan castle. Were on the point of moving that Friday morning, when Henry's letters of (blank) Aug. arrived. Their captain, Mr. Wallop, being diseased with an ague and unfit to travel, was carried in a litter to Valencyane; where they now hear he "doth well amend." Came that night to a village in Cambresis called St. Suplere, where they declared to the Duke and Great Master the effect of Henry's letters. Were answered that the Emperor's resolution was looked for hourly, and shown letters from the Lady Regent promising this. Marching forward, burning the French villages, came on Saturday night, 1 Sept., to Bekeney within a league of Bowghan. On Sunday morning, the Great Master with 1,000 horse and 2,000 Almains and Spaniards, and Seymour with 200 horse and 1,600 foot, marched to the castle with 2 cannons and 2 half cannons of the Duke's and 4 of Henry's greatest pieces; and, surrender being refused, plied the shot so diligently that in 5 or 6 hours two breaches were made (yet scarcely 'saltable) and those within, 212 persons, offered to give it up. The Great Master refused to take it except by assault, and appointed the Spaniards and Almains (who were provoked by the death of a captain slain by the shot of a "hake") to assault, while Henry's men stood to resist any sudden coming of the French to levy the assault. Meanwhile those within, crying piteously for grace, set open a postern, by which certain Spaniards and Englishmen entered and took them prisoners, and so saved their lives, while the Almains with great difficulty entered by the breaches of the broken wall. Burnt castle and town. One English gunner, the said Almain, and a Spaniard were slain, and 10 or 12 hurt. Not expecting to win it so soon, the Great Master sent to the Duke of Arscotte, who remained at Bekeney, to bring up the whole camp, and Seymour sent to Crumwell, St. John and others left in charge there to do the like. The Duke however countermanded the army not to repair to Bowghan that night, and also stayed the sending of victuals thither, so that those there, after being all day without victuals, were forced to return late in the evening to Bekeney where their cabins and lodgings had been burnt at their departure. This "precise and wilful opinion" of the Duke might, but for the fortunate winning of the castle, have hindered the enterprise.
That Sunday came, to Bowghan, Cornelius Skypperus, councillor of the Emperor, with letters of credence from the Emperor and Regent addressed to the chief captain of Henry's army. In Wallop's absence Seymour opened them and required the credence; which was that the Emperor desired them to continue with Arscotte and the Great Master and this army for ten days, within which time they should be joined with such a puissant army that they might invade the enemy's country. He was answered that such promises had been made twice before, and yet they were still kept more like a garrison to defend the country than an army to invade the enemy according to the league, and, although Henry had twice been content to suffer them to remain thus wasting his treasure, they durst not take upon themselves to put him to such a vain expense, but would refer to him; also requiring that, meanwhile, they might lie within France, doing such damage as they might, seeing that the French king is withdrawn towards Luxenburgh. To this they have no answer as yet, but think Arscotte is rather inclined to retire them into Heynalte again.
Ask instructions, and, if within the 10 days the Emperor do not furnish a sufficient army to invade, but makes further delays in order to keep them still as a garrison, whether to repair home or tarry; and also what to do if the Emperor come with a sufficient army and require them to besiege Laundryssy or to pass into Brabande towards Cleves or Gelderland; and also, if it be purposed to invade France, what part thereof Henry would have them "the raythest to annoye."
At the battery of Bowghan and the razing of the towers at Lesgnes abbey, and elsewhere, their powder and shot is much spent. The bowstrings sent are so evil that they break with bending the bows, which bows are so weak that the soldiers complain. If the army shall continue any time, they will need stronger bows and better strings, and also gunpowder and shot. Bekeney, 4 Sept. 1543. Signed: T. Seymour, Rich. Crumwell, G. Carow, J. Seynt John, Robert Bowis.
Pp. 8. Add. Endd.
5 Sept.
R.O. [Spanish Calendar, VI II., No. 216.]
130. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
The King and his Council showed marvellous pleasure at the news she last sent, touching Hungary and the offer of the ships of Flanders, but, principally, at hearing of the Emperor's health and the beginning of his exploit, desiring (as they say) his good success. They make no sign of compassion for the Duke of Cleves; but desire to see the summons made to Duren, and the answer. Had already informed them of the booty made by Captain Maicre, but until her confirmation they scarcely believe it, as also they did in [the matter of] the prize which Don Alvaro de Bassain took off Gallicia, near Muros, of several French armed vessels. Now that they are certified, they show great pleasure at both. The Council have sent no word touching the coming of the ships of Flanders, perhaps trusting to what has been said, or thinking that the season no longer serves; but they have renewed their charge to him to supplicate her for the assistance of which he last wrote, and to get the Emperor and her to keep their master advertised, confidentially, of occurrents and of the Emperor's designs, "surquoy ne seroye (qu. n'oseroye ?) dire davantaige de ce qu'en ay cy devant escript, aussi est ce chose trop excusee, puisque voz majestez scavent trop mieulx que cela emporte que nul aultre."
A gentleman (fn. 4) is come from Scotland to whom the King makes a great reception. Will advertise her when he learns something of the gentleman's charge. London, 5 Sept. 1543.
French, pp. 2. Modern transcript from Vienna.
5 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 38, B. M. Hamilton Papers, II. No. 12.
131. Parr to Suffolk.
Upon letters from Sadler that he should keep the Carres, Humes, Bukclough, and their friends waking, so as to diminish the Cardinal's power, had appointed three several raids to be made at one time; but, upon another letter from Sadler declaring that Sir George Douglas was on the Borders and would speak with one of the deputy wardens, rode to Norham and sent for Douglas. Douglas came on Monday morning, and gave the names of lairds and townships to be spared; and, thereupon, Parr has appointed Wharton to invade the Ledisdales, Sir Ralph Eure the Tividales, and Bryan Layton and John Carre of Wark the Marse, so that "if Tweed be not up," between this and Monday, the Cardinal's adherents shall be sharply pursued. Promised assurance to Douglas's "said lairds and townships" only on condition that they make no resistance to raids upon the Cardinal's adherents.
Asked what would be done if the Cardinal's power assembled and crowned their Princess before the Governor's party had their forces gathered, Douglas answered that, if the Cardinal came not to Edinburgh, they would go towards Stirling; and on Friday next would be there or at Litheco, and would, by burning and spoiling, draw their enemies to give them battle; but the Governor was so faint and inconstant that either he or his brother must be ever with him to keep him stedfast to the King, and now, when both were absent, Douglas dreaded his instability. If it be as appears by Mr. Sadleyr's last letters, his suspicion was just. Douglas's opinion was that, as winter was approaching, the King should not send an army royal into Scotland; but, now when their corn was inned or at the point of inning, if it was destroyed and the Scots sharply pursued they must either submit or flee and live in penury; and for this good garrisons upon the Borders would do as much as a main army; and thereby the King's friends might be strengthened and their adversaries' power diminished against next summer. Warkwourthe, 5 Sept. Signed.
P.S.Encloses a letter from Mr Sadleyr to Suffolk, which he has perused, and two other letters of news to himself.
Pp. 4. Add. Sealed. Endd : 1543.
5 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 41. B.M. Hamilton Papers, II. No. 13. Sadler State Papers.I. 282.
132. Sadler to Henry VIII.
Has received two letters from the Council of 31 Aug. and 1 Sept., but cannot now execute the contents; for the Governor, being left here with only the abbot of Pastle and David Panter (who are suspected to be of the Cardinal's faction), is now revolted to the Cardinal. On Monday last, after Sir John Cambell of Lundie and the abbot of Pytterwene had been here with letters from the Cardinal, the Governor departed with three or four attendants to Blacke Nasshe, "to his wife that (as he said) laboured of child," and yesterday he rode to lord Levenston's house, between Lythcoo and Sterlyng, where the Cardinal and Murrey met him, and after friendly embracings, all departed together to Sterlyng, the abbot of Pastle and David Panter being sent back to Lythcoo, to despatch (as it is supposed) letters to the noblemen who were gathering forces for the Governor to cease their gatherings, and be here on Monday next at a convention of all parties. The gentleman who told Sadler the above says that, when he perceived that the Governor would go to Sterlyng, he declined to serve him longer; "whereunto the Governor answered, even shortly, that his going to Sterlyng should be for the best, for he should make all well." Some think that they will now concur to observe the treaties, if the King will dispense for the time already omitted; others think that the noblemen who have hitherto adhered to the Governor will not now trust him so much as to come to any convention. Notified the first inkling of the Governor's revolt to Sir George Douglas at Coldingham, 6 miles from Berwick, who wrote again the letter enclosed. Edinburgh, 5 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 1543.
5 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,652, f. 43. B.M. Hamilton Papers, II. No. 14.
133. Sadler to Suffolk and Tunstall.
Encloses a letter for the King, showing the truth of the Governor's revolt, and another received from Sir George Douglas upon Sadler's notification of it to him. This town have stoutly defended their Friars, who else had been sacked ere this; and they are much offended with Sadler, saying that he counselled the captains of the footband to it and also those who have done the like at Dundee and elsewhere. They say that the only cause of Sadler's lying here is to put down the Kirk; and for that and the stay of their ships in England, they are so moved that the Provost has much ado to prevent their assaulting Sadler's house, and has prayed him to keep himself and his folks within. They say that Sadler shall not leave this town alive unless they have their ships restored. "This is the rage and beastliness of this nation, which God keep all honest men from !" Edinburgh, 5 Sept. Signed.
P.S.Perceives by letters from the lord Warden that he intends to annoy the Humes, Carres, and Scottes, which be of the Cardinal's party, between this and Sunday. In view of this change (though, "seeing the Governor was content therewith, it maketh no great matter though he whip them a little") their lordships may stay the Lord Warden's purpose if they think good. News came to-day that lord Gray, who is one of the King's prisoners, and lord Ogleby have sacked the Cardinal's abbey of Arbrogh, and taken all the ordnance out of the French ships that were chased into Dundee and Montrose to besiege the abbey, intending likewise to proceed to the rest. Cannot tell if this is true.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.


  • 1. The Danube.
  • 2. Deutz.
  • 3. Dusseldorf.
  • 4. The laird of Brunston. See No. 104.