Henry VIII: May 1519, 16-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: May 1519, 16-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp77-95 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: May 1519, 16-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp77-95.

"Henry VIII: May 1519, 16-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp77-95.


May 1519

16 May.
Lansd. MS. 171, f. 95. B. M.
Treaty between John temporal lord of Barrowe and the borough masters, skepins and councillors of the said town on one side, and John Hewster, governor, and the elders of the English merchants on the other, concluded by reason of certain controversies which have sprung up between them. Arnold de Werma, knight and borough master, and Jas. de Terlingen, pensionary of Barrowe, were sent to London to treat of the matter. The privileges granted by the lord of Barrowe, 16 May 1470, 7 Sept. 1469, and in 1480, are confirmed, and the following new privileges granted:—
1. The English merchants shall enjoy all old privileges granted to them; and if there be any impediment, or if they desire increase of their privileges, the town of Barrowe shall appoint men to go with their deputies to the King, and shall pay their expenses. 2. All processes shall be determined in six weeks. 3. They promise to observe all "intercourses" between the King and other princes. 4. The duties on oil, soap, wine, &c. bought by English merchants in Barrow shall be paid by the seller. 5. The town will assist the English governor or lieutenant in bringing to justice English merchants who rebel and come thither. 6 to 10. Regulations for the sale of cloth, for the making good of false measurements, faults, &c. Signed by the lord of Barrowe, &c. Under a penalty of 1,000 guilders, at 4s. apiece. 16 May 1519.
Translation, pp. 16.
16 May.
S. B.
Licence to him and his successors to hold a weekly market at his manor of Overton, Hants, on Monday, and an annual fair there on the eve of St. George the Martyr and the two days following. Del. Westm., 16 May 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
17 May.
R. O.
234. PACE to WOLSEY.
Today, on his arrival at Burgis, despatched a letter to the cardinal of Sion, according to Wolsey's orders. Trusts it will be conveyed safely. Has written it in such manner that, if it should be intercepted, no one will "perceive any speciality thereby." The court is at Brussels, whither he is going with all convenient haste. Will send news "of everything at large." Brugis, 17 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
18 May.
Giust. Desp. II. 269.
Yesterday Pace departed on his way to the Electors of the empire. Campeggio does not know for certain the cause of his mission, not having had any interview with the Cardinal for four days. The French ambassador, who had been with Wolsey the day before, thought it was to thwart the projects of his king. The lord Treasurer (Norfolk) said that his majesty is taking steps to secure the freedom of this election, which he thinks will not fall on either of the two kings, but on one of the princes of Germany.
"Within the last few days his majesty has made a very great change in the court here, dismissing four of his cheif lords-in-waiting, who enjoyed extreme authority in this kingdom, and were the very soul of the King. He has likewise changed some other officials, replacing them by men of greater age and repute,—a measure which is deemed of as vital importance as any that has taken place for many years. The King, indeed, has given employment extra curiam to the parties dismissed; some at Calais, and some in other parts of the kingdom, assigning them titles and considerable appointments; which is a proof that this change was not owing to any fault of theirs." Having heard a rumor of this, desired Memo to investigate the matter; he came to Greenwich, and reported what is stated above. Some maintain that the change is made because some of these individuals, having accompanied the ambassadors who went to ratify the peace, are too partial to the king of France, or have been suborned. Others say it is because they had been the cause of the King's incessant gambling, "which has made him lose of late a treasure of gold; and that, on coming to himself and resolving to lead a new life, he of his own accord removed these companions of his excesses: this is the opinion of the lord Treasurer." But the French ambassador and the hostages think it took place either from suspicion about the affairs of France, or at the instigation of Wolsey, "who, perceiving the aforesaid to be so intimate with the King, that in the course of time they might have ousted him from the government, anticipated them under pretence of their being youths of evil counsel." This opinion is grounded on the fact that these individuals have been replaced by creatures of the Cardinal. The French ambassador says he told Wolsey that such a stir would not have been tolerated at the French court, "even if countenanced by all the cardinals and chief lords of the kingdom." Wolsey replied that "the French followed their own fashion, and the English that of England." Coupling this with the mission of Pace, considers it very important, but will say nothing to Wolsey, although the lord Treasurer urges him to laud these proceedings. It is believed that the interview between the two kings will be deferred. Lambeth, 18 May 1519.
18 May.
Mart. Amp. col. III. 1307.
Has frequently been told by Thos. Spinelly of the good services rendered him by Worcester in all things pertaining to the imperial election. He advances the authority of the king of England when he advances that of Charles. Was especially pleased with what Worcester had done in the affairs of cardinal Sion. He has doubtless heard that Francis has declared that if he cannot obtain the empire by policy, he will have recourse to arms. Charles will take care that the votes of the Electors are not coerced. Barcelona, 18 May 1519.
18 May.
Galba, B. V. 380. B. M.
Has sent to the Chamberlain and his colleagues their ... touching the reduction of Mortaigne, in which the writer has been at much trouble and expense. The sieur de Ligne has sent his servant to the King to be paid his expenses. He thinks that Hesdin ought to have some gratuity. Had thought of going to England, but has been detained. The election will take place on the 24th of [next] month. He who is elected will not have it all his own way. Brussels, 18 May 1519. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. "Mons. le [car]dinal dYorck."
18 May.
R. O.
Has met the wardens on all the three Marches. Agreed very well, and has made reformation of injuries. Met the earl of Arran, the lieutenant of Scotland in the Duke's absence, at Coldstream, and adjusted certain difficulties that he had with the warden of the west march. Said he wondered they showed so much respect for the Duke, and so little for their King's security, seeing that the truce expires on St. Andrew's day next, and that there was no alternative but to make suit to Henry, or be comprehended with France. They have appointed a parliament to meet on 24th June, when they will send to the Duke to return before St. Peter's ad Vincula [1 Aug.] Lord Shrewsbury has agreed to marry one of his daughters to Dacre's son. Desires a licence to alienate all his inheritance to certain feoffees to his use during life, and to the use of his son and daughter and the heirs male of their bodies; with a proviso that it be not to the King's prejudice. Morpeth, 18 May. Signed and sealed.
Pp. 2. "To my lord Cardinal's grace."
20 May.
Vit. B. XX. III. B. M.
"Commissio Ricardi Pace secretarii adeundi post mortem Imperatoris Electores imperii."
The Holy Roman Empire, in consequence of the death of Maximilian, having been deprived of its governor, unless the Electors supply the vacancy, the peace of Christendom may possibly be endangered, especially as the sole object of the Turk is to enlarge his dominions, now nearly doubled by the accession of those of the Sultan. To preserve union, therefore, among Christian princes, and to remove any new cause of discord which may arise in the election of the future Emperor, Henry has thought it his duty to send an ambassador to persuade the Electors of the Roman empire to concord, which he does the more willingly, as he understands that the Pope holds the same opinion as himself; in fact, Henry has been moved to do so by papal briefs. Appoints Richard Pace, his chief secretary, his ambassador. London, 20 May 1519, 11 Hen VIII.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
Vit. B.XX.153.
B. M.
"And over thys, forasmuch as the King's grace provide ... doing unto hym this pleasour in hys advauncement to this ... to be rewardyd and recompensid for thayr gratitude, therf[ore] ... after he shall feele the towardly myndes of the said Electors ... rewardes thay schall loke to have for thayr benivolence may ... thayr with goode hope of such reward, so it exceed not the summe ... it is the King's pleasure that no communication, writing or instrument [whatever] shall pass his said ambassador, but only conditionally; that is to say, [should the] King's highness be elected to that dignitie and really attay[n thereto,] then to pay such a sum as shalbe agreed bytwyxt thaym." The said ambassador is to declare the manifold gifts of grace, fortu[ne] and nature which be in the King, and his fitness to ta[ke] upon him so great a dignity. Is to abstain from all promises until he is assured that the Electors will elect the King. Is to take the King's letters of credence to the Swiss, and according to the premises declare the cause of his coming to the assembly for the election of the Emperor, assuring them of the continuance of the King's benevolent mind, and sounding them as to the election; and he is to "ensearch, as well by [his] own acquaintance among the Swiss, as by the drifts of the cardinal Sedunensis, w[hat] ways they intend to take," and whether they may be induced to f[avour] the preferment of the King. "And it is supposed ... that, inasmuch as they will in no wise condescend to the prefe[rment of] the French king, as they have expressly declared" * * * [A line or more lost.]
In Ruthal's hand, mutilated, p. 1.
Vit. B.xx. 157.
B. M.
"Byfore which general overture of the foresaid credence to the said Electors ... he shall by the most politique drifts ... and inquire which of thelectors leane and incline to [the Catholic] King's preferment, and which unto thadvauncement of the [French (fn. 1) king]; uppon knowlege whereof he may in such wyse order the decla[ration of the same,] that when he speketh with the favorars of the Frensche kyng he may [employ] words to schew the Kynges inclination to that partie, if they schall think [it fit] for thayr wealis, the suertie and conservation of thayr anxient [rights and] liberties, and in semblable maner to use hym self to such of thelectors as inc[lined] to the kyng of Castylis part, so that the Kyng's highness be not noted to [favour] or advance the oon partie more than thother, but to use pleasaunt w[ords] foundyd uppon indifferencie to the frynds of both, as the case shall require; fores[eeing] always that, byfore he enter communication with any such as pretend themselves to be friends to either the Frensche kyng or kyng of Castile, he may be well assured that they be no dissemblers, nor such as by crafty means would search the secrecy of his mind and declare the same to the contrary part, whereunto the King's said ambassador must take special regard."
The same order is to be taken with the French ambassadors and those of the king of Castile, "shewing himself favourable to the advancement of the Frensche king when he speaketh with his friends or ambassadors," and to the king of Castile with the ambassadors of the king of Castile. With the Pope's ambassador, however, if he find him a substantial and sure man, he may communicate on the premises, and also upon the contents of the letters lately sent, by the Pope's command, by the bishop of Worcester to Wolsey; copies of which he is to take with him to induce the Pope's ambassador to join with him in the advancement of the following matters: 1. To disappoint the election of the French king and the king of Castile, and to find means, "by provident and circumspect drifts," to drive the Electors to elect Henry VIII., "which is of the Germany ton[gue]"..., or else to choose [one of] their own, and not to translate the empire, which has been in Ger[many] seven hundred years, to a strange nation, for if it were eftsonys so [translated, it] schuld never return to them again, as they can ..." * * *
Corrected draft, mutilated, p. 1.
20 May.
Jortin, III. 342.
242. MORE to EDW. LEE.
Had received two letters by Geoffry Lee, dated respectively Louvain, 10th and 20th April. Deeply regrets Lee's dispute with Erasmus, and thinks no advantage will come of it. Had known and loved Lee as a boy before he was ten years old. 20 May 1519.
20 May.
Er. Ep. VI. 19.
In recommendation of Pace, who is going as ambassador to Germany. Antwerp, 16 kal. Junias 1519.
Ib. 20. 244. SAME to ANTONY DE BERGIS.
To the same effect. Has great hopes of Prince Ferdinand. Charles is away. Chievres is not friendly to literature. Cardinal Hadrian (Tortosa) has never been well disposed to letters, although he is not so averse as some are, who imagine that they cannot be safe unless literature be put down. Antwerp, 13 kal. Jun. 1519.
20 May.
R. MS. 13. B. II. 301. B.M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 315.
Received his letters by Dr. Alex. Kingorne, stating that he was preparing to make war against the Swedes, and desired the aid of troops from Scotland, and especially of Arran's followers. Is unable to serve his majesty in consequence of the charge he has in the state. Edinburgh, 20 May 1519.
20 May.
Calig. D. VII. 118. B. M.
246. [BOLEYN] to WOLSEY.
Wrote last on the 17th. The King has not come abroad till today, since the Great Master's death, when he called for Boleyn, and said he had heard from England that master Secretary and Clarencieux had been sent to Almaine; that Henry had put out of his court "divers that were his minions and of his chamber," sc. Carewe, Bryan, Nevell, Guyllford and Guyllford, Peche, and Poyntz, and one whose name he could not tell; that the King and his council one day at Greenwich sent for them, and said "how the bruit was that they after their appetite governed the King;" that they should no more come to the court, but Weston and the deputy of Calais, Kingston and Jerningham, were put in their place. Every man's tongue in Paris is full of it. Had said nothing to the King of the interview, because the King's mother begged him through Robertet not to speak of it till she was present. She thinks it would be better that La Bastye should arrange it in England.
The Venetian ambassador who is coming to England presented this day to the King "a great letter in parchment, sealed with lead." Seyntmesme has been sent post to the admiral to announce his appointment as Great Master, "if he woll leve the admiralship," and to be governor of ..., as his brother was before him. Either he, or the bastard of Savoy, who has been sick, will have chief credit with the King. Chievres has returned from Montpelier. The christening is still delayed under pretext of the child's eyes;—really because of some variance between the King and the duke of Savoy. To withdraw him from the Swiss it was proposed to invite him to stand godfather, but he declines. York remains till the ceremony is over. Has received from Wolsey a letter desiring the return of Anthony Browne and Percival Hart; has obtained the King's consent. Sends this letter to Calais by a Frenchman for 5 crowns; therefore does not write all that he sees. As the archers of Calais have gone home, "which ran but slowly when they were here," desires to know how Wolsey will have his letters sent. Poissy, 20 May. Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
20 May. 247. For NICH. CAREWE.
To be lieutenant of the tower of Ruysbanke, on surrender of patent 17 May 1 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Sir John Petche. Westm., 20 May.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. P. 2, m. 5.
20 May.
S. B.
248. For SIR RICHARD JERNEGAN, knight of the Body.
Grant, for life, of an annuity of 100l. Del. Westm., 20 May 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
20 May.
249. For SIR WILLIAM KINGSTON, knight of the Body.
Grant, for life, of an annuity of 100l. Del. Westm., 20 May 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 11.
20 May. 250. For SIR JOHN TREMAYLE.
Annuity of 50 marks, for life, out of the issues of the town and marches of Calais, from 10 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Westm., 20 May.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
21 May.
Er. Ep. VI. 21.
Rejoices at his promotion. Speaks of the tumults occasioned among the theologians by the publication and sale of the New Testament. Literature would flourish if they had such a sovereign as the king of England. Henry is no inconsiderable scholar; openly patronizes learning; has enjoined silence upon the wranglers. The cardinal of York has done much to restore all good studies, and by his bounty invites all men to the pursuit of them. Campeggio does the same. There are more men of learning to be found in Henry's court than in any university. The German princes also honor letters. Prince Ferdinand thinks highly of Erasmus, and studies his book De Principe. The ill health of Erasmus prevents him from becoming the prince's tutor. His Paraphrase on the two Epistles to the Corinthians and the Epistle to the Galatians has appeared, and is popular with all classes. Begs his commendations to Fred. duke of Saxony. Recommends to his acquaintance Rich. Pace, the English ambassador, an excellent scholar in both tongues; a favorite for his unspotted character with King, cardinals, and even the Pope. Brussels, 12 kl. Junii 1519.
21 May.
Galba, B. V. 379. B.M.
Has received his letters written to her by Pace his principal secretary and ambassador. Cannot be too grateful for the King's friendship to her and her nephew. Intends sending an ambassador to England, and will give order that the King's ambassador be conducted to Germany. Has delivered to his ambassador certain letters of Chievres, Marquis Darscot, mentioning the death of the Grand Master of France. Bussels, 21 M[ay 15]19. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2. Add. at ƒ. 380*.
Galba, B. V. 233. B.M.
253. PACE to WOLSEY.
Has had an audience with the lady Margaret at Brussels. Hopes to despatch a courier tonight. Yesterday, being at Antwerp, an order was taken between himself and Philip Gualterotti for the payment of money in such places as he shall need. Has received of him 1,000 florins. Rumor says the affair will succeed. Mechlin, this x .. day of May.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's grace and legate."
Galba, B. V.
391. B. M.
254. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Had this day an audience with my lady Margaret. She cannot express her joy at the King's loving mind towards the king of Castile. She said that he and the whole house of Burgundy were greatly bound to be grateful for Henry's labors in these matters. She, De Montag[ny] and the Vice-chancellor have told him all the secrets for the election of the Emperor. They said the count Palatine, the abps. of Mayence and Cologne had faithfully promised their voices; but Pace perceived by their countenances and their vacillations that it was not so certain, and they pretended it only to make him believe that the king of Castile's election had attained the end they desired. * My Lady will certify the King of other news. "Brussels, th ... midnight."
P.S.—The Great Master of France is dead. "My said La[dy delivered] me these said letters this night."
Hol., badly mutilated, pp. 3.
Vit. B. XX. 155.
B. M.
255. [PACE] to [WOLSEY].
* * * "deade I do not jugge to be c ... that the bushoppe of Trev[ers] ... hymselfe neutrall and yitt doith ... dis unto the sayde King off ... at the last he must bi necessitie be [compelled] to favour the said king of Castell [in the] forsaid election, because that all hy[s lands] doith lye in the confines of the countie [of] Lucemburge apparteyguynge unto the sayde [King], and myght therfore be destruede if he sho[uld] not shew his favor unto the said ky[nge] of Castill." It is said that the duke [of the] Saxons is in the same case, and labors to be Emperor himself, "in like man[ner] as the marquis of Brandeburge ... haith hys owne brodre adversary ... here. Furthermore they have s[howed unto] me that the French king ha[th desired that] the young king of Bohemia [should ob]tain the imperial dignity hy[mself, be]cause that the said French [king doth now] despair of the same. And ... [d]oth labor therefore effectually as they ... but in case he cannot obtain ... he hath then promised to give his ... therein unto the said king of Castile. [My l]orde, when all the premises be put together, [and] well pondered and considered, no manner of certainty can be gathered out of them, after my judgment; but he that shall come last after the great practices passed shall be in as good and peraventure better case than they that came long afore." As yet, therefore, cannot see but our matters may come to good effect.
Is informed by my lady [Margaret] and others that the arch[bisho]p Ursinus, the Pope's ambassador, has not behaved discreetly in Almayne, speaking too much [in favor of] the French king's election, and "depraving" the king of [Ar]ragon shamefully, saying "... natura stolidus et etiam habere nescio ... [The said] archbishop is he that put the good men ... great trouble by his rebellion fra ... to the late king Lewis of Fra[nce. The lord] Montagny hath shewed unto me [that the Pope] hath lately changed his mind tow[ards the] king of Castile, and where that he ha[th in time] past openly shewed favor to the sai[d French] king, his Holiness now intends to adva[nce the] king of Castile to the empire. Mr. Bon ... hath kept me here verraye lovynge cumpan[y by] my Lady's commaundement." He has showed Pace a great delay is likely to be [taken] in the election. Perceives clearly from him that the King's causes are in no surety. It was known here, at Pace's coming, not only in the court, [but in] all the country, "that the French [king] had demanded of the King [to send] 6,000 archers and a grete summe of [money] unto him; whereunto I made ans[wer, and told] my said Lady that they should b[elieve rather his] grace's deeds more than the fle ... the French ... [a line or lines lost] one affairs. I showed unto them also [that wha]tsoever they should hear spoken [the Kin]g my master would faithfully observe and [keep] all manner of amities and confederations [con]cluded and established with his ancient [f]riends, and they might thereof be well assured." When my Lady had heard that the French king's mother said she labored more than she was commissioned to do for the King of Castile, she laughed, and said "that thys warre betwixte ladys is a swete warre, because they do not stryke iche othre," and that she would do as much for her ne[phew] as the French king's mother for him. My Lady told him of a practice lately begun by the [French] king; viz., that whereas the king of Denmark pretends a title [to the] realm of Scotland, "and next unto ... hoste of the same cun[trey] * * *
Fragment in Pace's hand, mutilated, pp. 4.
22 May.
R. O.
In behalf of the bearer, who is sued before Wolsey in Chancery, by a subpœna for lands, to which one Lilburne asserts a title. Hears from many honest gentlemen that the tail by which he claims it was never executed, nor livery nor seisin given thereupon. He will show Wolsey copies of depositions under oath, of honest gentlemen, friends of Lilburne, taken under the writ of dedimus potestatem, directed to lord Ogle and Sir Edw. Radcliffe, and which are certified by their seals. The bearer was with Dacre at Brankstone field, and there wounded and taken prisoner. The lands for which he is sued were burnt and destroyed, and he is not able to sustain the suit in his defence. Asks either that he may be dismissed from that court, and the matter committed to common law, or that Lilburne may be compelled to prove his title. Morpeth, 22 May. Signed.
Pp. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's good grace."
22 May.
R. O.
Received yesterday his letters from London of the 5th inst. If anything in his letters offended the King or the Cardinal, it was through inadvertence. "Quod autem ad negotia et istarum partium tractabilia et quomodo pendeant attinet, diffuse ex introclusa communi scriptura contexta P.V. intelliget cedula; ea itaque quæ divinitus sibi præstita prudentia, immo prophetico quodam spiritu, luculentissime disseruit, si Gallus idem [Imperator] esset, ut libidine imperandi omnibus [viis] pollutus contendit, et prævidit, et Sedunensis paratissimi servitoris debile judicium quærit; ita attingo et absolvo. Existimo imprimis, R.D.V., quia Deus optimus maximusque superbis resistit, honorum distributor et bonorum dator est, cujus consilium semper manet, hactenus quævis quæ per Gallorum regem in provintiam hant (hanc) consequendam tentavit, sive per ducem Wirtemberg viginti mille avidis [Helvetiis] habendis, sive irritandis ad invicem Suevis cum avidis, incendiumque non modicum succenderat, in nihilum redegit, ut nec homo occubuerit; insuper ut tam senes quam pueri inter Suives (Suevos) et in avidis [Helvetiis], et melius dixerim in tota Germania, omnia obire pericula, quam Gallum eo pertingere aut sibi dominari pati, parati et uno animo existant ac voto; quod a Domino factum, nemo est qui dubitet; tirannidem Galli et conatus ejus et scandala suboritura cavebit, ut id pertimiscendum quasi ultro non veniat. Quod autem R.D.V. me ut pro solito reipublicæ Christianælibertati modis omnibus elaborem et Gallo obsistam hortatur, qui et viribus et ingenio exiguus sum ut tantam molem vel nec attingere ausim, et maxime hactenus quia Gallus Potest [Christianissimum regem] communem qu (fn. 2) sibi toto posse, et ducentis milibus scutis mutuo non deesse, et auxiliari passim jactitabat; unde etiamsi minus illis faveam continentius tamen egi; proinde autem pro virili mea ultro in hujusmodi jussis exercebor. Fateor enim Potest [Ch. regi] me gemino, ob fidei præstitæ pignus et animi mei devotionis fervorem, ex suæ majestatis intuitu, quo quidem supra humani numinis relucet conceptum, taceo pro benificentia illius et R.D.V. in me collata, vinculo devinctum; ut per omnia suis inservire velim commodis, et R.D.V. hortatibus obtemperare cupiam; commemorat siquidem R.D.V. quanta humani sanguinis et Christiani profusio, co quod nescit [Carolus] in idem [Imperatorem] sublimari et malus [Gallus] eo contenda[n]t; immineat suggeritque, nec insipienter, quendam carendi modum, quem et nihil [papam] cupire et excoitasse non ignorat R.D.V. nec ego, et de meis mei calce litteris posito admonet, operamque et consilium exposcit, et secretam servari, quod et ante omnia erit, rem utique grandem, et quæ insipientiæ meæ major est, exposcit; qui nunc non ut quondam proprior facto, sed longe sum. Novit R.D.V. quo modo nescit [rex Catholicus] potest [Ch. regem] ut mihi pro eodem ad principes Electores commissionem daret atentius solicitasse, quod et mihi nuntiis et litteris aliquotiens insinuavit, cui me nihil horum a Potest [Ch. rege] expectando inservire et insistere obsequiis devovi, qui solicitudine et impensa jam Electores perlustravit, nec ut creditur quicquam quod ad rem pertinet intemptatum dimisit, et sperat totis quasi portum contingere velis. Vereor equidem eam nos, de qua inquit Apostolus, in novissimis diebus instare tempora mala, et erunt homines cupidi, elati, avari, a maximo ad minimum, a rege ad sacerdotem, omnes student avaritiæ, quæce sua sunt quærentes, et quia auro omnia obediunt, attigisse tempestatem. Sed ut paucis concludam, novit R.D.V. quid ex præmissis eliciat consilii, amplius autem ex nihil [Papæ] animo examplar quasi in monte monstratum, si forte huic intendere libeat. De me quid dicam nescio; fidelis sum, fallere neminem novi, nec decet; pollicita autem servare convenit; neque quo res tractabuntur nisi forte a Potest [Ch. rege] vocatus ut sperat nescit [Cath. rex] adesse me continget; verum et quia in incerto ob varietates animorum, quia et forte auri fames est magna, negotia vertuntur, et juxta poetæ dictum, ubi intenditur ingenium valet, posset vel disjunctive quæ in altero saltem impletur sine cujusquam fraude pertemptari, ut si in nescit [Cath. reg.] proveniat, postulationi ejus satisfecisse, sin minus nec sortem propriam neglexisse pæniteat Potest [Ch. rex.] vel R.D.V. Dignabitur igitur P.V.R., quæ Dei dono reliquis prudentia præeminet consummatissima, et ex his, etsi inculcate positis quæ ego velim, possim vel sentiam, et quibus opus erit comprehendere, et citissime agere, et meis insuper pro libito utatur obsequiis, et me Potest [Ch. regi] paratissimum servulum comendatum facere." Ex Thurego, 22 May 1519. Signed.
Cipher, undeciphered, pp. 3. Add. Endd.
A summary of occurrences. At the Swiss diet held at Zurich after the second Sunday in May, the French ambassadors stated that their master would not aspire to the empire by bribery or other means, nor would have thought of such a thing had he not been solicited by many Christian princes;—that though the Electors were German, they might choose a non-German emperor. They enforced this by various examples. They stated that the Catholic king was not a German, and therefore the Swiss ought to observe the same conduct with regard to him as they had to Francis, and require him to desist, and leave the election free, for he had armies ready in Naples, Navarre, Arragon and Germany. They then asked for a levy of Swiss foot. These arguments were confuted by the agents of the King Catholic, who stated, among other things, that the German army collected by the League was only there to secure freedom of election from the attempts of the French, who had tampered with the duke of Wirtemberg;—that the dukes of Mecklenberg, Lunenberg, Saxony and Gueldres, and the landgrave of Assia (Hesse), had been asked by Francis, as reported, to disturb the election. The Swiss resolved not to allow the Frenchman to be emperor on any conditions, but would be satisfied with the election of the King Catholic. Seeing the favor with which Charles was received as duke of Austria, his ambassadors demanded a body of foot, and were referred to the next diet: and, in opposition to the French, the Swiss have resolved to hold any power as an enemy who shall employ their troops without their consent. They have confirmed the ancient league with the Emperor in defence of the house of Austria. The King Catholic is in hopes of obtaining two other articles at the next diet after Ascension day.
"Si Duces, de quibus supra, ad mali (i.e. Galli) instantiam copias in Assiam cumulaverint, ordinata sunt duci de Brosuil (fn. 3) sex millia peditum et mille gravis armatureæ cum quibus invadat terram illorum ut se contineant. Citra vigesimam futuri mensis erit electio facta, et con-Rhenales Electores, et maxime Mogontinus, sunt pro Nescit (i.e. Catholico Rege) dispositissimi. Omnia pro Catholico Rege sperantur."
Lat., pp. 4, partly cipher, undeciphered.
23 May.
R. O.
According to the King's and Wolsey's orders, met the master deputy of Calais at Osprynge last Tuesday night. He told Pecche that Wolsey would send his patent by post with the letters appertaining to it, and the same night he rode to Dovor, and passed the sea on Wednesday last. Pecche and the master lieutenant of the castle came on Thursday. Master Tylford and Master Nic. Carewe came to Calais on Friday. Master Treasurer has tarried here, and has delivered the keys to Mr. Deputy, according to Wolsey's letter. He has stayed, as the King commanded, until today, waiting further orders. None have come. Asks that the master porter may remain; for, in the absence of the deputy, the treasurer and the comptroller, "there is none here of the council that is perfect of the statutes and good order of this town." Does not wish to be left "so bare," until at least he has sure experience and knowledge of what he ought to do. Calais, 23 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal, his good grace.
24 May.
Er. Ep. XIV. 19.
Has heard from zach. Phrysius, his old pupil, now in Warham's service, of the Archbishop's favor towards him. Speaks of his pension, and the loss he has sustained by the extortions of the money changers. Regrets the violence of Luther. Is very desirous of seeing the Archbishop. Antwerp, 24 May 1521.
24 May.
R. O.
Wrote yesterday to inform him of Mr. Treasurer's departure. Wingfield's servant, whom he left to attend upon Wolsey, arrived about 7 o'clock this morning, with the letters patent of Sir John Peche, Mr. Guylford and Mr. Nicholas Carewe, and also the letters for Mr. Treasurer, which Wolsey devised while Wingfield was there. Brian Tuke, who had the charge at that time from Wolsey for making it, has sent Wingfield a minute of it, by which he sees the King's pleasure, directed to the treasurer. Will not fail, in this his absence, with the others of the council, to take such order for that behalf as is contained in the King's letters today; and tomorrow will "be ready to depart hence with the passage." The cause of his servant's lateness is that he tarried at Dover since Friday, and could not cross till today. Calles, 24 May, at 7 o'clock in the morning. Signed.
P.1. Add.: My lord card. of York, chancellor, &c.
25 May.
Er. Ep. VI. 22.
Begs Fox not to give ear to ill reports spread abroad by his maligners. If Lee can give better reasons for his views, Erasmus will take no offence, though Lee circulates unfriendly reports in all directions. He is a young man fired by the love of fame. If Fox can induce Lee to desist from spreading reports more injurious to himself than Erasmus, it will be the better for Lee's reputation. Antwerp, 8 kl. Jun. 1519.
25 May.
Er. Ep. VI. 23.
Sends his Paraphrase on the Epistle to the Galatians. Is aware of the ill reports in circulation against him by men who are unfavorable to learning. Antwerp, 8 kl. Jun. 1519.
26 May.
R. O.
According to his writing sent to Wolsey yesterday, encloses a copy of a proclamation published here this forenoon. Has no other news. Muttrell (Montreuil), 26 May. Signed.
P.1. Add.: My lord Cardinal.
26 May.
R. O.
A servant of Sir Ric. Wingfield arrived here on Tuesday last, about six in the morning, with a letter from the King and Wolsey to the Treasurer, who took passage the day before. Received with it a minute from Brian Tuke containing its effect; on reading which, took such direction as was thought most advisable. Guyldford took his oath as marshal, Nic. Carewe as lieutenant of Ruysbank, and Pecche for the place occupied by Wingfield, who is most honorably spoken of by all here. They say they have not seen or heard tell of any deputy who departed "with so many weeping eyes and true hearts." While Wingfield was at Calais he showed Pecche the priest who conveys letters from the King's spy in France, whose wages are 4 cr. for himself and 10 cr. for his master a month, which he paid for this month. He showed him also the King's spy at Tourneham. His wages are 4 cr. a month, and are paid until the end of June.
John de Lucet, master of the ordnance to the king of Castile, arrived today from Flanders. He was in Henry's service during the French war, and has told Blewmantle that the Electors will choose the Emperor at Francbourghe on the 16th of next month, and also that the Great Master of France "should be dead." He intends to go to the King. Wishes to be advertized of the King's pleasure from time to time. Calais, 26 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To the card. of York, chancellor of England.
26 May.
Vesp. C. I. 273 * B. M.
Has received his letters of the 26th April, by which he learns of the arrival in England of the ambassadors who had been at the court of Spain. Has requested the English ambassador, Thomas Spinelly, to express his readiness to serve the King on all occasions. Barcelona, 26 May, xix. Signed.
P.1. Add.: "Au Roy."
26 May. 267. For THOS. WORCETOUR, Abbot, and the CONVENT OF RADYNG.
Inspeximus of pat. 23 Oct. 2 Hen. VII., confirming various grants to the monastery. One patent cited relates to the manor of Leominster, and the exonerating of the monks of Leominster from the collection of tenths, &c. Westm., 26 May.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2–4.
27 May.
R.MS. 13. B. II. 302. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 317.
Sends to Copenhagen, James Stuart of Ardgowan, with a body of foot, ships and provisions for his service. Dr. Alexander will carry his answer to Christiern's specific demands. Edinburgh, 27 May, &c. Signed: "Tallefer pro Painter."
28 May.
Vesp. F. III. 36b. B. M.
269. JAMES V. to [HENRY VIII.]
Has received his letter by Magnus. Begs he will not write to the Pope against the abp. of Glasgow, who was his preceptor, and daily remains about his person, although the abp. of St. Andrew's has written to Henry against his exemption. Edinburgh, 28 May. Signed: Zour nepho James R.
Hol., p. 1.
28 May.
Adv. MS. 14.
Hears that the Cardinal has obtained a gift of the Premonstratene priory of Whithorne (Candidæ Casæ) on the death of the late prior Henry, which was given to the writer in commendam by the three estates of Scotland, and confirmed by the Governor. Will abide by whatever the Governor has agreed to in the matter. Edinburgh, 28 May.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
29 May.
Ashmol., No. 1109, f. 124b.
The celebration of the feast of Saint George at the castle of Windsor. 11 Hen. VIII., 29 May.
29 May.
S. B.Rym. XIII. 700.
Commission to Thomas earl of Surrey, high admiral, Cuthbert Tunstall, master of the rolls, and Christopher Middilton, vice-admiral, to hear and determine all civil causes between the King's subjects and those of Francis I., in accordance with a clause in the treaty between the two Kings, of 4th Oct. last. Westm., 29 May 11 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 11 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
30 May.
R. O.
Immediately on hearing his pleasure, ordered Anthony Browne the bearer and Percival Hart to prepare themselves to go to England. Went with them to the King to take leave. He received them kindly, and said he had appointed them gentlemen of his house, and they should have the usual wages, 200 crs. a year. At their departure they received a whole year's wages, and their place and wages will be kept for them whenever they return. Browne has demeaned himself very well, and given good attendance, whereby he is much esteemed here. Writes more at length of other affairs to the Legate. Poissy, 30 May. Signed.
P.1. Add.
30 May.
Vit. B. XX. 114. B. M.
274. [PACE] to WOLSEY.
"Please it your grace, according to my [last letters] directed to the same, I ar[rived at the] city of Colen yistirnight, and at ... from the town of Dusildorpe yis[tirnight I] was advised by the guides that had [brought] me thydre, bi the commandment of there ... the duke of Cleve, for to take other t[o con]vey me surely to Colen," because much robbery had been committed between that town and Cologne, and many executed for it, who had accused very great men, who had supported them in it. Desired them to provide him with guides fittest for the purpose. They applied to the lords of Dusildorpe, who replied "t[hat] I was a Frencheman, and that I sch[uld] have no guides of them, but sch[uld pro]vide for my sel[f] * * * master's honour, affirming that I was [the Englis]he ambassador," and showed them, in confirmation, one of the English nobles he had given them for his safeconduct hither. On this evidence, they said he might have the whole town to accompany him to Cologne; for, considering the old amity between the houses of England and Burgundy, Pace must be sent to the election of the Emperor for the king of Arragon's claim, and not for the king of France. He will thus see how these countries are inclined. "And not only [by] public fame they do here favor the king ... also all cities and towns hath cal ... dre for to discuss who should be Emperor ... their purpose, and they have ... the king of Arragon as da ... for their love borne to that house ... secret convocations and councils doth n[owise] bind the Electors, but that they n[ame him] whom it shall please them." M. Herman [Rynge] has not only sent him ho[rses and] presents, but caused this city to do the sa[me] for the King's honor. He has shown himself in everything a faithful subject to the King, and a loving father to Pace. He has advertised Pace that the French king has sent a[n] ambassador to Frankfort with 300 hors[emen] armed, who six days ago arriv[ed] at the town of Confluence belonging to the bishop of Treves, and would [have] entered the town with all the horsemen, which they would [not] suffer, but after a long dispute admitted him with 100 horses "wh[ich] now doth lie ... plateas." It is said the count Pala[tine and] the said bishop have [ha]d money secretly of the French [kin]g, which appears by payments [th]at they have both lately made in French crowns. The Swiss have lately bought, in Frankfort, horses and artillery to the value of 30,000 duc., and conveyed them home. It is supposed they had the money from the king of Arragon, whom they have promised 20,000 men for his defence against France. The League of Suava is in arms with 80,000 foot and 10,000 horse; they say they will keep the imperial dignity within the country. (fn. 4) The Electors are in great perplexity, for this nation will have no French Emperor. They would not have the King of Arragon if they could avoid it, "for ... the reason of his great power; Gallus quantumvis huic nat[ioni] ... intentatum relinquit; for he hath ... to this city and to many other for [to have] their favor in this election, and t[he Elec]tors declared here that as far [as the] sun doth exceed all other stars in [glory,] so far their King did excell [other] princes, and for that cause he was mos[t] meet to be Emperor." To which answer [was] made here, that the sun was not [al]ways above the earth, but often below it. The French king spares no money to gain his end. He sends daily "mony comptable without bills of exchange," by the said Bishop's lands, of whom [he] has aid in the matter. Notwithstand[ing] the king of Arragon has m[ore] money here than he, and the lords of S[pain], "as they be all gloriose," intend to sp[end] their substance rather than [he] should lose this dignity [A line lost.] "[N]assowe is at thys tyme farre hense [in the duch]ie of Vienna. He hath the most [large] commission that hath been seen," to give not only promises, but money, and even lands, at his will.
This nation everywhere is very ill pleased with the Pope's legate here, and the Bishop his ambassador, for the partiality shown by them to the election of the French King. "Sed orator est longe odiosior legato." Has desired Wolsey in his former letters to remember his commission, which is necessary. Told Herman Rynge nothing of his commission, but that he was sent "to be indifferent in this great cause," to be present at the future election of the Emperor for the King's honor, aud to exhort the Electors to choose the prince most studious of the peace of Christendom. He replied there never was sent more honorable commission [out] of England, "considering ... after all these great matters afore rehearsed ... your grace to understand that ... 4 guides which I had of [the duke] of Cleve were strong thieves ... to their master and to me, for his sa[id] ... did espy this by the way, and ent[ertained] them the more kindly, remembering t[he] Italian proverb that it is goodde sum ty[me] to sett a candle afore the devell." Gave them some of his money when they left him, to prevent their taking all and himself also. Has spent on all his guides [near] 20 marks. As long as his letters can be surely conveyed, will not write in cipher. Cologne, 30 May.
The Swiss show openly they are enemies to the French "non [autem aper]te declarant favorem suum erg[a Catholicum aut] electionem [ejus]."
Pp. 7, mutilated. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's grace and Legate in Englande."
Calig. E. II. (24.) B.M.
In reference to the matter of Guillaume de la Fontaine, the French court are seeking for new delays. The Chancellor wishes to frustrate all the processes taken here in England by the Master of the Rolls and Vice-admiral after intolerable labor, proposing that Wolsey should certify their decision to the commissioners of France; to which, they say, as much faith shall be given as if the examination had been taken before the commissioners. Does not believe they will give more pre-eminence to it than to the examiners. It is only a design to hinder justice, and weary the King's subjects.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 2. Endd.: "Minutes of the letter to Sir Thomas Bolayn, sped the— (fn. 5) day of May."
Calig. E. II. (27.) B.M.
Fragment of some instruction to an ambassador, in the form of a remonstrance against the demeanor of the chancellor of France, who objects to make restitution to the English subjects unless the words "a tempore ultimoæ pacis" be reformed.
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, p. 1.
I delivered to the Pope your most secret letters, requesting him to comply with the King's and your wishes. (fn. 6) Peter Ardingell, the secretary, has been charged with his answer, annexed. He then told me his wishes about the election of an emperor, as you will learn from his letters. As he knew from the first, when the Emperor was still alive, that the election would be in favor of the Catholic king, it seemed to him a much less evil than if it had fallen upon the French king: not that he was well pleased, for many reasons, that the Catholic king should obtain it; and therefore he delayed sending the crown into Germany. Afterwards, when the Emperor died, he frequently asked whether I thought the King and you would favor the French king's election, in consequence of the friendship existing between you. I said the King would not be well pleased at his success. After which the Pope rejoined that he did not wish the king Catholic to succeed, if it could be peaceably managed, and thought the best event for universal peace would be the election of one of the Electors themselves. In the meanwhile, the legate in France wrote that, on hearing of the death of the Emperor, the King was very anxious to obtain this honor, and had collected 1,000,000 g. cr. to bribe the Electors, and would hear of no opposition, but would rather lose all he had in the world than his chance of recovering the empire, which belonged of right to a Frenchman. But his mother and the Grand Master urged the Legate to dissuade him, which he endeavored to do; they telling the Legate that the thing was very difficult, and would bring down the animosity of all other princes upon him: but the King gave him no opportunity. This took place on the 4th. On the 9th, however, the Legate found that the King had changed his mind, and revoked the money he had sent to Germany. If this be well founded, the Pope will be much pleased, as things will proceed on his footing. He could not oppose the election of Francis or of the king Catholic; but if England, France and himself were firmly united, he would not care to oppose the election of Charles, and favor one of the electors. But since the King and you favor the king Catholic, as the less evil the Pope will condescend to the same. The French king has sent the bastard of Savoy to the Swiss. I advise in these dangerous times not to spare expense, and to write frequently.
Lat., decipher in Vannes' hand, pp. 3.
May/GRANTS. 278. GRANTS in MAY 1519.
1. Arthur Somerset, lancer, of Calais. Annuity of 20 marks, during pleasure, from Easter 6 Hen. VIII., out of the issues of Calais. Del. Hampton Court, 1 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
1. John Bounde, of Sloley, Norf. Pardon, having been falsely convicted at Thetford of trespass and the theft of a cow, value 6s. 8d., at Netishard, at suit of Thos. Thakster. Richmond, — April 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 1 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 21.
2. Hugh Davys, of London, yeoman. Pardon. Del. Westm., 2 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
2. Anne Gretton, of Bukenhull, in the lordship of Wigmoore, parcel of the earldom of the Marches of Wales. Pardon to her son, Edmund Gretton alias Millerd, husbandman, aged 22, who was hired by Thomas Demon to sell six sheep, which Demon had stolen from her, unknown to the said Edmund. Del. Westm., 2 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
3. Thomas Haydocke, Ric. Mors, George Goddard, John Godard, and Ric. Irisshe, laborer, all of Bampton, Oxon. Pardon for the murder of Wm. Taillour alias Tomlynson, who died on the 20th Dec. 10 Hen. VIII., from an assault committed by them on the 19th Dec., as appears by an inquisition taken on the 21st Dec. following before Richard Gibbes, coroner. Del. Hampton Court, 3 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
3. Robert Lytholl, of Dirham, alias of Exceter, goldsmith. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 2 April 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 May 11 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
6. Tho. Jamys, of London, vintner. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 6 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., — May.—P.S.
6. Benedict de Opiciis. Licence to export 200 tuns of Gascon wine or Toulouse woad. Richmond, 13 April 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May 11 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
10. Henry earl of Essex. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent 10 April 10 Edw. III., containing confirmations, &c. of other charters. Westm., 10 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
10. John Hune, messenger of the Chamber. To be one of the four messengers of the Exchequer, with 4 ½d. a day, and the same livery as a yeoman of the chamber, on surrender of patent 14 Dec. 6 Hen. VII. to Nicholas Heyn. Richmond, 20 April 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May 11 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
10. Edm. Jerram, armorer. Pardon. Richmond, 29 April 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May.—P.S.
11. Wm. Boughton, squire of the Body. Custody of three parts of the possessions, which were divided into four parts, late of John Danvers, son of John Danvers, deceased, during the minority of Mary, Elizabeth and Dorothy, sisters and heirs of the said John the son; with the wardship and marriage of the said Mary, Elizabeth and Dorothy. Del. Westm., 11 May 11 Hen. VIII. Signed: Thomas Lovell, Thomas Parr.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
11. Lawrence Holand, groom of the Chamber. To be keeper of the King's wardrobe in Nottingham Castle, with the usual fees out of the issues of the castle, mills and meadows, on surrender of patent 20 May 8 Hen. VIII., by John Copynger. Richmond, 1 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
11. Hen. Parker, husbandman, of Semer, Suff., alias of Bylston. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 5 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May.—P.S.
12. John Bedlawe, of Acton, Middx., yeoman. Pardon. Greenwich, 7 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
12. Wm. Forde of London, stock-fishmonger. Protection; going in the suite of Sir Ric. Wingfeld, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 12 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Th. Grene, late of Parteney, Linc., mercer. Pardon. Richmond, 1 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May.—P.S.
12. Th. Gresham, clk. Presentation to the church of Northrepis, Norw. dioc. Westm., 12 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2.
12. Ric. Lathian, of Bodmyn, Cornw. Pardon for the murder of his groom, Henry Rawlyn, late of Bodmyn; it having been proved before John Glyn, coroner, that the said Henry provoked the said Richard, who struck him with a "smythes ladell." Richmond, 1 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
12. Osyas Lemoigne, native of France. Licence to receive benefices with glebe land from any person whatever. Greenwich, 3 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May.—P.S.
13. Sir Nich. Wadham and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of Sir Giles Bruges, deceased. Grant, as her dowry, of the issues and profits of the third part of the possessions of the said Giles, in cos. Glouc. and Wilts, from the death of the said Giles, that part having been retained on livery of the rest to John his son and heir. Also release of all sums received by them from the issues of the said third part, by the grant thereof to them, 24 June 9 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 May 11 Hen. VIII. Signed: Johannes Ernele.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
14. Sir Wm. Compton. Custody of the manor of Staunton Harrold, Leic., with advowsons, &c., late belonging to Ralph Shirley, deceased, during the minority of Francis his s. and h.; with the wardship of the said heir, and the value or double value of his marriage in case of his refusal to marry, or marrying without licence during his minority. Del. Westm., 14 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
14. Barth. Johnson, of Calais, native of Zowlre in Liege (Leodii). Denization. Del. Westm., 14 May 11 Hen. VIII.&S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
14. Sir Ric. Marten, of London, chaplain. Pardon of all matters between 24 April and 12 May 9 Hen. VIII. (i.e. at the time of Evil-May-Day.) Del. Westm., 14 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
16. Wm. More, of Derby, draper, alias vintner, alias scythemaker. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 16 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
18. Sir Hen. Willoughby, of Wollaton, Notts. Wardship of George, son and h. of Guichard Harbotell, of Beamysshe, Northumberland. Greenwich, 17 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
18. Nich. Carewe. Annuity of 109l. 6s. 8d. out of the issues of Calais. Westm., 18 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
18. Ric. Bawdewyn alias Bawdon, late of Hurst, Berks, alias of Ramysbury, Wilts, alias of Westminster. Pardon for the murder of Th. Pychar, of Reading, Berks. Greenwich, 10 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 18 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
18. Commission of the Peace. Lincolnshire (Holland): Thomas cardinal of York, Thomas earl of Surrey, William lord Willoughby, Th. Pygot, Brian Palmes, Sir John Hussee, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Geoff. Paynell, Th. Roberdson, Fras. Broun, John Robynson, Th. Holland, John Littilbury and Ric. Godyngham. Westm., 18 May. — Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
19. Sir Th. Fetiplace and Elizabeth his wife. Grant, in tail, of the manor of Stanford "in le vale of White Horse," Berks, with the issues of the same. Richmond, 12 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.—Vacated on surrender by the said Thomas and Elizabeth, 6 July 15 Hen. VIII.
19. Geo. Hayne alias Hayse late of Oterey, Devon, groom. Pardon for the murder of John Bery, late of Oterey, Devon, barber. Greenwich, 11 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 May.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
19. Wm. Toste (or Tofte), clk., minister of the Chapel royal. Grant of the prebend and canonry or portion in the collegiate church of Pontisbury, Heref. dioc., void by the death of John Jenyns, chaplain, and in the King's gift by the minority of lord de Powis. Del. Westm., 19 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9; and p. 2, m. 25.
20. John Byron, squire of the Body. To be one of the four foresters of Shirwood Forest, that is to say, keeper of the lodge of Immeslowe and Clipton Shrogges in "le Northbale" of the said forest, with 4d. a day, vice William Pye, deceased. Greenwich, 8 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
20. Ric. Ferrers. Inspeximus and exemplification of the following documents, viz.:
I. Quitclaim by John Beauchamp lord of Bokerell to Geoff. Malherb, of a rent granted him by John de Colehous. Dated at Bokerell, 19 Edw. [I. ?]
II. Deed, being a grant from John Beauchamp to Geoff. Malherb, of certain possessions.
III. Charter of Wm. de Tettewylle, parson of Fyneton church, granting to Malerbe and Helewysia his wife the manor of Fyneton, with appurtenances. Here follow the names of the tenantry and the witnesses to the charter. Dated at Fyneton, 23 Edw. III.
IV. Final concord made at Westminster, Hilary, 11 Edw. II., between Geoff. Malerbe and Margaret his wife, and Tho. Atte Rodewey, parson of Fyneton, relative to the manor of Fyneton.
V. Another concord, made 5 Hen. V., between John Trelay and Wm. Frye and Joan his wife, by which Wm. and Joan recognize the right of John to certain lands in Curture, Trethowell, Pencroudy, Bolayth, Lyskyrde and Trenake, and accept them as a grant from him, with remainder to William Malerbe.
VI. Writ of certiorari, 3 May 7 Edw. III., directed to Henry de Gulden, escheator in cos. Cornw., Devon, Somers. and Dors., respecting land in Oterey St. Mary's, taken into the King's hands, but which Geoff, de Malherbe alleges was acquired by him of the dean and chapter of Rouen. The escheator makes an endorsement that the land was claimed for the crown, not by his hand, but by that of Simon de Bereford, late escheator this side Trent.
VII. Inquisition taken before De Gulden, at La Hethfield, Devon, 7 Edw. III., whereby it was found that Malherbe did not so acquire the said land, but that it pertains to the manor of Vyneton Malharbe, which is held of William de Montacute by Geoff. Malherbe.
VIII. Writ to the escheator, in pursuance of the decision.
Westm., 20 May. Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
20. Wm. Vesey, late of Southwark, Surrey. Pardon. Greenwich, 8 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
20. Sir Ric. Weston, knight of the Body. Grant, for life, of an annuity of 100l. Del. Westm., 20 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
22. Sir Edw. Belknapp, knight of the Body. Pardon for all offences, and for waste, dilapidation, inclosure, alteration, &c. of lands and tenements in the manor of Dorset alias Chepyng-Dorset, and Birton, parcel of the said manor. Del. Westm., 22 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.
22. Ralph Worseley. To have the corrody in Middelton monastery, Dorset, on the same being surrendered by John Copynger, groom of the Wardrobe. Greenwich, 17 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 May.—P.S.
24. Wm. Alfolde, of London, alias of Croydon, alias of Kentish Town, tailor. Pardon. Greenwich, 10 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 May.—P.S.
24. Wm. Jones. Lease (by sufficient bail in the exchequer of Uske) of land called Pencarreg and Biblyns, in the lordship of Uske; land in the lordship of Tregrek, called Eve's Grove; land in the lordship of Uske, lying between the meadow of Edward ap Jankyn and the way leading from Llanbadok; and land in Gorllode Howell Bady, parish of Llanbadok, in Uske; for 21 years, at the annual rent of 1l. 2s. 10d. and 4s. 4d. of increase, payable to the receiver of Uske and Kaerlion. Del. Westm., 24 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
26. Athelard Hubberd. Lease of three tenements in the market place in Boston, Linc., (fn. 7) parcel of the lands of the late countess of Richmond, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 60s., and 3s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 26 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 21.
26. Peter Johnson. Lease of two mills called Housemylle and Westemylle, and the site of a water mill called Cogmylle, in the lordship of Risyng, Norf., parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 106s. 8d. to be paid to the receiver of the duchy. Del. Westm., 26 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
26. Th. Turnour. Lease of a water mill in Wakis Colne, Essex, lately in tenure of Ric. Boner, parcel of the lands of the countess of Richmond, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 60s., and 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 26 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
26. Wm. Pypar alias Anstie, late of Playneffeld in Overstowey, Somerset. Pardon. Greenwich, 21 May 11 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Westm., 26 May. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
27. Recognizances cancelled. Made by Humphrey Stafford, of Codered, Herts, Sir Hugh Conwey, of Calais, and Humphrey Hercy, of Grove, Notts., 7 March 5 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 27 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
27. Leonard Musgrave. To be constable of Penrith castle, with the usual fees out of the lordships of Penrith, Soureby-wood and Scotby, Cumb., upon surrender by Th. Palmer, vice William Edwards, deceased. Greenwich, 25 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 29.
27. Commission of the Peace. Herts.:—Thomas cardinal of York, Henry earl of Essex, Thomas prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, Sir John Fyneux, John More, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Wm. Say, Barth. Westby, Hen. Frowyk, Th. Clyfford, Th. Peryent, sen., Th. Leventhorp, John Broket, sen., Geo. Dalyson, Rob. Turbervile, Th. Conyngesby, Humph. Fitzherbert, Ric. Druell and Th. Knyghton. Westm., 27 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
28. Dame Elizabeth Flemmyng. Inspeximus and exemplification of—
I. A writ of certiorari, 24 May 11 Hen. VIII., to Ric. Lee, one of the clerks of the Council, relating to the judgment on a petition of E. F. against Patrick Bellowe and the representatives of Nicholas Dillon.
II. The judgment referred to, made in the Star Chamber 14 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII., respecting a dispute as to possessions in Devon between Sir James and Sir Christopher Flemmyng, late barons of Slane, and the said Dillon and Bellowe. The latter, refusing to obey the decree, was committed to the Tower.
Westm., 28 May. Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30.
29. Commission of the Peace. Dorset:—Thomas cardinal of York, Henry earl of Wiltshire, Rob. Willoughby lord Broke, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, Wm. lord Stourton, Henry lord Daubeney, Sir John Erneley, Sir Ric. Eliott, Sir Th. Lynde, Sir Th. Trenchard, Sir Wm. Filoll, Giles Strangaways, Wm. Wadham, John Rogers, Geo. Rogers, John Bryt, Geo. Twyneo, James Frampton, John Morton, Wm. Hody, Nich. Willoughby, and Wm. Uvedale. Westm., 29 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
30. Edm. Grassop and Ric. Blakenall. Pardon for having obtained, without licence, from Will. Stafford and Anne his wife, the manor of Chale, and certain messuages, land and wood in Chale, Hants, by fine levied in the Common Pleas at Westm. in the octaves of St. John the Baptist last. Westm., 30 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21.
30. John Nauseglos. Lease of pastures called Litelholme (John Gibbes late tenant), in the lordship of Westedepyng and le Holbett (Ric. Rawlins late tenant), and of a culture called Langelandis in Westeparke (Wm. Olyver and Wm. Derbey late tenants), parcel of the lands of the late countess of Richmond, in Linc., for 21 years, at various annual rents amounting to 3l. 13s. 4d. Del. Westm., 30 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
30. Ric. Wykes. Livery of lands as kinsman and heir of William Wykes, viz., son of John Wykes, father of John, father of William, father of the aforesaid William. Del. Westm., 30 May 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
31. Ric. Fermour and Wm. Broun. Licence to alienate the third part of the manor of Dovers alias Newhall, Essex, and lands in the parish and vills of Hornechurche, Bouresgifford, Alveley, Reyngham and Haveryng, Essex, to John Rodys and Margaret his wife, in order that John and Margaret may alienate the same to Nich. Bone of Edelmeton, John Hall, of London, grocer, John Garrard, of London, grocer, Roger Rodys, Edward Hall and John Reymond, to the use of the said John and Margaret. Westm., 31 May.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9.


  • 1. The word "French" is struck through with the pen just before the mutilation.
  • 2. In MS. (:); qu, cum?
  • 3. Sic in MS.; qu. Brunswick ?
  • 4. Here occur in the margin some words in Latin, very mutilated, and wholly unintelligible.
  • 5. Blank in M.S.
  • 6. Begins: Quantum vero ad literas secretissimas, eas S.D.N. diligenter ac reverenter reddidi.
  • 7. A description of their situation is given.