Henry VIII: October 1527, 16-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: October 1527, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1580-1596 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1527, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1580-1596.

"Henry VIII: October 1527, 16-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1580-1596.


October 1527

16 Oct.
R. O. St. P. IV. 478.
Received by Magnus Wolsey's letters on his departure for France. Have discharged such of my lord of Richmond's servants as could be spared. Since then Sir Will. and Humph. Lisle have escaped from prison at Newcastle, and have committed outrages in concert with the Armstrongs. They and Will. Shaftoo were indicted at Newcastle at the last assizes; of which the King's attorney took up copies to show the King and Wolsey. Have caused them to be proclaimed traitors all through the three Marches. The Duke has written to the king of Scots and Angus for their apprehension, and has always received good answers, but nothing has come of it. Meanwhile the Lisles continue their outrages in Northumberland, and encourage others. Have therefore caused Sir Will. Eure to remove from Harbottle to Felton, a lordship of Lisle's, to which he and his son much resort, with 30 or at least 24 horsemen of Berwick, and a company of his own, at 4d. a day for two months, out of the Duke's coffers. They will burn certain houses within the woods at Felton, and carry off the corn, hay, and victuals, and send to jail at Newcastle certain "women and other simple persons" who have been their spies. A watch will also be provided at Newton, near the bishopric of Durham, another place of Lisle's. Think Eure can do no better service, though he is sheriff of Northumberland, vice-warden of the Middle Marches, and keeper of Tynedale and Riddisdale. The aid given to the Lisles in Scotland is the chief cause of all the troubles on the Borders. York, 16 Oct. Signed: Brian Higdon—W. Bulmer—T. Magnus—T. Tempest—Robert Bowis-John Uvedale.
Add. Endd.
16 Oct.
R. O.
The chancellor of France has not been to the court since the receipt of Wolsey's letters. Has, therefore, been unable to speak with him for the rewards promised by De Vaux to the bishop of London, the lord Chamberlain, the Comptroller, and the Chancellor of the duchy. Wrote to him, and was answered that the rewards should be sent by the Great Master. Has heard no fresh news. Came to Paris today. Tomorrow the French king will arrive. Paris, 16 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
18 Oct.
R. O.
This Friday afternoon, Clerk, with my lord Lisle, my lord Burgaynye, and divers gentlemen of the shire, met the Great Master and the rest of the ambassadors three miles beyond Rochester, and, after congratulations on their arrival, conducted them into the town. They are well lodged, very merry, and eager to see the King and Wolsey. Tomorrow they intend to be at Dartford, and at London on Sunday. A secretary, named Ville Andre, has arrived from the French king. Have not heard the nature of his message. Rochester, Friday, 18 Oct.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
19 Oct.
R. O.
"Ex literis D. Gregorii die xix. Octobris ex S. Johanne datis."
The army have at last crossed the Po, and we are now in St. John's, within the States of the Church (in loco, scilicet, ecclesiæ). Difficulties have arisen from want of provisions, for which I am obliged to go to Piacenza. Lautrec magnifies his forces, and it is needful to treat the horsemen well. Cardinal Farnese and others are at Piacenza, awaiting some good success. They have given the news from Rome, dated from the Castle, 7 Oct., which I send you. Count Galeazzo has come to the camp, sent by the duke of Ferrara, but he brings only a general promise that the Duke will not assume the offensive. The Count says the Duke is so devoted to Henry that he will do nothing without his knowing it, and he wished he could interpose the King's authority in everything. He wished I would go thither, which I refused, seeing that the Duke only gave a general answer. He said the Duke was afraid that Francis, to recover his sons, would give up Italy for ever to the Emperor. I replied, that Francis was bound to treat of peace only in conjunction with the King, with whom these negociations had been carried on for the Pope's liberation; that he must be aware of the value of the King's support; and that he ought to fear the greatness of the Emperor, more than he dislikes the captivity of his sons. Nothing shall be omitted to bring the Duke over to our side; for if that be done, the Germans can be kept out of Naples without fighting. Lautrec told the duke of Ferrara's agent that he might, with honor to himself, and without offence to the Emperor, join the League, lest our army should destroy his duchy.
The Venetians are so enraged that we have not gone to Milan, that they are making no due preparations; and their army of 12,000 foot, which was to remain in this state, is reduced to 3,000. Meanwhile the Pope prays for our coming on bended knees, and will die of grief if this opportunity be let slip. Hopes, however, that the Venetians will do their duty with a stouter heart than before. You see in what bad condition the Imperialists are. I was afraid the Pope would make a bargain with them, but their dishonorable demands have removed all fear of that; and if the French king will urge on his army diligently, all will be well.
Lat., pp. 3.
19 Oct.
R. O.
Is desired by Lautrec to write that, instead of the army of the Venetians being 7,000, and the duke of Urbino's 8,000, their joint number is not more than 4,000. The Venetians are also bound to pay half the Swiss here resident, of whom there were 7,000, but all have left except 2,000. They ought, therefore, to be the more willing to fulfil their treaty. Lautrec hopes that Wolsey will speak to the Venetian ambassador about it. He is eager to go on to Rome, even more for the rescue of the Pope than for the French king's command, and the rescue of his children. Plesaunce, 19 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
19 Oct.
R. O.
Bargain and sale by Sir Thos. Cornwall, baron of Burford, and Thos. Newport, to Sir Thos. Denys and Thos. Cromwell, of all their lands in Kent, Essex, Linc., Notts, Derby and Leic. Dated—Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
Corrected draft, pp. 6.
ii. A slip of paper attached, containing instructions "to draw an indenture of covenants between you, Mr. Chamberleyn and other, that we may depart with all our interests of all castles, honors, manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services which Henry late lord Grey of Codnor was seised of;" and to make an article "what persons shall be bounden to save us harmless, since the decease of dame Katharine late wife unto the said lord Grey, and stay the bearers of letters unto time ye have drawn these covenants deinz lez countiez de Kent, Essex, Lyncoll, Nothyngham, Derby, Leycetor."
Below is written in Cromwell's hand: "Thomas Denys, knyght, Thomas Crumwell, of London, gent., Thomas Cor[n]wall, knyght, Baron of Burford, and Thomas Newport, esquyer."
R. O. 2. Conveyance by Sir Thos. Denys and Thos. Crumwell to Sir Thos. Cornewaill, of their interest in a bargain and sale made to them by the said Cornewaill and Thos. Newport, of the manors of Codnor, Lastowe, Langley, &c., in co. Derby, and others in cos. Linc., Leic., Notts, and Kent.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections by Cromwell, pp. 13.
21 Oct.
R. O.
Writ inhibiting Adam Beeston and Jas. à Stable from continuing to act as executors of Will. Sharparow until the decision of a suit in Chancery brought against them by his widow Elizabeth.—Westm., 21 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
Copy, p. 1.
22 Oct.
Add. MS.
5712, f. 30.
B. M.
Commission of Henry VIII. to Arthur Plantaginet, viscount Lysle, John Taylour, LL.D., archdeacon of Buckingham, vice-chancellor, Sir Nic. Carewe, master of the stable, Sir Ant. Browne, and Sir Thos. Wriothesley, Garter king-at-arms, to signify to Francis I. his election into the Order of the Garter, to place the collar on his neck, to present him with the mantle, garter, and statutes, and to take his oath according to the said statutes. If he does not wish to take the oath, his simple word will be sufficient. Greenwich, 22 Oct. 1527. "Par le Roy, chef et souveraign de l'Ordre, en la presence des freres et compaignons dicelluy estans lez luy. R. SAMPSON."
Two fragments of the seal left.
22 Oct.
R. O.
Has been informed by the "said" personage, who is very familiar with the vice-chancellor of Flanders, the cardinal of Liège, and De Berghes, that some persons in England who favor the Emperor are intriguing against the King and Cardinal because the King is putting away his wife, the Emperor's aunt, which, they say, will make it impossible ever to reconcile the Emperor to Henry; and if the latter were dead, they could re-marry the Queen or her daughter to some prince of England, who would make perpetual alliance with the Emperor against the king (Francis).
Fr., p. 1. Endd.: Double d'un article contenu en une lettre escripte par quelque bon personnage a Mons. le Grant Maistre, du xxijme jour d'Octobre.
22 Oct. 3510. ROBERT BURTON, Clerk.
His will, 1 Sept. 1527. Proved, 22 Oct. 1527. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 624.
23 Oct.
R. O.
This morning an ambassador arrived from the duke of Ferrara, declaring the Duke's willingness to join the Confederates. Lautrec still urges us to write for more money, without which he cannot prosecute his expedition. He is in great fear some mishap may arise from the want of it. The French men-at-arms are nothing willing in this journey towards Rome, but he does all he can to encourage them. Plesaunce, 23 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
24 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
Wolsey will have learned the state of affairs by the last letters of his colleagues from Paredes, which he doubts not Wolsey has received, as "Dom. Brun" wrote to him on the 9th that he had sent them on. Nothing has since occurred of any moment, though he had some conversations with the Emperor and Councillors on his arrival. The Emperor seems to be much altered from the turn of affairs in Italy, and to be determined not to condescend to other conditions. Heard before his arrival that the general of the Franciscans had gone to Italy, and the Council say they expect daily to hear of the Pope's liberation. Burgos, 24 Oct. 1527.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
24 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
The bishop of Worcester arrived on the 13th. Have shown him the letters. On his coming to the Emperor he said, that, besides the king of England, the king of France, his mother, and his Council were all bent upon the peace; but he thought some of the demands of the Emperor were too hard to be accepted. The Emperor answered that he would abate nothing, and he murmured that the King helped against him with money, and that your Grace had "written in the desteighneng of his honor." He referred to the letter sent by you from Compiegne to the Pope. He is much altered by reason of the letter from the King, and of another from the Chancellor, left in the hands of the lady Eleanor by the French ambassadors. The Chancellor had averred that if he did not abate his conditions he must expect to make war with France and England. On hearing this he said, "They go about to constrain me," which the English ambassadors denied. Were sorry the letters were shown, and endeavored to discover if any accommodation could be made as to the points in dispute. Detail their conversation with Almain on this subject. He asserted that Sforza could not be restored without trail; and on their continuing this conversation, he asked them if they had any commission to treat thereon. On his speaking to the Emperor about the subject, he returned us for answer that the Emperor would mitigate nothing, and would only wait for the answer out of England. On their insisting that the Emperor ought to grant so small a request and listen to mercy, he asked us for our demands in writing. State the substance of it. The Chancellor affirms that the Emperor will not yield. He was much stiff that the attemptats in Italy should be redressed before the restitution of the Princes. When we asked what security Francis would have if that were done, the Chancellor said he might trust the Emperor, for he never broke promise. Said that in all contracts both parties ought to be secured. How is that to be done ? said he. We proposed that the pledges should be put in the King's hands, as impartial; at which he demurred; and we rejoined that the Emperor had no cause to doubt the King, for, whatever his conjunction with France, he would regard the Emperor's honor.
With the last letters which came to the French ambassadors on the 18 Oct., came also the original of Wolsey's letter to Francis from Muttrell, (fn. 1) about the rumored overthrow and death of Don Ferdinand. Cannot tell what it was sent for. As to the Pope, Almain believes he is delivered, as the general of Observants and Messire de Millewe came to Gaeta on the 15 Sept. The Chancellor seemed to doubt this, and we told him if his Holiness were not delivered it would be hard to excuse the Emperor now. Perceive that the French ambassadors are writing to their King to advise that war be not declared till the winter is over, that the Emperor may have no leisure to prepare. Wish to know the King and Wolsey's pleasure.
Touching Sforza, Almain asked us what security the Emperor should have of his continuing a good vassal, and paying the 600,000 ducats. We said if the Emperor forgave him, and he afterwards swerved from his allegiance, no man would take part against him sooner than the King; but when asked if the King would be bound for his debts, we said the King would not buy his restitution, and had done enough for the Emperor already in offering to discharge him of his debts, and take them of the French king. Almain thought that was done more for the sake of the French king than of the Emperor. We answered that the Emperor could not, without the King's help, have obtained 1,200,000 at once. The Nuncio said he was ordered by the Emperor to write that "as he is true king and knight, the Pope without any conditions should be delivered upon the arrival to Rome of the General and Mons. de Millewe." Burgos, 24 Oct. 1527. Signed.
Pp. 6. In Lee's hand. Add. and endd. at ƒ. 207.
24 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
3514. LEE and POYNTZ to [HENRY VIII.]
Since their last of the 28th Sept., sent by the French post from Palencia to Sir Anthony Browne, to be sent on to the King, have been able to proceed no further. In order to show more fully the amity between England and France, took occasion to go with the French ambassadors and see the Dauphin and his brother, then only four or five leagues from Palencia. Addressed them about the alliance, saying that the King took them for his own sons. "They were taught to thank your Highness," and desire you to continue your efforts for their deliverance. Their master, Theocrenus, an eloquent man, made answer more at length. Saw them again after supper. "Surely they be goodly children and toward, as we might, for so short a time, judge. Theocrenus could not enough praise the duke of Orleans of wit, capacity, and great will to learn, and of a prudence and gravity passing this age, besides treatable gentleness and nobleness of mind, whereof daily he avoweth to see great sparks, as may be seen in this tender age. He much passeth his brother in learning, and in manner hath overcome the rudiments of his grammar." Theocrenus said that one day, on their removal to the castle where we found them, "he called nothing of them for learning;" but the Duke, seeing him sit alone, came running to him, and said, "Ah, master, now I have you, you shall not go from me or ever you teach me my lesson." We were somewhat strangely treated on this occasion, "I think, verily, not in the Emperor's default." A guard was given us the day after our coming, who prevented any of our party speaking with the Princes' folks. Left in consequence that day, and refused to dine with the Constable, who could make no good excuse for his conduct.
At Worcester's first audience perceived the Emperor to be much altered. He refused to soften some demands, and said he had heard, though he would not believe, that the King helped his enemy with money. He was moved by letters which the French had shown to the Queen his sister, giving news of the capture of Pavia, and stating that England would make war on the Emperor if he did not come to reason. Think the letters should not have been shown, for until things are desperate we ought rather to lead than draw him.
Asked Almain, as the Emperor thought it against his honor to restore Sforza before his trial, whether he would allow him to remain in the duchy of Milan on his submission. Cannot yet write their resolution. Burgos, 24 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 4.
25 Oct.
R. O.
Was glad to hear of his arrival in England. Is writing to the King. He will learn the news from Monsieur de Pointz, the bearer. Hopes he will do his best to preserve and renew the old alliances. Bourgos, 25 Oct. 1527. Signed and sealed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
25 Oct.
Add. MS.
5,712, f. 27.
B. M.
In consideration of his renown, chivalrous courage, and valiant deeds, and for the augmentation of perpetual amity between them, he was elected unanimously a member of the Order of St. George, named "the Garter," at a chapter held at Greenwich, 21 Oct. Begs him to do them the honor of accepting it. Asks credence for the bearer. Greenwich, 25 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
25 Oct.
Cal. D. X. 111.
B. M.
3517. _ to _
* * * "envers ledit Seigneur quil a este ... non seullement de servitude et laquelle ... perseverer, mais encores de sang et affinite ... laydera, non seullement a la conse[rver, mais] encores amplier et augmenter se estoit ... repputer le sien mesme. A quoy jay ... me plaisent grandement et su ... Roy et que je me tiens tout se que ... verra ... sieur don Hercule son filz ... de ma ... il me semble sera croistre(?) quil nesto ... il aille ... st que faire se pourra (?) ... que le Duc ne fauldra de ... dadvantaige luy fioit * * * ... au Roy que actendu que le duc de Fe[rare] ... soin de ne laisser Carpy ne lemprinst ... nous ne le pourrons avoir de y ... sans se que ledit Sieur congnoistra estre bien h ... que le seigneur Albert de Carpy qui a est[e] ... son serviteur et perdu pour elle comme sadite ... luy osterent les Espaignolz et est hor * * * ... envoye le ... ptes a ladite seigneurie, luy remons[trant le grand in]convenient qui en peult advenyr ne le ... leur faire entendre que estant fort di ... Suysses comme il est quilz veullent au li[eu] ... Suysses selon quilz y sont tenuz, payer autant de la ... qui viennent, qui sera chose de moindre despence et plus ... pour lemprise, et au demeurant executer la commission ... dudit Sieur sur le faict dudit marquis de Mantoue. Jacoyt q ... me double quon nen rapportera nulle bonne resolution. Faict a Plaisance," 25 Oct. 1527.
Mutilated and defaced.
26 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
3518. GHINUCCI and LEE to [WOLSEY].
Eleu Bayarde arrived here 9 Dec. Went to the Emperor with the French ambassadors, and De Tarbes proposed all things comprised in their instructions. Resolved to speak nothing respecting the pardon of Sforza at first, in order to avoid divisions. The Emperor asked us if these were our last offers; and, hearing they were, said he would take advice with his council; but shortly after he sent De Prat and De Buclans to ask the French ambassadors if they had anything more to say, of which they advertised us, and determined to act in common. We augmented the offers of security for the payment of the money, and for the restitution of Genoa, &c., resolving to say nothing of Milan, urging, that, if he would pardon Sforza, there would be no necessity to restore the cities, as they were in Sforza's hands.
Describe their arrangements on this head, and the conversation of Don John Manuel on that subject, who endeavored to persuade them to urge their request of themselves, and not in conjunction with the French. They are very anxious that we should act apart, and for this purpose La Chaulx offered us the first audience, which we refused. Would in nowise consent to the Venetian ambassador, who proposed that we should follow Manuel's advice. The count of Nassau said it would not agree with the Emperor's honor that Sforza should remain, and he would not counsel him otherwise, saying, "Let the French king desire it for some other, or the King's highness for me or the duke of Suffolk." We proposed the duke of Richmond. He said it was too small for him. These are drifts to divide us, as one of the council told de Tarbes. Will say nothing of the final instruction, that the King pro pecunia restante should become principal debtor. Buklans tells us that in a farce played before the king of England, when he took the order of St. Michael, the Emperor was called tyrant,—the Almains, Lutherans,—and Defiance was represented. Have no answer, and are told by Buklans that we shall have tomorrow. Burgos, 26 Oct. 1527.
P.S.—Had not yet spoken of the French king's cession of the title of Milan. Signed.
In Lee's hand, pp. 4.
Ibid. f. 221.
B. M.
ii. Decipher of the above by Tuke. pp. 5.
26 Oct.
R. O.
Demanding restitution for Arnaton de Gamon, owner of a ship freighted by certain English merchants in the Bay of Cadiz, and bound for London; which, on arriving at Dover, took a pilot, who brought her aground in the Thames, where she was broken up, and her cargo delivered to the owners. Bourgos, 26 Oct. 1527.
P. 1, broad sheet. Endd.: Copy of certain letters translated, from the Emperor to the King's highness.
26 Oct.
R. O.
In favor of Dr. Croke, who is now going to the King, the Duke having got a new schoolmaster. Commends his diligence in inducing the writer to learning, whereby he hopes in time coming to be better able to serve the King. Pomfret, 26 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
27 Oct.
R. O.
St. P. IV. 482.
Wrote lately how often he had demanded of the Scots redress for the attempts of the Armestranges, Nixsons and Crosers, with whom Sir Will. Lisle commits daily outrages. Can get no answers but delays. There must be well horsed men set on the frontier against Liddirsdale, as at Hattwyssill, Hexham, &c., else the head of Northumberland and the water of Tyne will be destroyed by Christmas. While Eure lies at Harbottle, they come down the Tyne 16 miles hence, and he cannot keep both places. Herbottell, 27 Oct. Signed.
27 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
3522. LEE to HENRY VIII.
Wrote three days ago to the King and Wolsey, about their visit to the Dauphin and duke of Orleans. Meant to have sent the letters by Poyntz, but, finding a messenger going in post to Paris, sent them to Sir Anthony Brown to forward. Have received answer by Almain about Sforza that the Emperor will abate nothing of the conditions. Suppose he will suspend his ultimate resolution, till he see what answer comes from the King, for Francis writes that he will follow Henry's advice in everything. On the 26th arrived contrary news of the affairs of Italy; that the marquis of Saluces had defeated the Imperialists, and vice versâ; also that Anth. de Leyva and Lautrec have met together. Burgos, 27 Oct. 1527.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
27 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
On the 24th sent letters to Sir Anthony Browne, for the King and Wolsey, by a post of the Emperor's. (See Nos. 3512—4.) Recapitulates their substance. Burgos, 27 Oct. 1527. Signed.
Pp. 3. Two passages in cipher, undeciphered. Add. Endd.
28 Oct.
R. O.
Since crossing the Po, and arriving here, the Spaniards, thinking that they would have gone on to Palme, 30 miles distant, issued out of Milan and besieged Beaugrace, which had been won by Lautrec, and delivered into the hands of the duke of Milan. In consequence of want of men and victuals, it soon surrendered. 300 Spaniards remained to keep it, and the rest returned to Milan. Lautrec, hearing of it, sent back count Pier de Navar with 9,000 men to retake it.
Two gentlemen from the Pope have come hither, saying that he will shortly make some appointment with the Emperor, which Lautrec says will be paying 50,000 cr. for his liberty.
He is still within S. Angelo, with certain Spaniards; the rest having left for Naples. Lautrec wishes to see him at liberty, thinking that then he would soon set free the Romans and the country of Italy. Gregoire and the other ambassadors are gone to the duke of Ferrara. On Thursday last, De Vaux arrived, without money,—which he says is coming after him. Plesauns, 28 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
28 Oct.
R. O.
Since we passed the Po, and arrived at Pleasauns, the Spaniards, &c. (as in the previous letter). Plesauns, 28 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
Cal. D. X. 175.
B. M.
3526. LAUTREC to _
* * * "... r Romme et ailleurs ... gros nombre comme ilz sont et n'avoir ... que soyent pour la garder et deffendre en sal ... point quant à moy qu'il se puisse ... du tout franc et libere, et qu'il voulust ... n'avoir point si grant peur des hostaiges quilz pye ... traictez comme elle (fn. 2) monstroit d'avoir, car ce n'estoit [pas au] prouffit des ennemyes leur faire oultraige ne deplais[ir, mais] quilz le faisoient seullement pour mectre peur a sadite [Saintete et] la faire condescendre à leur dessain et volunte; et que ... en oppinion de vouloyr actendre ma venue avec ceste armee ... sortiroit de leur mains à son grant honneur et reppu[tation] ... et se remectroit le Saint Siege en sa premiere d[ignite] et honneur qui ne sera jamais par accord qu'il fac[e] ... qui sont choses à quoy il devoyt bien penser ... consideration, et que le point est qu'il ne ... mesmes et regarde le desordre et ma ... ent qui est de se * * * ... disposer à vouloyr ... en oultre qui desiroyt que sa Saintete feust ... r particullierement de ce qu'il luy sembloit se ... moy pour elle estant tout resolu de faire d ... endroictz et me gouverner par son bon conseil et ad[vis en f]aisant au demeurant grant instance audit messager [d]e dire la verite si l'accord estoit faict ou si pres [au] bout qu'il se deust tenir pour faict.
"[S]urquoy il me respondist premierement qu'il feroit rap[porte] à sa Saintete de tout ce que luy avoyt faict entendre et ... luy seroit fort agreable le discours que luy avoyt fai[ct] ... et que au regard dudit accord qu'il nestoit point conclud ... partir et quil ne scet ce que depuis en aura este [conclud, mais i]l est vray qu'on l'en pourchassoit fort. Mais ... ent dessus. Il croyt apres avoir la nouvelle de ... era plus oultre et que pour maintenir sa ... [r]etournera devers elle en la meill[eure] * * * ... qu'il estoit venu pour entendre le s ... [par d]eca, dautant que encores n'avoit sceu a sa part ... xime de ce moys la prinse de Pavye et ... doubte ayant este adverty que je alloys ... l'armée et non à l'effect de le mectre en liber[te] ... luy faisoit merveilleuse instance de venir a accord ... et menacoient de fort mal traicter les hostaiges, qu'ilz a ... manier, et le voulloyr mener a Gayetta et semblable ... faisoient les Cardinaulx mesmes d'autant que entre ... y ont des nepveulx, freres et parens. Et desja iceulx e ... estoient descenduz a plus honnestes demandes eulx contenta ... aux 250,000 ducatz quilz demandoient a ... en avoir de present 50,000 avec Civita Castellana ... qu'on leur baille quelque seurete du demeurant et nouveaulx ... que encores n'ont nomme, et qu'il sembloit que leur po ... aucunement incliner audit accord, mais que apres avo[ir reçu les] nouvelles de Pavye, et que ayons prins le chem[in] ... sa Saintete à deliverer, il pense * * * ... [a]u regard de moy, je me tiendroys av ... grace et la plus grande que jamais me pens ... moyen ung tel effect peust succedder et ... ne me suis mis a chemyn a ceste fin ce a ... et record de sa Saintete mesmes, laquelle ... envoya devers moy devant Alexandrie me prier et faire ente[ndre] ... apres la prinse d'icelle je feusse content me dresser ... effect, mais que is je voyois que Millan ou Pavye se [pourroit] facillement et en brief recouvrer, il ne luy deplairoit pou[r] ... que je y entendisse, et par ainsi me tiray audit Pavye la ou [apres] y avoir plante l'artillerie, je la prins en cinq jours. Ce que ... faut m'en estoyt venu ici delibere user toute dilligence p[our aller] envers sa Saintete, la priant bien fort d'avoir reg[ard] ... uelle a affaire qui sont ceulx mesmes qui tant ... tromper sans luy garder foy ne promesse ... cens cinquante mille cscuz, elle se pou ... ne feust ... ote" * * *
28 Oct.
R. O.
Came to Dover this Monday early, but could not cross, as it was SS. Simon and Jude's day. Is told it will be dangerous to cross before Wednesday, as the weather is unstable. Was told by Carewe at Canterbury that the King marvelled he had not resigned his prebend of Westminster for Mr. Secretary (Knight ?), whose servants complain that they have no place to lodge in. If he had known this, could have given them a good and honest answer. Thinks it has been contrived since he left London. Mr. Secretary had a house at Poll's Wharf, where his servants were well lodged. Remits all to Wolsey. Many of his things remain there. His study stands whole. Would be content that Mr. Secretary's servants lodged there till he or their master came home.
Promised archdeacon Styllyngton that he should lodge there if he liked. Asks that if he resigns he may be seen to for his building, and have some recompense. His cousin, Rob. Dakers, has sufficient proxy. Has had great expences lately in France, and with Wolsey at Calais, "and to the Master of the Rolls lately." Hopes the King will be better to him than to make him resign part of his living, unless there is a good cause. Dover, "In Festo Simonis et Judæ." Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
28 Oct. 3528. For ST. WERBURG'S, CHESTER.
Congé d'élire to the Prior and Convent, on the death of Thomas Heighfeld, last abbot. Westm., 28 Oct.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
P. S. b. 2. Petition for the above. Bearers of petition,—Ric. Huntington and Nic. Tassy, 23 Oct. 1527. Endd.: Teste, 28 Oct.
29 Oct.
R. O.
After taking leave of my Lady, Hoghstrate came with me out of the chamber. The end of our conversation was that he feared Italian affairs would retard peace, and that till the King and Wolsey conclude with the French ambassador, who are now there, it will not be known whether the world will go up or down. Berges, who was present, said, "Ja ce pendant, l'Empereur est en danger de perdere la Italie." Machlyng, 29 Oct. 1527.
Hol. The words in italics in cipher. Add.
30 Oct.
R. O.
Report words spoken on the 27th inst., by John Henbury, soldier at 8d. a day, to Sir Chr. Garneys, master porter, in the presence of John Rukwood, under-marshal, and others. The words were, that it was never merry in Calais since any of the council were made burgesses; and when the porter asked him why, he said, Because when they complained they could never be heard. He said further, that he was sure the porter would complain to the Deputy, but he would not be sorry to go to prison for the common weal, and that he would not fear to go before the King and Wolsey, "so he had as many with him as would go with him." He is now "discharged of his staff, and committed to ward." Asks for his pardon in consideration of his long service, for which he has been rewarded with 8d. a day, and the "reward of the crowne," and also because he was overcome with drink at the time. Calais, 30 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
31 Oct.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
Took leave of the Emperor after the letters he wrote along with Mr. Almoner. Was told that Almain would give him letters for the King, the Queen and Wolsey. Went to him accordingly, more to learn news than for the letters. He rehearsed all the King's kindness to the Emperor, who by his help, he said, was in peaceable possession of Spain, and said he could not believe this new amity between England and France would endure long. Assured him it was so firmly knit, no man could break it, and said he hoped the Emperor would not be so ungrateful now as to stick at small things,—especially the pardon of Sforza. Cast this in his teeth several times when he would have entered on other subjects. At last he said he thought means might be found to satisfy the King, but only for his sake. Cannot tell what credence to give to this. Bayonne, 31 Oct.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.: The last of October 1527.
31 Oct.
R. O.
Wrote last of the surrender of Beaugrace to the Spaniards. It was recovered by count Pier de Navarre soon after his arrival, who slew as many of the enemy as he found there. Has heard that the Pope has compounded with the Emperor, and has regained his liberty for 50,000 crowns. The castle of St. Angelo is to be re-delivered to the Pope whenever the Spaniards are 20 miles from Rome. Plesans, 31 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
31 Oct.
R. O.
Wrote last of the despatch of Pier de Navarre by Lautrec, for the recovery of Beaugrace, &c. Plesans, 31 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
31 Oct.
R. O.
Award made by Francis Moundeford and Thos. Crumwell, 31 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII., between John prior of Laund on the one part, and Robert and Ralph à Lee on the other, in some dispute in which the Lees had indicted Randyll Venables, and others in Cheshire.
Draft, with corrections by Cromwell, pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Similar award by Francis Moundeforde and Thos. Crumwell. _ 19 Hen. VIII.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3.
R. O.
3535. DARCY.
Bargain and sale by Anthony Darcy to Thos. Crumwell, of London, of the manor of Tolshunt Darcy, otherwise Tolshunt Tregoz, Essex.
Draft, pp. 8, with corrections in Cromwell's hand.
R. O.
Costs and expences connected with the suppression of monasteries for Wolsey's colleges, with wages and rewards paid to the late inmates of the same.
Among the items, "the expences of Dr. Thorton in conveying of sundry scholars from Cambridge to Oxford," paid 13 Feb. 17 Hen. VIII., 11l. 12s.
ii. Money delivered to Cardinal's College from Sep. 17 to Apr. 18 Hen. VIII., 2,342l. 11s. 0½d.
iii. Sum of expences for two years, 3,191l. 15s. 9½d.
Persons employed: Cromwell, Dr. Burbank, John Smythe, Edw. Asshe.
Pp. 163. A portion of the M S. is in Cromwell's hand.
R. O. 2. Expences of Cromwell at Ipswich for the College.
Pp. 7.
R. O. 3. Expences of John Aleyn, alderman of London, for "the state takyng" of the manor of Kexby, Yorks., late Sir Robt. Ughtred's.
Costs of Cromwell and Walter Pateshale from London to York for taking possession, 7l. 14s. 1d. Horse hire from London to York and back, 4l. Two horses hired from Newark to Kexby and back, 20s. Penning and engrossing, and conveying other estates and covenants, with 6s. 8d. for the knowledge taken upon the said covenants before Dr. Throgmorton, 6l. 13s. 4d. Rewards to persons in Yorkshire, and to learned counsel, 26l. 13s. 4d. Reward to Wm. Barker, of York, alderman, for driving the bargain between Aleyn and Ughtred, 6l. 13s. 4d.=52l. 14s. 1d.
P. 1. Endd.
"The Cardinal's bundle."
Inquisitions taken upon lands of monasteries suppressed for Wolsey's colleges in the counties of—
Berks: Poghley, Lytlemore, St. Frideswide's, Wallyngford.
Bucks: St. Frideswide's, Ravenston, Tykford, Wallyngford, Sandewell.
Camb.: Tonbridge.
Essex: Thoby, Blakamore, Typtre, Liesnes, Wyke, Blakamore.
Hertford: Blakamore, St. Mary de Pray.
Kent: Begham, Lesnes, Tonbridge.
Leic.: Daventre, Canwell.
London: Lesnes, Blakamore.
Norf.: Tonbridge, Rumburgh, Bromehill.
Northt.: Daventre, Bradewell.
Oxford: Lytlemore, St. Frideswide, Wallingford.
Rutland: Daventre.
Staff.: Sandewell, Canwell.
Suff.: Snape, Lesnes, Wyke, Ipswich, Tonbridge, Dodnes, Felixstow, Snape, Bromehill, Rumburgh, Horkesley.
Sussex: Begham, Calceto.
Surrey: Tonbridge, Lesnes.
Warw.: Tyckford.
Total, fifty-eight in number.
The dates vary from the year 1524 to 1528.
R. O. 2. Inquisitions taken in divers counties relating to the priory of St. Frideswide. Bull of Clement VII. Letters patent or grants. List of the spiritualities and temporalities. Terriers of sundry lands. Indentures. Letters patent or grants of possession in divers counties. Grants of Kexby and other manors. Grants by Wolsey of the site of the monastery and other possessions in divers counties. Præcipes for fines.
Seventy-six drafts.
R. O. 3. Inquisitions, leases, præcipes for fines, &c. relating to possessions of the monastery of Begham, Sussex.
Seven drafts.
R. O. 4. Letters patent, inquisitions, &c. relating to Blackmore, Stanesgate, Thoby, &c.
Seven drafts.
R. O. 5. Charters, &c. belonging to Bradwell, Horkesley, &c.
Four drafts or copies.
"Notes of certain evidences." Dates various.
Fourteen pages.
R. O. 6. Releases. Præcipe for a fine relating to possessions of Calceto, Sussex, &c.
Four drafts.
R. O. 7. The same for Canwell.
Three drafts.
Valor of lands, &c. Add.: To the right honorable Master Robert Toneys, with my lord Cardinal's grace.
One broad sheet.
R. O. 8. Similar for Daventry.
Eleven drafts.
R. O. 9. Similar for Horkesley.
Two drafts.
R. O. 10. Similar for Lesnes, Tonbridge, &c. Charter of Robert de Lucy, temp. Edw. III.
Eighteen drafts, &c.
R. O. 11. Names of the tenants of the abbey of Lesnes, temp. Edw. IV. Rents at 4d. an acre. Court rolls and other evidences of the same. Various dates.
Forty-eight sheets parchment and paper.
Accounts of William Bayse, canon and sub-prior to the monastery, and of Thos. Draper, receiver. 12 Dec. 22 Hen. VII. (1508).
R. O. 12. Taxation of 4d. an acre upon the abbot's tenants of same, for repairs of the ditches and wall of the Thames. 2 Edw. IV.
Small parchment roll of one membrane.
R. O. 13. Littlemore: Indentures, &c. relating to manors of Sampford, Horsepath, Temple Cowley, &c.
Eight drafts.
R. O. 14. Inquisitions, releases, &c. relating to Poghley.
Seven drafts.
R. O. 15. Grant by Wolsey of the site of the monastery of De Pray, &c. to Cardinal's College.
One draft.
R. O. 16. Inquisitions for Ravenston.
Three drafts.
R. O. 17. Sandewell, lease and conveyance, &c.
Two drafts.
R. O. 18. Snape, do.
Three drafts.
R. O. 19. Stanesgate, do.
One draft.
R. O. 20. Thoby, inquisitions, &c.
Ten drafts.
R. O. 21. Tickford, Ravenston, &c., do.
Three drafts.
R. O. 22. Tiptree, do.
Nine drafts.
R. O. 23. Tonbridge, Lesnes, &c., do.
Four drafts.
R. O. 24. Wallingford, &c., do.
Five drafts.
Also a list of indentures made by Prior John Clare, from 1 to 8 Hen. VIII., others made by Prior Tho. Marshall, successor of Clare, of various dates from 28 Sept. 10 Hen. VIII. to 12 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
A note of the leases and indentures made by Tho. Paytwyn, prior, predecessor to John Clare,—21 and 22 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII.;—of a patent of 2 Oct. 20 Hen. VII., John Thorton, prior; and other evidences. pp. 11.
R. O. 25. Wykes, do.
Three drafts.
Cleop. E. IV.
B. M.
Strype's Mem.
II. 130.
"The names of all such parsonages as bene to be impropried unto Cardinal College, in the University of Oxford," arranged under counties.
Cleop. E IV.
B. M.
ii. List of suppressed monasteries and their founders.
The King, founder: the late monasteries of Daventre, Raveneston, Tykforde, Frediswide, Letlemore, Licsnes, Tonbridge, Wykes, Snape.
Sandewell: lord Dudley and Thomas Stanley, of Stafford. Canwell: lord Lizle; has released his title by fine. Poghley: the abbess of Almesburie. Thobie: John Mounteney, _ Fitzherberde, and _ Jermyn. Blakamore: the earl of Oxford. Stanesgate: the prior of Lewes. Typtre: Antony Darcye. Horkisleghe: Sir Roger Wenteworthe, in right of his wife. Dodneshe: the duke of Norfolk; has released his title by fine. Begham: Richard Sakvile. Calceto: the earl of Arundel and the bishop of Chichester.
P. 1.
Cleop. E. IV.
B. M.
iii. Yearly value of all the monasteries suppressed for Wolsey's College at Oxford.
Frediswid: spiritualties, 69l. 17s. 11d.; temporalties, 214l. 10s. 10d. Daventre: sp., 115l. 17s. 4d.; temp., 120l. 10s. 2d. Ravenston: 66l. 13s. 4d. Tykforde: sp., 59l. 3s. 4d.; temp., 67l. 13s. 8d. Pogheley: sp., 10l.; temp., 61l. 11s. 7d. [L]etlemore: sp., 12l.; temp., 21l. 6s. 8d. Sandwell: sp., 12l.; temp., 26l. 8s. 7d. Canwell: sp., 10l.; temp., 15l. 10s. 3d. Liesnes: sp., 75l.; temp., 111l. 5s. 8d. Tonbridge: sp., 48l. 13s. 4d.; temp., 120l. 16s. 11d. Begham: sp., 27l. 6s. 8d.; temp., 125l. 12s. 8½d. Snape: sp., 20l.; temp., 79l. 1s. 11½d. Dodneshe: sp., 53s. 4d.; temp., 40l. 5s. 4½d. Wykes: sp., 26l. 16s. 8d.; temp., 65l. 15s. 7d. Horkisley Parva: sp., 11l. 6s. 8d.; temp., 16l. 1s. 3d. Typtre: sp. 4l.; temp., 18l. 16s. 4d. Stanesgate: sp., 5l. 0s. 3d.; temp., 38l. 8s. 3d. Thoby: sp., 18l. 13s. 4d.; temp., 56l. 13s. 6½d. Blakamore: sp., 41l. 13s. 4d.; temp., 43l. 11s. 3d. Calceto: temp., 32l. 0s. 10d.
Total, 1,913l. 0s. 3½d.
Lat., pp. 5.
Grant by Christopher lord Conyers, of an acre of land in the manor of Skelton, Yorks., and the advowson of the church of Rudby, Cleveland, Yorks., to Wm. Holgill, clk., John Skuse, Thos. Crumwell, and Thos. Alvarde, to the use of Wolsey.
Mem. at the foot, that livery and seisin be taken by the ring of the church door; the feoffees to release to Skuse and Crumwell, &c.
Draft, Lat., pp. 2.
Oct./GRANTS. 3540. GRANTS in OCTOBER 1527.
1. Ric. Tate, gent. usher of the Chamber. Licence to import 300 tuns of Toulouse woad and Gascon wine. Del. Westm., 1 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
9. Staple of Bristol. Assent to the election of John Ware as mayor, and John Jay and Tho. Broke as constables, of the staple of wools, hides, fleeces and lead at Bristol. Westm., 9 Oct.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
10. Wm. Cartwryk. To be a serjeant-at-arms, with 12d. a day. Del. Westm., 10 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Madog ap Hewe Lloit ap D'd Annoyll, of Demercheon, alias of Come, alias of Demerchion in the commote of Ruthelan, Flint. Pardon for the death of Edw. ap Ithell ap Madog. Del. Westm., 12 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
12. Wm. Skelle, of London, goldsmith. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Hampton Court, 12 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
14. Gummin de Burgoyne, late of the parish of St. Swithin's, London, alias Colin the Frenchman (Colinus Gallus). Pardon of all clippings, &c. of the currency. Del. Westm., 14 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
14. Matthew Hanmer, officer of the Buttry. To be keeper of Kennewyk park, Salop, part of the possessions of Edw. Stanley, King's ward, s. and h. of Tho. late earl of Derby, vice Rob. Twyford, deceased. Del. Westm., 14 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
14. Ric. Owen, mayor, and the corporation of the town of Pembroke. Inspeximus of grant of incorporation made 3 Edw. IV., and of grants of privileges by Adam bp. of St. Davids and by kings Hen. II. and John. Westm., 14 Oct.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.
15. Roger Lyngeyn, late of Hereford, chaplain. Pardon for robbing Edw. Frowcetor, deacon of Hereford, of golden jewellery, val. 10l. Del. Westm., 15 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
16. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household. To be keeper and collector of the forest of Teisdale, with the farms thereto belonging, and the offices lately held by Edmund Baynbrige, Guy Baynbryge and Sir Wm. Tyler; and to be keeper of the forest of Marwoodhag, in the 1p. of Barnard castell, vice Sir Wm. Tyler. Del. Westm., 16 Oct. 18 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
16. John Gyfford, serjeant-at-arms. Inspeximus and confirmation of indenture made 26 May 8 Hen. VIII., whereby queen Katharine leases to Gyfford, for a fine of 8l., the manor of Stepleclaydon, Bucks, for 61 years; rent, 22l. 6s. 8d.; Gifford finding meat and drink for the steward and his horses for two court-days yearly. The rent to be paid to the King and his heirs on the Queen's death, if she die within the said term. Del. Westm., 16 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
18. Ric. Aunsham, page of the Wardrobe of Robes. To have a corrody in the monastery of Hyde, lately held by Sir Wm. Tyler, deceased. Richmond, 3 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S.
18. Wm. Hogeson, yeoman of the Buttry. To have a corrody in the monastery of Cicestre (Chichester), vacant by the decease of Sir Wm. Tyler. Richmond, 2 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S.
18. Sir Tho. West [lord] de la Warr and Eliz. his wife, Rob. Norwyche, serjeant-at-law, and Edw. Lewkenor. Licence to alienate the manor of Marteley and 30 messuages, 5,200 acres of land, and 20l. rent in Marteley, Shellesley, Kyngys Areley, Dunley, Horsham, Hylhampton, Prykley, Hope, Holyn and Pudford, Worc., to Wm. Muklowe, And. Alsopp, Peter Muklowe, Edw. Brette and John Bastenall, clk. Westm., 18 Oct.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
18. John Wheler, officer of the Cellar. To have the custody of the New Park, Leskerd, Cornw., with 3d. a day, as held by Wm. Holden. Greenwich, 17 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S.
19. Rob. visc. Fitzwater. To be chancellor of the Exchequer on vacation of that office by John Bourchier lord Berners, who succeeded lord Lovell by patent 29 May 8 Hen. VIII. Windsor, 3 July 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Oct.—P.S.
19. Rob. visc. Fitzwater and Elizabeth his wife. Custody of the person and possessions of Wm. Cokkeshall, an idiot, s. and h. of Will. Cokkeshall, late of Hawkeden, Suff. Windsor, 30 June 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Oct.—P.S.
20. John Scudamore, usher of the Chamber. Annuity of 20l. out of the issues of co. Kent. Del. the More, 20 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
20. Walter Walshe, groom of the Chamber. Grant of the manor of Grafton Fleford, Worc., with appurtenances, late held by Sir Wm. Tyler, deceased. Richmond, 7 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
20. John Wellysborne. To be ranger of the forest of Groveley, Wilts, vice Sir Wm. Tyler, deceased. Richmond, 5 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Oct.—P.S.
21. Sir Wm. Saye and Wm. Shelleye, justice of Common Pleas, s. and h. of John Shelley, dec. Licence to alienate the manor of Chelsyn, Herts, of which Shelley holds the reversion with Sir Ric. Sherley, Sir Roger Copley, Sir John Dawtrey, Sir John Danett, Ric. Lyster, King's attorney, Edw. Wotton, Wm. Sherley, Edm. Dawtre, John Shelley s. of Wm., Hen. White, John and Edw. Belyngeham, John Everard, John Wells, Tho. Wellys, Ric. Shelley, John Shelley s. of Ric., John Mountague and Tho. Bysshop. Westm., 21 Oct.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
23. Tho. Canterell. To be a gunner in the Tower of London, with 6d. a day, vice Symond Salvage. Del. Westm., 23 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Endd.: "At Windsor, iij. July 19 Hen. VIII., per Trentham."
23. Wm. Gilmyn, of York, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich, 18 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Oct.—P.S.
24. Staple of Chichester. Assent to the election of Robert Bowyer as mayor, and John Boyes and Wm. Lane as constables, of the staple of wools, hides, fleeces and lead at Chichester. Westm., 24 Oct.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
24. Simon Forneres, native of Bruges. Denization. Del. Westm., 24 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
24. Wm. Uvedale, comptroller of the customs in the port of Pole. Pardon of all malversations in his office from 3 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII. Also release to him and Tho. Ratclyf, of Frammesdon, Suff., of the recognizance entered into by them along with Rob. Uvedale, of the parish of St. Michael the Querne, London, goldsmith, 3 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
25. John Troguran, archdeacon of Kenlys. Licence to absent himself from Ireland for six years. Del. Westm., 25 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
25. Tho. Wilson, yeoman farrier. Custody of the "mewes" near Charincrosse, as enjoyed by Peter Guillemews. Richmond, 5 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
26. Sir Humph. Connyngesby, justice of the Common Pleas. Wardship of Humphry Connyngesby, s. and h. of Cecily, d. and h. of John, s. and h. of Humph. Salwey. Del. Westm., 26 Oct.—S.B.
26. Wm. Grete, of Empston, Devon. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich, 26 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
26. Wm. Newyngton, of London, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Richmond, 21 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Oct.—P.S.
26. John Tydar, of London, haberdasher. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich, 12 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Oct.—P.S.
28. Nich. Kracero. Licence to import from Bordeaux and other parts of France and Britanny 300 tuns of Toulouse woad and Gascon wine. Del. Westm., 28 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
29. Wm. Moraunt, groom for the Mouth in the Cellar. Annual pension of 100s., which the abbot of Foulgers, France, had of and in the church of Westkyngton, Wilts, and the deanery of Malmesbury, Sarum dioc., lately had by Sir Wm. Tyler, deceased. Richmond, 30 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Oct.—P.S.
29. John Rokewoode, sewer of the Chamber. Licence to import wine and woad. Richmond, 26 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII. Del._, 29 Oct.—P.S.


  • 1. Corrected from Compayne. In their letters of the 27th (f. 214) it is said to be "from Abbeville."
  • 2. His Holiness.