Henry VIII: June 1533, 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Henry VIII: June 1533, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1882), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp295-305 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: June 1533, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1882), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp295-305.

"Henry VIII: June 1533, 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1882), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp295-305.


June 1533, 16-20

16 June.
Vienna Archives.
653. Chapuys to Charles V.
The time did not suffer, and still less the quality of the bearer of my letters of the 7th, to write at great length of the occurrences here. This prevented me from making any mention of the entry of the King's lady into this city and of her coronation, which was a cold, meagre, and uncomfortable thing, to the great dissatisfaction, not only of the common people, but also of the rest. And it seems that the indignation of everybody about this affair has increased by a half since the coronation. As it would be disagreeable to your Majesty to read the account of the said entry and coronation, I have written to Granvelle, to whom your Majesty can refer if you have leisure to waste. The King has ordered that the six ships which were already armed last year shall be armed again and set in order. It is thought they are wanted to escort other ships going to Iceland to fish, for fear of the Scots, who, notwithstanding the truce said to have been made, take vessels every day, and, even within the last three days, have taken a very fine one, in which were killed more than 60 Englishmen ; also for fear of those of Denmark and Hamburg, who last year treated the English ships badly. It is said the King wished to send to Denmark and Hamburg a doctor, either for the security of the said ships, or for some other matter, which I will try to discover. The earl of Wiltshire said lately to an Italian servant of the King that, besides the good intelligence that the king of France and they had in Germany, they hoped, by means of the Pope, that in a few days Andrea Doria and Genoa would be at the devotion of the king of France. The Venetian ambassador told me that he has heard the same, having been much in company with the French ambassador during these festivities, in which they continually assisted. I write this, not because I believe it, for I think it impossible, but to show you the simplicity of these Englishmen, and the malice of the French in forging such stories.
There has been no change in the Queen's treatment, and I don't think there will be until the return of the duke of Norfolk, which is expected shortly, owing to the doubt of the Pope's coming to Nice. The Queen, ever since the King informed her that she must keep house by herself, requested the King to reduce her establishment somewhat (la vouloir reduire quelque part), giving her only her confessor, physician, and apothecary, and three women, and that he would support them, and take the rest of the rents assigned to her. This she did principally, as I have understood, in order that your Majesty, seeing her in such condition, might apply a remedy ; but having remonstrated with her that it would injure her cause and her possession as by conjugal right, she forebore such proposals, and accepted my advice ; in the hope, nevertheless, that your Majesty would still seek a remedy for her case, just as much as if she were the worst treated woman in the world. Of this I assured her.
There has been here lately a French captain, named Pitoz, who, with a well furnished galleon, is going to take a present from his master to the king of Fez, from whom he will bring some Barbary horses. I know not if the said captain has been thrown here by fortune, or has come expressly to communicate his charge, containing perhaps some underhand practice with the said king of Fez, seeing that those which had been begun with the Turks have been without effect.
The Synod of the province of York has been lately assembled, by order of the King, to decide in favor of the divorce, in which the bishop of Durham opposed manfully the bishop of London, who was formerly ambassador with your Majesty ; and, were it not that the King cannot find a man more competent to govern the country adjoining Scotland, he would have been put in prison, like the bishop of Rochester, who has not been at liberty till within these three days, and this only at the intercession of Cromwell. The good order taken by the queen [of Hungary] in Flanders, as to treating English merchants as well or better than formerly, and the friendly words I hear used towards them, have encouraged the said merchants to send more merchandise than they have done for a long time. The Council argue from this good treatment that it is not in your power to get the Flemings to make war or interrupt the traffic ; and this they publish in several places. London, 16 June 1533.
Hol., Fr., pp. 3. From a modern copy.
16 June.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 278. B. M.
654. Dr. Ortiz to Charles V.
The difficulty about the briefs has ceased. Although the intimations of the others are wanting, that of 1531 is here, with its intimations, by virtue of which any prelate can declare the acts of the king of England to be null, his kingdom interdicted, and himself excommunicated, with Anne, and all his councillors and prelates who have favored him, who are deprived of all their offices and dignities. This declaration was necessary, not only to console the Queen, and to show the Church the King's iniquity, but also to encourage those who favor her, and terrify the wicked. The Ambassador has sent two briefs with their intimations to be declared in Flanders and England, and has sent to England instruments of the inhibitions against proceeding there, because the Queen and Ambassador wrote that after the King had attempted to marry Anne, the archbishop of Canterbury, on pretence of being Legate in England, cited the Queen and King to appear on May 9, at a certain abbey, to determine if the former marriage of the Queen were valid or not. It is necessary that the King's iniquity should be known to all the Church, and all be excited against him, for a war with him will be no less holy than against the Turks. The Count sent to the Emperor three copies of the brief. Advises one to be sent to France, for publication at the Court, so that Francis may fear to take the King's part ; another to Portugal ; and the third for publication in the Imperial court.
Suggests their being printed, and the censures declared by preachers, so that the people may be animated to assist in chastising the King's schism and heresy.
Cardinals Monte and Campeggio advise that a new commission should be obtained against what the King has attempted ; but the count (Cifuentes) has done well in not following this advice, so as not to embarrass the Consistory with a new trial. In consequence of the delay caused by the examination of the remissorias by Capisucio, does not think the sentence will be given before the vacation.
As the Pope knows from the English ambassadors and his Nuncio what the king of England has done, he has been requested to declare by a brief that the King and kingdom have incurred the censures of the Church, as the See cannot suffer such an ill in silence, in order that all previous briefs may be confirmed ; that the people may not think that what the King has done has been by the authority and dispensation of the Pope, and by revocation of the previous briefs, and that Anna's issue may not be considered legitimate. This brief is necessary to oppose the sin of schism and heresy, and also that those who favor the King may see that they are deprived of their bishoprics and offices, and fear to carry out his intention, while the better part of the nation will be animated against them, in favor of the Queen.
Sends a copy of a minute which the Pope ordered to be drawn up. Asks the Emperor to write to the Pope for its despatch, as it is remitted to cardinals Monte, Campeggio, and Cesis, and he fears there will be delay.
The Ambassador in England writes that the servants of the Queen are ordered to call her only widow of prince Arthur, and that Anne was to be crowned on May 20.
Although it has been decided by four decrees that the King's excusator cannot be heard, there have been appeals and reclamations, and last Friday it was concluded in the negative.
On Wednesday next, 18 June, the auditor Capisucho, who is judge of the case, will report on (refiera) the remissorias in the principal cause.
Asks for money. Rodrigo de Avalos has just arrived. Cifuentes does not think it necessary to send the copies mentioned above. Rome, 16 June 1533.
Sp., pp. 6. Modern copy.
16 June.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 274. B. M.
655. Count Of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Has heard news from Switzerland of negociations between the kings of France and England and the dukes of Gueldres, Bavaria, and other German powers, for a new league with the Suabian league. It is expected to succeed. *
Has sent to queen Mary in Flanders the last brief about the King's separation from Anna, and the inhibition of the judges to prevent the archbishop of Canterbury from proceeding. Caused duplicates and instructions for what has to be done there to be made. Ordered one to be sent to the Imperial ambassador in England, and the other to remain with Su Alteza (queen Mary?).
If published in the neighbouring countries, it must come to the knowledge of the King and his people that they are excommunicated and interdicted. Thinks it will have little effect on the King's disobedience, but he wishes the Queen to see that he thinks of her cause.
Does not hesitate to tell the Pope that the true remedy is a sentence. Goes with the lawyers to inform the Cardinals. At one time the Pope gives him good hopes, and at another says that the Emperor has never replied to his letters on the subject. Continues to say to him that he is bound to execute justice, and then the Emperor will do what is right.
Last Friday it was determined that the excusator should not be heard, and that the principal cause should be examined in the first consistory. The Pope tells him that the French king wishes to marry the sister of the prince of Navarre to the Scotch king.
Has just received the Emperor's letter of 31 May, by Rodrigo Davalos. Approves of his coming.
The Pope told him that the kings of England and Scotland were friendly. Rome, 16 June 1533.
Sp., pp. 8. Modern copy.
16 June.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 282. B. M.
656. Rodrigo Davalos to Charles V.
Arrived at Rome on Saturday, 14 June. After consultation with the count of Cifuentes and the lawyers, went to the palace, and Sunday was appointed for an audience. On that day, in the presence of the Count and Dr. Ortiz, spoke to the Pope about the divorce, telling him that the blame of the delay was imputed to him. He replied that he was blamed on both sides, by the king of England and by the Emperor, and at last he said he should soon attend to the case, and should not cease doing so. Asked him, on the part of the Emperor, to settle it before the vacation. Today, Monday, we have been with the lawyers before cardinals Monte, Campejo, and Cesaris, to whom the cause is committed. On Wednesday the Consistory will hear the report (relacion) of the principal cause ; and the whole report, as the lawyers say, will be finished in two or three Consistories. All, however, think it will be impossible to give sentence before the vacation, which begins on the 8th or 10th July. If not given by that time, business will not be resumed until the end of September, and by that time the Pope will be absent ; and nothing can be done in his absence.
The adversaries employ abundance of money and promises. Suggests that the salaries of the Emperor's advocates should be paid.
The lawyers wish he had brought a letter from the Emperor to the Consistory and the Cardinals, who have to hear the case. Has communicated with the cardinal of Jaen. Rome, 16 June 1533.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
16 June.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 284. B. M.
657. Cardinal Of Jaen to Charles V.
The Pope gave me to understand that he should try to take away the hopes of the French about Italy ; they should be content with a good intelligence with him and the Emperor, and could gain more, with greater ease, in other kingdoms. I understand him to mean that he wished to set them against the king of England (que los queria hechar sobrel rey de Inglaterra).
Subsequently he opened this more clearly, saying that the king of England deserved punishment for his sin, and proceedings might be taken against him as a heretic. As the affair was of importance, he wished no one to know of it till he had communicated with the Emperor. Replied only that the king of England had deserved this and more, and that the king of France ought to separate from him. If a hope of gain was held out (y que dandole por aquellas partes ganancia), I thought all the French would attack him, as they are naturally enemies of the English. The affair must be managed with the greatest secrecy, so that the French might not suspect the object was to detach them from the English. The practice should be begun by the Pope, through some French person, who would start it, as if it was his own idea (que lo tocase como de suyo). Said this to ensure secrecy, and to prevent the Pope using this practice as a pretext for settling his visit to Nice. He said he would think of a fit person, and seemed pleased with the practice.
Asks for instructions. Thinks the project likely to succeed. Any plan to punish the King will be well received by God and the world. Rome, 16 June 1533.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 270. B. M. 2. Contemporary abstract of the letters of the cardinal of Jaen, dated 14 and 16 June 1533.
Sp., pp. 3. Modern copy.
16 June.
R. O.
658. Thomas Prior Of Spalding to Cromwell.
I send you a poor present, and will hereafter remember you further. Spalding, 16 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Of the Council.
16 June.
R. O.
659. Sir A. Ughtred to Cromwell.
Be not discontented that you had not your fee before. I have wine for you, which would have been spoiled if sent to Southampton. After Michaelmas I will provide you with such as there is no better in England. I will not trouble you now with the reparations of this castle. All is quiet here. Castle of Jersey, 16 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Of the King's Council. Endd.
16 June.
R. O.
660. N. Poyntz to Sir Will. Kingston.
On Saturday last I received your letter by my good master Mr. Cromwell, to do no displeasure to your cousin John Barkeley at his now coming down, as he is bound for the King's peace. I have endeavored to comply, and, though he took dishonest advantage of me, I shall not meddle with him. Sudbury, 16 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Sir William Kingston, knight, of the King's most hon. Council.
17 June.
Harl. 6,148, f. 25. B. M. C.'s Letters, 244. Arch. XVIII. 78.
661. [Cranmer] to Hawkyns.
Does not wish him to think that his labor in writing to him is lost. After the Convocation had determined on the divorce according to the consent of the universities, he was sent by the King and Council to Dunstable, four miles from Amptell, where the lady Katharine keeps house, to summon her before him to hear the final sentence. When cited by Dr. Lee to appear, she refused, saying "that as her cause was before the Pope, she would have none other judge." Nevertheless, on the 8th May, according to the appointment, Cranmer came to Dunstable, with the bishop of Lincoln as his assistant, and the bishop of Winchester, Drs. Bell, Claybroke, Trygonnell, Hewis, Olyver, and Brytten, Mr. Bedell, and other councillors in the law, for the King's part. They held a court there, and Katharine, not appearing, was declared contumacious, and proceeded against fifteen days. On the morrow after Ascension Day Cranmer gave final sentence that the Pope could not license such marriages.
On their return the King prepared for the coronation of the Queen. The Thursday before Pentecost all the crafts of London waited on the King and Queen at Greenwich, and brought the Queen to the Tower in great state. There on Friday night, the King made 18 knights of the Bath, who attended the Queen on Saturday in her progress (which was about half a mile in length) through the city to Westminster, where she banqueted, and was conveyed thence in a barge to York Place. The King always went before her in a barge secretly.
The coronation took place on Sunday [1 June], when there assembled with Cranmer, at Westminster church, the bishops of York, London, Winchester, Lincoln, Bath, and St. Asaph's, the abbot of Winchester, and ten or twelve other abbots. They all proceeded to Westminster Hall, and received the Queen ; who, supported by London and Winchester, came to Westminster church, preceded by my lord of Suffolk with the crown, and two other lords with the sceptre and a white rod. Cranmer crowned her, she sitting on a scaffold between the high altar and the choir. The ceremony over, she returned to the Hall, where a great solemn feast was kept all day, the order of which was too long now to be written. This coronation was not before her marriage, which took place about St. Paul's day last, "as the condition thereof doth well appear, by reason she is now somewhat big with child." The report that Cranmer married her is false, "for I myself knew not thereof a fortnight after it was done. And many other things be also reported of me, which be mere lies and tales."
One Fryth, who was imprisoned in the Tower, was appointed by the King to be examined before Cranmer, the bishops of London and Winchester, Suffolk, the Lord Chancellor, and Wiltshire. His opinion that there is no corporeal presence of Christ in the host and sacrament (after the opinion of colampadius) is so notably erroneous, that they left him to his ordinary, the bishop of London, who has delivered him to the secular power ; and he looks every day to go to the fire. Although Cranmer sent for him three or four times, he could not persuade him to leave his opinion. One Andrewe, a tailor of London, is condemned with him for the self-same opinion.
In case he has not heard from the Ambassadors lately gone over, informs him that Norfolk, Rochford, Paulet, Sir Francis Bryan, Sir Ant. Browne, &c., Drs. Gooderyche, Aldryche, and Thrylbey, have gone to the French king. "I suppose they go from him to the Pope unto ..."
Many here wish Hawkyns to succeed his uncle (fn. 1), and "a great sort" wish otherwise ; but they will not prevent it by "such idle communication." Sends a bill for the bank of 400 "duckes de largo," which he is not to use unless he has need of it ; "for it is none of the King's money, nor his said Grace knoweth nothing thereof, but alonely of my benevolence to serve your purpose, in case (as I said) you should lack the same." Croydon, 17 June.
"A copy of a letter sent unto Master Hawkins, ambassador with the Emperor's majesty."
17 June.
Vesp. F. XIII. 98 b. B. M.
662. Elizabeth Lady Worcester to Cromwell.
Thos. and Henry Stradling have untruly accused her husband's officers of Glamorgan, and since her husband departed with the King they intend to sue to Cromwell for the preferment of their suit. They have always resisted the rulers in those parts, and live only by pillage and extortion. They set upon her husband's deputy ; murdered one of his servants, and maimed three or four more at Kerdif Castle. Begs him to give no credence to them. Greenwich, 17 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Mr. Cromwell, one of the King's most honourable councillors. Endd.
17 June.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 288. B. M.
663. Count Of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Wrote yesterday by a courier sent by the viceroy of Naples. Did not reply fully to Davalos's letter, as the courier was sent about the succour of Coron, and the Count did not wish to detain him.
In the matter of England, will only write what he does not think the Emperor will hear from Davalos.
The Pope relies most upon the cardinal of Monte in this affair, on account of his authority and learning. He, with Csarino and Campeggio, assembled yesterday, in the Pope's presence, to decide whether the principal cause was to be referred in the Rota as well as in the Consistory. The Emperor's lawyers thought it better that it should be referred only in the Consistory, to save time. It seemed to me best that those of the Rota should take cognisance of the matter in company with the Cardinals, as I am informed has been sometimes done. The members of the Rota are lawyers, and there are very few in the College of Cardinals, so that it is well for them to take advice of the former. However, as the Emperor's advocate thought the other the better course, we agreed to it ; and the Pope has decided that the matter shall be heard in the Consistory without the Rota. Heard the same day that cardinal Monte has obtained leave to go and take baths for an illness which attacks him every year. This will prevent anything being done before the vacation. Sent for a cousin of his, an archbishop of Naples (del reyno), to persuade him not to go, but it was of no use. Will go myself, and ask him to stay, on behalf of your Majesty.
When Rodrigo Davalos and I went to the Pope, and read him the letter of credence and part of the cipher from the ambassador in England, he expressed his desire to do justice shortly, and informed us of certain things which he had settled with your Majesty ; but while Davalos was there, he said nothing of what he had formerly said to me, that I should write to your Majesty about the execution of the sentence ; and therefore we said nothing about it either, as your Majesty had ordered. After Davalos had left to attend to other business, he asked me if your Majesty had sent any answer to his request that I should write touching the execution of justice. Replied that you had, but Davalos had taken it with him. He asked what it was. I promised to bring it or send it, as I had not committed it to memory. I mean to insist that your Majesty has declared yourself in such wise that his Holiness may well give sentence.
I have heard since that Jacobo Salviati advised the Pope to give sentence, and his Holiness replied that he wished to do so, but feared, as it was the first (por ser el el primero). I have heard also from the archbishop of Capua that the king of England presses for the case to be delayed till after the interviews, saying that he will then find some way of settling it (algun medio). I have used all possible diligence, and asked the Pope to let me know if he hears anything from England. He told me a person had come from the King, but he had not yet seen him. I hear now that he brought news of the coronation of "la amiga Anna." * * * Rome, 17 June 1533.
Sp., pp. 7. Modern copy.
Ibid., f. 286. 2. Contemporary abstract, with marginal notes.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
17 June.
R. O.
664. The Scotch Borders.
Account of Sir Geo. Lawson, kt., of moneys received for coats, conduct, and wages of the garrisons on the Borders against Scotland, from 14 Sept. 24 Hen. VIII. to 17 June following.
Receipts.From the abbot of St. Mary's, York, by warrant dated 2 Sept. 24 Hen. VIII. From Master Cromwell : 6 Dec., by John Gostwyk ; 6 Jan., by Ric. Cromwell ; 20 Jan., by Thos. Barton ; 31 Jan., by Ric. Cromwell ; 20 Feb., by Sir Rauf Ellercar ; 15 March, by the abbot of St. Mary's ; 11 April, by the same ; 11 April, by Tristram Teshe ; 6 May, by Dr. Lee ; 11 June, by Lancelot Colyns, treasurer of York. Total, 23,368l.
Payments.For coats and conduct money, and the wages of 2,500 men in garrison, with their captains and petty captains, and Lawson's own wages, 21,179l. 15s. 2d. To Lord Dacre, 500l. Horse hire for ordnance for divers "rodes" in Scotland, and labourers' wages, 32l. 0s. 10d. Wages of bowyers and fletchers at Newcastle, 11l. 5s. 2d. Corn at Berwick, Alnmouth, and Newcastle, 760l. 2s. 6d. Wheat and malt lost in Robt. Doxford's ship, which was taken by the Scotch last Easter eve, near Scarborough, 30l. Freight of ships with corn from Norfolk, Marshland, Yorkshire, and Holderness, to Berwick, Aylemouth, and Newcastle, 78l. 10s. 9d. Wages of carpenters, smiths, slaters, &c. at Berwick, 79l. 2s. 8d. Oak timber, wood, and coals, 30l. Portage of money from York to Berwick and the Borders, 15l. 16s. 8d. Total, 22,716l. 13s. 9d.
Pp. 3. Endd.
17 [June].
R. O.
665. Anne Basset to Lady Lisle.
Is glad to hear of the arrival of my Lord. If she is to pass the winter in France begs she may have an every-day robe. Regrets she costs her so much, but cannot help it, as she must have many little trifles that she would not have required in England. Has received the shoes and the hose, which are too small for her, and begs to have others. Pont-de-remy, the 17th of this month.
Begs on second thoughts to be recommended to her father.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
17 June.
R. O.
666. Charles Duke Of Suffolk to Lord Lisle.
The King's Council have ordered that the mayor, aldermen, &c. of Calais shall have the passage from thence to Dover, or elsewhere, as they have done, until their grant and Bertelet's letters patent shall be tried before my Lord Chancellor which of them be more sufficient. London, 17 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Deputy of Calais. Endd.
18 June.
R. O.
667. Jaques De Coucy [Sieur De Vervins] to the Deputy Of Calais.
I have received by your servant, Jehan du Moucheau, the rings you have sent, and thank you for them. The Seneschal (fn. 2) is not at present at Boulogne, but I expect him at the end of the week, and you will afterwards be such near neighbours that you will hear frequently from each other. Boulogne, 18 June. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
18 June.
R. O.
668. Christopher Jenney to Lord Lisle.
At Lisle's request has written a special letter to Sir Philip Booythe since the last term, but the vacation between terms was so short he had no time to ride to him himself. Mr. Boothe returned answer that he was not perfectly remembered about the two obligations in which he was bound to Mr. Dudeley or to Sir Henry Guldeford, for which he was sued by Thos. Jenyns, deceased, and could give no answer till he should speak with Jennye this summer. Will not fail to see him in the summer, and write again in the beginning of Michaelmas term. My cousin Graynfeeld has taken great pains both with my Lord his master, (fn. 3) and Adyngton, for the stay of his suit against you. I want a man to keep a goshawk, and, if I might be so bold, would be glad to have a young man of your Lordship's, called Richard Gyllam. Your gift of 20l., "whereof I have great need," cannot be to me so great a pleasure as that. 18 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
18 June.
R. O.
669. Peter Vannes to Cromwell.
What he has written in his other letters about the meeting of the Pope and the French king was derived from conjecture and common report. Has since heard from Morette that letters of the 13th inst. have come from the French court to Humyeres, saying that the bishop of Faenza had arrived to decline the postponement of the meeting, and to say that it should be held at the time fixed. He says that it is a false report about the 4,000 Spaniards whom Andrew Doria was said to have brought from Spain. We shall go towards Lyons tomorrow, but it is uncertain whether we shall find the King there, or at Avignon. The Admiral will meet the duke (Norfolk) halfway ; and, Morette says, wishes him to turn aside into Burgundy, as he can entertain him better where he governs. The King meanwhile may have finished his journey to Toulouse, by the time the Duke can return to Lyons and Avignon. Hears that the Duke prefers to go straight to Lyons, and meet the King as soon as possible. The Duke treats the French with great honor and courtesy, and receives those who seem to be at the head of affairs with prudent and weighty talk. In return they venerate him. Desires to be recommended to the King. Paris, 18 June 1533.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
18 [June?]
R. O.
670. Sir Gregory Casale to Cromwell.
Begs his intercession with the Queen in a matter which Gurone will explain. Fears she has conceived an unfavorable opinion of him, but trusts she will not wrongfully condemn such an old and faithful servant. Assuredly since the beginning of this cause he has devoted all his energies to her service, as is well known to many in this court, and may be to the King. What he has written in the days of Wolsey and since shows clearly that he has never failed to discharge what was committed to him, "et di ricordare quello era necessario et si poteva fare, et che si fusse fatto, la Mta del Re havrebbe havuto l'intento suo et noi saressimo stati fuora d'affanno."
Thinks it very strange, therefore, that the Queen should now suspect him, especially as he is entirely dependent on her, and looks to no one else. Is in disfavor with the Pope and others for being too zealous in her Majesty's service, and regrets that she is unaware of what is known to all the world. If Cromwell were to give him 100,000 scudi, he would not do him a greater favor than to restore him to her good graces. Thanks him for the favor (gratia) lately granted to him by his means, and begs him to see that it may not come to an end, because, if Gurone were to return hither without it, he would incur great displeasure and loss. Rome, "alli xviij." (fn. 4) 1533. Signed.
Ital., pp. 2. Add.
18 June.
R. O.
671. Sir George Lawson to Cromwell.
Robert Doxford, fishmonger of London, lost a ship of the King's taken by the Scots on Easter eve last, with corn, to the value of 30l. st. Understands he has put his supplication to the King, which is referred to Cromwell. Hopes he may have some help. Warkworth, 18 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
19 June.
R. O.
672. John Lord Audeley to Cromwell.
Owes so much to Cromwell's goodness that he dislikes to trouble him further, even for the recovery of his right, without which he cannot recompense him. Has devised a letter to my Lord Chancellor, which he sends by the bearer, to be presented only if Cromwell thinks it expedient. Wade, 19 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : To his most singular friend Mr. Crumwell. Endd.
19 June.
R. O.
673. King's College, Oxford, to Cromwell.
We have received a letter from Mr. Leghton, partly to our discomfort, as he says that you had espied great enormities in us for the absence of so many of the college this Whitsuntide, and our contention with Mr. Carter, to whom Leghton referred, only for seniority. Such a fault is untrue to surmise. In the absence of so many of us, "our joy was so great to see the effect of the truth for which we had so earnestly labored that any one of us all could and did refrain himself from the sight of the same." We were comforted because you commanded us to survey and keep courts in all the lands assigned to us by the King ; but as we cannot receive the rents without due warrants, we beg they may be sent to our treasurer's, or to such as shall be appointed by Mr. Dean. Oxford, 19 June.
Pp. 2. Add. : Councillor.
19 June.
Cleop. E. IV. 27. B. M.
674. Rowland Lee to Cromwell.
I have received your letters dated 15th inst., stating that the King wishes me to bring the election at Malmesbury to a compromise. Went thither on Tuesday, and persuaded the convent to do so, trusting next day to find them agreeable. Finally had an answer from those who were of the "cosynner's" party and himself, that they would not consent, as they had the King's licence for a free election, and would stand to it. They desired that the licence might be read in the chapter-house, and they would then go to the election per modum scrutinii. Wednesday and today I have done my best, but it will not help. The "cosyner's" party number more than double your friends ; and if they could have got the cong d'lire into their hands, would have made the election at their own mind, and deluded your expectation. I, therefore, after consultation with the chamberer's friends, prorogued the election till 17 July, and further till I know your mind and the King's commands. The Lord Chancellor is the great doer for the "cosyner." I have sent you secretly a book sent me by the abbot of Gloucester, late visitor of this house, by which you will see the unthrifty and naughty fashion of the "cosynner," and his apostacy, whereby he is infamis, and "infamibus non dantur dignitates." If this is shown to the Lord Chancellor, it will stop their mouths, and make them ashamed of meddling. As you have gone so far, it will not stand with your worship to let it pass. When you read the process and the "compertes" of the visitation, mark the hand set by me, and that is the "cosyner" and his fellow. If you will call my cousin Doctor to you, he will take out all the matter for your information. Send the King's letters of credence for me to the prior and convent. I am going today to Burton-on-Trent until I hear again from you. I wish you would also write to me at Burton, that they may know the King's pleasure. The Lord Chancellor asked me to write letters of commendation to you for the "cosynner," but I cannot dissemble with you. However, you need not tell him that you had this information about him from me. Though I name the "chamber" to you, there is no one will understand that I mean him more than another. Malmesbury, Thursday, 19 June.
After writing the above, when I was a mile from the town, the Prior came after me, and asked for the cong d'lire. I fear they have some mischievous counsel ; and perhaps, as they know the licence is granted, they will attempt to do without it, which would be a great contempt. I suppose they will wait for the Lord Chancellor's answer.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. : Mr. Thos. Cromwell. Endd.
19 June.
R. O. Rym.XIV.481.
675. Scotland.
Commission of James V. to Sir Jas. Colvile, of Estwemys, director of our Chancery, Sir John Campbell, of Lundy, and Master Adam Ottirburne, of Auldhame, our advocate, to treat for peace with Henry VIII. Signed.
Mutilated. Great Seal of James V. attached.
20 June.
R. O.
676. Rowland Lee to Cromwell.
After my former I received letters from the chamberer's friend, stating that the prior of Malmesbury and the cosyner, Dan Walter Bristow, are advised by Mr. Key to stand in this business, and as I will not deliver them the cong they will petition the King. I send you the names of the brethren. As the comperts in the book of visitation touch the chamberer's friends as well as the friends of the other, and as I would not hurt them that be of the chamberer's part, I have made a cross against their names. Cisiter, 20 June.
Let me know your pleasure by the bearer, my cousin.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : My most entire friend Mr. Thomas Crumwell. Endd.
20 June.
R. O.
677. The Duke Of Richmond.
A steward's account of the duke [of Richmond's] lands.
Oaks felled in Chesthunt woods during five years, ... "Rough catall" in ty[mber] squared to the manor or place called B ... 1,200 cart-loads, felled, squared, and delivered under the superintendence of Hen. Smyth, then clerk of the works to our Sovereign Lord.
Arrears of the rents of Nomanslands, 21-24 Hen. VIII., at 26s. 2d. per annum. Rents chargeable on Sir Edw. Bray, farmer of the demesne lands of Mechyng and John Blake, provost of Brighthelmeston.
The accountant is charged with various sums received "de domino Duce" and his debtors at different times, the last date being 20 June 25 Hen. VIII., partly for the use of the new buildings at his manor of Sheffield.
Large paper, pp. 2.


  • 1. Nic. West, bishop of Ely.
  • 2. Oudart du Bies.
  • 3. Sir Thomas Audeley.
  • 4. The month, which the writer has omitted to give, is uncertain ; but it can hardly be earlier than June.