Henry VIII: November 1533, 26-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Henry VIII: November 1533, 26-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1882), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp591-598 [accessed 7 March 2025].

'Henry VIII: November 1533, 26-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp591-598.

"Henry VIII: November 1533, 26-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp591-598.


November 1533, 26-30

26 Nov.
R. O.
1472. The Mayor And Jurats Of Dover to Cromwell.
Their harbour, as Cromwell knows, is now utterly destroyed. Unless remedy be provided, the inhabitants, as well shipowners as other, will be forced to forsake the town. Constrained by poverty, and unable to come themselves, they send this petition by Sir John Thompson, desiring Cromwell to move the King for remedy. Dover, "under the seal of office of mayoraltie there." 26 Nov.
P. 1. Add. : Of the Council. Seal gone.
26 Nov.
R. O. C.'s Letters, 269.
1473. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Begs his continued favor to Mr. Newman, for whom he has been so long a suitor. After Cromwell had answer from Dr. Benet he promised Cranmer that he should not be disappointed ; and it has now come into Cromwell's hands. Newman desires it because he was born in the parish. Offers Cromwell as good a benefice in return. Otford, 26 Nov. Signed.
Add. : Of the King's Council.
26 Nov.
R. O. Letters, 240.
1474. Cranmer to Cromwell.
I have received certain letters from Dr. Goderic, by whom I learn that you have spoken to the King for the loan of 1,000 marks for my use, and have practised with my lord of Wiltshire and others my creditors. Please deliver 500l. to my secretary, Thos. Berthlet, the bearer. Otforde, 26 Nov. Signed.
Add. : Of the Council.
26 Nov.
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 40. B. M. C.'s Letters, 270.
1475. Cranmer to Lord Abergavenny.
I thank you for your readiness to accompany me at Canterbury, of which my servant John Creke advertises me. I will not at this season put you to any pains in that behalf. It would give me much pleasure if you would send me a red deer or two, against Tuesday next. Otford, 26 Nov.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book.
29 Nov.
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 39 b. B. M. C.'s Letters, 270.
1476. Cranmer to the Abbot Of Westminster.
Desires him to remember his promise of the next room amongst the beadmen of King Henry VIII. for one William Fyssher, (fn. 1) such a room being now void. 29 Nov.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book.
30 Nov.
R. O.
1477. Calais.
"The boke of payments of the newe fortifications and reparations made at the towne and scunage of Calais by the space of 28 dayes, begynnyng the thyrde daye of November, and endytt the 30th daye of the same monethe, in anno XXto R. Rs. Hen. VIII."
Similar in character to No. 1216, including also the following items : 6 carpenters strangers workyng upon the Kinges tenantreis ageynst the Kynges Exchecker wythyn the towne of Caleis, for reparations of the same. 8 sawers sawyng postis, brasis, jeistis, quarters, plancks, and other necessaries for the hedde of the West Juttye, and for a newe halpasse, a newe herse, and rayelles for the Myl Gate. 2 shypwryghttes workyng upon the Kinges Grete Bote. 2 thackers working upon the Kynges store-howsis wythin the West Brayes, whereas the Kynges ingynns liethe. A laborar servyng the saide thackers. 24 laborers workyng upon the see banckes in Dyckland, as repayryng of the same wyth see turffe and see claye for deffendyng of the high rages and flowing of the see. 21 laborers workyng wythin the towne of Calais upon dyvers necessaries and at the hyther slwce upon the see banckes bytwene the towne of Calais and Newname Brydge. 54 laborers workyng at the West Juttye of the havyn of Caleis as fylling the same jutty wyth see chalke and harde stone, and workyng upon other necessaryes wythin the havyn of Caleis. Long cartis carying of redde claye from Calkewell Hyll to the Kynges tenantries ageynst the Kinges Exchecker wythin the towne of Caleis (2 laborars). Short cartis caryng of a newe frame out of the Kynges carpentre to the Mylgate for a newe halpasse, there newe made, and caryng of bordis, planckes, anckars, and other necessaries for repayryng of the grete slwce upon the see banckes betwene Newnam Brydge and Caleis, and caryng of dyverse other necessaries for the Kynges workes wythin and wythout the towne of Caleis (22 laborars). Short cartis caryng of planckes, nedles, bynders, and other necessaries out of the Kynges carpentre to the West Juttye for makyng the hedde of the same juttye newe, and caryng of olde tymber from the sayd juttye to the Kynges carpentre, and carryng of packes out of the West Brayes to Rysebancke for fortifying of the sayde bancke (26 laborars). Short cartis caryng of brycke from the Kynges bryckery wythout Newname Brydge to the towne of Caleis for the Kynges workes there. Tumbrellis workyng at the West Juttye as caryng of see chawlke for to fylle the sayde juttye (15 laborars).
"Empchons." Paid to John Dossyns, the Kynges smyth, for grete boltis of ieron, with farlockes and keyes, grete speke boltes, a slagge of ireon, a stockelocke, a payre of henges, anckers, grete hanglouckes, and for mendyng of the chayne of the drawe brydge of the castell of Hampnes, and also for newe keyes for olde lockes, bolstars, gogyons, plattes, styropus, and mendyng of a chayne for a drawe-brydge at Bollen Gate. To Harry Dyke, smyth, for boryng and mendyng of a grete serpentyne belongyng to Rysebancke ; for mendyng of a chamber for a grete serpentyne, spekes for the same, styropus, dogges anckars for one of the Kinges tenantreis ageynst the Kinges Exchecker ; and also for mendyng of water stopus, showelles, ancker naylles, a newe keye with a bolt and staples, ii. payre of gemewys, and for poches of iron for the ordinance at Rysebancke, and for iii. payre of canhookes and thre pentys hookes. To Gyles Smyth for grete ireon ladelles for melting of lede to made pellattes for gones at the Rysebancke, newe keyes for olde lockes, and grete hang lockes for the howsis of offyce where the Kinges artyllery lyeth wythin the saide wardrope, wyth staples, hokes, latches, and other necessaryes for the same. To Willm Clarkeson, cowper, for morter tubbys, a water cowell, buckettes, and hopus for hopyng of olde tobbys. To Antony More, for corner and gutter tyles spent upon the Kinges tenentreis. To John Crolle, for sagge for thackyng of the long howse wythin the West Brayes, where the Kinges ingyns lyethe, vi. bondells of roddes, and iii. m1 whythes. To Lawrance Gyles, for whit borde for the Kinges necessaryes at Guysnes, Hampnes, and at Calais. To Mathew Sherman, for mawndes spent upon the workes of the West Juttye for beryng of stone to fylle the same. To Mychell Bynde, for callowe rodde for the long howse within the West Brayes. To John Tacke, glasyar, for newe glasyng of dyverse wyndows wythin the Kynges tenantreis ageynst the Kinges Exchecker, and settynge of newe quarrelles in olde glas wythin the same.
Reparations done wythin the castell of Guysnes, including freights of boats from St. Peters to Guysnes, and from the water side at Newname Brydge to the castell of Guysnes ; payments for anckers for the newe howse there made, and for xxii. payre of gemewys for wyndowes of the saide newe howse. To Harry Mumer, carpenter, for makyng, framyng, and settyng up of a newe garnett and malte howse wythin the castell of Guysnes, by a bargayne made by Wyllm Lambert, surveyor, and the Kinges master carpenter, which is nowe fynnysshyd, 10l. stg. = 16l. 5s. gr. Total for 28 days to 30 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII., 232l. 3s. 8d. gr. Signed : Edmund Howard.
Pp. 25.
[ Nov.]
Vit. B. XIV. 76 b. B. M.
1478. [Vannes to Henry VIII.]
"... Domine mi supreme ... humillima commendatione ... [Re]gi Majestatis vestr ... nus, sibi injun ... nter, cepi quam sole ... la adesse, ut ex ... quam partem, quod ... pret ... et ... Pontifex et quid illi ... t, persensi hc omnia pontificem per quam ... participasse ; illis, scilicet, quos prcipuos ha ... consiliis, atque ita triduo post, quum postri [die Pon]tifex navigationi se accinxisset, ad eum [access]i, veluti abeuntem salutaturus, expositu[rus] quam parum amice Datarius, ad quem Pontifex me ... rat in quibusdam meis privatis negotiis, ... o' admodum magn cur mihi erant, me tractas[set p]ost hos sermones, 'Petre,' inquit Pontifex, '[non] ignorare te puto quam indecenter a vobis trac[tatus sum]', appellatione innuens. Nescire me respondi ... momenti ea res ab ejus Sanctitate haberetur ... tum compertum habebam, Regiam Majestatem vestram ... invito animo ad id tandem devenisse, tum ... ne prsidii genus a Sede Apostolica desperare ... tur, tum etiam, ut caus su justitiam ... r ab adversariorum potentia, idque justo aliquo ... sibi modo. 'Bene, bene,' inquit Pontifex, ... assidue facit, et ego faciam sic fa ... * "Aliis mei[s] ... Majestatem vestram ... pyratam, Constantinopo ... geret cum Turca, nunc ex ... quendam meum, nuper allatis ex h ... illic parari exercitum, jamque juss ... quo Csar illam Barbary parte[m] ... Barbaroza expugnet, qu olim ... norum ditione, eisque magis cont ... prcipua civitas Algerium voc[ata] ... posset, si hc nova vere refer ... in animo esset, tentata hac ... tione, classem velle in hoc m ... promptu, Algerium transverso ... hinc distat, ut audio, circiter ... milliaria, regio est opulenta, e ... cum Christianis commercium, sub salv[o conductu, ut] dicunt a Barbaroza integerrime ...
"Nolo literis longioribus Majestati vestr ... quum sciam omnia effusius ac ce[rtius] ... a Dominis oratoribus perscribi D ... Regiam Majestatem vestram ... Massili *"
Hol., mutilated.

Camusat, 19.
1479. Henry VIII. and Francis I.
Memorial drawn up by M. de Polizy, bailly of Troyes, concerning certain conversations which the king of England has held with him.
Henry complains that all Christian princes will think that the friendship between Francis and himself is not so sincere as at the beginning. As to the innovations which Francis had promised that Henry should not make, their honor is not injured, nor their promise broken ; for the Pope has commenced in three ways,by the censures which have been published in Flanders, by not accepting the "excusateur," &c. ; which [Henry] says he has notified, by his ambassadors, to the King his brother.
He complains that "procuration" is demanded of him, and that it is said the business would have been arranged to the satisfaction of him who had had it. He answers that the Pope, in the first instance, when he was at Marseilles, said that he had not got the process, so that at that time the procuration would have been of no use. But the Pope did not speak the truth, for it is certain that the process is with him. Moreover, the King (Francis) had told the duke of Norfolk, when procuration was talked of, that he himself should be his procurator. (fn. 2) Therefore Henry thinks it very strange that complaint should now be made about the procuration. For his own sake and that of all other princes he would never grant it ; if he did, it would be consenting to have no "excusateur," which he will not do. Nor will he unmake the laws which have been passed by the estates of his realm for the public weal, nor can he, as he says.
He says Francis has stated that the Pope himself has acknowledged the justness of his cause ; which is enough for him, because the Pope and Francis understand it, as also do the legists of France, especially with regard to the "excusateur." (fn. 3) He, therefore, wonders why Francis should speak of having procuration, which would be to abolish the "excusateur," contrary to the opinion of all [the legists] even of his realm.
If the Pope say that action has been taken against him over here, and that great injuries even have been done to the Holy See, [it may be answered that] the Pope has done the same to Henry. But he passes over the injuries done on either side ; for he does not ask, nor will he make, any reparation. He only asks that justice should be done him. If it be not done, he will not be concerned about it, for he has provided for his own affair. He is quite satisfied with having God and right on his side.
He complains of so much homage and footkissing, which is contrary to what had been said to him at Calais in reference to the Emperor. He had advised that the Pope should not be trusted, but his advice has not been observed. Nor has the promise touching the marriage been kept ; which was not to have been concluded if his affair was not settled. He is surprised that the clauses of the contract are kept from him. He says that if he [Francis] had pressed the Pope more, the latter would have complied ; but [Francis] has done him too much honor and good cheer.
He complains much of Francis' council, who have turned him from the good opinion which he used to have. He does not know if they wish to treat him after the old fashion of France, which is to entertain people as long as they have need of them, without coming to the point, and to use dissimulation. But they will not do so with him, for he has known the world too long. He speaks, and desires to be spoken to, plainly. When he is addressed frankly, he will be won over with his person and his substance, but not otherwise. His friendship can profit, and is worth as much as the Pope's.
He cannot think for what reasons an interview is spoken of between them two. If it is desired in order to induce him to undo anything which he has done, a great mistake is made, and the friendship will diminish instead of increasing. (fn. 4) It is two months since Henry has said a word to the Bailly touching the interview.
He says that he is not governed by, but governs, his Council ; otherwise the Council would be King, and not he. He desires their opinions, but decides for himself, as every King ought to do.
He commanded the Bailly to make his cordial recommendations to Francis, and to say that he trusted Francis would not doubt his friendship.
In such conversations, and in many others which the Bailly cannot remember, Henry accused him of ingratitude and breach of promise, and said he spoke plainly because the Bailly was about to depart. The Bailly answered that he would rather be the poorest gentleman in France than have to relate such conversations to Francis ; that he was not come hither to carry back words which would tend to diminish the friendly relations ; that there was no need they should be known ; that Francis took great trouble in Henry's affair, for his prison, and that of Messieurs [his children], caused him less anxiety not to speak of the expence, which Henry must be aware is not small ; and that it was to be feared lest, on hearing of such discourses, Francis in his turn should talk of ingratitude. Prayed him, therefore, to discontinue them.
Henry then left the Bailly, and went to M. de Castillon, who that day had done him reverence. His friendship has decidedly cooled, but he imputes no blame to Francis,only to his councillors. He says that he recognizes the Pope as bishop of Rome, or as Pope, according as he wishes to be named ; not that the Pope has any superiority over him or his subjects. He will not, in consequence of this, be less Christian, but more so ; for in everything and in every place he desires to cause Jesus Christ to be recognized, who alone is the patron of Christians ; and he will cause the Word to be preached, and not the decrees and canons of the Pope. (fn. 5) His Ambassador with the Emperor has advertised him that, in consequence of the joy which the Spaniards have had on hearing of the revictualling of Coron, they have threatened to invade his realm. He says he is not afraid of it, and that they might perhaps come and not return. All the English Council is very sorry that their King is so bitter. He complains much that the [French] Cardinals did not leave the Consistory, and others would have followed them. The Treasurer (fn. 6) is very sorry his master is so deeply moved, and gives the Bailly so to understand ; and he says that Francis should consider that Henry has done much for him by leaving the Emperor's party. The Bailly confessed this, but prayed him to tell his master and his Council that they ought to consider that Francis was well aware that if he had had Henry's friendship, "ce n'avoit est pour des prunes," and that it had cost him very dear. Often, after going into a passion, Henry has said that he trusted the Bailly would not say or write anything which would diminish the friendship between them ; and those of his Council have often done the same. When the King saw a letter from cardinal de Tournon, stating that he did not know what more he could do because of the innovations made over here, contrary to his promise to the Pope, he said it was not written after the manner of good servants desirous of fostering friendship.

R. O.
1480. Sir Walter Stonore to Cromwell.
Please have me in remembrance for obtaining the King's letter to the new sheriff for the indifferent keeping of the manor of Stonore until his Highness determines upon the title. Signed. P. 1. Add. : Councillor. Endd.
Nov./Grants. 1481. Grants in November 1533.
1. Receipt [to be given] to Francis I. for 47,368 cr. of g. of the sun, 16 sous, paid at Calais according to certain bonds, &c. Westm., 1 Nov. 1533, 25 Hen. VIII.S.B.
ii. Receipt [to be given] to Francis I. for 5,000 cr. of g. of the sun, paid at Calais, for the pension of salt, according to the treaty of Hampton Court. Westm., 1 Nov. 1533, 25 Hen. VIII.S.B.
2. Geo. earl of Huntingdon. Licence to take priests, singing-men, and children from the colleges of Windsor, St. Stephen, and Eton, or any other place that is under the King's authority, necessary for the service of the chapel in the house of the said Earl ; and exemption from any interference from similar licences, except only for service in the Chapel Royal. Westm., 14 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 3 Nov.S.B.
3. The prior and convent of Clifford in Wales. Inspeximus and confirmation of the following documents ; viz.
i. Patent 5 Dec. 1 Edw. IV., inspecting and confirming a patent of his father Richard duke of York, earl of March and Ulster, lord of Wyggemore and Clare, dated at Radenore Castle, 24 Oct. 19 Hen. VI., being a grant of protection to the said prior and convent, their dependents and property.
ii. Patent 25 Nov. 1 Hen. VII., exempting the said prior and convent from being made collectors of tenths or other taxes granted by the clergy. Westm., 3 Nov. Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 40.
4. Commission to Sir Thos. Audeley, chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Thos. earl of Wiltshire, J. bp. of Lincoln, J. bp. of Carlisle, and abbot of Westminster, to prorogue the Parliament this present Monday to the 15 Jan. following, at Westminster, on account of the unhealthy air. The Parliament was last prorogued on the 6th June to the 3rd Nov. inst. 3 Nov. S.B.
5. Wm. Seyntlowe, of Gloucester. Pardon for having, in concert with John Holland of London, yeoman, and John Barwik of London, yeoman, on the 20th Sept. 17 Hen. VIII., broken the close and houses of Joan Dene at Stoke Talnage, Oxon, and stolen therefrom certain money and apparel of the said Joan and of one Thomas Dene, and assaulted and mortally wounded one Wm. Pangborne, who died 28 Sept. following at Stoke Talnage, as appears in three several indictments found against the said William, John, and John at Oxford, 20 Feb. 17 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 16 Oct. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Nov.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
6. Sir Ric. Weston and Sir Francis Weston, his son and heir apparent. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of captain, warden, and governor of the island of Guernsey and castle of Cornett, and of the other islands and places in those parts, viz., Aulreney, Serke, Erme, and Sothowe, and of all castles and forts in the said islands, &c., with the usual fees and all advowsons of churches and benefices in the said islands, &c. : on surrender of patent 26 May 1 Hen. VIII., granting the office to the said Richard alone (by the name of Ric. Weston), with the fees enjoyed therein by Edm. Weston and Tho. Seynt Martyn, late deceased. Westm., 26 Oct. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 5 Nov. P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
7. Nich. Shelley and Elizabeth his wife. Pardon of a fine levied in the Common Pleas, in the Octaves of St. Martin last, before Rob. Norwiche, Anth. Fitzherbert, Tho. Englefeld, and Wm. Shelley, justices of the said court, whereby the said Nicholas and Elizabeth grant to Wm. Holgyll and John Savage, clks., and the said William and John regrant in tail male to the said Nicholas and Elizabeth, certain manors, lands, rents, &c. in Eccleshall, Wodlathis, Sheffeld, Brome, Crokys, Aldwark, Fyngale church, Spenythorn, Yorks. ; South Muskham, Carleton, Haworth, le Flete, Notts ; West Alyngton, Carleton Scrope, Linc. ; Fyfhyde, Essex ; Bowdon Magna and Harborowe, and an annual fair and a market every week in Harborowe, Leic. Westm., 6 Nov.Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13.
8. Jeremy Bernarde. Grant of the portion or prebend in the collegiate church of Norton, Durham dioc., at the King's disposal by the promotion of Master Roland Lee to the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield. Greenwich, 5 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
9. Tho. Daffurn, of Claybroke, Leic., husbandman. Pardon of all violations of the King's peace, and of the securities he was under with respect thereto ; the said Thomas having been delivered from the Marshalsea prison, on bail, to Ric. Roos of London, blacksmith, and Roland Alger, of Westm., yeoman, under recognizances which were forfeited by his making an assault on Hen. Bukbynder. His sureties were summoned by Sir John Villars, then sheriff of the said co., who certified that the said Richard and Roland were not found. And the said Thomas came by his attorney, Tho. Skrymsher, and pleaded that he should not forfeit his recognizance, because he was in no way culpable with regard to the said Henry ; but upon being tried at Leicester before Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, he was convicted on the evidence of Wm. Farmour. Greenwich, 3 Oct. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
10. Mons. de Dintevilla, bailly de Troes, ambassador to the French king. Licence to pass beyond sea, with his servants, baggage, &c., and to convey out of the realm horses, mules, and mulettes to the number of 26. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. 25 Hen. VIIIS.B.
11. Hubert Thomas, "secretary to the Count Palatine and duke of Baviere." Licence to go beyond sea, with two servants, three horses, baggage, &c., and money to the amount of 300 crowns, or less. Greenwich, 11 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov.S.B.
12. Ric. Pattes, archdeacon of Lincoln. Passport for the conveyance of 10 horses, with baggage, &c., by his servants, he being now at Paris, and appointed to be the King's ambassador resident in the court of the Emperor. Greenwich, 12 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. S.B.
13. Salop : Sir Ric. Maynwaryng, Griffeth Lynton, Wm. Cotton, and John Maynwaryng. Commission to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Tho. Skryven. Westm., 12 Nov.Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26d.
14. Arthur Uvedale, Rob. Southwell, and Geo. Touneshende. Grant of the manor of Tyttesey, Surrey, with lands, &c. in Tyttesey, Porkeley, Uppwod, Halyngberye, Gater', and Cateram, Surrey. Greenwich, 7 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov. P.S.
15. For Wm. Grendon, the prior, and the convent of St. James, Staffordell, alias Staffordale, Somers. Release and quit-claim of all the King's interest in their priory and possessions. Westm., 15 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 20 Nov.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 30.
16. Peter de la Roche. Passport for himself and servants, and three horses, he having come here in the suite of the French king's ambassador. Greenwich, 17 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Nov.S.B.
17. Chr. Draper. Grant of the free chapel or hospital of St. Mary Magdalene, Stirbrigge, Camb., void by death. Greenwich, 13 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Nov.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
18. Constat and exemplification, at the request of Ambrose Skelton, servant of Henry duke of Richmond and Somerset, who swears to the loss of the original, of the inrolment of pat. 16 Feb. 22 Hen. VIII., granting to the said Ambrose, for 40 years, a messuage and "a forundell of lond" at Fromelode, in the lordship of Estyngton, with a ferry and passage across the Severn there. Westm., 18 Nov.Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 34.
19. Thos. Catt or Katt, of Cranbrook, Kent, brewer, alias clothman, yeoman, &c. Protection ; going in the retinue of Sir Arthur Plantagenet viscount Lisle, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 19 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. P.S.
20. The Benedictine monastery of SS. Peter and Paul, Athelney, Bath and Wells dioc. Restitution of the temporalities, on the election of Rob. Hamlyn as abbot, whose fealty is ordered to be taken by the abbot of Michelney. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII.S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
ii. Certificate of the same by John bp. of Bath and Wells. Wells, 16 Aug. 1533.
21. Thos. Whitby. Grant of the free chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Ely dioc., void by death, and at the King's disposal by reason of the voidance of the see of Ely. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII.S.B.
22. John Drows. Licence to import 200 tuns of Gascon wine. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII.S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 41.
23. John Sturges, sen., and Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Henry Pakenham, and Ric. Dade of Wytton, son and heir of Margaret, another of the daughters and heirs of the said Henry. Licence to alienate 30 acres of land and 7 marks rent in Snyterton, Shropham, Wylby, Hargham, Lerlyng, Brethenham, Illyngton, Rokelond, and Stowebydon, Norfolk, to Nich. Sywhat, Wm. Rogers, Edm. Wode, John Trace, and Wm. Tompson, chaplain. Westm., 20 Nov.Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5.
24. Hants : Charles Bulkeley and John Wyntreshull. Commission to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Ric. Bull, of the Isle of Wight. Westm., 20 Nov. Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26d.598
25. Sir Tho. Wentworth. To be marshal of the King's household, with the usual fees, as enjoyed by Sir John Carewe, knight of the Royal Body, Sir John Turbervyle, Sir [Henry] Sherburne, Sir John Dygby, and Sir John Russell ; on surrender by the said Sir John Russell of patent 28 June 15 Hen. VIII., which granted him the said office. Westm., 26 March 24 Hen. VIII. Del. 20 Nov. "anno subscripto." P.S. Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21.
26. Tho. lord Barkeley. Livery of lands as son and heir of Sir. Tho. Barkeley late lord Barkeley. Greenwich, 18 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Nov.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 25.
27. Wm. Temple of Ware, Herts, hostler. Pardon for the murder of one Hugh Scotte. Del. Westm., 26 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII.S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 41.
28. Michael Securis, physician, a native of Normandy. Denization. Windsor Castle, 19 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
29. Sheriff Roll.
Cumb. : Sir John [Lample]we, John [Legh (?)], (fn. 7) Sir Chr. [Curwen].
Northumb. : Ingram Percy, Thos. Erington, (fn. 7) Sir John Delavale.
York : [John Norton, Sir John Milton], (fn. 7) Sir John Constable of Holderness.
Notts and Derby : Arthur Eyer, Germanus Poole, (fn. 7) Sir Ant. Balington (sic).
Linc. : (fn. 7) Sir Geo. Fitzwilliam, John Seyntpoole, Sir Chr. Hyllyarde.
Warw. and Leic. : (fn. 7) John Audeley, Sir Walter Smith, John Grevile.
Salop : Thos. Newport. Thos. Oteley, (fn. 7) Sir John Talbot.
Staff. : (fn. 7) Sir Philip Draycot, Sir Geo. Gresley, Sir Wm. Basset.
Heref. : Thos. Bodingham, Wm. Clynton, (fn. 7) Sir Edw. Croft.
Worcester : (Blank.)
Glouc. : Walter Denis, Sir Ric. Lygon, (fn. 7) Ant. Kingston.
Oxon and Berks : (fn. 7) Wm. Fermour, John Brome, Thos. Carter.
Northt. : (fn. 7) Sir Wm. Parre, Thos. Griffith, Sir John Clerk.
Camb. and Hunts : Sir Laurence Taillard, Ric. Sapcote, Sir Rob. Payton.
Beds and Bucks : Ric. Fermour, (fn. 7) Sir Rob. Lee, Sir John Seyntjohn.
Norf. and Suff. : (fn. 7) Sir Thos. Russhe, Rob. Crane, John Springe.
Essex and Herts : Thos. Peryent, sen., (fn. 7) Sir Brian Tuke, Wm. West.
Kent. : Sir Hen. Isley, (fn. 7) Thos. Roberts, Sir Thos. Poyning.
Surrey and Suss. : (fn. 7) John Palmer, Sir John Gaynsforde, Nic. Tufton.
Hants : Rob. [Bulkeley], Sir Anth. Windesore, (fn. 7) John Pawlet.
Wilts : (fn. 7) Sir Walter Hunge[rford], Sir Hen. [Long], Wm. [Hornch ...].
Somers. and Dors. : (fn. 7) Sir Giles Strangwies, Sir John Seyntloo, Thos. Basket.
Devon : (fn. 7) Sir Wm. Courtney, Andrew Hillarsdon, Wm. Carewe.
Cornw. : (fn. 7) Sir Wm. Godolghan, Sir Peter Eggecombe, Thos. Seyntavyn.
Westmor. : (Blank.)
Rutland : (fn. 7) John Harrington, Anth. Coley, Thos. Brudenell.
Cheshire : (fn. 7) Wm. Damport of Feromhall Edw. Lytelton, Sir Hen. Delve.
Slight appearance of the King's signature at the top. 25 Hen. VIII.S.B.

R. O.
1482. [Lord Lisle to Cromwell.]
With the advice of the Council here, I have caused corn to be brought into this town out of all parts within the Pale, so that we are now well supplied. We shall also cause such cattle as is within the Pale to be brought in, so that we may have a store of powdered flesh, if need be. Meanwhile we trust that by your mediation order may be taken to have sufficient victual out of England. I have heard news that there are about Ara and St. Omer's 500 men of arms. I am sure at St. Omer's there are 100, and Mons. de Bushi is amongst them.
Copy, p. 1.


  • 1. Apparently a mistake for Henry VII. and John Fyssher. See No. 866.
  • 2. In margin : "Nota, que Mr. de Norfort diet n'en avoir du tout tant dict."
  • 3. In margin : "Ses ambassadeurs l'ont escrit."
  • 4. In margin : "Nota, qu'il ne veult qu'il soit sceu."
  • 5. Note in the margin : The duke of Norfolk says that he has prayed and advised the King his master to allow the annates to go to Rome, but he has not yet granted it.
  • 6. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household.
  • 7. Those names marked with an asterisk were chosen sheriffs by the King.