Henry VIII: January 1534, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: January 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp12-16 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp12-16.

"Henry VIII: January 1534, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp12-16.


January 1534, 6–10

6 Jan. 22. John Mores to Bedell.
R. O. Yesterday about 3 of the clock I delivered your letter to my lord of London, who suspected me of having opened it: and though I excused myself he was scantly satisfied, but afterwards entertained me and made me more cheer than he has to any of his neighbours this Christmas, and made me drink a cup of wine. He excused himself, but the more words he spake, as seemed me. the more folly he uttered. He has subscribed the copy I delivered in manner of a letter to my lady Abbess, and in another letter has advised the confessor and brethren to subscribe the King's new devised letter. I have not disclosed these matters to my lady Abbess because I perceive that in my absence from Sion the ladies there have communed with their confessors, and have been brought into such scrupulosity that they will never subscribe this new devised letter, nor yet the other. If master Cromwell think that the King will be contented with the first letter, write to my lord of London to subscribe the copy which I send, and that done, send it to me to Sion. My Lady knows no otherwise but that ye have the same letter still in your keeping, because I would know Mr. Cromwell's mind first. I will do what I can to get the second letter subscribed. Syon, 6 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Bedell, one of the King's Council.
7 Jan. 23. Henry Earl of Essex to Cromwell.
R. O. There is fallen unto mo an humor that I may not go, and when I come into the air it driveth me into an ague, and then fall I ableeding. I beg therefore you will get me excused and learn the King's pleasure whom I shall make my proxy. Give credence to the bearer, Will. Clopton. Stansted, 6 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Of the King's Council.
7 Jan. 24. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Expecting to return has not written. Cromwell has been busy on the King's matters, and Smythe has been all this Christmas in Essex. Until I can speak with him nothing can be done in Seymour's matter. Densill will not meddle till then. He has not yet received the doe, “nor, I think, none shall have. Your new year's gift the King's majesty received right joyfully.” It was presented by Mr. Bryan and Mr. Kyngston, who said, “Although my lord Lisle be far from your Highness, yet doth he not forget you. To whom his Majesty answered, We thank him.” Will tell him more in Calais touching the matter he wished him to speak of to Cromwell. His warrant for victualling was long since delivered to Smeth. Mr. Bryan says you shall not fail of your harness. He says you promised him a barrel of herrings and a hogshead of wine. If your patent of Ciaringdon had come, it had now been at a good point. Is promised an answer from Sir Anthony Wyndsore by Edmund Wyndsore touching the 40l. Learns by Mr. Cromwell and Mr. Sadler that you will have to agree with Boyes, “or else to depart from the Lieutenant's livery.” Has delivered the wine to Kyugston, my lord of Carlisle and Mr. Cromwell. There is a rumor that you shall be made earl of Pembroke. The Xing goes tomorrow to Barnet, on Tuesday to Whitehall. Thursday, parliament begins, when it is said, there shall be a creation of divers estates, and some suppose the spiritualty shall depart with their temporalities, whereof many be glad and few bemoan them. The Inns of Court have kept revels at Christmas with such pastimes as hath not been seen, and the Pope is not set by. The King has kept a great court and is as merry and lusty as ever I see. I send you a book of the Pope's articles. I suppose you have seen them already. Mr. Graynefyeld promises to go with me. London, 7 Jan. 1533.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
7 Jan. 25. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I sent you ½ lb. riband by Mr. Planckney, containing 17 pieces. As for your cap of “sharlet” I cannot be sped under 14 groats, nor of the “past launds” under 12d. apiece. I have received your letters by Colton and this bearer. Mr. Brian says your bill for St. Nicholas' church is not signed but he will do his best, and if he had had your patent of Claringdon it would now have been finished according to your desire. “But, Madam, there is no remedy, your ladyship must needs depart with your little” Purquoy; the which I know well shall grieve your lady ship not a little.” I delivered your tokens, especially Mr. Kingston's candlemaker, which was joyously accepted. He is preparing another for you, which I think will be some special thing. I delivered the King's new year's gift to his own band, who accepted it right lovingly, and all the better for Mr. Kingston's and Mr. Brian's good preferment. I have consulted divers lawyers about the tinwork in the sanctuary ground, but I hear nothing to your advantage. Mr. Wyndsore Las promised to show me the truth in two days, which you will know at my coming to Calais. As for the lieutenant's livery I see no likelihood but that my lord must agree with Boyes or else go from it. Boyes has not behaved well in making: such complaints against my lord. I have paid the broiderer 6s, 8d. for your gorget, and shown Mr. Skot your pleasure, who is sorry the obligation ever came into the lewd fellow's hand.
I have searched for the black velvet gown, but can hear of none yet. There is no such rumor in court as you wrote touching my lord and you. Mr. Treasurer has not yet received the 40l. of Mr. Windsore, and will not pay it till he get it; “nor till this day the doe is not come to the White Hart for Mr. Densill.” I hear nothing of Keme and your ladyship's cloth. When Smythe comes I think he knows how it stands. He went into Essex before Christmas, and I think will be here to night or tomorrow. When I have done with him I trust shortly to depart. Mr. Graynefilld has promised to go with me to Calais in six days. In anywise your ladyship must send Purquoy, for Master Brian asks for him two or three times a day. Since my coming I have found more friendship to my lord in Mr. Brian and Mr. Kingston than in any others. London, 7 Jan. 1533.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
8 Jan. 26. Margaret Lady Grey, late Servant of Katharine of Arragon.
See Grants in January, No. 4.
8 Jan. 27. Richard Arche, priest, to Sir Edw. Baynton.
R. O. I would be glad to follow your counsel and do my utmost for our sovereign lord, but I think Dr. Powell, Mr. Baker and others, Constituted proctors for the diocese of Sarum, should be discharged, and your commandment directed to the vicar general and the dean and chapter here to elect others in their places, with the King's letters in favor of such as his grace would have named; and if his grace would name Dr. Bennet and me, he may be assured of the diocese of Sarum being on his side in all his causes, whereas others, as you know, were directly against his grace's cause, or absented themselves when they might have advanced it. I beg you to keep these letters secret, and despatch my servant as soon as possible, but if he bring any other letters concerning the premises, let them be delivered by another hand. Sarum, 8 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Sir Edward Baynton. Knt., Vice-Chamberlain with the Queen's grace.
28. Dr. Edward Powell.
R. O. Dr. Powell spoke against the King's marriage, and said to me several times that it was not lawful, unless any learned man could prove the contrary by Scripture, and made a book against it according to his judgment. I have heard him say my lord of Wiltshire was a heretic. He said so last summer when he lay here, and that he spake it to my Lord's grace. He has made certain books, as a book against the King's marriage, and other books which be all at home. He has said, both to me and other of his servants, viz., John Murton and Edmund Payntar, that the French king will never be true to our sovereign lord. He has a prebend at Sarysbury and another at Lincoln, (fn. 1) a benefice in the town of Sarum called St. Edmund's, to which belong St. Martin's in the said town. Whytparysshe, Comptonchammerlayne, Whytechyrche, and Homyngton. He has also two benefices called Mylksame and Bledon. His substance, to my knowledge, remains in his house. I know of no treasure he has conveyed away. His companions are the masters of the close of Sarum. some of his parishioners, and John Hamon his man of law. Other goods and chattels “I am not privy of.” The most secret of his servants is John Murton, who keeps his house. There be at home John Murton, Edmund Paynter. Laurence Martyn, and Paul Sendy. He has in London five horses, and one at home,—their colours described. The persons whom he most trusts are the masters of the close, as Mr. Chancellor and Mr. Baker. As to what intelligence he had from Oxford, there was a scholar with him in Lent, but I cannot say he came from Oxford.
P. 1. Endd.
[9 Jan.] 29. [Cranmer to Latimer.]
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 41. B. M. Cranmer's Works, ii. 308. The King is contented that he shall be admitted to preach before him on all the Wednesdays of next Lent. Advises him to take for his purpose some process of Scripture, the Gospel, Epistle, or other part, and expound it according to the pure sense and meaning thereof, not at all referring to his own causes and matters lately in controversy, or showing any sparkle or suspicion of grudge about his accusations. Also he must be very circumspect to omit all manner of speech sounding against any special man's acts or sayings, that the audience may not have occasion to slander his adversaries, which would seem to many that he was void of charity and unworthy to occupy that room. Nevertheless, if such occasion be given by the word of God, let none offence or superstition be uureprehended, specially if it be generally spoken without affection. Advises him not to be longer in the pulpit than an hour or an hour and a half, for the King and Queen may perhaps wax so weary that they shall have small delight to continue throughout to the end. “Therefore let the effect of the premises take no place in your mind, specially before this circumspect audience, to the intent that you in so doing need not to have any other declaration hereafter against the misreports of your adversaries.” Desires him to come soon to London to prepare all things according to the expectation had in him.
Headed: “To the same.” (fn. 2)
From Cranmer's letter book.
9 [Jan.] 30. [Cranmer to Sampson.]
Harl. MS. 6,148. f. 41 b. B.M. Cranmer's Works, ii. 309. Mr. Latymer, a man of singular learning, virtuous example of living and sincere preaching the word of God, has lately been endangered and suffered great obloquy, and Cranmer has been misreported for licensing him to preach in his province. Intending the furtherance of the truth and the pure dispensation of the word of God, and in consideration of his discharge, the declaration of Mr. Latymer and the satisfaction of such misreporters, has asked the King to license Latymer to preach before him on the Wednesdays in Lent.
Desires him upon the King's pleasure then known, to discharge any assignment already appointed, and to require the person to be content. Has already admonished Latymer to prepare therefor.
Asks also that Shaxton, the Queen's almoner, may be assigned to preach on the third Sunday in Lent. Desires an answer by the bearer. Otford, 9 July. (fn. 3)
Begins: Master Deane.
From Cranmer's letter book.
9 Jan. 31. Sir M. Constable to Cromwell.
R. O. Asks Cromwell to be his excuse for not coming to the beginning of this Parliament on account of the General Sessions, especially for lack of Babthrop and Challoner, who, he reckons, might worst be spared in setting forward the King's pleasure about his commission for reformation of flocking. Will be at Wakefield on loth Jan., and at Leeds on Friday and Saturday. As soon after as he can, will get home to his own house and come to the Parliament. Will wait upon Cromwell about Candlemas. Everyngham, 9 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Of the Council.
10 Jan. 32. Ric. Sampson to Cranmer.
R. O. I have received your letters in favor of Mr. Latymer to preach before the King all the Wednesdays in Lent, notwithstanding any other appointed for the same, and for Mr. Shaxton, the Queen's almoner, to have the third Sunday in Lent. If I had known Shaxton's mind he should have had what day in Lent he would before the King, and yet shall have the third Sunday with no less good-will, though it was otherwise appointed more than two mouths ago. There is also one appointed for the Wednesdays in Lent, but if it be the King's pleasure that Latymer shall supply. I will be obedient. I favor him for his learning. I pray God it may be moderate. The signs are not most pleasant, since his teaching moveth no little dissension among the people wheresoever he cometh. This is either a token of new doctrine, or else of negligence in not expressing his mind more clearly to the people. I will speak nothing of your grace's licence. I trust it was well done and with such deliberation that wealth and quietness might grow amongst the people. You know that he was suspect for his preaching before the Convocation, of which I am a poor member. Wherefore your grace shall be author of this matter, and I no minister, except the King shall so command me. In all other things you shall have me as desirous and obedient to do you service as any poor man else. London, 10 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord of Canterbury's grace.
10 Jan. 33. Thomas Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for the letter he wrote on the writer's behalf to my lord of Canterbury. Found the Archbishop in consequence his very good lord. According to his former letters has promised to retain Brian Talbot, and has restored to him the whole of his goods, as Cromwell wished; which were seized within our liberties in consequence of outlawry. Has moved my lord of Canterbury for Dr. Thornedon, warden of Canterbury College, Oxford, that he might be removed from thence, and be made warden of our manors, as Cromwell wished. Canterbury, Saturday, 10 Jan. Signed.
p. 1. Add.: Councillor.
Jan. 34. William Elys to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letters by master Gostwtke the Saturday after Twelfth-day, touching the resignation of my office in the Exchequer. I am without any disease, except that when I ride I make red water. I have nobody but you to help me, and if I were to resign I should be out of countenance. I have spent fourscore years in honesty, and will visit you at Easter. Norwich, Saturday after Twelfth-day. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: One of the King's Council. Endd.
35 William Elys to Cromwell.
R. O. I am diseased and cannot ride without making blood water, and cannot do my duty in the Exchequer. I beg you to have me in remembrance, and to show favor to Thos. Elys, my son. He has cost me 400 marks and more.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell.


  • 1. Edw. Powell, S.T.P., prebendary of Satton in Marisco, Lincoln, “was deprived, about 1534, for denying the King's supremacy, and afterwards executed, in the year 1540, on the same account.” Le Neve, ii. 218. The list of prebendaries of Salisbury in Le Neve only begins in 1538.
  • 2. This letter immediately follows in the MS. an undated letter to Latimer (No. cxxvii. in Cranmer's Letters) of which an abstract will appear later in this volume.
  • 3. So in MS., but apparently an error for “January.”