Index of persons and places: L-R

Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.

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'Index of persons and places: L-R', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Index of persons and places: L-R', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"Index of persons and places: L-R". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.


Lacy, Robert, 135

Laghterton, co. Linc. See Laughterton

Lambert, Lamberd, Henry, 202
-, —, John, 195

Lambeson, Robert, 37–8
-, —, Margaret, 37–8

Lambeth, Lamehithe, co. Surrey, will proved at, 4

Lamme, John, 135
-, —, Oliver, curate, 9

Lamyng, Lammyng, William, 95
-, —, Agnes, 95
-, —, Edmund, 95
-, —, Elizabeth, 95
-, —, Jenet†, 95
-, —, John†, 95, 166
-, —, —, clerk, 141
-, —, Laurence, 95
-, —, Robert, 95
-, —, Thomas, 95
-, —, William†, 5, 95
-, —. Cp. Leymyng

Lancaster, duke of, 101, 101n

Lancastr', William, sir, 140

Landesdale, Landesdayll, Lanysdale, Ralph, 151
-, —, Hugh, danne, 151
-, —, John, 151
-, —, Ralph†, 34, 142
-, —, Robert†, 150, 156
-, —. Cp. Londesdale

Langall, Catherine, 192

Langer, Richard, 165
-, —, Agnes, 165
-, —, Richard, and Agnes his wife, 158
-, —, William†, 158, 165

Langham, [blank], mr., 204

Langholm, John, esquire, 64–6
-, —, Anthony, 64
-, —, Christopher, 64
-, —, Francis, 64
-, —, George, 64
-, —, Henry, 64
-, —, Humphrey, 64
-, —, Matilda, 64

Langley, Robert, parson of Toft by Newton, 176

Langton, Lankton, co. Linc., will proved at, 2
-, — by Horncastle, co. Linc., 127, 140
-, — by Partney, Langton, co. Linc., 51

Lanse, John, 171

Lanysdale. See Landesdale

Latebury, John, 37

Lauforthe, co. Linc. See Sleaford

Laughterton [in Kettlethorpe], Laghterton, Lawterton, co. Linc., 13
-, —, bridges of, 13

Laund, de la. See Delayland

Laurence, servant, 50

Laurence, John, 101, 139
-, —, Thomas, parson of Conisholme, 64–5

Laveroke, William, 106

Lavington, Laynton, co. Linc., 75

Lawforth, Layforth, Jenet, 39
-, —, John, children of, 39

Lawlay, Richard, sir, 117

Lawterton, co. Linc. See Laughterton

Laxon, Thomas, 123

Laxton [in Howden], co. York, E.R., 73

Layforth. See Lawforth

Laynton, co. Linc. See Lavington

Le. See Leey

Leadenham, Long, Ledenham, Lednam, Longledham, Longlednam, co. Linc., 3, 34, 142, 150–1, 156
-, —, —, churchwardens of, 150–1
-, —, —, parish priest of, 34

Leake, Leeke, Leke, Leyke, co. Linc., 32, 41, 75, 146, 184
-, —, Cadesons Grene, 146
-, —, church of, building of, 184
-, —, —, Muston chantry in, 184
-, —, places in, 184

Leasingham, Lessyngham, co. Linc., 97
-, —, churchmasters of, 97
-, —, parsons of, 97. See also Huchynson

Lebechylde, Robert, servant, 50

Leche, John, 93
-, —, Nicholas, 211–12
-, —, Robert, 211
-, —, Thomas, vicar of St. Mary le Wigford, Lincoln, 57
-, —, William, 211

Lee. See Leey

Leeke, Leek, Lek, Leke, Leyke, Alexander, 31–2
-, —, John, mercer, 40–3
-, —, Thomas, 55–6
-, —, Agnes, 55–6
-, —, Anthony, 31
-, —, Catherine, 31
-, —, Christopher, 31–2
-, —, Isabel, 31
-, —, Jane, 31
-, —, Jenet†, 41, 85
-, —, John†, 31–2, 56
-, —, —, executors of, 93
-, —, — a, 32
-, —, Margaret, 31–2
-, —, Richard, 56
-, —, Thomas, 55–6
-, —, —, sir, 183
-, —, William, gent., 174

Leey, Le, Lee, Ley, Henry or Harry, 72
-, —, Isabel, 72
-, —, John, clerk, 101
-, —, Margaret, 179
-, —, Thomas†, 72
-, —, William, 72

Legbourne, Legborn, co. Linc., 35

Leicester, co. Leic., 69, 87, 204
-, —, Corpus Christi gild [? in], 87
-, —, friars of, 38
-, —, friars of, three orders of, 87
-, —, parishes in—
-, St. Martin's, 87
-, —, chantry priests of, 87
-, —, church of, Lady chapel in, 87
-, —, vicar of, 87
-, St. Peter's, 69, 87
-, —, vicar of. See Warde
-, —, the Spetyllhouse in, 87

Leike, Lytill, [? co. Leic.], 70

Leke, co. Linc. See Leake

Leke. See Leeke

Len, Hugh de, 218

Lere, William, 172

Lesby, Alan, clerk, 33

Lesyng, Leysyng, Alice, 83
-, —, Robert†, 83–4, 125

Leverton, Leuerton, co. Linc., 41, 68, 84–5, 91–2, 145–6, 184
-, —, kirkegraves of, 84
-, —, places in, 91–2
-, Barnew lande, 84
-, Belland land, 84
-, Clymson land, 85
-, — mill, 84
-, —, parsons of, 145
-, —. See Lienton

Ley. See Leey

Leyffue, Thomas, 53

Leyke, co. Linc. See Leake

Leyke. See Leeke

Leymyng, Andrew, 143
-, —. Cp. Lamyng

Leysyng. See Lesyng

Lienton, [? Leverton], co. Linc., 40

Lillum. See Lyllum

Lilly, Lylly, John, 15
-, —, Thomas, 15
-, —. Cp. Lyle

Limber, Great, Limburgh Magna, Lymber, Lymbergh Magna, co. Linc., 128–9
-, — —, parsonage of, 129
-, — —, vicar of. See Johnson
-, — —, will proved at, 73

Lincoln, county of, passim

Lincoln, city of, 89–90, 95, 134, 181, 198, 215–16
-, alderman of, 56
-, bailiffs of. See Doggenek; Kirkestede; Neuport; Tanur, le
-, Beaumont rent in, 198
-, bell-man of, 57
-, Bridge, q.v.
-, Buttewerk. See Botewerk
-, common chamber of, 57
-, Friars of,—
-, Augustines, frears att Neuportt, 84
-, Carmelites, our Lady Frerys, White Friars, 56, 135, 178
-, Dominicans, Blak Frerys, att the Gresse foytt, 84, 135
-, four orders of, 2, 4–5, 8–13, 15, 18–21, 34, 51, 56, 58–9, 62, 78, 89, 95, 123–4, 127, 139, 150–1, 155–6, 160, 166, 169, 172, 176–7, 179, 181, 186, 195, 197, 207, 209, 211–12
-, gilds in, —
-, Clerks', the, 90, 197
-, Cordwainers', 56
-, Fishers', in church of St. Benedict, 56
-, our Lady's, in church of St. Benedict, 56
-, our Lady's or the Great, in church of St. Mary le Wigford, 56
-, Plough, 56
-, St. Anne's, 18, 56
-, St. Thomas', in church of St. Swithin, 56
-, Grese-foot, gresse foytt, 84, 135
-, High Bridge of, 56
-, mayor of. See Holegate
-, Newport. See Neuport
-, parishes and churches in,—
-, Holy Rood, Holy Roode at Gootes in the suburbs, 134
-, St. Andrew, 18
-, St. Benedict, 56–7, 89–90
-, —, churchwardens of, 57
-, —, obit in, 57
-, St. Botolph, 179
-, St. Cuthbert, 197–8
-, St. George, 197, 217, 218
-, St. John the Evangelist, 57
-, St. John in Newport, 19
-, St. Margaret, 57
-, — in the Close, 104
-, St. Mary le Wigford, 56, 215– 16
-, —, vicar of. See Leche
-, St. Paul in the Bail, parson of. See Hudson
-, St. Peter in Eastgate in the suburbs, 139
-, — —, wills proved at, 32, 36, 139
-, St. Swithin, 56
-, —. See also Gilds
-, St. Katherine's priory without the walls, 2, 57, 161, 188, 196
-, — —, pupils, orphans or nurslings of, 2, 17, 21, 38, 40, 47–8, 90, 92, 106, 112, 114– 15, 117, 130–1, 146, 154, 169– 71, 174, 184, 187, 190, 192, 194, 199–202, 209
-, wills proved at, 8–9, 11, 21, 34–5, 43–5, 50, 54, 64, 78, 80–2, 84, 87–8, 94, 97–8, 102, 104, 106, 109–11, 115, 118, 124–6, 132–3, 136–7, 140, 142, 150–1, 155–6, 158, 160, 165, 167, 172, 176, 181–2, 186, 188, 192, 201, 204–6, 208, 212–13

-, archdeaconry of, commissary and official of, 2. See also Pope; Pryn
-, —, registrar of. See Newton
-, —, seal of commissariat of, 1
-, bishop of. See Smith
-, diocese of, 89
-, see of, official and guardian of the spiritualities of, xxvii, 8 vicar general of. See Rayne

Lincoln, cathedral church of st. mary, passim
-, altar, high, in, 89
-, — of our Lady in, 74
-, called monastery of, 148
-, chapter of, 157
-, dean of. See Constable; Mepham
-, — and chapter of, 217–18
-, fabric of, passim
-, masses in, 148
-, red ark in, 3, 209
-, reparation of, passim
-, St. Hugh's head in, 9, 11, 58, 95, 124, 161, 177–8
-, —, light in, 19, 177
-, subdean of. See Talbot
-, wills proved in, 5, 53, 57, 93, 135, 179, 199

Lincoln, George, clerk, 113
-, —, John, 140
-, —, Robert, 141

Lindsey, Lynsey, parts of, co. Linc., 75

Linley. See Lynley

Lissington, Lyssyngton, co. Linc., 79

Litherland, Henry, bachelor in decrees, official of the archdeaconry of Stow, xxvii

Litilbury, Lytilbery, Lyttylbery, John, 64
-, —, —, mr., 127–8, 144, 168

Litster. See Lytster

Lockyt, John, 176

Lodge, Henry, baker, 134–5
-, —, Christopher, 134
-, —, Helen, 134
-, —, Mary, 134
-, —, Robert, 134
-, —, Thomas, 134

Lofte. See Lowfte

Lokkyng, Robert, 3

Londesdale, John, sir, 143
-, —. Cp. Landesdale

London, Lundon, co. Middx., 16, 89, 172
-, —, bishop of, xiii
-, —, St. Paul's cathedral, cloister of, 206
-, —, —, petty canon of. See Hyckman
-, —, Savoy chapel in, 89
-, —, Old Temple, will proved at, 4

Longbotom, William, 32

Longley, John, 145
-, —, William, 145

Lossebe, co. Leic. See Lowesby

Loughborough, Loughborow, co. Leic., 87, 116

Lounde. See Lownd

Louth, co. Linc., wills proved at, 143, 144, 147, 149, 167, 176–8, 185–6
-, — Park [in Louth], co. Linc., abbey, 125, 144

Louth. See Lowth

Louthenay, co. Linc. See Ludney

Louthesk and Ludborough, dean of, xxvii, 212

Lovell, Lowell, Oliver†, 16, 36, 44, 108
-, —, Robert, 109

Lowell. See Lovell

Lowerr'. See Warr, la

Lowesby, Lossebe, co. Leic., 63

Lowfte, Thomas, 179

Lowlles, John, 24

Lownd, Lounde, Robert, butcher, 60
-, —, Agnes, 60
-, —, Catherine, 60
-, —, Elizabeth, 60
-, —, Henry, 77
-, —, Hugh, 126
-, —, Robert, 214
-, —, Thomas†, 60, 77
-, —, William, 60

Lowre, John, 186

Lowth, Thomas, 26

Loydon, John, 138
-, —, Margaret, 196

Lucas, William, 86

Ludborough, Ludburgh, co. Linc., 143, 147, 167. See also Louthesk

Ludford, Ludforth, co. Linc., 122
-, — Magna, Long Ludford, co. Linc., 79

Ludney [in Grainthorpe], Louthenay, co. Linc., 64

Luffe, Robert, 132
-, —, Thomas, 132

Lundon, co. Middx. See London

Lusby, Alan, chaplain, 137

Lyle, Lylle, Joan, widow, 87
-, —, William, 210
-, —, —, sir, 166
-, —. Cp. Lilly

Lyllum, Peter, clerk, 109

Lyme, William, 85

Lynley, Lyndley, Jenet, widow, 130
-, —, Robert, clerk, 193
-, —, —, vicar of Bilsby, 51

Lynn, King's, Lynne, co. Norf., 93
-, —, —, four orders of friars of, 146

Lytster, Thomas, vicar of Billinghay, 162, 212


Mabylthorpe, [blank], curate, 124

Madyson, Madeson, John, yeoman, 175–6
-, —, Arthur, 175
-, —, Edmund, 65
-, —, Edward, 130
-, —, Elizabeth, 175
-, —, John†, 172, 175–6
-, —, Robert, 175–6
-, —, William, 176

Magnus, Catherine, widow, 191–2
-, —, Alice, 192
-, —, Christopher, 192
-, —, George, 192
-, —, Jenet†, 157, 192
-, —, Robert, 192
-, —, William, 192

Maiden. See Mayden

Maidenwell. See Maydenwell

Mainfyld. See Manfild

Makehait, Makait, Thomas, 215–16, 216n, 217–18

Maksaye, co. N'ton. See Maxey

Maldeson, [blank], 6

Male, William, 192–3
-, —, Isabel, 192
-, —, Margaret†, 192–3

Malle, Laurence, 26

Mallet, James, clerk, 174

Mallby, Malteby, co. Linc., 163

Maltby, Malteby, Robert, 32
-, —, Thomas, 133
-, —, —, master of the chantry of Spilsby, 214
-, —. Cp. Moltbe

Manby, Manby in the Marche, co. Linc., 98
-, —, lordship of, 144

Manby, William, 163

Manfild, Mainfyld, Robert, 88
-, —, Margery, 88
-, —, Thomas, 88
-, —, William, sir, 88

Manknolle, John, parson of Stainton le Vale, 179

Manne, William, 195

Mannyng, Mennynge, Alexander, chaplain 6, 9, 13, 168

Mansfelde, Brian, clerk, 129

Marbury, master, 172

Marcert, John, 50

March, Thomas, clerk, 61
-, —, William, clerk, 160

Marchall, Marchell, Henry, 84
-, —, Roger, 84

Marchande, John, 47

Marchaunte, William, 153

Mareham le Fen, Marum, co. Linc., 1
-, —, Langwath Croft in, 1
-, — [on the Hill], Maryng, co. Linc., 127

Mareham. See Maryng

Maret, Maryte, John, 68–9

Margaret, servant, 104

Margery, John, 214

Markby, co. Linc., 164
-, — priory, 164
-, — —, novices in, 164
-, — —, obit in, 164
-, — —, prior of. See Penketh
-, — —, prior, canons, and novices of, 164
-, — —, prior and convent of, 51, 125, 164

Markby, John, clerk, 206

Marke, John, 116
-, —, Thomas, 203

Markham, Richard, 50

Marmyon, Mauncer, esq., 3–4
-, —, Edith, 3–4
-, —, John, gent., 4
-, —, Katherine, 3
-, —, Parnell, 3

Marre. Thomas, 30

Marshall, John, 157–8
-, —, Hugh, 157
-, —, Margaret, 157
-, —, Miles, 157

Marshchapel, Marchechapell, Marschapel, co. Linc., 79–80, 93, 142, 147, 167, 175, 185
-, —, vicar of. See Raynold
-, —, Shypcoteclose in, 175

Marston, co. Linc., 151, 192
-, —, priest of. See Smith

Martin, Marten, Martyn, John, 83–4
-, —, Agnes, 83
-, —, Alice, 83
-, —, Catherine, 83
-, —, Dorothy, 123
-, —, Godfrey, 134
-, —, Isabel, 123
-, —, Jane, 83
-, —, Jenet, 83–4
-, —, John, 123
-, —, —, servant, 83
-, —, Robert, 97
-, —, William†, 69, 83

Marum, co. Linc. See Mareham le Fen

Maryng, co. Linc. See Mareham [on the Hill]

Maryng, John, 67–8
-, —, Alice, 67–8
-, —, Elizabeth, 67–8
-, —, Jenet or Joan, 67–8

Mason, Masyn, Mayson, Edward, 30
-, —, John, 65
-, —, Robert, 69
-, —, William†, 102, 107, 152, 201

Masse, Ewyn, 203

Massingberd, Hugh, 124
-, —, Thomas, esq., 160

Matfray, Matefrey, Agnes, 217
-, —, William, 218

Matte, Henry, 62

Mattersey, Matersa, co. Nott., priory of, 181

Matthew, curate of Bucknall, 21

Maver, Brian, 110

Mawgham, Thomas, 16
-, —, William, 16

Maxey, Maksaye, co. N'ton, 212

Maxson, Robert, clerk, 134

May, Mey, John, 104
-, —, John†, 33–4, 104
-, —, Margery, 104
-, —, Margery, Jane dau. of, 104
-, —, Richard, 116
-, —, Robert, 33
-, —, Poynter alias. See Poynter

Mayden, John, 182
-, —, Nicholas, 182

Maydenwell, John†, 109, 210

Mayer, John, 35

Mayne, John, 71

Maynman, Thomas, 95

Mayson. See Mason

Medley, Medeley, John, senior, 14
-, —, Anne, 14
-, —, Jeffery, 14
-, —, Joan, 14
-, —, John, 14
-, —, Nicholas, 14
-, —, Robert, 14
-, —, William, 14

Medoys, John, 104
-, —, Margaret, 104
-, —, William, 104

Medylrasen, co. Linc. See Rasen, Middle

Mekylbaroo, William, 25
-, —, —, wife and children of, 25

Mell, Melle, Thomas, 199–200
-, —, Walter, 44
-, —, Agnes, 200
-, —, Elizabeth, 200
-, —, Grace†, 44, 200
-, —, Isabel, 200
-, —, Jenet, 44
-, —, Joan, 200
-, —, Margaret, 200
-, —, Thomas†, 44, 200
-, —, William, 200

Meltom, Thomas, sir, 69

Melton Mowbray, co. Leic., 57–8

Melton, Jenet, 128
-, —, Thomas, 145

Mennynge. See Mannyng

Mepham, Richard, dean of Lincoln, 218

Meres, Merys, mr., 141
-, —, —, fee of, 132, 141

Merylde, Margaret, 146

Meterson, John, 57

Mewson, William, 168
-, —, Anne, 168
-, —, Thomas, 168

Mey. See May

Micalles, Edmund, children of, 39

Michell, Mychyll, John†, 21, 152
-, —, Richard, clerk, 203
-, — alias Gluffer, John, 131

Middleton. See Myddilton

Midelrasyn, co. Linc. See Rasen, Middle

Miles. See Myles

Milner. See Mylner

Milnes, Mylnys, John, 121

Miningsby, Mynyngesby, co. Linc., 131, 133
-, —, churchyard cross of, 131
-, —, rector of. See Toly
-, —, Waynflet house in, 133

Minting. See Myntyng

Missynden. See Mussenden

Mody, Modie, John, 137
-, —, Peter, sir, 125

Moigne, Moygne, Alexander, esq., 79–80
-, —, Anne, 79–80
-, —, Bridget, 79–80
-, —, James, 79
-, —, Jane, 79
-, —, Margaret, 79
-, —, Margery, 79
-, —, Simon, 79–80
-, —, Thomas, 79–80
-, —, Ursula, 79–80

Moltbe, William, 213

Monson, Moneson, John, 130
-, —, —, esq., 141, 211
-, —, Robert, mr., 211
-, —, William, mr., 211

Moorby, Morby, co. Linc., 131

Mordaunt, John, knt., 50

More, John, 200–1
-, —, John, 21
-, —, Margaret, 201
-, —, William, 151

Moreley, Morley, Margaret, 149
-, —, Alice, 149
-, —, Isabel, 149
-, —, Jane, 149
-, —, John†, 149, 152
-, —, Paronell, 149
-, —, Richard, 149
-, —, Thomas, 149

Morgatride, John, vicar of Thorpe in the Fallows, 54

Morgon, Morrys, 12

Morrabull, Henry, 67

Morreell, Moreell, Thomas, gent., 158
-, —, Agnes†, 158

Morres, William, 180–1

Morton, co. Linc., 134

Motho, Henry, 107

Mothow, Blysse alias. See Blysse

Moulton, Multon, co. Linc., 61, 78, 78n, 79, 146
-, —, churchwardens of, 61
-, — Hall, Multon Hall, 194
-, —, places in,—
-, Goddard Brygge, 61
-, Lawgate, 61
-, Lookes Gate, 61
-, Newlandes, 78
-, Parkys, 78
-, Se lathes, 78

Mowll, Jenet, 10
-, —, —, mother of, 10

Moygne. See Moigne

Moyses, William, sir, 64

Muckton, Mukton, co. Linc., 178, 185
-, —, will proved at, 103

Multon, co. Linc. See Moulton

Mumby, Mumbe, John, husbn., 54–5
-, —, [blank], 148
-, —, Jenet, 55
-, —, John, 55
-, —, Richard and his children, 55

Murgatroyd. See Morgatride

Murre, Richard, 82–3
-, —, Alice, 82–3
-, —, John, 82–3
-, —, Richard, 36
-, —, William, 106

Murrye, Richard, 195

Muscovottes, land called, 13

Mussenden, Missynden, Myssenden, Myssendyne, James, gent., 128–30
-, —, John, 137
-, —, [blank], wife of [? William] Bleasby, 130
-, —, Anthony, 130
-, —, Barnard, 130
-, —, Catherine, 130
-, —, Edmund, 129
-, —, Ellen, dame, 129
-, —, Humphrey, 129
-, —, Jane, dame, 129
-, —, Margaret, mistress, 130
-, —, Marmaduke or Duke, clerk, 129
-, —, Mary, dame, 129
-, —, Maud, dame, 129
-, —, Richard†, 129, 137
-, —, Sythe, 130
-, —, Thomas, 130
-, —, —, junior, 129
-, —, William†, 129, 137
-, —, —, sir, 129
-, — alias Spenser, Barnard, 129

Musterluff, John, 153

Muston, co. Leic., 6
-, —, rector of. See Agneson

Muston chantry. See Leake

Muston, Eleanor, 96
-, —, John, parish clerk, 162
-, —, William, 96

Myddelwood, Roger, 49

Myddilton, Thomas, mr., 63

Myles, Alyson, 10

Mylner, Richard, 83
-, —, William, 139

Myntyng, John, 208

Myssendyne. See Mussenden


Nailstone, Naliston, co. Leic., 61

Naneby, co. Linc. See Navenby

Narborough, co. Leic. See Huncote

Navenby, Naneby, Nawnbe, co. Linc., 75
-, —, wills proved at, 123, 133, 144, 160, 162

Naylor, Nayllor, Richard, 176

Neale. See Neyll

Nedam, Henry, 94

Nelethorp, Richard, 12–13
-, —, Agnes, 12
-, —, Christopher, 12–13
-, —, Edward, 12

Nelle, Jenet, 128

Nelson, Nicholas, chaplain, 6

Nettleham, Nethilham, co. Linc., 58

Nettleton, Netylton, co. Linc., 8, 130

Netylton, co Linc. See Nettleton

Neuport, Gernegan de, bailiff of Lincoln, 217

Nevell, Richard, 78
-, —, Edward, knt., 180
-, —, George, 208
-, —, Matilda, 78

Newark, co. Nott., 144
-, —, friars Observants in, 18, 89

Newbe, John, 32

Newbo [in Barrowby], co. Linc., abbey of, 50
-, —, Richard abbot of. See Carre

Newcum, Edmund, 150
-, —, John, 150
-, —, Richard, 98

Newell, Elizabeth, 208
-, —, Margaret, 207

Newman, John, 213

Newton in Aveland, Newton, co. Linc., 32, 117, 171
-, — —, churchwardens of, 32
-, — —, places in, 32
-, — —, rector of. See Cottom
-, — —, Whytehouse in, 171
-, — by Toft, Newton, co. Linc., 176, 181
-, — —, parson of. See Cartewryght
-, — Wold, Woldenewton, co. Linc., 136

Newton, Robert, master, registrar of the archdeaconry of Lincoln, 1

Neyff, John†, 7–8, 164
-, —, Agnes, 8
-, —, Ancell, 35
-, —, Catherine, 164
-, —, Hugh, 8
-, —, John, 8
-, —, Margaret, 8
-, —, William†, 8

Neyll, John, 40, 42
-, —, —, wife of, 40

Nicholas, servant, 128

Nicholl, Thomas, rector of Croft, co. Leic., 38–9
-, —, Elizabeth, wife of [blank] Came, 39

Nicolson, John†, 30, 53, 162
-, —, —, smith, 162

Noble, Richard, 62

Nocton, co. Linc., 54
-, — Park, co. Linc., prior and convent of, 110, 118

Nonewyk, Nunwyk, Richard, draper, 62
-, —, —, children of, 62
-, —, Helen, 62

Norman, Richard, 186
-, —, William, 186

Normanton, co. Linc., 174, 180

Norreis, Robert le, 217

North, Richard, 131

Northampton, co., land in, 13, 13n

Northolme, co. Linc. See Wainfleet St. Thomas

Northorpe [in Donington in Holland], co. Linc., 189

Norton by Galby, Norton, co. Leic., 63
-, — —, vicar of, 63

Norton, John, 176
-, —, Thomas, 166

Norwich, Norwige, co. Norf., diocese of, 81

Nottingham, Notingham, county of, land in, 13, 13n
-, —, co. Nott., friars of, 84

Nun Coton. co. Linc. See Coton

Nunwyk. See Nonewyk

Nyke, Thomas, 107


Obyn, John, vicar of Corby, 143

Obynson, John†, 118, 159

Odlyn, Odlyng, John, 167, 207

Ogle, Henry, clerk, 116
-, —, Richard†, 190–1

Okdeyn, Thomas, parish priest of Wigtoft, 38

Oke, Richard, 35

Oky, John, servant, 132

Okyse, John, 177–8
-, —, Jenet, 178
-, —, Margaret, 178

Oliver, Olever, Olyver, Thomas, husbn., 142
-, —, John†, 142, 169
-, —, Robert, 142

Olsby, co. Linc. See Ulceby by Alford

Olyff, Thomas, clerk, 81

Oram, Richard, 43

Orby, co. Linc., 115, 173, 187
-, —, Gayllard lande in, 115

Ordyng, John, and Jenet his wife, 134

Ormesby, Ornesby, Ornsby, Christopher, clerk, 81
-, —, Dorothy, 172
-, —, Edward, 173
-, —, George, 172
-, —, Joan, 172
-, —, John, 172
-, —, Rose, 173
-, —, Thomas, 172
-, —, William, 172

Ormsby, South, co. Linc., 148, 203
-, —, —, gild in, 203
-, —, —, rector of. See Cocke
-, —, —, Ketsby in, q.v.

Ornesby. See Ormesby

Orsby, Beatrice, 106
-, —, Robert, 105

Orwell, Elizabeth, servant, 128
-, —, Emot, 209
-, —, Joan, 210

Osbournby, Osburnby, co. Linc., 76, 117, 212
-, —, gilds in, 118
-, —, vicar of. See Derham

Osburne, Richard, 145

Osgerby, co. Linc. See Osgodby

Osgerby, John, 207

Osgodby [in Kirkby], Osgerby, Osgotby, co. Linc., 71, 207

Osgodby, John, 11

Osler, John, 102

Osney, Robert, 126

Osse, Richard, 109–10
-, —, Agnes†, 109–10
-, —, John, 109
-, —, Margaret, 109
-, —, Robert, 110
-, —, Thomas, 109–10

Ounsby, co. Linc. See Aunsby

Overay, William, 16
-, —, Alice, 16
-, —, John, 16
-, —, Thomas, 16

Owersby, Owresby, co. Linc., 126, 207
-, —, North, co. Linc., 141
-, —, —, places in,—
-, Dannot Thyng, 141
-, Darsy Dayll, 141
-, Howdernes Thyng, 141
-, Pygot Thyng, 141

Owerton, co. Leic. See Coleorton

Owstoly, William, 55

Owylwathe, Christopher, 128

Oxford, Oxforth, co. Oxon, archdeacon of. See Henage


Pachet, Roger, 61

Pacye, Robert, yeoman, 123–4
-, —, Alice, 124
-, —, Anne, 124
-, —, Elizabeth, 124
-, —, Margaret†, 124, 143
-, —, Mary, 124

Padley, William, 16

Page, Robert, clerk, 176

Pake, James, mr., 162

Pakernes, Thomas, 40
-, —, Alice, 40
-, —, Isabel, 40
-, —, Jenet, 40
-, —, Richard, 40
-, —, William, 40

Pakker, William, 41
-, —, —, wife of, 41

Pale, Robert, 155

Palfreyman, Palfreman, Robert†, 127–8, 210

Palmer, John, 44–5
-, —, Richard, 173
-, —, Thomas, 96
-, —, William, husbn., 180–1
-, —, Agnes, 44
-, —, Alson, 44
-, —, Isabel†, 173, 180
-, —, Jenet, 173
-, —, Philip, 180
-, —, Robert†, 96, 181, 194
-, —, Sybil, 180–1
-, —, Thomas†, 145, 180
-, —, —, gent., 26
-, —, Walter, 147

Panckyll, Pankyll, Richard, 166
-, —, Agnes, 166
-, —, Jenet, 166
-, —, John†, 166
-, —, Margaret, 166
-, —, Richard, 165
-, —, Robert, 166
-, —, Thomas, 166

Panell. See Paynell

Panton, Thomas, 136–7
-, —, Agnes, 136
-, —, Elizabeth, 136
-, —, Jenet, 136
-, —, John†, 136–7
-, —, Richard, 137
-, —, Robert, 136–7
-, —, William, 136

Pape, John, 62

Par, William, 209

Pare, mr., 164

Paris, John de, 217

Parke, Agnes, 15
-, —, Gregory, 196
-, —, Henry, 196
-, —, John, husbn., 196

Parker, Henry, 87
-, —, Richard, sir, 73
-, —, Robert, 152
-, —, William, 178
-, —, —, clerk, 87

Parlebayn, John, 159

Parnam, Parnnam, Thomas, 84
-, —, William, 30

Parslay, Parselay, William†, 127–8, 210

Partney, Partenay, Parteney, co. Linc., 39, 96–7, 130, 161
-, —, Bawdwynwang in, 97
-, —, churchwardens of, 39
-, —, est church stile in, 39
-, —, parson of, 39. See also Cole
-, —, wills proved at, 9, 16, 74, 131, 137, 150–1, 157–9, 162, 165, 168–9, 187, 192, 200–1, 208

Paryt, John, 178

Pashmore, Robert, servant, 204

Pate, John, 60

Paten, [blank], wife of, 132

Paternoster, John, 25

Patrike, Patryk, John, vicar of Sibsey, 152
-, —, Richard, 122
-, —, Gilbert, 20
-, —, Henry, 152
-, —, James, 152
-, —, Jenet, 122
-, —, John, 122
-, —, Thomas, 152

Paule, Paull, Thomas, 22
-, —, Mary, 22
-, —, Thomas, yeo., 13–14

Pawson, [blank], 92

Pawtynor, Elizabeth, 129

Paxton, John, 114

Payne, William, 111

Paynell, Panell, [blank], mr., 161

Paynete, Henry, children of, 202

Paynson, Thomas, sir, 40

Peacock. See Peycoke

Pearson, Peirson, Person, Pierson, Henry, 208
-, —, John, 122
-, —, —, servant, 139
-, —, Margaret, 185
-, —, William†, 155, 181

Pechyll, Pytchyll, John, chaplain, 157, 192

Peckham, John, archbishop of Canterbury, xiii

Pedder, Jenet, 210
-, —, John, 27–8
-, —, Richard†, 28, 34
-, —, Roger, 188

Pegge, Robert, sir, 39

Peirson. See Pearson

Pell, John, 171
-, —, Alice, 171
-, —, Elizabeth, 171
-, —, John, 171
-, —, Richard, 171
-, —, Robert, 171
-, —, Thomas†, 124, 171
-, —, —, sir, 171
-, —, William, 171

[Penketh], John, prior of Markby, 164

Penson, John, 9

Penyngton, Adam, 46

Peper, Thomas, sir, 130

Perche, Roger, 110–11
-, —, Amy, 110
-, —, Joan, 110
-, —, John, 110
-, —, William, 110

Percy, Persy, Henry, 111–12
-, —, Agnes†, 112
-, —, Alice†, 93, 200
-, —, John†, 93, 112, 200, 214
-, —, Margaret, 112
-, —, Richard, 112

Perre, Perry. See Pury

Pers, John, 165

Person. See Pearson

Pery, Richard, 112–13
-, —, Humphrey, 113
-, —, Jenet, 112–13
-, —, John, 113
-, —, Margaret, 113
-, —, William, 113
-, —. Cp. Pury

Peter, James, clerk, 201

Peterborough, co. Camb., 23
-, — abbey, abbot of, 204

Pew, Richard, 118

Peycoke, Robert, clerk, 35, 138

Philip, Phylip, John, 10
-, —, Richard, 102
-, —, Robert, 35
-, —, Roger, 102

Philipson, Alice, 137

Picto, Pycte, Pycto, Thomas, 35
-, —, —, clerk, chaplain, 43, 43n, 62, 210

Pierson. See Pearson

Pikwell, Pykwell, Richard, 9

Pilham, co. Linc., parson of. See Smyrthwayt

Pinchbeck, Pynchebek, co. Linc., 45, 48–9, 53, 66, 71, 104, 116–17, 131, 187
-, —, churchwardens of, 49
-, —, market sted in, 116
-, —, places in, 187
-, Molborne, 45
-, Pynk Rig, 131

Pinchebek, Pynchbek, John, 138
-, —, Agnes, 138
-, —, John†, 35, 138
-, —, —, clerk, cantarist at Frieston, 27, 27n
-, —, Margaret, 138
-, —, Richard†, 138, 189, 201
-, —, Roger, 138
-, —, Thomas, 138
-, —, William, 138

Pinder, Pinning, Pishe. See Pynder, Pynnyng, Pyshe

Plattes, Platys, [blank], 127
-, —, William, clerk, 44

Plawys, Henry, 197

Pluckwell, Plukwell, Thomas, 129–30

Pollyn, John, sir, 132

Poluertoft. See Pulvertofte

Polys, Thomas, 200

Pope, John, vicar of West Torrington, 125
-, —, —, official of the archdeaconry of Lincoln, xxvii

Porter, Portar, [blank], Matilda late wife of, 41
-, —, James, clerk, 201
-, —, —, vicar of Hinckley, 117
-, —, Robert, 131, 133
-, —, William, 150

Portyngton, George, 73
-, —, Anne, 73
-, —, Edward, 73
-, —, George, 73

Poteryll. See Puttrell

Potoke, Richard, 210
-, —, Alice, 210
-, —, John, 210
-, —, Richard, 210
-, —, Robert, 210

Potter, Thomas, sir, 102
-, —, William, servant, 37

Pottes, Adam, clerk, 106
-, —, Thomas, 59

Poult, John, 215–16

Powis, the lady. See Sutton

Powtrell. See Puttrell

Poynter alias May, Isabel, 175

Preston, William, x, 77–8
-, —, Elizabeth, children of, 15
-, —, Isabel, 78
-, —, John†, 78
-, —, Margaret, 152
-, —, Robert, 78
-, —, —, junior, 78
-, —, —, senior, 78
-, —, Thomas, 78

Prestwick. See Prystwyk

Priest, Preist, John, 152
-, —, William, 74–5

Procter, Proctour, Lambert, 86

Proveste, Walter, labourer, 185–6
-, —, Jenet, 185–6
-, —, John†, 185
-, —, Richard, 185
-, —, William, 185

Pryn, John, doctor of decrees, commissary and official of the archdeaconry of Lincoln, xxvii, 212

Prystwyk, Agnes, 125

Pullayn, Henry, sir, 189

Pulley, John, 181

Puluer, Thomas, 69

Pulvertofte, Poluertoft, Elizabeth, dame, subprioress of Stixwould, 6
-, —, Robert, gent., 214

Punderson, John, 193

Purell, Purryll, Elizabeth†, 128, 210
-, —, Thomas, 210

Purstone, John, 193

Pury, Perre, Perry, Michael, 145, 154
-, —. See Pery

Puttrell, Poteryll, Powtrell, Putteryll, Puttryll, William, 118–19
-, —, Isabel, 119
-, —, John, sir, 159
-, —, Thomas†, 119
-, —, —, yeoman, 160
-, —, William†, 143, 147, 156

Pyburne, John, 63
-, —, Ellen, 63
-, —, George, 63
-, —, Isabel, 63
-, —, Jenet, 63
-, —, John, 63
-, —, Margaret†, 63
-, —, Thomas, 63
-, —, William, 63

Pye, Thomas, 22

Pygot, [blank], mr., 72

Pykyll, Simon, husbn., 188–9
-, —, Alison, 188–9
-, —, John†, 188–9
-, —, Margaret, 188
-, —, Richard, 188–9

Pyncrake, Alice, 192
-, —, Jane, servant, 192
-, —, John, 192
-, —, William, 192

Pynder, John, chaplain, 100
-, —, Richard, 3

Pynnyng, Richard, 213

Pyshe, Pyshey, Pyshy, John, 210
-, —, Margaret, 34
-, —, Robert, 34
-, —, —, clerk, 196
-, —, Roger, clerk, 40, 82, 189, 201

Pyssall, William, 130

Pytchyll. See Pechyll


Quadring, co. Linc., 105, 141, 203
-, — Eaudyke, Edyke, chapel of our Lady in, 141
-, —, places in—
-, Carter house, 141
-, Halyday lande, 105
-, Hotton Crosse, 105
-, Jakson house in, 141
-, Monkes Hale, 141
-, Mylner house in, 141

Quadryng, Thomas, 75–7
-, —, Jane, 75–7
-, —, Lyon, 75
-, —, Thomas son of William, 75
-, —, William, 76
-, —, —, esq., 77

Quarryngton, William, 179

Quorn, Qwarm, co. Leic., 116

Quykrell, Richard, notary, 114–15
-, —, John, 114
-, —, Margaret, 114

Qwarm, co. Leic. See Quorn


Rabdyk, Richard, 162–3
-, —, Jenet, 162
-, —, Laurence, 162
-, —, Richard, 162
-, —, William, 162

Rabe, Agnes, 62

Rand, co. Linc., Fulnetby in, q.v.

Randall, John, 25

Raner, Ranere, John, 14
-, —, — and Margaret his wife, 178

Ranson, Ransun, Raunson, Robert, 186–7
-, —, Agnes†, 187
-, —, Alice, 187
-, —, Jenet, 187
-, —, John†, 67, 187
-, —, Richard, parson of Wainfleet All Saints, 187
-, —, Thomas, 187
-, —, Walter, children of, 187

Ranȝer, John, 213
-, —, William, 213

Rasebecke, Thomas, 139
-, —, William, 139

Rasen, Market, Estrasen, Estrasyn, co. Linc., 79, 126, 143, 170, 181
-, —, —, vicar of, 181
-, —, —, wills proved at, 72, 103, 141, 153, 163, 166, 168, 171, 191, 196, 207
-, —, Middle, Medylrasen, Midelrasyn, co. Linc., x, 126, 143, 171, 181
-, —, —, Drax, 166
-, —, —, Tupholme, 11, 166, 171
-, —, —, —, vicar of. See Thomson
-, —, West, Westrasen, West Raysyn, co. Linc., 79, 95, 143, 166

Rauceby, co. Linc., grange of, 76
-, —, North, Northrawsby, Northroceby, Rawceby, co. Linc., 75–6, 156
-, —, —, curate of. See Edward
-, —, —, manors in, 75
-, —, —, vicar of. See Styrley
-, —, South, Southroc'by, co. Linc., 75, 156
-, —, —. chapel of, 156
-, —, —, manors in, 75

Ravendale, East, Estrandell, co. Linc., 136
-, —, West, Westrandell, co. Linc., 136

Rawe, Peter, sir, 9

Rawlyns, William, 55

Rawlynson, Christopher, 110
-, —, Richard, 170–1
-, —, William, 181

Rawsby, Thomas, 2–3
-, —, —, father of, 2
-, —, —, Agnes wife of, and her father, 2–3
-, —, John, 2
-, —, Richard, 2
-, —, Robert, 2
-, —, Thomas, 2

Rawse, Rowse, Thomas, 62
-, —, —, wife of, 62
-, —, Jenet, 62
-, —, John, 62

Rayne, John, ll.d., vicar general of the bishop of Lincoln, xxvii
-, —, William, 14

Rayner. See Raner

Raynes. See Reynes

Raynold, servant, 21

Raynold, Rannald, Ranolde, Renold, [blank], 38
-, —, James, 121
-, —, Richard, vicar of Fulstow, 143, 167
-, —, —, vicar of Marshchapel, 176
-, —, —, sir, 147
-, —, William, clerk, 51

Raynoldson, Ranoldsone, Renoldson, John, clerk, 22
-, —, Robert†, 49, 71

Raynton, Joan or Jenet, 11
-, —, —, dau. of, 11
-, —, Robert, husbn., 154–5
-, —, —, dau. of, Agnes, Collette, and Isabel children of, 155
-, —, Anne, 155
-, —, Helen, 155
-, —, Margaret, 11
-, —, Robert†, 11, 155
-, —, —, wife of, 11
-, —, —, Hamond son of, 11
-, —, William†, 11, 155

Reade, Red, Rede, Reyd, William†, 160, 187–8
-, —, Elizabeth, 160
-, —, Helen, 187
-, —, John†, 46, 111, 160,
-, —, —, clerk, 180
-, —, —, gent., 32
-, —, Robert†, 158, 160
-, —, Thomas†, 160, 188
-, —, William†, 8, 137, 160, 187

Rearsby, Riresby, Ralph, 22

Red. See Reade

Redbourne, co. Linc., 177

Rede. See Reade

Redhed, Robert, 8

Redy, Margaret, 156

Reenge, John, senior, 35–6
-, —, Agnes, 35
-, —, John†, 35
-, —, Margaret, 35
-, —, Maurice, 35
-, —, Nicholas, 35

Reepham, Repham, co. Linc., 58
-, —, church of, 58
-, —, —, rood loft in, 58
-, —, vicar of. See Wilkenson

Regby, John, 122

Reghmond. See Richmond

Remy, Thomas, servant, 204

Renold. See Raynold

Renoldson. See Raynoldson

Repynghall, co. Linc. See Rippingale

Ressys, Jenet, 106

Reston, North, co. Linc., 178
-, —. South, co. Linc., 176, 178

Revesby, co. Linc., abbey, 173
-, —, abbot and convent of, 46
-, —, Thomas abbot of, 46

Reyd. See Reade

Reynes, Robert, 210

Reys, Stephen, sir, 97

Riby, Ryby, co. Linc., 129, 188, 191
-, —, gilds in, 188, 191
-, —, vicar of, 188. See Smith

Riby, Rybe, Ryby, John, 56
-, —, Richard, 180

Richard, servant, 59

Richardson, Richerdson, Ric'son, Ryc'son, Alice, 214
-, —, Annas, 214
-, —, Christopher, 193
-, —, Elizabeth, 129–30
-, —, Gilbert, 214
-, —, Isabel, 214
-, —, John, 214
-, —, —, clerk, 19, 60
-, —, Margaret, 214
-, —, Nicholas, 11
-, —, Oliver, 207
-, —, Robert, 12
-, —, Thomas, 214
-, —, —, junior, 214

Richmond, Reghmond, John, 200
-, —, Alice, 200
-, —, Anthony, 200
-, —, Isabel, 200
-, —, Jenet, 200
-, —, John†, 93, 200
-, —, Margaret†, 200
-, —, William, vicar of Barnetby, 168

Richmond, fee in, 113

Rigsby, Ryxby, co. Linc., 172

Ringsdon, Ryngesdon, [in Rippingale], co. Linc., 3–4
-, —, chapel of our Lady, 4

Rippingale, Repyngall, co. Linc., 3
-, —, chapel of St Anne's, 4
-, —, parson of two parts of the church of, 4
-, —. See also Ringsdon

Riresby. See Rearsby

Risby [in Walesby], Ryseby besydes Walesby, co. Linc., 79

Riseholme, Rysom, co. Linc., 18–19
-, —, parson of. See Clerke

Rissyll, Risel, Rysyll, John, wife of, 130
-, —, Thomas, 149
-, —, —, sir, 187
-, —, William, 157

Riston, Ryston, Alexander, 169
-, —, Richard, 34–5

Robbytes, Richard, 173

Robert, 1
-, —, servant†, 59, 78, 199
-, —, sir, chaplain, 143

Robert, Christopher, 145
-, —, William, 53–4
-, —, [blank], 1
-, —, Agnes, 53
-, —, Elizabeth†, 54, 145
-, —, Jenet, 53
-, —, John, 53–4
-, —, Margaret, 145
-, —, Richard†, 54, 145
-, —, Thomas, 145

Robertson, Nicholas, 86
-, —, William, 133–4
-, —, Agnes†, 86, 134
-, —, Alice, 86
-, —, Cicely, 86
-, —, Elizabeth, 134
-, —, George, 134
-, —, Helen, 134
-, —, Hugh, 86
-, —, Jenet†, 86, 134
-, —, Margaret, 86
-, —, Nicholas, 63
-, —, —, mr., 193
-, —, Richard, sir, 40
-, —, Robert, 86, 172
-, —, Simon, 134
-, —, Thomas, 128
-, —, —, mr.†, 101, 213
-, —, William, 134

Robinson, Eleanor, gentlewoman, 100–1
-, —, Jenet, 177
-, —, John, 103
-, —, Richard, 8
-, —, —, clerk, 15
-, —, Thomas†, 16, 205, 210
-, —, William†, 104, 170–1

Robson, Isabel, 188
-, —, John, 188–9
-, —, Simon, 188

Robyn, Richard, 27
-, —, Stephen, 28

Roche, Dorothy, 181
-, —, George, 181
-, —, Thomas, 181
-, —, William†, 181

Rock, Robert, 140

Roderam, John, 135

Rodes, Edward, sir, 78
-, —, John, 61

Rodley, Thomas, 182–3
-, —, Catherine, 183
-, —, Dorothy, 183
-, —, Grace, 183
-, —, Jenet, 183
-, —, Joan, 183
-, —, Thomas, 183

Rokerey, John, clerk, 175

Rokley, Harry†, 99
-, —, Richard, 99
-, —, Thomas, 99

Roos, Roosse, Rose, the lord, 138, 213

Roper, Catherine, 192
-, —, Margaret, 192
-, —, Robert, 192
-, —, Thomas†, 113, 181, 192
-, —, William, 184
-, —, —, clerk, 201

Ropsley, Ropesley, co. Linc., rector of. See Greve

Rose, Agnes, 160
-, —, John, 160
-, —, Lucy, 160
-, —, Thomas, 160

Rowe, Robert, 194

Rowlett, John, 25

Rowse. See Rawse

Rowston, Rouston, co. Linc., 88, 143
-, —, vicar of. See Borrow

Ruckland, Rukland, co. Linc., 148

Rud, Agnes, dame, nun of Sempringham, 143

Rudschwyn, Richard, 53
-, —, Thomas, 53

Rughton, Henry, 94

Rukysby, Richard, 130

Rumfer, Thomas, 159

Rumford, Nicholas, 182
-, —, Agnes, 182
-, —, Alice, 182
-, —, Elizabeth, 182
-, —, Isabel, 182
-, —, Jenet, 182
-, —, Robert, 182

Russyll, William, 53

Rycrofte, Anne, 201

Rydder, Robert, 105–6
-, —, Elizabeth, 105
-, —, Jenet, 105–6
-, —, —, Alison dau. of, 106
-, —, Thomas, sir, 106
-, —, William, 105

Rydysdalle, Robert, 111

Rygges, Thomas†, 34, 151

Ryseby, co. Linc. See Risby

Rysom, co. Linc. See Riseholme

Ryxby, co Linc. See Rigsby