
The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1795.

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Daniel Lysons, 'Kensington', in The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex( London, 1795), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

Daniel Lysons, 'Kensington', in The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex( London, 1795), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

Daniel Lysons. "Kensington". The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. (London, 1795), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.



In Doomsday-book this place is called Chenisitun; in other ancient records, Kenesitune and Kensintune. Chenesi was a proper name; a person of that name held the manor of Huish in Somersetshire, in the reign of Edward the Confessor.

Situation boundaries, &.

The village of Kensington lies on the great western road, at the distance of about a mile and a half from Hyde-park Corner. The parish, which is in the hundred of Ossulston, is bounded by Chelsea, St. Margaret Westminster, St. George Hanover-square, Paddington, Wilsdon, Acton, and Fulham. The hamlets of Brompton, Earl's Court, the Gravel-pits, and a part of Little Chelsea are in this parish. The palace at Kensington, and about 20 houses on the north side of the road, are in the parish of St. Margaret Westminster. On the south side, the parish of Kensington extends till after you pass the Gore (fn. 1). The seat of James Vere, Esq. and the other principal houses between that and Knightsbridge, are in St. Margaret's, as mentioned in the account of Chelsea.

Land, soil, &.

Nursery grounds.

The parish of Kensington contains about 1910 acres of land; about half of which is pasture and meadow; about 360 acres are arable land for corn only; about 230 in market gardens; about 260 cultivated, sometimes for corn and sometimes for garden crops; and 100 acres of nursery ground. At Brompton-park was a very celebrated nursery, first established about the latter end of the last century by George London and Henry Wise, Esquires, gardeners to King William and to Queen Anne. Bowack, who wrote an account of Kensington in 1700, speaks of the stock as almost incredible; and says it was affirmed, that if the plants were valued at but Id. a-piece, they would amount to 40,000l. This ground belongs at present to Messrs. Gray and Wear.

Curtis's botanic garden.

Curtis's botanic garden was removed from Lambeth Marsh to a spot of ground near Queen's Elm turnpike at Brompton, about the year 1789 (fn. 2). It contains a very large collection of plants, chiefly indigenous, and a botanical library for students in that science. The subscription for admission to the garden is one guinea per annum, with liberty to introduce a friend. A subscription of two guineas entitles the subscriber to seeds, roots, &. of a certain value; and gives him the privilege of introducing as many of his friends as he pleases.

Soil, and land-tax.

The soil at Kensington is various; clay, loam, and brick earth. The parish pays the sum of 148Il. 12s. 6d. to the land-tax, which is at the rate of Is. in the pound.


Manor of Earl's Court.

The manor of Kensington, which had been the property of Edward, a Thane of King Edward's, was granted by William the Conqueror to Geoffrey Bishop of Constance, Chief Justiciary of England; under whom it was holden (when the survey of Doomsday was taken) by Alberic, or Aubrey de Vere, ancestor of the Earls of Oxford. The manor, says the survey, is taxed at 10 hides, and contains 10 carucates; on the demesnes are four ploughs, the villans have five, and might employ six. There are 12 villans, holding each a virgate, and six who hold three virgates jointly. The priest has half a virgate, and there are seven slaves; meadow equal to two plough-lands; pasture for the cattle of the town; pannage for 200 hogs, and three acres of vineyards (fn. 3); valued all together at 10l., in King Edward's time at the same. This manor was afterwards the absolute property of the Vere family, and was held by them in capite for several generations, being parcel of their barony, by virtue of their office of high chamberlain (fn. 4). Aubrey de Vere, grand justiciary of England, was created Earl of Oxford by the Empress Maud, and afterwards confirmed in that title by Henry II. Upon the attainder of John, the 12th Earl, who was beheaded in 1461, for his adhe rence to the house of Lancaster, this manor was seized by the crown, and given to Richard Duke of Gloucester (fn. 5). It came afterwards into the hands of William Marquis of Berkley, who gave it to Sir Reginald Bray (fn. 6). John Earl of Oxford, son of the attainted Earl, having been restored to his honours, recovered (by purchase I suppose) this ancient inheritance of his ancestors, and by his will, bearing date 1509, left it to John his nephew, the next heir to the title. After this I find nothing of it till the year 1610, when Archibald Earl of Argyle, Lord St. John, Sir William Cornwallis, and Thomas Darcy, joined in a conveyance of the manor of Earl's Court in Kensington, to Sir Walter Cope (fn. 7), from whom it passed to Henry Rich, Earl of Holland, who married his daughter and coheir. It is now the property of the Right Hon. William Lord Kensington (fn. 8), maternally descended from Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick and Holland.

Site of the manor-house.

The ancient manor-house was at Earl's Court, near the farm-house now occupied by Mr. Hutchins.

Manor of Abbot's Kensington.

The manor of Abbot's Kensington consists of two hides and a virgate (fn. 9) of demesne lands, granted about the year 1100, by Godfrey de Vere, with the consent of his father Aubrey and his brother (the next heir), to the abbot and convent of Abingdon (fn. 10). After the dissolution of that monastery, it became vested in the crown. Queen Elizabeth leased it in the year 1569 to Elizabeth Snow (fn. 11), and in 1592 to Henry Buttell (fn. 12). In 1596, she granted a reversionary term of 21 years to Robert Horsman (fn. 13); and in 1599, the perpetuity to Robert Chamberlen and Humphrey Wymes (fn. 14), in trust for Sir Walter Cope (fn. 15); the same parties, by his direction, soon afterwards conveyed the see-simple of the manor-house and rectory, with all its appurtenances, to Robert Horsman for the sum of 665l. 6s. 8d. (fn. 16) Horsman at the same time made over his interest in the manor to Sir Walter Cope, in whom the reversion was vested; from him it descended in the same manner as that of Earl's Court to Lord Kensington, who sold it about the year 1775 to the late Lord Holland. It is now the property of his son the present Lord.

Manor of Knotting-barnes.

The manor of Knotting-bernes, Knutting-barnes, sometimes written Notting or Nutting-barns, belonged formerly to the Veres, as appears by an inquisition taken of the property of John Earl of Oxford, attainted in the reign of Edward the Fourth. It was then valued higher than the manor of Kensington (fn. 17). They were both granted to the Duke of Gloucester (fn. 18), and at his accession became vested again in the crown. In 1524, Robert Fenroper, alderman of London, died seised of this manor, leaving issue three daughters, coheirs; the eldest of whom, Ethelreda, married Henry White (fn. 19), who, in the year 1543, granted the manor of Knotting-barnes to the King (fn. 20). In 1587 it belonged to William Lord Burleigh (fn. 21), whose son and successor, in 1600, aliened it to Henry Anderson (fn. 22). In the year 1605 Sir Henry Anderson, Knt. and alderman of London, died seised of this manor, leaving Richard his son and heir 19 years of age. (fn. 23). In 1675, it was the property of Sir Richard Anderson (fn. 24). The present proprietor is William Thomas Darby, Esq. who inherited it from his father, the late Admiral Darby.

Manor of West-town.

Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, anno 1284, granted lands, called the Groves, at West-towne in Kensington, to Simon Downham, chaplain, and his heirs, to be held of him and his successors by the rent of one penny (fn. 25). In the year 1481, William Essex died seised of the manor of West-towne, held of Richard Duke of Gloucester, as of his manor of Kensington. The inquisition taken after his death states, that it had been granted to William Essex and Editha his wife, in the year 1454, by Richard Sturthen and William Hall (fn. 26). This manor has merged either into that of Earl's Court, or Abbot's Kensington, I believe the latter; and that its site was to the north of the Hammersmith road, where are the remains of a moat.


Date of its erection.

Improved by Inigo Jones, Cleyne, &.

Holland-house, a well-known ancient mansion in this parish, is the manor-house of Abbot's Kensington, and takes its name from Henry Rich, Earl of Holland. It was built by his father-in-law, Sir Walter Cope, in the year 1607, and affords a very good specimen of the architecture of that period. The Earl of Holland greatly improved the house, employing the most eminent artists in their several departments. The stone piers at the entrance of the court (over which are the arms of Rich, quartering Bouldry (fn. 27), and impaling Cope), were designed by Inigo Jones, and executed by Nicholas Stone. The internal decorations were by Francis Cleyne. One chamber, called the Gilt-room, which still remains in its original state, exhibits a very favourable specimen of the artist's abilities; the cieling is a grotesque pattern; the wainscot is in compartments ornamented with cross-crosslets and fleur de lis, charges in the arms of Rich (fn. 28) and Cope (fn. 29), whose coats are introduced entire at the corners of the room, with a punning motto, alluding to the name of Rich, Ditior est qui se—. Over the chimneys are some emblematical figures, done (as the Earl of Orford observes in his Anecdotes of Painting) in the style and not unworthy of Parmegiano (fn. 30).

Earl of Holland a prisoner in his own house.

Anecdotes of the Earl.

Meetings of the republicans at Holand-house.

General Lambert at Holland-house.

Plays acted there.

Figure 5:

South view of Holland House

Figure 6:

North view of Holland House

The Earl of Holland was twice made a prisoner in his own house, first by King Charles in 1633, upon occasion of his challenging Lord Weston (fn. 31); and a second time, by command of the parliament, after the unsuccessful issue of his attempt to restore the King in August 1648 (fn. 32). The Earl, who was a conspicuous character during the whole of Charles's reign, and frequently in employments of considerable trust, appears to have been very wavering in his politics, and of an irritable disposition. As early as the year 1638, we find him retired to his house at Kensington in disgust, because he was not made Lord Admiral (fn. 33). At the eve of the civil war he was employed against the Scots; when the army was disbanded, having received some new cause of offence, he retired again to Kensington, where, according to Lord Clarendon, he was visited by all the disaffected members of parliament, who held frequent meetings at Hollandhouse (fn. 34). Some time afterwards, when the civil war was at its height, he joined the King's party at Oxford; but meeting with a cool reception, returned again to the parliament (fn. 35). On the 6th of August 1647, "the members of parliament, who were driven from Westminster by tumults, met General Fairfax at Holland-house, and subscribed to the declaration of the army, and a farther declaration, approving of and joining with the army in all their late pro ceedings, making null all acts passed by the members since the 6th of July (fn. 36)." The Earl of Holland's desertion of the royal cause, is to be attributed, perhaps, to his known enmity towards Lord Strafford; he gave, nevertheless, the best proof of his attachment to monarchy, by making a bold though rash attempt to restore his royal master, when his affairs were the most desperate. After making a valiant stand against an unequal force near Kingston upon Thames, he was obliged to quit the field, but was soon afterwards taken prisoner, and suffered death upon the scaffold, by a sentence of the high court of justice (fn. 37). His corpse was sent to Kensington (fn. 38), and interred in the family vault there, on the 10th of March 1649. In the month of July following, Lambert, then general of the army, fixed his head-quarters at Holland-house (fn. 39). It was soon afterwards restored to the Countess of Holland. When the theatres were shut up by the Puritans, plays were acted privately at the houses of the nobility, who made collections for the actors. Holland-house is particularly mentioned, as having been used occasionally for this purpose (fn. 40).

Addison at Holland-house.

Fox Lord Holland resides there.

Portraits of the Fox family, &.

The next remarkable circumstance in the history of this mansion is the residence of Addison, who became possessed of it in 1716, by his intermarriage with Charlotte Countess Dowager of Warwick and Holland. It is said that he did not add much to his happiness by this alliance (fn. 41). Mr. Addison was appointed Secretary of State in 1717, and died at Holland-house, June 17, 1719 (fn. 42). About the year 1762 1762, the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Secretary of State (afterwards created Lord Holland), took a lease of this house from Mr. Edwardes, and made it his principal country residence. A gallery, which occupies the whole length of the west wing (about 118 feet), was sitted up by Lord Holland, and ornamented with portraits of the Lenox, Digby, and Fox families. Among these are principally to be noticed Charles II. and the Duchess of Portsmouth; Sir Stephen Fox, by Sir Peter Lely; Henry Lord Holland, and the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, when a boy, in a groupe with Lady Susan Strangeways, and Lady Mary Lenox, by Sir J. Reynolds. In one of the bed-rooms is a portrait of Charles James Fox, when an infant. Over the doors of the gallery are the arms of Lord Holland before he was created a peer (fn. 43), and those of his Lady, as Baroness of Holland (fn. 44), which fixes the date between May 1762 and April 1763. Holland-house is the property of the present Lord Holland, and has been for some time in the occupation of Edward Bearcrost, Esq. Chief Justice of Chester.


Date of its erection.

Residence of the Lords Campden.

Charles II. sups there.

Death of Mountagu Earl of Lindsey.

Queen Anne at Campden-house.

Duke of Gloucester.

Earl of Burlington.

Lord Lechmere.

Eminent boarding school.

Campden-house, another well-known mansion in this parish, was built in or about the year 1612, by Sir Baptist Hickes, whose arms (fn. 45) (with that date) and those of his sons-in-law, Edward Lord Noel (fn. 46) and Sir Charles Morison (fn. 47), are in a large bay window in the front. Sir Baptist Hickes was created Viscount Campden in 1628, with remainder to his son-in-law, Edward Lord Noel, who succeeded him in this mansion. Baptist, the third Lord Campden, was a zealous royalist, and a great sufferer, during the civil war. Having paid the sum of 9000l. as a composition (fn. 48), he was allowed to enjoy his estates, and he appears to have resided chiesly at Campden-house during the protectorate of Cromwell. Charles the Second supped with him there, about a fortnight after his restoration (fn. 49). In 1662, an act of parliament passed for settling Campden-house at Kensington upon Baptist Viscount Campden, and his heirs for ever (fn. 50). Montagu Bertie, the brave and loyal Earl of Lindsey, whose filial piety at the battle of Edghill will ever immortalize his name, died at Campdenhouse, the seat of his son-in-law, in the month of July 1666 (fn. 51). In 1691, this house was hired of the Noel family by Queen Anne, then Princess of Denmark, who resided there about five years with her son the Duke of Gloucester (fn. 52). At this time the adjoining house, now the residence of Mrs. Pitt, is said to have been built for the accommodation of her Highness's houshold. A life of this Duke of Gloucester, who died at the age of eleven years, was published in 1789, from a MS. of Jenkin Lewis, one of his attendants. The life of so young a prince cannot be expected to contain much more than a detail of the amusements and pursuits of his childhood. They were principally of the military cast. At a very early age he formed a regiment of boys, chiesly from Kensington, who seem to have been upon constant duty at Campden-house. In 1705, this mansion was in the occupation of the Countess Dowager of Bur lington, and her son the Earl (fn. 53), who proved afterwards a very accomplished nobleman, and a great patron of the fine arts. Some years afterwards Campden-house was sold to Nicholas Lechmere, an eminent lawyer (fn. 54), who was created a peer in 1721. He resided at this place (fn. 55). After his death it passed by a decree of the court of Chancery, to Edmund Lechmere, Esq. Knight of the shire for the county of Worcester, as heir at law (fn. 56). It is now the property of Stephen Pitt, Esq. a minor, and in the occupation of Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Denham, having been for several years an eminent boardingschool for young ladies.

Figure 7:

Campden House

Remarkable caper-tree.

In the garden at Campden-house is a remarkable caper-tree, which has endured the open air of this climate for the greater part of a century. Miller speaks of it in the first edition of his Dictionary. It is sheltered from the north, having a south-east aspect, and though not within the reach of any artificial heat, produces fruit every year.

Hale-house, or Cromwell's, at Brompton.

Hale-house, an ancient mansion at Brompton, commonly called Cromwell-house, is said to have been the residence of Oliver Cromwell. I have had frequent occasion to remark how little credit is due in general to such traditions. There is certainly no good authority for this at Brompton. Hale-house was, during Cromwell's time, and for many years before (fn. 57) and afterwards, the property of the Methwold family. William Methwold, Esq. died there in 1652 (fn. 58). If there are any grounds for the tradition, it may be that Henry Cromwell occupied it before he went out to Ireland the second time. It is certain that he was married at Kensington in 1653 (fn. 59). Oliver Cromwell at this time, having had his choice of the royal houses, resided either at Whitehall or Hampton-court; nor have we the least trace, either in history or in the more minute chronicles and diurnals of that period, of his residence at Brompton; but it is by no means improbable, that Henry Cromwell might hire a house there to be near his father's court. In 1668, Hale-house appears to have been inhabited by the Lawrences of Shurdington in Gloucestershire (fn. 60); in 1682, it was in the occupation of Francis Lord Howard of Effingham, whose son Thomas, the sixth Lord Howard of that family, was born there (fn. 61). Hale-house was sold by the Methwolds, in 1754, to John Fleming, Esq. afterwards created a Baronet, and it is now the joint property of the Earl of Harrington and Sir Richard Worsley, Bart. who married his daughters and coheirs.

John Hunter.

At Earls Court was the villa of the late celebrated surgeon John Hunter, who employed the little leisure which an uncommonly extensive practice would permit him to enjoy, in prosecuting curious and useful discoveries in natural history. This was the principal scene of his experiments, and here he had generally a valuable menagerie of foreign animals. Mr. Hunter's house is now the property and residence of John Bayne, Esq. who intends keeping up the menagerie, and is about to make considerable improvements upon the premises

Eminent inhabitants.

Lord Craven.

Cornelius Wood.

Dean Swift.

Robert Nelson.

Baron Price.

Bernard Lens.

Among the eminent inhabitants of this place, not elsewhere mentioned, may be enumerated the Earl of Craven, whose house at Kensington-gravel-pits, Queen Anne borrowed as a nursery for the Duke of Gloucester, before she hired Campden-house (fn. 62); Cornelius Wood, a celebrated military officer (characterized in the Tatler under the name of Sylvio), who died at the Gravel-pits, in 1711 (fn. 63); Dean Swift, who had lodgings there in 1712 (fn. 64); the pious Robert Nelson, author of the Fasts and Festivals of the Church, died at Kensington anno 1714 (fn. 65); Robert Price, an eminent lawyer, and one of the Barons of the Exchequer, anno 1732 (fn. 66); Bernard Lens, the miniature painter, resided at Knightsbridge in this parish, and died there in 1741. He is said to have been buried at Kensington (fn. 67), but his name is not to be found in the register.

"The famous speaking doctor at Kensington," ridiculed by Swift in the Tatler, was James Ford, who professed the art of curing stammering, and removing other impediments in the speech, and taught foreigners the pronunciation of the English language (fn. 68).

Eminent natives.

The following eminent persons were natives of this place; Sir Philip Perceval, Daniel Earl of Nottingham, Charles Earl of Orrery, and the late Lord Camden (fn. 69).

Kensington palace sold, by the Earl of Nottingham, to King William.

Kensington-palace, so called from its contiguity to this place, stands within the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster. It was the seat of Sir Heneage Finch, afterwards Earl of Nottingham, and Lord Chancellor of England, whose son, the second Earl, sold it to King William very soon after his accession to the throne (fn. 70). This palace was the frequent residence of King William and his royal consort, Queen Anne, George the First, and the late King. These monarchs (George I. excepted, who died at Hanover) all drew their last breath within its walls, as did George Prince of Denmark, Queen Anne's consort, in 1708. During the present reign, Kensington has been entirely forsaken by the royal family.

State apartments.


Kensington-palace is a large irregular edisice, built at various times. The state apartments consist of a suit of twelve rooms. The great stair-case, which was painted by Kent, exhibits a groupe of several portraits, among which are his own, those of Mustapha the Turk, and Ulrick, both in the service of George I. and Peter the wild boy. The cielings throughout the palace are by the same artist. The cube room is 37 feet square; the King's gallery 94 feet by 21; the Queen's, 84 feet by 21. The palace contains a good collection of pictures by the old masters, and many valuable and interesting portraits. Catalogues of them have been printed, but the arrangement has been frequently altered. The principal English portraits will be mentioned in the note, with a reference to the rooms in which they now hang (fn. 71). In the privy chamber is an antique statue of Mariniana, ana, Trajan's niece; in the King's gallery hangs a very fine drawing, in black chalk, by Casanova, of an altarpiece by Raphael, representing the Transfiguration of our Saviour. It is the size of the original, about 18 feet by 12. Lord Baltimore presented it to his Majesty.

Kensington gardens.

Kensington gardens were originally only 26 acres; Queen Anne added 30 acres, which were laid out by her gardener, Mr. Wife; but the principal addition was made by the late Queen, who took in near 300 acres out of Hyde Park, which were laid out by Bridgman. They are now three miles and a half in circumference. The broad walk, which extends from the palace along the south side of the gardens, is in the Spring a very fashionable promenade, especially on Sunday mornings. Kensington gardens have been the subject of several poems (fn. 72).

Parish church.

The parish church, dedicated to St. Mary, is situated near the road side. It is a brick structure, consisting of a chancel, nave, and two aisles, separated by wooden pillars, with Corinthian capitals. At the west end is a low embattled tower of brick, with a wooden turret. The body of the old church was pulled down, and rebuilt about the year 1694, the tower being left standing. The expence was destrayed partly by subscription. King William gave 300l. the Princess Anne 100 l., Earl Craven 50l., the Bishop of London 50 l., and the Earl of Warwick 40 l. The whole charge was 1800 l. The new building was so ill constructed, that in the year 1704 it was found necessary to take the greater part of it down again, and to strengthen the walls, which was done at a farther expence of 800l. (fn. 73) In 1772, the church underwent a complete repair, when the old tower was pulled down, and the present erected in its room. His Majesty gave 350 l. towards the expence of this work.

The chancel-window, ornamented with figures of St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John, and St. Andrew, in stained glass, was given by Mr. Tanner Arnold, and his niece Mary Green.

Monument of the Earl of Warwick and Holland.

Various monuments.

Epitaph of Thomas Henshaw.

On the south side of the altar, against the east wall, is the monument of Edward Henry, Earl of Warwick and Holland, who died in 1721. His effigies, in white marble, is represented in a Roman habit, sitting and leaning with his right arm upon an urn. On the base of the monument is the following inscription: "Hoc subter marmore conduntur exuviæ Edwardi Henrici comitis de Warwick et Holland, Baronis Rich et de Kensington, adolescentis nobilissimi "propriis tamen quàm majorum virtutibus clarioris, inerat illi jam "a pueritiâ in vultu ipso, in voce gestuque corporis virile nescio quid et plenum dignitatis; miram fanè ingenii ubertatem excoluit atque promovit optima disciplina; omnem doctrinam liberalem ab eo perceptam illustravit nativa quædam et quæ nobilem decerat eloquentia. Ita natus, ita educatus, quam primum in luce processit dignus extempló visus est quem in amicitiam cooptarent primarii, neque erat in amicitiâ aut jucundior quisquam aut cordatior: ad aulam accessit sacrissimo Regi Georgio Primo a cubiculo et brevi "acceptissimus. Hoc sibi meritò non ultimæ ducebat laudi principi "placuisse, non minus acri ad judicandum quàm ad favendum prono. Tam aperta illi facilisque ad maxima quæque cum pateret via, cum nihil ei desuit ad summam laudem nisi longa vita in medio ætatis et fortunæ curriculo gravi febre correptus spes audentissimas ami"corum propè jam ratas immaturâ morte frustratus est. Obiit die "Aug. 16to Anno 1721, Ætat. 24." On a tablet (fn. 74) connected with this monument are inscriptions to the memory of Edward the last Earl of Warwick and Holland, Baron Rich, of Leighs in Essex, and Baron of Kensington, who died Sept. 7, 1759, aged 65. Mary, his relict, who died Nov. 7, 1769, aged 82; and Lady Charlotte, their only child, who died April 12, 1791, aged 78. In the chancel are the monuments also of Mr. Aaron Mico (fn. 75), merchant, 1658; Henry Frohock (fn. 76), M. A. 1692; Lionel Ducket (fn. 77), son and heir of William Ducket of Hartham Wilts (by his first wife Elizabeth Henshaw), 1693; Lancelot Burton, Esq. 1734; and that of Thomas Henshaw, Esq. (fn. 78), with the following inscription: "Near this place lyeth interred the body of Thomas Henshaw, Esq. born the 15th day of June 1618. He married Anne, the younger daughter, and one of the coheirs of Robert Kipping of Tewdley, in the county of Kent, Esq. by whom he had six sons and two daughters. Five of his sons, one daughter, and his dear and virtuous wife, who died Oct. 4th 1671, lie buried by him. His daughter Anne, the only survivor, is now the wife of Thomas Halsey, Esq. of Gadesdon, in the county of Hertford. He had the honour to be gentleman in ordinary of the privy chamber to King Charles and James II. by the former he was employed some years as Envoyextraordinary to Christian V. King of Denmark, and was also French Secretary to King James and his present Majesty King William. He departed this life at his house in this parish, on the "second day of January 1699–1700, in the 82d year of his age."

On the floor of the chancel are the tombs of Christopher Blake, Esq. 1672; Thomas Hodges, D. D. Dean of Hereford, and Vicar of Kensington, 1672; James Worthington, Gent. first page of the bedchamber to Queen Mary, 1693; Mr. Moses Giraudeau, 1712; Mrs. Susan Giraudeau, 1740; George Harestonge, Esq. son of John Lord Bishop of Ossory, 1713; William Kerr, Esq. son of Sir William Kerr, and grandson of William Marquis of Lothian, 1721; Mr. Gautier Corbiere, 1737; George Banastre, Captain of Invalids, 1744; William Burgoyne, of Furnival's Inn, 1745; Captain Samuel Garnault, 1747; Mr. Edward Alford, 1754; Thomas Sutton, Esq. 1759; Francis Earl of Godolphin, aged 87, 1766; and Daniel Chinn, surgeon, 1769.

In the nave are the tombs of Edward Woodward, surgeon, 1740; and Benjamin Vigor, Esq. father to the Countess of Hyndford, 1764.

The following monuments are affixed to the pillars of the nave: On the north side those of Elizabeth, wife of Richard Bullock (daughter of George Fryer, Esq.), 1732; Lady Mary Mackenzie, daughter of Alexander Earl of Galloway, and wife of Lord Viscount Fortrose, son of the Earl of Seaforth, 1751; Margaret, daughter of Dr. Cheyne, 1759; Mrs. Anne Bruce, 1759; and an elegant one of white marble, to the memory of Maria Theresa, daughter of Count Lockhart (of Lee and Carnwath), and wife of Sir Charles Ross, Bart. (fn. 79) 1791. On the south side are those of Sir Thomas Colby, Bart. (fn. 80) 1729 (the inscription mentions also Thomas Colby, Esq. Philip Colby, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife, without dates); Jane, wife of Col. John Mompesson (fn. 81), 1764; Robert Armitage, Esq. 1787; and Lewis Davies, Esq. surgeon to the Tower, 1789.

In a window of the south aisle are the arms of Henry Rich, Earl of Holland, with the order of the garter. Against the west wall is the monument of Francis Colman, Esq. (fn. 82), British minister at Florence, who died at Pisa in 1733. The same tablet commemorates his wife Mary, daughter of John Gumley, Esq. 1767; and Sarah, wife of the late George Colman, Esq. (by whom the monument was erected), 1771. On the south wall are the monuments of Anthony Carnaby, Esq. 1678; his daughter Mary, aged 85, 1705; Nathaniel Barnard, Esq. (fn. 83), of Langford, Somersetshire, 1685; Nathaniel, his son, 1683; Joyce, relict of Alexander Robertson, Esq. (fn. 84), of Uxbridge, 1686; Mr. John Dickins, 1694; Catherine, his widow, 1702; and Miss Mary Brasier, 1792. On the floor are the tombs of John and Anne Colman, parents of Francis Colman, Esq. (no dates); Charles Goodall (fn. 85), M. D. 1712; Daniel Lloyd, merchant, 1756; and Mary, wife of William Stukeley, Esq. 1768.

In a window of the north aisle is the following coat, Sable a crescent Or and a chief Ermine. On the west wall is the monument of George Mackenzie (fn. 86), Esq. 1766; on the north wall those of Edward Boscawen, Esq. (fn. 87), 1685; his wife Jael, daughter of Sir Francis Godolphin, and sister of the Lord Treasurer, 1730 (they had issue, Henry Viscount Falmouth, Anne, wife of John Evelyn, Esq. and Dorothy, wife of Sir Philip Medows, Knight-marshal); Mr. Colin Campbell (fn. 88), aged 29 (son of the Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, by Mary Countess Dowager of Caithness, daughter of Archibald Duke of Argyle), 1708; Laud Doyley, Esq. (fn. 89), 1709; Mr. George Cure (fn. 90), 1723; John Ridout, citizen of London, 1734; Thomas Sisum, Esq. 1767; and the Rev. Jeffrey Dinsdale, master of the charity-school, and 26 years curate (put up at the expence of the trustees), 1774. On the floor are the tombs of John Adams, citizen of London, 1708; William Widdrington, Esq. of the county of Northumberland, 1714; James Swann, Gent. 1745; Rev. James Wright,. 1758; Robert Gately, Gent. 1760; Thomas Lowe, Esq. 1761; Stephen Mounier, Esq. 1770; and Mrs. Frances King, 1786.

Tombs mentioned by Weever.

Weever mentions the tombs of Maud de Berford (a French inscription without date); Robert and Elizabeth Rote; Richard and Elizabeth Scardeburgh, and Richard their son, the father died in 1453; Adwin Laverocke of Calais, cousin to John Mewtas of Kensington, 1493; Philip, the son and heir of John Meawtis, one of the secretaries of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. clerk of the council, and one of the knights of Windsor, 1510; and Thomas Essex, Esq. son and heir of William Essex (Remembrancer of the Exchequer to Edward IV. and Vice-treasurer of England), 1500.

Epitaph of William Courten.

On the outside of the chancel, against the east wall, is the monument of William Courten, Esq. (fn. 91), with the following inscription: "Juxta hìc sub marmoreo tumulo jacet Gulielmus Courten, cui Gulielmus pater, Gulielmus avus, mater Katherina Joannis Comitis de Bridgewater silia, paternum vel ad Indos præclarum nomen; qui tantis haudquaquam degener parentibus, summâ cum laude vitæ decurrit tramitem; gazarum per Europam indagator sedulus quas hinc illinc sibi partas negavit nemini sed cupientibus exposuit "humanissime, non avaræ mentis pabulum; sed ingenii si quid naturæ si quid artis nobile opus id quovis pretio suum esse voluit ut musis lucidum conderet sacrarium; ast mortis hæc non sunt curæ. Hic musarum cultor tam eximius, hic tam insignis viator obiit, "quievit 7 Cal. Apr. A. D. 1702, vixit annos 62, menses II, dies 28. Pompam quam vivus sugit ne mortuo sieret testamento cavit, sed hoc qualecunque monumentum et quam potuit immortalitatem bene merenti mærens dedit, Hans Sloane, M. D."

On the same east wall (on the outside of the chancel) are the monuments of Edward Lloyd, Esq. of Flintshire, 1712; Robert Mackworth, Esq. (son of Sir Henry Mackworth, Bart.) aged 95, 1718; the Hon. Charlotta Amelia Tichbourne, second daughter of Robert Viscount Molesworth, and wife of Captain William Tichbourne (son of Lord Ferrard of Beaulieu in Ireland), 1743; her daughter, Mrs. Wilhelmina Tichbourne (sometime woman of the bed-chamber to Queen Caroline), 1790; and Edmund Thomas, citizen of London, 1744. On the north wall is the monument of Henry Dawson, Esq. of Newcastle on Tyne, 1653.

Tombs in the church-yard.

In the church-yard are the tombs of Robert Bealspattle, Gent. 1705; George Hawes, Esq. 1718; Mary, wife of John Floyer, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, 1735; Margaret Green, aged 93, 1743; Leopold Bunt, Esq. 1756; Rev. Richard Ward, curate, 1756; Joseph Cotton, Esq. 1763; Stephen Slaughter, Esq. (portrait painter and supervisor of the King's pictures), 1765; Anthony Walker, Esq. (an eminent engraver), 1765; Mary, widow of Robert Hart, Esq. 1766; Jeffrey Jones, Gent. 1766; Frederick Ernest, Esq. 1767; Martha, wife of Samuel Pegge, 1767; Mrs. Christian Pegge, 1790; Charlotte Anne Pegge, 1793; John Gouin, Esq. Major in the East India Company's service, 1770; Rev. John Jortin, D. D. vicar, 1770; John Fannen, Esq. 1771; Mrs. Jane Eustis of Boston, widow, 1771; Captain Malcolm M'Neil, 1775; John Lessingham, Esq. 1778; Thomas Lessingham, Esq. 1787; Elizabeth, wife of Captain James Orrok, 1782; Robert Lyttelton, Esq. of Studley in Warwickshire, 1782; David Stuart, Esq. 1783; Anne, wife of John Hames, Esq. 1784; Miss Elizabeth Johnstone, 1784; William Murray, Esq. 1784; Mr. William Sutton, 1785; Joseph Stephenson, Esq. 1785; Richard Saltonstall, Esq. (an American Loyalist, who possessed offices of considerable trust in the province of Massachusets, and had a principal share in forming its government), 1785; Samuel Torriano, Esq. 1785; Edmund Hopkins, Esq. 1786; Mrs. Anne Ourry, 1786; William Wilson, Esq. 1786; Thomas Roberts, Esq. 1787; Charles Hoyle, Wilson, Esq. 1786; Thomas Roberts, Esq. 1787; Charles Hoyle Phelips, M. D. 1788; the Rev. Dr. Turner, junior, 1788; John Smith, Esq. 1788; Robert Duncanson, Esq. Captain of the 23d regiment of foot, 1791; and Susanna Beverly, wife of Major John Randolph Grymes, 1791.


Endowment and patronage of the vicarage.

Proprietors of the rectory.

Godfrey de Vere, in the reign of Henry I. (with the consent of his father Alberic, and his other relations), being upon his deathbed, gave the church of Kensington, with two hides of land, to the monastery of Abingdon; the abbot of which house, Faricius, had cured him of a former sickness (fn. 92). Long after this, the Prior of Colne (a convent in Essex, founded by Alberic de Vere, and made a cell to Abingdon) pretended a right to the church of Kensington, but at the instance of Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, they relinquished their claims in the year 1311 (fn. 93). This church was in the 13th century appropriated to the monastery of Abingdon, by the licence of Pope Alexander, but without the consent either of the Bishop of London, or the metropolitan. In consequence of this omission, the abbot and convent of Abingdon agreed, that the patronage of the vicarage should be vested in the Bishop and his successors, at the same time they endowed it with a moiety of the great tithes, the whole tithe of hay, and all small tithes, reserving to themselves the manerial rights of the rectory and the demesne lands, tithefree, exempting also from tithes all mills upon their demesnes. The vicar was to sustain all the ordinary burdens of the church, the extraordinary charges to be borne between them (fn. 94). At the dissolution of monasteries, the abbot's portion of tithes and the demesne lands became vested in the crown, and were leased by the name of the Manor and Rectory of Kensington, anno 1569, to Elizabeth Snow, and anno 1592, to Henry Buttell (fn. 95). In 1599, they were granted in perpetuity to Robert Chamberlen and Humphrey Wymes, as trustees for Sir Walter Cope, who the next year aliened the moiety of the rectorial tithes to (fn. 96) Robert Horsman, by whom they were conveyed in 1618 to Robert Gynn. The latter aliened them in 1630 to Sir William Blake, who, the same year, joining with Gynn, conveyed them to John Marsh (fn. 97). The commissioners appointed in 1650 to enquire into the nature of ecclesiastical benefices, reported, that Mr. Marsh let his moiety of tithes at 45 l. per annum, and that he had shown the deeds, by which they belonged to him and his heirs. They reported also, that the patronage of the vicarage was then vested in the Countess Dowager of Holland (fn. 98). The Earl had purchased it, perhaps, upon the sale of church-property, but his family never had an opportunity of presenting to it, as Dr. Hodges survived till after the Restoration. The moiety of rectorial tithes continued in the Marsh family till the death of Henry Marsh, Esq. who by his will, bearing date 1741, bequeathed it to his grandson Henry Thomas Greening (now Sir Henry Thomas Gott), the present proprietor.

Valuations of the rectory and vicarage.

In the year 1371, the church of Kensington was valued at 26 marks, an eleemosynary portion, payable to the church of Westminster at five marks, and the vicarage at 10 marks (fn. 99). In the King's books the latter is rated at 18 l. 8s. 4d. In 1650, the vicarage-house was valued at 10 l. per annum; 15 acres of glebe, rented by the Countess of Mulgrave, at 20 l. 10s. and the tithes at 135 l. (fn. 100) Ten acres of land in Chelsea, within the precincts of the royal hospital, are in the parish of Kensington, and pay 40s. to the vicar in lieu of tithes. In the year 1781, a cause was tried in the court of Exchequer relating to the tithes of hot-house fruit, which was determined in favour of the vicar.


Thomas Hodges.

Thomas Hodges, collated to this vicarage by Bishop Juxon in 1641, kept his preferment during the civil war and interregnum, by attaching himself to the prevailing party. He was one of the assembly of divines, and frequently preached before the long parliament (fn. 101). Some of his sermons are in print. After the Restoration, he was collated to the rectory of St. Peter Cornhill, and made Dean of Hereford. He kept the living of Kensington till his death, and was buried in the chancel there on the 27th of August 1672. His son Nathaniel, who was a physician, wrote a history of the plague in 1665, and obtained a great reputation by remaining in London during the whole of that calamitous season. He published also an apology for the profession of Physic. Anthony Wood, who gives this account of him, adds, that he died very poor in Ludgate prison, anno 1684 (fn. 102).

William Wigan.

William Wigan, who succeeded Dr. Hodges in the vicarage of Kensington, published some sermons and religious tracts. He was born, I presume, says Wood, at the Harrow in Gray's Inn Lane, where his father sold ale, and grew rich (fn. 103).

John Jortin.

Dr. John Jortin, collated to this vicarage by Bishop Osbaldeston, in 1762, was a very eminent and learned divine. He was son of Renatus Jortin, a French refugee, who was gentleman of the privy chamber to King William. Mr. Jortin lost his life at sea in 1707, being cast away with Sir Cloudesly Shovel, to whom he was then secretary, as he had been before to the Earl of Orford and Sir George Rooke. Dr. Jortin received his education at the Charter-house, whence he went to Jesus College in Cambridge. After he was in holy orders, he resided principally in London, and preached at various chapels. In 1749, he was appointed Boyle's lecturer. He had the living of St. Dunstan in the East, from Archbishop Herring, before he was collated to this vicarage; in 1764, he was made Archdeacon of London. He died in the year 1770, and was buried on the 12th of September in the church-yard, where the following short inscription, dictated by himself, is to be seen on his tomb: "Johannes Jortin mortalis esse desiit, anno salutis 1770, ætatis 72." Dr. Jortin's principal works are: Discourses on the Truth of the Christian Religion; Miscellaneous Observations on Authors, ancient and modern; Remarks on Ecclesiastical History; Dissertations on various Subjects; a Life of Erasmus, and Remarks on his Works: among his smaller tracts are Lusus Poetici; Remarks on Spencer and Milton; Remarks on Seneca, in a work called the State of the Republic of Letters, 1734; and a Letter concerning the Music of the Ancients. An account of his life and writings, from which these brief notices are taken, was drawn up by Dr. Heathcote, and prefixed to some posthumous sermons, in two volumes, published by his son Rogers Jortin, Esq. There is a Life of him also, with Remarks on his Writings, by Dr. Disney, who quotes from a tract of Dr. Parr's, a very high character of the subject of his memoirs, as a man of great learning and the most amiable manners.

The present vicar is James Waller, D. D. who succeeded Dr. Jortin.

Brompton chapel.

A private chapel was built at Brompton about the year 1769, for the accommodation of the inhabitants of that hamlet. The preachers are appointed by the vicar of Kensington, and licensed by the bishop. The present morning preacher is Richard Harrison, M.A.; the afternoon preacher Seth Thompson, D. D.

There is a meeting-house for presbyterian dissenters at Kensington, built in 1794.

Parish registers.

The parish register commences in 1539; and appears to have been for the most part kept with great accuracy. The entries of burials are imperfect about the year 1630. Charles Seward, who was curate from about the year 1670 till the beginning of the present century, appears to have bestowed great attention upon the registers.

Average of Baptisms. Average of Burials.
1540–1549 6 4/5 7 3/5
1580–1589 8 9/10; 14 9/10;
1630–1639 23 9/10;
1680–1689 52 4/5 98 3/10;
1730–1739 86 2/5 131 2/5
1780–1785 159 1/6 201 1/6;
1786–1793 (fn. 104) 195 1/2 234 7/8

Comparative state of population.

This parish appears to have increased in a proportion of nearly 30 to 1 during the two last centuries. A considerable increase of buildings took place at Kensington about the time that King William fixed his residence there: the population of the parish has been increased in an equal proportion within the last 20 years; but the new buildings have been principally in and near the hamlet of Brompton. The present number of houses is about 1240; of which about 1150 are inhabited, the remainder are for the most part unfinished.

In the years 1547 and 1581 there appears to have been a great mortality at this place: in the former year were 20 burials, in the latter 27; numbers very far exceeding the average of those periods. In 1603 there were 32 burials; in 1625, 80; in 1665, 62 only; 25 of the persons interred that year are said to have died of the plague.

Extracts from the Register.

John Bullingham, Bishop of Gloucester.

"John Bishope of Gloscister, buried the 21 of May 1598." John Bullingham, of Magdalen College, Oxford, promoted to this see in 1581. He held the bishopric of Bristol in commendam from 1581 to 1589. (fn. 105).

"John Leigh, Esq. (fn. 106) and Mrs. Anna Cope (fn. 107), married Dec. 5, 1599, Sir Walter Cope, Knt. buried Aug. 1, 1614. The Lady Dorothy Fowler (fn. 108), buried Aug. 30, 1638."

"Willielmus fil. Edmondi Morgan militis baptizatus suit decimo die Martii 1601; ejus sponsores fuerunt comes Pembrokiæ, dominus Herbert filius comitis Wigorniæ, et uxor Roberti Sidneii militis."

Richard Perceval.

Sir Philip Perceval.

"Philip, son of Richard Percevall, Esq. baptized April 14, 1603; Alice, April 7, 1605." Richard Perceval, ancestor of the Earl of Egmont, was of a very ancient family in Somersetshire. Having rendered an eminent service to his country by decyphering some papers taken on board a Spanish ship, previously to the intended invasion by the famous Armada, Queen Elizabeth assigned him a pension of 800 marks. He afterwards held some lucrative offices in the court of wards, through the interest of his cousin Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. Philip Perceval, his son (by his second wife Alice, daughter of John Sherman, Esq.), was knighted by King Charles, and had very large grants in Ireland; where, on the eve of the civil war, he fortified and garrisoned his castles in so complete a manner, that one of them sustained a siege of 30 days, against an army of 7000 foot and 500 horse. In 1642, he was appointed by the parliament commissary-general of the army. He appears nevertheless to have acted with the royal party till 1644. In 1647, he was among the few members of parliament who made a bold but unsuccessful stand against the independents, being chairman of the committees which were appointed to defend the city and parliament; nor did he quit his post till the army were in complete possession of the sovereignty. Overborne, as it is said, by the disastrous situation of his own and the public affairs, he died, after an illness of a few days, Nov. 10, 1647; when, notwithstanding the enmity which had subsisted between him and the party then in power, the sum of 200l. was voted to desray his funeral expences. He was buried in the church of St. Martin in the Fields, Archbishop Usher preaching his funeral sermon. His sister Alice, born at Kensington, married Richard Fitzgerald, Esq. of the county of Cork. Sir Philip's eldest son John Perceval was created a baronet in 1661, with this remarkable privilege, that the heir apparent to the title, whether son or grandson, being one and twenty years of age, should have the rank and title of a baronet, in the lifetime of his father or grandgrand-father (fn. 109). Mr. William Day and Mary Perceval were married at Kensington, June 24, 1606 (fn. 110).

"Anna, the daughter of George Calvert, Esq. (fn. 111), baptized Ap. I,1607."

Penruddock, Knt.

"Sr Manhood Penruddock, Knt, slaine at Nottingwood (fn. 112) in sighte, buried the 29 daye of January 1608."

Townsend, Knt.

"John, the son of Sr John Townsend, Knt, baptized Jany 10, 1608: Theodore, Sep. 26, 1610."

"John, son of John Tomsing (fn. 113), Knt. buried May 5, 1608."

Clifford Earl of Cumberland.

"The Lord Clifford (fn. 114), son and heir to the Erle of Cumberland, was married to the Lady Frances Cecil, sole daughter to the Erle of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer of England, the 25th of July 1610."


"Henry, son of Sr Henry Hubbart (fn. 115), baptized Sep. 19, 1610."

Family of Rich, Earl of Holland and Warwick.

"Mrs. Dorothy Rich, the daughter of Sr Henry Rich and Isabella (fn. 116), baptized Sep. 27, 1616; buried Dec. 28, 1617; Isabella, daughter of the Rt Hon. Henry Rich, Baron of Kensington, and the Rt Hon. and most vertuous lady, the Lady Isabella his wife, baptized Oct. 6, 1623; William Lord Paget of Beaudesert, in the county of Stafford, and the Lady Frances Rich, eldest daughter to the Rt Hon. Henry Earl of Holland, married June 28, 1632; Cope Rich (fn. 117), son of the Earl of Holland, baptized May 3, 1635; Charles, son of the Earl of Holland, buried Apl 28, 1645; Henry Rich, Earl of Holland, was buried March 10, 1649 (fn. 118); Isabella, Dowager Countess of Holland, Sep. 1, 1655; Lady Diana Rich, daughter of Henry Earl of Holland, was buried Sep. 3, 1658; his son Henry Rich, Esq. Feb. 2, 1669."

"The Ld Robert Rich and Mrs Elizabeth Ingram (fn. 119), married Ap. 8, 1641; Henry Rich, Ld of Kensington (fn. 120), son of the Rt Honble Robert Rich, Earl of Holland, and the Lady Elizabeth his wife, born Aug. 20, 1642; Charles, son of the Earl of Holland, baptized Oct. 1, 1650; Robert, born May 28, 1654; Lady Elizabeth, born Aug. 9, 1655, buried Ap. 22, 1656; Ingram Rich, born Aug. 8, 1656; Elizabeth Countess of Holland, buried Sep. 17, 1661; Lady Anne Rich, daughter of the Earl of Holland, by Elizabeth his Countess, buried Ap. 11, 1663; the Rt Honble Robert Earl of Warwick and Holland, April 16, 1675; Lady Essex Rich, daughter of Robert Earl of Warwick (by his second wife), buried May 30, 1680; the Right Honble Anne Countess of Warwick and Holland, July 9, 1689; Lady Frances Rich, daughter of Robert Earl of Warwick (by his second wife (fn. 121) ), buried Ap. 26, 1691; the Lady Eleanor Rich, March 28, 1699.".

"The Rt Honble Edward Earl of Warwick (fn. 122), buried Aug. 6, 1701; Charlotte Countess of Warwick (fn. 123), July 12, 1731; William Henry (fn. 124) Earl of Warwick and Holland, Aug. 27, 1721; the Rt Honble Edward Rich, Earl of Warwick and Holland (fn. 125), Sep. 15, 1759; Mary Countess Dowager of Warwick and Holland (fn. 126), Nov. 14, 1769."

Stanhope, Knt.

"Bridget (fn. 127), the daughter of Sr Michael Stanhope, Knt. lying at the Lady Bartlet's (fn. 128), was baptized Feb. 19, 1616."

"Nicholas Wingate of Gray's Inn and Lady Elizabeth Leygrosse, als Trench, of Malborough in Norfolk, widow, married Dec. 9, 1618."


"Mrs Rebecca Fenne, the wife of Robert Fenne the younger, Esq. and daughter of Sr Francis Cherry of London, Knt. a most godly and worthy Christian, died, and now lieth in Barking-church in London, Jan. 17, 1619. Mr. Robert Fenne the elder, Esq. an ancient household-servant to Queen Elizabeth, and unto our most gracious King James, a most faithful professor of true religion, and a most charitable friend to the poor, of the age of 77, buried April 23, upon Friday night, at 10 of the clock, 1619."



"Sr Humphrey Ferrers, Knt. the son and heir of Sr John Ferrers, of Tamworth castle, in the county of Warwick, and Mrs Anne Packington (fn. 129), daughter of Sr John Packington, Knt. of Hampton Lovel, in the county of Worcester, married Feb. 9, 1619."

Lascells, Knt.

"Sr Thomas Lassels, Knt. of the age of 82, worthily graced with that degree of honour by Queen Elizabeth, by whom, for his wisdom and integrity, he was made justice of the peace, high sheriff of Yorkshire, and of her Highness counsell there, and being here of short continuance a noble housekeeper, and so died a blessed Christian, with full assured hope of his salvation, only by the merits of Jesus Christ, buried May 2, 1619."

"Hannah, the daughter of Mr. John Brookes, parson of Chesterfield, in the county of Derby, and of Hannah, daughter of the learned and famous Mr. William Perkins (fn. 130) of Cambridge, baptized July 11, 1619."

"Mr Lawrence Hide (fn. 131) of the Middle Temple, Esq. son and heir of Sr Lawrence Hide, Knt. attorney to the Queen's Majesty, and Amphillis Tichbourne, daughter of Sr Richard Tichbourne (fn. 132) of Winchester-castle, Knt. married Dec. 1, 1619."

"Mr William Murray and Mrs Margaret Alexander, daughter of Sr William Alexander (fn. 133), a Scottish Knight, married July 20, 1620; Hugh Montgomery, Esq. the son of Sr Hugh Montgomery, Knt. of Scotland, and Mrs Jane Alexander, the daughter of Sr William Alexander of Scotland, Knt. married Aug. 3, 1620."

"Sr William Wythypole, Knt. of Gipwin, in the county of Suffolk, and the right honble Lady Jane, widow of the late Ld Fitzwalter (fn. 134), married Ap. 25, 1621."

Family of Spellman.

"Henry Spellman, an insant son of John Spellman, Esq. by his wife Anne" (daughter of Sr John Townsend, Knt. (fn. 135) deceased), buried Aug. 3, 1621; Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Henry Spellman and Elizabeth, baptized Sep. 11, 1674, buried Oct. 17; Elizabeth, wife of Mr Henry Spellman, buried Aug. 8, 1676."

"Cecilia, the daughter of Sr John Bennet the younger, buried Aug. 24, 1622."

"Robert Millicent, Esq. and Mrs Dowglas, the daughter of Sr George Wright, Knt. of Richmond in Surrey, married Jan. 23, 1623."

"Francis Saunders, Esq. of Shankston, in the county of Leicester, and Mrs Catherine, silia Henrici Jernegan Militis (fn. 136), In Com. Nors. married Feb. 10, 1624."

Family of Ashfield.

"Ann, daughter of Sr John Astifield, Knt. (fn. 137), and the Lady Elizabeth his wife, baptized March 17, 1624; John, Mar. 1, 1625; Sr Robert Ashfield, an ancient, honourable, learned, and godly Knight, buried Oct. 26, 1624."

"Lady Anne Brooke, wife to Sr John Brooke, Knt. of the Savoy, London, buried Feb. 23, 1625."

"Sr Ralph Sydnam, Knt. and the Lady Mary Chichester, widow, married May 14, 1629."

"John Peiton (fn. 138), of the Savoy, and Mary, the daughter of Sr Edward Ballingham (fn. 139), Knt. married Jan. 31, 1630."

"Sr Peter Temple, Knt. (fn. 140), of Stow, in the county of Bucks, and Mrs Christian Leveson, daughter of Sr John Leveson, Knt. (late of Kent, deceased) married May 30, 1630."

"Sr William Blake, Knt. a religious, charitable, good friend to this church and parish, buried Nov. 2, 1630; Lady Blake, Sep. 29, 1644."

Sir Henry Slingsby.

"Henry Slingsby, Esq. the son and heir of Sr Henry Slingsby, Knt. and Bart. (fn. 141), and Mrs Barbara Belasyse, the daughter of the Rt Honble Thomas Ld Falconbridge, married July 7, 1631." Sir Henry Slingsby the younger suffered death upon the scaffold, for his attachment to the royal cause. He left issue by his wife Barbara, Sir Thomas, his successor; Henry; and a daughter Barbara, married to Sir John Talbot, of Laycock in Wiltshire (fn. 142).

"Sisley, the daughter of Sr Henry and Elizabeth Crofts, baptized Mar. 14, 1633; Henry, Feb. 12, 1634."

"Thomas Cotton, Esq. of Gray's Inn, and Mrs Magdalen Mountson, daughter of Sr Thomas Mountson, Knt. (fn. 143), married Ap. 24, 1632."

"James Butler, Ld Viscount Thurles, buried June 29, 1632."

"Sr Thomas Hele, Knt. and Bart. (fn. 144), of the county of Devon, and Mrs Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Elwayes, Esq. married July 16, 1632."

"Sr George Sircott, of Devonshire, Knt. buried Oct. 17, 1639."

"John Mohun, Esq. the son of the Right Hon. John Ld Mohun, Baron of Ochampton, buried Oct. 31, 1639."

Family of Mewtas.

Sir John Thorowgood.

"Mrs Elizabeth Mewtes, mother to the Lady Thorowgood, buried Aug. 19, 1641." The Meautys's, or Mewtas's, were a very ancient family at Kensington (fn. 145). Sir John Thorowgood was gentlemanpensioner to Charles the First, and of the privy chamber to Charles II. During the interregnum, he attached himself, nevertheless, to the Republicans, and was member of most of the committees. He resided at Kensington, where, as justice of peace, he generally officiated at marriages, till the Restoration, as appears by the parishregister.

"The Lord Charles Stanhope (fn. 146), and the Lady Dorothy Gorge, married Nov. 23, 1641; Charles, son of Ld Stanhope, was buried from Kensington-house, Sep. 16, 1661."

"Mr Lecester Devereux (fn. 147) and Mrs Elizabeth (fn. 148) —married June 6, 1642."

"Simon Thelwall and the Lady Margaret Sheffield, married June 9, 1645; Charles Sheffield, buried Aug. 5, 1648."

Family of Hickes Viscount Campden.

"Julian (fn. 149), daughter of Baptist Viscount Campden (fn. 150), and the Lady Hester (fn. 151), baptized Feb. 4, 1646; Lindsey (fn. 152), son of Baptist Viscount Campden, by his wife Elizabeth (fn. 153), born Aug. 14, 1656; Catherine (fn. 154), Aug. 10, 1657; Baptist (fn. 155), born in Covent-garden, Nov. 2, 1658; James (fn. 156), July 28, 1663."

"Mary (fn. 157), daughter of the Rt Honble Mountague Bertie, Earl of Lindsey, and Bridget his wife (fn. 158), born at Ld Campden's house, Sep. 1, 1655."

"Charles, son of Col. Richard Norton and Lady Elizabeth (fn. 159) his wife, born June 23, 1660."

"Mr John Burgin (Burgoyne), son to Sr Roger Burgin (fn. 160), buried July 22, 1647."

General Lambert's family.

"John and William, sons of Col. John Lambert of Calton, baptized by Mr Byard, Parson of Wheldrake, at Sr William Lister's house at Coldhearne, Sep. 27, 1647; Ann, daughter of Majr Gent Lambert and Frances his wife, baptized Oct. 14, 1648, buried Sep. 29, 1649; a servant from Ld Lambert's (fn. 161) house, was married in 1656." General Lambert was one of the most conspicuous characters during the government of the Commonwealth, and was the first president of Cromwell's council. He married Frances, daughter of Sir William Lister, who is said to have been a very elegant and accomplished woman (fn. 162). Sir William died in the month of August 1649, and was buried at Kensington (fn. 163), when Lambert inherited his house in this parish, called Cold-hearne (fn. 164). After the Earl of Holland's death, General Lambert, then at the head of the army, fixed his quarters at Holland-house, but his residence there was of short continuance. When the Protector Richard's power began to decline, Lambert, who had long been at variance with the Cromwell family, was much caressed by the long parliament, and flattered himself with the expectation of gratifying his ambition, and raising his own fortune on their ruins; his hopes were of short continuance; for after an ineffectual struggle with the rising power of Monk, he was taken prisoner, and being tried some time after the Restoration, was sentenced to perpetual imprisonment in the Isle of Guernsey, where he lived 30 years, and amused himself, under his misfortunes, with cultivating and painting flowers (fn. 165). General Lambert's eldest son John, baptized at Kensington, married Barbara, daughter of Thomas Lister, Esq. and had issue, of which only one daughter survived, married to Sir John Middleton, Bart. ancestor of the present Sir William Middleton.

"Mrs Mary (Lambert), wife of the honble Charles Hatton, Esq. second son of the Rt Hon. Christopher Ld Hatton, departed this life at Kensington, April 24th, and was buried in the chancel in her grandfather's Sr William Lister's vault, on the 28th, 1675; Frances, daughter of Mr Daniel Perrot, and grand-daughter of Gen1 Lambert, buried Sep. 21, 1676."

Family of Finch Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham.

"Mr Edward Conneway and Mrs Anne Finch, married Feb. 11, "1651." Edward Earl of Conway, married Anne, daughter of Sir Heneage Finch, Recorder of London, and Speaker of the House of Commons, who, according to Collins, resided at Kensington, and died in 1631; but I find no traces of the family in the register, till this marriage of Anne Finch, which, if Collins's date be right, was 20 years after her father's death. This Countess of Conway is said to have written a Latin work, entitled Opuscula Philosophica (fn. 166).

Heneage Earl of Nottingham.

"Edward, son of Sr Heneage Finch and Lady Elizabeth his wife (fn. 167), baptized Ap1 20, 1663." Heneage, eldest son of the Recorder of London, a very eminent lawyer, and much celebrated for his eloquence, rose, through the several gradations of his profession, to the high station of Lord Chancell or of England. He was created Earl of Nottingham in 1681, and died the next year, being buried at Raunston in Northamptonshire. His character is finely drawn by Dryden, in his poem of Absalom and Achitophel, under the name of Amri. Several of his speeches are in print (fn. 168). Edward, his son, died at York, being prebendary of the cathedral church there, anno 1738; Henry, born at Kensington June 6, 1664, was Dean of York, and died in 1728; Mary, baptized Sep. 7, 1666, died unmarried; Anne, baptized July 15, 1668, was buried March 16, 1670; Robert, baptized March 25, 1670, died unmarried. "John, son of Heneage Ld Finch, buried May 23, 1674; the Rt Honble and truly vertuous Lady Elizabeth, wife of the Rt Hon. Heneage Ld Finch, Baron of Daventry, Ld High Chancellor of England, departed this life, at their house in Queen-street, Mar. 15, and was buried Mar. 23, 1676; Samuel Grimston, Esq. (fn. 169), the son and heir-apparent of the Hon. Sr Harbottle Grimston, Bart. Master of the Rolls, and Mrs Elizabeth Finch, eldest daughter of Sr Heneage Finch, Knt. and Bart., the King's solicitor-general, were married the 14 day of February 1670, by the most reverend father in God, Gilbert Ld Archbishop of Canterbury." Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Samuel and Elizabeth Grimston (the only child of this marriage), was born at her grandfather's, Jan. 19, 1671. She married William Saville, Marquis of Halifax.

Daniel Earl of Nottingham.

"Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Finch, Esq. buried Jan. 29, 1676; another Elizabeth, buried Feb. 5, 1678; Mary, daughter of the Hon. Dan1 Finch and Lady Essex his wife, born May 18, 1677 (fn. 170); Letitia Isabella, born May 20, 1678." Daniel Finch, eldest son of the Lord Chancellor, succeeded his father in the Earldom of Nottingham in 1682, and his relation John Earl of Winchelsea in that title anno 1729. He was a nobleman of considerable talents, and an eminent character in the political world during the reigns of King William and Queen Anne, having twice filled the department of principal Secretary of State. He is recorded in the catalogue of noble authors, for publishing an answer to some of Whiston's doctrines, which procured him the thanks of the University of Oxford. A pamphlet, called Observations on the State of the Nation, goes also under his name, but is said not to have been written by him. This Earl of Nottingham sold his house at Kensington to King William, soon after his Majesty's accession to the throne.

John, son of the Hon. Daniel Finch, born June 18, 1682. Daniel Earl of Nottingham, by his second wife, had, according to Collins, 30 children, including such as were still-born. Heneage, his son (fn. 171), was baptized at Kensington, April 24, 1687; Lady Effex (fn. 172), March 8, 1688; Daniel, born May 24, 1689, was the third Earl of Nottingham; William, born at Berkshire-house, Jan. 18, and baptized at Kensington, Feb. 9, 1690, was Envoy to Sweden and the States General, and father to the present Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham.

"The Marquis of Kinech (Cugnac) and Mrs Elizabeth Miron (Mayerne), married March 23, 1652 (fn. 173)."

Marriage of Henry Cromwell.

"Mr Henry Cromwell and Elizabeth Russell, married May 10, 1653." Elizabeth Russell was daughter of Sir Francis Russell, Bart. of Chippenham, who had a feat in Cromwell's House of Peers. This marriage happened before Henry Cromwell's second visit to Ireland, whither he went with the appointment of Lord Deputy. His mild and prudent administration there has gained him due applause, from writers of all parties. After the Restoration he led a retired life in Cambridgeshire, and died much respected, anno 1673, aged 47.

"The Lady Spencer, buried July 2, 1653."

Family of Cliston, Bart.

"Frances, daughter of Clifford Clifton, Esq. (fn. 174) and Frances (fn. 175), buried Jan. 22, 1654; Gervase, buried Nov. 12, 1656; Alfred, born Ap. 24, 1658, buried Jan. 21, 1662."

Col. George Twisleton.

"Margaret, daughter of Col. George Twiselton and Mary, born Mar. 12, 1655; Alice, Oct. 20, 1657; William, June 4, 1659; Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1660." Colonel Twisleton was an active officer in the service of the parliament, and governor of Denbigh castle (fn. 176).

"Samuel Lamot and Adriana Newport, married from the French ambassador's (fn. 177), Aug. 12, 1656."

Sir Orlando Bridgman.

"Margaret, daughter of Sr Orlando Bridgman, Knt. and the Lady Dorothy his wife, born at the Countess of Mulgrave's house, of a sabbath-day, about 6 or 7 o'clock in the afternoon, Aug. 17, 1656." Sir Orlando Bridgman was afterwards (1667) Lord Keeper of the Great Seal (fn. 178).

Secretary Thurloe.

"Anne, daughter of John Thurloe, Esq. secretary to the Protector, and Anne his wife, was born at the Lady Mulgrave's house, May 16, 1658." Secretary Thurloe's second wife was Anne, daughter of Sir John Lytcott, of East Moulsey. Their daughter Anne married Francis Brace, Esq. of Bedford.

Strickland, Bart.

Sir William Strickland.

"Thomas Strickland, son and heir-apparent of Sr William Strickland, of Boynton in Yorkshire, Knt. and Bart. and Elizabeth Pile, second daughter of Sr Francis Pile, late of Compton Beauchamp in Berkshire, Bart. (deceased), married Nov. 9, 1659." Sir William Strickland was one of Cromwell's Lords. His son Thomas succeeded him in the title of Baronet, and was ancestor of the present Sir George Strickland. "Frances, daughter of Thomas Strickland, "Esq. and Elizabeth, baptized May 2, 1661 (fn. 179)."

"The honourable Sr Francis Holles of Wynterbourn, St Martin, Dorsetshire, Knt. and Bart. the only son survivant and heir-apparent of the Rt Hon. Denzel Baron Holles, of Ifield, and Mrs Anne "Pile, the eldest daughter and coheir of Sr Francis Pile, Bart. (deceased) and the Lady Jane his wife, were married the 9 day of June 1670, by the Rt Revd father in God, Humphrey Ld Bishop of London."

"Sr Henry Belasyse (fn. 180), of Worlaby in Lincolnshire, and Mrs Susan Armyne, daughter of Sr William Armyne (fn. 181) of the same county, were married Oct. 20, 1662."

"John Belasyse, Esq. (fn. 182), brother of the Rt Hon. Thomas Ld Viscount Falconbridge, buried July 16, 1667."

"The Lady Susanna Munck was buried from Dr Hodges's, Ap. 8, 1663."

"Mr Christopher Dering and Mrs Elizabeth Spackman, married from Sr Heneage Finch's, June 11, 1663."

"Robert Southwell, Esq. (fn. 183) of Whitehall, and Mrs Elizabeth Dering, daughter of Sr Edward Dering, Bart. of the county of Kent, married Jan. 26, 1665, by the Ld Bishop of Exeter (fn. 184)."

"Francis, the son of Mr Robert and Mrs Elizabeth Johnson, baptized from the park-house, Oct. 3, 1664, being the seventh son."

Family of Lawrence.

"William Lawrence, Esq. of Shurdington in Glocestershire, and Mrs Ann Martyn, married at St Margaret, Westminster, Sep. 24, 1667." Mr. Lawrence, who was son of Henry Lawrence, one of Cromwell's Peers, resided at Hale-house in this parish, where his son William was born in June 1668. He was ancestor to the present William Lawrence, Esq. of Shurdington.

"The Rt Hon. Thomas Ld Windsor (fn. 185), and Ursula Widdrington (fn. 186), married Ap1 9, 1668."

"Mrs Anne Morland, the daughter of Sr Samuel Morland (fn. 187), buried March 2, 1670."

"Elizabeth, daughter of Sr Robert Wiseman, buried Sep. 22, 1670."

"Mr Dennis Blondel, who having been for many years a capuchin and chaplain in ordinary to the Queen-mother, some years before his death, became a protestant, and died a son of the church of England, buried May 4, 1674."

Families of Cecil Earl of Salisbury, and Cecil Earl of Exeter.

"The Hon. John Cecil (fn. 188), son and heir-apparent of the Rt Hon. John Ld Burleigh, and the Lady Anne his wife (fn. 189), born May 15, 1674, at Mrs Sheffield's; Mrs Diana Cecil (fn. 190), buried May 5, 1714; Lady Margaret Cecil, daughter of the Countess of Salisbury (fn. 191), buried Ap1 1, 1752 (fn. 192)."

Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery.

"The Honble Charles Boyle, Esq. second son of the Rt Hon. Roger Ld Broghill, the son and heir-apparent of the Rt Hon. Roger Earl of Orrery, and the Lady Mary his wife, was born at Dr Whitaker's house, in Little Chelsea, on Tuesday the 28 day of July, between the hours of five and six in the afternoon, and was baptized on Saturday the first day of August, by the Revd Dr Clarke, Dean of Winchester, 1674." The accomplished nobleman, whose birth and baptism are here so minutely recorded, distinguished himself as an author, a soldier, and a politician. He translated Plutarch's Life of Lysander from the Greek, and published an edition of Phalaris's Epistles, which occasioned a very remarkable literary contest (fn. 193). He wrote a comedy also, called As you find it. His attachment to the science of Astronomy has a lasting record in the machine which bears his name. Charles Boyle succeeded his brother Lionel in the title of Earl of Orrery in 1703, and died anno 1731. His biographer mentions the circumstance of his having been born at Little Chelsea, but erroneously supposes the date of his birth to have been 1676. He is right in the account of his age.

"Dorothy, daughter of Mr Sidney Mountague (fn. 194), buried Aug. 31, 1678."

"Lady Margaret, daughter of the Rt Honble Luke Plukenett, Earl of Fingall, buried Oct. 11, 1678."

"Mrs Mary Wardour, who died at her sister Lady Coke's house, Oct. 4, 1679, buried."

"Lewis Douglas, Esq. the son of James Douglas, Ld Mordington, by the Lady Anne his wife (fn. 195), who died at the Motes in Westminster parish, buried July 7, 1682."

Howard Lord Effingham.

"The Honble Thomas Howard (fn. 196), son of the Rt Hon. Francis Ld "Howard Baron of Essingham, and the Lady Philadelphia (fn. 197), was born at Hale-house in this parish, July 7, 1682; Francis (fn. 198), born at Little Chelsea, Oct. 20, 1683."

"Richard Chandler of Idmarston, Wilts, Esq. and the Lady Barbara Curle, of Subburton, Hants, married Oct. 31, 1682, by Seth Bishop of Sarum."

"Dame Jane Boughey, late of Twickenham, buried Dec. 22, 1682."

"Ralph, son of John Verney, Esq. (fn. 199) and Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Palmer, Esq. born at Little Chelsea, March 18, 1683; Sir John Verney, Bart. (fn. 200) and Mrs Elizabeth Baker, married Ap1 8, 1696."

Family of Hooke, Bart.

"Sr Hele Hooke, of Tangier-park (Hants), and Mrs Hester Underhill of this parish, married in Knightsbridge chapel, July 3, 1683; Elizabeth, daughter of Sr Hele Hooke and Hester, born Jan. 9, 1688; Hele, their son, buried Aug. 2, 1698; Thomas, Sep. 5, 1700; Sr Hele, July 12, 1712; Mr Richard Lillie and the Lady Hester Hooke, married Feb. 21, 1714; Hester Lady Hook Lillie, buried May 30, 1733."

"William Hammond, of Fenchurch-street, and Mrs Mary, daughter of Sr Thomas Hooke, Bart. (fn. 201) (deceased) and the Lady Elizabeth his wife, married Nov. 24, 1691."

"John Wallop, Esq. (fn. 202), of Down Husband (Hants) and Mrs Alice Burlace (fn. 203), of Great Marlow, married Aug. 14, 1683, by Dr. Woodroffe, canon of Christ Church, Oxford."

"Sr Willoughby Hickman of Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, Bart. and Mrs Anne Anderson (fn. 204), were married Sep. 11, 1683, by Dr Patrick, Dean of Peterborough; Mrs Alice Hickman, buried April 26, 1692."

"Mrs Rose, wife of Nicholas Purcell, Esq. Baron of Loughamore, in Ireland, buried in the Earl of Nottingham's vault, Aug. 4, 1684."

Sir John Chardin.

"Elizabeth, daughter of Sr John Chardin and Lady Esther his wife, born at Holland-house, Sep. 19, 1684; Sr John Chardin, the traveller, was a refugee from France, he afterwards settled at Chiswick (fn. 205)."

"The Honble James Butler, Esq. fourth son of the Rt Hon. Richard Earl of Arran, Baron of Weston, and Viscount Tullow, and the Lady Dorothy his Countess, buried May 25, 1685."

"The Hon. Thomas Ld Tullow, third son of the Rt Hon. Richard Earl of Arran, buried Aug. 24, 1685."

Family of Boscawen Viscount Falmouth.

"Edward Boscawen, Esq. (fn. 206), buried Oct. 31, 1685; Mrs Jael Boscawen (fn. 207), April 18, 1730; the Honble George Boscawen, May 11, 1775," (son of Hugh, the first Ld Falmouth, and uncle of the present Viscount.)

Family of Onslow.

"Mary, daughter of Foot Onslow, Esq. by Susanna, born and baptized, Nov. 19, 1688." Foot was second son of Sir Arthur Onflow, Bart. by Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Foot, Bart. and one of Cromwell's Peers. Arthur, son of Foot Onflow, born at Chelsea, Oct. 1, 1691, was five times elected Speaker of the House of Commons, and supported that office with great abilities and integrity (fn. 208). "Susan, daughter of Foot Onslow, born Aug. 31, 1692; Elizabeth, baptized July 29, 1694; Judith Anna Maria, March 11, 1697."

"Dorothy, daughter of Sr William Booth, Knt. buried May 18, 1689; John, son of Sr William Booth and Dame Rosamond, Jan. 14, 1693."

Sir Robert Atkyns.

"William, son of Sr Robert Atkyns, Knt. of the Bath, and Lord Chief Baron of their Majesties court of Exchequer, by Dame Anne his wife, baptized Sep. 7, 1690. He died Nov. 2, 1693 (fn. 209)."

"Sr Edward Gregory, Knt. of Chatham, and Dame Anne Godwin, married Dec. 10, 1691."

Trevor Viscount Dungannon.

"The Rt Honble Lewis Ld Trevor, Viscount Dungannon, of the kingdom of Ireland, who died in Spring-gardens, buried Jan. 3, 1692; the Rt Hon. Lady Trevor, Viscountess Dungannon, buried Oct. 5, 1692."

"John (fn. 210), son of Sr John Jacob, Bart. and Lady Dorothy, baptized May 12, 1692."

"Mr Thomas Partington and Mrs Anne Jason, daughter of Sr Robert Jason, Bart. (fn. 211) (deceased) by the Lady Anne, married Oct. 6, 1692."

"The Lady Charlotte Schomberg, daughter of Meinhard Duke of Leinster, buried Dec. 16, 1692; the Ld William Schomberg, second son of his Grace Meinhard Duke of Schomberg, buried Dec. I, 1696."

"Robert, son of Sr Robert Hamilton, Knt. and Dame Margaret, born in Kensington-square, Oct. 14, 1693, buried March 2, 1695," (his father being then stiled Bart.)

"George, son of Col. George Hamilton, and the Lady Mary, died at Col. Macarty's, buried Nov. 26, 1698."

"Anne, daughter of Col. Macarty (or Macartney, as in other entries), and the Lady Anne his wife, baptized Aug. 15, 1697, buried Nov. 16, 1699; Elizabeth, baptized Aug. 31, 1698; Martha, Sep. 14, 1701; Eleanor, Feb. 6, 1703, buried Feb. 8; Gen1 George Macartney, buried July 9, 1730."

"George (fn. 212), son of George Pitt, Esq. and Lucy (fn. 213), born in Kensington-square, Oct. 20, 1693."

"Mr John Murray, brother-german to Sr Patrick Murray of Auchtertyre, Bart. buried Feb. 11. 1696."

"Thomas, son of Sr Ralph (fn. 214), and Lady Mary Dutton, buried Oct. 22, 1696."

"The Lady Elizabeth Dodson, buried Feb. 2, 1697."

Family of Medows.

Sir Sidney Medows.

"Philip, son of Philip Meadows, Esq. buried March 9, 1698; Sidney, son of Sr Philip Meadows, and the Lady Dorothy his "wife (fn. 215), baptized Sep. 1, 1701." Sir Philip was son of another Sir Philip, of whom some account has been already given (fn. 216). Sidney, who succeeded his father in the office of Knight-marshal, died on the 15th of November 1792, having completed his 91st year. He retained, even to the last year of his life, a wonderful share of strength and activity, which he displayed in a very remarkable degree in the managing of his horses, an art in which he had always excelled. Sir Philip Medows, his father, died at Kensington in December 1757, aged 87, and was there buried. "Elizabeth, daughter of Sr Philip Medows, baptized Dec. 22, 1702, buried Dec. 25, 1704; another Elizabeth (fn. 217), baptized Jan. 14, 1705; the wife of Sr Philip Medows (Dorothy Boscawen), buried April 4, 1748; Mrs Katherine Medows, Sep. 14, 1712; Mrs Caroline, Ap. 30, 1736; the Hon. Mrs Mary Medows (fn. 218), Ap. 5, 1743; Jemima Lady Medows (fn. 219), Nov. 6, 1759." Sir Sidney was buried at Andover, where he died. Leaving no issue, he bequeathed the bulk of his fortune to his nephew Evelyn Medows, Esq. elder brother of Charles Pierrepont, Esq. and Sir William Medows, K. B.

Thomas Henshaw.

"Thomas Henshaw, Esq. buried Jan. 6, 1700." Author of an History of making Saltpetre and Gunpowder. He was gentleman of the privy-chamber to Charles II. secretary of embassy to Denmark in 1672, and afterwards envoy extraordinary to that court (fn. 220). Mr. Henshaw was married at Kensington April 23, 1657, to Anne Darett, widow (fn. 221). The ceremony was performed by Justice Bradshaw.

William Courten.

"William Curteen, Esq. from the gravel-pits, buried March 31, 1702." Mr. Courten was grandson of Sir William Courten, and son of William Courten, Esq. by Lady Catherine Egerton. In the course of his travels into various countries, and a residence of several years in France, he amassed a very large collection of antiquities and natural curiosities, and on his return fitted up a Museum, which is said to have occupied ten rooms at the Middle Temple. This collection he left by his will to Sir Hans Sloane, and it may be said to have been the first foundation of the British Museum. Mr. Courten wrote a paper on the effects of poisons upon animals, published in the Philosophical Transactions, and left in MS. some remarks on natural curiosities in various parts of England, which are now among the Sloane MSS (fn. 222).

Liddell, Bart.

"The Lady Catherine (fn. 223), wife of Sr Henry Liddell (fn. 224), buried Feb. 24, 1703; Sr Henry Liddell, buried Sep. 3, 1723."

"The Lady Perry, wife of Sr William Cheater (fn. 225), buried June 19, 1704."

"The Lady Marwood (fn. 226), from Sr Anns's, Westminster, buried Sep. 28, 1704."

Granville Lord Lansdown.

"George, son of Col. Bernard Granville and the Lady Mary, baptized Aug. 19, 1707; Grace, daughter of the Right Hon., George Granville, Ld Lansdowne (fn. 227), and the Lady Mary, baptized Mar. 2, 1719."

Brydges Duke of Chandos.

"Henry, son of James Bridges, Esq. and the Lady Mary his wife, baptized Feb. 1, 1708." James Brydges, afterwards Duke of Chandos, married to his first wife Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Lake. Henry, whose baptism is here recorded, was the youngest, but only surviving son of that marriage at his father's death, when he succeeded to the title. He was father of the last Duke of Chandos.

"The Lady Veria Wilkinson, buried Dec. 15, 1708."

"George, son of Sr William and Theophila Inglesby (fn. 228), buried Aug. 8, 1709."

Family of Gray, Bart.

"Charles Edward, son of Sr James Gray (fn. 229) and the Lady Hester, baptized June 12, 1712; Hester, Aug. 20, 1713; Lancelot, Mar. 3, 1715; Carolina, Jan. 20, 1717; John Joseph, July 6, 1718; Mr John Gray, buried May 4, 1721; the Rt Hon. Sr James Gray, Bart. (fn. 230), Jan. 19, 1773; Sr George Gray, Bart. (fn. 231), Feb. 17, 1773; Lady Gray (fn. 232), Oct. 31, 1781; Charlotte Lady Gray, June 10, 1788."

Lord Camden.

"Charles, son of Mr John and Mrs Elizabeth Pratt, baptized Mar. 21, 1714." None of the memoirs of this great lawyer, which have been hitherto published, mention the place, or with accuracy the time, of his birth. His father, a lawyer of great eminence also, was made a Judge of the King's Bench in the month of October 1714, and in the year 1718 was promoted to the situation of Lord Chief Justice of that court. Charles Pratt, his third son, was bred up to his own profession. It is said that he had been nine years at the bar without distinguishing himself, when an accidental opportunity called forth those talents which raised him to the highest honours of his profession. He was made Attorney-general in 1757, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, in 1762; and in 1766, Lord High Chancellor of England. In these high stations he conducted himself with singular abilities and integrity (fn. 233). In 1765 he was created a Peer, by the title of Baron Camden. In 1782 he was president of the council; in 1786 he was raised to the rank of an Earl. Lord Camden died on the 18th of April 1794, having just completed his 80th year. It appears that his father, Lord Chief Justice Pratt, resided several years at Kensington; his son George was baptized there, Nov. 21, 1716; Robert (fn. 234), Nov. 18, 1717; John, Oct. 26, 1718; Anna Maria (fn. 235), his daughter, Nov. 2, 1719; and Frances, Jan. 17, 1721. A child of Lord Chief Justice Pratt's was buried April 7, 1721.

"Sr John Cotton, Bart. (fn. 236), of Madingley in Cambridgeshire, and Mrs Lettice Crowley (daughter of Sir Ambrose Crowley), married May 21, 1714, by the Archbishop of York."

"Edward (fn. 237), son of Sr Gilbert and Elizabeth Pickering (fn. 238), baptized Nov. 23, 1714."

"Sr Edward Duke and Mrs Mary Rudge, married Dec. 1, 1715."

"Dorothea Louisa, daughter of John Heathfield, Esq. and the Lady Dorothea, baptized Oct. 26, 1718."

"Susan, daughter of the Honble Henry Bertie (fn. 239), and Mary (fn. 240), baptized Jan. 18, 1719."

Thomas Killigrew.

"Mr. Thomas Killegrew, buried July 21, 1719." Gentleman of the bedchamber to George the Second, when Prince of Wales, and author of a comedy called Chit Chat, represented at Drury Lane a few months before his death. The newspapers of the day speak of it as having been very successful, and mention that the Prince made him a present of 100 guineas, and that the Princess gave him 50.

"William (fn. 241), son of the Rt Hon. John Earl Fitzwilliam, and Lady "Anne (fn. 242), baptized Jan. 16, 1720."

"The Right Hon. William Ld Byron (fn. 243), and the Hon. Mrs. Frances Berkley (fn. 244), married Dec. 3, 1720."

"Ld Strathnaver (fn. 245) buried Dec. 12, 1720."

"Elizabeth (fn. 246), daughter of Sir Philip (fn. 247) and Lady Elizabeth Boteler (fn. 248), baptized Mar. 28, 1722."

"Lady Iley (fn. 249), buried Sep. 7, 1723."

Family of Crost, Bart.

"Archer (fn. 250), son of Sir Archer and Lady Frances (fn. 251) Crost, baptized Oct. 9, 1727; Sir Archer Crost, buried Dec. 17, 1753." There are other entries relating to the Crost family.

"Ld John Kerr (fn. 252), buried Aug. 14, 1728; the Honble Ld Mark Kerr (fn. 253), Feb. 6, 1752; Jane Kerr, 1794."

Colby, Bart.

"Sr Thomas Colby, Bart. buried Oct. 15, 1729." He was created a Baronet in 1720, being described of Kensington. Several entries relating to the family at an earlier period are to be found in the register. The title is extinct.

"The Rt Hon. Catherine (fn. 254), wife of the Rt Hon. William Lord Abergavenny, buried Dec. 12, 1729; Edward, son of Ld Abergavenny, buried Jan. 23, 1730."

"Lady Willoughby de Broke (fn. 255), buried Sep. 17, 1730."

"Henry Lord Dunkellin (fn. 256), son of the Rt Hon. Smith Burke Earl of Clanrickarde and the Lady Hester (fn. 257) his wife, baptized Feb. 9, 1743; Louisa, their daughter (fn. 258), May 6, 1746."

"Miss Caroline, daughter of Lady Gertrude Hotham (fn. 259), buried Sep. 10, 1750."

"Elizabeth (fn. 260), daughter of Sr Walter Blacket, Bart. buried May 29, 1752."

"Lady Caroline Fitzgerald (fn. 261), buried from Holland-house, Ap. 29, 1755."

"Sr Digby Legard, Bart. (fn. 262), of Ganton in Yorkshire, and Jane Cartwright (fn. 263) of Kensington, married Aug. 19, 1755."

"Richard Prince Astley, Esq. son of Sr John Astley, Bart. buried Sep. 15, 1756." He died unmarried.

"Amelia (fn. 264) and Elizabeth (fn. 265), twins of the Hon. Gen1 John Waldgrave (fn. 266) and Lady Elizabeth his wife (fn. 267), baptized June 22, 1758."

Richard Viscount Molesworth.

"Richard Viscount Molesworth, buried Oct. 16, 1758." He distinguished himself as a gallant officer under the Duke of Marlborough, and had the good fortune to save his General's life at the battle of Ramillies. He was promoted to the rank of Fieldmarshal the year before his death. Lord Molesworth published a work on the government and conduct of an army, printed by Dodsley.

"The Rt Hon. Richard Nassau, Viscount Molesworth (son of the last mentioned Peer), was buried at Kensington July 9, 1793." He was succeeded by his nephew the present Viscount.

"Susanna Lady Clavering (fn. 268), buried Ap. 2, 1759."

"Thomas Charles Bunbury, Esq. (fn. 269) and Lady Sarah Lenox (fn. 270), married in the chapel at Holland—house, June 2, 1762, by Philip Francis, D. D."

"Sr Henry Slingsby, buried June 25, 1763."

"The Rt Hon. Francis Earl of Godolphin, buried Jan. 25, 1766." Son of the Lord Treasurer; he was first gentleman of the bedchamber to George I. and II. Leaving no surviving issue by his wife Henrietta Duchess of Marlborough, the titles of Earl of Godolphin and Viscount Rialton became extinct at his death, and that of Baron Godolphin on the death of Francis Lord Godolphin, in 1785.

"The Rt Honble Lady Caroline Viscountess Fortrose (fn. 271), buried Feb. 14, 1767."

"Sir Peter Rivers Gay, Bart. (fn. 272) of Winchester, in the county of Hants, and Martha Cox (fn. 273), married July 14, 1768."

"The Honble William Murray (fn. 274), buried May 28, 1773; the Honble William Murray (fn. 275) and Sarah Maese, married Aug. 11, 1783; Honble William Murray, buried Jan. 2, 1787."

"Sr John Fielding (fn. 276) and Mary Sedgley (fn. 277), married Aug. 6, 1774."

"Jane, daughter of Henry Ld Paget (fn. 278) and Jane (fn. 279) his wife, baptized Sep. 19, 1774."

"Sr Thomas Reynell, Bart. (fn. 280), buried Sep. 19, 1775."

"The Rt Honble Camilla Countess Dowager of Tankerville (fn. 281), buried Oct. 17, 1775."

"Frances Anne, daughter of Charles Earl of Drogheda (fn. 308) and Anne his Countess (fn. 282), baptized Nov. 5, 1776."

"The Honble William Harcourt (fn. 283) and Mary Lockhart (widow) (fn. 284), married Sep. 22, 1778."

"Lady Dorothea Arabella Primrose, daughter of Neil Earl of Roseberry (fn. 285) and Mary his Countess (fn. 286), baptized Mar. 5, 1779."

"Isaac Da Costa, Esq. and the Rt Hon. Lady Elizabeth Annesley "Weaver, widow, married July 15, 1780; Lady Elizabeth Carolina Anne Da Costa, buried Oct. 5, 1789."

"The Honble Mrs Anne Pitt (fn. 287), buried Feb. 15, 1781."

"The Hon. Robert Monkton (fn. 288), General of his Majesties forces, buried May 26, 1782."

"The Rt Hon. Catherine Sarah Lady Dowager Donneraile (fn. 289), buried Aug. 2, 1783."

"Carolina Countess Dowager of Harrington (fn. 290), buried July 6, 1784."

"The Honble Mrs Diana Walpole (fn. 291), buried July 31, 1784."

"Lady Arabella Vincent (fn. 292), buried Feb. 5, 1785."

"Edward Knatchbull, Esq. (fn. 293) and Frances Graham, married "June 4, 1785."

Martin Madan.

"Lady Rebecca Westcome, buried Jan. 10, 1789."

"Rev. Martin Madan, buried May 8, 1790." Son of Martin Madan, Esq. of Hertingsordbury near Hertford, member of parliament for Woottonbasset, and Groom of the bedchamber to Frederick Prince of Wales. His mother was daughter of Spencer Cowper, Esq. and niece of the Lord Chancellor, an accomplished lady, and author of several poems of considerable merit (fn. 294). Mr. Madan was originally bred to the law, and had been called to the bar; he afterwards quitted that profession, entered into holy orders, became chaplain at the Lock hospital, and a popular preacher. In the year 1780 he published a book called Thelypthora, which from the singularity of its doctrines, being a defence of polygamy, was much read and talked of when it first came out. It is somewhat remarkable that Mrs. Manley in the Atalantis speaks of Lord Chancellor Cowper, as maintaining the same tenents. Mr. Madan published also a literal translation of Juvenal and Persius; Thoughts on executive Justice with respect to the Criminal Laws, and some single Sermons. He died at Epsom in the 64th year of his age.

"Isabella Margaret Boyle, daughter of George Earl of Glascow and Augusta his Countess (fn. 295), baptized Aug. 12, 1790."

George Colman.

"George Colman, aged 62, buried Aug. 24, 1794." Mr. Colman was son of Francis Colman, Esq. by his wife Mary, daughter of John Gumley, Esq. of Isleworth, and sister to Anna Maria Countess of Bath. He was born at Florence not long before the death of his father, who was British minister at that place. Mr. Colman received his education at Westminster School, and at Christ-church College in Oxford, where he lived upon terms of great intimacy with the most distinguished wits of that day. Colman was bred to the law, and became a barrister of Lincoln's Inn; but relinquished that profession, and gave himself up to literary pursuits. For a few years he was concerned in the management of Covent Garden Theatre; and was afterwards for many years, and till his death, sole patentee of the summer theatre in the Haymarket. He distinguished himself in the literary world both as a classical scholar and a dramatic writer. A list of his numerous productions for the stage may be seen in the Biographia Dramatica: of these the Jealous Wife, and the Clandestine Marriage (in which he was assisted by Garrick), are perhaps the most celebrated. The excellent acting of King, who supported the character of Lord Ogleby in the latter at its first representation in 1766, still continues to engage the admiration and applause of the dramatic amateur. Mr. Colman was joint author of the Connoisseur; and published a translation of Horace's Art of Poetry, and the Comedies of Terence, besides several poems and fugitive pieces, which have been collected into three volumes. Mr. Colman died at Paddington on the 14th of August, and was interred at this place in a family vault.

"The Hon. Patrick James Herbert Stuart, second son of John Ld Viscount Mountstuart (fn. 296) and Elizabeth Penelope Viscountess Mountstuart (fn. 297), born at Brompton-park house Aug. 20; baptized Sep. 27, 1794."

A few other entries relating to families connected with the peerage, and those of baronets, occur in the register (fn. 298).

Instances of Longevity.

"Abigail Partridge, aged 94, buried Nov. 16, 1756; Mrs. Elizabeth Lessiney, aged 94, buried Mar. 29, 1757; Margaret Smart, aged 103, buried Nov. 12, 1786."

The following instances are collected from a small book, containing a rough copy of registers of burials from the year 1786. The ages are not specified in the larger register:

"Sarah Eastman, aged 91, Dec. 21, 1786.

"—Wilson, aged 93, Dec. 27, 1786.

"Elizabeth Taylor, aged 92, Jan. 6, 1787.

"Anne Morley, aged 93, Mar. 14, 1787.

"Jacob Harris, aged 92, April 13, 1787.

"Christian Ogilvie, aged 94, Nov. 25, 1789.

"John Walker, aged 95, Oct. 29, 1790.

"John Henry Lydius, Esq. (fn. 299), aged 96, Feb. 5, 1791.

"Mary Butler, aged 90, Jan. 21, 1792.

"Jane Jones, aged 90, Mar. 2, 1793.

"Jane Wood, aged 90, Ap. 17, 1793.

"Elizabeth Warren, aged 96, May 8, 1793.

"Anne Beckingham, aged 91, April 14, 1793."

Several of the above-mentioned persons were paupers buried from the workhouse. William Addison, Esq. is said to have died at Kensington, Sept. 18, 1763, aged 94; the Rev. Mr. Nelson, April 14, 1771, aged 92, and the Rev. Mr. Fleming, Sept. 16, 1771, aged 92 (fn. 300).


Roger Pimble, Gent. in the year 1645, gave the Lion Inn (on the site of which are now two leasehold houses, lately let at 141. 10s. per annum), for the maintenance of a free school. About the same time the parish, with a sum of money raised by voluntary contribution, purchased a house called the Catherine-wheel, which was converted into a school-house. In 1698 Mrs. Catherine Dickins gave 501. to be laid out to the best advantage for the maintenance of a school. With this money, and another legacy of 401. left by Mrs. Mary Carnaby to the poor, was purchased the Goat alehouse, now let at 201.. per annum, the whole of which is, by a resolution of vestry, appropriated to the school. The present school-house was erected about the year 1707, by subscription, at the expence of 3181. (fn. 301) Dr. Millington, anno 1724, bequeathed to the school a third part of the rent of 24 computed acres of land at Acton, now producing about 121. per annum. The house adjoining to the school was purchased by the trustees; and is let at 20 l. per annum. They have the lease also of another house let at 141., but their interest in it expires within three years. About the time that the present school-house was built (viz. in 1708), Queen Anne granted an annuity of 50 l. to this charity, and Prince George of Denmark one of 301. When King George I. came to the throne, he confirmed both grants. This donation of 801. per annum has been continued ever since from the crown. The school fund has been augmented during the present century, by benefactions in money, to the amount of 23001. South Sea Stock (fn. 302). With these endowments, aided by collections at four annual charity sermons preached at Kensington-church and Brompton-chapel, 22 boys and 11 girls are taught, clothed, and maintained in the school-house. Every boy when he leaves the school receives an apprentice-fee of 51. out of Lady Campden's benefaction. The girls go out to service, and if they continue 12 months in their place, are rewarded with a premium of 20s. (fn. 303)


There is a Sunday-school at Kensington, in which are 42 boys, and a school of industry for girls, who are clothed by their own earnings. The number in this school is from 50 to 60. These schools are under very good regulations, and attended by the principal inhabitants of the place in rotation as visitors. The girls when sit for service are recommended to places, and encouragements are held out to those who behave well. If any children offer who are thought to be too young for the schools, they are put under the care of proper persons till they are old enough to be received (fn. 304).

Benefactions for apprenticing children.

Lady Viscountess Campden, anno 1644, left to this parish the sum of 2001. to purchase lands, a moiety of the rent to be appropriated to apprentice a poor boy or boys. The sum of 541. per annum is now appropriated to this purpose, as will be more particularly stated hereafter.


William Methwold, Esq. in 1652, erected an hospital or almshouse, for six poor women (fn. 305), near his mansion, called Hale-house, at Brompton, and endowed it with an annuity of 241. per annum, being 41. for each pensioner, but left no fund for repairs; in consequence of which the pensions were reduced to 31. The coheirs of Sir John Fleming (fn. 306), as proprietors of Hale-house, nominate three of the pensioners, the parish the remainder.

A rent-charge upon the Sheffield estate having been several years in arrear, the proprietor in the year 1759 erected three alms-houses upon the estate, and leased them to the parish for 31 years, at 201. per annum, the rent to be set against the interest of the debt and the growing annuity. The parish have some alms-houses, containing five tenements at the Gravel-pits, and three tenements at Kensington Gore. An addition was made to those at the Gore, with the sum of 301. received in compensation for a rent-charge on a house in Westminster (fn. 307).

Various benefactions.

Thomas Goodfellow, in 1596, gave 20s. per annum to the poor of this parish, being a rent-charge upon Hale-house. John Powell of Fulham, about the year 1604, gave the same sum charged upon a house in Westminster, which being pulled down when the bridge was built, the parish received a compensation in money. Jane Lady Berkley, in 1617, gave 101. per annum, being a rent-charge on a house, which was afterwards the Earl of Mulgrave's. Thomas Younge, yeoman of the guards, about the year 1630, gave a rentcharge of 20 s., issuing out of a house in Kensington. Baptist Hickes, Viscount Campden, anno 1630, gave 2001. to purchase lands for the poor. His widow, in 1644, gave the same sum to be expended in like manner, and directed that half of the profits should go to the poor, and the other half to apprentice a poor boy or boys. An anonymous benefactor, in 1652, gave some land at Kensington Gravelpits, on which was formerly a malt-house. This is called Cromwell's gift, and a tradition has prevailed that it was given by Oliver Cromwell; but the parish have no evidence to ascertain it. John Sams, in 1658, gave an annuity of 51. payable out of lands in Kensington.

In the year 1777, an act of parliament passed, enabling the parish of Kensington to let such lands as were purchased with the legacies of Lord and Lady Campden, and the land at the Gravel-pits, called Cromwell's gift, on building leases; the same act empowers them to build a workhouse for the poor, to take up a certain sum of money upon annuities for that purpose, and to appropriate the rents of the aforesaid lands towards paying the interest of the money till the annuitants should drop off, setting apart a certain proportion to answer the purpose of Lady Campden's specific bequest for apprenticing children. In consequence of this act, the lands at Shepherd's-bush, purchased with Lord Campden's benefaction, were let at about 321. per annum, with liberty to dig tiles, &.; the Buttsfield, near Kensington, bought with Lady Campden's money, at about 361. per annum; and the land at the Gravel-pits, on which a brewery has been erected, at about 381. The sum of 541. per annum, being equal to the whole amount of the three benefactions according to the old rents, was appropriated to the purpose of apprenticing children.

His Majesty gives an annual bounty of 251. to the poor of this parish, over and above the benefaction already mentioned to the school.


  • 1. This place, in a record dated 1270 (54 Hen. III.), is called Kyng's Gore; and is there stated to be a part of the ancient demesnes of the crown. See Esch. 54 Hen. III. N° 35.
  • 2. The first catalogue from Brompton was dated 1790. The catalogues are published annually.
  • 3. Charles King, Esq. who resided some years ago at Hale-house in this parish, is said to have been very successful in the culture of a vineyard there.
  • 4. Hugh de Vere, Earl of Oxford, died anno 1264, seised of the manor of Kensington; the value of which is thus set forth in the inquisition taken after his death:— In demesne, 570 acres of arable at 4d. an acre, 11l. 3s. 4d.; 13 acres of meadow at 3s.–39s.; rewannium inde, 4s.; 82 acres of pasture, 20s.; a windmill, 20s.; 100 acres of wood, 1 mark; pannage, half a mark; a dovehouse, 3s.; a court and vineyard, 3s.; fishpond and moat, 2s.; quit-rents, 4l. 15s.; 21 virgates in villanage, at the rent of 59s. 4½d.; services of the tenants, &. 11 l. 3s. 4d.; view of frankpledge, 10s.; pleas and profits of court, 5s. The villans, adds the record, may be taxed at the will of the Abbot of Abingdon, to whom the church is appropriated: the manor held by the Earl of Oxford, as parcel of his barony, by virtue of his office of high chamberlain; Edward de Vere, son and heir of Hugh, 23 years of age. Esch. 48 Hen. III. N° 17. Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, died seised of Kensington anno 1296. The arable land on the demesnes was then only 253 acres; the frith or waste, 140 acres; the wood, 80. The whole value of the manor, 19l. 13s. 6¼d. The ploughing of the arable land by the tenants was valued at 3l. 3s.; 340 eggs in Lent, at 11d.; 23 hens, at 23d. Esch. 24 Edw. I. N°62. Robert Earl of Oxford died seised of Kensington anno 1331. There were then 360 acres of arable land in demesne; 180 of which were valued at 6d. an acre, the remainder at 2d. only. There were 160 acres of wood. The total value of the manor, 18l. 5s. 11d. Esch. 5 Edw. III. N° 71. John Earl of Oxford died seised of Kensington anno 1360; value 20l.; Thomas his son and heir being 24 years of age. Esch. 34 Edw. III. N° 84. Margaret Countess of Oxford died seised of it anno 1366. Esch. 40 Edw. III. N° 28. Thomas Earl of Oxford died seised of it anno 1371, then valued at 20l. 6s. 8d. Esch. 45 Edw. III. N°45. Aubrey de Vere died in 1400, seised of the manor of Kensington, subject to a rent of 33l. paid to Philippa Duchess of Ireland, to whom it had been assigned in dower; Richard his son was then 17 years of age. Esch. 1 Hen. IV. N° 52. The manor was granted by the King to the Duchess of Ireland, during the minority of Richard Earl of Oxford; who, when he came of age, granted it to her for life: she died seised of it anno 1411. Esch. 13 H. IV. N° 43. It was then valued at 30l. per annum. Richard Earl of Oxford died seised of it anno 1416; his son John being then nine years of age.
  • 5. See Esch. 15 Edw. IV. N° 28.
  • 6. Dugdale's Baronage, vol. i. p. 366.
  • 7. Pat. 8 Jac. pt. 13. N° 19.
  • 8. Youngest and only surviving son of Francis Edwardes, Esq. who married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick and Holland. He was created an Irish peer in 1776, by the title of Baron Kensington.
  • 9. That is, 270 acres; the hide being defined in the record as consisting of 120 acres: a virgate was the fourth of a hide.
  • 10. Newcourt's Repertorium, vol. i.
  • 11. Particulars of leases, Augmentation-office.
  • 12. Ibid.
  • 13. Pat. 38 Eliz. pt. 13. Sept. 15.
  • 14. Pat. 41 Eliz. pt. 21. Sept. 13.
  • 15. Abstract of papers belonging to the rectory and vicarage, from a manuscript of Mr. Seward, (curate of Kensington, from 1674 to 1712,) obligingly communicated by Dr. Waller.
  • 16. Cl. 42 Eliz. pt. 22. This arrangement was settled before the Court at Nonsuch, when it was determined that Horsman should hold the rectory and glebe of the Queen as Sir Walter Cope held Kensington.
  • 17. See Esch. 15 Edw. IV. N° 28. The manor of Kensington was then valued at 25 marks; that of Knotting-barnes at 25l.
  • 18. Ibid.
  • 19. Cole's Escheats, Harl. MSS. Brit. Mus. N° 759.
  • 20. Record in the Augmentation-office.
  • 21. Pat. 29 Eliz. pt. 13. April 1.
  • 22. Pat. 42 Eliz. pt. 17. Sept. 22.
  • 23. Cole's Escheats, Harl. MSS. Brit. Mus. N° 760.
  • 24. Dr. Waller's papers, as quoted before in note 14.
  • 25. Cart. Ant. Brit. Mus. LVII. C. 3.
  • 26. Esch. 20 Edw. IV. N° 80.
  • 27. On a chevron engrailed between three demi-grissins rampant, as many martlets.
  • 28. G. a chevron between three cross crosslets Or.
  • 29. Arg. on a chevron Az. between three roses proper, as many fl. de lis of the field.
  • 30. Vol. ii. p. 128.
  • 31. Howell's Letters, p. 234.
  • 32. Perfect Occurrences, Aug. 18, &. 1648.
  • 33. Strafford Letters, vol. ii. p. 156. Lord Conway to Lord Strofford.
  • 34. History of the Rebellion, vol. i. p. 295. 8vo.
  • 35. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 324, 362. 367.
  • 36. Perfect Diurnal, Aug. 2–9, 1647; and Whitlock's Memorials, p. 264.
  • 37. Clarendon, vol. iii. p. 174 and 271.
  • 38. Perfect Occurrences, March 9.
  • 39. Perfect Diurnal, July 9, 1649.
  • 40. Dodsley's Old Plays, vol. xii. p. 345. Whilst mentioning the drama as connected with Holland-house, it is worthy of notice, that the tragedy of Jane Shore was acted there in the late Lord Holland's time. Charles J. Fox supported the character of Lord Hastings; his brother the General was Bishop of Ely; Lady Sarah Bunbury, Jane Shore; and Lady Susan O'Brien, Alicia.
  • 41. See Johnson's Lives of the Poets. The author of an Essay on Addison's Life and Writtings says, "Holland-house is a large mansion: but it could not contain Mr. Addison, the Countess of Warwick, and one guest, Peace."
  • 42. Biograph. Brit. Addison had been tutor to the young Earl; and anxiously, but in vain, endeavoured to check the licentiousness of his manners. As a last effort, he requested him to come into his room when he lay at the point of death, hoping that the solemnity of the scene might work upon his feelings. When his pupil came to receive his last commands, he told him that he had sent for him to see how a Christian could die. See Johnson's Life of Addison.
  • 43. Erm. on a chevron Az. three foxes' heads erased Or, on a canton of the second, a fl. de lis of the third.
  • 44. The arms of England as borne by Charles II. within a border compony Arg. and G. the first charged with verdoy of roses of the second—being the coat of Lenox Duke of Richmond, father to Lady Holland.
  • 45. G. a sesse wavy between 3 fl. de lis Or.
  • 46. Quarterly of 6.–1. Or, fretty G. a canton Ermine.—Noel. 2. G. semèe of cross crosslets sitch`e, and a lion rampant Or.—Hopton. 3. Az. semèe of cross crosslets Arg. and three boars' heads couped Or.—Hevyn. 4. Arg. semèe of cross crosslets Az. and 2 organpipes Gules.—Downton. 5. Barry of 6 O. and G.—St. Owen. 6. Az. a lion rampant Arg. and a border engrailed Or.—Tirrell, impaling Hickes.
  • 47. Or, on a chief G. three chaplets of the first, impaling Hickes.
  • 48. Collins's Peerage.
  • 49. Mercurius Politicus, June 14, 1660.
  • 50. Ibid. March 28, 1662.
  • 51. Collins.
  • 52. Life of the Duke of Gloucester, p. 7. and 80.
  • 53. Bowack's History of Middlesex, p. 21.
  • 54. He was attorney-general, and afterwards chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. It was another Nicholas Lechmere who was baron of the Exchequer.
  • 55. See Swift's ballad of "Duke upon Duke," occasioned by a quarrel between Lord Lechmere and Sir John Guise. Back in the dark, by Brompton-park, He turned up thro' the Gore; So slunk to Campden-house so high All in his coach and four. The Duke, in wrath, call'd for his steeds, And sincerely drove them on: Lord! Lord! how rattled then thy stones, O kingly Kensington." Swift's Works (edit. 1742), vol. iv. p. 109–115.
  • 56. Gent. Mag. June 1735.
  • 57. Mr. Methwold purchased it of the executors of Sir William Blake, who died in 1630. MSS. in the possession of Dr. Waller.
  • 58. Described of Hale-house in his will.
  • 59. Parish Register.
  • 60. Ibid.
  • 61. See Extracts from the Parish Register.
  • 62. Life of the Duke, p. 6.
  • 63. Lives of Illustrious Men (anno 1711, 1712), vol. ii. p. 319.
  • 64. Swift's Letters, 4to. vol. i. p. 105. Addison lived at Kensington at the same time, it being some years before his marriage with the Countess of Warwick. Among Swift's letters is one from Addison, dated in 1718, inviting him to Holland-house.
  • 65. Le Neve's Mon. Anglican, vol. iv. p. 294.
  • 66. Biog. Brit.
  • 67. Vertue's MSS. in the Earl of Orford's collection.
  • 68. Notes on the Tatler, new edit. vol. v. p. 403, 404.
  • 69. See the extracts from the Parish Register.
  • 70. Simon de Brienne and Mary his wife were appointed housekeepers and wardrobe-keepers at Kensington, on the 12th of October 1689, by Pat. 1 Gul. & Mar. pt. 6. with a salary of 300l. per annum.
  • 71. In the guard-chamber, Queen Elizabeth's gigantic porter, by Zucchero. In the privychamber, the Duchess of Portsmouth, by Verelst. In the Queen's dining-room, James III. of Scotland and his Queen (a princess of Denmark); Henry V.; Henry VI.; Richard III.; Henry VII. and his Queen; and Dr. Linacre, founder of the College of Physicians. In the Queen's gallery, Henry VIII.; Catherine of Arragon and her dwarf, by Holbein; Queen Elizabeth (said to be in the dress she wore when prisoner), by Zucchero; James I. by Vandyck; his Queen, by Vansomer; Charles II. and James II. by Sir Peter Lely; William III. and Queen Mary, by Sir Godfrey Kneller; Queen Anne, George I. George II. and Queen Caroline. In the great drawing-room, Charles I. and his Queen, by Vandyck; Holbein and his Wife, in water-colours, by himself, (given by Sir Robert Walpole to Queen Caroline.) Sir Henry Wotton, in the Senate-house at Venice; George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, by Honthorst; the Duke of Wharton, and the Maid of the Inn, by Rosalba; and a portrait of that artist, by herself. In the King's bed-chamber, Mary Queen of Scots, by Janet. In the green-closet, Erasmus, by Holbein; the Children of Henry VII. by Mabuse; Mary Queen of Scots in widow's weeds, by Janet; and the second Earl and Countess of Clarendon, a small picture, by Sir Peter Lely. In the King's gallery, Sommers, King Henry's jester, by Holbein; King William and Queen Mary, by Wissing; Charles I. on horseback, by Dobson; two portraits of Queen Anne—one when Princess of Denmark, by Sir Godfrey Kneller, the other when a child; two portraits of her son the Duke of Gloucester—one by Sir Godfrey Kneller, the other with the habit of the garter, by Claret; Edward VI. by Holbein; Prince Henry, by Mytens; James I. by Vansomer; Holbein; Queen Henrietta Maria, by Vandyck; Prince George of Denmark, by Dahl; Lady Fitzharding, in a man's dress, (this portrait is commonly called the Duchess of Richmond,) by Huysman; Henry VII. by Holbein; Sir Henry Guildford, by the same artist; James II. when Duke of York, and his Duchess, by Sir Peter Lely; Charles I. by Vandyck; Charles II. by Wissing; the late Duke of York and her present Majesty. In the presence-chamber is a groupe of the Princess Dowager of Wales and her family. Among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum (N° 7025–18) is a catalogue of the pictures in Kensington palace, drawn up in 1697. There were a few portraits, of which none now remain but those of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. by Holbein, and one of Henry Prince of Wales. Among those which have been removed were Forbenius (Erasmus's printer), by Holbein; Robert Cheesman, with a hawk in his hand, by the the same artist; Rubens, by himself; Mrs. Lemon, by Vandyck; Charles I. on horseback, and his children, by the same artist. These last-mentioned pictures are now at Buckingham-house.
  • 72. One by Tickell, published in his works; another published in 1722; and a third in the Pastoral Calendar 1763.
  • 73. Bowack's Antiquities of Middlesex, p. 16.
  • 74. Over this tablet are the arms of Rich, a single coat blazoned; and near it some other coats of Rich and Cope, without the colours. See p. 176.
  • 75. Arms—Three moors' heads couped, sidefaced, impaling Six escallops, 3, 2, 1. for Methwold. Mr. Mico married Joanna, daughter of William Methwold, Esq.
  • 76. Arms—Az. on a chevron between three leopards' faces Or, as many tresoils.
  • 77. Arms—Sable, a saltier Argent, impaling Arg. two chevrons Sable.—Ash. Mr. Ducket married Martha, daughter of Samuel Ash, Esq.
  • 78. Arms—Argent a chevron ermines, between three cocks Sable, impaling Lozengy Or and Az. on a chief Gules, a lion passant Or.—Kipping.
  • 79. Arms—Gules three lions rampant, Or.—Ross.
  • 80. Arms—Az. a chevron between three escallop-shells within a border engrailed Or, impaling Az. within an orle of fl. de lis Or, a lion rampant Argent.
  • 81. Arms—Arg. a lion rampant Sable, im paling Sable, three storks' or cranes' heads erased Argent.—Williams. Col. Mompesson married a daughter of Rear-Admiral Williams.
  • 82. Arms—Per sesse Arg. and Sab. a cross patonce between four mullets counterchanged, impaling Erm. on a bend engrailed Gules, three escallop-shells Argent.—Gumley.
  • 83. Arms—Arg. a bear rampant Sable.
  • 84. Barnard's monument was put up by John Barnard, who married Isabella, daughter of Alexander Robertson, Esq.
  • 85. Dr. Goodall published a History of the College of Physicians, in 4 to, anno 1684. On his tomb is the following inscription,—" Hic situs est Carolus Goodall, M.D. Collegii "M.D. Præses nuperrimus, Suttonensis hospitii Londonensis ipse medicus. Ob. Aug. vicesimo tertio, 1712."
  • 86. Arms—Quarterly 1 and 4. Az. a stag's head caboshed Or. 2 and 3. Gul. a boar's head erased Argent; on an escutcheon of pretence G. a chevron between three tresoils slipped Argent.
  • 87. Arms—Erm. a rose G. barbed Vert, impaling G. an eagle displayed with two heads between three fl. de lis Argent.—Godolphin.
  • 88. Arms—Quarterly 1 and 4. Gyronny of eight pieces Or and Sab. 2. Or a sesse checky Arg. and Az.—Stewart. 3. Arg. a ship sailing, with flag and pennants Sable.—Lordship of Lorn.
  • 89. Arms—Or, two bends Az.
  • 90. Arms—G. a chevron Arg. between two roses in chief Or, and a fl. de lis in base of the second, impaling Or, a greyhound current between two bars Sable.
  • 91. Arms—A talbot passant.
  • 92. Dugdale's Monast. Anglican, vol. i. p. 437.
  • 93. Ibid. p. 438.
  • 94. Regist. London. Stokesley, p. 114. a.
  • 95. See p. 173.
  • 96. Ibid.
  • 97. Title-deeds, obligingly communicated by Messrs. Hill and Meredith of Gray's Inn.
  • 98. Parliamentary Surveys, Lamb. MSS. Lib.
  • 99. Harl. MSS. N° 60.
  • 100. Parliamentary Surveys.
  • 101. Ant. Wood's Athen. Oxon. vol. ii. fasti.
  • 102. Athen. Oxon. vol. ii.
  • 103. Athen. Oxon. vol. ii.
  • 104. The number of males and females baptized in this period very nearly correspond, being 780 of the former, and 782 of the latter. In 1787–91, the number of burials were 1145–males 562, females 853.
  • 105. Godwin de Præsulibus.
  • 106. Ancestor of Lord Leigh of Stoneley.
  • 107. Daughter of Sir Anthony Cope, Bart. and sister of Sir Walter Cope.
  • 108. Daughter and one of the coheirs of Sir Walter Cope. She was the third wife and relict of Sir Thomas Fowler, Knt. of Islington.
  • 109. Collins's Peerage, edit. 1768, vol. vii. (article Lovel and Holland), whence the above account was collected.
  • 110. Collins says that Mary, daughter of Richard Perceval by his first wife, married—Dorr, Esq.
  • 111. Afterwards Lord Baltimore. See p. 98.
  • 112. Near Knotting or Knotting Barns in this parish.
  • 113. Thomson, perhaps, or Thompson.
  • 114. Afterwards Henry Earl of Cumberland. He died without issue male in 1643, when the title became extinct.
  • 115. Then attorney general; he appears to have frequently changed the place of his residence. See Hackney and Highgate. As Sir Henry's youngest son, born in 1619, was named Henry, this child, it is to be presumed, died in his infancy.
  • 116. Daughter of Sir Walter Cope.
  • 117. He married, and had issue. His grandson Edward was the last Earl of Warwick of this family. The Hon. Cope Rich was buried at Kensington, Aug. 7, 1676.
  • 118. See an account of him, p. 176, 177.
  • 119. Daughter of Sir Arthur Ingram.
  • 120. This entry must have been made several years after his birth, as it contains a singular anachronism. Robert Rich was not Earl of Holland till after his father's death in 1649. Collins says (edit. 1741) that Henry Rich married Christian, daughter of Andrew Ricard, alderman of London; and relict of Sir John Goyre. It appears by the Kensington register, that Henry Lord Kensington was married on the 14th of February 1659 to Mrs. Christian Geare, and that he was buried on the 22d of April following. His widow married to her third husband John Lord Berkley of Stratton.
  • 121. Anne, daughter of Edward Earl of Manchester.
  • 122. Only surviving son of Robert the preceding earl.
  • 123. Daughter of Sir Thomas Middelton of Chirk-castle; and married, after the Earl of Warwick's death, to Joseph Addison, Esq.
  • 124. A mistake for Edward Henry. He was gentleman of the privy chamber to George I.
  • 125. Grandson of Cope Rich, who was fourth son of Henry the first Earl of Holland.
  • 126. Daughter of Samuel Stanton, Esq. of Lynn Regis.
  • 127. Afterwards Countess of Desmond. See p. 23.
  • 128. Berkley's.
  • 129. Afterwards married to Philip Stanhope Earl of Chesterfield.
  • 130. Author of several commentaries on the New Testament, &.
  • 131. Afterwards Sir Lawrence Hyde, serjeant at law.
  • 132. The second baronet of that name.
  • 133. The poet and dramatic writer, afterwards Earl of Stirling.
  • 134. Daughter and one of the coheirs of Sir Michael Stanhope.
  • 135. Ancestor of the present Marquis Townshend. He died in 1603; and therefore could not be the same person mentioned in p. 198.
  • 136. Created a baronet in 1621.
  • 137. Created a baronet in 1626; the title is extinct.
  • 138. Afterwards Sir John Peyton, Bart.
  • 139. Bellingham.
  • 140. The second baronet of that family. Sir Richard Temple, father of Richard Viscount Cobham, was the only issue of this marriage.
  • 141. He succeeded Sir John Slingsby; who was created a baronet in 1628, and died in 1630 without issue.
  • 142. Kimber's Baronetage, edit. 1771.
  • 143. Sir Thomas Monson, Bart. ancestor of Lord Monson.
  • 144. Sir John Hele was created a baronet in 1627; the title is extinct.
  • 145. See p. 189.
  • 146. Charles Lord Stanhope, the second of that title. He died without issue in 1675. Collins says he married Dorothy, sister of Edward Barret, Lord Newburgh. She was widow, perhaps, of one of the Gorge family.
  • 147. Afterwards Viscount Hereford.
  • 148. Daughter and heir of Sir William Withe pole.
  • 149. She married William Lord Alington.
  • 150. The second viscount of the Noel family, being son of Edward Lord Campden, who married Julian, daughter and coheir of Sir Baptist Hickes, created Viscount Campden.
  • 151. Third wife of Lord Campden, and daughter of Thomas Lord Wotton.
  • 152. He died in his infancy.
  • 153. Lord Campden's fourth wife, daughter of Mountagu Bertie, Earl of Lindsey.
  • 154. She married John Earl of Rutland.
  • 155. Ancestor of the present Earl of Gainsborough.
  • 156. He died at the age of eighteen.
  • 157. She married Charles Dormer, Earl of Carnarvon.
  • 158. Daughter and sole heir of Edward Wray, Esq.
  • 159. Daughter of Edward Noel, afterwards Earl of Gainsborough.
  • 160. The second baronet of that name.
  • 161. Noble does not mention him amongst Cromwell's peers.
  • 162. Noble's Memoirs of the Cromwells, Vol. i. p. 369.
  • 163. Mr. Martin Lister was buried Aug. 19, 1660; Hugh Lister, Gent. Dec. 31, 1684.
  • 164. Near Earl's Court, now Mrs. Boulton's.
  • 165. Noble's Memoirs of the Cromwells, vol. i.
  • 166. See a letter in the Gentleman's Magazine for October 1784, dated from Berlin. Leibnitz is quoted as the authority; who says the work in question was written by the Countess of Connaway, sister of Sir Heneage Finch. The conjecture, started in a note upon this letter in the Gentleman's Magazine, that Catherine, daughter of Giles Hueriblock, and second wife of Edward Earl of Conway, was mistaken by Leibnitz for Ann Countess of Conway, is erroneous. Catherine's husband was only Viscount Conway. She died in 1639. See vol. ii. p. 5.
  • 167. Daughter of Mr. William Harvey.
  • 168. Royal and Noble Authors.
  • 169. Afterwards Sir Samuel Grimston, being the third baronet of that family. He had only one daughter by this marriage; and, dying without male issue, the title became extinct. The present Lord Grimston is desceneded from his nephew and adopted heir Sir William Luckyn, who assumed the name of Grimston.
  • 170. She married William Marquis of Halifax, whose first wife was Elizabeth Grimston above-mentioned.
  • 171. He died in his infancy.
  • 172. She married Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart.
  • 173. See vol. ii. p. 98.
  • 174. Afterwards Sir Clifford Ciiston, Bart.
  • 175. Daughter of Sir Heneage Finch.
  • 176. Noble's Memoirs of the Cromwells, vol. i. p. 441.
  • 177. Mons. Burdeaux, who made his public entry in 1654.
  • 178. See more of him in the parish of Teddington.
  • 179. Kimber says that Sir Thomas Strickland's only daughter, whose name he does not mention, married John Smith, Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons.
  • 180. K. B. son of John Lord Belasyse of Worlaby, so created in 1645.
  • 181. Created a baronet in 1619. Lady Belasyse was created Baroness Belasyse of Osgodby, anno 26 Car. II. being then the relict of Sir Henry. She resided at Kensington many years.
  • 182. He died unmarried.
  • 183. Sir Robert Southwell of King's Weston in Gloucestershire, clerk of the Council to Charles II. He was ambassador to Portugal in 1667. His memoirs were published in 1740.
  • 184. Seth Ward.
  • 185. Afterwards Earl of Plymouth.
  • 186. Daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Widdrington, Knt.
  • 187. See vol. i. p. 322, 323. and vol. ii. p. 414.
  • 188. Afterwards the sixth Earl of Exeter.
  • 189. Daughter of William Earl of Devonshire. She is celebrated in one of Prior's poems.
  • 190. Charles Lord Cranbourne, who died anno 1659, left a daughter of that name.
  • 191. Daughter of Thomas Earl of Thanet.
  • 192. She died of the small-pox.
  • 193. The pamphlets published in Boyle's name during this controversy appear, by Atterbury's Letters, to have been written by that learned prelate.
  • 194. Second son of Edward Earl of Sandwich.
  • 195. Daughter of Alexander Viscount Kingstone.
  • 196. Afterwards the sixth Lord Howard of Essingham. He died in 1725, without male issue.
  • 197. Daughter of Sir Thomas Pelham.
  • 198. He succeeded his brother as Lord Howard, and was created Earl of Essingham.
  • 199. He succeeded his father as Lord Fermanagh, and was created Earl Verney in 1742.
  • 200. Created Viscount Fermanagh in 1703.
  • 201. Created a baronet in 1662. The title is extinct.
  • 202. Father of the first Earl of Portsmouth, and great-grandfather of the present Earl.
  • 203. Daughter and coheir of William Borlase, second son of Sir John Borlase, Bart.
  • 204. Daughter of Sir Stephen Anderson, Bart.
  • 205. See vol. ii. p. 210, 211.
  • 206. See p. 188.
  • 207. Ibid.
  • 208. Collins's Peerage.
  • 209. Marginal note in the Parish Register.
  • 210. Kimber mentions Hildebrand as the only son. John, I suppose, died in his infancy.
  • 211. Sir Robert Jason was created a baronet in 1661. The title is extinct.
  • 212. Father of the present Lord Rivers, created a peer in 1776.
  • 213. Daughter of Thomas Pile, Esq.
  • 214. Ancestor of the present Lord Sherbourn.
  • 215. Daughter of Edward Boscawen, Esq.
  • 216. See vol. ii. p. 415, 416.
  • 217. She married Richard Bulstrode, Esq. of Hounslow.
  • 218. Daughter of Sir Philip, and maid of honour to Queen Caroline.
  • 219. Daughter of Edward Montagu, Esq. second son of Edward the first Earl of Sandwich.
  • 220. See his epitaph, p. 186.
  • 221. Daughter of Robert Kipping, Esq.
  • 222. Notes on the Tatler, new edit. vol. vi.
  • 223. Daughter of Sir Richard Hawksworth, and relict of William Lister, Esq.
  • 224. Father of the late Lord Ravensworth.
  • 225. Sir William Chator was created a baronet in 1671. The title is extinct.
  • 226. Wife of a Yorkshire baronet. The title became extinct in 1740 by the death of Sir William Marwood.
  • 227. The poet.
  • 228. Sir Henry Ingoldsby was created a baronet in 1661. The title is extinct.
  • 229. Created a baronet of Scotland by Queen Anne in 1707.
  • 230. He was envoy to Naples, and one of the first who noticed the discoveries at Herculaneum. See Phil. Trans. vol. xlviii. anno 1754.
  • 231. Sir George Gray was an amateur in architecture, and designed Lord Spencer's house in the Green-park.
  • 232. Relict of Sir James Gray the elder; she was upwards of 97 years of age. Annual Register.
  • 233. See an account of Lord Camden in the European Magazine for July 1794.
  • 234. He was in the army, and died unmarried.
  • 235. She married Thomas Lord Dacre.
  • 236. Sir John Hynde Cotton, father of the present baronet.
  • 237. Afterwards Sir Edward; he died unmarried in 1749.
  • 238. Daughter of—Stanton, Esq.
  • 239. Third son of James Earl of Abingdon.
  • 240. Daughter and coheir of Peregrine Bertie, second son of Mountagu Earl of Lindsey.
  • 241. He succeeded his father in the title, and was father of the present Earl.
  • 242. Daughter of John Stringer, Esq.
  • 243. Father of the present Lord Byron.
  • 244. Daughter of William Lord Berkley of Stratton.
  • 245. Son of John Earl of Sutherland. He left issue a son (William), who succeeded his grandfather.
  • 246. An only daughter, who died unmarried.
  • 247. Sir Philip Boteler, Bart.
  • 248. Daughter of Thomas Williams, Esq.
  • 249. Daughter of—Whitfield, Esq. and wife of Archibald Earl of Islay, afterwards Duke of Argyle.
  • 250. The late baronet.
  • 251. Daughter of Brigadier General Waring.
  • 252. Son of Robert the first Marquis of Lothian.
  • 253. Brother to Lord John, a general of foot, and governor of Edinburgh Castle. He died unmarried.
  • 254. Relict of the preceding lord, and daughter of Lieut. Gen. Tatton.
  • 255. Widow of George Lord Willoughby de Broke, and daughter of Sir John Heath, Knt.
  • 256. The present Marquis of Clanrickard.
  • 257. Daughter of Sir Henry Vincent, Bart.
  • 258. She died in 1756.
  • 259. Daughter of Philip Earl of Chesterfield, and wife of Sir Charles Hotham, Bart.
  • 260. An insant daughter of Sir Walter Calverly Blacket.
  • 261. Daughter of James Marquis of Kildare, by Lady Emilia Lenox.
  • 262. Father of Sir John Legard.
  • 263. Daughter of George Cartwright, Esq. of Nottinghamshire.
  • 264. She died young.
  • 265. The present Countess of Cardigan.
  • 266. Afterwards Earl of Waldegrave.
  • 267. Daughter of John Earl Gower.
  • 268. Daughter of—Sells, Esq. and widow of Sir Francis Clavering, Bart.
  • 269. Now Sir T. C. Bunbury, Bart.
  • 270. Daughter of the late, and sister of the present Duke of Richmond.
  • 271. Daughter of William Earl of Harrington. Fortrose is the second title of the Earl of Seaforth. These titles were forfeited in 1715 by the then Earl; but his grandson Kenneth Mackenzie was created Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Fortrose in Ireland. The titles are now extinct.
  • 272. Father of the present baronet Sir Thomas Rivers.
  • 273. Daughter of William Cox, Esq. and sister of the Rev. William Cox, well known in the literary world.
  • 274. Son of the present Earl of Dunmore; he died at ten years of age.
  • 275. Brother of the Earl of Dunmore.
  • 276. The well—known magistrate.
  • 277. Lady Fielding died in October 1794.
  • 278. The present Earl of Uxbridge.
  • 279. Daughter of Dr. Champigne, dean of Clonmacnoise in Ireland.
  • 280. An Irish title, created in 1678. The present baronet is Sir R. Reynell, a commissioner of the Salt-office.
  • 281. Relict of Charles Earl of Tankerville who died in 1753, and daughter of Edward Colville, Esq. of the county of Durham.
  • 282. Daughter of the late Marquis of Hertford.
  • 283. General Harcourt, brother of the present Earl.
  • 284. Daughter of—Danby, Esq.
  • 285. Then residing at Holland—house.
  • 286. Daughter of Sir Francis Vincent, Bart.
  • 287. Privy—purse to the Princess Dowager.
  • 288. Son of John Viscount Galway.
  • 289. Relict of Arthur the second Viscount Doneraille who died in 1734, and daughter of Capt. John Cunningham.
  • 290. Relict of William Earl of Harrington who died in 1779, and daughter of Charles Duke of Graston.
  • 291. Wife of the Hon. Robert Walpole, brother of the present Lord Walpole, and daughter of—Grossett, Esq.
  • 292. Qu. Daughter of Sir John Astley, and wife of Sir Francis Vincent, Bart.
  • 293. The present Sir Edw. Knatchbull, Bart.
  • 294. Abelaird to Eloisa; the Progress of Poetry; Verses on the Death of Hughes, &. &.
  • 295. Daughter of the Earl of Errol.
  • 296. Lord Mountstuart unfortunately lost his life by a fall from his horse a few months before the birth of his son.
  • 297. Daughter and sole heir of Lord Dumfries.
  • 298. Baptisms of a child or children of David Throipland and Lady Sarah; Charles James Otway, Esq. and Lady Bridget (daughter of Basil Earl of Denbigh); William Strode, Esq. and Lady Anne (daughter of James Earl of Salisbury); Lord Charles Spencer, and Mary (daughter of Lord Vere); Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart. (of the kingdom of Ireland), and Deborah Caroline.
  • 299. He is called in the obituary of the Gentleman's Magazine, Baron Du Quade; his age is there said to have been 98. He was of Dutch extraction, but a native of Albany in North America, where he possessed large tracts of lands.
  • 300. Gent. Mag.
  • 301. The principal subscribers were, Lord Chief Justice Parker, 201. Lady Bellasyse, 301. Sir James Gray, 101. Sir Hele Hooke, 101. Thomas Colby, Esq. (father and son), 211. 10s. Richard Taylor, Esq. 101. Mr. Peter Lavigne, 101. George London, Esq. 101. Henry Wife, Esq. 101. The parish gave 1001.
  • 302. The following is a list of all benefactions to the amount of 501. or upwards, with their respective dates: 1715, Mr. Robertson, 1001. 1716, Richard Taylor, Esq. 1001. 1724, Mrs. Taylor, 1001. 1741, Mr. Desarote, 2001. 1752, Anthony Crachered, Esq. 501. 1752, Mrs. Rudge, 1001. 1753, Thomas Rycrost, Esq. 100l. 1754, Mrs. Alford, 100l. 1763, Mrs. Eleanor Vernon, 501. 1763, Dr. Wilcox, 501. 1764, Mrs. Sherrard, 1001. 1771 Mr. Henry Hewitt, 501. 1774 Peter Leheup, Esq. 1001. 1775 Mrs. Horseley, 501.
  • 303. The particulars relating to the school were obligingly communicated by William Blamire, Esq. the treasurer.
  • 304. From the information of Stephen Aisley, Esq.
  • 305. Of 60 years of age, being widows or maids.
  • 306. See p. 181.
  • 307. Report of the Kensington Committee, 1777.
  • 308. Now Marquis.