Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.
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'Folios clxxi - clxxxi: Aug 1416 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].
'Folios clxxi - clxxxi: Aug 1416 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,
"Folios clxxi - clxxxi: Aug 1416 - ". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.
In this section
Folio clxxi.
Supersedeas br'is predicti.
Writ of supersedeas touching the above, the Mayor having satisfactorily explained his conduct. Witness the King at Canterbury, 26 Aug., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Folio clxxi b.
Writ to the Justices notifying that proceedings against the Mayor had been stayed. Witness the King at Canterbury, 24 Aug., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Br'e pro Joh'e Russell.
Another writ to the Justices to similar effect, and bidding them refer the above John Russell to the King and his Council if he wished to proceed further with the matter Witness the King at Canterbury, 26 Aug., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Folio clxxii.
Retraccio et recessus Will'i Bolecley apprenticii nuper Rob'ti Arnold.
4 July, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], came Robert Arnold before the Mayor and Aldermen and publicly repudiated anything that might be done in his name by William, son of John Bolecley of "Delbury," (fn. 1) co. Salop, his runaway apprentice. (fn. 2)
Exoneracio Thome Wode seathe civis et Couper London'.
17 Aug., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], Thomas Wodeseathe of Camerwell, co. Surrey, "coupere," discharged by Nicholas Wottone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Ordinacio mistere de Strengers.
2 Aug., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], petition by good men of the Mistery of "Strengers" (fn. 3) to the Mayor and Aldermen that they may elect Wardens, and have power of search, &c. Their petition granted. (fn. 4)
Folio clxxii b.
Exon'acio Johannis filii Siwardi le Blake Coci.
2 Oct., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], John, son of Siward le Blake cook (Black cook ?), citizen and "pyebaker," discharged by Nicholas Wottone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Exon'acio Joh'is Westone civis et Irmonger London'.
12 Oct., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], John Westone, "irmonger," similarly discharged for like cause.
Exoneracio Nich'i Losey civis et allutar' London'.
14 Oct., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], Nicholas Losey, cordwainer, similarly discharged for like cause.
Br'e pro parliamento apud Westm' a° Henr' quinti quarto et returnum sup' eodem.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster on the 19th October next. No Sheriff to be returned Witness the King at Sandwich, 3 Sept., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Pursuant to the above, there were elected Richard Whityngtone and Thomas Knolles, Aldermen; John Perneys and Robert Whityngham, Commoners.
Folio clxxiii.
Ordinacio zonar' irrotulat' in parliament' miss' huc sub magno sigillo Reg' etc.
Letters patent confirming ordinances of the Mistery of Girdlers originally granted by Edward III. in 1327, and recently confirmed in the Parliament of 1415. (fn. 5) Witness the King at Westminster, 29 June, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Folio clxxiii b.
Writ to the Sheriffs to cause the above letters patent to be publicly proclaimed. Witness Thomas, Duke of Clarence, Warden of England, (fn. 6) at Westminster, 5 Oct., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Letter of attorney by Nicholas Wottone, the Mayor, to John Mychell, John Reinwell, William Mychell, John Perneys, John Coventre, and Nicholas James, to receive the subsidy on wool in the Port of London granted by the King as security for the repayment of a City loan of 10,000 marks [ends abruptly.]
Folio clxxiv.
L're Impera toris de dominio concesso.
Letters of the Emperor Sigismund restoring John de Montemagno to his estates. Dated at Westminster, near the City of London, 5 June, A D 1416.
Folio clxxiv-clxxiv b.
L're de officio tabellionatus per Impera torem concess' Joh'i Chesham.
Letters of the same appointing John Chesham, citizen of London, to be a notary public and tabellion throughout the Roman Empire. (fn. 7) Dated at Eltham, in the diocese of London, in the realm of England, 8 Aug., A.D. 1416.
Folio clxxv-clxxvi.
Statute passed in the Parliament held at Westminster the 16th March, 3 Henry V. [A.D. 1415-16.] (fn. 8)
Folio clxxvi.
Thursday, 24 Sept., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], an ordinance made by Nicholas Wottone, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, forbidding those who were likely to be nominated for the office of Mayor or Sheriff to conspire, with noisy clamour of their partisans, to obtain their discharge from serving, and so prevent a free election, under penalty of imprisonment and a fine, &c.
Folio clxxvi b.
Consuetudo de hust' non tenend' post festum Sancti Both'i adnul latur etc.
At the same Common Council it was ordained that the Husting should be held thenceforth on the Feast of St. Botolph [17 June], now that St. Botolph's Fair (on account on which the Husting was formerly adjourned) had ceased for many years past to be held at Boston on that day. (fn. 10)
Folio clxxvii.
Proclamacio q'd quisquis voluerit appro pinquet versus "Hareflieu."
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all knights, esquires, and valets desirous of crossing over to Normandy to go to the King's uncle, Henry [Beaufort], Bishop of Winchester, Chancellor and Treasurer, and receive their wages, and further, for all merchants, victuallers, and artificers who were willing to reside in the town of "Harefleu" (fn. 11) to go there with all speed with their goods and harness (hernesiis suis), and the Captain of the town (fn. 12) would provide them with houses, and when settled there the King would grant them a charter of liberties Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, at Westminster, 5 Oct., 3 Henry V. [A.D. 1415.]
Proclamac' q'd nullus accedat ad partes insulares Dacie et Norwegie per unum annum etc.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation forbidding the King's subjects for one year to visit the islands belonging to the realms of Denmark and Norway, and more especially the island of "Island," (fn. 13) for fishing or other purpose to the prejudice of the King of those realms, (fn. 14) otherwise than they have been accustomed to do Witness the King at Westminster, 28 Nov., 3 Henry V. [A.D. 1415.] (fn. 15)
Proclamac' q'd universi milites et armigeri se trahant etc. cum omni festinac' versus personam regiam.
Writ to the Sheriffs notifying an approaching visit to be paid to England by Sigismund, King of the Romans, and bidding them make proclamation for all knights and esquires to meet King Henry on the 16th April at the latest. Witness the King at Westminster, 7 April, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.] (fn. 16)
Proclam' q'd null' eat armat' infra civitatem nisi etc.
Another writ to the same to the effect that whereas the King of the Romans was now approaching the City with a noble retinue, and it was King Henry's wish that his lords and other of his lieges from divers parts of the realm should come and reside in London during the Emperor's stay, the Sheriffs should make public proclamation restricting the carrying of swords or other weapons in the City to knights and esquires under penalty of forfeiture. Witness the King at Westminster, 6 May, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416.]
Folio clxxvii b.
Proclama cioun faite pur la peas et bone reule de la Citee.
Proclamation for safeguarding the City and preservation of the peace, also forbidding the enhancement of victuals, &c. [No date.]
Folio clxxviii.
Proclam' pur attendaunce faire entour le Roy.
Proclamation for lords, knights, and esquires to attend the King at Lambhithe on horseback on the morrow between 8 and 9 in the morning. (fn. 17) [No date.]
Proclamation forbidding the practice of "hokkyng" on Monday and Tuesday, known as "les Hokkedayes," under penalty of imprisonment and fine.
A crye made for comune passage toward Hareflieu.
Proclamation inviting merchants and others to speed to the lord the King, "beyng atte Harflewe," with all manner of victual clothing, armour, and artillery, and to be ready "between this and to-day sevenyght," and in the meanwhile to go to the Mayor, who would assign them shipping and passage. (fn. 18) [No date.]
Proclamac'on pur non departir hors lattendaunce du Roy.
Proclamation to be made forbidding any lord, knight, or esquire to cease his attendance upon the King before the close of the solemn Feast of St. George [23 April] (fn. 19) or afterwards without special permission. [No date.]
Proclamac' qe les mefs etc. se trahent devers Gravesende.
Proclamation to be made for all ships about to sail on the coming expedition (fn. 20) to assemble at Gravesende with the view of setting sail on Wednesday next if the wind permits. [No date.]
Proclamac' purprest parail affair pur passage des ditz niefs.
Proclamation to be made for all captains and leaders of men who have vessels assigned to them in the Port of London for sailing with the lord the King to make all possible haste to victual the said ships, as they ought, please God, to leave for Suthampton on Friday next. Also for all purveyors assigned for the purpose of victualling the King's ships to do so with all speed, in order that they may be ready by the same day. Also for all captains and leaders of men for the present expedition who are in London to attend the King's Council on the Tuesday afterwards named (apres nomee) [30 June ?] at the Preaching Friars at 3 o'clock to receive instructions. [No date.]
Folio clxxviii b.
Proclamation for seamen and soldiers to be on board their ships that night ready to sail for Southampton, under penalty of imprisonment. (fn. 21) [No date.]
Proclam' q'd o'es qui cap' feod' de R' etc. festinent usq' Sutht'.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all knights, esquires, and valets in the King's pay to assemble at Southampton on the 20th June, (fn. 22) arrayed and furnished with victuals for a quarter of a year. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 May, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416].
Proclam' q'd o'es qui ven' per brevia sint coram consilio R' apud Westm'.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all the King's lieges who, by virtue of former writs, (fn. 23) had come to the City, to remain there and not depart, but attend the King's Council at Westminster on Monday next [6 May], and await its answer on a matter which the King had laid before it. Witness the King at Westminster, 3 May, 3 Henry V. [A.D. 1415]. (fn. 24)
Folio clxxix.
Proclamacio per breve.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all those aggrieved by infringement of provisions concluded between the King's ambassadors and the commissioners of John, Duke of Burgundy, and Count of Flanders, to lay their grievances before the commissioners and ambassadors of the several parties, who were about to meet at Calais on the 1st day of August next, (fn. 25) in order that justice might be done. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 May, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416].
Proclamacio de treugis.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation that the truce entered into between the King's late father and John, Duke of Burgundy, Count of Flanders, had been prolonged for two years. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 May, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416]. (fn. 26)
Proclamacio q'd ho'ies ar mati et sagit tarii se fes tinent versus Plymmouth.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all men-at-arms and archers who were to set out in the King's service under John Typtoft, Steward of Aquitaine, (fn. 27) to hasten to Plymmouth by Monday the Feast of St. John Bapt. [24 June] at the latest Witness the King at Westminster, 10 June, 3 Henry V. [A.D. 1415].
Folio clxxix b.
Br'e d'ni Regis direct' Vic' London' q'd singuli ligei sui se arraient versus Joh'em ducem Bedford etc.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all capable men of the City and suburbs to array themselves and proceed to join the Duke of Bedford in defending the realm against attack by the Scots and others. Witness the King at Southamptone, 2 Aug., 3 Henry V. [A.D. 1415]. (fn. 28)
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation of the truce between England and Castile having been prolonged for one year from the Feast of Purification [2 Feb.]. Witness the King at Westminster, 24 Feb., 2 Henry V. [A.D. 1414-15]. (fn. 29)
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation of a truce having been concluded between the King of England and his allies on the one part, and [Sigismund] King of the Romans and his allies on the other, to continue from the Feast of St. Dionisius [9 Oct.] last past until the Feast of the Purification B. Mary [2 Feb.] next ensuing. (fn. 30) Witness Thomas, Duke of Clarence, Warden of England at Westminster, 13 Oct., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416]. (fn. 31)
Folio clxxx.
Proclamac'on made that all manere of men of what degree that þei ben of to be redy wt þe Kynge atte Dover.
A proclamation for all men bound for service to apparel themselves and meet the King at Dover on Sunday next, and join the expedition he was about to make, under penalty. (fn. 32) [No date.]
Br'e d'ni Regis q'd universi ligei sui properent ver sus Thomam duc' Clarencie in defensionem regni sui Anglie.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all able-bodied men of the City and suburbs to array themselves and assist Thomas, Duke of Clarence, the King's Warden, in the defence of the realm. Witness the said Warden at Westminster, 10 Sept., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416].
Br'e d'ni Reg' direct' q'd omnes ligei sui milites armi geri et alii qui sunt de retin encia sua sint in propriis personis suis apud Dover'.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all knights and esquires of the King's retinue, and all others who were lately charged to cross the sea with the King, to be at Dover by the 19th August at the latest, duly arrayed both as to arms and equipment, (fn. 33) in order to proceed to the town of Calais, where a convention was to be held between the King and certain of his enemies. Witness the King at Westminster, 7 Aug., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416].
Letters patent appointing Nicholas Wottone, the Mayor, Robert Hylle, John Cokayn, William Cheyne, John Bartone, senior, and John Martyn, or any five, four, three, or two (the Mayor being one), to be commissioners to try cases of treason, rebellion, &c., arising in the City. Witness the King at Calais, 16 Sept., 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416].
Folio clxxx b-clxxxi b.
Judicium et indictamen tum diversor' proditor'.
Inquisition thereupon taken at Neugate on Monday before the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.] before the aforesaid Justices, by oath of Robert Queldryk, (fn. 34) John Godeman, John Bekke, John Bealamy, Gilbert Page, Thomas Nortone, John Trumme, John Hurlok, William Walsale, Geoffrey Banham, John Lecche, Richard Stanes, John Trumpyngtone, and Richard Hatfeld, who find that Benedict Wolman of London, hosteler, late under-marshal of the Marshalsea of the King's Household, and John Bekeryng of Bekeryng, (fn. 35) co. Lincoln, gentleman, did, on the 18th April, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], in the parish of St. Dunstan West in Fletestrete, in the Ward of Farndone, conspire to bring Thomas Warde, otherwise called Trumpyngtone, whom they declared to be the late King Richard II., from Scotland into England, with the view of placing him on the throne, and did petition the Emperor Sigismund to assist them in the undertaking; but the said Emperor had made known their design to King Henry, &c.
The said jurors further find that William Cratfeld, late rector of the church of Wortham, co. Norf., and Thomas Tepyrtone, late of London, "hosyer," did, on the 28th May, 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416], rob William Boton[er] of London, "goldsmyth," of a sum of money, and that they are notorious highway robbers and murderers.
The aforesaid Benedict and John Bekeryng, being arrested and brought before the Justices upon the aforesaid presentment, claimed a jury. Precept was accordingly issued to the Sheriffs to summon 24 good men to attend before the Justices at Neugate Gaol on the Feast of St. Michael next [29 Sept.]. A special day was given to John Bekeryng, namely, the morrow of St. Martin [11 Nov.], but before that day arrived he had died a natural death in prison.
On the aforesaid day of St. Michael came the said Benedict and likewise a jury, viz., John Fulthorpe, John Wrytelle, William Balle, John Haddone, Bartholomew Wynter, William Gynore, Robert Athelard, Richard Surby, John Blakey, Richard Walworth, John Wykes, and Richard Straugham, who find the prisoner guilty. He is thereupon adjudged to be hanged at Tyburne, and his head to be set up on London Bridge called "le Drawebrigge."
A further precept to the Sheriffs to take the aforesaid William Cratfeld and Thomas Tepyrtone if found within their bailiwick. They disappear, however, and after being called at five separate Hustings are outlawed according to custom. (fn. 36)
Folio clxxxi b.
Pleas of the Crown held at the aforesaid gaol before Nicholas Wottone, John Cokayn, William Cheyne, and John Bartone, senior, Justices assigned by the lord the King, on Monday after the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 4 Henry V. [A.D. 1416]:—
Indictamentum et judicium Will'i Parchemyner pro Joh'e Olde castelle etc.
Inquisition taken by the oath of Robert Queldryk and other jurors aforesaid, who find that on the 19th October, 1 Henry V. [A.D. 1413], William Parchemyner, otherwise called William Fyssher of London, "parchemyner," together with others whose names are unknown, did break into the Tower and carry off John Oldecastell to his own dwelling house, and there harbour him until Wednesday after the Feast of Epiphany [6 Jan.] next ensuing; that thence they proceeded to a certain great field in the parish of St. Giles without the Bar of the Old Temple to carry out their nefarious design against the King. (fn. 37)
Upon this presentment the said William Parchemyner was arrested and brought before the aforesaid Justices He declared himself not guilty and claimed a jury Thereupon precept was issued to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of twentyfour to appear on Thursday [sic] the 7th [Oct.]. (fn. 38) On that day a jury, viz., Richard Straugham, Richard Rowdone, Simon Mayhewe, Richard Walworth, John Shirlok, John Westyerd, John Parker, John Russell, Peter Torarld, Robert Halle, Robert Athelard, and John Fulthorne, find the said William to be guilty of the treason aforesaid. He was therefore adjudged to be hanged at Tybourn, &c. (fn. 39)