Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.
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'Folios ccxci b - ccxciv: Miscellaneous material', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].
'Folios ccxci b - ccxciv: Miscellaneous material', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,
"Folios ccxci b - ccxciv: Miscellaneous material". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.
In this section
Folio ccxci b.
Pastelers: Robert Marcheford, John Powlyn, Walter Maungeard, William Bircheham, sworn 19 Nov., 9 Henry V. [A.D. 1421].
Wexchaundelers: Henry Gowe, William Burtone, sworn 7 Nov, the same year.
Whitawyers: John Bedwell, John Sunman, sworn 15 Nov., the same year.
English Weavers: Geoffrey Cook, John Feswik, sworn 21 Nov., the same year.
Foreign Weavers: Henry Anelesgippe, Segre van Gaile, sworn the same day.
Brewers: Robert Smyth, William Crane, Hugh Neel, John Philippe, sworn 20 Nov, the same year.
Sercheours: (fn. 1) William Ferrour, John Salter, Peter Carpenter, William Petevile, sworn the same day.
Pynners: John Hille, John Berwer, William Brembyll, sworn 21 Nov., the same year.
Pouchemakers: William Pepir, John Frensshe, William More, Richard Bruer, sworn 27 Nov., the same year.
Coupers: John Fryth, Thomas Alfrend, sworn 24 June, 10 Henry V. [A.D. 1422].
Lethersellers: John Rowold, Henry Newman, sworn the same day.
Scriveners: John Spark, John Bydeford, sworn 13 Aug., the same year.
Barbours: John Brantone, William Shiplake, William Bacon, sworn 10 Sept., the same year. (fn. 2)
Folio ccxcii.
"These ben ordinaunces and statutes of Catours and purveours made by diversys Kynges reherset in parlement holden the secunde yeer of the reigne of Kyng Henry Sixte (fn. 3) oure sovereyn lord that nowe is and by his maundement proclamed and comaunded to be kept.
"For als moche as it is conteyned among other in statute made in parlement sir Edward sumtyme Kyng of Ynglond holden the fourthe yeer of his regne [A.D. 1330] (fn. 4) that for the puple was moche greved that corne, hey, bestes and other kyndes of vitales of smale folk of the puple were take as well by takers and purveyours of the kynges hous as by other wherof no payement was made And of that also that takers and purveours of cornes for the houses of the Kyng the Quene and of her children token cornes at lesse valu than thei were worth And al so token xxv quarters of corne for xx quarters for as mochell as ther mesured every busshell heped And al so that takers and purveours of hey and litere for the same housholdes maden afore this tyme here cast of hey and litere at here will and assessed every cast at a halfpeny were it was worth two or thre pens. And also assesseden cartfull of hey and litere at lesse price than they were worth. It is acorded q'd [sic] none more ne lesse of what estate or condicioun that he be outake (fn. 5) takers and purveiours of cornes of the houses of Kyng Quene hys wyf and of her children take corne, hey, litere, bestes ne vitailes or other godes or catels of any man, ne make cariage ageyn the will of hem whoos godes or cariage they ben. And that takers or purveiours of cornes for the forseid twey howseholdes take hem by mesure striken (fn. 6) as it is used bi alle the Reume. And that alle cornes, hey, litere, bestes and alle othere vitailes and thynges what ever they ben that schalle be take for the twey housholdes aforesaid fro this tyme forward be take by the Constables and other worthi men of tounes where suche takyng schall be made at the verrey valu without that the preysers be constreyned by threthyng or duresse to set ony other price that [sic] here othe axethe. (fn. 7) And that of all thinges that shuln be take for the same housholdes of Kyng Quene hys wyf and of her children paiement be made or the Kyng passe out of the yerd. (fn. 8)
"Also it is acorded and stablisshed in parliament of the same Kyng Edward holden the fifte yeer of hys regne [A.D. 1331] (fn. 9) that takynnges and purveiances for the forseid housholdes be done by price made bi the Constables and foure worthi men sworne of tounes wher suche takynges and purveiaunces schal be made and withoute thretyng as in the forseid statute (fn. 10) more fully is conteyned and that tayles (fn. 11) enseled with seles of takers of thinges so taken bithwix the purveiours and hem of whom the godes schal be taken. in presence of the Constables and appreisers by whiche tailles agrement be made to hem of whom thynges so schal be taken And if any taker or purveiour for the forseid housholdes do hit in ony other wise that he be arested anone bi the toune where the takyng schal be made and led to the next Gaole and [if] he be convict therof that hit be do of hem as of a thief if the quantite of the goodes axe hit. (fn. 12) And fro hens forward the forme and the peyne contyned in the same statute be conteyned in commissiouns of suche takers and purveiours whether ther be under the litell seale or greet sealle.
Folio ccxcii b.
"And also it was acorded and stablisshed among other in an other statute made in parlement of the same Kyng E holden the xj yeer of his regne [A.D. 1337] (fn. 13) that for grete grevaunces the kepers of the Kynges grete hors brought un to the pule (fn. 14) purveiances that were to be made for the Kynges grete hors howlong werevere thei abiden be bi the Shireves of the Shires where the forseid hors schul abide and by non other And that suche maner of commissiouns made to the kepers be of non valu and fully repeled and that purveiaunces that is to be made bi the forsaid Shireves in such case be delivered to the seid kepers by endenture. And al so it was acorded that certein folk be assigned to here and termyne all trespasses done bi the seid kepers as well at the Kynges sute as of the partye.
"Also it was acorded in an other Statute in parliament of the same Kyng E the xiiij yeer of hys regne [A.D. 1340] (fn. 15) that purveiaunces that schal be made for housholdes of Kyng and Quene where thei dwell or passe bi Countrey be done bi Warant and power delivered to hem that shuln mak purveaunces in whiche expressely be conteined that they nothing purvey ne bye but if it be by market made bitwix biers and sellers and by gode wyll of sellers. And if ony bi colour of his commissioun wolde take onything ageyn this stabilement no man be bounden to obeye to him more than if he shuld have no commissioun and that paiement be made to seller of that that is bought and purveied a fore the Kyng passe out of the yerd. And of grete purveiaunces that be to be made as myght be of flesshe, fisshe and other vitailes for the Kynges werres and for Castels and Tounes in Scotland Ingland and elles where merchauntes or worthi men of countre be set by the Tresarer to purveiaunce of vitailyng without commissioun and power of Kyng or of other to be so that the puple or ony of hem be not set to selle ony thyng a geyn her wille. And that no commissioun be made to the kepers of the Kynges hors bi the Kyng ne bi Shireve ne by none other to make purveiaunce for the Kynges hors but that the Shireve be charged only that he by himself or by his make purveiaunce of the issues of hys baillye And the noumbre of the hors for whom the purveaunces shal be made be conteyned in his maundement aforeseid And that no purveaunce be made over that numbre Savyng that the seyd kepere have one hakeney. And that he be war that the countrey be not charged of mo than of tho that kepen hors but for every hors. o. [i. e., one] page without wymmen pagettes or houndes to be lad with hem. (fn. 16) And if mo be dwellyng in charge of the cuntrey that thei be led to prisoun there forto dwell at the Kynges wille. And in the same manere it be commaunded to the Shireves that they make purveaunce for houndes of the issues of her baillye where thei abiden. And that suche manere purveaunce be don by non other but by the Shireve. And that the nombre of the houndes for whom such purveaunce shal be made be conteyned in his mandement over which noumbre no purveaunce be made so that they lyve of her certeyne without charge of the cuntrey. And if any fele him greved ageyn this establement have be recoveree a geyn the Shireve of suche grevaunce to hym done.
"And also ther is conteyned in another Statute made in the same parlement (fn. 17) q'd none on the Kynges byhalf ne by other by commissioun of the grete seale ne litel seal ne without comissioun take thyng of cornes, hey, beestes, cariages ne other godes of Archebisshopes, Bisshopes, Abbotes, Priours, Abesses, Prioresses, Persones, Vicares or other men of holichirche withinne her mansiouns maners Graunges or other places withinne fee of holichirche or without ageyn the will of hym whos the godes ben. And it is forbeden that no suche comissioun be made in ony wise under the grete seal or litle ne go not out to make any suche manere takyng, for the Kyng hath taken prelates and clergi biforseyd and her possessiouns godes and catailles in to the proteccioun of hym and of his heires. (fn. 18)
Folio ccxciii.
"Also it is conteyned among other in Statute in parlement of the seid sum tyme Kyng the xxv yeer of his regne [A.D. 1351-2] (fn. 19) that takers and purveours of cornes for the seid housholdes take hem by mesure striken after that it is used bi alle the reaume. (fn. 20) And that alle cornes, hey, litere, bestes and alle other vitailes and thinges what evere thei be to be take for the seid housholders be preiseid to the verrey valu bi constables and other worthi men of tounes where such takyng schal be made without that the appreysers be constreyned bi thretynges or duresse to put other prise than her othe axethe and in the next market comunely renneth. And that tailes anon be made in presens of constables and prisers bitwene the purveours and hem of whom the gode shal be take without that that [sic] the folk of whome the gode shal be take be drawen in to other place or vexed and that the same tailles be sealed with seles of the takers of thinges so taken by whiche tailes paiement be made to hem of whom thinges be so taken. And if any taker or purveour for the seid housholdes do otherwise that he be arested anon bi the toun where the takynge shal be made and led to the next Gaole. And if he be convict therof there be done of hym as of a theef if the quantite of the godes axe hit after that in an other Statute made in the fifte yeer of hys regne (fn. 21) and in an other Statute in the time of his Ayel (fn. 22) upon such manere takynges more fully is conteyned And that the entent and the peyne in this statute conteyned. be conteyned in commissiouns of suche takers and purveours. And that no commissioun be made but if it be seled only with the grete seale or pryvee sealle ne no man be hold to obeye to other commissioun ne in other wise than is seid to fore. And that this statute hold place in every article a geyns every taker or purveour of alle kyndes of vitailles in every part of the Remme of what condicioun he be. (fn. 23)
"Also in anoþer statute (fn. 24) made in the forseid parlement in the seid xxv yeer [A.D. 1351-2] for that that [sic] purveours and takers taken sheep of the puple of the Kynges price bitwix Ester and fest of Seynt John with wolle and do hem for to be preised at litell price and after sende hem to her owne houses and do hem to be shore to here owne profit in deseit of the Kyng and greet oppression of the puple it is acorded and graunted that no suche purveiours taker or catour take ony sheep a fore the sesoun of sherynge but als many as may suffice resonabli un to the tyme of sherynge And after that tyme that he take as many of shorne sheep and non other as may suffice resonably. And if any purveour or catour of the reume do the contrary and be convict therof at sute of the Kyng or of partie that there be of hym as of a theef or of a Tretour and the peyne conteyned in every commissioun of such purveours.
"Also in another statute in parlement of the seid sumtyme kyng the xxviii yeer of his regne [A.D. 1354] (fn. 25) for as moche as mene folk of the reume and many other have pleyned hem of grevaunces don to hem for as moche as purveours of Kyng, Quene, Prynce and of other have take godes of lyvyng (fn. 26) and here vitayles of hem and delivered hem tailles assyngnyg [sic] hem day and place to receyve her payement in foreyn and ferre places where thei have expended the valu of thynges so taken or double or they receyed her payement and ofte have fayled of all it is ordeyned and stabled that payement be made anon (fn. 27) upon such purveaunce made without tayle to be delivered or day or place therof in other place to be assigned of all purveaunces made or to be made to the Kynges use or other withinne the summe of xxs. and that of all purveaunces made of xxs. and a bove paiement be made withinne a quarter of a yeer next folowynge after purveaunces made at certeyn dayes and places after that the puple may most be quieted and lest vexed.
Folio ccxciii b.
"Also in an other statute in parlement of the seid sumtyme kyng the xxxvi yeer of his regne [A.D. 1362] is conteyned (fn. 28) that no man of his rewme have takynge but only Kyng and Quene his wyf and that full payment be made in hond for purveaunces made for Kynges hous and Quenes that ys to sey after price for whiche vitailes been sold comunely in marketes aboute and that that odyouse name purveour be chaunged and cald catour. And if any catour may not wel acorde with the seller of that that him nedeth than the takynges that shal be made for the seid housholdes be made by sight and prysynge of lordes or bailles Constables and foure worthy men of every toun and that by endenture to be made bitwyx the Catours and the seid lordes or baillyes Constables and foure worthi men conteyning the quantite of the takyng and price and of what persones and that the takyng be made in congru manere without duresse, rigour, thretynges or other vilany. And that takynges and achates be made in stedes and places where most habundaunce shal be therof and that in convenient tyme and that no more be take for the seid twey housholdes than nedeth in his sesoun and that the noumbre of Catours be lessed in as moche as it may be profitable and that suche be Catours that be suffient to answere to the Kyng and to the puple and that non of hem have depute and that commissiouns be seled of the grete seale and be restitute in to the Chauncerye every halfe yeer and other made of newe and that the manere and matere of her takynge and bigginge be conteyned in the seid commissiouns (fn. 29) and that no man be holde to obeye ageyne his will to Catours of any other lordes ne to Catours of the seid twey housholdes if ther make no full payement in hond as to fore is seid and non be put in contempt bi cause of inobedience done in this wise and that the takynges of alle manere cornes and malt for the seid housholdes be mesured by mesure acordyng to the standard striken and not heped and that full paiement be maad in hond for cariages of forseid cornes and malt and for all other takynges and achates to be made for the seid twey houses in the same manere as for takynges and achates aforesaid and that more of cariage be not take than schalle be nedefull and necessari and if any Catour make any takynge or achate or taker of cariage in other wise than in the seid commissiouns is conteyned have he punysshment of lyf and membre as it is ordeined of purveour in other statutes and that no Catour of vitailes ne taker of cariage take ne receyve yift or ony benifice of ony men for to disporte ne charge ne grevve none bi occasioun of such takynge achate and cariages for hate envie evylle wille or procurynge and if he do and therof be convyct at sute of partie that he yeld to the partie his harmes to the treble and have enprisonment of two yeer and be raunsonned at the Kynges wille and after that forswere court. And if the partye nyl not sue have he for his labour that wol sue for the Kyng the tryd peny that shal be recovered and neverthelate the catour and the taker have the peyne aboveseid and that every Catour upon his acounte declare and distingue severelly alle takynges and achates of every Shire Toun Village and persone and commissions be made to twey worthi and lawly men of every Shire and the thrid to be named in the seid commissions be of the Kynges hous so that if ony of the thre come not that twey procede forth to enquere of berynge and dedes of the seid Catours and takers and what the same Catours token and bouthen and how moche cariage the seid takers token severelly of every toun village or of singular persons and to hire and termyne contemptes extorssiouns and trespas done in this wyse as well at the Kynges sute as other that wol pleyne hem. And that the Steward, Tresorer and Countroller of eyther seid housholdes come to gider for informacioun to be made to the seyd Justices of thinges biforeseid and calle afore hem all Clerkes and other officers what they be of every office of the same twey housholdes and se receites of parcelles purveied in cuntrey and expended in the seid housholdes and that thei certifie the parcelles taken in every toun and of every persone in to the Chauncery quarter or half yer and the Chanceler do sende the certificacioun to justices that so schul be assigned And if it may be found in cuntrey by evidence of here endentures or other wyse that they have take more than ther have delivered in the seid housholdes and that they hav take have he peyne of lyf and membre at sute of partye or of the Kynge as to fore is seid and this present ordinaunce strecche him and holde place as wel for purveou[r]s for grete hors of the seid twey housholdes as ageyn Catours and takers aboveseid And also that none of the seid twey householdes hold more of hors in his livere where the seid housholde schal be than is ordeyned bi statute of the Kynges house and who doth otherwise and be founden over the nombre of horse titled to him bi the seid statute be hit don as the statute wole And that none of the seid twey housholdes of what state or condicioun he be have purveiour to make purveaunce or takyng for any of the seid housholdes but that they or her folk bye that hem nedeth of hem that woll sell it with her gode will and pay it redily in hond affer [sic] they mowe acorde with the seller and if they do in other wise suche punisshment of lyf and membres be do of them as is seid of Catours.
Folio ccxciv.
"And that huntes Fauconers Sergeauntz of armes and all other that ben at wages or perteynyng to the seid twey housholdes have the same peyne if they do the contrary And that no lord of Ynglond ne non other of his reaume of what state or condicioun he be except Kyng or Quene make no takyng bi himself ne by other of his meyney in any wyse of any manere vitailes but bye that hem nedeth of hem that wol sell hit with her gode will and pay redily in hand therfore after they mowe acorde with the seller and if meyny of the seid lordes or other do other wyse and therof be convict be don of hem such punisshment of lyf and membres as is ordeyned of catours.
"Also ther is conteined in statute made in parlement of Sir Richard sum tyme Kyng of Ynglond holden the first yeer of hys regne (fn. 30) that statutes sumtyme made in the tyme of Kyng E ayelle of the said Kyng R. of Purveours and Catours be holden and kept strongly in alle thinges addying to the same that for as moche as prelates and clergi may not make sute agein ony man by wey of crime as the seid statutes axen that all prelates and clargie have therof her acciouns agein such Purveiours and Catours bi wey of trespas and there recovere her damage to the treble.
"And it is acorded and assented in an other statute the vii yeer of the same Kyng R. (fn. 31) that statutes made of purveours be strongly holden and kept and put to dewe execucioun addinge therto that if servauntes of other lordes or othre that be not conteyned in the seid statute taken in eny party of the reume vitailes or cariage to the use of her lordes or other otherwyse than they mowe acorde with possessours and sellers of the same by paiement therof to be paied redily in hond that tho same servauntz renne in to the same peyne in alle the seid statutes of purveours conteyned and neverthelater the party greved by the same servauntes have his sute at the commyne lawe if he wol.
"And also it is ordeyned and stabled in statute the xiiii yeer of the regne and Ayell of the King that now is [sic] (fn. 32) that statutes made of purveours be holden and kept and put to dewe execucioun castyng þ'to that no purveour ne catour make purveaunce or achate for the Kynges hous of ony thynge to the value of xls. or withinne if he make not full payement in hond up peyne of lesyng of his office and to paye as moche to the party greved.
"The Kyng therfore that now is for as moche as it is contyned amonge other in statute made in his parlement at Westm' holden the furst yeer of his regne (fn. 33) that alle statutes and ordinaunces made of Purveours and Catours and not revoked be holden and execute in alle thynges and also be proclamed in every Schire of the reume by his comaundement and that every Schireve of Ynglond after he schal resceive the seid statutes for proclamacioun to be made therof by his maundement that he do for to proclame hem foure tymes in the yeer thurgh his baillie Up peyne to paye to the Kynge cs. as ofte as he faileth therof. And that eche of the seid Schireves make deliveraunce of the seid maundement to his successour next folowynge by endenture to be made by twyx hem Under the same peyne Whereof he schall mowe [sic] make proclamacioun for the tyme that he schal stond in his office And that every such successour make such proclamaciouns iiij tymes by yeere and such deliveraunce of the seid maundements upon peine. aboveseid as hit is seid tofore And this maundement was sent by our soverayn lord Kynge that now is to the Schireves of London the teste of the which maundement ys the xx day of Feverer the second yeer of his regne [A.D. 1423-4].
Quere statutum de Catouris et Purveyouris editum anno xv mo Henrici sexti in libro signato cum litera K folio 202.