Index: L - Z

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: L - Z', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].

'Index: L - Z', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,

"Index: L - Z". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.


Lacy, John, 150, 240

Lake, John, 101
-, — — Alice, daughter of, 101
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, 101
-, — — Margery, daughter of, 101
-, — — William, son of, 101

Lakford, John, 20

Lambhithe (Lambeth), 160

Lambourn, Lamburne, John, 16, 24

Lancaster, Duke of. See John of Gaunt.

Land tax, of a shilling on every pound's worth of land, 28, 37; of 6s. 8d. on every 20 pounds' worth of income from land, 99

Lane, John, Mercer and Alderman, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 96, 97, 108, 117, 118, 123, 127, 130, 203, 229, 277, 278
-, — — elected Sheriff, 75

Langdyche, John, 91

Langebourn Ward, Constables of:
-, Elkyn, Robert, 282
-, Halman, John, 286
-, Mader, John, 286

Langeford, Richard, 22
-, — Thomas, 229
-, — William, chaplain, taken in adultery, 276

Langele, Langlee, John, 144, 176

Langeley, Thomas, 18

Langhorn, Alice, 257

Langshote, Thomas, 238

Lardyner, Robert, 102

Large, Robert, Mercer and Alderman, 238, 284, 285

Lasyngby, William, a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 120, 131, 145, 168, 191, 212
-, — William, 169

Latoners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 173; allowed to elect Masters or Wardens, 186

Launde, Thomas, 12

Laurence, Lawrence, Lawrens, Guy, 12, 51, 256
-, — John, 235
-, — Ralph, chaplain, taken in adultery, 286
-, — Roger, 47
-, — William, 66
-, — — Robert, son of, 66

Law, apprentices of, not to be returned to Parliament, 33; action at, removed from the City to the King's Court, 156

Lawney, John, 268
-, — — Margaret, wife of, formerly wife of William Radwelle, 268

Lawsele, Roger, parson of the church of St. John the Evangelist in Friday Street, 230

Laye, Thomas, 174

Leather, assayers of, 98, 172, 254; discharged from serving on juries, 256

Leather, tanned, surveyors of, appointed, 98; to be assayed and sold at appointed selas, 100

Leathersellers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 173, 208, 254, 288

Lecche, John, 165
-, — Thomas, 225, 227

Leche, John, 281
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 281

Ledbury, Walter, 215

"Ledenhalle," the manor of, assigned to the City by Richard Whityngtone and others, 92

Leffeyre, Mark, Mayor of Winchester, 70

Legat, John, 268

Leget, John, 54, 126, 154
-, — — Thomas, son of, 154

"Leggeharneys," 112

Leghe, Robert, 68, 126, 147

Leicester, Parliament (1414) at, 121; Statute of (1414), delivering heretics direct over to the secular power, 130

Lender', Lucas, of Brabant, 150

Lentehale, Rouland, Knight, 247
-, — — Margaret, wife of, 247

Leonard alias Pyle, Margaret, 234

Lepers, assessments for benefit of, 13, 14; Guardians of, discharged from serving on inquests, 184

Le Stocks, fish market at, 61, 71, 82

"Lethersellers." See Leathersellers.

Levegro, James, 234

Lever, John, 154

Levertone, Thomas, 228

Leycestre, John, 20
-, — Richard, 14

Leyne, John, 144

"Leystowes" (Laystalls), 65

Lights to be hung before houses on certain nights, 44, 45, 93

Limners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 173, 174

Limners and Scriveners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150

Linen-weavers, ordinances of, 223; their dispute with the woollen-weavers, 271-2

Linen-weavers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 173, 174, the freedom of the City wrongfully obtained through, 257-8

"Litherdyer," 133

Litle, David, 184

Litstere, Adam, 228

Littell, John, 238

Littelman, John, 58

Liveries of Company, the granting of, forbidden, 119

Livery not to be received by City officers from more than one craft or fraternity, 138, 149

Lobenham, John, 68
-, — Ralph, Draper and Alderman, 68, 108, 111, 117, 118, 127, 130, 142, 278
-, — — elected Sheriff, 107

Loche, Nicholas, 36

Lodewys, Francis, 229

Lodyngtone, Thomas, 233
-, — William, a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 145, 168, 191, 212

"Lodysman," of a ship, 185

Lokyntone, Richard, 8

Lollardry, chaplains not to favour, 116; the secular power authorized to take the initiative in suppressing, 116n., 130n.
-, See also Heresy, Heretics.

Lollards, commissioners appointed to search for, 123; meeting of, in St. Giles' Fields, 166

Lollebrok, Thomas, 2, 4
-, — — Edward, servant of, 2

Lomeley, William, 191
-, — — Johanna, wife of, daughter of John Wodecok, 191-2

London, Bishops of:
-, Braybrook, Robert, 11
-, Clifford, Richard, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 129, 148, 171, 177, 184, 193, 194, 209
-, Kempe, John, 271
-, Waldene, Roger, 43
-, — Port of, restrictions placed on ships leaving, 8; no credit to be allowed seamen in foreign galleys lying in, 73; Robert Cotone, collector of petty custom in, 169

London, John, 16

London Bridge, Wardens, election of, 34, 59, 75-6, 88, 94, 107, 117, 127-8, 204, 226, 245, 261, 273; ordinances as to their election, 33; not to remain in office more than two consecutive years, 34; ordinance revoked, 35; omission to record election of, as formerly, 76n.; Auditors of their accounts, 88, 94, 107, 117, 127-8, 226, 245, 261

London Bridge, "Drawebrigge' on, 166; mansion on, granted to the Lord Mayor's Esquire, 259

Londone, Henry, servant to Richard Whitington, 77

Longe, John, 207, 238
-, — Robert, of the King's Bench, excluded from general pardon, 73

Longele, John, 7, 42

Loriners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 173, 174, 240, 254

Lorkyn, Beneyt, 58

Losey, Nicholas, 158

Louthe, John de, "tynker," 275
-, — William, Goldsmith and Alderman, 51, 59, 60, 63, 69, 78, 80, 88, 89, 94, 96, 97, 107, 108, 117, 188, 119, 123, 127, 130, 143, 154, 168, 178, 189, 190, 194, 222, 275, 278, 279
-, — — appointed a commissioner for levying a subsidy, 28, 61, 119; elected Sheriff, 32; contributes £20 towards City loan, 203

Love, Walter, 229

Lovekyn, John, 15

Loveliche, Henry, 52

Lovell, John, 1

Loveye, Geoffrey, condemned to the pillory for slandering an Alderman, 96, 114

"Loviers" (Louviers), town of, captured by Henry V., 199, 200

Loweyn, John, 207

Loxlee, Richard, 199

Lucas, John, 234
-, — Richard, 233

Ludekyn, Adam, elected Sheriff, 205

Ludgate prison, William Kyngescote, keeper discharged from office for obstructing the Sheriffs' taking over prisoners, 76; reinstated, 96; the keepership granted to John St. Germayn, 123; ordinance for closing, and removing prisoners to Newgate, 215; for "freemen," 227; the Kings prison, 230

Lumberd alias Erle, John, 234

Lumley, Ralph, Lord, 1, 2

Luna, Peter de, styled Pope Benedict XIII., 79

Lutone, John, 235
-, — Robert, 32

Lyberd, John, 133

"Lyghters," boats called, 108

Lyle, William, 141

Lylye, William, 14, 52

Lymbergh, Lymber, Henry, 228, 235

"Lymehostes," les (Limehouse), 185

Lyndesey, Nicholas, 228

Lynforde, Robert, 207, 229, 234

Lyng, John, 257

Lynne, John, 234
-, — William, 268, 269
-, — — Alice, wife of, 268
-, — — Alice, daughter of, 269
-, — — Beatrix, daughter of, 269
-, — — Margaret, daughter of, 269
-, — — Robert, son of, 269

Lyntone, William, parson of the church of Buxtede, co. Sussex, taken in adultery, 274


Mabbe, Roger, 173, 186

Maidstone, Richard, 172

Maii, John, 245

Maior, Thomas, 278

Maister, John, 243

Maithall, John, 207

Maldone, John, 126, 182, 225

"Malemaker," 100

Malmesbury, Abbot of, 105

Maloney, William, 125

Malpas, Philip, 256
-, — — Johanna, wife of, late wife of William Middelhouse, 256

Malster, John, 150

Maltby, Robert, 48
-, — William, 261

Maltone, Thomas, chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 93

"Malvezye," 125

Man, Edmund, 44
-, — John, of "Erehithe," 58
-, — — of Woolwich, 58
-, — Richard, 206
-, — Robert, 126

Manhale, Richard, 8

Mannyng, John, 216, 217

Mantes, Henry V. at, 224, 255

Manyngtre, Robert, chantry priest in church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate, 220

Mapelisdene, Maplesdene, John, 17, 40
-, — — senior, 87
-, — Stephen, 20, 91
-, — — John, son of, 20, 91
-, — — William, son of, 20, 91
-, — William, 54

Marcadell, Mark, of Venice, 243

Marchall, John, 56, 173, 276
-, — Robert, 31

Marchaunt, John, Common Clerk of the City, 19; late Common Clerk of the City to enjoy his house near the Guildhall for life without paying rent, 179
-, — John, clerk, 7

Marche, William, chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 92

Marcheford, Robert, 287
-, — William, a commissioner for levying a subsidy, 55
-, — William, mercer, 112
-, — — elected M. P. for the City, 36, 57, 109, 113

Marchesford (Marchefford ?), William, 20

Marcowe, Alexander, 235

Mare, Matilda de la, 278-9

Mark, Marke, Henry, 185
-, — Ralph, 235
-, — William, 233

Markby, William, 265

Markets for merchandise appointed by the Treasurer of England, so that the King be not defrauded of his customs, 113

Marle, Robert, 185

"Marnersynne," parish of St. Mary, Aldermanbury, 249

Marshalsea, the, 167

Martin V., Pope, 193, 208n.

Martyn, Henry, 211, 268
-, — John, 105, 146
-, — John, assaults a City officer, 58
-, — John, cordwainer, 224; sworn Master of the Mistery of Cordwainers, 150
-, — John, a commissioner to try cases of treason, 164; a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 265
-, — Ralph, 12, 99
-, — Thomas, 235
-, — Thomas, junior, 22
-, — Walter, 283

"Mary Knyght," la, a ship of "Danzsk," 185

Mascalle, Maskalle, John, 130
-, — William, 234

Masks, the wearing of, at Christmas forbidden, 209. See also Vizors

Mason alias Walram, Robert, 234

Masone, John, 235

Masons, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 172, 174, 207

Massam, William, 173

Maudeleyne, Richard, clerk, 2

Maughfield, Gilbert, 22

Maungeard, Walter, 287

Maunsfeld, Thomas, 65

May, John, 62

May, Thomas, 170

Mayhewe, Simon, 166

Maylond, Robert, 234

Mayn, John, 233
-, — Richard, 214

Mayneld, Maynelle, Thomas, grocer, 117; insults an Alderman, 132

Mayor, the, election of, no one to attend, unless specially summoned, 34; election of, preceded by the celebration of Mass, 52-3, 226; election vested in the Mayor and Aldermen, the nomination in the inhabitants of the Wards, 53n.; two casks of wine granted to, for foregoing right to make six men free of the City, 64; ordinance regulating ridings of, 78; election takes place on a Sunday, id.; disfranchisement and imprisonment for assaulting, 118; takes precedence in the City over royal princes, 135; ex officio the King's Escheator, 156, 185; writ for attachment of, 156, 157; proceedings stayed, 157; servants of, not to ask for money at Christmas time from tradespeople, 225; the esquire of, 226, 259
-, — Serjeants of:
-, Bris, Otho, 110, 136, 170, 195
-, Est, William, 9, 19
-, "Jarpenwylle," "Jargevyle," Richard, 14, 19
-, Uptone, John, 204
-, — — their gowns, 194

-, Askham, William, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 59, 176
-, Bamme, Adam, 65
-, Barantyn, Barentyn, Drew, 4, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 140, 187, 194, 260, 277
-, Bartone, Henry, 136, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, 176, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 279, 283, 284, 285
-, Brembre, Nicholas, 16
-, Broun, Brown, Stephen, 286, 287
-, Cauntebrigge, Cambrigge, William, 246, 248, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 267, 270
-, Chichele, Robert, 12, 44n., 55, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 255, 260 1, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 271, 272, 277
-, Coventre, John, 232, 247

-, Crowmer, William, 84, 100, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 239, 278, 279
-, Estfeld, William, 136, 285
-, Extone, Nicholas, 5, 66
-, Fauconer, Thomas, 57, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 149, 156, 188, 239
-, Fraunceys, John, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
-, Frowik, Henry, 231
-, Hadlee, John, 23
-, Hende, John, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43
-, Knollys, Knolles, Thomas, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 277
-, Lovekyn, John, 15
-, Merlawe, Richard, 78, 80, 81 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 206
-, Oteley, Robert, 204, 266
-, Philippot, John, 101
-, Piel, John, 5
-, Reynwell, John, 260, 282
-, Sevenok, William, 112, 203, 206, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227
-, Shadworth, John, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22
-, Staundone, William, 17, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 232, 277
-, Walcote, John, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27
-, Waldern, William, 77, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 154, 278
-, Walworth, William, 66
-, Warde, John, 13, 25, 85
-, Whityngtone, Richard, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 227, 231, 232, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 249, 276
-, Wodecok, John, 35, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 62, 97, 226, 235, 236, 275
-, Wottone, Nicholas, 85, 106, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159

Mayor's Court to be held in th principal Chamber of the Guildhall and not in the Inner Chamber as heretofore, 80

Mayster, John, 105

Measures for sale of ale, to be marked at the Guildhall, 63, 232

"Medburn," co. Leic., 55, 149

Mede, John, 186

Medford, Walter, Dean of Wells, appointed Papal Collector in England, 193

Medherst, John, 174

Medway, preservation of salmon, &c., in the, 47; nets seized in the, 58

Megre, John, 203

Melbourne, John, 261, 273

Melcheborne, John, 55, 110

Meleward, Henry, 122

Melreth, William, 266

Melton (Felton ?), Thomas, 16

Meltone, Walter, 210

Melun, siege of, 242

"Melyour," Alice Wyke, called, 281

Meneux, Pascow, 281
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 281

Mercere, William, chaplain of chantry of Sir Henry de Guldeford, 241

Mercers, Mistery of, brokers elected by, 12; the Masters complain of having been defrauded by a wrongful admission to the freedom of the City, 257-8

Mercery, Mistery of, 260

Merchant Strangers, restrictions of trade imposed upon, 40; to bring their cloth to Bakwell Hall, 41; freemen not to colour the goods of, 42; right of free trade granted by statute to, 54n.; the same revoked, id.

Merdene, John, 58

Merevall, Meryvale, Richard, advances money to the King, 203
-, — — vintner, 204

Merke or Merks, Thomas, Bishop of Carlisle, 2; put on his trial for conspiracy, 4

Merlawe, Merlowe, Henry, 264
-, — Richard, Ironmonger and Alderman, 27, 32, 53, 59, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 97, 107, 108, 118, 123, 127, 130, 143, 149, 168, 178, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 206, 209, 226, 275, 276, 278, 279
-, — — one of the Treasurers of the King's Wars, 28, 29; elected Mayor, 78, 190; elected M. P. for the City, 95, 121, 145; translated from Ironmongers to Fishmongers, 149; contributes 100 marks towards a loan, 203
-, — Thomas, 174

Merlyn, John, 238
-, — William, 238

Mersch, Henry, 172

Mersk, Robert, 39

Mersshe, John, King's Butler, 84

Merstone, John, 234

Meryvale See Merevall.

Michel, Mychell, John, Grocer and Alderman, 127, 178, 190, 194, 210, 222, 226, 245, 246, 253, 262, 282
-, — — elected M. P. for the City, 95, 248, 253, 270n.; elected City Auditor, 117; elected Sheriff, 127; appointed a receiver of subsidy on wool. 158; advances money to the King, 203; a commissioner for levying subsidy, 208
-, — Richard, 150, 184
-, — William, 150, 158, 180, 207, 245

Michelbadue. See Muchelbanduue.

Michole, Janyn, or John, 119, 203
-, — John, vintner, elected Sheriff, 117

Middeltone, Brian, 14
-, — John, mercer, 155, 203; elected Auditor, 183; advances money to the King, 203
-, — William, 256
-, — — Johanna wife of, afterwards wife of Philip Malpas, 256

Mideltone, William, 203

Midsummer Watch. See Watch.

Mildenhale, John, 243
-, — Richard, 13

Milerth, William, 245

Miles, Alexander, 234
-, — John, 234

Milford, John, 254

Milkedale, John, 254

Millengy, William, chaplain, taken in adultery, 280, 282

Mills not to be used for fulling caps, &c., 29, 176

Milward, Milleward, Henry, 80
-, — Simon, 238

Minoresses of the Order of St. Clare without Aldgate, 210

Minstrels at ridings of the Mayor, &c., 78

Mint in the Tower, 100

Misteries, translations from and to, 5, 8, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 153, 154, 198-9, 260. 264, 267; livery granted to City officers restricted, 138, 149; Masters of, sworn, 144, 147, 150-1, 153, 172-4, 207-8, 215, 240, 254, 287-8; precept to Masters and Wardens of the several, for preservation of the peace, 182; a portion of fines received in, claimed by the Mayor, 249

"Mochet" (Michell ?), Richard, 186

Mockyng, John, 235

Mogoun, John, 110, 127

Moigne, Roger, 47

"Mommyng" at Christmas forbidden, 209

"Mone," le, a tavern in parish of St. Mary Wolnoth, called, 110

Montague, John de, Earl of Salisbury, his conspiracy against the King, 1; put to death at Cirencester, 2n.

Montemagno, John de, restored to his estates by the Emperor Sigismund, 158

Moor, the ("More," la), to be cleaned and gardens there removed, 101; a new postern in the City Wall leading to, 137

Moore, William, 105

Mordone, Richard, 80, 122

More, John, 51, 234, 235
-, — William, 288

"Moregate," the postern called, 137n.

Mortmain, licence in, for rebuilding St. Michael Paternosterchurch, 77; the same for the City to purchase property of £100 yearly value, 92

Mortone, Thomas, 87
-, — William, 29

Moryce, Thomas, 153

Morys, John, 95

Morysch, John, 153

Moubray, John, 150

Mount, John, 56

Mountford alias Burbrigge, John, chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 148

Mountgombry, Richard, chaplain, taken in adultery, 275

Mountgomery, Thomas, 149

Mowere, John, 172

"Muchelbanduue," "Michelbadue," Peter (de), 232

Mullyng, John, 51, 55
-, — John, 91
-, — — John, son of, 91
-, — John, 219
-, — — Katherine, daughter of, wife of Simon Eyr, 219
-, — — Thomas, son of, 219

Multone, Walter, chantry priest in church of St. Thomas Ap., 97
-, — William, 13, 249, 250, 272

Munt, John, 249

Muriel, Nicholas, 235

Muskham, Alice, 278

"Muskles" (mussels), assayer of, 79

Mychell See Michel.

Mygrave, Henry, 95

Myles, John, 208

Myltone, Walter, 102

Mymcan, Mymken, William, brewer, 234
-, — William, fishmonger, 251

Mymmes, William, 234

Myntone, Thomas, 81


Nangill, Nicholas, chaplain, taken in adultery, 277

Nasynge, John, 150, 184, 186, 235

Nechtone, William, chaplain, taken in adultery, 278

Neel, Hugh, 234, 260, 287

Neele, town of. See Nesle.

Nekton, Thomas, 19

Nel, William, 53

Nelam, John, City Saltmeter, 120

Nesle, merchants of, payment to the City in respect of their "composition" by, 75, 89, 267
-, See also Amiens, Corbie.

Netmakers, Mistery of, 13

Nets, unlawful, seized, 58-9

"Netter" (net-maker?), 212

Neubery, William, Steward of the Abbess of the Minoresses without Aldgate, 210

Neubolt, William, 215

Neuman, John, 215, 235
-, — Richard, 235

Neuport, John, 105
-, — — Laurence, brother of, 105, 106

Nevyle, Richard, 12

Neweman, John, 243, 247
-, — — Alice, wife of, afterwards wife of John Bartone, 243
-, — — John, son of, 247
-, — — Margaret, dau. of, 243, 247

Newendene, John, admitted to a chantry in Guildhall Chapel, 177-8

Newenham, John, presented to a chantry in Guildhall Chapel, 259

Newgate, inquisition touching conspiracy against Henry IV. held at, 1; the King's prison of, 19; commissioners appointed for gaol-delivery of, 35, 38, 44, 62, 90, 110, 116, 120, 131, 145, 168, 191, 212, 240, 265; better accommodation made for female prisoners in, 49-50; a house called "Bocardo" in, 49; gaolers of, not to give money to the Sheriff for their places, 262

Newman, Henry, 288
-, — John, 275

Newton, Walter, 4

Nicholas, Pope, taxation of, 107n., 117

Nichols, Benedict, Bishop of Bangor, 103

Nightyngale, Margaret, 234

Nikke, Robert, 88

Noble, the gold, depreciated by Henry IV., 100; to be accepted in pieces weighing 5s. 8d. instead of 6s. 8d. in payment of subsidy, 265

"Nomanslond," 82n.

Norbury, John, 1

Nordone, Richard, 57, 149, 155
-, — — Agnes, wife of, formerly wife of Thomas Wodehous and Richard Payn, 149, 155

Norman, John, 88, 103, 233

Northampton, Statute of, touching the bearing of arms, 125

Northfolk, John, 150

Northmymmes (co. Herts), tenants there to be quit of toll, 139

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy.

Northwode, John, 267
-, — — Johanna, wife of, daughter of John Tetford, 267

"Northwythom' (North Witham, co. Linc.), 229

Nortone, Adam, 62
-, — Richard, a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 120, 131, 145, 168, 191, 212, 240; Chief Justice of Common Bench, 205; Justice of the King's Bench, 220
-, — Thomas, 165, 235
-, — William, Diaper and Alderman, 42, 52, 60, 63, 69, 70, 75, 76, 78, 85, 89, 94, 96, 97, 102, 104, 107, 108, 117, 118, 123, 127, 130, 143, 168, 178, 189, 190, 194, 206, 210, 222, 226, 245, 246, 278, 279
-, — — elected M. P. for the City, 21; appointed a commissioner for levying a subsidy, 28, 55; elected Sheriff, 69; contributes £20 towards loan, 203
-, — William, 127
-, — — Alice, wife of, late wife of Peter de Wottone, 127

Norway, Eric, King of, 160

Norwich, Richard Courtenay, Bishop of, 143

Notary public, a appointed by the Emperor Sigismund, 158

Nothale, Robert, 147

Notle, Margaret, 276

Nownzeglis (?), Thomas, 234

Nyppe, Robert, 126


Odiham, Odyham, Richard, Chamberlain, 5, 16
-, — Robert, 178, 182, 201, 225, 248, 252, 253
-, — — Elizabeth, dau. of, wife of John Poley, 177, 178
-, — — James, son of, 225, 252
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 182, 201
-, — — John, son of, 177, 182
-, — — Robert, son of, 177, 201, 252
-, — — Thomas, son of, 177, 201, 252, 253
-, — — William, son of, 225, 252

"Of Water," John, 180

Ogle, William, 234

Okebourne, William, 238

Okham, William, 105

Oldcastle, Sir John, escapes from the Tower, 119-20; rewards offered for his capture, 121-2; fails to make submission, 133; proceedings against William Parchemyner, otherwise Fyssher, for abetting, 166

Old Fish Street, fish market at, 61, 71, 82, 124, 126

Olney, John, 54, 261

Olyve, John, 225
-, — William, 58

Olyver, Edmund, 39
-, — — Johanna, wife of, afterwards wife of John Yonge, 39, 40
-, — — Thomas, son of, 39
-, — — - Edmund, son of, 39
-, — John, 173
-, — John, 228
-, — — Roger, son of, 228, 229, 230
-, — William, 172, 180, 203, 229
-, — — elected M. P. for the City, 129

Ordinary, the, criminous priests and others taken in adultery to purge themselves before, 279

Orewell, port of, ships to assemble at, to prevent invasion, 151

"Organistre," 66

Orkesle, William, 207

Orlandyn, John, 229

Orleans, the Duke of, offers to give up Aquitaine, 102

Orphan, marriage of, without leave of Mayor and Aldermen, 55, 141; punishment for removing an orphan without permission of the Mayor and Aldermen, 111

Orphanage, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 49, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 62, 64, 65, 68, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 111, 112, 120, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141-2, 143, 148-9, 151, 153, 155, 169, 170, 172, 182, 183, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201, 203, 209, 211, 212, 213, 219, 220, 225, 231, 232, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 246, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 260-1, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272

Orphanage, the City custom touching, set out, 220-2

Osbarn, Osborn, John, 26
-, — — Margery, wife of, afterwards wife of Henry Haltone, 26
-, — — William, son of, 26
-, — Richard, 6, 10, 44n., 57, 64, 84, 87, 91, 125, 177, 182, 201, 225, 231, 238,
-, — Richard, 76
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 76
-, — Richard, clerk, 192
-, — Thomas, 172
-, — — Margery, wife of, dau. of Otho Brys, 172
-, — Thomas, 193, 235

Osberne alias Banent, Thomas, 146

Oseye, John, 233

"Oseye," a wine, 71n., 125

Osmer, Richard, 142

Ostriche, Thomas, 254

Oswaldkirk, Thomas, Rector of church of St. George, Eastcheap, 106, 192

Oteley, Robert, 204, 266

Otes, William, 266
-, — — Isabella, wife of, afterwards wife of Henry Frowyk, 266
-, — — William, son of, 266

Otewyche, Ralph, 99

Ottehill, Richard, 240

Ottele, Robert, Grocer and Alderman, 282, 283, 285

Oudeby, John, one of the "Treasurers of War," 28, 29

Overay, Thomas, 13

Oxenford, Thomas, 139
-, — — John, son of, 139

Oxford, Lady, her Wardrobe in the City, 281

Oxford, certain conspirators against the King condemned to death at, 2

Oxney, Oxeney, John, 37, 68
-, — John, 143
-, — — John, son of, 143
-, — — Thomas, son of, 143
-, — Salamon, 68, 142, 143, 266; elected M. P. for the City, 248, 253

Oyle, John, of Lexlepe, co Kildare, 271

Oystergate, otherwise Ebgate, 138

Oyster measures, Keeper of, 68

Oyster-meter and Assayer at Queenhithe, 79, 231

Oysters. See Hoystrys.


Pacy, Walter, presented as chantry priest in church of St. Swithin, 171

Paddesle. See Pattesle.

Padiam, John, 280
-, — — Juliana, wife of, 280

Page, Gilbert, 165, 173
-, — Nicholas, presented to Billyngham's chantry in St. Michael's, Cornhill, 202
-, — William, of Clifton, co. Oxon, 15
-, — — John, son of, 15

Painters (Pictores), Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150

Pake, John, 91

Pakwode, John, 105

Palmer, John, 235
-, — Ralph, 235
-, — Thomas, 229
-, — Walter, 38, 40, 63

Palyng, John, 146

Panter, Thomas, 31

Papal Bulls, forgery of, 105

Parchemyner, William, otherwise Fyssher, hanged for harbouring Sir John Oldcastle, 166

Parker, Parkere, Henry, 42
-, — John, 87, 150, 163, 166, 173, 235, 249
-, — — Johanna, wife of, afterwards wife of John Grantham, 87
-, — — Margaret, daughter of, 87
-, — William, Mercer and Alderman, 4, 15
-, — William, elected M. P. for the City, 21
-, — William, 43, 44n.
-, — — John, son of, 43
-, — otherwise Skydmore, Margaret, 285

Parles, John, 120
-, — — Alan, son of, 120

Parliament, writs for elections, 15, 20, 28n., 30, 35, 45, 56, 81, 83, 95, 109, 113, 121, 129, 139, 145, 158, 248, 251, 252, 262, 270
-, — new mode of election of members prescribed by Statute (1406), 56n., 57; elections to take place in the Husting, 81; the City election to take place in the full county, 83; the "unlearned," at Coventry, 33; summoned to meet at Coventry, moved to Westminster, 35; to meet at Gloucester (1406), transferred to Westminster, 45; at Gloucester (1407), 66, 69; at Cambridge, 250

Parys, John, 52, 173, 234, 254, 267
-, — John, 268
-, — — Agnes, daughter of, wife of Lucas Goodburgh, 268, 268n., 269
-, — — Alice, daughter of, wife of John Gate, 269
-, — — John, son of, 268, 268n., 269
-, — — William, son of, 268, 269

Pastelers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 287. See also Cooks.

Pastone, John, 14

Paternoster Row, 72

Patesley, John, collector of a subsidy, 265

Pateswyk, Thomas, 12

Pattesle, Paddesle, John, Goldsmith and Alderman, 268, 285

"Paunce," a, 112

Pawlard, Peter, of Brabant, 172

Payn, Henry, 55
-, — John, 5, 228, 229
-, — Richard, 55, 149, 155
-, — — Agnes, wife of, widow of Thomas Wodehous, and sometime wife of Richard Nordone, 55, 149, 155
-, — Robert, 228
-, — William, 233

Paynell, Richard, 274
-, — — Margaret, wife of, 274

Pays, John, 31
-, — — Samuel, son of, 31
-, — John, 88
-, — — Alice, wife of, 88
-, — — Isabella, daughter of, 88
-, — — Thomas, brother of, 88

Pecche, Nichol, 208

Pecok, Richard, 7, 14

Pede, Robert, 233

Pegeyn, John, 234

Pelham, John, Knt., one of the Treasurers of War, 37
-, — William, 263

Pelles, Adam, of Holt Market, 104

Pellycan, Pellikan, John, 39, 268

Pembroke, Countess of. See St. Paul, Mary de.
-, — Earl of. See Valence, Aymer de.

Penne, John, Skinner and Alderman, 69, 70, 75, 78, 80, 88, 89, 94, 97, 102, 106, 108, 117, 118, 123, 127, 130, 143, 168, 178, 183, 189, 190, 194, 204, 206, 222, 226, 245, 246, 248, 261, 277, 278, 279

Penne, John, elected Sheriff, 88
-, — Peter, 87
-, — William, 150, 184, 186

Penson, Thomas, 234

Penverne, John, 235

Peper, Pepir, Peter, 275
-, — — Dionisia, wife of, 275
-, — William, 195, 288

Pepper, to be sold at a reasonable price, 98

Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumber land, a surety for repayment of a City loan, 18; his conspiracy against Henry IV., 228n.

Permestede, Henry, 32

Pernell, Thomas, 16

Perneys, John, Stockfishmonger and Alderman, 128, 158, 178, 189, 190, 194, 204, 206, 222, 226, 227, 231, 245, 246, 248, 261, 271, 272, 279, 283, 284
-, — — elected M.P. for the City, 158; elected Sheriff, 205; contributes £50 towards City loan, 203; appointed collector of subsidy, 265

Persoun, Persone, John, 171
-, — William, 117
-, — — Richard, son of, 117

Pertre, William, 173

Peryn, Michael, 147

Pesoge, Thomas, 58

Petevyle, John, 235
-, — William, 287

Petevyn, Simon, 234

Pettele, Stephen, 72

Petty custom in port of London, 169

Pevere, William, 40

Pewter pots to be used for selling ale, 98

Philip, Philip, 126

Philippe, John, 287

Philippot, John, 101

Picard, Pycard, Geoffrey, 124
-, — — William, son of, 124
-, — William, grocer, 21, 22, 68, 126, 147, 213

Piel, John, 5

"Pikedstaf," 280

Pillory, punishment of, for pretending to be a King's Purveyor, 174; for a husband acting as bawd, 276-7; for adultery, 281; for provoking public immorality, 286-7

Piryell, John, 207

Piryman See Pyrymon.

Piryngtone, Thomas, 150

Piryton, Thomas, 91, 219

Pisa, Synod at, 79

Pitman, John, 225

Plasterers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 173

Pleystow, Thomas, 238

Plouman, John, 229

Plow Monday. See Wardmote, General Court of.

Plymouth, men-at-arms to muster at, 163

Podmore, Thomas, 169
-, — — Isabella, wife of, formerly wife of William Wynter, 169

Pokelyngtone, John de, 24
-, — Martin, 202

"Polax," 280

Polet, John, 109

Poley, John, 177, 178, 201
-, — — Elizabeth, wife of, daughter of Robert Odyham, 177, 178
-, — John, 252, 253

Polle, Thomas, Goldsmith and Alderman, 4, 10, 15, 23, 32, 36, 51, 59, 60, 63, 69, 75, 78, 80, 88, 89, 94, 96, 107, 108, 276
-, — — elected Sheriff, 27

Pont de Larche, captured by Henry V., 199, 200

Pontoise, the capture of, 224, 225

Pope, Thomas, chaplain, taken in adultery, 280
-, — Walter, 51, 91, 148
-, — William, 215

-, Alexander V., 79
-, Benedict XIII., 79
-, Gregory XII., 79
-, Innocent VII., 43
-, Martin V, 193, 208n.
-, Nicholas, 107n., 117

"Popyll," a fur, 167

Porcelle, Philip, 235

Porter, Henry, 20

Potkyn, Richard, 207
-, — Simon, 233

Potte, Nicholas, 228, 229

Pouchmakers, Mistery of, to supervise the making of galoches of wood, 9

Pouchmakers and Galochemakers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 173, 207

"Pouderbox" of silver, 112

Poule, Henry, 68
-, — Thomas, chaplain, taken in adultery, 275
-, — William, 14

Pound, John, 17
-, — William, 228

Pounsounby, Dionisia, 273

Pountfreyt, Poumfreit, Henry, Saddler and Alderman, 16, 24, 27, 32, 36, 51, 53, 60, 68, 69, 75, 85, 89, 96, 125, 275, 276
-, — — appointed a commissioner for levying subsidy, 55; elected Sheriff, 59
-, — Margaret, 273
-, — Richard, 126
-, — William, 19

Pourche, John, 52
-, — — Margaret, wife of, daughter of John Goldyng of Edmonton, 52

Power, Thomas, 229

Powes, Geoffrey, 144

Powlyn, John, 287

Poynant, John, 38, 40, 62
-, — — John, son of, 38, 40
-, — — Katherine, daughter of, 38, 40
-, — — Nicholas, son of, 40, 62

Prakyll, Henry, 58
-, — John, 58

"Prattsferye," 58

Preaching Friars, the King holds a council at the house of the, 152n., 162, 176

Preest, William, 267

Prentout, John, 32, 84

Prentys, John, City Cornmeter, 120
-, — Thomas, 99

Prestone, Henry, 39
-, — John, 44, 51, 59, 60, 62, 63, 68, 69, 74, 75, 78, 80, 88, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 107, 108, 110, 116, 117, 118, 120, 123, 127, 129, 130, 131, 145, 168, 191, 212, 277, 278, 279. See also Recorders.
-, — — a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 240, 265

Priests, criminous, taken in adultery, 273-87; not to be hired under penalty of paying into the Chamber double salary, 279

Proffyt, Prophete, John, City Chamberlain, 12, 20, 39, 40, 42, 43, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 62, 64, 65, 68, 76, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 93, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 120, 122, 124, 125, 126, 130, 133, 137, 140, 143, 239, 242
-, — — elected M.P. for the City, 21, 36; elected Chamberlain, 34, 35, 59, 65; desires to be discharged from office, 130

Proude, Prowde, Laurence, 187, 207

Provendre, Thomas, 112

Prussia, corn exported from, 174

"Prykinghatte," a, 112

Prynce, Gilbert, 11, 12
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, wife of Thomas Coggeshall, 11, 12
-, — — John, son of, 11, 12
-, — John, 255
-, — — Agnes, wife of, afterwards wife of Richard Bentone, 255
-, — — Reginald, son of, 255
-, — John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 279

Pulteneye, Sir John, his chantry in St. Paul's, 46

Punchard, Richard, 13
-, — William, 105

Punchoun, Richard, 65
-, — — Johanna, wife of, daughter of John Trenchemer, 65

Purchace, Henry, 182

Purveyance, statutes regulating, 288-98
-, See also King's Purveyors.

Purveys, Gilbert, 2; confesses himself guilty of conspnacy against the King, 4

Pycard. See Picard.

Pychard, John, a Serjeant of the Chamber, 54, 189

Pychefork, William, chaplain, taken in adultery, 281

Pyke, Thomas, Draper and Alderman, 85, 88, 89, 94, 97, 102, 107, 108, 117, 118, 123, 130, 132, 143, 144, 168, 178, 189, 190, 194, 204, 206, 222, 227, 277, 278, 279
-, — — appointed a commissioner for levying subsidy, 61; elected Sheriff, 88; contributes £50 towards loan (1417), 203

Pyle alias Leonard, Margaret, 234

"Pymperneel," a small eel known as, 102

Pynchelee, Katherine, 235

Pynner, Matthew, 146
-, — Robert, 13
-, — — John, son of, 13

Pynners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 172, 207, 287

Pyrymon, Piryman, Gilbert, 26, 44, 47
-, — — Alice, daughter of, wife of Richard Chapman, 26, 47
-, — — Margery, daughter of, wife of John Chesthunte, 26, 44
-, — — Matilda, wife of, afterwards wife of Ralph Burwell, 26
-, — — Thomas, son of, 26
-, — — Walter, son of, 26

"Pysan," a, 112


Quarrer, James, 209

Quatermayns, Richard, 269

Queenhithe, keeper of oyster measures at, 68; metage and assay of oysters and mussels at, 79, 231; tables of tolls set up at, 134

Queldryk, John, 173
-, — Robert, 165, 166, 167

Quyntyn, John, 228, 234


Rabell, John, 58

Radclyff, Thomas, 173, 184

Radewelle, Richard, 39, 52
-, — William, Stockfishmonger and Alderman, 36
-, — William, 268
-, — — Margaret, wife of, afterwards wife of John Lawney, 268
-, — — Margaret, daughter of, wife of Robert Isham, 268

Raff, Cecilia, 234

"Rakiers," to remove rubbish, 60, 131

Ramsey alias Haderham, John, chantry priest in church of St. Swithin, 129

Ramure, Adam, 99

Randolf, John, 139, 140, 207, 233
-, — — Alice, wife of, 139
-, — William, 82, 88

Rasyn, John, 153

Ratford, John, 234

Ratteseye, Adam, 8

Rauffe, John, 251

-, Bartone, John, senior, 143, 155, 167, 168, 171, 178, 189, 190, 193, 202, 204, 205, 206, 209, 212, 220, 226, 244, 246, 261, 279
-, Depham, Roger, 129n.
-, Fray, John, 248, 271, 272
-, Prestone, John, 51, 59, 60, 63, 68, 69, 74, 75, 78, 80, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 107, 108, 117, 118, 123, 127, 129, 130, 277, 278, 279
-, Simond, John, 282, 283
-, Southworth, Matthew, 4, 10, 22, 27, 115
-, Thornburgh, Thomas, 32, 36

Rede, Henry, 149, 190, 194, 204
-, — — elected Sheriff, 189
-, — John, 275, 283
-, — Thomas, 105
-, — William, 126

Redhede, William, of Barnet, 174

Refham, John, 207, 234

Reinwelle, Reynwelle, John, Fishmonger and Alderman, 51, 102, 103, 105, 107, 168, 178, 189, 190, 194, 204, 206, 210, 222, 226, 245, 260, 261, 262, 272, 277, 279, 282
-, — a commissioner for levying subsidy, 61, 158, elected Auditor, 75, 88, 127-8, elected M.P. for the City, 81; elected Sheriff, 94; contributes £20 towards City loan (1417), 203
-, — William, Alderman, 10
-, — William, 81, 82
-, — — Cristina, daughter of, 81
-, — — John, son of, 81
-, — — Thomas, son of, 81
-, — — William, son of, 81

Rempstone, Thomas, Knt., Constable of the Tower, 1, 3

"Rempton," a letter from the Bishop of Winchester dated from, 208

Render, William, 232

Rendre, William, barber, 116, 212, 238

Repore, William, 235

"Rerebras" and "Vauntbras," 112

Resoun, Richard, 150

Retham, William, chaplain, taken in adultery, 275

"Rethereslane," 22n.

Reygate, Thomas, 49
-, — — Matilda, wife of, afterwards wife of John atte Lee, 49
-, — — William, son of, 49

Reygnold or Reynold, Richard, 8

Reymond, Stephen, 86

Reynere, John, 234

Reynold, John, 174, 254
-, — William, of Bordeaux, 23

Richard II., conspiracy for his restoration, 1-4; reported to be still living, 228; the Earl of Northumberland's conspiracy in favour, id.

Richard, Philip, 235

Riche, Agnes, 235
-, — John, 234, 235
-, — — junior, 235

Riche alias Ware, Roger, 234

Richemond, Henry, 122
-, — John, 153

Richer, John, 254
-, — Thomas, 150

Rideler, Walter, 153, 238

Ridings of the Mayor, the ceremony prescribed, 78

Rikhill, Rykhyll, William, commissioner for trying cases of felony, 1
-, — — commissioner for gaol-delivery, 35, 38, 44

Rikill, Nicholas, 196, 241
-, — William, 196, 241
-, — — Rose, "consort" of, 196, 241

Riole, le, the church of St. Michael Paternosterchurch in, 77

Ripon, Gilbert, 228

Rither, John de, appointed chantry priest in the hermitage near Cripplegate, 9

River, John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 283

Robelard, Thomas, 144, 215

Robert, John, 233
-, — Ralph, 238
-, — William, 234

Roche, Alan, of Ireland, 98
-, — Katherine, 234

Rochelle, wine of, 71; merchants protected in voyaging to and from, 74

Rodland, William, 13

Rogers, Thomas, 114

Rokeland, Simon, 190

Rokesle, Thomas, 58

Rolf, Henry, 55
-, — John, 108
-, — Matilda, 235
-, — Simon, 153

Rome, Thomas, of "Northwythom," 229

Romeney, John, his chantry in church of St. Botolph, Aldgate, 67, 92, 128
-, — — Agnes, wife of, 128

"Romeneye," a wine, 125

Romeyn, Thomas, his chantry in church of St. Thomas Ap., 97

Roo, Stephen, 147, 234

Rooke, Roger, 209

Roolf, Simon, 209

Roos, Richard, 112, 193
-, — — Richard, son of, 112, 193
-, — — Thomas, son of, 112, 193

Roos (William, 7th) Lord de, 58

Ropele, John, 269

Ros, Peter, 233

Rose, Robert, 12

Rothell, John, 238

Rothyng, John, 234

Rotour, John, 120

Rouen, victuals to be sent to, 197, 200, 201; burgesses of, quit of custom except on wine, 242

Rouland, Rowland, Henry, 108
-, — John, 234

Roulond, Rowlond, Johanna, 276
-, — John, 174

Rouse, Thomas, 187

Routhe, John, 173

Rowdone, Rowedone, Richard, 51, 166, 228, 235

Rowe, John, Beadle of Castle Baynard Ward, 282

Rowold, John, 288

Rowte, Peter, 208

Royal grants, a return to be made of all, 114

Royal jewels, pledged as security for a loan, 143, 202-3, 214

Roys, John, 172

Rushes, the manner of selling prescribed, 169

Russe, William, 266, 285

Russell, John, 52, 166, 234, 240
-, — John, "wollemonger," 87, 156, 157
-, — John, condemned to the pillory for having falsely charged Thomas Fauconer, Alderman, with having procured the death of Richard Gurmyn for heresy, 180
-, — John, of Ceston, co. Leicester, 228, 229, 230
-, — Peter, 154
-, — William, 39

Rybode, William, 145

Rycher, Thomas, 174

Rydell, John, 58

Ryebrede, Hugh, 52

Rykhyll. See Rikhill.

Rykone, John, 104

Ryner (Ryver?), Richard, 13

Ryngwode, Nicholas, 268
-, — Richard, 144

Rysle alias Woke, John, 117

Ryver (Ryner?), Margaret, 282


Sabyne, John, 59, 174

Sacy, Philip, 229

Sadelere, Sadeller, Henry, 203, 235
-, — John, 212, 226, 229

Sage, Richard, 154

Saham, John, 66

St Alban, monastery of the Order of Black Monks at, 231, 263

St Alphege, church of, William Newsham Rector, 251

St Andrew, Castle Baynard, church, 277

St Andrew near Cornhill. See St. Andrew Undershaft.

St. Andrew Hubbard, church, John Stafford, Rector, taken in adultery, 280

St. Andrew Undershaft, church, 282

St. Bartholomew, Prior and Convent of, 14

St. Bartholomew the Little, parish of, 272

St. Botolph without Aldersgate, parish of, 183

St. Botolph without Aldgate, chantry of John Romeney in church of, 67, 92, 128, parish of, 210

St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, church, 277

St. Botolph, Eastcheap, parish of, 22

St. Botolph's Fair abandoned, 159

St. Bride, church, 278

St. Christopher le Stocks, parish of, 54, situate partly in Cornhill Ward and partly in Ward of Broad Street, 148

St. Dionis de Fanchirch, parish of, 255

St. Dunstan East, church of, 197, 275, 285

St. Dunstan West, parish of, 165

St. Edmund, Lombard Street, church, 281

St. George, Eastcheap, or Pudding Lane, church of, Thomas Oswald kirk Rector of, 106, 192, Sir John Stephenton, chaplain in, taken in adultery, 282

St. Germayn, John, appointed keeper of Ludgate Prison, 123

St. Giles, Cripplegate, parish of, 255

St. Giles' Fields, meeting of Lollards in, 166

St. Giles' Hospital, its tenants in the City to contribute for the benefit of lepers in, 13 14, its guardians dis- charged from serving on juries, 184

St. Helen, convent of, 202

St. Helen, Bishopsgate, church of, chantry of Walter de Byllyngham in, 220

St. John Evangelist (formerly St. Werburga) in Friday Street, church of, Roger Lawsele parson, 230

St. John of Jerusalem, church of, used by the Fraternity of Yeomentailors, 187

St. John, Walbrook, church of, Robert Brome Rector, 102; enlargement of, id.

St. John Zachary, parish of, 146

St. Katherine Creechurch, parish of, 270

St. Laurence, Jewry, church, 279, 280

St. Laurence Pulteney, church, 273

St. Magnus, church of, the Rector claims precedence over other City rectors, 188; Fraternity of Fishmongers in, 280
-, — parish of, 22

St. Margaret, Lothbury, church, 280

St. Margaret Moses, William Gaunstede Rector, 54

St. Margaret Patyns, church of, advowson assigned to the City, 92
-, — — Rectors:
-, Gyles, William, 94
-, Wordesworth, Adam, 95

St. Martin le Grand collegiate church, sanctuary taken in, 128; Richard Henney, Vicar of, taken in adultery, 281

St. Martin, Ludgate, parish of, 195, 202

St. Martin Oteswich, church, 278

St. Martin's Lane, a resort for felons, 128

St. Mary Aldermary, church, 281

St. Mary of Bedlem, William Derman condemned to the pillory for pretending to be a collector of alms for, 105

St. Mary Bothawe, church, 276

St. Mary le Bow, church, 276

St. Mary Fenchurch, parish, 281

St. Mary Somerset, church of, chantry in, 59; John Burtone Rector of, id.; Richard Ludlow do., id.
-, — parish of, 284

St. Matthew, Friday Street, parish of, 146, 154

St. Michael de "Bassyngeshawe," parish of, 6, 10

St. Michael, Cornhill, church of, Billyngham chantry in, 202
-, — parish of, 55

St. Michael, Crooked Lane, college of, 281, 285

St. Michael Paternosterchurch, John White parson of, 77; land granted by Richard Whitington for rebuilding church of, id.

St. Michael, Queenhithe, church, 281, 282

St. Michael le Quern, parish of, 54

St. Nicholas Coldabbey, church of, the Rector claims precedence over other City rectors, 188

St. Nicholas Hacon, church, 277

St. Nicholas Shambles, church of, Sir Henry Balle Rector, 269
-, — parish of, 61, 82

St. Olave near "Martlane," church, 278

St. Pancras, parish of, 147

St. Paul, Mary de, Countess of Pembroke, 9

St. Paul's, Convocation held in, 29
-, — chantries of William Chatylleshunt and Sir John Pulteney in, 45, 46; chantry of Sir Henry de Guldeford in, 241
-, — wrestling forbidden within the precincts, 93

St. Paul's, chapel over charnel-house, 91; the chaplain to be allowed a gown, 194
-, — churchyard, a cloth to be provided for protection of the Mayor and Aldermen going to hear sermons in, 231
-, — Dean and Chapter, agreement with the City touching certain easements, 72
-, — — asked to admit a chantry priest in the Guildhall Chapel, 259

St. Peter, Cornhill, church of, the advowson assigned to the City, 92; the Rector to take precedence over other City rectors in processions, 188

St. Peter, Westchepe, parish of, 23

St. Sepulchre, parish of, 219, 284

St. Stephen, Coleman Street, parish, 281

St. Swithin, church of, Roger Depham's chantry in, 129, 171

St. Swithin's Lane, 110

St. Thomas the Apostle, church of, chantries in, 97

St. Vedast, parish of, 154

Salisbury, Earl of. See Montague.

Salle, Idonea, 274

Salman, John, 233, 251
-, — Robert, 31

Salmon, William, de Hakeney, 52

Salmon, in the Thames and Medway to be preserved, 47

Salt, a wey of, to contain 5 quarters, 227; measurer of, to take 4d. for measuring a wey, id.

Salter, John, 228, 235, 287
-, — — senior, 228

Salters, their dispute with the Tallowchandlers touching the assay of weights and measures, 222-3
-, — Mistery of, Masters sworn, 208, 254

Saltmeters appointed, 120; discharged from serving on juries, &c., id.

Samme, John, 233

Sampson, John, 58
-, — Thomas, 22

Sanctuary, John Russell, convicted of slandering Thomas Fauconer, Alderman, takes, 180
-, See also St. Martin le Grand.

"Sappe," 75n., 118

Savage, Alice, 279
-, — Thomas, 126
-, — Thomas, chaplain of chantry of Sir Henry de Guldeford, 241

Saveryn, Peter, 242
-, — — Juliana, wife of, widow of William Brounynge, 242

Sawcetone, Ralph, 273

Say, Thomas, 14

Sayer, John, 241

Sazacrely, Robert, 229

Scales, John, chaplain, charged with abduction, 285

Scarburgh, Gregory, 259

Scavage, a toll, 70

Scores, Geoffrey, 240

Scot, Johanna, 233
-, — John, 58

Scotland, rebellion in, 8; the Duke of Bedford's expedition to, 163

Scotte, Thomas 254, 255
-, — — Elizabeth, wife of, daughter of Henry Wodewey, 255

Scrace, Robert, 148, 198

Scriveners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 173, 174, 207, 241, 288

Sedere, Stephen, 99

Sege, John, 55

Segood, William, 58

Segor, John, 252, 253

Segrave, John, 208

"Sekollane" (Seacoal Lane), 275

Sele, John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 279

Seleman, John, 84

Sellerer, William, 229

Sellowe, Thomas, 254

Selove, Thomas, 172

Selxtone, John, 153

Sely, Benedict, Knt., condemned to death at Oxford, 2
-, — Laurence, 229

Seman, Bartholomew, 49, 125, 257
-, — Simon, Vintner and Alderman, 44n., 148, 281, 282, 283

"Sercheours" (of ale ?) sworn, 287

"Sergeaunte," John, armourer, 228

Serjeant-at-mace, John Charlton, 181; John Combe admitted loco John Pichard, 189

Serle, Henry, 234
-, — John, 235
-, — Simon, 150
-, — William, executed for treason, 31
-, — William, his nets seized, 58

Sesingham, Sesyngham, John, 142, 148

"Seskyn," a coin, 146

Setyngbourne, Margaret, 234

Sevenoke, William, Grocer and Alderman, 21, 25, 44n., 51, 68, 88, 97, 108, 111, 112, 117, 118, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 143, 168, 178, 182, 189, 190, 194, 197, 201, 203, 204, 206, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 246, 248, 261, 271, 272, 278

Sevenok, William, Grocer and Alderman, appointed a commissioner for levying a subsidy, 25; elected Warden of London Bridge, 34; elected City Auditor, 75; elected Sheriff, 107; elected Alderman of Tower Ward, 124; appointed with other Aldermen to superintend the exportation of victuals to Rouen, 197, 201; contributes £100 towards a loan, 203; elected Mayor, 206

Sevesterre, John, 80
-, — — Nicholas, son of, 80
-, — John, 122
-, — — William, son of, 122

Sewale, Sewalle, Simon, 23, 52, 54, 97, 203, 208
-, — Stephen, 52
-, — William, 144, 176

Shadworth, John, Mercer and Alderman, 4, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 32, 36, 51, 59, 63, 78, 85, 89, 92, 95, 96, 97, 108, 112, 118, 123, 137, 151, 275
-, — — elected Mayor, 15

Shapman, John, 215

Sharp, William, 268

"Shastele," a medium-sized eel known as, 102

Shawe, John, appointed a commissioner for levying a subsidy, 119
-, — John, 180
-, — John, 231, 263
-, — — William, son of, desires to enter the monastery of St. Alban, 231, 263
-, — John, 238
-, — — Alice, daughter of, 238
-, — — Matilda, daughter of, wife of John Kyngestone, 238

Shearmen, their settlement with the Drapers touching price to be paid for shearing cloth, 71
-, — Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 173, 174, 215, 254

Sheathers, "Shethers," their difference with the Cutlers, 67
-, — Mistery of, Masters sworn, 153, 173, 207

Sheford, Ralph, chaplain, taken in adultery, 274

Shelard, John, 173

Shelley, Thomas, Knt., 2

Sheman, John, 240

Shenfield, co. Essex, 214

Shepey, Thomas, 58

"Shepster," 283n.

Sheriffs, election of, 10, 27, 32, 59, 68 9, 75, 88, 94, 107, 117, 127, 143, 189, 204, 226, 245, 261, 273; no one to be present at, unless specially summoned, 34

Sheriffs, not to be returned to Parliament, 15, 20, 57, 109n., 113, 121, 129, 139, 145, 158; number of serjeants prescribed, 32, 33; outgoing, cease to hold office at noon of the day before Michaelmas, 34; prisoners in Ludgate taken over by the new, 76; not to seize carts engaged on the new work of the Guildhall, 115; the City's claim to elect a Sheriff loco one deceased, challenged, 205; their servants not to ask for money from tradespeople at Christmas, 225; both commoners, 32, 117, 245, 261, 273; not to receive money from porters and gaolers, 262

-, Abbot, John, 283, 284, 285
-, Aleyn, Thomas, 127, 130
-, Arnold, Robert, 283
-, Bartone, Henry, 48, 275, 276
-, Bartone, Ralph, 204, 206, 209, 226, 231
-, Boteler, John, draper, 245, 246
-, Boteler, John, mercer, 226, 227, 245
-, Brook, Geoffrey, 51, 54, 59
-, Bryan, John, 204
-, Cauntbrigge, William, 143, 154, 168
-, Chichele, Robert, 23
-, Chichele, William, 75, 76, 78, 80, 84, 88, 277
-, Cottone, Walter, 94, 97, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107
-, Coventre, John, 178, 189
-, Crowmere, William, 48, 275, 276
-, Dufhous, Thomas, 283, 284, 285
-, Duke, Thomas, 69, 70, 75, 76
-, Estfeld, William, 273
-, Eyerard, Alan, 143, 154, 168
-, Evote, William, 10
-, Fauconer, Thomas, 27, 32
-, Framelyngham, William, 15
-, Gedney, John, 189, 190, 194, 204
-, Gosselyn, Richard, 261, 262, 271, 273
-, Haltone, Henry, 59, 60, 63, 68, 277
-, Higham, John, 283
-, Holand, Ralph, 285
-, Hyde, William, 410
-, Lane, John, 75, 76, 78, 80, 84, 85, 88
-, Lobenham, Ralph, 107, 108, 111, 278
-, Louthe, William, 32, 36
-, Ludekyn, Adam, 205

-, Merlowe, Richard, 23
-, Michell, John, 127, 130, 278
-, Michole, John, 117, 119
-, Nortone, William, 69, 70, 75, 76
-, Penne, John, 88, 89, 106
-, Perneys, John, 205, 226, 231
-, Polle, Thomas, 27, 32
-, Pountfreit, Henry, 59, 60, 68
-, Pyke, Thomas, 88, 89
-, Rede, Henry, 189, 190, 194, 204
-, Reynewelle, John, 94, 97, 102, 103, 105, 107, 277
-, Russe, William, 285
-, Sevenoke, William, 107, 108, 111, 118, 278
-, Speleman, Stephen, 32, 36
-, Suttone, John, 117, 119, 278
-, Tatersall, Robert, 273
-, Venour, William, 15
-, Wakelee, John, 10
-, Walderne, William, 4, 10
-, Wellys, John, 245, 246
-, Westone, John, 261, 262, 271, 273
-, Whitingham, Robert, 226, 227, 245
-, Widyngtone, Robert, 189
-, Wottone, Nicholas, 51, 54, 59

Sherman, John, senior, 229
-, — John, 235, 238

"Shermen." See Shearmen.

"Shether," 122

"Shethers" See Sheathers.

"Shetilmaker," 104

Shiplake, William, 288

Shirlok, John, 166, 232

Shirwod, Richard, 233

Shirwyn, Thomas, 146

Shirwynd, Robert, 84

Shiryng, John, 16
-, — — Agnes, daughter of, 16
-, — — Isabella, daughter of, 16
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 16

Shlapley, Ralph, 173

Short, Peter, 235

Shote, Richard, 48

Sibsey, Thomas, 24

Sidyngbourne, John, 31

Sigismund, the Emperor, King of the Romans, visits England, 152; restores John de Montemagno to his estates, 158; appoints a notary public, id.; notification of his visit to England, 160; precautions to be taken to preserve the peace in the City, id.; at Windsor, 161n; a truce concluded with, 163-4; denounces the Trumpington conspiracy, 165

Silkerke, Thomas, 173

Silkestone, John, 229
-, — Ralph, 58, 229, 265, 267

Simond, John, 282, 283, 284, 285

Skete, Richard, 8

Skinners, Mistery of, broker elected by, 13

Skydmore, otherwise Parker, Margaret, 285

Skynnard, Ralph, 284

Skynner, John, 198

Smalsho, William, 234

Smart, Peter, 215

Smiths, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 207

Smyth, Smythe, John, City Saltmeter, 120
-, — Robert, 142, 234, 287
-, — Thomas, City Cornmeter, 120
-, — Thomas, called "Stanes," 5
-, — Walter, 173

Snelle, John, 234

Solere, John, 187

Somer, John, 42, 256, 257

Somersham, John, 47

Somertone, Thomas, 51

"Somnour," 274n.

Sonman, Sunman, John, 208, 287
-, — Richard, 252

"Sonne," le, a tavern in parish of St Mary Wolnoth, 110

Soureby, Alice, 280

Southampton, proclamations for ships, seamen, &c., to meet at, 151-2, 162, 171, 175; ships laden with wool to be allowed to leave the Thames for, 192; expedition to France under the Duke of Exeter sets out from, 195, 197

Southerman, Hilbrand, 95

Southmede, John, 228

Southwerk, Walter, 5

Southworth, Matthew, City Recorder, 1, 4, 10, 22, 27, 115

Soys, Davy, 233
-, — John, 109

Spaldyng, John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 286
-, — William, admitted chantry priest in Guildhall Chapel, 184

Spanish sword pledged as security for a loan, 202-3; the same surrendered for an assignment of custom on wool, &c., 214

Spark, John, 288

Spayne, John, 57, 58
-, — — Robert, son of, 57

Speke, Robert, 12, 150

Speleman, Spilman, Stephen, Mercer, Alderman, and City Chamberlain, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 31, 36, 52, 54, 59, 60, 63, 69, 75, 78, 85, 88, 89, 94, 96, 97, 102, 107, 108, 117, 118, 119, 123, 127, 130, 132, 277, 278, 279

Speleman, Spilman, Stephen, elected Sheriff, 32; appointed a commissioner for levying a subsidy 119; elected Alderman of Aldersgate Ward, 124

Spencer, Spenser, John, 105, 170, 187, 190, 235, 257
-, — Richard, 146

Spicer, Alice, 274

Spicer, otherwise Tyce, John, "gold-beter," desires to be of the livery of Goldsmiths, 153
-, — Matthew, 49, 124, 127, 244
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, 124, 244
-, — — John, son of, 124, 127, 244
-, — — Peter, son of, 124, 127, 244
-, — William, of Gravesend, 167

Sporyers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 147

Spray, Richard, 235

Spryk, Hermann, 268

Spynal, George, 233

Squyer, Robert, 234
-, — William, 207, 245

Squyrell, Thomas, 58

Squyry, John, 255

Stace, Stacy, Richard, 106, 199

Stachesdene, Stachisden, John, 26, 40, 63

Stacioners, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 173

Stafford, Edmund, Bishop of Exeter, 18
-, — John, Rector of St. Andrew Hubbard, taken in adultery, 280

Stanbrigge otherwise Whittok, Robert, chaplain, taken in adultery, 284

Stanbury, John, a yeoman - tailor, 136

Standelf, John, Goldsmith and Alderman, 20, 52, 154, 155, 227
-, — Reymund, goldsmith, 20

Standell, Reymund, 146-7

Stanes, Peter, 169
-, — Richard, 165
-, — Thomas, 231

Stanford, Robert, 199
-, — Thomas, 52

Stanour, Nicholas, 245

Stanys, Richard, 146
-, See also Stanes.

Stapilford, John, 51. See also Stapleford.

Staple, Robert, 235

Stapleford, John, 126, 129

Stapleford, John, Anne, wife of, afterwards wife of William Cauntbrigge, 126, 129
-, — — Elizabeth, daughter of, 129
-, — — John, son of, 126, 129
-, — — Nicholas, son of, 126, 129
-, — — Richard, son of, 129
-, — John, 112

Stapultone, Richard, 245

Star Chamber, the, 205

Statham, Richard, 19

Staundone, William, Grocer and Alderman, 4, 15, 17, 49, 51, 54, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 232, 237, 277
-, — — elected M.P. for the City, 36; elected Mayor, 60
-, — William, 125
-, — — Elizabeth, daughter of, 125

Staunforthe, John, 173

Stauntone, John, 52, 235

Steel, Thomas, 273
-, — — Agnes, wife of, 273
-, — Walter, 185

Stele, John, 235

Stephenton, John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 282

"Steresbridge" Fair, dispute between the City of London and Cambridge University touching the right of assay at, 216-19, 224

Sterre, Adam, 238

Steven, John, City Cornmeter, 120

Stews, not to be kept for lodging men and women by day or night, 178

"Steynours," Mistery of, allowed to elect yearly two Governors, 14; Masters sworn, 150

Stigan, Matthew, 215

Stikeneye, William, 184

Stile, Style, Richard, 14, 40, 189, 239
-, — Richard, Warden of London Bridge, 245
-, — Richard, junior, 26

"Stobelele," a large eel known as, 102

Stocks, the, a market for fish, 61, 71, 82

Stoke, Ralph, 229

Stokes, John, 233

Stoket, Margaret, 234

Stokfissh, Herman, 214

Stoktone, Roger, 55, 213

Stokwode, John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 280

Stone, John, 234

Stonley, Robert, 66

Storm, Richard, 52

Stowell, Richard, 182, 185, 206

Strattone, Nicholas, 51, 192
-, — — Agnes, wife of, 192
-, — — John, son of, 192

Straugham, Richard, 166

Streets, not to be defiled, 82; penalties for casting rubbish into, 131; lanterns to be hung out at Christmas, 209

"Strengers," Mistery of, Masters sworn, 144, 157

Streteman, Lucy, 233

"Streytes," cloth called, 71n

Stubber, John, 105

Sturmyn, John, 229, 234

Style. See Stile.

Stylerd, Johanna, 275

Styperang, John, 260

Subsidy, commissioners for levying, 25, 28, 37, 55, 61, 88-9, 119, 132, 208
-, — commissioners for levying 1s. in the pound of land value, 28
-, — commissioners for levying 6s. 8d. on every £20 by the year issuing from land or rent, 99; return touching the same, 103
-, — precepts for levying, 42, 43, 107, 117, 124, 132, 155, 175, 187, 191, 206, 222, 245
-, — grant of, by Parliament exemplified, 170
-, — proceedings against certain persons for refusing to contribute to, 245

Sudbury, John (de), grocer, 64, 68, 113, 126, 147, 177, 182, 201
-, — Robert, 28
-, — William, 17
-, — — Cecilia, wife of, late wife of John Godard, 17
-, — William, 36

Sunman. See Sonman.

Sunnyng, Philip, 150

"Sunnynge" (Sonning), 4

Surby, Richard, 165

Surgery, Surveyors of, two barbers appointed, 135; serious cases of illness to be submitted to, id.
-, See also Barber-Surgeons.

Surrendene, James, 118

Sutton, co. Middlesex, 4

Suttone, John, 119, 278; elected M.P. for the City, 95; elected Sheriff, 117
-, — Richard, 144, 266
-, — Thomas, 140
-, — William, 105, 212

Swalwe, John, 150

Swannesfeld, Roger, 233

Swayn, John, 192

Swetenham, John, 177

Swift, William, 238

"Swolne," a gutter called, 138

Swynburn, Sir Thomas, 29

Sylvyrton, John, 79

Symcok, Nicholas, 5

Symmes, William, 21, 22, 68, 126, 147

Symond, Stephen, 172, 174
-, — Thomas, 42


Taillour, Tayllour, John, 105
-, — Richard, 172
-, — Thomas, 208
-, — William, 53

Tailors, Mistery of, rebellion of yeomen-tailors against the Masters, 136-7; yeomen tailors forbidden to hold conventicles, 187 8

Takle, John, 263

Talbot, John, 133

"Taloughchaundelers," "Talghchaundellers," their dispute with the Salters touching the assay of weights and measures, 222-3
-, — Mistery of, Masters sworn, 172; a translation from Brewers to, 267

Talworth, John, 207
-, — William, his appointment, by the King, as Bailiff of the Thames challenged by the City, 120

Tanner, John, 207
-, — Robert, 234

Tapicers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 153, 207

Taseburgh, John, 229

Tatersall, Robert, Draper and Alderman, 44n, 128, 132, 245, 246, 248, 261, 262, 273, 282, 283, 284
-, — elected Sheriff, 273

Taterygge, John, 251

Taverner, Gilbert, 284

Taverners, to close their houses at hours prescribed, 86 7, 93, 103, 115, 125, 134, 151, 194

Tawtone, John, 153

Tebawde, John, 150. See also Thebaude.

Tepyrtone, Thomas, 165, 166

Terell, Richard, 235

Termeday, William, 233

Terry, Guy, 212, 213

Test, William, chantry priest in the Guildhall Chapel, 9, 259

Tetford, John, 142
-, — John, 267

Tetford, John, Johanna, daughter of, wife of John Northwode, 267
-, — — John, son of, 267
-, — — Margaret, wife of, afterwards wife of John Holym, 267

Teukesbury, John, 271

Teutonics, Order of, Ulric de Jungingen, Master General of, 77; Michael Rochemeister, Master General of, 174; Guildhall of the, 198

Text-letter, Writers of, their ordinances approved, 25-6

"Textwryters," Mistery of, Masters sworn, 254

Thame, Richard, 228

Thames, the river, butchers of Estchepe allowed to cast offal into, 22; preservation of salmon, &c., in the, 47; nets seized in the, 58; ballast allowed to be taken by lightermen from, 108; William Talworth appointed Bailiff of, by letters patent: his appointment challenged by the City, 120-1; penalties for casting rubbish into, 131; no officer connected with, to keep hostel, 134; no charge to be made by wharfowners for drawing water from, 178; Bailiffs of, not to detain ships laden with wool from leaving for Southampton, 192; search to be made four times a year for stakes, &c., in, 256; ordinance for protection of fish in, 257; ordinance touching ferrymen, &c., on, 263; a tax imposed on boatmen plying on, id.

Thebaude, John, 233-4. See also Tebawde.

Thede, William, 207

Thetford, John, 234

"Theydonboys" (co. Essex), 46

Thirnyng, William, a commissioner to try cases of treason, 1; a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 35, 38, 44, 62, 90, 110, 116

Thomas, John, 235

"Thomekyn," Thomas, 24

Thomelyn (Thomekyn ?), John, 57, 64

Thornburgh, Thomas, 32, 35, 36, 38

Thorold, Peter, 240

Thorpe, John, 172
-, — Thomas, 121

Thurstone, William, 215

Tibetot or Tiptoft, Sir John, 49n.; Steward of Aquitaine, 163

Tikell, Agnes, 276

Tiler, Miles, chaplain, taken in adultery, 279

Tilers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 144

Tingeldene, John, 231

Tirefeld (co. Bucks), 220

Tirwhit, Tyrwhit, Robert, a commissioner for gaol-delivery, 110, 116, 120, 131, 145, 168, 191, 212, 240, 265

Toke, John, 235

Tollerton, John, 228, 229

Tolls, tables of, set up at Billingsgate and Queenhithe, 134

Tollyngtone, John, 172

Tomere, Peter, 249

"Topfeldisin," par of St. Bride, 146

Torarld, Peter, 166

Toterich, John, 270

Tott, Ralph, 58

Touques, castle of, surrendered to Henry V., 183

Tower, the, partly within the City and Liberties and partly without, 3n.; the Mint in, 100

Tower Hill, rubbish not to be cast on, 65

Tower Ward, William Sevenoke elected Alderman of, 124

Traps, Thomas, 46
-, — — John, son of, 46

Travail, Morice, 235

Traylle, John, 13

Traynell, John, 283

Treason, commissioners appointed to hear cases of, 1, 164, 166, 220

Trebolans, Henry, 234

Tredewy, John, a City Auditor, 226

Tregelowe, John, 235

Tregenon, Michael, 235

Tremayn, Nicholas, 245

Trenchemer, John, 65

Trendeler, John, 207, 238

Trenerth, Robert, 140
-, — — Petronilla, wife of, late wife of Robert Boxsone, 140

Trerys, Michael, 235

Trethewy, John, 140

Trewlove, Robert, 148

Trie le Chastel, Henry V. at, 225

Triggelowe, William, 183
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 183
-, — — John, son of, 183

Tristour, John, 174
-, — William, 16, 20, 24, 125

Trogonold, Richard, 126

Tronage, granted to Richard Burtone, 248

Troote, Nicholas, chaplain, taken in adultery, 281

Tropenelle, Robert, 153
-, — Thomas, Master of the Mistery of Tailors, 136

Troppesselde, Stephen, 251

Troyes, the Peace of, 244

Trum, Trumme, John, 165, 235

"Trumpetone," co. Cambridge, 94

Trumpyngtone, John, 165
-, — Thomas, otherwise Warde, his conspiracy denounced to the King by the Emperor, id.

Trymcok, John, 58
-, — Ralph, 58

Trymnel, John, elected Warden of London Bridge, 261, 273

"Trynkes," search to be made in the Thames four times a year for, 256

Tunwell, Nicholas, 167, 254, 255
-, — — Emma, wife of, widow of Henry Wedewey, 254, 255

Turke, Adam, 97
-, — Michael, 228
-, — Nicholas, 39, 253

Turnell, William, 183, 192

Turnour, John, 174, 207
-, — Thomas, 238

Turvey, John, 234

Twyer, Robert, 42

Twyford, Richard, 170, 246
-, — — Elena, daughter of, wife of Thomas Briggeham, 24
-, — — John, son of, 170, 246

Twygge, Thomas, 100
-, — — Johanna, wife of, daughter of Roger Jaket, 100

Ty, William, 150. See also Tye.

Tyburne, Benedict Wolman hanged at, 166

Tyce. See Spicer.

Tyddesbury, John, 20
-, — — Johanna the elder, daughter of, 20
-, — — Johanna the younger, dau. of, 20

Tye, Beatrix, 234

Tykhille, Thomas, 19

Tyler, Isabella, 275

Tylney, Henry, 52

Tymbermongers, mistery of, 5

"Tynglasse," girdles harnessed with, 184; cf. girdles harnessed with tin, 187

Tynkeldene, John, 203

"Tynker," 275


Umberghe, John, 214

Underhille, Thomas, 109

Underwode, Undirwode, Robert, 186
-, — Thomas, 207

Upholders, Mistery of, 199

"Uplande," 196n.

Upstrete, John, 238

Uptone, John, late Serjeant of the Mayor, to have a fee and livery, 204.


Vagrants to leave the City and work in the country, where they are much wanted, 196

Vale, Thomas, 105

Valence, Aymer de, Earl of Pembroke, 9
-, — Johanna, 260

Van Gaile, Segre, 287

Van Gloude, Peter, 207

Vannere, William, 14

Van Uden, John, fraudulently obtains the freedom in Mistery of Linen-Weavers, 257; deprived of the freedom, 258

"Vauntbras" and "Rerebras," 112

Venice, safe-conduct for merchants of, 225

Venne, John, 207

Venour, William, Grocer and Alderman, 4, 10, 23, 27, 32, 36, 37, 51, 53, 275, 276
-, — — Sheriff, 15

"Vermaille," a red wine, 125

Verona, Herman de, chaplain, taken in adultery, 287

Vicary, John, 150, 240

Victuals, proclamation prescribing the price to be paid for, 151

Vigerus, Philip, 207

Vintners not to keep house open after 9 P.M., 86, 151
-, — Mistery of, translations to or from, 5, 8, 24; brokers elected, 13

Virly, Robert, 25

Vitul, Walter, 245

Vizors, the wearing of, forbidden, 38. See also Masks.

Volantyne, John, 147


Wade, John, Fishmonger and Alderman, 4, 16, 26, 30

Wages, ordinance prescribing, 66

Waghorn, John, 234

Wakelee, John, Vintner and Alderman, 15, 23, 27
-, — — elected Sheriff, 10

Wakelyn, Johanna, 287

Walbrook, a new latrine to be built over, 137; to be walled and piled by those living on its banks, 137-8

Walcote, John, Draper and Alderman, 4, 10, 15, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 36
-, — — elected Mayor, 23

Waldene, Roger, sometime Archbishop of Canterbury, 2; committed to the Tower, 3; put on his trial, 3-4; appointed Bishop of London, 43

Walderne, William, Mercer and Alderman, 4, 10, 15, 20, 23, 27, 32, 36, 37, 44n., 51, 60, 63, 69, 75, 77, 78, 80, 89, 94, 96, 97, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 123, 130, 154, 155, 168, 182, 190, 194, 206, 209-10, 222, 226, 244, 246, 248, 261, 275, 277, 278
-, — — elected Mayor, 108; elected M.P. for the City, 129, 251; contributes to City loan, 203

Wales, rebellion in, 29, 82

Walram alias Mason, Robert, 234

Walsale, William, 146, 165

Walsshe, William, 150

Walsyngham, Alan, 110

Walter, Johanna, 284
-, — Walter, 173

Waltham, John, 180
-, — Philip, 268
-, — Richard, 235

Waltone, John, 103
-, — Walter, 102
-, — William, 146

Walworth, Richard, 165-6
-, — William, 66

Wandelyng, Robert, 235

Wandesford, Wandisford, Thomas, Mercer and Alderman, 229, 283, 285

"Wantynge" (Wantage), conspirators meet at, 2

War, Treasurers of, 28, 29, 37

Warde, John, 13, 25, 85
-, — Roger, 66
-, — Thomas, 249
-, — Thomas, otherwise Trumpyngtone, his conspiracy, 165
-, — William, chantry priest in St. Paul's, 45

Wardmote, General Court of, 37, 44, 53, 61, 70, 83, 98, 109, 121, 145, 175, 191, 206, 264

Wardmotes, precepts for holding, 37, 44, 53-4, 61, 70, 83, 98, 109, 121, 131, 145, 175, 191, 206, 264
-, — members of Common Council to be elected at December, 89-90, 98

Wards, the, to be put in array during the session of Parliament, 45; to furnish a prescribed number of armed men on the eve of SS. Peter and Paul, 46

Ware, John de, 174
-, — William de, 211
-, — — Edmund, son of, 211

Ware alias Riche, Roger, 234

Warham, John, chaplain, taken in adultery, 282

Warner, Waryner, John, Ironmonger and Alderman, 4, 10, 16, 23, 24, 28, 32, 36, 51, 54, 59, 60, 63, 69, 80, 85, 89, 96, 276
-, — — appointed a commissioner for levying a subsidy, 25
-, — Robert, 176, 195, 202
-, — — Elianora, wife of, 195, 202

Warwick, Earl of. See Beauchamp.

Warwik, Alice, 87

Warwyk, John, 55

Waryn, Adam, 229
-, — John, 170, 238
-, — John, of Bereford, co. Beds, 36
-, — Thomas, 154

Wasp, Richard, an assumed name, 19

Watch, Midsummer, 56, 65, 72, 86, 93, 103, 115, 135, 156, 181, 196, 242, 253-4
-, — precepts for armed, 61, 182

Waterlyd, Johanna, 275

Watlyngton, John, 65

Wattes, Roger, chaplain, taken in adultery, 280

Waxchandlers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 287

Wayn, Robert, 235

Wayte, John, 105

Weavers, Mistery of, certain ordinances placed on record, 62

Weavers of England, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 172, 207, 287

Weavers, foreign, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 150, 172, 207, 287
-, See also Linen weavers and Woollen-weavers.

Webbe, Thomas, 233

Webulle, Thomas, 228

Wegge, Thomas, 235

Welham, Richard, 213

Welles, Wellys, John, Grocer and Alderman, 172, 180, 203, 246, 254, 261, 273, 281, 283, 284, 285
-, — — elected Sheriff, 245
-, — — Margery, wife of, widow of Henry Haltone, 203
-, — Richard, 173, 209, 238

Wellom, Richard, 249

Wells, Dean of, Walter Medford, appointed Papal Collector in England, 193

"Wemendham" (Wymondham, co. Norfolk?), 228

Wengrave, Ralph, chaplain, taken in adultery, 285

Werlowe, Edmund, 207

Wermyngtone, Thomas, 235

Wesenham, William, 215

West, Agnes, 235
-, — Henry, chaplain, taken in adultery, 279
-, — Peter, 185
-, — William, 172

Westfield, co Sussex, 95

Westone, John, Common Serjeant-at-law or Common Pleader, 19, 40, 49, 51, 78, 81, 85, 95, 102, 140, 141, 157
-, — John, Draper and Sheriff, 261, 262, 271, 273
-, — John, Warden of London Bridge, 204, 226, 245
-, — William, 88, 94, 107, 125, 266-7
-, — — elected M.P. for the City, 145
-, — William, 77
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 77

"Westone in le Clay," 53

Westyerd, John, 166, 235

Wether, Nicholas, 238

Wevertone, William, of "Okham," 229

Weylond, Thomas, 17

Whaplode, Robert, 141, 148
-, — Robert, senior, 209

Whatelee, John, a commissioner for levying subsidy, 28; elected Warden of London Bridge, 34, 35, 59, 107; elected M.P. for the City, 262n.

Whestowe, John, 249, 250

Whetnale, William, 231

Whetstone, a token of a liar, 197n.

Whit, John, 86

Whitawyers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 287

Whitbred, John, 186

White, John, 254
-, — Thomas, 144, 272
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, wife of John Woderove, 272
-, — — Margery, wife of, afterwards wife of Hugh Hanchirche, 272
-, — William, 229

Whitfeld, John, Constable of the Ward of Broad Street, 287

Whithill, Whithull, Thomas, 228, 229

Whittok, otherwise Stanbrigge, Robert, chaplain, taken in adultery, 284

"Whityng," the price of, to be arranged by the Mayor and owner of the fish, 168-9

Whityngham, Robert, Draper and Alderman, 204, 206, 226, 227, 245, 246, 248, 261, 262, 271, 273, 282, 283

Whityngham, Robert, Draper and Alderman, elected M.P. for the City, 158; elected City Auditor, 204; elected Sheriff, 226
-, — Robert, tailor, 91
-, — Thomas, tailor, 140; Master of the Mistery of Tailors, 136
-, — Thomas, 281
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 281

Whityngtone, Richard, Mercer and Alderman, 4, 10, 15, 27, 36, 50n., 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 69, 75, 77, 78, 89, 96, 97, 102, 103, 107, 108, 118, 123, 127, 130, 143, 167, 169, 189, 190, 194, 206, 222, 226, 227, 231, 232, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 249, 261, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279
-, — — elected Mayor (1406), 52; do. (1419), 227; grants land for rebuilding St. Michael Paternoster church, 77; assigns to the City the Manor of Leadenhall and the advowsons of St. Peter's, Cornhill, and St. Margaret Patyns, 92; appointed a commissioner for collection of subsidy of 6s. 8d. in the pound of land or rent, 99; elected M.P. for the City, 158

Whyt, Geoffrey, 150

Whyttone, Thomas, 93

Widyngtone, Wydyngtone, Robert, Grocer and Alderman, 167, 189, 204, 206, 227, 261, 273
-, — — contributes 40 marks to City loan, 203; elected City Auditor, 204

Wighe alias Ketringham, &c., Nicholas, 208

Wight, Thomas, 81n.
-, — William, 81, 170
-, — — Alice, daughter of, 81
-, — — John, son of, 80
-, — — Nicholas, son of, 81
-, — — Richard, son of, 81, 170
-, — — William, son of, 81

Wightmore, Richard, 234

Wikys, Johanna, 286

Wilford, Thomas, Fishmonger and Alderman, 4, 10, 15

Wilkoc, William, appointed oystermeter and assayer at Queenhithe, 231; to provide a cloth to protect the Mayor and Aldermen going to St. Paul's, id.

William, John, 234

Winchester, the City and Guild Merchant of, complain of the Sheriff of London distraining goods for custom, 70; William Wode, Recorder of, id.; Mark Leffeyre, Mayor of, id.

Winchester (Henry Beaufort), Bishop of, 59, 135, 159, 208, 209

Windows of shop closed by order of the Mayor, 156

Windsor, conspiracy to seize the King at, 2n., 4; the Emperor Sigismund at, 161n.

Wine, two casks of, granted to the Mayor for forgoing right to six freedoms, 64; statutes touching the gauging of, 72; the price of, prescribed, 71, 87, 125, 151; proclamation against counterfeiting, 214; custom on wine sold by men of Dieppe and Rouen reserved to the King of England, 242

Wirhale, William de, 182
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 182
-, — — John, son of, 182

Withe, John, de Denever, co. Norfolk, 25
-, — — John de Denever, son of, 25

Witle, Walter, 207

Wittelesey, John, 240

Wode, John, 223
-, — William, Recorder of Winchester, 70

Wodecok, John, Mercer and Alderman, 4, 10, 15, 23, 27, 32, 35, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 62, 97, 226, 235, 236, 275, 276
-, — — elected M.P. for the City, 33
-, — John, 112
-, — — John, son of, 112
-, — John, 137, 155
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, 155
-, — John, 151
-, — — Felicia, daughter of, 151
-, — Richard, 148
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, 149
-, — — John, son of, 149
-, — — Matilda, wife of, 148
-, — — William, son of, 149
-, — Richard, 153
-, — — Johanna, daughter of, wife of Robert Colbrook, 153
-, — Richard, 251
-, — — John, son of, 251
-, — Richard, 272
-, — — William, son of, 272
-, — Roger, 176

Wodeford, Gilbert, 234
-, — John, late chantry priest in St. Michael's, Cornhill, 202
-, — William, 267

Wodeham, Richard, 12

Wodehous, John, son of Thomas, 55, 57, 149, 155
-, — — Agnes, wife of, daughter of Henry Wolryby, 55, 149

Wodehous, William, 55, 149
-, — — Thomas, son of, 55, 149, 155
-, — — — Agnes, wife of, afterwards wife of Richard Payn and Richard Nordone, 55, 155
-, — — - John, son of, 55, 57, 149, 155

Wodelond, John, 235

Wodemongers, Mistery of, Masters sworn, 207

Woderove, John, 272
-, — — Johanna, wife of, daughter of Thomas White, 272

Wodeseathe, Thomas, 157

Wodesere, Thomas, 238

Wodeward, John, 213
-, — Nicholas, 238
-, — William, 26, 195, 215

Wodeway, Wodewey, Gilbert, 24
-, — Henry, 64, 167
-, — — Elizabeth, daughter of, 167
-, — — Robert, son of, 167

Woke alias Rysle, John, 117

"Wokedfyssh" (= wet fish), 71

Wokkyng, John, 132

Wolf, John, 280

Wolfale, John, 128

Wolfey, John, 11

"Wollemonger," 87

Wolman, Benedict, engaged in the Trumpingtone conspiracy, 165; convicted and hanged, 166

Wolryby, Henry, 55, 149
-, — — Agnes, daughter of, wife of John, son of Thomas Wodehous, 55, 149

Woltone. See Wottone.

Wood, the price of, prescribed, 44

Woodmongers See Wodemongers.

Wool, &c., custom on, granted to the City as security for loan, 18, 158, 176; not to be exported to Holland and Zeland, 111; ordinance in Parliament altering the custom to be paid on, annulled, 185-6

Woollen-weavers, their dispute with the Linen weavers, 271-2
-, — Mistery of, Masters sworn, 254

Wortham, co. Norf., William Cratfeld Rector of, 165, 166

Worthyn, John, chantry priest in the church of St. Botolph, Aldgate, 128

Wottone, Henry, 107, 176
-, — John, 207
-, — Nicholas, Draper and Alderman, 21, 28, 36, 49, 51, 54, 59, 60, 69, 75, 78, 85, 88, 89, 94, 96, 97, 102, 106, 107, 108, 118, 123, 127, 130, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 166, 167, 178, 189, 190, 204, 206, 210, 222, 226, 245, 246, 261, 271, 272, 278, 282, 283

Wottone, Nicholas, elected M.P. for the City, 129, 262n.; elected Mayor, 144; his mansion house in the parish of St. Laurence Pulteney, 153; appointed a commissioner to try cases of treason, 164, 166; contributes £200 towards a loan, 202-3
-, — Peter de, 127
-, — — Alice, wife of, afterwards wife of William Norton, 127
-, — Thomas, Aulnager of cloth, 52, 84
-, — Thomas, 81
-, — — Agnes, wife of, 81
-, — Thomas, 179
-, — Thomas, draper, 238, 239
-, — — Richard, son of, 239
-, — — Thomas, son of, 238
-, — Thomas, 256, 266
-, — — John, son of, 256, 266

Wovere, Geoffrey, 23

Wrestling forbidden in the City, 93

Wright, Thomas, 255

Writhe, Sir John, chantry priest in the church of St. Mary, Somerset, 59

Wrothe, John, Knt., 48

Wryght, William, chantry priest in St Paul's, 45-6
-, — William, 238, 240

Wryngesworth, Roger, 140

Wrytelle, John, 165

Wyche, Agnes, 275-6
-, — Richard, 39
-, — Thomas, 263

Wycombe, William, 52

Wyddene, Richard, 25

Wydmere, John, 7

Wydyngtone, Robert. See Widyngtone.

Wyghtmore, John, 51

Wyke, Alice, called "Melyour," 281

Wykes, John, 166

Wyldene, John, 132

Wylford, Thomas, 4

Wylly, John, 174

Wyllyan, John, of Cornwall, 26

Wylman, Benedict, 228

Wyltshire, William, 102

Wymondham, Peter, 17
-, — — Katherine, wife of, daughter of John Godard, 17

Wynchecombe, co. Gloucester, 117

Wynetone (Wyvetone?), John, 54, 56

Wynge, John, 282
-, — — Katherine, wife of, 282

Wynnant, William, 207

Wynter, Bartholomew, 165
-, — Edmund, 52
-, — William, 169, 211, 212, 213
-, — — Agnes, daughter of, 169, 213
-, — — Edward, son of, 169, 213
-, — — Isabella, wife of, afterwards wife of Thomas Podmore, 169, 213
-, — — Isabella, daughter of, 169, 213
-, — — John, son of, 169, 213
-, — — Matilda, daughter of, 212
-, — — Richard, son of, 169, 212

Wyott, John, 42, 149

Wysman, William, 122

Wysshe, Thomas, 17
-, — — Anne, wife of, daughter of John Godard, 17

Wytman, William, 174

Wyvetone (Wynetone ?), John, 54, 56


Yaron, John, 228

"Yatele" (co. Hants?), 47

Ybott, Roger, 150

Yeomen-Tailors. See Tailors.

Yetcombe, James, 234

Yevan, Sir Peter, clerk, 112

Yole, Thomas, 233

Yonge, Henry, 144
-, — John, 39, 40
-, — — Johanna, wife of, widow of Edmund Olyver, 39, 40
-, — Nicholas, 234

York (Edward), Duke of, 58, 135
-, — John, 94

Young, William, 133, 135
-, — — Johanna, wife of, formerly wife of Alan Coterell, 133

Yver, John, 235