Folios li - lx: June 1406 -

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Folios li - lx: June 1406 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Folios li - lx: June 1406 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Folios li - lx: June 1406 - ". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

In this section

Folio li.

Br'e ad in quirend' de vic' escaetorib' ulneat' Cus tum' Contra rotulat' et aliis officiariis com pitabil' et non satisfact'.

Letters patent appointing John Wodecok, the Mayor, William Staundon, and Nicholas Wotton, or any two of them (the Mayorbeing one), to be Commissioners to inquire on oath as to sumsof money received by any Sheriff, Escheator, Aulnager, Customer, Comptroller, or other official, and not accounted for, and further as to the true annual value of all demesnes, manors, lands, tenements, priories alien, wardships, marriages, &c., let to ferm by the King or his predecessors for term of life or years or during the war for a certain yearly rent, &c., and to make return of the same. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 June, 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406]. (fn. 1)

Custodia Will'i fil' Th' Reygate nuper civis et can dellar'.

28 Sept., 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], the guardianship of William, son of Thomas Reygate, (fn. 2) late chandler, together with his patrimony, committed by John Wodecok, the Mayor, and John Proffyt, the Chamberlain, to John atte Lee, chandler, who married Matilda, the orphan's mother. (fn. 3) Sureties, viz., Bartholomew Seman and Matthew Spicer, "goldbeters."

Folio li b.

Ordinacio de incarcerac' in nova turri apud Neugate.

13 Aug., 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], complaint made before John Wodecok, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Common Council assembled in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall, by William Cressewyk, John Cornewaleys, and John Westone, the Common Serjeant-at-law, to the effect that women who were detained for various causes in a certain chamber in the King's Gaol of Newgate were uncomfortably housed by reason of the smallness of the chamber, and that when they wished to relieve nature (fn. 4) they were obliged to pass through a certain house of the said gaol called "Bocardo, " where a great number of men were confined, to their great shame and hurt. The complainants, therefore, being desirous to provide a remedy, pray the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council to grant them a certain parcel of land on which stands a house and solar belonging to the City, and situate outside the gate of Newgate and adjoining it to the south, whereon they may erect as soon as possible a stone tower suitable for the imprisonment of women. Their request granted, on the understanding that the tower so to be erected shall be put to no other use than the imprisonment of women. (fn. 5)

Ordinacio de Braciatorib'.

Petition to the Mayor and Aldermen by folk of the mistery of Brewers free of the City that they may be allowed eight persons of the mistery—four from the east side of Walbrok and four from the west—to wit, two Masters and two Wardens, to rule the mistery and exercise assay, search, and survey over all who brew ale within the franchise of the City to sell by wholesale or retail.

Folio lii.

Also that those so elected make report to the Chamberlain of the Guildhall for the time being of those brewers, breweresses, hostelers, cooks, "pyebakers, " or hucksters whom they find selling ale otherwise than by sealed measure or at an unlawful price.

Also that no one of the mistery pay a journeyman more than 3 pence a day and his "table" between the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.] and the Feast of the Annunciation [25 March], and 4 pence a day and his table between the Feast of the Annunciation and the Feast of St. Michael, and if the said journeymen refuse to work on those terms, they may be arrested and brought before the Mayor, Warden, or Chamberlain to be punished.

Also that the said Masters and Wardens, eight, six, or four of them, may have the power of search and survey of all barley (bredz) brought to the City for sale, so that it be not broken (crewe) nor mixed in a sack. (fn. 6)

Also that those found rebellious against the said Masters and Wardens may suffer fine and imprisonment according to the ordinance recorded in Letter-Book G, fo cxxxv [b].

The above petition was presented on 13 Oct., 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], before John Wodecok, the Mayor, John Prestone the Recorder, Nicholas Wottone and Geoffrey Brook, the Sheriffs, John Hadlee, Richard Whytyngtone, Drew Barentyn, Thomas Knolles, John Shadworth, William Askham, William Bramptone, John Warner, William Walderne, William Venour, Robert Chychely, Thomas Fawconer, Thomas Polle, William Louthe, William Crowmere, Henry Bartone, and Henry Pountfreyt, Aldermen, assembled in the Inner Chamber of the Guildhall, for their approval. This was granted under the following condition, viz., that if at any time the Masters and Wardens of the mistery should do anything hurtful, the Mayor or Warden, with the consent of the Aldermen, should govern and punish offenders in the mistery as theretofore.

Folio lii b.

Masters and Wardens of the above Mistery, sworn on the 7th Dec., 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], to observe the above ordinances, viz., Nicholas Stratton, Thomas Bristowe, Peter Hayford, and Richard Rowdone, Masters of the art of Brewers; John More, John Davy, John Wyghtmore, and William atte Wode, Wardens of the same.

Ordinacio de Forcermalers.

Ordinances submitted by the folk of the Mistery of "Forcermakers" for approval of the Mayor and Aldermen. (fn. 7)

Folio liii.

10 Sept., 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], inquisition held before John Wodecok, the Mayor, William Staundone and Nicholas Wottone, Aldermen, pursuant to the King's writ, (fn. 8) touching dues withheld from the Exchequer. The jurors—viz., Robert Arnold, John Stapilford, William Sevenok, John Westone, John Reynewelle, Laurence Hamptone, Guy Laurence, Robert Enterdene, John Esgastone, Thomas Somertone, John Mullyng, and Walter Pope—say on oath that they do not know of any money due to the King that has not been accounted for, nor do they know of any officer of the King who has practised extortion. Further, they say that they do not know of anymanors, alien priories, wardships, marriages, or other possessions in the City that have been let to ferm by the King or his predecessors for term of life or years or during the war for a yearly sum or otherwise.

Inquisition taken to the same effect by oath of Hugh Ryebrede, Richard Radewell, John Beaumond, Richard Storm, Robert Bamburgh, Richard Eltone, Stephen Sewale, William Wycombe, Henry Parkere, John Haverhille, John Russell, Laurence Durham, and William Lylye.

Inquisition to the same effect taken on oath of Thomas Child, Thomas atte Wode, John Parys, Henry Tylney, Thomas Stanford, John Barbour, William Barron, John Hatfeld, John Dadyngton, John Standelf, John Stauntone, Alan Brette, and Henry Loveliche.

Custodia Margarete [filie] Joh'is Goldyng de Edmentone.

31 March, 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], Stephen Speleman, late Chamberlain of the Guildhall, delivered to John Profyt, the Chamberlain for the time being, a sum of money in trust for Margaret, daughter of John Goldyng of Edmentone, co Middlesex, and the said money was afterwards delivered to Simon Sewale, (fn. 9) saddler, who married the mother of the said Margaret Sureties for the said Simon, viz., Edmund Wynter, saddler, and William Salmon de Hakeney.

On the 1st Sept., 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1407], the above John Profyt delivered the same money to John Pourche, saddler, who married the above Margaret.

Folio liii b.

Br'e de ulnagio.

Writ notifying the King's grant to Thomas Woltone of the subsidy from all cloth put to sale in the City and suburbs formerly granted to Edward III. for remission of forfeitures due to the King in respect of aulnage of cloth. (fn. 10) Sureties, viz., William Nortone and Robert Bamborough.

Folio liv.

Eleccio Ric'i Whytynglone Maioris et ordinacio misse spiritus Sancti.

incapella juxta Guyhaldam annuatim so lempuit' cantand'.

Wednesday the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], Richard Whytyngtone, mercer, elected Mayor, after the celebration of a Mass in the Guildhall Chapel by order of John Wodecok, the outgoing Mayor. An ordinance thereupon made that thenceforth a solemn mass should be sung in the Guildhall Chapel before the election of every Mayor. (fn. 11)

Folio liv lvi.

Magna procla macio Ric'i Whytyngtone Maioris.

Proclamation of ordinances to be observed in the City, published by Richard Whytyngtone on entering his year of Mayoralty.

Folio lvi.

Combustio unius reth'.

31 July, 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], in the presence of John Wodecok, the Mayor, the Recorder, Richard Merlawe, Henry Pomfreyt, William Venour, Robert Chichele, John Hende, Richard Whityngtone, William Bramptone, and Thomas Knolles, Aldermen, and both Sheriffs, a net belonging to John Batte was found of unlawful assize and was ordered to be burnt.

Exon'acio Will i Nel de Westone in le Clay.

14 Jan., 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406-7], William Nel de "Westone in le Clay" discharged by Richard Whityngton, the Mayor, and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.

18 June, 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406], in the presence of the Mayor, the Recorder, William Askham, William Bramptone, Geoffrey Brook, William Venour, Henry Pomfreyt, and Henry Bartone, Aldermen, William Tayllour, a tourt-baker (turtus pistor), (fn. 12) was taken with bread which was deficient in weight He was therefore condemned to be drawn on a hurdle according to ancient custom. (fn. 13)

Folio lvi b.

Consimiles bille misse fuerunt cuilibet Aldermanno.

Precept to the Aldermen for holding their Wardmotes and for presenting such defaults as they themselves could not remedy before the Mayor at his General Court to be held on Monday next after the Feast of Epiphany [6 Jan], also for seeing that lanterns be kept burning in the highways at Christmas, &c. Dated 13 Dec., 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1406].

Custodia Simonis Dio nisie et Cris tine pueror' Radulphi Freman.

28 Jan., 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1405-6], the guardianship of Simon, Dionisia, and Cristina, children of Ralph Freman, brewer, together with their patrimony, committed by John Wodecok, the Mayor, and John Proffyt, the Chamberlain, to Simon Sewale, saddler, who married their mother Sureties, viz., John Ballard, tailor, John Cosseham, mercer, John Olney, grocer, Robert Betoigne, goldsmith, William Mapelisdene, senior, goldsmith, and William Clay, "lethersellere."

Folio lvii lix b.

Statute passed in the Parliament held at Westminster, 1 March, 7 Henry IV. [A. D. 1405-6]. (fn. 14)

Folio lix b.

5 July, 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1407], in the presence of Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, Geoffrey Brook and Nicholas Wottone, the Sheriffs, William Staundone, William Askham, Stephen Speleman, John Warner and Henry Haltone, Aldermen, William Chambre, fishmonger, was mainprised by John Bury, John Wyvetone, Thomas Gorthorpe, and John Leget to keep the peace towards William Gaunstede, Rector of St. Margaret "Moysi." (fn. 15)

Folio lx.

Custodia Joh'is Wode hous.

Precept to John Pychard, one of the Serjeants of the Chamber, to summon a jury to attend before the Mayor and Aldermen in the Chamber of the Guildhall on the 2nd April, 8 Henry IV. [A. D. 1407], to make an extent of divers tenements in the parishes of St. Michael le Quern, St. Christopher near "les Stokkes, " and St. Michael, Cornhill, which formerly belonged to Thomas, son of William Wodehous, (fn. 16) late skinner, and which afterwards descended to John his son, saving the dower of Agnes, widow of the said Thomas.

The jurors, viz., Richard Chapman, John Gretyng, John Warwyk, Henry Rolf, John Sege, Ralph Bate, John Mullyng, John Melcheborne, Roger Stoktone, John Combe, William Bysmere, and Henry Anketylle, make their return.

Afterwards the aforesaid property was committed by the Mayor and Aldermen to Richard Payn, who had married the above Agnes, in trust for the above John, son of Thomas Sureties, viz., Thomas Duke, skinner, Henry Cook, "barbour, "and Henry Payn, "Fuystour."

Folio lx b.

De pueris Joh'is Wode hous [sic].

20 Nov., 13 Henry IV. [A. D. 1411], came Henry Wolryby of Medburn, co. Leicester, bringing with him John, son of the above Thomas Wodehous, who had married Agnes, daughter of the said Henry, without obtaining permission of the Mayor and Aldermen, and prayed Robert Chechele, the Mayor, and the Aldermen that an allowance might be made to him out of the orphan's estate for his education. Thereupon the said Henry was ordered to take the orphan and educate him until Michaelmas next, and then bring him before the Mayor and Aldermen that they might see how far he was educated, ten marks being allowed him for the purpose.

De eisdem.

Afterwards, viz., on the 12th Oct., 14 Henry IV. [A. D. 1412], a sum of £10 was allowed to the above Henry for educating the orphan in logic (ars dialectica) for a year.

Afterwards, viz., on the 20th Oct., 1 Henry V. [A. D. 1413], a further sum of 20 marks was advanced for the education of the said orphan.


  • 1. On the 7th June Sir John Tibetot (or Tiptoft), the Speaker of the House of Commons, had complained that the King was being defrauded by the collectors of custom 'Rot. Parl., ' iii. 576.
  • 2. His will proved and enrolled in the Husting in May, 1405. 'Cal. of Wills, ' ii. 361.
  • 3. From the will of John atte Lee, proved and enrolled in the Husting in June, 1405, it appears that Matilda was his third wife ' Cal. of Wills, 'ii. 404.
  • 4. Cum nature pondus necessarie deponerent.
  • 5. A marginal note records that "Bocardo" and the whole of New gate Gaol, having become fetid and dangerous both to prisoners and the community at large, was demolished by the executors of Richard Whityngtone (vide Letter-Book K, fo xiii).
  • 6. Vide supra, p. 46n.
  • 7. Set out in 'Memorials, ' pp. 563-4.
  • 8. Supra, p. 49.
  • 9. His obit kept by the Saddlers in the church of St. Peter de Westchepe. See the will of Peter David, saddler, 'Cal. of Wills, Court of Husting, ' ii. 470.
  • 10. 'Cal. Letter-Book G, ' p. 99.
  • 11. 'Memorials, ' p. 565. This election of Whityngton to the MayoraltyChair is noteworthy for another reason besides the introduction of a religious service before such elections, for, on this occasion, the Commonerswere plainly given to understand (for the first time, as it appears) that their duty consisted solely in nominating able and proper persons who hadal ready seived as Sheriffs for the office of Mayor, and that the election of one of those so nominated rested entirely with the Mayor and Aldermen.
  • 12. Probably a baker of coarse bread made of unbolted meal. See Glossary, 'Lib. Cust., ' s. v turtarius.
  • 13. See 'Cal. Letter-Book H, ' p. 261 n.
  • 14. See 'Statutes at Large' (ed. 1758), i. 471-7. One of its chief provisions (cap. ix.) was in favour of foreign merchants, who were to be allowed to trade freely and by whole sale in the City in cloth and other merchandise, notwithstanding the endeavours made by the Mayor, Sheriffs, Drapers, and other merchants of London to compel them to sell their goods only to the merchants and inhabitants of the City. The King was afterwards petitioned, in the Parliament held at Gloucester, Oct., 1407, to revoke this statute. He accordingly declared that the citizens should enjoy the same liberties in this respect as before the passing of the statute. 'Rot. Parl., ' iii. 613; cf. infra, fo. lxxiv.
  • 15. The church of St. Margaret "Moses" in Friday Street.
  • 16. See the will of William Power called "Wodehous, " skinner, proved and enrolled in the Husting in Feb., 1392. 'Cal. of Wills, ' ii. 292-3.