London Possessory Assizes: A Calendar. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1965.
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'Index: A - J', in London Possessory Assizes: A Calendar, ed. Helena M Chew (London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].
'Index: A - J', in London Possessory Assizes: A Calendar. Edited by Helena M Chew (London, 1965), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,
"Index: A - J". London Possessory Assizes: A Calendar. Ed. Helena M Chew (London, 1965), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.
Unless otherwise indicated, references are to the number of the entry and not to the page. Etc. following the name of a parish indicates that minor variants have not been included in the heading. For other points concerning the Index, see p. xxix.
Aas, Richard, 238
Abbeys, see Religious houses: abbeys & priories
Abbot, Abbott:
-, John, sheriff, p. 105
-, Thomas, rector of Strethall, Essex, 274
Abchurch Lane, Abcherchelane, 219
Abdeby, William, cit. & mercer, 231
-, Agnes wife of John, 158
-, John, 158
-, Ralph, 177
-, William, 251
-, William, sheriff, pp. 123–4, 126
Abridgment of plaint, see Legal matters
Accoumb, brother Nicholas, 'socius' of the prior of the church of Clerkenwell, 202
Acreman, Robert, 259
Acres, John, 266, 269–70
Acton, William, 140
-, Geoffrey, 169
-, John, goldsmith, 134
-, Walter, 231
Adewell, William de, 272
Adjournments, see Legal matters: respites
Advent, licence to take an assize during, see Legal matters
Ady, Thomas, 273
-, Joan wife of William, 181
-, Robert, kt., 181, 226
-, William, 181
Alan son of Peter, 231
Aldeburgh, William, 157, 169
Aldenham, John, 223
court of, plaint of intrusion entered
in, p. xiv n
functions of, in early possessory
assizes, pp. xiv–xvii
-, jury of, p. xv
See also Mayor & aldermen
Alderne, Adam, 199
Aldersgate Street, Aldrichegatestrete, 233
Aldersgate ward, jurors of, 276–8
Aldrichegatestrete, see Aldersgate Street
Alegate, see Algate
Alexander of London, 'ferron', 181
Aleyn, see Allen
Alfeld, Richard, deputy-coroner, pp. 78, 93
Algate, Alegate:
Idonea daughter of William de, wife
of John de Stokyngbury, 179
Joan daughter of William de, wife of
John de Blockele, 179
-, John de, 8, 17
Margaret Chelrey wife of William de,
-, Robert de, 53
-, Thomas son of Robert de, 53
-, William de, cit. & potter, 179
Alien, see Legal matters
Alienations, see Legal matters
Alisaundre, Roger, 177
Alkington, Daniel, 281
All Hallows Barking, etc., property in the par. of, 46, 55–6, 86
All Hallows Bread Street, etc., property in the par. of, 70, 201, 208, 247, 255, 265
All Hallows Graschirch, see All Hallows Lombard Street
All Hallows the Great, at Hay, etc.:
-, parishioner of, 218
property in the par. of, 117, 173, 228,
230, 272
All Hallows Honey Lane, etc.:
parsons of: Richard Jepe, 193, 203;
Henry Stalyng, 193
-, property in the par. of, 115
All Hallows the Less, property in the par. of, 117
All Hallows Lombard Street, Graschirch, property in the par. of, 212
All Hallows London Wall, atte Walle, etc., property in the par. of, 78, 192
All Hallows Staining, etc.:
parishioners and churchwardens of,
property in the par. of, 1, 124, 252,
-, rector of: John Cory, 124
All Hallows atte Walle, see All Hallows London Wall
Allard, William, 264, 266, 268–70
Allen, Aleyn:
-, Geoffrey, 10
-, John, 281
-, Maud wife of Geoffrey, 10
-, Thomas, cit.&mercer, 266
Alley, Richard, sheriff, 266; his undersheriff, see Byrkes, Roger
Alms, see Legal matters
Alresford, New, Hants., chapel of, 210
Alton, Aultoun, Hants., 6
Amercements, see Legal matters
Amyas, Stephen de, 37
Andrew, Andreu, Andrewe:
-, John, 143, 145, 164, 168, 180
-, William (I), 176
-, William (II), 237
-, William, chandler, 96
Anfeld, William, 270
Anketyl, Anketil, John, cit., 70; his kinsman Nicholas, 70
Anne, Alexander, undersheriff, 228n, p. xiii n
Anniversary, bequest for celebration of an, 87
Apothecaries, see Trades&occupations
Apparrye, Hugh, 274
Appelby, Appulby:
-, John, 220
-, Thomas, chaplain, 139
-, Thomas, clerk, 123, 146
Apulderfeld, William, 152
Aqura, Aucra, William de, goldsmith, 84
Arbitration, see Legal matters
Archdeacons of London, see Kentwode, Reginald; Rising, William de
Arches, dean of, 142
-, Henry de, 16
brother John de, prior of the Austin
Friars, 111
-, John son of Henry de, 16
-, Richard, 169, 173
Armourers, see Trades&occupations
Armurer, Simon le, of Fleet Street, 47
Armynters, John de, 117
Arnold(e), Arnald:
-, John, 199, 234
-, Margery wife of Thomas, 105, p. xxiii
-, Richard, 277
-, Robert, 223
-, Robert, sheriff, p. 103
-, Thomas, 105, p. xxiii
-, William, 188
Arundell, Elizabeth, prioress of Holywell, 245
Askeby, Henry, 146
Askerne, master Peter de, clerk, 209
Askham, William de, 210
Aspal, Alan de, 40
Assault, see Legal matters
Asselyn, Henry, 137
Assh(e), Assch:
-, Robert de, 96, 112
-, William, 263
-, William de, 117
Asshedon, John de, clerk, 119
Assheford, William, 123, 172
Asshendene, John de, 14
Asshewell, John de, 118 (p. 38), 119, 176
-, Richard de, p. xviii n
-, Stephen de, 19
-, Stephen son of Stephen de, 19
-, Anthony, 267
John, churchwarden of St. Peter
Westcheap, 239
-, John(I), 138
-, John(II), 232
-, John(III), 273
Athelard(e), Atthelard:
-, John, 237, 241, 246
-, Robert, 187
Atherston, Thomas, rector of St. Margaret Bridge Street, 200
Attewater, John, 255, see also Water, John atte
Atthelard, see Athelard
Attorneys, see Legal matters
Attornment, see Legal matters
Aubrey, Aubray:
-, John, 208
-, John, sheriff, p. 50
Aucra, see Aqura
Audenere, Nicholas, 123
Aultoun, see Alton, Hants.
Aumbresbyre, Walter de, cit.&goldsmith, 261
-, Denise wife of Robert, 95, 106
-, Robert, 95, 106
Auntres, Auntrus, William, 237, 244, 246, 248
Austin Friars, prior of: John de Arderne, 111
Austyn, Robert, 218
Aylef, William, 259
Aylemere, see Aylmer
Aylesbury, Bucks., 229
Aylesbury, Philip de, kt., 258
Aylesham, John de, sheriff, pp. 8, 44
-, Rose wife of Walter, 158
-, Walter, 158
Aylmer, Aylemere:
-, John, 120 (p. 42)
-, Thomas, 200, 207
Aynesham, William, 171
Ayot, William de, 191
Ayscoghe, William, 255
B[ ], John, 116
Babbecray, Joan, 156
Babbington, Babyngton:
-, Edwin, 274
-, William, chief justice, 248, 268
Backhouse, Rowland, 281
Bacon, Bacoun, Bacun:
-, John, cit.&grocer, 247
-, John, prior of St. Bartholomew Smithfield, 215
-, Richard, 68, 73
Badby, Thomas, 232, 253
Badowe, Hugh, 208
Bailiffs, see Legal matters
Bailly, le, without Neugate, see Old Bailey
Bailly, see Bayly
-, John, 180
-, Stephen, cordwainer, 132
-, William, salter, 280 (pp. 135–7)
Bakers, see Trades&occupations
Bakton, Thomas, 182
Bakwell, Thomas de, 111
Balauncer, Ralph le, sheriff, p. 130
-, Joan wife of Thomas de, 100
-, Thomas de, goldsmith, 100
-, Alan, of Sutton, 87
-, John, 187, 193, 194 (p. 80), 197, 216, 224
-, Nicholas, chaplain, 151
-, Richard, 56
-, John, deputy-coroner, p. 91
-, William, 183, 218
Balley, John, 202
Bamburgh, Robert, 227, 245
Bamme, Adam, sheriff, pp. 64–5
-, Isolda relict of John, 153
-, John, 153
-, Walter de, 40
Bamridge, John, 278
Banastre, Richard, 232
Banham, John de, 40
Barber, Barbour:
-, Ellen wife of Matthew, 27
-, John, 40
Matthew son of Thomas le, of Bread
Street, 27, 35
-, Thomas, 277–9
-, Thomas le, 28
-, Thomas le, beadle, 84
-, Thomas le, of Bread Street, 27, 35
Barbers, see Trades&occupations
Barber-surgeon, see Trades&occupations
Barbican, le Berbycan, 267
Barbour, see Barber
-, Eleanor wife of William(I), 208
-, Henry, 142–3, 170, 173, 272
-, William(I), cit.&merchant, 208, 247
-, William(II), sheriff, pp. 54, 130
Barker, George, 280 (pp. 135–7)
Barlowe, John, 279
-, John atte, mercer, 51
John, churchwarden of St. Peter
Westcheap, 239
-, Lawrence atte, 93
Robert, alias Hoddesdon, 266
Barnham, Benedict, sheriff, pp. 134–5
Baron, John, 241
Barowe, Barwe:
-, John, clerk, 152, 223
Thomas, 191, 201–2, 208, 224, 227,
229, 231, 240
Barry, John, 211
Bartlote, Bartelot, John, 235, 249, 251
-, Alice wife of Thomas de, 95
-, Henry, cit., 262
-, Henry, sheriff, pp. 93, 96
-, John, 188
-, John, sen., 247
-, Ralph, 263
-, Richard, 190
-, Thomas de, of Humber, 95
Barwe, see Barowe
Basing, Bassynges:
-, Hugh de, 192
-, sir Robert de, 202
Basket, Roger atte, 123–4
Basset, Bassett:
-, George, 278
-, John, 218
Bassishaw, Bassieshawe ward, jurors in, 281
Bassynges, see Basing
Bastardy, see Legal matters
-, Richard de, cit., 194 (pp. 79–80)
-, Richard de, sheriff, p. 19
Batell, Thomas, cit.&mercer, 252, 257
Bathe, John, 147
-, John, 113
-, Maud relict of John, 113
Bauquelle, John de, 202
Baybroke, William, 220
Bayly, Bailly:
Thomas, chaplain, renter of the dean
& chapter of St. Paul's, 184
-, William, 226
Baynard, Richard, 229
Baynton, Christopher, 255
Beadles, see Trades&occupations
Beadmaker, see Trades&occupations
Beauchamp, Robert, plumber, 121
Beaufront, John, 180
-, Ellen wife of Gerard de, 17
-, Gerard de, 17
-, Thomas, 235
-, Thomas, cit.&salter, 265; sheriff, p. 118
Beauner, William, 61
Beaw(e), see Bowe
Bedeford, William de, 56
Bedel, Bedell:
-, Edmund, 192
-, Roger le, 13
Bedfordshire, see Woburn
Beke, John, 269–70
Bele, John, 186
Belgrave, William, rector of St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, 202
-, John, 131
-, William, 131, 133, 158, 165
-, Henry, 265
-, John atte, 125
-, John, prior of Elsing Spital, 256
-, John, rector of St. Michael Queenhithe, 280 (pp. 135–7)
Beltham, John de, 131
Benedict, Thomas, court-hand writer, 276
Benet, Bennett:
-, John, 143
-, John father of Thomas(I), 150
-, John, chaplain, 219, 221
-, Thomas(I), of Newton, 150
-, Thomas(II), sheriff, p. 135
Bengeo, Bengeho, Benioie:
-, John, 26, 103, p. 32
-, Richard, 196, 198
Bennett, see Benet
Agnes daughter of Thomas, wife of
Robert Wodhull, 121
-, John(I), 121
-, John(II) son of John(I), 121
-, Robert de, 40
-, Thomas son of John(I), 121
Bente, John, 276
Bentelay, William, 175
Bentele, John, 202
-, [ ], 260
-, John, 273
-, Richard, 261, 269
Benyngton, John, 226
Berbowe, John, 207
Berbycan, le, see Barbican
Alice daughter of Walter(I), wife of
Hugh Cote, 211
-, Walter(I), 211
-, Walter(II) son of Walter(I), 211
Bere, Richard, 175
Berghe, William, rector of St. Christopher le Stocks, 270
Bergrove, John, 189
Berkhampsted, Berkhamsted(e):
-, John de, of Fleet Street, 85
-, Robert de, 93
brother Thomas, master of St. Thomas
of Acon, 93
Berkshire, see Cumnor; New Windsor
-, John son of Ralph de, 37
-, Ralph de, 37
-, Richard de, sheriff, p. 2
-, Robert de, goldsmith, 209
-, William, 259, 262
-, William de, goldsmith, 102
-, William, jun., fishmonger, 179
-, Margery relict of Richard de, 217
-, Richard de, 217
Bermondsey, Bermundeseye, Bermoundeseye, Surrey, priory, later abbey,
of St. Saviour at:
abbots of: William Drynkwater, 216;
Henry Thompston, 216, 222, 224
-, monk of: Ralph, 216
priors of: Bernard, 222; Bertrand,
170; Richard Dunton, 170, 172
-, Katherine, p. xxvii n
-, Roger, p. xxvii n
-, Benedicta wife of John, 184
-, John, 184
-, John, sheriff, p. 68
Bernwell, Bernewell, Thomas, sheriff, pp. 113, 114n; his undersheriff, see Burgoyne, Thomas
Berthun, rectius Bertilmew, see Bertilmew
Bertilmew, William, 134
Bertyn, Robert, 262, 266
Beseville, John de, tailor, 101
Besouth, Bysouth(e):
-, John, 147
-, Thomas, 198, 206, 212
-, John, 118 (p. 39)
-, John le, horner, 72
Beth, Henry atte, 130
Bethewater, Bythewater, John, sheriff, p. 102; warden of the mystery of Goldsmiths, 244
Betoigne, Betoygne:
Isabel wife of Thomas de(II), 118
(pp. 39–40)
Joan daughter of Richard de(I), 118
(pp. 39–40)
John(I) brother of Richard de(I), 118
(pp. 38–9)
John(II) son of John de(I), 118
(pp. 38–40)
John(III) son of Thomas de(I), 118
(pp. 38–40)
Margaret wife of Richard de(I), 25,
118 (p. 40)
-, Richard de (I), 25, 118 (pp. 38–40)
Richard(II) son of Thomas de(I), 118
(pp. 39–40)
-, Robert, 224
Thomas(I) brother of Richard de(I),
118 (pp. 38–9)
Thomas(II) son of Richard de(I), 118
(pp. 38–40)
Bette, Henry, 252
Henry, rector of St. Peter le Poor, 138,
-, Robert, 266
Beverage, Bevereche:
-, Robert, 126
-, William, 229, 232, 239
-, John de, 116
John de, king's esquire, 150; his
mother, see Gisors, Maud
Bighton, Byketon, John de, rector of Bighton, Hants., 210
Bilk, Thomas, chaplain of the chantry of Walter Waldeschef in St. Michael Paternoster Royal, 142–3
Billing, Billyng(e), Thomas, undersheriff, 260, 262, 264, 269, pp. xiii n, 122n, 129n
Billingsgate ward, jurors of, 277–9
Bills of intrusion, see Legal matters
Billyng(e), see Billing
Bishop of London, 10–11, 19, 22–3, 50,
118, p. xvii
-, commissary-general of, 244
See also Clifford, Richard; Newport,
Richard de
Bishopsgate, Bisshopesgate, ward, 257
Bisshop, William, 120 (p. 42)
Bisshopesgate, see Bishopsgate
Blacthorn, see Blakthorne
Blage, Michael, 279
Parnel wife of Ralph, afterwards wife
of John de Northampton, 177–8
-, Ralph, 177–8
Blaket, John, p. 12
Blakthorne, Blacthorn:
-, John, 166
-, John, abbot of Thame, 248
Blanford, William de, saddler, 19
Blanket, John, 143
-, John(I), 115
-, John(II), 269
Blithe, see Blyth
Bliton, see Blyton
-, Joan wife of John de, 179
-, John de, 179
Blomvill, John, 230
Blosse, Thomas, 182
Blound, Robert le, 271
Christine relict of Stephen, pp. xv,
-, Stephen, pp. xv, xxiii
Blounte, see Blunte
Blower, William, 277
Blunte, Blounte, Robert, attorney, 268–9
Blyth, Blithe:
-, Peter de, 40
-, Roger, 218
Blyton, Bliton, William, attorney, 254–5, 258–9, 261, 264
Bocher, John, woodmonger, 209
Bodvyle, William, 262
Bokbynder, Stephen, 129
Bokel, John, capper, 202
Bokeler, Boqueler:
Christian le, father of John Cristian,
-, John, 196, 198, 206
-, Joan wife of Richard(II), 210
-, Richard(I), 263
-, Richard(II), of New Alresford, 210
Bokerell, Andrew, mayor, 181
Alice wife of Nicholas de, formerly
wife of William de Braye, sen., 28, 30
Nicholas de, alias Braye, 28, 30
Bokkyng, John, 147
-, Henry le, sheriff, 209
-, John, 116
-, John le, 271
-, John son of Robert, 60
-, Robert, skinner, 60
Boleyn(e), Geoffrey, warden of the mystery of Mercers, 257; sheriff, pp. 122, 124
Bolyngbrok, William de, 35
-, Francis, lombard, 98
-, Gregory, lombard, 98
Bonauntre, Bonaunter:
-, John, 199
-, Thomas, 180
-, William, 196, 198, 206, 212, 223
Joan wife of Simon, formerly wife of
John de Wyrhale, 127 (p. 47)
-, Simon, 127 (p. 47)
Boneire, John, jeweller, 204
Boner(e), Bonner:
-, Geoffrey, 107
-, John, 253
-, John son of William, 107
-, Thomas, 281
-, William, 107
Boneton, Adam, 140
Bonevylle, Joan, 155
Bonner, see Boner
Bookbinder, see Trades&occupations
Boqueler, see Bokeler
Borham, Boram, Boreham, John, 220, 239, 245
Bosele, Henry, p. xxvii
Boseworth, Henry, 182
Bosham, John, sheriff, 142, p. 54
Boteller, Boteler, Botiller:
-, John, cit., 229
-, John, draper, 102
-, Robert, 261, 265–6
Botelston, Geoffrey de, skinner, 114
Botener, see Botoner
Boterwyk, John, 175
Botiller, see Boteller
Boton, William, 236
Botoner, Botener:
-, Amabel relict of Gregory le, 32
-, Cecily daughter of Gregory le, 32
-, Gregory le, 32
Joan wife of John, afterwards wife of
Roger Buntyng and then of Hugh de
Stafford, 50
-, John, 50
Botreaux, William, 231
Botsham, Bottesham:
-, John de, 126
-, John, prior of St. Mary Overy, 273
Bottlemaker, see Trades&occupations
-, Bartholomew, kt., 207
-, Idonea wife of Bartholomew, 207
Boure, Hugh atte, 60
Bourer, John, 186, 211–12
-, Joan wife of John, 156
-, John, burgess of Bristol, 156
Bovedon, Adam, 145
Bovyndon, Bovyngdon:
-, John de, 115
William, master of St. Thomas of
Acon, 216
Bowe, Beaw(e):
-, Richard, 234
-, Thomas atte, cordwainer, 115
-, Walter, 267
Bowechyng, Robert, 195
Bower, Guy, 275
Bowyere, Walter, 118 (p. 39)
-, Martin, alderman, 217
-, Thomas, 280 (p. 136)
Boys, Hugh, 146
Brabasoun, Adam, 115; sheriff, p. 19
Brackeleye, see Brakeleye
Bracy, John, 257–8, 266, 269
Bradborne, Francis, 274
Bradbury, Robert, 207
-, John, 172
-, Margaret wife of John, 172
Bradman, James, attorney, 273
Bradmede, John, 91
-, John, 267
-, Nicholas son of John, 267
Brakeleye, Brackeleye:
-, Margery wife of Robert, 177–8
-, Robert de, butcher, 177–8
Brakenbergh, Brakenebergh, Brakenborgh:
-, Joan wife of Thomas de(I), 95, 106
-, Thomas de(I), 95, 106
-, Thomas de(II), cit.&merchant, 210
-, Robert, 187
-, Thomas, sen., 183
William, churchwarden of St. Pancras,
-, William de, 2
Brandon, Thomas de, sheriff, p. 37
-, Joan wife of Robert, 156
-, Robert, clerk, 156
Brattle, Richard, 279
Braughyng, brother Edmund de, prior of St. Bartholomew Smithfield, 115
Braunceby, William, saddler, 127 (p. 46)
Braunche, Lawrence, 261
Braunston, Richard, 196
Bravisham, see Brevisham
Alice wife of William(II), afterwards
wife of Nicholas de Braye, alias
Bokhurst, 28, 30
Juliana daughter of Nicholas de(IV),
28, 30
-, Juliana wife of Nicholas de(IV), afterwards wife of Andrew Turk, 28, 30
-, Nicholas de(I), 34
Nicholas de(II), alias Bokhurst, 28, 30
Nicholas(III) brother of William de
(II), 28, 30
Nicholas de(IV), cit.&woolman, 28,
-, Sibyl wife of Nicholas de(I), 34
William de(I), cit.&stockfishmonger,
62, 65
William de(II), sen., cit.&woolman,
28, 30
-, William(III) son of William de(I), 62, 65
-, William(IV) son of William(II), 28, 30
Brayles, John, 195
Brayyngge, Ralph de, 231
Bread Street, Bredestrete, 35
Brembre, Nicholas, sheriff, p. 49
Bremysgrove, Nicholas, clerk, 194 (pp. 79–80)
-, John de, 40
-, Robert, 201–3, 208, 216, 224
Brenley, Robert, 205
Brente, William, beadmaker, 175
Bret, Brette:
-, Alan, 184, 234
-, Henry le, 181
-, John le, 35
-, Simon, 181
-, William le, 181
-, Henry, 120 (p. 42)
-, Richard, 212
Breton, Bretun, Bretoun:
John (le), kt., warden of London, 202,
-, Philip, kt., warden of London, 217
Brette, see Bret
Bretyn, John, 31
Brevisham, Bravisham, Bartholomew, 261, 265
Brewer, Richard, see Legal matters: fictitious persons
Brewers, see Trades&occupations
Brewhouses, 50, 87, 258
Bricet, Thomas, executor of John Walcote, 255
Bricheford, Richard, 156
Bricklayer, see Trades&occupations: tiler&bricklayer
Brid, Bridde, Bryd:
-, Beatrice wife of John, cit., 122
-, John, brewer, 92
-, John, cit., 122
-, John de, 97
Bridge ward, jurors of, 279
Bright, Bryght:
-, Richard, 232
-, Robert, 171
Brikles, Brikelys, Brikkles, Brykles:
-, John, 230, 245
-, William, 168, 173, 272
Briklesworth, Bryklesworth:
-, John(I), clerk, 195
-, John de(II), 94, 108
John(III) son of William de, cit., 56,
-, Lettice wife of John(III), 195
-, Richard son of John(III), 195
-, William de, cit., 56
Bristol, burgess of, 156
Bristowe, Brystowe:
-, Robert de, dyer, 37
-, Thomas, chaplain, 226
-, William de, cordwainer, 32
Brittany, 21
Broderers, see Trades&occupations
Brodok, John, 207, 212
Broghyng, John, 186
Brok(e), see Brook
Broker, see Trades&occupations
-, Edmund, 207
Idonea wife of Edmund, afterwards
wife of Bartholomew Bourcer, 207
Brokesby, Bartholomew, 280
-, Robert atte, clerk, 108
-, Robert de, chaplain, 53
-, William atte, 131, 147–8
Bromflet, see Brounflet
Bromlegh, Lawrence de, kt., 152
Brompton, Brumptone:
-, Hugh de, 92
-, William de, girdler, 37
Brook, Brok(e):
Geoffrey, cit.&grocer, 218; sheriff,
pp. 93–4, 96
-, Geoffrey de, 181
-, John(I), 124
-, John(II), 237, 241
-, Walter, 131
Brookebancke, William, 274
Broughton, Richard, 262
Broun(e), see Browne
Brounflet(e), Bromflet:
Robert, deputy-coroner, pp. 85, 87,
-, William, deputy-coroner, pp. 84, 89
Brounyng, Solomon, 56
Brownbakers, see Trades&occupations: bakers
Browne, Broun(e), Brune, Brunne:
-, Gilbert, 177
-, Henry, rector of St. Vedast, 244
-, John(I), p. xiii
-, John(II), 204, 223
-, Lucy wife of Robert, 122
-, Margery wife of Thomas(I), 81
-, Ralph, 133
-, Richard, 115, 118 (p. 39)
Richard, ironmonger, alias Petigru,
-, Robert, 122
-, Roger de, 217
-, Stephen, 232
Stephen, sheriff, p. 108; his undersheriff, see Wilton, John
-, Thomas(I), 81
-, Thomas(II), 276
-, William, 98
William, chaplain of the chantry at the
Lady altar in St. Mary Woolnoth,
Brudeford, Brugeford, John de, 191
Bruges, Brugges, Flanders, 258
Bruges, William, Garter King of Arms, 263
Brugge, Philip atte, 142–3
Brugges, see Bruges
Brumptone, see Brompton
Brune, Brunne, see Browne
Brunskill, Robert, 277
-, Joan wife of John, 209
-, John, 209
-, John, clerk, 268
-, William, 182, 200, 220
Bryd, see Brid
Bryght, see Bright
Brykles, see Brikles
Bryklesworth, see Briklesworth
Brystowe, see Bristowe
Buckinghamshire, see Aylesbury; Notley
Buckley, Edward, 274
Buckram, 'bokeram', two pieces of, taken as distresses, 231
Bugge, Stephen, 188–9, 191
-, John, 120 (p. 42), 131
-, John de, carpenter, 115
Bullocke, Bullok:
-, John, tapicer, 94
-, Sibyl wife of John, 94
-, William, 280 (pp. 135–7)
Bulman, Thomas, 279
Bulstrode, John, 222
Bulthorp, Nicholas, 247
Joan wife of Roger, formerly wife of
John Botoner, 50
-, John, 147, 149, 161
Margery, prioress of St. Helen
Bishopsgate, 185
-, Roger, brewer, 50
-, Margaret wife of William, 164
-, William, kt., 164
Burden, Burdeyn, William, 140, 171, 184
Burdon, Richard, 264, 266, 268–70
Burellers, see Trades&occupations
Burgage tenements, see Legal matters
-, John de, 196
John, prior of Crutched Friars, 152,
-, John, sheriff, p. 68
-, Richard, 194 (p. 80), 231
Burford, Robert, 223
-, John, chandler, 136
-, Maud wife of Walter, 108
-, Richard, 195
-, Walter, of Woodford, 108
Burgeys, John, 182
Burgoyn(e), Thomas, undersheriff, 257, 261, 263, 265, 267, p. 114n
Burley, Burlee:
-, Elizabeth, 165
-, Elizabeth relict of Robert, 264
-, Robert, cit.&mercer, 264
Burnam, see Burnham
Burnelle, Ralph, 139
Burnford, John, 276
Burnham, Burnam:
Richard de, chaplain of the chantry of
Walter Waldeschef in St. Michael
Paternoster Royal, 142
-, William, 281
Burre, John, 31
Eleanor wife of John, 116; her sister
Joan, 116
-, John, 116
-, Henry, prior of St. Mary Overy, 273
-, Joan wife of Philip, 206
-, John, 167
-, John, warden of the mystery of Mercers, 257
-, Philip, 206
-, Robert de, 142–3
-, William, grocer, 237
Burton Lazars, Leics., masters of the order of: wardens of the hospital of St. Giles, 183, 188–9; Geoffrey de Schriggeley, 235
Burveyn, John, 255, 257
-, Adam de(I), 10
-, Adam de(II), sheriff, p. 20
-, Adam son of Adam de(I), 10
-, Blaise de, 143, 272
-, Christian de, 22–4
Bussh, John, 147, 160
Butchers, see Trades&occupations
Buttele, John, 133
Bygg, Thomas, 267
Byketon, see Bighton
Byle, John, 186
Byngham, William, clerk, 247
Bynley, John, 267
Byrchinsha, William, attorney, 279
Byrkes, Roger, undersheriff, 266, 268
Byrlyng, John, 269
Byrtte, Alan, 267
Bys, Edmund, 182, 200
Bysouth(e), see Besouth
Bythewater, see Bethewater
Bythewod, John, timbermonger, 168
Cachemayde, William, rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, 219
Cadycote, Alice, 156
Cage, Thomas, 281
Cakton, Caketon:
-, Walter, 224
-, Walter, cit.&setter, 228
Caller, Elias, 250
Cam, Thomas, 222
Cambridg, Cauntebrigge, Cambs., 132
Candlewick, Candlewickstrete, ward, jurors of, 279
Canefeld, Adam de, 257
Cantebrigg, see Cauntebrigge
abbey of St. Augustine, abbots of:
Thomas Hunden, William Welde,
archbishop of, see Chichele, Henry
cathedral church of: shrine of St.
Thomas in, 246
priory of Christchurch, priors of:
John [sic] temp. king John, 231;
Adam Chelyngton, 245; Thomas
Chillynden, 239; John Fynch, 239;
William Molashe, 239, 245–6; John
Wodnesburgh, 231, 245
Cantilupe, Nicholas de, kt., 77, p. 29
Cantlowe, William, sheriff, p. 125
Canynges, Thomas, sheriff, p. 128
Capell, John, 180
-, Katherine wife of William, 177–8
-, William, of London, 177–8
Cappers, see Trades&occupations
-, Geoffrey, 259
-, Henry, 262
Carlel, see Carlyll
John de, prior of St. Bartholomew
Smithfield, 115
Katherine wife of Richard de(II),
-, Richard de(I), 117
-, Richard de(II), skinner, 44
-, William de, 19
-, William de, clerk of the City, 70
Carlyll, Carlill, Carlel:
-, Adam de, draper, 116, 120 (p. 42)
-, Matthew, pinner, 190
-, Richard, tailor, 88
-, Agnes wife of Simon, 76
John, common clerk, 232; executor of
Richard Whityngton, 249
-, Simon, 76
-, Thomas le, 56
Carpenters, see Trades&occupations
Carter, Thomas, 255
-, John, warden of the mystery of Goldsmiths, 244
-, Thomas, 139
Castel, Castell:
-, Henry atte, 133
-, John atte, 118 (p. 39)
Ralph (atte), 142–3, 145, 159, 164,
169–70, 173, 272
-, William atte, 138, 163, 166
Castle Baynard ward, jurors of, 276
Caston, John, 234, 236
Castre, Bartholomew, 161–2, 171
Catcher, John, sheriff, p. 133
Catworth, Cateworth, Thomas, cit. & grocer, 247–8
-, Richard de, sheriff, 209
-, Roger de, 196
-, William son of Roger de, 196
Caundissh(e), Caundyssh, see Cavendissh(e)
Cauntebrigge, see Cambridge, Cambs.
Cauntebrigge, Cauntebrugg, Cantebrigg:
-, Elizabeth wife of John de, 89–90
-, John, clerk, 270
-, John de, fishmonger, 89–90
-, Ralph de, 40
-, Reginald de, 132
-, Robert de, 40
-, Thomas de, 118 (p. 39)
-, Thomas de, mercer, 2
-, William de, 40
-, Denise, 216
-, John de, 110
Margaret sister of William de, 261;
her son William, 261; her granddaughter Isabel, wife of Thomas
Hochous of Cawston, 261
-, Oliver, 273
William de, sen., cit.&mercer, 89–90,
260–1; sheriff, p. 130
-, William, hatter, 216
Caustone, see Cawston, Norfolk
Cavendissh(e), Cavendisch, Caundissh(e)
Christine daughter of Stephen de, a
nun of Cheshunt, 182
-, Hugh, 258
-, John, 266
-, Lettice relict of Roger, 217
-, Roger, 217
-, Rowland, 255
Stephen de, cit.&draper, 182; sheriff,
p. 40
Cawode, Robert, 267
Cawston, Caustone, Norfolk, 261
Caysho, Thomas, rector of St. Michael Bassishaw, 140
Cella, John de, abbot of St. Albans, 238
Certeseye, see Chertsey, Surrey
Certification of an assize of fresh force, see Legal matters
Chadde, John, 231
Chaddesley, Chaddesle:
-, Richard, 272
-, Richard, clerk, 139
Chalkhill, Richard, 237
-, Richard, 259, 262
-, William, 153
Chalton, Thomas, sheriff, p. 113; his undersheriff, see Markham, John
Chamberlain, City, assize rolls to be delivered up to, pp. xii, xxiii; see also Waldene, Thomas de
Chamberlain, king's, see Coroner
Chamberleyn, see Chaumberleyn
Chambers, Richard, 276
Champeners, Adam, 181
-, deeds enrolled in, 280 (p. 136)
writ of certiorari out of, 281
Chandlers, see Trades&occupations
Chantries, 67, 87, 97, 132, 142–3, 177–8, 181, 191, 207, 209, 219, 221, 238, 252–3
Chapeleyn, Chaplyn:
-, John, 275, 277
-, Walter, parson of St. Michael Paternoster Royal, 249
-, Thomas, 157, 165
-, William, 241, 244, 246
Charneye, John, deputy-coroner, pp. 56, 64–5, 71–2
Charterhouse, prior of: John Okendon, 217
Charterys, John, 258
Chartesay, John, 230
Charyngworth, William, prior of Crutched Friars, 223
-, Agnes wife of John, 66
-, John, vintner, 66
Chaumberleyn, Chamberleyn:
-, Adam, 80
-, John, chaplain of the chantry of Walter Waldeschef in St. Michael Paternoster Royal, 142–3
-, John, common serjeant, 126
-, John, of Great Hallingbury, 58
Chaumpaigne, Robert de, 115
-, John le, 14
-, Ralph le, 40
-, Richard(I), 92
-, Richard(II), 269–70
Chauntecler, Roger, sheriff, 20
Chausers, Chauseres, Thomas, coroner, pp. 110, 113
Cheap ward, jurors in, 281
Cheapside, Westchep(e), 114, 191, 202, 217
Chelcheth, Chelcheheyth, Chilcheth, Chilchehith, Gilbert, 126, 137, 141, 160
-, John de, jun., rector of Rusper, 87
-, John de, sen., 87
Chelrey, Margaret wife of William de Algate, 179
Chelyngton, Adam, prior of Christchurch Canterbury, 245
Cherlew, John de, prior of St. Pancras Lewes, 171
Chertsey, Certeseye, Surrey, abbey of St. Peter, abbots of: Alan, John de Hermondesworth, John Uske, 228
Cheryngton, Richard, 174
Cheshire, see Hurleston; Vale Royal
Cheshunt, Chesthunt, Herts., priory of
St. Mary at:
nun of: Christine (de) Cavendisshe,
prioress of: Tiffany (de la Moote?),
-, [ ], 270
-, William, 269
Chesterford, Robert, cit., 218
Chesthunt, see Cheshunt, Herts.
Cheston, Matthew, 275
Chetewoode, Chytewode, Nicholas, 207
Chetyndon, Walter de, 176
Chevall, Nicholas, 189
Chichele, Chichely:
-, Henry, archbishop of Canterbury, 249
Robert, cit.&grocer, 247; sheriff,
p. 91
-, Simon, 265, 269
-, William, sheriff, p. 79
-, Joan wife of William, 167
-, William, 167
Edith wife of John de, 91; her daughter Margaret, 91; her grandson
William atte Welle, 91
-, John de, cit.&moneyer, 91
Chilcheth, Chilchehith, see Chelcheth
Child, Chylde:
-, Simon, 208
-, William, 232, 239
Chillynden, Thomas, prior of Christchurch Canterbury, 239
Chipnam, Richard, 239
Chipstede, Lawrence de, 125
Chirche, see Churche
Chivelee, William, 180
Choun, Roger, 148–50
Christchurch Canterbury, see Canterbury, priory of Christchurch
Churche, Chirche:
-, Adam atte, 38
-, Felicia wife of Thomas atte, 38
-, John, 248
-, John, cit.&mercer, 243
-, Thomas son of Adam atte, 38
-, Walter atte, of Rudgwick, 131
Chylde, see Child
Chynnore, Thomas, 232
Chyntyng, William de, rector of St. Michael Wood Street, 194 (p. 80)
Chytewode, see Chetewoode
-, Henry de, cit.&painter, 179
-, Maud wife of Henry de, 179
Clapshethe, John, 180
Claptus, William, sheriff, p. 15
Clarke, see Clerk(e)
-, Richard, 257
-, Roger, 138
Claxton, Ralph, 275
Clay, Cley:
-, Alice daughter of Richard atte, 8
-, Margery wife of Richard atte, 8
-, Richard atte, 8
-, William, 194 (p. 80)
-, William, cit., 218
Claymond, Thomas, 187
Clench, Thomas, 180
Clenhond, see Glenaunt
Clerk(e), Clerc, Clarke:
-, Elizabeth wife of John(II), 196
-, Henry, cit.&tapicer, 180
-, Hugh, 202
-, James le, 125
-, John(I), 188–90, 214–15, 249
-, John(II), of Yardley, 196
-, John le Chapeler, p. xv
-, Richard, 278
-, Richard son of William le, 94
-, Robert, 217
-, Thomas, 196, 212
-, William le, cit.&tapicer, 94
Clerkenwell, Clerkewell, Clerkenewell(e):
hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at:
priors of England: Peter de Hagham, Walter Grendon, John Radyngton, 202; Philip de Thame, 59;
prior of the church: William de
Hampton 202; his 'socius' Nicholas Accoumb, 202; preceptor of
London: Thomas de Enderby, 202
priory of St. Mary at: prioress &
convent, 219; prioresses of: Joan
de Fulham, 18, 47(?), 48(?), 125;
Joan de Leukenore, 18; nun of:
Denise de Enefeld, 125; porter of:
Walter, 18; renters of, 47–8; Ralph,
jun., 18
Cley, see Clay
Cliderowe, Richard, 186
-, Louis, kt., 172
-, Richard, bishop of London, 232, 244
Clifton, John de, 40
Clon, William, attorney, 260
Cloos, see Clos(e)
Clophull, William, 129
Clopton, Robert, cit.&alderman, 254
Clos(e), Cloos, John, attorney, 182, 184–5, 194 (p. 79), 202–3, 209, 215, 223
Cobham, Thomas, executor of Thomas Morice, 195
Coby, John, jun., 100
Cocknedge, William, 277
Codeland, John, 56
Codnam, William, churchwarden of St. Michael Queenhithe, 280 (p. 136)
Codrede, see Coldred, Kent
-, Joan wife of Thomas, 215
-, Thomas, 189, 214–15
Cok(e), Cook(e):
Ellen wife of Richard, sen., afterwards
wife of William Fitz Hughe, 192
-, Geoffrey, chaplain, 18
-, Henry, 137, 177, 183, 187, 218
-, Henry, barber, 210
-, Isabel wife of Simon, 64
-, Isabel wife of William(II), 174
-, James, cutler, 225
-, Joan wife of James, 225
-, John, 135, 174
-, John, chandler, 138
-, John, maltmonger, 172
-, Nicholas, 280 (p. 136)
-, Nicholas son of Robert(II), 192
-, Reginald, 235
Reginald, renter of the hospital of St.
Bartholomew, 187
-, Richard(I), 251–2, 260–1, 265
-, Richard, jun., son of Robert(II), 192
-, Richard, sen., son of Robert(II), 192
-, Robert(I), 200, 220, 232
-, Robert(II), cit.&glover, 192
-, Sabine wife of Richard(I), 252
-, Simon, weaver, 64
Thomas, alias Foulere, 162
-, Thomas, chaplain, 247
-, Walter, 232
-, William(I) brother of Robert(II), 192
-, William(II), piebaker, 174
-, Joan wife of Richard, 259
-, Richard, of Rochester, 259
Colcestre, Colecestre:
-, Gilbert de, 254
-, John de, canon of St. Paul's, 57
Coldharbour, Coldeherberwe, a messuage called, 117
Coldred, Codrede, Kent, 62
Cole, John, 186, 192
Colecestre, see Colcestre
Coleman Street, Colmanstrete, 78
Coleman Street ward, jurors in, 281
Colewell(e), Colwell:
-, Alice relict of John de, 118 (pp. 38–9)
-, John de, 118 (pp. 38–9)
-, John son of Stephen, 260
-, Stephen, 260
-, Thomas, 180
Colier, Reginald, prior of St. Bartholomew Smithfield, 257, 265
Colkyrk, Adam de, 116
Collee, see Colley
Colleges, see Religious houses: colleges
Coller, Robert, 276
Colley, Collee:
-, Stephen, 239
-, Stephen, goldsmith, 233–4
Collier, see Trades&occupations
Collopp, Thomas, 275
Collusive actions, see Legal matters
-, John, 126
-, Reginald, 135
-, William, 238
Colmanstrete, see Coleman Street
Colshill, Walter, cit.&grocer, 255
Colston, William, 239, 245
Colton, Richard, girdler, 240, 242
Colwell, see Colewell(e)
Coly, Richard, 145, 159
Colyns, William, 262
Common clerk, p. xvii; see also Carleton, William de; Carpenter, John; Perot, Henry
Common Pleas, court of, writ de capiendo returnable in, 70
Comner, see Cumnor, Berks.
-, Lucy de, 71
-, Reginald de, mayor, 70, 123
Conestable, Cunstable, William, 129, 145
Confot(?), Tideman, 117
Contempt of court, see Legal matters
Katherine daughter of Robert, 120
(p. 42); her daughter Rose, wife of
Richard de Weston, 120 (pp. 41–2)
-, Nicholas son of Robert, 120 (p. 42)
-, Robert, 120 (p. 42)
-, Robert son of Nicholas, 120 (p. 42)
Rose wife of Robert, afterwards
wife of David de Cotisbrok, 120
(p. 42)
Cony, John, 204, 218
Cook(e), see Cok(e)
Cooks, see Trades&occupations
Coopers, see Trades&occupations
Copenhull, John, 133
Coraunt, John, 120 (p. 42)
Corbet, Corbett:
-, Humphrey, 274
-, William, 268
Cordewaner, William, 40
Cordwainers, see Trades&occupations
Corner, see Coroner
Cornhill, Cornhull Street, 217
Cornewayle, Cornewayll, Cornwaill:
-, Andrew, 120 (p. 42)
-, Benet, 138, 157, 174
-, Richard, 201–3, 205
Cornishe, see Cornyssh
Cornmonger, see Trades&occupations
Cornwaill, see Cornewayle
Cornwaleys, Thomas, sheriff, 142, p. 54
Cornyssh, Cornishe, John, 261, 265, 267, 276
Coroner, Corner:
-, Christine relict of Peter atte, 51
-, John le, 48
-, Peter atte, 51
-, Richard, 186, 207, 211–12, 217, 225
assizes heard before, pp. xi, xvi–xvii;
absence of coroner&his deputy
allowed after 1399, p. xvii
City granted right of appointing its
own, p. xvii; see also Squyer, William; Wilbraham, Thomas
deputy-coroners, p. xvii; licence to
proceed during Lent addressed to,
11; see also Alfeld, Richard; Balle,
John; Brounflet, Robert; Brounflet,
William; Charneye, John; Chausers,
Thomas; Foxton, John de; Hockele,
William; May, Adam; Morton,
Henry de; St. Albans, Thomas de;
Shelford, Henry; Shirbourne, John
de; Sutton, Henry de; Symcok,
Nicholas; Wellesbourne, Richard;
Wengrave, John de
King's butler or chamberlain ex officio
coroner, pp. xvi–xvii; responsible
for enrolment of damages&attachments at eyres, p. xiv
Corrupt practices, see Legal matters
Corser, see Trades&occupations
Cory, John, rector of All Hallows Staining, 124
Cosham, Cosseham, John, 185, 193, 194 (p. 80), 203
Cost, Godfrey, 172, 180, 198, 212
-, John, 177–8
-, Margaret daughter of Margaret, 177–8
-, Margaret relict of Richard(I), 177–8
-, Richard(I), 177–8
-, Richard(II) son of Margaret, 177–8
-, Roger, 77
Costs, see Legal matters
-, John, grocer, 189
-, Margaret wife of John, 189
Thomas, alias Girdeler, alias Virly,
cit., 249
-, William, 79
Cote, Kote:
-, Alice wife of Hugh, 211
-, Hugh, 211
-, Stephen son of Wluin, 24
-, Walter son of Hugh, 211
-, Wluin, 24
Coteler(e), see Cutler
-, Thomas, 118 (p. 39)
-, William, 118 (p. 39)
Cotes, Thomas, clerk, 177
David de, 120 (p. 42); his son Thomas
de Farndon, 120 (p. 42)
Rose wife of David de, formerly
wife of Robert Convers, 120 (p.
Cotlond, John, 130
Coton, see Cotton
Cotson, Nicholas, 281
Cotton, Coton:
-, Robert, cit.&draper, 266
-, Roger, 279
-, Walter, sheriff, 183, pp. 75, 79
Cotyller, see Cutler
-, Joan wife of John, jun., 213
-, John, jun., 213
-, John, sen., 213
Coumbys, William, sheriff, p. 116
Couper(e), Cowper:
-, John, loriner, 127 (pp. 46–8)
-, Richard(I), 173
-, Richard(II), 274
-, Richard, pouchmaker, 169
-, Robert, 260
-, Robert, carpenter, 243
-, Thomas, clerk, 166
-, William, 261, 267
Courtesy of England, see Legal matters
Court-hand writers, see Trades&occupations: scriveners
Margaret wife of William, 120 (p.
-, William, broderer, 120 (p. 41)
Cove, William de, cit.&mercer, 179
Covenants, see Legal matters
-, John, 191
-, John, executor of Richard Whityngton, 249
Cowdale, John, 281
Cow-house, 96
Cowper, see Couper(e)
-, Katherine wife of Nicholas, afterwards wife of Nicholas Poure, 13
-, Margaret wife of Ralph, 174
Nicholas, 5, 11, 13; chantry of, in
St. Nicholas Shambles, 177–8
-, Ralph, draper, 174
-, Roger, 175
-, William, 266
Crawley, Thomas, esquire, 274
Creek, Crek, William, 227, 245
Crepelgate, see Cripplegate
-, Philip son of Simon, 15
Simon de, of New Windsor, cit., 15,
Cressewell, Creswell:
-, John, 267
-, Thomas, 234
Cressewyk, Creswyk:
-, Robert, 120 (p. 41), 128
-, William, 257
-, William, undersheriff, p. 46
Cressingham, Cressyngham:
-, Alice wife of John de, 15, 20
John de, 15, 20; his servant Henry,
-, Thomas, 172
-, George, 204
-, Thomas, 255
Cressyngham, see Cressingham
Creswell, see Cressewell
Creswyk, see Cressewyk
-, Joan, wife of John, 204
-, John, broderer, 204
Cripplegate ward, jurors of, 281
Cripplegate, Crepelgate, ward within, beadle of, 105
Cristendom, Cristondome, Robert, 239– 240, 245
Cristian, John, cit.&glover, 256
Cristondome, see Cristendom
Crofte, Nicholas, 277
-, John, 218
-, John, gentleman, 262
-, Robert, 237, 241, 246
Crokhorn, Robert, fishmonger, 235
Cromhale, John, 263
Cromp(e), John, 262, 266
Crompton, Thomas, 279
Crosse, Cros:
-, John, cit., 256
-, Mariota wife of John, 256
-, Nicholas, 217
-, Roger, 21
Crossed Friars, see Crutched Friars
Crouch(e), Crowche:
-, John, 185, 202, 214, 216, 224
-, Thomas atte, 120 (p. 42)
Croucheman, Thomas, 123
Croucher, John, 203
Crowche, see Crouch(e)
-, John, 269
-, William, 265, 269
Crowmer(e), William, sheriff, pp. 93, 96
Crown, see Legal matters
-, John de, 135, 166, 177
-, John de, sheriff, p. 15
-, John, fishmonger, 137
Crull, John, 146
Crutched Friars beside the Tower of
, priory of:
-, chapter of, 152, 223
priors of: John Bures, 152, 223; John
successor of John Bures, 223;
William Charyngworth, 223; Robert
de Stanlowe, 152, 223; Thomas
Whatton, 223
Crymelford, Geoffrey, cit.&grocer, 247
Culver, William, 227
Cumnor, Comner, Berks., 280 (p. 136)
Cunstable, see Conestable
Cup, a silver, taken as a distress, 253
Curriers, see Trades&occupations
Curson, Cursoun:
-, Alice wife of John, 137
-, John, 137, 160
-, John, fishmonger, 159
-, Thomas, 16
Custom of the City, see Legal matters
Customer, see Trades&occupations
Cutler, Coteler(e), Cotyller, Cutiller:
-, Alice la, 85
-, Henry le, 217
-, Richard, 280 (pp. 135–7)
-, Roger, 172
-, Solomon le, sheriff, 125
Cutlers, see Trades&occupations
Daarcy, see Darcy
Dabrichescourt, Dabrycchescourt:
-, John, 172
-, Nicholas, kt., 172; his chaplain William, 172
-, Thomas, 172
-, Mariota wife of Thomas, 131
-, Thomas, 131
-, Alice wife of John(I), 153
-, John(I), 153
-, John(II), 209, 222
Daffye, John, 280 (p. 136)
Dalby(e), William, attorney, 274–5, 278–9
Dale, William de la, rector of Dunsfold, 191n
Dalemare, John, canon of St. Bartholomew Smithfield, 190
Dallyng, Dallyngg:
-, Geoffrey, 227, 229, 232
-, John de, 4
-, John de, sen., 2
-, John de, 114
-, John de, kt., 14, p. 6
Dalyngrygge, Edward, kt., 164
Damages, see Legal matters
Damporte, Robert, 276
Danby, Robert, 255
Dancastre, John, 201
Danham, Thomas, 259
-, John, 255
-, Richard, 227
Darcy, Daarcy, Henry, mayor, 70, pp. xvi, xvii n, xviii n
Darrein presentment, see Legal matters
-, Peter, 40
-, Simon, 40
Daubere, William le, 57
Dauncer(e), Daunser, John (le), attorney, 2, 70, 105, 110, 117, p. 28
Daunger, Simon, 131
Daunser, see Dauncer
Davys, William, attorney, 274–5
Dawborne, Robert, 277
Dawsey, John, brownbaker, 275n
Dawson, Thomas, 280 (p. 136)
Debts&debtors, see Legal matters
Dedham, John, 259
Dellowe, William, 269
-, Edmund, 190
John, see Legal matters: fictitious
-, John de, 160, 175
Dengeyne, Katherine, 164
Denization, letter of, see Legal matters
-, Anne wife of Robert, 198
-, Robert, kt., 198
Dent, Thomas, 279
-, Hugh, 214
-, Joan wife of Hugh, 214
Denver, John, 172
-, John de, 119
-, John, loriner, 129
-, Richard de, 115
Deputy-coroners, see Coroner
-, John, poulter, 177–8
-, Maud wife of John, 177–8
-, Henry, 172, 182
John, sheriff, 261, p. 121; his undersheriff, see Burgoyn, Thomas
-, William, 138
Dere, William, sheriff, p. 127
Derhant, William, 220
Derk, John, 235, 249, 255
Derlyng, John, 211
Deryng, John, attorney, 205
-, Bartholomew, 117; sheriff, p. 1
-, Cecily relict of Bartholomew, 117
Devenyssh, John, 130
Devise of land, see Legal matters
Deyk, see Dyk(e)
Deynes, John, 37
Dicoun, see Dycon
Dighere, Roger le, of Isleworth, 6
Dish, taken as a distress, 216
Disseisin, see Legal matters
Distraint, see Legal matters
Distresses, see Legal matters
-, Geoffrey de, 68, 73
-, Richard de, 176
Dodde, Richard, barber, 263
Dodecote, see Dudcote
Doffye, Cesar, 277
-, Joan wife of William, 244
-, William, 244
Dolle, John, 259
-, Joan wife of Robert, 197
-, Robert, mercer, 197
Domy, Michael, 257, 262, 269
Donne, David, 267
Donyngton, John, 157, 272
Doo, John, see Legal matters: fictitious persons
Double, John, 220
Douver, Thomas, smith, 197
Dovedale, the lady of, 87; her son Edmund, 87
Dovy, John, 120 (p. 42)
Dower, see Legal matters
Dowgate ward, jurors of, 279
Downe, William, 259
Downinge, William, 281
Drabbe, John, of Edmonton, 146
Drake, Adam, chaplain, 204
Drakes, Nicholas, 265
-, John, 277
-, John, corser, 137
-, Philip, cook, 33, 115
Drapers, see Trades&occupations
-, Agnes wife of John de(II), 14
-, John, 120 (p. 42)
-, John de(I), 80
-, John de(II), tailor, 14
Drope, Robert, sheriff, p. 131
-, Agnes wife of Thomas, 269
-, Thomas, 269
-, Elizabeth wife of John(I), 270
-, John(I), 270
-, John(II), tailor, 122
Drynkwater, William, abbot of Bermondsey, 216
Drywood, William, 277
Dubbour, Silvester, 181
Dudcote, Dodecote, William, 147, 156
-, Thomas, 182
-, Thomas, sheriff, p. 105
-, Roger, 181
-, Thomas, sheriff, p. 78
Dunham, John, clerk, 266
Dunsfold, Surrey, rector of: William de la Dale, 191n
Dunton, Richard, prior of Bermondsey, 170, 172
Duram, see Durham
Durford, Dureford, Sussex, abbey of, abbot of: Osbert de Paciencia, 191
Durham, Duram:
-, Agnes wife of John, 266
-, John, of Middlesex, 266
-, Lawrence, 209
Dursley, Dursle, Thomas, 227, 232, 253
-, Agnes wife of William, 141
-, William, 141
Dycon, Dicoun, Richard, 123, 180
Dyers, see Trades&occupations
Dyk(e), Deyk:
-, John, 180, 196, 198, 206, 212
-, Richard, 123
John father of William, brother of
John Wrastlyngworth, 151
-, William, 151, 161–2
Dymenel, Dymnel:
-, Henry, 119, 126, 137, 141, 176
-, Richard, 47
Earthfeild, Robert, 281
East Smithfield, Estsmethefeld, Est Smythfeld, 115, 196
East(e), John, 274, 279
Ebe, Thomas, 275
Eccleshale, sir Richard de, 211
Edelmeton, see Edmonton, Middx.
Edendon, William, bishop of Winchester, 117
Edmonton, Edelmeton, Middx., 146
Edoff, Robert, 259
Edward I&II, kings of England, chantry for the souls of, 142
-, Henry, cit.&limner, 267
-, Richard, 130
-, Robert, 200
-, William, 269
Edwardes, Thomas, 275, 281
Ejectment, see Legal matters
Ekeles, Peter, 141
Elam, William, 278
Elfham, William, 255
Elkyn, Robert, churchwarden of St. Peter Westcheap, 239
Elleswyk, Ralph, 175
Elmesley, Richard, attorney, 267
Elmyngham, William, 146
Elsenham, Peter, 166
Elsham, William, 260
Elsing Spital, St. Mary Elsyngspitell within Crepulgate, hospital of, prior of: John Belle, 256
Elsingham, see Elsyngham
Elsyng, Elsyngge:
-, Jordan de, cit.&mercer, 196
-, William de, sen., mercer, 25
Elsyngham, Elsynham, Elsingham:
-, John, 133
-, John de, 217
-, Ralph de, 40
-, Richard son of Ralph de, 40
Anne wife of Richard, afterwards wife
of Robert Tatersell, 240
-, Richard, cit.&draper, 240
-, Agnes wife of John de, 261
-, John de, marshal, 261
Katherine daughter of Robert de, wife
of Adam Lovekyn, 140
-, Robert de, 140
Elyngham, Elyngeham, John, 169, 182, 200, 220
Eme, John, 184
Emmes, John, 279
Enderby, brother Thomas de, preceptor of London, 202
Denise sister of Henry de, a nun of
Clerkenwell, 125
-, Henry de, goldbeater, 125
Epping, Eppyng:
-, Roger de, 192
-, Thomas, 151, 161–2
Ermeton, William, 133
Ermyn, Thomas, 175
Error, proceedings in, see Husting: actions by writ of error in
Escheator, see Legal matters
Espicer, Sayr le, 217
Essex, 123, 242, 270; see also Hallingbury, Great; Horndon; Newport; Strethall; Woodford
-, Odo de, 191
-, Richard de, 196
-, William, 188
Essoins, see Legal matters
Est Smythfeld, see East Smithfield
Estbrok, Richard, 172, 180
Estfeld, William, cit.&mercer, 247; sheriff, p. 100
Esthalle (?):
-, Eustace de, 16
-, Maud sister of Eustace de, 16
Eston, Robert, 259
Estsmethefeld, see East Smithfield
Estwell, John, 238
Ethyngham, see Hethingham
Eustace, William, 203, 205
Everard, Alan, cit., 260–1; warden of the mystery of Mercers, 257
-, William, 194 (p. 80)
-, William, sheriff, pp. 82, 84–7, 89
Ewayn, Walter, 130
Excestre, Robert de, prior of Holy Trinity Aldgate, 213, 220
-, barons of, p. xv
-, recognisances in, 20, 123
Exemplifications of records, see Legal matters
Exham, John, 227, 238, 245
Eynysham, John, 231
Adam le, alias Taillour, 96, 112
Denise wife of Adam le, alias Taillour,
96, 112
-, Simon, sheriff, p. 113
Eyremyn, John, mariner, jun., 146
Eyres, see Legal matters
-, Boydun, butcher, 17
-, Robert son of Boydun, 17
Fagham, Thomas de, rector of St. Vedast, 87
Fairhere, William, 227, 232
Fanchirchestrete, see Fenchurch Street
Fanshawe, Thomas, gentleman, 280 (p. 136)
Farendon, see Farndon
Farman, William, 56
Farndon, Farendon:
Isabel daughter of William de, 120
(p. 42); her husband Nicholas, 120
(p. 42); her daughter Rose, wife of
Robert Convers, 120 (p. 42)
-, Isabel wife of William de, 120 (p. 42)
-, Nicholas de, 117
-, Thomas de, cit., 120 (pp. 41–2)
Thomas son of Thomas de, 120 (pp.
-, William de, cit., 120 (pp. 41–2)
Farnebarewe, Richard de, 40
-, Agnes wife of Robert de, 3
-, Robert de, spicer, 3
Farringdon ward within, jurors of, 276
Farringdon, Faryngdon ward without, 187; jurors of, 276
Farrington, Faryngton:
-, Elizabeth wife of John, 206
-, John, 206
-, Thomas, 277
Faucon, Robert, 218
Faunt, Solomon, 67, 117
-, John, 245, 263
Thomas, servant of the prioress of St.
Helen Bishopsgate, 214
-, John, 259
-, John atte, 119, 126, 141, 160
Feldyng, Geoffrey, cit.&mercer, 257; sheriff, p. 121
Feliper, Godwin le, 217
'Felmonger', see Trades&occupations: skinners
Felton, Robert, rector of St. Vedast, 244
Felyppeslane, see Philip Lane
'Femes soles', see Legal matters
Fen, Fenne:
John, bricklayer&tiler, 280 (pp.
Richard, see Legal matters: fictitious
Fenchurch Street, Fanchirchestrete, 252
Fenne, see Fen
Ferby, Fereby:
-, Henry, 258
-, John, 147
Fere, John, 200
Fereby, see Ferby
Fermer, Adam, 120 (p. 42), 167
'Ferron', 'ferrour', see Trades&occupations
Ferrour, William, 238
Fers, John, 182
Fictitious persons, see Legal matters
-, John, 120 (p. 42)
-, John, sheriff, p. 50
Fighter, Fyghter, Thomas, of Hurleston, 76
Fikelden, Fykelden, Peter, 131, 149, 171
Fishmongers, see Trades&occupations
Fitz, Thomas, 269
Fitz Hughe:
-, Ellen wife of William, 192
-, William, 192
Fitz Joce, Nicholas, see Nicholas son of Joce
Fitz John, Henry, cit.&stockfishmonger, 180
Fitz Robert, Robert, 250
Fitz Simond:
-, Agnes wife of Edmund, 71
-, Edmund, kt., 71
-, John, of Essex, 123
-, John son of Edmund, 71
Fitzwilliams, John, 278
Flambard, Simon, 57
Flanders, 258
Flaunden, John (de), 35, 176
Flaundres, John de, 115
Fleet Bridge, Flete Bridge, 195
Fleet Street, Fletestrete, 47, 85
-, John, 259
-, John de, cit.&capper, 246
-, Walter de, 195
Flethewyk, Walter, rector of St. George Botolph Lane, 82
Floyd, John, attorney, 280 (p. 136)
Foleham, Adam de, sheriff, 217
Folvyle, Folvyll, John, 140, 158
Foot, Henry, 116–17
Force&arms, disseisin by, see Legal matters
Foreign warranty, see Legal matters
Foreigners, court for, see Legal matters
Forge, a, 260
Forster, Forester:
-, Edward, 279
-, John, undersheriff, 248
-, Philip, 137, 141, 160
Richard, attorney, 142, 154, 156, 164,
171–4, 181, 195–6, 203, 213–15, 220,
225, 272
-, Stephen, sheriff, p. 120
-, Thomas, goldsmith, 144
-, Walter, sheriff, p. 37
Fortescu, John, undersheriff, afterwards lord chief justice, 235, p. xiii&n
Foster, Anthony, of Cumnor, Berks., 280 (pp. 136–7)
Foucher, William, cit.&mercer, 226
Fouller, Foulere:
-, Elizabeth wife of Henry, 193
-, Henry, 193
Thomas, alias Cook, 162
Foulmer, Robert, canon of St. Stephen Westminster, 252
Founde, Alexander, 280 (p. 136)
Fourbour, William le, of Fleet Street, 85
-, John, 180
John de, deputy-coroner, pp. 2, 5, 8–9,
15, 19, 44
Francklyn, Frankelyn, Frankeleyn,
-, John, 208
-, Robert, 223
-, Thomas, 278
-, Thomas, chandler, 145
Fraternity of rectors, 145
Fraud, see Legal matters
-, Adam, 70
-, Adam, jun., 133
-, Adam, kt., 202
-, Margaret wife of Adam, jun., 133
-, Ralph, clerk, 27
Fraunkleyn, see Francklyn
Fray, John, 253
Fre[ ]:
-, Cecily wife of Henry de, 16
-, Henry de, 16
Free bench, see Legal matters
Freedom of the City, see Legal matters
Freeman, Clemence, prioress of Holywell, 250
Freeman of the City, see Legal matters
-, Alice wife of Thomas, 87
-, Thomas, kt., 87
Fremelyngham, William, sheriff, pp. 87, 90
Frensh, Frenssh, Freynshe:
-, John(I), 142–3
-, John(II), 184–5, 193, 194 (p. 80)
-, Peter le, 19
-, Richard, 195
-, Robert le, 147
Frere, John, 234
Freshfishmonger, see Trades&occupations: fishmongers
Frestlyng, Bartholomew de, sheriff, p. 40
Freynshe, see Frensh
Frisingfield, William, 278
Frome, Richard, 262, 264
-, Joan relict of John, 58
-, John, 58
Frowy, John, 196, 198, 206
Frowyk, Henry, cit.&mercer, 247; sheriff, p. 104
Frunt, Robert, of Coldred, stockfishmonger, 62, 65
Fruyter, Thomas le, 94
-, Thomas, 262
-, William de, chaplain, 103, p. 32
Fulham, Joan de, prioress of Clerkenwell, 18, 125
Fulthorp, Fulthorpp:
-, John, 183, 187, 218, 237, 241, 244, 248
-, Thomas, 233–4, 263
Fuster, see Trades&occupations
Fyghter, see Fighter
Fykelden, see Fikelden
-, John, 237, 246, 248
-, John, prior of Christchurch Canterbury, 239
-, William, 217, 225
Fynchyngfeld, William de, 64
Fyndon, John, 172, 180
Fyngrie, Robert de, 217
Fyssh, Hugh, 176
-, Fulk, cit.&woolmonger, 254
-, Richard brother of William, 254
-, Serlo son of Richard, 254
-, Walter, weaver, 254
-, William father of Walter, 254
-, John, 165
-, William, 196
Gameleston, William, attorney, 169
Gardener, Gardyner:
-, John, 274
-, Richard, sheriff, p. 131
Garlekmongere, Roger le, 47
Garnet, William, 263
Garter King of Arms, see Bruges, William
Garth, Robert, 199
-, Katherine de, 95, 106
-, Thomas, 190
Garton, John (de), 133, 158, 186
Geoffrey atte (I), haberdasher, 12;
parishioner of St. Vedast, 87
-, Geoffrey atte (II), hatter, 115
-, Joan wife of Geoffrey atte (I), 12
-, John atte, haberdasher, 12
-, Simon atte, 13, 31
-, Simon atte, butcher, 119
Gatle, William, 261
Gauge, Richard, 235
Gaver, John de, 214
Agnes wife of John, 255; her sister
Joan, 255
-, Joan wife of Walter, 255
-, John, cit.&draper, 255
-, Walter son of John, 255
-, William son of Walter, 255
Gay, John, 249, 251
Gayle, Robert, 281
-, John, 170, 201, 208, 215
-, Robert, cit.&grocer, 247
Gebon, Geoffrey, 239, 241, 245–6
-, Alice relict of Robert de, 14
-, Robert de, 14
Gedeney, see Gedney
Gedford, John, clerk, 228
Gedney, Gedeney, John, 197, 225
Gee, Henry, 274
Geffray, Geffrey:
-, John, fishmonger, 79
-, William, rector of St. Christopher, 270
Genore, see Joynour
-, Agnes wife of John(II), 219, 221
-, John(I), 36
-, John(II), 219, 221
Geny, Jeny, John, attorney, 265–6, 269
Gerard, William, 116
Gerdelere, see Girdeler(e)
Gerveys, John, 13
Gesours, see Gisors
Gilbert, Gylbert, William, 266, 269
Giles, Gyles:
-, Thomas, 35
-, William, rector of St. Margaret Pattens, 232
Gille, Gylle:
-, Adam, 120 (p. 42)
-, Alan, warden of London Bridge, 76
-, Robert, 153
Gillingham, Gillyngham, Gyllyngham,
-, Alan de, attorney, 15, 47, 66, 117
William de, attorney, 91, 110, 121–2,
p. 32
Gillyng, Richard, 120 (p. 42)
Gillyngham, see Gillingham
Girdeler(e), Gerdelere:
-, Margaret wife of Thomas(I), 170
-, Nicholas le, armourer, 9
-, Thomas(I), 170
Thomas(II), alias Cosyn, alias Virly,
cit., 249
Girdlers, see Trades&occupations
Gisors, Gesours:
-, John de, mayor, 250
-, Maud, 148–9
Gladwyn, John, 232
Glaston', John de, clerk, 21
Glenaunt, Clenhond:
Idonea wife of John, afterwards wife
of Bartholomew Bourcer, 207
-, John, 207
-, Thomas son of John, 207
-, William son of John, 207
Gloucester, Gloucestre:
-, Adam de, 1
Isabel de, abbess of St. Clare without
Aldgate, 230
-, John de, sheriff, 35, p. 9
Gloucestershire, see Longhope; Winchcombe
Gloucestre, see Gloucester
-, Thomas, 'ferrour', 243
-, William, 274
Glovers, see Trades&occupations
-, John(I), 152, 223
-, John(II), 252
-, Isabel wife of Simon(III), 60
Joan daughter of Simon(I), 60; her
son Thomas, 60
Katherine daughter of Simon(I), wife
of Roger de Wyndesore, 60
Margery daughter of Simon(I), 60;
her son John, 60
-, Martin, 219
-, Simon(I), 60
-, Simon(II), jun., 60
-, Simon(III) son of Simon jun., 60
-, Felicia relict of John, 2
-, Henry, 126
-, Isabel, 2
-, John, 2
-, Thomas, 192
Godeman, see Goodman
Godesburgh, John, hatter, 216
Godeselde, Robert, 158
Godestowe, Simon de, 92
Godfrey, Godfray:
-, Richard, sheriff's serjeant, 263
-, William, servant of the prior of Christchurch Canterbury, 246
Godhewe, William, 177
Godman, see Goodman
Godsire, Thomas, 168
Godwyne, Nicholas, 41
-, Christine wife of John(II), 268
-, John(I), 268
-, John(II), cit.&grocer, 268
Goldbeater, see Trades&occupations
-, Alexander le, 36
-, Isabel daughter of Alexander le, 36
-, John son of Alexander le, 36
Alice daughter of Joan, wife of John
Pake, 151, 161n
-, Joan, 151
-, John (?), 161n
Goldsmithery in Cheapside, 114
Goldsmiths, mystery of, 244
Goldsmiths, see also Trades&occupations
Goldsmyth, William, chaplain, custodian of the Lady altar in St. Michael le Querne, 175
Good, John, see Legal matters: fictitious persons
Goodman, Godman, Godeman:
-, Edward, 275
John, commissary-general of the
bishop of London, 244
-, Thomas, 260–1, 265
Goodyere, Andrew, 276
Gore, William, 171
Gosley, Gosle, William, 247, 249, 251, 255
Goul, John, 155
Goulde, Thomas, 276
Gown, furred, 77
Gowrley, John, merchant tailor, 279n
Grafton, John, serjeant at mace, 274n, 275n
Graie, see Gray
Granger, Graunger, Richard, rector of St. Pancras Soper Lane, 260–1, 264
Grantham, Lincs., 81
-, Katherine wife of William(II), 201
-, William(I), 203, 205, 216, 224
-, William(II), goldsmith, 201
-, William(II), grocer, 211
Graunger, see Granger
-, Cecily wife of Roger le, 13
-, Roger le, barber, 13
Graveneye, John, 140, 145, 159, 164
Gray, Grey, Graie:
-, David, 257
-, Samuel, 281
-, Thomas, 268
Great Hallingbury, see Hallingbury, Great, Essex
Greene, Grene:
-, Isabel atte, 83
-, John, 261, 265, 267
-, Lawrence, 279
-, Maud relict of Thomas atte, 58
-, Robert, 280 (p. 136)
-, Robert atte, butcher, 119
-, Stephen, 262, 266
-, Thomas atte, 58
-, Thomas, cit.&cutler, 279
Greenwich Street, Grenewychlane, 117
Grelyng, John, grinder, 141
Grendon, brother Walter, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 202
Grene, see Greene
Grenestede, Grenstede:
-, Peter de, 40
-, Richard de, cit.&cordwainer, 55
Grenewell(e), William, 275, 278
Grenewych, Anthony de, 75
Grenewychlane, see Greenwich Street
Grengham, see Greyngham
Grenstede, see Grenestede
Gresham, Thomas, churchwarden of St. Michael le Querne, 261
Grey, see Gray
Greyngham, Grengham:
-, Avice wife of William de, 78, 101
-, William de (parishioner of St. Margaret Lothbury), 78, 101
Greystok, Henry de, king's clerk, 6
Griffith, Gryffith, Gryffitz, Edith, prioress of Holywell, 198–9, 206, 212, 216
Grinder, see Trades&occupations
Grocers, see Trades&occupations
-, Adrian, 258
Richard, alias de Totenham, cit. &
currier, 258
-, William, 148–9
-, John(I), 165
-, John(II), 234
-, Richard, 231
-, William, executor of Richard Whityngton, 249
Gryce, William, esquire, queen's serjeant, 280 (pp. 136–7)
Gryffith, Gryffitz, see Griffith
Gryme, John, fishmonger, 235
Grymes, Thomas, 281
Grymshawe, Humphrey, vintner, 278
'Grynder', see Trades&occupations: grinder
Guardians, see Legal matters
-, Henry, 14
-, Joan wife of John, 14
-, John son of Henry, 14
Guildford, Guldeford, Surrey, priory of New Place at, prior of: Thomas Pyrye, 240, 242
Guildhall, assizes held at, pp. xvii–xviii
sir Henry de, alias le Mareschal, 191
-, John de, 25
-, Robert de, draper, 92
-, Thomas de, sheriff's serjeant, 114–15
Guy, dean of Hertford, 181
Gyffard, Richard, 170
Gylbert, see Gilbert
Gyles, see Giles
Gylle, see Gille
Gyllyngham, see Gillingham
-, John de, brewer, 92
-, Margery wife of John de, 92
Gylyngham, see Gillingham
Gynnore, see Joynour
Haberdashers, see Trades&occupations
Hacche, John, 151, 161–2
Haccher, Thomas, 230
Hacford, William de, 10
Hackett, Richard, 280 (p. 136)
Haddele, see Hadle
Haddon, John, 187, 218
Hadle, Haddele, John, sheriff, pp. 52, 68, 69n
-, Richard, 187
-, Thomas, 187
Hagham, Peter de, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 202
-, Michael (de), 118 (p. 39), 157
-, Nigel de, 86
-, Nigel son of Richard de(I), 66
-, Richard de(I), 66
-, Richard de(II), cit.&woolman, 254
-, Robert de, 28, 30
-, Henry, 266
-, Thomas atte, 120 (p. 42)
-, Walter (atte), 148
Isabel daughter of William de, wife of
Simon son of Simon Godard, jun.,
-, William de, 60
Halfheade, James, 276
Halfmark, John, 180
Haliwell, see Holywell, Middx.
Halkkyn, Thomas, 266
Agnes sister of Stephen atte, wife of
John Duram of Middx., 266
-, John, 263
-, Matthew, 261, 265
-, Stephen (atte), 165, 266
-, Thomas, 236
-, William atte, brewer, 50
Hallingbury, Great, Magna Hallyngbury, Essex, 58
Hallyday, Leonard, sheriff, 280 (p. 136)
-, Adam de, 147
Alice daughter of Adam de, 147; her
daughter Rose, 147
-, Bartholomew son of Adam de, 147
Emma daughter of Bartholomew, 147;
her son Thomas, 147
Halow, William de, 61
Halton, Henry, sheriff, pp. 83, 98
Halywell, see Holywell, Middx.
Hamme, Nicholas, cit.&mercer, 260–1
Hamon, George, 279
Hamond, Henry, rector of St. Peter Westcheap, 239
Hampshire, see Alresford, New; Alton; Bighton
Hampton, brother William de, prior of the church of Clerkenwell, 202
Hanampsted, see Hanhampstede
Hanaper, John, 176
Hanham, Henham, John, 135, 138, 163, 174
Hanhampstede, Hanampsted, William de, 60, 118 (p. 39)
Hankinson, John, 276
Hannay, William, 146
Hanwell, William, 237
Hardel, Hardell, William, 75, 180
Hardyngham, John de, warden of London Bridge, 76
Hareden, Roger, canon of St. Bartholomew Smithfield, 215
Harlowe, Thomas, 258
Harmesthorpe, Hermesthorp:
-, John, clerk, 196
John, warden of St. Katherine by the
Tower, 229
-, William, 196
Harneseye, John, 126
Agnes daughter of William de, wife of
John de Ely, 261
-, William de, 261
Harpe, John atte, 91
-, Christine wife of John de, 115
-, John de, spicer, 115
Harrison, Edward, 281
Harry, see Herry
Harryngfeld, William, 183
Harrys, John, 239–40
Harvye, see Hervy
-, John, 148
-, William, 126
-, William, prior of Holy Trinity Aldgate, 225
Hary[ ]e, Robert de, 21
-, John, jun., 199
-, Robert de, 54
Haselton, John, 258
Haselwod, John de, 30
Hatfeld, Hattefeld:
-, John, 199
John, alias Hattere, 129
Robert de, bureller, 67; his mother
Agnes, 67
-, Robert, sheriff, p. 49
-, Thomas, 191, 207, 212
Hathefeld, Simon de, cit.&potter, alias Pottere, 223
Hatherley, John, sheriff, p. 108
Hattefeld, see Hatfeld
-, Alice wife of Henry le, 17
-, Henry le, 17
John, alias Hatfeld, 129
Peter, alias Vyne, 232
Hatters, see Trades&occupations
Hauberger, John, 148
-, John, of Stratford, 38
-, John son of John, 38
-, Thomas, 166
Haukeshale, John de, 118 (p. 39)
Haunsard, Thomas, 182
-, Isabel wife of John, 211
-, John, cit.&mercer, 211
-, Robert son of John, 211
Haveryng, Luke de, sheriff, 209
-, Paul, 280 (p. 136)
-, Thomas, 269
Haxton, Robert, 216
-, John, 172, 196
-, Robert, 183
-, Thomas, spurrier, 204
Hayes, Thomas, kt., sheriff, 281n
Hayle, Thomas, 234
Hayward, John, 274
Hearne, see Herne
Heaumer, Simon le, 125
Hebbeden, Nicholas, kt., 187
Hecham, Richard de, 62, 65
Hedersete, William de, 4
-, Alexander, 186
-, John, 205
Emma daughter of Ralph de, wife of
Thomas de Oxenford, 105
John de, of London, clerk, 105; his
niece Margery, wife of Thomas
Arnold, 105
Muriel daughter of Roger of Higham
Ferrers, 105
-, Ralph de, called the beadle of Cripplegate ward within, 105
Roger of Higham Ferrers, brother of
John de, 105
-, Sarah wife of Ralph de, 105
Hegham Ferers, see Higham Ferrers, Northants.
Hellam, Jasper, merchant tailor, 281n
Helmingham, Helmygnham, Suffolk, 146
Helys, John, 35
Hemenhale, Edmund, Esmon de, sheriff, 35, p. 9
Hende, John, sheriff, 161, pp. 56, 71
Henham, see Hanham
Henley (?), Thomas de, abbot of Westminster, 159
Henxtworth, John, 204, 209–10
Hercy, Richard, 234
Herdwick, William, churchwarden of St. Pancras Soper Lane, 260–1
-, Robert de, 117, 176
-, William de, 202
Herford, Thomas, 266
Herlaston, see Hurleston, Ches.
-, Philip son of Thomas de, 67, 97
-, Robert de, 70
-, Robert de, parishioner of St. Vedast, 87
-, Thomas, 67, 97
-, William, 174
Herlindon, John de, 192
-, Peter de, taverner, 87
-, Peter son of Peter de, 87
Hermesthorp, see Harmesthorpe
Hermondesworth, John de, abbot of Chertsey, 228
Herne, Hearne, Edward, attorney, 274–5, 278–9, 280 (p. 136), 281
Hernyng, Thomas, attorney, 253–4
Herringe, Thomas, rector of St. Michael Queenhithe, 280 (p. 136)
Herry, Harry, John, 222, 227, 230
-, Thomas le, 6
-, William, 169–70, 209
-, William, cit.&cutler, 225
Hertford, Guy dean of, 181
Hertfordshire, see Cheshunt; St. Albans; Watton; Yardley
Hertwell, Thomas, 273
Hervy, Harvye:
-, Richard, 280 (pp. 135–7)
-, Stephen, 197, 225–6
-, Joan wife of William, 236
-, William, 236
Hethercampe, Henry, 278
Hethingham, Hethyngham, Hythyngham, Ethyngham:
-, John, 126
John, attorney, 228, 231, 238, 241,
243, 245–6, 248, 250, 252
Hewet, John, 255
Heylesdon, John, sheriff, pp. 54, 130
-, Reginald le, 35
-, Richard le, 125
Heyworth, Hyworth, Adam de, 14
Hicke, Alexander, 274
Higham Ferrers, Hegham Ferers, Northants., 105, p. xxiii
Highlorde, John, 277
-, John, 183, 241
-, John, armourer, 246, 248
-, John, pinner, 237, 244, 248
-, William, 275, 278
Hilleston, John, 199
Hobard, John, 268
Hobson, William, 274
-, Isabel relict of Thomas, 261
-, Thomas, of Cawston, Norfolk, 261
Hockele, Hocle, Hokle:
-, John, 157–8, 165
William de, attorney, 117, 123,
p. 32; deputy-coroner, pp. 49–
Hoddesdon, Hodesdon:
-, Alice wife of Stephen, 23
-, Edmund, cit.&mercer, 266
-, Margery wife of Edmund, 266
Robert, alias Barnet, 266
-, Sewall, 216
-, Stephen de, cit.&cook, 23
-, William de, 22–3
-, John, 146
-, Thomas, 188, 208–9
Hogham, Ogham, Ougham, Owgham, John, attorney, Thomas 199–200, 202, 206, 210, 212, 215–16, 234
Hogman, Ralph, 265
Hoke, see Hook
Hokle, see Hockele
Holand, Holond:
-, John, 183
-, John, kt., 172
Ralph, alderman, 255; sheriff, 241,
p. 106; his undersheriff, see Holtoft
-, Thomas de, chaplain, 82
-, Hugh, sheriff, 128, p. 48
-, Roger, 265
Holborn, Holbourne, Middx., 7
hospital of St. Giles in the Fields,
without the Temple, etc.: masters
or wardens of, 107; William, 157,
159; Geoffrey de Setfountaine, 183,
188–9; William de Setfountaine,
235; masters of the order of Burton
Lazars and wardens of, 183, 188–9,
Denise wife of John de, afterwards
wife of Adam le Taillour, 112
-, John de, 112
Holden, Robert de, master of the hospital of St. James, 125
Joan wife of Robert de, formerly wife
of John de Wynton', 14
-, Robert de, 14
-, Robert de, attorney, p. 6
Hollidaie, William, 281
-, Thomas, 258
-, Thomas, cit.&grocer, 264
Holond, see Holand
-, Avice atte, 24
-, Stephen atte, 40
-, Thomas, 192
Holtoft, [ ], undersheriff, 240–2
Holy Trinity Aldgate, within Algate,
priory of:
-, canon of: John Hotot, 213
priors of: Richard, 213, 225; Robert
de Excestre, 213, 220; William Harwedon, 225; Richard de Temple,
-, renter of, 225
Holy Trinity the Less, property in the par. of, 215, 240, 242
Holywell, Haliwell, Halywell, Middx., priory of St. John the Baptist, prioresses of: Elizabeth Arundell, 245; Benigna, 198–9, 206; Clemence Freeman, 250; Edith Griffith, 198–9, 206, 212, 216; Isabel Nortone, 169(?), 199
Honilane, Ralph de, 217
Honnere, Robert le, brewer, 176
Honyford, Robert, 180
-, Herlewyn de, 116
Isabel de, prioress of St. Sexburga,
Sheppey, 144
-, Walter, vicar of St. Sepulcre, 248
-, Gilbert de, 138, 163
-, Robert, 170
Thomas atte, chaplain, 194 (pp. 79–
Hook, Hoke:
-, Peter, 249
-, Richard, 200
-, Thomas, butcher, 38
-, John, poulter, 177–8
-, Juliana wife of John, 177–8
Hopere, Walter, 156
Hoperton, Hopereton:
-, Margery wife of Richard de, 8
-, Richard de, 8
Hoppere, Ranulph, 181
Horewod(e), see Horwod(e)
-, John, 254
-, Richard(I), 259
-, Richard(II), 281
-, Robert, sheriff, pp. 122, 124
-, Thomas, 118 (p. 39)
Horndon [? Essex], 22
Horner, see Trades&occupations
Hornere, Andrew le, 35, 125
Horses, two, taken as distresses, 241
Horsford, John de, 117
Horsley, John, 233
Horston, William, 133
Horwod(e), Horewod(e):
Alan de, attorney, 12–13, 16, 50, 57,
60, 67, 87, 106, pp. 18, 25
-, Joan wife of Nicholas de, 101
-, John de, 101
-, John de, jun., 114
-, Nicholas de, 109
-, Nicholas son of John de, Nicholan 101, 135
-, William, 177
-, Margery wife of Thomas, 60
-, Thomas, 60
Hosier, Stephen, 278
Hospitallers, see Clerkenwell, hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
Hospitals, see Religious houses: hospitals
Hotot, Hotoft:
Elizabeth daughter of Nicholas(I),
wife of John Wylnale, 268
John, canon of Holy Trinity Aldgate,
-, John son of Robert, 268
-, Nicholas(I), cit.&woolmonger, woolman, 26, 67, 97, 268
-, Nicholas(II) son of Nicholas(I), 268
-, Robert son of Nicholas(II), 268
-, Roger, 67
Houghton, John, parson of St. Martin Orgar, 95
Houlet, John, 146
House, dimensions of a, 168
Howe, Roger, 281
Howes, Peter, 277
Hubert, William, butcher, 136
Hudson, William, 274
Hugyn, John, 147
-, Stephen, 188, 238
-, Thomas, 183
Hulson, John, 280 (p. 136)
Hulyn, William, sheriff, 260, p. 128; his undersheriff, see Billing, Thomas
Humber, see Barton, Thomas de, of
Humber, Humbre, John, 257–8
Humbretolte, John, 146
Humfrey, William, see Legal matters: fictitious persons
Hunde, John, 269
Hunden, Thomas, abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury, 197
Hungrie, Mary de, 61
-, John, 205
-, Roger, chaplain, 151, 161–2
-, Walter, 269
-, Amice wife of Robert de, 177–8
-, Emma relict of Peter de, 21
-, Peter de, 21
-, Robert de, butcher, 119, 177–8
-, William son of Peter de, 21
Christine wife of John de, afterwards
wife of John de Harpesfeld, 115
-, John de, cit.&apothecary, 115
Hurleston, Herlaston, Ches., 76
Hurlok, John, 244
Hussey, Husey(e):
-, Geoffrey, 195, 204
-, Thomas, 279
-, action by writ of dower in, 3
actions by writ of error in, 68n, 78n,
115n, 116n, 117n, 118 (pp. 39, 39n,
40), 119n, 125 (p. 45n), 126n, 202n,
276n, pp. xii–xiii, xvi, xxi, 56; statement of alleged errors, 118 (p. 40)
action by writ ex gravi querela in,
-, actions by writ of gavelet in, p. xviii
actions by writ of replevin in (
namiis iniuste captis
), p. xix
actions by writ of right in, 119, 120
(p. 42), 152, 223, p. xviii
assize utrum taken in, p. xxvi
clerk of, p. 56, see also Common clerk
-, composition read&enrolled in, 191
deeds enrolled in, 20–270 passim; of
same effect as fine at common law,
253–4, 268
plaint de namo in, 125
plaints of intrusion&mort d'ancestor
in, pp. xiii–xiv, xvii–xviii
record of assizes of fresh force brought
into, 218, 235, 240–2, 254–5, 257,
260–9, 270n, pp. 46, 56, 102, 108n,
113n, 114n, 130n
wills enrolled in, see Legal matters:
Hutchinson, Robert, 277
Hyde, William, sheriff, pp. 73, 83–4
Hydyngham, John, 167
Hyham, John, sheriff, p. 103
Hylton, Richard, 219, 221
Hynde, Nicholas, 273
Hynton, John, 208; his mother Joan, wife of Elias Southfolke, 208
Hythyngham, see Hethingham
Hyworth, see Heyworth
I - J
Idbury, Richard de, abbot of Winchcombe, 31
-, Margaret wife of William de, 36
William de, (cit.), 6, 36, 77, 101, 104,
p. 29
Ikelyngham, John, cit.&'felmonger', 270
-, Richard, 183
-, Robert, 167, 175
Improvements to premises, see Legal matters
Increment, see Legal matters
Indenture, see Legal matters
Infra quarentenam, see Legal matters
Ingelbryght, Arnold, 142–3, 145
Ingelby, Thomas, saddler, 144
Ingram, Robert, 234
Inner Temple, 281
Inns&taverns, 118 (p. 38), 153, 219
-, Agnes wife of Lambert, 113
-, Lambert, 113
-, Edmund, attorney, 118 (p. 40)
-, Thomas de, 115
-, William de, 115
William de, goldsmith, 84; parishioner
of St. Vedast, 87
Irby, John, 205
Ironmonger Lane, Ismongereslane, 25
Ironmongers, see Trades&occupations
Isleworth, Istelworthe, Middx., 6
Ismongereslane, see Ironmonger Lane
Istelworthe, see Isleworth, Middx.
Itelcote, Ittelcote:
-, John, 120 (p. 42)
-, John, draper, 134
Iters, see Legal matters: eyres
Ittelcote, see Itelcote
-, John, 163, 174
-, John, rector of St. Michael Wood
Street, 145, 194 (pp. 79–81)
-, John, 94
-, Thomas son of John, 94
-, Walter, 272
Jackson, Harman, waxchandler, 279n
James, Nicholas, 248; sheriff, p. 101
Janyn, John, 267
Jenor, see Joynour
Jeny, see Geny
Jepe, Richard, parson of All Hallows Honey Lane, 193, 203
Jeweller, see Trades&occupations
Jober, Jobur, Edmund, 196, 198
Joce, Nicholas son of, alderman, 192
Johans, Owen, 274
-, [ ], 232
-, Lewis, 263
Johnson, William, 274
Joiner, see Trades&occupations
Jolipace, Jolipas:
-, Henry, clerk, 228
-, Henry, renter of the dean&chapter
of St. Paul's, 186
-, Roger, kt., sheriff, 281n
-, Thomas, 277
Jordon, Jurdon, Nicholas, 156, 177
-, Hugh, 8
-, John, 232
Joynour, Genore, Gynnore, Jenor:
-, Henry son of William, 260
-, Richard, 246
-, William, 237, 241, 246, 248, 260
-, William, chaplain of the chantry at
the Lady altar in St. Magnus,
Judgment, see Legal matters
Julyan, Henry, 266
Jurdon, see Jordan
Juries, see Legal matters
Jurors, see Legal matters
-, Agnes la, p. xv
-, Ralph la, p. xv