London Inhabitants Within the Walls 1695. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1966.
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London Record Society, 'List of abbreviations', in London Inhabitants Within the Walls 1695(London, 1966), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].
London Record Society, 'List of abbreviations', in London Inhabitants Within the Walls 1695(London, 1966), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,
London Record Society. "List of abbreviations". London Inhabitants Within the Walls 1695. (London, 1966), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.
£50 p a real estate of £50 or more per annum
£600 personal estate of £600 or more
Alex Alexander, Allexander
alms almsmen, almswomen
And Andrew
Ant Anthony, Antony
apoth apothecary
app apprentice
Art Arthur, Arther
assr assessor
bach bachelor
Barb Barbara
Bart Bartholomew
Benj Benjamin
Bridg Bridget(t)
bro brother
bt baronet
Cath Catherin(e)
Chas Charles
Chris Christopher
collr collector
commr commissioner
cwdn churchwarden
d daughter
Dan Daniel(l)
DD doctor of divinity
Deb Debora(h)
Dot Dorothy
Edm Edmund, Edmond
Edw Edward
Eliz Elizabeth
esq esquire
gent gentleman, gentlewoman
Geo George
Han Hanna(h)
Hen Henry
Humph Humphr(e)y
Jac Jacob
Jas James
Joa Johana, Joanna(h)
Jos Joseph
jr junior
Jud Judith, Judeth
Kath Katherine
kin kinsman, kinswoman
kt knight
Marg Margaret(t)
Mat Mat(t)hew
Mic Michael(l)
Nat Nathaniel(l)
Nic Nicholas, Nicolas
p a per annum
Phil Phil(l)ip
Rac Rachel, Rachael(l)
Reb Rebecca(h)
Ric Richard
Rob Robert
s son
Sam Samuel(l)
Sar Sarah, Sara
ser servant
sis sister
Sol Solomon
spin spinster
sr senior
Ste Stephen
Susa Susan(n)a(h)
Thos Thomas
Tim Timothy
Val Valentine
w wife
Wal Walter
wid widow
widr widower
Wm William